Lewis and Clark Community College District No. 536
Board of Trustees Regular Meeting
April 14, 2020
TABLE OF CONTENTS April 14, 2020 Page No. Agenda for April 14, 2020 Regular Meeting ……………………………………… Minutes of Regular Meeting for March 10, 2020
Financial Highlights ……………………………………………………………… Bills
Treasurer’s Report
1–2 3 – 25 26 27 – 59
60 – 63
Balance Sheet ………………………………………………………………………
64 – 65
66 – 70
Statement of Revenue and Expenditures Auxiliary Report
Restricted Report
72 - 74
Bid Information
Contracts Requiring Board Approval
76 – 88
Purchases Requiring Board Approval
89 – 103
Contract Change Orders/Insurance Renewals/Asset Disposal
105 – 107
108 – 111
Acknowledgement of Grants and Sponsored Contract Agreements ………………
112 – 113
113 – 115
Personnel Report
Awarded Grants and Sponsored Contracts
Pending Grants and Sponsored Contracts
Construction Projects Report ………………………………………………………
Acknowledgement of Contracts $5,000 and less Announcements
Page 1 COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT NO. 536 LEWIS AND CLARK COMMUNITY COLLEGE AGENDA MEETING-BOARD OF TRUSTEES April 14, 2020 5:00 p.m. To be held online in a virtual format, with all meeting content and public comments, via phone or otherwise, being recorded. Access to the Board of Trustees meeting is provided via teleconference online via ZOOM https://lewisclark.zoom.us/j/242459774 or by phone at 312-626-6799 with Meeting ID 242 459 774. Community members wishing to make public comment may submit their comments to skeener@lc.edu before 4 pm on April 14, 2020.
CALL TO ORDER AND ROLL CALL: David, Heyen, Chair Julie Johnson, Vice Chair Kevin Rust, Secretary Charles Hanfelder, Assistant Secretary
Robert Watson, Member Brenda Walker McCain, Member Dwight Werts, Member April Tulgetske, Student Member
PUBLIC COMMENT—comments received at skeener@lc.edu by 4 pm on April 14 will be read by Sue Keener, Secretary to the Board of Trustees
OMNIBUS AGENDA (The following items will be approved in one motion unless any Board member wishes to have an item pulled prior to the vote.) A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. I. J. K. L. M.
Approval of Minutes for March 10, 2020 (Regular Meeting) (p. 3 - 25) Financial Highlights (p. 26) Bills (p. 27 - 59) Treasurer’s Report (p. 60 - 63) Balance Sheet (p. 64 – 65) Statement of Revenue and Expenditures (p. 66 – 70) Auxiliary Report (p. 71) Restricted Report (p. 72 – 74) Bid Information (p. 75) Contracts Requiring Board Approval (p. 76 – 88) Purchases Requiring Board Approval (p. 89 – 103) Contract Change Orders/Insurance Renewals/Asset Disposal (p. 104) Personnel (p. 105 - 107)
Page 2 V.
Awarded Grants and Sponsored Contracts (p. 108 – 111) Acknowledgement of Grants and Sponsored Contract Agreements (p. 112) Pending Grants and Sponsored Contracts (p. 113 – 115) Acknowledgement of Contracts $5,000 and less (p. 116) Announcements (p. 117) Construction Projects Status Report (p. 118)
CALL TO ORDER AND ROLL CALL FOR SPECIAL MEETING, CLOSED SESSION: David, Heyen, Chair Robert Watson, Member Julie Johnson, Vice Chair Brenda Walker McCain, Member Kevin Rust, Secretary Dwight Werts, Member Charles Hanfelder, Assistant Secretary April Tulgetske, Student Member
The appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal of specific employees of the public body. No action will be taken.
Page 3 COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT NO. 536 BOARD OF TRUSTEES March 10, 2020 MINUTES The Regular Meeting of the Board of Trustees of Lewis and Clark Community College, District No. 536, was called to order at 7:00 p.m., Tuesday, March 10, 2020, in the Ahlemeyer Atrium of the Trimpe Advanced Technology Center, Lewis and Clark Community College, Godfrey, Illinois, by Chairman David Heyen. ROLL CALL
Present David Heyen, Chair Julie Johnson, Vice Chair Kevin Rust, Secretary Charles Hanfelder, Assistant Secretary Robert Watson, Member Brenda Walker McCain, Member Dwight Werts, Member April Tulgetske, Student Member Absent
Also present were Lori Artis, Brett Reinert, Linda Chapman, Kent Scheffel, Sean Hill, Mary Schulte, Jill Lane, Sue Czerwinski, Val Harris, Jeff Watson, Laura Inlow, LaVeasey Carter, Dobbie Herrion, Jacque Schilling, Brad Raish, Mickey Sabolo, Robert Merkle, Mary Lou Watson, Matt Batchelor, Gabe Springer, Renee Bauer, Travis Jumper, Melissa Batchelor, Dick Warner, Bobbie Brown, Gary Rolfe, George Provenzano, Donna Hughes, Yvette McLemore, Alan Bruha, Dennis Weedman, Jay Hollinger, Sue Keener and other faculty, staff, and community members. Upon the recommendation of Board Legal Counsel, Mr. Rust MOVED and Mr. Watson SECOND amending the agenda to add an Executive session for the purpose of the appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal of specific employees of the public body following the Public Comment and before the Omnibus Agenda portion of the meeting. Upon a roll call vote the Trustees voted as follows: Tulgetske (advisory vote)
Rust Watson McCain Werts
Yea Yea Yea Yea
Minutes March 10, 2020
Page 4
Heyen Johnson Hanfelder
Yea Yea Yea
MOTION CARRIED PUBLIC COMMENT Dr. Ed Ragsdale addressed the Board and encouraged the college to place more emphasis on agriculture. I have attended good programs at Lincoln Land, John Wood, and others over an hour away. The agriculture program doesn’t have to involve very much money. The person could study here, get a 2year degree, and transfer to an excellent program at the University of Illinois. I don’t know how many of you saw Mr. Bloomberg’s statement that it doesn’t take hardly anything to be a farmer. All you have to do is dig a hole, throw some seed in the hole and some dirt on it, water it, and you are a farmer. Anybody in that big audience could be a farmer. Farming is very difficult. It is becoming more and ore technological. The more you know, the better you will do. I think it is an area where we could do more. A large part of Lewis and Clark’s territory is agricultural and the number one industry in the state is Agriculture. There are 2,500 companies that process Illinois food for people to consume. It is the leading processor in the country, more than any other state. I think that is something to look at. I would like to see us have more emphasis on agriculture. Thank you. The open meeting was adjourned at 7:06 pm. The closed session began at 7:08 pm and was attended by April Tulgetske, Robert Watson, Brenda McCain, Dwight Werts, David Heyen, Julie Johnson, Kevin Rust, Charles Hanfelder, Lori Artis, Brett Reinert, Gabe Springer, Dennis Weedman, and Sue Keener. Following roll call, the closed session adjourned at 7:30 pm. The open meeting resumed at 7:31 pm.
APPROVAL ITEMS Following the President’s recommendation Mr. Watson MOVED and Mr. Werts SECONDED that an omnibus motion be made for the following approval items: Approval of the Minutes for the Regular Meeting on February 11, 2020 as presented; Approval of the Bills as presented in (Attachment 1 of these Minutes); Approval of the Treasurer’s Report as presented in (Attachment 2 of these Minutes); Approval of the Balance Sheet as presented in (Attachment 3 of these Minutes);
Minutes March 10, 2020
Page 5
Approval of the Statement of Revenue and Expenditures as presented in (Attachment 4 of these Minutes); Approval of the Bid Information as presented in (Attachment 5 of these Minutes); Approval of Contracts Requiring Board Approval (Attachment 6 of these Minutes) Approval of Purchases Requiring Board Approval (Attachment 7 of these Minutes) Approval of the Contract Change Orders/Insurance Renewals/Asset Disposal as presented in (Attachment 8 of these Minutes); Approval of the Amended Personnel Report for the Separation of: Full-Time Blake, Chelsea – Riverwatch Biologist, NGRREC, effective February 11, 2020; Campbell, Steve – Professor, Computer Graphics/Web Design, effective March 9, 2020; Fisk, Trenton – Land Conservation Specialist, NGRREC, effective February 28, 2020. Scheffel, F. Kent- Vice President, Enrollment Services, effective April 30, 2020; Sudlow, Leland – Professor, Biology, effective May 20, 2020; Vance, Jennifer – Professor, Chemistry, effective May 20, 2020.
Part-Time Harris, Eli – Habitat Junior Project Assistant, NGRREC, effective March 31, 2020; Helvey, Amanda – Food Service Assistant, Dining Services effective February 17, 2020. and approve employment of; Full-Time Haake, Danelle- RiverWatch Director & Stream Ecologist, NGRREC, effective June 1, 2020 Part-Time Vogan, Karen – Accounting Specialist, Accounting, effective March 16, 2020. Part-Time, Short Term Hansen, Allison- Educational Aide, Student Development and Counseling, effective January 22, 2020.
Minutes March 10, 2020 Part-Time/Overload: Adney, Thomas N Akers, Michael E Aldridge, Yuhsuan
Almodovar-Colon, Ricardo J Baahlmann, Katelyn S
Banks, Randolph E
Barnett, Melissa K Barrows, William A Batchelor, Melissa A
Beal, Rebecca L Beaty-Nosco, Julie A Becraft, Meghan M Bell, Timothy A Bergin, Brian P Bevel, Jennifer M
Page 6
Instrumentation I Emergency Medical Technician Paramedic Skill & Scenario Lab I Major Applied Music Instruction Piano Cello Cello Dental Hygiene Practice II Music Music Music Digital Photography Science Self Advocacy Self Advocacy Literature Computers-How to Jobs Appreciation of Music Appreciation of Music Non-Western Music Introduction to American Music Percussion Clinical Practice Clinical Practice Human Resource Management Seminar in Child Development Child Development Internship Education Observation Lab Introduction to Special Education Introduction to Chemistry I General Chemistry I Dental Hygiene Practice II Dental Hygiene Practice II Introduction to Modern Business Principles of Macroeconomics Literature of Non-Western Cultures Personal Finance
Minutes March 10, 2020 Bittles, Matthew G
Bodden, Kevin M Bolin, Alicia M Boswell, Tammy L
Botterbush, Kevin J
Bradley, Michael P Brennan, Lisa C Bridges, Andrew J Brown, Roberta E Bruha, Alan J Burgess, Sandra J Burkhart, Jerrold R Burnley, Edward J Burns, Elisabeth R Cafarelli, Malory L Calaway-Habeck, Ronald D Caldwell, Denise L Caldwell, James M Callahan, Shane W
Campbell, Steven P
Page 7
Appreciation of Music Non-Western Music Jazz in Multicultural America Jazz in Multicultural America General Education Statistics Calculus and Analytic Geometry I Clinical Practice Dental Hygiene Practice II Computer Literacy Computer Literacy Technology For Paralegals Real Estate Brokerage Real Estate Brokerage Coordination Introduction to Philosophy Fundamentals of Logical Reasoning Career Development Basic English Introduction to Process Technology Community Oral Health Community Oral Health Fund of Gen, Organic & Biochemistry Organic Chemistry II Comparative Religion I Legal Research and Writing I Legal Research and Writing II Coordination Children's Literature Children's Literature Operations Management Dental Hygiene Practice II Clinical for NURS-172 First-Year English I First-Year English II Personal and Community Health Assessment & Exercise Prescription Intro to Biomechanics Sport Psychology Exercise Psychology Personal and Community Health Graphic Design I Graphic Design I Graphic Design III
Minutes March 10, 2020
Casselman, Sara A Cato, Jacquelyn S Cavanaugh, Melissa S
Chapman, Christina M
Chappee, Candida L
Chappee, Candida L
Clark, Jonathan C
Clayton, Krista A
Claywell, Kathryn L Cline, Jennifer A Cloud, Paul A Colburn, Tracy D Conrad, Terry L Cook, Benjamin D Cooper, Jacquelyn M
Page 8
Graphic Design III Advanced Adobe Photoshop Computer Graphics Cooperative Web Animation Teaching & Learning Assessment Public and Private Communication Human Sexuality and Reproduction Biology of Nutrition Oral Histology and Embryology Clinical Practice Dental Hygiene Clinic Seminar I Dental Hygiene Clinic Seminar I Dental Hygiene Practice II Technical Writing Support Basic Writing College Reading Clinical Practice Dental Hygiene Clinic Seminar I Dental Hygiene Practice II Dental Hygiene Practice II Dental Hygiene Practice II Preventive Dentistry Preventive Dentistry Dental Hygiene Enhancement Fundamentals of Biological Science GIS/GPS Mapping for Industry Human Inheritance Career Development Career Development Career Development New Student Experience Integrated Study Skills Exceptional Child Honors College Coordination Comparative Religion I Comparative Religion I Clinical for NURS-270 NURS Lab Check Offs Operating Systems PC Servicing Intro Auto Manual Transm Drive Lns. Dental Hygiene Practice II Dental Hygiene Practice II
Minutes March 10, 2020 Corby, Barbara L Corey, Julie B Culliver, Daniel C
Dailey, Patrick J
Dare, Monica T Davidson, Ann M Davis, Barbara J
Davis-Wilson, Melody A Day, Christopher K
DiPaolo, Robert D DiPaolo, Robert D Dillon, Hannah R
Dimitroff, William Dixon, Kathleen
Dollar, Nathanael C Dollins, Leonard B Dorris, Barbara A
Page 9
Family, School & Community Relations Nursing Concepts and Management IV NURS Lab Check Offs Adobe Photoshop Advanced 3D Modeling and Animation Videogame: Theory and Design Human Sexuality and Reproduction Biology of Nutrition Biology of Nutrition Ecological Principles History of Art II Non-Western Art Non-Western Art Dental Hygiene Clinic Seminar I Dental Hygiene Clinic Seminar I Dental Hygiene Practice II Medical Coding Exam Review Introduction to the Visual Arts Introduction to the Visual Arts Introduction to the Visual Arts Principles of Macroeconomics Principles of Microeconomics Fundamentals of Management Introduction to Modern Business Clinical Practice Dental Hygiene Clinic Seminar I Dental Hygiene Clinic Seminar I Dental Hygiene Practice II Dental Hygiene Practice II Forensics: Trace Evidence Analysis Art Art Drama Literature Literature Healthy Snacking Math Self Advocacy Self Advocacy Cultural Anthropology Pre-GED Instruction Pre-GED Instruction Math for the Trades
Minutes March 10, 2020 Douglas, Trudi M Downey, Ryan A Drillinger, David W Dupy, Jill A Dyer, Kevin C Earnshaw, Dawn K Edwards, Regina E
Ellis, Kathleen L
Elmendorf, Maxwell A Evans, Brandi M Ewin, Gretchen E Feezel, Regina L Ferguson, Brian J Folsom, Lindsey N Forys-Cameron, Jessica R
Fosha, Christina M Freeman, Daniel J Freimuth, Molly M
Page 10
Child Growth and Development General Psychology Trumpet Public Speaking Public and Private Communication Process Technology Equipment I Basic Nurse Assistant Training Math Oral Communications Oral Communications Basic Exercise Basic Exercise Sewing Logic Geography Self Advocacy Computers-How to Career Development Career Development Job Seeking Skills Integrated Study Skills Drama Computers-How to Self Advocacy Current Events General Physics I Basic Communication I Basic Communication II Dental Hygiene Practice II Dental Hygiene Practice II Fundamentals of Logical Reasoning Contemporary Moral Problems (Ethics) Fundamentals of Biological Science Appreciation of Music Non-Western Music Introduction to the Visual Arts Introduction to the Visual Arts Drawing I Non-Western Art Dental Hygiene Practice II Dental Hygiene Practice II Process Technology Operations Intermediate Algebra
Minutes March 10, 2020 Friederich, Amy L Fuchs, Diana M Gallaher, Randall R
Gardner, Leigh A
Genovese, Tonya L Genslinger, Joseph N
Gockel, Rebecca S
Goetz, Tara M
Grant, Elizabeth E
Greer, Victoria N Hake, Vicki L Halemeyer, Robin S Hall, Abigail L Hall, Joel D
Hallstead, Chrissea M Hamilton, Paul D Harding, John O Harris, Ashley J Harris, Charles D
Page 11
Business and the Legal Environment Pre-GED Instruction General Education Statistics Statistics Statistics Statistics College Algebra General Education Mathematics Pathophysiology I Medical Office Procedures Pathophysiology II American Government Introduction to Astronomy Introduction to Astronomy Intro Geology & Physical Geography Intro Geology & Physical Geography Business and the Legal Environment Human Resource Management Litigation Family Law Paralegal Internship Adobe Photoshop Desktop Publishing Using InDesign Dreamweaver Public Speaking Public and Private Communication Teaching & Learning Assessment Pre-GED Instruction Preventive Dentistry NURS Lab Check Offs Introduction to Sociology Sustainable Principles Drafting Instruction Internship Drafting/CAD Internship Dental Specialties Dental Specialties Digital Electronics Private Pilot Ground School Practice of Psychosocial Occupation World History II American Nation: 1877 to Present American Nation: 1877 to Present American Government
Minutes March 10, 2020 Hawk, Stephanie M Haynes, Rita S Heafner, William T Herman, Karl J Hilgendorf, Terri R
Hill, Donald J Hill, Tavish L
Hoffmann, Craig C Holloway, Paula C Householder, Jason L Howell, Nicholas P Huff, Brandon J Hughes, Pamela S Hung, Angela K Hunter, David S Hussey, Peter A
Jackson, Juliet R Jackson, Juliet R
Jaffry, Janet M Jarden, Timothy G
Page 12
Math for Elementary Teachers II Math for Elementary Teachers I Clinical for NURS-272 Technical Math I Introduction to Astronomy Mythology Mythology Teaching & Learning Assessment Private Pilot Ground School Introduction to Astronomy Concepts of Physics Introduction to Physics II Basic Design I Basic Design II Anatomy-Physiology I Anatomy-Physiology I Computer Aided Drafting Digital Electronics College Algebra General Education Mathematics Dental Hygiene Practice II Dental Hygiene Practice II Drawing I Three-Dimensional Design General Psychology Non-Western Music Non-Western Music Major Applied Music Instruction Honors College Coordination Appreciation of Music Music Theory II Minor Applied Music I Music Theory IV Major Applied Music Instruction Voice Voice Exceptional Child Jazz Band Minor Applied Music I Major Applied Music Instruction Jazz Band Electric Bass
Minutes March 10, 2020 Jedlicka, Glenda J
Jett, Louise M Johnson, Beth A Johnson, David A
Johnson, Sharece D Jumper, Travis N Kalker, Brett D Kimble, Coral Y Koberna, Brian D Kokenyesi, Robert
Kosydor, Tiffany J
Kribs, Brandy A Krieg, Cynthia A Kuebrich, Paul M
Kuithe, Lori S
Page 13
Basic Design I History of Art I History of Art II Digital Photography Advanced Digital Photography Social Media Marketing Clinical for NURS-270 NURS Lab Check Offs Contemporary Moral Problems (Ethics) Contemporary Moral Problems (Ethics) Contemporary Moral Problems (Ethics) Biomedical Ethics Accounting for Small Business Welding Internship Public Speaking Elementary Algebra Criminology Anatomy-Physiology I Anatomy-Physiology II Anatomy-Physiology II Anatomy-Physiology II Dental Office Management Clinical Practice Preventive Dentistry Preventive Dentistry Integrated Study Skills Intro to Health Careers Basic Nurse Assistant Training Eastman: Written Assessment Eastman: Written Assessment Eastman: Hands-On Assessment PID Control Final Control Elements Instrumentation Tech Internship Computer Literacy Computer Literacy Business Documents I Business Documents II Business Documents II Professional Development Professional Development Business Technology Internship
Minutes March 10, 2020
Lancaster, Brenda F
Lanigan, Kevin L Lee, Robert E Lemoine, Edward C
Lemons, Michael E
Long, Darla K
Long, Russell E Longmeyer, Dana R Louvier, Thomas W Love, Mario K
Lowe, Suzanne L Lozowski, Emma S Lubak, Thomas S Macias, Maria D
Magurany, John D
Margarida, Mary J Marten, Jeffrey P Martin-Dick, Tricia J
Page 14
Business Technology II Gospel Choir Gospel Choir Voice Voice Shielded Metal Arc Welding II Shielded Metal Arc Welding II Pre-GED Instruction Pre-GED Instruction Career Pathway Readiness Broadcast Writing Mass Communications Portfolio Radio Broadcasting Internship Emergency Medical Technician Introduction to Paramedicine Paramedic Pharmacology Paramedic Skill & Scenario Lab I Emergency Medical Technician Clinical for NURS-272 Fundamentals of Logical Reasoning Fundamentals of Logical Reasoning American Government American Government State and Local Government Practice of Psychosocial Occupation Practice of Physical Occupation Statistics College Algebra Art Art Music Healthy Living Healthy Snacking Self Advocacy Self Advocacy Architectural History Introduction to the Visual Arts The Art of Film Technical Writing Elementary Algebra Intermediate Algebra Criminal Court Procedures Constitutional Law-Criminal Justice
Minutes March 10, 2020
Massie, DeAnna M Matsche, Michelle E Mayernik, Ashley A Maynard, Kim M
McClellan, Doyle V
McHugh, Barbara J McKee, Janice C Mercer, Patricia A Merideth, Doris A
Merli, Deborah A
Michael, Louis P
Miller, William E Moody, Kathy S
Moss, James K
Page 15
Constitutional Law-Criminal Justice Constitutional Law-Criminal Justice Improv for Educators Learner Centered Instruction Public and Private Communication Clinical for NURS-170 NURS Lab Check Offs Career Development Targeting the Job Market Coordination JOBS/CDEV Network Security Penetration Testing Computer Network & System Internship Piano Piano Geography by World Regions Geography by World Regions Clinical for NURS-272 NURS Lab Check Offs Dental Hygiene Clinic Seminar I Dental Hygiene Practice II Dental Hygiene Practice II Dental Hygiene Enhancement Dental Hygiene Practice II Dental Clinic Supervisor Dental Hygiene Enhancement Guitar Ensemble Electronic Music Production Minor Applied Music I Jazz Improvisation Lab Major Applied Music Instruction Guitar Ensemble Jazz Improvisation Lab Guitar Ensemble Piano Guitar Ensemble Business and the Legal Environment Career Pathway Readiness Pre-GED Instruction Pre-GED Instruction Career Pathway Readiness Field Practicum Internship
Minutes March 10, 2020
Mozur, Gerald E Mueller, Aaron J Munden, Nicole J
Myers, Megan E Nasello, Gregory C
Niehaus-Scheller, Jodene A Noble, Jessica B
Noble, Penny K
Norcio, Lawrence P O'Leary-Johnson, Stefanie A Ollenbittle, David F Parkin, Jon L Paschall, Jeremy T Patridge, Barry N Patterson, Carol S Pedigo, Vicky D Peery, Ronnie D Phillips, Stephen P Phouangmalay, Kayla L
Page 16
Fundamentals of Biological Science Teaching & Learning Assessment Teaching & Learning Assessment Comparative Religion I Business Mathematics Calculus for Busn & Social Science Calculus for Busn & Social Science Calculus and Analytic Geometry I Architectural Rendering Architectural Design I Microbes and Society Medical Terminology Fundamentals of Biological Science Clinical for NURS-272 NURS Lab Check Offs The Juvenile Offender The Juvenile Offender Crime and Popular Culture Criminal Justice Internship Forensics: Trace Evidence Analysis Criminal Investigation Forensics: Trace Evidence Analysis Integrated Study Skills Social Studies Geography Science Self Advocacy Fund of Gen, Organic & Biochemistry Fund of Gen, Organic & Biochemistry Technology-Integrated Math Differential Equations Introduction to Radio Production Geography by World Regions Human Geography Hazardous Materials Operations Guitar Calculus for Busn & Social Science Managerial Accounting Ameren-Truck Driver Training First-Year English I Support First-Year English I Dental Hygiene Practice II
Minutes March 10, 2020 Piening, August H
Pierson, T M Plunkett, Yoland D Pohlman, Stephen L Poole, Linda L
Quick, Ronald E Rankin, Sarah K Rassi, Nathan J Raymond, Amie M Raynor, Blake E Reese, Christopher C
Reynolds, Christopher E Richardson, Derrick D Ridings, Shelle A
Rippley, Petrual E Robeen, Gene L Roberts, Donald R Rodgers, Vickie G Root, Nancy J
Rottmann, Carrie A Rutz, Linda M Saenz, Brian C Sanson, Tesha J
Page 17
Physical Geography Physical Geography Intro Geology & Physical Geography Basic Design I Children's Literature American Government American Government Principles of Macroeconomics Principles of Microeconomics Introduction to Modern Business Human Services Policies & Practices General Psychology Applied Physics I Clinical for NURS-270 Clinical Medical Assisting Skills I Introduction to Astronomy Engineering Circuit Analysis Introduction to Astronomy Advanced Engine Performance Automotive Technology Internship Technical Rescue Awareness Pharmacology for Medical Assistants Pharmacology for Medical Assistants Health Insurance and EHR Clinical Medical Assisting Skills II Medical Assisting Exam Review Medical Assisting Exam Review Medical Assisting Externship Health Information/Coding Externship Medical Assisting Externship Basic Nurse Assistant Training C++ Programming Language I Cisco Networking II Wireshark Packet Analysis Clinical for NURS-172 Clinical Practice Dental Specialties Dental Specialties Dental Hygiene Practice II Managerial Accounting Cultural Awareness in the Classroom Clinical for NURS-170 NURS Lab Check Offs
Minutes March 10, 2020
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Scheldt, Lisa D
Dental Hygiene Practice II Dental Hygiene Enhancement
Schneiderheinze, Douglas D
Business Co-Op I Principles of Macroeconomics Principles of Macroeconomics Principles of Macroeconomics Entrepreneurship Everywhere Financial Management Elementary Spanish II Coordination Introduction to Video Production Drawing II Beginning Printmaking I Calculus & Analytic Geometry II Calculus and Analytic Geometry III Saxophone Pre-GED Instruction Introduction to Sociology Introduction to Sociology Introduction to Sociology Tai Chi for Health Managerial Accounting Managerial Accounting Managerial Accounting Walking Introduction to Marketing Continuing Tai Chi Chuan Music for the Pre-School Teacher Principles of Macroeconomics Financial Accounting Yogalates Pre-GED Instruction JavaScript and PHP Progressive Yoga Progressive Yoga Progressive Yoga Progressive Yoga Basic Nurse Assistant Training Dental Hygiene Practice II Dental Hygiene Practice II Dental Hygiene Practice II Piano
Schnietz, Alina A Schrage, Brian P Sellers, Cory A Sexton, Frederick M Shultz, Emerson A Silva, Lori D Simpson, Layne A
Sinclair-Parish, Margie A
Singh, Ellen W Sivkov, Roman V Skjerseth, Jeffrey M Slaughter, Alyson H Slusser, Thomas E Smallie, G S Smith, Elizabeth B
Smith, Jannette G Snider, Michelle F Sotiropoulos, Thomas D Sowders, Victoria A
Minutes March 10, 2020 Spencer, Leslie R
Splaingard, Kent J
Stair, David W
Stanard, Susan P
Stawar, Brett T Steinmann, Thomas D
Stephens, Abigail F Stevenson, Megan R
Stillwell, Pauline Sudlow, Leland C Sutton, Karen J Sutton, Nicholas J Swanner, Jeanne L Swiezynski, Catherine H
Page 19
Western Civilization II American Republic: Beginning-1877 American Republic: Beginning-1877 Clinical Practice Dental Hygiene Practice II Fundamentals of Biological Science Biology: A Contemporary Approach General Botany Basic Music Theory Limited Edition Concert Choir Concert Choir Minor Applied Music I Piano IV Major Applied Music Instruction Limited Edition Concert Choir Concert Choir Voice Public and Private Communication Technical Math for Allied Health Technical Math for Allied Health Intermediate Algebra Trigonometry Anatomy-Physiology I Anatomy-Physiology I Supported College Transition I Supported College Transition I Supported College Transition I Supported College Transition I Pre-GED Instruction Pre-GED Instruction Piano Human Biology General Zoology First-Year English II Clinical for NURS-270 Business and the Legal Environment Mozart Violin Choir Violin Mozart Violin Choir Violin
Minutes March 10, 2020 Taylor, Charles L Terrell, Nadine T Thompson, Michael F Trimm, Todd W
Troxel, Kellie R Urick, Jennifer E
Vance, Jennifer M Vaughn, Jeffrey L Vaughn, Richard B Vaughn, Sheila M Vithayathil, Rosemarie Vogel, Joyce
Voyles, Amber D Vucich, David B Walsh, Stephen J Walters, Allison R Watson, Mary L Weber, Mary K Wellhausen, Kevin M
Welsh, Ann M
Werner, Amanda K
Page 20
Fund of Gen, Organic & Biochemistry Environmental Geography Environmental Geography First Aid Statistics Support General Education Statistics General Education Mathematics General Education Math Support Advanced Billing & Coding Math Art Self Advocacy Healthy Snacking Drama Sewing Popular Culture Fund of Gen, Organic & Biochemistry Beginning Photography I Music Video Production Pre-GED Instruction Microbiology General Psychology Human Development Adolescent Psychology Dental Hygiene Practice II Computer Forensics Principles of Macroeconomics Principles of Microeconomics American Education American Education Implementing Blackboard Learn Orientation for Adjunct Instructors Dental Hygiene Practice II Dental Hygiene Practice II Nursing Concepts and Management I Nursing Concepts and Management II Clinical for NURS-270 Bridge Concepts and Management I Clinical for NURS-170 NURS Lab Check Offs Basic Exercise Art Foreign Languages, Traditions, & Culture
Minutes March 10, 2020
White, Kathleen M White, Rodney A Whiteside, Daniel L Wickenhauser, Christina M Williams, Pamela D Wills, Thomas M Wineinger, Rachel E Winn, Bradley M Witsken, Deborah A Witt, Dana M
Witt, Jimmie L Wuest, Joseph W
Yates, Amanda K Yost, Diana L
Zumwalt, John J
Page 21
Basic Exercise Science Music Self Advocacy Geography Digital Photography Jobs General Psychology Clinical for NURS-272 Clinical for NURS-172 Fire and Arson Investigation I Financial Investments Pre-GED Instruction Paramedic Skill & Scenario Lab I First-Year English I First-Year English II History of Riverscapes Occupational Therapy Fundamentals Practice of Psychosocial Occupation Clinical for NURS-272 NURS Lab Check Offs NURS Lab Check Offs Quality Control Metallurgy Metallurgy Welding Blueprint Reading Welding Blueprint Reading Practice of Physical Occupation Introduction to the Visual Arts The Art of Film Non-Western Art Intro Gas Metal & Flux Cored Welding
and approve the Leaves of Absences: Berry, Cody – Habitat Project Coordinator, NGRREC, return from leave effective February 24, 2020; Rhanor, Allison – Environmental Educator, NGRREC, on leave effective February 10, 2020, returned from leave effective March 5, 2020. and approve NEW POSITIONS FOR POSTING 1. Case Coordinator, Student Development & Counseling (Part-Time) ▪ Posting Effective Date: Following Board Approval ▪ Budget: 100% Institutional, Student Success Budget ▪ Grade & Current Salary Range: B24 / $17.03 hourly
Minutes March 10, 2020
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Approval for receiving gifts as presented in (Attachment 9 of these minutes) Upon a roll call vote the Trustees voted as follows: Tulgetske (advisory vote)
Watson Werts Heyen Johnson Rust Hanfelder McCain
Yea Yea Yea Yea Yea Yea Yea
INFORMATIONAL ITEMS Director of Academic Affairs Dobbie Herrion presented updates from the East St. Louis Higher Education Center and the progress that has been made over the past year and a half. Herrion introduced Assistant Director LaVeasey Carter and Administrative Assistant Jacquee Schilling who make up the staff at the ESL HEC. Three strong entities provide different services on the unique higher education campus—SIUE, SWIC, and LC. Board leadership is comprised of representatives from all three institutions as well as St. Clair County and the East St. Louis District 189. Lewis and Clark offers academic transfer programs, career and technical education, developmental education, dual credit, and adult education—programs not offered by any other institution at the ESL HEC. All of the work done by LC at the ESL HEC is funded by ICCB grants. Herrion reported the LC staff strives to be a part of the community served by the center, building relationships through public engagement and workforce development. ICCB is pleased with the accomplishment of grant deliverables and LC is meeting expectations.
DISCUSSION ITEMS Interim President Lori Artis presented an updated Construction Projects Status Report. The main complex foundation improvement project is going to bid with CDB with construction start projected early summer 2020. The Haskell Hall fan coil replacement projects is still in the design phase. The new project at Scott Bibb Center for solar installation is preparing to go to bid. The installation of 10kw solar panel system on the rooftop will provide sustainability benefits and training opportunities for students. The $127,000 budget is fully funded by IGEN (Illinois Green Economy Network).
Minutes March 10, 2020
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Director of Human Resources Gabe Springer provided an update on the implementation of the Employee Classification Plan approved in November, 2019. The new classification plan resulted from a third-party study by A. J. Gallagher and combined the previous three separate classification systems into one plan. Individual communications were provided to 205 employees in December and those who were discovered to be paid under market received the first portion of their pay increase December 1. Twenty-four full time employees appealed their classification status and four were approved. One of the four included an additional pay increase. The goal is to implement the new structure through July 2022. In response to Board inquiry, Springer stated that the new minimum wage law will have a minimal effect on the college as we expect one position to be impacted in the coming year. Over the next five years, 8 - 10 positions are expected to intersect with the minimum wage pay. Director Springer gave a status report on the second phase of the study, the Executive Compensation Study. Fifteen positions are being reviewed. A custom survey was sent to peer institutions in February, the same 34 institutions as the initial compensation study. As of March 10, the responses were insufficient so the deadline was extended. Human Resources is hopeful for enough responses to be able to report in April or May.
ACTION ITEMS Following the recommendation Ms. McCain MOVED and Mr. Werts SECONDED that the Board approve the Grant or Sponsored Contract Opportunities as presented in (Attachment 11 of these Minutes). Upon a roll call vote the Trustees voted as follows: Tulgetske (advisory vote)
McCain Werts Heyen Johnson Rust Hanfelder Watson
Yea Yea Yea Yea Yea Yea Yea
Following the recommendation Mr. Werts MOVED and Ms. McCain SECONDED that the Board approve the Revised Comprehensive Agreement Regarding the Expansion of Educational Resources (CAREER Agreement) as presented in (Attachment 12 of these Minutes).
Minutes March 10, 2020
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Upon a roll call vote the Trustees voted as follows: Tulgetske (advisory vote)
Werts McCain Heyen Johnson Rust Hanfelder Watson
Yea Yea Yea Yea Yea Yea Yea
Following the recommendation Mr. Watson MOVED and Mr. Werts SECONDED that the Board approve Dr. Alan Bruha as nominee for the 2020 ICCTA Outstanding Faculty Member Award as presented (Attachment 13 of these Minutes). Upon a roll call vote the Trustees voted as follows: Tulgetske (advisory vote)
Watson Werts Heyen Johnson Rust Hanfelder McCain
Yea Yea Yea Yea Yea Yea Yea
Following the recommendation Mr. Werts MOVED and Mr. Watson SECONDED that the Board approve changing the start time of the April 14, 2020 Board meeting to 5 pm as presented in (Attachment 14 of these Minutes). Upon a roll call vote the Trustees voted as follows: Tulgetske (advisory vote)
Werts Watson McCain
Yea Yea Yea
Minutes March 10, 2020
Page 25
Heyen Johnson Rust Hanfelder
Yea Yea Yea Yea
Following the recommendation, Ms. McCain MOVED and Mr. Watson SECONDED that the Board approve changing the date of the May, 2020 Board meeting to May 19, 2020 as presented in (Attachment 15 of these minutes). Upon a roll call vote the Trustees voted as follows: Tulgetske (advisory vote)
McCain Watson Werts Heyen Johnson Rust Hanfelder
Yea Yea Yea Yea Yea Yea Yea
The next Regular Meeting of the Board of Trustees will be held on Tuesday, April 14 2020, at 5:00 p.m., in the Ahlemeyer Atrium of the Trimpe Advanced Technology Center, Lewis and Clark Community College.
ADJOURNMENT There being no further business the Chair Declared the MEETING ADJOURNED at 8:17 p.m.
Kevin Rust, Secretary
David Heyen, Chair
4/14/20 Personnel Report
Page 105
Full-Time 1. Rhanor, Allison – Environmental Educator, NGRREC, effective April 3, 2020.
Part-Time 1. N/A
Full-Time 1. Fisher, Sarah – Director, Environmental Education, effective April 16, 2020. 2. Haake, Danelle – RiverWatch Director/Stream Ecologist, effective April 16, 2020 [Revised hire date].
Part-Time 1. N/A
Part-Time, Short Term 1. Allen, Alexis - Catering Assistant, Dining Services, effective March 5, 2020. 2. Baalman, Kadiah - Lifeguard, Community Education, effective March 23, 2020. 3. Bornes, Katie - Educational Aide, Student Development and Counseling, effective March 16, 2020. 4. Franke, Robert - CWT Trainer, Workforce Ed, Solutions & Safety Training, effective March 16, 2020. 5. Kuntzman, Skyler - Lifeguard, Community Education, effective March 23, 2020. 6. Long, Emma - Lifeguard, Community Education, effective March 23, 2020. 7. Mitchell, William - Catering Assistant, Dining Services, effective March 5, 2020.
Part-Time/Overload(For period of 2-16-2020 to 3-15-2020) Baahlmann, Katelyn S Barnett, Melissa K Brown, Roberta E Campbell, Steven P
Jobs Clinical Practice Clinical Practice Dental Office Management Graphic Design I Graphic Design I Graphic Design III Graphic Design III
4/14/20 Personnel Report
Cavanaugh, Melissa S
Chappee, Candida L
Cranmer, Eric D Fosha, Christina M Goetz, Tara M Hopkins, Sharon Z
Hurn, Gwendolyn S Jett, Louise M Kamp, Nathan D Karateew, Daniel N Kosydor, Tiffany J Kuebrich, Paul M
Lemoine, Edward C Marsh, Kelley F McClellan, Doyle V
Page 106 Advanced Adobe Photoshop Computer Graphics Cooperative Web Animation Teaching & Learning Assessment Preventive Dentistry Preventive Dentistry Preventive Dentistry Preventive Dentistry
Dental Hygiene Practice II Dental Hygiene Practice II Preventive Dentistry Preventive Dentistry Preventive Dentistry Preventive Dentistry Hazardous Materials Awareness Dental Hygiene Practice II Adobe Illustrator Math Art Self Advocacy Healthy Snacking Drama Sewing Popular Culture English As a Second Language II English As a Second Language II Using Social Media Trinity Tower -Adult CPR Trinity Tower -Confined Space Dental Hygiene Practice II Community Oral Health Community Oral Health Eastman: Written Assessment Eastman: Hands-On Assessment Eastman: Written Assessment Eastman: Hands-On Assessment Pre-GED Instruction Pre-Apprentice-Tools Computer Network & System Internship
4/14/20 Personnel Report
Moody, Kathy S Noble, Penny K Robeen, Gene L Silva, Lori D Splaingard, Kent J Sweetman, Jake L Teepe, Lesa M Vaughn, Sheila M Wellhausen, Kevin M 3. PROMOTIONS/TRANSFER 1. N/A 4. LEAVE OF ABSENCES 1. N/A 5. NEW POSITIONS FOR POSTING 1. N/A
Page 107
Pre-GED Instruction Pre-GED Instruction Prealgebra I Web Animation Pre-GED Instruction Dental Hygiene Practice II AFD-Fire Apparatus Engineer(FAE) Horseback Riding Horseback Riding Pre-GED Instruction Basic Nurse Assistant Training
Page 108 Awarded Grants and Sponsored Contracts 4/14/2020 Award Acknowledged by Board Opportunity ID
Opportunity Approved by Board
Funding Agency US Dept of Labor
P044A1600221 9
Title YouthBuild: Building Futures Educational Talent Search
New Grant or Continuation
US Dept. of Education
Upward Bound
US Dept. of Education
total for 5 years 2016 2016 2021 = $1,552,518 total for 5 years 2017 2017 2022 = $1,632,405
YouthBuild USA--IT Pathways
YouthBuild USA-JP Morgan Chase Foundation
Grant extended by Grantor
1/1/18 $90,000 12/31/20
L. Chapman/V. Harris
Grant extended and amount increased by Grantor
8/15/18 $85,725 3/31/20
$85,725 L. Chapman/V. Harris
Identifier YB-31072-1760-A17
16NDHMA0010 031
YouthBuild AmeriCorps 2018-2019
YouthBuild USA IL Council on Developmental Disabilities
Southern IL Transition ICCB-Dual Credit CNA to RN Career Patheway ICCB
Amt Submitted Requested
Secretary of State
5 year grant 8/1/14 - 7/31/20 = $108,550, extension approved by Grantor 2018--Extension approved by Grantor
6/11/2019 4/30/2019
6/11/2019 N/A
6/11/2019 6/17/2019 6/11/2019 6/17/2019
Vocational Training Agreement
ICCB IL Bd of Higher Education Madison County Employment and Training Dept.
Family Literacy
IL Secretary of State
Adult Volunteer Literacy Highway Construction Careers Training Program Lewis and Clark Radio Information Services
IL Secretary of State
Illinois Department of Transportation
Continuing Intergovernmental Agreement
IL State Library
WIOA Youth Program
Madison County Employment continuation and Training 6/11/2019 4/11/2019
Carl Perkins Grant
8/13/2019 7.9.19-3
20-2010-RIS 2019-YEEP003
7/9/2019 6/11/2019 4/30/2019
Term 9/1/17 $1,100,000 12/31/20 9/1/19 $312,420 8/31/20 9/1/19 $320,484 8/31/20
10/15/18 $272,859 10/14/2021 1/1/19 $46,838 6/30/20
SIUE/NSF Noyce Agreement Renewable Energy Project--IGEN Innovative Bridge and Transitions Program IL Cooperative Work Study Grant
Amt Awarded
8/1/18 $21,710 7/31/20 7/1/18 $2,000,000 6/30/20 7/1/19 $100,000 5/31/20 7/1/19 $8,728.05 8/31/20 7/1/19 6/30/20 6/15/19 $50,000 6/30/20 6/15/19 $63,300 6/30/20
Cost Reimbursement
N/A $50,000 $63,300
$354,400 $17,438
7/1/19 $354,400 6/30/20 7/1/19 $17,438 6/30/20 $59,040 7/1/19 - 6/30/20 7/1/19 $319,574 6/30/20
Matching Requirement
Program and Contact
$275,000 L. Chapman/V. Harris S. Hill/C. Robinson S. Hill/C. Robinson
$54,572 L. Chapman/J. Lorbach L Chapman/S Czerwinski
L. Chapman/J. Lane D Chapman/R. Hilgenbrink $0 V. Harris $4,000 in kind T. Lane
$0 T. Lane $0 Dr. Valorie Harris $0 Dr. Valorie Harris
$0 Val Harris $0 M. Lemons $0 Val Harris $0 L Chapman/J Lane
Page 109 Awarded Grants and Sponsored Contracts 4/14/2020 Award Acknowledged by Board Opportunity ID
19NDHMA0030 032
ESLHEC 53619
6/11/2019 5360120
Funding Agency
New Grant or Continuation
YouthBuild Americorps East STL Higher Ed Center
YouthBuild USA
6/11/2019 12/4/2018
6/11/2019 4/30/2019
Adult Ed and Literacy
P044A160022- Educational Talent 19 Search
US Dept. of Education
10/8/2019 8.13.19-4 11/7/2019 and 12/10/19
12/10/2019 12/10/2019
2/11/2020 11.7.19-2
Amt Submitted Requested
Term 8/15/19 $99,400 8/14/20 5/1/19 $600,000 3/31/20 7/1/19 $550,875 6/30/20
Matching Requirement
Program and Contact
$99,400 V. Harris $0 L. Chapman $127,654 V. Harris
9/1/19 $340,354 8/31/20
S. Hill/C. Robinson pg
US Dept. of Education
total for 5 years 2017 2022 = $1,632,405
9/1/19 $357,868 8/31/20
S. Hill/C. Robinson pg
YouthBuild USA
New--received invitation 7/10/19
$5,000 8/1/19 - 6/24/20
$0 Val Harris
10/1/19 $2,000 9/30/20
$0 T. Kosydor/S. Czerwinski
Dental Sealant Grant
Contract for $102,000 approved 10/8/19 Additional $25,000 awarded 12/10/19
IL Green Economy Network (IGEN)
IL Secretary of State
6/11/2019 4/15/2019
Dept. of Energy IGEN
IL State Bd of Ed
Transitional Instructional Math and English ICCB Illinois YouthBuild Illinois YouthBuild Coalition, Inc. 04101073T Coalition TIME-53620
Amt Awarded
total for 5 years 2016 2016 2021 = $1,552,518
Vocational Training Renewable Energy 6/11/2019 REF20800 Project--IGEN
2/11/2020 9.10.19-2 2/11/2020
Upward Bound YouthBuild USA CSET 3.0 Career Pathways 8.13.19-4 Initiative
Contract Approved Solar Workforce Grant 6/11/2019 10/8/19 Early School leaver 6/11/2019 S-ESLTP-53620 Transition Program Truant's Alternative and Optional Education 6/11/2019 20-3695-18 Program
2/11/2020 2.11.20-1
Opportunity Approved by Board
New New
Madison County CSBG
2/11/20--Grant awarded to all Illinois Community Colleges 11/7/2019 11/1/2019 up to $250,000 Scholarship s and stipends for Fall 2019 individual 9/10/2019 for 2020 students January, 6/11/2019 2019 $2,000,000
3/20/19 $127,000 6/30/20
$104,689 2020 - 2022 7/1/19 $60,000 6/30/20 7/1/19 $50,626 6/30/20
7/1/19 $15,000 6/30/20 $244,504 1/1/20 - 8/31/20
1/1/20 $5,750 12/31/20 7/1/19 $2,000,000 6/30/20
No match required
N. Keener
$0 N. Keener $15,000 V. Harris
$0 V. Harris
$0 Linda Chapman $0 Val Harris
$0 Val Harris R Hilgenbrink/Nate $0 Keener
Page 110 Awarded NGRREC℠ Grants and Sponsored Contracts 4/14/2020 Award Acknowledged by Board Opportunity ID
Identifier 68-5A12-18001 Amendment 1
3/10/2020 17-444
8/13/2019 10/8/2019
10/8/2019 11/7/2019
Title NRCS-Technical Assistance - CRP & WRE
12/10/2019 and 3/10/20 7.9.19-2
New Grant or Continuation
USDA Natural Resource Conservation Svc New Dept of Natural NGRREC℠ Strike Team Resources continuation Herpetological Species Land and Water Conservation Practices
Land and Water Conservation Practices NSF-Rol:FELS:EAGER: Metabolic Asymmetry CESU: Floodplain Forest Canopy Gap Dynamics HLC Wood River/Piasa Creek Watershed
Living with Wildlife Conservation Planning and Easement 68-5A12-18Management 6/11/2019 001 NGRREC℠ Habitat Strike Team at Natural 8.13.19-6 20RC113485 Heritage Sites CESU: Forest W912HZ-17-2- Resources Inventory and Analysis 6/11/2019 0021 Reforesting UMRS 6/11/2019 G19AC00361 Canopy Openings Improving Detection of Cryptic Forested Wetlands with Lidar 6/11/2019 12869735 Derivatives Population demography of Bird-voiced treefrogs 6/11/2019 T-129-R-1 in southern Illinois Great Lakes to Gulf Virtual Observatory 6/11/2019 90104 6/11/2019
Funding Agency
IDNR McKnight Foundation
McKnight Foundation National Science Foundation
New continuation
Opportunity Approved by Board
2017--Grantor Increased Funding by $382,836 2019 2019 2016--No cost extension 2017--Grantor extended term to 3/15/20
Amt Awarded
Heartlands Conservancy New
3/16/18 12/31/21 8/15/18 $297,582 7/31/20
1/1/19 $34,452 12/31/20 12/6/18 $24,999 12/31/20 7/1/19 $325,000 6/30/20
6/11/2019 6/24/2019
10/1/19 $382,836 10/31/20
$70,000 7/1/19 - 6/30/21
USACE Research Development CESU
6/11/2019 4/11/2019
7/30/19 $114,771 7/30/20 8/19/19 $50,126 8/18/22
US EPA US Fish & Wildlife Services flow through IDNR Walton Family Foundation
1/1/20 $134,324 12/31/22
7/11/2019 5/14/2019
Lower Mississippi Water Lower Mississippi River Quality Data Inventory Conservation Committee New
Matching Requirement
12/12/17 $801,840 10/31/20 5/22/19 $283,632 5/21/21 10/1/16 $81,360 12/31/20 3/1/18 $100,000 3/15/20
McKnight initiated award additional extending term to 3/10/2020 $100,000 12/31/21
USGS National Grants Branch
Amt Submitted Requested
10/1/19 $179,460 12/31/22 9/1/19 $700,000 4/30/21
1/1/20 $18,066 7/31/20
Program and Contact D Chapman/L Guyon/J Shew
$370,442 D Chapman/R Warner D Chapman/S $43,813 Czerwinski D Chapman/B Kruidenier
Dick Warner/Gary Rolfe D Chapman/S Czerwinski/A Dell
D Chapman/L Guyon D Chapman/S Czerwinski/J Sloan $108,333 D. Chapman/R. Warner
$0 J. Shew/L. Guyon
$0 J. Shew
$0 L. Guyon $0 L.Guyon
$46,666 J. Crawford
$96,632 John Crawford $0 D. Chapman/D. Warner $10,000 in kind salary covered by other grants Ted Kratschmer
Page 111 Awarded NGRREC℠ Grants and Sponsored Contracts 4/14/2020 Award Acknowledged by Board Opportunity ID
2/11/2020 2.11.20-6
4/14/2020 2.11.20-5
Title NGRREC℠ IL Clean Water
From the Ground Up: Increasing Water Security through Public Awareness, Knowledge, and Professional 761640-002 Development Big Data Hubs and Spokes Collaborative: An Integrated Big Data Framework for Water Quality Issues in the Upper Mississippi River 09-2425-17800 Basin
Funding Agency
New Grant or Continuation
EPA, sub award through SIUE New
National Science Foundation
Opportunity Approved by Board
Amt Submitted Requested Amt Awarded January, 6/11/2019 2019 $2,000,000 $2,000,000 Submitted 4/19/18, and received notice of award 2/11/2020 1/20. $5,000.00 $5,000
Term 7/1/19 6/30/20
1/1/20 8/31/21
$111,416 4/1/20 - 7/31/21
Matching Requirement
Program and Contact
$0 Gary Rolfe
$0 Allison Rhanor
$0 Dick Warner
Page 112
Award Acknowledged by Board
Award Acknowledged by Board
Opportunity Identifier
Opportunity Identifier
4/14/2020 2.11.20-5
Title Big Data Hubs and Spokes Collaborative: An Integrated Big Data Framework for Water Quality Issues in the Upper Mississippi River Basin
Funding Agency
Acknowledgement of Grants and Sponsored Contracts 4/14/2020 Opportunity New Grant or Approved Amt Continuation by Board Submitted Requested Amt Awarded
Matching Requirement
Program and Contact
Funding Agency
Acknowledgement of NGRRECâ„ Grants and Sponsored Contracts 4/14/2020 Opportunity New Grant or Approved Amt Continuation by Board Submitted Requested Amt Awarded Term
Matching Requirement
Program and Contact
National Science Foundation
$111,416 4/1/20 - 7/31/21
$0 Dick Warner
Page 113
Award Acknowledged by Board
Opp Identifier
6/11/2019 IGEN Solar Workforce
Funding Agency
New Grant or Continuation
Pending Grants and Sponsored Contracts 4/14/2020 Opportunity Approved by Amt Board Submitted Requested
Matching Requirement
US Dept of Energy New Dept. of Energy IGEN New
State of IL US Dept of Education
6/11/2019 July, 2018
6/11/2019 est. 2/2020
9.10.19-3 GED Testing Fees CODES: CommunityOriented Digitally 9.10.19-4 Engaged Scholars
Fall 2019 for 9/10/2019 2020
September, 9/10/2019 2019
$50,000 7/1/20 - 6/30/21
$0 Val Harris
$63,500 7/1/20 - 6/30/21
$0 Val Harris
6/11/2019 Solar Workforce Grant Capital Projects--Main Complex, Daycare, 6/11/2019 Greenhouse, Etc. Student Support 6/11/2019 Services
1.14.20-5 2.11.20-3 2.11.20-4
Madison County CSBG National Endowment for the Humanities National Science Foundation: Advance Technological Diesel Technology Education IL Valley Economic Development Corp Vocational Training CSBG Penny Severns Family IL Secretary of Literacy State Adult Volunteer Literacy IL Secretary of (Project READ) State
$1,250,000 3 years
Program and Contact D Chapman/R $0 Hilgenbrink
$60,000 2020 - 2022
$41,925,000 7/1/19 - 6/30/20 $300,000/year for 5 years 9/1/20 - 8/31/25 Scholarships and stipends for individual students 1/1/20 - 12/31/20
$100,000 6/1/20 - 5/31/23
$300,000 11/1/19 - 11/1/22 Scholarships and stipends for individual students 1/1/20 - 12/31/20
$0 N. Keener
$0 D Chapman $10,000 est
S. Hill
$0 Val Harris
$0 Jill Lane
$0 Sue Czerwinski
$0 Val Harris
Page 114
Award Acknowledged by Board
Opp Identifier
Title Population and 6/11/2019 Community Ecology Swarovski Waterschool 6/11/2019 USA: Phase II
Status Assessment of 8.13.19-1 odonates in IL NGRREC℠ Supporting IDNR Research into Mammalian Species of 8.13.19-7 Concern Web based educational and technical assistance for wildlife species of 9.10.19-1 concern Transforming public science programs to be more accessible to 10.8.19-1 underrepresented groups Detection of Cryptic Wetlands with Lidar 12.10.19-1 Derivatives Identifying Best Management Watershed Practices to Reduce 12.10.19-2 Harmful Algal Blooms
12.10.19-3 Critical Zone Network
Illinois Department of Natural Resources 12.10.19-4 (IDNR) – IRAP
Funding Agency National Science Foundation
Pending NGRREC℠ Grants and Sponsored Contracts 4/14/2020 Opportunity New Grant or Approved by Amt Continuation Board Submitted Requested Term New
Swarovski Continuation IL Dept. Natural Resources and US Fish and Wildlife New New noncompetitive IDNR - Division of grant Wildlife agreement
IL Dept of Natural New Grant or Resources Continuation
United States fish & Wildlife Service New USEPA via subaward from University of IL New National Science Foundation via subaward from University of IL New NGRREC Habitat Strike Team Supporting the Illinois Recreation Access Program (IRAP) New
$1,000,700 1/1/20 - 12/31/22 $250,000 (over 3 years) 1/1/20 - 12/31/22
$300,000 1/1/20 - 12/31/22
6/11/2019 January, 2020
8/13/2019 TBD
Matching Requirement
$0 A. Dell $0 Sue Czerwinski $161,500 (35% in kind match) John Crawford
up to three years $171,425 from grant award
$16,000 plus indirect costs
$0 J. Shew/D. Warner
3/1/20 - 4/30/21
11/6/2019 $3 million 3 years full proposal invited, due 10/1/2020 12/10/2019 3/30/20 $120,000 12/31/2023 10/8/2019
Program and Contact
$0 Dick Warner
Charlie Blake
25% in kind match NGRREC℠ - John ($40,000) Crawford
$400,000 3 years
NGRREC℠ - Dick Warner and Ted $0 Kratschmer
5 years $375,000 ($75,000/year)
NGRREC℠ - Dick Warner and Ted $0 Kratschmer
$200,000 7/1/20 - 6/30/23
Dr. Justin Shew (NGRREC Conservation Program Manager)/ Dr. Dick Warner (NGRREC Senior Scientist)
Page 115
Award Acknowledged by Board
Opp Identifier
MJCHF: Fun Meets 12.10.19-5 Youth 2020 The effects of temperature on phenology (i.e., the timing of ecological processes) across time 1.14.20-1 and space Web-based guidance for habitat improvements 1.14.20-2 related to construction Outdoor Illinois Wildlife 1.14.20-3 Journal A Proactive Strategy for Living with Wildlife in 1.14.20-4 Illinois
Funding Agency Mannie Jackson Center for the Humanities Foundation subaward of National Recreation Foundation Grant
National Science Foundation
Pending NGRRECâ„ Grants and Sponsored Contracts 3/10/2020 Opportunity New Grant or Approved by Amt Continuation Board Submitted Requested Term
Matching Requirement
Program and Contact
$80,000 in kind
Gary Rolfe
IL Department of Natural Resources New IL Department of Natural Resources New IL Department of Natural Resources continuation
$28,142 1/6/20 - 11/25/20
$200,000 3 years
$0 Tony Dell
$58,000 3/1/20 - 4/30/21
$0 Dick Warner
$18,560 3/1/20 - 4/30/21
$0 Dick Warner
$466,667 7/1/20 - 6/30/21
$116,667 Dick Warner
Page 116 Acknowledgement of Contracts $5,000 and Less 4/14/20 Contract/Vendor Kelly Norris
Purpose Guest Lecture 3/20/20
Amount $2,000 plus travel expenses
Funding Source Green Fees
Page 117
May 19, 2020 ……………………………………………. Board of Trustees Meeting Ahlemeyer Atrium, Trimpe ATC 7 pm
Discussion Item Construction Status Report Main Complex Foundation Improvements On March 31, 2020, CDB temporarily suspended all construction projects until further notice in response to the COVID-19 health crisis. • Contract between CDB and AAIC, Inc. fully executed May 31, 2019 • Project #810-060-038, approved by CDB at December 11, 2018 regular meeting • Project approved by LCBOT at November 13, 2018 regular meeting with an overall estimated budget of $415,227 • Funded by statewide emergency/deferred maintenance capital appropriation and PHS savings • Tuckpointing and waterproofing to below grade foundation • Gutters and drainage system to direct rain water away from buildings Haskell Hall Fan Coil Replacement On March 31, 2020, CDB directed design work may continue if it can be done without jeopardizing the health of design professionals. • Contract between CDB and BRiC Partnership, LLC fully executed January 23, 2020 • Project #810-060-039 approved by CDB at November 12, 2019 regular meeting • Project approved by LCBOT at July 9, 2019 regular meeting with an estimated budget of $200,000 • Funded by statewide deferred maintenance capital appropriation and PHS savings • Replacement of obsolete and inefficient (60) fan coil units and (6) ceiling units in Haskell Hall Scott Bibb Center Solar Installation Bid opening April 2, 2020. Bid results in this month’s Board book for review and approval. Project completion anticipated by June 30, 2020. • Contract between LC and BRiC Partnership, LLC approved at the February 11, 2020 regular meeting, and was fully executed February 18, 2020 • Authorization to bid the project received by LCBOT at the January 14, 2020 regular meeting with a budget of $127,000 funded by the Secretary of State Grant - IGEN • Installation of a 10KW solar panel system (non-tracking) on the rooftop of the lower level building Recommendation