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Les Nouvelles South Africa Spa Magazine Issue#78 2021

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Essential Oils

Essential Oils

MatsiMela Home Spa - Affordable. Local. Added Value


Matsimela Home Spa is an authentic South African brand which startedout as a home grown business in 2005 by husband and wife team, Wayne andOlivia Nel. Empowering men and women to be self-sustainable is ourgoal, to allow our staff to nurture and grow in their respectivepositions. We are proud of our staff complement and view our business asa family. Our love for mother nature and all the good inherentqualities of our beautiful country gave rise to a distinctly Africanbrand with a distinctly African name. Matsimela is an Indigenous wordmeaning “roots” and originates from the African language, Sotho. We arereturning to our roots in all that we do to enrich you with our Africanheritage. Our Philosophy is to create a unique and ever-evolvingproduct range that incorporates the finest natural ingredients selectedfor their beneficial properties. We endeavour to source & obtain ourraw materials through Southern African based companies that in turnsupport local farms that produce our beautiful African Ubuntu oils &extracts. Our suppliers source oils from over 30 farmers throughoutAfrica and surrounding islands. Whether the products are a spoil for yourself or someone special in your life, visit us at one of our stores or shop online. The Matsimela retail environments are classically African in look and feel,with stone clad walls, glass shelves and perspex-lit middle unit tableson which the product is displayed. Our stores call for a uniqueinteractive African experience in which you, the consumer can willinglyparticipate. The Matsimela range of products is constantly growingand developing with the ethos of caring for yourself and theenvironment. Our “reduce ; reuse ; recycle” initiative is key and weencourage all our clients to participate and be environmentallysavvy. With most products being ecofriendly based; free from harshchemicals and preservatives you can ‘Be Well’ and experience somethingtruly amazing.

For more info: https://matsimela.co.za/


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