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Highlights of 2017
Lethbridge 2017: Get Active in Sport celebrated Canada's 150th birthday with two year-long projects,150 Things To Do in 2017 #YQLChallenge and 52-sports-in-52-weeks.
In honour of Canada’s 150th Anniversary and in partnership with Nikka Yuko Japanese Garden’s 50th Anniversary, Special Recognition was awarded to those who made contributions to traditional Japanese sport in Lethbridge or those of Japanese descent who have significant achievements in sport.
Although ultimately unsuccessful, the Lethbridge Sport Council, in partnership with the Lethbridge Police and Fire departments put together a compelling bid for the 2022 Can-Am Police-Fire Games.
Launched Board leadership Lethbridge, a collaboration of community leaders working together to provide access to training opportunities for Board members of non-profit organizations.
Also noteworthy,
Conducted a needs-analysis survey Our key services identified as the most valuable included: advocacy for sport, promotion and social media, media relations, phone/faceto-face discussions or advice, and grant availability