Let's Play Hockey Summer Hockey Guide

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Training for the offseason by ANDY NESS

Let’s Play Hockey Columnist

So the off-season is here, now what? We know we need to skate and train but what should we do? What should focus on? The first thing that we have to understand is that after a long season certain things start to happen in our skating. The most common technique flaws that start to show their head after a full season is lack of knee bend, choppy stride, and a skater being bent over at the waist. The majority of practices in the winter are designed to work power play, breakouts, forecheck, D-zone, etc. As the off-season approaches we must get back to working on our individual skills such as shooting, puck-handling, passing, and of course skating. What should we do first? As summer approaches we will have a number of pro and college skaters that will be doing privates and small groups. With these groups we will always start with edges and balance. Challenging edge and balance drills are the key. Getting the skater to build a strong base and have solid edges into the ice is the overall goal. The same applies with balance. We need to get the skater down low and get in a position in which they will eventually become comfortable lower than 90 degrees. Most of this can be done slowly focusing on just the technique. These skaters will not have to play competitively for a long time so getting back to the fundamentals is crucial. This will take some time and repetition, but it is key to begin building a strong skating foundation again. We will then progressively work all of the skating skills through at a very slow speed. The whole idea is based around technique. Throughout a one hour lesson, I will typically focus on three skills at a time and work ceaselessly on technique. The skater must make sure the pushes are in the right direction, the upper body is under control, the edges are solid into the ice, and most importantly the knee 6 Summer Hockey Guide 2022

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bend is low enough. Skating skills this speed. should be worked on progressively. Finally, we will do what is called What this means is that you would not over-load. Over-load is similar to techteach a stride and then go to nique work but the drills that back crossovers immeare done are longer in diately after. Pickduration with a few Remember, all people ing and matching different skating are created with an equal skills is always a skills implementopportunity to become good idea when ed in one drill. starting to work With the older unequal. The hard work technique. Continskaters we will will pay off. ue doing this slow add a weight vest (in until the skater is realthe photo) to make sure ly getting comfortable with his/ the knees stay bent and focus on her form and technique. Remember, strengthening the skater’s legs. These working on a skill incorrectly fast is drills typically last about 30 seconds; only reinforcing bad habits. I use the the skater is always striving to be at analogy of a golf drive. Anyone can 90 degrees with their knee flex and exgo out and swing a golf club as hard aggerating every push from their edge. as they can over and over but if their At the end of the drill the skater will technique is horrible, nothing is going get about a 60-90 second rest dependto change and then you are only rein- ing on the number of skaters. This is forcing a horrible golf swing. Practic- how we alway finish our practice. We ing only makes permanent so make always save about 15-18 minutes at sure you are doing the skills properly. the end to do this, again a great way to After I see that the skater’s tech- work the skater at the end. nique is strong and efficient, we will Now you can have an idea of what then begin to start doing some over- skaters can and should do to improve speed. Overspeed has been a buzz their skating in the summer. Now is word of late and is a fantastic tool if the time to work and really focus on done properly. If you are doing “over- getting better. Remember, all people speed” you are skating out of your are created with an equal opportunicomfort zone. The idea is that eventu- ty to become unequal. The hard work ally you will build a new comfort zone will pay off. that is even faster and quicker. For example, if you are doing crossovers at Andy Ness is the head skating and full speed, you are trying to get your skill coach for the Minnesota Wild. feet moving so fast that you may fall He has also been an assistant skating or lose the puck (if you are carrying instructor for the New Jersey Devils, one). The repetition of doing these the University of Minnesota men’s and skills will get you faster, but again, women’s hockey teams and the U.S. make sure technique stays sound at Women’s Olympic Hockey Team. Let’s Play Hockey


2/17/22 6:43 PM

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