Blue You Back Guillaume Le Vot
E t p x x x
THANKS VĂŠronique Rebecca & Harald
Blue Blue You You Back Back
BLUE YOU BACK est un métissage de narration et de photographies. C’est l’histoire d’un retour, qu’il dure 10 secondes ou 10 ans. De la boucle innée et inique de la vie. De la trace oubliée qui éclate sans prévenir. De l’action du Explication coeur et des nerfs sur la mémoire et sur la peau. texte en anglais Si le fil conducteur des mots est le blues, celui des images est le bleu, cette teinte photos que prend le ciel avant de sombrer dans la nuit. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx BLUE YOU BACK is a mix of narration and photographs. This is the story of a return , that may lasts 10 seconds or 10 years. The innate and iniquitous loop of life. The forgotten track that explodes without warning. The action of the heart and nerves on memory and skin. If the thread of the words is the blues, the one of images is the night blue, the color of sky before twilight.
Textes & photographies : Textes & photographies Guillaume Le Vot :
Guillaume Le Vot
After a billion eyelids drop,
after a thousand u-turns and a dozen punches, I blue you back.
Despite shadows of reason
tempted by closeness and liquid escapes, you blue me back.
Blue hazel remains stuck where
you stared at
dogs, walls and cats. I blue you back.
Some letters
echo in every sentence,
knock me, skin out, and blue me back.
I navy blue to the black,
through primitive hope
and brain , between you and blue.
You may flee to the western sea, from
concrete to whitewater.
Anyway you are the rain and blue me back.
Ravenous for a velvet embrace, I embody your shaved fur and
crumple at every move. You burn me blue.
Tiny parts of you, squamous cells and pepper words
remain in the solid air and blue me back
salted smells,
sounds of folded clothes, I blue you back.
Transparence is thicker than ever,
the rise and fall of purple You blue me back.
Eternal twilight of reason,
the pink toxic will shot me black.
Slices of hidden souvenirs melted in a wild flowered
strike back at my brain and slump you back.
Black out decisions, back off Implanting the
coming pain,
the poisoned wealth, the birth of your back.
Our souls stay quiet
but our buried bodies rush
through the ground, shake my blood and blue me back.
A fresh new air is carrying pain. Ghost
rabbits tune my spine,
with extra lucid fastened eyes. I blue you back.
Some of you seeps all woman.
Some of you the colors of day Some of you blues me back.
Reading tales of madness and love with a
tragic epilogue
or an impulsive dawn, I blue you back.
Blue You Back Guillaume Le Vot © Tous droits réservés Février 2015