Stomach flu versus food poisoning

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STOMACH FLU VERSUS FOOD POISONING It's midnight. You keep tossing and turning, hoping that ache in your tummy would ease. You stand up, grab a warm water bottle and start rubbing it over your stomach. This does nothing to ease that pain. It's just a painful cycle that seems to never end. You start to think it's something you ate, or it's something worse. Stomach inflammation and Food Poisoning have been used so interchangeably that it's now hard to tell the difference without the help of the best gastroenterologist in Delhi. With the two having so many similarities in common, some things set them apart.

Seasonal Variation While stomach inflammation occurs majorly during winter, food poisoning can occur in any seasonal cycle of the year. Enclosed areas make stomach flu spread faster at the speed of light. Food poisoning, on the other hand, is spread through contaminated food. Medical Terms Gastroenteritis is the formal name used to refer to stomach inflammation/flu. Food poisoning is known as Foodborne illness. Symptoms The symptoms of gastroenteritis show up 1-2 days after being infected and remain contagious 14 days after you recover. Pain starts around the abdomen and leads to vomiting, diarrhea, dehydration, fever and no appetite. Food poisoning can also show these signs, including blood in your stool. Treatment For food poisoning, avoid caffeinated, dairy products and alcohol. Consume more of non-fatty foods. Prevent gastroenteritis spread by proper hygiene and refrigeration. Still confused about their differences? Message our online board to speak with the best gastroenterologist in india.

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