Part A // Letizia Priskila // 594915

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About me


Past Projects


A.1 Design Futuring


One Main Street // ArboSkin Pavilion, Trifolium // Research Pavilion


A.2 Design Computation


Landesgartenscau // 3D2REAL // Shenzen Bao Airport // Japan Pavilion


A.3 Composition/Generation


Benoy Wesftield London Shopping Centre // Thematic Pavilion // Esplanade


A.4 Conclusion


A.5 Learning Outcome


A.6 Algorithmic Sketches



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LETIZIA PRISKILA, 19 I am an Indonesian. Ever since middle school I found myself interesed in design, interior design particularly. I enjoy doing different sort of artistic stuff such as painting, decorating, designing, as well sa architecture. In that case, I feel that architecture course will provide me with more sources to learn from compared to other kind of design courses I am intersested in. I enjoy to travel and during those times are the time where I get to do my hobby which is photography.

Before taking architecture course, I am not familiar with top architects in the world or even the historical architects. All I know was the architects that are in Indonesia's top list. Now, after doing two years of the course I am inspired by architects of different style.This will be my very first time to deal with parametric software. To be honest, I am not into technology kind of stuff, but then this will be a great practice for me to keep up with the technological advance we have in our world today!

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"...stop talking to yourself, give up on repackaging design within design, broaden your gaze, engage the complexity of design..." (Tony Fry, 2008) " has to be in the from-line of transformative action" (Tony Fry, 2008)

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DESIGN FUTURING "Nature alone cannot substain us: we are too many" (Tony Fry, 2008)

Our world has gone through problems dealing with sustainability over the past years. Natural resources are being reused rapidly, the resources are used much faster than the time it need to grow and be reproduced. With this issue, there has been many questions of the future. So now, we know that resources that are decreasing and decreasing is a thing we as a designer should be mindful of. Instead of going with the flow, why don't we take action to stop defuturing. So what does it got to do with architecture? Architecture also bring influences to the how sustainable the environment is. Therefore, rethinking of how design could impact the future is certainly crucial for us as architects since we should also be responsible of building things without harming the environment. This could be achieve by the idea of 'Design Futuring'. Design Futuring is changing our way of thinking, us, as designers should take a part in this, and think critically of what positive impact we can bring to our environment. We should question our self when we are about to design something. How can my design uses less materials but are still functional? How can the design be environmentally friendly, or how can the design be efficient and eco friendly? All those questions should be placed in mind in order for designers to have a new perspective of

design. There are freedom in designing things. However, this way of thinking should be substitute by the vision of how to sustain the future of the world. The main goal of design futuring are: "slowing the rate of defuturing and redirecting us towards far more sustainable living. The advancement of technology is a great tool to achieve aesthetic also being sustainable in designs by computing design"1. Sustaining materials and limit the use of materials in design is also a way to reach sustainability, however, this concern have not been well acknowledge by the society in our world today. Designers are one of the shapers of the future. through design we can slow down the degradation of our environment through out the future. Through design, it could be use as a tool or it has power to overcome in limiting materials used or wasted through out the design. Most important, sustainability could be achieved by designing with a purpose and integrating the idea of sustainability to be able to create innovative design which will always become the goal in the process and the end result of the design. The idea of design futuring could also help architects to develop creativity in certain ways. Now we or designers are in the paste where we should start talking to people from other disciplines to broaden our knowledge and mind. Being architects today is not just about bringing good designs, but good design that provides good function and being sustainable. With the help from other disciplines such as constructors, environmentalist could be a tool for us to reach the goal of design futuring Then, can the world be secured by design? Moving towards the future, design plays a great role in securing the future. What the world know is that we are running out of renewable resources while the population grows bigger and bigger thus higher ecological footprint causing an increase in global warming that causes climate change. Our world is now at a stage that we are in the 'most dramatic' changes in our early habitation [1]. Several precedents will be analyzed in this section to show how design futuring could be achieve.

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PRECEDENTS // DESIGN FUTURING One Main Street // dECoi architects ArboSkin Pavilion Made From Bioplastic // ITKE Trifolium // AR-MA Research Pavilion 2012 // ITKE

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Figure 1.1 : Parametric Design tool used for the ceiling

Figure 1.2 : Experimenting curves which is possible by Parametric Design

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Figure 1.3 : Curves made for Fabrication

One Main Street // dECoi architects Approaching the future, design futuring should become the vision of designers in sustaining the future. dECoi architects contributes to design futuring by the materials used and from its form. One Main Street, a ten story building that consists of 57 house was built using the advancement in technology providing great flexibility in the design of arches and curves in the building. In this project, all the elements used in the design except the glass are fabricated from flat plywood with functional elements such as ventilation, light pockets, and door handles are directly formed by milling the wood. The materials used are carbon absorbing and sustainable material. Parametric design is used in the project, it could clearly be seen in the ceiling from its arches and curves [Fig.1.1 & 1.4], it contributes to the field of ideas since parametric design gives the ease in flexibility and efficiency of deriving different kinds of form which could not be done in a non-parametric software, the design are sent to be pre fabricated by sending the information

to a factory to be manufactured immediately. Material waste could be reduced by parametric design, it is made possible to only use the amount of wood needed according to the design since the wood will be cut by milling instead of doing it manually which produces much waste and is inefficient. Fabrication provides accurate cutting of the material. This is part of changes that are possible as new technical workflows. Designers are then given the opportunity to have new ways of thinking knowing that they are given more freedom in creativity to sustain the future. Parametric tool also achieved the desired shape. According to dECoi Architects, parametric tool has been used to achieved maximum effeciency. In addition contributing to design futuring, the design is made in a way that it provides airflow within the ceiling vents[2]. Therefore, design futuring should be achieve by new patterns of living and new ways of thinking as it is shown by dECoi that changes in the design world expand future possibilties in a positive way.

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Figure 1.4 : Finished work - Ceilings made out of parametric design sent to fabrication

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Figure 1.5: Ceilings are attached - showing the curves design by parametric

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Figure 2.1: Bioplastic Sheets

Figure 2.2: Concept sketch to derive to the form

Figure 2.3: Model wind and snow loads studio air/0014

Figure 2.4: Pavilion shaped by triangular net

ArboSkin Pavilion made from Bioplastic // ITKE The pavilion designed to demonstrate the structural properties of the material used 'bioplastic' that is developed for the use of the construction industry. The aim of this project is to develop a maximum sustainable with a durable building material while minimizing the oil based components and additives. Bioplastic are used 90 percent which are made from renewable biomass from cellulose, startches, biopolymers. "Thermoformable sheets of bioplastics will represent a resource-effecient alternative in the future, as they combine the high malleability and recyclability of plastics with the environmental benefits of materials consisting primarily of renewable resources". This answers the question of how architecture contributes to sustaining our future, as stated in Fry's (2008) reading [3] that natural resources are being used at a much faster rate than the time it needs to grow. Developing material contributes to the field of ideas in architecture. It opens

up a new way of thinking as well where there are future possibilites of more and more development of how we as designers could sustain the natural resources but rather use recycled materials which is a sustainable and efficient building material, also increase in the development of building with double curved geometries and planar facade with 3D effects{4}. This project was conducted to experiment with thermoformable sheets of bioplastic that will represent an alternative for the future. The concept was based on triangular net by mesh elements of different sizes. The research includes an interdisciplinary group of material scientist, architects, product designers, manufacturing techniciand, environmental experts to develop this new thermoformable material that can be use as a facade cladding that is made out of renewable resources. The bioplastic could be laser cut, CNC milled, printed, laminated, the material can be recycled.

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Figure 3.1: Corian Panels having each panel uniquely made by parametric modelling studio air/0016

Figure 3.2: Exterior of the pavilion, panels are made water tight

Trifolium // AR-MA

Trifolium by AR-MA won the second edition of the annual Fugutive Structures architecture competition, this competition was participated by architects that design for a structure that employs cutting edge technologies. Trifolium is a three pronged shape which the structure supports itself. The brief of this project is to explore potentials of pre-fabrication which is usually done in the parametric design. Corian panels are put together to laser cut mirrors in order for the curves of the pavilion to be made. The pavilion is designed with three curved vaults that are continuous with a smooth surface. The exterior panels [Fig 3.2] are made out of 152 corian that are cut by robots, the panels are designed as a water tight surface. To design and fabricate the pavilion, software is needed according to the concept and complexity of the design that later on will be sent to fabrication. This is one of the benefits of design futuring, being efficient in the process of designing from the beginning to the later/ ending stage. Use of materials could be considered as the most imporatant element in design futuring as discussed in the reading. The technological advanment which provides parametric tool could reduce the materials wasted which could minimize and avoid the failure in

the use of materials. Aesthetic elements could also be achieved even sustainability is to be achieve. It is created that the light will cast into the concrete pavers and relect million of stars overhead in the interior. "There are thousands of components and each one is unique"[5]; with design futuring, each project can contribute to the field of ideas and way of thinking since it may inspire designers of how design futuring leads to new creative ideas and innovations. Design futuring brings together fields together to work on the project, having an engineer bring greater result of the project to make sure its stiffness and the strength of the material and components. This also prove that technology could help us as designers to sustain the future. "Rather than bring a whole bunch of sticks and sheet to the site that you then chop up and make into a building, everything is designed to efficiently use materials and resources off site to be produced to a higher standard and then brought to site and put together"{6}; the quote is an evidence of the thoughts designers should have, a different way of thinking of how to be efficient and sustainable due to the fact that our natural resources is decreasing.

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Figure 4.1: Derived from the exoskeleton of a lobster

Figure 4.2: Carbon and Glass composites used to reduce the weight of the structure

Figure 4.3: The entire structure is fabricated by robots

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Figure 4.4:

Research Pavilion 2012 // ICD/ITKE The advancement in technology supports the vision of design futuring which is proven by a project called the Research Pavilion done by the Institute for Computational Design and the Institute of Building Structures and Structural Design at the University of Stuttgart. The pavilion is fabricated by robot using carbon and glass fiber composites. Having carbon and glass fibre composite reduces the weight of the structure[7] and increases the mechanical performance of the structure[8]. This project focuses on the ‘morphological principles of arthropods’ exoskeletons as a new composite construction prototype in architecture[9]. Focusing on the use of materials is important to achieve design futuring in supporting to reduce the use of natural resources. The focus of this project is to "transfer the fibrous morphology of the biological role model to fibre reinforced composite materials using parametric tool that leads to new tectonic possibilties in architecture"[10], this leads to expand future possibilties through the form of the design as well as the use of materials. This pavilion doesn't only focus on appealing aesthetically, thus, the designers considers on the high load bearing capacity that is achieved through geometric arrangement of the plates and their joints system by parametric design. Before the era where computational design exist, traditional

lightweight construction can only be applied to load 'optimized shapes', with the help of computation anykind of geometry is made possible for the lightweight construction. Generating various forms by parametric design, simulation, materials used enables the development of a high performance structure that only requires a shell thickness of four millimeters of composite laminate to be able to hold the span for eight meters wide[11]. Biological principles are observed in order to be used into design principles for architecture. This observation contribute to the field ideas of innovations as well as new ways of thinking how can nature principles help designs to be able to sustain our future, it bring changes of how people think design can impact sustainability. An exoskeleton of a lobster in analyzed for this pavilion, the different layers of the exoskeleton is used as different loads apply in the pavilion by having different materials used the shell is an efficient structure. This architectural exploration reflects the way of thinking designers should keep in mind of how and what innovations could we make to expand future possibilties of designing as well as sustaining our world.

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Figure 4.5: Generating of how the form is derived, experimenting which can be done in a parametric design

Figure 4.6: Setting up the fibre orientation

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Figure 4.7: Design Process, Materials used, Fabricated by Robots

Figure 4.8: Experimenting with shape derived from the exoskeleton of a lobster

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"the recent addition of computers to the repertoire of means of communication has expanded access to information and opened up the design process for more people to become involved" (Kalay, 2004)

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Architecture have been developing in different kind of ways through out the years. The transition from Computer Aided Design to Computational Design in architecture leads to the shift in the designers way of thinking. The use of digital architecture provides ease for architects in some cases. Technological advances brings benefit for the architectural world, it creates more creative opportunities where design can get more complex.

design be a tool to achieve design futuring. Generative or parametric design could be an answer of how design could sustain our world. This tool bring possibilties to design form that minimizes material waste by the fabrication process. Where as, with a non-parametric software the design form is mostly done manually or with a machine but produces much more waste that when fabricated. With computational design, it provides more flexibility in design even in later stages of the design. Without redesigning the entire form, it is possible to change forms through changing the parameters. Parametric design updates automatically of changes that we make in the design, the parameters are assosiated with each other informing the whole. This tool also makes it possible to bring different disciplines together to achieve a sustainable design[13]. Computation enables design to be precise, consider structural elements, fabrication, and the use of materials.

What computing can do for the design process, it is beneficial? Generative design is a new approach to the design world, normally it is based on parametric modelling. With this new approach, there are more possibilities that could be done such as experimenting of different tectonics, material innovation[12]. This provides humans with the tool to be more creative, innovative and to explore on how can

However, there are limitations of computational design when the materials to be use is not explored during the process of design. The precedents shown in the next few pages will show how computation bring benefits in the architectural design process leading to design futuring. Moreover, achieving sustainability and effiecient design also requires skills of the software in order for it to be successful.

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PRECEDENTS // DESIGN COMPUTATION Landesgartenscau // ITKE 3D2REAL // ILEK STUDENTS Shenzhen Bao'an // Massimiliano Fuksas Architects & Knippers Helbig Japan Pavilion // Shigeru Ban

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Figure 5.1: Panels are different from one to another, different geometries are achieved by computational design

Figure 5.2: Different geometries between panels but are still joint together by computation design

Figure 5.3: Exterior is covered by the panels without any additional support studio air/0026

Figure 5.4

Landesgartenscau // ITKE

The Landesgartenschau Exhibition Hall is located in Stuttgart, this project is led by the Institute of Computational Design proving the development of computational design also robotic fabrication that leads to the new development of the lightweight timber construction. This is the first building which its main structure is completely made out of wooden panels created by robots, this is made possible by computation design that affects the design process under the technological advances. The new development found in this project leads to innovative architectural as well as a highly resource effecient. The project consists of 243 geometrically different plates of beech plywood that is prefabricated off site. This projects is energy effiecient, insulated, and it also saves materials by making the wooden panels less by two inches. Insulation, waterproofing and cladding are all prefabricated digitally. The panels are designed diffrently from one to another so that when assemebled, no additional support is required. "The development of the Exhibition Hall's complex plate structure is made possible through advanced computational design and simulation methods"[14]. This explains that by computational design it is possible to design the shape of each panel differently. "We have developed a computational design process specifically for this project- as well as fabrication, construction and

structural parameters". The tool of computational design provides people in the field of design to be innovative and look forward to what could be developed which compliments the idea of design futuring. With a nonparametric program this project could not be made efficiently. In terms of material, it is also used efficiently, the off cuts from the fabrication process are used to create the 'parquet flooring inside'. Individual and complex geometries are used in this project requires an industrial robot with kinetic flexibility for the production. Computation impact on the range of achievable geometries. The shape of the panel are not designed before hand, rather it is determined through a combination of computer based simulations while ensuring that it could be fabricated. This make the project to be more effecient, rather than drawing each plate by hand and it could not be constructed easily, but using a simulation that includes parameters and constraints of the robotic fabrication made it possible to automatically help generates the possible form. Working interdisciplinary between architects, structural engineers, timber manufacturers could be a better way in achieving the vision of design futuring, by the computational design, simolation and surveying methods made it possible. By doing so, there are more balance to make sure that aesthetic, functionallity and being sustainable is achieved together. Therefore, computational design provides unique opportunities and innovation regarding to this precedent showing how computational design can generate forms that could be arrange so that it fits the whole structure.

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Figure 6.2: Deriving unique geometries, made different by computation

Figure 6.1: Attaching one to another

Figure 6.3: Complex geometry is achieved by computation studio air/0028

Figure 6.4: Different geometries made by compututational design


3D2Real is a project done by architecture students of the Institute for Lightweight Structures and Conceptual Design at the University of Stuttgart. This project is an exhibition stand with an irregular honeycomb MDF structure. WIth the help of computation tool, each cell of the structure could be angled uniquely so that only a part of the area behind the wall is revealed to people. Only objects that is within the focal points can be seen from the outside [Fig.1]. This is also an example what computational design could do in order for people to be innovative and could experiment different forms of design to create a unique pattern as well as the structure itself. This project explores how algorithms using computational design can create a unique structure for each element. Computational design software is used to translate the machine code into the milling process for pre fabrication. There are 2142 different planar honeycomb elements that are connected by 1376 pair of joint elements. Computing makes it possible to derrive complexity and create

geometry that fits in one to another to create the structure. Computing affect the design process of this project by giving it an ease to come up with a range of geometries of the elements but still connect it from one another, this is possible by the assosiation one element has with another. Less than 30% of the waste materials are minimized by the software[15]. The connectors does not require any use of adhesive, only relying on the friction. This project represents that computational design is an aid for designers to achieve uniquen ess in their design, not only reaching the aesthetic elements, also reducing waste of materials or any additional materials. From this precedent I can see how sustainability could also be achieve in my project, there are ways that it could be achieve. I could explore on different kind of forms which would help me to achieve functionallity, aesthetics, as well as minimizing the material waste. Also, this project proves how computational design begins to be use in the design world. This project is done by students proving that the generation today should start using generative designing tool. Computation provides opportunities and innovations for us to be able to generate different kind of form in a flexible way. It provides architects with many diffrent solution on form that would work better. Weird geometries could also be achieved by computational tool, as seen from this project.

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Figure 7.1: Fuksas looked at shapes or various living creatures before coming up with the final form

Figure 7.2: Thousand of hexagonal skylights made to bring natural light into the terminal studio air/0030

Shenzhen Bao'an // Massimiliano Fuksas Architects & Knippers Helbig

Jan Knippers, the founding partner of Knippers Helbig and head of Institute of Building Structures and Structural Design at the University of Stuttgart, also the engineer of the Shenzen Airport explains that "computational design process provides a unique opportunity and to break through the barriers of conventional model thinking and to embrace process design and new forms of interaction"[16]. This project describes the evolution of design processes and how computing become a tool for the project that doesn't only serves aesthetically but also its function and achieving the vision of design futuring. Similarly as Oxman (2014) suggested in the reading that "innovative technologies have become a driving force in the formulation of theories as well as producing a new wave of tectonics and material creativity"[17]. Therefore, Rhinoceros was use to digitalised the project, also using specially developed parametric software tools in the design process. Knippers, in his article also states that computational design means more than just the use of new tools, but it is the breakup of traditional role model that bears the potential for innovation. Geometry development is one of the factor in the implementation of digital design strategies which is shown in the Shenzen Airport project; an example is the form of the airport is made out of geometries that have gone through the process of the search of the structural, aesthetic, building system/performance by the computational software. The concept by Massimiliano Fuksas shows a space structure covering both sides by a perforated cladding in the form of strecthed metal sheet consisting of 60,000 different facade elements and 400,000 individual steel members. In the case of structural system it is made quite simple, but with a very complex geometry of the cladding. Size and slope became the two design parameters that are used

to meet the local requirements of daylight, solar gain, view from inside to the airfield, also the aesthetics requirement of the architect. Parametric design made it possible for the building to maximize its building performance in an effecient and sustainable way in finding the form to make openings and the inclination angles of the glass panels matched equally to each other as the daylight and energy input. In addition, the use of parametric design creates a simple communication on the global form and on the parameters of tessellation between the architects and engineer which is adjusted during the design process. 50 different models of the terminal roof is made during the design process, Rhino made it possible to have flexibility in creating different kind of forms due to the assosiation of the parameters. "The introduction of computational design offers the potential to break through these barriers of model thinking in structural engineering"[18]. Knippers way of thinking is the way we should act approaching design futuring, changing the way we think or approach design as a tool to sustain our future. Having a new paradigm might motivate us of what our approach is in designing, and being responsible towards the environment we design at. Design computation leads to changes that should happen in the design industry, computation as proved impacts on the range of achievable geometries as well as innovations to engage the environment as a benefit for the design itself. The multidisciplinary approach between various designers, engineers, architects to have interactions through computational design and manufacturing strategies which has been proven from the project of Shenzen Airport having its collaboration of Massimiliano Fuksas and Knippers Helbig also structural engineers from various countries building this project[19]. From this project, it becomes clear how computational design provides technical means to develop new structural form and innovation on both aesthetics of its form also from the point of construction. Looking at this also answers the question of what does sustainability got to do with architects/designers? From this and the previous precedents there has been a lot of innovation from computational design as a prove.

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Figure 8.1: Japan Pavilion Process deriving to the grid shell

Figure 8.2: The form is made in the shape of a grid shell to overcome lateral strain studio air/0032

Figure 8.3:

Japan Pavilion // Shigeru Ban

The Japan Pavillion by Shigeru Ban Architects is a temporary exhibition in 2000 site having 'environment' as its main them also creates a structure that produces as little industrial waste as possible when dismantled[20]. The project represents the use of computational design. Figure 8.1 shows the structure made with computational design, this project was done in the early 2000 represents how tools such as computational design are helpful to be able to explore forms that serves the aesthetic, functional as

well as fulfilling the vision of design futuring. This project also shows the transition from the Computer Aided Design to the Computational Design that made it possible to be able to explore different kind of forms according to what the designer wants to achieve. Manually, it is complicated to explore different kind of forms since it will not be efficient and sustainable. With the tool of computational design, efficiency is not a problem since the software it self will provide tools to explore and find the best way to be sustainable in terms of material and design form. First, the idea was a tunnel arch of paper tubes similarly to the paper dome. However, a grid shell with three dimensional curved lines are made which can resists lateral strain.

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"these new custom digital tools allow for performance feedback at various stages of an architectural project creating new design opportunities" (Brady Peters, 2013) "computational tools can be used to increase effeciency and allow for better communication, as well as for conceptual sketching of algorithmic concepts" (Brady Peters, 2013) "architects are developing digital tools that create opportunities in design process, fabrication, and construction" (Brady Peters, 2013) "we are moving from an era where architects use software to one where they create software" (Brady Peters, 2013)

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COMPOSITION/GENERATION "architecture is currently experiencing a shift from the drawing to the algorithm as the method of capturing and communicating designs " (Brady Peters, 2013)

In our generation today, there has been a development in the digital tools that provides opportunities in the design process, fabrication, and construction. It used to be 'computerisatation' where virtual drafting is done in a computer to be edited easily, copy, and increase the precision of drawing. There has been a development where now the term 'computation' is known as a tool that designers can use to extend their abilities and provide opportunities to deal with highly complex situation this is done by the 'computer processing information through an understood model which can be expressed as an algorithm' [21]. Now, designers are equiped with a tool that increases the capability to solve complex problems and to explore innovations that can sustain the future through design. Also, computa tion provides designers to be inspired and go beyond the 'intellect of the designers' by the unexpected results. Computation design is also about understanding algorithmic thinking of how to generate codes, know how to modify the code in order to explore new innovations and think of further explorations that are possible. This leads to new creativity and new innovations beyond what designing manually can do. Computation open up minds and curiousity of what the tool can do. It leads designers to generate and explore concepts, architectural spaces by experimenting on different algorithms and looking at the relationship between elements.

In architectural firms, there is a change in the structure of computational designers, they are part of the internal specialist group [22]. Computation leads architects to gain understanding and additional knowledge of building performace, materials, tectonics, parameters. This is a pathway for designers to be able to use design as a tool that can sustain the future. As innovations grow, there are more possibilties of being sustainable in designing. With computation; structural, material, environmental performance can become a fundamental parameter in creating architectural form. This provide a chance for architects to analyse on how the design could achieve structural, material, and environmental performance in the most efficient and sustainable way. Computation doesn't only work as a tool to design and experiment forms, it is able to model and simulate the relationship between architecture and the public use in a more accurate method. Therefore, computation also gives the experience and the meaning/feel of the creation which is not possible by CAD softwares, thus efficiency is much provided along the design process. Nature provides much inspiration to be observed that could be used by the generation in design in the structure as well as the materials. How can computational design lead to efficiency? The ability to explore building systems and environment is another benefit from computational design. It helps designers to be able to explore how their design would be like in the environment and will the system run accordingly to what is planned, or could it help sustain the future, is it a sustainable design? Building performance is one of the most important factor architects and engineers should understand before any building is built. Most important, "computation enables new ways of thinking". Complex model and building and having perfomance feedback is possible through computation. Boundaries could be break as parametric design comes in. However, as technological advances are still getting developed, a lot of research and observation should be done to provide maximum effeciency in the design process as well as the end result of the project. Development of parametric modeling and algorithmic thinking should be done to be able to generate changes in the architectural world.

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PRECEDENTS // COMPOSITION/GENERATION Benoy Westfield London Shopping Centre // Benoy Architects & Knippers Helbig Thematic Pavilion Yeosu World Expo // SOMA Esplanade// DP Architects & Micheal Wilford

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Figure 9.1: Ceiling made for natural light to enter

Figure 9.2: Construction of the ceiling, computation design used to create curves in the ceiling studio air/0038

Figure 9.3:

Benoy Westfield London Shopping Centre // Benoy Architects & Knippers Helbig

As there have been a shift in our generation from the composition which is interpreting and produce it based on our artistic understanding by developing plan, section, and elevation. While generative design rely on the computational design by generating algorithms that leads to new innovations and creativity engaging complexity in design, a pathway to the vision of design futuring. Benoy's Westflield London Shopping Centre (2008), made out of thousand plates consisting different gemoetry, thickness. Each plates are adjusted according to the loading at the specific point of the structure [23]. It is possible to be adjusted accordingly with high precision is made possible by computational design and manufacturing. Algorithmic thinking and scripting culture can be seen here due to the fact that every plate is made different and made

according to the load at each point, since the existance of parametric it is possible to have different forms together by the flexibility in adjusting the design. Having this approach, the design also satisfies the structural element at once which is an advantage of the computational design. In comparison, during the early 1990s Jorg Schlaich and Hans Schober of Schlaich Bergermann & Partner are developing a new system for single layer lattice sheels, the goal was to form a triangular grid by using few different elements as possible by the use of steel members, diagonal cables, and bolted connectors [24] . Comparing this with the technological advancement we are provided today make this task easier by the help of computational design that allows us to experiment with different kind of form with various material system which could generate the build form and the system of the form it self. This is how we can benefit from the technology we own today. The shift of architecture literature and practice from composition to generation establish a new generation with a different kind of design process that take part in sustaining the future. We are in the era where computational design starts to develop, however, new computational solutions still needs development.

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Figure 10.1: The facade - louvres in a closed position

Figure 10.2 studio air/0040

Figure 10.3: The facade - louvres in an open position

Thematic Pavilion Yeosu World Expo // SOMA

Computational design is a tool that develops new structural forms. It provides the ability to also look at the performance of the structure of the building not only the complex geometries. An example of this fact is the facade of the Thematic Pavilion at the Yeosu World Expo in South Korea. The use of materials is also the shift of generative approach which contributes to the idea of design futuring. In our era, materials became one of the main consideration in the design process that affects computational design as well. During day time, the louvres used to control the light conditions within the building. At

noon, the analogue visual effect of the moving lamellas is intensified by LEDs. There are 114 louvres up to 14 meters length that is made out of glass fibre reinforced polymers with a maximum thickness of 8 millimeters [25]. The concentration and orientation of the glass fibres adjust the stiffness of the louvres. Elastic deformation is a compression force that is applied to the top and bottom. Advanced computational mechanics made it possible for elastic properties. The facade is made flexible to both light condition as well as to structural physical conditions. The thematic pavilion is known for fish like characteristics that creates by the cutting edge facade system that is made up of glass fiber reinforced polymer. The moving lamellas in the building skin was inspired by the research pavilion at the ITKE University of Stuttgart which investigates how biological movement can be applied in an architecture. This is the innovation that starts to be applied in projects, considering building performance creating the forms by parametric modeling is a prove of the generation design we are at.

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Figure 11.1: Shading device projected by different angles

Figure 11.2: Data of the daylight device with various rotations angles by the Daylight Modeling using Grasshoper studio air/0042

Figure 11.3: Exterior view of esplenade

Esplanade// DP Architects & Micheal Wilford

The Esplenade's skin was inspired by Durian having its external shading system responsive in which the triangular louvre are adjusted according to the sun's angle. This precedent shows how the shift from composition to generation have been proven to bring new innovations that leads to a responsive building system by its facade according to the daylight. In the case study, the metrics used for the daylight performance are: Daylight Availability, Useful Daylight Illuminance, Daylight Simulation (DIVA) [26]. The DIVA plug-in is also designed for Rhinoceros which evaluates the daylight performance of the points in the building. The geometry of the devices was controlled by the sliders in the Grasshopper plug-in in finding the optimum projection of the daylight device.

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This make the design process flexible where it allows the designer to find the most sufficient way to create a sustainable building system. The trial was done 9 times in a different building orientation to find the optimum natural light entering the interior space. The opening of the aperature was experimented from 0m to 2.00m [27]. This precedent shows computational design as a device to sustainable design. Using natural light to light the interior could not be design only according to the aesthetics point of view. Through experimentation and controlling the amount of light to enter is the ideal thing to do. With the help of computation the building could adjust its shading device to control the amount of daylight entering the building. However, there maybe some shortcomings as well whether the design could be manufactured of fabricated. Development are needed in the program, as well as new creative minds and innovative are also needed to make maximum use of the technology we have now.


To design for the future, sustainability will be more of an issue. Design futuring is the consideration to make in order for us to sustain our future. The society may keep on doing what they are doing, not sustaining the environment we are surrounded with. However, as architects, we are responsible towards this issue. This is why innovations, tools are keep on developing in order for us to be equiped with tools that we can work with. As precedents have been analyzed in the pages before this, there we could see such an effort designers and engineers have put in their project in order for them to take a part in sustaining our future. It is a serious issue that architects should take as a challange, to not just go with what's trending in the market, but rather be innovative, come up with ideas-formsinnovations, technology, methods, or material systems that will allow structure to be sustainable. This is now the era for designers to have a shift. Not only focusing on what looks appealing, but how does the building performance support the issue of sustainability. By algorithmic thinking, parametric modelling designers are ready to act towards

the issues but also to maintain architecture from its aesthetics, structural point. In Part A1, I focus more on how materials could be a step towards design futuring by looking at precedents that uses parametric tool as well as material used to the fact the world is facing today where natural resources are being used at a much faster rate than if it needs to grow. Material innovations leads to expanding future possibilities in the architectural world. This shows how materials doesn't limit designers to be creative and innovative. In addition, precedents of design computation shows how design computation have a great potential to expand the possibilties of new forms, structures in the future. Computation allows designer to design efficiently with flexibility. With the LAGI Project, it will be a challange for me to use design computation to prove that it could help sustain the future. Finally, the questions I am curious of why design computation is so important to create sustainable design in the future is now clear, computational design is not only used to derrive the form. It could also be use to generate the innovation of material.

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and other specialization. This made me realize how crucial it is now for designers to be aware of what design they produce since it brings impact to the environment around it. This also change my way of thinking, I had almost never thought that digital skills are important. As long as I can design something that is sustainable which could be done by understanding the theory of building system. But I was wrong, in a matter of fact design computation is a great tool to use to be sustainable and provides flexibility in the design process.


Before taking this subject, I actually have never heard of the word parametric. All I ever know is about sustainability, which by architecture it is possible to help sustain the future. I personally don't understand much about digital tools including architecture softwares. However, I never knew that softwares could help sustaining our future by material innovation, structural elements, and create forms that could minimize waste by fabrication. Looking at precedents for Part A made me realize how technology have been developing and developing over the past few years. The precedents shown me how parametric design could bring efficiency and flexibility in the design process and bringing opportunities for innovation and expand future possibilities of designing. The understanding of parametric modelling and algorithmic thinking showed me the differentiation between computerization and computational design. Design computation also brings the opportunity to focus more on being sustainable due to the interdisciplinary aproach between engineers, architects,

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Learning and practicing Grasshoper was hard for me, it is someting very new, this is not an easy tool like CAD or REVIT but this is a new approach. Algorithmic thinking should be put in place dealing with this software. During the practice I had no idea what outcome there would be like. To be honest, I was so stress at the very beginning of the semester. I never enjoyed working with softwares. But after learning the theory of computing now I force myself to get out of my comfort zone. This should be a tool that I can use for my future career, improving designs in the past, not only focusing on aesthetic purposes, rather, know what I could do to sustain the future by designing. This subject opened up my eyes and understanding of designing for the future. I really hope to develop my progamming, computation skills and be able to innovate designs that would sustain the future




I tried the geodesic tool to generate various forms. With this experiment I made one form, and change the grasshoper settings such as the number or slider, the pipe radius, or the curve formation. Experiencing this myself, now I understand how computation design is efficient in deriving different sorts of form and it is flexible to change the gemoetries. This leads me to be innovative and come up with unexpected form. Computation can then be a good tool for designing and to come up with various forms of geometries. Now I understand how the design in the precedents I look at are derived. One project comprises of various geometries, there can be thousands of them. Form 1- 5: start off with the same geometry - made out of 3 circles Form 6-8: start of by 3 curves, I alterate the orrientation of the curve and the radius of the pipe cause changes in the form. It is very flexible to move around with the form creating new forms that are unexpected. However, I feel that to learn Grasshoper is quite hard if I want to design something that I designed by hand before. Finding out the tools is still hard for me up to this point. I do hope I could pick up a lot of skills of this software by the end of the course.

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TEXT [1] Tony Fry, Design Futuring: Sustainability, Ethics and New Practice (New York: Berg, 2009), p 1-16. [2] dECOi Architects, 'One Main Street', (2011) < [accessed 12 August 2014] [3] Tony Fry, Design Futuring: Sustainability, Ethics and New Practice (New York: Berg, 2009), p 1-16. [4] Institut fur Tragkonstruktionen und Konstruktives Entwerfen, 'ArboSkin: facade mock up of durable and recyclable Bioplastics', (2013), <http://www.itke.uni-stuttgart. de/entwicklung.php?id=58> [accessed 17 August 2014] [5][6] Dezeen Magazine, 'Sydney garden pavilion by AR-MA built from thousands of components', (2014), < http://www.dezeen. com/2014/07/28/fugitive-structurespavilion-trifolium-ar-ma-shermanfoundation/> [accessed 17 August 2014] [7] Zhang, J., Chaisombat, K., He, S. and Wang, C. H.,' Glass/carbon fibre hybrid composite laminates for structural applications in automotive vehicles', (2012), < http://www. publications/chapters/chapters?sq_ content_src=%2BdXJsPWh0dHAlM0 ElMkYlMkZkcm8uZGVha2luLmVkdS 5hdSUyRnZpZXclMkZEVSUzQTMwM DQ5MjY2JmFsbD0x> [accessed 20 August 2014]

[8] Hele Diao, 'High Performance Hybrid Composites' Imperial College London < http://www3. portallive/polymersandcompo sitesengineering/aboutpace/ polymernanocomposites/highp erformancehybridcomposites> [accessed 20 August 2014] [9][10][11] Institute for Computational Design, 'ICD/ITKE Research Pavilion 2012', (2012), <> [accessed 18 August 2014] [12][13] R. Oxman and R. Oxman, Theories of the Digital in Architecture, (London and New York: Routledge, 2013), p 1-10. [14] Institute for Computational Design, 'Landesgartenschau Exhibition Hall', (2014), < http://> [accessed 15 August 2014] [15] Dezeen Magazine '3D2Real by ILEK Students', (2009), < http://www.> [accessed 15 August 2014] [16][18][19] Jan Knippers, 'From Model Thinking To Process Design' < default/files/pdf/from_model_ thinking_to_process-design_ jk_2013.pdf>, p 80, [accessed 19 August 2014] [17] R. Oxman and R. Oxman, Theories of the Digital in Architecture, (London and New York: Routledge, 2013), p 1-10.

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[20] Shigeru Ban Architects 'Japan Pavillion, Expo 2000 Hannover - Germany' < http:// works/2000_japan-pavilionhannover-expo/index.html> [accessed 17 August 2014] [21][22] Brady Peters, Computation Works: The Building of Algorithmic Thought, (Hoboken: John Wiley and Sons, 2013) p 10-15. [23][24] Jan Knippers, 'From Model Thinking To Process Design' < default/files/pdf/from_model_ thinking_to_process-design_ jk_2013.pdf>, p 78, [accessed 19 August 2014] [25] Jan Knippers, 'From Model Thinking To Process Design' < default/files/pdf/from_model_ thinking_to_process-design_ jk_2013.pdf>, p 77, [accessed 19 August 2014] [26][27] Shahab Din Rahimzadeh, Veronica Garcia-Hansen, Robin Drogemuller, and GIllian Isoardi, "Parametric modelling for the efficient design of daylight strategies with complex geometries" in Cutting Edge: The 47th International Conference of the Architectural Science Association (Architectural Science Association, 2013)


IMAGES [FIg 1.1-1.5] dECOi Architects, 'One Main Street', (2011) <http://www. onemain/ [accessed 12 August 2014] [FIg 2.1-2.4] Institut fur Tragkonstruktionen und Konstruktives Entwerfen, 'ArboSkin: facade mock up of durable and recyclable Bioplastics', (2013), < entwicklung.php?id=58> [accessed 17 August 2014] [FIg 3.1-3.2] Dezeen Magazine, 'Sydney garden pavilion by AR-MA built from thousands of components', (2014), < http://www.> [accessed 17 August 2014] [Fig 4.1-4.4] Institute for Computational Design, 'ICD/ITKE Research Pavilion 2012', (2012), <> [accessed 18 August 2014] [Fig 4.5-4.8] Institute for Computational Design, 'ICD/ITKE Research Pavilion 2012', (2012), <> [accessed 18 August 2014]

[Fig 7.1] Jan Knippers, 'From Model Thinking To Process Design' < default/files/pdf/from_model_ thinking_to_process-design_ jk_2013.pdf>, p 78, [accessed 19 August 2014] [Fig 7.2] Adrian Welch, 'Shenzhen Bao'an International Airport', (2014), < hong-kong/shenzhen-airport> [accessed 19 August 2014] [Fig 8.1] Joseph Foranda, 'Japan Pavilion - Case Study', < http://www.> [accessed 17 August 2014] [Fig 8.2-8.3] World Architects, 'Japan Pavilion EXPO 2000 Hannover' < com/en/shigeruban/projects-3/ japan_pavilion_expo_2000_ hannover-26529> [accessed 17 August 2014] [Fig 9.1& 9.3] Benoy 'Westfield London' < projects/westfield-london-londonuk> [accessed 19 August 2014] [Fig 9.2] World Architects 'Westfield Facade' < Westfield_facade> [accessed 19 August 2014]

[Fig 5.1-5.4] Institute for Computational Design, 'Landesgartenschau Exhibition Hall', [Fig 10.1-10.2] World Architects (2014), < http://icd.uni-stuttgart. de/?p=11173> [accessed 15 August 'Thematic Pavillion, One Ocean' < 2014] en/projects/25297_Thematic_ Pavilion_One_Ocean> [accessed 19 [Fig 6.1-6.4] Dezeen Magazine August 2014] '3D2Real by ILEK Students', (2009), < http://www.dezeen. com/2009/05/20/3d2real-by-ilekstudents/> [accessed 15 August 2014] studio air/0049

[Fig 10.3] Arch Daily, 'One Ocean, Thematic Pavilion EXPO 2012/ SOMA' < http://www.archdaily. com/236979/one-ocean-thematicpavilion-expo-2012-soma/> [accessed 19 August 2014] [Fig 11.1], ' East Meets West on the Waterfront: Esplanade - Theatres on the Bay by Michael Wilford & Partners; DP Architects; Theatre Projects Consultants; and Artec Consultants' <http://www.archnewsnow. com/features/Feature101.htm> [accessed 20 August 2014] [Fig 11.2-11.3] Shahab Din Rahimzadeh, Veronica GarciaHansen, Robin Drogemuller, and GIllian Isoardi, "Parametric modelling for the efficient design of daylight strategies with complex geometries" in Cutting Edge: The 47th International Conference of the Architectural Science Association (Architectural Science Association, 2013)


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