Shapes Unit 13: Working with visual arts briefs.
Criteria • • • •
Independently research ar@sts. Use diverse materials and techniques Explore imagina@ve ideas Evaluate development and final outcome
Kerry Cohen
Kerry Cohen • This work is made from steel bars sculpted into shapes (2 Squares, 2 Circles & a Triangle) then stuck together to create this sculpture, this work relates to my work as I am using the same shapes in my work and also I will be making a sculpture with these shapes.
Maurizio Anzeri
Maurizio Anzeri • These pieces of work were made by puPng pins into a photo and then using coQon string going round the work to create this effect. • This relates to my final major project piece as I will be using this same technique with my work. • Line: The ar@st has used straight lines in these pieces going round the faces on the photos giving geometric feel. • Shape: The ar@st has used the string to go over parts of the face. This both highlights facial features and conceals details. • Texture: There is a web like effect over the original imagery. The thread acts like a veil. • Colour: The ar@st has used boring unemo@onal coloured photos but has given the art work life with bright colours.
Experimenta@on. Â
Evalua@on. • In this piece I have experimented with different paQerns on each shape. • I have painted a thin sheet of cardboard to give my work a floa@ng look, I have used a glue gun to s@ck down screws that have I measured out to create the shapes & paQerns, I then used pink string to go round the work making the shapes & paQerns visible. • The bad points of this work is by using the glue gun to s@ck down the screws because the glue kept ripping off the card, eventually the glue and screws all ripped off but would be pointless to put together again as it’ll just repeat itself, I found the experimenta@on piece as seen on the next slide but I feel it is crea@ve because it shows art of destruc@on.
Work Destroyed.
Work Destroyed.
Experimenta@on. Â
Experimenta@on. Â
Evalua@on. • In this piece I have done experimenta@on with the materials on size by using thread, string & rope on single pieces of wood, on each piece of wood I have experimented with materials using each shape that I’ll be using in my final piece. • By experimen@ng with different sizes of materials it has shown me what will be best to use for my final piece. • Using string & rope showed that they’ll be too big for my final piece as they I will be repea@ng the process numerous amount of @mes but they are too thick meaning they are limited to the amount of @mes I can go round each piece. • Using thread is the ideal material for my final piece as it is the thinnest out of them all but also allows me to repeat each process numerous of @mes but also looks neat.
Work In Progress (Final Piece).
Work In Progress (Final Piece).
My Final Piece.
My Final Piece.
My Final Piece. • For my final piece I have decided to use the same shapes that I have experimented with (Triangle, Circle, Square) but have taken the idea of my first experimenta@on piece by doing 3x3 rows. • On each line the paQerns change in different direc@ons or change then combine in the last row of a square. • I have used 3 different coloured threads which progress in each row to get darker star@ng of with white then red then eventually purple. These colours work together because they are warm colours.
Evalua@on (Final Piece). • Line: I have used straight neat lines in my work that create the shapes of my final piece. • Shape: Throughout my experimenta@ons and my final piece I have used Triangles, Circles & Squares, I have also used paQerns in my work which progress throughout each shape, all of my pieces have been 3D. • Colour: I have used 3x3 rows but on each row has a different shape, the colours I have used progressively get darker star@ng from a white thread then turning to a red then a much darker colour of purple. The colours I have used are warm colours which work together really well.