Hush no 2 sensua l
s e n s u a l I SSUE
no 2
2o 0 121 n Aquarius Nella balda Ai m h i g h by Kyrre Wangen Nella Balda Aquarius Cesar Casier exclusiv interview
Lost in you John Gripenholm I n t e rv i e w Cesar Casier
Nella Balda Aquarius
– Express your self Wa l d e r m a r H a n s s o n –
Hush no 2 sensua l
s e n s u a l I SSUE
no 2
Lost in you John Gripenholm Express your self Wa l d e r m a r H a n s s o n I n t e rv i e w Cesar Casier
– Aquarius Nella balda –
Hush no 2 sensua l
s e n s u a l I SSUE
no 2
Aquarius Nella balda Express your self Wa l d e r m a r H a n s s o n I n t e rv i e w Cesar Casier
– Lost in you John Gripenholm _
Art Direction and design by Acid & Marble l
Publisher Nella Balda Publication LTD Printed by Print-Company-Name London, UK Paper Scandia 2000 300 g Gallerie Art Silk 130 g Font Face Trade Gothic Light Bold Condensed No. 20
e d i t o r i al s t aff
o ff i c e
C o n t r i bu t e d t o t h i s i ssu e
Editor In Chief
HUSH Magazine
Nella Balda
Henrik Adamsen Raphael Delorme John Gripenholm Waldemar Hansson Nina Holma Gavin O’neil Thierno Sy Kyrre Wangen Benjamin Vnuk Sohrab Vahdat Alexandra Zaharova Steenweg 180 Fashion Editor
9473 Welle
Kawa H Pour
+32 48 547 86 68
Beauty Editor
Olivier Baille
HUSH Magazine Sweden
Design and Art Direction Antonio Vergara Alvarez & Mia Nee
Norrby v. 10
168 68 Stockholm Sweden
Fashion Redaction & Journalist Safin H Pour Administrator and Financial Director Yvan Kimpe
+46 08 30 52 72
This issUE
F ash i on rev i ew
– 10 Trash Couture
– 14 Save the World Lina Ekstrand – 22 Til We Die Sohrab Vahdat – 32 Lost in You John Gripenholm – 40 Express Yourself Waldemar Hansson – 52 Ressurection and Pace of Mind Henrik Adamsen – 72 Aquarious Nella Balda – 80 Magnifique Sommeil Éterne Nina Holma – 92 Josefine Ekman Nilsson Kyrre Wangen – 108 Stair Way to Heaven Raphael Delorme Thierno Sy – 114 A Part Benjamin Vnuk – 132 The Last Warrior Alexandra Saharova – 146 Sports Authority Sohrab Vahdat
– 154 Workday Raphael Delorme Thierno Sy – 160 L.A Noir Iman Haji
i nterv i ews
– 48 Waldemar Hansson
– 20 Minna Perrika
– 90 Josefine Ekman Nilsson
– 68 Malgorzata Veduka
– 102 Cesar Casier – 124 Benjamin Vnuk
A C loser look at
– 140 Gavin O’Neill
Ed i t o r s w o r d
S e n sual i ssu e
No 2
Ed i t o r I n C h i e f A n d P ubl i ca t i o n Director
In a time where, fashion, design and art have come together in under the skin off, in an age where the social media shrunk the world’s geography and explosive limits, HUSH magazine comes out. Someone asked me –what is sensuality? I took a sip of my coffee and then answered: – sensuality is something different for each one of us. The individual with in us. This industry change fast and is constantly full of impressions that each one of us experience in a different way. HUSH issue II has assembled the finest artists, photographers and models form all over the world. With this issue we show you that diversity enrich our lives, it surprises us and proves that there isn’t only one way to to the unique. Defending our ideas and fight to create and go at the very end of your dreams. Because what is there more sensual than someone that believes in what they do and goes forward with confidence and self consciousness. Every single one of you is complex, unique let us surprise each others instead of wanting to look alike because this is the best way to stay true to yourself and your ideals. Sensuality an enjoyment we get trough our five senses. Each page of this issue carry’s sensuality abroad, let your senses go free and enjoy the different emotions our contributors and team offers you. HUSH Magazine launched in Belgium last summer, HUSH has grown into a fully fledged magazine through the demands of its readers and Contributors.
N e lla B alda
no 2
Sensual issue
Trash Couture 2011
Text Darwina Slioa
It is all about the interpretation between the trashy cuts VS high fashion calling it couture. The playfulness of the fabric-reactions touches a whole new era of the sensual fashion we are moving towards and how the body is releasing the soul as it is creating shapes of fabrics cutting on top of each other, at same time as it is giving us a practical use of the developed idea.
The mixture between the see through and the rough patterns increases the effect of how this trend is built on a tower of curvey structures as it is followed by the stream of the beauty such as the sensuality in a rough way of use.
n e ws
Understanding the drapings around the body is A & O, where it creates lines that are no more covering your beauty but yet giving you a sensual lift developing an effect of innovative trash couture – using the daring garment to flaunt the beautyness of shaped body volumes.
The Mixture of the heavy fabrics, see through, lace-trimmed, nets, feather details and how the trend is interpretating each garment picky wise by using the dark shaded colors, transforming it to the sense of couture.Long but yet sensual, sexy but yet edgy, rough but yet swan-like. Mind blowing enough, well it is just for us to get inspired and quickly find an influential balance in a practical level.
T r ash C o u t u r e
lov i t hin ew it,
l ove
u al
s S en
it en
ould not do s o alo ; it c n e, b
c un av
l ove e nl y v a e of h ure t a n he to t s a one i ve s e c de
ci o usl y
has the elem en to fh
n t ca
s o. do – Franz K af ka
Lina Ekstrand
Save the world
L i n a Eks t r a n d
S av e t h e w o r ld
L i n a Eks t r a n d
S av e t h e w o r ld
L i n a Eks t r a n d
S av e t h e w o r ld
L i n a Eks t r a n d
A g e n t M o lly
S av e t h e w o r ld
L i n a Eks t r a n d
S av e t h e w o r ld
m i n n a p e r i ka
f e at u r e
m i n n a pa r i kka b o u t i q u e o p e n e d i n h e ls i n k i 2 0 0 8 . s t o ck e d i n 1 5 c o u n t r i e s .
– My designs are almost like love letters from one high heel shoe lover to another. Allow yourself to be playful and let a pair lead you to new adventures. Life is too serious for you to take your style seriously.
Since 2005 Minna Parikka created designs that are not only breathtakingly beautiful but wonderfully wearable. Her work has been featured in several publications, both in Finland and abroad, including Vogue, Elle, Glamour and Sleek just to name a few. The story of the Minna Parikka brand began when Minna decided at the tender age of 15 that designing shoes was her life’s true calling. – I felt like I’d been struck by a lightning when I first realized I could actually make a career out of making shoes. After moving to England at 19 to pursue a degree in footwear design, Minna spent the next six years living, working and finding inspiration in London, Milan and Barcelona. In 2002, she was named the Young British Glove Designer of the Year. She returned to her native Helsinki in 2005 to launch the Minna Parikka brand. Minna’s love of footwear is based on the fact that shoes – unlike clothes – don’t have to be inhabited by a body in order to look attractive. But while they’re beautiful alone, it’s when a woman steps into a pair that the magic really happens. The right shoes can change how she looks, feels and is seen by others. And as objects of desire for women and men, they’re not just symbols of power but its Holy Grail. –
m i n n a p e r i ka
f e at u r e
Sohrab Vahdat
Photographer Sohrab Vahdat, Stylist Ella Dror, Makeup Ken Nakano, Hair Koji Ichikawa, Models Ben Grimes/Models1, Peter Cairns/D1, Photographer assistants Liam Warwick & Dante Lui
Till We DIE
S o h r ab V ahda t
Til We Die
A Top Satyen Kumar, Trousers Komaskino, Shoes Dr Martens, Bangles Katie Roland
C Skirt one Qasimi, Skirt two Jaiden RVA James, Trousers Komaskino, Boots Komaskino for Dr Martens
B Black Velvet Dress Manjit Due
S o h r ab V ahda t
D – M – Body and Jacket Hasan Hejazi, Leggings Falke, – F – Dress and Love ring J.W. Anderson, Scarf Horace
Til We Die
S o h r ab V ahda t
F – M – Dress and Shorts Lina Osterman, Wedge Shoes Jaiden RVA James, Necklace Bjorg, – F – Jacket Jaiden RVA James, High Boots Bryce Aime, Leopard Leotard Topshop, Sheer Shirt D&G, Nail Ring The Only Son, Ring Bjorg
Til We Die
S o h r ab V ahda t
Til We Die
G – M – White Shirt Tim Soar, Shorts Lina Osterman, Leather Cutout Shorts Paul for Machine A, – F – One sholder Dress And Belt Gemma Slack, Head Band Piers Atkinson, Shoes Iris Van Harpen
S o h r ab V ahda t
H – M – Wears Body Topshop, Feather Shawl Mrs Jones – F – Shirt Tim Soar
Til We Die
S o h r ab V ahda t
Til We Die
John Gripenholm
The spirit of solitude
j o h n G r i p e n h o lm
Photographer John Gripenholm/Sylvie, Stylist Kawa H Pour, Make up Sophia Eriksen/Agent Bauer, Hair Sherin Fรถrsgren/Link details, Model Dorte Limkilde/2pm
Th e sp i r i t o f s o l i t ud e
j o h n G r i p e n h o lm
Th e sp i r i t o f s o l i t ud e
j o h n G r i p e n h o lm
Th e sp i r i t o f s o l i t ud e
A Top Pepe Jeans, Skirt Manoush, Ring Bjรถrg B Dress Sonia by Sonia Rykiel, Belt Bruuns Bazaar, Bracelet HM, Ring Bjรถrg
j o h n G r i p e n h o lm
Th e sp i r i t o f s o l i t ud e
F, G
Dress Zadiq & Zoltaire, Neckles Thomas Sabo
Skirt Janne Ahlgren, Top Fendi, Bra Calvin Klein, Jacket Hugo Boss, Belt Rika, Bracelet Cornelia
Dress Armani Jeans
j o h n G r i p e n h o lm
Th e sp i r i t o f s o l i t ud e
j o h n G r i p e n h o lm
Th e sp i r i t o f s o l i t ud e
waldemar hansson
e xpress yourself
Photographer Waldemar Hansson, Stylist Kawa H Pour, Model Elena Mityukova/city model, Make up Morgane Goupy, Hair stylist Stephane Clavier, Stylist assistent Alexi
A Blazer Gina T, Trousers Luis Buchinho, Belt Anne Fontaine, Bracelet Yoshiko Creation Paris, Necklace Marion Mille
wald e ma r ha n ss o n
e xpress yourself
wald e ma r ha n ss o n
E x p r e ss y o u r s e lf
A Top Satyen Kumar, Trousers Komaskino, Shoes Dr Martens, Bangles Katie Roland
wald e ma r ha n ss o n
e x p r e ss y o u r s e lf
A Top: Marion Mille Skirt: Creation De Paris Belt : Anne Fontaine, Bracelet: Marian Mille Necklace: Curiosity Box
B Black bodysuit OYE, Skirt Harry Halim, Belt YSL, Earrings Marion Mille, Necklace Marion Mille C Black bodysuit American Apparel, Blouse Anne Fontaine, Body OYE, Gloves Minna Parikka, Necklace Unique Vintage, Bracelet Swarovski D Top Sonia Rykiel, Necklace Alexander Wang E Top Marion Mille, Skirt Creation De Paris, Belt Anne Fontaine, Bracelet Marian Mille, Necklace Curiosity Box, Bracelet Yoshiko Creation Paris F Black bodysuit Michael Kors, Jacket Dacute Skirt Junko Shimada, Belt Anne Fontaine, Bracelet Marian Mille, Necklace Armani Jeans & Marion Mille
wald e ma r ha n n s o n
Th e sp i r i t o f s o l i t ud e
wald e ma r ha n ss o n
Th e sp i r i t o f s o l i t ud e
48 48
W alde m a r H anss o n is r ep r esented by: G l o w Manage m ent, I taly / Milan and T F M A r tists , N o r way / Osl o
wa l de m a r h a n s s on ◊ S ahfin H p o u r
This interview is revealing in words the spirit of a man who truly knows what he is doing, wants and loves. Expressed in the poetic manner, Waldemar Hansson who is based in Stockholm Sweden explains the wicked mind behind his visually pleasing, dreamy type abstract creations.
Behind each editorial there is a fascinating story providing a sense of a sweet escape from reality. With a specific artistry in mind, the story of each image is brought to life through enhanced body and facial expression of the model and setting. Hansson’s background in art and painting clearly has influenced his work as a photographer and filmmaker. When I asked Waldemar how he utilizes his background in painting to his photography, he replied by saying: – From painting I learned a lot about colors. How to mix them and not. For me, color is the music in films that you don’t hear in stills. Anyone who loves fashion and art can find appreciation in his images and the way fashion is represented. And it can only get better and better. It is admirable. I have no doubt you will climb the ladder of success higher and higher. How long have you been working as a photographer? – I assisted photographers for six to seven years and have been my own for six years now. Which was your first camera? – A Hasselblad. Which city it the ideal place for your career? Stockholm, New York, London, or Paris? – Stockholm is a fantastic city. Have my base here. I see the whole
world as a field of work but New York and Paris is definitely close to my heart. What do you want to achieve professionally? – I want to continue what I am doing. I am very happy that I chose to work with photography and film. As a photographer and director: What can you achieve through one that is not possible from the other? – A photographer is a director. I always wanted to tell stories. You can do it in stills or in a movie or music or words. Film can be shoot very ugly but at the same time telling the most beautiful story without losing contact with the audience. I love that. Do you enjoy one more than the other? – If I was not a still photographer I would have been a film director. No other media has the ability to affect you emotionally in so many different ways as a movie, if you ask me. Have you ever been assigned to a job where you didn’t consider the model as the appropriate one for the job? – Yes, it has happened. But as always you have to deal with the situation. The model is extremely important. But you have to guide the model to express what you want to achieve in the story. The model can express what you have in mind.
walde m a r hanss o n
49 49
I nte r v iew
– For me, color is the music in films that you don’t hear in stills
wald e ma r ha n ss o n
50 50
wald e ma r ha n ss o n
51 51
What picture would you like to shoot? – It would be cool to make a hippie story with Jesus.
Do you think that Sweden has the most beautiful people in the world? – No. But I think there are many beautiful people on this planet.
Do you think the continuing growth of digital media will be the death of the printed magazine? – No. There as so many people who love to smell and touch a new printed magazine. I am one of them.
What would you say if your child wanted to work as a model? – Your dad is a great photographer.
– First you build the guitar and then you improvise
Any advice for those who want to be professional photographer? – Send your resume to What is the worst thing that has/can happened during a shoot? – The worst thing would be if you have everything if front of you in an inaccessible location and suddenly you are out of battery. Your favorite location? – Paris.
Do you prefer to shoot on location, or in a studio? – I love to shoot on locations. Often, the locations bring me the story. What do you like to do for recreation? – While growing up I always was windsurfing. I miss that. I sometimes dream about that. Who are the key people in creating the best end result? – Everyone on your team has a key role. Teamwork is everything. Which work are you most pleased with? – The day that I am pleased I will do something else. What would be your dream assignment? – I won’t tell you! Do you think Photoshop and other photo retouching programs have killed real photography, or have instead given an extra tool to talented photographers? – As soon as you have taken a picture it is a fake reality. Photoshop helps you express the feeling you wanted to capture in the beginning. Are there any kinds of assignments you would not shoot? – I would say no to a cigarette campaign. Who is your favorite photographer? – There is so many, but I really like Mert Alas and Marcus Piggot. What type of camera are you shooting with, at the moment? – I use a Canon 1ds Mark III, for the most. What element is most important in creating a great photograph? – Curiosity. Do you take your camera with you everywhere you go? – No. Once I had a dream of the most beautiful landscape. I wanted to take a photo of it but I didn’t have a camera with me so, instead, I wrote down the colors on a paper so as to not forget. I put the paper in my pocket and thought that would help me remember what it looked like. Then I woke up. What is the best thing about being a photographer? – That I do what I love to do. Best thing about Sweden? – Spring.
Can you just tell me a bit about the latest work you have done for this issue of HUSH magazine? – We shoot this story in an apartment in Paris. To be honest I don’t like to put words on something that I already expressed through pictures. I think the story speak for itself much better. You have worked with the stylist Kawa H-Pour on many assignments, how did that come about and why? – Absolutely, Kawa and I work very well together and have done a lot of shootings. We share the same thoughts about beauty. We both want to create pictures that are unforgettable, mesmerizing and timeless. We are willing to work hard and determined to create our vision. – We work closely from the beginning of every new editorial. Together we go through all the important details such as model, location, hair, makeup, styling and the lighting. I want him to know everything. I want to know everything about the clothes. Then we create. To me he is not only a fashion stylist, his is involved in everything. We do it all with pure passion and love for art. –
henrik adamsen
Photographer Henrik Adamsen, Model MissĂŠ/Unique, Hair & Make up Monika Grensteen
A, B, C, D, E, F American Apparel
h e n r i k adams e n
r e su r r e c t i o n
h e n r i k A dams e n
r e su r r e c t i o n
Unique Misse
h e n r i k A dams e n
r e su r r e c t i o n
h e n r i k A dams e n
r e su r r e c t i o n
h e n r i k A dams e n
r e su r r e c t i o n
h e n r i k A dams e n
r e su r r e c t i o n
henrik adamsen
Photographer Henrik Adamsen/Factory311, Stylist Kawa H Pour, Make up Morgane Martini/Artlist Paris, Hair Hauke Krause, Model Natallia/Silent Models Paris, Stylist assistant Mimi Amano, Photographer assistant Victoire Thierree
pace of mind
h e n r i k adams e n
A Dress Zetterberg, Jacket Hugo Boss, Necklace Vera Wang, Bracelet Giorgio Armani, Shoes Christian Louboutin
pac e o f m i n d
h e n r i k adams e n
pac e o f m i n d
h e n r i k adams e n
B Dress Hugo Boss C Dress Sand, Belt Hugo Boss
pac e o f m i n d
h e n r i k adams e n
pac e o f m i n d
Blouse Sand, Skirt Alexander Wang, Necklace H&M, Bracelet Giorgio Armani
Dress Hugo Boss, Necklace H&M, Ring Yoshiko Creation Paris
h e n r i k adams e n
pac e o f m i n d
h e n r i k adams e n
pac e o f m i n d
h e n r i k adams e n
Dress Sand, Bolero Armani Jeans, Belt Diesel, Necklace H&M
Body Michael Kors, Trenchcoat Hugo Boss, Belt Anne Fontaine, Shoes Celine
pac e o f m i n d
malg o r za t a dud e k
f e at u r e
ma l gor z ata dudek
Malgorzata Dudek is a polish fashion designer, based in Warsawa. She was raised in the forested countryside where she in a young learned the power for the nature and it´s importance in a scale of harmony. At the same time as the life behind the Iron Curtain gave her inspirational reasons for colourful matters as well the surreal eye of notice. Her interest in design started in an early age of seven. She found her inspirations from the colorful collections from the local designer Edyta Dabrowska, which was sent to her family all the way from West Germany. Edyta´s costumes was all about the avant garde touches and this shocked the locals. It was also Edyta who inspired the young Malgorzata to have her first fashion show and had her classmates attending. She stylised a crowd of Marzanna effigies burned and drowned them in thestream behind her house. Malgorzata´s creations has been featured in many magazines around the world, such as Vogue, Elle, L’officiel, Faces, Bullett, and 160 grams. As well as her work has been published on the greatest fashion websites like and Her selected customers are Hollywood celebreties and international musicians such as Paz de la Huerta, Izabella Miko, Rache Bilson and Macy Gray as her dressed-in list. As well musicians like the German superstar Nena and Russian pop star Karina Koks has worren Malgorzata Dudek´s collections on the red carpet and in their own music videos.
Today Malgorzata is among the top designers around the world, while at home she has designed for a list of well known celebreties. –
malg o r za t a dud e k
f e at u r e
malg o r za t a dud e k
f e at u r e
Nella Balda
Photographer & Stylist Nella Balda, Model TimMeiresone /Dominique Models Agency
N e lla B A lda
A q ua r i us
N e lla B A lda
A q ua r i us
N e lla B A lda
A White T-shirt Graw, White Box Short from Bikkembergs B Black Shirt Armani
A q ua r i us
C Surfing Jacket Mairine
Nella BAlda
D Wetsuit Cressi
N e lla B A lda
D Hat Vintage Marinier E Wetsuit Cressi
A q ua r i us
Nina Holma
Magnifique sommeil éternel
Photographer Nina Holma, Stylist Kawa H Pour, Hair Sofie Brandell/Preston Hair, Make up Sophia Eriksen/Agent Bauer, Model Liza Berggren/TFM Oslo, Photographer Assistent Björn Weidinger, Stylist Assistent Alexia Termeh Erfan
A Dress Manoush, Blazer Lamija Suljevic Gloves Imoni, Glasses Gucci, Skirt Milly Belt Sonia By Sonia Rykiel B Dress Manoush, Blazer House of Dagmar, Bracelets Vivika Bergström, Cornelia and Armani jeans C Veil Vintage, Rings Ann Demeulemeester, Vintage and Vera wang D Dress Paul & Joe, Lace Bolero Black Noir, Bracelets Lotta Djossou & Cornelia, Belt Tosca Blu, Veil Vita by Millo E Dress Your face, Jacket North Leather, Top Oscalito, Shoes Christian Louboutin, Bracelets (Cuffs) Vivika Bergström, Earrings Chanel
N i n a H o lma
M ag n i f i q u e s o mm e i l ĂŠ t e r n e l
N i n a H o lma
M ag n i f i q u e s o mm e i l ĂŠ t e r n e l
N i n a H o lma
M ag n i f i q u e s o mm e i l ĂŠ t e r n e l
N i n a H o lma
M ag n i f i q u e s o mm e i l ĂŠ t e r n e l
N i n a H o lma
M ag n i f i q u e s o mm e i l ĂŠ t e r n e l
N i n a H o lma
F Dress Vera Sang Lavender Labe, Leather West Nort Leather, Jacket Sonia Rykiel, Belt DKNY, Neckless YSL, Gloves Alexander Wang, Shoes Pleaser, Earrings Vivika Bergström, Ring Chanel NR 5
M ag n i f i q u e s o mm e i l é t e r n e l
N i n a H o lma
M ag n i f i q u e s o mm e i l ĂŠ t e r n e l
N i n a H o lma
M ag n i f i q u e s o mm e i l ĂŠ t e r n e l
N i n a H o lma
G Dress Fendi, Skirt Manoush, Lingerie Wolford, Leather West Philip Lim, Shoes Christian Louboutin, Bracelets Armani Jeans, Hugo Boss, Cornelia, Vivika Bergström and Lotta Djossou, Belt Tosca Blu and Sonia Rykiel, Rings Cooee, Calvin Klein, Chanel and Vivika Bergström H Skirt Armani Jeans & Hugo Boss, Belt Donna Karan, Skirt Giorgio Armani, Blazer Gerard Darel, Bracelet Cornelia & Armani Jeans, Shoes Repetto
M ag n i f i q u e s o mm e i l é t e r n e l
j o s e f i n e e kma n n i lss o n
90 90
M o t h e r ag e n cy, S t o ckh o lmsg r upp e n I M G M o d e ls P a r i s , L o n d o n , M i la n M e ga M o d e l A g e n cy B e r l i n , H ambu r g
jo s e fine ekman nil s s on ◊ S ahf i n H p o u r
– You get to learn to live with the many lonely nights in hotel rooms around the world.
Josefine Ekman Born on October 7, 1993, in city of Örebro. This young blood is one of the continuing beautiful models Sweden has given the world of fashion. She was discovered at a festival in her home town. A week later Josefine traveled to Stockholm with her mother and signed a contract with the agency of Stockholmgruppen. The woman who that had spotted her became her agent. I interviewed Josefine in Stockholm on the day she was returning to Örebro to visit her family. Although she is 17 years old, she projects herself as a mature and well disciplined young lady. Being close to her family, commitment to work, and seeing life from a positive perspective are important elements of Josefine’s character. With just a year in the industry, this small town girl is doing well and has made a name for herself. She has done cover, print work and run ways. She works constantly and is in demand. We will see a lot more of her in the future because she has that magic that touches you
Favorite –place: Paris, –food: Pancakes and Thai food, –movie: Donnie Darko –color: Black, –designer: Isabelle Lundh, –music: Broder Daniel, The smiths and Joy Division, –male model: Texas Olsson, –female model: Johanna Fosselius, –photographer: Jimmy Backius
j o s e f i n e e kma n n i lss o n
Photo Waldemar & Max
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I'v noticed you use double surnames, thats uncommon for swedes how come you do? – I wanted to keep both of my parents surname. They divorced, when I was seven years old. • What is your favorite type of work? – Any type of work where you have fun. • Working with a large or small team does not matter. • What inspires you? – Friendly people, sunny days, my big sister, magazines, music and of course love! • Is there any work you have done that your are you most proud of? – I'm very proud of all my work in various ways, but right now I'm particularly proud of a story I did for the contributor magazine, photographed by Camilla Krans and styled by Robert Rydberg. I really liked that story! • Do you get nervous before a job? – Yes, sometimes. But not as often as I used to. • What do you do about it? –I just try to relax and ignore it, reading helps me. I usually have a book with me where ever I go. • If your carrier ended right now, what would you do? – I would travel the world and then go back to school, educate myself to be a journalist, teacher or psychologist. Or start working with something else in the fashion industry. • How do you stay in shape? – I try to avoid fast food and work out when I have time. I have even hired a personal trainer to help me with both training and diet advice. • Being a model can sometimes be very lonely, have you been lonely and how do you cope with it? – You get to learn to live with the many lonely nights in hotel rooms around the world. I always travel alone so Skype becomes my best friend! On the other hand, I get to see many places and meet people that you would not meet otherwise. • Are female models treated differently than male models? – We earn more money than what guys do. But there are a few male models that earn as much as the females. • What is your biggest fear? – Flying, darkness, dead animals and rotten food. My family getting into trouble or that I would end up all alone. • Can you describe yourself in six words? – Caring, cheerful, stubborn, positive, and responsible. • What are the qualities you look for in a guy? – To be caring, funny, and kind. But they can’t be too like-minded as me. Then it is not as exciting. My boyfriend has all these qualities! • Are you going to settle down and have a family? – Yes I absolutely will! But later in life! You write your own blog, are you making any money out of it? – No, I do not make money of it. I started the blog so that my family could follow what I do when I am abroad. Then other people started reading it as well. • Do you get to keep the clothes you wear for a shoot? – No, But sometimes you can get paid in clothes, or get both the pay and the clothing. • What is the favorite piece of clothing you own? – I love many of my clothes! But right now I feel extra for my cream-colored Bohemian hippie fringed bag. • Have you ever left a shoot undone because you didn’t like it? – No I haven't. Even if the job is hard, you have to do it and finish the job you are hired to do. • Is there any type of job you would say no too? – I do not want to do nude shoots. • Would you still not do it if they offered a large amount of money? – No, I still wouldn’t do it. • What is the most bizarre experience you have had so far? – When people have said straight out that I'm too fat, that's not very pleasant. Once I did a shoot with a dromedary. • Is it true what random people think of models as not being very smart? – No, There is no certain profession that decides how intelligent you are. Personally, I think I am pretty clever. You can be intelligent in different ways, You do not need to be a lawyer to be intelligent. I get for example, a great life experience from my job which adds to my ability to deal with problems. • What is your next job and where is it taking you? – Tomorrow I will go out to the Swedish archipelago with Linnea Regnander and shoot for two days. It will that be super nice but cold. • Do you have any advice for girls that admire you or who wants to become models? – To send in photos to agencies and if the person is admitted, always remember to try not to take too much of what people will say to you and be confident in yourself. You can both get constructive criticism and destructive criticism in this business. I find it important to remember to try to keep my feet on the ground, and not become some diva or forget where I come from.
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K yrre Wangen
Aim high
Photographer Kyrre Wangen, Stylist Kawa H Pour, Make up Sophia Eriksen/Agent Bauer, Hair Sofie Brandel, Model Josefin E/Stockholmsgruppen, Photographer assistents Tom Moran ยง Jon Olav Stedje, Stylist assistent Alexandra Alexi
A Suit Gerard Darel, Blouse Sonia By Sonia Rykiel, Belts Disel and Viveka bergstrรถm, Rings Tomas Sabo and Bjรถrg, Necklace By Marlene Birger, Bracelets Armani Jeans and Viveka Bergstrรถm, Bag Chanel
K yrre Wangen
A i m h i gh
K yrre Wangen
A i m h i gh
Top Minimarket, Bracelet Bjรถrg, Necklace Tomas Sabo, Belt Zadiq & Voltaire
Blazer Zadiq & Voltaire, Skirt Zadiq & Voltaire, Blouse Henry Cotton, Tie Hugo Boss Black, Belts Hugo Boss and Sonia Rykiel, Rings Tomas Sabo and Bjรถrg, Earrings Whyred, Brosch Rika
D Dress Manoush, Bracelet Viveka Bergstrรถm, Rings Bjรถrg, Belt Viveka Bergstrรถm
K yrre Wangen
E Blazer Manoush, Blus Karl Lagerfeldt, Tie Hugo Boss Black, Belt Diesel, Trousers Giorgio Armani
F Blazer Armani Jeans, Skirt Helmut Lang, Top Just Cavalli, Rings Gucci and Viveka Bergstrรถm, Necklace Bjรถrg, Bracelet Ben Sherman, Belt Hugo Boss and Balmain, Shoes Nina Jarebrink, Earrings Swarovski
G Fur Jacket Style & Butler, Fur Skirt Style & Butler, Top Gerard Darel, Bracelet Viveka Bergstrรถm, Necklace Viveka Bergstrรถm, Belt Sonia Rykiel, Shoes Marco Polo
H Balzer Gerad Darel, Top Sonia Rykiel, Skier Chanel, Bracelet by Marlene Birger, Rings Gucci, Necklaces Tomas Sabo and Diddi Design, Belt Sonia Rykiel, Jacket Gerard Darel
A i m h i gh
K yrre Wangen
A i m h i gh
K yrre Wangen
A i m h i gh
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ce s ar Ca sier ◊ S ahf i n H p o u r
Cesar Casier, born in city of Ghent, Belgium, is the name of this eye pleasure from the land of best chocolate ever made. Might that have had something to do with his ridiculously handsome looks? Not sure, But it is as good a reason as any to explain his delicious appeal.
Since being discovered while walking casually on a street in his home town, Cesar has attracted some of the largest names in the highly competitive modeling world. He is being represented by a few of well known agencies in the industry all around the world such as Mother agency, Dominique Model (Brussels), London Premier, Milan Elite Milan, New York VNY, Copenhagen 2pm, Berlin seeDS management, Paris Success and Sydney eMg. Cesar is turning 23 on 14th of July and has every reason to celebrate. His resume speaks for itself. Testimony to his personality and presence has been appearances on the runway walking for Dior Homme, John Galliano, Gianfranco Ferre and YSL, Loiuse Voiutton, Hugo Boss. The day of the interview Cesar was in Milan just finished shooting the new Borsalino campaign which is one of the world’s oldest hat brands, established in 1857. How did you get into modeling? – Someone just asked me on the street in my hometown Gent. What is your favorite type of work? – Photo shoots are my favorite thing to do, because you have a result of your work.
What inspires you? – The world What is the work your most proud of? – I think the French Vogue shoot with Lara Stone/Steven Klein and Carine Roitfeld. I always LOVED Carine’s work so working with here was almost like a dream come true. Drug use especially cocaine, has been known to people as a way of staying skinny or keeping up a certain lifestyle in the fashion world, do you experience lots of that? – Never! If you never got another modeling call, what would you do? – I think I would study still or work in my moms store. What are your future goals, what do you want to have accomplished in ten years? – I want to have my own apartment. I read somewhere you LOVE cooking and eating, Are you really writing a cook book and if so how is that going? – Yes, I’m working on it. I would just love to publish a cool and young cookbook about what models eat. Easy/healthy food!
C e sa r cas i e r
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– I would just love to publish a cool and young cockbook about what models eat.
C e sa r cas i e r
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How do you stay in shape? – I do sports almost every day. I don’t smoke, drink 1,5 liters of water every day and eat healthy. Do you ever feel lonely? Do you travel alone or with a BFF? – I think every model feels lonely sometimes; it’s just part of the job. Do you have any hidden talents that people do not know about? – I know every song lyrics out of my head! Have you seen the movie “Zoolander?” Which character are you more like, Derek or Hansel? – DEREK! Ha ha ha. Can you describe yourself in four words? – Fun, Dramatic, adventurous, positive.
What are your best features according to you? – My eyes.
–artist: Fontana, –place: London, –food: Free food, –movie: Titanic, –color: Black, –music Hip Hop/R&B, –designer Ricardo Tisci, –male model: Simon Nessmann, –female model: Daria Werbowy.
Is it true what random people think of Models not being very smart? – Probably they do, but I never heard someone saying it about me! HA! What is the name of America’s Vice president? – Hmmm. No idea! Gay marriage? – YES! Year 2012, do you think it’s the end of the world or something major will happened? – Yes, I do think so. There are so many things happening with the earth lately, It frightens me! Do you believe in love? Have you been in love? – I do believe in love, even though I’m not such a lovey-dovey person. What is the best quality in a girl? – Her allegiance! Do you have a girlfriend? – Nope. I’m single and ready to Mingle! ;-) Are you going to settle down and have a family ever? – Not sure yet. Maybe. Time will tell. You have worked with my favorite male model, Jon Kortajarena, what do you think of him? – Yes I worked with him on some shows. He is very nice and always smiling. VERY Barcelona/Spanish! You have your own blog. Are you writing it your self? If so, why do you refer to yourself in third person? – Of course I’m writing it myself. Why I write in the third person is just because I think it’s funny for my readers to read. You just finished this hat shoot for Borsalino in Milan, where are you going next? – Vienna, doing a catwalk for D squared at the life ball. Best place in Belgium? – Gent!
C e sa r cas i e r
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– There are so many things happening with the earth lately, it frightens me!
– I know every song lyrics out of my head!
– Why I write in the third person is just because I think it’s funny for my readers to read.
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Raphael DELORME & Thierno SY
Stairway to he aven
Photographers & Stylists Raphael Delorme & Thierno Sy, Make up Laure Dansou, Hair Kazue Deki, Model Lotte Tuinstra/City Models
A Dress in Obi Fabric Embroidered with Sequins Jantaminiau
Rapha e l D E L OR M E & Th i e r n o S Y
S t a i r way t o h e av e n
Rapha e l D E L OR M E & Th i e r n o S Y
S t a i r way t o h e av e n
Rapha e l D E L OR M E & Th i e r n o S Y
S t a i r way t o h e av e n
B Shoulders Straps and Bracelets in Swarowski Crystal Strass Alexandre Vauthier Haute Couture, Ring White Crystal Helene Zubeldia C Underdress Louis Vuitton, Cuff in Swarowski Crystal Alexandre Vauthier Couture, Golden Leather Plateforms Shoes Jataminiau D Golden Pailletes Warp Dress Jantaminiau
Rapha e l D E L OR M E & Th i e r n o S Y
E Crystal bra Eric Tibush Couture, Supported Sleeves Alexandre Vautheer Couture, Crystal Cuff Helene Zubeldia
S t a i r way t o h e av e n
Rapha e l D E L OR M E & Th i e r n o S Y
F Body Multifacets Eric Tibush Couture Headpiece emboidererd with Silver Green Sequins Jantaminiau
S t a i r way t o h e av e n
Rapha e l D E L OR M E & Th i e r n o S Y
S t a i r way t o h e av e n
G Grey and Orange Sequins Necklace, Top Manish Arora, Brown Transparent Trousers af Vandevorst, Golden Leather Platforms Shoes Manish Arora, Cuff Alexandre Vauthier
Rapha e l D E L OR M E & Th i e r n o S Y
S t a i r way t o h e av e n
Benjamin VNUK
Photographer Benjamin Vnuk, Stylist Tereza Ortiz, Make up Filippa Smedhagen Sund, Hair Tota Johannesdottir, Models Elsa Brisinger & Henrietta Hellberg/MIKAS, Assistants Dominic Hedgecock & Max Rovenko
Bre ak apart
B e n jam i n V n uk
B r e ak A pa r t
B e n jam i n V n uk
B r e ak A pa r t
B e n jam i n V n uk
B r e ak A pa r t
B e n jam i n V n uk
B e n jam i n V n uk
B r e ak A pa r t
B e n jam i n V n uk
B r e ak A pa r t
b e n jam i n v n uk
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B e n jam i n V n uk i s f i r s t ass i s t e n t t o M i ka e l J a n ss o n
B en j amin V nu k ◊ S ahf i n H p o u r
It’s about not giving up, believing in yourself, by being active socially, and networking with people in the same field. Also, putting your ego away and take whatever jobs related to photography in the beginning and even work for free!
Fashion photographer assistant, Benjamin Vnuk, is currently in Sweden to arrange some paper work regarding his travel visa. So, we thought we’d take the opportunity, and he granted us an interview while he’s here. He will be heading back to NYC where he is working as “First Assistant” for the world-renowned photographer Mikael Jansson. Benjamin was born in 1983 in the Northern part of Sweden, in the city of Lulea. When Ben was in High School, he realized that he wanted to become a photographer when studying graphic design. He purchased a digital camera and immediately started studying it. Benjamin was captivated by the joy and passion of capturing beautiful creations on film with myriads of interesting, yet common, subjects. After finishing High School, Benjamin moved to the Capital of Sweden, Stockholm, to further pursue his dream. Being young and ambitious, Ben worked as an assistant with over 5 different photographers, In the beginning of 2010, Benjamin had heard that Mikael Jansson needed an assistant. So, he called his office, booked an interview, and got the job! Knowing he wanted to climb the ladder of success, and knowing he had to learn the techniques and experience necessary to master the art of creating beautiful images, Benjamin helped his Mentor, Mikael, by doing whatever was needed (which, then, was mostly retouch work). By November of that year, Mikael moved his main office to Manhattan NY. As Ben says, – So, I moved too, because I go where
he goes. Thats my job! How is it to work with Mr. Jansson? – (laughing) That it is a demanding job, hard work, long hours, learning teamwork, constant moving and traveling. But it is very exciting to visit different places. I learn so much from observing him in action. For example, how different elements such as lighting, angles, simplicity, and communication between the people involved and their comfort level, play a part in the final creation. As First Assistant, I’m fully in charge of the lighting of every shoot. But, if there is anything else I’m needed for, I will be doing that as well. You guys just finished a shoot in Los Angeles for Armani with the beautiful Megan Fox. She’s just one of many beautiful/famous people you meet. Tell us about it. – I never get star struck. I see them just as humans with certain talents. But of course, it is fun to shoot celebs. But, fashion shoots are, by far, my favorite. The work I’m most proud of assisting is the job we did for French Vogue, in November 2010, with Anja Rubik, It was a night shoot in Paris which is one of my all-time favorite places! Where do you find inspiration? – I can find it from all kinds of things such as beautiful architecture, fashion, and people. But, also my creative family has always inspired me. Who is your favorite super model?
b e n jam i n v n uk
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– Edita Vilkevicivte Favorite Photographer? – Richard Avedon, Mert/Marcus Any advice for other people who want to make it? – It’s about not giving up, believing in yourself, by being active socially, and networking with people in the same field. Also, putting your ego away and take whatever jobs related to photography in the beginning and even work for free! And, be willing to work hard! Also, be kind and friendly. Do you think you have what it takes to become a successful photographer? – Yes I believe in myself. In five years I hope I will be an established photographer having my own assistant. –
Benjamin VNUK
Photographer Benjamin Vnuk, Make up Jeanette Tรถrnqvist, Hair Olivia Dahlqvist, Model Lovisa Ingman /Elite Model, Photographer assistents Dominic Hedgecock & Max Rovenko
Love Profusion
B e n jam i n V n uk
L o v e P r o fus i o n
Benjamin Vnuk
B e n jam i n V n uk
L o v e P r o fus i o n
B e n jam i n V n uk
L o v e P r o fus i o n
Benjamin Vnuk
ALe x andra Z aharova
Photographer Alexandra Zaharova, Make up Alena Moiseeva, Model Evgenia Mandzhieva
The L ast warrior
A L e x a n d r a Z aha r o va
Th e L as t wa r r i o r
ALexandra Zaharova & Alena Moiseeva
The Last Warier
A L e x a n d r a Z aha r o va
Th e L as t wa r r i o r
A L e x a n d r a Z aha r o va
Th e L as t wa r r i o r
A L e x a n d r a Z aha r o va
Th e L as t wa r r i o r
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A Closer look at
g avin o’neil L
– you just have to keep working with the form that you have, and keeping trying things, until something beautiful happens.
So basically, these images are part of a collection i have been working on since I first started photography, because I was really drawn to the human body as a subject from the beginning, purely from an aesthetic point of view. So its really just a study of the human body, which I try to add something to, using light, and shape, and concept, to create something unique and powerful. I also try to do these image without incorporating any obvious sexuality into them, so for this reason I have always shot both men and women for this work. The other thing that attracts me to this work, is the challenge of shooting nudes, because its not very easy at all to shoot them well. In almost any other genre of photography involving models, you can always change an outfit, or a hair style, or even just crop their body out if there is something you don’t like about what you’re seeing, but with nudes you don’t have that luxury really, you cant just throw a coat over the body if the shape isn’t inspiring you, you just have to keep working with the form that you have, and keeping trying things, until something beautiful happens. So i find the results of this work quite rewarding, because many of the shots have taken hours to achieve, and involved a lot of trial and error, and usually end up being these one-off moments that last half second, that reflect hours of work and experimentation.
So for the last fifteen years, I’ve just shooting them when and where the opportunities present themselves. Sometimes its only been one or two a year, other years seven or eight, but the idea has always been there to make a book of this kind of work when I have enough images, and thats kind of where I am right now. So I am in the design process right now, and hope to have the first run printed in the coming months. –
gav i n o ’ n e i ll
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A cl o s e r l o o k
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gav i n o ’ n e i ll
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sports authorit y
Photographer Sohrab Vahdat, Stylist Natalie-Anne Hasseck, Hair Nicole Kahlani, Make up Danielle Kahlani
A Dress Mark Fast B Chunky Cardigan Nina Ricci, String Vest Isabel Marant, Lizard Skin Peplum David Koma C Top Louise Goldin, Leggings Faster by Mark Fast, Glove Stylist’s own
Mariana Braga
sp o r t s au t h o r i t y
sp o r t s au t h o r i t y
D Dress Mark Fast, Robe Stylist’s own
E T Shirt Carven, Skirt Alaia, Leggings Adidas, Socks Polo Ralph Lauren
sp o r t s au t h o r i t y
sp o r t s au t h o r i t y
F Dress Peter Pilotto, Bag Alexander Wang, Leggings Adidas, Bra American Apparel
G Jacket Sacai, String Vest Isabel Marant,Leggings Stella McCartney for Adidas, Gym Bag Stella McCartney for Adidas H Jacket Jil Sander, Top Louise Goldin, Leggings Yanto
sp o r t s au t h o r i t y
Raphael DELORME & Thierno SY
Photographers Raphael Delorme & Thierno Sy, Stylist Jessica Gordon, Model Siri Crafoord/Viva Paris, Make up Hugo Villard, Hair Yann Damour
A Wool Coat by Acne, Will Trousers by Roberto Cavalli, Shoes by Celine B Cotton Crepe and Lace Playsuit by Red Valentino, Plastron «‘Epis de blé» by Aurélie Bidermann, Belt by Yves Saint Laurent C Twill Jacket by Roberto Cavalli, Silk Shirt and Silk Crepe Trousers by Sonia Rykiel
Rapha e l D E L OR M E & Th i e r n o S Y
w o r kday
Rapha e l D E L OR M E & Th i e r n o S Y
w o r kday
Rapha e l D E L OR M E & Th i e r n o S Y
Rapha e l D E L OR M E & Th i e r n o S Y
w o r kday
D Silk Crepe Jacket by Sonia Rykiel, Wool Skirt Shoes and Belt by Yves Saint Laurent, Ring by Roberto Cavalli E Wool-fringed Black Cashmere Coat by Vionnet, Knitted Wool Polo Neck by Missoni, Ring by Roberto Cavall
Rapha e l D E L OR M E & Th i e r n o S Y
w o r kday
Iman Haji
Photographer Iman Haji, Stylist Ducky Moncur, Make up Ashley Gomila, Hair Carlos Jamieson, Model Alana/ Vision LA Models, Assistant Stylist Marisa Ross
A Sequined Blouse Queen O.T.W, Jewels Vince Cumato
Ima n H aj i
Ima n H aj i
B Coat Vintage Silk, Bikini Bottom Pea Shameless Swimwear, Platform Jeffery Campbell C Hand beaded Gown Queen O.T.W, Earrings Givenchy
Ima n H aj i
Ima n H aj i
D Pumps YSL Purpule Tribute, Orange Panty La Perla, Jewels Vince Cumato, Clutch MB
Ima n H aj i
Iman Haji
Ima n H aj i
e Glasses Balenciaga Paris, Chokers Vince Camuto, Blazer Chanel, Belt Llyod Klein, Pumps YSL Tribute F Leopard Trench Coat Llyod Klein, Pumps YSL Purple Tribute, Jewels Givenchy
A rt d i r e c t i o n & d e s i g n acid & marble
w w w. a c i d a n d m a r b l e . c o m