Homecoming 2014

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a publication of the Greek Relations Executive Council



H O M E CO M I N G 2014


G W 2014


Alpha Phi Returns to Iowa State.....................................4 Experience the ExCYtement of Homecoming..........5 Find the Divine.....................................................................6 Foreign Perspective............................................................7 Greek Life from an International Student’s Perspective

Leadership.............................................................................8 What my Second Grade Girlfriend Taught me About Leadership

Wearing Letters 4000 Miles Away.................................9 Changes in the Community.......................................... 10 Recruitment Techniques Revealed............................. 11 Summer Awards .............................................................. 12 History in the Making......................................................13

DIRECTORS Mikayla LaHaye & Mason Cook Greek Community – Iowa State University @ISUGreek isugreekcommunity.tumblr.com Iowa State Greek Community Online Version of Letters _ http://issuu.com/lettersmagazineisu


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CONTRIBUTORS Bethany Lozier, Brenton Marcum, Brian Keck, Catherine Brown, Emily Koneval, Grant Albansoder, Hannah Scharpen, Jeremy Andrews, Kristin Peterson, Live McLean, Michelle Goodman, Morgan Woodvine, Shiara Crilly, Sam Park , Mary Kate Knabel Homecoming photos courtesy of Homecoming Centaral 2014





EXPERIENCE THE EXCY TEMENT OF HOMECOMING There was no time to stall for the Greek community this year as chapters readied themsleves in preparation for Homecoming Week 2014. Since activities started uncharacteristically early this fall, the Homecoming co-chairs’ abilities were put to the test in an attempt to make this homecoming an unfogetable one. Yell Like Hell practices began the first week of classes, fraternity lawns became construction zones, and blueprints were drawn up for lawn display designs. In order to “experience the exCYtement,” the Greek community also participated in store front window painting, banner competition, and victory lane. Homecoming Central added a new project for pairings to get involved in. To balance out community service and lawn display, campus decks were a fun, new addition to this year’s Homecoming.

Alpha Phi’s Bid Day

Keeping pace with the university’s increasing enrollment, Iowa State’s Greek community has been growing as well. Iowa State is thrilled to welcome back Alpha Phi, who will be recognized and installed as a chapter next semester. Following recruitment, Alpha Phi welcomed around 130 new members into their colony! Members from the Greek community welcomed their new members at their bid day. Alpha Phi found their home among the Greek community quickly and just in time to try their hand at some of the many Homecoming events participated in by the Greek community. “Overall we are thrilled with interest and the enthusiasm of our colony members- which we can give a lot of credit to the Iowa State community and the Greek community especially because they have been so positive and welcomed us with open arms,” said Stephanie Tripi, one of Alpha Phi’s Leadership Consultant. Alpha Phi was excited about the level of support they received and how much the community welcomed the new Panhellenic chapter to campus. Alpha Phi was excited to participate in a recruitment process based on values; something Iowa State’s Greek community prides itself on.


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Alpha Phi’s values include sisterhood, scholarship, service, character development, loyalty and leadership.

As traditions roll out early this fall, we look forward to what the rest of this year has in store for us.

“We look for women who are interested in leadership, we look for women who can take those values and apply them to their everyday actions and lives,” said Megan Eckerle, leadership consultant for Alpha Phi. The leadership consultants, Eckerle and Tripi, are thrilled to have been mentors and consultants through this process of laying down a strong foundation for Alpha Phi’s future. “It’s exciting to see all of our members really taking the initiative to reach out to other organizations, start formulating their own ideas to put into action and see the great ideas they have that will set the traditions for our chapter at Iowa State,” Tripi said. Just as the leadership consultants look excitedly towards the future of their chapter, so does the Greek community who is happy to see Alpha Phi so seamlessly transitioning into a piece of the community and finding their place at Iowa State.

“ We lo o k for wom en wh o a re intere sted in le a d ersh ip, we lo o k fo r wome n who c a n t a ke t h o se va lue s a nd a pply t h em to t h eir e ve r yday a c t io n s a n d lives”

O we w i l l f i g ht, f i g ht, f i g ht fo r I owa State !

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Over the summer, Wicitra “Wizzy” Mahotama was visiting the Tangkuban Perahu volcano outside of Bandung, Indonesia. This city has a population of about 2.5 million people, despite it only being about the size of Des Moines. Mahotama looked out the car window, and noticed the dense forestry camouflaging the mountainsides. But there was also something missing from this scene – something that would go unnoticed by many visiting tourists. The eyes of this environmental science major simply saw a lack of a canopy across this landscape. “With such a large growing population, the city, along with the agriculture, is moving up the side of the mountain,” Mahotama explained. “However, there’s less leaf cover up there. Rain directly hits the soil, washing it away, making soil erosion and the contamination an enormous problem for farmers. Additionally, the agricultural practices are extracting soil organic matter without replacing it, which accelerates erosion in the process.” A solution to this problem is planting bamboo: its leaves offer some protection against the rain, while its roots hold the soil together. But what’s the catch?

Bamboo is essentially worthless. It takes up planting space, and can’t be used for other purposes. Because you really can’t make money off of bamboo, farmers don’t want to plant it, making this solution less viable. If only this bamboo had more value, then maybe farmers would be convinced to plant more of it. That’s where Wizzy comes in. He decided to create a value on an otherwise worthless product. And how did he do that? He made some pretty hip sunglasses. “The frames are made from bamboo, and they come in a bamboo case,” said Wizzy. “Utilizing bamboo for more products gives extra income to farmers, which increases their economic status.” His new company, Divine Eyewear, includes himself and two of his brothers in Acacia Fraternity, product designer Ryan Zumbach and CFO Tanner Jaeger. Elaborating on his company, Wizzy stated, “Divine is a socially and environmentally conscious brand. We wanted to create a sustainable business which focuses on three channels: economics, the environment, and social impacts. Our symbol is a triangle to resemble that.” This trio’s business is already expanding

rapidly through the combined uses of their website, Facebook page, and Instagram account, having already sold 25 pairs of glasses within three weeks. And along with this, half of all profits are donated directly to the company Resource Exchange International. “REI is headed by Chuck Nicholson, who is an ISU alum. This company works in East Java, in much the same way creating industry for mangos. We choose to donate here because we hold similar values.” Divine also isn’t the first company to sell these types of sunglasses. Another famous brand is Wear Panda, at more than double the price that Divine sells for. “Our current product is produced in China,” Mahotama stated. “Once Indonesian products get up to par with our quality expectations, our goal is to start growing bamboo and actually producing there.” These glasses marketed directly to college students, it’s apparent that this business will grow to become much stronger in the near future. It just comes down to creating that customer base, and making oneself well known. “Dream big, start small, move fast,” Mahotama concluded. “That’s how I manage.”

” Drea m b i g, s ta r t sm a ll, m ove f a s t. Th at ’s h ow I manage ”


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GREEK LIFE FROM AN INTERNATIONAL STUDENT’S PERSPECTIVE When I first came to Iowa State University, I felt lost; I had no one to talk to and did not have a group of friends that I could hang out with. It is difficult trying to affiliate yourself with others - especially when you have a culture barrier hindering your path of socialization. Despite being lost and confused, I wanted to make the most of my college experience, even if it meant I would have to go outside my comfort zone. I was able to force myself to talk to strangers and try and make connections. When I first stopped by the fraternity, I was given a warm welcome by all of the members. I did not get the slightest feelings that I was introducing myself to strangers; rather we would shake hands and then have a meaningful conversation. For the first time in weeks I actually felt like I was welcome somewhere. A couple days later when they called me over and extended me a bid, I knew that my adventure had just begun. Starting out as a new member was probably my fondest memory. This was the first opportunity of forming lifelong bonds my brothers. During my time in the chapter, I felt like I belonged somewhere. Brotherhood was definitely something that is not taken lightly, we were responsible for each other’s actions and in adverse times we would help one other. This is what moved me the most, as I have never had a brotherhood relationship with any of my closest friends.

Being a member of the Greek community meant much more than just a close group of friends, it was family apart from your home; in fact for me, this was home. During the past year, whenever I felt homesick I could always tell my brothers what was on my mind and I would never have to close myself out. In times of need, my brothers were willing to take their time to guide me and help me get out of the rut I was stuck in. Overcoming adversities are never easy, yet those experiences are what make us. I have learned more from those experiences when my brothers stuck through with me, not only did I learn how to overcome obstacles, but I also learned that no matter how down you feel there are always helping hands surrounding you. Being involved in Greek life taught me these values, which I will always cherish.

there were one thing I could tell to my fellow international students, it would be that you never know what you can achieve unless you go outside of your comfort zone.

The values I learned in my fraternity, without a doubt, will adhere to me for the rest of my life. Perhaps this is what sets me apart from the rest of the international students. The experiences I have gained and the memories I cherished will always be proof that no matter how adverse our situations may become, there is always light around the corner as long as we are willing to reach for it. Finding guidance and belonging, is, an international student’s biggest fear. Coming to a foreign country not knowing a single person is a very depressing moment. I was definitely no exception to this dilemma, but joining the Greek community filled those empty voids. If

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EMILY KONEVAL New members of the Greek community recently participated in the new and improved Live Greek 365, an orientation program hosted by the Collegiate Panhellenic Council and the Interfraternity Council. The program consisted of three educational blocks, all of which had a myriad of sessions to choose from, followed by a final keynote speaker who reminded us that going Greek is not just for today, its For Now, For Tomorrow, Forever Sam Davidson, President and Co-Founder of Cool People Care, was this year’s Live Greek 365 keynote speaker. His engaging presentation, “What My Second Grade Girlfriend Taught Me about

Leadership,” encouraged student leaders to make a difference and find a core story to tell. While incorporating entertaining stories from elementary school, he discussed the importance of values-based leadership in order to make a big impact on one’s campus and community. Davidson offered practical tips for students looking to grow a following, shape an organization, and recruit others to care about whatever fuels their passions. “Leaders dream about what could be,” said Davidson, “not just what is.” Following Davidson’s keynote address, students had the chance to attend interactive breakout sessions led by faculty, staff, and student leaders within the Greek community.

“ We really want to motivate students to do well and pursue areas they are intered and passionate about within the communit y.”

Live Greek 365 Coordinators Caitrin Fretham and Drew Sherman emphasized the importance of providing numerous opportunities within the breakout sessions for new members to grow and expand their knowledge in areas that interest them. “Every year, we hold an orientation program for our new members, so they learn early on all of the important resources and information they can use to enhance their experience for the next four years not only in our Greek Community but at Iowa State,” said Fretham. Each breakout session hits a range of topics throughout the program; so new members can acquire knowledge about leadership, diversity, philanthropy, and support within the Greek community. Sherman explains, “We really want to motivate students to do well and pursue areas they are interested and passionate about within the community.”


4000 MILES AWAY MARY KATE KNABEL Nearly two years ago on a sunny day in August, I made a commitment to a sorority founded on the principles of “Living With Purpose.” As a freshman in college, I joined Alpha Gamma Delta and became a part of a Greek community that challenges all members to set individual goals and chapter goals in scholarship, leadership, and philanthropy. Fast-forward to the fall of 2014, I find myself 4000 miles away from my sisters living in a new country. Iowa State University’s Greek community has community of women and men with different backgrounds but a similar thirst to grow intellectually and emotionally during their college years. As a current junior in college and proud member of Alpha Gamma Delta, I am honored to wear my letters both physically and mentally during my time abroad in Florence, Italy, just as many Greek students do each semester. As a member of a sorority, I have the opportunity and challenge to be a positive representation of my chapter in everything I do. Although I am not wearing my Greek letters every day, I can constantly wear my letters through how I act and approach a problem by representing the ideals my chapter and the Greek community have instilled in me. I chose to study abroad as a way to immerse myself in a culture that is rich in history and tradition. As I began my experience, I was ready to grow as a woman and learn about the world outside of Iowa State University. It was difficult leaving the comfort of Ames, but I knew I would return with a knowledge that I could not find elsewhere.

fall philanthropy and sisterhood events back home. At this point I asked myself, “Why am I focusing on what is happening on campus when I have the opportunity to grow as a member of the Greek community?” During my involvement with Alpha Gamma Delta thus far, I have held positions within the chapter, grown professionally, found involvement on campus, and been motivated and challenged by my sisters. As I live abroad, I have found that my previous involvement within the Greek community has given me the tools to thrive as a student and the leadership skills to help adapt in a new environment. As I continue my experience abroad, I aim to always represent my sorority and the Greek community well, while challenging myself to grow as a woman. With the days continually passing in Italy, I understand how to wear my letters from 4000 miles away.

Five other dear friends and members of different chapters within the Greek community joined me on this journey. We entered Italy with wide eyes and an excitement to learn and grow. Together we represent the diversity of the community along with a shared bond of knowing what it means to be Greek. As the weeks passed, I found myself challenged by the culture as I didn’t speak the language or know the layout of the city. It was difficult to adapt knowing my sisters were starting to plan


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SIGMA CHI Demolition and rebuilding of the Sigma Chi house has been underway since early July, 2014 and is projected to be completed by Fall 2015.

While the new facility is being built, Sigma Chi members are are temporarily housed on the 7th floor of Larch residence hall.

“The new facility will add 4,000 square feet to their facilities, increasing capacity for approximately an additional 20 members,” said Ryan van der Veen, current chapter president of Sigma Chi.

“Living in the residence hall is a lot like living in the house in that we all still next door to each other and are able to remain together as a chapter,” said van der Veen. “We have been able to meet a lot of great guys which has also helped out with recruitment”.

Many of the members look forward to the new house. “I’m excited to see all the new amenities which will help create a stronger brotherhood by providing more common and entertainment rooms,” said Lincoln Parmenter, member of Sigma Chi. During the demolition, active and alumni members gathered to watch the tear down of the old building in preparation of building the new chapter facility.

DELTA TAU DELTA Along with Sigma Chi, Delta Tau Delta Fraternity is in the midst of building a new chapter facility. Delta Tau Delta, which started demolition in late June, will also be opening their chapter facility for next fall.

“I’m rea lly lo o k ing for wa rd to bein g ba ck in t he center o f Greek l and a nd to have a h o u se th at I ca n be pro ud o f ”

LIV MCLEAN “Like the old house, the new chapter facility will be able to hold 64 members and will be upgrading from 18,000 to 20,000 square feet,” said Corey Anderson, current chapter president of Delta Tau Delta. “The members of Delta Tau Delta look forward to having more room to accommodate for a better living atmosphere with the addition of more areas to study and conference rooms.” Anderson said he would miss the character and memories of the 60-yearold facility. “All the rooms had names and you lose some of the nostalgia when you rebuild. There is a lot emotion tied to the old place.” Currently, the Delta Tau Delta fraternity is living on Welch Avenue and next fall will be moving closer to the rest of the Greek community again. “I’m really looking forward to being back in the center of the Greekland and to have a house that I can be proud of.” Said Eric Edwards, member of Delta Tau Delta. “There is a lot of growth in the Greek community, with all the renovations and the addition of new sororities to build their own chapter facilities, [I am] excited to see the dynamic growth for Greeks at Iowa State,” said Anderson.

It’s no secret that the Greek community has been changing these past few years, but that is to be expected with the increasing number of students choosing to go Greek. As participation increases, changes have had to take place within the Greek community along with recruitment techniques. This year, the Panhellenic council encouraged the use of values based recruiting. Additionally, the first day of recruitment was split into two days; this allowed women to visit half the chapters the first day and the rest on the second day. Not only have there been changes in the way sorority formal recruitment works, but there have also been changes in the way fraternities are recruiting. Kellen Gorman, the Recruitment chair from Beta Theta Pi was willing to answer some questions about what fraternity recruitment looks like how it may be changing in the near future. Q: How did recruitment go for you this year? A: “Recruitment went extremely well! We’re like an 80 person family now. We have a cap on recruitment which allows us to


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value the quality of our men over quantity. I would hate to walk through campus and see a guy wearing my letters and not know who he was.” Q: Tell me a little about how your fraternity recruitment works: A: “First of all its a lot different than sorority formal recruitment. Fraternity recruitment is actually pretty informal. We use a system called the 3-meet. What we do is we start off by looking for guys who we think would be a good fit with the house academically, athletically, guys who have a good moral character and guys who want to be involved. We find these men through social media or directly through the university. The first meet is a 15 minute long chapter tour. What I look for in that time is if the guys are asking questions, seem motivated, and genuinely seem interested in coming back. The second meet is where we get to go to do something and really make a connection, whether that’s going out to lunch, going mini golfing or bowling. This is an important meeting because it’s where I get to ask them what they are looking to gain from being part of the Greek community; by the end of this meet we usually feel pretty mutual about each other. The

third meeting usually happens in July where I get to give them their bid.” Next to be interviewed was Anika Wallschlaeger from Alpha Gamma Delta. She provided some more insight into the new way sororities are recruiting. Q: How did recruitment go for you this year? A: “Recruitment went really well for us, it was a little overwhelming but that is to be expected; overall I am very proud of all our members, they all worked very hard and think we got a really great pledge class this year.” Q: What advice do you have for future VPs of Recruitment? A: “Try to plan as much in advance as you can. It’s all about the little things so try to have all of the little details figured out, it will make everything run smoothly and less last minute stress on your part!” Q: What is the hardest part of recruitment? A: “For me, the hardest part was trying to remember EVERYTHING that was going on and what people said to me.”

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SUMMER AWARDS RYAN ANDERSON Despite their alredy well-established trophy cases, 14 chapters continue on the tradition of high honors and awards from this past summer. While each fraternity and sorority on campus has high achievements under their belt, there are a few that won outstanding awards from this year. Awards for excellence in philanthropy, leadership, academics, fraternity ritual, membership participation and many more were given to the recognized six sororities and eight fraternities. The recognized fraternities were Acacia, Alpha Sigma Phi, FarmHouse, Phi Delta Theta, Phi Kappa Psi, Sigma Alpha Epsilon Tau Kappa Epsilon, and Theta Delta Chi. The six sororities awarded and recognized were Alpha Gamma Delta, Sigma Kappa, Gamma Phi Beta, Delta Zeta, Pi Beta Phi and Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. Every fraternity and sorority was recognized for their achievements both chapter and out of chapter excellence. From Theta Delta Chi’s Victory Cup for best overall chapter to Delta Zeta’s twelve awards and recognitions, it is safe to say that the Iowa State Greek community is on the road to success. There were various individual awards given to members from multiple chapters for their hard work throughout the year to not only better his or her own chapter, but also the community as a whole. Congratulations to the fraternities and sororities who continue to positively represent the Greek community and Iowa State!!


BRIEF HISTORY NOTE: Students were first admitted to Iowa State in 1869 (but formerly known as the Iowa State Agriculture College), and the first fraternity, Delta Tau Delta, opened in 1875 I.C. Sorosis, now Pi Beta Phi, opened in 1877 as the first fraternity for women.

As many of us know, our university has one of the best Greek communities in the nation. There are a lot of reasons why we’re awesome – our academics, philanthropy, participation, general attitude, level of attractiveness – the list goes on and on. But few people think about how we got to where we are today. I know you’re wondering, “How did this happen?” “What sets us apart?” “Is history even interesting?” Well luckily for you, I wrote an article about it. You’re welcome. So a part of the reason Greeks have thrived here is because Iowa State has had very supportive presidents. Our current president, Steven Leath, happens to be generally pro-Greek. His two sons, Eric and Scott, are alumni of Kappa Sigma fraternity, and President Leath himself bacame an honorary member of Alpha Gamma Rho in early April. However, presidents haven’t always supported Greek ideals here. So here’s the article you didn’t expect to see in this magazine: a brief history of some Iowa State presidents, and why you should care about them.

WILLIAM CHAMBERLAIN 1886-1890 The first president of interest is William Chamberlain. He was widely known when he became the 4th president of the university. However, his term was short, due to being in the wrong place at the wrong time. You see, in the late 19th century, many people objected to the foreign idea of fraternities for being selective and secretive. Chamberlain backed up Greek life, and this cost him the support of most students and faculty. On May 25, 1888, the Des Moines Register reported “anti-Greek riots,” where mobs threw stones at Greek meeting places and chanted “down with secret men” in attempts to drive them off campus. Things got worse over the next two years, Chamberlain lost control of the situation, and he ended up resigning in 1890.

ALBERT STORMS 1903-1910 Well what came next? I mean, obviously Greeks still exist at Iowa State today. Now comes the hero of the story, Albert Storms. You see, what Beardshear didn’t know was that by 1897, secret clubs (with names such as Ozark, the Craftsman Club, and SS Girls) were slowly reappearing on campus. Storms liked Greek life, and was sure that by this time, the school had grown enough to allow for it once again. He lifted the ban, and allowed anyone who wished to join a house the opportunity to do so. Many of the secret clubs became national chapters. For example, Ozark became Phi Kappa Psi, the Craftsman Club became Acacia Fraternity, and the SS Girls became Kappa Delta. And everyone lived happily ever after. Well, the moral of the story is that Iowa State Greek life has a more interesting history than most of you guys thought. It’s pretty intense - there’s been resistance, but it’s been due to our presidents that we’ve been able to move forward to where we are today. And with the support from our presidents, it’s clear that Iowa State’s Greek community will continue to grow stronger for years to come.

WILLIAM BEARDSHEAR 1891-1902 Anti-Greek president time, though he kind of had to be. After Chamberlain, William Beardshear had to do something about the mess that was Iowa State. He didn’t want to ban fraternities, but he definitely wanted them gone. So his solution was to ban people from joining fraternities. With this, fraternities all died off within a few years. Delta Tau Delta closed in 1894, fraternity life ceased, and Greeks disappeared from campus.

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