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Leticia Naka
I’m Leticia Nakayama and live in Brazil. My telephone is +55 (43) 9651-1021. My e-mail is: leticianakayama@hotmail.com . I’m Fashion Designer graduated at the State University of Londrina. Proficiency in English and Italian. Intern in the Department of Fashion Design at UEL. Intern in the IPEM-PR (Institute of Weights and Measures the state of Parana ). Intern in the company LUCCA and Social Club. Fashion Designer and Modelista in the company Lela Vicentini. I was laureated by the State University of Londrina as the best student of the Fashion Design 2008-2011. Winner of Contest USEFASHION. 2nd placed Contest Londrina Fashion Business. Finalist at the VII Award John Turin. Finalist at the VIII Award Catuaí Collection.