Top 4 Mineral Supplements for Strong Joints Everyone wants to have strong and healthy joints to be able to go about their daily activities and according to the best rheumatologist in Kolkata, while it is important that we get the bulk of our daily nutrients from food, supplements can help us pick up the shortfall when our nutritious meals fall short. So, we have compiled a list of the best mineral supplements to produce strong and healthy joints.
Calcium: Calcium is the nutrient closely linked with helping form the bones and teeth and keeping them strong. Calcium pills are very effective at reducing joint inflammation and pain, particularly in the knee joint. It is a top recommendation of the best rheumatologist in Kolkata. Vitamin D: Research studies have shown that people with low levels of Vitamin D tend to suffer from joint pain more frequently. Vitamin D also helps in the body’s absorption of calcium. Glucosamine: Although not as popular as the others, glucosamine is often recommended for people with joint pain because it helps to rebuild bone and prevent wear of the cartilage. It is also a good supplement for older adults with osteoarthritis. Fish Oil: Fish oil contains omega 3 fatty acids which play a role in supporting the joints. It also helps to prevent certain enzymes from damaging the joints and helps reduce inflammation.
For more help in getting any of these supplements, you don’t need to search for the best rheumatologist doctor near me anymore, simply reach the best hospital in Kolkata through our online portal.