1 minute read

Archimedes of Syracuse


Who was Archimedes? The brilliant mathematician and author of treatises considered revolutionary even by modern standards? The eccentric inventor so excstatic about solving a riddle that he cavorted naked on the streets of Syracuse? The engineer who reluctantly designed innovative war machines capable of keeping the Roman army in check for years? Or the genius with his head in the clouds who managed, with surprising precision, to calculate one of the first approximations of π in history.


Formato: 21x14,5 cm

Pagine: 96 bianco e nero

ISBN: 979-12-50638-02-1

Prezzo di copertina: € 12,00


Formato: 21x16 cm

Tessuto: 100% cotone 400 gr

Prodotto certificato OEKO-TEX® ecocompatibile e testato per l’assenza di sostanze nocive

Carretto Scomposto

Designer: Francesco Trovato

Dimensioni: 39x41 cm

Manici: larghezza 3 cm, lunghezza 75 cm

Tessuto: 100% cotone 400 gr

Prodotto certificato OEKO-TEX® ecocompatibile e testato per l’assenza di sostanze nocive

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