1 minute read


“At the Politecnico di Torino, thanks to the activities of the student teams, students can try their hand at designing a project that allows them not only to increase their cultural, technical, and managerial skills but also to implement student and social aggregation. The groups, whose heterogeneity is guaranteed not only by belonging to different courses of study but also by their multiethnicity, can count on a plurality of skills and knowledge that, when amalgamated, represent an added value. These projects are required to:

– respond to the goals of professional and/or cultural, and/or social growth of the participants;


– even if the activities are not academic, they must be of general interest;

– present characters of innovation and creativity;

– offer tangible results as well as practical effects;

– avoid activities either for profit or for political and commercial propaganda

– present economic congruity between the project and the financial plan presented”*.

* From the web site of Politecnico di Torino (https://didattica.polito.it/]

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