Sample Letter for Sponsorship Request for an Event Sponsorship letter for event is used by NGO’s for the purpose of donation. The sponsorship request letter for music event, sports event, charity event, cultural event can be used for raising funds. Sponsorship Request Letter Sample is written to higher authorities to invite them for sponsoring the event by explaining them about the event. In this post, we have come up with sponsorship request letter for event. You can use this Sample Sponsor Letter Template for creating a customized letter for your event.
Sample Sponsorship Request Letter for Event From, Oliver wood Manager New Home Care London Date: February 5th, 2022 To, Mr. William weasley New Heights Technologies London Sub: Letter of Sponsorship for Fund Raising Event Dear Sir, New Home Care has always been grateful to you and your organization for extending your support and favors to our NGO every single time. We are thankful to you for always contributing towards us in all possible ways. We would like to introduce our new project to you which is a old age home for the senior citizens by the name of Old Age Shelter. This project has been designed to come up with an old age home for the senior citizens that will be equipped with all the modern amenities. And in order to do that, we are organizing a musical night followed by dinner. We are planning to organize the event at Star Hotel. We already have Fabulous Decorations to support us for the cause and they will be providing us with all the event arrangements that include meal arrangements, decorations, band performance, media coverage and other arrangements. We aim to have the best of the arrangements so that more and more people offer more and more donations for the cause. We would like to invite the higher authorities and management to please join us for the event and join us in the cause. We would like to request you to also provide us with a stage