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Highlights of 2022

Highlights of 2022

Our mission to provide leadership and be a collective voice for sport in Lethbridge is being realized with the invaluable support of our 200+ members.

Our members have been instrumental in guiding the Sport Council's efforts to fill gaps in services and address challenges facing the sport community. Our community’s collaborative spirit has resulted in the successful implementation of several new initiatives that have positively impacted the sport landscape in Lethbridge We are proud to have been at the forefront of these efforts, working alongside our members to achieve our shared goals.

Two of our signature events, the Lethbridge Sport Council Achievement Awards and SportFest, have become an integral part of the sport community in Lethbridge. The Lethbridge Sport Council Achievement Awards recognize outstanding contributions by athletes, coaches, officials, volunteers, and sponsors who have made a significant impact on sport in our community. SportFest, on the other hand, is a family-oriented event that offers opportunities for all ages and abilities to try new sports and activities, promoting active living.

We are thrilled to have forged new partnerships that will further advance our mission. Our partnership with Tourism Lethbridge aims to promote sport tourism in the region by leveraging the city's unique sport facilities and dedicated sport leaders. We believe that Lethbridge has the potential to become a leading destination for sport tourism, and we are committed to working with our partners to achieve this goal.

We have also partnered with University of Lethbridge Athletics to make Lethbridge the best city for volunteer coaches in Canada. As part of this initiative, we are working with FSQ Sport to equip volunteer coaches with the skills and knowledge they need to coach young athletes effectively. By investing in our volunteer coaches, we believe that we can create a positive sport experience for every child in our community

As we reflect on the past 15 years, we are filled with gratitude for the support and collaboration of our members, partners, and volunteers. We are proud of what we have accomplished together and are excited about what the future holds. We remain committed to our mission of promoting and enhancing sports and physical activity in Lethbridge and look forward to continuing this journey with our community.

The Impact of Student Athletes

Since 2016 we have been privileged to provide student-athletes with the opportunity to experience a sport career opportunity. Over the past seven years, we have worked with 11 interns, several of whom have completed multiple terms with us. Thanks to these interns, we had the capacity to complete many projects we otherwise would not have been able to tackle. Some of these projects include:

YQL Stories Podcast

Give it a Try series

Fast and Female Champ Chat

From Sport to Leadership

Parents In Sport Week

National Coaches Week

Roving Gyms

Southern Alberta Summer Games

Sport Matters

For the Love of Sport: 2012 Alberta Summer Games alumni stories

National Indigenous History Month -

Celebrating Sport Champions

Where are they now? LSC Achievement Award past recipients

New resources

Alberta Athlete Scholarships

Education & Career Opportunities in Sport

Concussion and Gender Based Violence Infographics

Officials in Sport

More Than a Coach

Sports of the Games (2020 ASG)Monthly Organization Highlight

Sport @ Home activity and sport resources and programs

Campgrounds in and Around Lethbridge and Surrounding Areas

Community Hall and Facility Rental Directory

Why do we hire student-athletes? Not only do the student-athletes benefit from their experience working in sport, but we appreciate the skills and perspective they bring to the workplace Skills we often see from the student athletes include:

Time management: Student-athletes balance their academic workload with their training and competition schedules developing time management skills that serve them well in a work setting

Teamwork: Student-athletes learn valuable teamwork skills that make them effective collaborators and contributors to a positive work environment.

Leadership skills: Many student athletes are leaders in their sport and on their team. They develop strong leadership skills that can be applied in a work setting.

Dedication and work ethic: Student-athletes' dedication to both their sport and academic responsibilities instills a strong work ethic and willingness to tackle challenging projects.

We appreciate all our our past student-athlete interns, and we look forward to continuing this relationship with our post-secondary community in the future.

Kirana Stocker

Jordan Calladine

Eden Hoff

Emina Arima

Keegan Brantner

Jessica Zarowny

Andreas Troschke

Hayley Wall

Nash Shipton

Parker Allen

Carley Jewell

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