5 Hidden Heart Attack Triggers

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5 Hidden Heart Attack Triggers A person is said to have a heart attack when there is no further supply of blood to the heart, it could be as the result of a blood clot. A heart attack is also called myocardial infarction, infarction is the termination of the flow of blood to an area and the tissues in that area dies. For more information visit the Best Cardiologists in India.

Symptoms Of A Heart Attack Include:     

Chest pain Shortness of breath Coughing Wheezing Feeling or being sick

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Anxiety Palpitations

5 Hidden Causes of Heart Attack Air pollution When an area is extensively heated, tiny particulates are formed in such an environment. These particles pollute the air and when we inhale air, they also enter into our system, going directly into the lungs. They are very tiny and they invade into our natural immune system and migrate further into the bloodstream. This action contributes to artery clogging plagues which will eventually lead to a heart attack. Antibacterial Soap Antibacterial soap has a very negative effect on our health. It has also been discovered it catalyzes the thyroid disease and also creates antibiotic-resistant germs. This kind of soap `can damage the heart and muscle tissue. Loneliness Loneliness is also a big unknown factor that can trigger a heart attack. It has been discovered to increase the risk of a heart attack by 29%, according to the University of York. Traffic Jams Traffic jams can really trigger a heart attack. Scientists have revealed that people that get stuck in traffic have 3.2 times higher chances of having a heart attack. Canned Food Can food contain a very toxic chemical called Bisphenol A also called BPA, this chemical can cause breast cancer and other health complication, it can also trigger a heart attack while much quantity is consumed.

Heart Attack Treatment Consider taking these medications before or after a heart attack     

Aspirin and other antiplatelets Beta-blockers ACE (angiotensin-converting enzyme) inhibitors Statins Angioplasty

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