Dear Friends, We are happy to introduce these classic locations in Greece, which are also some of the most de-lightfully unique areas you can visit. The region of Pelion, on the east coast of the central Greek main-land, is a large peninsular that stretches out, enclosing the Gulf of Volos and overlooks the stunning Aegean sea. Within this brochure we present to you this unique region, which is one of Greece’s best kept secrets. Pelion is home to the mythical Centaurs, creatures described as half man and half horse. A perfect attraction, suitable for both nature lovers, adventure seekers and those desiring leisure and relaxati-on. The deep lush foliage and forests encompass the mountain. Flowing steeply down to the coast line where you can find many enchanted coves, bays and sandy golden beaches. In this magical at-mosphere myth, tradition and beauty merge seamlessly. The vitality of nature in harmony with the serenity of the landscape creates a perfect marriage of yesterday and today.