NOW Magazine Winter 2008 Issue

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WINTER 2008-09 VOLUME 63


a message from the president

Every workplace. Every nation.


his small phrase contains a big vision, a vision that was wrought last year through intentional, fervent and committed prayer, along with fasting and collaboration among faculty and staff, as well as representatives from our alumni, student body and board of trustees. These four words are shorthand for our university’s new vision statement: Claiming every workplace in every nation as our mission field, LeTourneau University graduates are professionals of ingenuity and Christ-like character who see life’s work as a holy calling with eternal impact. Our mission statement remains the same and serves as the anchor defining who we are and why we exist. After two decades of exceptional growth under Dr. Austin’s leadership, now was the appropriate time to pause, reflect and capture a vision of LeTourneau’s future. Our university has been equipped to answer God’s Great DR. DALE A. LUNSFORD Commission by preparing men and women to be both effective professionals and God’s President ambassadors in workplaces throughout the world. Godly engineers, business leaders, pilots, scientists and school teachers acting as salt and light in the workplace can make an eternal difference in our generation. LETU’s new vision resulted from a focused, intentional process. It came from, through and to God, as we in the LeTourneau Nation applied Romans 11:36 when we individually and collectively reflected on the past to seek God’s will for the future. The visioning work actually began within four months of my coming to LETU as president, but it was launched in the first January 2008 chapel service, beginning a week of prayer and fasting to seek God’s direction. LETU prayer warriors told me they counted it a privilege to intercede. After seven days of praying through the Lord’s Prayer, line by line, there were five weeks of cascading, vision-casting sessions. The entire community participated, as vice presidents led deans and directors, deans and directors led others. Student leaders, alumni council members and trustees all contributed. We began with some “givens” about LETU —that we: · Will honor Jesus Christ as the central focus; · Will affirm our mission as an interdenominational university built on biblical authority with a shared statement of faith; · Recognize our identity as a comprehensive university with technological, scientific, business, education and liberal arts professions; · Acknowledge our leadership role in educating working adult students; and · Will build on the legacy of LETU graduates serving God’s kingdom across the globe. Our purpose was to identify where God was already working and to join Him in that work. We considered questions such as: What will LETU’s unique contribution be to the world around us? What will we do better than any other Christian university? How will we generate new revenue and balance the budget? How will we know LETU‘s future is secure? After these sessions, recurring themes were brought back to me. The result was this newly articulated vision for the future, approved by the Board of Trustees in April 2008. Though not quite in “Every Workplace; Every Nation,” LeTourneau professors, students and board members serve in many workplaces, across the globe and in diverse settings, as you will read in this issue. An effective vision mobilizes our university. It commands commitment and requires courageous action. As a faithful network of supporters, will you join us in pursuing God’s vision? n

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LeTourneau University





Board of Trustees Paul Abbott Bill Anderson Sheila M. Bailey Patrick A. Bertsche Dr. Joel Carpenter IV * Dr. O.J. (Jay) Chastain Dr. Richard C. Chewning * Mike Childress Sheree Cosa David Cottrill H.D. (Doug) Douglas, Jr. Dr. Kenneth L. Hall Dr. Billy J. Harris * Don Harrison Calvin E. Howe * Loren Leman Dr. Dale A. Lunsford Dr. James E. Mauldin

L.V. (Bud) McGuire Nancy Mendez Paul Montgomery Kenneth Moore Joe Nowiczewski ** Earl Roberts, Jr. * John Solheim Billy Spain * Major General B. Fred Starr * Merle Stoltzfus Dr. David R. Treviño Wayne Trull Steve Voelzke Mary S. Whelchel Donald H. Wolgemuth * * Emeritus ** Alumni Representative


In The Public Eye


Annie Olson


Taking a Sip of The Real World


Sports Update


From the Alumni Office


Class Notes


Friends of LeTourneau University

Executive Administration Dr. Dale A. Lunsford President

Dr. Robert W. Hudson

Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs/Chief Academic Officer

Dr. William R. McDowell

Executive Vice President for Business and Administration

Ms. Marila D. Palmer

Executive Vice President for External Relations

Cabinet Officers Ms. Linda H. Fitzhugh, Vice President for Enrollment Services Dr. Carol C. Green, Vice President for the School of Graduate and Professional Studies Mr. Mike S. Hood, Vice President for Financial Affairs Mr. Ben March, Vice President for University Development Dr. Doug A. Wilcoxson, Vice President for Student Affairs


“BEHOLD, NOW IS THE ACCEPTABLE TIME; BEHOLD NOW IS THE DAY OF OUR SALVATION.” II Cor. 6:2 LeTourneau University is an interdenominational Christian university located in Longview, Texas, offering academic majors in the aeronautical sciences, business, education, engineering, the humanities and sciences. LeTourneau University also offers business degrees and teacher certification programs online and at five educational centers around Texas in Austin, Bedford, Dallas, Houston and Tyler. “NOW” (USPS #307-200) is published four times per year by LeTourneau University, 2100 South Mobberly, Longview, Texas 75607 w Sent free upon request to Editor, P.O. Box 8001, Longview, Texas 75607. w Periodical postage paid at Longview, Texas, and additional mailing offices. w Postmaster: Send address changes to: NOW, P.O. Box 8001, Longview, Texas 75607.

CONTACT INFORMATION: PHONE: 903-233-3000 WEB: ADMISSIONS: PHONE: 903-233-3400 TOLL FREE: 800-759-8811




In the Public Eye Written by Janet Ragland

Top: Former Alaska Lt. Gov. Loren Leman and wife Carolyn (left) with Governor Sarah Palin at the Coaches’ Luncheon to celebrate the start of the 30th Great Alaska Shootout in November 2007. Greeting President Bush when he and Laura came through Anchorage on a refueling stop in November 2005.

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hen Republican presidential hopeful Senator John McCain picked his vice presidential running mate last fall, most of America had never heard of Sarah Palin. But LeTourneau University board trustee Loren Leman had. He defeated her in the race for Alaska Lieutenant Governor in 2002. “We were friends then and still are friends today,” Leman said. “I remain the first and only person to defeat her in a straight-up race for office,” he said. “She was a tough candidate; ran a spirited campaign. She was young, attractive, confident and very telegenic, a woman on the go. And she had a good set of core values. “Her biggest downfall then was her relative inexperience,” Leman said. “She was the least experienced of the other three serious candidates in the lieutenant governor’s Republican primary, but she still came in second place. She demonstrated she is a force to be reckoned with on the campaign trail.” Before the 2002 lieutenant governor’s race, Leman said he and Palin had chatted about the possibility of a Leman-Palin ticket for governor and lieutenant governor if then-longtime U.S. Senator Frank Murkowski chose to seek re-election instead of coming home to run for governor. However, Murkowski opted for the gubernatorial race . Leman entered the lieutenant governor race, and Palin later also entered the race and competed for the lieutenant governor’s post, but Leman defeated the second-place Palin by 2,000 votes. She later campaigned to help the Murkowski-Leman team win in the General Election. Leman was sworn in as Alaska’s seventh lieutenant governor on December 2, 2002, after serving 14 years in the Alaska Legislature, completing his service as the Senate Majority Leader. Known as a fiscal and social conservative, Leman sought improvements to education, transportation, business development and wise use of Alaska’s natural resources. Leman is proud to claim the title as the first person of Alaska Native ancestry to be elected to serve in statewide public office. Raised in a commercial fishing family of Russian-Alutiiq heritage in Ninilchik, Alaska, he graduated from high school in 1968 and attended thenLeTourneau College for a year before transferring to a civil engineering program at Oregon State University. There, he earned his bachelor’s degree in 1972 followed by a master’s degree in civil/environmental engineering

from Stanford University the following year. He believes his background in civil and environmental engineering and commercial fishing benefited him in his life as an elected official. Leman believes his defeat of Palin in 2002 helped set her up for the vice presidential pick. “The loss that I tagged on her helped launch her career to later become governor and be picked as McCain’s running mate,” Leman said. “She was seen as an outsider when she was elected as governor, and that image plus her personal popularity during her first months in office got her noticed on a national level. “Had she and Senator McCain been elected in November,” Leman said, “she would have been a great vice president.” Leman said that the media blitz in Alaska, as well as elsewhere in the country, began nearly from the moment Palin was announced as the other half of McCain’s ticket. “However, Sarah was not always treated fairly, especially not in the national media,” Leman said. “The Alaska media treated her with kid gloves in 2002 because she was relatively unknown and they liked the idea of a rising star taking on seasoned veterans from the Legislature. In 2006, they fawned over her because she was challenging an incumbent governor who had used up most of his reservoir of goodwill. Even after her election as governor, Sarah Palin was treated well by media until she ran for vice president, and then things switched quickly. “I don’t think she ever could have been prepared for how they attacked her personally,” Leman said. “Practically the next day after her announcement, hundreds of media folks descended on Alaska. People from national and international media arrived looking for any scurrilous information that they could find about Sarah, her family, and home community of Wasilla. They were

especially interested in conflict and dirt, like stories about old boyfriends and such. “In politics, you’ve got to have a thick skin and a soft heart,” Leman said. “I wouldn’t be telling the truth if I said negative stories didn’t have an impact. Things have been written and said about me that were hateful and spiteful, and some did hurt, even though you know this is politics. We each care about our name, our reputation.” As soon as Palin was announced as McCain’s vice presidential running mate, Leman began receiving phone calls from people all over the country wanting to know what he knew about her. “They asked, Do you know your governor? Is she the real deal? She sounds like someone we can relate to,” Leman said. “She energized a broad base of people with her capacity to talk about important values to regular people at the heart level. That is part of her charm.” Leman served 18 years in elected office: four years in the Alaska House of Representatives (1989-1993), 10 years in the Alaska Senate (1993-2002) and four years as lieutenant governor (2002-2006). He has been out of public office for over two years, but does not discount another run at public office. “I haven’t shut the door on the possibility of running for another statewide office, if the opportunity is right. If it happens, great! If it doesn’t, I can still look back and say I’ve had 18 years of wonderful experience. It has been the opportunity of a lifetime to do things to make a difference in people’s lives.” n Above: Early morning on Election Day 2008, Leman greeted GOP Vice Presidential candidate Sarah Palin at the Anchorage International Airport. Below, from left to right: Carolyn and Alaska Lt. Gov. Loren Leman; Nancy and Alaska Governor Frank Murkowski.

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Annie Olson Written by Janet Ragland

“Visual Literacy is the ability to ‘read’ and interpret images.” — Dr. Annie Olson

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ow would you give written instructions to someone in a developing country where illiteracy rates are very high? Or how would you communicate, say, the dosage of a medicine, how many pills to take and when to take them? Would you show the sun coming up to denote taking pills in the morning and the moon coming up to denote taking the pills at night? But what if it is a cloudless day or a moonless night? What then? Visual literacy is the ability to “read” and interpret images and to make meaning of images, whether photos, drawings or diagrams. It is the focus of new research being conducted by LeTourneau University English professor Dr. Annie Olson. When LETU students began designing a prosthetic knee joint four years ago and took it into developing countries to ease human suffering, they couldn’t have known their student design project could ignite a university-wide commitment to broaden global research opportunities in multiple disciplines far beyond just engineering. LeTourneau Engineering Global Solutions, or “LEGS,” is now known as LeTourneau Empowering Global Solutions. It has expanded into other educational disciplines, like the English Department. As LETU engineering students went abroad into developing countries to teach clinicians in those countries how to build their polycentric knee joint, many of the clinicians could not “read” or understand the diagrams on how to build the prosthetic knee. “We were expecting them to take a two-dimensional picture and understand this three-dimensional knee when there is no culture of visual literacy,” Olson said. Olson and her research student, Becca Westrup, a freshman English Education major from Kansas, will travel to Senegal and Kenya this summer with Drs. Roger Gonzalez and Stephen Ayers and LeTourneau University’s LEGS team of engineering students to conduct new research on visual literacy there. Their primary focus will be to work with prosthetists to help them “read” diagrams and to do qualitative and quantitative data collection with specific groups to identify types and levels of visual literacy already present. “We are going into these countries with the LEGS team where most people don’t have paper and pencil resources,” Olson said. “We plan to conduct half-day workshops to teach them visual literacy skills to bridge them into working with LEGS prosthetic diagrams. “We will identify answers to questions like, What

diagrams produce the most problems? How do I find a starting point for visual literacy?” Olson said. “We hope that what we will learn will help us teach ourselves how best to design our materials for them to understand.” The ultimate goal is sustainability, Olson said, to provide global solutions for teaching visual literacy in underdeveloped countries. “We want to develop a reference manual that will have longevity, a long-term of usefulness, because about half the world has no formal education,” Olson said. “Women in many of these developing countries want to pursue literacy to help change their social status, because in many of their cultures, being a woman is a financial and economic liability for the family. Women have no educational opportunities, no schools, no earning power. They are a financial liability. Boys have the learning power. For these women, literacy is a way to have voice, to have value and not be seen just as an economic liability.” Olson said the attainment of visual literacy is fundamental to normal human learning. And while the term “visual literacy” has only been around since about 1969, the idea goes back to when cave men began drawing animals on cave walls. “In the English Department, we have always been about ways of thinking and knowing, and reading is a big part of that,” Olson said. “This research into visual literacy shows that English has a practical application in research in the same way other university departments do.” LETU Dean of Arts and Sciences Dr. Amiel Jarstfer applauds the interdisciplinary approach to research. “This type of interdisciplinary collaboration is a continuation of the School of Arts and Sciences’ support for LEGS,” Jarstfer said. “Assistant Professor of Biology Karen Rispin helped pioneer this type of cross-discipline work by leading LEGS science teams alongside the LEGS engineering design teams for the last three years.” Olson said she was inspired in this new research endeavor after attending a conference last October of the International Visual Literacy Association. Olson was asked to write and submit a paper on her research for their IVLA Journal, a nationally recognized peerreviewed journal. “This is a wide-open branch of scholarship, and it’s a little overwhelming, but I am comforted because I know God’s been there before,” Olson said. “Visual literacy is part of being made in God’s image, and as Psalm 19 says, ‘The heavens declare the glory of God. That’s visual!’” n

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LETU has been named fifth in the nation among online colleges and universities according to the 2009 rankings published by Online Education Database. In its third annual rankings, OEDb scored online schools based on a variety of metrics including acceptance rate, financial aid, graduation rate, peer web citations, retention rate and scholarly citations.


LETU’s aeronautical science team won first-place overall in the recent National Intercollegiate Flying Association’s 2008 Region IV SAFECON competition. The first-place finish qualified LETU pilots to compete in the national NIFA competition May 17-23, 2009 at Parks College of St. Louis University in Cahokia, Ill. LETU’s “Sting” Precision Flight Team won firstplace in ground events and second place in the flying events, with a total overall school score of 650 points.


Eight Korean students from Handong Global University performed a traditional dance during chapel Monday, Nov. 24, in the S.E. Belcher Jr. Chapel and Performance Center. the future of hybrid and electric vehicles as alternative vehicle propulsion redefines the use of automotive electronics.

Tree ISD, Hallsville ISD, Spring Hill ISD and the Trinity School of Texas attended, as well as students from Dallas area schools, including Carrollton-Farmers Branch ISD and Garland ISD. Event curriculum was based on the Harvard Graduate School of Education Principal’s Center model of team building activities, training and reflection.


LETU’s Departments of Chemistry and Engineering presented “The Future of Electromechanical Engineering: Hybrid and Electric Vehicles Bring Hope for a Changing World” on Tuesday, Nov. 25, as part of the fall 2008 science seminar series. Featured speaker, Mark Gunderson, a LETU alumnus and engineering manager for Continental Automotive Systems of Germany, discussed requirements, technology and safety challenges facing 8 | NOW Magazine | Winter 2008-09


LETU’s Office of Special Programs hosted the youth leadership conference “The Power to Think, the Will to Act” on campus Thursday, Jan. 8, in partnership with the Longview Independent School District Office of International Baccalaureate Initiatives. Over 500 middle school and high school students from LISD, Pine


LETU’s School of Business hosted a day-long conference Friday, Nov. 14, to address the current financial crisis and

related economic topics. The keynote speaker was Dr. Terry Smith, president of the Federal Home Loan Bank of Dallas. The conference also featured presentations by students, financial experts and scholars. Four local bankers presented a roundtable discussion on how the East Texas economy is affected by the national economic climate. LETU finance professor Dr. Juan Castro organized the event.

part of an Afro-Brazilian Samba Drum and Dance company called Urban 15: Carnaval de San Antonio. LETU FREE HEALTH FAIR

More than $400 in medical testing services were available free of charge to the Longview community at the “Get it Together” health fair Thursday, Feb. 5, at the Solheim Arena. The health fair emphasized the importance of making lifestyle changes to improve overall health and well-being. PRE-MED STUDENTS LEARN ABOUT GLOBAL MISSIONS


Bonita Vinson, director of the Dallas Education Center, and her husband, Brad, performed at the 56th Presidential Inaugural parade Jan. 20 and at formal balls during the Inauguration of President Barack Obama. They joined their former team members from San Antonio as

Four LETU pre-med students attended the 13th annual Global Missions Health Conference (GMHC) Nov. 13-15 in Louisville, Ky., thanks to the help of some anonymous local East Texas doctors who provided scholarship funds for the students to attend. The purpose of the GMHC, the largest conference of its kind, is to promote sustainable and innovative programs to provide medical assistance for the poor across the globe. LETU student attendees included Nick Bergren, Tiana Schufeldt, Rene Terral and Jesse Swingle.

LETU NAMES ben Y. March new vp for development

Ben Y. March has been named as LETU’s new vice president for Development. March most recently served as a director of development for Baylor Health Care System Foundation in Dallas and has an extensive record of achievement in fundraising, gift planning, business management and foundation development. MBA Students EARN First Place GLOBALLY

LeTourneau University MBA students Jason Albright and Brant Cordeiro tied for first place among 168 teams from 15 countries in the BSG Championship, a business strategy game simulation in which the working adult students ran a virtual athletic shoe company. Albright and Cordeiro competed as part of Dr. Scott Ray’s Strategic Management course. Because of their achievements, Ray received the Master Professor Award from BSG.

Student Initiative Leaves Legacy of Renovation

LeTourneau University materials joining engineering major Nathaniel Horton shows off the newly remodeled lobby in the MJE building. Horton, a senior from Johnson City, Tenn., had a vision to redecorate the entrance to the Materials Joining Building with some help from alumni who provided funding. The polished, stained concrete floors were scored diagonally to look like expensive tile. Welding photos were framed in metal frames, and metal artwork and bookshelves completed the renovation.

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newsandnotes at (903) 233-3080 or online at www. The concert is presented by LETU and sponsored by Strong Tower Music and KVNE 89.5 FM.

Bible Professor Publishes New Book

LeTourneau University professor of Biblical Studies Dr. Steven Mason recently published his first book, Eternal Covenant in the Pentateuch: The Contours of an Elusive Phrase. The book is published by T & T Clark International publishers, based in Harrisburg, Penn. The book is an exegetical, or explanatory, investigation of the Hebrew phrase “berit olam” (“eternal covenant”) in the Pentateuch.



The Newsboys will perform in concert at 7 p.m. Friday, March 6, in the S.E. Belcher Jr. Chapel and Performance Center. Opening acts will include DecembeRadio, Bread of Stone and VOTA. Tickets range from $13 to $38 and can be purchased through the box office

After nearly 20 years at its current site, LeTourneau University’s School of Graduate and Professional Studies Dallas Educational Center will move to a new 11-story office building at 7920 Beltline Rd., at the corner of Beltline Rd. and Coit Rd. in March. The facility includes five large classrooms, conference rooms and offices, as well as a state-of-the-art cybercafé and chapel.

New university Cafe Construction on schedule for Spring Break Opening

Construction is underway in the old Assembly Building on the main Longview campus as it is being transformed into a new cafeteria for students, faculty and staff. It is scheduled to open after Spring Break.

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missionaries share insights during missions emphasis week

LETU’s annual Missions Emphasis Week, Jan. 26-30, attracted missionaries from across the United States and the world to talk about spreading the Gospel. Pictured above is Our World Cafe in the Belcher Center, where students tasted cuisine from other countries.


from the admissions office

Written by Beth Rountree, Assistant Director of Admissions

uring tough economic times it is even more important than ever to have a solid education. LeTourneau continues to have above average and timely job placement rates. LeTourneau is continuing to offer even more options for a solid education with the recent addition of an Air Traffic Control program and a Civil Engineering program. Things are good at LeTourneau University! LeTourneau was honored to be recognized as the only school in Texas with an FAA CTI (Federal Aviation Administration College Training Initiative) program for air traffic control. The new Air Traffic Control program will offer three options for students. The first option is a two-year associate’s degree that will qualify graduates to be considered for hire by the FAA to work as air traffic controllers. With LETU’s topranked online programs for working adults, these students could complete their bachelor’s degrees while they are employed with the FAA. The second option takes four-years and combines air traffic controller training with management classes. With this bachelor’s degree, graduates are qualified to be considered for hiring by the FAA and positioned for later supervisory roles. The third option combines air traffic controller training with professional pilot courses in a bachelor’s degree for those who may want to fly, but also have the option of an air traffic controller career. Hiring in the ATC field continues to grow, as many of the currently employed air traffic controllers reach mandatory retirement age.

The first students eligible for consideration for a STEM Grant (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics) are going through the selection process and will begin their first semesters at LeTourneau in August of 2009. LeTourneau’s quality education was confirmed with a $500,000 grant from the National Science Foundation to assist students as they study computer science (CS) or electrical engineering (EE). We will be working with the NSF for the next four years to increase the number of CS and EE graduates, so if you know a student interested in these fields of study, please contact our office. Things are good at LeTourneau University! The Admissions Office will host 90 - 100 students with high SAT and ACT scores at our annual Heritage Scholarship Weekend in February. These exemplary students have offers from plenty of other colleges. They will compete for a $75,000 scholarship to use toward tuition at LeTourneau University next fall. As our admissions counselors travel throughout the nation, we continue to meet bright, engaging students who are seeking God’s best for their lives. These students are growing in their church youth groups, building their own computers, organizing service projects in their community and leading worship on Wednesday nights at church. These students wait tables at local restaurants and babysit to earn extra money for college. These students are determined and hard working. We need your help to find more students just like them! Contact our office if you know of any students who would benefit from a solid, Christ-centered education at LeTourneau University. We will personally call your student with more information on the admissions process. Things are good at LeTourneau University! n LeTourneau University | 11

“A calling is more than about making’s about integrating our faith into our careers, into every aspect of life, and then practicing that through an experience like this.” — Kalyn Amstutz

Taking a Sip of the Real Wor with an Olympic Twist


Written by Kate Gronewald

ure, it may not be the norm. But apparently a course requirement can turn out to be the experience of a lifetime. Since LeTourneau University business students must participate in an internship before they graduate, junior Kalyn Amstutz made the most of hers, half a world away. “As an international business major, I’m interested in eventually working overseas in some sort of leadership training and consulting in developing countries,” Amstutz said. “I really wanted to get an internship that would be useful for my major and my career goals.” After some successful networking, Amstutz landed a summer internship in Hong Kong at Ethos International, a consulting company that develops and trains leaders for The Coca-Cola Company and its major corporate partners. Ethos is owned by Great Britain’s Swire Group, a globally-minded commercial conglomerate that owns Swire Beverages, a prominent Coca-Cola bottling partner in the Pacific region. No stranger to traveling the world, Amstutz has visited

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Above: Amstutz with Coca-Cola VIPs in front of the National Stadium, or “Bird’s Nest,” in Beijing. Below right: Children in a Southeast China daycare, Amstutz watches Usain Bolt compete in the Men’s 100m with another Coca-Cola intern.

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Above: Amstutz with colleagues on the Green Long March, the USA men’s basketball team competes against Germany and a view of Hong Kong as seen from The Peak.

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Europe and spent years in Africa, where her parents are missionaries. “I was really excited, because although I have lived overseas for half my life, none of it has been in Asia, so the culture and languages were all new to me,” Amstutz said. In July, Amstutz packed up her business smarts and headed to Hong Kong for six weeks of consulting and culture. “When I was at work, I basically got to learn about the business and see how the company develops its curriculum and educates its client companies,” Amstutz said. “When I wasn’t, I got to explore the city, eat both fancy and local food and generally be a tourist.” After settling in and spending some serious time sitting at a desk doing typical intern research drudgery, Amstutz got to focus on two of her other main responsibilities. Let’s just say they more than made up for the research. Since Coca-Cola is the longest continuous corporate sponsor of the Olympic Games, Amstutz traveled to Beijing for the 2008 Olympics, where she tapped into her social side to help plan parties and host VIP guests on the company’s behalf. During her stay, she managed to squeeze in visits to the Great Wall of China and the Forbidden City and caught some Olympic events, including track and field, gymnastics and basketball. Almost as impressive as the caliber of the competitors was the globally diverse mix of spectators. Sitting in the stands at an Olympic basketball game, Amstutz realized she was practically sandwiched between two worlds. On one side sat a Chinese man from an outside province who had waited his whole life to visit the city. He was watching a live basketball game for the first time. On the other, a wealthy urban spectator viewed the event as if it was an everyday experience. In fact, juxtaposition was abundant during Amstutz’s journey. In addition to charming guests at one of the world’s most celebrated events, Amstutz’s internship duties also sent her on a far less glamorous assignment. It involved marching through Fujian Province villages during typhoon season, a radical shift in cultural climate and completely opposite from where she began in the luxury-loving, service-oriented central business district of Hong Kong. Coca-Cola sponsored China’s largest youth conservation movement in the 2008 Green Long March, a nationwide education campaign to spread environmental awareness and practices across China. Amstutz provided hands-on assistance during the Green Long March and joined students marching across the country, meeting with local companies and governments and holding “green campaigns” to produce conservation change at the local level. “We lived at the level of local college students, eating and sleeping as they did,” said Amstutz, who traveled with another Coca-Cola representative. “I learned more about the culture and about China’s up-and-coming generation during that week than in all the rest of my internship combined.” Amstutz was immediately impressed by the participating students’ passion for their cause and came away with one of the greatest realizations of her Asian adventure. “They were absolutely all for it, even willing to give up their careers,” Amstutz said. “I don’t want to aspire to be a missionary in the traditional sense, but I think whatever your talents and your gifts are, that has to be your mission field. Why should God give gifts to you if you don’t use them for Him?”

Amstutz used her own God-given personal communication skills during her internship, despite the fact she doesn’t speak Mandarin or Chinese. The experience broadened her already broad worldview, giving her a deeper knowledge of the general work environment and how work fits in a cross-cultural context. It also reinforced the power of understanding. “Until you take time to understand a new culture, you won’t reach the people,” Amstutz said. “If you make the effort to understand cultural nuances, they know you really care.” The same principle applies to sharing the Christian faith with nonbelievers, which she did with some of the friends she made on the trip. “A calling is more than about making money,” Amstutz said. “Like LeTourneau emphasizes, it’s about integrating our faith into our careers, into every aspect of life, and then practicing that through an experience like this.” n

Your Annual Fund at Work Students need your financial support during these economically difficult times. Gifts like yours make a big difference—this year more than ever before! Each year the LeTourneau Annual Fund provides $800,000 for student scholarships, academic initiatives and improving the quality of the LeTourneau experience. Your gift, no matter the size, is essential. For example, within the engineering department, your gift to the Annual Fund will help provide: Student transportation for a local field trip: One week of wages for a student grader: One month of wages for a student worker in the Machine Tool Lab: New computer for lab data acquisition: Scholarship for a deserving student: A one-year site license for CAD software: ($257 per computer)

$50 $75

$350 $950 $3,000 $7,695

Raised to date: $466,210 If you are interested in supporting LeTourneau University students, please contact me at 903.233.3802, or go to

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sports update

ASC Honors LETU Student-Athletes

From left to right: Daniel Iya, Dillon Holt, Ryan Rector, Kyle Davis, Abigail Hews, Meredith Bowman

Sportsmanship. LeTourneau University senior forward Daniel Iya of Jos, Nigeria, has been recognized for his accomplishments beyond the ball on the soccer field this year. Iya took home the inaugural American Southwest Conference Sportsmanship Athlete of the Year award as a part of the 2008 ASC men’s soccer awards. Iya could easily be recognized for his eight game-winning goals, but as a testament to his character, he was chosen to receive the sportsmanship award by a vote of the league’s 14 head coaches, who selected him as a representation of respect, fair play and responsibility.

Performance. Three additional LETU men’s soccer players were named among the ASC top athletes on the field this year. Midfielder Dillon Holt of Boerne, Texas, who scored eight goals this season, was named ASC Co-Offensive Freshman of the Year and picked up second team all-conference honors. Two seniors, Iya and defender Ryan Rector of Longview, as well as freshman goalkeeper Kyle Davis of Solon, Ohio, were also named to the 2008 ASC All-Conference Second Team.

Scholarship. Three LETU student-athletes were named to the 2008 ASC Distinguished Scholar-Athlete Team: senior volleyball captain Abigail Hews of Clive, Iowa; two-time women’s soccer captain Meredith Bowman of Magnolia, Texas; and men’s soccer standout Iya. The honor recognizes student-athletes who maintain a high level of academic achievement (a 3.20 GPA or better) while competing as a starter or important reserve on their team.

16 | NOW Magazine | Winter 2008-09

LETU Students Go To Prison — for the Weekend “I was in prison and you came to visit me.”—Matthew 25:36b


busload of about 40 LeTourneau University students went to prison in November, including nearly the entire LETU YellowJackets basketball team and Head Coach Bob Davis. They joined Bill Glass Champions for Life Ministries in an outreach of more than 1,100 Christians, where they shared their faith with inmates at state jail facilities around the Dallas metroplex. “It’s pretty intimidating to hear that metal door clanging shut behind you,” said LETU Chaplain Harold Carl, who has attended one of these events in the past and helped to promote LETU’s participation. “Sharing your faith can be scary. And prison is a scary place. But through this kind of shared adversity experience, students can learn that sharing our faith is not such a scary thing. We all can witness, as Christians, about how the Gospel of Christ has changed our lives.” The men from LETU visited the John R. Lindsey state jail facility in Jacksboro, Texas, west of Fort Worth, which accommodates over 1,030 male inmates in a mediumsecurity setting. The LETU YellowJackets played basketball with some of the inmates, an activity right in line with the theories of Champions for Life Ministries founder Bill Glass. A pro-football champion, Glass invited other professional athletes to join him in visiting prisons, where he recognized that sports brings people together as equals and can serve as a catalyst to share Christ. He discovered that only about 10 to 15 percent of the inmates would attend chapel services, but many more would come hear the athletes talk about sports. They could then share their faith. n

Left: Trevinski Bellard shares a tract about the good news of Jesus Christ with inmates.

Right: Christian Driver, Coach Davis, Job Louimeus and Bo Ostarticki shake hands at the end of a sharing session with inmates.

Left: Christian Driver and Jesse Hayes pray after sharing with inmates about the hope we have in Jesus Christ.

Right: Dale Vanwright plays basketball against the inmates.

LeTourneau University | 17

from the alumni office

Written by Marta E. Martin, Director of Alumni and Parent Relations

2008 is quietly behind us without much pomp and noise. Simply, the calendar page has turned over, and we find ourselves faced with a brand-new, shiny 2009. While some of us hold to the tradition of New Year’s resolutions, I gave those up years ago. It seems my art projects end up neglected in a corner, and the books I meant to read make neat little decorator piles instead. But this year, as my husband and I await the birth of our first child, there is a shift in thinking… as if the whole world is tilting differently, pushing us toward a better place. Of course, it isn’t the world, but instead, it is God getting our attention through these beautiful circumstances.

I keep coming back to LeTourneau’s own circumstances – as we have a new president, as new students come and as our new vision rolls out: claiming every workplace in every nation… talk about a shift in the world! When you think about it, it is quite a daunting and exciting challenge, but so attainable for each of us in our own sphere of influence. As our graduates go out into the world, I wonder what that sphere of influence will encompass. For those of us who graduated before them, how are we defining the borders of our personal penumbra and what are we doing to be a positive influence for God’s glory? So while the new year may not hold any silly New Year’s resolutions, let us always be resolute, as LeTourneau alumni, parents and friends, to take up the challenge and truly claim every workplace and every nation for the glory of God! What a fantastic difference we can make! Together, we can make the world shift! n

2009 Homecoming Reunions: Aeronautical Science Alumni Reunion Friday, April 3, 2009 Business Alumni Reunion Friday, April 3, 2009 Engineering Alumni Reunion Saturday, April 4, 2009 Alumni Soccer Game Saturday, April 4, 2009 Class of 1959 Reunion

Get more information at:

18 | NOW Magazine | Winter 2008-09

A Friend Remembered . . . classnotes MEMORIALS

David Gardner (’78) died of cancer on Oct. 22 in Tamarac, Fla. He is survived by his wife, Rebecca, and their seven children. Eight MBA graduates from the Bedford Educational Center received their degrees at December commencement exercises in Longview wearing pink roses on their academic regalia. The pink roses were to honor their late classmate Kimberly Elaine Roberts, 38, who lost her battle with cancer in April 2007. Pictured from left are Brent Hearne, Derrick Kibble, Danny Gangapersand, Donna Burch, Nevelyn Ward, Tonya Martin, Dennis Flannigan and Peggy Trent. Kimberly (inset photo) earned

her bachelor’s degree from LETU and was studying for her MBA when she died, leaving behind her husband, Robert, and her two daughters, Katora (at top) and Robin (at bottom). “Kimberly was a wonderful and terrific mother, classmate and overall sweet person,” said classmate Nevelyn Ward. “She is still truly missed by all of us who had the pleasure of sharing a conversation with her.”

Father and Son Graduate

BIRTHS Justin Baba (’94 ATFL) and wife, Carmen, announce the birth of Jonathan Shekwoga on Aug. 27. The Baba family lives in Knoxville, Tenn., where Justin works for Oak Ridge National Laboratory as R&D associate-biomedical R&D engineer. Wayne (’95 ATFL) and Veronica Cummings welcomed Adrian Michael into their home on Aug. 22. Adrian was also welcomed by sisters, Anna Sophia and Anna Karen. Michael (’95 ATFL) and Judy Pinder have a son. Sloan Michael was born on Aug. 29 in Nassau, Bahamas. Michael is the director of flight training at Bahamasair in Nassau.

Joe Ross, left, and his son, Thom Ross, right, both graduated from LeTourneau University in December commencement ceremonies— about two days and 250 miles apart. Joe is an admissions representative for LETU in Houston enrolled in the university’s School of Graduate and Professional Studies. He graduated at ceremonies at Sagemont Church on Dec. 11 in Houston, earn-

ing his Bachelor of Interdisciplinary Studies degree to teach EC-4th grade. Thom graduated on Dec. 13 at the main LeTourneau campus in Longview with his bachelor’s degree in English language literature and scored well enough on the LSAT exams, that he plans to attend law school in the fall to pursue intellectual property law. n

Heather McNabb (’98 ME) and Michael Campbell (’98 BBM) welcomed their second daughter, Irelinn, who was born on March 25. Big sister, Mattison, is 5. The Campbell family lives in Greenville, Texas. Heather is a mechanical engineer for L-3 Communications, and Michael is a financial analyst for SAFECO Credit. LeTourneau University | 19

classnotes Peter (’99 ME) and Lauren Baba announce the birth of Noah on July 14. Peter works as a global business analyst for Invista, a division of Koch Industries in Wichita, Kan. Dwayne Mast (’99 WTMT) and wife, Laura, announce the birth of Eliana Brooklyn on Aug. 21. The Mast family lives in Roseau, Minn., where Dwayne works at Polaris Industries as a supervisor of Tool and Die. Jeramy McPhetridge (’00 PSYC) and Kathryn (Wilson) McPhetridge (’99 PSYC) would like to announce the birth of their third daughter, Lauren Faith, born May 16. She has two older sisters that keep her entertained: Alyssa Kathryn, 6, and Sarah Grace, 3 1/2. Russell (’00 ETMT) and Stacey Sharp have added another member to their family. Micah Allan was born Aug. 1. He was welcomed home by big brother, Charles, age 2. David Dunkin (’01 CSE) and wife, Tamara, have a new daughter. Samantha Jane was born Oct. 24 and welcomed home by brother, Davey, 1. David began work as a senior Web developer at Logos Bible Software in July. Katie Beauchamp Burgess (’02 SSE4) and husband, Jason, welcomed their first daughter, Brooklyn Grace, on Aug. 10.

20 | NOW Magazine | Winter 2008-09

Andrew (’02 CSBS) and Gwen Bender (’03 ISEL) McGuckin announce the arrival of Evan Edward, who was born on Nov.12 in Longview, Texas. Evan was welcomed home by big sister, Lilia, 3. Proud grandparents are George (’79 ATBS) and Debbie Bender. Stephen (’03 HIPL) and Noreen Casey announce the birth of Josiah, born in March. The Casey family lives in Austin, Texas, where Stephen works as a judicial clerk for Texas Supreme Court Justice Scott A. Brister. Derek (‘04 CSE) and Talitha Fugate thank the Lord for the birth of their daughter, Anna Jubilee, born July 10. They live in Omaha, Neb., where Derek works as a computer systems engineer for Lockheed Martin. Talitha enjoys being a full-time homemaker, wife and mother. Derek has almost completed his Master of Science in Systems Engineering from George Washington University. Kenny (’04 ASFS) and Jennifer Stidham announce the birth of Linnea Mae, born Aug. 20. This new addition to the family was welcomed home by siblings, Nolan, 10, Lauren, 7, Lane, 5, and Audrey, 2. The Stidham family lives in Bonners Ferry, Idaho. Kenny works as an engineering test pilot for Quest Aircraft Company.

MARRIAGES Cheryl Nethery (’02 BBM) married Philip Mohr on July 7. They live near Houston, where Cheryl works as the senior human resources generalist for KBR. Paul Hummel (’03 CSE) married Emily Tribble on May 24 in Batesville, Miss. They live in West Monroe, La. Paul is an instructor for Louisiana Tech University. Daniel Wynja (’03 ASFM) married Brooke Renner on Nov. 22. They live in Mishawaka, Ind. Daniel is a pilot for Gurley Leep Automotive. Jeremy Anderson (’05 ME) and Lyssa Goodenberger (’05 CSE) were married Sept. 20. They live in Greenville, Texas, and both work at L-3 Communications. Cassandra Angle (’06 CSBS) married Jason Brown on Aug. 9 at New Covenant Bible Church in Cedar Rapids, Iowa. They currently live in Marion, Iowa, where Cassandra works as a software engineer. Paige Garner (‘07 EN) and Daniel Moreland were married on Aug. 9. They now reside in College Station, Texas, where Daniel is finishing his mechanical engineering degree from Texas A&M.

John (’06 ASEL) and Kimberly Patton were married on March 15. They currently live in North Liberty, Iowa, and John works for Rockwell Collins. Heidi Schondelmeyer (’08 ISE1) and Adam Pautsch (’08 KIE2) married on May 4 at Longview Christian Church in Longview, Texas. They both teach in Longview. Adam teaches at East Texas Christian School, and Heidi teaches at School for Little Children.

ALUM NEWS 60s Aaron (’64) and Marlene Hoffman retired from Wycliffe Bible Translators in December. They served with Wycliffe for 44 years.

70s Mark Friesen (’76 AT) lives in Pucallpa, Peru. He is an aircraft maintenance specialist, cofounder of “Encuentro Cristiano Mil Palmeras” Church and project coordinator for the Ashaninca Old Testament translation. Woody Roland (’76 ATBS) has a book out titled “God Save the Eggs.” It is published by Outskirts Press and includes stories and essays about his life in missions. Woody and his wife, Susan, live in Costa Rica, where he is the Latin American director for International Teams.

80s Scott Shaver (’81 WE) was promoted to AME Leader Refrigeration & Latin America at General Electric. He lives in Louisville, Ky. with his wife, Christia, and two children. Ben Cowles (’81), his wife, Jeanie, and their two sons live in Prescott Valley, Ariz. Ben works for Ryder Transportation as a diesel mechanic. Ben’s son, Phillip, became the second generation of the Cowles family to attend LETU when he enrolled last fall. Mike (’82 ATBS) and Julia Ann McCord celebrated 25 years of serving with Wycliffe Bible Translators. They currently live in Nairobi, Kenya. Mark Rice (’82 ETAT) and Steve Curtis (’83 EN/HI) renewed their friendship after almost 20 years. Mark, who lives in Texas, went to England on a business trip with L-3 Communications and spent some time with Steve and his family. Steve works for the U.S. Department of Defense and lives in Oundle, England with his wife, Caroline, and their two children. Scott Paulson (’83 MTAT) and wife, Eunice, are members of Africa Inland Mission, but have moved to North Carolina to work in cooperation with JAARS in the flight training department. They are involved in flight orientation and preparation of the next generation of mission aviators. Robin Dearstone Hardeman (’84) lives in Manila, Philippines, where she teaches at Faith Academy. She is married to Todd and has four children, Elizabeth, 16, Kelly, 14, T.J., 12, and Joshua, 6.

Andy Ickes (’86 AT) is the pastor of College Acres Baptist Church in Wilmington, N.C. He and his wife, Robin, have four children, Corey, 10, Shelby, 7, Baylee, 6, and Carly, 3. Tim Pletcher (’88 WT) works for Goodrich as a welding engineer. Tim and his wife, Deanna, live in Greenwood, S.C.

90s James Straubel (’90 ATBS) lives in Akron, Penn. with his wife, Keturah, and children, Aaron, 12, Christopher, 4, and Michael, 2. James works as a pilot for Piedmont Airlines. Deborah Parrott (’91 BBM) has worked as branch manager for Network Funding, LP, located in Longview, Texas, since April 2002. Doug C. Neely (’92 ATBS) lives in Arvada, Colo., where he has worked for eight years for The Salvation Army in its IT Department. Doug has been married to Katie for 11 years, and they have two sons. Scott Revell (’94 ACCT) now lives in Terre Haute, Ind., where he is the associate director of finance for Sony DADC. Scott and his wife, Christina, have three children, Johnathan, 6, David, 4, and Lizzy, 2. Bryan Camper (’98 BBM) lives in Richardson, Texas, and is a certified financial planner with Questar Capital. Jim Henry (’97 ATBS) and his wife, Nicole, and their daughter, Evalina, 18 months, now live in Auburn, N.H. Jim works as an aircraft mechanic with ProStar Aviation.

00s Mike Baker (’00 BBA) began a new job in October as fire chief for the city of Copperas Cove, Texas.

LeTourneau University | 21

classnotes Trinia L. James (’00 BBM, ’03 MBA) has released her second book, titled “The MPire: Death Cometh.” Go to www. for more information. Stacy Shellhorse (’00 ENE-1) is the children’s pastor at Christ Central Church in Lindale, Texas. Stacy, her husband, Scott, and their children, Gracie and Benjy, live in White Oak, Texas. Monica Wofford (’00 MBA) completed a certification in speaking from the National Speakers Association and the International Federation for Professional Speakers. Monica is the author of “Contagious Leadership.” She lives in Clermont, Fla. Aaron Pickett (’02 CSE) is a lieutenant in the U.S. Navy and will be attending Naval Postgraduate School to obtain a master’s degree in computer science. Aaron lives in Monterey, Calif., with his wife, Bettina (’02 PSYS), and their two children, Clayton, 4, and Dana, 2. Patricia Burton-Porter (’02 MBA) is the executive director and founder of Renewed Innovations, Inc. founded in 2001. Renewed Innovations is a faithbased non-profit organization that assists the homeless, disabled and at-risk youth. For more information, visit Rick Matthews (’03 BBA) received his MBA from the Babcock Graduate School of Management at Wake Forest University on Aug.15. Amy Arthur (’04 ACCT), a senior accountant with Hamilton Misfeldt & Co. in Great Falls, Mont., completed the requirements to become a certified public accountant in November.

22 | NOW Magazine | Winter 2008-09

Courtenay Bradshaw (’04 BBA) is a Medicare nurse specialist. She lives in Diana, Texas with her children, David, 17, Laura Claire, 15, John, 12, Catie Grace, 8, and Charlotte Ann, 21 months. Lynda David (’04 BBA) is the marketing director for two East Texas newspapers, the Longview News-Journal and the Marshall News-Messenger.

Patrick Crisp (’07 ASFS) works for Premier Aircraft Sales. In November, he was promoted to Diamond Aircraft Specialist serving customers in Texas. Crisp will be based in Premier’s Texas office at Addison Airport. Michael Degroat (’08 IBBS) is beginning his career as a financial advisor with Ameriprise Financial in Dallas. If he can help you plan to achieve your dreams and goals, contact him at

Mark Meyer (’04 MBA) is director and dean of the Adult Education Program for Concordia University and its Austin, Texas Center.

Courtney Rogers (’08 PSCD) lives in Bogota, Columbia, where she is a kindergarten teacher at El Camino Academy.

Ray (’05 BBA) and Shelly (’05 BBA) Fuentes live in Fort Worth, Texas. Ray is an account manager with The Beryl Companies, and Shelly is an account coordinator for Medco.

David Singley (’08 MBA) was appointed to the board of directors for Junior Achievement of Central Illinois. Junior Achievement teaches workforce readiness, financial literacy and entrepreneurialism to students (K-12). In the 2007-2008 school year alone, Junior Achievement of Illinois taught a total of 13,014 students in 615 classrooms throughout Central Illinois. Learn more at of_Directors

Ryan Mason (’05 BBA) and his family have relocated to Plano, Texas, where he is serving on staff at Prestonwood Baptist Church. He completed his master’s work in December at Liberty Baptist Theological Seminary. The Masons have two children, Danielle, 4, and Caleb, 1. Cheryl Westerhaus (’05 BYBS) is a neurosurgical physician assistant at Colorado Springs Neurological Associates in Colorado Springs, Colo. Ken Bauer (’06 ASFS) is now flying Beechcraft Premier jets and Eclipse 500 jets for KMR Aviation out of Ontario, Calif. Thomas Becker (’06 MBA) has a new job as environmental manager for Energy Transfer Company in San Antonio. Michael Sanderson (’06 BBA) is a middle school math and science teacher at Fort Worth ISD.

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A Certain Future Friends of LeTourneau University


Written by Kendall Harper

ties. This collaboration continued for almost a decade. As hen eight-year-old Jack Friedman ara result, LeTourneau students received real-world experirived in the United States, he had no ence, and Friedman Industries received a needed service. idea that he would one day become Out of that cooperation emanated the Jack B. Friedman the CEO of a company with almost Endowed Scholarship, benefiting worthy and needy stu$200 million in sales. Nor did he know dents in the School of Engineering and Engineering Technolthat he would develop a relationship with the then-nonogy/Materials Joining program. This endowment was finalexistent LeTourneau University. ized in fall 2008. To be held in perpetuity, with scholarships The year was 1929, and Jack came to the United States awarded from the proceeds of the endowment each year. from Czechoslovakia to join his father, Mendel Friedman, Jack Friedman has a repualso an immigrant. Ten tation for being as much a years later, Mendel Friedteacher as he is an owner, man founded a scrap steel CEO and chairman of the business in Eldorado, Ark. company. He has said that That business would be his reward came primarily the beginnings of Friedthrough teaching and nurturman Industries. Over the ing talent to take the comyears, the company went pany into the future. A unithrough several moves versity endowment like this and the consolidation of one at LETU is a fitting tribute three family-owned busito a man with Jack’s legacy. nesses. Incorporated in Jack retired as chairman 1965, Friedman Industries and CEO in early 2006, but now operates two pipe his interest in nurturing manufacturing facilities in the talents of others conLone Star, Texas, and steel tinues. His endowment will sheet and plate processhelp students in a time of ing plants in Blytheville, financial uncertainty. BeArk., and Decatur, Ala. cause of Jack Friedman and In 1972, Friedman InFriedman Industries, future dustries went public on Jack Friedman, seated, is flanked by Bryan Benson, director of LeTourneau University stuthe American Stock Exdevelopment at LeTourneau University, left, and Bill Crow, CEO & dents will be better prepared change. At that time, Jack President of Friedman Industries, right. for their tomorrow. Their fudidn’t know that his comtures will be more certain. pany and LeTourneau ColIf you or your company want to explore the lege would soon form a strong bond. In the late 1970s, possibilities of funding an endowed scholarDavid Hartman, then dean of engineering at LeTourneau ship at LeTourneau University, contact Bryan BenCollege, agreed to test steel strip samples for Friedman son at or at 800-259-5388. Industries. LeTourneau materials-joining students tested n the steel strips for yield, tensile and elongation proper-

Bryan Benson, Director of Gift Planning LeTourneau University, P.O. Box 7333, Longview, TX 75607 800-259-5388, LeTourneau University | 23

NOW P.O. Box 8001 Longview, TX 75607

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LeTourneau University

Interested in an aviation career with great opportunities? LETU has been approved by the Federal Aviation Administration to offer training to prepare you for high-paying, fast-paced careers in air traffic controlling. Already a recognized leader in the field of aviation, LeTourneau University will teach the skills necessary to succeed as an air traffic controller in either a two-year or four-year degree program. This career offers unique benefits, challenges and opportunities that are not found in any other job. The need is great. The FAA has announced plans to recruit and hire more than 17,000 new air traffic controllers in the next decade. Be part of this great career! Contact Jon Weber, LETU Aeronautical Science Admissions Counselor, for information about this new program. or 1-800-759-8811

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