Gay Directory : A New Clientele In today’s economy, getting new business has become a very important concern. People are searching for new avenues to go into and new clienteles to service. The gay community has increased in numbers over the last few years and is continuously ever growing. One would be extremely ignorant to think that this wouldn’t be a very good source of business. But how would a business owner reach out to this strongly growing community? One way would be to network with a few different clients and start to build strong connects from there. There are pros and cons to this method but in my opinion, this is the best method. This method is advantageous because it is the strongest. You will be able to reference back to past clients and the new ones can feel more confident. A client’s trust and confidence in you is the most important attribute and should be invested in heavily. A downside of this method is that it is very slow. Building a strong base is very important but climbing from that base and expanding can take quite a long time. But when you can get a strong reputation, it will be hard to loose; slow and steady wins the race.
Another way to gain the new clientele is by posting your services in a gay business directory. In directories like these, you can put up your add and possibly give a discount and gain new clients through this. You should make sure that the business directory you use has a large user base. This would be the primary feature of the site. This method can
also gain you a strong base and expanding would be easier because you can reach a large audience at one and do not have to wait for word of mouth. A third way to expand into this new market would be to advertise heavily. This would be the most inefficient way to expand in my opinion. Advertising on billboards and TV would get expensive extremely fast and will return very low new customers. Two more stable methods would be to place yourself in gay yellow pages and to expand by word of mouth. In conclusion, if you are looking to expand into a new market to provide your services, give serious consideration to the gay community. They are a new and upcoming market with a promising future. To expand into this market, you can use word of mouth, a gay business listing, or heavy advertising.