Discover Fall 2013

Page 1

Table of Contents Pages 4-5 2013 Commencement

Pages 6-7 Sculpture and Gardens Dedication

Letter From The President Page 8 Program Highlights

Page 9 NGRREC Intern Week

Page 10 Health Sciences News

Page 11 Rocking the Bald

Page 12 Karl Zilm Retirement

Page 14-15 Trailblazer Athletics 2 - “Discover”

This spring semester found us reflecting once again on the rich traditions and historic events that have helped shape Lewis and Clark as a premier institution of higher education. The official dedication of the Monticello Sculpture Gardens on the Godfrey Campus provided us with an opportunity to pay homage to an institution, established in 1838, focused on providing educational opportunities for underserved people in the region – Monticello College. We have taken great pride in preserving not only the buildings, but also the grounds that once echoed the thoughts and rhetoric of great educators who have helped strengthen education in this region. Our sculpture and gardens have officially been named the Monticello Sculpture Gardens, and we were pleased to dedicate them along with the newest sculpture, “Crazy Horse”, by the late Peter Voulkos. We were equally honored to have Milton Esterow, editor and publisher of ARTnews magazine as our keynote speaker for this historic event. Also this spring, we revisited some of the amazing talents our athletic program has produced with the induction of the outstanding 1996 Baseball team and two legendary women’s soccer players into the 2013 Athletics Hall of Fame. We were so pleased to honor their past accomplishments and celebrate the

successes they have experienced since leaving Lewis and Clark. We’re also looking back on the past 40 years of success for both our Dental Assisting and Nursing programs. We know these are two of our flagship programs, and the impact the graduates have had on this region’s healthcare delivery system over the past 40 years is quite significant. At the same time these two programs started, Karl Zilm began his teaching career in our Math Department. Karl is one of those outstanding educators who students request year-after-year because of his amazing ability to connect with students and help them master mathematics. Karl retired this spring, but not before receiving top honors from the state for his distinguished years of service as an exceptional math educator. It’s easy to constantly reflect on the past when you have so many great events that have helped mark more than 43 years of success. You can read more about these events, as well as those programs and initiatives on the horizon, such as the Alternative Energy Production Center and the new Medical Assisting program, on the pages that follow. Sincerely,

Pictured on the cover are 2013 Lewis and Clark graduates Kelsey Busler, Marlon Sykes and Grace Lane.

L&C By The Numbers



Graduates honored at 2013 Commencement (p. 4-5)

The number of sculptures on campus. See pages 6-7 for the dedication of the Monticello Sculpture Gardens.

27 Athletes inducted into the Hall 24 of Fame this year (p. 14) NGRREC interns in 2013 (p. 9)

40 Number of years the Dental and Nursing Programs have been in existence (p. 10) - 3

Commencement 2013 Lewis and Clark’s 42nd annual Commencement ceremony honored 863 graduates in 2013. Nearly 200 of those students, along with their family members, celebrated those achievements on Wednesday, May 15 inside the Ann Whitney Olin Theatre at L&C’s Hatheway Cultural Center. L&C Foundation Board member and senior vice president, customer operations, at Ameren Missouri Michael Moehn delivered the Commencement address. “Furthering your education beyond high school is such a great privilege and accomplishment. By attending Lewis and Clark, you have dramatically increased your chances for stronger lifetime earning power,” said Moehn, who is also an L&C alumnus. “While earnings are without a doubt very important, I encourage you to focus on the purpose and goals of your career. Of those goals, I encourage you to enjoy what you do. With enjoyment and purpose in what you do, will come success and fulfillment.”

Students pose for photos together in the Hatheway Gallery before Commencement.

An L&C student looks for friends and family members in the crowd inside the Ann Whitney Olin Theatre during the ceremony.

Students pose for photos with friends and family members following the ceremony.

Marlon Sykes, who played for the Trailblazers’ Men’s Basketball team for two years, hugs President Dr. Dale Chapman after receiving his diploma.

Kalah Westbrooks and her father, Ed, pose for photos following the ceremony.

To view more photos, visit 4 - “Discover”

L&C Alum Delivers Commencement Address A graduate of Marquette Catholic High School (1987) and a Lewis and Clark Community College alumnus (1989), Moehn went on to earn a Bachelor of Arts degree in Accounting from Saint Louis University, a Master of Business Administration degree from Washington University, and a certificate in Nuclear Reactor Technology from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. He is also a Certified Public Accountant, a member of the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants, a graduate of Focus St. Louis, and an Eisenhower Fellow.

After working as a Senior Manager at PricewaterhouseCoopers for nine years, he worked his way through the ranks at Ameren to earn his current title, and become responsible for electric and gas distribution and customer service operations to more than 1.2 million customers across central and eastern Missouri, including the greater St. Louis area. In addition, he oversees Corporate Giving, Community Relations, Communications and Public Relations, Energy Efficiency and Demand Response and Business Services for Ameren Missouri. Moehn also currently serves on the

Michael Moehn, senior vice president customer operations Ameren Missouri, was the keynote speaker during this year’s Commencement ceremony.

Board of Directors for Electric Energy, Inc., the Guardian Angel Settlement Association, the Marquette Catholic High School Foundation, and is co-chair of the Southwestern Illinois Division de Tocqueville Society.

Recent Grads Celebrate High Honors and Accomplishments Recent L&C graduates Grace Lane and Kelsey Busler, also pictured on the cover, celebrated their many accomplishments at this year’s Commencement, including being named to the 2013 All-Illinois Academic Team, among other honors. Lane, 20, of Godfrey, is the daughter of Jill and Terry Lane. She is a member of Phi Theta Kappa (PTK) and was nominated for the All-USA Coca Cola Academic Team and the Jack Kent Cooke Foundation scholarships. In 2012, Lane earned a summer internship at the National Great Rivers Research and Education Center, and has served as an intern in L&C’s college’s Office of Sustainability, assisting with environmental education outreach programs. She also volunteers with local elementary students and has worked with L&C’s College for Life program. She plans to transfer to Southern Illinois University Edwardsville to pursue a bachelor’s degree in elementary education. “I am very honored to be named to the All-Academic Team,” Lane said. “My years at Lewis and Clark have opened up so many opportunities. I’ll always remember my time here as

a positive experience that helped give me the foundation to move forward with my career goals.” Kelsey Busler, 20, of Godfrey, is the daughter of Mary and Dale Busler. Students Grace Lane, left, and Kelsey Busler, right, pose with their She was awarded awards during L&C’s 36th Annual Honors Ceremony on April 26, a Lewis and Clark 2013 in The Commons. Lane and Busler received honors for the AllDistinguished USA Community College Academic Team, the Coca-Cola All-State Scholar Award Community College Academic Team Scholarship, and the Coca-Cola All State Community College national scholarship nominations. and was nominated for the All-USA Coca Boots and Saddle Club and volunteers Cola Academic Team and the Jack Kent at North Elementary’s Fall Fest Cooke Foundation national activities and outings. scholarships. Busler plans to pursue a degree in Busler has been an active member of veterinary technology at Hickey Phi Theta Kappa, serving as vice College’s Vet Tech Institute. president during the 2012-13 academic “Lewis and Clark has given me the year. She organized the Spring 2012 confidence to continue my studies, Food and Children’s Book Drive, helped knowing I can succeed in the future. I plan the design of the PTK display am very honored for the awards I have window on campus, and submitted been given through Lewis and Clark. ideas for the PTK T-shirt design. Busler The campus and all of its wonderful also helped the Biology Club sell plants students and faculty members have during Springfest 2013. given me the skills to persevere in my She is an active member of the future studies,” she said. - 5

College Dedicates Monticello Sculpture Gardens Newest Addition is “Crazy Horse” By Peter Voulkos This spring, Lewis and Clark Community College dedicated its Monticello Sculpture Gardens, along with its newest sculpture on campus, a bronze piece called “Crazy Horse” by Peter Voulkos. The sculpture was made possible by a lead gift from donors Terry and Judy Cross. The dedication took place on May 10 on the Godfrey campus, and Milton Esterow, editor and publisher of ARTnews magazine, was the keynote speaker. American artist Peter Voulkos, known for his abstract expressionist sculptures, died in 2002, but a number of other artists whose work is featured on Lewis and Clark campuses were in attendance, including Joel Pearlman, Richard Hunt, Michael Dunbar, John Medwedeff and Dale Threlkeld. During the celebration of the gardens, Charles and Joan Sheppard, longtime supporters of the college, announced a lead gift to establish the Endowment for the Lewis and Clark Community College Gardens. The Monticello Sculpture Gardens are open to the public for self-guided tours, or to schedule a tour, call the public relations office at (618) 468-3200.

L&C President Dale Chapman addresses the crowd near “Crazy Horse.”

Local artists Felicia Breen and Chad Nelson, owners of Mississippi Mud Pottery, examine “Crazy Horse” up close.

Artists Joel Perlman and Richard Hunt pose together in front of the new piece.

6- “Discover”

The signature of “Crazy Horse” artist Peter Voulkos is etched into the bronze near the base of the sculpture.

Jim Price, L&C professor of Art, History and Culture, speaks in front of the “Crazy Horse” sculpture.

From left to right, artists John Medwedeff “Bloom”, Dale Threlkeld “Birth to Light”, Richard Hunt “Crossroads” and Michael Dunbar “Northpoint” discuss the newest addition of art to campus – “Crazy Horse” by the late Peter Voulkos.

“Crazy Horse,” is the newest addition to the Monticello Sculpture Gardens and is located near the McPike Math and Science Complex

Seated at the dedication are artists Michael Dunbar and Richard Hunt, editor/publisher of ARTnews magazine Milton Esterow and donors Judy and Terry Cross.

Summer Garden Show Features a ‘Menagerie in Bloom’ something new to Lewis and Clark’s Monticello Sculpture Gardens this summer. “With the guidance of our landscape architects Terra Design, we have chosen a variety An up-close view of an interpretive panel marking GLORIOUS of bedding plant Yellow Cockscomb is shown in the Bosque outside the favorites whose plant Hatheway Cultural Center. characteristics evoke the images of creatures in our animal A fanciful menagerie of colorful kingdom, both real and imagined,” said blossoms and a special selection of Lewis and Clark President Dale plantings in creature form have added

Chapman. “The special plantings on display this summer are each signified with an interpretive panel, which feature an illustration of the creature for which the plant is named.” The illustrations, original creations by Lewis and Clark Professor Emeritus Patrick Dailey, are featured on interpretive panels paired with plantings that include black dragons, rosy-cheeked angels, GLORIOUS yellow cockscomb, blackbirds and more. The panels also feature individual QR codes, for users with smartphones to scan for more information. - 7

Classroom on Wheels

Pictured from left: Brad Goacher, vice president of operations for Alton Memorial Hospital; Dr. Dale Chapman, president of Lewis and Clark Community College; Dave Braasch, president of Alton Memorial Hospital; Donna Meyer, L&C dean of Health Sciences; Darla Long, L&C EMT/Paramedicine coordinator, and Jason Bowman, Alton Memorial EMS coordinator.

Nationally Accredited Process Operations Tech Program Stands Above the Competition For its Process Operations Technology program, Lewis and Clark is now one of only 19 nationally accredited “endorsed colleges” through the North American Process Technology Alliance (NAPTA). “We went from a regional accreditation to a national one, and have hit the highest tier of accreditation as an endorsed college, which is powerful recognition of the work we’ve done developing the program, as well as what our students have accomplished,” said Mike Morgan, coordinator and instructor in Process Operations Technology at L&C. This spring, Morgan traveled to Lake Charles, Calif. to present the program’s best practices in front of 60 industry leaders and educators for NAPTA. “I was a bit taken aback when they introduced us as the only institution to ever

join them at this highest (endorsed) level. That was quite an honor for us,” he said. “From an employer’s perspective, professional accreditation, such as the NAPTA accreditation of the Process Operations Technology program, certifies the quality of the program and the competence of the graduates based on national standards,” said Linda Chapman, vice president of Academic Affairs at Lewis and Clark. “From a graduate’s perspective, the NAPTA endorsement gives him or her an employment edge over graduates from programs that are not NAPTA accredited. This is a major accomplishment for our program coordinator, faculty, students and advisory committee members.” As an additional honor, Morgan has been asked to join NAPTA’s Standards and Quality Committee.

Learn more about the Process Operations Technology program at 8- “Discover”

Alton Memorial Hospital donated an ambulance to Lewis and Clark Community College for use by students in the EMT/ Paramedicine programs this spring. “We will use the ambulance to demonstrate practical situations,” said Darla Long, EMT/Paramedicine coordinator. “Students will use mannequin patients in the ambulance to assess, treat, learn to properly place them on stretchers and load them into the ambulance. Before, we did this in the classroom, so now we have the added benefit of students learning in a similar environment as that in which they will be working.”

Student and Faculty Art Exhibits 2013

Finalists in the 9th Annual Lewis and Clark Community College Student Art Exhibit were (from left): Jeanie Stephens, Andrew Pilla, Kara Hecker (posed with her Best of Show painting), Trudy Bonacorsi, and Connie Terry. The art exhibit, featuring original student artwork such as photographs, paintings, ceramics, sculptures, animations and web and graphic design projects, was on display in the newly renovated Hatheway Cultural Center Art Gallery from April 19-May 10.

This year’s Art Faculty Exhibition ran from May 10- June 29 at the Jacoby Arts Center. Pictured is a piece by Adjunct Art Faculty member Jason Bly called “Ford Troubleshooter.”

Alternative Energy Production Center Plans Underway

Renovation plans for repurposing the greenhouse in the Trimpe Advanced Technology Center into an Alternative Energy Production Center (AEPC) are underway. Lewis and Clark President Dale Chapman announced that L&C has signed a Memorandum of Understanding with Ameren for the purpose of installing and operating one of the nation’s first alternative energy, state-of-the-art fuel cells as part of the planned renovations. The fuel cell will generate 5kw power within the Trimpe ATC; provide a teaching opportunity for L&C faculty in an important alternative energy technology; offer Ameren a fuel

Future Alternative Energy Production Center Technology

cell demonstration site for • State-of-the-art fuel cell its strategic partners and • Advanced battery storage provide data on fuel cell • Ice storage banks technology associated with Smart Meter and Dashboard • 65kw trigeneration systems for both Ameren microturbine and L&C’s Sustainability • PV solar panels program master plan. • Wind turbine Ameren has made available an $80,000 fuel cell, The fuel cell will generate 5kw along with the $25,000 cost power within the Trimpe ATC for installation. while providing educational In addition to the fuel opportunities for both L&C and cell, the AEPC will also Ameren. eventually feature the latest alternative energy technologies, including advanced battery storage, ice storage banks, 65kw trigeneration microturbine, PV solar panels and a wind turbine. “In essence, there will not be an alternative energy technology that Lewis and Clark students will not have exposure to as part of their academic experience,” Chapman said. “The addition of AEPC to Trimpe/ATC continues to place Lewis and Clark in a national leadership role regarding alternative energy.”

NGRREC Interns Take to The Field Orientation Week Kicks Off Scientific Internships for 27 Students

This year’s 27 National Great Rivers Research and Education Center interns, selected from 58 applicants, represent 11 states and 27 schools, and will study topics ranging from green roof soil to the effect of weather extremes on water quality. The 2013-2014 class of interns met at the Jerry F. Costello Confluence Field Station from May 28-31 for orientation week, and then went their separate directions to complete individual research projects. They will reconvene in August on Lewis and Clark’s Godfrey campus to present their findings. Since the beginning of NGGREC’s Internship Program in 2003, 255 interns have participated, and 31 organizations have provided advisors. ,

NGRREC intern Katie Keener, left, snaps a photo of the view from the Palisades Nature Preserve, which overlooks the Mississippi.

For more information about NGRREC visit To view more photos visit

NGRREC interns, from left, Lorraine Chow, Jeanette Pescitelli and Krya Koehler, take turns holding a crayfish, which was found in China Creek on L&C’s Godfrey campus. - 9

Health Sciences News OTA Earns Maximum Accreditation • Lewis and Clark’s OTA program recently received reaccreditation from the Accreditation Council for Occupation Therapy Education (ACOTE). “The maximum accreditation of ten years exemplifies the excellence of the occupational therapy assistant program,” said Dean of Health Sciences Donna Meyer. “We have a tremendous group of students, fieldwork educators, faculty, administrators, and community members who enable us to provide quality education for our students as they strive to enter the work force,” said OTA Program Coordinator Linda Orr.

entire family, including caregivers, instead of concentrating on an individual with an illness. Healthy living has also became a big part of the curriculum,” she said. Dental Assisting Program Coordinator Chrissea Hallstead said L&C students in her program benefit from synergistic relationships with the SIU School of Dental Medicine and community dental offices where they gain valuable hands-on clinical experiences. “Today’s employers expect team members who are proficient at fundamental skills, but they also demand critical thinking and adaptability from their employees. Our program faculty and these partnerships foster educationally enriched environments that prepare our students for 21st century workforce demands,” she said.

Dental and Nursing Programs Celebrate 40th Anniversaries • In 2013, L&C’s Dental Assisting and Associate Degree Nursing programs are celebrating 40 years. “As these programs move forward, they will continue to be creative and innovative to stay on course with the many changes related to healthcare in our country,” said Dean of Health Sciences Donna Meyer. Vicki Young, who graduated with the first L&C class of nurses in 1973 and who recently retired from teaching in the program, said a lot has changed since the program’s inception. “Today, the program has expanded to focus on an

“As these programs move forward, they will continue to be creative and innovative to stay on course with the many changes related to healthcare in our country,”- Donna Meyer, dean

New Program: Medical Assisting Beginning this fall, Lewis and Clark will offer a degree and certificate in Medical Assisting to meet a growing demand for professionals in the field. Employment of medical assistants is expected to grow by 31 percent from 2010-2020, much faster than the average for all other occupations. “The program was developed because of a recommendation from our advisory committee,” Program Coordinator Cathy Carruthers said. “The committee indicated a strong desire to hire quality medical assistants and is confident L&C can train the professionals needed.” L&C students will be able to earn an 10- “Discover”

Associate of Applied Science degree and/or a Certificate of Proficiency in Medical Assisting. Medical Assistants are multi-skilled health professionals specifically educated to work as a member of a health care team, performing a broad range of clinical and administrative tasks under the supervision of a physician, podiatrists, chiropractors and other health practitioners. “This adds another medical career option to our L&C offerings,” Carruthers said. “We have offered a medical office assistant program for years, which teaches the administrative skills performed by a medical assistant.

To learn more visit or contact coordinator Cathy Carruthers at (618) 468-4612 The new program will add a clinical skills component, which will give our students the advantage of having the clinical skills needed to be a medical assistant.” Pending approval from the Illinois Community College Board, the new AAS and Certificate of Proficiency programs will incorporate six existing courses, in addition to the general education offerings. The existing courses are offered by the Biology, Math, and Office Technology departments.

Rocking the Bald

L&C Alum Shaves Her Head to Help Fund Children’s Cancer Research When people ask Morgan Lievers why her hair is cut so short, she just smiles and says, “I’m rockin’ the bald!” Lievers, 20, along with her mom, Paula, and sister MaKenzie, all of Worden, are “shavees.” Despite knowing that shaving all their hair would be an emotional experience, they focused on the bigger picture. Together, they raised more than $580 during the St. Baldrick’s head-shaving event held on April 13 at the Edwardsville Firehouse to benefit children’s cancer research. Now their loss can be someone else’s gain. “At first, I wondered what I would look like bald. When I heard the buzz of the clippers, I got nervous and thought I might cry,” Lievers said. “Then all of a sudden it hit me. I thought about how these kids with cancer, or anyone who is ill feels when they lose their hair. I realized that if they can do it, so could I. I could rock the bald!” As an Emergency Medical Technician (EMT) for Alton Memorial Hospital and volunteer firefighter for Worden Fire Protection District, Lievers is no stranger to giving back to her community.

She received her EMT certificate from Lewis and Clark Community College and recently completed the Paramedicine program, with plans to continue studying in the Fire Science program at the college. “Morgan will make an excellent paramedic,” said Darla Long, EMT/ Paramedicine coordinator. “She is so in tune with her patients; very compassionate and caring.” Matt Sinnokrak, a firefighter and paramedic for Edwardsville, has been organizing the Edwardsville Fire Department’s St. Baldrick’s event for several years now. He met Lievers when she was a senior at Edwardsville High School and interning at the fire department. “Morgan’s involvement in this year’s event shows an amazing level of commitment to a great cause,” he said. “She’s helped with the event before, during her internship and each year since then. She told me after last year’s event that she was going to shave her head this year, and thanks to her and other ‘shavees,’ we raised more than $20,000 this year.” Stephanie Fernandes, associate professor of mathematics at Lewis and Clark, said Lievers is a great student

and role model. “I am so glad I got to know Morgan. She makes such a positive difference in others’ lives by donating her time and energy, and now even her hair, to help others,” Fernandes said. St. Baldrick’s head-shaving event began in 2000, and the St. Baldrick’s Foundation was created in 2004. “Shavees,” like Morgan and her family, ask their friends and family to make donations “on their head” and in return, they attend one of thousands of volunteer-organized events around the world where they have their heads shaved in solidarity with kids fighting cancer. Since 2000 more than 230,000 shavees—including more than 22,700 women—have shaved their heads at 5,500 events, raising critical funds for childhood cancer research.

“I thought about how these kids with cancer, or anyone who is ill feels when they lose their hair. I realized that if they can do it, so could I. I could rock the bald!” - Morgan Lievers, shavee Learn more at - 11

Retired Math Professor Honored for Distinguished Service by IMACC

Math Professor Karl Zilm was honored this spring with an Illinois Mathematics Association of Community Colleges (IMACC) Distinguished Service Award, as well as a Lifetime Member Award, to cap his 40-year teaching career with Lewis and Clark. Zilm began his teaching career at L&C in 1973, and retired in May. “Karl Zilm is the anchor of the math department, and his retirement is a huge loss for us,” said L&C Professor Randy Gallaher, Zilm’s co-worker. “We are all very happy for him and we wish him the best in retirement, but we selfishly know that replacing him will be very difficult, if not impossible, and for that reason we truly are sad that this day has come. Karl is a great teacher and a generous colleague, who always did whatever it took to ensure that his students learned mathematics.” Zilm’s interest in teaching was sparked during his senior

“The most rewarding part of being a teacher at the college level is helping students finally ‘get’ mathematics. I will miss the challenge of helping my students go from where they are to where they need to be.” - Karl Zilm, professor 12- “Discover”

year at Blackburn College in Carlinville, where he enjoyed working with students as a math department assistant. While at Purdue University on a teaching assistantship, he fell in love with teaching. As a teacher, he made it one of his career goals to make sure that students in all his math classes knew they were being taught by someone who cared about their academic successes. “The most rewarding part of being a teacher at the college level is helping students finally ‘get’ mathematics. I will miss the challenge of helping my students go from where they are to where they need to be,” Zilm said. “And, being with the students is just very enjoyable.” Outside of the classroom, Zilm has served as a member and chair of L&C’s Curriculum and Instruction Committee, Mathematics Department Coordinator, and a member of the Health, Life and Safety Committee. Outside of Lewis and Clark, Zilm served as president of the Illinois Mathematics Association of Community Colleges from 1996-97. Throughout his career, Zilm has been honored with awards, including the Emerson Excellence in Teaching Award, which he received twice. “This most recent honor is something that they don’t give out every year,” Zilm said. “They give it out to someone who has been active in the organization, so I was quite surprised and humbled to be receiving the award.”

Local Bank Pledges Support to Mannie Jackson Center for the Humanities

Thomas Holloway, president and CEO of TheBANK of Edwardsville, and L&C President Dale Chapman, pose with a check for $30,000 in support of the Mannie Jackson Center for the Humanities.

TheBANK of Edwardsville pledged $30,000 this spring in support of Lewis and Clark Community College’s latest initiative to restore the historic Lincoln School and establish the Mannie Jackson Center for the Humanities. To date more than $500,000 has been raised through gifts and pledges for the endowment. “We’re proud to support such an important and worthwhile effort,” said

Thomas Holloway, president and CEO of TheBANK of Edwardsville. “We know that this project will have a positive impact on our community.” In July 2011, the National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH) announced Lewis and Clark Community College as one of the first six two-year colleges ever to receive Challenge Grants, which aim to help raise endowments to strengthen humanities programs at community colleges, encourage the development of model humanities programs and curricula, and broaden the base of financial support for humanities on two-year college campuses. Entrepreneur and influential African American leader Mannie Jackson announced the creation of the Mannie Jackson Endowment and Center for the Humanities and his own $200,000 pledge toward the endowment in April

To learn more, visit

Meet L&C’s New Student Trustee: Rebekah Shultz Rebekah Shultz, of Brighton, was sworn in as Lewis and Clark’s Student Trustee this spring. Shultz is pursuing her associate degree in Music Performance and plans to continue on to earn her bachelor’s and master’s degrees after her graduation from L&C in the spring of 2014. In her spare time, Shultz enjoys watching old movies, knitting, painting and origami. Her passion, though, is playing the piano. She said she would like to teach music at the college level one day, and has aspirations of not only teaching piano lessons, but working as a church music director in the future.

Learn more about Rebekah at

2012. Beyond financial support, he is also working closely with Lewis and Clark to provide his vision and leadership toward fulfilling the endowment and completing the building project. The center will bring together diverse audiences and humanities programming through lectures, readings, dialogues, public service opportunities and humanities programs. “We are so grateful TheBANK of Edwardsville and its leadership recognize the importance of this project and stepped forward to help,” Lewis and Clark President Dale Chapman said. “Their gift will allow us to receive an additional $15,000 with matching funds through a National Endowment for the Humanities grant. This gift is significant for the college, this project and the future of the humanities in this community.”

Springfest 2013: A SUPER Good Time A superhero-themed Springfest 2013, held April 24 in the George C. Terry River Bend Arena, featured fun, games, free food and prizes and highlighted student organizations and ways to get involved on campus. For more photos from Springfest, visit - 13

L&C Athletic Hall of Fame Welcomes 2013 Inductees In 2013, two former standout soccer players and a third place national qualifying baseball team joined the ranks of distinguished athletes who make up the Lewis and Clark Community College Trailblazers Athletic Hall of Fame. Inductees are selected by a committee of college officials and local media. This year, they are Meghan Rooney, Jacqueline “Ray Ray” Cole and the 1996 Trailblazers Baseball team. “We are proud to recognize our newest inductees for their outstanding contributions to Lewis and Clark Athletics and its rich tradition of excellence,” said Lewis and Clark President Dale Chapman.

1996 Baseball Team Then

1996 Trailblazers Baseball Team The 1996 Trailblazers Baseball team, a JUCO World Series team, was led by Head Coach Randy Martz and Assistant Coach Doug Stotler. The team had a 34-25 season, won its regional and district championship games and went on to play and win third place in the championship finals. The team consisted of mainly in-district players, and had no All-Americans — which made the team even more special. The team included: Brady Arview, Kyle Bone, Jeff Coles, Mark Darr, Bob Frischmann, Andy Funk, Drew Garrison, Dave Gaworski, Pete Kleeman, Nick Knight, Rob LaMarsh, Jim McGibany, Hayden Powers, Eric Pruitt, Mike Pryor, Randy Roentz, Josh Slusser (deceased), Jon Varady, Chip Wiley, Mike Zangori, Randy Martz (coach), Doug Stotler (assistant coach). “It was an honor to coach these guys,” said Head Coach Randy Martz. “They had the talent and commitment. They played hard and worked well together as a team, and it paid off.”

Meghan Rooney – Women’s Soccer As a player, Meghan Rooney earned top stats in scoring and assisting at 14- “Discover”

1996 Baseball Team Now

L&C, as her team posted a 22-2 record in 2003 and 19-3-2 record in 2004. Rooney, a midfielder from St. Charles and daughter of L&C Head Soccer Coach Tim Rooney, earned All Conference, All Region, All District and National Junior College Athletic Association (NJCAA) All American athletic honors both seasons. She received First Team All-American from the National Soccer Coaches Association of America (NSCAA) in 2003 and NSCAA second team in 2004. After Lewis and Clark, Rooney continued playing soccer at McKendree University, where she assisted her team in earning two National Association of Intercollegiate Athletics (NAIA) Region V Championship Titles, which lead to the NAIA National Championship Tournament. After graduating from

McKendree with her bachelor’s degree in elementary education, Rooney returned to Lewis and Clark as a member of the soccer coaching staff and served as assistant coach for two years. During this time she assisted in coaching the 2008 Women’s NJCAA National Championship Title team. Presently, Rooney is assistant coach for the women’s soccer team at Fontbonne University in St. Louis, where she has served on the coaching staff for two seasons. “It is an honor to be recognized and inducted in the hall of fame,” Rooney said. “We had a great team while I was here at Lewis and Clark and I feel proud I was part of that team.”

Jacqueline “Ray Ray” Cole – Women’s Soccer

Rooney’s former teammate and fellow inductee, Jacqueline “Ray Ray” Cole, also had two successful soccer seasons at L&C. The forward from Kansas City led her team in scoring in 2003 and 2004. Both years, Cole received All Conference, All Region, All District and the NJCAA All American athletic honors. She was ranked No. 15 in the nation in scoring during the 2004 season and was selected first team to the NJCAA and NSCAA. Cole went on to play soccer at McKendree University, leading her team to two NAIA Region V Championship titles and taking them to the NAIA National Championship Tournament.

She later helped lead the team to nationals as a student assistant coach. “I want to thank Coach Rooney, my teammates, and parents for their support,” Cole said. “Playing soccer at Lewis and Clark was a great experience, and I’ll always cherish the memories from that time.” Cole earned a bachelor’s degree in organizational communications at McKendree. She currently is employed at Stifel Nicolaus in the Mutual Funds department.

Cole and Rooney with L&C Head Soccer Coach Tim Rooney

For more information on L&C Athletics, visit

Men’s and Women’s Tennis End Seasons at Nationals Women’s Tennis

The Trailblazers women’s Tennis Team wrapped up its time at the NJCAA National Tournament, held May 4-9 in Tucson, Ariz., with a big win. Kali DeSherlia (No. 4 singles) won the consolation bracket with an 8-2 win over Laurica Nelson from Georgia Perimeter College. The victory gave the Trailblazers a total of seven points for the tournament, good for a final national ranking of 22.

Men’s Tennis

The Trailblazers Men’s Tennis team competed at Nationals May 12-17 in Plano, Texas, finishing with 18 points and tying with Temple for 12th place out of 26 teams. “This accomplished the team goal of placing in the top half of the National Tournament and was a validation of the hard work the team put in through the entire 2012-2013 academic year,” said Head Coach James Humphrey.

Tournament runs July 19-28, 2013 Andy Simpson Tennis Complex For More Info: - 15

Empowering People

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Issuu converts static files into: digital portfolios, online yearbooks, online catalogs, digital photo albums and more. Sign up and create your flipbook.