Fix-it Phonics Starter - Teacher's Booklet

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Teacher’s Booklet

Learn English with Letterland

Fix-it Phonics - Starter Includes 2 Audio CDs

Teacher’s Booklet with Audio CDs yy

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Activity Books 1 and 2 + stickers

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Resource Pack

Code: TH83 ISBN 978-1-78248-162-1

For more information, please visit:

9 781782 481621 Child-friendly phonics

Learn English with Letterland TH83_OFCOBC.indd 1-2

10/12/2015 14:59

Starter Teacher’s Booklet Contents Introduction to Fix-it Phonics




Course overview




Activity Books


Write-in sections


Activity Book 2




Resource Pack


Next steps


Creative ideas


Learning objectives


By Lisa Holt

Introduction to Letterland Fix-it Phonics


Level 1

Level 2

Level 3

Age 2-7 Starter - introduces the very first skills in language learning. Level 1 - focuses on Aa-Zz shapes and sounds. Level 2 - revises a-z and introduces important digraphs (2 letters representing a new sound, e.g sh in shop). Level 3 - introduces more digraphs, trigraphs and builds the foundations for full literacy in English.

Teaching focus and order The Fix-it Phonics Starter Level provides a great foundation in attentive listening skills, a confidence in making sounds and an introduction to basic English vocabulary. Activity Book 2 includes a first introduction to letter sounds and actions. The teaching order is: s a t p i n m d g o c k e u r h b f l j v w x y z qu This recommended order has been chosen for this Starter Level as it matches the order of teaching in Level 1. In Level 1 the order in which sounds are introduced maximises word building possibilities from an early stage.

Alphabet names You may find that the children in your class already know the traditional alphabet names (ay, bee, cee... ). They may know an alphabet song, or may have been taught the alphabet names at home. In the early stages of learning, Letterland puts more emphasis on learning the sounds rather than the names simply because when children are learning to read, it is letter sounds rather than



alphabet names that help them to read words. You can blend the letter sounds ‘mmm…’ ‘a…’ ‘nnn…’ into the word man, but the alphabet names ‘em’ ‘ay’ ‘en’ can only give you a non-word: emayen.

Your key to success At the heart of Letterland teaching are the information-rich pictogram characters. A pictogram is a visual image that is designed to carry information. Letterland pictograms carry information about each letter’s shape and sound. By just starting to say any character’s name, children discover the most common sound that letter makes in words. Letterland pictograms work in accordance with recognised principles of memory and act as mnemonics (memory aids). The result is accelerated letter recognition and quick progress in phonics. Explain Letterland to your children like this…

When most people look inside a book, all they see are plain, black letters. That’s because they haven’t been to Letterland and they don’t know that every letter is really a Letterland friend.

Letterland is the secret place where all the letters live together. You have been given a special key to unlock that secret place and learn all about the Letterland characters.



Resources Starter resources include: Activity Books 1 and 2 with Stickers Teacher’s Booklet with 2 Audio CDs Software Resource Pack Activity Books contain: 12 topic-based units teaching notes on every page 16 action songs 26 illustrated action chants a-z letter sounds sticker sheets write-in activities

Audio CDs Included within this Teacher’s Booklet are the Audio CDs. Use every lesson to support your teaching. The CDs include:  pronunciation support 26 a-z action chants 16 action songs

Software contains: 12 topic-based games 12 topic-based songs 16 action songs 26 animated action chants a-z sounds review 7 letter sound games



Resource Pack contains:  1 board game  26 action/sound cards  3 card games  2 split pin resources ang ry


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Highly recommended We would also recommend these Letterland resources to accompany Fix-it Phonics Starter. Action Tricks Poster Multi-sensory memory clues for the letter sounds are an important component of Fix-it Phonics Starter and Fix-it Phonics Level 1. Putting this poster on your wall provides a great reference point for the whole class.

Starter Songs CD All the songs from the Fix-it Phonics Starter series on one CD! Encourage parents to buy this resource for use at home. Consolidating learning of topics such as colours, numbers, shapes and first literacy skills can be done at home or in the car by simply singing along to the catchy action songs.



Course overview Fix-it Phonics Starter introduces the very first skills a child needs when starting to learn a language. It provides a great foundation in attentive listening skills, a confidence in making sounds and an introduction to basic English vocabulary. In this Starter level, children’s natural abilities are harnessed as learning is multi-sensory. Children draw, sing, chant, use stickers and do actions - all techniques to make learning fun and memorable. You can use this programme with children as young as 3 years old. It immerses children in sounds right from the start. The ability to tune into sounds (sound discrimination), remember them (sequencing) and talk about what they have heard (vocabulary and communication skills), is critical in developing children’s speaking and listening abilities. Starting with a good foundation makes language learning so much easier. The course is divided into 7 parts. These include: • Environmental Sound Discrimination • Instrumental Sound Discrimination • Body Percussion and Sound Discrimination • Rhythm and Rhyme • Building Oral Language • Alliteration and Voice Sounds • Oral Blending Within these sections, various topics are introduced. The topics are carefully chosen to be the most useful starter oral vocabulary for young learners. Please refer to the Syllabus on pages 8-11 for a full list of topics covered. Every child will be:  involved in making sounds from the very beginning  encouraged to listen attentively  given plenty of opportunity speak - a real confidence builder for every child  encouraged to sing, chant, do actions and use every learning channel  play communication games and use English with confidence  learn systematically, building oral language and phonological awareness


Course overview

Making language part of life! Take it outside! Fix-it Phonics Starter works as a wonderful classroom-based resource, enabling children to focus on first literacy skills. Learning in an outdoor area can add a real sense of excitement and fun to any lesson. If you have a suitable outdoor space, use it as well! Encourage children to: listen to the sounds they hear outside use the space outside to make large movements. Swirl ribbons, use sand pits and chalk on the floor to develop the physical skills needed for writing allow children to make sounds with their bodies outside, such as splashing in puddles, tapping objects, marching to a beat or crunching in leaves.

Take it home! Learning language is all about a good foundation. Even if the parents of your class do not speak English, forming good language learning habits can still be done at home. In the native language parents can instil a love of language by reading to their child, listening out for alliterative sounds, reading rhyming poems and talking about what they see in books. Encourage parents to come and see what you are doing in your Letterland Fix-it Phonics classes. The songs that accompany Fix-it Phonics Starter are also available to buy separately. Parents can sing along to the songs in the car or at home with their child. Fix-it Phonics Starter Songs CD


Syllabus Activity Book 1 Focus

Environmental Sound Discrimination

Instrumental Sound Discrimination

Sound Discrimination & Body Percussion


Oral language

Software/CD Songs

Animal noises

Hi. Hello. How are you? I’m fine, thank you. Dog, cat, rat, tiger, monkey, zebra, horse, hen, goat, cow Rhymes: fly/sky, me/sea

Animal noises song

Outdoor noises

train, car, bike, tractor, scooter, helicopter, plane Outdoor noises song Rhyming words: cat/sat/mat/rat

Numbers 1-6

How old are you? How many? 1-6. Count, clap, stand up, wave, sit down, open your book, close your book

Numbers 1-6 song

Numbers 1-10

1-10, count, stop

Numbers 1-10 song

Musical Drum, fast, slow, loud, quiet, instruments Rhyming words: bell/shell, tree/sea

Musical instruments song

How do you feel? I feel..., happy, My feelings sad, tired, angry, scared, laugh, stomp, cry, scream, dad/sad

My feelings song

head, arms, hands, knees, legs, feet, eyes, nose, mouth, jump, turn around Rhyming words: head/bed, hand/sand, knee/tree

My body song


I like... red, yellow, green, orange, blue, pink, rainbow Rhyming words: blue/you

Rainbow colours song


square, triangle, circle, rectangle, oval, star, Rhyming words: Shapes song where/chair/square

My body My face

Rhythm and rhyme



The following skills are introduced throughout Activity Book 1 ✓attentive listening ✓making noises ✓singing and actions ✓pair work ✓group work ✓roleplay ✓syllable clapping ✓rhyming skills ✓observation skills ✓sequencing ✓pencil control skills ✓counting & number skills ✓sound formation with mirrors ✓understanding emotions

Software Games

Resource Pack

Feed the noisy animals! Drag and drop the correct sound.

Animal Sound Pairs

Find the noise. Listen to sounds in sequence.

Transport Pairs

Bang the drum. Listen and repeat.

Treasure Hunt board game

Whistle blowing. Listen and count. Please bring in a selection of real instruments for your class to listen to and play.

Feelings Wheel

Build a body. Drag and drop.

It’s a boy! It’s a girl!

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Feelings game. Drag and drop.

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Making music! Listen to sounds in sequence.

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Spot the difference. Visual identification, comparison. Shape Snap Shapes Listen to words in sequence.



Syllabus Activity Book 2 Focus


Oral language

My classroom

This is.. That is... table, chair, window, pencil, pen, book, door, teacher, bag

My family

mum, dad, sister, brother, grandma, grandpa, family, me, my, love

My toys

I like...(review) toys, girls, boys, train, ball, car, teddy bear, magic wand, computer game, doll, fairy

My house

house, welcome, shoes, guide, kitchen, bathroom, sitting room, office, hallway, bedroom

Building Oral Language


Alliteration & Voice a-z letter sounds Sounds

Letterland character names and actions tricks. New vocabulary in rder of teaching: snake, sun, apple, puppy, ink, insect, nut, milk, duck, dog, goat, on, car, key, kick, egg, elephant, umbrella, up, robot, hat, horse, bed, farm, leg, jet, vet, violin, walrus, wand, yo-yo, zip, zebra, queen, quiet

Oral blending

on, dad, hat, cat, kick, bed, jet, leg, nut, pen, red, six, sun, zip


Sound slide

The following skills are introduced throughout Activity Book 2 ✓attentive listening ✓making noises ✓singing and actions ✓pair work ✓group work ✓roleplay ✓syllable clapping ✓rhyming skills ✓observation skills ✓sequencing ✓pencil control skills ✓counting & number skills ✓sound formation with mirrors ✓alliteration ✓blending sounds

Software/CD Songs

Software Games/Resources

My classroom song

Find the classroom objects. Drag and drop.

My family song

Find my family! Listen and click.

My toys song

Tidy the toys. Drag and drop.

My house song

Build the house. Drag and drop. Resource Pack: Room review Action Trick Pairs Game 6 Sound Review Games

Actions chants Resource Pack includes 26 Action Trick Cards Actions song

Good bye song

Quick Dash Review including word suggestions to blend.



Activity Books The Activity Books are designed to be used in the classroom with the Audio CDs. When working with very young children, repetition is very important to consolidate learning. Start and end your lessons in the same way and review oral language as part of your teaching routine.

Lesson Structure - Activity Book 1 Following this simple lesson structure. Step 1. Start the lesson with the ‘Hello’ song. Step 2. Review previous learning with role-play and/or circle time. Step 3. Introduce a new topic or letter sound. Complete as much as time allows. Step 4. End each lesson with the ‘Good bye’ chant and song.

Step 1 - Say ‘Hello!’ Sing this song at the start of every Letterland lesson to reinforce how to say ‘hello’ in a memorable, fun and inclusive way. Encourage the children to stand up, wave, and join in. They may not be able to join in with it all at first, but over time this language will become part of their oral vocabulary.

Audio CD The ‘Hello’ song can be found on your Audio CD or in the Songs Section of your software. The CDs are a vital part of this programme. The foundation for building good literacy and language learning skills is the ability to listen well. Software


Activity A ctivi Books

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