Lewis and Clark Community College Board of Trustees meeting agenda

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Lewis and Clark Community College District No. 536

Board of Trustees Regular Meeting

June 9, 2020


TABLE OF CONTENTS June 9, 2020 Page No. Agenda for June 9, 2020 Regular Meeting


Minutes of Regular Meeting May 19, 2020 ………………………………………

1–2 3 – 16

Minutes of Special Meeting May 14, 2020



Minutes of Special Meeting June 3, 2020


18 – 19

Financial Highlights ……………………………………………………………… Bills


Treasurer’s Report

20 21 – 45


46 – 49

Balance Sheet ………………………………………………………………………

50 – 51


52 – 56

Adjustments to Accounts Receivable ………………………………………………

57 – 62

Statement of Revenue and Expenditures

Bid Information



Contracts Requiring Board Approval


64 – 121

Purchases Requiring Board Approval


122 – 131

Contract Change Orders/Insurance Renewals/Asset Disposal




133 – 134


135 – 138

Acknowledgement of Grants and Sponsored Contract Agreements ………………

139 – 225


226 – 228

Personnel Report

Awarded Grants and Sponsored Contracts

Pending Grants and Sponsored Contracts

Acknowledgement of Contracts $5,000 and less

……………………………… ii




Construction Projects Status Report ………………………………………………


Automotive Technology Program awarded a National Science Foundation Advanced Technology Education Grant (NSF ATE ): Building a Pipeline of Biodiesel Technicians for Careers in Fields and Cities ………………………

232 – 233


Enrollment Task Force Update


Approval of Grant or Sponsored Contract Opportunities


RESOLUTION 20-12 PUBLIC HEARING, FY 2021 PROPOSED BUDGET Mobile Health Unit Lease Agreement

234 235 – 237 .


Approval of Changes Related to Classification, Salary, and Process to Transition Certain Executive Employees to Classification and Compensation Structure . Employee Group Insurance Plans


Approval of Memorandum of Agreement Between the Board of Trustees of Lewis and Clark Community College District 536 and the Lewis and Clark Community College Faculty Association Establishing Fiscal Year 2021 Employee and Employer Health Insurance Contribution Rates ………………………………


238 239 – 245

246 247 – 248


Page 1 COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT NO. 536 LEWIS AND CLARK COMMUNITY COLLEGE AGENDA REGULAR MEETING-BOARD OF TRUSTEES June 9, 2020 7:00 p.m. To be held online in a virtual format, with all meeting content and public comments, via phone or otherwise, being recorded. Access to the Board of Trustees meeting is provided via teleconference online via ZOOM https://lewisclark.zoom.us/j/94905150081?pwd=d0gweFpsNWkweS9KQ2JHVTN1YTR3Zz09

or by phone at 312-626-6799 with Meeting ID 949 0515 0081 and Password 528564 Community members wishing to make public comment may submit their comments to skeener@lc.edu before 4 pm on June 9, 2020.


CALL TO ORDER AND ROLL CALL: David, Heyen, Chair Julie Johnson, Vice Chair Kevin Rust, Secretary Charles Hanfelder, Assistant Secretary

Robert Watson, Member Brenda Walker McCain, Member Dwight Werts, Member Ashtyn Britt, Student Member






OMNIBUS AGENDA (The following items will be approved in one motion unless any Board member wishes to have an item pulled prior to the vote.) A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. I. J. K. L.

Approval of Minutes for May 19, 2020 (Regular Meeting) (p. 3 - 16) Approval of Minutes for May 14, 2020 (Special Meeting) (p. 17) Approval of Minutes for June 3, 2020 (Special Meeting) (p. 18 – 19) Financial Highlights (p. 20) Bills (p. 21 - 45) Treasurer’s Report (p. 46 - 49) Balance Sheet (p. 50 - 51) Statement of Revenue and Expenditures (p. 52 - 56) Adjustments to Accounts Receivable (p. 57 – 62) Bid Information (p. 63) Contracts Requiring Board Approval (p. 64 - 121) Purchases Requiring Board Approval (p. 122 - 131)

Page 2 M. N. V.



Awarded Grants and Sponsored Contracts (p. 135 - 138) Acknowledgement of Grants and Sponsored Contract Agreements (p. 139 - 225) Pending Grants and Sponsored Contracts (p. 226 - 228) Acknowledgement of Contracts $5,000 and less (p. 229) Announcements (p. 230) Staff/Guest Presentation—FY21 Draft Budget by Lori Artis and Brett Reinert




Contract Change Orders/Insurance Renewals/Asset Disposal (p. 132) Personnel (p. 133 - 134)

Construction Projects Status Report (p. 231) Automotive Technology Program awarded a National Science Foundation Advanced Technology Education Grant (NSF ATE ): Building a Pipeline of Biodiesel Technicians for Careers in Fields and Cities (p. 232 – 233) Enrollment Task Force Update (p. 234)


Approval of Grant or Sponsored Contract Opportunities (p. 235 - 237) RESOLUTION 20-12 PUBLIC HEARING, FY 2021 PROPOSED BUDGET (p. 238) Mobile Health Unit Lease Agreement (p. 239 - 245) Approval of Changes Related to Classification, Salary, and Process to Transition Certain Executive Employees to Classification and Compensation Structure (p. 246) Employee Group Insurance Plans (p. 247 – 248) Action Item: Approval of Subsidy to the College Family Group Health Insurance Plan. Approval of Memorandum of Agreement Between the Board of Trustees of Lewis and Clark Community College District 536 and the Lewis and Clark Community College Faculty Association Establishing Fiscal Year 2021 Employee and Employer Health Insurance Contribution Rates. (p. 249)


Page 3 COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT NO. 536 BOARD OF TRUSTEES May 19, 2020 MINUTES The Regular Meeting of the Board of Trustees of Lewis and Clark Community College, District No. 536, was held May 19, 2020 online in a virtual format by teleconference via ZOOM https://lewisclark.zoom.us/j/96880649345?pwd=WEJwblh0MFpaaGEvR3BSd1g1dThkQT09

or by phone at 312-626-6799 with Meeting ID 968 8064 9435 and Password 463136. The meeting was called to order by Chairman David Heyen at 7:05 p.m., Tuesday, May 19, 2020. ROLL CALL

Present David Heyen, Chair Julie Johnson, Vice Chair Kevin Rust, Secretary Charles Hanfelder, Assistant Secretary Robert Watson, Member Brenda Walker McCain, Member Dwight Werts, Member Ashtyn Britt, Student Member Absent

Also present were Lori Artis, Brett Reinert, Linda Chapman, Sean Hill, Mary Schulte, Nancy Kaiser, Sue Czerwinski, Val Harris, Diane McDonough, Travis Jumper, Dylan Suttles, Tammy Boswell, Debby Edelman, Dennis Weedman, Ted Kratschmer, Brad Raish, Dick Warner, Mark Sullivan, Paul Kuebrich, George Provenzano, Jill Lorsbach, Deb Witsken, Louise Jett, Laura Inlow, Gabe Springer, Sue Keener and other faculty, staff, and community members. Secretary Rust administered the Oath of Office to Ashtyn Britt as the newly elected Student Board Member. (See attachment 1 of these minutes) PUBLIC COMMENT No public comments were submitted. Board Attorney Dennis Weedman notified the Board that since the Agenda was posted, a couple of personnel matters requiring closed session for the appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal of specific employees of the public body. Weedman proposed an Executive Session immediately following item IV on the agenda and hold a second Executive Session following

Minutes May 19, 2020 Regular Board Meeting

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agenda item VIII so as to not delay the meeting for an unduly long Executive Session. No action will be taken following the second Executive Session. Mr. Werts MOVED and Mr. Hanfelder SECOND amending the agenda to include two Closed Sessions for the purpose of the appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal of specific employees of the public body. Motion approved. Mr. Werts MOVED and Mr. Rust SECOND the meeting be adjourned to closed session. Following vote by voice, the group dismissed to closed session at 7:08 pm. The closed session began at 7:10 pm and was attended by Robert Watson, Brenda McCain, Dwight Werts, David Heyen, Julie Johnson, Kevin Rust, Charles Hanfelder, Ashtyn Britt, Lori Artis, Brett Reinert, Gabe Springer, Dennis Weedman, and Sue Keener. Following vote by voice, the closed session adjourned at 7:43 pm. The open session resumed at 7:45 pm: Present David Heyen, Chair Julie Johnson, Vice Chair Kevin Rust, Secretary Charles Hanfelder, Assistant Secretary Robert Watson, Member Brenda Walker McCain, Member Dwight Werts, Member Ashtyn Britt, Student Member



Mr. Werts MOVED and Mr. Hanfelder SECOND that an omnibus motion be made for the following approval items: Approval of the Minutes for the Regular Meeting on April 14, 2020 as presented; Approval of the Minutes for the Special Meeting on May 4, 2020 as presented in (Attachment 2 of these Minutes); Approval of the Minutes for the Special Meeting on May 6, 2020 as presented in (Attachment 3 of these Minutes);

Minutes May 19, 2020 Regular Board Meeting

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Approval of the Minutes for the Special Meeting on May 8, 2020 as presented in (Attachment 4 of these Minutes); Approval of the Bills as presented in (Attachment 5 of these Minutes); Approval of the Treasurer’s Report as presented in (Attachment 6 of these Minutes); Approval of the Balance Sheet as presented in (Attachment 7 of these Minutes); Approval of the Statement of Revenue and Expenditures as presented in (Attachment 8 of these Minutes); Approval of the Bid Information as presented in (Attachment 9 of these Minutes); Approval of Contracts Requiring Board Approval (Attachment 10 of these Minutes) Approval of Purchases Requiring Board Approval (Attachment 11 of these Minutes) Approval of the Contract Change Orders/Insurance Renewals/Asset Disposal as presented in (Attachment 12 of these Minutes); Approval of the Personnel Report for the Separation of: Full-Time Chapman, Linda – Vice President, Academic Affairs, effective June 30, 2020; Walker, Sharon – Mobile Health Unit/Maintenance Worker III, Health Services, effective April 28, 2020. Part-Time N/A and approve employment of; Full-Time Stouffer, Meghan – Associate Professor, Science Department, Chemistry, effective August 17, 2020. Hutcherson, Luther – Instructor, Science Department, Chemistry, effective August 17, 2020. Part-Time N/A Part-Time, Short Term Kimble, Bradley – English Teacher, Upward Bound, effective June 8, 2020; King, Elam – Science/Social Science Teacher, Upward Bound, effective June 8, 2020; Leflore-Porter, Latasha – Language Arts/Foreign Teacher, Upward Bound, effective June 8,2020;

Minutes May 19, 2020 Regular Board Meeting Loveless, Jurre – Tutor/Counselor, Upward Bound, effective June 8, 2020; Westfall-Herron, Staci – Math Teacher, Upward Bound, effective June 8, 2020. Part-Time/Overload (For period of 3-16-2020 to 4-15-2020) Adney, Thomas N Instrumentation II Banks, Randolph E Percussion Batchelor, Melissa A Introduction to Child Development Bolin, Alicia M Dental Hygiene Practice II Dental Hygiene Practice II Dental Hygiene Practice II Botterbush, Kevin J Real Estate Transactions Conlee, Kathryn M Water Safety Instructor Cook, Benjamin D Automatic Transmissions & Transaxle Darr, Raymond C Contemporary Moral Problems (Ethics) Dollins, Leonard B Pre-GED Instruction Dorris, Barbara A Pre-GED Instruction Dyer, Kevin C Process Technology Equipment II Ellis, Kathleen L Job Seeking Skills Fuchs, Diana M Pre-GED Instruction Gockel, Rebecca S Wills, Trusts, and Estate Planning Greer, Victoria N Pre-GED Instruction Hughes, Pamela S Dental Hygiene Practice II Jackson, Juliet R Voice Voice Jumper, Travis Shielded Metal Arc Welding III Lancaster, Brenda F Voice Lanigan, Kevin L Advanced Pipe Welding Lee, Robert E Advanced Pipe Welding Lemoine, Edward C Pre-GED Instruction Marsh, Kelley F Pre-Apprentice-Tools Pre-Apprentice-Carpentry McHugh, Barbara J Piano Piano Michael, Louis P Piano Moody, Kathy S GED Test Preparation Pre-GED Instruction Raynor, Blake E Pharmacology for Medical Assistants Pharmacology for Medical Assistants Clinical Medical Assisting Skills II Clinical Medical Assisting Skills II Medical Assisting Exam Review

Page 6

Minutes May 19, 2020 Regular Board Meeting Renth, Clayton V Reynolds, Christopher E Richardson, Derrick D Silva, Lori D Slusser, Thomas E Smith, Jannette G Stanard, Susan P Steinmann, Thomas D Stevenson, Megan R Swiezynski, Catherine H Vaughn, Sheila M Watson, Mary L Williams, Pamela D Witt, Jimmie L Zumwalt, John J

Page 7

Auto. Heating/Cooling & Air Cond. Indep. Study in Automotive Tech Fire Instructor I GED Test Preparation Pre-GED Instruction Basic Nurse Assistant Training Basic Nurse Assistant Training Voice Technical Math for Allied Health Pre-GED Instruction Violin Violin Pre-GED Instruction Implementing Blackboard Learn Pre-GED Instruction AC: Fundamentals in Electricity Process Instrumentation Control II Advanced Pipe Welding Advanced Flux Cored Welding

and approve promotion/transfer: None and approve the Leaves of Absences: Sandidge, Leah – Enrollment Assistant, Enrollment Services, on leave effective March 30, 2020; returned from leave effective April 8, 2020; Wilson, Ann – Academic Advisor, Enrollment Services, on leave effective March 30, 2020; returned from leave effective April 27, 2020; Woodward, Spencer – Land Conservation Specialist, NGRREC, on leave effective May 11, 202 CONTRACTS FOR NON-RENEWAL Genovese, Tonya – Compliance Officer, effective with contract ending June 30, 2020. NEW POSITIONS FOR POSTING N/A Upon a roll call vote the Trustees voted as follows: Britt (advisory vote)


Werts Hanfelder

Yea Yea

Minutes May 19, 2020 Regular Board Meeting

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Watson McCain Heyen Johnson Rust

Yea Yea Yea Yea Yea


INFORMATIONAL ITEMS Trustee McCain recognized Dr. Linda Chapman for her outstanding job over the past 30 years. Interim President Artis noted that as we navigated through the pandemic and stay at home order, the biggest question has been “When are we going to re-open campus?”. Of course, that is our plan and our hope that we will be able to open campus soon. According to the five-phase plan known as “Restore Illinois”, our best guidance indicates June 26 would be the earliest possible date to reopen in the best case scenario—if we do not experience a surge in COVID-19 cases. We have initiated a “Return to Campus Committee” to prepare and hope to have an update on the plan at the June 9 Board meeting. We are expecting a budget from Springfield with level funding or an 8% reduction. Once we receive guidance, we anticipate finalizing the Operations and Maintenance Budget for Board approval. The Enrollment Task Force is hard at work. Enrollment, Media Services, and the Task Force are creatively advertising we are open and provide low cost, high quality education. We are hopeful we are going to be able to pick up enrollment over the summer. Trustee Johnson asked about students’ ability to complete courses in Spring that required hands-on training. Lori Artis noted this is our biggest challenge as we have been unable to complete the face-toface component and are working with legislators and ICCB to find a way to complete this work as soon as possible. These students will need to complete before we can start another cohort.

DISCUSSION ITEMS Vice President Lori Artis presented an updated Construction Projects Status Report. Since the Board book was prepared, the Capital Development Board announced they are moving ahead with projects. Artis introduced Dean of Career Programs Sue Czerwinski, who has been working with St. Louis Confluence Fab Lab Manager Tom Whitten on the production of PPE for local healthcare workers and first responders. Czerwinski said Whitten was able to design face shields consisting of a printed frame with a clear report cover attached and showed off the design, which both she and Whitten are printing from home using two printers from the Fab Lab and two from the Architectural Technology and Drafting and Design programs. With some of the material being donated, the shields cost less than $0.15

Minutes May 19, 2020 Regular Board Meeting

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each to make, and more than 400 have been donated so far, she said. Another product they’ve printed and donated are ear savers, which connect the elastic on face masks behind one’s head so the pressure can be taken off one’s ears. Czerwinski and Whitten both expressed appreciation for the opportunity to serve the community in this way.

ACTION ITEMS Mr. Werts MOVED and Ms. McCain SECOND that the Board approve the Grant or Sponsored Contract Opportunities as presented in (Attachment 13 of these Minutes). Upon a roll call vote the Trustees voted as follows: Britt (advisory vote)


Werts McCain Heyen Johnson Rust Hanfelder Watson

Yea Yea Yea Yea Yea Yea Yea


Mr. Werts MOVED and Mr. Watson SECOND that the Board approve the Intergovernmental Agreement with Inland Rivers, Ports, and Terminals as presented in (Attachment 14 of these Minutes). Upon a roll call vote the Trustees voted as follows:


Britt (advisory vote)


Werts Watson McCain Heyen Johnson Rust Hanfelder

Yea Yea Yea Yea Yea Yea Yea

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Ms. McCain MOVED and Mr. Werts SECOND that the Board approve the Lease Agreement with Illinois Humanities as presented (Attachment 15 of these Minutes).

Upon a roll call vote the Trustees voted as follows: Britt (advisory vote)


McCain Werts Heyen Johnson Rust Hanfelder Watson

Yea Yea Yea Yea Yea Yea Yea


Mr. Hanfelder MOVED and Mr. Werts SECOND that the Board approve the Memorandum of Understanding with the University of Illinois: Illinois Sustainable Technology Center Haskell Hall Space Renewal as presented in (Attachment 16 of these Minutes). Upon a roll call vote the Trustees voted as follows: Britt (advisory vote)


Hanfelder Werts Heyen Johnson Rust Watson McCain

Yea Yea Yea Yea Yea Yea Yea


Ms. McCain MOVED and Mr. Watson SECOND that the Board approve the Mobile Storage Lease Agreement as presented in (Attachment 17 of these Minutes). Upon a roll call vote the Trustees voted as follows: Britt (advisory vote)


Minutes May 19, 2020 Regular Board Meeting

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McCain Watson Werts Heyen Johnson Rust Hanfelder

Yea Yea Yea Yea Yea Yea Yea


Ms. McCain MOVED and Mr. Rust SECOND that the Board approve the TRiO Educational Center (TRiO EOC) Lease as presented in (Attachment 18 of these Minutes). Upon a roll call vote the Trustees voted as follows: Britt (advisory vote)


McCain Rust Hanfelder Watson Werts Heyen Johnson

Yea Yea Yea Yea Yea Yea Yea


Mr. Watson MOVED and Mr. Werts SECOND that the Board approve the Pride, Inc./LCCC Office Lease Agreement as presented in (Attachment 19 of these Minutes). Upon a roll call vote the Trustees voted as follows:


Britt (advisory vote)


Watson Werts Heyen Johnson Rust Hanfelder McCain

Yea Yea Yea Yea Yea Yea Yea

Minutes May 19, 2020 Regular Board Meeting

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Mr. Hanfelder MOVED and Ms. McCain SECOND that the Board approve the Riverbend Growth Association (RBGA)/LCCC Office Lease Agreement as presented in (Attachment 20 of these Minutes). Upon a roll call vote the Trustees voted as follows: Britt (advisory vote)


Hanfelder McCain Werts Heyen Johnson Rust Watson

Yea Yea Yea Yea Yea Yea Yea


Mr. Watson MOVED and Ms. McCain SECOND that the Board approve the new AAS degrees— Medical Laboratory Technician and Surgical Technician—as presented in (Attachment 21 of these Minutes). Upon a roll call vote the Trustees voted as follows: Britt (advisory vote)


Watson McCain Werts Heyen Johnson Rust Hanfelder

Yea Yea Yea Yea Yea Yea Yea


Ms. McCain MOVED and Mr. Werts SECOND that the Board approve the Rank and Promotion Committee Recommendations as presented in (Attachment 22 of these Minutes). Upon a roll call vote the Trustees voted as follows: Britt (advisory vote)




Minutes May 19, 2020 Regular Board Meeting

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Werts Heyen Johnson Rust Hanfelder Watson

Yea Yea Yea Yea Yea Yea


Ms. McCain MOVED and Mr. Werts SECONDED that the Board approve RESOLUTION 20-8, Annual Inter-fund Transfer as presented in (Attachment 23 of these Minutes).

Upon a roll call vote the Trustees voted as follows: Britt (advisory vote)


McCain Werts Heyen Johnson Rust Hanfelder Watson

Yea Yea Yea Yea Yea Yea Yea


Mr. Werts MOVED and Ms. McCain SECOND that the Board approve RESOLUTION 20-9, Working Cash Transfer Education Fund as presented in (Attachment 24 of these Minutes). Upon a roll call vote the Trustees voted as follows:


Britt (advisory vote)


Werts McCain Heyen Johnson Rust Hanfelder Watson

Yea Yea Yea Yea Yea Yea Yea

Minutes May 19, 2020 Regular Board Meeting

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Mr. Watson MOVED and Mr. Werts SECOND that the Board approve RESOLUTION 20-10, Working Cash Transfer, Operations & Maintenance Fund as presented in (Attachment 25 of these Minutes). Upon a roll call vote the Trustees voted as follows: Britt (advisory vote)


Watson Werts Heyen Johnson Rust Hanfelder McCain

Yea Yea Yea Yea Yea Yea Yea

MOTION CARRIED Ms. McCain MOVED and Mr. Hanfelder SECOND that the Board approve the CARES Act Funding Distribution Plan for L&C Students as presented in (Attachment 26 of these Minutes). Upon a roll call vote the Trustees voted as follows: Britt (advisory vote)


McCain Hanfelder Watson Werts Heyen Johnson Rust

Yea Yea Yea Yea Yea Yea Yea


Mr. Watson MOVED and Mr. Werts SECOND that the Board TABLE the Employee Group Insurance Plans as presented (Attachment 27 of these Minutes). Following vote by voice the motion was approved.

Mr. Rust MOVED and Mr. Werts SECOND that the Board approve the 51 one-year administrative contracts effective July 1, 2020 as presented in (Attachment 28 of these Minutes).

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Upon a roll call vote the Trustees voted as follows: Britt (advisory vote)


Rust Werts Heyen Johnson Hanfelder Watson McCain

Yea Yea Yea Yea Yea Yea Yea

MOTION CARRIED Mr. Hanfelder MOVED and Mr. Watson SECOND that the Board approve RESOLUTION 20-11 authorizing Reduction in Force and Honorable Dismissal of Part-Time Staff as presented in (Attachment 29 of these Minutes). Upon a roll call vote the Trustees voted as follows: Britt (advisory vote)


Hanfelder Watson McCain Werts Heyen Johnson Rust

Yea Yea Yea Yea Yea Yea Yea

MOTION CARRIED Mr. Werts MOVED and Mr. Hanfelder SECOND the meeting be adjourned to closed session. Upon a roll call vote the Trustees voted as follows: Britt (advisory vote) Werts Hanfelder Watson McCain Heyen Johnson Rust MOTION CARRIED.

Yea Yea Yea Yea Yea Yea Yea Yea

Minutes May 19, 2020 Regular Board Meeting

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The group dismissed to closed session at 8:33 pm. The closed session began at 8:39 pm and was attended by Robert Watson, Brenda McCain, Dwight Werts, David Heyen, Julie Johnson, Kevin Rust, Charles Hanfelder, Ashtyn Britt, Lori Artis, Brett Reinert, Gabe Springer, Dennis Weedman, and Sue Keener. Following vote by voice, the closed session adjourned at 10:05 pm. The open session resumed at 10:07 pm: Present David Heyen, Chair Julie Johnson, Vice Chair Kevin Rust, Secretary Charles Hanfelder, Assistant Secretary Robert Watson, Member Brenda Walker McCain, Member Dwight Werts, Member Ashtyn Britt, Student Member


The next Regular Meeting of the Board of Trustees will be held on Tuesday, June 9, 2020, at 7:00 p.m., in the Ahlemeyer Atrium of the Trimpe Advanced Technology Center, Lewis and Clark Community College.

ADJOURNMENT There being no further business the Chair Declared the MEETING ADJOURNED at 10:07 p.m.

Kevin Rust, Secretary


David Heyen, Chair

Page 17 COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT NO. 536 BOARD OF TRUSTEES May 14, 2020 SPECIAL BOARD MEETING MINUTES The Open Session of the Special Closed Meeting of the Board of Trustees of Lewis and Clark Community College, District No. 536, for “the appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal of specific employees of the public body” was called to order at 5:00 p.m., Thursday, May 14, 2020, online in a virtual format by teleconference via ZOOM https://lewisclark.zoom.us/j/96830975761?pwd=aWwzTVVXb3o3MmhCSzc4ZnF5VW5jdz09

or by phone at 312-626-6799 with Meeting ID 962 3215 3482 and Password 643222.

ROLL CALL Open Session

Present David Heyen, Chair Julie Johnson, Vice Chair Kevin Rust, Secretary Charles Hanfelder, Assistant Secretary Robert Watson, Member Brenda Walker McCain, Member Dwight Werts, Member Ashtyn Britt, Student Member Absent--None

Also present were Brett Reinert, Dennis Weedman, Angela Provart, and Sue Keener. No public comments were submitted. Mr. Werts MOVED and Mr. Hanfelder SECOND the meeting be adjourned to closed session. Following vote by voice, the group dismissed to closed session at 5:01 pm. Gabe Springer joined the meeting around 5:30 pm. Following vote by voice, the closed session adjourned at 6:35 pm. At 6:36 pm, the open session resumed with the following in attendance: Chairman Heyen, Trustee Johnson, Trustee Rust, Trustee Hanfelder, Trustee Watson, Trustee Werts, Trustee McCain, Student Trustee Ashtyn Britt, Brett Reinert, Gabe Springer, Dennis Weedman, Angela Provart, and Sue Keener. There being no further business, Mr. Werts MOVED and Ms. McCain SECOND the meeting be adjourned. Following vote by voice the Chair declared the meeting adjourned at 6:36 pm.

Kevin Rust, Secretary DATED:

David Heyen, Chair

Page 18 COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT NO. 536 BOARD OF TRUSTEES June 3, 2020 SPECIAL BOARD MEETING MINUTES The Open Session of the Special Closed Meeting of the Board of Trustees of Lewis and Clark Community College, District No. 536, for “the appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal of specific employees of the public body” was called to order at 3:04 p.m., Wednesday, June 3, 2020, online in a virtual format by teleconference via ZOOM https://lewisclark.zoom.us/j/96099447623?pwd=S1UzMVBSbFJOQnlPUmZZV1IzSmhlQT09

or by phone at 312-626-6799 with Meeting ID 960 9944 7623 and Password 601607.

ROLL CALL Open Session

Present David Heyen, Chair Julie Johnson, Vice Chair Kevin Rust, Secretary Charles Hanfelder, Assistant Secretary Robert Watson, Member Brenda Walker McCain, Member Dwight Werts, Member Ashtyn Britt, Student Member Absent--None

Also present were Lori Artis, Brett Reinert, Mary Schulte, Melissa Batchelor, Monica Furlow, Laura Inlow, Chris Paulda, Brad Raish, Jill Lane, Val Harris, Gabe Springer, Sean Hill, Nancy Kaiser, Debby Edelman, Dennis Sander, Dennis Weedman, Angela Provart, and Sue Keener. No public comments were submitted. Mr. Watson MOVED and Mr. Werts SECOND removing the Executive Session from the agenda. Upon a roll call vote the Trustees voted as follows: Britt (advisory vote) Watson Werts Heyen Johnson Rust Hanfelder McCain MOTION CARRIED

Yea Yea Yea Yea Yea Yea Yea Yea

Minutes June 3, 2020 Special Board Meeting

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Mr. Werts MOVED and Mr. Watson SECOND that the Board approve employment of Dr. Ken Trzaska as the President of Lewis and Clark Community College. Upon a roll call vote the Trustees voted as follows: Britt (advisory vote)


Werts Watson McCain Heyen Johnson Rust Hanfelder

Yea Yea Yea Yea Yea Yea Yea


Mr. Rust MOVED and Mr. Watson SECOND that the Board approve the Employment Agreement with Dr. Ken Trzaska as presented in (Attachment 1 of these Minutes). Upon a roll call vote the Trustees voted as follows: Britt (advisory vote)


Rust Watson McCain Werts Heyen Johnson Hanfelder

Yea Yea Yea Yea Yea Yea Yea


There being no further business, Mr. Werts MOVED and Mr. Watson SECOND the meeting be adjourned. Following vote by voice the Chair declared the meeting adjourned at 3:08 pm.

Kevin Rust, Secretary DATED:

David Heyen, Chair


LEWIS AND CLARK COMMUNITY COLLEGE Finance Office Report of Financial Highlights June 19, 2020 The following items are presented to highlight various financial transactions of the college during May, 2020:

CASH RECEIPTS Significant receipts received during May: Student Account Receipts, including tuition and fees, $673,384.54; ICCB Base Operating Grant, $170,861.87; ICCB Equalization Grant, $275,305.00; Corporate Personal Property Replacement Tax, 145,899.83; and ISBE and ICCB Grants, $107,837.00; ISAC and IVG, $307,284.43; Matured Investments, $3,292,903.45. STUDENT DISBURSEMENTS Student Account Refund checks, including any financial aid paid to students, were issued in the amount of $96,339.25.

PAYROLL Faculty, staff and student paychecks were issued to approximately 660 employees in May. The total gross earnings were $2,312,740.52.

CASH FLOW Cash receipts in all Funds were $4,148,226.42 and cash disbursements were $4,311,394.96.

INVESTMENTS No fixed term investments were made in May.

Page 21

LEWIS & CLARK COMMUNITY COLLEGE INVOICES PENDING BOARD APPROVAL FY 2019-2020 – May, 2020 AAA Interpreter Services May Interpreting Srvc Airgas USA, LLC Cylinder Rental Cylinder Rental

01_0_3080002_5309000000 - Special Learning Needs - Other Contractual $228.00 --------------$228.00 * 01_0_1030315_5401002000 - Automotive Technology - Inst Supplies 02_0_7010000_5401004000 - Maintenance & Grounds - Maint Supplies

All Systems Irrigation Services LLC Irrigation Repairs 02_0_7010000_5304000000 - Maintenance & Grounds - Maint Services Irrigation Repairs 02_0_7010000_5304000000 - Maintenance & Grounds - Maint Services

$114.68 $344.02 --------------$458.70 * $680.00 $975.00 --------------$1,655.00 *

Always Green Recycling Recycling Pick Up Recycling Pick Up Recycling Pick Up Recycling Pick Up

02_0_7060000_5707000000 02_0_7060000_5707000003 02_0_7060000_5707000004 02_0_7060000_5707000006


Plant Plant Plant Plant

Amazon.Com Ink Cartridge Copy Paper Copy Paper USB Camera USB Camera Ink, Paper Ink, Paper Library Books Ink Cartridge Copy Paper Copy Paper Seagate Hard Drive Seagate Hard Drive

01_0_1010611_5401002000 01_0_1010611_5401002000 01_0_1010611_5401002000 01_0_1010611_5401002000 01_0_1010611_5401002000 01_0_1010611_5401002000 01_0_1010611_5401002000 01_0_2010000_5405000000 01_0_2080002_5401001000 01_0_2080002_5401001000 01_0_2080002_5401001000 01_0_8080012_5409000000 01_0_8080012_5409000000


Mathematics - Inst Supplies $85.33 Mathematics - Inst Supplies $10.98 Mathematics - Inst Supplies $5.99 Mathematics - Inst Supplies $49.95 Mathematics - Inst Supplies $11.43 Mathematics - Inst Supplies $33.52 Mathematics - Inst Supplies $18.46 Library Center - Books/Binding Costs $138.96 Liberal Arts & Business – Office Supplies $41.90 Liberal Arts & Business – Office Supplies $10.99 Liberal Arts & Business - Office Supplies $5.99 Tech Plan V Taxable-Admin - Other Mat/Supplies $130.00 Tech Plan V Taxable-Admin - Other Mat/Supplies $31.00 --------------$574.50 *

Utilities Utilities Utilities Utilities


Refuse Refuse Refuse Refuse

Disposal $27.08 Disposal-Bethalto $54.16 Disposal-NO Nelson $65.00 Disposal-Scott Bibb $32.50 --------------$178.74 *

American Trailer and Storage RBA Storage 03_0_8060075_5804000310 - Prot Health & Safety - Bldg Rem - Riverbend $59.40 RBA Storage 03_0_8060077_5804000310 - Capital Projects - Bldg Rem - Riverbend $39.60 --------------$99.00 Answer Midwest Inc After Hours Answering 01_0_3030000_5309000000 - Health Services - Other Contractual Services $209.05 After Hours Answering 01_0_3030000_5309000000 - Health Services - Other Contractual Services $188.35 --------------$397.40 Aplin Concrete & Seal Coating Concrete Repair 02_0_7090004_5304000000 - N.O. Nelson - Maint Serv $2,750.00 --------------$2,750.00 Arrow Signs & Outdoor Advertising I Billboard Ad 01_0_2080005_5407000000 - Promotions - Advertising $750.00 Billboard Ad 01_0_2080005_5407000000 - Promotions - Advertising $350.00 Billboard Ad 01_0_2080005_5407000000 - Promotions - Advertising $350.00 Billboard Ad 01_0_2080005_5407000000 - Promotions - Advertising $350.00 --------------$1,800.00 ATIS Elevator Inspections LLC Annual Inspections 02_0_7090003_5304000000 - CEC-Bethalto - Maint Services $165.00 Annual Inspections 02_0_7090004_5304000000 - N.O. Nelson - Maint Services $330.00 --------------$495.00 B & H Photo Film 01_0_1010423_5401002000 - Art - Inst Supplies $7.12 Film 01_0_1010423_5401002000 - Art - Inst Supplies $5.51 Film 01_0_1010423_5401002000 - Art - Inst Supplies $5.14 Film 01_0_1010423_5401002000 - Art - Inst Supplies $7.12 Film 01_0_1010423_5401002000 - Art - Inst Supplies $5.51 Film 01_0_1010423_5401002000 - Art - Inst Supplies $5.99 Film 01_0_1010423_5401002000 - Art - Inst Supplies $8.49






Page 22

LEWIS & CLARK COMMUNITY COLLEGE INVOICES PENDING BOARD APPROVAL FY 2019-2020 – May, 2020 Film Film Film Film Film Film Film Film Film Film Ink Cartridges Ink Cartridges Film Film Film Film

01_0_1010423_5401002000 01_0_1010423_5401002000 01_0_1010423_5401002000 01_0_1010423_5401002000 01_0_1010423_5401002000 01_0_1010423_5401002000 01_0_1010423_5401002000 01_0_1010423_5401002000 01_0_1010423_5401002000 01_0_1010423_5401002000 01_0_1010423_5401002000 01_0_1010423_5401002000 01_0_1010423_5401002000 01_0_1010423_5401002000 01_0_1010423_5401002000 01_0_1010423_5401002000


Art Art Art Art Art Art Art Art Art Art Art Art Art Art Art Art


Inst Inst Inst Inst Inst Inst Inst Inst Inst Inst Inst Inst Inst Inst Inst Inst

Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies

$7.12 $5.51 $11.02 $7.12 $5.14 $7.12 $5.14 $5.51 $7.12 $5.14 $77.71 $20.42 $5.51 $7.12 $7.12 $5.51 --------------$234.21 *

Bio-Rad Laboratories Thermal Cycler Thermal Cycler

01_0_1010615_5401002000 - Biology - Inst Supplies 01_0_1010615_5401002000 - Biology - Inst Supplies

$1,228.00 $58.33 --------------$1,286.33 *

Blick Art Materials Single End Model Tool Printing & Design Supl Printing & Design Supl Printing & Design Supl Printing & Design Supl Printing & Design Supl Printing & Design Supl Printing & Design Supl Printing & Design Supl Printing & Design Supl Printing & Design Supl Printing & Design Supl Printing & Design Supl Printing & Design Supl Printing & Design Supl Printing & Design Supl Printing & Design Supl Printing & Design Supl Foam Block Foam Block Cr: Acrylic Paints Acrylics

01_0_1010423_5401002000 01_0_1010423_5401002000 01_0_1010423_5401002000 01_0_1010423_5401002000 01_0_1010423_5401002000 01_0_1010423_5401002000 01_0_1010423_5401002000 01_0_1010423_5401002000 01_0_1010423_5401002000 01_0_1010423_5401002000 01_0_1010423_5401002000 01_0_1010423_5401002000 01_0_1010423_5401002000 01_0_1010423_5401002000 01_0_1010423_5401002000 01_0_1010423_5401002000 01_0_1010423_5401002000 01_0_1010423_5401002000 01_0_1010423_5401002000 01_0_1010423_5401002000 01_0_1010423_5401002000 01_0_1010423_5401002000

$6.99 $4.95 $9.95 $29.94 $7.99 $7.99 $34.14 $21.60 $21.60 $38.10 $28.29 $10.90 $7.39 $9.49 $23.52 $6.00 $9.06 $10.34 $10.80 $4.49 $-22.52 $22.52 --------------$303.53 *

Buck Scientific Repair IR Detector Repair IR Detector

01_0_1010614_5401002000 - Chemistry - Inst Supplies 01_0_1010614_5401002000 - Chemistry - Inst Supplies

$800.00 $100.00 --------------$900.00 *

Budget Signs Plaque: Tulgetske Name Plate: Britt

01_0_8050000_5401001000 - Board Of Trustees - Office Supplies 01_0_8050000_5401001000 - Board Of Trustees - Office Supplies

$39.25 $11.50 --------------$50.75 *


Art Art Art Art Art Art Art Art Art Art Art Art Art Art Art Art Art Art Art Art Art Art


Inst Inst Inst Inst Inst Inst Inst Inst Inst Inst Inst Inst Inst Inst Inst Inst Inst Inst Inst Inst Inst Inst

Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies

Cds Office Technologies Inc Copies Over Contract 01_0_8040004_5304000000 - Office Services - Maint Services Copies Over Contract 01_0_8040004_5304000000 - Office Services - Maint Services

$22.72 $2.00 --------------$24.72 *

Cee Kay Supply, Inc Gas & Tank Rental

05_0_6090068_5409000000 - Fabrication Lab - Other Mat/Supplies

$17.65 --------------$17.65 *

CHS Gasohol

02_0_7050000_5401005000 - Transportation - Vehicle Supplies

$621.61 --------------$621.61 *

Page 23

LEWIS & CLARK COMMUNITY COLLEGE INVOICES PENDING BOARD APPROVAL FY 2019-2020 – May, 2020 CI Select Digital Receiver Digital Receiver

01_0_2020000_5404001000 - Communication Services - A/V Materials 01_0_2020000_5404001000 - Communication Services - A/V Materials

$288.70 $10.96 --------------$299.66 *

Circle T Steel Steel Bars, Tubes Steel Bars, Tubes

01_0_1030320_5401002000 - Welding - Inst Supplies 01_0_1030320_5401002000 - Welding - Inst Supplies

$307.20 $68.64 --------------$375.84 *

Cit Trucks Repair Cooling Systm Repair Cooling Systm Repair Cooling Systm

01_0_1030327_5304000000 - Truck Driving - Maint Services 01_0_1030327_5304000000 - Truck Driving - Maint Services 01_0_1030327_5401002000 - Truck Driving - Inst Supplies

$304.00 $76.00 $35.89 --------------$415.89 *

Crawford Diversified Services Quarterly Inspection 01_0_1010615_5309000000 - Biology - Other Contractual Services Autoclave Parts 01_0_1010615_5401002000 - Biology - Inst Supplies

$394.00 $1,047.14 --------------$1,441.14 *

Culligan Industrial Chem Lab Water

01_0_1010614_5401002000 - Chemistry - Inst Supplies

$98.00 --------------$98.00 *

Dex Yellow Pages Ad

02_0_7060001_5309000000 - Telecommunications - Other Contractual

$65.80 --------------$65.80 *

DJM Ecological Services Install Grass Mix

02_0_8060120_5309000000 - Gen Institution-Green Campus - Other Cont’l $1,195.00 --------------$1,195.00 *

Davis, Marcus March & April Mowing

02_0_7030000_5304000091 - Grounds - Maint Serv-Carlinville

$500.00 --------------$500.00 *

Elsevier-Hesi Final Next Gen-May20 Cr: Exit Exams

01_0_1040712_5401002000 - Nursing - Inst Supplies 01_0_1040712_5401002000 - Nursing - Inst Supplies

$19,651.50 $-3,835.00 --------------$15,816.50 *

Enterprise Fleet Management Maint Veh Leases 02_0_7050000_5606000601 Maint Veh Leases 02_0_7050000_5606000601 Maint Veh Leases 02_0_7050000_5606000602 Maint Veh Leases 02_0_7050000_5606000602 Maint Veh Leases 02_0_7050000_5606000603 Maint Veh Leases 02_0_7050000_5606000603 Maint Veh Leases 02_0_7050000_5606000604 Maint Veh Leases 02_0_7050000_5606000604 Maint Veh Leases 02_0_7050000_5606000605 Maint Veh Leases 02_0_7050000_5606000605


Transportation Transportation Transportation Transportation Transportation Transportation Transportation Transportation Transportation Transportation


233PZJ 233PZJ 233PZZ 233PZZ 233WSS 233WSS 233wt5 233wt5 233wtb 233wtb

2019 2019 2019 2019 2019 2019 2019 2019 2019 2019

Nissan Car Nissan Car Nissan Car Nissan Car Ford F250 Ford F250 Ford F250 Ford F250 Ford F250 Ford F250

Farmer Environmental Services Asbestos Inspection 02_0_7010000_5304000000 - Maintenance & Grounds - Maint Services

$323.73 $499.73 $321.84 $321.84 $493.51 $493.51 $493.51 $493.51 $493.51 $493.51 --------------$4,428.20 * $1,071.25 --------------$1,071.25 *

Flinn Scientific Inc Chemistry Supplies Chemistry Supplies Chemistry Supplies

01_0_1010614_5401002000 - Chemistry - Inst Supplies 01_0_1010614_5401002000 - Chemistry - Inst Supplies 01_0_1010614_5401002000 - Chemistry - Inst Supplies

$29.30 $28.80 $42.95 --------------$101.05 *

Follett Higher Ed Group Bookstore Charges

01_0_0000000_2309000000 - LCCC Accounts - Other Accts Payable

$993.10 --------------$993.10 *

Page 24

LEWIS & CLARK COMMUNITY COLLEGE INVOICES PENDING BOARD APPROVAL FY 2019-2020 – May, 2020 Forensic Accounting & Consulting Se 2 Foresnsic Audit Hrs 01_0_8050000_5309000000 - Board Of Trustees - Other Contractual Services $200.00 --------------$200.00 Freestyle Photographic Supplies Film, Negative Kit 01_0_1010423_5401002000 - Art - Inst Supplies $25.98 --------------$25.98 Garella Pest Control Inc Rodent Control 02_0_7010000_5304000000 - Maintenance & Grounds - Maint Services $150.00 Pest Control 02_0_7010000_5304000000 - Maintenance & Grounds - Maint Services $900.00 Pest Control 02_0_7010000_5304000000 - Maintenance & Grounds - Maint Services $50.00 Pest Control 02_0_7090001_5304000000 - CEC-Carlinville - Maint Services $45.00 Pest Control 02_0_7090004_5304000000 - N.O. Nelson - Maint Services $125.00 Pest Control 02_0_7090005_5304000000 - NGRREC Field Station - Maint Services $125.00 Pest Control 02_0_7090006_5304000000 - Scott Bibb/St. Patrick's - Maint Services $70.00 Pest Control 02_0_7090007_5304000000 - MJC Humanities/Lincoln School - Maint Services $85.00 --------------$1,550.00 Giggletime Toy Co 2 Minute Timers 01_0_1040715_5401002000 - Dental Hygiene - Inst Supplies $65.85 2 Minute Timers 01_0_1040715_5401002000 - Dental Hygiene - Inst Supplies $12.95 --------------$78.80 Grainger Inc Electronic Module 02_0_7090004_5401004000 - N.O. Nelson - Maint Supplies $88.00 Electronic Module 02_0_7090004_5401004000 - N.O. Nelson - Maint Supplies $329.60 Electronic Module 02_0_7090004_5401004000 - N.O. Nelson - Maint Supplies $58.00 --------------$475.60 Granny's Uniforms Work Fashion Auto Uniforms 01_0_1030315_5401002000 - Automotive Technology - Inst Supplies $1,072.09 --------------$1,072.09 Hearst Media Advertising 01_0_2080005_5407000000 - Promotions - Advertising $1,147.00 Digital Ads 01_0_2080005_5407000000 - Promotions - Advertising $2,200.00 Advertising 01_0_2080005_5407000000 - Promotions - Advertising $-488.00 --------------$2,859.00 Hi-Line Welding Supplies 01_0_1030320_5401002000 - Welding - Inst Supplies $1,206.24 --------------$1,206.24 Hummert International Pro Mix BX, Paint 01_0_1030324_5401002000 - Restoration Ecology - Inst Supplies $108.00 Pro Mix BX, Paint 01_0_1030324_5401002000 - Restoration Ecology - Inst Supplies $303.60 --------------$411.60 Jerseyville Winnelson Faucet Parts 02_0_7010000_5401004000 - Maintenance & Grounds - Maint Supplies $139.95 Faucet Parts 02_0_7010000_5401004000 - Maintenance & Grounds - Maint Supplies $468.15 Faucet Parts 02_0_7010000_5401004000 - Maintenance & Grounds - Maint Supplies $154.42 Faucet Parts 02_0_7010000_5401004000 - Maintenance & Grounds - Maint Supplies $152.54 Faucet Parts 02_0_7010000_5401004000 - Maintenance & Grounds - Maint Supplies $253.02 Faucet Parts 02_0_7010000_5401004000 - Maintenance & Grounds - Maint Supplies $15.40 --------------$1,183.48 Julie's Graphics Hats, T-Shirts 01_0_1030322_5401002000 - Process Operations Technology - Inst Supplies $147.00 Hats, T-Shirts 01_0_1030322_5401002000 - Process Operations Technology - Inst Supplies $45.00 Hats, T-Shirts 01_0_1030322_5401002000 - Process Operations Technology - Inst Supplies $45.00 Hats, T-Shirts 01_0_1030322_5401002000 - Process Operations Technology - Inst Supplies $45.00 Hats, T-Shirts 01_0_1030322_5401002000 - Process Operations Technology - Inst Supplies $63.00 Hats, T-Shirts 01_0_1030322_5401002000 - Process Operations Technology - Inst Supplies $55.00 --------------$400.00 K & K Chemical Supply Llc Aquanism 02_0_7090004_5401004000 - N.O. Nelson - Maint Supplies $1,260.00












Page 25


02_0_7090004_5401004000 - N.O. Nelson - Maint Supplies

$71.75 --------------$1,331.75 *

Lee's Sports Baseball Jerseys Baseball Jerseys Baseball Pants Jackets, Helmets Jackets, Helmets Jackets, Helmets Jackets, Helmets Jackets, Helmets Jackets, Helmets Jackets, Helmets Jackets, Helmets Pitching Machine Baseball Jerseys Baseball Pants Baseball Jerseys Jackets, Helmets

05_0_6040064_5409000000 05_0_6040064_5409000000 05_0_6040064_5409000000 05_0_6040064_5409000000 05_0_6040064_5409000000 05_0_6040064_5409000000 05_0_6040064_5409000000 05_0_6040064_5409000000 05_0_6040064_5409000000 05_0_6040064_5409000000 05_0_6040064_5409000000 05_0_6040064_5409000000 05_0_6040064_5409000000 05_0_6040064_5409000000 05_0_6040064_5409000000 05_0_6040064_5409000000


Athletics Athletics Athletics Athletics Athletics Athletics Athletics Athletics Athletics Athletics Athletics Athletics Athletics Athletics Athletics Athletics

$432.00 $1,560.00 $880.00 $11.50 $296.00 $166.00 $252.00 $51.00 $105.90 $210.00 $73.00 $2,225.00 $26.96 $7.30 $7.26 $102.04 --------------$6,405.96 *

Lowe's Inc Maintenance Maintenance Maintenance Maintenance Wasp/Hornet

02_0_7010000_5401004000 02_0_7010000_5401004000 02_0_7010000_5401004000 02_0_7010000_5401004000 02_0_7010000_5401004000


Maintenance Maintenance Maintenance Maintenance Maintenance

Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Spray


Other Other Other Other Other Other Other Other Other Other Other Other Other Other Other Other

& & & & &

Mat/Supplies Mat/Supplies Mat/Supplies Mat/Supplies Mat/Supplies Mat/Supplies Mat/Supplies Mat/Supplies Mat/Supplies Mat/Supplies Mat/Supplies Mat/Supplies Mat/Supplies Mat/Supplies Mat/Supplies Mat/Supplies

Grounds Grounds Grounds Grounds Grounds


Maint Maint Maint Maint Maint

Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies

$35.57 $11.75 $326.13 $330.36 $56.76 --------------$760.57 *

Lumenserve Radio Tower Lighting

02_0_7010000_5304000000 - Maintenance & Grounds - Maint Services

$337.00 --------------$337.00 *

Market Basket Landscaping Supplies

02_0_7030000_5401004001 - Grounds - Maint Supplies-Landscaping

$360.84 --------------$360.84 *

Mayfield On/Off On/Off On/Off

Medical Services Switch 01_0_1020128_5309000000 - Medical Assisting - Other Contractual Services $35.10 Switch 01_0_1020128_5309000000 - Medical Assisting - Other Contractual Services $20.00 Switch 01_0_1020128_5309000000 - Medical Assisting - Other Contractual Services $122.00 --------------$177.10 McKesson Medical-Surgical Inc Diphenhydramine 01_0_3030000_5409000000 - Health Services - Other Mat/Supplies $3.50 Diphenhydramine 01_0_3030000_5409000000 - Health Services - Other Mat/Supplies $0.63 --------------$4.13 Oseguera, Jose' Tree Removal (Storm) 02_0_7030000_5304000001 - Grounds - Maint Serv-Landscaping $1,900.00 May Lawn Care 02_0_7030000_5304000001 - Grounds - Maint Serv-Landscaping $8,311.41 May Lawn Care 02_0_7030000_5304000093 - Grounds - Maint Serv-Bethalto $536.22 May Lawn Care 02_0_7030000_5304000094 - Grounds - Maint Serv-NO Nelson $3,083.27 May Lawn Care 02_0_7030000_5304000095 - Grounds - Maint Serv-Field Station $536.22 May Lawn Care 02_0_7030000_5304000096 - Grounds - Maint Serv-St. Pat's/Bibb $536.22 May Lawn Care 02_0_7030000_5304000097 - Grounds - Maint Serv-MJCH $402.17 May Lawn Care 12_0_7030000_5304000001 - Grounds - Maint Serv-Landscaping $923.49 May Lawn Care 12_0_7030000_5304000093 - Grounds - Maint Serv-Bethalto $59.58 May Lawn Care 12_0_7030000_5304000094 - Grounds - Maint Serv-NO Nelson $342.59 May Lawn Care 12_0_7030000_5304000095 - Grounds - Maint Serv-Field Station $59.58 May Lawn Care 12_0_7030000_5304000096 - Grounds - Maint Serv-St. Pat's/Bibb $59.58 May Lawn Care 12_0_7030000_5304000097 - Grounds - Maint Serv-MJCH $44.67 --------------$16,795.00 Partsmaster Goggles & Face Sheild 02_0_7010000_5401004000 - Maintenance & Grounds - Maint Supplies $219.30 Goggles & Face Sheild 02_0_7010000_5401004000 - Maintenance & Grounds - Maint Supplies $20.54 --------------$239.84





Page 26

LEWIS & CLARK COMMUNITY COLLEGE INVOICES PENDING BOARD APPROVAL FY 2019-2020 – May, 2020 Prairie Moon Nursery Potted Plants Potted Plants Potted Plants Potted Plants Potted Plants Grass, Grass Mix Grass, Grass Mix Grass, Grass Mix Grass, Grass Mix

01_0_1030324_5401002000 01_0_1030324_5401002000 01_0_1030324_5401002000 01_0_1030324_5401002000 01_0_1030324_5401002000 02_0_7030000_5401004001 02_0_7030000_5401004001 02_0_7030000_5401004001 02_0_7030000_5401004001


Restoration Ecology - Inst Supplies Restoration Ecology - Inst Supplies Restoration Ecology - Inst Supplies Restoration Ecology - Inst Supplies Restoration Ecology - Inst Supplies Grounds - Maint Supplies-Landscaping Grounds - Maint Supplies-Landscaping Grounds - Maint Supplies-Landscaping Grounds - Maint Supplies-Landscaping

$99.00 $99.00 $99.00 $99.00 $59.40 $160.00 $50.00 $225.00 $10.50 --------------$900.90 *

Quill Corporation Office Supplies Office Supplies Office Supplies Office Supplies Office Supplies Office Supplies

01_0_3040000_5401001000 01_0_3040000_5401001000 01_0_3040000_5401001000 01_0_3040000_5401001000 01_0_3040000_5401001000 01_0_3040000_5401001000


Financial Financial Financial Financial Financial Financial

$19.98 $4.89 $2.98 $7.38 $5.99 $9.99 --------------$51.21 *

Rex Encore Media Llc Advertising

01_0_2080005_5407000000 - Promotions - Advertising

$175.00 --------------$175.00 *

Robbins Schwartz Apr Legal Services Apr Legal Services

01_0_8060001_5305000000 - Institutional Expense - Legal Services 12_0_8060000_5305000000 - General Institution - Legal Services

$2,935.12 $6,848.63 --------------$9,783.75 *

Robert "Bob" Sanders Waste Systems Waste Removal 02_0_7060000_5707000000 Waste Removal 02_0_7060000_5707000003 Waste Removal 02_0_7060000_5707000004 Waste Removal 02_0_7060000_5707000005 Waste Removal 02_0_7060000_5707000006 Waste Removal 02_0_7060000_5707000007 Route 3 Films, LLC Enrollment Video Pro


Plant Plant Plant Plant Plant Plant

Aid Aid Aid Aid Aid Aid


Utilities Utilities Utilities Utilities Utilities Utilities

Office Office Office Office Office Office


Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies

Refuse Refuse Refuse Refuse Refuse Refuse

Disposal $1,346.92 Disposal-Bethalto $47.51 Disposal-NO Nelson $320.00 Disposal-Field Station $85.00 Disposal-Scott Bibb $80.00 Disposal-MJCH $110.00 --------------$1,989.43 *

01_0_2080005_5407000000 - Promotions - Advertising

$5,000.00 --------------$5,000.00 *

Royal Office Products Inc Ink, Memory Cards 01_0_1030324_5401002000 - Restoration Ecology - Inst Supplies Ink, Memory Cards 01_0_1030324_5401002000 - Restoration Ecology - Inst Supplies Sbm Maintenance May Custodial May Custodial May Custodial May Custodial May Custodial May Custodial May Custodial May Custodial May Custodial May Custodial May Custodial May Custodial May Custodial May Custodial

Contractors Srvcs 02_0_7020000_5304000000 Srvcs 02_0_7020000_5304000091 Srvcs 02_0_7020000_5304000093 Srvcs 02_0_7020000_5304000094 Srvcs 02_0_7020000_5304000095 Srvcs 02_0_7020000_5304000096 Srvcs 02_0_7020000_5304000097 Srvcs 12_0_7020000_5304000000 Srvcs 12_0_7020000_5304000091 Srvcs 12_0_7020000_5304000093 Srvcs 12_0_7020000_5304000094 Srvcs 12_0_7020000_5304000095 Srvcs 12_0_7020000_5304000096 Srvcs 12_0_7020000_5304000097

W Schiller & Co Inc Photo Development


Custodial Custodial Custodial Custodial Custodial Custodial Custodial Custodial Custodial Custodial Custodial Custodial Custodial Custodial


Maint Maint Maint Maint Maint Maint Maint Maint Maint Maint Maint Maint Maint Maint

Services Serv-Carlinville Serv-Bethalto Serv-NO Nelson Serv-Field Station Serv-St. Pat's/Bibb Serv-MJCH Services Serv-Carlinville Serv-Bethalto Serv-NO Nelson Serv-Field Station Serv-St. Pat's/Bibb Serv-MJCH

01_0_1010423_5401002000 - Art - Inst Supplies

Schwartzkopf Printing Inc Degree Postcards 01_0_8040004_5402000000 - Office Services - Printing

$54.96 $52.99 --------------$107.95 * $66,739.88 $878.16 $878.16 $9,659.72 $5,268.94 $3,512.63 $878.16 $7,415.54 $97.57 $97.57 $1,073.30 $585.44 $390.29 $97.56 --------------$97,572.92 * $391.30 --------------$391.30 * $574.90

Page 27


01_0_8040004_5402000000 - Office Services - Printing

$450.10 --------------$1,025.00 *

Sigma-Aldrich Inc Furan Furan

01_0_1010614_5401002000 - Chemistry - Inst Supplies 01_0_1010614_5401002000 - Chemistry - Inst Supplies

$21.30 $34.31 --------------$55.61 *

Snap-On Tools Auto Tools Auto Tools Auto Tools Auto Tools Auto Tools Auto Tools Auto Tools Auto Tools Auto Tools Auto Tools Auto Tools Auto Tools Auto Tools Auto Tools

01_0_1030315_5401002000 01_0_1030315_5401002000 01_0_1030315_5401002000 01_0_1030315_5401002000 01_0_1030315_5401002000 01_0_1030315_5401002000 01_0_1030315_5401002000 01_0_1030315_5401002000 01_0_1030315_5401002000 01_0_1030315_5401002000 01_0_1030315_5401002000 01_0_1030315_5401002000 01_0_1030315_5401002000 01_0_1030315_5401002000


Automotive Automotive Automotive Automotive Automotive Automotive Automotive Automotive Automotive Automotive Automotive Automotive Automotive Automotive

St. Peters Hdwr & Rental Maintenance Supplies Maintenance Supplies Maintenance Supplies Maintenance Supplies Maintenance Supplies Maintenance Supplies Wet/Dry Vac Yellow Rubber Boots Maintenance Supplies Coupling, Supplies Coupling, Supplies Drill Bit, Supplies Drill Bit, Supplies Drill Bit, Supplies Drill Bit, Supplies Washers Maintenance Supplies Maintenance Supplies

Inc 02_0_7010000_5401004000 02_0_7010000_5401004000 02_0_7010000_5401004000 02_0_7010000_5401004000 02_0_7010000_5401004000 02_0_7010000_5401004000 02_0_7010000_5401004000 02_0_7010000_5401004000 02_0_7010000_5401004000 02_0_7010000_5401004000 02_0_7010000_5401004000 02_0_7010000_5401004000 02_0_7010000_5401004000 02_0_7010000_5401004000 02_0_7010000_5401004000 02_0_7010000_5401004000 02_0_7010000_5401004000 02_0_7010000_5401004000


Maintenance Maintenance Maintenance Maintenance Maintenance Maintenance Maintenance Maintenance Maintenance Maintenance Maintenance Maintenance Maintenance Maintenance Maintenance Maintenance Maintenance Maintenance

Sweetwater Sound Inc Portable Organ, Case Portable Organ, Case

01_0_1010424_5401002000 - Music - Inst Supplies 01_0_1010424_5401002000 - Music - Inst Supplies

Technology Technology Technology Technology Technology Technology Technology Technology Technology Technology Technology Technology Technology Technology

& & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & &

Grounds Grounds Grounds Grounds Grounds Grounds Grounds Grounds Grounds Grounds Grounds Grounds Grounds Grounds Grounds Grounds Grounds Grounds


Inst Inst Inst Inst Inst Inst Inst Inst Inst Inst Inst Inst Inst Inst

Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies


Maint Maint Maint Maint Maint Maint Maint Maint Maint Maint Maint Maint Maint Maint Maint Maint Maint Maint

Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies

Sichra, Christopher Consult Hlth/Sfty Plan 02_0_7010000_5304000000 - Maintenance & Grounds - Maint Services Consult Emergency Plan 12_0_7040000_5309000000 - Security - Other Contractual Services

$17.60 $11.85 $21.95 $15.55 $27.00 $29.25 $29.25 $28.75 $218.00 $179.00 $14.30 $24.25 $20.90 $300.00 --------------$937.65 * $18.77 $9.48 $127.92 $48.97 $197.90 $12.58 $69.99 $31.99 $529.73 $7.99 $5.99 $13.99 $5.96 $3.96 $22.32 $10.11 $34.55 $19.99 --------------$1,172.19 * $1,395.00 $199.99 --------------$1,594.99 * $1,000.00 $700.00 --------------$1,700.00 *

Thomas Scientific Biohazard Bag Biohazard Bag

01_0_1010615_5401002000 - Biology - Inst Supplies 01_0_1010615_5401002000 - Biology - Inst Supplies

$317.64 $34.94 --------------$352.58 *

Thomson Reuters - West Westlaw Subscriptions

01_0_1020127_5401002000 - Paralegal - Inst Supplies

$393.25 --------------$393.25 *

Thyssenkrupp Elevator Corp Elevator Maintenance 02_0_7010000_5304000000 Elevator Maintenance 02_0_7010000_5304000000 Elevator Maintenance 02_0_7090003_5304000000 Elevator Maintenance 02_0_7090004_5304000000 Elevator Maintenance 02_0_7090006_5304000000


Maintenance & Grounds - Maint Services Maintenance & Grounds - Maint Services CEC-Bethalto - Maint Services N.O. Nelson - Maint Services Scott Bibb/St. Patrick's - Maint Services

$474.00 $2,083.00 $75.00 $316.00 $158.00

Page 28


02_0_7090007_5304000000 - MJC Humanities/Lincoln School - Maint Services $158.00 --------------$3,264.00 *

Trane Repair Main Frame Room 02_0_7010000_5304000000 - Maintenance & Grounds - Maint Services Triangle Engineering Welding Supplies Welding Supplies Welding Supplies Welding Supplies Welding Supplies Welding Supplies Welding Supplies Welding Supplies

01_0_1030320_5401002000 01_0_1030320_5401002000 01_0_1030320_5401002000 01_0_1030320_5401002000 01_0_1030320_5401002000 01_0_1030320_5401002000 01_0_1030320_5401002000 01_0_1030320_5401002000


Welding Welding Welding Welding Welding Welding Welding Welding

Tricounty FS Fertilizer Weed Control App 2 Fertilizer Weed Control App 2

02_0_0000000_4909000020 02_0_0000000_4909000020 02_0_7030000_5304000001 02_0_7030000_5304000097


LCCC Accounts LCCC Accounts Grounds - Maint Grounds - Maint


Inst Inst Inst Inst Inst Inst Inst Inst

Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies

Discounts Discounts Serv-Landscaping Serv-MJCH

$2,111.31 --------------$2,111.31 * $540.00 $850.00 $800.00 $1,470.00 $950.00 $1,150.00 $432.00 $100.00 --------------$6,292.00 * $-10.13 $-2.43 $506.34 $121.39 --------------$615.17 *

U.S. Green Building Council Annual Dues 02_0_8060120_5409000000 - Gen Institution-Green Campus - Other Mat/Supls $750.00 --------------$750.00 Uline Nitrile Gloves 01_0_1030315_5401002000 - Automotive Technology - Inst Supplies $260.00 Nitrile Gloves 01_0_1030315_5401002000 - Automotive Technology - Inst Supplies $30.32 --------------$290.32 UMB Bank N.A. Agent Fees 2010 C 04_0_8060000_5609000000 - General Institution - Other Fixed Charges $247.33 Agent Fees 2015 A 04_0_8060000_5609000000 - General Institution - Other Fixed Charges $318.00 Agent Fees 2015 B 04_0_8060000_5609000000 - General Institution - Other Fixed Charges $318.00 --------------$883.33 Unify Inc Install Exchange Cntr 02_0_7060001_5304000000 - Telecommunications - Maint Services $5,460.00 --------------$5,460.00 USI Midwest St Louis Water Craft Insurance 12_0_0000000_1710000000 - LCCC Accounts - Prepaid Insurance $34,680.00 Fiduciary Liability 12_0_0000000_1710000000 - LCCC Accounts - Prepaid Insurance $2,223.00 Fine Arts Insurance 12_0_0000000_1710000000 - LCCC Accounts - Prepaid Insurance $6,819.00 Crime Renewal 12_0_0000000_1710000000 - LCCC Accounts - Prepaid Insurance $5,070.00 Mgmt Liability Pkg 12_0_0000000_1710000000 - LCCC Accounts - Prepaid Insurance $78,432.00 Commercial Umbrella 12_0_0000000_1710000000 - LCCC Accounts - Prepaid Insurance $64,748.00 Busn Auto Insurance 12_0_0000000_1710000000 - LCCC Accounts - Prepaid Insurance $79,394.00 Prof Liability Ins 12_0_0000000_1710000000 - LCCC Accounts - Prepaid Insurance $17,652.00 General Liab Ins 12_0_0000000_1710000000 - LCCC Accounts - Prepaid Insurance $93,498.00 --------------$382,516.00 WBGZ Radio Advertising 01_0_2080005_5407000000 - Promotions - Advertising $1,303.00 --------------$1,303.00 Williams Office Products Copier Contract 05_0_6090063_5304000000 - Copy Service - Maint Services $1,688.73 Copier Contract 05_0_6090063_5304000000 - Copy Service - Maint Services $12.32 --------------$1,701.05 Wolters Kluwer Health Inc Virtual Simulation Pkg 01_0_1040712_5401002000 - Nursing - Inst Supplies $9,097.74 --------------$9,097.74









Page 29

LEWIS & CLARK COMMUNITY COLLEGE INVOICES PENDING BOARD APPROVAL FY 2019-2020 – May, 2020 Woody's Municipal Supply Company Back Up Camera 02_0_7050000_5401005000 - Transportation - Vehicle Supplies Back Up Camera 02_0_7050000_5401005000 - Transportation - Vehicle Supplies Zipwhip,inc Text to Email Text to Email

02_0_7060001_5705000000 - Telecommunications - Telephone 02_0_7060001_5705000000 - Telecommunications - Telephone

$575.00 $575.00 --------------$1,150.00 * $200.00 $700.00 --------------$900.00 * =============== $614,289.20 ***

Page 30

LEWIS & CLARK COMMUNITY COLLEGE CHECKS ISSUED REQUIRING BOARD APPROVAL FY 2019-2020 – May, 2020 A+ Conferencing MJCHF Conf Call Conference Call Conference Call Conference Call Conference Call Conference Call Conference Call Conference Call Conference Call Conference Call Conference Call Conference Call Conference Call Conference Call Conference Call Conference Call Conference Call Conference Call Conference Call Conference Call Conference Call Conference Call Conference Call Conference Call AEP Energy Electric Electric Electric Electric Electric Electric Electric Electric Electric Electric

4/6 4/23 4/27 3/30 3/31 4/6 4/7 4/10 4/13 4/16 4/20 4/21 4/23 4/27 3/30 3/31 4/1 4/2 4/3 4/6 4/7 4/9 4/13 4/16

Charges Charges Charges Charges Charges Charges Charges Charges Charges Charges

01_0_0000000_1309000000 02_0_7060001_5705000000 02_0_7060001_5705000000 02_0_7060001_5705000000 02_0_7060001_5705000000 02_0_7060001_5705000000 02_0_7060001_5705000000 02_0_7060001_5705000000 02_0_7060001_5705000000 02_0_7060001_5705000000 02_0_7060001_5705000000 02_0_7060001_5705000000 02_0_7060001_5705000000 02_0_7060001_5705000000 02_0_7060001_5705000000 02_0_7060001_5705000000 02_0_7060001_5705000000 02_0_7060001_5705000000 02_0_7060001_5705000000 02_0_7060001_5705000000 02_0_7060001_5705000000 02_0_7060001_5705000000 02_0_7060001_5705000000 02_0_7060001_5705000000


LCCC Accounts - Other Receivables Telecommunications - Telephone Telecommunications - Telephone Telecommunications - Telephone Telecommunications - Telephone Telecommunications - Telephone Telecommunications - Telephone Telecommunications - Telephone Telecommunications - Telephone Telecommunications - Telephone Telecommunications - Telephone Telecommunications - Telephone Telecommunications - Telephone Telecommunications - Telephone Telecommunications - Telephone Telecommunications - Telephone Telecommunications - Telephone Telecommunications - Telephone Telecommunications - Telephone Telecommunications - Telephone Telecommunications - Telephone Telecommunications - Telephone Telecommunications - Telephone Telecommunications - Telephone

02_0_7060000_5703000000 02_0_7060000_5703000000 02_0_7060000_5703000001 02_0_7060000_5703000003 02_0_7060000_5703000004 02_0_7060000_5703000004 02_0_7060000_5703000005 02_0_7060000_5703000006 02_0_7060000_5703000006 02_0_7060000_5703000007


Plant Plant Plant Plant Plant Plant Plant Plant Plant Plant

Utilities Utilities Utilities Utilities Utilities Utilities Utilities Utilities Utilities Utilities


Electricity $31,551.83 Electricity $24,755.61 Electricity-Carlinville $164.42 Electricity-Bethalto $349.52 Electricity-NO Nelson $89.96 Electricity-NO Nelson $3,213.17 Electricity-Field Station $3,165.16 Electricity-Scott Bibb $79.31 Electricity-Scott Bibb $1,548.67 Electricity-MJCH $687.02 --------------$65,604.67 *

AFLAC Optional Insurance

01_0_0000000_2105000060 - LCCC Accounts - AFLAC

Ameren Illinois Natural Gas Charges Natural Gas Charges Natural Gas Charges Natural Gas Charges Natural Gas Charges Natural Gas Charges Natural Gas Charges Natural Gas Charges Natural Gas Charges Natural Gas Charges Natural Gas Charges Natural Gas Charges Natural Gas Charges Natural Gas Charges Natural Gas Charges Natural Gas Charges Natural Gas Charges Electric Charges Electric Charges Electric Charges Electric Charges Electric Charges Electric Charges Electric Charges Electric Charges Electric Charges

02_0_7060000_5701000000 02_0_7060000_5701000000 02_0_7060000_5701000000 02_0_7060000_5701000000 02_0_7060000_5701000000 02_0_7060000_5701000000 02_0_7060000_5701000000 02_0_7060000_5701000000 02_0_7060000_5701000000 02_0_7060000_5701000001 02_0_7060000_5701000003 02_0_7060000_5701000004 02_0_7060000_5701000004 02_0_7060000_5701000004 02_0_7060000_5701000004 02_0_7060000_5701000006 02_0_7060000_5701000007 02_0_7060000_5703000000 02_0_7060000_5703000000 02_0_7060000_5703000000 02_0_7060000_5703000000 02_0_7060000_5703000000 02_0_7060000_5703000001 02_0_7060000_5703000003 02_0_7060000_5703000004 02_0_7060000_5703000004


Plant Plant Plant Plant Plant Plant Plant Plant Plant Plant Plant Plant Plant Plant Plant Plant Plant Plant Plant Plant Plant Plant Plant Plant Plant Plant

Utilities Utilities Utilities Utilities Utilities Utilities Utilities Utilities Utilities Utilities Utilities Utilities Utilities Utilities Utilities Utilities Utilities Utilities Utilities Utilities Utilities Utilities Utilities Utilities Utilities Utilities


$3.67 $5.61 $53.14 $33.06 $33.69 $25.89 $4.08 $9.86 $28.52 $5.83 $24.66 $4.57 $3.67 $20.14 $11.32 $80.03 $58.40 $41.63 $1.88 $12.92 $25.12 $22.11 $3.82 $6.64 --------------$520.26 *

$1,117.46 --------------$1,117.46 *

Gas Gas Gas Gas Gas Gas Gas Gas Gas Gas-Carlinville Gas-Bethalto Gas-NO Nelson Gas-NO Nelson Gas-NO Nelson Gas-NO Nelson Gas-Scott Bibb Center Gas-MJCH Electricity Electricity Electricity Electricity Electricity Electricity-Carlinville Electricity-Bethalto Electricity-NO Nelson Electricity-NO Nelson

$61.42 $63.38 $68.64 $91.49 $91.60 $92.63 $100.33 $185.85 $3,603.93 $92.61 $75.21 $22.76 $22.76 $99.61 $1,242.99 $143.95 $86.83 $50.47 $310.33 $176.46 $281.96 $9,961.97 $115.63 $181.12 $29.88 $13.73

Page 31

LEWIS & CLARK COMMUNITY COLLEGE CHECKS ISSUED REQUIRING BOARD APPROVAL FY 2019-2020 – May, 2020 Electric Electric Electric Electric Electric Electric Electric

Charges Charges Charges Charges Charges Charges Charges

02_0_7060000_5703000004 02_0_7060000_5703000004 02_0_7060000_5703000004 02_0_7060000_5703000005 02_0_7060000_5703000005 02_0_7060000_5703000006 02_0_7060000_5703000007


Plant Plant Plant Plant Plant Plant Plant

Utilities Utilities Utilities Utilities Utilities Utilities Utilities


Electricity-NO Nelson $41.00 Electricity-NO Nelson $95.38 Electricity-NO Nelson $1,572.89 Electricity-Field Station $1,363.53 Electricity-Field Station $1,064.55 Electricity-Scott Bibb $914.17 Electricity-MJCH $301.28 --------------$22,620.34 *

AT&T Phone Service

02_0_7060001_5705000000 - Telecommunications - Telephone

$154.02 --------------$154.02 *

AT&T Mobility Phone Service Phone Service

02_0_7060001_5705000000 - Telecommunications - Telephone 02_0_7060001_5705000000 - Telecommunications - Telephone

$41.24 $35.91 --------------$77.15 *

Bethalto Community Unit #8 2020SP CEDV 130 01_0_3010008_5309000000 - High School Partnership - Other Contractual $1,000.00 Less: 12 Strongs 01_0_3010008_5309000000 - High School Partnership - Other Contractual $-216.00 --------------$784.00 Bethalto Water Department Water/Sewer Service 02_0_7060000_5704000003 - Plant Utilities - Water/Sewage-Bethalto $12.86 Water/Sewer Service 02_0_7060000_5704000003 - Plant Utilities - Water/Sewage-Bethalto $10.00 Water/Sewer Service 02_0_7060000_5704000003 - Plant Utilities - Water/Sewage-Bethalto $2.50 Water/Sewer Service 02_0_7060000_5704000003 - Plant Utilities - Water/Sewage-Bethalto $4.98 --------------$30.34 Bunker Hill CUSD #8 2020SP CEDV 130 01_0_3010008_5309000000 - High School Partnership - Other Contractual $1,000.00 Less: 17 Strongs 01_0_3010008_5309000000 - High School Partnership - Other Contractual $-306.00 --------------$694.00 Busey Bank Debt Cert: Interest 03_0_8090079_5609000001 - Debt Certificate Interest - Debt Certificate $6,500.00 --------------$6,500.00 Baker, Jane E Event Refund 6/27/20 05_0_0000061_2709000000 - Dining Services - Other Deferred Revenue $3,000.00 Event Refund 6/27/20 05_0_0000067_2709000000 - Campus Events - Other Deferred Revenue $500.00 --------------$3,500.00 Call One Phone Service 02_0_7060001_5705000000 - Telecommunications - Telephone $14,246.17 Phone Service 02_0_7090003_5705000000 - CEC-Bethalto - Telephone $201.74 Phone Service 02_0_7090004_5705000000 - N.O. Nelson - Telephone $3,333.73 Phone Service 02_0_7090005_5705000000 - NGRREC Field Station - Telephone $188.91 Phone Service 02_0_7090007_5705000000 - MJC Humanities/Lincoln School - Telephone $307.05 --------------$18,277.60 Carlinville School District #1 2019FA CEDV 130 01_0_3010008_5309000000 - High School Partnership - Other Contractual $1,000.00 Less: 22 Strongs 01_0_3010008_5309000000 - High School Partnership - Other Contractual $-396.00 2019FA JOBS 132 01_0_3010008_5309000000 - High School Partnership - Other Contractual $500.00 --------------$1,104.00 Carlinville Waterworks Water/Sewer Service 02_0_7060000_5704000001 - Plant Utilities - Water/Sewage-Carlinville $6.41 Water/Sewer Service 02_0_7060000_5704000001 - Plant Utilities - Water/Sewage-Carlinville $14.27 Water/Sewer Service 02_0_7060000_5704000001 - Plant Utilities - Water/Sewage-Carlinville $3.10 --------------$23.78 Charter Communications TV Service 02_0_7060001_5709000000 - Telecommunications - Other Utilities $64.94 TV Service 02_0_7060001_5709000000 - Telecommunications - Other Utilities $64.94 TV Service 02_0_7060001_5709000000 - Telecommunications - Other Utilities $64.94 Cable Service 02_0_7060001_5709000000 - Telecommunications - Other Utilities $66.53 --------------$261.35










Page 32

LEWIS & CLARK COMMUNITY COLLEGE CHECKS ISSUED REQUIRING BOARD APPROVAL FY 2019-2020 – May, 2020 City of Edwardsville Water/Sewer Service Water/Sewer Service Water/Sewer Service Water/Sewer Service

02_0_7060000_5704000007 02_0_7060000_5704000007 02_0_7060000_5704000007 02_0_7060000_5704000007

Colonial Life Optional Insurance

01_0_0000000_2105000070 - LCCC Accounts - Colonial

Edwardsville CUSD 7 Less: 19 Strongs 2020SP CDEV 130 2020SP JOBS 132 Flowers Sanitation Trash Service


Plant Plant Plant Plant

Utilities Utilities Utilities Utilities


Water/Sewage-MJCH Water/Sewage-MJCH Water/Sewage-MJCH Water/Sewage-MJCH

$7.79 $27.30 $6.50 $2.08 --------------$43.67 * $196.10 --------------$196.10 *

01_0_3010008_5309000000 - High School Partnership - Other Contractual $-342.00 01_0_3010008_5309000000 - High School Partnership - Other Contractual $1,000.00 01_0_3010008_5309000000 - High School Partnership - Other Contractual $500.00 --------------$1,158.00 * 02_0_7060000_5707000001 - Plant Utilities - Refuse Disposal-Carlinville $62.70 --------------$62.70 *

Ferguson, Robert A Volunteer Stipend

05_0_6040064_5909000000 - Athletics - Other Expenses

$300.00 --------------$300.00 *

GCSA FY21 Membership

01_0_0000000_1790000000 - LCCC Accounts - Other Deferred Expenses

$100.00 --------------$100.00 *

Gaudio, Darrel F Volunteer Stipend

05_0_6040064_5909000000 - Athletics - Other Expenses

$800.00 --------------$800.00 *

Home Depot Late Fee 3/9/20 Late Fee 4/9/20

01_0_8060001_5401001000 - Institutional Expense - Office Supplies 01_0_8060001_5401001000 - Institutional Expense - Office Supplies

$20.00 $20.00 --------------$40.00 *

Hopkins, David A Volunteer Stipend

05_0_6040064_5909000000 - Athletics - Other Expenses

$500.00 --------------$500.00 *

ILL State Disbursement Unit Child Support Order 01_0_0000000_2109000003 - LCCC Accounts - Wage Garnishments Child Support Order 01_0_0000000_2109000003 - LCCC Accounts - Wage Garnishments Illinois Century Network Communication Chrgs 02_0_7060001_5709000000 - Telecommunications - Other Utilities Illinois-American Water Co Water Service 02_0_7060000_5704000000 Water Service 02_0_7060000_5704000000 Water/Fire Service 02_0_7060000_5704000000 Water Service 02_0_7060000_5704000000 Water/Fire Service 02_0_7060000_5704000000 Water/Fire Service 02_0_7060000_5704000000 Water/Fire Service 02_0_7060000_5704000000 Water/Fire Service 02_0_7060000_5704000000 Water/Fire Service 02_0_7060000_5704000000 Water/Fire Service 02_0_7060000_5704000000 Water Service 02_0_7060000_5704000006 Water Service 02_0_7060000_5704000006 Water/Fire Service 02_0_7060000_5704000006 Fire Service 02_0_7060000_5704000006


Plant Plant Plant Plant Plant Plant Plant Plant Plant Plant Plant Plant Plant Plant

Utilities Utilities Utilities Utilities Utilities Utilities Utilities Utilities Utilities Utilities Utilities Utilities Utilities Utilities


Water/Sewage Water/Sewage Water/Sewage Water/Sewage Water/Sewage Water/Sewage Water/Sewage Water/Sewage Water/Sewage Water/Sewage Water/Sewage-Scott Water/Sewage-Scott Water/Sewage-Scott Water/Sewage-Scott

Kentucky Child Supp Enforcemt Wage Deduction Order 01_0_0000000_2109000003 - LCCC Accounts - Wage Garnishments

$316.80 $316.80 --------------$633.60 * $1,350.00 --------------$1,350.00 * $2,018.17 $2,709.77 $98.58 $20.67 $203.00 $114.76 $229.86 $169.50 $96.08 $431.33 Bibb $27.77 Bibb $226.88 Bibb $223.09 Bibb $27.77 --------------$6,597.23 * $158.17

Page 33

LEWIS & CLARK COMMUNITY COLLEGE CHECKS ISSUED REQUIRING BOARD APPROVAL FY 2019-2020 – May, 2020 Wage Deduction Order Klein, Kristyn L Event Refund 6/13/20 Event Refund 6/13/20

01_0_0000000_2109000003 - LCCC Accounts - Wage Garnishments

$158.17 --------------$316.34 *

05_0_0000067_2709000000 - Campus Events - Other Deferred Revenue 12_0_0000000_2709000000 - LCCC Accounts - Other Deferred Revenue

$400.00 $100.00 --------------$500.00 *

LCCC Faculty Assn IEA-NEA Union Dues 01_0_0000000_2309000001 - LCCC Accounts - Salaries Payable Union Dues 01_0_0000000_2309000001 - LCCC Accounts - Salaries Payable LCCC Foundation Contributions Contributions

01_0_0000000_2309000001 - LCCC Accounts - Salaries Payable 01_0_0000000_2309000001 - LCCC Accounts - Salaries Payable

$3,157.73 $3,157.73 --------------$6,315.46 * $1,192.98 $1,116.39 --------------$2,309.37 *

Lane, Terry D Travel Expense Travel Expense Travel Expense

01_0_3020003_5501000000 - Workforce Investment Admn - Conf/Meetings $124.20 01_0_3020003_5501000000 - Workforce Investment Admn - Conf/Meetings $94.95 01_0_3080001_5501000000 - Veteran's Services - Conf/Meeting Expense $92.70 --------------$311.85 Mannie Jackson Ctr Foundation Event Catering 3/26 05_0_0000061_1309000000 - Dining Services - Other Receivables $-5,625.45 --------------$-5,625.45 Marquette High School 2019FA CDEV 130 01_0_3010008_5309000000 - High School Partnership - Other Contractual $2,000.00 Less: 33 Strongs 01_0_3010008_5309000000 - High School Partnership - Other Contractual $-594.00 --------------$1,406.00 PenServ Plan Services, Inc. L&C 403b Deferral 01_0_0000000_2104000000 - LCCC Accounts - Retirement Plans Pay $8,296.66 L&C 403b Roth 01_0_0000000_2104000000 - LCCC Accounts - Retirement Plans Pay $3,280.00 L&C 457b Deferral 01_0_0000000_2104000000 - LCCC Accounts - Retirement Plans Pay $3,298.33 L&C 457b Roth 01_0_0000000_2104000000 - LCCC Accounts - Retirement Plans Pay $875.00 L&C 403b Deferral 01_0_0000000_2104000000 - LCCC Accounts - Retirement Plans Pay $8,296.66 L&C 403b Roth 01_0_0000000_2104000000 - LCCC Accounts - Retirement Plans Pay $3,280.00 L&C 457b Deferral 01_0_0000000_2104000000 - LCCC Accounts - Retirement Plans Pay $2,988.33 L&C 457b Roth 01_0_0000000_2104000000 - LCCC Accounts - Retirement Plans Pay $875.00 --------------$31,189.98 Pollard, Gerald D Assign BB Officials 05_0_6040064_5309000000 - Athletics - Other Contractual Services $300.00 --------------$300.00 Reliance Standard Life Ins Co Life/ADD Insurance 01_0_0000000_2105000000 - LCCC Accounts - Group Insurance $1,202.62 Life/ADD Insurance 01_0_0000000_2105000030 - LCCC Accounts - Dependent Life Insurance $1.20 Life/ADD Insurance 01_0_0000000_2105000040 - LCCC Accounts - Optional Life Insurance $8,437.77 --------------$9,641.59 Republic Services Recycling Service 02_0_7060000_5707000000 - Plant Utilities - Refuse Disposal $645.20 Recycling Service 02_0_7060000_5707000007 - Plant Utilities - Refuse Disposal-MJCH $62.02 --------------$707.22 Roxana CUSD #1 2020SP CDEV 130 01_0_3010008_5309000000 - High School Partnership - Other Contractual $4,000.00 Less: 84 Strongs 01_0_3010008_5309000000 - High School Partnership - Other Contractual $-1,512.00 2019FA JOBS 132 01_0_3010008_5309000000 - High School Partnership - Other Contractual $2,000.00 --------------$4,488.00 Securitas Sec Serv Usa Inc Security 3/20-4/2 02_0_7040000_5309000000 - Security - Other Contractual Services $9,930.26 Security 4/3-4/16 02_0_7040000_5309000000 - Security - Other Contractual Services $10,413.84 Security 4/17-4/30 02_0_7040000_5309000000 - Security - Other Contractual Services $9,597.25 Security 5/1-5/14 02_0_7040000_5309000000 - Security - Other Contractual Services $9,843.60 Security 3/20-4/2 02_0_7040000_5309000094 - Security - Other Cont-NO Nelson $2,361.41









Page 34

LEWIS & CLARK COMMUNITY COLLEGE CHECKS ISSUED REQUIRING BOARD APPROVAL FY 2019-2020 – May, 2020 Security Security Security Security Security Security Security Security Security Security Security Security Security Security Security Security Security Security Security

4/3-4/16 4/17-4/30 5/1-5/14 3/20-4/2 4/3-4/16 4/17-4/30 5/1-5/14 3/20-4/2 4/3-4/16 4/17-4/30 5/1-5/14 3/20-4/2 4/3-4/16 4/17-4/30 5/1-5/14 3/20-4/2 4/3-4/16 4/17-4/30 5/1-5/14

02_0_7040000_5309000094 02_0_7040000_5309000094 02_0_7040000_5309000094 02_0_7040000_5309000096 02_0_7040000_5309000096 02_0_7040000_5309000096 02_0_7040000_5309000096 12_0_7040000_5309000000 12_0_7040000_5309000000 12_0_7040000_5309000000 12_0_7040000_5309000000 12_0_7040000_5309000094 12_0_7040000_5309000094 12_0_7040000_5309000094 12_0_7040000_5309000094 12_0_7040000_5309000096 12_0_7040000_5309000096 12_0_7040000_5309000096 12_0_7040000_5309000096


Security Security Security Security Security Security Security Security Security Security Security Security Security Security Security Security Security Security Security


Other Other Other Other Other Other Other Other Other Other Other Other Other Other Other Other Other Other Other

Cont-NO Nelson Cont-NO Nelson Cont-NO Nelson Cont-Scott Bibb Cont-Scott Bibb Cont-Scott Bibb Cont-Scott Bibb Contractual Services Contractual Services Contractual Services Contractual Services Cont-NO Nelson Cont-NO Nelson Cont-NO Nelson Cont-NO Nelson Cont-Scott Bibb Cont-Scott Bibb Cont-Scott Bibb Cont-Scott Bibb

Southwestern CUSD #9 2019FA CDEV 130 Less: 52 Strongs 2020SP CDEV 130 Less: 49 Strongs

01_0_3010008_5309000000 01_0_3010008_5309000000 01_0_3010008_5309000000 01_0_3010008_5309000000


High High High High

School School School School

Partnership Partnership Partnership Partnership


Other Other Other Other

Contractual $3,000.00 Contractual $-936.00 Contractual $2,000.00 Contractual $-882.00 --------------$3,182.00 *

Staunton Comm School Dist # 6 2019FA CDEV 130 01_0_3010008_5309000000 Less: 20 Strongs 01_0_3010008_5309000000 2020SP CDEV 130 01_0_3010008_5309000000 Less: 26 Strongs 01_0_3010008_5309000000 2019FA JOBS 132 01_0_3010008_5309000000 2020SP JOBS 132 01_0_3010008_5309000000


High High High High High High

School School School School School School

Partnership Partnership Partnership Partnership Partnership Partnership


Other Other Other Other Other Other

Contractual $1,000.00 Contractual $-360.00 Contractual $1,000.00 Contractual $-468.00 Contractual $500.00 Contractual $500.00 --------------$2,172.00 *

Sun Life Financial LTD Insurance

01_0_0000000_2105000000 - LCCC Accounts - Group Insurance

$1,435.80 --------------$1,435.80 *

Simon, Russell C Wage Deduction Order Wage Deduction Order

01_0_0000000_2109000003 - LCCC Accounts - Wage Garnishments 01_0_0000000_2109000003 - LCCC Accounts - Wage Garnishments

$496.00 $496.00 --------------$992.00 *

United States Postal Service Postage Meter 01_0_8040002_5404003000 - Post Office & Receiving - Postage Bulk Mail Postage 01_0_8040002_5404003002 - Post Office & Receiving - Postage-Bulk

$2,464.40 $2,473.50 $2,341.92 $1,258.64 $1,174.30 $1,231.68 $1,231.68 $23,170.62 $24,298.96 $22,393.58 $22,968.40 $5,509.94 $5,750.26 $5,771.51 $5,464.48 $2,936.84 $2,740.02 $2,873.92 $2,873.92 --------------$181,074.93 *

$5,000.00 $1,500.00 --------------$6,500.00 *

United Way Contributions Contributions

01_0_0000000_2309000001 - LCCC Accounts - Salaries Payable 01_0_0000000_2309000001 - LCCC Accounts - Salaries Payable

$728.00 $573.00 --------------$1,301.00 *

Verizon Phone Phone Phone Phone Phone

02_0_7060001_5705000000 02_0_7060001_5705000000 02_0_7060001_5705000000 02_0_7060001_5705000000 02_0_7060001_5705000000


Telecommunications Telecommunications Telecommunications Telecommunications Telecommunications

$310.80 $16.80 $16.80 $310.24 $310.24 --------------$964.88 *

01_0_0000000_1309000000 01_0_1010423_5401002000 01_0_1010423_5401002000 01_0_1010423_5401002000 01_0_1010423_5401002000 01_0_1010423_5401002000


LCCC Accounts - Other Receivables Art - Inst Supplies Art - Inst Supplies Art - Inst Supplies Art - Inst Supplies Art - Inst Supplies

Wireless Service Service Service Service Service

Visa CR: AOTA, LCFDN Lowes: Art Supplies Lowes: Art Supplies Lowes: Art Supplies Lowes: Art Supplies Lowes: Art Supplies


Telephone Telephone Telephone Telephone Telephone

$-299.00 $8.28 $7.98 $5.98 $49.90 $51.84

Page 35

LEWIS & CLARK COMMUNITY COLLEGE CHECKS ISSUED REQUIRING BOARD APPROVAL FY 2019-2020 – May, 2020 Office Depot: Router Walmart: IPad Case SIMTICS: Software Interest Charge MailChimp: Subscriptn Mailchimp: Subscriptn Mailchimp: Subscriptn Plural: Subscription VSP Vision Ins - DIV0002 Vision Ins - DIV0001 Warren, Julie Event Refund 8/22/20 Event Refund 8/22/20 White, Rodney A Travel Expense Wylde, Ryan Event Refund 4/4/20 Event Refund 4/4/20

01_0_1010424_5401002000 01_0_1010424_5401002000 01_0_1040714_5401002000 01_0_8060001_5401001000 01_0_8080012_5304000000 01_0_8080012_5304000000 01_0_8080012_5304000000 01_0_8080012_5309000000


Music - Inst Supplies $89.98 Music - Inst Supplies $13.99 Dental Assisting - Inst Supplies $840.00 Institutional Expense - Office Supplies $119.81 Tech Plan V Taxable-Admin – Maint Services $139.00 Tech Plan V Taxable-Admin - Maint Services $159.00 Tech Plan V Taxable-Admin - Maint Services $159.00 Tech Plan V Taxable-Admin – Other Contractual $199.00 --------------$1,544.76 *

01_0_0000000_1309000000 - LCCC Accounts - Other Receivables 01_0_0000000_2105000080 - LCCC Accounts - Vision Insurance

$4.67 $1,471.96 --------------$1,476.63 *

05_0_0000061_2709000000 - Dining Services - Other Deferred Revenue $3,000.00 05_0_0000067_2709000000 - Campus Events - Other Deferred Revenue $475.00 --------------$3,475.00 * 01_0_1040788_5501000000 - Allied Health Division - Conf/Meeting Expense $226.71 --------------$226.71 * 05_0_0000061_2709000000 - Dining Services - Other Deferred Revenue $3,000.00 05_0_0000067_2709000000 - Campus Events - Other Deferred Revenue $425.00 --------------$3,425.00 * =============== $392,681.34 ***

Page 36



LCCC ACCOUNTS - Tuition Receivables

Various Students and/or Sponsoring Agencies

Refunds and Financial Aid Disbursements

96,339.25 96,339.25

Expenditures By Fund Education Fund Total Expenditures

96,339.25 $96,339.25

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LEWIS & CLARK COMMUNITY COLLEGE CHECKS ISSUED REQUIRING BOARD APPROVAL – RESTRICTED FUNDS FY 2019-2020 – May, 2020 2wav. Inc. Software Dev A+ Conferencing Conferencing Service Conferencing Service Absopure Water Company Black Cooler ACT Workkeys Assessments Workkeys Assessments Workkeys Assessments

06_0_8090868_5309000000 - IDNR Living With WildLife - Other Contractual $1,075.00 --------------$1,075.00 * 06_0_4020411_5409000000 - Ctr For Workforce Training - Other Mat/Supplies $52.84 06_0_4090477_5409000000 - IEPA NGRREC State Appropriation - Other Mat/Sup $102.12 --------------$154.96 * 06_0_4020411_5401001000 - Ctr For Workforce Training - Office Supplies $9.00 --------------$9.00 *

06_0_4090464_5309000003 - Highway Const Careers Trng Pro - Contractual $132.00 06_0_4090464_5309000003 - Highway Const Careers Trng Pro - Contractual $108.00 06_0_4090464_5309000003 - Highway Const Careers Trng Pro - Contractual $20.00 --------------$260.00 * Agency for Inclusive Learning ICDD Mgr Services 06_0_3090332_5309000000 - ICDD: Sthrn IL /Org Trans/ICLP – Other Cont’l $3,210.00 ICDD Mgr Services 06_0_3090332_5404003000 - ICDD: Sthrn IL /Org Trans/ICLP - Postage $88.00 ICDD Mgr Services 06_0_3090332_5409000000 - ICDD: Sthrn IL /Org Trans/ICLP – Other Mat/Sup $48.52 --------------$3,346.52 * Amazon.Com Snow Queen Costume 06_0_4010406_5401002000 - Alton Fdn-CFL - Inst Supplies $14.99 Costume Hats, Lamp 06_0_4010406_5401002000 - Alton Fdn-CFL - Inst Supplies $8.40 Costume Hats, Lamp 06_0_4010406_5401002000 - Alton Fdn-CFL - Inst Supplies $9.99 Costume- Mini Fez Hat 06_0_4010406_5401002000 - Alton Fdn-CFL - Inst Supplies $9.99 Novelty Fez Hat 06_0_4010406_5401002000 - Alton Fdn-CFL - Inst Supplies $5.23 Zailhwk Cobra Cane 06_0_4010406_5401002000 - Alton Fdn-CFL - Inst Supplies $7.99 Costume Hats, Lamp 06_0_4010406_5401002000 - Alton Fdn-CFL - Inst Supplies $6.99 Novelty Fez Hat 06_0_4010406_5401002000 - Alton Fdn-CFL - Inst Supplies $5.99 Downrigger w/Fin 06_0_4090477_5409000000 - IEPA NGRREC State Appropriation – Other Mat/Sup $33.90 11 Bungee Cords 06_0_8090849_5409000000 - IDNR Bird-Voiced Treefrog - Other Mat/Supplies $153.45 Fishing Equipment 06_0_8090869_5409000000 - IDNR Herpetological Species - Other Mat/Supls $230.40 Fishing Equipment 06_0_8090869_5409000000 - IDNR Herpetological Species - Other Mat/Supls $351.16 Fishing Equipment 06_0_8090869_5409000000 - IDNR Herpetological Species - Other Mat/Supls $9.99 Fishing Equipment 06_0_8090869_5409000000 - IDNR Herpetological Species - Other Mat/Supls $15.80 Fishing Equipment 06_0_8090869_5409000000 - IDNR Herpetological Species - Other Mat/Supls $38.85 19 Live Bait Traps 06_0_8090869_5409000000 - IDNR Herpetological Species - Other Mat/Supls $189.81 74 Bait Traps 06_0_8090869_5409000000 - IDNR Herpetological Species - Other Mat/Supls $1,169.20 80 Live Bait Traps 06_0_8090869_5409000000 - IDNR Herpetological Species - Other Mat/Supls $799.20 --------------$3,061.33 * Anchortex Corporation Firefighting Coveralls 06_0_4090477_5409000000 - IEPA NGRREC State Appropriation – Other Mat/Sup $766.55 --------------$766.55 * Apple Inc MacBook Pro 06_0_4090477_5409000800 - IEPA NGRREC State Appropriation – Taggable $2,829.00 --------------$2,829.00 * AT&T Mobility Wireless Charges 06_0_4020439_5705000000 - Mobile Health Clinic Unit - Telephone $21.99 Wireless Charges 06_0_4020439_5705000000 - Mobile Health Clinic Unit - Telephone $21.99 Wireless Charges 06_0_4020439_5705000000 - Mobile Health Clinic Unit - Telephone $21.99 Wireless Charges 06_0_4090477_5309000000 - IEPA NGRREC State Appropriation – Other Cont’l $262.10 Wireless Charges 06_0_4090477_5309000000 - IEPA NGRREC State Appropriation - Other Cont’l $261.65 Wireless Charges 06_0_8080822_5304000000 - Tech Plan-Taxable-Administration – Maint Srvcs $629.61 Wireless Charges 06_0_8080822_5304000000 - Tech Plan-Taxable-Administration - Maint Srvcs $629.61 Wireless Charges 06_0_8080822_5304000000 - Tech Plan-Taxable-Administration - Maint Srvcs $629.61 --------------$2,478.55 * BRiC Partnership, LLC Professional Services 06_0_4040455_5309000000 - LC IGEN Award-Energy Program - Other Cont’l $7,050.00 Professional Services 06_0_4040455_5309000000 - LC IGEN Award-Energy Program - Other Cont’l $4,465.00 --------------$11,515.00 *

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LEWIS & CLARK COMMUNITY COLLEGE CHECKS ISSUED REQUIRING BOARD APPROVAL – RESTRICTED FUNDS FY 2019-2020 – May, 2020 Bushue Background Finger Printing Finger Printing Finger Printing

Screening Srvcs 06_0_4020447_5309000002 - Americorps Youth Build - Contractual Srvcs $216.00 Srvcs 06_0_4020447_5309000002 - Americorps Youth Build - Contractual Srvcs $594.00 Srvcs 06_0_4020447_5309000002 - Americorps Youth Build - Contractual Srvcs $54.00 --------------$864.00 *

Blaine, Valerie Articles Feb 2020 Articles Aug 2020 Articles May 2020

06_0_8090868_5309000000 - IDNR Living With WildLife - Other Contractual $500.00 06_0_8090868_5309000000 - IDNR Living With WildLife - Other Contractual $250.00 06_0_8090868_5309000000 - IDNR Living With WildLife - Other Contractual $250.00 --------------$1,000.00 *

Bumgarner, Eric Writing Services

06_0_8090868_5309000000 - IDNR Living With WildLife - Other Contractual $1,750.00 --------------$1,750.00 Carrier Cls Grn Infrastrucsture Llc Deposit Chrgng Wrkst 06_0_4040455_5809000000 - LC IGEN Award-Energy Program - Cap Outlay $8,125.00 --------------$8,125.00 CDW Government, Inc. Adobe Software 06_0_0000222_1790000000 - Tech Plan-Taxable-Academic - Other Deferred $499.92 Adobe Software 06_0_0000222_1790000000 - Tech Plan-Taxable-Academic - Other Deferred $10,270.14 Adobe Software 06_0_0000822_1790000000 - Tech Plan-Taxable-Administrati – Other Defer $523.47 20 LG LTE Tablets 06_0_1060107_5401002810 - EL/CIVICS - Taggable Inst Supplies $611.08 20 LG LTE Tablets 06_0_1060114_5401002800 - Optional Ed Program - Taggable Inst Supplies $2,444.32 20 LG LTE Tablets 06_0_1060118_5409000800 - Early School Lvr/GED ARRA Mdsn – Taggable Sup $611.08 Camera, Comp Supplies 06_0_1090198_5409000000 - ICCB Inn Bridge & Trn – Other Mat/Supplies $499.00 Camera, Comp Supplies 06_0_1090198_5409000000 - ICCB Inn Bridge & Trn - Other Mat/Supplies $645.00 Camera, Comp Supplies 06_0_1090198_5409000000 - ICCB Inn Bridge & Trn - Other Mat/Supplies $146.57 Camera, Comp Supplies 06_0_1090198_5409000000 - ICCB Inn Bridge & Trn - Other Mat/Supplies $960.79 Camera, Comp Supplies 06_0_1090198_5409000000 - ICCB Inn Bridge & Trn - Other Mat/Supplies $35.61 20 LG LTE Tablets 06_0_1090198_5409000800 - ICCB Inn Bridge & Trn – Taggable Supplies $916.62 20 LG LTE Tablets 06_0_4020423_5409000800 - YB USA CSET – Taggable Supplies $1,527.70 --------------$19,691.30 Cengage Learning 3 Ebooks 06_0_1060107_5401002510 - EL/CIVICS - Inst Supplies-Dir Inst Supplies $42.95 3 Ebooks 06_0_1060107_5401002510 - EL/CIVICS - Inst Supplies-Dir Inst Supplies $42.95 3 Ebooks 06_0_1060107_5401002510 - EL/CIVICS - Inst Supplies-Dir Inst Supplies $42.95 --------------$128.85 CHLIC Health Ins - May2020 06_0_8060015_5201001000 - Insurance-Self Insured - Medical $55,527.45 Dental Ins - May2020 06_0_8060015_5201002000 - Insurance-Self Insured - Dental $1,470.15 --------------$56,997.60 College of Lake County IGEN Serv-April 06_0_4040405_5309000025 - IGEN State Appropriation - Other Contractual $6,328.42 --------------$6,328.42 Cornerstone Government Affairs, Inc Consulting Services 06_0_8090817_5309000000 - IGEN Consortium - Other Contractual Services $8,333.33 Consulting Services 06_0_8090817_5309000000 - IGEN Consortium - Other Contractual Services $8,333.33 Consulting Services 06_0_8090817_5309000000 - IGEN Consortium - Other Contractual Services $8,333.33 --------------$24,999.99 Crisis Food Center, Inc. LC Vet Club Donation 06_0_6050630_5909000000 - Veteran's Club - Other Expenses $100.00 --------------$100.00 Curriculum Publications TABE Answer Booklets 06_0_1060111_5401002510 - Adult Ed-State Basic - Inst Supplies $48.50 TABE Answer Booklets 06_0_1060111_5401002510 - Adult Ed-State Basic - Inst Supplies $48.50 TABE Answer Booklets 06_0_1060111_5401002510 - Adult Ed-State Basic - Inst Supplies $48.50 TABE Answer Booklets 06_0_1060111_5401002510 - Adult Ed-State Basic - Inst Supplies $48.50 TABE Answer Booklets 06_0_1060111_5401002510 - Adult Ed-State Basic - Inst Supplies $19.40 --------------$213.40 Corcoran, Miles J Travel Expense 06_0_8060805_5501000000 - LCCC-NGRREC - Conf/Meeting Expense $181.43










Page 39


06_0_8060805_5501000000 - LCCC-NGRREC - Conf/Meeting Expense

$173.81 --------------$355.24 *

Danville Area Comm College IGEN/SOS Activities 06_0_4040405_5309000021 - IGEN State Appropriation - Other Contractual $1,574.73 IGEN/SOS Activities 06_0_4040405_5309000021 - IGEN State Appropriation - Other Contractual $924.73 --------------$2,499.46 Davis, Sabrina J Travel Expense 06_0_4020449_5501000000 - YB-Bldg Futures/Env. Conf. Res - Conf/Mtg Exp $168.68 --------------$168.68 Economic Modeling, LLC NGRREC Impact Study 06_0_4090477_5309000000 - IEPA NGRREC State Appropriation – Other Cont $8,000.00 --------------$8,000.00 Ellucian Company LP Managed Services May20 06_0_8080822_5309000000 - Tech Plan-Taxable-Administration - Other Con $12,098.00 Managed Services Jun20 06_0_8080822_5309000000 - Tech Plan-Taxable-Administration – Other Con $12,098.00 --------------$24,196.00 Frontier Credit Internet Srvcs 06_0_2040222_5709000000 - Tech Plan-Taxable-Academic - Other Utilities $-146.06 Internet Service 06_0_2040222_5709000000 - Tech Plan-Taxable-Academic - Other Utilities $654.79 Internet Service 06_0_2040222_5709000000 - Tech Plan-Taxable-Academic - Other Utilities $666.61 --------------$1,175.34 Houston Area Safety Council Christy Industrial 06_0_4020411_5309000000 - Ctr For Workforce Training - Other Contractual $30.00 Burns & McDonnell 06_0_4020411_5309000000 - Ctr For Workforce Training - Other Contractual $15.00 Burns & McDonnell 06_0_4020411_5309000000 - Ctr For Workforce Training - Other Contractual $10.00 Ecolab 06_0_4020411_5309000000 - Ctr For Workforce Training - Other Contractual $10.00 Ecolab 06_0_4020411_5309000000 - Ctr For Workforce Training - Other Contractual $10.00 Ecolab 06_0_4020411_5309000000 - Ctr For Workforce Training - Other Contractual $10.00 Team Industrial 06_0_4020411_5309000000 - Ctr For Workforce Training - Other Contractual $10.00 Phoenix 06_0_4020411_5309000000 - Ctr For Workforce Training - Other Contractual $20.00 Phoenix 06_0_4020411_5309000000 - Ctr For Workforce Training - Other Contractual $10.00 Altair Strickland 06_0_4020411_5309000000 - Ctr For Workforce Training - Other Contractual $10.00 Altair Strickland 06_0_4020411_5309000000 - Ctr For Workforce Training - Other Contractual $10.00 Altair Strickland 06_0_4020411_5309000000 - Ctr For Workforce Training - Other Contractual $10.00 Matrix Service Inc 06_0_4020411_5309000000 - Ctr For Workforce Training - Other Contractual $10.00 Fluid Flow Products 06_0_4020411_5309000000 - Ctr For Workforce Training - Other Contractual $10.00 Fluid Flow Products 06_0_4020411_5309000000 - Ctr For Workforce Training - Other Contractual $15.00 Fluid Flow Products 06_0_4020411_5309000000 - Ctr For Workforce Training - Other Contractual $15.00 Fluid Flow Products 06_0_4020411_5309000000 - Ctr For Workforce Training - Other Contractual $15.00 Fluid Flow Products 06_0_4020411_5309000000 - Ctr For Workforce Training - Other Contractual $15.00 Fluid Flow Products 06_0_4020411_5309000000 - Ctr For Workforce Training - Other Contractual $10.00 Matrix 06_0_4020411_5309000000 - Ctr For Workforce Training - Other Contractual $20.00 Matrix Service Inc 06_0_4020411_5309000000 - Ctr For Workforce Training - Other Contractual $10.00 Evergreen 06_0_4020411_5309000000 - Ctr For Workforce Training - Other Contractual $20.00 Evergreen 06_0_4020411_5309000000 - Ctr For Workforce Training - Other Contractual $20.00 Evergreen 06_0_4020411_5309000000 - Ctr For Workforce Training - Other Contractual $10.00 Evergreen 06_0_4020411_5309000000 - Ctr For Workforce Training - Other Contractual $20.00 Evergreen 06_0_4020411_5309000000 - Ctr For Workforce Training - Other Contractual $10.00 Evergreen 06_0_4020411_5309000000 - Ctr For Workforce Training - Other Contractual $10.00 Evergreen 06_0_4020411_5309000000 - Ctr For Workforce Training - Other Contractual $10.00 Evergreen 06_0_4020411_5309000000 - Ctr For Workforce Training - Other Contractual $20.00 Evergreen 06_0_4020411_5309000000 - Ctr For Workforce Training - Other Contractual $10.00 Evergreen 06_0_4020411_5309000000 - Ctr For Workforce Training - Other Contractual $10.00 Evergreen 06_0_4020411_5309000000 - Ctr For Workforce Training - Other Contractual $10.00 Evergreen 06_0_4020411_5309000000 - Ctr For Workforce Training - Other Contractual $10.00 Evergreen 06_0_4020411_5309000000 - Ctr For Workforce Training - Other Contractual $10.00 Evergreen 06_0_4020411_5309000000 - Ctr For Workforce Training - Other Contractual $10.00 Evergreen 06_0_4020411_5309000000 - Ctr For Workforce Training - Other Contractual $10.00 Evergreen 06_0_4020411_5309000000 - Ctr For Workforce Training - Other Contractual $10.00 Evergreen 06_0_4020411_5309000000 - Ctr For Workforce Training - Other Contractual $10.00 Evergreen 06_0_4020411_5309000000 - Ctr For Workforce Training - Other Contractual $10.00 Evergreen 06_0_4020411_5309000000 - Ctr For Workforce Training - Other Contractual $10.00 Evergreen 06_0_4020411_5309000000 - Ctr For Workforce Training - Other Contractual $10.00 Evergreen 06_0_4020411_5309000000 - Ctr For Workforce Training - Other Contractual $10.00 Evergreen 06_0_4020411_5309000000 - Ctr For Workforce Training - Other Contractual $10.00






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LEWIS & CLARK COMMUNITY COLLEGE CHECKS ISSUED REQUIRING BOARD APPROVAL – RESTRICTED FUNDS FY 2019-2020 – May, 2020 Evergreen Evergreen Evergreen Evergreen Evergreen Evergreen Evergreen Evergreen Evergreen Evergreen Evergreen Evergreen Evergreen Evergreen Evergreen Evergreen Evergreen Evergreen Evergreen Evergreen Evergreen Evergreen Evergreen Evergreen Evergreen Evergreen Evergreen Evergreen Evergreen Evergreen Evergreen Evergreen Evergreen Evergreen Evergreen

06_0_4020411_5309000000 06_0_4020411_5309000000 06_0_4020411_5309000000 06_0_4020411_5309000000 06_0_4020411_5309000000 06_0_4020411_5309000000 06_0_4020411_5309000000 06_0_4020411_5309000000 06_0_4020411_5309000000 06_0_4020411_5309000000 06_0_4020411_5309000000 06_0_4020411_5309000000 06_0_4020411_5309000000 06_0_4020411_5309000000 06_0_4020411_5309000000 06_0_4020411_5309000000 06_0_4020411_5309000000 06_0_4020411_5309000000 06_0_4020411_5309000000 06_0_4020411_5309000000 06_0_4020411_5309000000 06_0_4020411_5309000000 06_0_4020411_5309000000 06_0_4020411_5309000000 06_0_4020411_5309000000 06_0_4020411_5309000000 06_0_4020411_5309000000 06_0_4020411_5309000000 06_0_4020411_5309000000 06_0_4020411_5309000000 06_0_4020411_5309000000 06_0_4020411_5309000000 06_0_4020411_5309000000 06_0_4020411_5309000000 06_0_4020411_5309000000


Ctr Ctr Ctr Ctr Ctr Ctr Ctr Ctr Ctr Ctr Ctr Ctr Ctr Ctr Ctr Ctr Ctr Ctr Ctr Ctr Ctr Ctr Ctr Ctr Ctr Ctr Ctr Ctr Ctr Ctr Ctr Ctr Ctr Ctr Ctr

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Other Other Other Other Other Other Other Other Other Other Other Other Other Other Other Other Other Other Other Other Other Other Other Other Other Other Other Other Other Other Other Other Other Other Other

Contractual $10.00 Contractual $10.00 Contractual $10.00 Contractual $10.00 Contractual $10.00 Contractual $60.00 Contractual $30.00 Contractual $40.00 Contractual $10.00 Contractual $10.00 Contractual $10.00 Contractual $50.00 Contractual $40.00 Contractual $60.00 Contractual $30.00 Contractual $20.00 Contractual $10.00 Contractual $10.00 Contractual $10.00 Contractual $70.00 Contractual $10.00 Contractual $10.00 Contractual $10.00 Contractual $10.00 Contractual $60.00 Contractual $70.00 Contractual $20.00 Contractual $10.00 Contractual $60.00 Contractual $10.00 Contractual $10.00 Contractual $70.00 Contractual $10.00 Contractual $10.00 Contractual $10.00 --------------$1,425.00 *

Illinois Century Network Comm Chrgs T2220147 06_0_1090104_5709000000 - East St Louis Higher Ed Ctr - Other Utilities $483.56 Comm Chrgs T2220147 06_0_1090104_5709000000 - East St Louis Higher Ed Ctr - Other Utilities $483.56 --------------$967.12 Ingersoll, Robin K Travel Expense 06_0_8090846_5501000000 - NRCS: Tech Asst CRP WRE/CRP LO - Conf/Mtg Exp $138.24 Travel Expense 06_0_8090846_5501000000 - NRCS: Tech Asst CRP WRE/CRP LO - Conf/Mtg Exp $269.64 --------------$407.88 John A. Logan College IGEN Activities 06_0_4040405_5309000021 - IGEN State Appropriation - Other Contractual $2,455.38 IGEN Activities 06_0_4040405_5309000022 - IGEN State Appropriation - Other Contractual $3,333.00 IGEN Activities 06_0_4040405_5309000023 - IGEN State Appropriation - Other Contractual $16,667.00 --------------$22,455.38 John Wood Community College IGEN Activity 06_0_4040405_5309000021 - IGEN State Appropriation - Other Contractual $2,500.00 IGEN Activity 06_0_4040405_5309000024 - IGEN State Appropriation - Other Contractual $85,881.50 --------------$88,381.50 Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC Fire Protection Supls 06_0_4020411_5409000000 - Ctr For Workforce Training - Other Mat/Supls $1,191.94 Fire Protection Supls 06_0_4020411_5409000000 - Ctr For Workforce Training - Other Mat/Supls $93.00 --------------$1,284.94 Kankakee Community College IGEN Activity 06_0_4040405_5309000021 - IGEN State Appropriation - Other Contractual $2,500.00 IGEN Activity 06_0_4040405_5309000021 - IGEN State Appropriation - Other Contractual $3,683.00 IGEN Activity 06_0_4040405_5309000022 - IGEN State Appropriation - Other Contractual $6,666.00 IGEN Activity 06_0_4040405_5309000024 - IGEN State Appropriation - Other Contractual $678.92 IGEN/DOE Expenses 06_0_4040452_5309000201 - IGEN Solar Energy/FN - Cont Serv-Kankakee $4,170.80






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LEWIS & CLARK COMMUNITY COLLEGE CHECKS ISSUED REQUIRING BOARD APPROVAL – RESTRICTED FUNDS FY 2019-2020 – May, 2020 IGEN/DOE Expenses Kling, William C Consulting Kosydor, Tiffany J Travel Expense

06_0_4040452_5309000201 - IGEN Solar Energy/FN - Cont Serv-Kankakee $17,400.42 --------------$35,099.14 * 06_0_4090477_5309000000 - IEPA NGRREC State Appropriation – Other Cont $2,500.00 --------------$2,500.00 * 06_0_4020439_5501000000 - Mobile Health Clinic Unit - Conf/Meeting Exp $18.90 --------------$18.90 *

Lake Land College IGEN Activity IGEN Activity IGEN Activity

06_0_4040405_5309000021 - IGEN State Appropriation - Other Contractual $2,500.00 06_0_4040405_5309000022 - IGEN State Appropriation - Other Contractual $3,333.00 06_0_4040405_5309000022 - IGEN State Appropriation - Other Contractual $3,333.00 --------------$9,166.00 Lincoln Land Comm College IGEN Activity 06_0_4040405_5309000021 - IGEN State Appropriation - Other Contractual $2,500.00 IGEN Activity 06_0_4040405_5309000022 - IGEN State Appropriation - Other Contractual $10,000.00 IGEN Activity 06_0_4040405_5309000024 - IGEN State Appropriation - Other Contractual $56,500.00 --------------$69,000.00 Mannie Jackson Ctr Foundation Unspent Fund Return 06_0_0000412_4809000000 - MJC:Fun Meets Youth/Swi Distr - Other Income $6,153.87 --------------$6,153.87 Marie T. Gladue SHRM Class Instruction 06_0_4020411_5309000000 - Ctr For Workforce Training - Other Contract’l $1,188.00 SHRM Class Instruction 06_0_4020411_5309000000 - Ctr For Workforce Training - Other Contract’l $132.00 SHRM Class Instruction 06_0_4020411_5309000000 - Ctr For Workforce Training - Other Contract’l $29.98 --------------$1,349.98 McHenry County College IGEN Activity 06_0_4040405_5309000022 - IGEN State Appropriation - Other Contractual $7,004.96 --------------$7,004.96 Midwest Renewable Energy Assn IGEN Tech Assistance 06_0_4040405_5309000000 - IGEN State Appropriation - Other Contractual $150.00 IGEN Tech Assistance 06_0_4040405_5309000000 - IGEN State Appropriation - Other Contractual $1,187.50 --------------$1,337.50 Mind's Eye Broadcast Fees 06_0_4090491_5309000000 - LC Reading Service Prog - Other Contractual $400.00 --------------$400.00 Moraine Valley Cmty College IGEN Activity 06_0_4040405_5309000021 - IGEN State Appropriation - Other Contractual $2,500.00 --------------$2,500.00 Morton College IGEN Activities 06_0_4040405_5309000021 - IGEN State Appropriation - Other Contractual $5,000.00 --------------$5,000.00 Monroe, Amy L Travel Expense 06_0_4090477_5501000000 - IEPA NGRREC State Appropriation - Conf/Mtg Exp $61.20 --------------$61.20 New Growth Group, LLC Evaluation Services 06_0_4040405_5309000000 - IGEN State Appropriation - Other Contractual $10,000.00 Evaluation Services 06_0_4040405_5309000000 - IGEN State Appropriation - Other Contractual $9,000.00 Evaluation Services 06_0_4040452_5309000000 - IGEN Solar Energy/FN - Other Contractual $8,333.50 Evaluation Services 06_0_4040452_5309000000 - IGEN Solar Energy/FN - Other Contractual $4,166.75 --------------$31,500.25 Office Source File Folders 06_0_1060113_5401001513 - Adult Ed State Performance - Office Supplies $22.98 File Folders 06_0_1060113_5401001513 - Adult Ed State Performance - Office Supplies $22.99 --------------$45.97













Page 42

LEWIS & CLARK COMMUNITY COLLEGE CHECKS ISSUED REQUIRING BOARD APPROVAL – RESTRICTED FUNDS FY 2019-2020 – May, 2020 Pocket Nurse Medical Supplies Medical Supplies Medical Supplies Prairie State College IGEN Activity IGEN Activity

06_0_1090198_5409000000 - ICCB Inn Bridge & Trn – Other Mat/Supplies $73.34 06_0_1090198_5409000000 - ICCB Inn Bridge & Trn - Other Mat/Supplies $190.70 06_0_1090198_5409000800 - ICCB Inn Bridge & Trn – Taggable Mat/Supplies $2,033.79 --------------$2,297.83 * 06_0_4040405_5309000021 - IGEN State Appropriation - Other Contractual $2,500.00 06_0_4040405_5309000024 - IGEN State Appropriation - Other Contractual $1,000.00 --------------$3,500.00 *

ProGroup Instrument Corp Mar 2020 Utilities 06_0_4020439_5601000000 - Mobile Health Clinic Unit - Rental-Facility $241.74 Apr 2020 Utilities 06_0_4020439_5601000000 - Mobile Health Clinic Unit - Rental-Facility $159.31 --------------$401.05 Radiation Detection Company Badge Renewal MHU 06_0_4020439_5409000000 - Mobile Health Clinic Unit - Other Mat/Supplies $211.15 --------------$211.15 Royal Office Products Inc Office Supplies 06_0_4020449_5409000000 - YB-Bldg Futures – Other Mat/Supplies $40.18 Office Supplies 06_0_4020449_5409000000 - YB-Bldg Futures - Other Mat/Supplies $13.62 Office Supplies 06_0_4020449_5409000000 - YB-Bldg Futures - Other Mat/Supplies $35.98 Office Supplies 06_0_4020449_5409000000 - YB-Bldg Futures - Other Mat/Supplies $32.72 Office Supplies 06_0_4020449_5409000000 - YB-Bldg Futures - Other Mat/Supplies $10.93 Office Supplies 06_0_4020449_5409000000 - YB-Bldg Futures - Other Mat/Supplies $10.82 Office Supplies 06_0_4020449_5409000000 - YB-Bldg Futures - Other Mat/Supplies $22.43 Office Supplies 06_0_4020449_5409000000 - YB-Bldg Futures - Other Mat/Supplies $16.58 Office Supplies 06_0_4020449_5409000000 - YB-Bldg Futures - Other Mat/Supplies $16.99 Office Supplies 06_0_4020449_5409000000 - YB-Bldg Futures - Other Mat/Supplies $1.86 Office Supplies 06_0_4020449_5409000000 - YB-Bldg Futures - Other Mat/Supplies $5.53 Office Supplies 06_0_4020449_5409000000 - YB-Bldg Futures - Other Mat/Supplies $2.72 Office Supplies 06_0_4020449_5409000000 - YB-Bldg Futures - Other Mat/Supplies $6.45 Office Supplies 06_0_4020449_5409000000 - YB-Bldg Futures - Other Mat/Supplies $24.47 Office Supplies 06_0_4020449_5409000000 - YB-Bldg Futures - Other Mat/Supplies $8.46 Office Supplies 06_0_4020449_5409000000 - YB-Bldg Futures - Other Mat/Supplies $8.25 Office Supplies 06_0_4020449_5409000000 - YB-Bldg Futures - Other Mat/Supplies $49.19 Office Supplies 06_0_4020449_5409000000 - YB-Bldg Futures - Other Mat/Supplies $14.76 Office Supplies 06_0_4020449_5409000000 - YB-Bldg Futures - Other Mat/Supplies $25.52 Office Supplies 06_0_4020449_5409000000 - YB-Bldg Futures - Other Mat/Supplies $17.40 Office Supplies 06_0_4020449_5409000000 - YB-Bldg Futures - Other Mat/Supplies $10.38 Office Supplies 06_0_4020449_5409000000 - YB-Bldg Futures - Other Mat/Supplies $129.45 Office Supplies 06_0_4020449_5409000000 - YB-Bldg Futures - Other Mat/Supplies $22.00 Credit- Labels 06_0_4020449_5409000000 - YB-Bldg Futures - Other Mat/Supplies $-8.46 Black Toner 06_0_4090464_5409000000 - Highway Const Careers Trng Pro - Other Mat/Sup $77.59 --------------$595.82 The Salvation Army LC Vet Club Donation 06_0_6050630_5909000000 - Veteran's Club - Other Expenses $100.00 --------------$100.00 Scantron Corp Class Climate 06_0_0000222_1790000000 - Tech Plan-Taxable-Academic - Other Deferred $4,661.67 --------------$4,661.67 Schwartzkopf Printing Inc 160 T-Shirts 06_0_6050613_5909000000 - Phi Theta Kappa - Other Expenses $592.00 --------------$592.00 Sweetwater Sound Inc PACE USB Dongle 06_0_3020301_5401002030 - Carl Perkins - Inst Supls-Program Improvement $38.48 PACE USB Dongle 06_0_3020301_5401002030 - Carl Perkins - Inst Supls-Program Improvement $38.48 PACE USB Dongle 06_0_3020301_5401002030 - Carl Perkins - Inst Supls-Program Improvement $38.48 PACE USB Dongle 06_0_3020301_5401002030 - Carl Perkins - Inst Supls-Program Improvement $38.48 PACE USB Dongle 06_0_3020301_5401002030 - Carl Perkins - Inst Supls-Program Improvement $38.48 PACE USB Dongle 06_0_3020301_5401002030 - Carl Perkins - Inst Supls-Program Improvement $38.48 PACE USB Dongle 06_0_3020301_5401002030 - Carl Perkins - Inst Supls-Program Improvement $38.48 --------------$269.36








Page 43

LEWIS & CLARK COMMUNITY COLLEGE CHECKS ISSUED REQUIRING BOARD APPROVAL – RESTRICTED FUNDS FY 2019-2020 – May, 2020 Schrumpf, Nathan L Lease - June Triton College IGEN Activity Teague, Mikeith D Entertainment 5/9 University of Illinois GLTG Serv-March GLTG Serv-April

06_0_4020439_5601000000 - Mobile Health Clinic Unit - Rental-Facility $1,020.00 --------------$1,020.00 * 06_0_4040405_5309000021 - IGEN State Appropriation - Other Contractual $2,500.00 --------------$2,500.00 * 06_0_6050672_5909000000 - Programming - Other Expense

$150.00 --------------$150.00 *

06_0_4090477_5309000000 - IEPA NGRREC State Appropriation - Other Cont $61,818.08 06_0_4090477_5309000000 - IEPA NGRREC State Appropriation – Other Cont $10,233.22 --------------$72,051.30 *

USI Midwest St Louis ESTL Biz Auto Ins NGRREC Biz Auto Ins ESTL Biz Auto Ins NGRREC Biz Auto Ins

06_0_0000104_1790000000 06_0_0000477_1790000000 06_0_1090104_5605000000 06_0_4090477_5605000000



Verizon Wireless Wireless Service Wireless Service Wireless Service Wireless Service Wireless Service Wireless Service Wireless Service

06_0_4020439_5705000000 06_0_4020439_5705000000 06_0_4090477_5706000000 06_0_4090477_5706000000 06_0_4090477_5706000000 06_0_4090477_5706000000 06_0_4090477_5706000000


Mobile Health Clinic Unit - Telephone $40.01 Mobile Health Clinic Unit - Telephone $40.01 IEPA NGRREC State Appropriation - Telecom $213.66 IEPA NGRREC State Appropriation - Telecom $120.05 IEPA NGRREC State Appropriation - Telecom $213.66 IEPA NGRREC State Appropriation - Telecom $213.66 IEPA NGRREC State Appropriation - Telecom $120.03 --------------$961.08 *

Visa Best Buy: Microphones Best Buy: Microphones Office Max Office Max Office Max Target- Microphone Office Max Target- Microphone Best Buy: Microphones Best Buy: Microphones CR: ISU-Bunjan Regis Credit: AOTA Witsken Credit: AOTA Harris Credit: AOTA Witsken Credit: AOTA Harris Intuit- Quickbooks Mailchimp: Mthly Subsc Mailchimp: Mthly Subsc 100 KN95 Masks Prom Cons: Masks 100 KN95 Masks Prom Cons-Masks Office Max Credit: Office Max Log Me In: Go To Mtng Site5.com Site5.com IL Enviro Membership Credit: ILTrio: Ingram

06_0_3020301_5401002030 06_0_3020301_5401002030 06_0_3020301_5401002030 06_0_3020301_5401002030 06_0_3020301_5401002030 06_0_3020301_5401002030 06_0_3020301_5401002030 06_0_3020301_5401002030 06_0_3020301_5401002030 06_0_3020301_5401002030 06_0_3020301_5501000020 06_0_3020301_5501000060 06_0_3020301_5501000060 06_0_3020301_5501000060 06_0_3020301_5501000060 06_0_4020411_5401001000 06_0_4020411_5407000000 06_0_4020411_5407000000 06_0_4020411_5409000000 06_0_4020411_5409000000 06_0_4020411_5409000000 06_0_4020411_5409000000 06_0_4020420_5409000000 06_0_4020420_5409000000 06_0_4040405_5309000000 06_0_4040405_5309000000 06_0_4040405_5309000000 06_0_4090477_5409000000 06_0_4090481_5501000000


Carl Perkins - Inst Supls-Program Improvement $249.95 Carl Perkins - Inst Supls-Program Improvement $19.90 Carl Perkins - Inst Supls-Program Improvement $36.69 Carl Perkins - Inst Supls-Program Improvement $36.69 Carl Perkins - Inst Supls-Program Improvement $9.35 Carl Perkins - Inst Supls-Program Improvement $99.98 Carl Perkins - Inst Supls-Program Improvement $9.35 Carl Perkins - Inst Supls-Program Improvement $7.85 Carl Perkins - Inst Supls-Program Improvement $249.95 Carl Perkins - Inst Supls-Program Improvement $37.85 Carl Perkins - Conf/Meeting-Collaborations $-100.00 Carl Perkins - Conf/Meeting Exp-Prof Dev $-180.00 Carl Perkins - Conf/Meeting Exp-Prof Dev $-180.00 Carl Perkins - Conf/Meeting Exp-Prof Dev $-451.00 Carl Perkins - Conf/Meeting Exp-Prof Dev $-451.00 Ctr For Workforce Training - Office Supplies $25.00 Ctr For Workforce Training - Advertising $19.99 Ctr For Workforce Training - Advertising $19.99 Ctr For Workforce Training - Other Mat/Supplies $465.00 Ctr For Workforce Training - Other Mat/Supplies $149.50 Ctr For Workforce Training - Other Mat/Supplies $19.32 Ctr For Workforce Training - Other Mat/Supplies $21.93 Illinois YouthBuild Coalition - Other Mat/Supls $100.89 Illinois YouthBuild Coalition - Other Mat/Supl $-100.89 IGEN State Appropriation - Other Contractual $1,225.13 IGEN State Appropriation - Other Contractual $8.00 IGEN State Appropriation - Other Contractual $127.00 IEPA NGRREC State Appropriation: Other Mat/Supl $150.00 Talent Search Program - Conf/Meeting Expense $-330.00 --------------$1,296.42 *

Visa Agorapulse

St Louis Higher Ed Ctr – Other Deferred $1,668.30 NGRREC State Appropriation – Other Defer $8,390.00 St Louis Higher Ed Ctr Gr – General Ins $333.70 NGRREC State Appropriation – General Ins $1,678.00 --------------$12,070.00 *

06_0_8090868_5409000000 - IDNR Living With WildLife - Other Mat/Supplies $199.00 --------------$199.00 *

Page 44

LEWIS & CLARK COMMUNITY COLLEGE CHECKS ISSUED REQUIRING BOARD APPROVAL – RESTRICTED FUNDS FY 2019-2020 – May, 2020 Waubonsee Cmty College IGEN Activity IGEN Activity Young, Nancy A Travel Expense

06_0_4040405_5309000021 - IGEN State Appropriation - Other Contractual $2,500.00 06_0_4040405_5309000021 - IGEN State Appropriation - Other Contractual $2,000.00 --------------$4,500.00 * 06_0_4090474_5501000000 - SOS-Family Literacy - Conf/Meeting Exp

$284.13 --------------$284.13 * =============== $575,809.59 ***

Page 45


Varouis Account Numbers Various Students and/or Agencies

FERPA Protected Student Information

6,115.50 6,115.50

Expenditures By Fund Education Fund Auxiliary Fund Restricted Fund Total Expenditures

0.00 711.15 5,404.35 $6,115.50

Page 57


June 2, 2020


College President / Board of Trustees


Mary Schulte / Sara Lichtsinn



Attached is a list of past-due accounts receivable which require Board approval to be written-off as uncollectible. The list contains the following: Bookstore Charges Installment Plan Defaults Other Over Awards of Aid Parking Fines Return of Title IV Funds Returned Check Fees Tuition and Fees


6,322.22 1,976.75 3,180.60 100.00 110,714.13 20.00 34,259.24



The listed students are not attending college at the present time nor did they attend during the Fall 2019 and Spring 2020 semesters. The Finance/Bursars Office has made many efforts to collect these receivables. In addition, the following were written off during FY 2020: Student 195 American Institute of Research Chicago State University Denise Lacey Finao Entertainment Floyd/Mook Wedding Kerpan/Perez Wedding Meyer/Zirkelbach Wedding Rush Dance Studio

Bankruptcy Discharge - FA2018 ATC Rental 3/30/16 Hatheway Gallery Rental 9/25/15 Catering 11/7/17 Hatheway Auditorium 7/9/16 Returned Check Fee 5/19/18 Chapel Rental 12/29/18 Catering 11/4/17 Hatheway Auditorium 8/14/16

$590.56 $550.00 $73.00 $4,230.86 $100.00 $20.00 $300.00 $139.00 $397.50

Page 58

LEWIS AND CLARK COMMUNITY COLLEGE ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE WRITE-OFF REPORT Student Student Student Student Student Student Student Student Student Student Student Student Student Student Student Student Student Student Student Student Student Student Student Student Student Student Student Student Student Student Student Student Student Student Student Student Student Student Student Student Student Student Student Student

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 42 43

Semester 2019SP 2019SP 2018FA 2019SP 2018FA 2019SP 2019SP 2019SP 2019SP 2018FA 2019SP 2019SP 2019SP 2019SP 2018FA 2019SP 2019SP 2019SP 2019SP 2018FA 2019SP 2019SP 2018FA 2018SU 2018SU 2018FA 2019SP 2018FA 2019SP 2019SP 2018FA 2019SP 2018FA 2019SP 2019SP 2018FA 2018SU 2019SP 2019SP 2018FA 2019SP 2019SP 2019SP 2018FA

Description Return of Title IV Funds - Pell Return of Title IV Funds - Pell Return of Title IV Funds - Pell Return of Title IV Funds - Pell Return of Title IV Funds - Pell Unpaid Tuition & Fees Return of Title IV Funds - Loans Return of Title IV Funds - Pell Unpaid Tuition & Fees Return of Title IV Funds - Pell Return of Title IV Funds - Pell Return of Title IV Funds - Loans Unpaid Tuition & Fees Parking Fines Parking Fines Unpaid Tuition & Fees Return of Title IV Funds - Pell Return of Title IV Funds - Pell Return of Title IV Funds - Pell Return of Title IV Funds - Pell Return of Title IV Funds - Pell Return of Title IV Funds - Pell Return of Title IV Funds - Pell Unpaid Tuition & Fees Unpaid Tuition & Fees Return of Title IV Funds - Pell Return of Title IV Funds - Pell Return of Title IV Funds - Pell Return of Title IV Funds - Pell Unpaid Tuition & Fees Unpaid Tuition & Fees Return of Title IV Funds - Pell Return of Title IV Funds - Pell Unpaid Tuition & Fees IP Default - Tuition & Fees Return of Title IV Funds - Pell Unpaid Tuition & Fees Return of Title IV Funds - Pell Return of Title IV Funds - Pell Return of Title IV Funds - Pell Unpaid Tuition & Fees Overaward - Pell Return of Title IV Funds - Pell Unpaid Tuition & Fees

Amount 1,454.22 460.96 745.23 514.36 845.12 21.00 614.00 1,635.97 250.00 93.29 1,204.05 590.00 250.00 25.00 25.00 14.00 695.26 387.08 1,374.13 570.50 1,337.67 899.22 1,486.90 143.00 71.50 1,628.92 1,207.51 1,904.83 645.68 7.10 444.00 165.95 581.73 1,036.00 148.00 180.00 169.00 2,258.28 1,348.90 2,962.44 8.70 762.00 437.39 1,862.00

Page 59

LEWIS AND CLARK COMMUNITY COLLEGE ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE WRITE-OFF REPORT Student Student Student Student Student Student Student Student Student Student Student Student Student Student Student Student Student Student Student Student Student Student Student Student Student Student Student Student Student Student Student Student Student Student Student Student Student Student Student Student Student Student Student Student

44 45 46 46 47 48 49 49 50 50 51 52 53 54 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 64 65 66 67 68 69 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 76 77 78 79 80

Semester 2018FA 2019SP 2019SP 2019SP 2018FA 2019SP 2018SU 2018SU 2018FA 2018FA 2019SP 2019SP 2019SP 2018FA 2018FA 2018FA 2018FA 2018FA 2019SP 2019SP 2018FA 2019SP 2019SP 2018FA 2018FA 2018FA 2019SP 2018SU 2019SP 2017FA 2019SP 2019SP 2018FA 2019SP 2019SP 2019SP 2019SP 2018FA 2018FA 2018FA 2018FA 2019SP 2019SP 2018SP

Description Return of Title IV Funds - Pell Overaward - Loans Bookstore Charges Unpaid Tuition & Fees Return of Title IV Funds - Loans Return of Title IV Funds - Pell Bookstore Charges Unpaid Tuition & Fees Bookstore Charges Return of Title IV Funds - Loans Bookstore Charges Unpaid Tuition & Fees Return of Title IV Funds - Pell Return of Title IV Funds - Pell Unpaid Tuition & Fees IP Default - Tuition & Fees Return of Title IV Funds - Pell Return of Title IV Funds - Loans Unpaid Tuition & Fees Unpaid Tuition & Fees Unpaid Tuition & Fees Unpaid Tuition & Fees Return of Title IV Funds - Pell Unpaid Tuition & Fees Return of Title IV Funds - Loans Return of Title IV Funds - Pell Bookstore Charges Return of Title IV Funds - Pell Unpaid Tuition & Fees Bookstore Charges Bookstore Charges Unpaid Tuition & Fees Return of Title IV Funds - Pell Unpaid Tuition & Fees Return of Title IV Funds - Pell Return of Title IV Funds - Pell Return of Title IV Funds - Pell Unpaid Tuition & Fees Bookstore Charges Unpaid Tuition & Fees Return of Title IV Funds - Pell Return of Title IV Funds - Pell Return of Title IV Funds - Loans Return of Title IV Funds - Pell

Amount 693.42 1,288.00 424.32 1,957.00 1,679.38 832.43 141.85 429.00 542.61 953.00 429.84 372.00 922.95 315.89 1,373.00 909.75 920.59 1,553.00 2,013.00 46.70 1,941.00 7.00 515.86 484.00 1,219.00 15.35 445.34 1,051.80 2,026.75 198.60 97.07 7.00 935.20 174.00 2,374.46 863.67 1,068.87 100.00 139.74 27.29 655.40 845.03 1,601.00 1,361.00

Page 60

LEWIS AND CLARK COMMUNITY COLLEGE ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE WRITE-OFF REPORT Student Student Student Student Student Student Student Student Student Student Student Student Student Student Student Student Student Student Student Student Student Student Student Student Student Student Student Student Student Student Student Student Student Student Student Student Student Student Student Student Student Student Student

81 82 83 84 85 86 87 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 115 116 117 118 119 120

Semester 2019SP 2019SP 2019SP 2019SP 2018FA 2018FA 2018FA 2018FA 2018FA 2018FA 2019SP 2019SP 2018FA 2019SP 2018FA 2018FA 2019SP 2018FA 2019SP 2019SP 2018FA 2018FA 2018FA 2019SP 2019SP 2019SP 2019SP 2019SP 2018SU 2016FA 2019SP 2018SU 2019SP 2019SP 2019SP 2019SP 2019SP 2019SP 2018FA 2019SP 2019SP 2019SP 2018FA

Description Unpaid Tuition & Fees Return of Title IV Funds - Loans Bookstore Charges Unpaid Tuition & Fees IP Default - Tuition & Fees Return of Title IV Funds - Loans Bookstore Charges Unpaid Tuition & Fees Returned Check Fee Return of Title IV Funds - Pell Unpaid Tuition & Fees Return of Title IV Funds - Pell Return of Title IV Funds - Pell Bookstore Charges Unpaid Tuition & Fees Return of Title IV Funds - Pell Return of Title IV Funds - Loans Return of Title IV Funds - Pell Return of Title IV Funds - Pell Unpaid Tuition & Fees Bookstore Charges Unpaid Tuition & Fees IP Default - Tuition & Fees Bookstore Charges Bookstore Charges Return of Title IV Funds - Loans Return of Title IV Funds - Pell Unpaid Tuition & Fees Return of Title IV Funds - Pell Return of Title IV Funds - Pell Unpaid Tuition & Fees Return of Title IV Funds - Pell Return of Title IV Funds - Pell Unpaid Tuition & Fees Unpaid Tuition & Fees Return of Title IV Funds - Loans Bookstore Charges Unpaid Tuition & Fees Return of Title IV Funds - Pell Unpaid Tuition & Fees Return of Title IV Funds - Pell Unpaid Tuition & Fees Unpaid Tuition & Fees

Amount 7.00 557.00 197.81 888.00 329.00 1,807.00 510.13 1,939.00 20.00 1,346.59 21.00 658.83 1,573.15 162.09 444.00 1,129.76 1,957.00 260.18 351.18 338.00 525.82 447.00 207.00 165.00 538.08 228.00 981.27 510.50 242.81 295.00 619.00 677.46 806.58 7.00 272.00 477.00 126.00 14.00 1,962.28 1,879.00 840.04 2,103.00 7.00

Page 61

LEWIS AND CLARK COMMUNITY COLLEGE ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE WRITE-OFF REPORT Student Student Student Student Student Student Student Student Student Student Student Student Student Student Student Student Student Student Student Student Student Student Student Student Student Student Student Student Student Student Student Student Student Student Student Student Student Student Student Student Student Student Student Student

121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 149 149 150 151 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 160

Semester 2019SP 2019SP 2018FA 2018FA 2018FA 2019SP 2018FA 2019SP 2019SP 2018FA 2019SP 2018FA 2018SU 2019SP 2018SU 2019SP 2018FA 2019SP 2018FA 2018SU 2018FA 2018FA 2018FA 2018FA 2018FA 2019SP 2019SP 2018FA 2018FA 2019SP 2019SP 2018FA 2019SP 2019SP 2019SP 2019SP 2018FA 2018FA 2018FA 2019SP 2019SP 2018FA 2018FA 2018FA

Description Unpaid Tuition & Fees Return of Title IV Funds - Pell Unpaid Tuition & Fees Unpaid Tuition & Fees Return of Title IV Funds - Pell Return of Title IV Funds - Pell Return of Title IV Funds - Pell Return of Title IV Funds - Loans Return of Title IV Funds - Pell Return of Title IV Funds - Pell Unpaid Tuition & Fees Return of Title IV Funds - Pell Return of Title IV Funds - Pell Unpaid Tuition & Fees Return of Title IV Funds - Pell Parking Fines Return of Title IV Funds - Pell Unpaid Tuition & Fees IP Default - Tuition & Fees Return of Title IV Funds - Loans Unpaid Tuition & Fees IP Default - Tuition & Fees Return of Title IV Funds - Pell Unpaid Tuition & Fees Return of Title IV Funds - Loans Return of Title IV Funds - Pell Return of Title IV Funds - Pell Bookstore Charges Return of Title IV Funds - Loans Bookstore Charges Unpaid Tuition & Fees Return of Title IV Funds - Loans Bookstore Charges Unpaid Tuition & Fees Return of Title IV Funds - Pell Return of Title IV Funds - Pell Return of Title IV Funds - Loans Unpaid Tuition & Fees Unpaid Tuition & Fees Unpaid Tuition & Fees Unpaid Tuition & Fees Return of Title IV Funds - Pell Overaward - Pell Unpaid Tuition & Fees

Amount 7.00 1,083.16 35.00 1,525.00 1,395.40 875.49 1,048.13 2,643.52 504.51 794.27 14.00 801.24 46.80 10.00 801.76 25.00 2,058.65 7.00 92.00 858.00 484.00 291.00 1,216.74 28.00 1,066.00 581.92 897.59 413.52 1,223.00 321.89 1,497.00 2,089.00 464.75 7.00 1,750.00 1,287.78 766.00 447.00 21.00 7.00 7.00 1,496.39 193.20 657.00

Page 62

LEWIS AND CLARK COMMUNITY COLLEGE ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE WRITE-OFF REPORT Student Student Student Student Student Student Student Student Student Student Student Student Student Student Student Student Student Student Student Student Student Student Student Student Student Student Student Student Student Student Student Student Student Student Student Student Student

161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 182 183 184 185 186 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194

Semester 2019SP 2018FA 2019SP 2018FA 2019SP 2019SP 2019SP 2019SP 2018FA 2019SP 2018FA 2019SP 2019SP 2018SU 2019SP 2018FA 2018FA 2019SP 2019SP 2019SP 2019SP 2019SP 2018FA 2018FA 2018FA 2019SP 2018FA 2018FA 2019SP 2018FA 2018FA 2018FA 2019SP 2018FA 2019SP 2018FA 2018FA

Description Return of Title IV Funds - Pell Unpaid Tuition & Fees Return of Title IV Funds - Pell Unpaid Tuition & Fees Unpaid Tuition & Fees Return of Title IV Funds - Pell Unpaid Tuition & Fees Return of Title IV Funds - Loans Parking Fines Return of Title IV Funds - Pell Return of Title IV Funds - Loans Overaward - MAP / Pell Return of Title IV Funds - Pell Return of Title IV Funds - Pell Bookstore Charges Return of Title IV Funds - Pell Unpaid Tuition & Fees Unpaid Tuition & Fees Unpaid Tuition & Fees Return of Title IV Funds - Pell Unpaid Tuition & Fees Unpaid Tuition & Fees Return of Title IV Funds - Loans Return of Title IV Funds - Pell Return of Title IV Funds - Pell Return of Title IV Funds - Pell Unpaid Tuition & Fees Return of Title IV Funds - Pell Unpaid Tuition & Fees Unpaid Tuition & Fees Return of Title IV Funds - Pell Return of Title IV Funds - Pell Return of Title IV Funds - Pell Return of Title IV Funds - Loans Unpaid Tuition & Fees Unpaid Tuition & Fees Unpaid Tuition & Fees

Amount 1,021.07 7.00 950.82 1,305.00 14.00 1,812.86 7.00 1,565.76 25.00 173.46 2,710.85 937.40 1,397.51 643.33 477.76 920.50 113.25 7.00 447.00 832.87 28.70 7.00 619.00 292.18 1,118.43 1,272.35 7.00 670.00 1,563.75 7.00 1,340.33 1,898.00 691.44 740.00 7.00 203.00 1,053.00

Page 63




Interpreter Services for FY 2021

Hours as needed to accommodate student schedules

White Bond Copy Paper for FY2021

4 million sheets, 8.5x11, 20# White Bond Paper Recycled 30% PCW & at least 92% Brightness Bid to include delivery in 5 shipments of 800,000 sheets per shipment approximately every two to three months



Special Learning Needs (Operating Funds) Office Services

Used for print shop services & to supply

(Operating Funds)

departments with copy & printer paper.

Page 132

Contract Change Orders 9-Jun-20












Liberty Mutual Insurance Company

5/31/20 - 5/31/21

TYPE OF INSURANCE Public Official Bond Treasurer General Obligations and Working Cash

Policy Limits









Page 133 1.




Full-Time 1. Campbell, Jefry – Maintenance Worker III, Facilities, effective June 15, 2020. 2. Slemer, Terri L. – Library Assistant, Library and Institutional Research, effective May 29, 2020.


Part-Time N/A


Full-Time 1. Reed, Levi – Land Conservation Specialist, Fayette County IL, effective June 11, 2020.


Part-Time N/A


Part-Time, Short Term N/A


Part-Time/Overload (For period of 4/16/2020 to 05/15/20) Botterbush, Kevin J Brennan, Christopher J Davison, Thomas M Farrell, Myra A

Hung, Angela K Kribs, Jonathan A Kuebrich, Paul M Marshall, Rick W McFarlane, Joseph W

Transaction Applications Introduction to the Visual Arts Introduction to the Visual Arts Fire Prevention Principles TDL Integrated Math TDL Integrated Math TDL Reading TDL Reading TDL Writing TDL Writing Drawing I Lifeguard Training Instrumentation Tech Internship TDL Career Awareness TDL Career Awareness History of Art I History of Art I

Page 134 Ridings, Shelle A Vaughn, Jeffrey L

Witsken, Deborah A


Health Information/Coding Externship Medical Assisting Externship Beginning Photography I Beginning Photography I Beginning Photography I OT in Productive Aging


Full-Time 1. Jett, Louise – Transferred from full-time Media Specialist/Adjunct Faculty to full-time Assistant Professor, Computer Graphics/Web Design, effective August 17, 2020;





Full-Time 1. Appointment of Jill Lane, Dean of Transfer Programs, to Interim Chief Academic Officer, effective July 1, 2020.

YouthBuild USA--IT Pathways












20-2010-RIS 2019-YEEP003












8/13/2019 7.9.19-3






YouthBuild USA-JP Morgan Chase Foundation IL Council on Developmental Disabilities

US Dept. of Education

US Dept. of Education

US Dept of Labor

Funding Agency


ICCB $15,760

6/11/2019 4/30/2019



and Training 6/11/2019 4/11/2019 continuation Madison County Employment

Carl Perkins Grant

$17,438 $69,457

6/11/2019 4/30/2019


IL State Library




WIOA Youth Program


Illinois Department of Transportation


6/11/2019 6/17/2019

continuation Continuing Intergovernmental Agreement

IL Secretary of State

Adult Volunteer Literacy Highway Construction Careers Training Program Lewis and Clark Radio Information Services


6/11/2019 6/17/2019


6/11/2019 N/A





IL Secretary of State

IL Bd of Higher Education New Madison County Employment and Training continuation Dept.


Secretary of State






Grant extended by Grantor

5 year grant 8/1/14 - 7/31/20 = $108,550, extension approved by Grantor 2018--Extension approved by Grantor



Amt Submitted Requested

total for 5 years 2016 2021 = $1,552,518 2016 total for 5 years 2017 2022 = $1,632,405 2017


Opportunity Approved by Board





New Grant or Continuation

Family Literacy

Vocational Training Agreement

SIUE/NSF Noyce Agreement Renewable Energy Project--IGEN Innovative Bridge and Transitions Program IL Cooperative Work Study Grant

Southern IL Transition ICCB-Dual Credit CNA to ICCB RN Career Patheway

Upward Bound

P044A1600221 9


Title YouthBuild: Building Futures Educational Talent Search



Opportunity ID


Aw ard Acknow ledged by Board

Awarded Grants and Sponsored Contracts 6/9/2020

$59,040 7/1/19 - 6/30/20 7/1/19 $319,574 6/30/20

7/1/19 $354,400 6/30/20 7/1/19 $17,438 6/30/20

Cost Reimbursement

7/1/19 6/30/20 6/15/19 $50,000 6/30/20 6/15/19 $63,300 6/30/20

8/1/18 $21,710 7/31/20 7/1/18 $2,000,000 6/30/20 7/1/19 $100,000 6/30/20 7/1/19 $8,728.05 8/31/20

10/15/18 $272,859 10/14/2021 1/1/19 $46,838 6/30/20

1/1/18 $90,000 12/31/20

Term 9/1/17 $1,100,000 12/31/20 9/1/19 $312,420 8/31/20 9/1/19 $320,484 8/31/20

Amt Awarded

Program and Contact

T. Lane

$0 L Chapman/J Lane

$0 Val Harris

$0 M. Lemons

$0 Val Harris

$0 Dr. Valorie Harris

$0 Dr. Valorie Harris

$0 T. Lane

$4,000 in kind

$0 V. Harris

L. Chapman/J. Lane D Chapman/R. Hilgenbrink

L Chapman/S Czerwinski

$54,572 L. Chapman/J. Lorbach

L. Chapman/V. Harris

S. Hill/C. Robinson

S. Hill/C. Robinson

$275,000 L. Chapman/V. Harris

Matching Requirement

Awarded Grants Page 135

ESLHEC 53619

No match required





1/1/20 $5,750 12/31/20 7/1/19 $2,000,000 6/30/20

$244,504 1/1/20 - 8/31/20

Madison County CSBG

2020-CSB G-003

Vocational Training Renewable Energy 6/11/2019 REF20800 Project--IGEN

2/11/2020 9.10.19-2

11/7/2019 11/1/2019 up to $250,000 Scholarship s and stipends for Fall 2019 individual 9/10/2019 for 2020 students January, $2,000,000 6/11/2019 2019 New


2/11/2020 11.7.19-2

$0 Linda Chapman

7/1/19 $15,000 6/30/20

2/11/20--Grant awarded to all Illinois Community Colleges


ICCB Illinois YouthBuild Coalition, Inc.

Transitional Instructional Math and English Illinois YouthBuild Coalition


$0 V. Harris

7/1/19 $50,626 6/30/20 $50,626



$0 N. Keener

$0 Val Harris R Hilgenbrink/Nate $0 Keener

$0 Val Harris

$15,000 V. Harris

IL State Bd of Ed

$104,689 2020 - 2022 7/1/19 $60,000 6/30/20 $75,000








Dept. of Energy IGEN

2/11/2020 2.11.20-1




N. Keener

Contract Approved Solar Workforce Grant 6/11/2019 10/8/19 Early School leaver 6/11/2019 S-ESLTP-53620 Transition Program Truant's Alternative and Optional Education 6/11/2019 20-3695-18 Program

3/20/19 $127,000 6/30/20

IL Secretary of State

IL Green Economy Network (IGEN)







Dental Sealant Grant

93489017G-2 Contract for $102,000 approved 10/8/19 Additional $25,000 aw arded 12/10/19

6/11/2019 4/15/2019

$0 T. Kosydor/S. Czerwinski

10/1/19 $2,000 9/30/20


$0 Val Harris

$5,000 8/1/19 - 6/24/20



New--received invitation 7/10/19

10/8/2019 8.13.19-4 11/7/2019 and 12/10/19

YouthBuild USA

S. Hill/C. Robinson pg


US Dept. of Education

Upward Bound YouthBuild USA CSET 3.0 Career Pathways 8.13.19-4 Initiative


S. Hill/C. Robinson pg

9/1/19 $357,868 8/31/20

US Dept. of Education


total for 5 years 2017 2022 = $1,632,405 2017

$127,654 V. Harris

$0 L. Chapman



7/1/19 6/30/20

Program and Contact

$99,400 V. Harris

Matching Requirement

9/1/19 $340,354 8/31/20


$550,875 + $24,200 Federal Funds

5/1/19 $600,000 6/30/20

Term 8/15/19 $99,400 8/14/20

Amt Awarded

total for 5 years 2016 2021 = $1,552,518 2016




Adult Ed and Literacy

$99,400 $600,000

6/11/2019 12/4/2018

Amt Submitted Requested

6/11/2019 4/30/2019


Opportunity Approved by Board


YouthBuild USA

New Grant or Continuation


YouthBuild Americorps

19NDHMA0030 032

Funding Agency

East STL Higher Ed Center



6/11/2019 5360120



Opportunity ID

P044A160022- Educational Talent Search 19

10/8/2019 Amended Ack 5/19/20 10/8/2019 Amended Ack 5/19/20


Aw ard Acknow ledged by Board

Awarded Grants and Sponsored Contracts 6/9/2020

Awarded Grants Page 136

12/10/2019 and 7.9.19-2 3/10/20










Funding Agency

McKnight Foundation National Science Foundation

Land and Water Conservation Practices NSF-Rol:FELS:EAGER: Metabolic Asymmetry

Amt Submitted Requested

$179,460 $700,000

7/11/2019 5/14/2019 6/11/2019

New Continuation



$135,886 6/3/2019 6/11/2019


US EPA US Fish & Wildlife Services flow through IDNR Walton Family Foundation

Lower Mississippi Water Lower Mississippi River Conservation Committee New Quality Data Inventory

1/1/20 $134,324 12/31/22


6/11/2019 4/11/2019



1/1/20 $18,066 7/31/20

10/1/19 $179,460 12/31/22 9/1/19 $700,000 4/30/21

7/30/19 $114,771 7/30/20 8/19/19 $50,126 8/18/22 $114,771




USACE Research Development CESU

$10,000 in kind salary covered by other grants Ted Kratschmer

$0 D. Chapman/D. Warner

$96,632 John Crawford

$46,666 J. Crawford

$0 L.Guyon

$0 L. Guyon

$0 J. Shew $70,000 7/1/19 - 6/30/21 $70,000




$0 J. Shew/L. Guyon

10/1/19 $382,836 10/31/20


6/11/2019 6/24/2019



$108,333 D. Chapman/R. Warner



D Chapman/L Guyon D Chapman/S Czerwinski/J Sloan

Dick Warner/Gary Rolfe D Chapman/S Czerwinski/A Dell





$43,813 D Chapman/S Czerwinski

1/1/19 $34,452 12/31/20 12/6/18 $24,999 12/31/20 7/1/19 $325,000 6/30/20

3/16/18 12/31/21 8/15/18 $297,582 7/31/20

D Chapman/L Guyon/J Shew

Program and Contact

$370,442 D Chapman/R Warner

Matching Requirement







2016--No cost extension



12/12/17 $801,840 10/31/20 5/22/19 $283,632 5/21/21 10/1/16 $81,360 12/31/20

Amt Awarded

McKnight initiated award additional extending term to $100,000 12/31/21 3/10/2020


2017--Grantor Increased Funding by $382,836 2019

Opportunity Approved by Board



New Grant or Continuation


CESU: Floodplain Forest USGS National Grants Branch Canopy Gap Dynamics HLC Wood River/Piasa Heartlands Conservancy Creek Watershed


Herpetological Species

USDA Natural Resource Conservation Svc Dept of Natural NGRREC℠ Strike Team Resources

Title NRCS-Technical Assistance - CRP & WRE

Living with Wildlife Conservation Planning and Easement 68-5A12-18Management 6/11/2019 001 NGRREC℠ Habitat Strike Team at Natural 8.13.19-6 20RC113485 Heritage Sites CESU: Forest W912HZ-17-2- Resources Inventory and Analysis 6/11/2019 0021 Reforesting UMRS 6/11/2019 G19AC00361 Canopy Openings Improving Detection of Cryptic Forested Wetlands with Lidar 6/11/2019 12869735 Derivatives Population demography of Bird-voiced treefrogs in southern Illinois 6/11/2019 T-129-R-1 Great Lakes to Gulf Virtual Observatory 6/11/2019 90104












68-5A12-18001 Amendment 1



Opportunity ID


Aw ard Acknow ledged by Board

Awarded NGRREC℠ Grants and Sponsored Contracts 6/9/2020

Awarded Grants Page 137


Opportunity ID

6/9/2020 1.14.20-4

5/19/2020 1.14.20-2

4/14/2020 2.11.20-5

2/11/2020 2.11.20-6


Aw ard Acknow ledged by Board

Title NGRRECâ„ IL Clean Water

From the Ground Up: Increasing Water Security through Public Awareness, Knowledge, and Professional 761640-002 Development Big Data Hubs and Spokes Collaborative: An Integrated Big Data Framework for Water Quality Issues in the Upper Mississippi River 09-2425-17800 Basin Web-based guidance for habitat improvements ORCPIAS2020 related to construction A Proactive Strategy for Living with Wildlife in R21W147T13 Illinois






National Science Foundation IL Department of Natural Resources IL Department of Natural Resources



EPA, sub award through SIUE

New Grant or Continuation

Funding Agency






1/1/20 8/31/21

Term 7/1/19 6/30/20

7/1/20 $466,667 6/30/21

$58,000 3/1/20 - 2/28/21

$111,416 4/1/20 - 7/31/21

Amt Submitted Requested Amt Awarded January, $2,000,000 $2,000,000 6/11/2019 2019 Submitted 4/19/18, and received notice of award $5,000 $5,000.00 2/11/2020 1/20.

Opportunity Approved by Board

Awarded NGRRECâ„ Grants and Sponsored Contracts 6/9/2020 Program and Contact

$116,667 Dick Warner

$0 Dick Warner

$0 Dick Warner

$0 Allison Rhanor

$0 Gary Rolfe

Matching Requirement

Awarded Grants Page 138

Highway Construction Careers Training Program (HCCTP)





Title A Proactive Strategy for Living with Wildlife in Illinois

2000329 Diesel Technology


Opportunity Identifier



Opportunity Identifier

IL Department of Natural Resources

Funding Agency


$354,400 7/1/20 - 6/30/21

7/1/20 - 6/30/23







$466,667 7/1/20 - 6/30/21

Acknowledgement of NGRRECâ„ Grants and Sponsored Contracts 6/9/2020 Opportunity Amt New Grant or Approved by Requested Amt Awarded Term Submitted Board Continuation


Continuing Intergovernmen tal Agreement, N/A not a grant

IL Department of Transportation National Science Foundation: Advance Technological Education New

Funding Agency

Acknowledgement of Grants and Sponsored Contracts 6/9/2020 Opportunity Amt New Grant or Approved by Requested Amt Awarded Submitted Board Continuation Program and Contact

Program and Contact

$116,667 Dick Warner

Matching Requirement

$0 Sue Czerwinski

$0 Val Harris

Matching Requirement

Acknowledgement of Grants Page 139

Page 180

National Science Foundation 2415 Eisenhower Avenue,

Alexandria, Virginia 22314, USA

NATIONAL SCIENCE FOUNDATION Award Notice Award Number (FAIN): 2000329 Managing Division Abbreviation: DUE

Amendment Number: 000

AWARDEE INFORMATION Award Recipient: Lewis and Clark Community College District #536 Awardee Address: 5800 Godfrey Road Godfrey, IL 620352426 Official Awardee Email Address:dchapman@lc.edu Unique Entity Identifier (DUNS ID): 071996722 AMENDMENT INFORMATION Amendment Type: New Project Amendment Date: 05/22/2020 Amendment Number: 000 Proposal Number: 2000329 Amendment Description: The National Science Foundation hereby awards a Standard Grant for support of the project described in the proposal referenced above as modified by revised budget dated 05/22/2020, and email dated 05/21/2020. Costs of entertainment, amusement, diversion and social activities, and any costs directly associated with such costs (such as meals, lodging, rentals, transportation and gratuities) are unallowable. When certain meals are an integral and necessary part of a conference or meeting (i.e., working meals where business is transacted), grant funds may be used for such meals. Grant funds may also be used to furnish a reasonable amount of coffee or soft drinks for conference or meeting participants and attendees during coffee breaks. No NSF funds may be spent on meals or coffee breaks for intramural meetings of an organization or any of its components, including, but not limited to, laboratories, departments and centers.

Page 181 AWARD INFORMATION Award Number (FAIN): 2000329 Award Instrument: Standard Grant Award Date: 05/22/2020 Award Period of Performance: Â Start Date: 07/01/2020 Â Â Â End Date: 06/30/2023 Project Title: Building a Pipeline of Biodiesel Technicians for Careers in Fields and Cities Managing Division Abbreviation: DUE Research and Development Award: Yes Funding Opportunity: NSF 18-571 Advanced Technological Education CFDA Number and Name: 47.076 Education and Human Resources FUNDING INFORMATION Amount Obligated by this Amendment: $300,000 Total Intended Award Amount: $300,000 Total Approved Cost Share or Matching Amount: $0 Total Amount Obligated to Date: $300,000 Expenditure Limitation: Not Applicable PROJECT PERSONNEL Principal Investigator: Christop her Reynolds

Co-Principal Investigator: Benjamin D Cook

Co-Principal Investigator: Clayton Renth

Email: cereynolds@lc. edu

Institution: Lew is and Clark Community College

Email: bdcook@lc.edu

Institution: Lew is and Clark Community College

Email: cvrenth@lc.edu

Institution: Lew is and Clark Community College

Page 182 NSF CONTACT INFORMATION Managing Grants Official (Primary Contact) Name: Jannele L. Gosey Email: jgosey@nsf.g ov

Awarding Official Name: Jannele L. Gosey Email: jgosey@nsf.g ov

Managing Program Officer Name: Thomas Brett Higgins Email: thhiggin@nsf.g ov

GENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS This is awarded pursuant to the authority of the National Science Foundation Act of 1950, as amended (42 U.S.C. 1861-75) and is subject to Research Terms and Conditions (RTCs) dated 03/14/2017, and NSF Agency Specific Requirements, dated 02/25/2019, available at https://www.nsf.gov/awards/ma naging/rtc.jsp. This award is made in accordance with the provisions of NSF Solicitation: NSF 18-571 Advanced Technological Education.

Page 183 BUDGET A. Senior Personnel Senior Personnel Count Senior Personnel Calendar Months Senior Personnel Academic Months Senior Personnel Summer Months Senior Personnel Amount B. Other Personnel Post Doctoral Scholars Post Doctoral Count Post Doctoral Calendar Months Post Doctoral Academic Months Post Doctoral Summer Months Post Doctoral Amount Other Professionals Other Professionals Count Other Professionals Calendar Months Other Professionals Academic Months Other Professionals Summer Months Other Professionals Amount Graduate Students Graduate Students Count Graduate Students Amount Undergraduate Students Undergraduate Students Count Undergraduate Students Amount Secretarial - Clerical Secretarial - Clerical Count Secretarial - Clerical Amount Other Other Count Other Amount Total Salaries and Wages (A+B)

3.00 0.00 8.79 1.65 $88,092

0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 $0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 $0 0.00 $0 0.00 $0 0.00 $0 0.00 $0 $88,092

C. Fringe Benefits Total Salaries, Wages, Fringe Benefits (A + B + C) D. Equipment E. Travel Domestic International F. Participant Support Costs Participant Support Costs Stipends Participant Support Costs Travel Participant Support Costs Subsistence Participant Support Costs Other Total Number of Participants Total Participant Costs (F) G. Other Direct Costs Materials Supplies Publication Costs Consultant Services Computer Services Subawards Other Total Other Direct Costs (G) H. Total Direct Costs (A Through G) I. Indirect Costs* J. Total Direct and Indirect Costs (H + I) K. Fees L. Total Amount of Request (J) OR (J + K) M. Cost Sharing Proposed Level

Page 184 $30,733 $118,825 $27,610 $9,475 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 0.00 $0 $50,943 $0 $19,581 $0 $0 $0 $70,524 $226,434 $73,566 $300,000 $0 $300,000 $0

Page 185 *Indirect Cost Rates

Item Name Negotiated Rate (Rate: 37.0)

Indirect Cost Rate 37.0000%

These rates are at the time of award and are based upon the budget submitted to the NSF. It does not include any out-year adjustments. The NSF will not modify awards simply to correct indirect cost rates cited in the award notice. See the Proposal & Award Policies & Procedures Guide (PAPPG) Chapter X.A.3.a. for guidance on re-budgeting authority.


BETWEEN THE STATE OF ILLINOIS, DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES AND LEWIS AND CLARK COMMUNITY COLLEGE The Illinois Department of Natural Resources (Grantor), with its principal office at One Natural Resources Way; Springfield, IL. 62702, and Lewis and Clark Community College (Grantee), with its principal office at 5800 Godfrey Rd. Godfrey, IL 62035 and payment address (if different than principal office) same as above, hereby enter into this Inter-governmental Grant Agreement (Agreement), pursuant to the Intergovernmental Cooperation Act, 5 ILCS 220/1 et seq. Grantor and Grantee are collectively referred to herein as “Parties” or individually as a “Party.” PART ONE – THE UNIFORM TERMS RECITALS WHEREAS, it is the intent of the Parties to perform consistent with all Exhibits and attachments hereto and pursuant to the duties and responsibilities imposed by Grantor under the laws of the state of Illinois and in accordance with the terms, conditions and provisions hereof. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the foregoing and the mutual agreements contained herein, and for other good and valuable consideration, the value, receipt and sufficiency of which are acknowledged, the Parties hereto agree as follows: ARTICLE I AWARD AND GRANTEE-SPECIFIC INFORMATION AND CERTIFICATION 1.1. DUNS Number; SAM Registration; Nature of Entity. Under penalties of perjury, Grantee certifies that _________________ is Grantee’s correct DUNS Number, that _________________ is Grantee’s correct UEI, if applicable, that _________________ is Grantee’s correct FEIN or Social Security Number, and that Grantee has an active State registration and SAM registration (if federal funds). Grantee is doing business as a (check): Individual Sole Proprietorship Pharmacy/Funeral Home/Cemetery Corp. Partnership Tax Exempt Corporation (includes Not For Profit) Limited Liability Company (select Medical Corporation applicable tax classification) Governmental Unit Estate or Trust  C = corporation Pharmacy-Non Corporate  P = partnership If Grantee has not received a payment from the state of Illinois in the last two years, Grantee must submit a W-9 tax form with this Agreement. 1.2. Amount of Agreement. Grant Funds (check one) x shall not exceed or are estimated to be $466,667, of which $350,000 are federal funds. Grantee agrees to accept Grantor’s payment as specified in the Exhibits and attachments incorporated herein as part of this Agreement.

Page 187 1.3. Identification Numbers. If applicable, the Federal Award Identification Number (FAIN) is F20AF00303, the federal awarding agency is the United States Department of interior, Fish & Wildlife Service, and the Federal Award date is 7/1/2020. If applicable, the Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance (CFDA) Name is Wildlife Restoration and Number 15.611. The Catalog of State Financial Assistance (CSFA) Number is 422-20-0109. The State Award Identification Number is W-147-T-13. 1.4. Term. This Agreement shall be effective on the date of the last signature affixed in Section 1.6 below, but no earlier than 7/1/2020 and shall expire on 6/30/2021, unless terminated pursuant to this Agreement. 1.5. Certification. Grantee certifies under oath that (1) all representations made in this Agreement are true and correct and (2) all Grant Funds awarded pursuant to this Agreement shall be used only for the purpose(s) described herein. Grantee acknowledges that the Award is made solely upon this certification and that any false statements, misrepresentations, or material omissions shall be the basis for immediate termination of this Agreement and repayment of all Grant Funds. 1.6. Signatures. In witness whereof, the Parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be executed by their duly authorized representatives. [GRANTOR NAME] Illinois Department of Natural Resources

[GRANTEE NAME] Lewis and Clark Community College

By: ____________________________________ Signature of Director Date: _________________________________ Printed Name: Colleen Callahan By: ____________________________________ Signature of Designee, if Applicable Date: _________________________________ Printed Name: __________________________ Printed Title: ____________________________

By: __________________________________ Signature of Authorized Representative Date: ________________________________ Printed Name: __________________________ Printed Title: ____________________________ E-mail: ________________________________

[GRANTOR NAME] Illinois Department of Natural Resources By: ____________________________________

Other Approver

Signature of First Other Approver, if Applicable Date: __________________________________

By: ____________________________________ Signature of Second Other Approver, if Applicable

Printed Name: Brad Colantino

Date: __________________________________

Printed Title: Chief Fiscal Officer

Printed Name: Renee Snow Printed Title: General Counsel


Standing and Authority. Grantee warrants that:

(a) Grantee is validly existing and in good standing, if applicable, under the laws of the state in which it was incorporated, organized or created. (b) Grantee has the requisite power and authority to execute and deliver this Agreement and all documents to be executed by it in connection with this Agreement, to perform its obligations hereunder and to consummate the transactions contemplated hereby. (c) If Grantee is an agency under the laws of a jurisdiction other than Illinois, Grantee warrants that it is also duly qualified to do business in Illinois and is in good standing with the Illinois Secretary of State. (d) The execution and delivery of this Agreement, and the other documents to be executed by Grantee in connection with this Agreement, and the performance by Grantee of its obligations hereunder have been duly authorized by all necessary entity action. (e) This Agreement and all other documents related to this Agreement, including the Uniform Grant Application, the Exhibits and attachments to which Grantee is a party constitute the legal, valid and binding obligations of Grantee enforceable against Grantee in accordance with their respective terms. 2.2. Compliance with Internal Revenue Code. Grantee certifies that it does and will comply with all provisions of the federal Internal Revenue Code (26 USC 1), the Illinois Income Tax Act (35 ILCS 5), and all rules promulgated thereunder, including withholding provisions and timely deposits of employee taxes and unemployment insurance taxes. 2.3. Compliance with Federal Funding Accountability and Transparency Act of 2006. Grantee certifies that it does and will comply with the reporting requirements of the Federal Funding Accountability and Transparency Act of 2006 (P.L. 109-282) (FFATA) with respect to Federal Awards greater than or equal to $25,000. A FFATA sub-award report must be filed by the end of the month following the month in which the award was made. 2.4. Compliance with Uniform Grant Rules (2 CFR Part 200). Grantee certifies that it shall adhere to the applicable Uniform Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles, and Audit Requirements, which are published in Title 2, Part 200 of the Code of Federal Regulations, and are incorporated herein by reference. See 44 Ill. Admin. Code 7000.40(c)(1)(A). 2.5. Compliance with Registration Requirements. Grantee shall: (i) be registered with the federal SAM; (ii) be in good standing with the Illinois Secretary of State, if applicable; (iii) have a valid DUNS Number; (iv) have a valid UEI, if applicable; and (v) have successfully completed the annual registration and prequalification through the Grantee Portal. It is Grantee’s responsibility to remain current with these registrations and requirements. If Grantee’s status with regard to any of these requirements change, or the certifications made in and information provided in the Uniform Grant Application changes, Grantee must notify the Grantor in accordance with ARTICLE XVIII.


Definitions. Capitalized words and phrases used in this Agreement have the following meanings:

“2 CFR Part 200” means the Uniform Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles, and Audit Requirements for Federal Awards published in Title 2, Part 200 of the Code of Federal Regulations. “Agreement” or “Grant Agreement” has the same meaning as in 44 Ill. Admin. Code Part 7000. “Allocable Costs” means costs allocable to a particular cost objective if the goods or services involved are chargeable or assignable to such cost objective in accordance with relative benefits received or other equitable relationship. Costs allocable to a specific Program may not be shifted to other Programs in order to meet deficiencies caused by overruns or other fund considerations, to avoid restrictions imposed by law or by the terms of this Agreement, or for other reasons of convenience. “Allowable Costs” has the same meaning as in 44 Ill. Admin. Code Part 7000. “Award” has the same meaning as in 44 Ill. Admin. Code Part 7000. “Budget” has the same meaning as in 44 Ill. Admin. Code Part 7000. “CFDA” or “Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance” has the same meaning as in 44 Ill. Admin. Code Part 7000. “Close-out Report” means a report from the Grantee allowing the Grantor to determine whether all applicable administrative actions and required work have been completed, and therefore closeout actions can commence. “Conflict of Interest” has the same meaning as in 44 Ill. Admin. Code Part 7000. “Consolidated Year-End Financial Report” means a financial information presentation in which the assets, equity, liabilities, and operating accounts of an entity and its subsidiaries are combined (after eliminating all interentity transactions) and shown as belonging to a single reporting entity. “Cost Allocation Plan” has the same meaning as in 44 Ill. Admin. Code Part 7000. “CSFA” or “Catalog of State Financial Assistance” has the same meaning as in 44 Ill. Admin. Code Part 7000. “Direct Costs” has the same meaning as in 44 Ill. Admin. Code Part 7000. “Disallowed Costs” has the same meaning as in 44 Ill. Admin. Code Part 7000. “DUNS Number” means a unique nine digit identification number provided by Dun & Bradstreet for each physical location of Grantee’s organization. Assignment of a DUNS Number is mandatory for all organizations seeking an Award from the state of Illinois. “FAIN” means the Federal Award Identification Number.

Page 190 “FFATA” or “Federal Funding Accountability and Transparency Act” has the same meaning as in 31 USC 6101; P.L. 110-252. “Financial Assistance” has the same meaning as in 44 Ill. Admin. Code Part 7000. “Fixed-Rate” has the same meaning as in 44 Ill. Admin. Code Part 7000. “Fixed-Rate” is in contrast to feefor-service, 44 Ill. Admin. Code Part 7000. “GAAP” or “Generally Accepted Accounting Principles” has the same meaning as in 44 Ill. Admin. Code Part 7000. “GATU” means the Grant Accountability and Transparency Unit of GOMB. “GOMB” means the Illinois Governor’s Office of Management and Budget. “Grant Funds” means the Financial Assistance made available to Grantee through this Agreement. “Grantee Portal” has the same meaning as in 44 Ill. Admin. Code Part 7000. “Indirect Costs” has the same meaning as in 44 Ill. Admin. Code Part 7000. “Indirect Cost Rate” means a device for determining in a reasonable manner the proportion of indirect costs each Program should bear. It is a ratio (expressed as a percentage) of the Indirect Costs to a Direct Cost base. If reimbursement of Indirect Costs is allowable under an Award, Grantor will not reimburse those Indirect Costs unless Grantee has established an Indirect Cost Rate covering the applicable activities and period of time, unless Indirect Costs are reimbursed at a fixed rate. “Indirect Cost Rate Proposal” has the same meaning as in 44 Ill. Admin. Code Part 7000. “Net Revenue” means an entity’s total revenue less its operating expenses, interest paid, depreciation, and taxes. “Net Revenue” is synonymous with “Profit.” “Nonprofit Organization” has the same meaning as in 44 Ill. Admin. Code Part 7000. “Notice of Award” has the same meaning as in 44 Ill. Admin. Code Part 7000. “OMB” has the same meaning as in 44 Ill. Admin. Code Part 7000. “Prior Approval” has the same meaning as in 44 Ill. Admin. Code Part 7000. “Profit” means an entity’s total revenue less its operating expenses, interest paid, depreciation, and taxes. “Profit” is synonymous with “Net Revenue.” “Program” means the services to be provided pursuant to this Agreement. “Program Costs” means all Allowable Costs incurred by Grantee and the value of the contributions made by third parties in accomplishing the objectives of the Award during the Term of this Agreement. “Program Income” has the same meaning as in 44 Ill. Admin. Code Part 7000.

Page 191 “Related Parties” has the meaning set forth in Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) Accounting Standards Codification (ASC) 850-10-20. “SAM” means the federal System for Award Management (SAM); which is the federal repository into which an entity must provide information required for the conduct of business as a recipient. 2 CFR 25 Appendix A (1)(C)(1). “State” means the state of Illinois. “Term” has the meaning set forth in Paragraph Error! Reference source not found.. “Unallowable Costs” has the same meaning as in 44 Ill. Admin. Code Part 7000. “Unique Entity Identifier” or “UEI” means the unique identifier assigned to the Grantee by SAM.

ARTICLE IV PAYMENT 4.1. Availability of Appropriation; Sufficiency of Funds. This Agreement is contingent upon and subject to the availability of sufficient funds. Grantor may terminate or suspend this Agreement, in whole or in part, without penalty or further payment being required, if (i) sufficient funds for this Agreement have not been appropriated or otherwise made available to the Grantor by the State or the federal funding source, (ii) the Governor or Grantor reserves funds, or (iii) the Governor or Grantor determines that funds will not or may not be available for payment. Grantor shall provide notice, in writing, to Grantee of any such funding failure and its election to terminate or suspend this Agreement as soon as practicable. Any suspension or termination pursuant to this Section will be effective upon the date of the written notice unless otherwise indicated. 4.2. Return of Grant Funds. Any Grant Funds remaining that are not expended or legally obligated by Grantee, including those funds obligated pursuant to ARTICLE XVII, at the end of the Agreement period, or in the case of capital improvement Awards at the end of the time period Grant Funds are available for expenditure or obligation, shall be returned to Grantor within forty-five (45) days. A Grantee who is required to reimburse Grant Funds and who enters into a deferred payment plan for the purpose of satisfying a past due debt, shall be required to pay interest on such debt as required by Section 10.2 of the Illinois State Collection Act of 1986. 30 ILCS 210; 44 Ill. Admin. Code 7000.450(c). In addition, as required by 44 Ill. Admin. Code 7000.440(b)(2), unless granted a written extension, Grantee must liquidate all obligations incurred under the Award at the end of the period of performance. 4.3. Cash Management Improvement Act of 1990. Unless notified otherwise in PART TWO or PART THREE, federal funds received under this Agreement shall be managed in accordance with the Cash Management Improvement Act of 1990 (31 USC 6501 et seq.) and any other applicable federal laws or regulations. See 2 CFR 200.305; 44 Ill. Admin. Code Part 7000. 4.4. Payments to Third Parties. Grantee agrees that Grantor shall have no liability to Grantee when Grantor acts in good faith to redirect all or a portion of any Grantee payment to a third party. Grantor will be deemed to have acted in good faith when it is in possession of information that indicates Grantee authorized Grantor to intercept or redirect payments to a third party or when so ordered by a court of competent jurisdiction. 4.5. Modifications to Estimated Amount. If the Agreement amount is established on an estimated basis, then it may be increased by mutual agreement at any time during the Term. Grantor may decrease the

Page 192 estimated amount of this Agreement at any time during the Term if (i) Grantor believes Grantee will not use the funds during the Term, (ii) Grantor believes Grantee has used funds in a manner that was not authorized by this Agreement, (iii) sufficient funds for this Agreement have not been appropriated or otherwise made available to the Grantor by the State or the federal funding source, (iv) the Governor or Grantor reserves funds, or (v) the Governor or Grantor determines that funds will or may not be available for payment. Grantee will be notified, in writing, of any adjustment of the estimated amount of this Agreement. In the event of such reduction, services provided by Grantee under Exhibit A may be reduced accordingly. Grantee shall be paid for work satisfactorily performed prior to the date of the notice regarding adjustment. 2 CFR 200.308. 4.6.


(a) All interest earned on Grant Funds held by a Grantee shall be treated in accordance with 2 CFR 200.305(b)(9), unless otherwise provided in PART TWO or PART THREE. Any amount due shall be remitted annually in accordance with 2 CFR 200.305(b)(9) or to the Grantor, as applicable. (b) Grant Funds shall be placed in an insured account, whenever possible, that bears interest, unless exempted under 2 CFR Part 200.305(b)(8). 4.7. Timely Billing Required. Grantee must submit any payment request to Grantor within fifteen (15) days of the end of the quarter, unless another billing schedule is specified in PART TWO, PART THREE or Exhibit C. Failure to submit such payment request timely will render the amounts billed an unallowable cost which Grantor cannot reimburse. In the event that Grantee is unable, for good cause, to submit its payment request timely, Grantee shall timely notify Grantor and may request an extension of time to submit the payment request. Grantor’s approval of Grantee’s request for an extension shall not be unreasonably withheld. 4.8. Certification. Pursuant to 2 CFR 200.415, each invoice and report submitted by Grantee (or subgrantee) must contain the following certification by an official authorized to legally bind the Grantee (or subgrantee): By signing this report [or payment request or both], I certify to the best of my knowledge and belief that the report [or payment request] is true, complete, and accurate; that the expenditures, disbursements and cash receipts are for the purposes and objectives set forth in the terms and conditions of the State or federal pass-through award; and that supporting documentation has been submitted as required by the grant agreement. I acknowledge that approval for any other expenditure described herein shall be considered conditional subject to further review and verification in accordance with the monitoring and records retention provisions of the grant agreement. I am aware that any false, fictitious, or fraudulent information, or the omission of any material fact, may subject me to criminal, civil or administrative penalties for fraud, false statements, false claims or otherwise. (U.S. Code Title 18, Section 1001 and Title 31, Sections 3729-3730 and 3801-3812; 30 ILCS 708/120).

ARTICLE V SCOPE OF GRANT ACTIVITIES/PURPOSE OF GRANT 5.1. Scope of Grant Activities/Purpose of Grant. Grantee will conduct the Grant Activities or provide the services as described in the Exhibits and attachments, including Exhibit A (Project Description) and Exhibit B (Deliverables), incorporated herein and in accordance with all terms and conditions set forth herein and all

Page 193 applicable administrative rules. In addition, the State’s Notice of Award is incorporated herein by reference. All Grantor-specific provisions and programmatic reporting required under this Agreement are described in PART TWO (The Grantor-Specific Terms). All Project-specific provisions and reporting required under this Agreement are described in PART THREE. 5.2. Scope Revisions. Grantee shall obtain Prior Approval from Grantor whenever a Scope revision is necessary for one or more of the reasons enumerated in 2 CFR 200.308. All requests for Scope revisions that require Grantor approval shall be signed by Grantee’s authorized representative and submitted to Grantor for approval. Expenditure of funds under a requested revision is prohibited and will not be reimbursed if expended before Grantor gives written approval. See 2 CFR 200.308. 5.3. Specific Conditions. If applicable, specific conditions required after a risk assessment will be included in Exhibit G. Grantee shall adhere to the specific conditions listed therein.

ARTICLE VI BUDGET 6.1. Budget. The Budget is a schedule of anticipated grant expenditures that is approved by Grantor for carrying out the purposes of the Award. When Grantee or third parties support a portion of expenses associated with the Award, the Budget includes the non-federal as well as the federal share (and State share if applicable) of grant expenses. The Budget submitted by Grantee at application, or a revised Budget subsequently submitted and approved by Grantor, is considered final and is incorporated herein by reference. 6.2. Budget Revisions. Grantee shall obtain Prior Approval from Grantor whenever a Budget revision is necessary for one or more of the reasons enumerated in 2 CFR 200.308 or 44 Ill. Admin. Code 7000.370(b). All requests for Budget revisions that require Grantor approval shall be signed by Grantee’s authorized representative and submitted to Grantor for approval. Expenditure of funds under a requested revision is prohibited and will not be reimbursed if expended before Grantor gives written approval. 6.3. Discretionary Line Item Transfers. Unless prohibited from doing so in 2 CFR 200.308 or 44 Ill. Admin. Code 7000.370(b), transfers between approved line items may be made without Grantor’s approval only if the total amount transferred does not exceed the allowable variance of the greater of either (i) ten percent (10%) of the Budget line item or (ii) one thousand dollars ($1,000) of the Budget line item. Discretionary line item transfers may not result in an increase to the Budget. 6.4. Non-discretionary Line Item Transfers. Total line item transfers exceeding the allowable variance of the greater of either (i) ten percent (10%) of the Budget line item or (ii) one thousand dollars ($1,000) of the Budget line item require Grantor approval as set forth in Paragraph 6.2. 6.5. Notification. Within thirty (30) calendar days from the date of receipt of the request for Budget revisions, Grantor will review the request and notify Grantee whether the Budget revision has been approved, denied, or the date upon which a decision will be reached.


Allowability of Costs; Cost Allocation Methods. The allowability of costs and cost allocation

Page 194 methods for work performed under this Agreement shall be determined in accordance with 2 CFR 200 Subpart E and Appendices III, IV, and V. 7.2.

Indirect Cost Rate Submission.

(a) All Grantees must make an Indirect Cost Rate election in the Grantee Portal, even grantees that do not charge or expect to charge Indirect Costs. 44 Ill. Admin. Code 7000.420(d). (b) A Grantee must submit an Indirect Cost Rate Proposal in accordance with federal regulations, in a format prescribed by Grantor. For Grantees who have never negotiated an Indirect Cost Rate before, the Indirect Cost Rate Proposal must be submitted for approval no later than three months after the effective date of the Award. For Grantees who have previously negotiated an Indirect Cost Rate, (c) the Indirect Cost Rate Proposal must be submitted for approval within 180 days of the Grantee’s fiscal year end, as dictated in the applicable appendices, such as: (i) Appendix V and VII to 2 CFR Part 200 governs Indirect Cost Rate Proposals for state and local governments, (ii) Appendix III to 2 CFR Part 200 governs Indirect Cost Rate Proposals for public and private institutions of higher education, (iii) Appendix IV to 2 CFR Part 200 governs Indirect (F&A) Costs Identification and Assignment, and Rate Determination for Nonprofit Organizations, and (iv) Appendix V to Part 200 governs state/Local Governmentwide Central Service Cost Allocation Plans. (d) A Grantee who has a current, applicable rate negotiated by a cognizant federal agency shall provide to Grantor a copy of its Indirect Cost Rate acceptance letter from the federal government and a copy of all documentation regarding the allocation methodology for costs used to negotiate that rate, e.g., without limitation, the cost policy statement or disclosure narrative statement. Grantor will accept that Indirect Cost Rate, up to any statutory, rule-based or programmatic limit. 7.3. Transfer of Costs. Cost transfers between Grants, whether as a means to compensate for cost overruns or for other reasons, are unallowable. See 2 CFR 200.451. 7.4. Higher Education Cost Principles. The federal cost principles that apply to public and private institutions of higher education are set forth in 2 CFR Part 200 Subpart E and Appendix III. 7.5. Government Cost Principles. The federal cost principles that apply to state, local and federallyrecognized Indian tribal governments are set forth in 2 CFR Part 200 Subpart E, Appendix V, and Appendix VII. 7.6. Financial Management Standards. The financial management systems of Grantee must meet the following standards: (a) Accounting System. Grantee organizations must have an accounting system that provides accurate, current, and complete disclosure of all financial transactions related to each state- and federally-funded Program. Accounting records must contain information pertaining to state and federal pass-through awards, authorizations, obligations, unobligated balances, assets, outlays, and income. These records must be maintained on a current basis and balanced at least quarterly. Cash contributions to the Program from third parties must be accounted for in the general ledger with other Grant Funds. Third party in-kind (non-cash) contributions are not required to be recorded in the general ledger, but

Page 195 must be under accounting control, possibly through the use of a memorandum ledger. To comply with 2 CFR 200.305(b)(7)(i) and 30 ILCS 708/520, Grantee shall use reasonable efforts to ensure that funding streams are delineated within Grantee’s accounting system. See 2 CFR 200.302. (b) Source Documentation. Accounting records must be supported by such source documentation as canceled checks, bank statements, invoices, paid bills, donor letters, time and attendance records, activity reports, travel reports, contractual and consultant agreements, and subaward documentation. All supporting documentation should be clearly identified with the Award and general ledger accounts which are to be charged or credited. (i) The documentation standards for salary charges to grants are prescribed by 2 CFR 200.430, and in the cost principles applicable to the entity’s organization (Paragraphs 7.4 through 7.5). (ii) If records do not meet the standards in 2 CFR 200.430, then Grantor may notify Grantee in PART TWO, PART THREE or Exhibit G of the requirement to submit Personnel activity reports. See 2 CFR 200.430(i)(8). Personnel activity reports shall account on an after-the-fact basis for one hundred percent (100%) of the employee's actual time, separately indicating the time spent on the grant, other grants or projects, vacation or sick leave, and administrative time, if applicable. The reports must be signed by the employee, approved by the appropriate official, and coincide with a pay period. These time records should be used to record the distribution of salary costs to the appropriate accounts no less frequently than quarterly. (iii) Formal agreements with independent contractors, such as consultants, must include a description of the services to be performed, the period of performance, the fee and method of payment, an itemization of travel and other costs which are chargeable to the agreement, and the signatures of both the contractor and an appropriate official of Grantee. (iv) If third party in-kind (non-cash) contributions are used for Grant purposes, the valuation of these contributions must be supported with adequate documentation. (c) Internal Control. Effective control and accountability must be maintained for all cash, real and personal property, and other assets. Grantee must adequately safeguard all such property and must provide assurance that it is used solely for authorized purposes. Grantee must also have systems in place that provide reasonable assurance that the information is accurate, allowable, and compliant with the terms and conditions of this Agreement. 2 CFR 200.303. (d) Budget Control. Records of expenditures must be maintained for each Award by the cost categories of the approved Budget (including indirect costs that are charged to the Award), and actual expenditures are to be compared with Budgeted amounts at least quarterly. (e) Cash Management. Requests for advance payment shall be limited to Grantee's immediate cash needs. Grantee must have written procedures to minimize the time elapsing between the receipt and the disbursement of Grant Funds to avoid having excess funds on hand. 2 CFR 200.305. 7.7. Federal Requirements. All Awards, whether funded in whole or in part with either federal or State funds, are subject to federal requirements and regulations, including but not limited to 2 CFR Part 200, 44 Ill. Admin. Code 7000.30(b) and the Financial Management Standards in Paragraph 7.6. 7.8. Profits. It is not permitted for any person or entity to earn a Profit from an Award. See, e.g., 2 CFR 200.400(g); see also 30 ILCS 708/60(a)(7).

Page 196 7.9. Management of Program Income. Grantee is encouraged to earn income to defray program costs where appropriate, subject to 2 CFR 200.307.

ARTICLE VIII REQUIRED CERTIFICATIONS 8.1. Certifications. Grantee shall be responsible for compliance with the enumerated certifications to the extent that the certifications apply to Grantee. (a) Bribery. Grantee certifies that it has not been convicted of bribery or attempting to bribe an officer or employee of the state of Illinois, nor made an admission of guilt of such conduct which is a matter of record (30 ILCS 500/50-5). (b) Bid Rigging. Grantee certifies that it has not been barred from contracting with a unit of state or local government as a result of a violation of Paragraph 33E-3 or 33E-4 of the Criminal Code of 1961 (720 ILCS 5/33E-3 or 720 ILCS 5/33E-4, respectively). (c) Debt to State. Grantee certifies that neither it, nor its affiliate(s), is/are barred from receiving an Award because Grantee, or its affiliate(s), is/are delinquent in the payment of any debt to the State, unless Grantee, or its affiliate(s), has/have entered into a deferred payment plan to pay off the debt, and Grantee acknowledges Grantor may declare the Agreement void if the certification is false (30 ILCS 500/50-11). (d) Educational Loan. Grantee certifies that it is not barred from receiving State agreements as a result of default on an educational loan (5 ILCS 385/1 et seq.). (e) International Boycott. Grantee certifies that neither it nor any substantially owned affiliated company is participating or shall participate in an international boycott in violation of the provision of the U.S. Export Administration Act of 1979 (50 USC Appendix 2401 et seq.) or the regulations of the U.S. Department of Commerce promulgated under that Act (15 CFR Parts 730 through 774). (f) Dues and Fees. Grantee certifies that it is not prohibited from receiving an Award because it pays dues or fees on behalf of its employees or agents, or subsidizes or otherwise reimburses them for payment of their dues or fees to any club which unlawfully discriminates (775 ILCS 25/1 et seq.). (g) Pro-Children Act. Grantee certifies that it is in compliance with the Pro-Children Act of 2001 in that it prohibits smoking in any portion of its facility used for the provision of health, day care, early childhood development services, education or library services to children under the age of eighteen (18), which services are supported by federal or state government assistance (except such portions of the facilities which are used for inpatient substance abuse treatment) (20 USC 7181-7184). (h) Drug-Free Work Place. If Grantee is not an individual, Grantee certifies it will provide a drug free workplace pursuant to the Drug Free Workplace Act. 30 ILCS 580/3. If Grantee is an individual and this Agreement is valued at more than $5,000, Grantee certifies it shall not engage in the unlawful manufacture, distribution, dispensation, possession, or use of a controlled substance during the performance of the Agreement. 30 ILCS 580/4. Grantee further certifies that it is in compliance with the government-wide requirements for a drug-free workplace as set forth in 41 USC 8102. (i) Motor Voter Law. Grantee certifies that it is in full compliance with the terms and provisions of the National Voter Registration Act of 1993 (52 USC 20501 et seq.).

Page 197 (j) Clean Air Act and Clean Water Act. Grantee certifies that it is in compliance with all applicable standards, order or regulations issued pursuant to the Clean Air Act (42 USC ยง7401 et seq.) and the Federal Water Pollution Control Act, as amended (33 USC 1251 et seq.). (k) Debarment. Grantee certifies that it is not debarred, suspended, proposed for debarment, declared ineligible, or voluntarily excluded from participation in this Agreement by any federal department or agency 2 CFR 200.205(a), or by the State (See 30 ILCS 708/25(6)(G)). (l) Non-procurement Debarment and Suspension. Grantee certifies that it is in compliance with Subpart C of 2 CFR Part 180 as supplemented by 2 CFR Part 376, Subpart C. (m) Grant for the Construction of Fixed Works. Grantee certifies that all Programs for the construction of fixed works which are financed in whole or in part with funds provided by this Agreement shall be subject to the Prevailing Wage Act (820 ILCS 130/0.01 et seq.) unless the provisions of that Act exempt its application. In the construction of the Program, Grantee shall comply with the requirements of the Prevailing Wage Act including, but not limited to, inserting into all contracts for such construction a stipulation to the effect that not less than the prevailing rate of wages as applicable to the Program shall be paid to all laborers, workers, and mechanics performing work under the Award and requiring all bonds of contractors to include a provision as will guarantee the faithful performance of such prevailing wage clause as provided by contract. (n) Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act. Grantee certifies that it is in compliance with the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA), Public Law No. 104-191, 45 CFR Parts 160, 162 and 164, and the Social Security Act, 42 USC 1320d-2 through 1320d-7, in that it may not use or disclose protected health information other than as permitted or required by law and agrees to use appropriate safeguards to prevent use or disclosure of the protected health information. Grantee shall maintain, for a minimum of six (6) years, all protected health information. (o) Criminal Convictions. Grantee certifies that neither it nor any managerial agent of Grantee has been convicted of a felony under the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002, nor a Class 3 or Class 2 felony under Illinois Securities Law of 1953, or that at least five (5) years have passed since the date of the conviction. Grantee further certifies that it is not barred from receiving an Award under 30 ILCS 500/5010.5, and acknowledges that Grantor shall declare the Agreement void if this certification is false (30 ILCS 500/50-10.5). (p) Forced Labor Act. Grantee certifies that it complies with the State Prohibition of Goods from Forced Labor Act, and certifies that no foreign-made equipment, materials, or supplies furnished to the State under this Agreement have been or will be produced in whole or in part by forced labor, convict labor, or indentured labor under penal sanction (30 ILCS 583). (q) Illinois Use Tax. Grantee certifies in accordance with 30 ILCS 500/50-12 that it is not barred from receiving an Award under this Paragraph. Grantee acknowledges that this Agreement may be declared void if this certification is false. (r) Environmental Protection Act Violations. Grantee certifies in accordance with 30 ILCS 500/50-14 that it is not barred from receiving an Award under this Paragraph. Grantee acknowledges that this Agreement may be declared void if this certification is false.

Page 198 (s) Goods from Child Labor Act. Grantee certifies that no foreign-made equipment, materials, or supplies furnished to the State under this Agreement have been produced in whole or in part by the labor of any child under the age of twelve (12) (30 ILCS 584). (t) Federal Funding Accountability and Transparency Act of 2006. Grantee certifies that it is in compliance with the terms and requirements of 31 USC 6101. (u) Illinois Works Review Panel. For Awards made for public works projects, as defined in the Illinois Works Jobs Program Act, Grantee certifies that it and any contractor(s) or sub-contractor(s) that performs work using funds from this Award, shall, upon reasonable notice, appear before and respond to requests for information from the Illinois Works Review Panel. 30 ILCS 559/20-25(d). ARTICLE IX CRIMINAL DISCLOSURE 9.1. Mandatory Criminal Disclosures. Grantee shall continue to disclose to Grantor all violations of criminal law involving fraud, bribery or gratuity violations potentially affecting this Award. See 30 ILCS 708/40. Additionally, if Grantee receives over $10 million in total Financial Assistance, funded by either State or federal funds, during the period of this Award, Grantee must maintain the currency of information reported to SAM regarding civil, criminal or administrative proceedings as required by 2 CFR 200.113 and Appendix XII of 2 CFR Part 200, and 30 ILCS 708/40.

ARTICLE X UNLAWFUL DISCRIMINATION 10.1. Compliance with Nondiscrimination Laws. Both Parties, their employees and subcontractors under subcontract made pursuant to this Agreement, remain compliant with all applicable provisions of state and federal laws and regulations pertaining to nondiscrimination, sexual harassment and equal employment opportunity including, but not limited to, the following laws and regulations and all subsequent amendments thereto: (a) The Illinois Human Rights Act (775 ILCS 5/1-101 et seq.), including, without limitation, 44 Ill. Admin. Code Part 750, which is incorporated herein; (b)

The Public Works Employment Discrimination Act (775 ILCS 10/1 et seq.);

(c) The United States Civil Rights Act of 1964 (as amended) (42 USC 2000a- and 2000h-6). (See also guidelines to Federal Financial Assistance Recipients Regarding Title VI Prohibition Against National Origin Discrimination Affecting Limited English Proficient Persons [Federal Register: February 18, 2002 (Volume 67, Number 13, Pages 2671-2685)]); (d)

Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (29 USC 794);


The Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (as amended) (42 USC 12101 et seq.); and


The Age Discrimination Act (42 USC 6101 et seq.).

Page 199 ARTICLE XI LOBBYING 11.1. Improper Influence. Grantee certifies that no Grant Funds have been paid or will be paid by or on behalf of Grantee to any person for influencing or attempting to influence an officer or employee of any government agency, a member of Congress or Illinois General Assembly, an officer or employee of Congress or Illinois General Assembly, or an employee of a member of Congress or Illinois General Assembly in connection with the awarding of any agreement, the making of any grant, the making of any loan, the entering into of any cooperative agreement, or the extension, continuation, renewal, amendment or modification of any agreement, grant, loan or cooperative agreement. 31 USC 1352. Additionally, Grantee certifies that it has filed the required certification under the Byrd Anti-Lobbying Amendment (31 USC 1352), if applicable. 11.2. Federal Form LLL. If any funds, other than federally-appropriated funds, were paid or will be paid to any person for influencing or attempting to influence any of the above persons in connection with this Agreement, the undersigned must also complete and submit Federal Form LLL, Disclosure of Lobbying Activities Form, in accordance with its instructions. 11.3. Lobbying Costs. Grantee certifies that it is in compliance with the restrictions on lobbying set forth in 2 CFR Part 200.450. For any Indirect Costs associated with this Agreement, total lobbying costs shall be separately identified in the Program Budget, and thereafter treated as other Unallowable Costs. 11.4. Procurement Lobbying. Grantee warrants and certifies that it and, to the best of its knowledge, its sub-grantees have complied and will comply with Executive Order No. 1 (2007) (EO 1-2007). EO 1-2007 generally prohibits Grantees and subcontractors from hiring the then-serving Governor’s family members to lobby procurement activities of the State, or any other unit of government in Illinois including local governments, if that procurement may result in a contract valued at over $25,000. This prohibition also applies to hiring for that same purpose any former State employee who had procurement authority at any time during the one-year period preceding the procurement lobbying activity. 11.5. Subawards. Grantee must include the language of this ARTICLE XI in the award documents for any subawards made pursuant to this Award at all tiers. All sub-awardees are also subject to certification and disclosure. Pursuant to Appendix II(I) to 2 CFR Part 200, Grantee shall forward all disclosures by contractors regarding this certification to Grantor. 11.6. Certification. This certification is a material representation of fact upon which reliance was placed to enter into this transaction and is a prerequisite for this transaction, pursuant to 31 USC 1352. Any person who fails to file the required certifications shall be subject to a civil penalty of not less than $10,000, and not more than $100,000, for each such failure.

ARTICLE XII MAINTENANCE AND ACCESSIBILITY OF RECORDS; MONITORING 12.1. Records Retention. Grantee shall maintain for three (3) years from the date of submission of the final expenditure report, adequate books, all financial records and, supporting documents, statistical records, and all other records pertinent to this Award, adequate to comply with 2 CFR 200.333, unless a different retention period is specified in 2 CFR 200.333 or 44 Ill. Admin. Code §§ 7000.430(a) and (b). If any litigation, claim or audit is started before the expiration of the retention period, the records must be retained until all litigation, claims or audit exceptions involving the records have been resolved and final action taken.

Page 200 12.2. Accessibility of Records. Grantee, in compliance with 2 CFR 200.336 and 44 Ill. Admin. Code 7000.430(e), shall make books, records, related papers, supporting documentation and personnel relevant to this Agreement available to authorized Grantor representatives, the Illinois Auditor General, Illinois Attorney General, any Executive Inspector General, the Grantor’s Inspector General, federal authorities, any person identified in 2 CFR 200.336, and any other person as may be authorized by Grantor (including auditors), by the state of Illinois or by federal statute. Grantee shall cooperate fully in any such audit or inquiry. 12.3. Failure to Maintain Books and Records. Failure to maintain books, records and supporting documentation, as described in this ARTICLE XII, shall establish a presumption in favor of the State for the recovery of any funds paid by the State under this Agreement for which adequate books, records and supporting documentation are not available to support disbursement. 12.4. Monitoring and Access to Information. Grantee must monitor its activities to assure compliance with applicable state and federal requirements and to assure its performance expectations are being achieved. Grantor shall monitor the activities of Grantee to assure compliance with all requirements and performance expectations of the award. Grantee shall timely submit all financial and performance reports, and shall supply, upon Grantor’s request, documents and information relevant to the Award. Grantor may make site visits as warranted by program needs. See 2 CFR 200.328 and 200.331. Additional monitoring requirements may be in PART TWO or PART THREE. ARTICLE XIII FINANCIAL REPORTING REQUIREMENTS 13.1. Required Periodic Financial Reports. Grantee agrees to submit financial reports as requested and in the format required by Grantor. Grantee shall file quarterly reports with Grantor describing the expenditure(s) of the funds related thereto, unless more frequent reporting is required by the Grantee pursuant to specific award conditions. 2 CFR 200.207. Unless so specified, the first of such reports shall cover the first three months after the Award begins, and reports must be submitted no later than the due date(s) specified in PART TWO or PART THREE, unless additional information regarding required financial reports is set forth in Exhibit G. Failure to submit the required financial reports may cause a delay or suspension of funding. 30 ILCS 705/1 et seq.; 2 CFR 207(b)(3) and 200.327. Any report required by 30 ILCS 708/125 may be detailed in PART TWO or PART THREE. 13.2.

Close-out Reports.

(a) Grantee shall submit a Close-out Report no later than the due date specified in PART TWO or PART THREE following the end of the period of performance for this Agreement or Agreement termination. The format of this Close-out Report shall follow a format prescribed by Grantor. 2 CFR 200.343; 44 Ill. Admin. Code 7000.440(b). (b) If an audit or review of Grantee occurs and results in adjustments after Grantee submits a Close-out Report, Grantee will submit a new Close-out Report based on audit adjustments, and immediately submit a refund to Grantor, if applicable. 2 CFR 200.344. 13.3. Effect of Failure to Comply. Failure to comply with reporting requirements shall result in the withholding of funds, the return of improper payments or Unallowable Costs, will be considered a material breach of this Agreement and may be the basis to recover Grant Funds. Grantee's failure to comply with this ARTICLE XIII, ARTICLE XIV, or ARTICLE XV shall be considered prima facie evidence of a breach and may be admitted as such, without further proof, into evidence in an administrative proceeding before Grantor, or in any other legal proceeding. Grantee should refer to the State of Illinois Grantee Compliance Enforcement System for policy and consequences for failure to comply.

Page 201 ARTICLE XIV PERFORMANCE REPORTING REQUIREMENTS 14.1. Required Periodic Performance Reports. Grantee agrees to submit Performance Reports as requested and in the format required by Grantor. Performance Measures listed in Exhibit E must be reported quarterly, unless otherwise specified in PART TWO, PART THREE or Exhibit G. Unless so specified, the first of such reports shall cover the first three months after the Award begins. If Grantee is not required to report performance quarterly, then Grantee must submit a Performance Report at least annually. Pursuant to 2 CFR 200.207, specific conditions may be imposed requiring Grantee to report more frequently based on the risk assessment or the merit-based review of the application. In such cases, Grantor shall notify Grantee of same in Exhibit G. Pursuant to 2 CFR 200.328 and 44 Ill. Admin. Code 7000.410(b)(2), periodic Performance Reports shall be submitted no later than the due date(s) specified in PART TWO or PART THREE. For certain constructionrelated Awards, such reports may be exempted as identified in PART TWO or PART THREE. 2 CFR 200.328. Failure to submit such required Performance Reports may cause a delay or suspension of funding. 30 ILCS 705/1 et seq. 14.2. Close-out Performance Reports. Grantee agrees to submit a Close-out Performance Report, in the format required by Grantor, no later than the due date specified in PART TWO or PART THREE following the end of the period of performance or Agreement termination. See 2 CFR 200.343; 44 Ill. Admin. Code 7000.440(b)(1). 14.3. Content of Performance Reports. Pursuant to 2 CFR 200.328(b)(2) all Performance Reports must include Program qualitative and quantitative information, including a comparison of actual accomplishments to the objectives of the award established for the period; where the accomplishments can be quantified, a computation of the cost if required; performance trend data and analysis if required; and reasons why established goals were not met, if appropriate. Appendices may be used to include additional supportive documentation. Additional content and format guidelines for the Performance Reports will be determined by Grantor contingent on the Award’s statutory, regulatory and administrative requirements, and are included in PART TWO or PART THREE of this Agreement. 14.4. Performance Standards. Grantee shall perform in accordance with the Performance Standards set forth in Exhibit F. See 2 CFR 200.301 and 200.210.

ARTICLE XV AUDIT REQUIREMENTS 15.1. Audits. Grantee shall be subject to the audit requirements contained in the Single Audit Act Amendments of 1996 (31 USC 7501-7507) and Subpart F of 2 CFR Part 200, and the audit rules and policies set forth by the Governor’s Office of Management and Budget. See 30 ILCS 708/65(c); 44 Ill. Admin. Code 7000.90. 15.2.

Consolidated Year-End Financial Reports.

(a) This Paragraph 15.2 applies to all Grantees, unless exempted pursuant to a federal or state statute or regulation, which is identified in PART TWO or PART THREE. (b) Grantees shall submit Consolidated Year-End Financial Reports, according to the required audit, namely:

Page 202 (i) For Grantees required to conduct a single audit (or program-specific audit), within the earlier of (a) 9 months after the end of the Grantee’s fiscal year or (b) 30 calendar days following completion of the audit; or (ii) For Grantees required to conduct a Financial Statement Audit or for Grantees not required to perform an audit, within 180 days after the end of Grantee’s fiscal year. These deadlines may be extended at the discretion of the Grantor, but only for rare and unusual circumstances such as a natural disaster. (c) The Consolidated Year-End Financial Report must cover the same period the Audited Financial Statements cover. If no Audited Financial Statements are required, however, then the Consolidated Year-End Financial Report must cover the same period as the Grantee’s tax return. (d) Consolidated Year-End Financial Reports must include an in relation to opinion from the report issuer on the financial statements included in the Consolidated Year-End Financial Report. (e) 15.3.

Consolidated Year-End Financial Reports shall follow a format prescribed by Grantor.

Audit Requirements.

(a) Single and Program-Specific Audits. If, during its fiscal year, Grantee expends $750,000 or more in Federal Awards (direct federal and federal pass-through awards combined), Grantee must have a single audit or program-specific audit conducted for that year as required by 2 CFR 200.501 and other applicable sections of Subpart F of 2 CFR Part 200. The audit report packet must be completed as described in 2 CFR 200.512 (single audit) or 2 CFR 200.507 (program-specific audit), 44 Ill. Admin. Code 7000.90(h)(1) and the current GATA audit manual and submitted to the Federal Audit Clearinghouse, as required by 2 CFR 200.512. The results of peer and external quality control reviews, management letters, AU-C 265 communications and the Consolidated Year-End Financial Report(s) must be submitted to the Grantee Portal. The due date of all required submissions set forth in this Paragraph is the earlier of (i) 30 calendar days after receipt of the auditor’s report(s) or (ii) nine (9) months after the end of the Grantee’s audit period. (b) Financial Statement Audit. If, during its fiscal year, Grantee expends less than $750,000 in Federal Awards, Grantee is subject to the following audit requirements: (i) If, during its fiscal year, Grantee expends $500,000 or more in Federal and state Awards, singularly or in any combination, from all sources, Grantee must have a financial statement audit conducted in accordance with the Generally Accepted Government Auditing Standards (GAGAS). Grantee may be subject to additional requirements in PART TWO, PART THREE or Exhibit G based on the Grantee’s risk profile. (ii) If, during its fiscal year, Grantee expends less than $500,000 in Federal and state Awards, singularly or in any combination, from all sources, but expends $300,000 or more in Federal and state Awards, singularly or in any combination, from all sources, Grantee must have a financial statement audit conducted in accordance with the Generally Accepted Auditing Standards (GAAS). (iii) If Grantee is a Local Education Agency (as defined in 34 CFR 77.1), Grantee shall have a financial statement audit conducted in accordance with GAGAS, as required by 23 Ill. Admin. Code 100.110, regardless of the dollar amount of expenditures of Federal and state Awards.

Page 203 (iv) If Grantee does not meet the requirements in subsections 15.3(a) and 15.3(b)(iiii) but is required to have a financial statement audit conducted based on other regulatory requirements, Grantee must submit those audits for review. (v) Grantee must submit its financial statement audit report packet, as set forth in 44 Ill. Admin. Code 7000.90(h)(2) and the current GATA audit manual, to the Grantee Portal within the earlier of (i) 30 calendar days after receipt of the auditor’s report(s) or (ii) 6 months after the end of the Grantee’s audit period. 15.4. Performance of Audits. For those organizations required to submit an independent audit report, the audit is to be conducted by the Illinois Auditor General, or a Certified Public Accountant or Certified Public Accounting Firm licensed in the state of Illinois or in accordance with Section 5.2 of the Illinois Public Accounting Act (225 ILCS 450/5.2). For all audits required to be performed subject to Generally Accepted Government Auditing standards or Generally Accepted Auditing standards, Grantee shall request and maintain on file a copy of the auditor’s most recent peer review report and acceptance letter. Grantee shall follow procedures prescribed by Grantor for the preparation and submission of audit reports and any related documents. 15.5. Delinquent Reports. Notwithstanding anything herein to the contrary, when such reports or statements required under this section are prepared by the Illinois Auditor General, if they are not available by the above-specified due date, they will be provided to Grantor within thirty (30) days of becoming available. Otherwise, Grantee should refer to the State of Illinois Grantee Compliance Enforcement System for the policy and consequences for late reporting. 44 Ill. Admin. Code 7000.80. ARTICLE XVI TERMINATION; SUSPENSION; NON-COMPLIANCE 16.1.


(a) This Agreement may be terminated, in whole or in part, by either Party for any or no reason upon thirty (30) calendar days’ prior written notice to the other Party. If terminated by the Grantee, Grantee must include the reasons for such termination, the effective date, and, in the case of a partial termination, the portion to be terminated. If Grantor determines in the case of a partial termination that the reduced or modified portion of the Award will not accomplish the purposes for which the Award was made, Grantor may terminate the Agreement in its entirety. 2 CFR 200.339(a)(4). (b)

This Agreement may be terminated, in whole or in part, by Grantor without advance

notice: (i)

Pursuant to a funding failure under Paragraph 4.1;

(ii) If Grantee fails to comply with the terms and conditions of this or any Award, application or proposal, including any applicable rules or regulations, or has made a false representation in connection with the receipt of this or any Grant; (iii) For cause, which may render the Grantee ineligible for consideration for future grants from the Grantor or other State agencies; or (iv) If Grantee breaches this Agreement and either (1) fails to cure such breach within 15 calendar days’ written notice thereof, or (2) if such cure would require longer than 15 calendar days and the Grantee has failed to commence such cure within 15 calendar days’

Page 204 written notice thereof. In the event that Grantor terminates this Agreement as a result of the breach of the Agreement by Grantee, Grantee shall be paid for work satisfactorily performed prior to the date of termination. 16.2. Suspension. Grantor may suspend this Agreement, in whole or in part, pursuant to a funding failure under Paragraph 4.1 or if the Grantee fails to comply with terms and conditions of this or any Award. If suspension is due to Grantee’s failure to comply, Grantor may withhold further payment and prohibit Grantee from incurring additional obligations pending corrective action by Grantee or a decision to terminate this Agreement by Grantor. Grantor may determine to allow necessary and proper costs that Grantee could not reasonably avoid during the period of suspension. 16.3. Non-compliance. If Grantee fails to comply with applicable statutes, regulations or the terms and conditions of this or any Award, Grantor may impose additional conditions on Grantee, as described in 2 CFR 200.207. If Grantor determines that non-compliance cannot be remedied by imposing additional conditions, Grantor may take one or more of the actions described in 2 CFR 200.338. The Parties shall follow all Grantor policies and procedures regarding non-compliance, including, but not limited to, the procedures set forth in the State of Illinois Grantee Compliance Enforcement System. 44 Ill. Admin. Code §§ 7000.80, 7000.260. 16.4. Objection. If Grantor suspends or terminates this Agreement, in whole or in part, for cause, or takes any other action in response to Grantee’s non-compliance, Grantee may avail itself of any opportunities to object and challenge such suspension, termination or other action by Grantor in accordance with any applicable processes and procedures, including, but not limited to, the procedures set forth in the State of Illinois Grantee Compliance Enforcement System. 2 CFR 200.341; 44 Ill. Admin. Code §§ 7000.80, 7000.260. 16.5.

Effects of Suspension and Termination.

(a) Grantor may credit Grantee for expenditures incurred in the performance of authorized services under this Agreement prior to the effective date of a suspension or termination. (b) Grantee shall not incur any costs or obligations that require the use of these Grant Funds after the effective date of a suspension or termination, and shall cancel as many outstanding obligations as possible. (c) Costs to Grantee resulting from obligations incurred by Grantee during a suspension or after termination of the Agreement are not allowable unless: (i)

Grantor expressly authorizes them in the notice of suspension or termination;

and (ii) The costs result from obligations properly incurred before the effective date of suspension or termination, are not in anticipation of the suspension or termination, and the costs would be allowable if the Agreement was not suspended or terminated. 2 CFR 200.342. 16.6. Close-out of Terminated Agreements. If this Agreement is terminated, in whole or in part, the Parties shall comply with all close-out and post-termination requirements of this Agreement. 2 CFR 200.339(c).

Page 205 ARTICLE XVII SUBCONTRACTS/SUB-GRANTS 17.1. Sub-recipients/Delegation. Grantee may not subcontract nor sub-grant any portion of this Agreement nor delegate any duties hereunder without Prior Approval of Grantor. The requirement for Prior Approval is satisfied if the subcontractor or sub-grantee has been identified in the Uniform Grant Application, such as, without limitation, a Project Description, and Grantor has approved. 17.2. Application of Terms. Grantee shall advise any sub-grantee of funds awarded through this Agreement of the requirements imposed on them by federal and state laws and regulations, and the provisions of this Agreement. In all agreements between Grantee and its sub-grantees, Grantee shall insert term(s) that requires that all sub-grantees adhere to the terms of this Agreement. 17.3. Liability as Guaranty. Grantee shall be liable as guarantor for any Grant Funds it obligates to a sub-grantee or sub-contractor pursuant to Paragraph 17.1 in the event the Grantor determines the funds were either misspent or are being improperly held and the sub-grantee or sub-contractor is insolvent or otherwise fails to return the funds. 2 CFR 200.344; 30 ILCS 705/6; 44 Ill. Admin. Code 7000.450(a). ARTICLE XVIII NOTICE OF CHANGE 18.1. Notice of Change. Grantee shall notify the Grantor if there is a change in Grantee’s legal status, federal employer identification number (FEIN), DUNS Number, UEI, SAM registration status, Related Parties, or address. See 30 ILCS 708/60(a). If the change is anticipated, Grantee shall give thirty (30) days’ prior written notice to Grantor. If the change is unanticipated, Grantee shall give notice as soon as practicable thereafter. Grantor reserves the right to take any and all appropriate action as a result of such change(s). 18.2. Failure to Provide Notification. To the extent permitted by Illinois law, Grantee shall hold harmless Grantor for any acts or omissions of Grantor resulting from Grantee’s failure to notify Grantor of these changes. 18.3. Notice of Impact. Grantee shall immediately notify Grantor of any event that may have a material impact on Grantee’s ability to perform this Agreement. 18.4. Circumstances Affecting Performance; Notice. In the event Grantee becomes a party to any litigation, investigation or transaction that may reasonably be considered to have a material impact on Grantee’s ability to perform under this Agreement, Grantee shall notify Grantor, in writing, within five (5) calendar days of determining such litigation or transaction may reasonably be considered to have a material impact on the Grantee’s ability to perform under this Agreement. 18.5. Effect of Failure to Provide Notice. Failure to provide the notice described in Paragraph 18.4 shall be grounds for immediate termination of this Agreement and any costs incurred after notice should have been given shall be disallowed. ARTICLE XIX STRUCTURAL REORGANIZATION 19.1. Effect of Reorganization. Grantee acknowledges that this Agreement is made by and between Grantor and Grantee, as Grantee is currently organized and constituted. No promise or undertaking made hereunder is an assurance that Grantor agrees to continue this Agreement, or any license related thereto, should Grantee significantly reorganize or otherwise substantially change the character of its corporate structure,

Page 206 business structure or governance structure. Grantee agrees that it will give Grantor prior notice of any such action or changes significantly affecting its overall structure, and will provide any and all reasonable documentation necessary for Grantor to review the proposed transaction including financial records and corporate and shareholder minutes of any corporation which may be involved. This ARTICLE XIX does not require Grantee to report on minor changes in the makeup of its governance structure. Nevertheless, PART TWO or PART THREE may impose further restrictions. Failure to comply with this ARTICLE XIX shall constitute a material breach of this Agreement. ARTICLE XX AGREEMENTS WITH OTHER STATE AGENCIES 20.1. Copies upon Request. Grantee shall, upon request by Grantor, provide Grantor with copies of contracts or other agreements to which Grantee is a party with any other State agency. ARTICLE XXI CONFLICT OF INTEREST 21.1. Required Disclosures. Grantee must immediately disclose in writing any potential or actual Conflict of Interest to the Grantor. 2 CFR 200.112 and 30 ILCS 708/35. 21.2. Prohibited Payments. Grantee agrees that payments made by Grantor under this Agreement will not be used to compensate, directly or indirectly, any person currently holding an elective office in this State including, but not limited to, a seat in the General Assembly. In addition, where the Grantee is not an instrumentality of the State of Illinois, as described in this Paragraph, Grantee agrees that payments made by Grantor under this Agreement will not be used to compensate, directly or indirectly, any person employed by an office or agency of the state of Illinois whose annual compensation is in excess of sixty percent (60%) of the Governor’s annual salary, or $106,447.20 (30 ILCS 500/50-13). An instrumentality of the State of Illinois includes, without limitation, State departments, agencies, boards, and State universities. An instrumentality of the State of Illinois does not include, without limitation, municipalities and units of local government and related entities. 2 CFR 200.64. 21.3. Request for Exemption. Grantee may request written approval from Grantor for an exemption from Paragraph 21.2. Grantee acknowledges that Grantor is under no obligation to provide such exemption and that Grantor may, if an exemption is granted, grant such exemption subject to such additional terms and conditions as Grantor may require. ARTICLE XXII EQUIPMENT OR PROPERTY 22.1. Transfer of Equipment. Grantor shall have the right to require that Grantee transfer to Grantor any equipment, including title thereto, purchased in whole or in part with Grantor funds, if Grantor determines that Grantee has not met the conditions of 2 CFR 200.439. Grantor shall notify Grantee in writing should Grantor require the transfer of such equipment. Upon such notification by Grantor, and upon receipt or delivery of such equipment by Grantor, Grantee will be deemed to have transferred the equipment to Grantor as if Grantee had executed a bill of sale therefor. 22.2. Prohibition against Disposition/Encumbrance. The Grantee is prohibited from, and may not sell, transfer, encumber (other than original financing) or otherwise dispose of said equipment, material, or real property during the Grant Term without Prior Approval of Grantor. Any real property acquired using Grant Funds must comply with the requirements of 2 CFR 200.311.

Page 207 22.3. Equipment and Procurement. Grantee must comply with the uniform standards set forth in 2 CFR 200.310–200.316 governing the management and disposition of property which cost was supported by Grant Funds. Any waiver from such compliance must be granted by either the President’s Office of Management and Budget, the Governor’s Office of Management and Budget, or both, depending on the source of the Grant Funds used. Additionally, Grantee must comply with the standards set forth in 2 CFR 200.317-200.326 for use in establishing procedures for the procurement of supplies and other expendable property, equipment, real property and other services with Grant Funds. These standards are furnished to ensure that such materials and services are obtained in an effective manner and in compliance with the provisions of applicable federal and state statutes and executive orders. 22.4. Equipment Instructions. Grantee must obtain disposition instructions from Grantor when equipment, purchased in whole or in part with Grant Funds, are no longer needed for their original purpose. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained within this Agreement, Grantor may require transfer of any equipment to Grantor or a third party for any reason, including, without limitation, if Grantor terminates the Award or Grantee no longer conducts Award activities. The Grantee shall properly maintain, track, use, store and insure the equipment according to applicable best practices, manufacturer’s guidelines, federal and state laws or rules, and Grantor requirements stated herein.

ARTICLE XXIII PROMOTIONAL MATERIALS; PRIOR NOTIFICATION 23.1. Publications, Announcements, etc. Use of Grant Funds for promotions is subject to the prohibitions for advertising or public relations costs in 2 CFR 200.421(e). In the event that Grantor funds are used in whole or in part to produce any written publications, announcements, reports, flyers, brochures or other written materials, Grantee shall obtain Prior Approval for the use of those funds (2 CFR 200.467) and agrees to include in these publications, announcements, reports, flyers, brochures and all other such material, the phrase “Funding provided in whole or in part by the [Grantor].” Exceptions to this requirement must be requested, in writing, from Grantor and will be considered authorized only upon written notice thereof to Grantee. 23.2. Prior Notification/Release of Information. Grantee agrees to notify Grantor ten (10) days prior to issuing public announcements or press releases concerning work performed pursuant to this Agreement, or funded in whole or in part by this Agreement, and to cooperate with Grantor in joint or coordinated releases of information.

ARTICLE XXIV INSURANCE 24.1. Maintenance of Insurance. Grantee shall maintain in full force and effect during the Term of this Agreement casualty and bodily injury insurance, as well as insurance sufficient to cover the replacement cost of any and all real or personal property, or both, purchased or, otherwise acquired, or improved in whole or in part, with funds disbursed pursuant to this Agreement. 2 CFR 200.310. Additional insurance requirements may be detailed in PART TWO or PART THREE. 24.2. Claims. If a claim is submitted for real or personal property, or both, purchased in whole with funds from this Agreement and such claim results in the recovery of money, such money recovered shall be surrendered to Grantor.

Page 208 ARTICLE XXV LAWSUITS 25.1. Independent Contractor. Neither Grantee nor any employee or agent of Grantee acquires any employment rights with Grantor by virtue of this Agreement. Grantee will provide the agreed services and achieve the specified results free from the direction or control of Grantor as to the means and methods of performance. Grantee will be required to provide its own equipment and supplies necessary to conduct its business; provided, however, that in the event, for its convenience or otherwise, Grantor makes any such equipment or supplies available to Grantee, Grantee’s use of such equipment or supplies provided by Grantor pursuant to this Agreement shall be strictly limited to official Grantor or state of Illinois business and not for any other purpose, including any personal benefit or gain. 25.2. Liability. Neither Party shall be liable for actions chargeable to the other Party under this Agreement including, but not limited to, the negligent acts and omissions of Party’s agents, employees or subcontractors in the performance of their duties as described under this Agreement, unless such liability is imposed by law. This Agreement shall not be construed as seeking to enlarge or diminish any obligation or duty owed by one Party against the other or against a third party.

ARTICLE XXVI MISCELLANEOUS 26.1. Gift Ban. Grantee is prohibited from giving gifts to State employees pursuant to the State Officials and Employees Ethics Act (5 ILCS 430/10-10) and Executive Order 15-09. 26.2. Access to Internet. Grantee must have Internet access. Internet access may be either dial-up or high-speed. Grantee must maintain, at a minimum, one business e-mail address that will be the primary receiving point for all e-mail correspondence from Grantor. Grantee may list additional e-mail addresses at any time during the Term of this Agreement. The additional addresses may be for a specific department or division of Grantee or for specific employees of Grantee. Grantee must notify Grantor of any e-mail address changes within five (5) business days from the effective date of the change. 26.3. Exhibits and Attachments. Exhibits A through G, PART TWO, PART THREE, if applicable, and all other exhibits and attachments hereto are incorporated herein in their entirety. 26.4. Assignment Prohibited. Grantee acknowledges that this Agreement may not be sold, assigned, or transferred in any manner by Grantee, to include an assignment of Grantee’s rights to receive payment hereunder, and that any actual or attempted sale, assignment, or transfer by Grantee without the Prior Approval of Grantor in writing shall render this Agreement null, void and of no further effect. 26.5. Amendments. This Agreement may be modified or amended at any time during its Term by mutual consent of the Parties, expressed in writing and signed by the Parties. 26.6. Severability. If any provision of this Agreement is declared invalid, its other provisions shall not be affected thereby. 26.7. No Waiver. No failure of either Party to assert any right or remedy hereunder will act as a waiver of either Party’s right to assert such right or remedy at a later time or constitute a course of business upon which either Party may rely for the purpose of denial of such a right or remedy.

Page 209 26.8. Applicable Law; Claims. This Agreement and all subsequent amendments thereto, if any, shall be governed and construed in accordance with the laws of the state of Illinois. Any claim against Grantor arising out of this Agreement must be filed exclusively with the Illinois Court of Claims. 705 ILCS 505/1 et seq. Grantor does not waive sovereign immunity by entering into this Agreement. 26.9. Compliance with Law. This Agreement and Grantee’s obligations and services hereunder are hereby made and must be performed in compliance with all applicable federal and State laws, including, without limitation, federal regulations, State administrative rules, including 44 Ill. Admin. Code 7000, and any and all license requirements or professional certification provisions. 26.10. Compliance with Confidentiality Laws. If applicable, Grantee shall comply with applicable state and federal statutes, federal regulations and Grantor administrative rules regarding confidential records or other information obtained by Grantee concerning persons served under this Agreement. The records and information shall be protected by Grantee from unauthorized disclosure. 26.11. Compliance with Freedom of Information Act. Upon request, Grantee shall make available to Grantor all documents in its possession that Grantor deems necessary to comply with requests made under the Freedom of Information Act. (5 ILCS 140/7(2)). 26.12. Precedence. (a) Except as set forth in subparagraph (b), below, the following rules of precedence are controlling for this Agreement: In the event there is a conflict between this Agreement and any of the exhibits or attachments hereto, this Agreement shall control. In the event there is a conflict between PART ONE and PART TWO or PART THREE of this Agreement, PART ONE shall control. In the event there is a conflict between PART TWO and PART THREE of this Agreement, PART TWO shall control. In the event there is a conflict between this Agreement and relevant statute(s) or rule(s), the relevant statute(s) or rule(s) shall control. (b) Notwithstanding the provisions in subparagraph (a), above, if a relevant federal or state statute(s) or rule(s) requires an exception to this Agreement’s provisions, or an exception to a requirement in this Agreement is granted by GATU, such exceptions must be noted in PART TWO or PART THREE, and in such cases, those requirements control. 26.13. Illinois Grant Funds Recovery Act. In the event of a conflict between the Illinois Grant Funds Recovery Act and the Grant Accountability and Transparency Act, the provisions of the Grant Accountability and Transparency Act shall control. 30 ILCS 708/80. 26.14. Headings. Article and other headings contained in this Agreement are for reference purposes only and are not intended to define or limit the scope, extent or intent of this Agreement or any provision hereof. 26.15. Entire Agreement. Grantee and Grantor acknowledge that this Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between them and that no promises, terms, or conditions not recited, incorporated or referenced herein, including prior agreements or oral discussions, shall be binding upon either Grantee or Grantor. 26.16. Counterparts. This Agreement may be executed in one or more counterparts, each of which shall be considered to be one and the same agreement, binding on all Parties hereto, notwithstanding that all Parties are not signatories to the same counterpart. Duplicated signatures, signatures transmitted via facsimile, or signatures contained in a Portable Document Format (PDF) document shall be deemed original for all purposes.

Page 210 26.17. Attorney Fees and Costs. Unless prohibited by law, if Grantor prevails in any proceeding to enforce the terms of this Agreement, including any administrative hearing pursuant to the Grant Funds Recovery Act or the Grant Accountability and Transparency Act, the Grantor has the right to recover reasonable attorneys’ fees, costs and expenses associated with such proceedings. 26.18. Continuing Responsibilities. The termination or expiration of this Agreement does not affect: (a) the right of the Grantor to disallow costs and recover funds based on a later audit or other review; (b) the obligation of the Grantee to return any funds due as a result of later refunds, corrections or other transactions, including, without limitation, final indirect cost rate adjustments and those funds obligated pursuant to ARTICLE XVII; (c) the Consolidated Year-End Financial Report; (d) audit requirements established in ARTICLE XV; (e) property management and disposition requirements established in 2 CFR 200.310 through 2 CFR 200.316 and ARTICLE XXII; or (f) records related requirements pursuant to ARTICLE XII. 44 Ill. Admin. Code 7000.450. THE REMAINDER OF THIS PAGE IS INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK.


The project objective is to develop a proactive, ongoing effort to address human-wildlife considerations and improve our ability to manage wildlife populations through outreach and technical assistance for the residents of Illinois


1. Develop, operate, and maintain at least four websites that provide technical guidance to the citizens of Illinois regarding the management of wildlife species and their habitats. 2. Engage stakeholder groups to encourage involvement in the development and use of websites by soliciting stakeholder feedback through electronic means and in public meetings. 3. Continue to assess the websites created and/or maintained under this grant by using useful metrics that guide the time- and cost-effectiveness of the project. Report the metric results quarterly and annually.

Page 213 PAYMENT Grantee shall receive $350,000 under this Agreement. Enter specific terms of payment here: (1)

GRANT AMOUNT: This is a Reimbursement Grant. The GRANTEE is to incur all expenses and then seek reimbursement for all documented and eligible expenses from the DEPARTMENT. The DEPARTMENT awards this grant in the amount not to exceed the “Federal Assistance Amount” specified above on the “Grant Agreement Cover Sheet” form, or as amended, to the GRANTEE to undertake work as described in their grant narrative, A Proactive Strategy for Living with Wildlife in Illinois (hereinafter referred to as PROPOSAL (PART THREE), the terms and conditions of which are hereby incorporated by reference and made a part of this agreement. The GRANTEE will provide the non-federal share of funding in the dollar amount specified by “Grantee’s Responsibility” above on the “Grant Agreement Cover Sheet” form, or as amended, and not less than percentage specified by the “Grantee Percentage” above on the “Grant Agreement Cover Sheet” form, or as amended, to cover allowable and approved costs incurred in completing the work outlined in PROPOSAL (PART THREE). The GRANTEE may use the amount of federal funds specified above on the “Grant Agreement Cover Sheet” form by the “Federal Assistance Amount”, or as amended; but not to exceed the percentage specified above on the “Grant Agreement Cover Sheet” form by the “Federal Assistance Percentage” for approvable expenses incurred by the GRANTEE.


DISBURSEMENTS: Payment to the GRANTEE will be on a reimbursement basis for the GRANTEE’S incurred eligible costs. The disbursement of funds will be made after the final execution of this Agreement by the DEPARTMENT and upon submission by the GRANTEE of a written request for payment on the Request for Reimbursement form provided by the DEPARTMENT. Request for Reimbursement can be submitted to the DEPARTMENT as frequently as monthly but no less than quarterly, unless otherwise approved by the DEPARTMENT. Copies of all source documents which provide evidence that expenditures of total costs were made and paid for including such items as canceled checks, evidence of paid bills and contract documents shall be submitted with this request. The DEPARTMENT shall not pay any amount for expenses or labor not specified in the PROPOSAL. All payments shall be based upon documentation of Project expenditures as submitted by the GRANTEE, and as provided below: A.

Each Request for Reimbursement will be reimbursed at match percentage of the total documented and eligible expenses. Documented expenses shall include in-kind match as well. Documentation of volunteer hours shall be on a Volunteer Time Documentation Report which is available upon request.


All billings shall be submitted within sixty (60) days following the end of a project period or date of project completion, as detailed in the Grant Agreement and in the PROPOSAL. Failure to do so may be cause for termination of the project with no further reimbursement to the GRANTEE.

Page 214 C.

Project costs for which reimbursement is sought cannot be incurred by the GRANTEE prior to the effective date of the agreement, unless otherwise authorized by the DEPARTMENT. Costs incurred prior to DEPARTMENT approval are ineligible for grant assistance. If purchase is initiated and documented by a written purchase order or invoice prior to the end of the term of the grant agreement and payment is made within 30 - 60 days, the expense may be allowable.


All work must be completed within the term of this agreement. Except for reimbursement grants where this does not apply, all funds advanced to the GRANTEE that remain at the end of the grant agreement or at the expiration of the expenditure or obligation period stipulated in the grant agreement, shall be returned to the State within 45 days.

Page 215 EXHIBIT D CONTACT INFORMATION CONTACT FOR NOTIFICATION: Unless specified elsewhere, all notices required or desired to be sent by either Party shall be sent to the persons listed below. GRANTOR CONTACT


Name: Jared Duquette

Name: Richard Warner

Title: IDNR Project Manager

Title: Grantee Principal Investigator

Address: One Natural Resources Way Springfield, IL 62702

Address: 5800 Godfrey Rd. Godfrey, IL 62035

Phone: 217-714-7645

Phone: 618-468-3315






Fax #: N/A

E-mail Address: jared.duquette@illinois.edu

E-mail Address: dickw@illinois.edu Additional Information: N/A


1. Number of websites developed, operated, and maintained that provide technical guidance to the citizens of Illinois regarding the management of wildlife species and their habitats. 2. Number of stakeholder groups engaged to encourage involvement in the development and use of websites by soliciting stakeholder feedback through electronic means and in public meetings. 3. Number of reports generated to continue to assess the websites created and/or maintained under this grant by using useful metrics that guide the time- and costeffectiveness of the project.


1. Develop, operate, and maintain at least four websites that provide technical guidance to the citizens of Illinois regarding the management of wildlife species and their habitats. 2. Engage stakeholder groups to encourage involvement in the development and use of websites by soliciting stakeholder feedback through electronic means and in public meetings. 3. Continue to assess the websites created and/or maintained under this grant by using useful metrics that guide the time- and cost-effectiveness of the project. Report the metric results quarterly and annually.



Grantor may remove (or reduce) a Specific Condition included in this Exhibit G by providing notice in writing to the Grantee.


The Grantor reviewed the risk posed by the Grantee. The risk level is: Low The Grantee’s level of risk for this project has been assessed as LOW. The Grantee has determined the conditions of risk posed by the Grantee will not materially impact the Grantee’s ability to perform the project. Therefore no additional award conditions are being applied herein. The Grantee's detailed risk assessment for this project is on file with the Grantor. For more information on this risk assessment submit a written request to Lois.Kanter@illinois.gov

Page 219 ARTICLE XXVII PART TWO – THE GRANTOR-SPECIFIC TERMS In addition to the uniform requirements in PART ONE, the Grantor has the following additional requirements for its Grantee: 27.1 Reporting. As per the May 11, 2016, written notice from Ken Kuznia, USFWS Region 3 WSFR Grants Fiscal Officer, due to changes in the U.S. Treasury ASAP system that prevents federal funds from being available to recipients after the award period of performance (POP) line end date changes in the financial reporting period are necessary. In summary, the change places award line(s) in “liquidated” status 90 days after the line POP end date, and “suspended’ Status 120 days after the line POP end date. Therefore, the Grantee shall: (a) submit to the Grantor a Final Performance Report within 45 calendar days following the end of the period of performance for this Agreement. In the event that this Agreement is terminated prior to the end of the Term, Grantee shall submit the Final Performance Report within 45 calendar days of such termination. The format of this Final Performance Report shall follow a format prescribed by Grantor. 2 CFR 200.343. (b) submit to the Grantor the Annual Financial Reports within 45 days after the Grantor’s fiscal year ending on June 30th. This deadline may be extended at the discretion of the Grantor. 27.2 Term. It is hereby understood by and between both parties that this agreement is subject to approval of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. This agreement may not be amended or assigned without the prior written approval of the DEPARTMENT. The Project must be completed by the award completion date, as budgeted, and done in accordance with the approved scope of work, unless a written request for an amendment is approved by the DEPARTMENT. ALL amendment requests must be received, in writing, by the DEPARTMENT no later than 30 days prior to the award completion date. Any grant funds which have been misspent or otherwise not used in accordance with this agreement are subject to recovery by the DEPARTMENT and the Illinois Attorney General pursuant to the provisions of the Illinois Grant Funds Recovery Act (30 ILCS 705/1 et seq.). If this agreement is terminated as the result of default of the GRANTEE, the DEPARTMENT shall, remove the Grantee from any DEPARTMENT programs and forbid the Grantee from receiving any funding for any future such grant programs for a period of two-years following the date of such termination. It is further agreed by the GRANTEE that in the event it is adjudicated by any court that its activities are deemed a default of this agreement, as part of the relief awarded to the DEPARTMENT, the GRANTEE will reimburse the DEPARTMENT for legal fees and all costs, including court costs, reasonably incurred by the DEPARTMENT in pursuit of its rights under this paragraph. 27.3 Progress Meeting. A minimum of two progress meetings during the Segment are required between the GRANTEE and the DEPARTMENT to coincide with the ending of the first and third quarters, unless an alternate meeting schedule is adopted and agreed to by both parties. 27.4 Data and Information Collection. The Grantee agrees that any material or design specified by the Grantee or supplied by the Grantee pursuant to this contract shall not knowingly infringe any patent or copyright and the GRANTEE shall be solely responsible for securing any necessary licenses required for patented or copyrighted material utilized by the Grantee in the performance of the Project. The Grantee shall provide the IDNR, through the Project Manager, with copies of all data and information arising out of or resulting from the Grantee’s use of the grant funds. When practical, copies of the data and information shall be provided to the IDNR in electronic form when practical. The Grantee and the IDNR Project Manager shall determine the most appropriate format to provide the data and information to the IDNR.

Page 220 27.5 Pre-Award Costs. Pre-award expenditures incurred prior to effective date of this agreement, are allowable to the extent permitted pursuant to 2 CFR 200.458. Work on the project within the scope of work of the Grantee’s Proposal (Part Three of this agreement) may commence on or after the effective date on the USFWS federal grant award letter for this project, and before this agreement is fully executed, only with the expressed written permission of the IDNR. 27.6

Part Two Attachments. Assurances – Non-Construction Programs

Page 221 ARTICLE XXVIII PART THREE – THE PROJECT-SPECIFIC TERMS In addition to the uniform requirements in PART ONE and the Grantor-Specific Terms in PART TWO, the Grantor has the following additional requirements for this Project: 28.1 Authority. This grant agreement by and between the GRANTOR and GRANTEE is entered into under the authority of the Illinois Civil Administration Code (20 ILCS 805/ 805-70). 28.2 Acknowledgement. All electronic or printed publications, written documents, news articles, TV and radio releases, interviews and personal presentations that relate to this project must credit the DEPARTMENT and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service’s Sport Fish Restoration Program. Any publications or other documents that are generated as a result of this grant agreement shall include appropriate credit to the DEPARTMENT and the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service with the following statement: The Illinois Department of Natural Resources receives federal financial assistance from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. Under Title VI of the 1964 Civil Rights Act, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, the Age Discrimination Act of 1975, and Title IX of the Education Amendments Act of 1972, and the U.S. Department of the Interior prohibits discrimination on the basis of race, color, national origin, age, disability (or sex in educational programs). If you believe that you have been discriminated against in any program, activity, or facility, or if you need more information, please write to: Chief, Public Civil Rights Office of Civil Rights U.S. Department of the Interior 1849 C Street, NW Washington, D.C. 20240 This information may be provided in an alternative format if required. Contact the DNR Clearinghouse at 217/782-7498 for assistance. 28.3 Intellectual Property. (c) All intellectual property ("IP") rights (including copyright, patent, and any other rights) in materials arising out of or resulting from Grantee’s use of the grant funds or any earning thereon (the “Public Materials”), including by way of example but not as limitation, any posters and promotional materials, photographs, maps, drawings, charts, reports, brochures, blueprints, website pages, and source code, shall be owned by Grantee unless Grantee materially breaches the terms of this Agreement. (b) To ensure that the Public Materials are widely and generally available to the public who has paid for their production, Grantee hereby grants to IDNR a non-exclusive, perpetual, irrevocable, royalty-free, paid-up, worldwide, sub-licensable license to use, copy, or publish the Public Materials by any means or media in connection with any activity of IDNR. (c) Grantee shall provide to all employees and agents of Grantee who might otherwise be entitled to claim any authorship or ownership or IP interest in such Public Materials (including but not limited to architects, photographers, graphic designers, web designers, sculptors, and contractors) a copy of this clause and shall obtain such employees' and agents' acknowledgment and agreement (1) that any employee or non-employee's contributions to any such Public Materials shall be considered Grantee property and/or works for hire, and (2) that to the extent that the Public Materials are not so considered, that all such contributors assign their rights therein, whether under patent, copyright, trade secret, or

Page 222 trademark law, and including moral rights, in perpetuity or for the longest period otherwise permitted by law, to Grantee such that Grantee can effectively grant the above-described license. Grantee shall allow IDNR full access to the project site and materials, both during the grant term and after completion, for documentation, inspection, publicity, photography, promotion, or similar purposes. 28.4 Federal Assistance. Funding of this agreement is provided through the Federal Assistance Program and CFDA # as listed on the grant agreement or grant amendment into which these provisions are incorporated. The RECIPIENT will abide by all terms and provisions applicable to its participation hereunder of the listed Federal Assistance Program. 28.5 Supplies. Title to supplies will vest in the Grantee upon acquisition. The Grantee may retain all residual inventories of unused supplies upon termination or completion of the project or program if the supplies are not needed by the DEPARTMENT for any other Federal Programs and or the Department does not retain an interest in the supplies. 28.6 Procurement of Professional or Artistic Services. If the purchase of professional or artistic services, computer equipment, telecommunication equipment, software or services are identified as a project component and the cost, individually or in aggregate from the same vendor, meets or exceeds $25,000 the GRANTEE must use a written process for the solicitation of competitive sealed proposals, unless the GRANTEE verifies, in writing, that competitive sealed bidding for a single procurement is not practical or advantageous; or the GRANTEE documents, in writing, to the Project Manager, that sole source procurement is the most economically feasible solution. The DEPARTMENT reserves the right to require the GRANTEE to use a written, competitive sealed bidding process for costs under $25,000. 28.7 Construction. In accordance with the laws for the State of Illinois, a qualified, licensed engineer must approve the feasibility determination, approve engineering plans and specifications, supervise the construction, and furnish a report of final inspection. 28.9 Incorporation of Provisions. The GRANTEE acknowledges and agrees that the provisions specified herein shall be incorporated into and made a part of the invitation of bids, request for proposals, agreement, contract, amendment, renewal or other similar documents to ensure full disclosure of and compliance with these provisions. The undersigned acknowledges and agrees that each of the certifications or amendments identified above this article shall be incorporated into and made a part of the invitation for bids, request for proposals, agreements, contracts, amendments, renewals or other similar documents to which these certifications are attached. 28.10


(a) GRANTEE will be responsible for all equipment and comply with the property management inventory reporting and disposition requirements mandated by state and federal statutes and regulations. Equipment is defined by the DEPARTMENT as tangible, nonexpendable, personal property having a useful life of more than one year and an acquisition cost of $100 or more per unit. (b) When any equipment ($100+) is purchased under this agreement, the Grantee agrees to maintain control of the equipment in accordance with Property Control System requirements and submit an equipment report with the Final Performance Report. The Equipment Report will include a description of the item purchased, the model number, serial number, date of purchase, purchase price, current location, the source of funding for the property, the name and telephone number of the individual responsible for each equipment item purchased, use and condition of the property, and any ultimate disposition data including the data of disposal and sale price of the property. Upon request of the DEPARTMENT, the GRANTEE will make available for inspection and audit by the DEPARTMENT all equipment purchased with funds from this grant.

Page 223 (c) Equipment ($100+) purchased by the GRANTEE, under the terms of this grant, shall become the property of the GRANTEE. Equipment ($100+) acquired under this program may not be employed for commercial purposes and may only be used for purposes similar to those described in this grant agreement. No equipment ($100+) purchased as a result of this agreement shall be transferred or disposed of or used in a manner other than specified herein without approval of the DEPARTMENT. If equipment ($100+) is transferred or disposed of prior to the termination of this grant agreement, the GRANTEE must still comply with the reporting requirements set forth above. (d) If the purchase of equipment ($100+) is part of this grant the equipment must be purchased in accordance with 2 CFR 200.318, “General procurement standards” through, and including, 2 CFR 200.323, “Contract cost and price”. If a competitive procurement process is used, documentation of invitation, submission, opening, evaluation, correction, withdrawal, and award of bids will be required for reimbursement. The DEPARTMENT reserves the right to require the RECIPIENT to use a written, competitive sealed bidding process. All equipment, materials, supplies or personal property purchased through this agreement is subject to retrieval by the DEPARTMENT and/or reassigned by the DEPARTMENT upon dissolution of the RECIPIENT, abandonment of the herein specified project, or as a result of the RECIPIENT non-compliance with the terms and conditions of this grant agreement. All property retrieved under this clause by the DEPARTMENT shall be reassigned by the DEPARTMENT for uses as similar as possible to the original project purpose. P3.10 Real Property. (a) The GRANTEE is fully responsible for and must assume all operation and maintenance costs and responsibilities associated with the project. The DEPARTMENT will not be responsible for any operation and maintenance costs associated with the project, unless that project has been implemented on DEPARTMENT property. (b) Federal funds used, in part or solely, to install conservation or habitat practices on a property or acquire interests in real property, cannot be developed or the property used in any manner that is not compatible with sustaining the practices implemented or with perpetuating the ecological conditions that were preserved through the acquisition, unless otherwise specified in the terms and conditions of the grant. No changes or disturbance will be allowed by the GRANTEE on that portion (s) of the property covered by the project, unless otherwise stipulated in the terms and conditions of the grant, without the written approval of the DEPARTMENT. The terms and conditions of this grant shall be binding on the GRANTEE any successors or assigns of interests in said real property. (c) The GRANTEE is responsible for installing, maintaining, and performing all conservation or habitat practices for no less than 10 years from the date of installation unless otherwise approved by the DEPARTMENT, in writing. Conversion of a conservation or habitat practice to another non-program land use prior to the expiration of the practice or the unwillingness of new owners to assume custody may result in the GRANTEE returning grant funds used to implement the practice (s) or such other remedies authorized by administrative rule. Approved practices will be compatible with the Illinois Wildlife Action Plan’s goals and objective for the protection and management of non-game species in greatest need of conservation being addressed by this project. (d) Any real property or interest in real property purchased with federal funds must have a conservation easement conveyed to the DEPARTMENT, unless the DEPARTMENT holds fee title to the same real property. The conservation easement must be perpetual, with no termination. All other term and conditions of the conservation easement are subject to the approval of the DEPARTMENT.

Page 224 28.11

Federal Requirements.

(a) Based on the legal status of the RECIPIENT’s organization, documentation supporting costs of federal and state shares will be compiled, audited, and maintained in accordance with: (i)

FAR 31.2 “Contracts with Commercial Organizations” as amended.


2 CFR Part 200, “Uniform Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles, and Audit Requirements for Federal Awards” shall apply.

(b) In the event that any payments to the RECIPIENT under this agreement are subsequently disallowed by audit as items of eligible costs, the RECIPIENT will credit the total amount to the U. S. Fish & Wildlife Service, without prejudice, however, to the Department's right thereafter to establish the allowability of any such item of cost under this Agreement. (c) Davis-Bacon Act, as amended (40 U.S.C. 3141-3148). The RECIPIENT must comply with the Copeland “Anti-Kickback” Act (40 U.S.C. 3145), as supplemented by Department of Labor regulations (29 CFR Part 3, “Contractors and Subcontractors on Public Building or Public Work Financed in Whole or in Part by Loans or Grants from the United States”). (d) Contract Work Hours and Safety Standards Act (40 U.S.C. 3701-3708). Where applicable, for all contracts awarded in excess of $100,000 that involve the employment of mechanics or laborers, the RECIPIENT must comply with 40 U.S.C. 3702 and 3704, as supplemented by Department of Labor regulations (29 CFR Part 5). (e) Rights to Inventions Made Under a Contract or Agreement. If the Federal award meets the definition of “funding agreement” under 37 CFR § 401.2 (a) and the RECIPIENT wishes to enter into a contract with a small business firm or nonprofit organization regarding the substitution of parties, assignment or performance of experimental, developmental, or research work under that “funding agreement,” the RECIPIENT and all the RECIPIENT’s sub-recipients must comply with the requirements of 37 CFR Part 401, “Rights to Inventions Made by Nonprofit Organizations and Small Business Firms Under Government Grants, Contracts and Cooperative Agreements,” and any implementing regulations issued by the awarding agency. (f) Procurement of recovered materials. A non-Federal RECIPIENT that is a state agency or agency of a political subdivision of a state and its RECIPIENTs must comply with section 6002 of the Solid Waste Disposal Act, as amended by the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act. The requirements of Section 6002 include procuring only items designated in guidelines of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) at 40 CFR part 247 that contain the highest percentage of recovered materials practicable, consistent with maintaining a satisfactory level of competition, where the purchase price of the item exceeds $10,000 or the value of the quantity acquired by the preceding fiscal year exceeded $10,000; procuring solid waste management services in a manner that maximizes energy and resource recovery; and establishing an affirmative procurement program for procurement of recovered materials identified in the EPA guidelines.

PART THREE ATTACHMENTS: Request for Reimbursement Periodic Financial Report

Page 225 Periodic Financial Report (PFR) Instructions Periodic Performance Report Transmittal IDNR Supplemental Performance Report Instructions Proposal Sub-Grantee Disclosure W-9 (Request for Taxpayer Identification Number and Certification) FFATA Data Collection Form Uniform Grant Budget Template – Sections A & B

Aw ard Acknow ledged by Board






25% in kind expenses 25% in kind at application, no ongoing documentation required

$100,000 8/1/20 - 12/31/21 7/10/2020

$8,000 in kind $15,000 7/1/20 - 6/30/21


N/A $17,438 7/1/20 - 6/30/21




5.19.20-9 CTE Improvement Grant

7/1/20 - 6/30/21

$20,000 7/1/20 - 6/30/21

$550,615 $600,000



$0 Val Harris Val Harris and Sue $0 Czerwinski

Terry Lane

Val Harris Mike Lemons and Jill Lane

Val Harris

$0 Val Harris $59,040 7/1/20 - 6/30/21 $60,000 or 7/1/20 - 6/30/21 $75,000




$0 Val Harris

$0 Val Harris

$63,500 7/1/20 - 6/30/21


$55,000 7/1/20 - 6/30/21

$0 Val Harris

$50,000 7/1/20 - 6/30/21

$0 Val Harris

$0 Jill Lane



$100,000 6/1/20 - 5/31/23 Scholarships and stipends for individual 1/1/20 - 12/31/20 students

$0 Val Harris

S. Hill

$0 D Chapman

$41,925,000 7/1/19 - 6/30/20 $300,000/year 9/1/20 - 8/31/25 for 5 years Scholarships and stipends for individual 1/1/20 - 12/31/20 students

Program and Contact D Chapman/R $0 Hilgenbrink $0 N. Keener

$10,000 est

Matching Requirement

$60,000 2020 - 2022

$1,250,000 3 years


Continuation ICCB Illinois State Continuation Library IL Board of Higher Continuation Education



IL State Board of Education Madison County Employment and Training

IL Valley Economic Development Corp continuation CSBG IL Secretary of Continuation State IL Secretary of Continuation State

September, 9/10/2019 2019

Fall 2019 for 9/10/2019 2020

6/11/2019 est. 2/2020


Madison County Continuation CSBG National Endowment for the New Humanities

6/11/2019 July, 2018







5.19.20-5 Adult Ed and Literacy Lewis and Clark Radio 5.19.20-6 Information Service Illinois Cooperative Work 5.19.20-7 Study Grant Integrated Education and 5.19.20-8 Training Grant

5.19.20-3 WIOA Youth Program Early School Leaver 5.19.20-4 Transition Program

1.14.20-5 Vocational Training Penny Severns Family 2.11.20-3 Literacy Adult Volunteer Literacy 2.11.20-4 (Project READ) Truant's Alternative and Optional Education 5.19.20-2 Program

9.10.19-3 GED Testing Fees CODES: CommunityOriented Digitally 9.10.19-4 Engaged Scholars

New Grant or Continuation

US Dept of Energy New Dept. of Energy New IGEN

Funding Agency

State of IL US Dept of 6/11/2019 Student Support Services Education

6/11/2019 Solar Workforce Grant Capital Projects--Main Complex, Daycare, 6/11/2019 Greenhouse, Etc.

6/11/2019 IGEN Solar Workforce

Opp Identifier

Pending Grants and Sponsored Contracts 6/9/2020 Opportunity Amt Approved by Requested Submitted Board

Grants Pending Page 226

Aw ard Acknow ledged by Board


$400,000 3 years

5 years $375,000 ($75,000/year)

$200,000 7/1/20 - 6/30/23





10/1/2020 $120,000 12/31/2023

3/1/20 - 4/30/21



United States fish & Wildlife Service

full proposal invited, due 12/10/2019 3/30/20

$16,000 plus indirect costs

up to three years $171,425 from grant award

8/13/2019 TBD


$300,000 1/1/20 - 12/31/22

$1,000,700 1/1/20 - 12/31/22 $250,000 (over 1/1/20 - 12/31/22 3 years)



6/11/2019 January, 2020


New Grant or Continuation

IL Dept of Natural Resources

Continuation Swarovski IL Dept. Natural Resources and US New Fish and Wildlife New noncompetitive IDNR - Division of grant agreement Wildlife

Funding Agency National Science Foundation

USEPA via subaward from University of IL National Science Foundation via subaward from University of IL 12.10.19-3 Critical Zone Network NGRREC Habitat Strike Team Supporting the Illinois Recreation Illinois Department of Natural Resources (IDNR) Access Program (IRAP) 12.10.19-4 – IRAP

Status Assessment of 8.13.19-1 odonates in IL NGRREC℠ Supporting IDNR Research into Mammalian Species of 8.13.19-7 Concern Web based educational and technical assistance for wildlife species of 9.10.19-1 concern Detection of Cryptic Wetlands with Lidar 12.10.19-1 Derivatives Identifying Best Management Watershed Practices to Reduce 12.10.19-2 Harmful Algal Blooms

Title Population and 6/11/2019 Community Ecology Swarovski Waterschool 6/11/2019 USA: Phase II

Opp Identifier

Pending NGRREC℠ Grants and Sponsored Contracts 6/9/2020 Opportunity Amt New Grant or Approved by Term Requested Submitted Board Continuation Program and Contact


NGRREC℠ - Dick Warner and Ted $0 Kratschmer Dr. Justin Shew (NGRREC Conservation Program Manager)/ Dr. Dick Warner (NGRREC Senior Scientist)

NGRREC℠ - Dick Warner and Ted $0 Kratschmer

25% in kind match NGRREC℠ - John Crawford ($40,000)

$0 Dick Warner

$0 J. Shew/D. Warner

John Crawford

$0 Sue Czerwinski

$0 A. Dell

$161,500 (35% in kind match)

Matching Requirement

Grants Pending Page 227

Aw ard Acknow ledged by Board


5 years $375,000 ($75,000/year)

$200,000 7/1/20 - 6/30/23







$30,000 2 years

$400,000 3 years

10/1/2020 $120,000 12/31/2023

3/1/20 - 4/30/21



United States fish & Wildlife Service

full proposal invited, due 12/10/2019 3/30/20

$16,000 plus indirect costs

up to three years $171,425 from grant award

8/13/2019 TBD


$300,000 1/1/20 - 12/31/22

$250,000 (over 1/1/20 - 12/31/22 3 years)

$1,000,700 1/1/20 - 12/31/22



6/11/2019 January, 2020


New Grant or Continuation

IL Dept of Natural Resources

Continuation Swarovski IL Dept. Natural Resources and US New Fish and Wildlife New noncompetitive IDNR - Division of grant agreement Wildlife

Funding Agency National Science Foundation

USEPA via subaward from University of IL National Science Foundation via subaward from University of IL 12.10.19-3 Critical Zone Network NGRREC Habitat Strike Team Supporting the Illinois Recreation Illinois Department of Natural Resources (IDNR) Access Program (IRAP) 12.10.19-4 – IRAP Living Earth Collaborative Tracking animals to understand Urban Food (Wash U., MoBot, STL Zoo) 5.19.20-10 Webs

Status Assessment of 8.13.19-1 odonates in IL NGRREC℠ Supporting IDNR Research into Mammalian Species of 8.13.19-7 Concern Web based educational and technical assistance for wildlife species of 9.10.19-1 concern Detection of Cryptic Wetlands with Lidar 12.10.19-1 Derivatives Identifying Best Management Watershed Practices to Reduce 12.10.19-2 Harmful Algal Blooms

Swarovski Waterschool 6/11/2019 USA: Phase II

Title Population and 6/11/2019 Community Ecology

Opp Identifier

Pending NGRREC℠ Grants and Sponsored Contracts 6/9/2020 Opportunity Amt New Grant or Approved by Term Requested Submitted Board Continuation Program and Contact

Dr. Tony Dell, Dr. Jason $0 Knouft


NGRREC℠ - Dick Warner and Ted $0 Kratschmer Dr. Justin Shew (NGRREC Conservation Program Manager)/ Dr. Dick Warner (NGRREC Senior Scientist)

NGRREC℠ - Dick Warner and Ted $0 Kratschmer

25% in kind match NGRREC℠ - John Crawford ($40,000)

$0 Dick Warner

$0 J. Shew/D. Warner

John Crawford

$0 Sue Czerwinski

$0 A. Dell

$161,500 (35% in kind match)

Matching Requirement

Grants Pending Page 228

Page 229 Acknowledgement of Contracts $5,000 and Less 6/9/20 Contract/Vendor Monsido

Purpose Web Governance

Amount $4,360

Funding Source Media Services Office Supplies

Page 230


July 14, 2020`………………………………………

Public Hearing Regarding Budget 6:45 pm Ahlemeyer Atrium, Trimpe ATC

July 14, 2020 ………………………………………

Regular Board Meeting 7:00 pm Board of Trustees Meeting Ahlemeyer Atrium, Trimpe ATC 7 pm

Page 231 LCCC BOARD AGENDA FOR ALL DISCUSSION AND ACTION ITEMS June 9, 2020 Discussion Item Construction Status Report Main Complex Foundation Improvements CDB Projects are resuming in a safe manner on a case by case basis. Request sent to project manager for starting bid process to ensure completion before fall semester. • • • • • •

Contract between CDB and AAIC, Inc. fully executed May 31, 2019 Project #810-060-038, approved by CDB at December 11, 2018 regular meeting Project approved by LCBOT at November 13, 2018 regular meeting with an overall estimated budget of $415,227 Funded by statewide emergency/deferred maintenance capital appropriation and PHS savings Tuckpointing and waterproofing to below grade foundation Gutters and drainage system to direct rain water away from buildings

Haskell Hall Fan Coil Replacement Design submittals sent to CDB and awaiting review. • • • • •

Contract between CDB and BRiC Partnership, LLC fully executed January 23, 2020 Project #810-060-039 approved by CDB at November 12, 2019 regular meeting Project approved by LCBOT at July 9, 2019 regular meeting with an estimated budget of $200,000 Funded by statewide deferred maintenance capital appropriation and PHS savings Replacement of obsolete and inefficient (60) fan coil units and (6) ceiling units in Haskell Hall

Scott Bibb Center Solar Installation On-site work began in May with electrical conduit and panel installation. Solar panels to be installed this month. Project completion anticipated by June 30, 2020.

• • • •

Bid recommendation approved by LCBOT at the April 14, 2020 regular meeting and the contract between LC and GRP|Wegman in the amount of $61,323, was fully executed April 30, 2020. Contract between LC and BRiC Partnership, LLC approved at the February 11, 2020 regular meeting, and was fully executed February 18, 2020 Authorization to bid the project received by LCBOT at the January 14, 2020 regular meeting with a budget of $127,000 funded by the Secretary of State Grant - IGEN Installation of a 10KW solar panel system (non-tracking) on the rooftop of the lower level building.

Recommendation Information

Page 232

LCCC BOARD AGENDA FOR ALL DISCUSSION AND ACTION ITEMS June 9, 2020 Discussion Item Automotive Technology Program awarded a National Science Foundation Advanced Technology Education Grant (NSF ATE ): Building a Pipeline of Biodiesel Technicians for Careers in Fields and Cities Background Employers across Illinois and the country have an urgent need for skilled diesel mechanics, and studies document a growing need for a workforce equipped to plan, design, build, and repair transportation systems and energy-efficient vehicles. Building a Pipeline of Biodiesel Technicians for Careers in Fields and Cities will address regional needs for diesel technicians who have specialized technical skills needed to support current and emerging agricultural and urban applications. To address regional workforce gaps, the project will support the launch of a diesel/biodiesel certificate track of the Associate of Applied Technologies in Auto Technology degree at Lewis and Clark Community College. The project will increase student interest in nextgen diesel technician careers by implementing strategies to serve underrepresented and underserved students with a dual focus on rural (Jerseyville HS) and urban (Alton HS) schools. By preparing students for careers in high-growth technical fields, the project has the potential to advance innovative methods for meeting the nation's changing employment needs. Findings from this project will be disseminated throughout Illinois and may serve as a replicable model for learning communities across the country interested in rural technician education. The goal of the project is to create pathways to next-gen diesel/biodiesel technologies careers with a primary focus on providing a skilled workforce equipped to fill jobs in rural and urban sectors. The objectives of the project are: 1) implement a new diesel/biodiesel technology pathway program with stackable credentials for students at pilot high schools and Lewis & Clark Community College, 2) train secondary and post-secondary faculty to recruit students, implement curriculum and instruction, collaborate with industry, and support rural and urban student success in technician education and careers, and 3) increase partnerships with rural and urban diesel technology employers to expand career opportunities for students and meet local and regional workforce needs. The project will improve student outcomes by providing secondary school educator professional development and customized skill-training modules, emphasizing dual-enrollment courses, leveraging partnerships to provide students with 21st century work-based learning, and aligning curricula with industry standards. The project will result in these deliverables: aligned curriculum, new courses and a certificate in diesel/biodiesel technology, stackable credentials leading to college degrees, work-based learning, and recruitment and outreach collateral designed to engage underrepresented students. Outreach and recruiting efforts will replicate successful efforts from other ATE projects that have proven to engage underrepresented students. Program completers will be ready for work with industry

Page 233 partners, thus contributing to the nation's skilled technical workforce. Project materials and results will be widely shared and disseminated through statewide and national meeting. The project supports ATE’s focus on rural technician education aligned with in-demand careers. Implications The Automotive Technology Program worked with Nancy Heller from New Growth Planners to write and submit an NSF ATE grant in October. After months of waiting and then being asked to revise and submit a new budget, we were awarded a $300,000.00 grant over 3 years to develop the beginnings of a diesel program at Lewis & Clark Community College. Recommendation Information


Discussion Item Enrollment Task Force Update

Background Illinois higher education institutions are experiencing demographic challenges and declining enrollments. The current COVID-19 response places additional pressure on the higher education sector. Restrictions on traditional, face-to-face instruction and transitions to online formats raise additional challenges for institutions of higher education. The Enrollment Task Force continues its effort to identify the issues impacting enrollment at Lewis and Clark Community College and to develop appropriate remedial responses.

Implications The Enrollment Task Force has completed the creation of a white paper focused on recommendations for campus modifications in policy and procedure that addresses issues related to declining enrollment. The progress of the Task Force and this document will be discussed in this update to the Board.

Recommendation Information


Title Youth River, Education Program River Network

Funding Agency


East St. Louis Higher Education Center



Funding Agency





$25,000 6 months

NGRRECâ„ Grant or Sponsored Contract Opportunities 6/9/2020 Amt New Grant or Submission Term Requested Deadline Continuation

Grant or Sponsored Contract Opportunities 6/9/2020 Amt New Grant or Submission Term Requested Deadline Continuation Continuation, current award goes through $430,000 7/1/20 - 6/30/21 6/30/20 Program and Contact

Program and Contact Sarah Fisher

Matching Requirement None

$0 Dr. Dobbie Herrion

Matching Requirement

Page 235

Page 236 GRANT OPPORTUNITY Date: June 03, 2020

Identifier Title Funding Agency New Grant or Continuation Submission Deadline Term Amount Requested Matching Funds required Program/Contact

6.9.20-2 East STL Higher Ed Center Illinois Community College Board Continuation Current award budget goes through 6/30/20 July 1, 2020 – June 30, 2021 $430,000 -0Dr. Dobbie Herrion

Page 237 GRANT OPPORTUNITY Date: 6/9/20

Identifier Title Funding Agency New Grant or Continuation Submission Deadline Term Amount Requested Matching Funds required Purpose Program/Contact

6.9.20-1 Youth River Education, Recreation Program River Network New 6/10/2020 6 months $25,000 None Develop a spring break program for youth in the local community NGRREC/Sarah Fisher

Page 238 RESOLUTION 20-12 PUBLIC HEARING, FY 2021 PROPOSED BUDGET WHEREAS the Board of Trustees of Lewis & Clark Community College District No. 536, Counties of Madison, Macoupin, Jersey, Calhoun, Greene, Morgan, Scott and State of Illinois reviewed the Tentative Budget for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2020, and ending June 30, 2021, prepared and presented by the administrative staff;

NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Trustees does hereby approve the Tentative Budget for FY2021 and establishes a public hearing pertaining to the FY2021 Proposed Budget to be held on July 14, 2020, at 6:45 p.m., C.S.T., Ahlemeyer Atrium Advanced Technology Center, Trimpe Building Room TR141, Lewis and Clark Community College in the Community College District. It is the intention of Lewis & Clark Community College to hold this meeting in person, however, this will depend on the Governor’s executive order on this date. If you are planning to attend the Public Hearing portion of the meeting in person, please remember to wear your mask and practice social distancing. If the meeting is held via remote location, please follow the links listed below. Public comments to the Board of Trustees can be made by emailing them to Sue Keener at skeener@lc.edu. Any public comments received will be read aloud to the Board of Trustees during the public comment period. Please check the Website, www.lc.edu/BOT, on the day of the meeting to determine how the meeting will be held, Remotely or In Person.

Thank you for your patience and understanding in light of these difficult times. Join Zoom Meeting https://lewisclark.zoom.us/j/91836991245?pwd=REIrRmdqRi9obUpHQk9PTXYzSnN3Zz09 By Phone: 1 312 626 6799 Meeting ID: 918 3699 1245 Password: 457926

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Tentative Budget be made conveniently available for inspection by the public for a period of at least 30 days beginning June 12, 2020, from the hours of 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. at the Community College District Security Building, located at the North Entrance of the Lewis & Clark Community College Campus and on the Lewis and Clark Community College Website, www.lc.edu/BOT, Lewis and Clark Community College, Godfrey, Illinois, in said Community College District. Approved this 9th day of June, 2020.

_________________________________________ Chairman, Board of Trustees LEWIS AND CLARK COMMUNITY COLLEGE _________________________________________ Secretary, Board of Trustees LEWIS AND CLARK COMMUNITY COLLEGE


Action Item Mobile Health Unit Lease Agreement

Background The college’s mobile health unit (MHU) is currently not in use due to activity restrictions through the stay-at-home order in place during the COVID-19 pandemic. Madison County’s Chairman of the Health Department Committee, Ray Wesley, contacted Lewis and Clark to find ways for accelerating COVID-19 testing throughout the county, specifically in minority communities where positive cases are more likely and the population is currently medically underserved. The Illinois Department of Public Health (IDPH) has a model program set up through the SIU School of Medicine in the northern part of the state utilizing a mobile unit to complete testing. Mr. Wesley and Toni Corona, of the Madison County Health Department have requested use of Lewis and Clark’s MHU. The unit will be staffed with employees from IDPH and/or Southern Illinois Health Foundation. No one from the community will enter the unit. Implications Entering into this agreement creates a unique opportunity to assist the community during this unprecedented time. Use of the MHU will provide the healthcare workers transportation to specific communities and storage for required supplies. The term of the agreement will be from Wednesday, June 10, 2020 until either the college can resume instruction via the unit or Madison County no longer has a use for the unit, whichever comes first, and no longer than one year. Interim President’s Recommendation The Board approve the lease agreement for the period of June 10, 2020 until either the college can resume instruction via the unit or Madison County no longer has a use for the unit, whichever comes first, and no longer than one year.

Page 240 INTERGOVERNMENTAL COOPERATION AGREEMENT FOR EQUIPMENT RENTAL THIS INTERGOVERNMENTAL COOPERATION AGREEMENT FOR EQUIPMENT RENTAL ("Agreement") is dated and entered into this _______ day of ___________________, 2020, by and between LEWIS & CLARK COMMUNITY COLLEGE (a/k/a COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT NO. 536), Erickson Hall, Room 115, 5800 Godfrey Road, Godfrey, IL 62035-2466, by and through its Board of Trustees ("College") and MADISON COUNTY, ILLINOIS, Madison County Administration Building, 157 N. Main Street, Suite 1654, Edwardsville, IL 62025-1963, by and through its ________________ ("County"). The College and County, collectively, are referenced herein as the "Parties." IN CONSIDERATION OF the mutual covenants and promises in this Agreement, the receipt and sufficiency of which consideration is hereby acknowledged, and in accordance with the laws of the State of Illinois, expressly including (but not limited to) the Illinois Intergovernmental Cooperation Act (5 ILCS 220/1 et seq.) College leases the Equipment to County, and County leases the Equipment from College, pursuant to the following terms and conditions: 1. Equipment. The Equipment consists of a “Mobile Health Unit” currently owned by College and recently used and equipped as a mobile healthcare and dental clinic. The Mobile Health Unit is a modified 2009 Freightliner MS106 Medium DU, Regular Cab, VIN 1FVACXBS99HAD5527 ; DOT No_2158696. The Mobile Health Unit will be provided to County in the same condition, and with all equipment, as was in place and/or installed at the date of County’s inspection of the Mobile Health Unit on ______________________. After taking possession of the Mobile Health Unit hereunder, County shall be fully and solely responsible (at its expense) for the provision of medical supplies, fuel, and other equipment necessary to operate the Mobile Health Unit for the purposes contemplated by County and as specified herein. 2. Lease and Exclusive Purposes. College agrees to lease the Equipment to County, and County agrees to lease the Equipment from College in accordance with the terms set out in this Agreement. The Equipment shall be used only by County and only for the purpose of providing COVID-19 related testing services, including accelerated testing throughout the county, specifically in minority communities where positive cases are more likely and the population is currently medically underserved. COUNTY WILL NOT ASSIGN OR SUBLEASE THIS AGREEMENT, COUNTY’S INTEREST IN THIS AGREEMENT, OR COUNTY’S INTEREST IN THE EQUIPMENT, NOR SHALL COUNTY PERMIT ANY SUBCONTRACTOR OR NON-COUNTY PERSONS OR ENTITIES TO USE OR OPERATE THE EQUIPMENT. If County, nevertheless, assigns or subleases this Agreement, County’s interest in this Agreement, or County’s interest in the Equipment without the prior written consent of College, College will have recourse to the Remedies and will be entitled to all damages caused by any such assignment, sublease, or transfer.

Page 241 3. Use and Maintenance of Equipment. County will use, operate, and maintain the Equipment in a good and careful manner, and will also comply with all of the manufacturer's requirements and recommendations regarding the Equipment. Any driver/operator of the Equipment shall be fully and appropriately licensed (including, but not limited to, possession of a Commercial Drivers License) and insured (and/or self-insured through County) to do so, and County shall comply with all insurance and indemnification provisions set forth herein. County shall use the Equipment only for the purpose for which it was designed, and not for any other purpose. Unless County obtains the prior written consent of College, County shall not alter, modify or attach anything to the Equipment. County shall ensure that the Equipment remains locked and secured so as to deter theft and vandalism of the Equipment. College shall provide (at College’s expense) a location for storage of the Equipment when the Equipment it is not in use. Alternatively, but subject to College’s prior approval, County may elect to store the Equipment at a secured facility of County’s selection. At County’s expense, County shall comply with all governmental laws, ordinances, and regulations applicable to County’s use of the Equipment, and County shall promptly comply with all governmental orders and directives for corrections, prevention, and abatement of nuisance in, upon, or in connection with the use of the Equipment. County shall keep the Equipment free and clear of all levies, liens, security interests, charges and encumbrances. The Parties acknowledge and agree that the Equipment is, and shall at all times be and remain, personal property owned by College. 4. Term. The Agreement commences on June 10, 2020 and will continue until either the college can resume instruction via the unit or Madison County no longer has a use for it, whichever comes first and no longer than one year("Term"), unless sooner terminate in accordance with the termination provision set forth herein. Upon expiration or earlier termination of this Agreement, County shall (at its expense) return the Equipment to College in good repair, condition, and working order, ordinary and normal wear and tear resulting from the proper use thereof alone excepted. 5. Rental Payments. County shall pay College monthly rental installments in the amount of $10.00 each month for each month or part thereof during the Term. The initial rental payment will be tendered upon execution of this Agreement, and future payments will be tendered (in advance) on the 1st day of each succeeding month throughout the Term. 6. Repair and Maintenance of Equipment. County will, at County’s own and sole expense, keep the Equipment in good repair, appearance, and condition, ordinary and normal wear and tear excepted. County will supply all routine maintenance (fueling, lubrication, filter changes, tire inflation, fluid maintenance, replacement of worn brake components and belts, etc.) necessary to keep the Equipment in such a state. In the event a mechanical or other repair that was not caused by County and that exceeds the scope of routine maintenance is required or becomes necessary, the Parties shall meet and confer regarding the equitable cost sharing of any such repair. If the Parties are unable to agree upon an equitable costsharing, then either Party may terminate this Agreement for and at its convenience. Notwithstanding the foregoing, County shall remain liable and responsible for all mechanical, body, and/or other repairs caused by, and/or in any manner relating to,

Page 242 County’s negligent or intentionally damaging operations, use, maintenance, and/or possession of the Equipment hereunder, If the Equipment is not in good repair, appearance, and condition when it is returned to the College, College may make such repairs or may cause such repairs to be made as are necessary to put the Equipment in a state of good repair, appearance, and condition, ordinary and normal wear and tear excepted. College will make the said repairs within a reasonable time of taking possession of the Equipment and will give County written notice of and invoices for the said repairs, whereafter County will reimburse College for the actual expense of said repairs. 7. Incident Reports. With respect to any and all incidents and/or accidents involving the Equipment (including, but not limited to, those that involve damage to the Equipment, theft of the Equipment, vandalism to the Equipment, and/or injury to any person or property caused by or involving (in any manner) the Equipment), County shall promptly provide a written Incident Report and statement to College (in form and scope approved by College). Moreover, County shall fully cooperate and consult with College and College’s Insurer(s) with respect to their investigation of any and all such incidents and/or accidents. 8. NO WARRANTIES. County acknowledges that it was provided an opportunity to inspect the Equipment prior to execution of this Agreement, and that County finds the current condition of the Equipment sufficient and suitable for County’s purposes. County agrees to accept the Equipment under this Agreement in “AS IS” condition. COLLEGE SHALL NOT BE LIABLE TO C O U N T Y FOR ANY LIABILITY, LOSS, OR DAMAGE CAUSED OR ALLEGED TO BE CAUSED, DIRECTLY OR INDIRECTLY, BY THE EQUIPMENT, BY ANY INADEQUACY THEREOF OR DEFICIENCY OR DEFECT THEREIN, BY ANY INCIDENT WHATSOEVER IN CONNECTION THEREWITH. COLLEGE NEITHER MAKES NOR SHALL BE DEEMED TO HAVE MADE, AND COUNTY HEREBY EXPRESSLY WAIVES, ANY WARRANTY OR REPRESENTATION, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, AS TO THE EQUIPMENT, INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, ANY WARRANTY OR REPRESENTATION AS TO THE DESIGN, QUALITY OR CONDITION OF THE EQUIPMENT, ANY WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS OF THE EQUIPMENT FOR ANY PARTICULAR PURPOSE, ANY WARRANTY AGAINST INFRINGEMENT OR OTHER PROPRIETARY RIGHTS OF A THIRD PARTY, OR AS TO ANY OTHER MATTER RELATING TO THE EQUIPMENT OR ANY PART THEREOF. 9. Ownership. The Equipment is, and shall remain, the property of the College. County shall not encumber or pledge the Equipment as security in any manner. The Parties intend that this Agreement constitutes a True Lease, and is not a disguised security interest. Ownership of the Equipment shall, at all times, remain vested in College. 10. Loss and Damage. County hereby assumes, and shall bear, the entire risk of loss, theft, destruction and damage, whether or not insured against, to the Equipment from any, each, and every cause whatsoever from the date of delivery of the Equipment to the County until the date of return of the Equipment to College.

Page 243 , 11. Insurance and Indemnification. County shall, during the whole of the Term and for as long as County has possession of the Equipment, either: a. take out, maintain, and pay for insurance, and/or b. elect to self-insure at sufficient levels to provide full protection against loss of, and damage to, the Equipment for the full replacement value of the Equipment. County shall also, during the whole of the Term and for as long as County has possession of the Equipment, either self-insure or obtain comprehensive general liability insurance, auto liability insurance, and/other coverages sufficient to provide County and College full protections from and against all claims for bodily injury, including death, and property damage or loss arising hereunder and/or otherwise relating in any manner to County’s use or possession of the Equipment hereunder. Any insurance policies or self insurance measures will have coverage types/limits meeting or exceeding the following minimum types/limits: i. Comprehensive: $436,500 ii. Collision: $436,500 iii. Comprehensive: $10,000 iv. Collision: $10,000 v. Liability: $21,000,000 ($1,000,000 primary auto and $20,000,000 Excess Liability) vi. Pollution Liability: $1,000,000 (expressly including events of release/dispersal of pollutants and/or medical waste) The foregoing minimum types/limits shall not be construed, in any manner, as a limitation on the liability of County to be fully, completely, and exclusively responsible for any and all losses, damages, bodily injuries, and/or deaths caused by, or in any other manner relating to, the Equipment and/or County’s operations and/or possession of the Equipment hereunder. Any and all of County’s insurance policies required hereunder shall, via policy endorsement, name College as an additional insured and shall name the College as the loss payee. The insurance will be in the joint name of the College and County (so that both College and County will be protected from liability) and will provide primary and noncontributing coverage for College. Each insurance policy will have a provision that it will not be modified or cancelled unless the insurer provides College with thirty (30) days advance written notice stating when such modification or cancellation will be effective. County hereby appoints College as County’s attorney-in-fact ("Attorney") with the power to maintain the above insurance and to secure payments arising out of any insurance policy required by this Agreement. The Attorney has the power to do all acts that are necessary or desirable to secure such payments. Upon written demand by College, County will provide College with an original policy or certificate evidencing such insurance or with a written statement (in form and content acceptable to College’s insurer) regarding the scope and extent of County’s self-insurance coverages. If County fails to maintain and pay for such insurance or to self-insure, accordingly, College may, but is not obligated to, obtain such insurance. If College does

Page 244 obtain such insurance, County will pay to College the cost of such insurance upon notification from College of the amount. County shall also maintain its own workers’ compensation insurance, as per statutory requirements and minimum coverage amounts, for all of County’s personnel using the Equipment. Each Party shall indemnify, defend, and hold the other Party (along with its members, officers, elected officials, administrators, employees, agents and attorneys) harmless from and against any and all claims, demands, losses, penalties, damages, causes of action, and/or expenses (including attorney fees and other litigation expenses) asserted against, sustained by, resulting to or from, imposed on, and/or incurred by the indemnified Party, to the extent arising from the intentional and/or negligent acts or omissions of the indemnifying Party or anyone employed by the indemnifying Party. 12. Default. The occurrence of any one or more of the following events will constitute an event of default ("Event of Default") under this Agreement: (a) County fails to pay any amount provided for in this Agreement when such amount is due, or otherwise breaches County’s obligation(s) under this Agreement; (b) County becomes insolvent or makes an assignment of rights or property for the benefit of creditors or files for or has bankruptcy proceedings instituted against it under the Federal bankruptcy law of the United States or other competent jurisdiction; and/or (c) a writ of attachment or execution is levied on the Equipment and is not released or satisfied within 10 days; (d) College breaches an obligation under this Agreement. 13. Remedies. On the occurrence of an Event of Default, the non-defaulting Party will be entitled to pursue any one or more of the following remedies (the "Remedies"): (a) commence legal proceedings to recover damages; (b) if County is in default, College may take possession of the Equipment, without demand or notice, wherever same may be located, without any court order or other process of law, with County waiving any and all damage occasioned by such taking of possession; (c) terminate this Agreement immediately upon written notice to the defaulting Party; (d) pursue any other remedy available in law or equity. 14. Termination for Convenience. In addition to the Default and Remedies rights established in this Agreement, either Party may terminate this Agreement for convenience, at its sole and exclusive discretion, by providing the other party five (5) day advance written notice. 15. Governing Law. This law shall be governed by, and construed in accordance with, the laws of the state of Illinois. Venue for any claim arising hereunder shall vest exclusively with the Circuit Courts for Madison County, Illinois.

Page 245 16. General Terms a. This Agreement contains the entire agreement between the parties, there being no external or parol evidence or documentation relating to the subject matter hereof. This Agreement may be amended only by an instrument, in writing, signed by all of the Parties hereto, and no verbal statements or agreements shall be construed as an amendment of any provision hereof. b. This Agreement may be executed in counterparts. Electronic signatures are binding and are to be construed as original signatures. c. Time is of the essence in this Agreement. d. This Agreement will extend to, and be binding upon and inure to the benefit of, the respective heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns, as the case may be, of each Party to this Agreement. e. In the event any term, covenant, condition, or provision of this Agreement is held by a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, void, or unenforceable, the remainder of the provisions shall remain in full force and effect and shall in no way be affected, impaired, or invalidated thereby. f. Neither Party will be liable in damages for any delay or default in performance if such delay or default is caused by conditions beyond its control including, but not limited to Acts of God, Government restrictions, wars, insurrections, natural disasters (such as earthquakes, hurricanes or floods), pandemics, and/or any other cause beyond the reasonable control of the Party whose performance is affected. g. This Agreement shall not be construed so as to create any Third-Party Beneficiaries, nor does it confer any rights or remedies upon any person other than the Parties hereto and their respective heirs, successors, and permitted assigns. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties to this Agreement have executed this INTERGOVERNMENTAL COOPERATION AGREEMENT FOR EQUIPMENT RENTAL on this ________________ day of ________, 2020.













Page 246 LCCC BOARD AGENDA FOR ALL DISCUSSION AND ACTION ITEMS June 9, 2020 Action Item Approval of Changes Related to Classification, Salary, and Process to Transition Certain Executive Employees to Classification and Compensation Structure Background In November, 2019, the College’s Board of Trustees took action to approve changes to then-existing personnel policies in an effort to connect staff employees to a new classification and compensation structure. The recommendation to do so came as part of an evaluation on employee classification and compensation performed in connection with consultant, AJ Gallagher, during 2018-2019. Positions were evaluated using the Decision Band Method (DBM) methodology and were placed into new bands/grades/subgrades (consistent with the classification) and associated salary ranges. The College’s goal in studying the classification and compensation system was to ensure equity and market pay rates across all positions. In doing so, the College placed most all staff positions within resulting pay ranges. Since the implementation of the new structure, the College engaged AJ Gallagher to perform a similar evaluation for employees considered to be of Executive status. As part of the evaluation, the consultant also performed analysis on the College’s Research Scientist positions which were not initially included in the staff evaluation. In total, 16 positions were included. Implications Effective July 1, 2020, all positions evaluated will be placed into new bands/grades/subgrades, complete with recommended classification and market pay ranges as established as part of the 2019-2020 Executive Classification and Compensation evaluation. Personnel policy modifications made and approved by the Board to Policy #302 for all other staff employees in 2019 should apply to all existing positions which were included as a part of this evaluation moving forward. The policy as approved in November 2019 is attached hereto. The results of the final analysis provide the salaries of employees and where they fall relative to proposed salary ranges. There are no associated or recommended increases to any salaries of the executive-classified employees as all are either in range or above proposed range maximums at this time. However, with the adjustment to the D62 and D63 salary ranges as a result of this evaluation, two other staff employees would be recommended for phased-in increases in salaries up to the new range minimum at a total cost of approximately $2,500 over the phase-in. Human Resources would recommend that the phase-in be consistent with the already-established timeframe and procedure for other staff assuming College circumstances and resources allow. The calculation of any phased-in increases would be inclusive of any other employee salary increases approved by the Board. Any and all adjustments would continue to be limited so to avoid any 6% SURS penalty to the furthest extent possible. Finally, the data included in analysis supports and suggests that the College should create a separate salary range for the Research Scientist position at the National Great Rivers & Research Center (NGRREC) so as to maintain competitiveness in acquiring top candidates as well as ensuring cost controls and equity for the College in the future. Recommendation Approve the changes to the classification for Executive-classified and other impacted employees and further implement new compensation structure.

Page 247 LCCC BOARD AGENDA FOR ALL DISCUSSION AND ACTION ITEMS June 9, 2020 Action Item Employee Group Insurance Plans Background The renewal date for the College’s employee group health, dental, long-term disability, and vision insurance is July 1, 2020. The College solicited quotes from numerous carriers in an effort to provide maximum insurance coverage at a minimum cost. The college will again be offering multiple health plan options this year through the utilization of a PPO and HSA plan. Upon approval from the Board, the college’s HR department has scheduled virtual information sessions for June 10 and June 11 to communicate plan offerings to all employee groups. The goal this year is to provide employees as much time as possible to review all available plan offerings before selecting and enrolling in their desired plan for the upcoming plan year. Implications Each year the college’s goal is to offer employee insurance plans that provide the highest level of coverage at a price that is affordable to our employees and sustainable for the College. A committee including HR, Administration, the Faculty Association and Finance worked together again this year with our insurance broker, USI to solicit the market and negotiate the best rates. The College continues to experience higher health claims ratios over the past few years due to the rising number of large claims as well as high utilization of the plan. The initial estimated claims cost to renew the current self-insured health insurance plan represented a 16.5% increase over the current year. Multiple carriers, beyond the current carriers, were marketed for administration of plan benefits and stop loss insurance should the College have chosen to continue on a self-insured basis for 2020-2021. None showed significant benefit over the current carriers. During the marketing process, USI was able to secure a fully-insured quote from Blue Cross Blue Shield (BCBS) of Illinois which represented a significant costs savings over all other options quoted. Converting to the BCBS plan represents costs savings of approximately $665,000 for the College when compared to the College’s current plan year costs for health insurance. With the BCBS plan, the college will continue to offer a PPO and an HSA offering with minimal changes to the current plan. With the cost savings incurred, the College is able to reduce the total cost of monthly premiums paid by employees across all three tiers (Employee Only, Employee +1, and Employee + Family). The College will aim to utilize remaining savings associated with converting to the BCBS fullyinsured plan conservatively with the expectation that renewal costs on the health plan next year could be significant. Because of the way fully-insured premiums are structured for each plan tier, the recommendation is that on a one-time basis, the College agree to partially subsidize the cost of Family tier insurance ($191.41 per month for the PPO plan and $169.15 per month for the HSA plan) so that employees choosing this plan do not otherwise incur a premium rate increase when the total plan is saving significantly. The estimated cost savings figure noted above takes into account this partial subsidization. A separate action item to be approved by the Board would memorialize with the Lewis & Clark Faculty

Page 248 Association the fact that any such subsidization of any dependent plan would not create a new precedent or change past practice of the College. Employee/employer monthly premium rates by plan tier for the BCBS health plan follow below with comparisons to current monthly premium rates.

Current Employee PPO $ 50.28 PPO+1 $ 955.29 P P O + Fam $1,055.85 HSA $ HSA +1 $ 752.07 H S A + Fam $ 835.63

2020-2021 Employee $ 45.26 $ 692.88 $ 950.28 $ $ 562.40 $ 782.08

Health Plan Current Employer $ 955.28 $ 955.28 $ 955.28 $ 835.62 $ 835.62 $ 835.62

2020 -2021 Employer $ 685.69 $ 685.69 $ 877.10 $ 634.77 $ 634.77 $ 803.92

CURRENT 2020-2021 TOTAL TOTAL $ 1,005.56 $ 730.95 $ 1,910.57 $1,378.57 $ 2,011.13 $1,827.38 $ 835.62 $ 634.77 $ 1,587.69 $1,197.17 $ 1,671.25 $1,586.00

More detailed information on both plans will be provided during multiple open enrollment sessions to explain these two plan options and provide employees with the information they will need to make informed decisions about their healthcare plans. There are no changes in this year’s dental rates, though a change in carrier to Sun Life is recommended. The College’s dental plan has historically performed well and under expected claims on a self-funded basis. The decision to move from Cigna to Sun Life is the result of a marketing that showed a small decrease in overall administration costs and an expanded network. With the renewal, dental rates will remain flat with the current year. Vision insurance, provided through VSP, will enter the second year of a two-year rate guarantee effective July 1, 2020. Vision insurance is offered as an employee-paid benefit. The College was similarly able to negotiate a flat premium (no increase) for one year on its supplemental long-term disability coverage provided through Sun Life. The College negotiated a decrease in its employee Life & AD&D rates through and alongside a statewide consortium last year and will continue to enjoy a rate freeze through June 30, 2022. Notices have been sent out to all full-time employees to provide advance information on virtual open enrollment sessions. Recommendation The Board authorize the President to accept the selected employee group insurance plans effective July 1, 2020.

Page 249 LCCC BOARD AGENDA FOR ALL DISCUSSION AND ACTION ITEMS June 9, 2020 Action Item Approval of Memorandum of Agreement Between the Board of Trustees of Lewis and Clark Community College District 536 and the Lewis and Clark Community College Faculty Association Establishing Fiscal Year 2021 Employee and Employer Health Insurance Contribution Rates. Background The College has historically covered some portion or all of the employee-only coverage for health insurance. The College has not, however, covered or subsidized any portion of any dependent coverage elected by employees on offered group health insurance plans. For the upcoming plan (fiscal) year, the College has recommended a switch from a self-insured health plan to fully-insured health plan with Blue Cross Blue Shield of Illinois given significant savings to be realized in doing so. Because of the fact that the insurer (Blue Cross Blue Shield) sets the plan tier rates on fully-insured health plans, the individual rates that were proposed would have otherwise required employees carrying Employee + Family coverage to pay more than they did the previous plan year, all at a time when the College would be saving money on the total plan year expenditures. Implications In an effort to ensure that all employees are held harmless from having to pay increased monthly health insurance premiums, the recommendation is that the College on a one-time basis (and for this 2020-2021 plan year only) agree to partially subsidize the cost of Family tier insurance ($191.41 per month for the PPO plan and $169.15 per month for the HSA plan) so that employees choosing this plan do not otherwise incur a premium rate increase when the College is projected to reduce total costs over the last plan year. A Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) between the Board of Trustees of the College and the Lewis & Clark Faculty Association (LCFA) would specifically address the fact that this change in practice is being done in an effort to benefit all employee groups and would not change standard practice moving forward. Recommendation Approve the Memorandum of Agreement Between the Board of Trustees of Lewis and Clark Community College District 536 and the Lewis and Clark Community College Faculty Association Establishing Fiscal Year 2021 Employee and Employer Health Insurance Contribution Rates.

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