ELiASThe heritage of LeTourneauCollege isfounded on the life and ministry of two devoted Christian leaders, Mom and Pop LeTourneau They built into the institution its purpose, goals and philosophy of life Firmly based on a sense of service to God and man, theLeTourneau family hascontinued itsinterestin the college and itsoutreach. Through the LeTourneauFoundation, early needsof theschoolwere met Theprecious heritage, left by PopLeTourneau,iscontinued and nourished by sons Richard,Ted, Ben,and Roy,aswell asby daughter Louise Dick
The heritage of LeTourneaucollege waswell illustratedon Founders' Day when Student Senate President,Mark Gamble, presented Mom with a gold copy of the school emblem surrounded by twelve real birthstones, symbolic of the sons and daughters who have left the halls of LeTourneauCollege It was a fitting climax to our honor to the American Mother of the Year
Founders' Day 1969 was the first without the presence of Pop LeTourneau. A busy round of events was planned in honor of Mom LeTourneau Formal ceremonies in the Chapel marked the StudentSenate's recognition of Mrs LeTourneau A facultycitation recognized her contribution to the campus
Further events included a noon luncheon for coeds and ladies of Longview and a public reception honoring our founder.
Emeritus Professor Vernon presents faculty citation to Mrs LeTourneau Mom presents Rosie with the Spirit Wheelltiona buildings
mgra lwil einclud a lmemoria lmal dan -addi
eth gexpandin sneed fo uLeTournea -Col .lege oT eb ddevelope ni ,phases eth ltota -pro
nlio sdollar rove eth tnex nte syear ot tmee
eTh mprogra ddesignesi ot eprovid nte -mil
dnounce eth ninauguratio fo a e"Decad fo "Destiny.
nI a cpubli lChape hwit,service snew amedi ,present eth dBoar fo sTrustee ypublicl -an
wNe gWin ot rTyle lHal
Once the spiritual foundation of the Christian college is laid,the most important part of itsgrowth and development comesinthe planning and programming of itsacademic course.
1969-70 saw many changes Several new buildings added much-neededfacilities for teaching New faculty added in-depth strength to the teaching field
The officesof AssociateDean for Engineering and Technology and Associate Dean for Arts and Sciences were created to further enhance the unique program of LeTourneau College in combining these two areas.
Ultimately the destiny of any institution lies in the lives of its students As its philosophy and purpose are realized, young lives are molded into men and women with life values and goals
Inthe facesof theseyoung people one may seethe future of LeTourneau College and thefuture of theChristian segmentof our shaken society. Indeed, it isto the presentand futurestudents of the college that we direct our thoughts of destiny.
Student life isnotall of an academic nature Playing, honoring a homecoming queen, building one's ingenuity into the facade of a society dorm — these are aspects of a busy student life.
Though coeds are in the minority, it is not difficult to seecouples sharing moments stolenfrom study or dorm chores.
In library, class, chapel, and cafeteria are spent the hours which make up the frantic schedule of the typical undergrad — LeTourneau is no exception to the rule.
"With us here tonight we have four kinds of people " Dave Breese
Evangelist Dave Breese was the guest speaker at our fall meetings, and though some of hisjokes were way out and some of the words he used had six syllables, his message was basic and his approach simple Hepointed out the opportunity we have of standing for our Saviour, even though it may seem we are standing alone Hechallenged usto realize the potential we possess asyouth for reachinga lost world for Christ
The choir providesspecial
music for the special meetings. Dr. Breese counselsstudents in addition to hispreachingministry.rafte na gevenin meeting
lPau hSmit hwitstalk .Mr hAllbaug dan .Dr kHardwic
evelop a rdeepe prelationshi hwit God
ta ,night Dr hSmit dchallenge hthrougsu sGod' dWor ot -de
hChurc fo ,Canada Dr lPau Smith hEac yda ni lchape dan
sThi ryea rfo yMissionar ,WeeksEmphasi ew ewer dtreate ot a sserie fo smessage yb eth nwell-know rpasto fo eth sPeople
nI nadditio ot ethes ,missionaries a nmai rspeake featuredsi
lfu stopic fo tinteres ot ethos gtrainin rfo eth nmissio .field
eth ,field who a ymissionar nca ntrai ,himself dan rothe -help
tsigh oint twha si a ,missionary twha a ymissionar sdoe no
sarie ecom ot tmee hwit eth sstudent dan egiv lpractica -in
rou nattentio ot missions ryeahEac ew ehav lsevera -mission
yMissionar kWeesEmphasi si tse easid heac gsprin ot gbrin
This year's retreat (Oct 3rd, 4th, 5th) was held at Camp Gilmont, near Gilmer, Texas The three days were filled with recreation and spiritual challenge Guest speaker was Mr Phil Strickland Many commitmentswere made and our students returned with renewed spirit and strengthened friendships
eLe ,Loftquist hEdit ,Foster dan gDou lNordel eprovid euniqu entertainment
ear dserve ,outdoors gprovidin a tretrea mfro
sMeal ""Saga. nRecreatio si dfoun ni svariou sform ta GilmontSkits become a refreshing means of entertainment at the retreat
Volleyball becomes a change of pace
serve the noon meal Some even go
Reyde la Torre concentrateson his classical style.
Classical guitarist Reyde la Torre was a part of the fall series, performing in a .nearly-filled chapel on Oct 25th
The Artist series both improves the school's local public image and provides the students with improved cultural background and social opportunities.
A full auditorium listens to the classical guitarist.
The world-famous Don Cossack Chorus and Dancers performed in the gym on November 18, under the direction of NicholasKostrukoff
A Cossack dancer in a dramatic dagger dance isbacked by the chorus
Outstanding skill is displayed by the Cossack dancerseTh sSpurrlow dprovide a tconcer rfo sstudent dan rCaree Weekenders
bSeala project
rCommande tScot rCarpente ddescribe eth U.S yNav
a ase fo hautograp seekers
rCommande swarCarpente ddeluge yb
Thecenter for spiritual emphasisisthe chapelservice held four times weekly. These morning sessions are given over to the guest and faculty speakers,music and testimony programs, and occasional special programs of a secular nature Under thedirection of Mr DonAllbaugh,thechapel services offered a varied diet for spiritual growth.
Song service is a basic part of chapel Students were treated with special musicsStudent eleav ot tmee eth schallenge hwhic ewer .presented
yMan schallenge ewer .presented
sStudent ewer dblesse yb ytestimon dan ssong yb yTomm
eTh rchoi dpresente a lspecia .program
ethes skart hwhic drace daroun eth ecours dlai tou dan dsanctione yb eth lNationa tGo-Kar -Associa tion
place yIngenuit dmarke ndesigeth dan noperatio fo
nkee mtea mfro sWomen' eResidenc lHal rfo tfirs
sThi gexcitin tgo-kar erac wsa mDor 14 enos tou a
ntroductio dan grunnin fo eth tfirs O"TECH "100.
tmos gexcitin ninnovatio fo eth kwee swa eth -in
ghomecomin egam dende a weekybus sPerhap eth
gbein dname gHomecomin Queen eTh thard-fough
lschoo year A ybev fo dviescoed rfo eth rhono fo
,Homecoming sa ,always swa a hhig tpoin fo eth
Coed candidates and their escorts await the winner's name.Dr Hardwick performs his presidential duties for Queen, Marilyn Sanders
Frontier Days provide a high point for the second semester Classes presented their candidates for the Frontier Days Queen The campus took on a look of yesteryear as faculty and students vied with one another to produce the best beards and western garb Shoot-outs and the annual student rodeo added excitement to the Hootnanny, the yearly variety show The intersociety rope-pull and cook-out topped the week's busy program This year's activities seemed to be prolonged as many students kept beards and western clothes for the local centennial
dpresente ta eth .Hootnanny
11970-7 ewer
tStuden eSenat sleader rfo
spull gdefendin schamp
The purpose of the Golden Key Club isto promote school spirit Tenseniorsare picked eachyear on the basisof Loyalty, Leadership, and Learning. Thesepeople have maintained a high academic standard and have helped establishChristian principles as a way of life on our campus.
Bill Anderson John Zabel Mrs Richard Berry — top Mary Knowles — boffomThe comparatively young forensicsprogram keeps up a steady pace during the entire year This year saw the program sponsora high school workshop in the Fall and high school and college tournaments which drew hundreds of debaters to the campus Local debaters attended tournamentsthroughout the states of Oklahoma, Arkansas, Texas, and Louisiana and even ventured into Florida on one debate trip The debate team supervised the intramural tournament which was won by Alpha Omega
Seafed: Sam Brantly, Bill Ellis, Edie Foster Sfanding.- Mr Ralph Gilbert (coach), John SprungercPubli sdebate ewer dhel hwit aOklahom eStat dan TCU mSa yBrantle scheck esom fo eth emassiv sstack fo evidence
The choir provided music for many campus occasions
na eextensiv rtou ni rthei mprogra rfo eth .year
eth lschoo year dFeature ni lsevera scampu -con ,certs ythe oals dinclude lloca dan aare sconcert dan
,Werner dprovide yman smoment fo ymelod gdurin
eTh eColleg ,Choir runde eth ndirectio fo .Mr rVicto
eLe ,Lofquist -Mal
.land Standing: kRic ,Brockmier ,AlbanmJi
Seated: sDenni -Lang
The History Club is composed of those studentswho wish to gain Christian fellowship while pursuing their chosenfield of endeavor This year their attention was turned toward Longview and the Centennial as they presented a series of papers relating to the early history of the area
Mrs Williford presented a program of authentic American music.
lTown-hal gmeetin eTh sBusines bClu swa
The purpose of KLET isto broadcast to LeTourneauCollege and the community the saving grace of Christ, the goals and idealsof LeTourneauCollege, and to provide practical experience in radio. This year, with the addition of four newprograms to theweekly schedule,".. and God Created," "This isReality" with Dave Breese, Simpson College'sSongfest,and Voiceof theAndes,and the laying of an underground antennafor better reception on campus in an effort to upgrade our broadcast and achieve full FM liscensing.KLET isproviding a complete testimonialand information outlet for LeTourneauCollege and itsstudents in a teaching environmenttransmitting to the surrounding community.
srie dan .friends
ot yrela smessage yb ephon ot -missiona
emad scontact ni lal fo eth sstate dan yman nforeig countries hWit rthei ephon hpatc tequipmen ythe ewer eabl
The purpose of Student Technical Group is to provide missionaries and missionarygroups with the technical knowledge and help needed for better furtherance of the gospel Among their projects this year, wasto help build a dormitory at the Word of Life Bible Institutein Sao Paulo, Brazil
gLon shour fo dhan rlabo twen oint eth tfirs estag fo eth oSa oPaol project
The goal of the members of Wings for Witness istodevelop intospiritually,practically, and academically mature missionary airmen Fellowship in prayer, accumulation of missionary technical needs, and building better missionary aircraft all help to meet this goal
Thisyear,the members of Wings forWitness assisted different missionaries in their preparation for the mission field by rebuilding aircraft and repairing trucks
A major project of the group hasbeen the design andrebuilding of a craft for jungle flight
eTh yMissionar pFellowshi tme yregularl rfo rpraye ssession dan sevening hwit tgues sspeaker mfro eth nmissio sfield fo eth .world yMan fo eth smember dworke ni eclos tcontac hwit ,STAG SWING RFO WITNESS, dan eth -mis ssion department sCampu ymissionar pma skeep ktrac fo sgraduate dan rthei sfield fo endeavor
Editor Jeannette Wagoner
Assistant Editor Dan Eaby
Bus/ness Manager Max Rarick
Rick Mestler
Photographers Phil Conn
Dave Ryden
Donna Stevens
Brenda Silvey
Nancy Jefferies
Phil Henry
Max Rarick
Editor Ken Jobes
Assistant Editor Lee Garner
Eldon Gamble
Circulation and Advertising Doug Williams
The Pioneer Editor — Jeannette WagonernDa yEab scheck layout
The purpose of the Student Wives' Club is to emphasize spiritual growth in each student wife, to give spiritual encouragement to others, to provide aid to studentfamilies in time of need, to promote school spirit, and to develop their roles as mothers,wives, and individuals
Regular monthly meetings offered a variety of programs
A tasting bee offered one evening of enjoyment.
Officers and Sponsor, Mrs Floyd BishopnWeldo lMichae,Davis ,Newton lPhi ,Henry dHowar mJi,Hopkins yBeck,Longenbach ,Barclay eGeorg ,Reily lPau -How ard
-Rear. sDenni ,Langland oNil ,Korpi sRus ,Hardin eCarolin ,Fast eWayn ,Karstetter eStev ,Kejr rRoge .Kufahl -Fronf. ,Horse
The Industrial Society provides an organization for undergraduate majors in industrialengineering Their goal of acquainting the studentwith a knowledge of the industrial world ismetthrough regular meetings, films, and tours of nearby plants Members also attended the AIIE Conference in Norman, Oklahoma
Standing: Jack Saucerman, Wayne Tucker, Jerry Cummings, Lowell Schrock Seafed: Steve Sargent, Roger NelsoneStev ,Kellog kFran ,Fell nJo Bergeron
nDea ,Hannam Mr ,Keilhorn Mr Mobley -Rear. nSta ,Voget eDav ,Richards dDelan ,Baney eGeorg ,Phillips tAr ,Waskey
Front: lA ,Zimmerman yLarr ,Phillips dHowar ,Spenser lPau mJi,Reiche ,Longenbach nDa ,Powell ,TemplelPhi bBo ,Waskey
dchartere tstuden rchapte fo eth nAmerica gWeldin ,Society ewhos sgoal ear ot -"fur rthe eth tar dan escienc fo 'welding. tA -Le uTournea ,College eth ysociet sstrive ot -en nlighte smember gconcernin wne -develop ,ments dan fostechnique .welding -socieTh yet sparticipate ni gweldin ,seminars dfiel ,trips dan eth ymonthl eattendanc fo eth hNort sTexa nAmerica gWeldin ySociet ni .Dallas sThi ryea eth gWeldin ySociet tbuil eth wne pbacksto dan sdugout rfo eth lschoo -base lbal field nI ,addition smember daide eth yfacult ni gmaintainin dan goperatin eth gweldin labs
uLeTournea eColleg gWeldin ySociet si a
The LeTourneau College Automotive Society was formed by a group of auto enthusiasts with the following motives: to maintain a Christcentered organization of auto fans; to provide opportunity for members to further their knowledge of the auto industry;to advocate safe driving practices; to provide a safe and clean area for auto maintenance; to provide tools and equipment that individual members could not afford; and to provide close association with professional societies
Members: Terry Snell, Russ Grey, Steve Kejr, Roland Giddings,Godron Huyser, Jim Minton, Ken Bailey, Larry Buller, Dave Richards, David Crone, Deland Baney, Raymond Hunt, Frank Ohlsen, Steve Shaub, Richard Baney, Rick Manore, Terry Sampson, George Phillips, Jim Schuit, Sponsors: Mr Thompson, "Sarge" Grey
dcommunity-oriente yactivit si
dreceive hhig
eServic ,Director
eprais mfro lloca officials sThi
eTh eservic sprovide kwor rfo yman fo eth owhsstudent kwor ni nsix-ma steam daroun eth .clock eTh pgrou sha
yemergenc treatment
eservicasa ot eth community dansdrivertStuden smemberfstaf ear dtraine ni eth tlates fo tfirs dai dan
uLeTournea eColleg soperate eth wLongvie
The Spiritual Life Committee is charged with the responsibility of coordinating the various.areas of spiritual life and activity on campus and off Christian service is a vital part of this work
Students participate in varied ministries
Sfanding.- "Sarge" Grey, John Faulkner, Stanley Reyle, DonAllbaugh Seated: Raymond Gingrich, Mark Gamble, Cindy Hood, Carl Nilsenlwel gover-seeinsa eth sactivitie fo pledging fStif yrivalr smark rthei ,year dclimaxe yb eth lannua lrope-pul no rFrontie .Weekend
eTh lCounci ytwice-yearlssupervise nope shouse dan hrus ,week sa
yt fo nmeethes ni gcreatin euniqu sbuilding ot ehous rthei members
efiv ,societies ti sfunction ot ecoordinat eth sactivitie fo eth scampu societies cpanoramieTh wvie fo y"Societ "Row stypifie eth -ingenui
Senate gConsistin fo eth tpresiden dan eon delecte rmembe fo eth
eTh yInter-Societ lCounci swa dcreate asa ecommitte fo eth tStuden
sa ot eth ,Lord dan tno ount "men. Col 3:23
glievin ,that r"Whatsoeve ey ,do od ti ,heartily
menthusias ttha yonl a nChristia nca have -Be
.Christ ,Men ,steadfast ni eth fbelie ttha lal ew ,do eb ti ystud ro ebdshoul,sports edon hwit na
fo ,love tbu tmos fo lal hwit a lmutua elov rfo
no hthroug .eternity A ,group dunite sbondhwit
world A dbrotherhoo fo sfriendship ttha lwil og
tChris dcentere nme rfo a dconfuse dan tlos
ttha fo gbuildin
tsteadfas dtowar a esingl ,goal
aAlph aOmeg asi dbrotherhoo dunite
This year the men of Delta Sigma Psihave introduced a new activity to the campus, a road rally, ECAR II We have also participated in the "March of Dimes" fund raising campaign to go along with our "total involvement" concept Delta Sigma Psi isstriving to be an asset to LeTourneau College and the community as well as to help mold outstanding professional leaders through a closely knit Christian brotherhood
As Christianyoung men, we feel it is important, whether on the sports field, in the society lounge, or at a more formal gathering, to live by these words:
"Trust inthe Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding,Inall thy waysacknowledge Him, and He shall direct thy path." Proverbs 3:5-6
As time passes, it is our prayer that we, as members of Kappa Zeta Chi, will continueto uphold the name of Jesus Christ,and to develop into mature Christians who reveal Christ to the world.
Joe Weidler pulls with all hismight during the rope-pull.tabou eth sadvancement ni eth sfield fo aviation
ecolleg ni eth laeronautica dfiel dan ot nlear emor
rfo epurposeth fo gfurtherin tdepartmeneth ethdan
lshal ;walk dan tno "faint. ysocieteTh swa dforme
sa lshalythe;eagles ,run dan tno ;wearyeb dan ythe
wrene rthei ythe;strength lshal tmoun pu hwit swing
hia ,40:31 t"Bu ythe ttha twai nupo eth dLor lshal
lnautica courses omottysocieteTh ntakesi -Isamfro
dpose fo denrollesstudentnchoseethos ni eth -aero
aLambd aAlph ,Sigma dfounde ni ,1963 si -com
ereputabl swalk fo lschoo life
owh ehav dachieve tmos yworth pleadershi ni lal
rbette "college, sha dhelpe ot pdevelo eth sbrother
rfo enin years rOu ,motto r"Fo rbette nme dan a
uTa aKapp aDelt shaySociet wno nbee ni eexistenc
Tau Kappa Delta 1356
Alpha Omega 1344
Delta Sigma Psi 1222.5
Kdppa Zeta Chi 998
Faculty /Staff 896
1st Floor Tyler 876
Married/Off Campus 813.5
R.H 4A 774
2nd Floor Tyler 767
Wings 704
R.H 35 696
Aviation/Wing 651
R.H 40 630.5
3rd Floor Tyler 551
R.H 41 546
R.H 7A 505
R.H 4 357
Sandelin Gillen
Roger Millermon
Steve Martin
Dave Stinson
Paul Siddall
Tom Panter
Dick Merrells
Ralph Todd
David Carpenter
Ken Futrelle
Rick Hall
Steve Fish
Bill Smith
John Miller
Steve Mark
Paul Rea
Mel Hibbard
Intramural sports captured the attention of the student body as nearly every night saw teamsfrom the various housing units in competition There was something for everyone as interests ranged from flag football to go-kart racing The latter was the hit of the season with the running of the Techo-100 during the Homecoming celebration New fields under the lights enhanced the program and permitted the multiple use of our excellent facilities Keen rivalry marked the contests and'rhe final points indicate the close nature of the year's battle
The lineup gets set to clash.
The onrushing defense is hard to hold
"Look out, here I come
'Martinsen, you're just too short"Ai carramba."
"•Help.A echoic eexampl fo dribbling y'He sfellow twai rfo "me.
Alpha Omega
Kappa Zeta Chi
First Floor Tyler
Residence Hall 40
Married/Off Campus
Residence Hall 35
Delta Sigma Psi
Tau Kappa Delta
Residence Hall 4A
Second Floor Tyler
Residence 7A
Residence Hall 41
Third Floor Tyler
Residence Hall 4
rFou steam ebattl ti tou rfo eon championship
hSelp scrouche rfo a dgoo hit
Such form should have brought good results The many teams made tough competition and a good bowling season
What is it, a ballet class or a bowling tournament?
50 yd butterfly 50 yd freestyle
50 yd back 100 yd free style 50 yd breaststroke
medley relay
yd freestyle relay
Todd Williams
Cliff Karling
Todd Williams
Al Arvidson
James Sartorius
Kramer, Henry, Arvidson, Holmes Fenton-Saucerman, Ryden,Scheffel
Duane Martinson
Roger Millermon
Roger Churgovich
Tom Hartberg
Knute Watne
Joe Weidler
Mike Sandahl
Ken Helvie
Henry Leubner
Steve Sackett
Skip Dalton
Dave Miller
Ralph Todd
Bill Hess
Bob Karhan
Mike Pase
Robert Craney
Jim Johnson
Eldon Gamble
Dave Phillips
Jim Johnson, Don Kelly
John Spoelstra, Mike Pase
Steve Shaub, Max Rarick
Joe Weidler, Thurston Hassler
Dave Bennett, Mike Brooks, Dave Moore, Roger Millermon
Eldon Gamble
Paul Gordey
Gary Scheffel
Gary Scheffel
Mezera, Panter, Davis, Talmadge
Jerry Kahler
Tau Kappa Delta
Delta Sigma Psi
Tau Kappa Delta
Mike Wise - 2nd Fl.
First Floor Tyler
Dan Shaeffer —
Delta Sigma Psi
Tau Kappa Delta
Alpha Omega
Dorm 4A
Dorm 41
Dorm 4A
Alpha Omega
Delta Sigma Psi
Alpha Omega
Alpha Omega
Tau Kappa Delta 3rd Floor
Kappa Zeta Chi
Dorm 4A
Kappa Zeta Chi
R H 4A
3rd Floor
Tau Kappa Delta
Alpha Omega
Delta Sigma Psi
Dorm 4A
Dorm 4A
Dorm 4A
Alpha Omega
3rd Floor
3rd Floor 1st Floor
1st Floor
Third Floor
Kappa Zeta Chi
Alpha Omega
1st Floor
2nd Floor
sHorseshoe )(Singles
Mean looks get you nowhere, but it sure helps
You have heard of a love-in, well, this is a run-in
sLoi srun ti again
eTh ppe dban dprovide ehalftim tentertainmen
kQuic spasse nca tresul ni dgoo points nElto smove hwit eth ballnConcentratio dan mfor edetermin eth results
,"See I dtol uyo ew dcoul od "it. eTh sstand og dwil sa eth sJacket escor otw moretryouts were used to select the final six.
Carolyn Bates, Rita Huether, Jani Vicari, Cherry Bozarth, Rebecca Sanders, Nan Brink.derate menthusias ni a lwhir fo eblu dan gold
rafte game dBacke yb a ylivel ppe ,band ythe -gen
owh dha yseemingl sendles yenerg egam
fo eth tcredi rfo egam tspiri sgoe ot eth -cheer
eTh eblu dan dgol elin tkep pu tspiri gdurin eth ehalftim pause
hMuc sleaderThis season saw the first useof the new LeTourneauCollege baseball field A wet Spring causeddelays inscheduling and a rough time playing, but theteam fought itout Theinstallation isprobably one of the best in East Texas college circles Coach Cook worked with a largely new team in thissecond year of inter-collegiate baseball
Tyler Jr College
Tyler Jr College
Austin College
Austin College
East Texas Baptist
East Texas Baptist
Southwestern College
Southwestern College
Baptist Christian
Baptist Christian
Tyler Jr College
Tyler Jr College
Louisiana College
Louisiana College
Henderson College
Henderson College
Austin College
Austin College
dE sAker
eStev nMarti
nRo hSelp
yGu eGillespi
nRo hSelp
nRo hSelp
yGu eGillespi )(1
mJi hGingric )(1
hRic nHeitzma )(1
nKe eFutrell }(1
lPau yMcKinne )(1
tBennet nBrow }(2
ySand nGille )(2
mTi kMorschec )(2
eStev nMarti )(2
yJerr rKahle )(3
nRo hSelp )(3
eJo iNowiczewsk )(4
Most Valuable Player . Runs Batted In gOutstandin
tBennet nBrow swind pu rfo a pitch
sWinner fo 01969-7 yVarsit lBasebal awards
The big stepforward wastaken by the Board of Trustees this year when they voted to move ahead with a tenyear,ten-million dollar development program. This program, called the R G LeTourneau College Memorial and Development Fund, was announced by President Hardwick at aspecialchapel program. Speakingfor the Board of Trustees of the college, the Presidentsaid that "a program of this size isabsolutely necessary because of the present needs and future expansion requirements of the college."
In conjunction with the program, the trustees endorsed formation of a LeTourneau College Council which isdesigned to promote interest in LeTourneau College across the country TheCouncil hasbeen called a "Friend Raising Organization."
The Trustees were also honored with their own special day on campus October 28 They were introduced in chapel and entertained by theStudent Senate at a luncheon which was followed by a discussion period Further business and committee meetings, reports and addresses, luncheonsand dinnersfor the Trustees wrapped up their two day visit on campusbesides taking care of their regularly scheduled fall meeting.
eThos owh rbea eth responsibility
NJULIA A YBAND THERBER NBUSCHMA aTocc ,Falls aGeorgi wNe ,York wNe kYor DRICHAR H YHARVE ,Dallas sTexa ELANC NMcFADDI ,Lufkin sTexa DHAROL NJORDA ,Vicksburg iMississipp MRS SGU KDICPRESIDENT HARDWICK, now in his second year as President of LeTourneau College, has been active in every phase of campus life He is frequently seen at student functions and is always ready to assure the student body of a student oriented school A major step was the incorporation of student members in many of the major campus committees He and Mrs Hardwick have been gracious spokesmenfor the college in the Community of Longview
rngratulatio fo eth ghomecomin ,queen iJan Vicari
tPresiden sperform eon fo shi emor tpleasan ,duties eth -con
AGLORI ,FOSTER ySecretar ot eth PresidentTheAcademic Affairs office supervises the entire academic program of the college. Operating under the Vice-President for Academic Affairs are the two Associate Deans and the various divisions and departments
DR. ROBERT STEPHENS, Vice President for Academic Affairs
MRS GEORGIE WILLCOX, SecretaryThe Admissions Office annually processesthousands of requests for information. From the hundreds of applications, an entering group of new students was selected This office serves asthe liason for students and the Selective Service and Veterans Administration Much time is spent in the maintaining of accurate records.
MRS ROSE ANDERSON, Recorder Registration has itscomplexities.
yFacult dan fstaf earsmember drecruite rfo eth ktas fo gadvisin dan registering
srequest rfo applications
eTh sAdmission eOffic ydail sprocesse eth
eOn dpuzzle tabousinfreshma ot tge shi sclas dcar rfo nfreshma -Eng lishnDea fo .Men
eclos ncooperatio hwit sthi .office
nDea fo sStudent dan ydormitor scouncilor kwor ni
ntia ,Service lFinancia ,Aid dan .Counseling eTh
sactivitie sa ,Placement tStuden ,Publications -Chris
eTh tStuden sAffair aare sencompasse hsuc dvarie
MR NDO ,ALLBAUGH rDirecto fo eServicnChristia
dan gadvertisin fo eth .school
ecolleg gcatalo dan scoordinate eth sbrochure
scampu dan .public sThi eoffic oals sissue eth
galon hwit a yweekl rcalenda fo sevent rfo eth
.college lAl snew srelease eissu mfro sthi eoffic
kworeth fo ypublicit dan cpubli rfosrelation eth
eTh eofficsAffaircPubli epurposrmajositsasha
The Business Affairs Office oversees the complex business operations of the college In addition to the usual fiscal responsibilities, the office has control of such diverse areas as the Post Office, Maintenance, the Book Store, and the ranch. This office works in close cooperation with the Development Office in the overall financial growth of the school
MR HAROLD RICHARDSON, Business Managereactiv ni eBibl econferenc yministr dan sappear ta yman sconference dan churches
hSout ,America dan eth yHol Land ,additionnI sieh
tcontac hwit hthrougdworlnChristiaeth eth yministr fo stour dan eth gteachineBibl ministry Dr nBauma dan sassociateshi tdirec stoursnumerou fo ,Europe
lSpecia sMinistrie scover a dwidesprea mprogra fo
tVice-Presiden rfo -MinislSpecia
DR LPAU R ,BAUMANThe Development Office is responsible for the coordination of all fund raising and development projects for the college This year marked the announcement of the ten million dollar, tenyear project to provide a lasting memorial to the Founder, Mr R G LeTourneau
gEngineerin ndesig dcompletesstudent escalsthi lmode
rCente dprovide wne squarter
eTh rwate ,tower na dol ,landmark slook ndow nupo eth tnewes gbuildin no ,campus eth ncompletio fo eth rTyle lHal -com
tDevelopmen Supervisor
1969 marked the establishment of two new offices One of these, the Associate Dean for Arts and Sciences,wasgiven thetask of coordinating the entire program offered in these two areas Divisions included are those of Athletics, Education, Social Sciences, Natural Sciences, and Humanities With offices in Building 30, theAssociate Dean began a program of curriculum and program review
MR RALPH W GILBERT, Associate Dean, Arts and ScienceThe Division of Social Scienceand Applied Arts incorporates the areas of History, Business Administration, and the various offerings in the fields of psychology, anthropology, government, and economics This year the history students received first hand experienceat the study of primary sources as they became involved in theextensiveactivities of Longview's Centennial celebration
MR ROBERT H SELBY, Chairman of the Division of Social SciencesyHistor
Mr eBouriaqu stake a hlunc kbrea mfro nregistratio -ac
MR AOR XMA ,WELLMAN tAssistan -Profes rso fo sBusines nAdministratio MR DEDWAR L ,BOURIAQUE rInstructo niThe Division of Humanities includesthe disciplinesof Bible, English, Foreign Languages, Philosophy, and Missions. The goal of the division isto foster interdisciplinary studies and the inter-action of the humanities with other areas of study The speech and forensics program is an auxiliary area of the division
MR RALPHW GILBERT,Associate Professor of English; Chairman, Humanities Division MR DONALD R CONNORS, Assistant Professor of Missions DR WILLA CLAIRE COX,Assistant Professor of English MISS JOY DENNIS, Instructor in English MR NORMAN O GALYON,Associate Professor of Englishrto ni cMusi gLookin dforwar ot ghavin you
rstructo ni hEnglis
eBibl dan sMission
rProfesso fo eBibl
rProfesso fo sLanguage
rProfesso fo hEnglis
B^^^^^W^PPSpBI^^ **B&"-^
rProfesso fo eBibl
yLaborator sexperiment ngai eth nattentio fo dadvance ychemistr students
,Chairman nDivisio fo lNatura Sciences
H ,BEATTY tAssistan rProfesso ni ,Physics
rProfesso fo yChemistr
,FORD eAssociat
rstructo ni sMathematic
rProfesso fo sMathematic
MR MSA P ,BORAH tAssistan MR RROGE S ,ERICKSTAD -In SDOUGLA MR PPHILIThe newly-formed Education Division began operation during the current year. The Education Committee began revision and review of all of the secondary programs currently offered by the school Procedures were inaugurated for admission and approval of prospective teachers The actual program awaits the beginning of the new courses during the 1970-71 year.
lca nEducatio — sAthletic dan lPhysica
MR TROBER ,COOK rInstructo ni -Physi
sAthletic dan lPhysica nEducatio Division
tAssistan rProfesso dan nChairma fo
lca nEducatio — sAthletic dan lPhysica nEducatio Division
MR LME ,FRATZKE rInstructo ni -Physi
gdurin eth tcurren year
hwhic dinvolve rove %60 fo eth tstuden ybod
svise a dvarie mprogra fo lintramura ssport
mprogra of lbasketbal and lbasebal and -super
nI nadditio ot lprofessiona dan sactivitie -cours ,es eth ndivisio smaintain eth einter-collegiat
rfo eth eentir tstuden .body
eTh nDivisio fo ,Health ,EducationlPhysica dan sAthletic asmaintain ybus fschedule.o sactivitie
In the new administrative structure, the office of Associate Dean for Engineering and Technology was established. Quartered in the new Engineering and Graphics Center, the new Dean coordinated the programs in engineering, technology, and special programs. All phases of the technical programs saw growth as new options were added to the revised programs of the past.
DR BILLY J HARRIS, Professor and Associate Dean for Engineering and TechnologyeTh hstrengt fo smaterial si .tested
lPractica eknowledg si dacquire hthroug welding
nAviatio sstudent nlear eth smechanic fo eairplan rpowe plants
TheDivision of Engineering isthe largestarea in the engineering and technology programs. Itsupervises the general engineering curriculum and provides options for studentswith varied goals and interests
DR MELVIN K ANDERSON, Chairman, Professor of Electrical Engineering MR RICHARD C BERRY, AssistantProfessor of Engineering DR RAYMOND F NEATHERY,AssistantProfessor of Mechanical EngineeringNewly established this year, the Division of Technology israpidly expanding the options available to the technology majors
MR DOUGLAS A SANDERS, Associate Professor of Engineering Technology and Chairman, Division of TechnologynThompso sstand yb esom fo eth sengine duse ni eth eautomotiv dan ldiese courses
MR DFRE L ,COLE rInstructo ni lMechanica
MR LEAR E ,THOMPSON rInstructo ni -Tech
MR MWILLIA H ,KIELHORN rInstructo ni gWeldin gEngineerineTh hAero-Tec bla si eth rcente fo eon fo eth tmos eactiv lspecia programs
sfering ni eth rtwo-yea ltechnica fields
eth splan rfo eth efutur ear dincrease -of
yTechnolog dan yMissionar Technology nI
eclud eth enon-degre sprogram fo nAviatio
lspecia sprogram fo eth campus eThes -in
sThi ndivisio ethsha ktas fo gcoordinatin eth
Robert Baylis
John D. Bell
Robert M Bennett
nHerma T nBrow
lPau H tBreithaup
sJame D nBowma
dDonal W Jr,Biggs
yBett C yBerr
AnJo nBergero
eTh yLibrar dprove ot eb na timportan ""hangout rfo seniors
Sterling J Buss
Walter E.Campbell
Lowell Caneday
A Cannavan
Stephen W Carhart
David C. Carpenter
James \w D Ciavarelli Richard Clapp Walter R.CoutierMark
Reference sources for the overworked senior are found in the library.
Richard Finley Edith E Foster Ivan R Frey, Jr Arnold FriesenDavid A Haas
John Heitzmann
William K Hess
Norman L Hiebert
Russell H Harden Paul A Helgesen David W Harrison Darrell W. Henegar Dennis L Holtry John W. Hawbaker Phil C.HenrylPau A rHunte
nRaymo E tHun
nJoh .R gMovin
lPau G dHowar
sDenni .W dHowar
hFait A rHople
eTh ybrightl tli ylibrar sseem ot roffe a yfriendl ystud invitationJohn Nikerle
Joseph Nowiczewski
Kent M.Olson
Tully C.Parker
Gordon W.Phillips
Ronald P Pacitti Lynn A Philpott Daniel E. Powell Stanley J.PriceWayne R Tucker
Thomas M VamDeman
Lawrence W Wendling
Robert A Werts
Charles F. Wieland
Stephen H Wier
David C Stone Donald P Swanson Michael L.Thomann Thomas L TroyernAlle R nZimmerma
nJoh T lZabe
sJame P eWhit
JohnS sWilliam II
sDougla A sWilliam
mWillia rS.Wie
cMusi sprovide yopportunit rfo nrelaxatio dan na loccasiona daydream
dan tDevelopmen splan ewer ;made nwhe eth 01 0year-1 nmillio rdolla e"Decad fo "Development swa ;launched nwhe eth 52 yAnniversar rYea scelebration fo eth eColleg :began nwhe eth yCit fo wLongvie dobserve lCentenniasit ;year dan
ewhil ythe dtalke tabou .peace tBu uyo ewer oals dgraduate nwhe eth R G uLeTournea eColleg lMemoria
dan ceconomi ;depression nwhe epeopl otdseeme eb gwillin ot ehav lCivi rWa
;cation nwhe rou ycountr swa dthreatene yb eth espectr fo lpolitica nrevolutio
dgroun fo eth tmos tviolen ewav fo sdisorderscampu ni eth yhistor fo rhighe -edu
uYo ewer eth sclas fo !1970 uYo ewer dgraduate tagains eth kblac -back
oT eth sGraduate0197 fo uLeTournea :College
eStev bShau
nThursto rHassle eVic
nJoh E yCorneb
yDoroth J sCorneliu
nGordo R kCoo
dLloy H bCob
RogerS hChurgovic
nKe P nChi
yLarr J rBulle
yTimoth D tBryan
eNevill W nBrow
dDonal L nBritto
nCalvi L hBoot
eDuan K tBarret
dDalen R yBane
eVanc R sAyre
tDelber L aAngel
yJerr W sAdam
Cortney W Cornils
David C Crone
Roy E Crosier
James A Davidson
Weldon A Davis
Ronald L Dorsey
Michael D Du Vail
Daniel G Eaby
David L Eby
Steven E Fish
George T Gayle,Jr
Frank N Fell
Murray D Forbes Sondlin L Gillin
Larry E sJenning
sCharle D sJeffrie
bJaco J rHunke Jr
tRober E sHopkin
dHowar C sHopkin
lSamue A rHollinge
eJo D eHolcomb
eDal R sHick
dDavi W rHemminge
yJonn W tHaugh
nThursto A rHassle
yVick J yHartl
sThoma D gHartber
yJohnn L sHargi
nDea A mHanna
dDavi C mGrothei
lRussel M yGra II
eClaud R eGlaz Jr
aPatrici K sGlas
sThoma M sGilli
Kenneth C Jobes
James E Johnson
Ronald A Johnston
Robert L Karhan
Gerald W Kahler
HillisO Kauffman
Michael A Keck
Steven D Kellogg
Walter G Koop
Roger R Kufahl
Daniel H Larsen
Kenneth A Larson
DavidJ Linder
Jesse D Loffer
Eldon J Lofquist
Robert McClanahan
Charles W McClelland
Duane L Martinson
Robert H Matthews
Randall W Matthewson
dDavi A sPhillip
nElto H nPatterso
rWalte G hParris
mWillia L sPari
sThoma F rRante
lMichae nOhlse
sDougla R lNordel
BillH oNg
lMichae nNewto
hKennet L eMoor
sJame R rMille
rRoge C nNelso
dDavi O eMoor
dRichar L dMea
dmetho fo gleavin eth
aRebecc sSander sdemonstrate a euniqu
Terry L Sampson
Michael J.Sandahl
James R Sartorius
Kenneth H Sayell
Charles W Sounders
John S Schellenberg
James H Schwitters
Ronald G Selph
Daniel F Shaffer
Stephen R Shaub
James D Shehan
Milton D Smith
Dean C Phillips
George A Phillips
Lawrence F Phillips
Roger D Points
Edna M Rappe
Larry A Rardin
George Reily
David L Richard
lVirgi L sBate
yRand H mBassha
dBernhar J gBar
nVerno D kBabcoc
lMichae D yAver
pPhili H nAusti
eLe A nAusti
dRonal R lAsbil
sDougla A rArthofe
tForres R pAr
lCarrol P lApo
nNorma K sAnder
eWayn M zAlvare
dDavi G tAlbrigh
sJame F ,Alban Jr
lPau W tAbbot
Kenneth F Beane
Donald G Bear
Gary D Beasley
Arthur R Bedell
Dennis A. Belden
David C Bennett
Terry Jo Birchfield
Stephen L Bloomer
John M Blosser
Keith W Blumert
John S Boone
Cherry A Bozarth
John Nikerie and Les Noyce serve another Saga picnicdDavi W eCohe
yGregor L nChristense
sJame D hButterbaug
yGar L sBurges
nBrya D oBrunk
tBennet J nBrow
lMichae A sBrook
kRic R rBrockmeie
aDonn M yDelanc
eJanic L rDearinge
nDa L nDavidso
hKennet W wDarro
nJoh J rCutle
nWarre A sCurti
tRober G pCrop
lJoe R hCronbaug
tRober J Jr,Cravey
rRoge L dCrawfor
sCharle O gCrai
pPhili J nCon
Darrel L Dick
Virgil A Dirks
Robert L Dykstra
William J.Ellis
Joseph M Erickson
Dennis L Fenton
Thomas A Fenton
Stephen G Fifield
David G Fingerhut
Andrew F Folkmann
Michael J Fratzke
Jack A French,Jr
Gregory J Fuller
John E Gamble
Gail L Garner
Robert J Garner
David W Gaumer
Norman E Gehring
Roland E Giddings
Paul Gordey
Rudy M Harris
Carl R Harvey
Kenneth A Helvie
Douglas J Hicks
Stephen R.Holmes
Cynthia R Hood
Roger W Hoover
Charles E House
Rita M Huether
Sylvia A Hunt
Paul A Iblings
Rodney S Innis
time out from his studies to glance through a magazine.
JefferyH gKin
dRonal L tKicker
nDo A yKell
nMarti A yKelse
sCurti A dJelmelan
yNanc oJ sJefferie
sLewi W sJefferie
hKennet D nIsaacso
aTeres J wMcGra
lMichae J yMcCaske
eLoui R dLunsfor
lDanie K gLundber
nMarvi J nLoewe
kMar H eLansdown
sDenni J dLanglan
eGen A rKruege
\Mar hKrog
nBria D nKnudso
sDougla M sKlos
dGeral W yKinse
Russell A McKnight
David J Magnuson
Rick L Manore
Stephen L Maricle
Bruce D Marvin
David R Matthews
Calvin L Meek
Leland W Meier
David W Meissner
Richard A Merrells
David E Mezera
Robert C Mickler
David G Miller
Claude F Mitchell, Jr
Gerald E Moon
Kristi L Moyer
John S Neiswender
David L Nelson
Verlyn L Neufeld
James M Nichols
Carl J Nilsen
Philip W Northen, Jr
Vicki L Northen
Leslie L Noyce
eWayn R nSalsma
nStephe E tSacket
tDelber M mRydhol
dDavi E nRyde
yTimoth K pRup
eJorg S sResale
nLora R tRoo
lLowel M fReif
lPau W Regier
xMa A kRaric
yGar L nQua
lCaro R lPowel
tVincen L yPomero
rRoge L lPodol
dDavi A sPoap
sDenni A sPaul
lMichae G ePas
yBarr A rPannebake
kFran E nOlso
sJame A tOehler
John R Sandefur
Floyd E Saner
Malcolm G Sayes
Terry E Scott
Gary W Scheffel
Wesley R Schilling
James W Schmitkons
James M Schuit
Gerald A Schultz
Roger L Schultz
Maurice C Scobee
Millord D Self
Rodney K Seivley
James M Shannon
Franklin R Shelton
Brenda K Silvey
Donald L Smith
William E Smith
Terry W.Snell
Howard W Spencer
mWillia K nThompso
nAla E nThompso
lDanie L eTalmag
rPete K ySween
nFreema S sStoltzfu
dDavi L nStmso
sJame W sStephen
hKennet P rSpige
eFreddi shold ndow eth scampu ecrim waveEdward N.Tolf,Jr
James A Vasselin
Mark L Villaume
Stanley P Voget
Richard M.Vollmer
Arthur B Waskey
Jon D Weaver
Larry R Webb
Paul J Weingartner, Jr Wesley F Weiss William D.Wilkins Johnny M Williams Joe W.Wilson Chester K WongsJame kMoc ySecrefar mTo kMorschec rSponso Mr nDo sConnor
cEri A lBel
nCaroly J sBate
kMar H kBartosi
lDanie A eBarr
aDan L eBarr
dDavi M tBarnhar
aRebecc E yBarcla
hRut E yBaile
hKennet D yBaile
nJoh S gArmstron
sJame M sAndrew
yCla W nAnderso
sThoma M sAme
yPegg A xAle
yJohnn M sAdkin
tScot L sAdam
nChairmaDonald L Berry
David L Berven
Rodney A Bishop
Jeffrey S Blondeau
Gayle L Borneman
Van D Bostelman
Michael T Bowles
Terrence J Boyd
Samuel J Brantley
Timothy M Brennan
Nanette Brink
Dale L Brocklehurst
David W Brown
David J Bryant
Paul M Burck
Scott K Burnett
James D Burney
Gerald E Chapman
Michael J Chapman
Timothy J Christiansen
nSteve J rDitzle
yHoll I rDininge
dRonal M eDerstin
hJosep L gDarlin
dDavi A eDahlk
lDanie L nDage
tAlber E sCurti III
dBernar H sCurti
sCharle K mCunningha
dRichar A rCounsello
tRober S eCochran
aBarbar P eCran
sJame M yCoole
eWayn K eCoak
xRe nJohnso sha a dcol mproble ttha neve a xbo fo scracker tcan' phel .solveMartin W Donner
Lee E Dorn
Russell C Dray
Terry L Drooger
Stephen W Edwards
Louie B Edward Jr
Chris M Eldred
Caroline R Fast
Sandra J Faulkner
Gary F Fergon
Royce V Francis
Brooke T Freeman
Kenneth E Fritzler
Kenneth E Futrelle
Gary L Garner
Michael E Garner
DaleR Gibble
Barrie L Gilbert
William G Gillespie
James I Gingrich
Ron L Geotz
David M Goodman
Paul F Hager
Kenneth W Hall
eBilli sMcClendon' sTexa nsig sget ranothe .signature yLeRo D dHammon nWare T rHankamme dRonal J eHardgrav eDal L eHardtk R sHaven L yHa dDonal W gHazelrigDouglas J Hogberg
Stephen W Holmes
Elaine F Hopkins
Jonathan G Hyland
Gordon E Huyser
Bonnie P Jackson
Max L Jantzen
Robert D Jasper
George Y Jelo
Robert D Johnson
Rex W Johnson
Linda J Jones
David A Hebble
Richard F Heitzmann
Issac E Henderson
Melvin j Hibbard
Kenneth J Hill
Richard L Hill
Danny D Hitchcock
Myron J Hoffert
tDisobedien ,freshman aLind ,Jones sdiscover eresistanc ot nupperclassme slead ot nsudde swimming
dEdwar A hLaibac
aTwyl M rKruege
dRonal T rKrame
Donald C hKoc
sJame J gKohrin
sDenni A nKnudso
lDarre B nKlasse
sThoma D nKinsma
eLonni J gKin
eBruc C hKinc
dGarlan W rKarstette
lJoe D nKalme
Dana M Larrick
Robert E Latimer
Calvin A Leavitt
Henry W Leubner Jr
K Logan
John H Loney
Craig N Longenecker
Marvin C Loveness
Marston Marilyn J McCaskey Billy W.McClendon Malcolm J McClung John G McCombs John N McGuire Sharon A McKownnsoo dlearne ot etolerat eth rsemeste nregistratio chores
lDarry F nMclaughli lPau E yMacKinne eWayn R nMadse nSteve J kMar sCurti W nMartiJohn E Martin
Robert H Martin
Joseph B Mayhew
Robert E Meaker
John R Mensonides
Richard N Mestler
John A Miller
Daniel R Minor
Thomas W Mintonye
Lance W Mitchell
James R Mock
Joseph W Moore
Fernando H Morgan
Thomas L Morscheck
Jessie W Morse
Abner L Nelson
Brad R Nelson
Freddie Ng
Roger L Niewenhuts
James R Nolt Jr
dDavi L sSam
dDavi R gRydber
sJame V nRobinso
eBruc L rRenige
sThoma G dReinbol
nBria R dRea
sNichola P aRe
nSteve R hQuackenbus
eThes sstudent eillustrat eth ltypica nreactio ot
yBarr W nPyro
eDuan G ,Piper Jr
lRoya L ,Peck Jr
dSherwoo nPatterso
dDonal P fPapsdor
sJame P rRante
Marilynn S Sanders
Daryl C Sargent
David K Sebens
William R Seeker
Clifford H Segar
KermitJ Seiler
Thomas H Sherk
Richard E Shondelmyer
Dummy symbolizes freshman plight. Glenn A Smith Fred E Snider Jonathan C Snyder Robert A Snyder Timothy C SnydersDougla J tTroos
dRichar D nTremai
yTimoth B dTownsen
eDuan E sThoma
hKennet A sThame
Lois J gTamelin
tRober T ySweene
yLarr R lSturgll
hKennet D tStuar
rLaMa R sStoop
dDavi E sStite
nJoh A aSpoelstr
oKangaro tCour sofficial dhol sshare ni eGillett gshavin creamAn example of the molasses and feather treatment.
Jerry L linger
James H VanWicklin
Martha J Vicarl
Bill R Vogel
Peter Vucelich
Douglas W Warner
Knute F Watne
James L Watson
Thomas L Watson
Everett J Wells
William C Wells
Edward M Whaler,
yMar C eScarc
yJerr W lZabe
hKeit D fWykof
eVern L tWrigh
yLarr A rWolfange
mWillia M eWis
lDanie M eWinni
tRober M rWinebarge
eAdrienn S nWilso
aRegen E xWillco
yRicke A rWhitene
sDougla A eWhit
fBailif mTi kMorshec sannounce eth rorde fo sevent
• eComplet ,regional estat dan lloca .news
kDic tWes yHenr J rTaylo dan sother
dDavi eLawrenc nJoh nChamberlai
• eTh sworld' tmos dwidely-rea :columnists
020 rSpu 06
dAssociate sPres eWir sPhoto
lNationa eEnterpris nAssociatio
dUnite sPres lInternationa
dAssociate sPres
eWorld-wid snew ecoverag yb
t"Eas 'Texas tLarges dan tMos eComplet 'Newspapers
ePhon 1758-621
d52n rYea
rYou rDeale
Jewelry and
Longview, Texas
A largely overlooked mission field — at home and abroad Why not include them in your Prayer, Church-meeting, Sunday School and Missionary outreaches?
8190 E lMarshal Ave ,Longview sTexa
ePhon 0PL3-124
xRela ta eth
.charges wNe saccount .invited SKENNEDY'
oN tinteres ro gcarryin
rSilve ,Plate ,Luggage ,Jewelry dan Diamonds nThirtee smonth ot .pay
rFo eth yver tfines ni ,China ,Crystal gSterlin ,Silver
250 nMcCan dRoa ,Longview sTexa
,Longview sTexa
ePhon 1PL3-260
020 N nGree tStree
*Headquarters for All Your Needs*
Congratulations And Best Wishes to the LeTOURNEAU COLLEGEGRADUATES from
A Few of the Many
Represented By "MOON"
Mark Gamble
Tim Morscheck
Ron McLaughlin
Phil Henry
Bill Tingle
Sherm Williams
Lowell Caneday
Mike Thomann
Doug Williams
Jim Rueger
John Heitzmann
Larry Bartell
Paul Breithaupt
Stan Ellis
Paul Gabler
Mike Givins
Ken Gortsema
Ron Gross
Jack Hoving
Dave Holcombe
Dave Rowley
Mike Jackson
Ken Jobes
Ron Kristoff
Steve Martin
Ed Miller
Jim Minton
Joe Nowiczewski
Tully Parker
Jim Rowland
Kent Sanders
Jack Saucerman
Ray Shirey
Lowell Schrock
Jerry Stanton
Don Swanson
Tom Troyer
Lawrence Wendling
Steve Alvine
Ed Claypool
Dave Currie
Dallas DeWitt
Butch Dubre
John Earhart
John Eaton
Rick Finley
Kim Fowler
Jim Gaunt
Robin Guyer
Phil Harker
Dale Hill
Ken Holloway
Dan Irving
Dave Irving
Jackie Jones
Jim Kibelbek
Jim Lombard
John McCalmont
Ron Mason
Mike Masten
Don Mills
Dick Newell
Ron Perrett
Roy Polman
Charlie Reeser
Dave Riniker
John Ryscuck
Darryl Shafer
Stan Simmons
Tim Thames
Don Thompson
Bob Walker
Bill Wright
Dave Reed
Walt Fast
Byron Myers
Ken Rice
Jim Durniak
Ralph Barbee
Mike Zimmerman
Bill Hendricks
Bill Milby
Don Carlson
George Laver
Chuck Woerner
Fred Rudy
Ken Rupp
Bill John
Art Geesey
Chuck Smith
P.O xBo 8154 ,Longview sTexa 17560 kFol sTransmission eWestinghous rAi sControl pAeroqui eHos dan sFitting
.CO .INC 0221 W lMarshal eAvenu
YTROPH NSELECTIO NI TEAS "TEXAS 9202 So hHig St ePhon 1758-151
STOP LOOK LISTEN STOP playing with GOD. "For the wages of sin isdeath, but the gift of GOD iseternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord." Rom. 6:23
LOOK to Jesus for salvation. "Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved and thine house." Acts. 16:31
LISTEN for His voice "Behold I stand at the door and knock. If any manhearMy voiceand open the door, I will come in andwill supwith him, and he with Me." Rev. 3:20
Abbot, Paul W
1705 Mobberly Ave., Longview
Aboo, R Kristo
3939 N Homlin Chicago III
Ackerman, Thomas 0
1112, B6 Whitaker Dr., Longview
Adams, Jerry W
Rt 1, Box 121, Kilgore
Adams, Scott L
113 Marion St., Palestine, Texas
Adkins, Johnny M
Rt 5, Box 209, Magnolia, Ark
Akers MoUon E
Malin Rd., Newton Sq., Pa
Alban, James F
907 Templecliff Rd., Baltimore, Md
Albrecht, Donald A
R.R #1 Amboy III
Albright David G
Campus Apr 8-D
Alex, Peggy A
Rt 1 Box 445-B longview
Alvarez, Wayne M
3321 Roslyn Ave., Dist Hgts., Md
Alwine William E
2214 E Orvilla Rd. HaHield Pa
Ames Thomas M
5628 N.W 8th St. Margate, Fla
Anders Norman K
Rt 5, Box 204-X, Live Oak, Fla
Anderson, Clay W
9024 Sheldon, Plymouth, Mich
Anderson Mark W
425 S High Apt 7 Longview
Anderson William K
RD #2 Russell Pa
Andrews James M
40o Ookridge Dr., Schenectady, N Y
Angela Delbert L Campus Apt 8-C
Apol Carroll P
Rt 1 Box 36 Sunnyside Wash
Armstrong, John C
411 Florence, Jenkintown, Pa
Arneil, Allan C
418 Larry Dr. Longview
Arp, Forrest R
Page Rd. Longview
Arthofer Douglas A
RD31, Bath, Pa
Arvidson Alan C
3606 Charles St., Rockford, III
Asbill, Ronald R
220 Deerwood Dr., Ukiah, Calif
Austin, Lee A
1906 S Green Apt 230 Longview
Austin Philip H
57 Goff Rd., Corning, N Y
Avery, Michael Dwayne
Rt 2 Alvarodo Texas
Ayers, Dennis Charles
Rt 2, N Manchester, Ind
Ayers Vance R
Rt 4 Box 63 Reeds Spring Mo
eabcock Vernon Dale
Campus Apt 7-B
Bailey, Kenneth Dale
424 Howard Dr. DesMoines Iowa
Bailey Ruth E
LeTourneau College Campus
Bailey Kenneth F 2107 S Green Longview
Baney1 Deland Ray
Benkelmon, Nebraska
Baney, Richard Dale Campus Apt 3-6
Barclay, John Allan
1018 San Angela, San Antonio, Tex
Barclay, Rebecca Elizabeth
1018 San Angela, San Antonio, Tex
Barg, Bernhard J
3724 Underhill Dr., Calgary, Alb., Can
Bornhort, David M
1347 Bischoff Rd., New Carlisle, Ohio
Barnosky, Rosalee Roe
3324 S Rita, Speld., III
Barre, Dana Lee
19 Warren Blvd. Warren Pa
Barrett, Duane K
Campus Apt 2-D
Bartell, Larry Dean
Campus Apt 4-C
Bartosik, Mark Hicks
Box 7523 Longview
Basshom, Randy Howard
2021 Barren Rd., Poplar Bluff, Mo
Bates, Carolyn Jane
5415 Lee Ave., Little Rock, Ark
Bates, Virgil Lee
10127 Pescadero, South Gate, Calif
Baylis, Robert Peter
10345 Island Lake, Dexter, Mich
Beane, Kenneth F
RD 2, Carlisle, Pa
Bear Donald Gene
RD 2, Carlisle, Pa
Beasley, Gary Donald
Rt 3 Box 3380 Oak Harbor Wash
Blondeau, Jeffrey Scott
Box 152, Jamestown, Colorado
BeDell Arthur Ronald
RFD #2, Livingston Manor, N Y
Beers, John L
Box 825, Franklin, Pa
Belden, Dennis Allen
Mile 7 Knik Rd Wasilla, Alaska
Bell Eric Allen
591 Oak St. Collingwood Ont. Can
Bell, John David
500 New Rd., Southampton, Pa
Bell, Robert E
1465 Connecticut Imp Beo. Con
Bennett, David Colemon
5618 Allison Arvada Colo
Bennett Robert Martin
749-52 St. Bklyn., N Y
Bergeron, Jon A
2223 Mobberly Ave., Longview
Berry, Betty Cooper
111 Kate, Longview
Berry, Donald Loren
P.O Box 106, Cazadero, Calif
Berven, David
2021 S Dak Ave., Siaux Falls, S D
Betancourt J Manuel
Box 225 Egenman Center Bloomington Ind
Bickford, Eugene L
Box 256, Ironton, Minn
Biggs Donald Jr
2223 Mobberly Longview
Birchfietd Terry Jo
1115 S Hoff Elreno Ok
Bishop Rodney Arden
2413S 12th, Longview
Bloomer Stephen Lee
RR 1, Hutsonville III
Blosser John Mark
402 N Indiana, Goshen, Ind
Blumert, Keith Willy
46 Manor Dr., Piedmont, Calif
Boogerd, James David
Hiway 18, RR 1, Park Valley, Iowa
Boone, John Stanley, II
117 E Niblick, Longview
Booth, Calvin Todd
Rt 3, Box 6, longview
Borneman, Gayle LaVern
1505E 15th, Pueblo, Colo
Borthwick, Ralph W
Casilla 2492, Lima, Peru
Bostleman Van Dale
Box 174 Holgote Ohio
Bowles, Michael Thomas
Box 610 Dalmatian LoMirodo Calif
Bowman James D
Campus Apt 4-D
Boyd Terrence John
1025 Benton St. Anoka Minn
Bozarth, Cherry Ann
111 Peterson, Longview
Brantley, Samuel Jackson
738 N Main, Shelbyville, Tenn
Breithaupt Paul Harold
Box 95 Rt I Pomeroy Wash
Brennan, Timothy Mark
Caixa Postal 7, Vianopolis, Brazil
Brink, Nanette
Rt 6, Box 346, Nocogdoches, Tex
Britton, Donald Thomas
7944 Fourth St., Dexter, Mich
Bracklehurst, Dale Lindsey
809 Salem, Dovisan, Mich
Brockmeier, Eric Robert
8028 Gardner In., Berkeley, Mo
Brooks, Michael Alan
4118 E Smith, Medina, Ohio
Brown Bennett John
Rt 1 Wilder Idaho
Brown David Wayne
55 Oakland Ave., Seekonk, Mass
Brown Herman Thomas
410 Harrison Pawnee III
Brawn Neville Winston
1086 Bushwick Ave. Brooklyn N Y
Brunko 8ryon David
Box 34 Richey Mont
Bryant David James
Little Creek Rd. Harmony Pa
Bryant, Timothy Daniel
HOW filler, Longview
Buller, Larry James
Arena N D
Burck Paul Milton
5025 Winsdale St., W., Mpls., Minn
Burgess, Gary Lewis
1010 Maledon, Longview
Burnett, Scott Keith
Box 256, Haines, Alaska
Burney James Dale
119 5th Ave., Longview
Buss, Sterling I
R.D 1 Box 339 Nazareth Pa
Butterbaugh, James D Rt 1, Lucas, Ohio
Campbell, Walter E., Jr Campus Apt 9-A
Coneday Lowell Mark Taylors Falls Minnesota Cannavon, James A
327 Princess Houston Tex Carhort Stephen Wynn 425 S High Apt 3 Longview Carpenter, David Carl 220 Lock St. Phoenix N Y
Chaffee Theodore E Star Route Thomaston Me
Chapman Gerald E 1035 Corporation St. Bridgeport III Bandmi, Gerald Aldo 902 Henry St., Belle Vernon, Pa Chapman, Michael Joseph R.D 1, Moscow, Pa Chin, Ken P 1033 e. 15 St. Bklyn. N Y Christensen, Gregory L
147 Larchmont San Antonio Texas Christiansen, Timothy J RR 1 Newell Iowa Churgovich, Roger S 3207 Sharon-Copley Rd. Medina Ohio
Clavarelli, Matthew 104ft Young St. Longview
Clapp, Richard Paul S Main St., Flat Rock, Ohio Coake, Wayne Kensey Rt 2 Box 68 Polaski Va Cobb, Lloyd Harrison, Jr 3812 Whitehall Dr., Charlotte, N C Cochrane, Robert S RR #2, Thornton, Ontario, Can Cohee, David Wayne 8005 Vernon Dr., Wash., D C Colemon, Glen A S.I.M Zalanga Via Bauchi N E State Nigerio Conn Philip Joel Toccoa Falls, Ga Cook, Gordon Robert 218 W High St., Elkton, Md Caoley, James Michael 2973 Lontz Ave., San Jose, Calif Corneby, John Edward 514 Desmond St. Athens Pa Cornelius, Dorothy Jean RD #2, Marathon, N Y Cornils Cortney Wayne 2815 Teakwood, Longview Counsellor, Richard A 70-30 69th PI., Glendole, N Y Coutier, Walter R 43 Delawareview Ave., Trenton, N J Coyle, Steve Dewayne 4428 Jefferson St., Baker, La Craig, Charles O'Neal Rt 1 Box 134 Gilmer Texas Crone, Barbara Pauline 2323 S 13th St., Longview Crovey Robert J. Jr
422 East 24th St., Houston, Tex Crawford, Roger Lee 8203 Wheeler Fontana Calif Cronbaugh Joel Richard
121 17th St. S.W. Cedar Rapids Iowa Crone, David C 2223 Mobberly Ave., Longview Cropp, Robert G
427«j N Center St. longview Crosier Roy Edwin 11121 Leavenworm Rd. Kansas City Kansas Cummings, Jerry C
xBo 84 Bagdad Ariz
Hibbard nMelvi nJoh
933 E hllt St. Berwick Pa
Hess mWillia gKru
xBo 368 Wise Va
,Henry pPhili nGasto
0171 nUnio Ave. Chatonooga Tenn
Henley sCharle dDeLan
6291 uLeTournea Dr. wLongvie
Henegar lDorrel eWayn
8200 eMcGuir Dr. #D VegassLa Nev
Henderson cIsaa E
0778 Ave D. Vestaburg Mich
Hemminger eDav W
6111 mIngra Dr. Longview sTexa
Helvie hKennet nAlla
832 nSylva ,La. ,Westbury N Y
12 tFirs ,Street dOl ,Bridge N J ,Helgesen lPau fAl
12 tFirs St. dOl Bridge N J ,Heitemann dRichar kFran
Heitzmonn nJoh A
RR #1 St Marys oOhi
,Hebble dDavi nAlle
832 W Gladstone nSa Dimas Calif
020 yMulberr ,Ct. ,Hartford Ken ,Healey dDavi eLe
4194 Saganore Euclid oOhi ,Hazelrigg dDonal W
Hay fJef nLyn
770 h10t ,St. ,Perry aIow
0202 tOakhurs ,Pkwy. ,Oakhurst N J ,Hawbaker J nMarvi
,Havens eBruc tRober
xBo ,666 aNicom ,Park Okla
Haught yJohnn yWra
520 W nStanto Rd. Quarryville Pa
,Hassler nThursto A
020 tShor St. St Albans W Va
Harvey lCar R
Rt 4 Bastrop La
Hartley yVick eJoyc
RR # 2 nHero Lake Minn
Hartberg sThoma wDre
1170 W Chestnut Washington Pa
Harrold eLesli nGlen
850 d3r St. S.E. eLittl Falls Minn
Harrison dDavi W
282 rKnor St. Philadelphia Pa
Harris yRud nMarti
6230 nNixo PI. wLongvie
680 tonnBe wLongvie ,Harris rAbne eJeanett
Hargis yJohnn eLe
5221 N 811 ,St. Wis,Wauwatosu
Hordtke eDal eLesli
6222 kHancoc St. sLo Angeles Calif
Hardgrave dRonal sJame
731 eWoodbin ,Ave. ,Merchantville N J
Harden lRussel Hifden l'il
RD #2 xBo 179 Bnstol Vt
Hanson kMar dCliffor
451 N h7t St. Osage aIow
Hannam nDea nAla
7354 W Eva Phoenix Ariz
1121 E Raney wLongvie Hankammer nWarre T
Hammond yLero lDanie
2102 ,Camille wLongvie
Hamick dDavi lMichae
1501 h26t Ave. Washington D C
5575 S.W Calif. Portland Ore ,Hallila eBruc nAlla
Hall hKennet W
1231 -S ,12fh wLongvie
,Hall dGeral O
7121 W dRe dBir La. Dallas Tex
071 nSa oMate ,Dr. tPor ,Alberni B ,C. Can ,Hall cFredri kClar
5267 tErnes ,St. ,Jacksonville Flo ,Haines mTi R Winfield aIow Hall rChristophe J
3222 S Mobberly wLongvie Hoger lPau F
0190 S Green Apt 212 wLongvie Haas dDavi nAla
Gwynn nOrmo eWayn
3222 S ,Mobberly wLongvie
Guyer nRobi kEric
eVicent oPiv #A Acayucan Ver Mex
rSta ,Route ,Bucksport Me ,Grotheim dDavi yCor
nAlmade ,Rd. nSa ,Jose Calif ,Grey nKare P sCampu ,Gross dRonal I
581 ,Owings Apt ,B wLongvie ,Goss hKennet M 090 nPostma ,Rd. wLongvie ,Grant nByro eWayn j 1 150 N kPar ,St. ,Fairmont Minn Grau sThoma rCasto 3222 S ,Mobberly Apt ,205 wLongvie
DRF ,#5 ,Vineland N J ,Gortsema hKennet nJoh
613 nOcea ,Avenue dIslan ,Heights N J Gordey lPau
sCampu Apt A6Goldy eEtti L sCampu Apt A6,Goodman dDavi kMar
Goldy eDav nJoh
RR #5 xBo 163 Goshen Ind
Geotz dRonal eLe
552 N Harrison eSton Mountain Go
Glaze eClaud R. Jr
530 aMagnoli Lane wLongvie
Glass aPatrici yKa
0109 Orchard Essexville Mich
Gingrich sJame cIsaa
sCampu Apt C7-
,GilNs sThoma mMalcol
0225 dSpringfiel ,Center ,Akron oOhi
Gillespie mWillia yGu
830 nSutto ,Ave. ,Waterloo aIow
Gillen nSandli yLarr
311 yWoodwa Lane wLongvie
,Gilbert eBarri nLy
459 kPetric ,Pr. sGrant ,Pass Ore
,Giddings dRolan sElkin
Rt 1 xBo 284 Myersfown Penn
,Gehring nNorma E ,Campus Apt B8,Gibble eDal dRichar
Rt #2 xBo 113 Bentonville Ark
,Gayle eGeorg ,Truer
230 h9t Ave nGle,S.E. ,Burnie Md
3140 yGra wLongvie,St. ,Goumer dDavi yWesle
Rt ,1 xBo ,437 ,Chico aCaliforni nGarriso eClarenc L
,Garner tRober yJa
RR ,#1 xBo ,96 ,Charleston sIllinoi
,Garner lMichae nEdwi
RR ,#4 ,Danville sIllinoi
Garner n.Joh nStanto
RR #4 Danville sIllinoi
,Garner lGai tFirs
,Campus Apt 1 C-
,Gardner sJame yGregor
7 gLon ,Street tPleasan ,Hill oOhi
,Gardner yGar eLe
5221 rMor St. lE Paso sTexa
Gamwell sThoma rParke
3348 h6t ,Lane ,Oakville oOntari
,Gamble kMar 8
61 nElgi ,Road ,Calcutta-20 W B aIndi
,Gamble nJoh nEldo
620 tEas ,Broadway wLongvie
,Gage nGordo lMichae
8443 ,Cindy ,Locey nWashingto
,Futrelle hKennet dEdwar
616 S rMerce ,St. ,Greenville Penn
xBo ,65 ,Lansing sKansa ,Friesen dArnol nGordo 435A rGlove Dr. wLongvie ,Fritzler hKennet dEdwar ,RFD rDee ,Trail oColorad ,Fuller yGregor nJoh
Frey nIva yRo Jr
French kJac A ,Campus Apt A1-
xBo 54 DR #2 Lewes eDelawar
Freeman eBrook sThoma
Fratzke lMichae J Watertown aMontan
xBo 4F64 R.P aZon 5 aPanam City aPanam
Francois eGeorg nJea
xBo ,125 ,Garrison sTexa
Francis eRoyc Victor Jr
0140 dMayfiel Rd. Arlington sTexa
yMurra dDonal 0311 uLeTournea ,St. wLongvie ,Foster hEdit eElain
nBosto ,Road ,Brunswick oOhi
Buchanan wLongvie ,Fish nSteve dEdwar 3888 ySene ,Dr. ,Dinomdale Mich ,Folkmann wAndre dFre
Barnes Rood, Williamstown, Kentucky
Dole Robert
428 Hardwick St. Belvidere N J
Hicks Douglas John
565 King St. W. Chatham Ontario Can
Hiebert Norman L
Campus Apt 9-D
Hill, Kenneth James
2326 N ElMolino Altadena Calif
Hill, Richard Lee
ft 2 Box 15A Poplar Bluff Mo
Hitchcock Danny D
145 Hubbard, Longview
Hoffert, Myron J
Route 3, Exira, Iowa
Hogberg Douglas James
1755 N Lk Mitchell Dr. Cadillac Mich
Holcombe Joe David
Campus Apt 3-D Longview
Hollinger, Sam A
5875 Jan Dr., La Mesa, Colif
Hollis, Ronald A
155 Crestview, Ferriday, La
Holmes, Bryan J
6771 Guadalupe N.W. Albuquerque N M
Holmes, Stephen Roy
925 N Sherwood Blvd., Sherwood, Ore
Holmes, Stephen Wendell
4186 Silver Dollar, Apt 5, Las Vegos, Nevada
Holtry, Dennis Lee
906 S 14th, Longview
Hood, Cynthia Ruth
614 Koy Court Longview
Hood, Hoven J
254 S Munroe, Tollmodge, Ohio
Hoover, Roger Wayne
Rt 1, Abilene, Kansas
Hopkins, Elaine Faith
702 Butler, Longview
Hopkins, Howard Curtis
Rt 1, Box 6-C McNeal, Ariz
Hopkins, Robert Eugene
702 Butler, Longview
Hopler, Faith Ann
260 Highwood, Ridgewood, N J
Horvath, Stephen M., jr
61956 Mayflower South Bend Ind
House, Charles Edward
1615 Warwick Ln., Schoumberg, III
Having, John Roger
Campus Apt 4-B
Howard Dennis Wade
39 8th St., East Dickinson, N D
Howard, Paul G
Rt 2, Myerstown, Pa
Howe, Barbara Foye ^
5810 Bates Creek Rd., Casper, Wyo
Huether, Rita Mae
Rt 3, Lisbon, N D
Hunt Sylvia Anne
2223 Mobberly Ave., Longview
Hunt Raymon Earl
2223 Mobberly Longview
Hunker Jacob John Jr
9413 Alia Mira, Dallas,Tex
Hunter Paul Austin
Titusville N J
Hutnyak David Paul
5662 Tulane Ave. Erie Pa
Huyser, Gordon E 1816 Belmont Drive Grinnell la
Hyland Jonathan G
107 Conodoigua Rd. Waldworth N Y
Iblings Paul Allen
7717 Lakeshore Shreveport La Innii Rod Stirling
P.O Box 177 Hampton N B. Canada
Isaacson, Kenneth D
512 Fountain, Dodgeville, Wisconsin
Jackson, Bonnie P
108 N, Price St., Troup, Texas
Jackson, Michael Lynn
2223 Mobberly, Longview
Jantzen Max L
Ringwood Oklahoma
Jasper Robert D
59 100th St., Bryan Center, Mich
Jefferies, Lewis W
Rt 1, Box 140 E, Bridgeport, W Va
Jefferies, Nancy Jo
Rt 1 Box 140 E Bridgeport W Va
Jeffries Charles David
Campus Apt. 3-A tongview
Jeffries James E
Apt 308, 1906 S Green, Longview
Jelmeland Curtis A
Rt 1 Box 260 Auoka Minn
Jelo George Yuiuf
P.O Box 1 Bethlehem Via Israel
Jennings Larry E
533 Eaton Pike Richmond Ind
Jobes, Kenneth Charles
Campus Apt 5-B
Johnson James Edward
Box 4 Louviers Colo 80131
Johnson, Norman Lee
RD #1 Cameron Mills N Y
Johnson, Robert David
P.O Box 107 Bend Oregon
Johnson, Roy Wayne
5729 E 25th PI. Tulsa Okla
Johnston, Ronald Allen
Campus Apt 2-A
Jones, Linda Joan
225 7th Ave., West, Cresco, Iowa
Jasper, Roburt Dean
58 100th Street Byron Center Mich
Kahler Gerald Willard
Rd #1 Cooperstown Penn
Kalmen, Joel Dean
624 Highland Carson City Nevada
Karhan, Robert Louis
4770 Roadoan Brooklyn Ohio
Karling, Clifford Robert
14301 W Crestview New Berlin Wise
Karstetter, Wayne
234 Apache Road, Buckeye, Arizona
Katona, Roger Donald
149 Haas, Frankenmuth, Mich
Kouffman Hillis Orvin
RR 2, Alto, Mich
Kouffman Thomas William
Campus Apt 7-A
Keck, Michael A
40m Shdton, Longview
Kejr, Steve H
Brookville Kansas
Kelley Vernon Lee
Campus Apt 1 -D
Kellogg Steven Douglas
1114 Glenwood PL, Santa Ana, Calif
Kelly, Don Arthur
Box 2, Morse, Texas
Kelsey, Martin Albert
61o Old Stanford Rd., New Canaan, Ct
Kickert, Ronald L
441 Mead Cir. Wisconsin Rapids Wisconsin
Kinch Bruce Conrad
P.O Box 1307, San Jose, Costa Rica
King, Jeffrey Harlyrt
Box 603, Tremont, Illinois 61568
King Lonnie Joe
1471 Swinger Dr. Dayton Ohio
Kinsey Gerald Wayne
RR I Lokeview Lokeview Mich
Kinsman, Thomas Daniel
1312 S Shore Dr., Worthington, Minn
Kissinger Edwin Leon
8 Bradley Longview
Klassen Darrel Bruce
Casilla 11 Rio Bambo Ecuador S A
Kloss, Douglas Marion
Rt 3, Box 187, Sealy, Tex 77474
Knowles Mary E
705 Willow Dr., Longview
Knudson Brian Douglas
Aneta N D
Knudson Dennis Arthur
RR H Aneta N D
Koch Donald Cecil
Campus, Apt 6-D
Kohring James Joseph
801 E 73rd Ave., Anchorage, Alaska
Koop Walter Glenn
Korpi N Albert
RFD *1 Chester Vermont
Kramer, Ronald Theodore
RD #3 Burgettsfown Penn
Kraus Jerome Peter
610 Travis Longview
Kristoff Ronald J
8509 E 101 Crown Point Indiana
Krogh Mark Mehrens
1326 S 35th St. Omaha Nebraska
Krueger, Gene Alan
2223 S Mobberly, Lot 204, Longview
Krueger, Twylo Marie
2223 S Mobberly, Lot 204, Longview
Kufahl, Roger Russell
708 Grant St. Warsaw Wisconsin
Lachmiller, Daniel Emmory
Campus Apt Building 114
Laiboch Edward Alan
414 W Atwood, Galian, Ohio
Langland, Dennis John
12058 S 71st Court, Polos Heights, III
Lansdowne Mark Herald
115 Electro Longview
Larrick, Dana Merritt
Box 83-L, Rt #1, Wilmington, Ohio
Larsen, Daniel Harvey
Campus Apt 3 -C
Larson, Kenneth Allen
5205 W 9 9 St., Oak Lawn, Illinois
Larson, Paul Alon
1705S 12* St., Longview
Larimer Robert Eugene
Leavitt, Calvin A
208 N.W 6th Newport Oregon
LeTourneou Robert Gilmour
6 Patron Longview
Leubner Henry William
Benson Rd RD #1 Skaneotdes New York
Under, David John
502 Isbel Dr. Santa Cruz Calif
Linsford, LouieR
2905 Parkway Longview
Locklear Lloyd Mitchell
337 FM 1845 Longview
Loewen, Marvin J #1240 Winkler Mon. Con
Loffer Jesse Dean
Box 5368 Charleston Oregon
lofquist, Eldon Lee
111 Eller Ave. Creve III
Logan, Marston Keith 1401 S Elliott, Aurora, Mo
Loney John Harry 38 N Grant St., Manheim, Pa
Longenback, James Lee 116 W Main, Bath, Pa
Longenecker Craig 114 Beechwood Rd., Newtown Square, Pa
Loreness, Marvin Craig 816 Macy Ave., Chico, Calif, Lott Harry 3135 Fisenhaven,-Son Antonio, Tex Lundberg, Daniel K 5907 W Northview, Glendole, Arizona Lunsford Louie Ray 2905 Parkway Longview
Lyrtne Jimmy Sherman Space 18 Harrison Rd. Trailer Pk. Longvie
McCallum Dale G 1707Vi O'Neal Longview
McCaskey Michael J 117 S 4th St. Denver Pa
McCaskey Marilyn Joy 117 S 4th St., Denver, Pa McClanohan Robbie Box 41, Cobbs Creek, Va
McClelland Charles Wayne 1105 N 7th St. Longview
McClendon Billy W Rt 1, Box 203, Mt Enterprise, Tex McClung Malcolm Jay 606 S Locust Palo III
McCombs John Grant 145 Wax Wing Naperville HI
McDonald James Vincent 2810 Cherrywood Dallas Tex
McGraw Teresa Jane 1319 Evergreen Longview
McGuire John Nathan Box 62 Karnack Tex
McKinley Terry Lee
606 Evelyn Longview
McKnight Russell Alzado Montana
McKown, Sharon Ann P.O Box 328 Lone Grove Oklo
McLaughlin Darryl F RR 3 Murphysboro III
McLaughlin, Ronald J Kimball S Dak
McPherson Eddie U 3519 8th St C, Lewiston, Idaho
MocKinney Paul Ervin 1012 E Geneva Rd., Wheoton, III Madson Wayne Robert 760 W Mapledale Hazel Park Mich
Magnuson David J 37 Wintergreen Circle Osterrville Mass
Malenke Bruce Robert Parkerford, Pa
Maniscalco, Morris V P.O Box 7235, Longview Manore, Rickey Lee Box 67, St Ignatius, Mont Moricle Stephen Lee
31 S Broad St., Morris, N Y Mark, Steven Jon Capri 3016 Guadalajara Jalisco Mex
Martin Curtis W 7970 Lodge Union Lake Mich
Martin, John Edward 246 W Walnut La. Ap'- Philadelphia PC Martin Robert Howard 1223 Market St., Berwick, Pa Martin Steven E 241 Park Rd., Creve Coeur, III
Martinsen, Duone LeRoy OK Trailer Park, Rt 3, Bemidji, Minn
Marvin, Bruce Duane Box 386 Cedaredge Colo Matters, Roger P 15 C Elizabeth St. St Paul Minn Matthews, David Revoe 643 North Bend Rd. Baltimore Md
rSta Rt xBo ,68 ,Beaver nOrego
,Schrock lLowel F
9650 aVi ,Lorenzo nSa ,Pedro Calif
,Schoof lKar D
857 eMiddl eRidg ,Rd. ,Lorain oOhi
,Schmitkin sJame W
RR 1 xBo 48 Culver Ind
Schilling yWesle R
xBo ,299 rSilve ,Lake nWisconsi
,Schick dDavi L
xBo ,14664 ,Westlands ,Nainoki aKeny
,Schellenberg nJoh S
4882 St Rt 43 Kent oOhi
,Scheffel yGar W
461 N ,Pine sPaul ,Valley Okia
41861 h67t ,W. ,L/nnwood Wash ,Scarce yMar
41 dBroa ,Lane ,Vinelond N J ,Sayes mMalcol G
aDhuli District Maharashtra aIndi ,Sayell hKennet M
Sounders sCharle W nMissio ,Hospital ,Chinchpoda
Sorrorius sJame R 31400 ,Queensbury Tex,Houston ,Sassi oConstantin 93 dRichmon ,St. ,Tborold Ont ,Saucermon nJoh F 1175 ,Williston ,Waterloo aIow
,Sargeant nStephe P Rt ,1 xBo ,127 nBuchana Tex,Dam ,Sargent lDary C Bridgewater nMai
,Saner dFloy ,E I 622 rVilsmeie ,Rd. ,Lonsdale Pa
,Sanders aRebecc 8181 ,Rodden wLongvie
,Sanders nMarilyn S RD ,1 ,Greenwich oOhi
653 ,Elizabeth ,Notchitoches la ,Sanders tKen E sCampu Apt B9-
,Sandefur nJoh R
2130 E tFores Ave. Wheaton III
,Sandahl lMichae J
0840 sChalon ,Ct. ,Berkeley Mo
,Sampson yTerr L 4414 eEastridg ,Dr. ,Rockford III ,Sams dDavi L
RD 1 rSuga Run Pa
,Salsman eWayn R
0101 Randolph Waterloo aIow
Sackett nStephe E
321 gTari hElgeis yStonel Bay ,Alexandria tEgyp
,Sabo rSami A
51759 S.W Johnson Aloha Ore
Rydman dRonal G
838 kPar Ave. Warren Pa
Rydholm tDelber M
5786 h4t Ave ,N. eCircl ,Pines Minn
,Ryden dDavi E
Rt 2 Northfield Minn
,Rydberg dDavi A
351 nLawso ,St. ,Oregon oOhi
Ryan yPegg D
352 E ,Elm ,Wauseon oOhi
Rupp yTimoth K
6291 uLeTournea Dr. wLongvie
Ruggles yJerr L
811 ,Sidney wLongvie
Rueger sJame O
Rowley dDavi N sCampu Apt C2-
3222 Mobberly wLongvie
hNort rWate St. wNe Brenen oOhi Points rRoge eDal 582 Cedorwood McMinnville
323 eWak ,Forst oCost ,Mesa Calif ,Poops dDavi nAlle
612 tSummi Ave. eNeptun City N J ,Piper eDuan ,G. Jr
090 ,Stover tFor ,Collins Colo ,Piel dRichar L
,Philpott nLyn nAlle
DR ,1 xBo ,398 ,Jamestown N Y
,Phillips nGordo W sCampu Apt D7,Phillips eLawrenc F
0290 S ,Mobberly wLongvie
,Phillips nDea kClar
11645 ,Sherwood yTinle ,Park III
,Phillips dDavi nAlle
Rt ,2 ,Olney Tex
Philipp eGeorg A
aVi eComon ,100 ,Rome yItal
Peck lRoya L. Jr
DR ,#5 xBo ,243 ,Erie Pa
,Paulsen dDavi E
xBo ,5 gBi ,Bow sKansa
,Pauls sDenni A
6241 tSummi ,Dr. ,Hillsborough Calif
426 lMcDouga ,St. ,Brooklyn N Y ,Patterson ,Sherwood II
,Patterson ,Elton II
Rt ,5 xBo 819 ,A ,Cumberland Md
,Pose eMik G
Rt ,1 xBo ,402C ePin ,Bluff Ark
,Porrish rWalte
811 S ,Sidney wLongvie
,Parker yTull C
520 rCoombe ,Dr. tHo ,Springs Ark
286 W h19t ,St. ,Upland Calif ,Paris eLemWillia
,Papsdorf nDo lPau
rSta ,Route xBo ,11 wNe ,Castle Colo
,Panter sThoma F
rSta eRout xBo ,11 wNe ,Castle Colo
Panter eJan M
rSta ,Route xBo ,11 wNe ,Castle Colo
,Panter sJame lPau
Rt ,1 rHarbo ,Hills ,Hebron oOhi
1120 ,Coldwell yCherr ,Hill N J ,Pannebaker yBarr A
,Pacitti dRonal rPete
1120 S h12t St. wLongvie
3222 i yMobberl ,#206 wLongvie ,Olson tKen M
290 Mass ,Ave. sSomer ,Point N J ,Olson kFran E
5221 S h12t St. wLongvie ,Oehlert sJame A sCampu Apt A5,Ohlsan lMichae
eLesli 1818 N Genesee Mt Morris Mich Oden sJame rOlive
,#1 ,Freehold N J
S ,Mobberly wLongvie Northen iVick nLyn 3222 ,Mobberly wLongvie ,Nowiczewski eJo
pPhili W. Jr
lLyndel ,Dr. ,Lancaster Pa
Schuit, James M
121 Third Ave. Hawthorne N J
Schultz Gerald A
RR 2 Sox 263 Ripon Wisconsin
Schultz Roger Lee
Rl 2 Turpin Okla
Schwitters, James H
23107 53rd Ave., Bolhell, Wash
Schwope, John C
P.O Box 364 Boerne Tex
Scobee Maurice C
1703 N Live Oak Longview
Scott Gerald L
364 N Third St. West Branch Mich
Scott, Terry Emerson
701 N Meridian Washington Ind
Sebens Dove K
Box 116 Sumas Washington
Seeker William R
627 Conestogo Blvd. Lancaster Po
Segar Clifford H
604 Campbell St. Bisbeo Ariz
Seiler, Kermit J
Rt 1, Box 78, Marion, Tex
Seivley, Rodney K
RR 2 Box 227C Derby Kansas
Self Millord 0
206 Gentry Ave. Alexandria Virginia
Selph, Ronald G
321 W Oak Flagstaff Ariz
Shaffer Daniel P
RD 3, Kittanning, Pa
Shannon, James M
1238 Jay Ave. Camorillo Calif
Shappell Harold D Jr
1803 Live Oak Longview
Shoub, Steve R
323 S Hillcrest Quarryville Pa
Shehon, James D Campus Apt 5-C
Shelton Franklin R
218 Black Knob Bisbee Ariz
Sherk Thomai H 2311 S 12th Longview
Shirey Roy A
304B E Cotton St. Longview
Shoitdelmyer Richard f.
RD 1 Box 215 Avonmore Po
Silvey Brenda K
800 Hillcrest Longview
Sites, John C ON 753 Delano, Wheaton III
Smith, Donald L
R 1 Vermonrville Mich
Smith Glenn Alan
Box 53 Buttzville N J
Smith Milt D
20008 Greenwood Ave N., Seattle, Wash
Smith, William E
210 Falcon Rd., Samerville, N J
Snell, Terry W
Casilla 2492, Lima, Peru
Snider Frederick E 1426 15th St. Imperial Beach Calif
Snyder Tim C
1500 Mobberly Ave., Longview
Snyder, Jonathan C
1500 Mobberly Ave. Longview
Snyder Robert A {RD #3, Box 166, Ml Pleasant, Pa
Soule Jon t.
513CR #288 Clyde Ohio
Sparks, Virgil L
RR 1 Box 378 Alexandria Ind Spencer, Howard W 7620 Burholme Ave. Philadelphia Pa
Spilger Kenneth P
RR #2, St Paul, Nebraska
Spoelstra, John A
P.O Box 178 Forks Washington
Sprunger, John W
Mclntosh Rd. Berne Indiana
Stackhouse Richard D 116 Filmore Ave. Endicott N Y
Stanton Jerry G 817 Birdsong, Longview
Steele, Thomas F
451 E Emmett St., Battle Creek, Mich
Stephens, Donna K
1507 Centenary,Longview
Stephens Elizabeth A 1 507 Centenary, Longview
Stephens, James W
7808 E lllth Terrace, Kansas City, Mo
Stewart, George W
2840 N.E 33 St. Pompano Beach Flo
Stewart, Rick L
Box 15, Fenelton, Pa
Stinson David L Madrid, Spain
Stites, David E
94 Mondeville, Ave., Pequannock, N J
Stohler, Julian L
Rt 1, Fruitland, Idaho
Stoltzfus, Freeman S
Elverson R.D #2, Elverson, Pa
Stone, David G
20 Grover Lane, Caldwell, N J
Stoner, John R
Rt 2, Conestogo, Pa
Stoops, LaMor
337 C St W Ephrata, Washington
Sfrege , Vernon L
2211 13th St., Longview
Stuart, Kenneth D
1717 Flanagan, Longyiew
Slurgill, Larry R
609 Zinnia, Orlando, Fla
Swain, Lawrence L
Campus, Apt 2-B
Swonson, Donald P
156 N Hillside Ave. Chatham N J
Sweeney, Rober t T 1 W Circle Dr. Vidalia La
Sweeny, Peter K
1032 Center St., W., Warren, Ohio
Talmage Daniel Lee 1219 N Main St. Wheaton III
Tameling Lois J
603 Courtland Circle, Western Springs, III
Temple, Phillip I
2705 Ferris Rd., Columbus, Ohio
Thames, Kenneth A
Rt 1, Box 3080, Sutherlin, Oregon
Therneou George M Campus Apt 9-C
Thomann, Michael L RR 2, Noble, III
Thomas Duane E 823 Maple Lane Waterville Ohio
Thompson, Alan E
Rt 1, Box 97, Henderson, Tex
Thompson, Wm K
6459 Masai St. Jacksonville Fla
Ting Dan L
81 Columbia St., New York, N Y
Tingle William D
Box 843 Willcox Arizona
Todd Ralph K
P.M.B 12067 Legos Nigeria Africa
Toews Randy Evan
7461 Lyric Lane, Minneapolis, Minn
Tolf, Edward M., Jr
623 Country Club Dr., Itasca, III
Ton David B 2213 S 12th, Longview
Townsend Tim Bruce Casilla 2492 Lima Peru
Tremain, Richard D
LaGrange, Wyoming
Trescott, Larry C
Rt 1, Box 1122, Avon Park, Fla
Troost, Douglas J
Rt 1 West Olive Michigan
Troyer Thomas L 1806 Holly Longview
Tucker, Wayne R 2223 Mobberly Longview
Unger Jerry L
5567 Clinton Rd., Pontiac, Michigan
Van Demon Thomas M 1806 Houston Longview
Vanderburg, Ralph W
Box 9 Rt 1 Sheldow Iowa
Van Niel Pau Robert Campus, Apt 6-B
Von Wicklin James A
208 Sparling Dr. Rochester N Y
Vasselin James A
7204 130th Ave. Edmonton Alberta
Vicari, Martha Jane 1244 Karnes, Longview
Villaume, Mark L
8 Tobago Lane Ocean City N J
Vogel Bill R
923 W Flora Ontario Calif
Voget Stanley P
Rt 2, Box 160, Bishop, Calif
Vollmer, Richard M
Rt 3, Box 276, Woukesha, Wis
Vucelich, Pete
Box 142-8, R.D 1, Jeannette, Pa
Wagner Dennis L
R.D #3 Quarryville Pa
Wagoner Jeannette K
P.O Box 604, Saratoga, Wyo
Wailes, Steve L
1108 S Fredonia Longview
Wandling, John R
721 S Green, Apt 238,Longview
Warner, Douglas, W
10340 W Britton Loingsburg Mich
Waskey, Arthur B
304 Merrie Hunt Dr., lutherville, Md
Watne Knute F
RR 1 Gait Iowa
Watson, James L Rt 1, Monficello, Maine
Watson, Thomas L
P.O Box 5110, Ashland, Va Weaver, Jon D
RR 1, Box 427, Elkhart, Ind
Webb, Larry R 453 S Forest, Liberty, Mo
Weidler, Joseph H
R #3, Lititz, Pa
Weingartner Pau J
Crystal Rood, Oak Ridge, N J
Weiss, Wesley F
Boelus, N B
Weller, Anita F 810 Arliss Dr., Waco,Tex
Wells, Everett J Box 119 Star Rt. Scottdale Pa
Wells, William C 1351 Arroyo Ave., Pomona, Calif
Wendling, Lawrence W 909 S Electro A-2, Longview
Werts, Robert A Rt 3, Box 1 76, Ninety Six, S C
Wholen, Edward M 14 Bacon Place, Newton, Mass
White, Douglas A 2860 Eastwood Dr., York, Pa
White, James C., Jr 2006 N 4th St., Longview
Whitener Rickey A 1222 N.W 27 Oklahoma City Okla
Wieland, Charles F 468 N 34th St., Camden, N J Wier Stephen H. 809 W Avalon, Longview
Wier, William S 509 Helane Dr., Longview
Williams, Johnny W Rt 1, Box 232T, Longview Wilkins, William D 1918 Sunnyside, Lansing, Mich
Williams, Douglas A 2947 E Ovid, Des Moines, Iowa
Williams, Sherman 118 Sidney, Apt 1, Longview
Williams, Todd A 2096 N.W Catawba Rd. Pt Clinton Ohio
Willcox, Regena E 202 W Avalon, Longview
Willmoff, Wlson R 95 High St., Huntington, N Y Wilson, Adrienne S Box 91A, Scottsville, Va Wilson Hugh 2223 Mobberly, Longview Wilson Joe W 114 W Pliler Longview
Wilson Robert D 10934 Choisser, Whittier, Calif
Wilson, Steve S P.O Box 40 Knabe Kenyo E Africa
Winebarger Robert N 2121 Westpark Whiting Ind Winnie, Daniel M 8137 Mulligan, Oak Lawn, III Wise, William M Rt 1, Box 96A, Aurora, Mo Wolfanger Lorry A Rump Rd. Jordan N Y Wong Chester K C Hong Kong B C C
Wood Stephen P Concrete B, Campus Wright, Charles W 27 E Faunce Landing Rd., Absecon, N J Wright Robert C 66 Penle Ave. Saddle Brook N J Wright Verne L 2012 Vine St. Eau Claire Wis
Wyckoff, Keith D 55 Mimosa Dr., Centerville, Ohio
Yoddaw Ronald G Campus Apt 6-C
Yee John
130 Third Ave. Apt 8-8 Brooklyn N Y Yousefi Ali R F
Zabel Jerry W P.O Box 1 Cambridge Nebr Zabel John T 1115 Maple Longview
Zimmerman Allen R
826 S 12th St. Allentown Pa Zimmerman, Charles R Hubbord Rd., Lowellville, Ohio
Barre Daniel A
Crosslands Missions, Thoreau, N Mex Hoffert Myron J Rt 3 Box 135 Exira Iowa Kickert Ronald L
3301 C. 231st St., Chicago Heights, III Morse, J Wayne 515 Loop Drive, Sand Springs, Okla
5150 yBerr eLan
rInstructo ni gAccountin
,Miller aJuli nAn (Mrs )Wm.
tAssistan lBasketbal hCoac 5230 S h12t
GJvens eMik )[Alicia
1240 S h13t tStree
1191 nClinto ,Yohe sCharle )(Norma Asst rProfesso fo gEngineerin
rInstructo ni cMusi
590 aCoushatt lTrai ,Werner cVi )(Erna
eVic tPresiden rfo cPubli sAffair
Wenninger hJosep C )(Alyce
Wellmon aOr xMa )(Betty Asst rProfesso fo sBusines nAdministratio 4100 dOrchar
550 E gYoun
sEmeritu rProfesso fo sMathematic
Rt #1 xBo 97, nHenderso ,Vernon dConra )(Susie
rInstructo ni yTechnolog
220 eCorolann ,Dr. lMarshal ,Thompson E lEar
rInstructo ni hEnglis
111 aClaudi eCircl ,Stuber Dr nJoh W )(Kenny rRegistra 3501 yCentenar eDriv ,Therretl K aDeEdr (Mrs )Pot
7501 yCentenar eDriv ,Stjernstrom sNel E ;(Bernice cPubli sAffair rCoordinato
eVic tPresiden rfo cAcademi sAffair
Stephens Dr tRober L )(Barbara
eAssociat rProfesso dan sMathematic mProgra rCoordinato 0131 tAmhers eLan
Stephens Dr hKennet S )(Louise
Asst rProfesso fo lElectrica yTechnolog 880 nMarti
tAssistan rProfesso fo lElectrica gEngineerin 930 gYoun ,Spottswood dRichar )(Jane
480 nHarmo eDriv ,Simmons eMauric A )(Mary
8181 nRodde ,Selby tRober H )(Nancy eAssociat rProfesso dari ,Chairman lSocia eScienc dan dApplie sArt Div
Asst rProfesso dan rCoordinato fo yTechnolog sProgram
rCarlsto sTerrace F-108 Fayetteville Ark 17270 ,Rodney lPau rInstructo ni sPhysic 6190 S Green Apt 720 ,Sanders tAlber )[Margaret
rInstructo ni sMathematic n(O cAcademi )Leave
Roden hKennet R. Jr )(Joyce
7160 sAndrew tStree
rInstructo ni eBibl dan sMission
,Roberts dEdwar )(Arlene
sBusines rManage 5260 nClinto
Richardson dHarol D )(Martha
4181 nRodde eDriv
rProfesso dan lMechanica gEngineerin mProgra rCoordinato
,Reyle Dr yStanle P )(Gwyn
342 S Duncan Stillwater Okla
Assoc rProfesso fo lIndustria Engr n(O cAcademi )Leave
Ralston tRober H )(Ruth
Rt #1 xBo 421
Assoc rProfesso fo sMathematic
Phillips nSwai D )(Verna
tAssistan rProfesso fo sMathematic
Noonchester dHowar B )(Cynthia
9300 nSwa
Asst rProfesso fo lMechanica gEngineerin
Neathery dRaymon F )(Kay
251 kMeadowbroo eDriv
Assoc rProfesso fo yChemistr
,Moser U S y(Mar )Beth
660 nEvely eDriv
Assoc rProfesso fo eBibl
,McKinely Dr hKennet F )(Louise
9131 eFairlan
Asst rProfesso fo sMathematic
,McGraw eJo 6 )(Bonnie
810 eSkylin eDriv
Asst ,Prof fo nEducatio dan rCoordinato fo sAthletic
,McCoy Dr hKeit W )(Donna
611 dHubbar n[Tow eHous S )Apts.
rInstructo ni yBiolog
331 Ree dRoa ,Maniscalco sMorri V )(Willena
rDirecto fo tStuden sAffair
,Lawson dDovi M )(Jean
4232 S h12t tStree
rInstructo ni gWeldin
,Kielhorn mWillia H y(Bett )Jo
6220 rBuccanee
Assoc rProfesso dan mProgra ,Coordinator yChemistr
Johnson Dr dRichar )(Barbara
Apt 122 0190 S nGree
Asst rProfesso fo sMathematic
,Howard kJac
461 yKa tCour
rInstructo ni sPhysic
230 dMockingbir ,Hood ,K eBruc )(Kathaleen
Assoc rProfesso fo sLanguage
Hetlman Dr S eCatherin )(Max
2 lCornel eCircl
eAssociat nDea rfo gEngineerin dan yTechnolog
Harris Dr yBill J )(Bemice
060 nSylva eDriv
Hardwick Dr yHarr T )(Edith tPresiden
341 eDian
tFligh mProgra rCoordinato
Harder J C )(Beverly
Assoc rProfesso dan rDirecto fo nEducatio
Haltmeyer Dr nNorma )(Nona
060 iGem
Greer tAlber )(Koren Assf rProfesso fo hEnglis
Dr dRaymon E )(Edith rProfesso fo eBibl 1231 yKentuck eDriv ,Glass J hKeit )(Kay Asst rInstructo ni gWeldin Engr 530 aMagnoli eLan
Alex, Tbmmie (Carrie Dell)
lit 1 Box 4456
Allbaugh Don (Lois)
Student Affairs
1305 Foirlane
Anderson, Rose (Mrs Thomas)
Registrar's Office
302 Rocket Street
Babcock June (Mn Vernon)
Registrar's Office
Bailey Thomas (Bunny)
508 Evelyn Street
Battles Clayton (Georgia)
Business Office
320 Woodlawn Drive
Black Brenda (Miss)
Student Affair's Office
Bowman Cheryl (Mrs James)
Academic Affairs
Campus, Apt 4-D
Bozarrh Faye (Mrs Robert)
111 Peterson
Christian Arlene (Mrs James)
Registrar's Office
1701 Dixon
Coleman Swonzie (Estelle)
2348 Bates Street
Crisler Donald (Betty)
905 Lincoln Drive
Carhart, Virginia (Mrs Steve)
Data Processing
Denson Chorlotte (Mrs William)
Academic Affairs
107 Evergreen
Evans Mary Bern (Mrs Louis)
Business Office
Rt 1, Box 64, Avinger, Tex 75630
Ferguson, Linda (Mrs Wilbur)
821 Dean Street
Fitzgerald, Freddie (Gaynelle)
Student Affairs
915 Arkansas
roster, Gloria (Mrs D C.)
President's Office
1413 Columbia Drive
Greenwood Willie
Rt 1, Tatum
Grey, E R "Sarge" (Shirley)
Student Affairs
Gillis Tom (Betty)
Ambulance Service
Campus, Apt 7-C
Givens, Alicia (Mrs Mike)
Post Office
2305 S 12th
Goetz, Alene (Mrs Richard)
715 S Green
Hall, James (Mamie)
Rt 4, Box 228, Henderson
Hara Paul (Oayle)
2223 Mobberly
Hiebert Helen Judith (Mrs Norman)
College Nurse
Holder Rex(Melba)
Apt 339,- Townhouse South Apts
Holsinger Venard (Lucille)
2013 Ballon
Holsinger, Lucille (Mrs Venard)
Business Office
2013 Bolton
Huntley, Duane (Carol)
Data Processing
1606 Fowler
Jackson, Mary (Mrs Michael)
Maintenance Office
2223 S Mobberly
Keck, Linda (Mrs Michael)
314AS Center
Lambert, Frank (Katherine)
Student Affairs
1210 Webster
Lawrence, Patti (Mrs Kemp)
Business Office
1811 Rodden
Majors, Wanda (Mrs Virgil)
Business Office
908 S Fredonia
Maniscalco, Willena (Mrs Maurice)
Engineering Dept
116 Hubbord (Town House South)
McClelland Winona (Mrs Andrew)
Post Office
1105 Wells Street
McClelland, Andrew (Winona)
1105 Wells Street
Merrells, Susan (Mrs Richard)
103 W Pliler
Miller Helen (Mrs Buddy)
410 N Jean
IMoore Adolphus (Katie Lee)
501 S Fredonia
Moore Roy(Betty)
2209 S 12* Street
Obetz, Hazel
Student Affairs
Campus Tyler Hall
Oden James (Dottye)
Maintenance and Print Shop
2215 S 12m Street
Owens, Toll (Mary)
1500 Booker
Parker, Leon (Lilias)
2307 S 13th Street
Parsons Harold (Irene)
814 Birdsong
Porter Donna (Mrs.)
Student Affairs
Campus Women's Residence Hall
Prince, Wynona (Mrs.)
412 N.Jean
Roger Eleanor (Rev Paul)
Print Shop
804 Gordon
Ralston Ruth (Mrs Robert)
907 Coleman
Redmon, Mittie (Joe)
Print Shop
Rf 1 Longview
Reed Donna (Mrs David)
1302B S Green
Richardson Joyce (Mrs Ronnie)
Business Office
1410 Eden Drive
Rieger Patricia(Miss)
1315 Dale
Robinson Paula (Mrs Dorsey)
Development Office
119'/i Houston
Rollins, Grant
Rowland, Virginia (Mrs Jim)
Data Processing
2223 S Mobberly
Royce, George (Evelyn)
907 S 14th
Russ, General (LoreneJ
906 Lilly
Sanders, Sharon (Mrs Kent)
Campus Apt 9-B
Shank, Mary (Mrs Walter)
Data Processing
906 Noel
Shehan, Barbara (Mrs James)
Campus, Apt 5-C
Smith, Jesse (Annie)
Rt 3 Box 399M
Sparks Doris (Mrs Robert)
Data Processing
2905 Parkway
Stephens Frederick (Christine)
Box 398M, Rt 3
Swain, Naomi
Wilkins, Richard
2223 Mobberly
Willcox, Georgie (Mrs Rex)
Academic Affairs
202 W Avalon
Williams Mildred (Mrs S ims)
Print Shop
411 Marion Drive
Wilson, Pat (Mrs Max)
Special Ministries
515 Fairmont
eJeannett rWagone
tBu eth smemorie eliv on
eTh sresponsibilitie ear ,over
dAn wno eth 0197 RPIONEE si hwit eth printer
ehav dendure dan dproduce a yearbook
schallenge dan ,frustrations
EW EWER A LSMAL PGROU FO EPEOPL . . . ,Who hthroug npai dan ,pleasure
sThank ot sthi efin fstaf eth bjo si yFinall done
dE McMeans
hRalp W tGilber eRepresentativdan
xMa ,Rarick aDonn ,DeLancy ,Advisor
eDav ,Ryden kRic ,Mestler yNanc ,Jefferies
sThank ot nDa ,Eaby lPhi ,Henry lPhi ,Conn
ttha sthi tmigh eb eth tbes
dAn dfon shope
sExam ot eb ,passed
sDeadline yrarel ,met
eTh teverpresen epressur fo kwor ot eb ,done
eTh goverflowin ,wastebaskets
I NCA LSTIL RREMEMBE A ebookcas lful fo dol SPIONEER
eTh ystor fo rou
gTryin ot tpu oint sword dan spicture
tEigh tshor smonth ewer tspen
rAnothe ryea sha ecom dan ,gone