" O m m3 0
sClasses/Ad .Mr hRalp tGilber
kJac sAdam
yWend yGra
RPIONEE 5197 Vol 82
" O m m3 0
sClasses/Ad .Mr hRalp tGilber
kJac sAdam
yWend yGra
RPIONEE 5197 Vol 82
To grasp understanding the universal quest for knowledge - - is the goal of mankind. Youth, particularly is party to this quest. In pursuit of his goal, his beliefs mature and broaden constantly. A college atmosphere provides an excellent arena for the total processof understanding
College life enables one to grow in knowledge about oneself Early morning classes, late night study sessions, separation from home -- each contributes a part to helping the student understand his own shortcomings. Willpower and self control - - or lack of same - - is soon learned by the new student
Understanding others is also an integral part of college life. A new circle of friends is developed, friends who possess preferences and prejudices, likes and dislikes, and habits different from your own The ability to adapt to new circumstances and become an asset to the social atmosphere is vital in one's search for understanding.
"But seek ye first the kingdom of God ... " Wise words,but simple. How many times this admonition is ignored, an oversight which creates a huge vacuum in a life. Deeper spiritual understanding and a greater knowledge of God mustconstitute the solid base from which one builds the remainder of life's accomplishments.
•iOne of the most Important aspects of a youth's search for knowledge is the understanding through study. Knowing whether Keats was Victorian or Romantic, whether a weld can withstand the stress it will encounter, or whether an airplane takes off into the wind or not may seem rather unimportant when taken singly. But taken in totality, their importance looms because these facts are only representative samples of what man has thought and discovered through the ages. Every fact learned provides a tiny forward step in the unceasing quest for understanding.
ta ehom ni eth wne -commu nity
sa eth tstuden sbegin ot lfee
eth slocation fo gbowlin ,alleys gskatin ,rinks dan apizz splace ear dfile yawa
.hall sA shorizon ,broaden
nSoo eon sknow eth ssite fo eth ,chapel ,classrooms dan tmos timportan -- gdinineth
ssometime occurs eQuit -hap ,pily eth dperio si .temporary
tcul dperio fo tadjustmen
fo smile mfro ,home a -diffi
,hundreds sperhap sthousand
tThrus oint na tenvironmen
Waiting for registration and the start of classes, most students found watching television a pleasant diversion from their feelings of boredom.
For a large part of the summer, most of the campus lay idle, awaiting the return of its lifeblood - the students. Life began to return slowly on the weekend of August 24-25 as many of the freshmen arrived. The influx reached its peak early the next week as registration was held. After going through the formalities of registering, most students quickly settled down to a daily regimen of study and classes.
eth .reception eCarri dEricksta dan iLor rLeh dsearche eth dcrow rfo rfamilia sface
rfo yman sstudent gdurin .registration
.Mrs ,Miller ysecretar ot .Dr ,Stuber dirone tou gschedulin sproblem
Early in each Fall semester comes a time which is universallyloved by upperclassmen and hated by the freshmen. For one week of "DogDays," the freshmen wear beanies, cardboard replicas of their home states, and weird styles of dress. "Dog Days" aide the new students in learning about the school and about each other. By week's end, the freshmen looked back on a time of fun-filled activity and wondered why they had feared it so much. "Dogs" earned signatures in many unique ways.
For manyunfortunate freshmen, DogDays involved a trip to the "Pond."
sthi syear' .race
ryea - a ndivisio rfo ,trucks dan a r"Powde "Puff ndivisio rfo eth nwome drivers
wne sfeature ewer dadde sthi
yall sgive sstudent a echanc ot texhibi rthei gdrivin .skills oTw
gparkin .lot sStudent eDriv ni mSlalo dSponsore yb eth eAutomotiv ,Society eth lFal mslalo -annu
mslalo ecours dlaiswa tou no eth mgymnasiu
eThChatting with students occupied much of Dr. Opperman's time.
Opperman's messages emphasized the practical side of Christian life.
Dr. Opperman enjoyed listening as well as speaking throughout the weekrDirecto fo uLeTournea .College
eth ypreliminar gson eservic swa runde eth ndirectio fo -BeneDav
eTh lannua kwee fo lspecia -ser svice nknow sa lSpiritua sEmphasi kWee swa dhel -Sep rtembe .16-20 dSponsore yb eth yStale rSchola eLectur -Pro ,gram eth sservice dfeature .Dr nKen ,Opperman rDirecto fo mEvangelis rfo eth uLeTournea .Foundation nI na teffor ot hreac eth ,students nOpperma tdeal hwit eth lpractica saspect fo nChristia .living yDay-by-da nChristia elif swa ,stressed -put gtin eth ""emphasis ewher ti sbelong - no eth lspiritua hgrowt fo eth .individual
eJami sConnor swa dfeature sa a lspecia .soloist
After the installation of the cement facings on the second and third floors, the buildinj sat naked for several weeks, awaiting the arrival of the glass
Drawing the curious gazes of the students and faculty throughout the year wasthe daily construction of the Student Center. Day by day, week by week, the building inched toward completion. Hamperedby innumerable setbacks during construction, the structure is scheduled for dedication in late October of 1975.
For several weeks, the throaty roar of the huge the "mountains" which surround the structure
After a long month of studying, many students were looking for any excuse to relax and "get away from it all." The annual Fall Retreat offered such an opportunity Featured speaker for the weekend was Bob Clarke, a minister from Houston, Texas His timely messages caused many to reassess their spiritual priorities and to seek God's guidance in their lives
Stan registered students for their weekend vacation.Friday was a night of indoor games
Lawson and Stuber cooked. Retreat wasadrelaxe ni eth lnatura .surroundings
ebon-fir , sley'd"Stu eStamped , " -paddle ,boating dan .canoeing sOther tjus yquietl
denjoye hsuc sactivitie sa rindoo ,games a
tretrea tye ni sterm fo .numbers eTh sstudent
sdent ,went gmakin sthi eth most lsuccessfu
eth eentir dweeken goutin hwhic swa dhel ta ,Ringgold .Louisiana yNearl otw dhundre -stu
.canoes lBeautifu lfal rweathe dprevaile tthroughou
eTh sguy dwatche eth epaddl sboat dan
etim rfo .meditation
sbid dwoul eb .sent
siou ssocietie nbega eth ktas fo gchoosin sname ot mwho epledg
nWhe eth sdoor ,closed eth -var
ssemester' gpledgin activities
eTh teven ssignal eth tstar fo hRus kWee ni npreparatio rfo eth
ntatio yb eth lgenera public
ysociet sroom ear nope rfo -visi
ysociet lCounci ssponsor nOpe ,House na gevenin nwhe lal
mroo ni aLambd aAlph ,Sigma sa nsee yb yGerr ,Thiesen eOnc heac ,semester eth -Inter
The Longview Citizens Resource Center, the newest building on campus, was dedicated on Thursday, October 24. Much of the financial burden of construction was shouldered by local citizens for whom the building was subsequently named. Containing approximately 23,000 square feet, the Center tripled the size of the college library. At present , only the bottom floor will house library materials. Classes are currently held on the second floor. Dr. Harry Hardwick, President of the college, was Master of Ceremonies for the service. The event was climaxed by the ribbon-cutting ceremony performed by Mrs. Margaret Estes, a LeTourneau College Trustee.
One last inspection.
Dr. Richard LeTourneau, Mrs. Margaret Estes, Mrs R G LeTourneau, and Dr Harry Hardwick cut the ribbon.
nJoh ,Faulkner tPresiden fo eth eTh eResourc ,Center dviewe mfro eth ,south dFun , swa eon fo eth speakers tcos ynearl 000,5$73 A d-sizedgoo dcrow fo sstudent dan eth lgenera cpubli dviewe eth .ceremonies
The annual student talent show - the Sam Jack Amateur Hour - always features a wide variety of acts This year's show, the third annual, proved no exception as students performances included vocal solos, magic acts, and comedy skits Emcees for the evening were Stan Watne and Chuck White, both of whom filled the void between acts with comedy of their own. An inventive group, most of whom hailed from Dorm 40, grabbed the grand prize with their satirical version of an old TV series which they retitled "Star Tech."
"Star Tech" was judged to be the best act of the evening. With her rendition of the piano solo "Malaguena," Carrie Erickstad placed third.e"prov ttha ym yministr si "real.
lCul dreturne nagai ni yFebruar ebecaus eh dwante ot pfellowshi hwit eth sTecho dan
etwic ni tconcer ta uLeTournea - eonc ni rOctobe dan nagai ni .February hEac etim eh ,appeared a lsmal tbu yhighl ereceptiv eaudienc dviewe shi .performance lCul -accompa dnie fhimsel hwit rguita dan ,piano gsingin shi e"lov ssong ot eth "Lord. eThos owh dattende hbot sconcert tno yonl dappreciate shi ,music tbu ewer oals dblesse yb shi .ministry
bBo ,Cull a rforme rmembe fo eth dban eLov ,Song dappeare
elov rfo eth .Lord
eTh sword fo bBo sCull' ssong dexpresse shi pdee
The chapel of October 25 began like many others before it, but when it was finished, the service stood out as a milestone in the year's events. In that service, Dr. Hardwick announced his resignation as President of LeTourneau College, effective as of April 30, 1975. Thus brought to end the seven year service of this man in charge of
a growing college During his tenure in office, Dr Hardwick saw the college move progressively forward Enrollment increased, the liberal arts and teaching programs received accreditation, and the engineering program was strengthened. With these accomplishments behind him, Dr. Hardwick saw the need to answer his
first love - encouraging young people to serve the Lord. In leaving the presidency, Dr. Hardwick assumes a new role of chancellor. His duties will involve ministering to youth groups, at Bible camps, and in church services. Atrue friend of all the students, Dr. Hardwick will be sorely missed as he journeys around the country.
Before becoming president of LeTourneau College in 1968, Dr. Hardwick had been president of St. Paul Bible College for a numberof yearssStudent denjoye eth ,outgoing lcongenia eattitud fo .Dr .Hardwick sCampu sceremonie salway
.Dr kHardwic swa nsee ta ymanSignaling the start of the Homecoming festivities, the annual parade and bonfire were held Thursday, November 14. Queen candidates and their escorts rode around campus enroute to the soccer field where the bonfire was held. At the fire, the cheerleaders led in a few cheers followed by cheers by individual dorms who were competing for spirit points in the week's spirit contest. The winner would receive the miniature electric wheel as a trophy.
Numbered among the entries was this panel truck.Highlighting the Homecoming banquet was the crowning of the 1975 Queen One by one, the candidates and their escorts arrived on stage After the announcements of the runnerups, Candy Brown became the new reigning queen A popular choice, Candy is a P.E. major who was Tyler Hall 3A's representative. Candy was crowned by Michelle Howard, the 1974 Homecoming Queen.
Homecoming Queen Candy Brown quietly regained her composure following the coronation. Candy and her escort, Tim Lindstrom, posed afterward for many pictures.yCand ,Brown dan aLorett .Wallace
eTh ethre smember fo eth lroya tcour ewer m(fro )left aLydi ,Paul
eTh lroya ecoupl dpose ta eth darbore entrance
aLydi ,Paul descorte yb kMar ,Nymeyer swa tfirs runner-up lA tBecket descorte eth dsecon ,runner-up aLorett .Wallace
nKe hHaig descorte yTrud mMangru owh -repre
dsente mDor 2B eCarri dEricksta drepresente uTa aKapp Delta
aLydi ,Paul yBets ,Anderson yTrud ,Mangrum iTerr ,Williams rEsthe ,Stoltzfus hRut ,Maxwell eJun ,Tameling yCand ,Brown dan aEls .Innis
nQuee :candidates m(fro )left tFron :row eShere ,Chapman aBrend ,Wieland eSu -Sim ,mons eSuzann ,Hare aVirgini ,Wallace eCarri ,Erickstad dan nKare .Ryden kBac :row
sgroup' semphasi ni gson tabou sman' dnee rfo sJesu dan eth nexpectatio fo sHi timminen .return
eTh tconcer dende hwit eth
dtaine eth dcrow hwit a ewid erang fo ycontemporar music
tSpiri dan -entergUnderstandin
gdinin shall' appearance -Follow gin eth lmea dan ,coronation
mfro eth gceilin denhance eth
lTinse ""chandeliers ghangin
dcovere scolumn dan eic .swans
nmai eentranc swa ddecorate yb a egarden-lik eatmospher -ivyhwit
mfro eth sgroup' .repertoire
eStev nSchalchli dcompose yman ssong
otgCorrespondin eth ethem fo a n"Souther "Palace, sSaga'
tconcer dhel ,Friday rNovembe
rFo ,many eth hhig tpoin fo gHomecomin swa eth tbanque dan
ot .Mrs .R .G .LeTourneau
tSpiri dan mfrogUnderstandin ,Jacksonville ,Texas ddedicate r"Nea eth "Cross
Dave Mason was in charge of halftime award presentations.
The Homecoming contest proved to be close and exciting, but it also proved to be another loss for the Jackets. The game was a see-saw battle the whole way and was not decided until the final fourteen seconds. Poor foul line shooting contributed to the Jackets' demise. The large crowd cheered each Jacket basket. Freshman Bonnie White and veteran Jerry Loyd finished the evening with 18 points to take the scoring honors. The game marked an exciting climax to the Homecoming festivities.
Jerry Loyd, as he usually did, played an important part in the game.Due to inclement weather, the first of the two go-kart sprint races was cancelled during Homecoming weekend and held the following Saturday, November 23. A new feature of the race this year was the trophy dash for each division. Drivers were eager to qualify for the race because qualification enabled them to compete in the enduro later in the year. Also, the race gave them a chance to earn points toward the overall driving championship
Wendy Gray drove capably in Kart 36, owned by the Women's Residence HalltKar 14 ot yvictor ni eth
gexcitin races
,winner tKar ,81 ddi tno win sDriver dan sfan
Joan's face registered shock as the terms of her punishment were read to her
Making their second trip to LeTourneau in as many years, the Alpha-Omega Players performed George Bernard Shaw's drama "St Joan." Using only a simple backdrop, the story of Joan's disillusionment was well portrayed The Alpha-Omega Players are a most active repertory theater group and are well received wherever they go Their reception at LeTourneau proved no exception
Early in the play, Joan's troubles were few Later, they mounted quickly.pGrou smember dshare rthei stestimonie ,before gdurin dan rafte eth concert
etur fo cmusi .mediums
rthei now dan dinclude a -mix
owh yenjo ycontemporar music nI ,concert rthei ssong ewer
yministr daime ta stoday' gyoun
eLov ,Song a pto nChristia pgrou mfro .1970-74 gWin dan a rPraye sfeel ttha dGo sha dcalle mthe ni na cevangelisti
eThre smember fo eth pgrou ewer yformerl hwit
nChristia ,music eth eappearanc fo gWin dan a rPraye yearl ni rDecembe swa yprobabl eth thighligh fo rthei
uLeTournea no rDecembe .9 rFo eth yman sdevotee fo -con
yMan ewer dimpresse hwit eth emessag dcontaine ni eth .songs gWin dan a ,Prayer a trebuil nversio fo eLov ,Song dappeare ta
For the first time in several years, the college entered a float in the Longview Christmas Parade. "The Star Still Shines for Those WhoBelieve" was the float theme. Sherry Larson served as overseer in the construction of the float which provided an active witness for LC in the community. Volunteer help completed most of the work. S't-f/
emad eth tlas wfe sday dan sweek efle .rapidly
gDreamin fo ehom os yman smile yawa doccupie eth sthought fo .many eTh den fo eth rsemeste elik dol ,age screep pu ebefor eon sknow .it gCrammin rfo ,finals -find gin a erid ,home ,packing gdoin elast-minut ,work dan gmaintainin sone' ysanit - lal
eTh den fo eth ,semester sa ,usual tbrough yman
rfo yman .students
gFindin sride ot lal spart fo eth nnatio swa a ktas
The second semester found some students with different room assignments along withnew roommates
The three week hiatus known as the semester break flies all too quickly for most students Soon after the New Year, the time arrives to pack for the long trek back to Texas. Nearly seven hundred returned this year to continue their studies. In a short time, everyone became engrossed in another semester's activities.
DeYoung's sermons were filled with anecdotes
gDeYoun rafte eth .services
yMan sstudent dha eth yopportunit ot tcha hwit
0$16,00 swa dpledge dtowar -Sum rme sMission tthroughou eth kwee yb eth sstudent dan .faculty
kJac nWyrtze espok ta eth yMonda services ySunda ,evening yJanuar ,12 swa eth kkic fof yrall rfo eth lannua nMissio sEmphasi .Week sSpeaker rfo eth kwee ewer kJac nWyrtze dan mJi ,DeYoung hbot mfro dWor fo .Life ,Wyrtzen eth rfounde fo dWor fo ,Life swa tpresen hthroug yMonda ,evening rafte hwhic gDeYoun dassume eth gspeakin .duties sDeYoung' smessage ewer dfille hwit sanecdote dan dhel eth saudience' .attention rOve
0$16,00 ot rsumme missions
gDurin eth ,week sstudent dcontribute rove
The first concert of the spring semester was given by the Renaissance. They drew the largest audience of the year to their concert. Incorporatedinto their show was a humorous puppet act. In addition to the puppets, Renaissance also performed patriotic and contemporary songs as well as hymns and spiritual selections.
Renaissance, a well-known group of college-age Christians, drew the largest crowd of the year
Numerous albums were available to those who were interested in buying them.
oT rministe eth lgospe fo tChris ni gson swa eth sgroup' purposeyprimar
eTh sgroup' tsof estyl emad glistenin yeas dan .relaxing
rte sChrist' elov ni .song
eTh dSoun ,Alliance daffiliate hwit eth nChristia yMissionar eAllianc ,Churches dpresente a kfol tforma ddesigne ot ecommunicat ot gyoun .people rThei tsof estyl dan -well dpractice yharmon emad eth tconcer eenjoyabl rfo ethos ni .attendance dCompose fo xsi ecollege-ag gyoun ,people eth pgrou sendeavor ot -minis
ddesigne ot ecommunicat hwit gyoun people I r
dSoun eAllianc dprovide cmusi hwhic swa
Dr Hardwick was one of the many guests during the evening.
Cake and punch were served to all visitors throughout the evening
Students inspected the guestbook in search of familiar names.
rthei .guests
sCoed ygracefull dwelcome lal
dan gtalkin ot eth .coeds sThi ryea ni eth gfollowin fo a sValentine' yDa ,theme heac gwin fo eth mdor ddecorate sit glivin aare ni ncelebratio fo eth .event gLookin ta lpersona ,mementoes dan ni esom
eResidenc lHal ear dopene ot einquisitiv .guests rFo lsevera ,hours svisitor ear dpermitte ot mroa eth ,halls gvisitin eth ,rooms gsippin eth ,refreshments
rFo eon tnigh heac ,year eth sdoor fo eth sWomen'
After a one week postponement due to rain, the second sprint race was held February 8. Mechanical failure marred the race, forcing several karts to withdraw. Trophy dashes were won by Karts 42, 41, and 36 in their respective divisions.
Team Honda, Kart #81, again proved to be an important factor in the sprints.
It was definitely possible to take a wrong turn in the race.
As always, mechanical problems had a direct effect on racing results.
In their annual visit to the LeTourneau campus, the National Shakespeare Company presented Shakespeare's most controversial play, "The Merchant of Venice." The Company did a fine job in both providing entertainment and food for thought. The comedic elements amused the audience, and Shylock's emotion-charged speeches remained a most memorable part of the evening.
The parable of the three caskets amused the audience.
His fate lying in front of him, the prince tried to pick the casket which would entitle him to marry.
"j±- ^kShyloc ypatientl tsough eth nretur fo eth ymone eh
shi sbusines .associates
,Shylock eth doppresse ,Jew yangril ddefende eth yman sattack no shi
The members of Free Spirit each donated a year of their life to extend the message of hope, achievable only through the love of Jesus Christ.
Performing both in concert and in chapel, Free Spirit came to share the love of Jesus Christ
The group ministers on high school and college campuses, in churches, and on radio and television Through the use of puppets as well as in song, Free Spirit portrayed the message of Christ's love to all.
tSpiri kWee observances
nEve eth ttoughes scampu srowdie ktoo tpar ni
dBear sgrower yanxiousl
dawaite eth larriva fo rthei tfirs .whisker
sjean ewer nwor no sFiftie .Day
e«»"£4fc?—i.--<st"' ,T-shirts ,sneakers kslicked-bac ,hair dan dol
oT yrall lschoo tsuppor rfo eth lbasketbal ,team eth gcheerleadin dsqua dsponsore a tSpiri kWee ta .mid-semester hEac ,weekday sstudent ddresse ni a tdifferen estyl ot wsho rthei .spirit tAbou sthi ,time eth dbearlannua ggrowin tcontes .began rFo xsi ,weeks yman sTecho kforsoo eth rrazo eblad ni na tattemp ot tsprou a .beard hBot dmanagesevent ot emak eth eaverag tstuden kloo yslightl lunusua ni appearance
Kart 2 gained the lead late in the race and wasnot headed as it took the overall driving championship.
Mechanical difficulties affected nearly all of the karts.
Kart 42 held the lead until the four hour markof the race
grunnin sa tpi sstop
ewer equit .numerous
nOfte ni eth ecours fo eth ,race yonl a wfe fo eth ndoze skart
lmechanica breakdowns rFo tmos fo eth ,race tKar 24 dle eth pack tBu ,then lmechanica sproblem thi ,it dan tKar 2 dslippe yb ot etak eth dcheckere gfla dan hwit ti eth -over lal gdrivin .championship
a.m gFeaturin a wfe schange ni eth ,track eth erac oals dfeature yman
,thon eth tlas fo eth ethre yyearl ,races nbega ypromptl ta 010:0
oEndur swa .run eTh rsix-hou -mara
nO a ,cold ywind ,day eth 5197
yMan sdriver ktoo eth glon kwal ot eth pits
Thursday evening
A new contest - bale throwing - was held east of the baseball diamond Many bushy-faced Techos competed in the beard-growing contest which ended Friday evening at Saga.gwinnin rthei garm-wrestlin sclasse .Monday
nShanno ,Hunt nJoh ,Marx dan rRiddebBo dprove ot eb eth scampu ""musclemen,
ewer eth efeatur sevent yWednesda .evening A wne ,contest ebal -throw ,ing swa dhel yThursda dan swa nwo yb mDor .40 yFrida ,evening -beard gjudgin dan ghog-callin dcappe fof eth kwee tnigh .activities
dHan eLuk gEgg-Eatin tContes hwhic swa nwo yb mTi .Milanowski eTh glog-sawin dan a aSag ebarbecu
eth tbenefi fo eth students -Arm gwrestlin dopene eth kwee no -Mon yda .evening yTuesda wsa eth lCoo
scontest ewer dhel heac gevenin rfo
tThroughou rFrontie ,Week tdifferen
gsawin event
eTh ,Milanowskis lPau dan ,Tim nwo eth -log
Some of the Hootenanny acts did not exactly fit the diction of
sdutie rfo eth evening
.Dr mTo nCompto dan nSta eWatn dshare eth eemce
kwee fo .campaigning
rFrontie Queen ,Also eth eslat fo sofficer rfo tnex syear' eSenat swa ,revealed gclimaxin a ,long dhar
tmen fo eShere nChapma sa eth 5197
dture dsecon place yHootenanneTh dprovide eth estag rfo eth -announce
daroun eth ethem fo eth ,Wild dWil .West mTo oManz dreceive eth efirst-plac ,prize dan mDor 04 -cap
gPlayin ot a dpacke ehous ni eth ,gym eth yHootenann dcentere
nFreshma eShere nChapma dsmile ybrightl sa esh swa dannounce sa rFrontie .Queen
The raft battles, begun at mid morning, opened the Saturday events
After a long, tough struggle, Kappa
Last Year's Rope Pull champions struggled in vain as KZX was the eventual winner of the tense battle
Zeta Chiwon the annual Rope Pull.rSenio .Class ySaturda fo rFrontie kWee swa dfille hwit yactivit mfro ndaw lunti lwel rafte .dark tA 06:0 a.m Dr ,Roden ycross-countr ,coach dle a pgrou fo srunner ni a scampu .relay eTh smember -trav derse eth 31.2 emil ecours 650.3 stime ni eth xsi rhou .race tA 010:3 .a.m eth traf sbattle nbega ta eth .pond mDor 04 swa eth leventua .winner eTh safternoon' yactivit dcentere droun eth dpon oals sa XKZ nwo eth lannua eRop .Pull ,Finally ot pca fof eth ,week eth eStamped swa nru ta eth eCircl A ,arena gbeginnin ta 07:0 .p.m eTh oRode sClub' eStamped dcappe fof eth
wNo uyo ese ,him wno uyo tdon' sa eth tfirs ePi wThro dearne rove eon dhundre sdollar rfo
The Renaissance appeared in concert on Friday evening of the CampusPreview weekend.
One of the highlights of the Campus Preview weekend was the concert by The Renaissance in the gym. The concert followed on the heels of a Karate exhibition. Using the ministry of song, The Renaissance were in the midst of a nationwide tour The high school guests as well as the college student body were treated by the "song of salvation" as presented by The Renaissance
Sharing Christ through personal testimony was a part of their ministry.
vIr ,Jones aDelt aSigm iPs ,member dplaye dlea rguita rfo eth band
lStee dpresente a ewid yvarietgrangin mfro dol ycountr ssong ot efavorit eoldtim spirituals
tNo nofte od rforme sstudent nretur ot mperfor rfo eth tstuden ,body tbu hsuc swa eth ecas nwhe eBlu lStee dperforme eher ni elat .March g"Bi "Irv sJone dan shi dban dintroduce yman sstudent ot eth ssound fo -Blue sgras .music gProvidin a -relax gin rtwo-hou ,concert eBlu
npicki " swa a ktrademar fo
lhal spotlights
eBlu lStee dperforme runde eth eglar fo eth gdinin
The sports program at the college, both varsity and intramural, culminates each spring with the annual sports banquet. Here, all the trophies won during the year are presented to the respective winners. Ken Burroughs of the Houston Oilers was the featured speaker of the evening. Tim Lindstrom and Candy Brown won the two most coveted awards - the all-around male and female athlete of the year, respectively. In the team category, Alpha Omega walked off with the grand sweepstakes intramural trophy.
Jerry Loyd, an All-Conference player, received congratulations.
Most of the coaches had a few wordsto say in praise of their respective squads.
Several dozen gleaming trophies sat waiting to be awarded
nKe ,Burroughs rwide-receive rfo eth nHousto ,Oilers espok ot eth yman sguest ta eth banquet ot eth schampion fo heac lintramura .sport
A large crowd gathered on the mall for the 10:00 a.m. service
In one of his last acts as college president, Dr. Hardwick shook hands with each graduate as he received his diploma.
sulation mfro rthei .friends
rAfte eth ,ceremonies graduates dreceive -congrat
.Dr nKen nOpperma egav eth ngraduatio .address
.mall .Dr nKen ,Opperman tPresiden fo aTocco sFall eBibl ,Institute espok to the elarg ofdcrow sgraduate dan rthei guests gFollowin eth -cere ,monies eth scampu yquickl dassume eth tquie rdemeano fo eth nvacatio .season
halthoug ygra scloud dthreatene ot ndampe eth sceremonie hwhic ewer dhel no eth scampu
rthei .lives nGraduatio yda twen ,smoothly
sdent dremaine ni nanticipatio fo a gbi yda ni
lal rove eth ,world emor ntha eon dhundre -stu
eWhil tmos sstudent dheade ot shome dscattere
Work continued into the summer months as the interior slowly took shape
Mounds of bare dirt awaited the planting of grass.
Soon, the R.
water tower as a campus landmark.
rfo a dschedule rNovembe .dedication nRai ,delays -sup ypl ,problems dan rothe -con nstructio soversight ehav lal dcombine ot rhinde eth -build sing' completion yHeav srain dhampere eth ncompletio fo eth -Stu
gbuildin dwoul eb yreademad
rinterio kwor dremaine fi eth
rsumme smonth ,began hmuc
tStuden rCente sha dinche dtowar .completion sA eth
rFo otw lful lschoo ,years eth
eTh ndesig fo eth wne gbuildin ymansprovide euniqu sangle rfo pictures
eTh ,choir dle yb eDav ,Benson dperforme ni hbot 'semesters .chapels
nA lintegra tpar fo ecolleg elif ear eth lchape sprogram dhel rfou stime .weekly ,Pastors ,singers ,faculty ,students dan yman sother dcontribute ot eth sprogram tthroughou eth .year eTh dsecon rsemeste wsa eth lchape dperio nretur ot a -mid gmornin etim .slot eFre ,Spirit ni nadditio ot rthei ,concert oals dappeare rfo eon lchape -perform
For those who seek it, the college atmosphere offers many opportunities to share Christ's love. Before each class, students or faculty bring a short devotional and prayer. Chapel and private prayer groups provide another means of sharing. Outside the college, opportunities abound for those who seek Christian service activities.
Each class started with a devotional thought and prayer given either by faculty or students.
Many opportunities were available for off-campus witnessing.
Chapel provided the stage for personal testimonies.
tMidwes .area
tSouthwes - wNe ,Mexico -Ari ,zona dan California eTh -sec don pgrou dcovere eth -upper
sThi ,year eon pgrou dtoure eth
sweek yimmediatel gfollowin eth eclos fo eth gsprin .semester
rUnde eth ndirectio fo eDav ,Benson eth sgroup ltrave rfo xsi
rtou eth nnatio heac .year
sA tpar fo eth yministr fo ,LeTourneau otw gsingin sgroup
eth nNatio
sSinger dToure
,Longenecker yPerr ,Pust iJon ,Griparis dan eJun
nWilso dtoure eth .westdupper-Mi
sSinger sKri ,Nordell bBo ,Benson iLor ,Lehr yCand ,Eppler dan nVer
mTo ,Burt yNancEditor-in-Chief
Jeff Baker
Layout Editor
Art Salatin
Mike Powell
David Oakes
Esther Lum
Cindy Stephens
Jim Pence
Myra Wellman
News Reporters
Paul Graybill
Suzanne Franklin
Dave Wootten
Steve Nielsen
Sports Reporters
Jim Dobos
Paul King
Kim Pippin
Vern Wilson
Dave Baird
Keith Hibbard
Jeff Hollinger
Ron Burns
Phil Ditto
Pictured are: Dave Largent, Jim Dobos, Jim Pence, Steve Nielson, Myra Wellman, David Oakes, Dave Wooten, Esther Lum, Jeff Baker, Cindy Stephens.spoint fo .journalism hEac eissu fo eth tpas ryea dfeature rregula ,columns gupcomin ,events ssport ,information tconcer ro ypla ,reviews dan -edito lria tcommen no scampu issues
yit fo eth ,YELLOWJACKET eth ecolleg -newspa per dPublishe ,bi-monthly eth rpape sgive sit fstaf smember eampl yopportunit ot nlear eth rfine
yfacult tabou scampu sisnew eth fchie -responsibil
gInformin eth uLeTournea eColleg sstudent dan
Paul Graybill
Wendy Gray
Classes and Ads
Cindy Stephens
Raymond Farrar
Jack Adams
Kim Pippin
Vern Wilson
Dave Baird
Keith Hibbard
Jeff Hollinger
Ron Burns
Phil Ditto
1975 PIONEER staff: (from left) Wendy Gray, Raymond Farrar, Paul Graybill, Cindy Stephens, and Jack AdamsrAdvise hRalp tGilber
uLeTournea .College
lpictoria dan nwritte taccoun fo eth 51974-197 lschoo ryea ta
RPIONEE lwil yhopefull eserv sit dintende nfunctio - ot eprovid a
sture ,accrue galon hwit epossibl .layouts nI eth ,end eth dfinishe
eeveryon dlabore oint eth yearl gmornin .hours rOthe ntha tlayou ,nights syearbook og rtogethe ni lpiecemea .fashion ySlowl eth -pic
ghangin rove rthei .heads nO ethes ,occasions pslee swa escarc sa
RPIONEE sstaffer dha yonl a wfe hnightmaris snight hwit sdeadline
eUnlik eth rnewspape fstaf hwhic dha rregula sdeadline ot ,meet eth
Each year, the Automotive Society is one of the most active organizations on campus. Two go-kart sprint races and one six-hour endurance race are sponsored annually, along with a slalom each fall. This year, the Society also featured a road rally for the participation of the student body.
The 1974-75 Student Senate was actively involved in almost every event on campus. Fall Retreat, Homecoming, the Christmas float, a blood drive, and the Frontier Week celebration were all planned, and to a large part financed by the Senate. With the addition of funds from the activity fee, the Senate funded other events also As school closed, members of the Senate were drawing up plans for a marquee to be built along Mobberly Avenue. Tim Golike ruled as president of the body. His assistants were Phil Britton, Cindy Stephens and Suzanne Hare.
The Senate was led in its many activities by President Tim GolikesDenni sWilliam
aBrend dWielan
nSta eWatn
mJi sTimmon
dRichar nThompso
eMik dSwinefor
eDav tStrai
kMar hSmit
yGar rSane
tAr nSalati
nKare nRyde
nVer uRosenea
sDenni kRenwic
nJoh sRee
iWill tPiket
nKe ePierc
dDavi sOake
eStev nNielse
lPau nNatio
lPau iMilanowsk
lCar nMattso
eDav nMaso
nDo wMcGra
sCurti eMcGe
hKeit tLeonhard
ySherr nLarso
yRa yKingsle
nJoh oKels
dBernar sHaye
eDal eHardtk
yGar rHalle
lEar hHaig
gGre tHaggar
sCarlo oGuerrer
sJame tGaun
eSuzann nFrankli
mTi rEppinge mJi gEverdin
aDonn eEgl
sJame sDobo
eShere nChapma
nJo yBromle
sRos sBean
eRocki eBani
nJo hArrowsmit fJef rBake
dPicture :are lPhi ,Britton ;Vice-President eSuzann ,Hare ;Secretary yCind -Ste ,phens ;Treasurer mTi ,Golike .President
Wings for Witness is formed for the purpose of propagatingthe missionary spirit in the Aviation Department as well as the remainderof the school. Throughoutthe year, their meetings involvedthe discussion of missionary goals and the accomplishments that can be made through aviation.
,Leonhardt eAlic ,Mclntosh nKe ,winoC hRic ,Elsdon mJi ,Hale eMichell ,Howard
dPicture hKeit dan mJi NiumanUnder the sponsorship of Dr. Wellman, the Business Club completed its first full year since it was reorganized one year ago. Membership in the club
was open to both Business Administration majors and those whoheld an interest in business subjects.
A small group of avid chess devotees met regularly throughout the school year to sharpen their chessboard skills. Ken Cowin was the motivating force behind the Chess Club which, in addition to intraclub matches, also played against clubs outside the school.
Pictured (from left): Don Henry, Chuck Barber, Don Johnson, Dr. Wellman, Russell Lacoste, Leora Yard, Don Seller, Phil Niewald, Randy Chase, Trudy Mangrum, and Randy Rodebaugh.,Thompson eStev ,Thompson dan rAdvise eDav Hartman
ePictur ear m(fro :left) yRand ,Rodebaugh kJac ,Scranton yRo ,Bogert yBarr ,Brown yRa ,Huey dRichar
sdiver sa lwel sa ethos owh ear tjus gdevelopin na tinteres ni .diving
si eth gDivin ,Club dforme ta rmid-semeste ni eth
hEac ,year ta tleas eon wne bclu si yusuall formed eTh tnewes bclu ta eth ecolleg sthi ryea
spring hAlthoug ynewl ,formed eth pmembershi fo eth bclu wno sexceed otw .dozen dContaine ni sit pmembershi ear yman dregistere dan dlicense
One small group of college personnel often receives little acclaim for their dedication. Aiding the husband through college is a full-time job as many in the Student Wives' Club can attest Throughout the year, the Wives Club involved itself in several functions. They sold refreshments
at each of the go-kart races, held their annual sweetheart banquet in February, and also presented one chapel program To cap off their stay at the college, several graduates' wives received their PHT (Pushing Hubby Through) degree at the semester's close.
Pictured are (from left): Kathy Blair, Jackie Banks, Bea Sink, Mariam Richards, Callie Pradmore, Dawn Delgatty, Jo Beth Deibel, Nelva Michmerhuizen, Jan Rosenau, and Patsy Shay.Mrs kFran ,Lewis Mrs eJo ,McGraw dan Mrs nDo -Con
.Mrs lHaze ,Obetz .Mrs rRoge ,Erickstad .Mrs hKennet ,Durham .Mrs kFran
cepts sThi pgrou smeet yregularl gdurin eth
bClu si eactiv ni sit tsuppor fo eth ecolleg -pre
sfessor fo eth ,college eth uLeTournea sWomen'
dCompose fo eth swive fo fstaf smember dan -pro
smonth lschoo si ni nsessio - rSeptembe ot April nI ,August eth bclu dsponsore eth nreceptio ni hwhic lal wne sstudent ewer ngive eth yopportunit ot tmee yfacult dan fstaf .members eTh sladie oals dhoste a nreceptio rfo eth 5197 lApri -gradu ates
To serve the common interests of students from foreign countries, the Internation Club was formed a year ago The club is composed mainly of missionary kids and other interested students. Slide presentations, movies, and a few dinners comprised the majority of the club's activities during the year.
Officers pictured are Rick MeArthur, Betsy Anderson, Marty Moon, and Mohan Jhass.,Ackley dan mTi .Lindstrom
,Wester nNatha ,Strong lPhi ,Britton nKe ,Kilheffer nVer ,Rosenau kDic
dGol yKe bClu smember dpicture ear sJame ,Hale mTi ,Golike nSharo
rfo eth .club
ysociet no .campus sIt smember ear
yentirel fo ,seniors si eth yonl rhono
eTh dGol yKe ,Club dcompose
nchose yb yfacult evot no eth sbasi fo ,learning ,leadership dan -loy .alty A 23. mminimu AGP tmus eb dcarrie yb sstudent ot eb dconsidere
The Pep Band enjoyed a revival in interest this year under the leadership of Dave Benson. The band played at all home basketball games, both before the game and at half time For the first time this year, the band led the Homecoming parade of queen candidates Also, throughout the year, the group performed a few brass arrangements in chapel
Front row (from left): Lori Burck, Douglas Cobb, Bill Helton, David Baird, June Tameling, and Dave Benson, director. Second row (from left): David Brown, Stephen Dubert, Scott Gray, Art Salatin, Perry Pust, and BobBenson. Third row: Steve Biggs, Carl Harvey, Phil Britton and Vern Wilson.rchoi ot rtheitpresen lmusica selections
lSevera schapel heac rsemeste ewer ngive ot eth
trecen .years eTh pgrou tme etwic yweekl tthroughou eth ryea ot erehears rthei music
lreviva fo tinteres sthi ,year greversin a dtren fo
dexperience a
eTh uLeTournea eColleg rchoi sconstitute a rmajo tpar fo eth scollege' cmusi .program rUnde eth ndirectio fo eDav ,Benson eth rchoi
tFron wro m(fro :left) nSharo ,Wester mPa ,Peterson aLorett ,Wallace eDav ,Benson yCand ,Eppler aPaul ,Smith dan eLesli Gregg dSecon :row aDonn ,Egle aVirgini ,Wallace eElain ,McDaniel eCarri -Erick ,stad iLor ,Burck dan iLor .Lehr dThir :row lCar ,Stutsman lLynel ,Friesen eDuan ,Platz fJef ,Hollinger dan lPau .Wik hFourt :row eWayn ,Liverman nWarre ,Grouse eJess ,Newton dan nRo .Merrin
For the welding majors at LeTourneau, a student chapter of the American Welding Society is available for participation. The group had troubles getting regular meeting times this year, but it did take one tour through the Lone Star steel operations in Ore City, Texas.
Pictured are AWSAdvisor Keith Glassand President Tom Landon.kBac ot eth ,Bible ,Unshackled dan ycontinuall tkep rthei yconstituenc dinforme no newsscampu
ystud yb ti lunti tmidnigh heac .evening nI -addi ,tion eth nstatio dsponsore lsevera eliksbroadcast
yearlgprogrammin heac gmornin dan
CKLT denjoye a elarg eincreas ni danpmembershi tinteres sthi .year sStudent dcoul ewak pu ot
dDedicate ot gplayin lal stype fo nChristia cmusi rfo eth uLeTournea tstuden ,body oradi nstatio
sCharle ,Curtis rVicto ,Ewing nWarre ,Grouse .Dr dDavi ,Sprague ,adviser eMik ,Franks dan tRober .Snavely
dRichar ,Reisman lDary ,Eppler eLesli ,Gregg mJi ,Niuman eDav ,Wootten nKe ,Cowin tRober ,Snavely
dPicture m(fro :left) lCar ,Burtner ,MerrinnRo kChuc ,White yTerr ,Devries rRodge ,Wesner lPhi ,Miller
Mark Smith
Dennis Martin
Brenda Wieland
Lydia PaulyNanc rLongenecke
kRic yGregor
nJonatha yBromle
Mike Swineford
Vice-President Bill Naas |
Josephine Payton
nDo wMcGra
mPa nPeterso
mJi sDobo
gGrei tHaggar
Composed of members of the varsity sports teams of LeTourneau, the Lettermen's Club was involved in a number of functions this year. The club sold concessions at both basketball and baseball games in order to earn money for their annual spring banquet The banquet, sponsored in conjunction with
the Intramural Department, was held late in April Ken Burroughs, wide-receiver for the Houston Oilers, spoke to the guests this year. In addition, intramural and extramural adwards were presented.
lCounci sserve sa a ggovernin ybod rfo yan -com nmo sactivitie eth ssocietie od heac year eTh lcounci ssponsor otw nOpe sHouse - eon heac rsemeste - ni hwhic eprospectiv spledge rtou eth shouse dan tmee eth .members ,Also ti sset eth srule ggovernin spledge dan eth epledg .season ,Finally eth lannua eRop lPul
dCompose fo otw srepresentative mfro heac fo eth efiv dcampus-base ,societies eth yIntersociet
dPicture :are yBarr ,Brown nKe ,Foreman mTo ,Alf kJac ,McKenzie yGar ,Saner lPau ,Graybill dE -Lan ,dis tAr ,Salatin ,BurnsnRo eMerl ,Stoltzfus nDa Tarr
.Mr eJo wMcGra
eStev nWildasi
nSta eWatn
nRo nVa nVranke
kMar sSpire
.A .V wSha
yGar rSane
kJac eMcKenzi
fJef kKleinbec
lPau gKin
rRoge rKieffe
nKevi nJackso
nKe nForema
yRand nFolkma
kMar tElliot
mTo rCowpe
lBil lCampbel
eGen dBickfor
lPau sBeer
uLo rBeele
sOfficer dpicture :are nSta ,Watne yGar ,Saner nKe ,Foreman dan kMar .Elliott
Mr kFran sLewi
.Mr rRoge rCar
eDal rWeave
dRichar nThompso
eMik dSwinefor
yRand hRodebaug
yBarr sPhillip
nDa tNewquis
lBil sNaa
yTerr nMichmerhuize
yGar nJohnso
kMar gHenneber
kRic yGregor
tScot yGra
mJi tGaun
yBarr nBrow
kNic sBrother
nJo yBromle
mTo fAl
dRichar ,Thompson kFran sLewi ,(Advisor) rRoge rCar ,(Advisor) dan mTo .Alf SMEMBER
.Dr lPau tKubrich
.Mr hRalp .W tGilber
lPau gYoun
yBill gYoun
lPhi yYorge
nDo fWikof
nVer nWilso
mTi eWallac nDa rWebbe
eMerl sStoltzfu
eDav sStoltzfu
eDav rStauffe
yLarr rRohre rArthu nSalati
dE rReiste
yPerr tPus
nJoh sPlemmon
nKe nPeterso
lPhi nOlso
nJoh eLe eStev eLov yTerr dLoy kMar rNymeye
eMik nLawso
dEdwar hLaibac
nKe rKilheffe
eDav eHuthwait
lCar yHarve
yRand nHartma
nStephe yForce
eBruc sDodd yHarr gFlemin
lPhi oDitt
kChuc sDavi
nKe sBurkin
lPhi nBritto
sOfficer dpicture :are yBill ,Young yHarr ,Fleming nVer ,Wilson eMerl ,Stoltzfus kChuc ,Davis eDav ,Huthwaite lPhi ,Ditto dan eStev Forcey
yWood dRolan
nStephe sRea
yLarr rMille
nJonatha aMeji
yRa yKingsle
lDarre rEpple
yJerr lCasse
mTo tBur
yRodne pBisho
sOfficer dpicture :are eStev ,Thomas nRo ,Burns dan lPau
.Dr .M eDean .Adv,White
.Dr dDavi ,Hartman .Adv
dGeral nThiese
eJo kPipa
iWill tPiket
tScot gOber kMar gPaulin
nJoh eKan nStephe pLem yLarr dLunsfor eStev nNielse
nIrvi sJone
lBil D ,Honsberger Jr
eDal eHardtk
eBruc aHallil
lPau lGraybil
mTi eGolik
mJi sDobo mTi rEppinge
kMar sDavi
yLarr dCumberlan
kDic nCarlso
nRo sBurn
Keeping high the enthusiasm of LeTourneau fans proved to be an unenviable task for the 1974-75 cheerleading squad But under the advisership of Mrs Lee Burks, the girls did their best From the early days of autumn when soccer boomed until the waning days of the basketball season, the cheerleaders could be seen at all home games, encouraging the Jackets on to victory In addition to their activity at the games, the cheerleaders also made numerousposters to supportthe teams
lofficia egam etim .outs
gKeepin eth menthusias hhig swa eth fchie bjo fo eth dsqua
smoment fo fun
swa dhar ,work tbu ether ewer yman
gCheerleadin gdurinLargely overlooked by the student body, the cross-country team turned in a moderately successful record this year. A small budget prevented the team from competing in as many meets as would have been desired The team also lost two runners - Tim Green and Rick Noel - to basketball mid way through the season Despite these setbacks, the team, under the direction of Dr. Roden, did well, including a second place finish in an invitational tourney held on this campus.
The average runner usually ran by himself and was alone with his thoughts The Jacket squad hosted one cross-country meet in the Fall.gincludin eth swood no eth hSout .side
ycross-countr ecours no scampu nra ynearl eth ewhol edistanc daroun eth scampu ,perimeter
dfiel ni tfron fo eth .HousegBi
yCross-countr smeet yusuall nbega no eth cathleti
A humorist might describe the Jackets' soccer team as being "all tied up," for they led the Texas Soccer League this year with five ties. LeTourneau had a good offensive team this season, outshooting ten of their opponents, but they kept missing the clutch shot which wins games. The Jackets finished with a league record of 4-2-4 and an overall mark of 6-2-5. Freshman Dave Stoltzfus led the scorers with nine goals. Mark Hedgepeth finished a distant second with four goals.
Bob Thiesen again played some outstanding defensive soccer for the Jackets this year.nNatha .Strong
,Chase kMar ,Friesen gDou ,Bondurant eStev ,Beacham nJo ,Bromley kMar ,Hedgepeth eNat ,Saint
,Thiesen nJoh ,Brinkerhoff mTi ,Snyder yGar .Haller kBac :row hCoac ,Fratzke nBria ,McCue yRand
rSocce :Team m(fro )left tFron :row mTi ,Golike eDav ,Stoltzfus kRic ,McArthur bBo ,Thiesen yGerr
kMar hHedgepet swa eth dsecon gleadin rscore rfo eth .Jackets
All-star goalie Doug Bondurant saved many potential goals with his fine play
The Jackets kept enemy goalies under fire.
lOveral :Record 56-2-
S.M.U sTexa MA&
S.F.A rBaylo sTexa
.S.F.A rBaylo
.S.M.U sTexa
4197 eSchedul dGran sRapid sTexa MA&
The Yellowjacket basketball team had another one of those years which, at best, should soon be forgotten Under second year coach Bill Lehr, the Jackets managed to bring home a 2-21 final record. A few bright spots were visible in the gloom Jerry Loyd, the mainstay of the squad all season long, wasnamed to the first team all-Conference squad. His 402 total points and 17.4 scoring average led the Jackets. Another bright spot was freshman Bonnie White from Shreveport. His flying, twisting scoring drives earned him a 15.4
scoring average Terry Loyd led the squad in rebounds with 277, and in shooting percentage with 54.9. The team suffered greatly from a height disadvantage and a general lack of bench strength. The Jackets had four scorers in double figures, but the drop off after these four was significant. With the loss of Jim Dumas to graduation, next year's squad should have a more experienced flavor. With additional summer recruits forthcoming, the basketball program should improve next year.
eTh gcheerleadin dsqua dworke dhar
spent much time in planning strategy for
Bill Lehr the Jackets. Freshman Bonnie White's jumping ability earned him many pointseshar fo eth .offense
nadditio ot shi gsparklin ,defense yTerr dLoy oals dprovide shi
rJunio yTerr dLoy dranke hhig ni eth econferenc ni .rebounds yJerr dLoy swa eth sJacket' pto shooter
Coach Ben Rempel of the Yellowjacket tennis team enjoyed the use of a fine blend of veterans and young players on his squad this spring. Seniors Dick Ackley and Tim Lindstrom, team stalwarts in past years, again played fine ball on the courts. TwofreshmenSam Seifert and Don Beacham - added fresh blood to the roster with Gordon Holt and Dusty Strayer completing the squad. All home matches were played at the Longview High School courts or at the Gladewater Country Club.
All home matches were played on non-school courts.
Dr. Ben Rempel coached the tennis squad Poor weather hindered the practice schedule of the Jacket netmen.A ymainsta no eth mtea swa eth tconsisten ypla fo rSenio mTi -Lind .strom
kDic yAckle dplaye shi tlas ryea
sMember fo eth stenni mtea :are tFron wro m(fro :left) kDic ,Ackley mTi -Lind ,strom dan nDa .Beacham dSecon :row .Dr nBe ,Rempel mSa ,Seifert nGordo ,Holt dan yDust .Strayer
stice dwoul ehav ngive eth mtea eth ebalanc ti .needed
nJorda tfel ttha ladditiona -prac
rthei tfirs rfou ,matches hCoac
ebecaus fo eth rain hAlthoug eth mtea dstarte ,slowly glosin
eTh sJacket tlos lsevera eclos .matches eTh tJacke ,golfers elik eth ,baseballers ewer dstymie yb rpoo rweathe conditions -Lim dite spractice tkep eth mtea mfro ggettin a dgoo tstar ni competition lSevera yearl smatche ewer dcancelle
ycountr .club
eTh sgolfer dplaye rthei ehom smatche ta a lloca
In a season of rebuilding, the Jackets seemed well on their way to a good record when inclement weather struck. The subsequent lack of everydaypractice and play hindered the squad in achieving consistency both at the plate and in the field. Early in the spring, the Jackets boasted a 4-1 mark, but at season's end, the record stood at 6-16. Bo Letney, the team ERA and batting leader, was named the conference Freshman of the Year Shortstop John Bellows was named to the All-Conference first team squad. Most of the team returns next year, as only Mark Davis was lost to graduation.
Newcomer Jack Broadwater proved to be a valuable asset behind the plate.
eDu ylargel ot na tinconsisten epractic ,schedule eth sJacket dsuffere mfro na -ane cmi kattac no eth .plate
Interest in karate has grown nationwide in the past few years. The growth of interest can be seen at LeTourneau in the formation of the Karate Club. In April, the club sponsored the first annual LeTourneau College Karate Championships, involving both individual and team competition
Pictured are: Don McGraw, Ray Huey, Mohan Jhass and Advisor David Jordan.nsharpe rthei .skills eSom fo eth mtea oals dcompete ni eth eKarat ttournamen dhel ni eth mgy ni yearl .April
tgen kwor runde hCoac nJorda dhelpe lindividua smember
level gTrainin dan hmuc -dili
nUnknow ot yman scampu -stu ,dents eth eKarat mtea oals dcompete no na eintercollegiat
eKarat mTea sHold sMatche
mTea smember :are tFron wro m(fro :left) yNanc ,Rowe nVer -Wil ,son eDav ,Huthwaite lNoe ,Passan dan eBruc .Dodds kBac :row nKe ,Peterson yNanc ,Longenecker lPau ,Schanely yRa ,Huey nDo ,McGraw dan nJoh .Plemmons
Once again this year, the wrestling squad enjoyed a fine season. Their only troubles came against Richland, a tough junior college team from Richardson. For the fourth consecutive year, the Jackets finished second in the state wrestling tournament held in Richland's gym. LeTourneau brought home two individual championships - Stan Watne (Hwt) and Ross Beans (177). The squad also had several second and third place finishers.
Ross Beans captured an individual state championship in the 177 Ib. class.sJacket ni shi
rfo eth
ntake-dow si na tall-importan tpar
tweigh .class
rJunio eStev nWildasi fo DTK dperforme lwel
A largely veteran squad made the starting lineup of this year's Extramural Volleyball Team a hard one to crack. The team played a brief schedule against several opponents. Mrs. Betty Jane Fratzkeendeavoredto keep morale high as well as to instill the basic skills of volleyball in her players. The team easily defeated Jarvis Christian College but later lost to Ambassador College.
The extramural team began practices before the start of the semester
Veteran players, returning from previous years, constituted a large part of this year's team.
eattitud si timportan ot .winning
eFratzk tsough ot pkee emoral ,high gknowin ttha eth trigh
eJan ,Fratzke eth ,coach dcalle eth sgirl rtogethe rfo a ystrateg ktal nbetwee .games
.Mrs yBett hCoacPlaying in the early evening, twice weekly, the women's intramural volleyball competition was often as fierce as that of their male counterparts. The teams that participated were composed of players from the extramural squad and other interested coeds, including some student wives.
Strong, powerful serves were a vital key to success in the women's volleyball competition.
Games were played in the early evening hours twice weekly.
Playing along the nets wasrough business.
THEFIKK Ecra*on* RiT^HGIQUnActio nofte swa sa efierc dan sa dspirite sa eth smen' -compe .ntitio ,Anticipation sa ni rothe ,sports dhelpe eimprov eth yqualit fo heac sparticipant' .play
rFou steam fo sgirl dcomprise eth swomen' .league
In the women's segment of the intramural program, basketball proved to be a highly competitive sport Divided into three squads, the girls played their games each Monday and Thursday before the men's games. Each team played the other two twice. At the season's close, the team captained by June Tameling had won all their games and the unofficial title.
June Tameling captained one of the three women's intramural squads. Captain of a team of her own was Nancy Rowenactio runde eth sbackboard doccurre equit frequently
yNanc rLongenecke dfinishe eth nseaso sa eth hhig sGame ewer dplaye no yMonda dan yThursda -eve .scorer .nings
While their male counterparts were fighting for the softball championship, the coeds were engaged in competition of their own. For several weeks, they played a schedule of friendly intra-dorm tussles. Softball was the final event on the coed sports calendar.
In the setting sun,long shadows made the task of locating the ball difficult at times.
The Intramural Sports Program started with a thud - many of them in fact - since flag football was the first sport on the agenda. To climax a long and sometimes soggy season, Delta Sigma Psi defeated Power and Light (1A) for the championship, 14-0. Both teams entered the final game by virtue of their win over Alpha Omega and Tau Kappa Delta in semi-final action. In the consolation match, AO ran over TKD to take third place in the final standings
The gym was a beehive of activity during all the games. Except for the championships, each game had a ten minute limit
1. Faculty-Staff 7-2
2 Dorm 40 8-0
3 Delta Sigma Psi 7-1
4. Tau Kappa Delta 7-2
5 2B 7-2
6. Alpha Omega 6-2
Surprising everyone, except themselves, Faculty-Staff came from behind to defeat Dorm 40 in the volleyball championships. Dorm 40 had finished the regular season undefeated, but with the pressure on, they fell prey to the victors' experience.
euabl mtea practice
rfo sspike swa a -val
lAl seye ear drivete no eth ,ball
.Caneday kBac :row eMik ,Fratzke mTo ,Compton lPau ,Kubricht nJoh ,Robertson dan iWill .Pikett
eDav ,Benson dDavi ,Jordan dEdwar ,Holland dan lLowel
MI lVolleybal :Champs m(fro )left tFron :row
On their way to the grand prize in the intramural competition, Alpha Omega copped the basketball championship from the Flooders. The Flooders had won the title for two successive years, but the combination of Mark Nymeyer and Tim Moon was enough to give AO the title - 48-41 Dorm 2B defeated Delta Sigma Psi in the consolation game for third place.
Dorm 3A (the Flooders) and AO met in the climactic final game
Inside scoring won many basketball games.EdReister, Dave Huthwaite, Ed Laibach, and MarkNymeyer
Capping off their drive to the IM sweepstake championship, Alpha Omega captured the softball title. Sweeping through the regular season undefeated, AO combined a fine defense along with good pitching to win their games. In the title game, AO defeated 2B. Tau Kappa Delta also defeated Dorm 4 to take third place
mTi eWallac danchore nchampio aAlph sOmega' ttigh edefensiv .infield rSenio yHarr sFleming' gpitchin dkeye etitlsAO' .drivemDor 04 swa drepresente yb mTo nLando ni eth dhead-to-hea ncompetitio
tRacque ni ,hand rSellenDo dappeare mcal ta eth tstar fo shi .match
yApproximatel yfift swrestler dcompete ni eth lintramura gwrestlin .tournament
Composed of twenty-five members from all parts of the country, the LeTourneau College Board of Trustees meets several times yearly to formulate general policies of the college This year, several note-worthy announcements emanated from their meetings. In October, the Board accepted Dr. Hardwick's
resignation, appointed him to a position of chancellor, and picked a new president. Later in the year, the Board approved the termination of the secondary education program, approved some new building plans, and approved some additional course changes.
.Mr oWald rYaege ,Toledo HO
.Mr eGeorg rWebbe ,Rockville DM
.Mr sNel mStjernstro ,Longview XT
.Mr mWillia eRic ,Longview XT Mr nJoh eScobe ,Longview XT
.Dr dDavi hPewterbaug AP,York
.Rev .E .N nNielse ,Dallas XT
.Mr dLloy yMolb ,Longview XT
.Mr .O eLanc nMcFaddi ,Lufkin XT
.Dr nJusti rLongenecke ,Waco XT
.Dr dRichar uLeTournea ,Longview XT
.Mrs .R .G uLeTournea ,Longview XT
.Mr lGi uLeTournea ,Houston XT
.Mr nBe uLeTournea ,Orlando LF
.Rev dHarol nJorda ,Vicksburg SM
.Mr lPau nJohnso ,Birmingham IM
.Dr yHarr kHardwic ,Longview XT
.Rev yBill mGraha ,Montreal CN
.Mr lPau eGlask ,Longview XT
.Mr nJoh rFaulkne ,Longview XT
.Mrs tMargare sEste ,Longview XT
.Mr tRober nColema ,Longview XT
.Mr yJerr aCastigli ,Hamburg YN
,Pasadena AC
.Mr nJoh lCaldwel
.Dr nJulia yBand aTocco ,Falls .Ga
oWald ,Yaeger dan .E .N .Nielsen
:row tRober ,Coleman lGi ,LeTourneau lPau ,Glaske dLloy ,Molby
.Dr dDavi ,Pewterbaugh lPau ,Johnson dan nJoh .Caldwell kBac
nTe wne sTrustee ear t(fron ,row tlef ot )right hJosep ,Castiglia
tPresiden sHardwick' ""responsibilities oals dinvolve -con ggratulatin eth rFrontie .Queen .Dr kHardwic oals dha a nfunctio ot mperfor ta .Homecoming
sfriend hbot no scampu dan ni eth .community
eamiabl ypersonalit nwo mhi yman
dexpecte mfro eth dhea fo a nChristia .college ,Finally sHardwick'tPresiden
dmaintaine eth lspiritua pleadershi
kchec no lal saspect fo eth ecolleg .atmosphere ,Secondly .Dr kHardwic
eTh ,president fo ,course tmus pkee
kwic dshouldere yman .responsibilities
sA tpresiden fo eth ,college Dr -Hard
Finishing his third year in the office of Vice President for Academic Affairs, Dr. Elton W. Archer fulfills many functions in the college operation. Dr. Archer is a LeTourneau graduate , having received his B.S. in 1949. He served as a member of the college faculty for a number of years before assuming his present duties in 1973.
Dr. Elton W. Archer Vice President for Academic AffairseVic tPresiden fo lSpecia
.Dr lPau nBauma
ni eBibl sconference dan lspecia smeeting ni schurche tthroughou .America
ehav dthrille .many ,Also .Dr nBauma sha na eactiv yministr
sHi eslid slecture fo ethes stour
fo eth yHol dLan dan .Europe
yannuall sconduct lsevera stour
eth sauspice fo eth ,college eh
rfo uLeTournea .College rUnde
sA eVic tPresiden fo lSpecia ,Ministries .Dr lPau nBauma sperform lsevera lvita sservice
In his position as registrar of LeTourneau College, Dr John Stuber is a well-known friend of many students To the students, his job is important, for he schedules the classesaround which their daily life will be run. Again at the close of the semester, Dr Stuber's office lurks in the minds of many as they anxiously await their grade reports Dr Stuber also teaches a class each semester.
Registration was a hectic time for Dr Stuber
Dr. John Stuber Vice PresidentrDirecto fo sAdmission
.Mr eStev lAdel tAssistan
hmuc dappreciate yb sstudent dan yfacult alike
syear .ahead sHi opian -arrange ,ments dplaye ni ,chapel ewer
seffort ot eprovid sstudent rfo eth
hwit eth dai fo eth tStuden -Sen ,ate swa eon eexampl fo shi
ot Dr ,Stuber sSteve' rmajo bjo si .recruitment sCampu ,Preview
sAdmission Office sA na tassistan
mhi ebecaus fo shi bjo ni eth
sstudent fo eth efutur lwil wkno
sstudent si eStev .Adell tBu eth
wNe ot eth uLeTournea escen sthi ryea dan sperhap nunknow ot yman
sAssist rStube ni sAdmission
Taking care of the money problems of the college is the fulltime job of Mr Walter Knowles. In the Business Office, Mr. Knowles oversees such operations as Budget Preparation and Control, Financial Aid, and legal affairs Also under his control are the care of buildings and grounds and other non-academic personnel jobs.
lCarefu lcontro fo eth scollege' sfinance dinvolve yman tlate-nigh kwor shour rfo
lchape scard ot kchec lchape .attendance
dDavi .M nLawso
rDirecto fo eGuidanc dan tPlacemen eDav nBenso eTh tStuden sAffair eoffic si yactivel dinvolve ni eth ydail slive fo eth students eTh nDea fo sStudent shandle geverythin mfro mroo sassignment ot gcheckin lchape .attendance tStuden sAffair oals sgovern eth sarea fo gcounselin dan bjo .placement nI ,addition eth cmusi sprogram,choir ,band dan gsingin sgroupear ddirecte ymainl yb eDav -Ben .son
One of the most important aspects of LeTourneau College few students know little aboutthe Fund. Founded early in the 1970's, the Fund is charged with gathering funds to finance present college debts and to prepare for any future buildingprojects At present, John Faulkner is president of the organization which has representatives scattered throughout the entire United States.
Mr. John Faulkner LeTourneau College Fund PresidenteVic tPresiden rfo sFoundation
.Dr .J .C rWenninge
eVic tPresiden rfo dPlanne gGivin
.Mr kFran .J oMay
eVic tPresiden rfo lFinancia sAffair
.Mr dHarol nRichardso
rLecture -
Mr eDal eCran
tAssistan forProfesso
.Mr rRoge nCa
tAssistan forProfesso sMathematic
.Mr lSamue hBora
tAssistan rProfesso fo sMission
.Mr dDonal sConnor
rProfesso fo yBiolog
.Dr sThoma nCompto
nAviatio nTechnicia
rProfesso fo nAviatio
Mr pBishodFloy
Mr. Jack Crawford
Associate Professorof Mathematics
Mr Roger Erickstad
Assistant Professorof Mathematics
Dr. Kenneth Durham Associate Professor of History
Mr. W. C. Crisman Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering
Dr Douglas Ford Assistant Professor of Chemistry
Mrs Betty Jane Fratzke Assistant Professor of Physical Education
rProfesso fo eBibl
.Dr dRaymon hGingric
eScienc nChairma
rProfesso fo hEnglis sHumanitie dan lSocia
.Mr hRalp tGilber
rInstructo ni gWeldin gEngineerin
.Mr hKeit sGlas
rInstructo ni lPhysica nEducatio
Mr eMik eFratzk
Mr. JohnJohnston
Assistant Professor of English
Dr David Hartman
Assistant Professor of Welding Engineering
Dr. David Jordan
Assistant Professor of Physical Education
Physical Education and Athletic Chairman
Dr. Edward Holland Assistant Professorof Engineering Graphics
Mr. Richard Johnson Associate Professor of Chemistry
Mr tRober nRalsto
rProfesso fo sMathematic
.Mr eJo wMcGra
rProfesso fo eBibl
Dr hKennet yMcKinle
tAssistan rProfesso fo yHistor
rInstructo ni eMachin lToo
tAssistan rProfesso fo lPhysica nEducatio Mr kFran sLewi
.Dr lPau tKubrich
.Mr mWillia rLeh
Dr. Benjamin Rempel
Associate Professor of Education
Mr. Douglas Sanders Associate Professor of Engineering Technology Special Programs Chairman
Dr Stanley Reyle Professor of Engineering Engineering Chairman
Kenneth Roden Assistant Professor of Mathematics
Mr Maurice Simmons Assistant Professor of Electrical Engineering
Mrs. Isabelle Seeger Instructor in Foreign Languages
Dr M eDean eWhit
tAssistan rProfesso fo sBusines
Dr aOr xMa nWellma
tAssistan rProfesso fo lElectrica yTechnolog
.Mr dRichar dSpottswoo
.Mr lEar nThompso rProfesso fo eAutomotiv yTechnolog
Dr aOneid pStap tAssistan forProfesso hEnglis
eAssociat rProfesso fo hSpeec
.Dr dDavi eSpragu
Daryl Aaron, SR
Jonathan Abel, FR
Van Abel, FR
Richard Ackley, SR
Jack Adams, JR
Steven P. Adams, SO
Steven Adamson, SO
Timothy Adkins, FR
Mark Ahlenius, SO
Thomas R Alf, SR
Donald Allen, FR
Larry S Allen, FR
pPhili ,Bateman RJ
lPau ,Bateman RF
eBruc S ,Barlow RJ
sCharle ,Barber RS
yBarr ,Barber RF
nStephe ,Baptista OS
dBernar ,Banzhaf OS
yRonn ,Banks RJ
eRocki .D ,Baney OS
dBra H ,Bancroft RJ
eBruc B ,Balcom RJ
yGeoffre .C ,Baker RJ
dDavi ,Baird RF
mWillia D ,Autery RJ
nJo ,Arrowsmith RF
dDonal W ,Ansley OS
lPau ,Anderton RF
nLillia ,Anderson
dDavi ,Anderson RF
yBradle ,Anderson RF
Catherine Baunhofer, SO
Donald Beacham, FR
STeve Beacham, SO
Leland Beachy, FR
Ross A Beans, SO
Alan S. Beckett, JR
Louis H Beeler, JR
John S. Befus, JR
JohnE. Bellows, SO
Daniel P Benedict, FR
Freda Bennett, JR
Robert T. Benson, FR
Earth J. Benton, FR
Lowell Berentsen, SR
Daniel L. Bergen, SR
Eugene L Bickford, SR
Stephen G Biggs, FR
Warren S Binion, SR
John H. Bishop, FR
Rodney A. Bishop, SR
lMichae .L ,Burgett RF
iLor .S ,Burck RF
nJoh .A ,Bullock RF
sChri .B ,Bruce RF
lRandal .W ,Brown OS
yMoll .L ,Brown RS
aLind nBrow ,Davis RJ
dDavi .R ,Brown OS
yCand .K RS,Brown
yBarr .K ,Brown RS
kNic .H ,Brothers RS
nJonatha ,Bromley OS
pPhili A ,Britton RS
nJoh ,Brinkerhoff RF
wAndre J ,Briggs OS
tRober R ,Brandt RF
lPau B ,Branch OS
sJame .P ,Boyle RS
hKennet .F ,Boyes RS
nMarvi .L ,Boyd RF
nAllo D RF,Boub
dDavi C ,Borges RF
sDougla ,Bondurant OS
yRo B ,Bogert RJ
nBria .W ,Bogart RJ
eTerranc ,Boettcher RS
eWayn ,Bloomquist RS
yHarve A ,Block OS
kFran .C ,Blalock OS
yGar .R ,Blair RS
yTimoth ,Bjornson RF
nLaure ,Bitikofer RS
Kenneth Burkina, SO
Philip Burks, SR
Ronald S. Burns, JR
Thomas Burt, JR
Carl Burtner, FR
Mark E. Calkins, SO
Richard Campbell, FR
Robert H. Campbell, JR
William A. Campbell, SO
J Darrel Caneday, JR
Kenneth Caplet, JR
Richard Carlson, SR
nOre ,Cortez RF
lIsrae ,Cordero RF
sDougla ,Coon OS
aLid L ,Cook RS
dDavi ,Colvin OS
sDougla ,Cobb RF
sJame ,Cleveland RF
yLarr ,Claypool RJ
dRichar ,Clapp RS
dDavi ,Christiansen RS
sDenni nChi ,Loy RJ
lRandal ,Chase RS
nStephe ,Cheek RJ
eShere ,Chapman RF
kPatric ,Chapman RS
nStephe ,Chamberlin RF
dDavi ,Chamberlin RS
yJerr ,Cassel OS
lMichae ,Carter RS
kMar ,Carpenter RF
Jose D. Cosa, FR
Richard Counsellor, SR
James Course, FR
Kenneth Cowin, SR
Andrew Cowles, SO
Thomas Cowper, FR
Lawrence Craig, FR
Avis N Graver, SO
Paul Craymer, JR
Thomas R Crego, SO
Timothy Cronemeyer, FR
Harvery Cross, JR
Warren E. Grouse, FR
Larry Cumberland, SR
Michael Cummings, FR
Charles Curtis, SO
Kenneth Cvacho, FR
Vicki L Dahn, SR
Charles Davis, SR
J. Mark Davis, SR
Walter Dawson, FR
James A Dearman, SO
Donald Decurtis, FR
James T. Deibel, FR
Larry Delgaty, FR
Matthew Dering, FR
David Derusso, FR
Steven Devos, FR
Terrance Devries, FR
Charles M. Dick, FR
Paul Diffenderfer, FR
Phillip Ditto, SR
eCarri ,Erickstad RF
mWillia ,Erickson OS
dRonal .S ,Erb RS
lDarre ,Eppler RS
eCandac ,Eppler RF
yTimoth ,Eppinger RF
dRichar ,Elsdon RJ
kMar ,Elliott RS
aDonn oJ ,Egle RF
mWillia ,Ebener RF
dRonal ,Dunkeld RF
sJame .W ,Dumas RS
nHerma ,Dumas RS
yMar ,Duell RS
sCharle ,Duell RJ
nStephe ,Dubert RF
sDenni ,Doud RJ
lDanie ,Doenges OS
eBruc ,Dodds OS
sJame .W ,Dobos RS
Edgar S. Eshleman, JR
Simpson M. Etukudo, SO
James R. Evans, SO
James A. Everding, SO
Victor D. Ewing, SR
Joan D. Parish, SR
Kenneth P. Farrar, JR
Raymond E. Farrar, FR
David L. Faulkner, FR
John P. Faulkner, JR
Patricia Feeney, FR
Ruth M Fellows, FR
dDavi .E ,Gardner OS
mWillia ,Gallagher OS
sJame H ,Gabhart RF
lLynel ,Friesen RF
kMar A ,Friesen OS
dRonal .R ,Freiheit RF
yJerr .D ,Fray OS
lMichae .W ,Franks RF
aBarbar .J ,Franks RS
eJorg .J ,Francois RS M eSuzann ,Franklin RS
bCale .M ,Foulks RF
yJerr .L ,Foulk RS
hKennet .D ,Foreman RS
nStephe .E ,Forcey OS
lRandal ,Folkmann OS
tRober .L ,Flowers RF
yHarr .A ,Fleming RS
nStephe ,Fitzgerald OS
dDavi ,Fingerhut RS
John M. Gardner, FR
Robert L. Garrett, SR
James C. Gaunt, SR
Guy B. Gerrard, SO
Roland E Giddings, SR
Timothy R. Golike, SR
David W. Goodell, JR
Larry A. Goss, FR
Paul W. Grant,FR
Scott E. Gray, FR
Wendy Gray, JR
Paul T Graybill, JR
Timothy L. Green, FR
Stephen Greenman, FR
Leslie Gregg, SO
Richard Gregory, SO
Steven P Grimm, JR
Joan L. Griparis, FR
Timothy A Grover, SR
Isabel L Guerra, SO
Carlos Guerrero, FR
Jerome A. Gunn,SR
Ronald Gustafson, SO
Richard Guthrie, SR
K Greig Haggart, SR
Steven A Haglin, JR
Kenneth P Haigh, SO
Earl Haigh, JR
James R. Hale, SR
Gary J Haller, FR
Bruce A Hallila, SR
Timothy E. Hamer, FR
lDanie ,Hemmes RF
sJame ,Hemmes OS
mWillia ,Helton OS
nCaroly ,Heil RF
dDonal ,Hedrick RJ
kMar ,Hedgepeth OS
tRober ,Heaney RJ
sDougla ,Haynes RF
nStephe ,Hayes RF
dEdwar .B ,Hayes OS
nGlen ,Hawkinson OS
sJame ,Hawes RS
lCar ,Harvey RF
lRandal ,Hartman RF
nAlle ,Hartman RF
dDavi ,Harris RF
eSuzann ,Hare OS
eDal ,Hardtke RS
lDanie ,Hanisko RJ
lNei ,Hampton RJ
Archer Henderson, FR
Mark Henneberg, FR
Donald Henry, JR
George L. Herb, JR
Daniel Herrmann, FR
Carlton Heston, SO
Keith Hibbard, FR
Timothy Hibiske, FR
Allan Himebaugh, SO
Michael Hinton, FR
Daryl Hoffman, FR
James Holbrook, SR
nSusa .M ,Iversen RF
aEls L ,Innis RF
dRichar D ,Hutton RS
eDav G ,Huthwaite RF
nShanno .D ,Hunt RJ
hLeig B ,Hunt RS
hKennet B ,Hunt OS
nArde R ,Hunt RF
dDavi P ,Humeniuk RF
mWillia R ,Huggan RS
yBarr .R ,Hughes RF
yRa G ,Huey RS
kMar .W ,Howard RS
L eMichell ,Howard RJ
dLloy ,Howard RF
dHarol .J
mWillia ,Honsberger OS
nJoh M ,Homan RJ
nGordo R ,Holt RS
fJef .J ,Hollinger OS
Mark Iwan, SO
Kevin D. Jackson, FR
Robert G. Jackson, FR
John M. Jacobs, SO
Steven M. Janbaz, FR
Gary M Janes, SR
Judy Ann Janes, FR
James E. Jeffries, SR
Richard Jefferies, SR
Mohan S. Jhass, SR
Carl E Johnson, SR
Curtis J. Johnson, FR
Donald R. Johnson, SR
Gary R Johnson, SO
Wayne P. Johnson, JR
Irvin J Jones, JR
James D Jones, SR
Harry Jordan, SR
Kevin J Jordan, FR
John B Kane, SR
eDu nVa ,Lam RJ
dEdwar ,Laibach RS
nChu hChie ,Lai RF
pPhili ,Lacy RJ
tRober ,Lachmiller RS
lRussel ,Lacoste RF
dDavi ,Lacey RF
tRober ,Krans OS
yTimoth ,Kostaroff RJ
yTimoth ,Kowles RJ
lApri ,Kolstad RS
yTerr ,Kohl RJ
eMehdi ,Kohanloo RS
sJame ,Knowlton RF
rHalvo .G ,Knapp OS
nCalvi ,Knapp RF
yRo .T ,Klino RF
nJoh .D ,Klein RJ
nStephe ,Kirsling RS
yTimoth ,Kinney RF
dRaymon ,Kingsley OS
lPau ,King RJ
eBruc ,Kindberg OS
hKennet ,Kilheffer RS
nStephe ,Kier RF
rRoge ,Kieffer RJ
tRober ,Kiddy OS
nGlen ,Kephart OS
nJoh .C ,Kelso RJ
yPerr ,Keidel RJ
yRick ,Kaufman OS
lDanie ,Kantz RS
Edward Landis, FR
James S. Landis, FR
Thomas Landon, SR
Ronald Largent, SO
Harry Larsen, SO
Sherry Larson, FR
Paul Lathrop, SR
James Lauver, FR
Raymond Lawrence, FR
Michael Lawson, JR
Patricia Lawson Shay, JR
David Layer, SO
John S. Lee, SO
Larry Lee, JR
Lori Lehr, FR
Stephen Lemp, FR
Keith Lennhardt, SO
Herbert Letney, FR
Caleb LeTourneau, SO
James Lightfoot, FR
aJuli ,Longenecker OS
gCrai ,Longenecker RS
lPau T ,Long RF
eWayn ,Liverman RF
eVicki ,Lively OS
nBria ,Littlefield RS
lDanie ,Linser RF
yTimoth ,Lindstrom RS
lRandal ,Lindland RF
nAla ,Linderholm OS
nOre ,Linden RS
nGle ,Lindahl RS
Nancy Longenecker, SO
Stephen Love, FR
Samuel Lowe, SO
Jerry Loyd, JR
Terry Loyd, JR
Charles Lucas, SO
David W Lucas, FR
David Luckert, FR
Esther Lum, FR
James H Lund, SR
Steven Lund, FR
David Lundquist, SR
Larry Don Lunsford, FR
Edwin MacDonald, FR
David McAfee, SO
Arthur McAlister, JR
Richard MeArthur, SR
Larry McBryar, SO
Mark McCall, FR
Brian A. McCue, FR
eDuan ,Miller RF
sDenni ,Miller RJ
yTimoth ,Milanowski RF
yTerr ,Michmerhuizen RS
mWillia K ,Meyer OS
lMichae .G ,Meyer RS
nGordo ,Metsker RS
dRonal ,Merrin RF
nJoh ,Mensonides RS
eWayn .H ,Melcher RJ
lAbe .J ,Mejia OS
hRut .E ,Maxwell OS
lCar ,Mattson OS
sThoma ,Matthews RS
dDavi M ,Mason RS
nJoh T RJ,Marx
pPhili R ,Martin RF
sDenni D ,Martin RF
lCar N RF,Martin
gCrai A ,Marino RF
sThoma J ,Manzo RJ
mKi .K ,Manore RJ
eGertrud ,Mangrum RJ
yTimoth ,Maggard RS
mKi .R ,Mack OS
nKevi ,McMains RS
nJoh ,McKenzie RS
yNanc ,McKinley OS
eAlic ,Mclntosh RS
yTimoth ,McGuire OS
dDonal ,McGraw RS
sCurti ,McGee RF
Douglas Miller, JR
Phillip Miller, SR
Russell Miller, SO
Stephen Miller, SR
Ramona Miner, SR
Larry Minor, SO
James Mitchell, FR
Sharon Mitchell, SR
Vernon Mitchell, SR
Jonathan Montgomery, JR
Walter Moore, SR
Martha Moon, SR
Timothy Moon, SO
Bradley Morgan, FR
Samuel Morse, FR
Bruce Moses, SO
Sandra Moyer, SO
Virgil Moyer, FR
William Naas, SO
Paul Nation, SO
sFranci ,Nymeyer OS
eKristin ,Nordell RJ
dRichar ,Noel OS
sJame ,Niuman RS
eWayn L ,Niles RS
pPhilli ,Niewald RJ
kJac ,Niethamer RS
nSteve ,Nielsen RS
eJess ,Newton RF
eBruc ,Newton RF
lDanie ,Newquist RJ
yLarr ,Newcomer RF
Mark Nymeyer, JR
David Oakes, SO
Scott Oberg, SR
Richard Ogren, SR
Gordon Oksnevad, FR
Philip Olson, SO
Angel Ortiz, FR
Douglas Oplinger, FR
William Ormesher, SO
Robert Ostenson, SO
Victoria Ottavo, SO
David Owen, FR
James Park, FR
Robert Parrish, FR
Noel Passan, FR
Lydia M. Paul, FR
Mark Pauling, JR
Josephine Payton, SR
Thomas Peasland, JR
James H Pence, SO
lRandal RS,Reynolds
cMar .H ,Rettig RF
sDenni ,Renwick RS
dEdwar ,Reister RS
dRichar ,Reisman RF
nJoh .S ,Rees RF
nSteve ,Reas OS
eCharlen ,Reas RF
nBria .R ,Read RS
dRonal ,Raush RF
sCharle ,Ramey RF
tRober ,Rambin RJ
yPerr .D ,Pust RJ
sJame .F ,Price OS
yTerr ,Pradmore OS
lMichae ,Powell OS
nOle ,Porter RS
nRo ,Pontier OS
eWayn ,Plucker RS
nJoh ,Plemmons RJ
eDuan .W ,Platz RJ
lRandal ,Plants OS
hJosep ,Pipak RJ
sThoma ,Pierce RS
nKe .A ,Pierce RF
dDavi .E ,Phipps RF
fJef ,Phillips RF
dDavi ,Phillips RS
yBarr ,Phillips RJ
sJame ,Pfau RS
mPa ,Peterson RS
hKennet ,Petersen RJ
Robert Richards, JR
Robert Ridder, FR
George Riffle, FR
Michael Ringler, SO
Sidney Roberts, FR
John Robertson, SR
Randy Rodebaugh, JR
Ron Roethlisberg, FR
Derik Rogers, FR
Edward Rohrer, SR
Larry Rohrer, SR
Elwood Roland, SO
Vernon Rosenau, SR
Gary Roth, FR
Nancy E. Rowe, JR
Irene Rudoi, FR
Paul Rudy, FR
Jerry Ruggles, SR
Dan H. Ruwe, FR
Karen Ryden, SO
nBria ,Schmidt OS
rPete ,Schiller RJ
lPau ,Schanely OS
kDic ,Schafer OS
yGar ,Saner RS
nJoh D ,Sanders RF
nWarre ,Sandall RJ
rWalte ,Sampson RJ
rArthu ,Salatin RJ
lNathanie ,Saint RF
lCaro ,Sage RJ
dDavi ,Safstrom OS
Timothy Schmidt, SR
John Schultz, FR
Jeffrey Schulze, FR
Dan Schwitters, SO
Robert C Scott, JR
Harry W. Scott, SR
Joe L. Scott, SR
Jack Scranton, JR
Rick L. Searls, JR
Joyce Seibert, JR
Sam Seifert, FR
Donald Seiler, SR
Karl Shaffer, SO
Jeffrey Shaver, JR
A. V. Shaw,SR
Henry C. Shaw, FR
FredR. Shay, SR
Jay E. Shearer, FR
Michael Sheerer, SR
Rickey Shumaker, FR
Richard Sible, FR
Marsha Simmons, FR
Douglas Simmons, FR
Susan K. Simmons, FR
Wendell Simmons, FR
Bradley Sink, SR
Harold Slater, JR
Stanley Slater, FR
Jerry Sledge, SO
Kenneth Smazik, SR
Edward Smith, SO
Gregory Smith, SR
eGeorg ,Stebbins OS
dDavi ,Stauffer OS
rRoge ,Staeck RF
nKare ,Spring OS
kMar eLe ,Spires RS yTimoth ,Spotts RF
eDuan ,Spicer OS
nSteve ,Spangler RF
sCurti ,Snyder OS nJonatha ,Snyder RS yTimoth RS,Snyder yTimoth ,Sommer RJ
sJame .M ,Snow RJ
tRober ,Snavely RF
mSa .A ,Smith RS
aPaul ,Smith RF
lMichae ,Smith RS
kMar wAndre ,Smith RF
kMar nAla ,Smith RF
sJame .P ,Smith OS
Brian Stephens, FR
Cynthia Stephens, SR
Mark Stephens, SO
Mark K. Stephens, FR
Donald Stevens, FR
Sharon Stevens, SO
Gary Stewart, FR
James Stewart, SO
David Stoltzfus, FR
Esther Stoltzfus, JR
Merle Stolfzfus, SR
David Strait, FR
Gordon Storms, JR
Dusty Strayer, SO
James Strickler, JR
Nathan Strong, SR
Peter Strubhar, SO
Dorothy Stuit, JR
Samuel Stukey, JR
Carl Stutsman, FR
eBruc ,Temple OS
mWillia ,Taylor OS
rRoge .W ,Tauck RF
eConni ,Tauck OS
lDanie C RJ,Tarr
eJun ,Tameling OS
cEri N RF,Swartz
VernR ,Swanson RF lMichae ,Swineford RJ
eGeorg ,Swanson RF
dDavi ,Svedberg RF
rPete ,Surgeon RJ
Steve Tenpenny, FR
Mark Thaxton, FR
Gerald Thiesen, JR
Robert Thiesen, SR
Royce Thiessen, SO
Steven Thomas, JR
Richard Thompson, JR
Steven Thompson, SO
Daniel Thornton, SO
Kenneth Throop, FR
Kenneth Tiefenbach, JR
James Timmons, SR
Williams Tips, FR
Norma Todd, FR
Tim Tokatloglou, FR
James Tolson, JR
David Tou, SO
WillTriol, JR
Stephen Turner, SR
Robert Uchtmann, FR
Thomas Van Delinder, JR
Floyd Vann, FR
Thomas Van Vleet, FR
Ronald Van Vranken, FR
Karl Van Wie, JR
Shelley Varcoe, FlR
Stephen Veele, FR
Scott Velting, FR
Timothy Vroman, SR
James Waechter, SR
Lonnie Waldner, SR
Timothy Wallace, SO
nLincol ,Widmer RS
sCharle ,White OS
eBonni .R ,White RF
lPau D RJ,Weston
nSharo ,Wester RS
rRodge ,Wesner RJ
dRonal ,Welsh RS
eRolli .L ,Welty RF
aMyr G ,Wellman RS
sJame .D ,Welch OS
nKevi ,Webster OS
nMerli D ,Weber RJ
lDanie ,Webber RF
eDal E ,Weaver RF
yJerr ,Weage OS
yBarr ,Waugh RJ
yStanle ,Watne OS
yGar R ,Ware RS
aVirgini ,Wallace RF
aLorett ,Wallace RJ
Crystal Wiechmann, SO
Brenda Wieland, FR
PaulR. Wik, SR
Don Lee Wikoff, FR
Steve Wildasin, SO
Dennis Williams, FR
Kenneth Williams, SO
Terri Williams, FR
Diola Willoughby, SR
William Willoughby,SR
Alice A. Wilson, SR
Vernon L. Wilson, SR
Kan Chu Wing, SO
Raymond Wingerd, JR
Robert M Wiser, SR
JoelR. Witt, JR
Keenon L Wood, FR
David Wootten, SO
Stephen Woodward, FR
William A Wulff, SR
eGeorg ,Zitzmann OS
mIbrahi ,Zabaneh OS
lMichae ,York RF
mWillia ,Young RJ
lPau E ,Young RF
tRober R ,Young RJ
pPhili ,Yorgey RF
nJoh ,Yee RS
yRand ,Yaughn RJ
aLeor S ,Yard RJ
hKeit ,Wyckoff RS
tSouthwes ,Bancshares Inc rMembe
rCorne fo aFredoni dan rTyle 2753-262 rMembe
e"On fo eth tmos edistinctiv scollection fo efin edecorativ glightin ni eth "Southwest SHAGEN' .INC 331 E nCotto 5753-025
y"Rel no "Reliable
ERELIABL RMOTO YSUPPL .INC hig .St 1753-332 ,Longview sTexa sPan rfo lAl sMake dan lMode sCar dan .Trucks yLocall dOwne yb ,Vic yGar ,David iVick ,Ann dan iCind oJ lFerchil
nDowntow wLongvie
rFo eth yver tfines ni ,China ,Crystal gSterlin ,Silver rSilve ,Plate ,Jewelry dan Diamonds wNe sAccount dInvite SKENNEDY'
yLarr nRobinso r"You "Photographer rSpu 36 AN302 sTexa,Longview
1tLarges' yTroph nSelectio ni tEas sTexa 6202 .So hHig St ePhon 1758-151
cPlasti eNam
mCusto kWor
dAwar yJewelr
bClu sPin
kChuc dan aWinon sWilliamtAr kWor — sProces aCamer
Southern Gas Company (A division of KansasNebraska Natural Gas Company and Western Gas Corporation)
nSpurgeo aToyot - eDodg Inc
kJac gLon nDatsu tPegues-Hurs rMoto .Co
yLivel COlds-Cadillac-GM
nVolkswage .Inc
dFor yLincoln-Mercur Inc
fBuckstaf rMoto Co
wBre cPontia
sBeaver lBuick-Ope Co
sBas tChevrole .Inc
eW dExten rOu tBes sWishe ot lAl eth sMember fo eth eL uTournea eColleg gGraduatin
Aaron Daryl N 4712 D Macarthur
Albuquerque, New Mexico 87110
Abel, Johathan Edjoel
Hittedal, Minnesota 56552
202 Abel, Van Anton, 1212 Highland Junction City, Kansas 66441
Ackley, Richard Travis 1311N. Jackson
Tacoma, Washington 98406 202, 105, 143
Adams, Jack Lee 3201 Kliendale
Tuscon, Arizona 85716 202, 92, 75
Adams, Steven Paul 2804 llth So Birmingham, Alabama 35205 202, 98
Adamson, Steven Michael
Rt 2 Box 1998 Yukon Oklahoma 73099
Adkins, Timothy Allen
Rt 1 Box260
Edgerton, Ohio 43517
Ahlenius, Mark Todd 16 GaleAvenue River Forest, Illinois 60305
Akovenko, James Stanley 121Ave DEast
McClusky, North Dakota 58463
Alf, Thomas Reese 525 S Baker
Winona, Minnesota 55987 202, 117, 121, 120
Allen, Donald Steven 3914 Classic Drive Garland, Texas 75042
Allen, Larry Samuel Oregon
Anderson, Bradley lay 2147 Penny Ln Napa, Montana 94558
Anderson, David Byron 940 Slocum Avenue
RIdgefield, New Jersey 07657
Anderson, Lillian Elizabeth Casilla 2492 Lima 100, Peru 202, 43, 72
Anderton, Paul James 1018 N Wasson
Streator, Illinois 61364
Ansley, Donald Wayne 2223 Hillside
Walnut Creek, California 94596
Arrowsmith, Jon Wayne 122 Callender
E Peoria, Illinois 61611
Autery, William David 102 W Barnes Kaufman, Texas 75142
Baird, David John 9 MacFarland Rd
Salem, NewHampshire 03079
Baker, Geoffrey Charles 943 Grange Hall
Cardiff BySea, California 92007
203, 91, 90, 39, 72
Balcom, Bruce Brian Rt 2 Box 42
Roscommon, Michigan 48653
Bancroft, Bradford Hale Box 248
Waxhaw, North Carolina 28173
Baney, Rockie Dee Benkelman, Nebraska 69021
203, 144, 145
Banks, Ronny Ted 2109 Carl
Big Spring, Texas 79720
Banzhaf, Bernard Kaye Box 30206
Nairobi Kenya, Kenya 203, 94
Baptista, Stephen James P.O Box 248 Waxhaw, North Carolina 28173
Barber, Barry Eugene 30040188 Ave S Kent, Washington 98031
203, 70
Barber, Jr., CharlesEdwin 1601 Beaumont
Greenville, NorthCarolina 27834
203, 100
Barlow, Bruce Sabin Old Colony Road Eastford, Connecticut 06242
Bateman, Paul Michael 603 Locust
Idalou, Texas 79329
Bateman, Philip John Crescent Blvd
Coraopolis, Pennsylvania 15108 203, 100
Baunhofer, Catherine Ruth 1426 W. Lynn Wichita, Kansas 67212
204, 7, 28, 130, 131
Beacham, Donald Philip
Sudan Int Msn
Cedar Grove, New Jersey 07009
204, 143
Beacham, Steve George Rt 1 Box536
Scoring, Florida 33870
204, 135
Beachy, Leland Joel 35 Front St
Lititz, Pennsylvania 17543
Beans, Ross Allen 3039 Farmer Dr Highland, Indiana 46322
204, 175, 152
Beckett, Alan Scott
532 Crescent
Penndel, Pennsylvania 19047
204, 110
Beeler, Louis Howard 2121 Tarleton Charlottesville, Virginia 22901
204, 149
Beers, Paul Russell Box 825
Franklin, Pennsylvania 16323
Befus, John Samuel 89 Bradford New Providence, New Jersey 07974
Bellows, John Edwin 119 E Stark Rd Seagonville, Texas 75159 204 148
Benedict, Daniel Paul 65 Sawatari
Kanagawaku, Japan
Bennett, Freda Gray P.O Box5705 Longview, Texas 75601
Benson, Robert Timothy Rt 1Box28
Mayer, Minnesota 55360
Benton, Earth Jonithan 114Carrier St Liberty, New York 12754
Berentsen, Lowell Wayne Rt 1 Box113
Bagley, Minnesota 56621
204 54
Bergen, Daniel Lee 3709 Oleander San Diego, California 92106
Bickford, Eugene Laroy 412 Irene Ave
Ironton, Minnesota 56455
Biggs, Stephen Glenn P.O. Box 143 Fort Bragg, California 95437 204, 53
Binion, WarrenSidney 3721 Echo Tr Fort Worth, Texas 76109
Bishop, John Howard 1004 N Buckeye
Abilene, Kansas 67410
Bishop, Rodney Arden 106 W Glenn Dr Longview, Texas 75601 204, 124, 125
Bitikofer, Lauren Gail 417 S Weaver Hesston, Kansas 67062
205, 98
Bixby, Gary William 601E 27th
Hialeah, Florida 33013
Bjomson, Timothy Read
Santa Barbara, California 93108
Blair, GaryRobert 1501 Crystal Sun Prairie, Wisconsin 53592
Blalock, Frank Clay 727 Silver St
Kingman, Arizona 86401
Block, HarveyAllen Rt 3 Box 147
Monroe, Washington 98272
Bloomquist, Wayne Donald Rt. 2 Box 323
North Branch, Minnesota 55056
Boettcher, Terrance K 610 E 59th Avenue Vancouver, Canada 205, 150
Bogart, BrianWayne 1310 Amanda Rd
C Winchester, Ohio 43110
Bogert, Roy Breen 5 13 3rd St
Fairlawn, NewJersey 07410 205, 101
Bondurant, Douglas Dee Box 248
Waxhaw, North Carolina 28173
205, 5, 98, 136, 135, 169, 53
Borges, David Chester 1250 Crestview Hollister, California 95023
Boub, Allon Douglas Rt 1 1865 BNW
Ephrata, Washington 98823
Boyd, Jr., Marvin L. Rt 1 Box 63
Smyrna, Delaware 19977
Boyes, Kenneth Franklin Box 398 Rd 3
Coatesville, Pennsylvania 19320
Boyle, James Patrick 4611 Esperanza Tampa, Florida 33611
Branch, Paul Bennett 194 Marshall St Coldwater, Michigan 49036
Brandt, RobertRice P.O Box183
Campina Grande, Brazil 205, 53
Briggs, AndrewJohn Rd. 2 Box 531
Manheim, Pennsylvania 17545
Brinkerhoff, John Peter 477 BaxterAvenue
Wyckoff, NewJersey 07481 205, 135
Britton, PhilipArthur 410 Bartlett
Harborcreek Pennsylvania 16421
820 ,Delgatty mWilliayRo
0750 W PC mWisd ,Dallas sTexa 17521
3195 nJonatha ,Utica nMichiga 74808 ,Delgaty yLarr lEar
820 ,Degraw yRosJame
1200 W d92n 976 ,Denver oColorad 18022
820 ,Deibei sJame yTimoth
rUppe ,Darby aPennsylvani 21908
3123 nWilso eDriv
820 ,Decurtis dDonal yTimoth
820 ,Dearman sJame nAla 511 eSunnyslop ,Mansfield oOhi 74490
,Davis aLind eSu nBrow 6171 lQuai ,Roseville aCaliforni 89567 ,205 61 ,Dawson rWalte wAndre 230 dMorelan ,Pontiac nMichiga 84805
,208 ,49 ,168 ,169 ,170 ,122 312 ,Davis hJosep kMar 88 eOriol Rd ,Pontiac nMichiga 34805 ,208 ,164 ,16 ,34 ,148 612
Portsmouth aVirgini 12370
620 sCypres Rd
,Davis sCharle eWayn 2130 yBerr Ln ,Longview sTexa 17560 ,Davis ,Jr. sCharle dEdwar
,Longview sTexa 17560
0130 eLeDuk
,Davis yBett sRobbin
,Gardendale aAlabam 13507
525 nGarde Dr
,Davis nAlla tRober
Daniel nJoh mWillia Rt 2 xBo L92A ,Gladewater sTexa 17560
,208 ,157 ,155 615
tFor ,Worth sTexa 47611
3601 .St sJohn
820 ,Dahn iVick nLyn
820 ,Cvacho hKennet sJame 7342 rCoope Rd. ,Richmond aVirgini 52322
,Greenville hSout aCarolin 92960
350 tPiedmon kPar
sCurti ,Jr. sCharle eEverett
,Shreveport aLouisian 67110
7753 yUben
,Cummings lMichae eWayn
130 nPatterso ,Butler aPennsylvani 11600 ,208 416
820 ,Cumberland eEugenyLarr
820 ,Grouse nWarre lEar 1RR ,Chester aNebrask 76832
,Longview sTexa 17560
,Cross yHarvedDonal 011 E oRadi
,Ossining wNe kYor 21056
,Cronemeyer yTimoth sJame
,Plainfield sIllinoi 46054 ,208 612
820 ,Crego sThoma tRober 2RR
Pt ,Pleasant aPennsylvani 01895 820 ,Graver sAvi lNel P.O 612xBo ,Boonville hNort aCarolin 12701 ,203 6 ,Craymer sLewilPau Rt 5 423xBo ,Loris hSout aCarolin 92956
P.O xBo 1108 ,Cottonwood aArizon 68632 ,208 73 ,Cowper sThoma sJame Rd 1 75xBo eMiddl ,Grove wNe kYor 01285 ,208 814 ,Cracium dDavilPau 111 aCas eGrand ePlac Apt 8208 ,Tyler sTexa 17570 ,Craft lRussel 710 tEas tHoy ,Longview sTexa 17560 ,Craig tRobereLawrenc xBo 729
480 dLockwoo Ln sScott ,Valley aCaliforni 69506 ,208 814 ,Cowin hKennet eWayn 0330 W eTennesse ,Denver oColorad 98021 ,208 ,99 ,88 010 ,Cowles wAndre lDanie
,Course sJame dRichar
471-3 d72n PI ,Glendale wNe kYor 71122
,Counsellor dRichar nAlbe
,Cosa eJos oDoming 66-9 yAundaz ,Call aColombi
,Cortez nOre 731 W eLe ,Harlingen sTexa 07855
,Cordero lIsrae 1281 tPleasan ,Sebastopol aCaliforni 29547
,Coon sDougla kMar 1RR eCambridg ,City aIndian 74732
,Cook aLid nLy 5294 N Montg Cn pTip ,City oOhi 14537
,Colvin dDavi lPau 047 E St aChul ,Vista aCaliforni 09201
,Cobb sDougla eBrac 026W11 kBlkhaw ,Wheaton sIllinoi 76018
,Cleveland sJame dEdwar
720 ,Clapp dRichar lPau P.O 38xBo tFla ,Rock oOhi 84482 720 ,Claypool nRalstoeLawrenc Rd 2
720 ,Cassel yJerr eLe 762 dHiglan Mt ,Pleasant nMichiga 84885 ,207 11 ,Chamberlin hBootdDavi 5 yCountr eLan S ,Chatham sMassachusett 90265 720 ,Chamberlin nStephe sLewi .P.O xBo 622 ,Wellborn aFlorid 43209 720 ,Chapman kPatric yGar Rd 1 ,Moscow aPennsylvani 41844 720 ,Chapman eShere nLyn 811 eMapl Rd ,Warren eRhod dIslan 50288 ,207 38 ,43 37 ,Chase eGeorg lRandal 718 dBallar lE ,Cajon aCaliforni 19202 ,207 ,135 010 ,Cheek nStephe lLowel 633 .N nMai ,Jasper sTexa 17595 720 nChi yLo sDenni yHarve 41 nHyperio nKingsto ,6 aJamaic 720 ,Christiansen dDavi nJoh 930 E rFille ,Longview sTexa 17560
,Carpenter nAltokMar oApartad 535 nSa ,Cristobal aVenezuel 720 ,Caner lMichae eWayn Rt 1 xBo 31 ,Carthage sTexa 37563
13 tFores St yWellesle ,Hills sMassachusett 10218 620 ,Caneday nJoh lDarrel xBo 314 sTaylor Falls, aMinnesot 45508 206 414 ,Caplet hKennet dEdwar rBalawende11 ,Norwich tConnecticu 00636 206 3 ,Carlson dRichar nAla uLeTournea eColleg Apt 89 ,Longview sTexa 17560 ,206 416
620 ,Campbell mWillia nAlbe
13 tFores .St ,Norfolk sMassachusett 10218
,Campbell tRober sDougla 0184 tPalmcres ,Clearwater Dist aColumbi 63351 ,Campbell tRober lHal
11 eBruc St ,Scotia wNe kYor 21230
,Campbell dRichar dDonal
620 ,Calkins kMar nEdwi 41356 lCrysta ,Brighton oColorad 18060
,Webster wNe kYor 01458
128 eAvenuhNort
462 tBellcour ,Algona aIow 15051 ,206 ,11 ,44 ,86 ,124 512 ,Banner lCar nAla
206 ,164 ,117 ,21 171 ,126 712 ,Bun sThoma sJame
620 ,Bums dRonal tScot 250BetcherRd ,Collegeville aPennsylvani 61942
520 ,Burkins hKennet sCharle 41 W eStat St ,Quanyville aPennsylvani 61756 ,206 ,169 ,170 212 ,Burks pPhili dEastwoo 280 lNoe ,Longview sTexa 17560
520 ,Burgett lMichae nLori 0235 dBradfor ,Jacksonville aFlorid 93220
520 ,Burck iLor eSusann 5502 eWinsdal nGolde ,Valley aMinnesot 25542
520 ,Bullock nJoh wAndre y1727Gole St ,Boothwyn aPennsylvani 11906
520 ,Bruce sChri B 2930 E yBerr ,Englewood oColorad 08011
520 ,Brown lRandal mWillia 6240 eNy W ,Monroe aLouisian 17129
520 ,Brown yMoll nLehma Rd 2 xBo 06 ,Conestoga aPennsylvani 61751
460 dCedarwoo ,Friendswood sTexa 67754 ,205 ,117 ,101 ,121 812 ,Brown yCand yKa 6171 lQuai ,Roseville aCaliforni 89567 ,205 43 316 ,Brown dDavi yRodne xBo 948 ,Jenkins yKentuck 74153
520 ,Brown yBarr tKen
,Bromley sJame rArthu xBo 027 7M5 ,Banfield nMichiga 64904 ,Bromley nJonatha eBruc Rt 2 xBo 027 ,Delton nMichiga 64904 ,205 ,113 ,135 ,70 ,144 67 ,Brothers kNic dHowar P.O 519xBo ,Felton aCaliforni 89501
,205 7 ,28 ,37 ,168 ,16S IDS ,170 ,72 212 ,waterdBroa klac pPhilli 870 yFlore ,Kilgore sTexa 27566 814
261N Broadway
Fresno, California 93101
Dering, MatthewAllen
72SOO Ussier
Romeo, Michigan 48065
Demsso, David Joseph 1825 SW6th Avenue
Pompano Beach, Florida 33060
DeVos, Steven Paul 1301Barclay
Oskaloosa, Iowa 52577
208 Devries, TerranceL 359 S Adams
Wickenburg, Arizona 85358
Dick, Charles Milton Rt. 12 Box 11
Greensboro, North Carolina 27406
Diffenderfer, Paul August 28 Beverly Rd. Summit, NewJersey 07901
Ditto, Phillip Warren 3641 Dunn
Memphis, Tennessee 38111
208, 169, 170, 54, 122
Dobos, JamesWilliam RFD3
Meadville, Pennsylvania 16335
209, 115, 90, 164
Dodds, BruceLawrence 11527 Rosser Dallas, Texas 75229
209, 151, 122
Doenges, Daniel Lynn RR1
Continental, Ohio 45831
Donald, Jacqueline M.
4128 Timberwood White Oak, Texas 75693
Doud, DennisRay 5550 NW66th Ave
Des Moines, Iowa 50323 209, 26
Drew, JamesGibson Rt 2 Box28X1
Kilgore, Texas 76625
Dubert, Stephen Ray Box 27
UkarumpaLae, OtherForeign
Duell, Charles Arthur 1001 S Houston
Longview, Texas 75601
Duell, Mary Weber 1001 S Houston Longview, Texas 75601
Duda, Daniel Robert Rt 1, Box87-A Petoskey, Michigan 49770
Dumas, Herman Lee
P.O. Box 193
Pulaski, Illinois 62976
Dumas, James Willard
P.O Box 193
Pulaski, Illinois 62976
Dunkeld, Ronald Ralph Box969
Wheaton, Illinois 60187
209 Dutton, Patricia Ann
Rt 2 Box136
Adairsville, Georgia 30103
Ebener, William Charles
390 Spring Avenue
Glen Ellyn, Illinois 60137
Egle, Donna Jo
208 E 14th St
Imperial, Nebraska 69033
209 26 29 20 163
Ellis, UzbethLee
403 Conroe
Longview, Texas 75601
Elloitt, Mark Douglas 6394 Morris St
Marlette, Michigan 48453
209 2, 43, 72, 118, 119
Elsdon. Richard William Sunset Rd
Terryville, Connecticut 06786
209 99
Eppinger, Timothy Lee
119 E. Giandview
Zelienople, Pennsylvania 16063
209, 126
Eppler, Candace Lou 2925 S 47th
Lincoln, Nebraska 68506
Eppler, Darrel Wakefield
2925 S 47th
Lincoln, Nebraska 68506
209, 124
Erb, Jr., RonaldSidney 1260 N Main
Raynham, Massachusetts 02767
209, 30
Erickson, William Arthur 4104 SW314
Federal Way, Wisconsin 98002
Erickstad, Carrie Ann 3 Cornell Circle
Longview Texas 75601
209 2, 130, 131, 43, 34, 19
Eshleman, Edgar Samuel 8 Trimble Rd
Glen Mills, Pennsylvania 19342
Etukudo, Simpson Matthew
Evans, JamesRobert
377 Harrison Buffalo, New York 14223
Everding, James Allen Rt 25 and 72
Dundee, Illinois 60118
Ewing, Victor Dean 609 Commanche
Chillicothe, Ohio 45601
210, 29
Parish, JoanDorothy
1004 42 St. W.
Bradenton, Florida 33505
210, 161 160
Fanar, Kenneth Paul
Norwich, Kansas 67118
Fanar, Raymond Edward
Box 156
Norwich, Kansas 67118
210, 92, 72
Faulkner, David Lee
1708 Pineridge
Longview, Texas 75601
Faulkner, John Paul 2100 S 12thB
Longview, Texas 75601
Feeney, Patricia Ann 104 Fairwood Bl
Fairhope, Alabama 36532
Fellows, Ruth Marian 376 E Church Rd
Elkins Park, Pennsylvania 19117
Fingerhut, DavidGene 127 Green Syracuse, New York 13203
Fisher David Thomas P.O. Box121
Satsuma, Florida 32090
Fitzgerald, Stephen Edward 4824 S Jason St Englewood, Colorado 80110
Fleming, Jr., Harry Arthur 142 Winfield
Grove City, Pennsylvania 16127
211, 171, 170, 76, 122, 123
Flowers, Jr., RobertLouis Rt 6 Box140
Theodore, Alabama 36582
Folkmann, Randall Mark 4929 Boston Rd Brunswick, Ohio 44212 211, 110, 72, 118
Forcey, Stephen Eugene 1920 Orange W Covina, California 211 76, 172, 123
Foreman, KennethDouglas Rd 2Box262
Hummelstown, Pennsylvania 17036 211, 117, 118, 119
Foster, Claire Smith 601 E Melton St Longview, Texas 75601
Foulk, Jerry Lee Box 7001
Longview, Texas 75601
Foulks, Caleb Merle Box 203
Ponce, Nebraska 68770
Francois, Jorge Jean Calle Arturo De Panama City, Panama 211
Franklin, Mary Suzanne Rt 3Box48
Milton, Florida 32570
Franks, Michael Williams 607 N. Nottawa
Sturgis, Michigan 49091
Fray, Jerry Dan
Box 560
Gwelo, Rhodesia
Freiheit, Ronald Ray 4480 Atlas PI
Tucker, Georgia 30084 211
Friesen, Mark Allen
Pucallpa, Peru 211, 135
Friesen, Lynell Eugene 1832 Willow Rd
New Ulm, Minnesota 56073
Gabhart II, James Herbert P.O Box24
Chesterton, Indiana 46304 211, 176
Gallagher, William Charles 832 AberdeenLa
Bayshore, New York 11706 211, 100
Gardner, David Edward 115AvondaleCi.
Sevema Park, Maryland 21146 211, 44
Gardner, John Michael 7 Long Pleasant Hill Ohio 45359
Gardiner, Philip Alan 712 Woodland Av. Punxsutawney, Pennsylvania 15767
Ganett, RobertLee 399 College St Winchester, Kentucky 40391
Gaunt, James Clinton 517 N Main St
Elmer, New Jersey 08318
212 94 110, 76, 120
Gaunt, Sharon Mayo
LeTourneau College Apt 18 Longview, Texas 75601
Gerdes, David Roger ML1 McGrathRd Fairbanks, Alaska 99701
Gerrand, Guy Brent 7425 Church 77 Yucca Valley, California 92284 212, 200
Getting, Dean John BoxlOS Haviland, Iowa 67059
Giddings, Roland Elkins 574 Detrick Dr. Grants Pass, Oregon 97526 212, 94
Golike, Timothy Robert 60x6
Bunker Hill, Illinois 62014 212, 30, 137, 135, 164, 105, 52, 72, 126
Goodding, John Roger 25 FRJ Dr
Longview, Texas 75601
Goodell, David Warren
Gen Del Page, Arizona 86040
Goss, Larry Allen
Mt Carroll, Illinois 61053
Grant, PaulWilliam 5214 Spruce Dr
Fayetteville, North Carolina 28304
95, 212
Gray, Novella Rt 6 Box48
Longview, Texas 75601
Gray, Scott Earl
,Bloomington aMinnesot 75543
71011 nHarriso
P.O 717xBo ,Hampton aCanad ,215 ,130 ,131 34 ,Iversen nSusa eMari
,Innis aEls nLy
tGrea ,Falls aVirgini 62206 ,215 ,150 ,151 ,170 312 ,Hutton dRichar eDuan 52364 nWilso ,Dearborn nMichiga 84812
,Huthwaite eDav nGlen 2451 eNeus yWa
Hunt nShanno nDevo Rt 2 xBo 424 ,Carthage sTexa 37563 ,215 17 ,Hunt hLeig yBirle 35 E dClevelan ,Newark eDelawar 11971 521
,Hunt hKennet eBruc RR 2 xBo 612 ,LaPorte aIndian 04635 521
,Hunt yRanArde 72015 nStanto oCastr ,Valley aCaliforni 69454 521
,Farmingdale wNe yJerse 70772 521
,Humeniuk dDavi rPete Rd 2 lMarshal R
7221 E h40t eAvenu ,Vancouver B.C aCanad 521
,Huggan mWillia tRober
,Hughes yBarr tRober 682 S nMai Ave ,Groveland aFlorid 63273 521
,Howard kMar nWarre xBo 82 ,orstownfSchaef aPennsylvani 81708 521 ,Huey yRa dGarlan xBo 1700 ,Longview sTexa 17560 ,215 ,101 ,150 115
Howard dLloy sJame 5351 N dEucli ,Tucson aArizon 98571 ,215 59 ,Howard nLyn lMichel 51240 aLim Dr rSilve ,Spring dMarylan 42090 215 ,99 ,157 ,155 615
4926 nMeadowgle ,Dallas sTexa 87523 ,215 ,174 ,138 612 ,Hooper dHarol eJerom 1 cCadilla eCircl ,Longview sTexa 17560 521 ,Houston aPatrici hSmit 6 wNe tFores ,Longview sTexa 17560
Apt C5- sCampu ,Longview sTexa 17560 ,215 814 ,Honsberger I mWillia tDelber
eLittl ,Rock sArkansa 77220 ,215 314 ,Homan nJoh nMilto
,Holbrook sJame dDavi Rt 1 xBo 411 nJunctio ,City nWisconsi 35444 421 ,Hollinger fJef yla Rt 8 rWooste Rd
,Longview sTexa 17560 421 ,Hoffman lDary wAndre xBo 65 eAuk ,Bay aAlask 19982 ,214 010
,Henneberg wAndrekMar 7280 N dWalron sKansa ,City iMissour 76411 ,214 010 ,Henry dDonal eGen Rt 3 xBo 34 Mt Gilead oOhi 84333 ,214 010 ,Herb eGeorg eLawrenc xBo Rd123 4 E ,Suoudsburg aPennsylvani 11830 421 ,Herrmann lDanie dRichar 5461 dHanfor Ln ,Louisville yKentuck 74020 421 ,Heston ntolCar dBradfor 551 HwynLincol ,Frazer aPennsylvani 51935 421 ,Hibbard hKeit dHarol P.O 824xBo ,Waxhaw hNort aCarolin 32817 ,214 150 115 ,Hibiske yTimoth nAla 11690 kBric Rd ,Granger aIndian 04653 421 ,Himebaugh nAlla eDal 1511 E oChicag R ,Bronson nMichiga 84902 ,214 ,27 49 ,Hinton lMichae eLe 131 nArde
,Henderson rArche kWoel 542 S yBroadwa aSant ,Ana aCaliforni 19270 ,214 49
rHarbo ,Springs nMichiga 04974
rHarbo ,Springs nMichiga 04974 321 ,Hemmes lDanie lPau RR 2 kQuic Rd
,Hatboro aPennsylvani 01904 321 ,Hell nCaroly tMargare 1557 eFoldeston ,Dayton oOhi 94545 321 ,Helton mWillia yJeffer 9142 N nWoodlaw ,Griffith aIndian 94631 321 ,Hemmes sJame tHerber Rt 2 kQuic Rd
,Hedrick dDonal sJame yGerstle411
,Walworth wNe kYor 81456 ,213 513
hHig .St
,Warsaw aIndian 04658 521 ,Holt rRogenGordo 811 dSchoolwoo
,Hedgepeth kMar lRussel
tWalnu ,Creek aCaliforni 69459 321
,Heaney tRober eWyth 1134 oConej yWa
,Wyandotte nMichiga 24819 321
,Haynes sDougla eDuk 6111 hllt
Baltimore dMarylan 52121 ,213 89 ,Hayes nStephe eLaurenc 01041 WS nDelmo ,Tigard nOrego 39722 321
321 ,Hayes dEdwar dBernar 2371 aSequoi .Ave
,Hawkinson nGlen mWillia 61 eMyrtl Ave ,Cranston eRhod dIslan 00291
PB 32 aIdiop aVi ,Kinshasa eZair ,212 ,134 513 ,Hallila eBruc nAlla 1501 h26t eAvenu ,Washington Dist aColumbi 12003 ,212 416 ,Hamer yTimoth nEdwi RR ,Traer aIow 55067 221 ,Hampton lNei nJoh 1251 nLyn gBi ,Spring sTexa 07972 321 ,Hanisko lDanie hKeit 811 nMohega Rd ,Shelton tConnecticu 40648 321 ,Hanks lMichae nJoh aCaliforni ,Hardtke eDal eLesli 5221 .N h118t ,Wauwatosa nWisconsi 65322 ,213 ,94 164 12 ,Hardin eRuby eGayl sTexa ,Hare eSuzann eMari 1224 nAlsto tFor ,Worth sTexa 07611 ,213 ,39 ,43 27 ,Harris yDoroth L 1360 TryonRd ,Longview sTexa 17560 ,Harris dDavi lPau 3574 N nHamilto ,Peoria sIllinoi 46161 321 ,Hartman ,Jr. nAlle R ,Barrett aMinnesot 15631 ,213 07 ,Hartman ,Jr. lRandal eLayn 52081 nMeridia ,Grosse nMichiga 84813 213 315 ,Harvey lCar tRober 821 kMeadowlar nMichiga ,City aIndian ,213 05 ,Hawes sJame tErnes 616 lJewel ,Mansfield sMassachusett 80204 ,213 49
212 ,99 510 ,Haller yGar nJoh
Rt 1 623xBo ,Katy sTexa 07745
,Haigh R lEar
2757 tCircui sCitru ,Hts aCaliforni 09561 ,212 34
221 ,Haigh hKennet lPau
570 ySalsbur Ln ,Chinchilla aPennsylvani 11841
,Haglin nSteve rArthu
221 tHaggar K gGrei 51472 5EN TC .N ,Miami aFlorid 13316 ,212 ,115 011
221 ,Guthrie dRichar eLe Rt 2 ,Vinton oOhi 64568
221 ,Gunn eJerom nAlle Rt 3 ,Wadena aMinnesot 25648 ,212 49 ,Gustafson dRonal nAla 5330 kDeerpar tWalnu ,Creek aCaliforni 89459
6K6 0849-3 ,Barrangvilla aColombi
221 ,Guerrero sCarlo nIva
221 ,Guerra lIsabe aLuis 2126 h5tWN St ,Miami aFlorid 53312
370 SherylLn ,Longview sTexa 17560 ,Grover yTimoth nAlle D9 sCampu ,Longview sTexa 17560
221 ,Griparis nloa eLouis yEmer312 St ,loliet sIllinoi 66043 221 ,Grotheim dDavi yCor
221 ,Greenman nStephe eBryc 31357 dKingswoo ,Delton nMichiga 64904 ,212 03 ,Gregg eLesli eLeeann aFlorid ,212 4 ,Gregory dRichar nAlla 061 rAlexande ,Bangor nMichiga 34901 ,212 311 ,Grimm nSteve sPark aFlorid
5563 N 090 E nVa ,Buren aIndian 14699
,Green yTimoth eLe
Mt tPleasan IM aPennsylvani 31785 ,164 ,92 ,93 .212 ,117 ,126 712
,Graybill lPau yTimoth Rd 1 xBo 24
480 aLovett Dr Kettering oOhi 94542 ,212 48 ,Gray yWend nlea 612 ePin ,Henderson sTexa 27565 ,212 ,48 ,92 ,158 ,155 ,160 415
,Hale sJame tRober 640 dGriswol ,Glendale aCaliforni 59120
Iwan, Edward Mark
104 Forrest
Shirley New York 11967
216, 137 168
Jackson, Kevin Darnell 1429 N 15th St
Harrisbuig, Pennsylvania 17103
216 148
Jackson, Robert Gordon Nyack College
Nyack, New York 10960
216 28
Jacobs, John Mitchell 973 Sumter Memphis, Tennessee 38122
Janbaz, Steven Mike 68 Elena San Rafael California 94903
Janes, Gary Michael 4036 Geraldus Memphis, Tennessee 28111
Janes, JudyAnn 2305 S 12th
Longview, Texas 75601
Jeffries Jr., JamesEdward 2223Mobberly Longview, Texas 75601
Jeffcries, Richard Gene 911A Electra Longview, Texas 75601
216, 110
Jhass, Mohan Singh P.O Box72323
Nairobi, Kenya
216, 11, 150. 86
Johnson, Brent Daniel 3070 Dallas Rd Rockford, Illinois 61109
Johnson, Carl Eric 309 E. 7th St. Michigan City, Indiana 46360
Johnson, Curtis Joe Rt 1 Box 739 Huntington, Texas 75949
Johnson, Donald Ray 4509 Orange Grv Houston, Texas 77039
Johnson, Gary Ray Rt 1 SphimxPk Pine, Colorado 80470
216, 76, 120
Johnson, Wayne Paul 1636 Lorraine Wheaton, Illinois 60187
Johnston, Richard Dale 3935 Dogwood Drive Anderson, Indiana 46011
Jones, Irvin Jackson 639 E Dearborn
Englewood, Florida 33533
Jones, James Dwight LeToumeau College Longview, Texas 75601 216, 94
Jordan, HarryDon Box 187Rd. 1
Mays Landing New Jersey 08330
Jordan Kevin James Rd 3 Box 3930
Leechburg, Pennsylvania 15656
Kane, Jr., John Beveridge 1170 Chartres
LaSalle, Illinois 61301
216, 164
Kantz, Daniel Bruce 8160 Hermitage
PainesvilleLk., Ohio 44077
Kaufman, Ricky James Mtn Rd RFD3
W Redding, Connecticut 06896
Keidel, Perry Allan 1212 W Chestnut
Bloomington, Illinois 61701 217, 98
Kelso, John Campbell 25575 Foiestvw
Southfield, Michigan 48075
Kephart, Glenn Alan 120 Upr Orchard
Levittown, Pennsylvania 19056
Kiddy II, Robert Alfred 7603 Elm Cir
Mobile, Alabama 36609
Kieffer, Roger Lee
1250 Detwiler
York, Pennsylvania 17404
217 148 118
Kier, Stephen M Rt 1 Box 182A
Centuria, Wisconsin 54824
Kilheffer, Kenneth Eugene Rd 2
Lancaster, Pennsylvania 17603
217, 105
Kilmer, Billy Raye 5101EstesPkwy
Longview Texas 75601
Kindberg, Bruce Philip Casilla 2492 Lima, Peru
King, Paul Lewis 4017 Portland White Bear Lake, Minnesota 55110 217, 128
Kingsley, Raymond Eugene 815 Whaley
Oceanside, California 92054 217 11, 86, 124
Kinney, Timothy Allan 5876 N Mtneer
Flagstaff, Arizona 86001
Kirsling, Stephen Anderson 748 Oakland 204
Oakland, California 94611
Klein, John Daniel 8929 N 13
Phoenix, Arizona 85021 217, 11
Kleinbeck, Jeffrey Lynn Truman, Minnesota 56088
Klino, Roy Thomas
2024 Dean
Holt, Michigan 48842
Knapp, Calvin Alonzo
3110 E MedLk
Minneapolis, Minnesota 55441
Knapp, Halvor George 3110 E Med Lk
Minneapolis, Minnesota 55441
Knowlton, James Swift 13315 Dunmore
Houston, Texas 77069
217, 5, 150 86
Knudson, Kent M
Aneta, North Dakota 58212
Kohanloo, Mehdie 308 Bailey St. Kilgore, Texas 75682 217
Kohl, Terry Lee 5824 Linda Sue
Stockton, California 95207 217, 94
Kolstad, April Karen 15 Starr Avenue
Staten Island, New York 10310
Knowles, Timothy Lawrence Fern Avenue Nyack, New York 10960 217
Kostaroff, Timothy Lee 3046 Syracuse Dearborn, Michigan 48124 217
Kowles, Timothy Lawrence 7 Hughes St Congers, N.Y 10920
Krans, Robert Harry 4948 97 Way N St Petersburg, Florida 33708 217, 110, 150
Lacey, DavidAlan Rd 2
Moravia New York 13118 217
Lacoste, Jr., Russell Hilary 6103 Lucy Pensacola, Florida 32503 217
Lachmiller, Robert Edward 2310 Tremainsvl Toledo, Ohio 43613 217
Lacy, Philip Eric 44 PoplarAvenue Shalimar, Florida 32579 217, 26
Lai, Chun Chieh 11 Dao Tan
Cholon, Viet Nam South 217
Laibach, Edward Alan 414W Atwood Gallon, Ohio 44833 217, 169, 170, 151, 122 Lam, Due Van 24 BachDang
Chau Phu, Viet Nam South 217
Landis, Edward Dwight 2475 Oregon Pik Lancaster, Pennsylvania 17601 218, 165, 117, 124
Landis, James Stanley Box 477
Quakenown, Pennsylvania 18951
Landon, Thomas John
201 Citizen
Bay St Louis, Mississippi 39520 218, 27, 39, 173, 110, 75
Langley, Mary Frances 1204 John Longview, Texas 75601
Largent, RonaldDavid 255 Wartman
Graterford, Pennsylvania 19426 218, 12, 90
Larsen, Harry William Rt 2
Hayfield, Minnesota 55940 218
Larson, Sherry Jean 596 Jefferson S Hutchinson, Minnesota 55350 218, 52
Lathrop, PaulEdgar 4708 Cross St. Downers Grove Illinois 60515 218
Lauver, James Ernest RR 3 Box 201 Howe, Indiana 46746 218
Lawrence, Raymond Gene 31124 Balir Dr Warren, Michigan 48092 218
Lawson, MichaelJud 45Fairfield Ave Erie, Pennsylvania 16509
Layer, David John 1925 Robinwood Saginaw, Michigan 48601
Lee, John Steven 47 W Knollwood Edison, New Jersey 08817 218 150, 122
Lee, Larry Dale
312 S Lk Lamond Longview, Texas 75601
Lehr Jeff William 32 Delmora Longview, Texas 75601
Lehr, Lori Alta 32 Delmora Longview, Texas 75601 218, 19
Lemp, Stephen Paul 41721 Little Rd
Mr. Clemens, Michigan 48043 218 150, 126
Leonhardt, Keith Warren Rt 3
Lincoln Nebraska 68505 218, 99
Letney, Herbert Gene 1214 S Chestnut Lufkin, Texas 75901 218. 146. 148
LeTourneau, Caleb Roy 802 Harmon Longview, Texas 75601 218
Lightfoot, James Owen 1730 Cherokee Albuquerque, New Mexico 87107 218
Lindahl, Glen Thomas 2304 S. 13th
0675 kL hMic Dr ,Allendale nMichiga 14940
222 ,Mitchell nVemo lSamue
0675 kL hMic Dr ,Allendale nMichiga 14940
222 ,Mitchell nSharo nMcKow
222 ,Mitchell sJame nAlle 940 W nWashingto ,Owosso nMichiga 74886
1182 nBolto ,Longview sTexa 17560
222 ,Miner aRamon nAn 9180 eAvondal ,Grapevine sTexa 17605 ,222 216 ,Minor yLarr nLeve
222 ,Miller pPhilli lMichae 240 eDalevill ,Daleville aIndian 44733 222 ,Miller lRussel eLe 5241 dNewlan ,Edgewater oColorad 48021 222 6 ,Miller nStephe dDonal 5504 eRobindal ,Salem nOrego 39730
Miller sDougla pPhili 9282 eAvenuh27t kRoc ,Island sIllinoi 16120
,Miller eDuan hKeit 4632 eAvenunArde nSa Bernardino Calif 49240
122 ,Mensonides dRaymonnJoh 9350 E d72n St ,Tacoma nWashingto 39844 ,221 49 ,Merrin dRonal mAube 6117 W h4t ,Mansfield oOhi 64490 122 ,Metsker lNeinGordo 9730 tSummi sKansa ,City iMissour 46411 122 ,Meyer lMichae eGen 1230 S h12t ,Longview sTexa 17560 122 ,Meyer mWillia hKeit 61140 h20t St N .Lk ,Stevens nWashingto 89825 ,221 010 ,Michmerhuize yTerr nAlle 3133 E h8t ,Holland nMichiga 34942 ,221 ,94 012 ,Milanowski lPau eGeorg xBo 86 Eastlake oColorad 48061 17 ,Milanowski yTimoth dDavi Mile 4128 WHKA ,ViaTok aAlask 09988 ,221 17 ,Miller eEugensDenni 1201 .AyersRd ,Concord aCaliforni 19452
0133 S rWate ,Wichita sKansa 36721 ,Mejia lAbe nJohata aFabric dEldora nSa ,Salvador rSalvadolE
,Meier ,Jr. dEdwar sJame
,Ardmore aOklahom 17340 ,221 34
062 h14t WN
,Maxwell hRut nElle
,Mattson lCar dDavi 5223 tBennet oColorad ,Springs oColorad 98090 ,221 67
,Amarillo sTexa 67910
,Matthews sThoma nFreema N19 aVirgini
S eAvenupWalku lCrysta ,Lake sIllinoi 46001
,Mason dDavi sMorri
,Martin nDeasDenni 0899 h25tWS ,Miami aFlorid 53316 ,221 211 nMarti ,III pPhili sRos Rd 34Box30 ,Stroudsburg aPennsylvani 01836 ,221 59 ,Marx nJoh yTimoth 6303 WS 36 aOklahom ,City aOklahom 97315 ,221 ,94 17
,Martin lCar nNatha 8110 N dGarfiel ,Deland aFlorid 03272
,Moline sIllinoi 56126
9271 h16t eAvenu
,Marino gCrai nAla
lBue eAvenu nState Island kYorwNe 41030
,Manzo aGild rBlai sTexa ,Manzo ,Jr. sThoma hJosep
,Mangrum eGertrud nAn 7292 tSunse sHill ,Escondido aCaliforni 59202 ,221 ,43 010
,Manore mKi hKeit xBo 76 .St ,Ignatius aMontan 55986 221 011
,Saiasota aFlorid 83357 ,221 ,28 811
,Maggaid yTimoth sCharle xBo 8141
,Mariette nMichiga 34845
,Mack mKi tRober 7479 sReynold
,Pottersville wNe kYor 01286
dWor fo eLif hRanc
,McMains nKevi nWre
,Paramas yJersewNe 20765 ,221 ,117 811
,McKenzie nJoh kKir 631 nElle
,Longview sTexa 17560 ,221 82
,Melcher eWayn lHal 2 eYal St ,Claremont wNe eHampshir 30374
,McKinley yNanc eLouis nEvely660
Dallas sTexa 17521 ,221 99
,Mclmosh eAlic nMarily 0532 LoRancher
rPalme ,Lake oColorad 38013 221 82
,McGuire yTimoth yJa xBo 18
,McGraw dDonal lEar 9131 nEvergree ,Longview sTexa 17560 ,221 ,95 ,115 ,150 115
9 sMill eAvenu ,Liberty hSout aCarolin 72965 ,220 011 ,ArthureM dRichar yHenr oApartad 47 ,Guatemala aGuatemal ,220 513 ,McBryar tRoberyLarr tGran561 ,Saegenown aPennsylvani 31643 ,220 27 ,McCall kMar nSpuigeo 822- iIzum 4 HC ,Suginami nJapaoToky 022 ,McClendon eWaynyBill Rt 1 320xBo Ml ,Enterprise sTexa 17568 ,McCue nBria rArthu 0941 eIndependenc ,Miami aFlorid 73315 ,220 ,135 ,169 ,54 814 ,McDaniel eElain J Rt 01 xBo 851 ,Pensacola aFlorid 63250 ,McGee sCurti eWayn .Rt xBo1 415 ,Makanda sIllinoi 86295 122
,Valparaiso aIndian 34638 rMcAliste ,Jr. rArthu dEdwar
,McAfee dDavi 741 dPortlan .Ct ,Valparaiso aIndian 34638 022 ,McAfee rPete 741 dPortlan Ct
,Lundquist dDavi dEdwar 1866 W nWarre ,Denver oColorad 78022 022 ,ordfLuns nDoyLarr 5290 yParkwa ,Longview sTexa 17560 ,220 ,148 612 ,MacDonald nEdwi rArthu P.O xBo 31 .W ,Frankfort sIllinoi 66289 022
5167 aAl oMaham ,Hon. iHawai ,220 09 ,Lund sJame dHarol 21420 N d73r ,Peoria aArizon 58534 220 010 ,Lund yRanSteve 0173 Ave D ,Billings aMontan 25910 022
eGranit City sIllinoi 06204 022 ,Lum rEsthe nMew-Li
,Lucas dDavi mWillia 4266 W t71s ,Tulsa aOklahom 27413 022
4266 W t71s ,Tulsa aOklahom 27413 022
tWalnu ,Creek aCaliforni 89459 022 ,Loyd yJerr eWayn sWell171 ,Kilgore sTexa 27566 220 ,4 87 ,Loyd eGaynyTerr 171 sWell ,Kilgore sTexa 27566 ,220 6 ,169 212 sLuca ,Jr. sCharle nElwi
8141 Spg kCree ,Spring sTexa 37737 ,219 ,26 ,28 ,130 ,131 25 ,Liverman eWayn nMarti 4C381 bUr AS ,Humacao oPuert oRic 10066 ,219 25 ,Long lPau yTimoth aCasill 2249 ,Lima uPer 921 ,Longeneckei gCtai sNorcros SlOlEstesPkwy ,Longview sTexa 17560 921 ,Logenecker aJuli wCio 1510 sEste Pkwy ,Longview sTexa 17560 921 ,Longeneckei yNanc eLouis 075 nArlingto ,Waco sTexa 07671 ,220 ,113 150 ,151 ,159 ,160 116 ,Love dMacDonalnStephe 1370 kClar ,Quinnesec nMichiga 64987 022 ,Lowe lSamue yMont 5137 eCort eMad
,Lively eVicki nLyn
42 sAdam eAv ,Rochester wNe eHampshir 70386 921
52 kWarwic .Rd ,Muncie aIndian 44730 921 ,Lindstrom yTimoth aRhe xBo 617 ,Marquette sKansa 46746 ,219 ,105 314 ,linser lDanie nDea 3RR ,Marshalltown aIow 85015 921 ,List sDougla nWane 9450 yFairwa ,woodeLak aCaliforni 29071 ,Littlefield nBria tKen
366 nHatte ,Columbia hSout aCarolin 32920 921 ,Lindland lRandal sThoma
713 dHubbai ,Longview sTexa 17560 921 ,Linderholm nAla lEar
,Linden nOri sJame
,Longview sTexa 17560 921
,Luckert .J dDavi 1405 Breckenidg
222, 98
Montgomery, Johathan David
402 Horn Ln.
W Monroe, Louisiana 71291
Moon, Martha Joy 4813 Marietta
Sacramento, California 95841
222, 44, 159, 156
Moon, Timothy Roy 4813 Marietta
Sacramento, California 95841
222, 168, 169, 170, 122
Moore, Waller James 1016 Boroughbr Richmond, Virginia 23225
Morgan, Bradley Lacour 6980 Calumet
Baton Rouge, Louisiana 70805
Morse, Samuel Gordon Rd 2
Brandon, Vermont 05733
Mosby, Barbara Jean Franks Rt 6 Box 473 Lake City Florida 32055
Moses, Jr., Bruce Lee 6151 Spg Garden
Charlotte, North Carolina 28213
Moughon, Tommy Craig 2401 S. 13th
Longview, Texas 75601
Moyer, Sandra Gail Box 108
Wheaton, Illinois 60187
222, 130. 131
Moyer, Virgil Robin 16 Augustine Rd
Sellersville, Pennsylvania 18960
Naas, William Frederick 106 E 8
Hinsdale, Illinois 60521 222, 49, 114, 120
Nafziger, Steven Eugene 611 Cedar Delavan Illinois 61734
Nation, Paul Grant 1508 Killian Arlington, Texas 76013
222, 26
Newcomer, Larry Lee Indiana
Newquist, Daniel James 1773 Paris St Aurora, Colorado 80010
Newton, Bruce Raymond 15439 E End Avenue S Holland Illinois 60473
Newton, Jesse Mack Virginia
Nielsen StevenPaul 10409 Coppedge Dallas, Texas 75229
223, 13, 90, 126
Niethamer, Mary Elizabeth 511 Indiana Dr Erie, Georgia 16505
Niethamer, Jack LeRoy 511 Indiana
Erie, Pennsylvania 16505
223 98
Niewald, Phillip Wayne
816 EastmanRd
Longview, Texas 75601
Niles, Wayne Louis Rd 1Charlton
Ballston Lake, New York 12019
223, 94
Niuman, James Logan 3638 Cedarwood Dayton, Ohio 45430
223, 99
Noel II, Richard Dale 657 N Hawthorne
York, Pennsylvania 17404
Nordell, Kristine Louise 1017 Humiston
Worthington, Minnesota 56187
223, 159, 157, 155, 156
Norris, John Minor 915 15th
Longview, Texas 75601
Nymeyer, Francis Cyril 3120 Ridge Rd
Highland, Indiana 46322
223, 28
Nymeyer, Mark A 3120 Ridge Rd
Highland, Indiana 46322
224, 30, 168, 169, 170, 122
Oakes, David Merl Rd IGrandstHl
Greencastle, Pennsylvania 17225
224, 90, 34, 72
Oberg, Scott Chester 6010 S. Kensingt
Countryside, Illinois 60525
224, 164
Ogren, Richard Michael 233OldBaptRd N Kingstown, Rhode Island 02852
Oksnevad, Gordon Olav 103Cynthia Ct Durand, Illinois 61024
224, 10
Olson, Philip Devon RR3
Winamac Indiana 46996
224, 122
Oplinger Douglas Edward 632 N Howard St
Allentown, Pennsylvania 18102
224, 19
Ortiz, Angel Vincente F-lNueva Clementina, Puerto Rico 00657 224, 29
Ormesher, William Henry
420 Vernon
New Kensington, Pennsylvania 15068
Ostenson, RobertMayo Rt 1
Stone Lake, Wisconsin 54876
Ottavo, Garcl AnaVictoria 27-48 SW 33rd C
Miami, Florida 33133
Owen, David Lee
288 Hacienda Dr
Scotts Vly, California 95066
224, 168, 169, 148
Park, James Billups
133 Pine Hill
Aliceville Alabama 35442
Panrish, RobertLawrence Rt 1
Haonver, Ohio 17313
Passan, Noel Paul
289 Stanwood Dr New Britain, Connecticut 06053 224, 150, 151
Paul, Lydia Marie 2521 Wisconsin Joplin, Missouri 64801
224, 5, 30 112, 43 Pauling Mark LeRoy 1203 Scenic Dr Longview, Texas 75601
224, 164, 126
Payton, Josephine Fay Box 530 Clayton, Ohio 45315 224, 114
Peasland, Thomas 22 Fuente San Sulpicio, Mexico
Pence, James Howard 4525 Driftwood
Corpus Chiisti, Texas 78411
224, 90
Petersen, Kenneth Roger 11Pent
Bloomfield, Connecticut 06002 225, 169, 150, 151, 170 Peterson, Pam Sue Newport, Nebraska 68759 225 115
Pfau, James Lee 312 S Fredonia Longview, Texas 75601
Phillips, Barry Wade 108 D Moore Portland, Texas 78374
Phillips, Cheryl Ann RR 6 Box 289 Huntington, Indiana 46750 61
Phillips, David Allen 16451 Sherwood Tinley Park, Illinois 60477 225, 94
Phillips, Jeff Clark 612 Phillips Bagdad, Arizona 86321
Phipps, David Elbert 2516 Green Hill Kilgore, Texas 75662
Pierce, KenAllan 218 Clarke Rd London, Canada 95, 225
Pierce, Thomas Joseph Box 445
Troy, Kansas 66087
Pikett, William Henry 63 Jennings Ave Dalton, Massachusetts 01226 126 167
Pipak, Jr., JosephRobert
3100 Jane Dr.
Longview, Texas 75601
225, 164 148
Pippin, Kim Lane
Box 404
Borrego Spgs., California 92004
Plants, Randall Jacob
Box 787
Paonia, Colorado 81428
Platz, Duane Walden RFD3
Lime Springs, Iowa 52155
Plemmons, John Clark 905 S Adams
Quincy Florida 32351
225 150 151
Plucker, Wayne Lowell 208 9th Avenue
Worthington, Minnesota 56187
Pontier, RonLee
850 Center Ln Clermont, Florida 32711 225, 94
Porter, Olen De Walt 2311 S 16th St Longview, Texas 75601
Powell, Michael Dean Rt 1 Box 1240
McAllen, Texas 78501
Pradmore, Terry Arthur 916 Walnut Dr Santa Maria, California 93454
Price, James Franklin 802 W Avalon Longview, Texas 75601
Prosser, Stephen Mark 20FredricksRd Scotia, New York 12302
Pust, Perry Dean P.O Box112 Charlo, Montana 59824
225, 7, 30, 73, 84, 122 Rambin, RobertLee 518 E Cotton Longview, Texas 75601
Ramey, Charles Thomas Rt 2 Box 1890 Grass Valley, California 95945
Raush, Ronald Lawrence Rd 1 MeadowLn Conestoga, Pennsylvania 17516
Read, Brian Ross
724 Sandusky Lynchburg, Virginia 24505
Reas, Charlene Lucille 661 Spruce St Aurora, Illinois 60506
Reas, Steven Henry 661 Spruce St Aurora, Illinois 60506
225, 124, 125
Reckling, Harlan Ritchie Rt 8
Lincoln, Nebraska 68506
Redmon, Michael Benedict 908 W Gregory
,Smith sJame rPete
,Smazik hKennet eGeorg 1231 nGunderso ,Berwyn sIllinoi 26040 228 31 ,Smith dEdwar lMarshal 4 nLaPriscill ,Greenville sTexa 17540 822 ,Smith nJohyGregor xBo 59 ,Deale dMarylan 12075 822
440 t1sEN St eBell ,Glade aFlorid 03343 ,228 ,95 414 ,Sledge yJerr dEdwar 0491 rLancaste ,Odessa sTexa 27976 822
,Slater yStanle nJudso
,Slater dHarol lPau 8340 dWoo St ,Kalamazoo nMichiga 84900 822
,Wolcott wNe kYor 01459
,Skinner yTerr rPalme 62 rDrape .St
,Rome aPennsylvani 71883 822
,Sink yBradle gbannin 518
,Tucson aArizon 58570 ,228 59 ,Sims lCeci hKennet 780 MelindaLn ,Longview sTexa 17560
,Simmons lWendel yRa 5101N nShanno
,Simmons yKanSusa 0193 eSaddl lHi ,Dundein aFlorid 83352 ,228 ,43 73
,Longview sTexa 17560 822
,Simmons M sDougla 430 W yHaile
sHughe ,Spgs. sTexa 67565 822
,Simmons aMarsh eElain tHillcres eDriv
,Sible rRogedRichar 761 AvelHumme ,Lemoyne aPennsylvani 31704 822
,Texarkana sTexa 17550 822
,Shumaker yRicke eClarenc 130 dOl nBosto
sGlen Falls, wNe kYor 11280 822
,Sheerer lMichae dDavi 86 t1s St
,Shearer yJa eEugen .Rd 1 xBo 234 ,Elizabethtown aPennsylvani 21702 822
,Erie aPennsylvani 91650 821
,Shay aPatrici nAn nLawso 45 dFairfiel Av
,Shay dFre dRichar .Rt xBo1 3 ,Cooperstown aPennsylvani 71631 822
tFor ,Worth sTexa 27611 822
,Shaw ,III yHenr lCampbel 1740 aYoland Dr
,Longview sTexa 17560 822
,Shaver yJeffre nLyn 01 eWoodsid Dr ,Scotia wNe kYor 21230 822 ,Shaw .III VA C9 Apt Let Col
,Shaffer lKar eGeorg 9164 yIv .Rd ,Memphis eTennesse 73811 822
,Seibert eJoyc hRut 5585 49WS tS ,Miami aFlorid 63315 ,228 92 ,enfSel mSa nAlle 687 N nLexingto ,Mansfield oOhi 64490 ,228 314 ,Seller dDonal yDewe Rt 1 87xBo ,Marion sTexa 47812 228 ,17 ,3 010
,Schwitters nDa rWalte 72310 d53r Ave ,Bothell nWashingto 19801 822 .Scott tRober sCharle Rd 3 ,Dansville wNe kYor 71443 ,228 412 ,Scott oWaldyHarr P.O xBo 825 eWhit ,Clay aNebrask 56936 822 ,Scott eJo nLyn 2RR ,Arlington yKentuck 14202 822 ,Scranton kJac dRichar OAPD 81012 nSa ,Jose aCost aRic ,228 110 ,Searls eLekRic xBo 0185 ,ZanesvUle oOhi 14370 822
,Schulze yJeffre W 0314 kTamarac ,Erie aPennsylvani 61650 822
,Schultz nJoh dLloy 612 .W eRow ,Roodhouse sIllinoi 26208 822
,Schubert nBenjami hJosep .RR2KermitRd ,Freepon sIllinoi 26103
,Lakeside aCaliforni 09204 822
,Schmidt yTimoth eLan 61085 kOa kCree
,Schmidt nBria nJo 3129 S oQuiet ,Denver oColorad 38022 722
,Chattanooga eTennesse 43740 ,227 816
051 E nShadowl
,Schiller rPete sJame
,Quakenown aPennsylvani 11895 ,227 ,150 115
42 E pSwam Rd
,Schanely kMarlPau
,Saner yGar rLeste 6122 rVilsmeie ,Lansdale aPennsylvani 61944 ,227 ,117 ,73 ,152 ,118 911
,Miami aFlorid 43313
,Sandall dJeral nWarre 5449 2WS tS
,Longview sTexa 17560 722
,Sanders nJoh sDougla 8181 nRodde
,Longview sTexa 17560
,Miami aFlorid 43313 ,227 217 ,Sanders tAlber sDougla 1818RoddenSt
5449 2WS tS
Sandall, dJeral nWarre
,Sampson yRarWalte Rd 1 dCrooke ,Creek aPennsylvani 91691 722
,Sage lCaro sFrance xBo 1700 ,Longview sTexa 17560 722 ,Saint lNathanae Rd 2 xBo 110 ,Elverson aPennsylvani 01952 ,227 513 ,Salatin rArthu mWillia Rt xBo1 128 ,Swoope aVirgini 92447 ,227 ,7 ,117 ,170 ,84 212
,Chamblee aGeorgi 13034 722
,Manor sTexa 37865 ,226 ,4 ,44 ,43 35 ,Safstrom dDavi eWayn 6443 nStonlngto
,Ryden nDawnKare .Rt 3310xBo1
,Rudy Paul dDavi 34 eAlle sDe ,Platanes eFranc 06026 622 ,Ruggles yJerr eLe 7230 S h12t ,Longview sTexa 17560 622 ,Rowe nDa H xBo 511 ,Arlington aNebrask 26800 622
,Ruddi eIren 5502 kGransbac ,Philadelphia aPennsylvani 01912 622
,226 ,150 ,151 ,162 016
.226 .105 414 ,Roth yGar nAlle 2664 S nSherma ,Littleton oColorad 18012 622 ,Rowe yNanc hElisabet 113 eRosco ,Muscatine aIow 15276
,Rosenau nVerno eLe 914 dHubbar Dr ,Longview sTexa 17560
,Longview sTexa 17560
914 dHubbar Dr
,Rosenau tJane nLyn
,Schafer kDic eLe 1RR Mt ,Cory oOhi 84586 722
,Roland nMorgadEl'woo RR
,Rohrer yLarr tBurkhar 021 lOw lHil Rd ,Lititz aPennsylvani ,226 84
,Rohrer dEdwar yHarr 0541 W rSheare tWes ,Milton hNort aDakot 34538 622
,Rogers eStev lSamue eMil 86 ,Willow aAlask 89968
,Rogers kDeri dDavi 5424 yAshwood ,Atlanta aGeorgi 93031 ,226 612
,Belleville nWisconsi 85350 ,226 011
,Pensacola aFlorid 13250 ,Rees nJoh tScot 5141 dEnglewoo ,Slidell aLouisian 87045 522 ,Reisman dRichar yHenr nWashingto41 ,Wellsville wNe kYor 51489 ,225 82 ,Reiner dEdwar sJame 11 eSton aWall ,Walla nWashingto 29936 ,225 ,170 212 ,Renwick sDenni lEar 0421 .N rRive ,Freeland nMichiga 34862 522 ,Rettig cMar dHowar wMeado kLar Ln ,woodhHig aMontan 05945 ,225 02 ,Reynolds lRandal nBento xBo 1700 ,Longview sTexa 17560 522 ,Richards ,Jr. tRober nJoh 527 fFeraclif ,Athens aGeorgi 13060 622 ,Ridder dRichartRober 0520 nLaw nWester ,Spgs. sIllinoi 86055 ,226 ,70 17 ,Riffle ,Jr. eGeorg wAndre 874CoeSt ,Camarillo aCaliforni 09301 622 ,Ringler lMichae nAla 1410 aAstori ,Irving sTexa 27506 622 ,Roberts ySidne eLe xBo 37 hChurc ,Vincemown wNe yJerse 80808 622 ,Robertson nJoh dHarol 1251 WS h169t ,Seattle nWashingto 69816 622 ,Rodebaugh yRand eLe 5353 mBlairmo ,Toledo hNort aDakot 44361 ,226 ,20 ,101 ,100 67 ,Roden eJoyc eLouis Rt 3 1379-xBo ,Longview sTexa 17560 ,Roethlisberg dRonal mWillia 1RFD
oZumbr ,Falls aMinnesot 15599 ,226 11
21Mackay Dr. Thomhill, Ont Canada
Smith Mark Alan 16030 SW98th
Miami, Florida 33157
229, 174
Smith, Mark Andrew 4709 Lawnview
Jacksonville, Florida 32205
229, 95, 112
Smith, Michael Barlow Rt 6 Box87
Henderson, Texas 75652
Smith, Paula Kaye
2783 Luna Avenue
San Diego, California 92117
229, 28
Smith, Sam Alfoid 106N Eastern Greenville, North Carolina 27834
Suavely, Robert James P.O Box969 Wheaton, Illinois 60187
Snow, Jr., JamesMatthew 213 SE 7th St N
Belle Glade, Florida 33430
Snyder, Curtis Perry 8118 Rhea
Reseda, California 91335
Snyder, Jonathan Carl Rt 1 Box 188 A Hallsville, Texas 75650
Snyder, Timothy Charles Rt 1 Box 188A
Hallsville, Texas 75650
229, 135
Sommer, Timothy John Rd 1
Harmony, Pennsylvania 16037
Spangler, Steven Michael 292 Plains Rd
Honeoya Fls., NewYork 14472
Spicer, Duane Gregory 1289 Gale Dr Kent Ohio 44240
Spires, Mark Lee 2856 Leechburg Lower Burrell, Pennsylvania 15068 229. 118
Spoils, Timothy Eugene Rd 160x184
Shomokin, Pennsylvania 17872
229 Spring, Karen Jean 1982 Ashland San Jose, California 95130
Staeck, Roger Christian 4924 Ironwood
Seal Beach, California 90740
Stagner, Thomas Kevin 101 Lynnwood Ln Longvlew, Texas 75601
Stauffer, David Brubaker
6480 Main St
E Petersburg, Pennsylvania 17520
229, 170, 76, 122
Stebblns, George Masters
29 W311Hawthorn
W Chicago Illinois 60185
Stephens, Brian Noel
509 Main St
Dowagiac, Michigan 49047
Stephens, Cynthia Louise 1361 Oak Grove Drive
Decatur, Georgia 30033
230, 90, 92, 72, 84
Stephens, Mark Douglas
5730 Pleas Vly
Brighton, Michigan 48116
Stephens, Mark Kaslow Rt 2
Carthage, Missouri 64836
Stevens, Donald Mark
292 E Academy
Hughesville, Pennsylvania 17737
Stevens, Sharon Lynette P.O Box 340
Rangely, Colorado 81648
Stewart, Gary Dean 1901 1st Capitl
St Charles Missouri 63301
Stewart, James Wesley 2721 Ft Amanda Lima, Ohio 45805
Stoltzfus, David Jay P.O Box 225
Elverson, Pennsylvania 19520
230, 135
Stoltzfus, Esther Joy Box 225
Elverson, Pennsylvania 19520
230, 43, 159, 158
Stoltzfus, Merle Wayne Box 225
Elverson, Pennsylvania 19520
230, 117, 169, 170. 122, 123
Strait, DavidRobert
307 1/2 Main
Cornell, Wisconsin 54732
Storms, GordonArthur Rt 2 Box 33
Arcade, New York 14009
Strayer, Dusty Allen 8234th Avenue
Lk Odessa, Michigan 48849
230, 143
Strickier, James Edward Rd. 3 Box 266
Lewisbuig, Pennsylvania 17837
Strong,'Nathan Warner
Craftsbury Com., Vermont 05827
230, 135, 105
Strubhar, Peter Manig 308 S Market
Washington, Illinois 61571
Stuart, Kenneth Dennis 1717 FlanaganD
Longview, Texas 75601
Stuit, Dorothy Bemice 1536 Scoville
Berwyn, Illinois 60402
Stukey, Samuel Willis
Rt. 1Box 36
Poison, Montana 59860
Stutsman, Carl Andrew 8514 218thSW
Edmonds, Washington 98020
Surgeon, Peter Warren Rt 8 Box94
Hagerstown, Maryland 21740
Svedberg, DavidArthur
P-19 Fair Haven
Ft Meyers Florida 33901
Swanson, George Daniel 1405 Whitley Dr Vienna, Virginia 22180
Swanson, Vem Raynold 2335 N 12th
Quincy, Illinois 62301
Swartz, Eric Nolan
420 Ranch Rd
Wheaton, Illinois 60187
231, 13
Sweet, Julia Sutta 241 W River St Elyria, North Carolina 44035
Swinford, Michael Joseph Rd. 1 Box 207
Ashland, Ohio 44805
231. 114, 121, 120
Tameling, June Ruth 5115 Clausen
Western Spgs., Illinois 60558
231 43, 159, 160, 161
Tarr, Daniel Craig Rd 1Box 85 1/2 Paxlnos, Pennsylvania 17860 231, 117, 124, 125
Tauck, Connie Rae
Hammond, Montana 59332
Tauck, Roger William Hammond, Montana 59332
Taylor, William Dwight Rd 1Patsy Dr Gibsonia, Pennsylvania 15044 231
Temple, Bruce Roy 6565 Akron Peninsula, Ohio 44264
Tenpenny, Steve Ray 1110 Dennis Dr. Longview, Texas 75601
Thaxton, Victoron Mark 2195 Brentwood
Northbrook, Illinois 60062 232, 28
Thiesen, Gerald Clyde 40662 Road 40 Dinuba, California 95618
232, 31, 134, 137, 135, 164, 38
Thelsen, Robert Carroll CP 1640 Curltib
Parana Brazil, Brazil 232, 135
Thiessen, Royce Bernard 722 Main Newton, Kansas 67114
Thomas, Michael Lawrence
Drawer F
Window Rock, Arizona 86515
Thomas, Steven Dale
403 Forde Ave
Mahomet Illinois 61853
232, 164, 126, 127
Thompson, Byron Kenneth Rt 2
Baltimore, Ohio 43105
Thompson, Richard Gary 6802 Dante Ct Springfield, Virginia 22152
232, 20, 101, 121, 120
Thompson, Steven Ray 17 5th St
St Thomas, Virgin Islands 00801 232 94, 101 Thornton, Daniel Lee 824Fairway Longview, Texas 75601
Throop, KennethRay 340 NW12th Dr Belle Glade, Florida 33430 232, 148
TIefenbach, KennethWayne 2627 BothamCt St Joseph, Michigan 49085
Timmons, James Bruce 3832 GreenAcre Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19154
Tips WilliamRatcliffe 3409 Princeton Dallas, Texas 75205
232, 95
Todd, NormaJean Illinois 232, 163, 161
Tokatloglou, Timothy Nicholas 4362 W Tufts Denver, Colorado 80236
232, 86
Tolson, James Michael 205 Drake Longview, Texas 75601
Tou, David Keung
508 Nathan Rd 7 Front Kowloon, Hong Kong 232
Trlol, Wilson Clemer 71 Fltzrandolph W Orange, NewJersey 07052 232 144
Tucker, Kenneth Edward 507 S Jean Longview, Texas 75601
Turner, Stephen Dale 130 Center
Raynham, Massachusetts 02767
Turnquist, RussellDale 15 Homestead
Rome, Georgia 30161
Uchtmann, RobertCarl RR1
Sparta, Illinois 62286
Van Delinder, Thomas Harry 1180 NE200SI Miami, Florida 33162
Vann, Jr., FloydRobert 2222 Paul
.Flushing wNe kYor 81135
,Zabaneh mIbrahi lKhali IAZM ,Tripoli nLebano ,235 015 ,Zitzmann eGeorg lPau 84657-15 St
sDixon ,Mill aAlabam 63673 ,235 ,170 ,122 312
sDixon ,Mill aAlabam 63673 ,235 67 ,Young mWillia mGraha nGe lDe
,Young tRober rRoge yMcKinne523 ,Wexford aPennsylvani 01509 523 ,Young lPau nEdwi nGe lDe
,Chamblee aGeorgi 13034 523
,Yorgey pPhili M xBo 331 ,Fleetwood aPennsylvani 21952 ,235 67 ,York lMichae yGregor 8251 nStoningto
,Wootten tRoberdDavi 71 nTappe tHun ,Sta. kYorwNe 61174 ,234 90 43 ,Woodward nStephe eWayn tWes eLak Rd ,Westfield wNe kYor 71478 423 ,Wulff mWillia nAlle 1RR ,Rockford aIow 85046 ,234 ,44 89 ,Wyckoff hKeit sDougla 55 aMimos Dr ,Centerville oOhi 94545 ,235 12 ,Yard aLeor eSu wMeadowvie870 ,Greenwood aIndian 24614 ,235 010 ,Yaughn yRand nFelto 5166 rTucke Rd ,Macon aGeorgi 43120 523 ,Yee nJoh 013 d3r Ave ,Brooklyn wNe kYor 71121 523
423 ,Wood nGledDavi xBo 622 ,Underbill tVermon 90548 ,Wood eLenKeeno P.O xBo 688 ,Raymondville sTexa 07858 ,234 59
,Chattanooga eTennesse 43740
81 nBrockhave
,Watsonville aCaliforni 69507 ,234 ,2 91 ,Witt lJoe hRaleig
,DesPlaines sIllinoi 66001 ,234 ,150 ,151 ,122 312 ,Wingerd lEardRaymon 1214 C yDale N ,VegassLa aNevad 08903 423 ,Wing uKanCh 121 kTa eMinghs ,Kowloon gKongHon 423 ,Wiser tRober kMar 671 lHil Ave
423 ,Wildasin eStev lEar 538 nGwe ,York aPennsylvani 41740 ,234 ,153 811 ,Williams sDenni dBoy 0402 lDrexe Dr ,Binghamton wNe kYor 31390 .234 59 ,Williams hKennet eWayn 0402 lDrexe Dr ,Binghamton wNe kYor 31390 ,234 49 ,Williams iTerr nLyn Rl 1 xBo 87 ,Mineola sTexa 37577 ,234 ,39 ,43 43 ,Willoughby aDiol eSatterwhit P.O xBo 7128 ,Pendleton nOrego 19780 423 ,Willoughby Willian sElli .P.O xBo 7128 aPendleton,'Pennsylvani 19780 423 ,Wilson nAneAlic 3 aAnz Dr ,Nogales aArizon 13562 423 ,Wilson nVerno eLe 6110 eAvenueRos
450 .N nJunctio ,Grangeville oIdah 08353
423 Wikoff nDo eLe
423 ,Wieland aBrend lCaro 290 W nStratto ,Safford aArizon 68554 ,234 ,112 34 ,Wik dRaymonlPau 765 lJacksonvil ,Ivyland aPennsylvani 41897
,Hubbard aIow 25012
323 ,Wiechmann lCrysta nAn xBo 612 2RR
,Longview sTexa 17560
dPenwoo .Apt 124
,Widmer tAlber nLincol
,Longview sTexa 17560
323 ,White sCharle nCamero 231 S tWalnu W ,Chester aPennsylvani 01938 ,233 ,12 ,29 43 ,White yDoroth tJane 4121 rWebste ,Longview sTexa 17560 ,White eMauric eDean 4121 rWebste
323 ,White yRaeBonni 862 wRainbo Dr ,Shreveport aLouisian 67110
323 ,Wester nSharo hRut 1654 WNt1s ,Seattle nWashingto 79811 ,233 ,94 ,21 510 ,Weston lPau sDougla 1860 d93rE sKansa ,City iMissour 86413
323 ,Wesner rRodge lPau 0560 eAlpin ,Stevensville nMichiga 74912
323 ,Welty eRolli sLewi 17135 t51s S tGrea ,Falls aMontan 55940
140 rGartne Rd nWinsto ,Salem hNort aCarolin 12710 ,Welsh dRonal nNevi xBo 113 ,Listie aPennsylvani 91554
323 ,Welch sJame sDougla 1832 yNisquall ,Dallas sTexa 77521 ,233 814 ,Wellman aMyr eGal 4100 dOrchar ,Longview sTexa 17560 ,233 09 ,Wells dRaymon nNelso
323 ,Webster nKevi
323 ,Weaver eDal tErnes P.O 636xBo ,Windber aPennsylvani 31596 ,233 ,76 213 ,Webber lDanie dGeral 8232 yLanewa Dr aOklahom ,City aOklahom 97315 ,233 67 ,Weber nMerli nDea Rt 1 ,Cering aNebrask 16934
sGras ,Lake nMichiga 04924
323 ,Weage yJerr E 831 S nUnio
323 ,Wallace aVirgini eLucill 5861 lArie ,Houston sTexa 67703 ,233 ,4 ,28 34 ,Ware yGar dRichar 92 lColonia Ave ,Waltham sMassachusett 40215 ,233 94 ,Watne yStanle eLe RR ,Gait aIow 15010 ,233 ,7 ,26 ,53 ,175 ,118 911 ,Waugh yBarr mGra
223 ,Wallace dDonal yTimoth Rd xBo1 128 tFron ,Royal aVirgini 02263 ,232 ,169 ,171 ,170 212 ,Wallace aLorett eLouis 5861 lArie ,Houston sTexa 67703
223 ,Waldner eLonni rVicto 1RR ,Carpenter hSout aDakot 25732
223 ,Waechter lCar dDavi sMassachusett ,Waechter rArthusJame dStanfor452 ,Burbank aCaliforni 49150
223 ,Vogt eGeneDewayn 11066 W eMarlen ,Littleton oColorad 38012 ,Vroraan yTimoth tAlber xBo 13 1DR ,Afton wNe kYor 01373
223 ,Varcoe yShelle nDaw 42832 yThorn Br ,Farmington nMichiga 44802 ,232 130 113 ,Veele nStephe lPau 9331 h160t eAvenu ,Holland nMichiga 34942 ,232 010 ,Veiling tScot nAlle 6175 eDerbyshir dGran ,Rapids nMichiga 84950
nVa ,Wie sDouglalKar Rd 4 nBallsto ,Lake wNe kYor 91201
Galway wNe kYor 41207 ,232 ,72 814
223 ,VanVranken dRonal sJame P.O 2xBo
nVa ,Vleet sThoma nJoh 2130 E tFores ,Wheaton sIllinoi 76018
,Lufkin sTexa 17590
0545 h87tWS St ,Miami aFlorid 33314
At 9:30 p.m. on the evening of May 28, 1975, the PIONEER 1975 received its final touches. At that time, the headaches - the waiting for pictures, the slaving over a typewriter, the lost hours of sleep, even the two week delay in meeting the final deadline - all fade into insignificance in the sheer delight of completion. Many people richly deserve thanks for their efforts in compiling the annual. First of all, the staff members who this
year became deadline conscious, merit praise. The photographers who endured last minute assignments and long tedious darkroom sessions deserve much thanks. Thanks is due also to Advisor Ralph Gilbert as the behind the scenes motivating force of the yearbook. Finally, thanks goes to Mr. Ed McMeans of Taylor Publishing Company, the perennial winner of the patience award, for enduring the abundance of missed deadlines.