Lewis and Clark Community College Board of Trustees meeting agenda

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Lewis and Clark Community College District No. 536

Board of Trustees Regular Meeting

July 14, 2020


TABLE OF CONTENTS DATE: July 14, 2020 Page No. Agenda for July 14, 2020 Regular Meeting ……………………………………… Minutes of Regular Meeting for June 9, 2020


Financial Highlights ……………………………………………………………… Bills


Treasurer’s Report

1–3 4 - 13 14 15 - 43


44 - 46

Balance Sheet ………………………………………………………………………

47 - 48


49 - 53

Statement of Revenue and Expenditures Bid Information



Contracts Requiring Board Approval


55 - 128

Purchases Requiring Board Approval


129 - 141

Contract Change Orders/Insurance Renewals/Asset Disposal




143 - 146


147 - 151

Acknowledgement of Grants and Sponsored Contract Agreements ………………

152 - 191


192 - 196


197 - 199

Personnel Report

Awarded Grants and Sponsored Contracts

Pending Grants and Sponsored Contracts

Acknowledgement of Contracts $5,000 and less Announcements




147 – 151

Acknowledgement of Grants and Sponsored Contract Agreements ………………

152 – 191

Awarded Grants and Sponsored Contracts


Pending Grants and Sponsored Contracts


192 - 196


197 – 199

Acknowledgement of Contracts $5,000 and less



Lewis & Clark Community College successfully completes the Higher Learning Commission’s Quality Initiative for accreditation ……………………….


Construction Projects Status Report ……………………………………………….



Fall Enrollment Update


203 - 205


206 – 207


208 - 209

Approval of Grant or Sponsored Contract Opportunities

Amendment of Board Policy 207 regarding Committees of the Board

2020-2021 College Holiday Calendar, Amendment ……………………………….


Approve Employment Agreement for the Interim Chief Academic Officer ……….

211 – 214

Approve Employment Agreements for Assistant Interim President ……………….

215 – 218


219 – 222

Approve Employment Agreement for Interim President


Page 1 COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT NO. 536 LEWIS AND CLARK COMMUNITY COLLEGE AGENDA July 14, 2020 6:45 p.m. Public Hearing Regarding FY21 Budget 7:00 pm Regular Board Meeting To be held online in a virtual format, with all meeting content and public comments, via phone or otherwise, being recorded. Access to the Board of Trustees meeting is provided via teleconference online via ZOOM


or by phone at 312-626-6799 with Meeting ID 918 3699 1245 and Password 457926.


CALL TO ORDER AND ROLL CALL: David, Heyen, Chair Julie Johnson, Vice Chair Kevin Rust, Secretary Charles Hanfelder, Assistant Secretary

Robert Watson, Member Brenda Walker McCain, Member Dwight Werts, Member Ashtyn Britt, Student Member


PUBLIC HEARING REGARDING THE PROPOSED FY21 BUDGET—comments received at skeener@lc.edu by 4 pm on July 14, will be read by Sue Keener, Secretary to the Board of Trustees




CALL TO ORDER AND ROLL CALL: David, Heyen, Chair Julie Johnson, Vice Chair Kevin Rust, Secretary Charles Hanfelder, Assistant Secretary

Robert Watson, Member Brenda Walker McCain, Member Dwight Werts, Member Ashtyn Britt, Student Member




PUBLIC COMMENT—comments received at skeener@lc.edu by 4 pm on July 14, will be read by Sue Keener, Secretary to the Board of Trustees



Page 2 VIII.

CALL TO ORDER AND ROLL CALL FOR CLOSED SESSION: David, Heyen, Chair Robert Watson, Member Julie Johnson, Vice Chair Brenda Walker McCain, Member Kevin Rust, Secretary Dwight Werts, Member Charles Hanfelder, Assistant Secretary Ashtyn Britt, Student Member


The appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal of specific employees of the public body. No action will be taken.




CALL TO ORDER AND ROLL CALL FOR REGULAR OPEN MEETING David, Heyen, Chair Robert Watson, Member Julie Johnson, Vice Chair Brenda Walker McCain, Member Kevin Rust, Secretary Dwight Werts, Member Charles Hanfelder, Assistant Secretary Ashtyn Britt, Student Member




OMNIBUS AGENDA (The following items will be approved in one motion unless any Board member wishes to have an item pulled prior to the vote.) A. Approval of Minutes for June 9, 2020 (Regular Meeting) (p. 4 - 13) B. Financial Highlights (p. 14) C. Bills (p. 15 - 43) D. Treasurer’s Report (p. 44 - 46) E. Balance Sheet (p. 47 - 48) F. Statement of Revenue and Expenditures (p. 49 - 53) G. Bid Information (p. 54) H. Contracts Requiring Board Approval (p. 55 - 128) I. Purchases Requiring Board Approval (p. 129 - 141) J. Contract Change Orders/Insurance Renewals/Asset Disposal (p. 142) K. Personnel (p. 143 - 146)

XIV. INFORMATIONAL ITEMS: L. Awarded Grants and Sponsored Contracts (p. 147 - 151) M. Acknowledgement of Grants and Sponsored Contract Agreements (p. 152 - 191) N. Pending Grants and Sponsored Contracts (p. 192 - 196) O. Acknowledgement of Contracts $5,000 and less (p. 197 - 199) P. Announcements (p. 200) Q. Staff/Guest Presentation — HLC Quality Initiative, Dennis Krieb Lewis & Clark Community College successfully completes the Higher Learning Commission’s Quality Initiative for accreditation. (p. 201)

Page 3 XV.


Construction Projects Status Report (p. 202) Fall Enrollment Update (p. 203 - 205)


Approval of Grant or Sponsored Contract Opportunities (p. 206 - 207) Amendment of Board Policy 207 regarding Committees of the Board (p. 208 - 209) 2020-2021 College Holiday Calendar, Amendment (p. 210) Approval of non-bargaining unit staff salaries for the 2020-2021 fiscal year Approve Employment Agreement for the Interim Chief Academic Officer (p. 211 - 214) Approve Employment Agreements for Assistant Interim President (p. 215 – 218) Approve Employment Agreement for Interim President (p. 219 – 222)


Page 4 COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT NO. 536 BOARD OF TRUSTEES June 9, 2020 MINUTES The Regular Meeting of the Board of Trustees of Lewis and Clark Community College, District No. 536, was held May 19, 2020 online in a virtual format by teleconference via ZOOM https://lewisclark.zoom.us/j/94905150081?pwd=d0gweFpsNWkweS9KQ2JHVTN1YTR3Zz09 or by phone at 312-626-6799 with Meeting ID 949 0515 0081 and Password 528564. The meeting was called to order by Chairman David Heyen at 7:00 p.m., Tuesday, June 9, 2020.


Present David Heyen, Chair Julie Johnson, Vice Chair Kevin Rust, Secretary Charles Hanfelder, Assistant Secretary Robert Watson, Member Brenda Walker McCain, Member Dwight Werts, Member Ashtyn Britt, Student Member Absent

Also present were Lori Artis, Brett Reinert, Sean Hill, Mary Schulte, Nancy Kaiser, Jill Lane, Sue Czerwinski, Val Harris, Mark Goldberg, Tammy Boswell, Laura Inlow, Chris Paulda, Melissa Batchelor, Jen Bevel, Dylan Suttle, Ted Kratschmer, Gabe Springer, Deb Witsken, Dennis Weedman, Gary Rolfe, George Provenzano, Tim Bell, Dean Eggerding, and Sue Keener and other faculty, staff, and community members. PUBLIC COMMENT No public comments were submitted

APPROVAL ITEMS Mr. Watson MOVED and Mr. Werts SECOND that an omnibus motion be made for the following approval items: Approval of the Minutes for the Regular Meeting on May 19, 2020 as presented;

Minutes June 9, 2020

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Approval of the Minutes for the Special Meeting on May 14, 2020 as presented in (Attachment 1 of these Minutes); Approval of Minutes for the Special Meeting June 3, 2020 as presented in (Attachment 2 of these Minutes); Approval of the Treasurer’s Report as presented in (Attachment 3 of these Minutes); Approval of the Balance Sheet as presented in (Attachment 4 of these Minutes); Approval of the Statement of Revenue and Expenditures as presented in (Attachment 5 of these Minutes); Approval of the Adjustments to Accounts Receivable as presented in (Attachment 6 of these minutes); Approval of the Bid Information as presented in (Attachment 7 of these Minutes); Approval of the Contract Change Orders/Insurance Renewals/Asset Disposal as presented in (Attachment 8 of these Minutes); Approval of the Personnel Report for the Separation of: Full-Time Campbell, Jefry – Maintenance Worker III, Facilities, effective June 15, 2020. Slemer, Terri L. – Library Assistant, Library and Institutional Research, effective May 29, 2020. Part-Time N/A and approve employment of; Full-Time Reed, Levi – Land Conservation Specialist, Fayette County IL, effective June 11, 2020. Part-Time N/A Part-Time, Short Term N/A

Minutes June 9, 2020

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Part-Time/Overload (For period of 4/16/2020 to 05/15/20) Botterbush, Kevin J Brennan, Christopher J Davison, Thomas M Farrell, Myra A

Hung, Angela K Kribs, Jonathan A Kuebrich, Paul M Marshall, Rick W McFarlane, Joseph W Ridings, Shelle A Vaughn, Jeffrey L

Witsken, Deborah A

Transaction Applications Introduction to the Visual Arts Introduction to the Visual Arts Fire Prevention Principles TDL Integrated Math TDL Integrated Math TDL Reading TDL Reading TDL Writing TDL Writing Drawing I Lifeguard Training Instrumentation Tech Internship TDL Career Awareness TDL Career Awareness History of Art I History of Art I Health Information/Coding Externship Medical Assisting Externship Beginning Photography I Beginning Photography I Beginning Photography I OT in Productive Aging

and approve promotion/transfer: Full-Time Jett, Louise – Transferred from full-time Media Specialist/Adjunct Faculty to full-time Assistant Professor, Computer Graphics/Web Design, effective August 17, 2020; and approve the Leaves of Absences: N/A and approve Appointments: Full-Time Jill Lane, Dean of Transfer Programs, to Interim Chief Academic Officer, effective July 1, 2020.

Minutes June 9, 2020

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Upon a roll call vote the Trustees voted as follows: Britt (advisory vote)


Watson Werts Heyen Johnson Rust Hanfelder McCain

Yea Yea Yea Yea Yea Yea Yea


Mr. Werts MOVED and Mr. Watson SECOND that the Board approve the Bills as presented in (Attachment 9 of these Minutes); Trustee Johnson questioned the purchase of baseball equipment. Dr. Sean Hill confirmed this purchase was made prior to campus closure due to Covid-19 the items can be used next year. Upon a roll call vote the Trustees voted as follows: Britt (advisory vote)


Werts Watson McCain Heyen Johnson Rust Hanfelder

Yea Yea Yea Yea Yea Yea Yea


Ms. McCain MOVED and Ms. Johnson SECOND that the Board approve Contracts Requiring Board Approval as presented in (Attachment 10 of these Minutes); Trustee Johnson asked about delaying the contracts for DDI, Amplified Digital and Riverbender. Lori Artis and Laura Inlow responded these are narrowly focused projects designed specifically to support fall enrollment and use a small percentage of the marketing budget. Trustee Johnson asked for clarification on the AAIC contract. Chairman Heyen responded the contract is written so LC will only be billed if work is completed and $50,000 is the maximum. Chairman Heyen

Minutes June 9, 2020

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reported a meeting was held with AAIC and he was pleased with their responses. In addition, comparison rates were collected and some were as much as three times the rate. Chairman Heyen said he supports this contract. Upon a roll call vote the Trustees voted as follows: Britt (advisory vote)


McCain Johnson Rust Hanfelder Watson Werts Heyen

Yea Yea Yea Yea Yea Yea Yea


Ms. Johnson MOVED and Ms. McCain SECOND that the Board approve Purchases Requiring Board Approval as presented in (Attachment 11 of these Minutes); Trustee Johnson called attention to the Ellucian expenditure. Jeff Watson confirmed this is the beginning of the third year of a five-year contract which ends in 2023. Trustee Johnson stated the point she wanted to make is to make sure we are spending money wisely and ensure we are on the cutting edge. Upon a roll call vote the Trustees voted as follows:


Britt (advisory vote)


Johnson McCain Werts Heyen Rust Hanfelder Watson

Yea Yea Yea Yea Yea Yea Yea

Minutes June 9, 2020

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INFORMATIONAL ITEMS Interim President Lori Artis gave an overview of the tentative FY2021 budget, with a look back to FY2020. She noted FY20 was expected to end with expenditures less than revenue, The entire LC team worked together to construct a budget for FY21 that is fiscally prudent while allowing for targeted enrollment growth. Artis said there were many priority budget requests, but the only item that was placed into the education budget is funding to work with enrollment strategies consultant Ruffalo Noel Levitz. The Enrollment Task Force is reviewing a proposal from RNL. This initiative aligns with our focus on growing enrollments, which will also strengthen our financial base. We are expecting level funding from the state. The total operating budget is just under $31.5 million, a 3.5 percent decrease from last year. In addition to operating budget, there is approximately $9.8 million in program grants and contracts outside the budget. Approximately 22.3 percent of the revenue will come from the state, 41.6 percent from the district, 28.5 percent from tuition and fees, and roughly 1.8 percent from other services, such as investment income and facilities rental. The tentative budget includes salary increases, as well as another phase-in of the compensation study, and three replacement faculty positions, plus additional funding to support the minimum wage increase that will take effect in July and January. While the $37.5 million capital funds were included in the state budget for renovation of the main complex, the funds have not been released. Trustee Rust questioned management of the budgeted 3% salary increase. Further discussion and recommendations will be forthcoming from the Board. Trustee Johnson asked about adjustments for employees below the minimum of their range. Gabe Springer responded the plan was to phase increases through July 2022. Nancy Kaiser confirmed these amounts were included in the tentative budget.

DISCUSSION ITEMS Vice President Lori Artis presented an updated Construction Projects Status Report. The Main Complex Foundation Improvements project is awaiting CDB approval to start the bid process and ensure completion before the fall semester. The Haskell Hall Fan Coil Replacement Project is in the design phase. On-site work on the Scott Bibb Center Solar Installation began in May, and the project is on track for completion at the end of the month. Dean of Career Programs Sue Czerwinski gave an update on the Automotive Technology program, which was recently awarded a National Science Foundation Advanced Technology Education Grant (NSF ATE ): Building a Pipeline of Biodiesel Technicians for Careers in Fields and Cities. The grant is $300,000 over three years to develop the beginnings of a diesel program. Employers across Illinois and the country have an urgent need for skilled diesel mechanics and studies document a growing need for a workforce equipped to plan, design, build and repair transportation systems and energy-efficient vehicles. To address regional workforce gaps, the project will support the launch of a diesel/biodiesel

Minutes June 9, 2020

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certificate track in the Automotive Technology program. The project will increase student interest in next generation diesel technician careers by implementing strategies to serve underrepresented and underserved students with a dual focus on rural (Jersey Community High School) and urban (Alton High School) schools. By preparing students for careers in high-growth technical fields, the project has the potential to advance innovative methods for meeting the nation's changing employment needs. Assistant Interim President Brett Reinert updated the Board on the work of the interdepartmental Enrollment Task Force. Reinert said there are about 22-25 faculty and staff in the group, which meets weekly to discuss challenges in declining enrollments and the additional negative impact from COVID19. Reinert said he recently sent around a white paper focused on recommendations for campus modifications in policy and procedure that addresses issues related to declining enrollment. The Enrollment Task Force intends for this to become a guiding document moving forward. Reinert mentioned that campus will host virtual High School Partnership Summit this month to discuss potential changes to those offerings. The Enrollment Task Force would like to bring enrollment management consultants Ruffalo Noel Levitz back to campus. Johnson asked the task force to hold back on a contract with the firm until President Trzaska is installed and has an opportunity to review.

ACTION ITEMS Mr. Werts MOVED and Ms. McCain SECOND that the Board approve the Grant or Sponsored Contract Opportunities as presented in (Attachment 13 of these Minutes). Upon a roll call vote the Trustees voted as follows: Britt (advisory vote)


Werts McCain Heyen Johnson Rust Hanfelder Watson

Yea Yea Yea Yea Yea Yea Yea


Mr. Hanfelder MOVED and Ms. McCain SECOND that the Board approve RESOLUTION 20-12 Public Hearing FY2021 Proposed Budget as presented in (Attachment 14 of these Minutes). Upon a roll call vote the Trustees voted as follows: Britt (advisory vote)


Minutes June 9, 2020

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Hanfelder McCain Werts Heyen Johnson Rust Watson

Yea Yea Yea Yea Yea Yea Yea


Mr. Werts MOVED and Mr. Rust SECOND that the Board approve the Mobile Health Unit Lease Agreement as presented (Attachment 15 of these Minutes).

Upon a roll call vote the Trustees voted as follows: Britt (advisory vote) Werts Rust Hanfelder Watson McCain Heyen Johnson

Yea Yea Yea Yea Yea Yea Yea Yea


Mr. Rust MOVED and Ms. McCain SECONDED that the Board approve the changes Related to Classification, Salary, and Process to Transition Certain Executive Employees to classification and Compensation Structure as presented in (Attachment 16 of these Minutes). Upon a roll call vote the Trustees voted as follows:


Britt (advisory vote)


Rust McCain Werts Heyen Johnson Hanfelder Watson

Yea Yea Yea Yea Yea Yea Yea

Minutes June 9, 2020

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Mr. Werts MOVED and Mr. Hanfelder SECOND that the Board approve the Employee Group Insurance Plans as presented in (Attachment 17 of these Minutes). Upon a roll call vote the Trustees voted as follows: Britt (advisory vote)


Werts Hanfelder Watson McCain Heyen Johnson Rust

Yea Yea Yea Yea Yea Yea Yea


Upon the recommendation of Gabe Springer, Agenda Items AD and AC were reversed in order of presentation. Mr. Werts MOVED and Ms. McCain SECOND that the Board approve the Memorandum of Agreement Between the Board of Trustees of Lewis and Clark Community College District 536 and the Lewis and Clark Community College Faculty Association Establishing Fiscal Year 2021 Employee and Employer Health Insurance Contribution Rates as presented in (Attachment 18 of these Minutes). Upon a roll call vote the Trustees voted as follows: Britt (advisory vote)


Werts McCain Heyen Johnson Rust Hanfelder Watson

Yea Yea Yea Yea Yea Yea Yea


Mr. Werts MOVED and Ms. McCain SECOND that the Board approve the Subsidy to the College Family Group Health Insurance Plan as presented in (Attachment 19 of these Minutes).

Minutes June 9, 2020

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Upon a roll call vote the Trustees voted as follows: Britt (advisory vote)


Werts McCain Heyen Johnson Rust Hanfelder Watson

Yea Yea Yea Yea Yea Yea Yea



The next Regular Meeting of the Board of Trustees will be held on Tuesday, July 14, 2020, at 7:00 p.m., in the Ahlemeyer Atrium of the Trimpe Advanced Technology Center, Lewis and Clark Community College.

ADJOURNMENT There being no further business Mr. Werts MOVED and Mr. Watson SECOND the meeting be adjourned. Following vote by voice, the Chair Declared the MEETING ADJOURNED at 8:36 p.m.

Kevin Rust, Secretary


David Heyen, Chair


LEWIS AND CLARK COMMUNITY COLLEGE Finance Office Report of Financial Highlights July 14, 2020 The following items are presented to highlight various financial transactions of the college during June, 2020:

CASH RECEIPTS Significant receipts received during June: Taxes for the 2019 levy in the amount of $949,156.49, collected year to date, $949,156.49; Student Account Receipts, including tuition and fees, $179,134.84; and ISBE and ICCB Grants, $34,281.56; Matured Investments, $3,097,743.66. STUDENT DISBURSEMENTS Student Account Refund checks, including any financial aid paid to students, were issued in the amount of $1,139,641.78.

PAYROLL Faculty, staff and student paychecks were issued to approximately 431 employees in June. The total gross earnings were $1,856,508.28.

CASH FLOW Cash receipts in all Funds were $5,392,333.46 and cash disbursements were $4,695,419.02.

INVESTMENTS No fixed term investments were made in June.

Page 15


01_0_3010000_5401001000 - Admissions & Records - Office Supplies

Amplified Digital Agency LLC Digital Advertising 01_0_2080005_5407000000 - Promotions - Advertising Arrow Signs Billboard Billboard Billboard Billboard

& Outdoor Advertising I Rental 01_0_2080005_5407000000 Rental 01_0_2080005_5407000000 Rental 01_0_2080005_5407000000 Rental 01_0_2080005_5407000000

Brodart Co FY21 Subscription


Promotions Promotions Promotions Promotions


Advertising Advertising Advertising Advertising

01_0_2010000_5406000000 - Library Center - Publ & Dues

$1,048.00 --------------$1,048.00 * $2,000.00 --------------$2,000.00 * $750.00 $350.00 $350.00 $350.00 --------------$1,800.00 * $2,784.60 --------------$2,784.60 *

CoAEMSP FY21 Accreditation

01_0_1040720_5309000000 - Paramedicine - Other Contractual Services $1,700.00 --------------$1,700.00 Commission on Accreditation of EMT Institutional Fee 01_0_1040721_5309000000 - Emergency Med Treatment - Other Contractual $600.00 --------------$600.00 Elliott Data Systems Inc. Service Agreement 01_0_3010000_5309000000 - Admissions & Records - Other Contractual $3,420.00 --------------$3,420.00 Exxat, LLC STEPS Subscription 01_0_1040711_5309000000 - Occupational Therapy Asst - Other Contractual $4,200.00 --------------$4,200.00 Hearst Media 52 Week Subscription 01_0_2010000_5406000000 - Library Center - Publ & Dues $273.00 --------------$273.00 IACRAO FY21 Membership 01_0_3010000_5401001000 - Admissions & Records - Office Supplies $155.00 --------------$155.00 Monsido Inc FY21 Subscription 01_0_8030001_5401001000 - Marketing/Public Relations - Office Supplies $4,360.00 --------------$4,360.00 NACUBO Membership Dues 01_0_8060002_5406000000 - Dues - Publ & Dues $3,895.00 CACUBO Membership 01_0_8060002_5406000000 - Dues - Publ & Dues $250.00 --------------$4,145.00 NASFAA FY21 Membership 01_0_3040000_5401001000 - Financial Aid - Office Supplies $1,163.00 --------------$1,163.00 NCMPR FY21 Membership 01_0_8030001_5401001000 - Marketing/Public Relations - Office Supplies $181.25 FY21 Membership 01_0_8030001_5401001000 - Marketing/Public Relations - Office Supplies $181.25 FY21 Membership 01_0_8030001_5401001000 - Marketing/Public Relations - Office Supplies $181.25 FY21 Membership 01_0_8030001_5401001000 - Marketing/Public Relations - Office Supplies $181.25 --------------$725.00 Nub Games Inc FY21 Subscription 01_0_2010000_5406000000 - Library Center - Publ & Dues $445.00 --------------$445.00 Ovid Technologies Annual Subscription 01_0_2010000_5406000000 - Library Center - Publ & Dues $1,783.00 --------------$1,783.00













Page 16

LEWIS & CLARK COMMUNITY COLLEGE INVOICES PENDING BOARD APPROVAL FY 2020-2021 – July, 2020 Platinum Educational Group Annual License Fee 01_0_1040720_5309000000 - Paramedicine - Other Contractual Services $500.00 --------------$500.00 * =============== $31,101.60 ***

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LEWIS & CLARK COMMUNITY COLLEGE INVOICES PENDING BOARD APPROVAL FY 2019-2020 – June, 2020 AAA Interpreter Services Interpreting Service 01_0_3080002_5309000000 - Special Learning Needs - Other Contractual $988.00 --------------$988.00 AAIC Incorporated MP: Const Management 02_0_8060000_5303000000 - General Institution - Architectural Services $130.00 MP: Carlinville Cnst 02_0_8060000_5303000000 - General Institution - Architectural Services $390.00 --------------$520.00 Adec Waterline Tablets 01_0_1040715_5401002000 - Dental Hygiene - Inst Supplies $163.20 --------------$163.20 Airgas USA, LLC Gas, Cylinder Rental 01_0_1030315_5401002000 - Automotive Technology - Inst Supplies $120.01 Gas, Cylinder Rental 02_0_7010000_5401004000 - Maintenance & Grounds - Maint Supplies $360.04 --------------$480.05 All Systems Irrigation Services LLC Spring Start Up 02_0_7030000_5304000001 - Grounds - Maint Serv-Landscaping $3,000.00 Irrigation Repairs 02_0_7030000_5304000001 - Grounds - Maint Serv-Landscaping $1,280.00 --------------$4,280.00 Always Green Recycling Jun Recycling Pick Up 02_0_7060000_5707000000 - Plant Utilities - Refuse Disposal $27.08 Jun Recycling Pick Up 02_0_7060000_5707000003 - Plant Utilities - Refuse Disposal-Bethalto $54.16 May Recycling Pick Up 02_0_7060000_5707000004 - Plant Utilities - Refuse Disposal-NO Nelson $65.00 Jun Recycling Pick Up 02_0_7060000_5707000006 - Plant Utilities - Refuse Disposal-Scott Bibb $32.50 --------------$178.74 Amazon.Com Toner Cartridge 01_0_1040712_5401002000 - Nursing - Inst Supplies $38.50 Toner Cartridge 01_0_1040712_5401002000 - Nursing - Inst Supplies $39.99 Toner Cartridge 01_0_1040713_5401002000 - Nurse Assistant - Inst Supplies $38.49 Toner Cartridge 01_0_1040713_5401002000 - Nurse Assistant - Inst Supplies $40.00 Resistance Bands 01_0_1040719_5401002000 - Physical Education - Inst Supplies $41.98 Resistance Bands 01_0_1040719_5401002000 - Physical Education - Inst Supplies $47.61 Shoe Covers 01_0_3030000_5409000000 - Health Services - Other Mat/Supplies $33.50 Shoe Covers 01_0_3030000_5409000000 - Health Services - Other Mat/Supplies $67.00 Shoe Covers 01_0_3030000_5409000000 - Health Services - Other Mat/Supplies $33.50 Face Shields 01_0_3030000_5409000000 - Health Services - Other Mat/Supplies $349.00 Drone 02_0_7010000_5401004000 - Maintenance & Grounds - Maint Supplies $799.00 White-Out 02_0_7040000_5401001000 - Security - Office Supplies $5.48 Supplies 02_0_7040000_5401001000 - Security - Office Supplies $6.90 Supplies 02_0_7040000_5401001000 - Security - Office Supplies $14.99 Supplies 02_0_7040000_5401001000 - Security - Office Supplies $8.72 Supplies 02_0_7040000_5401001000 - Security - Office Supplies $14.99 Supplies 02_0_7040000_5401001000 - Security - Office Supplies $4.86 Supplies 02_0_7040000_5401001000 - Security - Office Supplies $13.18 Supplies 02_0_7040000_5401001000 - Security - Office Supplies $126.89 Supplies 02_0_7040000_5401001000 - Security - Office Supplies $74.95 Supplies 02_0_7040000_5401001000 - Security - Office Supplies $24.99 Supplies 02_0_7040000_5401001000 - Security - Office Supplies $37.98 Printer Filament 05_0_6090068_5409000000 - Fabrication Lab - Other Mat/Supplies $43.98 Printer Filament 05_0_6090068_5409000000 - Fabrication Lab - Other Mat/Supplies $24.99 Printer Filament 05_0_6090068_5409000000 - Fabrication Lab - Other Mat/Supplies $24.99 Printer Filament 05_0_6090068_5409000000 - Fabrication Lab - Other Mat/Supplies $16.80 Printer Filaments 05_0_6090068_5409000000 - Fabrication Lab - Other Mat/Supplies $59.98 Printer Filaments 05_0_6090068_5409000000 - Fabrication Lab - Other Mat/Supplies $45.98 Printer Filaments 05_0_6090068_5409000000 - Fabrication Lab - Other Mat/Supplies $59.04 Printer Filaments 05_0_6090068_5409000000 - Fabrication Lab - Other Mat/Supplies $23.99 --------------$2,162.25 American Trailer and Storage RBA Storage Container 03_0_8060075_5804000310 - Prot Health & Safety - Bldg Rem-Riverbend $59.40 RBA Storage Container 03_0_8060077_5804000310 - Capital Projects - Bldg Rem-Riverbend $39.60 --------------$99.00









Page 18

LEWIS & CLARK COMMUNITY COLLEGE INVOICES PENDING BOARD APPROVAL FY 2019-2020 – June, 2020 Answer Midwest Inc After Hours Answering

01_0_3030000_5309000000 - Health Services - Other Contractual Services $219.70 --------------$219.70 *

Automatic Door Systems Locker Room Door Locks 02_0_7010000_5304000000 - Maintenance & Grounds - Maint Services ADA Door Controls 02_0_7010000_5304000000 - Maintenance & Grounds - Maint Services Automotive Electronics Service Line SPI Breakout Box 01_0_1030315_5401002000 - Automotive Technology - Inst Supplies B & H Photo Sylvania Lamps

01_0_1010423_5401002000 - Art - Inst Supplies

Cds Leasing a Program of de Lage Copier Lease 01_0_8040004_5304000000 - Office Services - Maint Services Copier Lease 01_0_8040004_5304000000 - Office Services - Maint Services

CDW Government, Inc. Adobe Acrobat License


Office Office Office Office Office Office

Services Services Services Services Services Services


Maint Maint Maint Maint Maint Maint

$398.00 --------------$398.00 * $14.92 --------------$14.92 *

Camp Electric & Heating Co Inc Walkway Lighting 03_0_8060075_5802000360 - Prot Health & Safety - Site Improvement

Cds Office Technologies Inc Copies Over Contract 01_0_8040004_5304000000 Copies Over Contract 01_0_8040004_5304000000 Copies Over Contract 01_0_8040004_5304000000 Copies Over Contract 01_0_8040004_5304000000 Copies Over Contract 01_0_8040004_5304000000 Copies Over Contract 01_0_8040004_5304000000

$2,785.00 $7,825.00 --------------$10,610.00 *

Services Services Services Services Services Services

$17,640.25 --------------$17,640.25 * $1,047.13 $1,047.13 --------------$2,094.26 * $65.55 $154.67 $14.11 $151.85 $2.00 $2.00 --------------$390.18 *

01_0_8080012_5304000000 - Tech Plan V Taxable-Administra – Maint Serv $3,882.50 --------------$3,882.50 *

Cee Kay Supply, Inc Welder Calibrations Welder Calibrations Gas, Tank Rental

01_0_1030320_5309000000 - Welding - Other Contractual Services 01_0_1030320_5309000000 - Welding - Other Contractual Services 05_0_6090068_5409000000 - Fabrication Lab - Other Mat/Supplies

$1,414.00 $111.80 $18.09 --------------$1,543.89 *

CHS Gasohol, Diesel Fuel Gasohol, Diesel Fuel Gasohol

02_0_7050000_5401005000 - Transportation - Vehicle Supplies 02_0_7050000_5401005000 - Transportation - Vehicle Supplies 02_0_7050000_5401005000 - Transportation - Vehicle Supplies

$506.67 $290.87 $622.50 --------------$1,420.04 *

Cope Plastics Inc Polycarbonate Sheets Polycarbonate Sheets Polycarbonate Sheets Polycarbonate Sheets

02_0_7010000_5401004000 02_0_7010000_5401004000 02_0_7090004_5401004000 02_0_7090004_5401004000

$1,574.54 $50.42 $143.14 $4.58 --------------$1,772.68 *

Culligan Industrial Chem Lab Water

01_0_1010614_5401002000 - Chemistry - Inst Supplies

$98.00 --------------$98.00 *

DDI Media Mar Billboard Rental Apr Billboard Rental

01_0_2080005_5407000000 - Promotions - Advertising 01_0_2080005_5407000000 - Promotions - Advertising

$700.00 $700.00 --------------$1,400.00 *


Maintenance Maintenance N.O. Nelson N.O. Nelson

& & -

Grounds - Maint Supplies Grounds - Maint Supplies Maint Supplies Maint Supplies

Dealers Electrical Supply Dimmable Ballasts 02_0_7010000_5401004000 - Maintenance & Grounds - Maint Supplies

$361.44 --------------$361.44 *

Page 19


02_0_7060001_5309000000 - Telecommunications - Other Contractual

$64.91 --------------$64.91 *

Easy Graphics Corp Laminate for Signs

01_0_8040004_5401001000 - Office Services - Office Supplies

$226.04 --------------$226.04 *

Elliott Data Systems Inc. Ribbons, Cards 01_0_3010000_5401001000 - Admissions & Records - Office Supplies Ribbons, Cards 01_0_3010000_5401001000 - Admissions & Records - Office Supplies Ribbons, Cards 01_0_3010000_5401001000 - Admissions & Records - Office Supplies Enterprise Fleet Management Lease-June 02_0_7050000_5606000601 Lease-June 02_0_7050000_5606000602 Lease-June 02_0_7050000_5606000603 Lease-June 02_0_7050000_5606000604 Lease-June 02_0_7050000_5606000605


Transportation Transportation Transportation Transportation Transportation

ESRI Inc Lab Kit Lab Kit Lab Kit Lab Kit Lab Kit


Restoration Restoration Restoration Restoration Restoration

Maintenance Maintenance Maintenance Maintenance Maintenance

01_0_1030324_5309000000 01_0_1030324_5309000000 01_0_1030324_5309000000 01_0_1030324_5309000000 01_0_1030324_5309000000


233PZJ 233PZZ 233WSS 233wt5 233wtb

Ecology Ecology Ecology Ecology Ecology


2019 2019 2019 2019 2019

Other Other Other Other Other

$398.00 $105.00 $20.00 --------------$523.00 *

Nissan Car Nissan Car Ford F250 Ford F250 Ford F250

$323.73 $321.84 $493.51 $493.51 $493.51 --------------$2,126.10 *

Contractual Contractual Contractual Contractual Contractual

$75.00 $500.00 $25.00 $50.00 $1,000.00 --------------$1,650.00 *

Farmer Environmental Services Mold Testing 02_0_7010000_5304000000 - Maintenance & Grounds - Maint Services

$525.00 --------------$525.00 *

Fastenal Vending Supplies

01_0_1030320_5401002000 - Welding - Inst Supplies

$527.94 --------------$527.94 *

Fireball Tool Tools Tools Tools Tools Tools

01_0_1030320_5401002000 01_0_1030320_5401002000 01_0_1030320_5401002000 01_0_1030320_5401002000 01_0_1030320_5401002000

$360.00 $680.00 $80.00 $920.00 $400.00 --------------$2,440.00 *


Welding Welding Welding Welding Welding


Inst Inst Inst Inst Inst

Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies

FireSafety Sales & Service Inc Extinguisher Maint 02_0_7010000_5304000000 - Maintenance & Grounds - Maint Services

$688.00 --------------$688.00 *

Fisher Scientific Co Nitrile Gloves Nitrile Gloves

01_0_1010615_5401002000 - Biology - Inst Supplies 01_0_1010615_5401002000 - Biology - Inst Supplies

$180.83 $13.80 --------------$194.63 *

Follett Higher Ed Group Bookstore Charges

01_0_0000000_2309000000 - LCCC Accounts - Other Accts Payable

$11,749.69 --------------$11,749.69 *

Frost Electric Supply Overload Relay Fire Alarm Cord

02_0_7010000_5401004000 - Maintenance & Grounds - Maint Supplies 02_0_7010000_5401004000 - Maintenance & Grounds - Maint Supplies

$1,210.00 $261.36 --------------$1,471.36 *

Gall's Inc. Glove Pouch, Tape Glove Pouch, Tape Glove Pouch, Tape

02_0_7040000_5401001000 - Security - Office Supplies 02_0_7040000_5401001000 - Security - Office Supplies 02_0_7040000_5401001000 - Security - Office Supplies

$199.80 $179.88 $19.02 --------------$398.70 *

Page 20

LEWIS & CLARK COMMUNITY COLLEGE INVOICES PENDING BOARD APPROVAL FY 2019-2020 – June, 2020 Arthur J Gallagher & Co Exec Comp Analysis

01_0_8040001_5309000000 - Human Resources - Other Contractual Services $4,125.00 --------------$4,125.00 *

Garella Pest Control Inc Rodent Control 02_0_7010000_5304000000 - Maintenance & Grounds - Maint Services $80.00 Pest Control 02_0_7010000_5304000000 - Maintenance & Grounds - Maint Services $900.00 Pest Control 02_0_7010000_5304000000 - Maintenance & Grounds - Maint Services $50.00 Pest Control 02_0_7090001_5304000000 - CEC-Carlinville - Maint Services $45.00 Pest Control 02_0_7090003_5304000000 - CEC-Bethalto - Maint Services $60.00 Pest Control 02_0_7090003_5304000000 - CEC-Bethalto - Maint Services $60.00 Pest Control 02_0_7090004_5304000000 - N.O. Nelson - Maint Services $125.00 Pest Control 02_0_7090005_5304000000 - NGRREC Field Station - Maint Services $125.00 Pest Control 02_0_7090006_5304000000 - Scott Bibb/St. Patrick's - Maint Services $70.00 Pest Control 02_0_7090007_5304000000 - MJC Humanities/Lincoln School - Maint Services $85.00 --------------$1,600.00 Garrett-Callahan Water Testing 02_0_7010000_5304000000 - Maintenance & Grounds - Maint Services $4,725.00 Water Testing 02_0_7090001_5304000000 - CEC-Carlinville - Maint Services $270.00 Water Testing 02_0_7090003_5304000000 - CEC-Bethalto - Maint Services $270.00 Water Testing 02_0_7090004_5304000000 - N.O. Nelson - Maint Services $1,620.00 Water Testing 02_0_7090005_5304000000 - NGRREC Field Station - Maint Services $540.00 Water Testing 02_0_7090007_5304000000 - MJC Humanities/Lincoln School - Maint Services $270.00 --------------$7,695.00 Hearst Media Advertising 01_0_2080005_5407000000 - Promotions - Advertising $300.00 Digital Advertising 01_0_2080005_5407000000 - Promotions - Advertising $2,200.00 Advertising 01_0_2080005_5407000000 - Promotions - Advertising $267.00 --------------$2,767.00 Henry Schein Inc Saliva Ejector,Cln Pwd 01_0_1040715_5401002000 - Dental Hygiene - Inst Supplies $22.32 Saliva Ejector,Cln Pwd 01_0_1040715_5401002000 - Dental Hygiene - Inst Supplies $26.99 Saliva Ejector,Cln Pwd 01_0_1040715_5401002000 - Dental Hygiene - Inst Supplies $11.74 --------------$61.05 Heritage Environmental Chemical Waste PickUp 01_0_1010614_5401002000 - Chemistry - Inst Supplies $955.30 Chemical Waste PickUp 01_0_1010614_5401002000 - Chemistry - Inst Supplies $689.19 --------------$1,644.49 Home Depot Maintenance Supplies 02_0_7010000_5401004000 - Maintenance & Grounds - Maint Supplies $73.56 Maintenance Supplies 02_0_7010000_5401004000 - Maintenance & Grounds - Maint Supplies $12.56 --------------$86.12 I Heart Media Ad Package 01_0_2080005_5407000000 - Promotions - Advertising $4,997.95 --------------$4,997.95 Industrial Soap Company Foam Soap 02_0_7020000_5401004000 - Custodial - Maint Supplies $133.65 --------------$133.65 Intellicorp Background Checks 12_0_8060000_5309000002 - General Institution - Cont Serv-Background Cks $211.40 Background Checks 12_0_8060000_5309000002 - General Institution - Cont Serv-Background Cks $96.75 --------------$308.15 JW Pepper & Son Inc Sheet Music 01_0_1010424_5401002000 - Music - Inst Supplies $33.75 Sheet Music 01_0_1010424_5401002000 - Music - Inst Supplies $33.75 Sheet Music 01_0_1010424_5401002000 - Music - Inst Supplies $31.50 Sheet Music 01_0_1010424_5401002000 - Music - Inst Supplies $37.50 Sheet Music 01_0_1010424_5401002000 - Music - Inst Supplies $31.50 Sheet Music 01_0_1010424_5401002000 - Music - Inst Supplies $31.50 Sheet Music 01_0_1010424_5401002000 - Music - Inst Supplies $32.25










Page 21


01_0_1010424_5401002000 - Music - Inst Supplies

$19.99 --------------$251.74 *

Kuddes Advertising Blazer Pennants Blazer Pennants Blazer Pennants Catering Shirts

01_0_2080005_5407000000 01_0_2080005_5407000000 01_0_2080005_5407000000 05_0_6010061_5609000000


Promotions - Advertising Promotions - Advertising Promotions - Advertising Dining Services - Other Fixed Charges

$4,200.00 $50.00 $130.00 $189.89 --------------$4,569.89 *

Lowe's Inc Maintenance Supplies Maintenance Supplies Maintenance Supplies Maintenance Supplies Maintenance Supplies Cord, Pails, etc. Maintenance Supplies Lumber Maintenance Supplies Maintenance Supplies

02_0_7010000_5401004000 02_0_7010000_5401004000 02_0_7010000_5401004000 02_0_7010000_5401004000 02_0_7010000_5401004000 02_0_7010000_5401004000 02_0_7010000_5401004000 02_0_7010000_5401004000 02_0_7090004_5401004000 02_0_7090004_5401004000


Maintenance Maintenance Maintenance Maintenance Maintenance Maintenance Maintenance Maintenance N.O. Nelson N.O. Nelson

$75.01 $19.95 $18.17 $42.72 $68.09 $69.67 $74.86 $251.20 $69.59 $30.93 --------------$720.19 *

& & & & & & & & -

Grounds - Maint Grounds - Maint Grounds - Maint Grounds - Maint Grounds - Maint Grounds - Maint Grounds - Maint Grounds - Maint Maint Supplies Maint Supplies

Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies

Lucid Design Group, Inc. H2O Meter Subscrption 02_0_8060120_5309000000 - Gen Institution-Green Campus - Other Contr’l $250.00 --------------$250.00 Lumenserve Radio Tower Lighting 02_0_7010000_5304000000 - Maintenance & Grounds - Maint Services $337.00 --------------$337.00 Lyons Glass Company Plexiglass 01_0_1010423_5401002000 - Art - Inst Supplies $37.04 Plexiglass 01_0_1010423_5401002000 - Art - Inst Supplies $81.00 Plexiglass 01_0_1010423_5401002000 - Art - Inst Supplies $67.50 Plexiglass 01_0_1010423_5401002000 - Art - Inst Supplies $104.00 Plexiglass 01_0_1010423_5401002000 - Art - Inst Supplies $35.62 --------------$325.16 McKay Auto Parts Elbow Connector 02_0_7050000_5401005000 - Transportation - Vehicle Supplies $3.99 --------------$3.99 McKesson Medical-Surgical Inc Earloop Masks 01_0_3030000_5409000000 - Health Services - Other Mat/Supplies $212.04 Earloop Masks 01_0_3030000_5409000000 - Health Services - Other Mat/Supplies $812.72 Earloop Masks 01_0_3030000_5409000000 - Health Services - Other Mat/Supplies $1,109.83 Earloop Masks 01_0_3030000_5409000000 - Health Services - Other Mat/Supplies $0.63 Earloop Masks 01_0_3030000_5409000000 - Health Services - Other Mat/Supplies $0.63 --------------$2,135.85 Midwest Renewable Energy Assn Grow Solar Ads 02_0_8060120_5409000000 - Gen Institution-Green Campus - Other Ma $1,000.00 --------------$1,000.00 MMS Medical Medical Supplies 01_0_1020128_5401002000 - Medical Assisting - Inst Supplies $46.67 Medical Supplies 01_0_1020128_5401002000 - Medical Assisting - Inst Supplies $17.94 Medical Supplies 01_0_1020128_5401002000 - Medical Assisting - Inst Supplies $102.48 Medical Supplies 01_0_1020128_5401002000 - Medical Assisting - Inst Supplies $77.12 Medical Supplies 01_0_1020128_5401002000 - Medical Assisting - Inst Supplies $117.12 Medical Supplies 01_0_1020128_5401002000 - Medical Assisting - Inst Supplies $205.88 Medical Supplies 01_0_1020128_5401002000 - Medical Assisting - Inst Supplies $85.04 Medical Supplies 01_0_1020128_5401002000 - Medical Assisting - Inst Supplies $60.15 Medical Supplies 01_0_1020128_5401002000 - Medical Assisting - Inst Supplies $108.33 Medical Supplies 01_0_1020128_5401002000 - Medical Assisting - Inst Supplies $180.32 Medical Supplies 01_0_1020128_5401002000 - Medical Assisting - Inst Supplies $47.12 Medical Supplies 01_0_1020128_5401002000 - Medical Assisting - Inst Supplies $19.59 Medical Supplies 01_0_1020128_5401002000 - Medical Assisting - Inst Supplies $20.33 Medical Supplies 01_0_1020128_5401002000 - Medical Assisting - Inst Supplies $46.36 Medical Supplies 01_0_1020128_5401002000 - Medical Assisting - Inst Supplies $90.00







Page 22


Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies

01_0_1020128_5401002000 01_0_1020128_5401002000 01_0_1020128_5401002000 01_0_1020128_5401002000


Medical Medical Medical Medical

Assisting Assisting Assisting Assisting


Inst Inst Inst Inst

Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies

$90.00 $65.29 $10.24 $81.92 --------------$1,471.90 *

NASCO Science Lab Kit

01_0_1010613_5401002000 - Physical Science - Inst Supplies

$194.95 --------------$194.95 *

O'Brien Tire & Auto Tires, Mounting Tires, Mounting Tires, Mounting Tires, Mounting

01_0_1030324_5401002000 01_0_1030324_5401002000 01_0_1030324_5401002000 01_0_1030324_5401002000


Restoration Restoration Restoration Restoration

$318.78 $50.00 $5.00 $6.00 --------------$379.78 *

Office Source Labels, Ring Binders Labels, Ring Binders Labels, Ring Binders Ink Cartridge Ink Cartridge Office Supplies Office Supplies Office Supplies Paper Clips Office Supplies Office Supplies Office Supplies Office Supplies Office Supplies Office Supplies Office Supplies Office Supplies Office Supplies Office Supplies Office Supplies Office Supplies Ink Cartridges Office Supplies Office Supplies Office Supplies Office Supplies Office Supplies Office Supplies Office Supplies Adhesive Badges Office Supplies Office Supplies Office Supplies Office Supplies Office Supplies Office Supplies Office Supplies Office Supplies Office Supplies Office Supplies Office Supplies Office Supplies Office Supplies Calculator, Folders Calculator, Folders Office Supplies Office Supplies Office Supplies Office Supplies Office Supplies Office Supplies Office Supplies Office Supplies

01_0_1010615_5401002000 01_0_1010615_5401002000 01_0_1010615_5401002000 01_0_1020125_5401002000 01_0_1020125_5401002000 01_0_1040712_5401002000 01_0_1040712_5401002000 01_0_1040712_5401002000 01_0_1040712_5401002000 01_0_1040712_5401002000 01_0_1040712_5401002000 01_0_1040715_5401002000 01_0_1040715_5401002000 01_0_1040715_5401002000 01_0_1040715_5401002000 01_0_1040715_5401002000 01_0_1040715_5401002000 01_0_1040715_5401002000 01_0_1040715_5401002000 01_0_1040715_5401002000 01_0_1040715_5401002000 01_0_3010000_5401001000 01_0_3010000_5401001000 01_0_3010000_5401001000 01_0_3010000_5401001000 01_0_3010000_5401001000 01_0_3010000_5401001000 01_0_3010000_5401001000 01_0_3010000_5401001000 01_0_3020001_5401001000 01_0_8020003_5401001000 01_0_8020003_5401001000 01_0_8020003_5401001000 01_0_8020003_5401001000 01_0_8020003_5401001000 01_0_8020003_5401001000 01_0_8020003_5401001000 01_0_8020003_5401001000 01_0_8020003_5401001000 01_0_8020003_5401001000 01_0_8020003_5401001000 01_0_8020003_5401001000 01_0_8020003_5401001000 01_0_8040001_5401001000 01_0_8040001_5401001000 01_0_8040001_5401001000 01_0_8040001_5401001000 01_0_8040001_5401001000 01_0_8040001_5401001000 01_0_8040001_5401001000 01_0_8040001_5401001000 01_0_8040001_5401001000 01_0_8040001_5401001000


Biology - Inst Supplies Biology - Inst Supplies Biology - Inst Supplies Criminal Justice - Inst Supplies Criminal Justice - Inst Supplies Nursing - Inst Supplies Nursing - Inst Supplies Nursing - Inst Supplies Nursing - Inst Supplies Nursing - Inst Supplies Nursing - Inst Supplies Dental Hygiene - Inst Supplies Dental Hygiene - Inst Supplies Dental Hygiene - Inst Supplies Dental Hygiene - Inst Supplies Dental Hygiene - Inst Supplies Dental Hygiene - Inst Supplies Dental Hygiene - Inst Supplies Dental Hygiene - Inst Supplies Dental Hygiene - Inst Supplies Dental Hygiene - Inst Supplies Admissions & Records - Office Supplies Admissions & Records - Office Supplies Admissions & Records - Office Supplies Admissions & Records - Office Supplies Admissions & Records - Office Supplies Admissions & Records - Office Supplies Admissions & Records - Office Supplies Admissions & Records - Office Supplies Assessment Services - Office Supplies Finance - Office Supplies Finance - Office Supplies Finance - Office Supplies Finance - Office Supplies Finance - Office Supplies Finance - Office Supplies Finance - Office Supplies Finance - Office Supplies Finance - Office Supplies Finance - Office Supplies Finance - Office Supplies Finance - Office Supplies Finance - Office Supplies Human Resources - Office Supplies Human Resources - Office Supplies Human Resources - Office Supplies Human Resources - Office Supplies Human Resources - Office Supplies Human Resources - Office Supplies Human Resources - Office Supplies Human Resources - Office Supplies Human Resources - Office Supplies Human Resources - Office Supplies

Ecology Ecology Ecology Ecology


Inst Inst Inst Inst

Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies

$57.96 $25.99 $25.45 $355.99 $88.00 $39.96 $20.25 $38.74 $9.31 $4.61 $20.26 $13.93 $13.93 $13.93 $13.02 $13.02 $13.02 $13.02 $4.39 $48.16 $27.25 $152.50 $39.52 $10.82 $21.50 $20.08 $173.34 $17.58 $6.58 $24.85 $70.37 $0.85 $16.68 $120.89 $120.86 $120.29 $48.40 $28.28 $3.42 $36.72 $16.88 $5.87 $5.93 $43.16 $14.52 $79.52 $88.96 $130.35 $22.17 $15.95 $16.13 $14.52 $11.18

Page 23

LEWIS & CLARK COMMUNITY COLLEGE INVOICES PENDING BOARD APPROVAL FY 2019-2020 – June, 2020 Office Supplies Office Supplies Office Supplies Office Supplies Office Supplies Ink Cartridges, Ink Cartridges, Ink Cartridges, Ink Cartridges, Markers Markers

Clips Clips Clips Clips

Oseguera, Jose' Storm Damage Clean Up June Lawn Care June Lawn Care June Lawn Care June Lawn Care June Lawn Care June Lawn Care June Lawn Care June Lawn Care June Lawn Care June Lawn Care June Lawn Care June Lawn Care Papa John's Pizza Assorted Pizzas Assorted Pizzas Assorted Pizzas The Pauly Group 10% Presidential Srch

01_0_8040001_5401001000 01_0_8040001_5401001000 01_0_8040004_5401001000 01_0_8040004_5402000000 01_0_8040004_5402000000 05_0_6010061_5401001000 05_0_6010061_5401001000 05_0_6010061_5401001000 05_0_6010061_5401001000 05_0_6010061_5401001000 05_0_6010061_5401001000


Human Resources Human Resources Office Services Office Services Office Services Dining Services Dining Services Dining Services Dining Services Dining Services Dining Services


Office Supplies Office Supplies Office Supplies Printing Printing Office Supplies Office Supplies Office Supplies Office Supplies Office Supplies Office Supplies

$13.35 $15.65 $22.00 $38.58 $38.36 $26.99 $33.99 $23.99 $5.38 $12.59 $12.35 --------------$2,602.09 *

02_0_7030000_5304000001 02_0_7030000_5304000001 02_0_7030000_5304000093 02_0_7030000_5304000094 02_0_7030000_5304000095 02_0_7030000_5304000096 02_0_7030000_5304000097 12_0_7030000_5304000001 12_0_7030000_5304000093 12_0_7030000_5304000094 12_0_7030000_5304000095 12_0_7030000_5304000096 12_0_7030000_5304000097


Grounds Grounds Grounds Grounds Grounds Grounds Grounds Grounds Grounds Grounds Grounds Grounds Grounds

Serv-Landscaping Serv-Landscaping Serv-Bethalto Serv-NO Nelson Serv-Field Station Serv-St. Pat's/Bibb Serv-Lincoln School Serv-Landscaping Serv-Bethalto Serv-NO Nelson Serv-Field Station Serv-St. Pat's/Bibb Serv-Lincoln School

$3,975.00 $8,311.41 $536.22 $3,083.27 $536.22 $536.22 $402.16 $923.49 $59.58 $342.59 $59.58 $59.58 $44.68 --------------$18,870.00 *


Maint Maint Maint Maint Maint Maint Maint Maint Maint Maint Maint Maint Maint

01_0_3080000_5401001000 - Diversity & Inclusion/Min Affs - Office Supls $18.00 01_0_3080000_5401001000 - Diversity & Inclusion/Min Affs - Office Supls $3.50 01_0_3080000_5401001000 - Diversity & Inclusion/Min Affs - Office Supls $3.23 --------------$24.73 * 01_0_8050000_5309000000 - Board Of Trustees - Other Contractual Serv $4,600.00 --------------$4,600.00 *

Pure Air Natives, Inc. Plants Plants Plants Plants Plants Plants

01_0_1030324_5401002000 01_0_1030324_5401002000 01_0_1030324_5401002000 01_0_1030324_5401002000 01_0_1030324_5401002000 01_0_1030324_5401002000


Restoration Restoration Restoration Restoration Restoration Restoration

Ecology Ecology Ecology Ecology Ecology Ecology

R & P Lumber Co Inc. Trimboard Trimboard Trimboards Trimboards Trimboards Trimboards Trimboards

02_0_7010000_5401004000 02_0_7010000_5401004000 02_0_7010000_5401004000 02_0_7010000_5401004000 02_0_7010000_5401004000 02_0_7090004_5401004000 02_0_7090004_5401004000


Maintenance Maintenance Maintenance Maintenance Maintenance N.O. Nelson N.O. Nelson

& & & & & -

Rex Encore Media Llc Advertising Big Box Ad

01_0_2080005_5407000000 - Promotions - Advertising 01_0_2080005_5407000000 - Promotions - Advertising

Rexx Battery Batteries Batteries Batteries Batteries Batteries

02_0_7010000_5401004000 02_0_7010000_5401004000 02_0_7010000_5401004000 02_0_7010000_5401004000 02_0_7010000_5401004000


Maintenance Maintenance Maintenance Maintenance Maintenance

& & & & &


Inst Inst Inst Inst Inst Inst

Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies

Grounds - Maint Grounds - Maint Grounds - Maint Grounds - Maint Grounds - Maint Maint Supplies Maint Supplies

Grounds Grounds Grounds Grounds Grounds


Maint Maint Maint Maint Maint

Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies

$66.50 $66.50 $66.50 $66.50 $66.50 $66.50 --------------$399.00 * $165.92 $234.95 $281.94 $183.92 $17.98 $45.98 $104.97 --------------$1,035.66 * $175.00 $99.00 --------------$274.00 *

Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies

$10.00 $10.00 $17.00 $17.00 $30.00

Page 24

LEWIS & CLARK COMMUNITY COLLEGE INVOICES PENDING BOARD APPROVAL FY 2019-2020 – June, 2020 Batteries Riverbender.Com May Digital Ads June Digital Ads Robert June June June June June June

"Bob" Waste Waste Waste Waste Waste Waste

02_0_7090001_5401004000 - CEC-Carlinville - Maint Supplies

$139.90 --------------$223.90 *

01_0_2080005_5407000000 - Promotions - Advertising 01_0_2080005_5407000000 - Promotions - Advertising

$1,000.00 $1,000.00 --------------$2,000.00 *

Sanders Waste Systems Removal 02_0_7060000_5707000000 Removal 02_0_7060000_5707000003 Removal 02_0_7060000_5707000004 Removal 02_0_7060000_5707000005 Removal 02_0_7060000_5707000006 Removal 02_0_7060000_5707000007


Plant Plant Plant Plant Plant Plant

Utilities Utilities Utilities Utilities Utilities Utilities


Refuse Refuse Refuse Refuse Refuse Refuse

Disposal $1,346.92 Disposal-Bethalto $47.51 Disposal-NO Nelson $320.00 Disposal-NGRREC $85.00 Disposal-Scott Bibb $80.00 Disposal-MJCH $110.00 --------------$1,989.43 *

Rydin Decal Student Parking Tags Student Parking Tags

02_0_7040000_5401001000 - Security - Office Supplies 02_0_7040000_5401001000 - Security - Office Supplies

$490.00 $28.04 --------------$518.04 *

Rigdon, Stacy Clean Drain Lines Cleaned Sink Line Clean Drain Line

02_0_7010000_5304000000 - Maintenance & Grounds - Maint Services 02_0_7010000_5304000000 - Maintenance & Grounds - Maint Services 02_0_7010000_5304000000 - Maintenance & Grounds - Maint Services

$200.00 $165.00 $165.00 --------------$530.00 *

Safety-Kleen Corp Parts Cleaner

01_0_1030315_5309000000 - Automotive Technology - Other Contractual $1,514.52 --------------$1,514.52 * Schwartzkopf Printing Inc Parent Letters, Envlps 01_0_2080005_5407000000 - Promotions - Advertising $1,394.60 Parent Letters, Envlps 01_0_2080005_5407000000 - Promotions - Advertising $255.00 Parent Letters, Envlps 01_0_2080005_5407000000 - Promotions - Advertising $650.00 Parent Letters, Envlps 01_0_2080005_5407000000 - Promotions - Advertising $0.40 #10 Envelopes 01_0_8040004_5402000000 - Office Services - Printing $160.00 HR Envelopes 01_0_8040004_5402000000 - Office Services - Printing $170.00 --------------$2,630.00 * Skeeter Kell Sporting Goods Volleyball Uniforms 05_0_6040064_5409000000 - Athletics - Other Mat/Supplies $780.00 Volleyball Uniforms 05_0_6040064_5409000000 - Athletics - Other Mat/Supplies $34.00 Volleyball Uniforms 05_0_6040064_5409000000 - Athletics - Other Mat/Supplies $31.00 Volleyball Uniforms 05_0_6040064_5409000000 - Athletics - Other Mat/Supplies $299.00 Volleyball Uniforms 05_0_6040064_5409000000 - Athletics - Other Mat/Supplies $299.00 Volleyball Uniforms 05_0_6040064_5409000000 - Athletics - Other Mat/Supplies $23.00 Volleyball Uniforms 05_0_6040064_5409000000 - Athletics - Other Mat/Supplies $23.00 Volleyball Uniforms 05_0_6040064_5409000000 - Athletics - Other Mat/Supplies $12.50 Volleyball Uniforms 05_0_6040064_5409000000 - Athletics - Other Mat/Supplies $250.00 Volleyball Uniforms 05_0_6040064_5409000000 - Athletics - Other Mat/Supplies $15.00 Volleyball Uniforms 05_0_6040064_5409000000 - Athletics - Other Mat/Supplies $300.00 Volleyball Uniforms 05_0_6040064_5409000000 - Athletics - Other Mat/Supplies $195.00 Volleyball Uniforms 05_0_6040064_5409000000 - Athletics - Other Mat/Supplies $195.00 Volleyball Uniforms 05_0_6040064_5409000000 - Athletics - Other Mat/Supplies $46.00 Volleyball Uniforms 05_0_6040064_5409000000 - Athletics - Other Mat/Supplies $39.00 W Tennis Uniforms 05_0_6040064_5409000000 - Athletics - Other Mat/Supplies $580.00 W Tennis Uniforms 05_0_6040064_5409000000 - Athletics - Other Mat/Supplies $506.00 W Tennis Uniforms 05_0_6040064_5409000000 - Athletics - Other Mat/Supplies $429.00 W Tennis Uniforms 05_0_6040064_5409000000 - Athletics - Other Mat/Supplies $175.00 W Tennis Uniforms 05_0_6040064_5409000000 - Athletics - Other Mat/Supplies $210.00 W Tennis Uniforms 05_0_6040064_5409000000 - Athletics - Other Mat/Supplies $650.00 W Tennis Uniforms 05_0_6040064_5409000000 - Athletics - Other Mat/Supplies $240.00 W Tennis Uniforms 05_0_6040064_5409000000 - Athletics - Other Mat/Supplies $240.00 W Tennis Uniforms 05_0_6040064_5409000000 - Athletics - Other Mat/Supplies $270.00 W Tennis Uniforms 05_0_6040064_5409000000 - Athletics - Other Mat/Supplies $270.00 M Tennis Uniforms 05_0_6040064_5409000000 - Athletics - Other Mat/Supplies $871.00 M Tennis Uniforms 05_0_6040064_5409000000 - Athletics - Other Mat/Supplies $644.00 M Tennis Uniforms 05_0_6040064_5409000000 - Athletics - Other Mat/Supplies $546.00 M Tennis Uniforms 05_0_6040064_5409000000 - Athletics - Other Mat/Supplies $175.00

Page 25

LEWIS & CLARK COMMUNITY COLLEGE INVOICES PENDING BOARD APPROVAL FY 2019-2020 – June, 2020 M Tennis Uniforms M Tennis Uniforms M Tennis Uniforms M Tennis Uniforms M Tennis Uniforms Volleyball Jerseys Volleyball Jerseys Volleyball Uniforms W Tennis Uniforms M Tennis Uniforms

05_0_6040064_5409000000 05_0_6040064_5409000000 05_0_6040064_5409000000 05_0_6040064_5409000000 05_0_6040064_5409000000 05_0_6040064_5409000000 05_0_6040064_5409000000 05_0_6040064_5409000000 05_0_6040064_5409000000 05_0_6040064_5409000000


Athletics Athletics Athletics Athletics Athletics Athletics Athletics Athletics Athletics Athletics

St. Peters Hdwr & Rental Drill Bits Maintenance Supplies Maintenance Supplies Maintenance Supplies Maintenance Supplies Maintenance Supplies Maintenance Supplies Maintenance Supplies Maintenance Supplies Maintenance Supplies Maintenance Supplies Maintenance Supplies Maintenance Supplies Maintenance Supplies Maintenance Supplies Maintenance Supplies

Inc 02_0_7010000_5401004000 02_0_7010000_5401004000 02_0_7010000_5401004000 02_0_7010000_5401004000 02_0_7010000_5401004000 02_0_7010000_5401004000 02_0_7010000_5401004000 02_0_7010000_5401004000 02_0_7010000_5401004000 02_0_7010000_5401004000 02_0_7010000_5401004000 02_0_7010000_5401004000 02_0_7010000_5401004000 02_0_7010000_5401004000 02_0_7010000_5401004000 02_0_7010000_5401004000


Maintenance Maintenance Maintenance Maintenance Maintenance Maintenance Maintenance Maintenance Maintenance Maintenance Maintenance Maintenance Maintenance Maintenance Maintenance Maintenance

Sweetwater Sound Inc Drums Drums Drums Drums Drums Drums Drums Drums Drums Drums Drums Drums Drums

01_0_1010424_5401002000 01_0_1010424_5401002000 01_0_1010424_5401002000 01_0_1010424_5401002000 01_0_1010424_5401002000 01_0_1010424_5401002000 01_0_1010424_5401002000 01_0_1010424_5401002000 01_0_1010424_5401002000 01_0_1010424_5401002000 01_0_1010424_5401002000 01_0_1010424_5401002000 01_0_1010424_5401002000


Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music

Sichra, Christopher Health & Safety Plan Emergency Opertn Plan

02_0_7010000_5304000000 - Maintenance & Grounds - Maint Services 12_0_7040000_5309000000 - Security - Other Contractual Services

TAB Service Company 1098T Processing 1098T Processing 1098T Processing 1098T Processing 1098T Processing

01_0_0000000_1790000000 01_0_8060001_5309000000 01_0_8060001_5309000000 01_0_8060001_5309000000 01_0_8060001_5404003000


LCCC Accounts Institutional Institutional Institutional Institutional

Tennis Warehouse String Fire Reel String Reel String Reels String Reels

05_0_6040064_5409000000 05_0_6040064_5409000000 05_0_6040064_5409000000 05_0_6040064_5409000000


Athletics Athletics Athletics Athletics



Other Other Other Other Other Other Other Other Other Other

& & & & & & & & & & & & & & & &

Inst Inst Inst Inst Inst Inst Inst Inst Inst Inst Inst Inst Inst


Mat/Supplies Mat/Supplies Mat/Supplies Mat/Supplies Mat/Supplies Mat/Supplies Mat/Supplies Mat/Supplies Mat/Supplies Mat/Supplies

Grounds Grounds Grounds Grounds Grounds Grounds Grounds Grounds Grounds Grounds Grounds Grounds Grounds Grounds Grounds Grounds


Maint Maint Maint Maint Maint Maint Maint Maint Maint Maint Maint Maint Maint Maint Maint Maint

Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies

Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies

- Other Expense Expense Expense Expense

Other Other Other Other

$210.00 $780.00 $300.00 $270.00 $480.00 $80.00 $35.00 $100.00 $115.00 $105.00 --------------$10,822.50 * $48.97 $113.96 $165.26 $24.02 $33.61 $23.14 $8.99 $9.98 $15.99 $69.37 $7.77 $12.18 $23.98 $83.88 $44.84 $19.97 --------------$705.91 * $91.98 $19.98 $125.94 $12.99 $25.98 $14.85 $93.98 $16.99 $20.99 $29.99 $39.99 $35.55 $349.95 --------------$879.16 * $1,000.00 $700.00 --------------$1,700.00 *

Deferred Exp $-1,942.51 - Other Contractual $999.18 - Other Contractual $696.60 - Other Contractual $265.00 - Postage $1,118.13 --------------$1,136.40 *

Mat/Supplies Mat/Supplies Mat/Supplies Mat/Supplies

Thyssenkrupp Elevator Corp Elevator Maintenance 02_0_7010000_5304000000 - Maintenance & Grounds - Maint Services Elevator Maintenance 02_0_7010000_5304000000 - Maintenance & Grounds - Maint Services Elevator Maintenance 02_0_7090003_5304000000 - CEC-Bethalto - Maint Services

$189.95 $489.90 $275.45 $151.95 --------------$1,107.25 * $474.00 $2,083.00 $75.00

Page 26

LEWIS & CLARK COMMUNITY COLLEGE INVOICES PENDING BOARD APPROVAL FY 2019-2020 – June, 2020 Elevator Maintenance Elevator Maintenance Elevator Maintenance

02_0_7090004_5304000000 - N.O. Nelson - Maint Services $316.00 02_0_7090006_5304000000 - Scott Bibb/St. Patrick's - Maint Services $158.00 02_0_7090007_5304000000 - MJC Humanities/Lincoln School - Maint Services $158.00 --------------$3,264.00 *

Traffic Safety Store Cones, Ped Fencing Cones, Ped Fencing Cones, Ped Fencing

02_0_7040000_5401001000 - Security - Office Supplies 02_0_7040000_5401001000 - Security - Office Supplies 02_0_7040000_5401001000 - Security - Office Supplies

$629.65 $88.20 $242.21 --------------$960.06 *

Trane Filters

02_0_7010000_5401004000 - Maintenance & Grounds - Maint Supplies

$37.20 --------------$37.20 *

Tricounty FS Weed Control Weed Control Weed Control Weed Control Buffalo Grass

02_0_0000000_4909000020 02_0_0000000_4909000020 02_0_7030000_5304000001 02_0_7030000_5304000001 02_0_7030000_5401004001

$-4.35 $-63.04 $3,152.15 $217.53 $179.19 --------------$3,481.48 *

UMB Bank N.A. Paying Agent Fees


LCCC Accounts LCCC Accounts Grounds - Maint Grounds - Maint Grounds - Maint

Discounts Discounts Serv-Landscaping Serv-Landscaping Supplies-Landscaping

04_0_8060000_5609000000 - General Institution - Other Fixed Charges $318.00 --------------$318.00 *

United Rentals Boom Lift Rental Boom Lift Rental

02_0_7010000_5304000000 - Maintenance & Grounds - Maint Services 02_0_7010000_5304000000 - Maintenance & Grounds - Maint Services

$1,029.08 $445.40 --------------$1,474.48 *

USI Midwest St Louis Public Official Bond Public Official Bond Cr: Busn Auto Ins Cr: Busn Auto Ins

01_0_0000000_1710000000 01_0_0000000_1710000000 12_0_0000000_1710000000 12_0_8060000_5605000000


LCCC Accounts - Prepaid Insurance LCCC Accounts - Prepaid Insurance LCCC Accounts - Prepaid Insurance General Institution - General Ins

$8,000.00 $3,900.00 $-154.38 $-586.62 --------------$11,159.00 *

Products Inc Barometer 01_0_1010613_5401002000 Barometer 01_0_1010613_5401002000 Barometer 01_0_1010613_5401002000 Barometer 01_0_1010613_5401002000 01_0_1010613_5401002000 Barometer 01_0_1010613_5401002000


Physical Physical Physical Physical Physical Physical

$44.40 $21.48 $21.48 $29.08 $112.45 $3.51 --------------$232.40 *

VWR Scientific Plate Glass, Plate Glass, Plate Glass, Plate Glass, Globe Plate Glass,

Science Science Science Science Science Science


Inst Inst Inst Inst Inst Inst

Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies

WBGZ Radio Radio & Digital Ads

01_0_2080005_5407000000 - Promotions - Advertising

Williams Office Products Printer Paper Copier Usage Copier Maint Contract Coin Op Copier Coin Op Copier

05_0_6010061_5401001000 05_0_6090063_5304000000 05_0_6090063_5304000000 05_0_6090063_5409000000 05_0_6090063_5409000800

Wood River Glass IL State Inspection IL State Inspection


$1,303.00 --------------$1,303.00 *

Dining Services - Office Supplies $85.00 Copy Service - Maint Services $78.64 Copy Service - Maint Services $250.00 Copy Service - Other Mat/Supplies $59.00 Copy Service - Taggable Other Mat/Supplie $2,295.00 --------------$2,767.64 *

01_0_1030327_5309000000 - Truck Driving - Other Contractual Services $49.00 01_0_1030327_5309000000 - Truck Driving - Other Contractual Services $33.00 --------------$82.00 *

Page 27


02_0_7060001_5705000000 - Telecommunications - Telephone

$59.95 --------------$59.95 * =============== $187,063.13 ***

Page 28

LEWIS & CLARK COMMUNITY COLLEGE CHECKS ISSUED REQUIRING BOARD APPROVAL FY 2019-2020 – June, 2020 A+ Conferencing Late Fee Conf Call 4/30/20 Conf Call 5/7/20 Conf Call 5/12/20 Conf Call 5/14/20 Conf Call 5/15/20 Conf Call 5/19/20 Conf Call 5/20/20

02_0_7060001_5705000000 02_0_7060001_5705000000 02_0_7060001_5705000000 02_0_7060001_5705000000 02_0_7060001_5705000000 02_0_7060001_5705000000 02_0_7060001_5705000000 02_0_7060001_5705000000

AFLAC Optional Insurance

01_0_0000000_2105000060 - LCCC Accounts - AFLAC

Agency for Comm Transit March Bus Passes AHS Class of 2020 Event Refund 5/22/20 Event Refund 5/22/20


Telecommunications Telecommunications Telecommunications Telecommunications Telecommunications Telecommunications Telecommunications Telecommunications


Telephone Telephone Telephone Telephone Telephone Telephone Telephone Telephone

$1,117.46 --------------$1,117.46 *

02_0_8060120_5409000000 - Gen Institution-Green Campus - Other Mat/Supls $550.00 --------------$550.00 * 05_0_0000067_2709000000 - Campus Events - Other Deferred Revenue 12_0_0000000_2709000000 - LCCC Accounts - Other Deferred Revenue

All Systems Irrigation Services LLC Reissue-Irrig Repairs 02_0_7010000_5304000000 - Maintenance & Grounds - Maint Services Reissue-Irrig Repairs 02_0_7010000_5304000000 - Maintenance & Grounds - Maint Services Alton High Class of 1960 Event Refund 10/3/20 05_0_0000067_2709000000 - Campus Events - Other Deferred Revenue Ameren Illinois Natural Gas Charges Natural Gas Charges Natural Gas Charges Natural Gas Charges Natural Gas Charges Natural Gas Charges Natural Gas Charges Natural Gas Charges Natural Gas Charges Natural Gas Charges Natural Gas Charges Natural Gas Charges Natural Gas Charges Natural Gas Charges Natural Gas Charges Natural Gas Charges Natural Gas Charges Electric Charges Electric Charges Electric Charges Electric Charges Electric Charges Electric Charges Electric Charges Electric Charges Electric Charges Electric Charges Electric Charges Electric Charges Electric Charges Electric Charges Electric Charges Electric Charges Electric Charges Electric Charges

$15.00 $8.13 $5.97 $0.57 $3.33 $11.75 $2.42 $63.60 --------------$110.77 *

02_0_7060000_5701000000 02_0_7060000_5701000000 02_0_7060000_5701000000 02_0_7060000_5701000000 02_0_7060000_5701000000 02_0_7060000_5701000000 02_0_7060000_5701000000 02_0_7060000_5701000000 02_0_7060000_5701000000 02_0_7060000_5701000001 02_0_7060000_5701000003 02_0_7060000_5701000004 02_0_7060000_5701000004 02_0_7060000_5701000004 02_0_7060000_5701000004 02_0_7060000_5701000006 02_0_7060000_5701000007 02_0_7060000_5703000000 02_0_7060000_5703000000 02_0_7060000_5703000000 02_0_7060000_5703000000 02_0_7060000_5703000000 02_0_7060000_5703000000 02_0_7060000_5703000000 02_0_7060000_5703000001 02_0_7060000_5703000003 02_0_7060000_5703000004 02_0_7060000_5703000004 02_0_7060000_5703000004 02_0_7060000_5703000004 02_0_7060000_5703000004 02_0_7060000_5703000004 02_0_7060000_5703000005 02_0_7060000_5703000006 02_0_7060000_5703000007


Plant Plant Plant Plant Plant Plant Plant Plant Plant Plant Plant Plant Plant Plant Plant Plant Plant Plant Plant Plant Plant Plant Plant Plant Plant Plant Plant Plant Plant Plant Plant Plant Plant Plant Plant

Utilities Utilities Utilities Utilities Utilities Utilities Utilities Utilities Utilities Utilities Utilities Utilities Utilities Utilities Utilities Utilities Utilities Utilities Utilities Utilities Utilities Utilities Utilities Utilities Utilities Utilities Utilities Utilities Utilities Utilities Utilities Utilities Utilities Utilities Utilities


$448.00 $100.00 --------------$548.00 * $680.00 $975.00 --------------$1,655.00 * $275.00 --------------$275.00 *

Gas $61.11 Gas $63.94 Gas $64.57 Gas $70.90 Gas $71.97 Gas $73.83 Gas $75.90 Gas $106.45 Gas $3,515.61 Gas-Carlinville $75.14 Gas-Bethalto $67.89 Gas-NO Nelson $22.78 Gas-NO Nelson $22.78 Gas-NO Nelson $71.86 Gas-NO Nelson $1,116.17 Gas-Scott Bibb Center $89.82 Gas-MJCH $81.23 Electricity $48.19 Electricity $118.65 Electricity $144.63 Electricity $300.64 Electricity $47.68 Electricity $170.88 Electricity $14,796.83 Electricity-Carlinville $116.09 Electricity-Bethalto $211.49 Electricity-NO Nelson $27.11 Electricity-NO Nelson $13.86 Electricity-NO Nelson $38.56 Electricity-NO Nelson $98.79 Electricity-NO Nelson $2,701.24 Electricity-NO Nelson $26.10 Electricity-Field Station $952.84 Electricity-Scott Bibb $900.57 Electricity-MJCH $337.72 --------------$26,703.82 *

Page 29

LEWIS & CLARK COMMUNITY COLLEGE CHECKS ISSUED REQUIRING BOARD APPROVAL FY 2019-2020 – June, 2020 American Cancer Society Memorial: S Harmon

01_0_8040001_5401001000 - Human Resources - Office Supplies

$50.00 --------------$50.00 *

AT&T Phone Service Phone Service

02_0_7060001_5705000000 - Telecommunications - Telephone 02_0_7060001_5705000000 - Telecommunications - Telephone

$154.02 $154.02 --------------$308.04 *

AT&T Mobility Phone Service Phone Service

02_0_7060001_5705000000 - Telecommunications - Telephone 02_0_7060001_5705000000 - Telecommunications - Telephone

$41.24 $41.24 --------------$82.48 *

Bethalto Water Department Water/Sewer Service 02_0_7060000_5704000003 Water/Sewer Service 02_0_7060000_5704000003 Water/Sewer Service 02_0_7060000_5704000003 Water/Sewer Service 02_0_7060000_5704000003 Water/Sewer Service 02_0_7060000_5704000003 Water/Sewer Service 02_0_7060000_5704000003 Water/Sewer Service 02_0_7060000_5704000003


Plant Plant Plant Plant Plant Plant Plant

Call One Phone Service Phone Service Phone Service Phone Service Phone Service Phone Service Phone Service Phone Service Phone Service Phone Service

02_0_7060001_5705000000 02_0_7060001_5705000000 02_0_7090003_5705000000 02_0_7090003_5705000000 02_0_7090004_5705000000 02_0_7090004_5705000000 02_0_7090005_5705000000 02_0_7090005_5705000000 02_0_7090007_5705000000 02_0_7090007_5705000000


Telecommunications - Telephone $14,150.35 Telecommunications - Telephone $14,408.52 CEC-Bethalto - Telephone $201.63 CEC-Bethalto - Telephone $188.91 N.O. Nelson - Telephone $3,319.92 N.O. Nelson - Telephone $3,143.27 NGRREC Field Station - Telephone $188.91 NGRREC Field Station - Telephone $181.25 MJC Humanities/Lincoln School - Telephone $307.02 MJC Humanities/Lincoln School - Telephone $307.02 --------------$36,396.80 *

Calvary Baptist Church Event Refund 3/20/20

05_0_0000067_2709000000 - Campus Events - Other Deferred Revenue

Carlinville Waterworks Water/Sewer Service Water/Sewer Service Water/Sewer Service

Utilities Utilities Utilities Utilities Utilities Utilities Utilities


Water/Sewage-Bethalto Water/Sewage-Bethalto Water/Sewage-Bethalto Water/Sewage-Bethalto Water/Sewage-Bethalto Water/Sewage-Bethalto Water/Sewage-Bethalto

$12.86 $10.00 $2.50 $17.70 $18.65 $2.50 $2.29 --------------$66.50 *

$250.00 --------------$250.00 *

02_0_7060000_5704000001 - Plant Utilities - Water/Sewage-Carlinville $14.98 02_0_7060000_5704000001 - Plant Utilities - Water/Sewage-Carlinville $6.73 02_0_7060000_5704000001 - Plant Utilities - Water/Sewage-Carlinville $3.26 --------------$24.97 * CenterPoint Energy Services Natural Gas Charges 02_0_7060000_5701000000 - Plant Utilities - Gas $9,122.00 Natural Gas Charges 02_0_7060000_5701000000 - Plant Utilities - Gas $4,468.22 Natural Gas Charges 02_0_7060000_5701000001 - Plant Utilities - Gas-Carlinville $104.77 Natural Gas Charges 02_0_7060000_5701000001 - Plant Utilities - Gas-Carlinville $75.06 Natural Gas Charges 02_0_7060000_5701000003 - Plant Utilities - Gas-Bethalto $36.15 Natural Gas Charges 02_0_7060000_5701000003 - Plant Utilities - Gas-Bethalto $31.54 Natural Gas Charges 02_0_7060000_5701000004 - Plant Utilities - Gas-NO Nelson $2,218.83 Natural Gas Charges 02_0_7060000_5701000004 - Plant Utilities - Gas-NO Nelson $1,587.73 --------------$17,644.30 * Central Congregation Event Refund 4/7/20 05_0_0000067_2709000000 - Campus Events - Other Deferred Revenue $200.00 Event Refund 4/7/20 12_0_0000000_2709000000 - LCCC Accounts - Other Deferred Revenue $100.00 --------------$300.00 * Charter Communications TV Service 02_0_7060001_5709000000 - Telecommunications - Other Utilities $64.60 Internet Service 02_0_7060001_5709000000 - Telecommunications - Other Utilities $11,887.86 TV Service 02_0_7060001_5709000000 - Telecommunications - Other Utilities $64.94 Internet Service 02_0_7060001_5709000000 - Telecommunications - Other Utilities $11,853.21 CR: BGM TV Service 02_0_7060001_5709000000 - Telecommunications - Other Utilities $-60.49 Internet Service 02_0_7060001_5709000000 - Telecommunications - Other Utilities $11,853.21 TV Service 02_0_7060001_5709000000 - Telecommunications - Other Utilities $65.56

Page 30

LEWIS & CLARK COMMUNITY COLLEGE CHECKS ISSUED REQUIRING BOARD APPROVAL FY 2019-2020 – June, 2020 HD Digital Receiver City of Alton Performance Contract City of Sewer Sewer Water Water Trash Trash

Edwardsville Service Service Service Service Service Service

02_0_7060001_5709000000 - Telecommunications - Other Utilities

$103.00 --------------$35,831.89 *

01_0_3010009_5309000000 - Commencement - Other Contractual Services $600.00 --------------$600.00 * 02_0_7060000_5704000004 02_0_7060000_5704000004 02_0_7060000_5704000004 02_0_7060000_5704000004 02_0_7060000_5707000004 02_0_7060000_5707000004


Plant Plant Plant Plant Plant Plant

Utilities Utilities Utilities Utilities Utilities Utilities


Water/Sewage-NO Nelson $33.29 Water/Sewage-NO Nelson $0.81 Water/Sewage-NO Nelson $46.52 Water/Sewage-NO Nelson $2.32 Refuse Disposal-NO Nelson $35.42 Refuse Disposal-NO Nelson $0.86 --------------$119.22 *

Colonial Life Optional Insurance

01_0_0000000_2105000070 - LCCC Accounts - Colonial

$196.10 --------------$196.10 *

Day, Shailey M Reimb Uniform Deposit

05_0_0000061_2309000000 - Dining Services - Other Accts Payable

$25.00 --------------$25.00 *

East Alton Water Dept Water Service

02_0_7060000_5704000005 - Plant Utilities - Water/Sewage-Field Station $16.50 --------------$16.50 Elm Street Student Housing LLC Reissue-Mar Ath Lease 05_0_9010064_5902000214 - Athletics - Housing Schlrshps-Men's Bball $5,760.00 Reissue-Mar Ath Lease 05_0_9010064_5902000216 - Athletics - Housing Schlrshps-Men's Soccer $5,760.00 Reissue-Mar Ath Lease 05_0_9010064_5902000217 - Athletics - Housing Schlrshps-Women’s Soccer $5,760.00 --------------$17,280.00 Flowers Sanitation Trash Service 02_0_7060000_5707000001 - Plant Utilities - Refuse Disposal-Carlinville $62.70 --------------$62.70 Follett Higher Ed Group 90% 20SU Dig Mat Fee 01_0_0000000_2301000011 - LCCC Accounts - Bkstr Payable-IncludEd $21,476.70 --------------$21,476.70 Frontier Phone Service 02_0_7090001_5705000000 - CEC-Carlinville - Telephone $87.77 Phone Service 02_0_7090001_5705000000 - CEC-Carlinville - Telephone $96.26 Phone Service 02_0_7090001_5705000000 - CEC-Carlinville - Telephone $94.70 Phone Service 02_0_7090002_5705000000 - CEC-Jerseyville - Telephone $44.42 Phone Service 02_0_7090002_5705000000 - CEC-Jerseyville - Telephone $49.13 Phone Service 02_0_7090002_5705000000 - CEC-Jerseyville - Telephone $45.28 --------------$417.56 Heavenly Rhythm Dance Studio Event Refund 4/30-5/3 05_0_0000067_2709000000 - Campus Events - Other Deferred Revenue $4,235.00 --------------$4,235.00 Henry Schein Inc Emergency Oxygen Unit 01_0_3030000_5409000000 - Health Services - Other Mat/Supplies $229.99 Emergency Oxygen Unit 01_0_3030000_5409000000 - Health Services - Other Mat/Supplies $15.00 Emergency Oxygen Unit 01_0_3030000_5409000000 - Health Services - Other Mat/Supplies $1.37 --------------$246.36 House, Elizabeth P Reimb - Uniform Ref 05_0_0000061_2309000000 - Dining Services - Other Accts Payable $31.00 --------------$31.00 ILL State Disbursement Unit Child Support Order 01_0_0000000_2109000003 - LCCC Accounts - Wage Garnishments $316.80 --------------$316.80










Page 31

LEWIS & CLARK COMMUNITY COLLEGE CHECKS ISSUED REQUIRING BOARD APPROVAL FY 2019-2020 – June, 2020 Illinois Century Network Comm Chgs T2220147 02_0_7060001_5709000000 - Telecommunications - Other Utilities IL Dept of Financial & Pro Reg Broker Educ. License 01_0_0000000_1790000000 - LCCC Accounts - Other Deferred Expenses Illinois-American Water Co Water Service 02_0_7060000_5704000000 Water Service 02_0_7060000_5704000000 Water Service 02_0_7060000_5704000000 Water Service 02_0_7060000_5704000000 Water Service 02_0_7060000_5704000000 Water Service 02_0_7060000_5704000000 Water Service 02_0_7060000_5704000000 Water Service 02_0_7060000_5704000000 Water Service 02_0_7060000_5704000000 Water Service 02_0_7060000_5704000000 Water Service 02_0_7060000_5704000006 Water Service 02_0_7060000_5704000006 Inlow, Laura M Travel Expense


Plant Plant Plant Plant Plant Plant Plant Plant Plant Plant Plant Plant

Utilities Utilities Utilities Utilities Utilities Utilities Utilities Utilities Utilities Utilities Utilities Utilities


$1,350.00 --------------$1,350.00 * $125.00 --------------$125.00 *

Water/Sewage $6,323.92 Water/Sewage $20.67 Water/Sewage $96.08 Water/Sewage $99.84 Water/Sewage $114.76 Water/Sewage $170.76 Water/Sewage $203.00 Water/Sewage $230.49 Water/Sewage $7,551.46 Water/Sewage $7,142.40 Water/Sewage-Scott Bibb $27.77 Water/Sewage-Scott Bibb $224.41 --------------$22,205.56 *

01_0_8030001_5501000000 - Marketing/Public Relations - Conf/Meeting $138.60 --------------$138.60 *

Jersey County CEO Event Overpayment 2/28 01_0_0000000_1309000000 - LCCC Accounts - Other Receivables Kentucky Child Supp Enforcement Wage Deduction Order 01_0_0000000_2109000003 - LCCC Accounts - Wage Garnishments Wage Deduction Order 01_0_0000000_2109000003 - LCCC Accounts - Wage Garnishments

$2.50 --------------$2.50 * $158.17 $158.17 --------------$316.34 *

Kellum, Desiree J Reimb Uniform Deposit

05_0_0000061_2309000000 - Dining Services - Other Accts Payable

$25.00 --------------$25.00 *

King, Jenny R Reimb Uniform Deposit

05_0_0000061_2309000000 - Dining Services - Other Accts Payable

$25.00 --------------$25.00 *

LCCC Faculty Assn IEA-NEA Union Dues 01_0_0000000_2309000001 - LCCC Accounts - Salaries Payable Union Dues 01_0_0000000_2309000001 - LCCC Accounts - Salaries Payable LCCC Foundation CC Pmt: R. Brown CC Pmt: R. Schwartz CC Pmt: L. Brockman CC Pmt: H. Cox Contributions Contributions

01_0_0000000_1309000000 01_0_0000000_1309000000 01_0_0000000_1309000000 01_0_0000000_1309000000 01_0_0000000_2309000001 01_0_0000000_2309000001



Accounts Accounts Accounts Accounts Accounts Accounts


Other Receivables Other Receivables Other Receivables Other Receivables Salaries Payable Salaries Payable

Love's Travel Stops & Country Store Fuel 01_0_1030327_5401002000 - Truck Driving - Inst Supplies Fuel 01_0_1030327_5401002000 - Truck Driving - Inst Supplies Mannie Jackson Ctr Foundation Catering Refund 3/26 05_0_0000061_1309000000 - Dining Services - Other Receivables Maxwell, Sondra Event Refund 8/1/20

$3,157.73 $3,125.48 --------------$6,283.21 * $50.00 $500.00 $50.00 $50.00 $1,066.39 $1,041.39 --------------$2,757.78 * $87.83 $475.79 --------------$563.62 * $5,625.45 --------------$5,625.45 *

05_0_0000061_2709000000 - Dining Services - Other Deferred Revenue


Page 32


05_0_0000067_2709000000 - Campus Events - Other Deferred Revenue

$685.00 --------------$3,685.00 *

McLaughlin, Caitlin A Travel Adv Return Travel Expense

01_0_0000000_1309000000 - LCCC Accounts - Other Receivables 01_0_3040000_5501000000 - Financial Aid - Conf/Meeting Expense

$-298.82 $315.62 --------------$16.80 *

Nance, Rochelle L Reimb - Uniform Dep

05_0_0000061_2309000000 - Dining Services - Other Accts Payable

$25.00 --------------$25.00 *

PenServ Plan Services, Inc. L&C 403b Deferral 01_0_0000000_2104000000 L&C 403b Roth 01_0_0000000_2104000000 L&C 457b Deferral 01_0_0000000_2104000000 L&C 457b Roth 01_0_0000000_2104000000 L&C 403b Deferral 01_0_0000000_2104000000 L&C 403b Roth 01_0_0000000_2104000000 L&C 457b Deferral 01_0_0000000_2104000000 L&C 457b Roth 01_0_0000000_2104000000



Accounts Accounts Accounts Accounts Accounts Accounts Accounts Accounts


Retirement Retirement Retirement Retirement Retirement Retirement Retirement Retirement

Plans Plans Plans Plans Plans Plans Plans Plans

Pay Pay Pay Pay Pay Pay Pay Pay

$9,496.66 $2,668.00 $2,988.33 $825.00 $7,996.66 $2,630.00 $2,988.33 $825.00 --------------$30,417.98 *

Reliance Standard Life Ins Co Life/ADD Insurance 01_0_0000000_2105000000 - LCCC Accounts - Group Insurance $1,194.96 Life/ADD Insurance 01_0_0000000_2105000030 - LCCC Accounts - Dependent Life Insurance $1.20 Life/ADD Insurance 01_0_0000000_2105000040 - LCCC Accounts - Optional Life Insurance $8,231.32 --------------$9,427.48 Republic Services Recycling Serv-June 02_0_7060000_5707000000 - Plant Utilities - Refuse Disposal $635.20 Recycling Serv-June 02_0_7060000_5707000007 - Plant Utilities - Refuse Disposal-MJCH $52.02 --------------$687.22 Ruffalo Noel Levitz Llc Conf Reg: J. Lane 01_0_0000000_1790000000 - LCCC Accounts - Other Deferred Expense $200.00 Conf Reg: L. Inlow 01_0_0000000_1790000000 - LCCC Accounts - Other Deferred Expense $200.00 --------------$400.00 Roberts, Ronda M Travel Advance Return 01_0_0000000_1309000000 - LCCC Accounts - Other Receivables $-170.00 Travel Expense 05_0_6040064_5509000000 - Athletics - Other Conf/Mtg Expenses $196.51 --------------$26.51 Roberts, Sharon A Event Refund 6/27/20 05_0_0000067_2709000000 - Campus Events - Other Deferred Revenue $275.00 --------------$275.00 Rooney, Andrew T Recruiting Expense 05_0_6040064_5504000517 - Athletics - Recruitment-Women's Soccer $320.40 --------------$320.40 Securitas Sec Serv Usa Inc Security 5/15-5/28 02_0_7040000_5309000000 - Security - Other Contractual Services $10,362.81 Security 5/29 - 6/11 02_0_7040000_5309000000 - Security - Other Contractual Services $9,843.60 Security 5/15-5/28 02_0_7040000_5309000094 - Security - Other Cont-NO Nelson $2,480.00 Security 5/29 - 6/11 02_0_7040000_5309000094 - Security - Other Cont-NO Nelson $2,341.92 Security 5/15-5/28 02_0_7040000_5309000096 - Security - Other Cont-Scott Bibb $1,231.68 Security 5/29 - 6/11 02_0_7040000_5309000096 - Security - Other Cont-Scott Bibb $1,231.68 Security 5/15-5/28 12_0_7040000_5309000000 - Security - Other Contractual Services $24,179.89 Security 5/29 - 6/11 12_0_7040000_5309000000 - Security - Other Contractual Services $22,968.40 Security 5/15-5/28 12_0_7040000_5309000094 - Security - Other Cont-NO Nelson $5,786.67 Security 5/29 - 6/11 12_0_7040000_5309000094 - Security - Other Cont-NO Nelson $5,464.49 Security 5/15-5/28 12_0_7040000_5309000096 - Security - Other Cont-Scott Bibb $2,873.92 Security 5/29 - 6/11 12_0_7040000_5309000096 - Security - Other Cont-Scott Bibb $2,873.93 --------------$91,638.99 Sun Life Financial LTD Insurance 01_0_0000000_2105000000 - LCCC Accounts - Group Insurance $1,428.12 --------------$1,428.12









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LEWIS & CLARK COMMUNITY COLLEGE CHECKS ISSUED REQUIRING BOARD APPROVAL FY 2019-2020 – June, 2020 Simon, Russell C Wage Deduction Order Wage Order Deduction

01_0_0000000_2109000003 - LCCC Accounts - Wage Garnishments 01_0_0000000_2109000003 - LCCC Accounts - Wage Garnishments

$496.00 $496.00 --------------$992.00 *

Summers, Zachary Chapel Dep Rfnd 5/23

05_0_0000067_2709000000 - Campus Events - Other Deferred Revenue

$200.00 --------------$200.00 *

Tricounty FS Lawn Care-Spray Disc Pay By 6/25/20 Disc Pay By 6/25/20 Weed Application #2 Weed Application #2 Lawn Care-Spray

02_0_0000000_4909000020 02_0_0000000_4909000020 02_0_0000000_4909000020 02_0_7030000_5304000091 02_0_7030000_5304000094 02_0_7030000_5304000097

Discounts Discounts Discounts Serv-Carlinville Serv-NO Nelson Serv-MJCH

$-3.87 $-12.19 $-7.17 $358.47 $609.33 $193.56 --------------$1,138.13 *

United Way Contributions Contributions

01_0_0000000_2309000001 - LCCC Accounts - Salaries Payable 01_0_0000000_2309000001 - LCCC Accounts - Salaries Payable

$568.00 $548.00 --------------$1,116.00 *

Verizon Wireless Phone Service Phone Service

02_0_7060001_5705000000 - Telecommunications - Telephone 02_0_7060001_5705000000 - Telecommunications - Telephone

$310.24 $16.80 --------------$327.04 *

Visa Michaels: Paint Set Michaels: Paint Set Michaels: Paint Set Michaels: Paint Set Michaels: Paint Set Michaels: Paint Set Vecteezy: Subscription CR: Registration Enchroma: Goggles Enchroma: Goggles Enchroma: Goggles Enchroma: Tax Refund Simucase: OT Sub Simtics: Foreign Fee WalMart: Plastic Wrap WalMart: Thermometer Wayfair: Chair Chronicle: Book Call-Em-All Credits US Flag: Flag Pulldown NAVPA: Membership US Flag: Flag Pulldown Interest Charge 5/14 CR: Interest Adjustmnt Interest Charge 6/11 HLC: Liason Webinar United: Face Masks Bandana: Neck Gaiters Bandana: Neck Gaiters United: Face Masks Extreme: Light Bars Extreme: Light Bars

01_0_1010423_5401002000 01_0_1010423_5401002000 01_0_1010423_5401002000 01_0_1010423_5401002000 01_0_1010423_5401002000 01_0_1010423_5401002000 01_0_1010424_5401002000 01_0_1010488_5501000000 01_0_1030318_5401002000 01_0_1030318_5401002000 01_0_1030318_5401002000 01_0_1030318_5401002000 01_0_1040711_5401002000 01_0_1040714_5401002000 01_0_1040715_5401002000 01_0_1040715_5401002000 01_0_1040719_5401002000 01_0_2010000_5405000000 01_0_3010000_5401001000 01_0_3080001_5401001000 01_0_3080001_5401001000 01_0_3080001_5401001000 01_0_8060001_5401001000 01_0_8060001_5401001000 01_0_8060001_5401001000 01_0_8060004_5501000000 02_0_7010000_5401004000 02_0_7010000_5401004000 02_0_7010000_5401004000 02_0_7010000_5401004000 02_0_7040000_5401001000 02_0_7040000_5401001000


Art - Inst Supplies $25.99 Art - Inst Supplies $6.95 Art - Inst Supplies $25.99 Art - Inst Supplies $6.95 Art - Inst Supplies $2.64 Art - Inst Supplies $2.34 Music - Inst Supplies $14.00 Liberal Arts Admn - Conf/Meeting Expense $-250.00 Computer Network & Sys Tech - Inst Supplies $249.00 Computer Network & Sys Tech - Inst Supplies $249.00 Computer Network & Sys Tech - Inst Supplies $39.08 Computer Network & Sys Tech - Inst Supplies $-40.82 Occupational Therapy Asst - Inst Supplies $1,003.00 Dental Assisting - Inst Supplies $16.80 Dental Hygiene - Inst Supplies $38.24 Dental Hygiene - Inst Supplies $66.99 Physical Education - Inst Supplies $99.99 Library Center - Books/Binding Costs $79.00 Admissions & Records - Office Supplies $180.00 Veteran's Services - Office Supplies $33.58 Veteran's Services - Office Supplies $175.00 Veteran's Services - Office Supplies $5.80 Institutional Expense - Office Supplies $87.46 Institutional Expense - Office Supplies $-39.00 Institutional Expense - Office Supplies $90.51 HLC-Higher Learning Comm Exp - Conf/Meeting $50.00 Maintenance & Grounds - Maint Supplies $1,000.00 Maintenance & Grounds - Maint Supplies $89.99 Maintenance & Grounds - Maint Supplies $89.99 Maintenance & Grounds - Maint Supplies $15.90 Security - Office Supplies $749.76 Security - Office Supplies $275.92 --------------$4,440.05 *

Visa CR: Airbnb: LC Fdn NexGen: Face Masks NexGen: Face Masks Techsmith-Software Techsmith-Software Facebook: Ads Facebook-Ads

01_0_0000000_1309000000 01_0_1040715_5401002000 01_0_1040715_5401002000 01_0_1040721_5401002000 01_0_1040721_5401002000 01_0_2080005_5407000000 01_0_2080005_5407000000


LCCC Accounts - Other Receivables Dental Hygiene - Inst Supplies Dental Hygiene - Inst Supplies Emergency Med Treatment - Inst Supplies Emergency Med Treatment - Inst Supplies Promotions - Advertising Promotions - Advertising


LCCC Accounts LCCC Accounts LCCC Accounts Grounds - Maint Grounds - Maint Grounds - Maint

$-2,304.47 $3,000.00 $44.00 $189.00 $37.80 $265.93 $749.92

Page 34

LEWIS & CLARK COMMUNITY COLLEGE CHECKS ISSUED REQUIRING BOARD APPROVAL FY 2019-2020 – June, 2020 Facebook-Ads Interest Charge 4/9 Interest Charge 5/10 Interest Charge WhenIWork: Software WhenIWork: Scheduling WhenIWork: Software WhenIWork: Software WhenIWork: Software Cake: POS System WhenIWork: Software WhenIWork: Scheduling WhenIWork: Software WhenIWork: Software WhenIWork: Software CR: WhenIWork CR: WhenIWork

01_0_2080005_5407000000 01_0_8060001_5401001000 01_0_8060001_5401001000 01_0_8060001_5401001000 05_0_6010061_5309000000 05_0_6010061_5309000000 05_0_6010061_5309000000 05_0_6010061_5309000000 05_0_6010061_5309000000 05_0_6010061_5807000000 05_0_6090067_5309000000 05_0_6090067_5309000000 05_0_6090067_5309000000 05_0_6090067_5309000000 05_0_6090067_5309000000 05_0_6090067_5309000000 05_0_6090067_5309000000


Promotions - Advertising $619.07 Institutional Expense - Office Supplies $36.08 Institutional Expense - Office Supplies $21.40 Institutional Expense - Office Supplies $51.25 Dining Services - Other Contractual Services $45.00 Dining Services - Other Contractual Services $45.00 Dining Services - Other Contractual Services $45.00 Dining Services - Other Contractual Services $45.00 Dining Services - Other Contractual Services $45.00 Dining Services - Equip-Services $918.49 Campus Events - Other Contractual Services $15.00 Campus Events - Other Contractual Services $15.00 Campus Events - Other Contractual Services $15.00 Campus Events - Other Contractual Services $15.00 Campus Events - Other Contractual Services $15.00 Campus Events - Other Contractual Services $-15.00 Campus Events - Other Contractual Services $-45.00 --------------$3,868.47 *

VSP Vision Ins - DIV0002 Vision Ins - DIV0001

01_0_0000000_1309000000 - LCCC Accounts - Other Receivables 01_0_0000000_2105000080 - LCCC Accounts - Vision Insurance

$4.67 $1,462.62 --------------$1,467.29 *

Wex Bank Fuel Purchase 5/26

02_0_7090004_5401005000 - N.O. Nelson - Vehicle Supplies

$48.00 --------------$48.00 *

Weaver, Angela R Travel Advance Return Travel Expense

01_0_0000000_1309000000 - LCCC Accounts - Other Receivables 01_0_3040000_5501000000 - Financial Aid - Conf/Meeting Expense

$-298.82 $367.26 --------------$68.44 *

Windmiller, Everett Clinic Refund 2/4/20

01_0_0000000_4509000070 - LCCC Accounts - Health Services-Other

$80.00 --------------$80.00 *

Wyand, Kimberly Chapel Refund 5/17/20

05_0_0000067_2709000000 - Campus Events - Other Deferred Revenue

$200.00 --------------$200.00 *

YWCA of Alton Event Refund 4/2/20 Event Refund 4/2/20

05_0_0000061_2709000000 - Dining Services - Other Deferred Revenue $1,500.00 05_0_0000067_2709000000 - Campus Events - Other Deferred Revenue $375.00 --------------$1,875.00 * =============== $360,524.95 ***

Page 35



LCCC ACCOUNTS - Tuition Receivables

Various Students and/or Sponsoring Agencies

Refunds and Financial Aid Disbursements

1,139,641.78 1,139,641.78

Expenditures By Fund Education Fund Total Expenditures

1,139,641.78 $1,139,641.78

Page 36

LEWIS & CLARK COMMUNITY COLLEGE CHECKS ISSUED REQUIRING BOARD APPROVAL – RESTRICTED FUNDS FY 2019-2020 – June, 2020 2wav. Inc. Software Dev-Hunt IL Software Dev 4MD Medical Solutions OTA Bed OTA Bed A+ Conferencing Conferencing Service Conferencing Service

06_0_8090868_5309000000 - IDNR Living With WildLife - Other Contractual $1,737.00 06_0_8090868_5309000000 - IDNR Living With WildLife - Other Contractual $1,290.00 --------------$3,027.00 * 06_0_3020301_5401002830 - Carl Perkins - Taggable-Inst Spls-PIA 06_0_3020301_5401002830 - Carl Perkins - Taggable-Inst Spls-PIA

$1,690.00 $400.00 --------------$2,090.00 *

06_0_4020411_5409000000 - Ctr For Workforce Training - Other Mat/Supls $38.58 06_0_4090477_5409000000 - IEPA NGRREC State Appropriatio – Other Mat/Supls $0.77 --------------$39.35 * Agency for Inclusive Learning ICDD Mgr Services 06_0_3090332_5309000000 - ICDD: Sthrn IL – Other Contractual $3,300.00 ICDD Mgr Services 06_0_3090332_5309000000 - ICDD: Sthrn IL - Other Contractual $1,500.00 ICDD Mgr Services 06_0_3090332_5501000000 - ICDD: Sthrn IL - Conf/Meeting Expense $82.59 --------------$4,882.59 * Alpha Resources, LLC Field Station Supplies 06_0_4090477_5409000000 - IEPA NGRREC State Appropriation–Other Mat/Supls $27.30 Field Station Supplies 06_0_4090477_5409000000 - IEPA NGRREC State Appropriation-Other Mat/Supls $28.50 Field Station Supplies 06_0_4090477_5409000000 - IEPA NGRREC State Appropriation-Other Mat/Supls $30.45 Field Station Supplies 06_0_4090477_5409000000 - IEPA NGRREC State Appropriation-Other Mat/Supls $79.38 Field Station Supplies 06_0_4090477_5409000000 - IEPA NGRREC State Appropriation-Other Mat/Supls $74.55 Field Station Supplies 06_0_4090477_5409000000 - IEPA NGRREC State Appropriation-Other Mat/Supls $14.70 Field Station Supplies 06_0_4090477_5409000000 - IEPA NGRREC State Appropriation-Other Mat/Supls $21.22 --------------$276.10 * Amazon.Com HDMI Adapter 06_0_1030134_5409000000 - YB USA IT PATHWAYS - Other Mat/Supplies $39.96 Supplies 06_0_1090198_5409000000 - ICCB Inn Bridge & Trn - Other Mat/Supplies $41.95 Spray Bottles 06_0_1090198_5409000000 - ICCB Inn Bridge & Trn - Other Mat/Supplies $4.94 Barbasol Creme 06_0_1090198_5409000000 - ICCB Inn Bridge & Trn - Other Mat/Supplies $15.55 Glycerin Swabs 06_0_1090198_5409000000 - ICCB Inn Bridge & Trn - Other Mat/Supplies $9.59 Supplies 06_0_1090198_5409000000 - ICCB Inn Bridge & Trn - Other Mat/Supplies $12.99 Duracell Batteries 06_0_1090198_5409000000 - ICCB Inn Bridge & Trn - Other Mat/Supplies $15.52 Supplies 06_0_1090198_5409000000 - ICCB Inn Bridge & Trn - Other Mat/Supplies $14.69 Urine Test Strips 06_0_1090198_5409000000 - ICCB Inn Bridge & Trn - Other Mat/Supplies $13.92 Supplies 06_0_1090198_5409000000 - ICCB Inn Bridge & Trn - Other Mat/Supplies $23.99 Supplies 06_0_1090198_5409000000 - ICCB Inn Bridge & Trn - Other Mat/Supplies $28.37 Supplies 06_0_1090198_5409000000 - ICCB Inn Bridge & Trn - Other Mat/Supplies $13.99 Tape 06_0_1090198_5409000000 - ICCB Inn Bridge & Trn - Other Mat/Supplies $14.00 Hand Sanitizer 06_0_1090198_5409000000 - ICCB Inn Bridge & Trn - Other Mat/Supplies $23.90 Stim-U-Dent 06_0_1090198_5409000000 - ICCB Inn Bridge & Trn - Other Mat/Supplies $12.80 Forehead Thermometers 06_0_1090198_5409000000 - ICCB Inn Bridge & Trn - Other Mat/Supplies $121.98 Spray Bottles 06_0_1090198_5409000000 - ICCB Inn Bridge & Trn - Other Mat/Supplies $1.99 3 Shelf Utility Cart 06_0_3020301_5401002030 - Carl Perkins - Inst Supplies-PIA $56.99 Trend Word Game 06_0_4090472_5401002000 - Sec Of State-Literacy - Inst Supplies $129.90 Sharpe's Rifles Book 06_0_4090472_5401002000 - Sec Of State-Literacy - Inst Supplies $38.41 Sharpe's Havoc Book 06_0_4090472_5401002000 - Sec Of State-Literacy - Inst Supplies $9.89 Sharpe's Eagle Book 06_0_4090472_5401002000 - Sec Of State-Literacy - Inst Supplies $15.43 TI-30XS Kit 06_0_4090472_5401002000 - Sec Of State-Literacy - Inst Supplies $147.50 5 Shelf Bookcase 06_0_4090472_5401002000 - Sec Of State-Literacy - Inst Supplies $97.78 Sharpe's Eagle Book 06_0_4090472_5401002000 - Sec Of State-Literacy - Inst Supplies $3.99 Sharpe's Eagle Book 06_0_4090472_5401002000 - Sec Of State-Literacy - Inst Supplies $7.99 Sharpe's Havoc Book 06_0_4090472_5401002000 - Sec Of State-Literacy - Inst Supplies $3.99 Sharpe's Havoc Book 06_0_4090472_5401002000 - Sec Of State-Literacy - Inst Supplies $9.89 Sharpe's Havoc Book 06_0_4090472_5401002000 - Sec Of State-Literacy - Inst Supplies $3.99 Sharpe's Rifles Book 06_0_4090472_5401002000 - Sec Of State-Literacy - Inst Supplies $38.41 Sharpe's Eagle Book 06_0_4090472_5401002000 - Sec Of State-Literacy - Inst Supplies $5.99 Pop-Up Gazebo Canopy 06_0_4090472_5401009000 - Sec Of State-Literacy - Purchased Services $59.99 Utility Wagon 06_0_4090472_5401009000 - Sec Of State-Literacy - Purchased Services $99.49 Pop-Up Gazebo Canopy 06_0_4090472_5401009000 - Sec Of State-Literacy - Purchased Services $10.00 ASUS Laptop 06_0_4090484_5401001800 - Upward Bound Program - Taggable Supplies $949.99 --------------$2,099.75 * Aqua Solutions Inc Field Station Supplies 06_0_4090477_5409000000 - IEPA NGRREC State Appropriation–Other Mat/Supls $525.00

Page 37

LEWIS & CLARK COMMUNITY COLLEGE CHECKS ISSUED REQUIRING BOARD APPROVAL – RESTRICTED FUNDS FY 2019-2020 – June, 2020 Field Station Supplies 06_0_4090477_5409000000 - IEPA NGRREC State Appropriation-Other Mat/Supls $80.00 Field Station Supplies 06_0_4090477_5409000000 - IEPA NGRREC State Appropriation-Other Mat/Supls $285.00 Field Station Supplies 06_0_4090477_5409000000 - IEPA NGRREC State Appropriation-Other Mat/Supls $18.81 --------------$908.81 AT&T Mobility Wireless Charges 06_0_4090477_5309000000 - IEPA NGRREC State Appropriation – Other Contr’l $261.65 --------------$261.65 Automotive Electronics Service Autel Scan Tablet 06_0_3020301_5401002830 - Carl Perkins - Taggable-Inst Supplies-PIA $1,399.00 --------------$1,399.00 BRiC Partnership, LLC Serv-SB Solar 06_0_4040455_5309000000 - LC IGEN Award-Energy Program - Other Contr’l $940.00 --------------$940.00 Broadcasters General Store Broadcast Equipment 06_0_3020301_5401002030 - Carl Perkins - Inst Supplies-PIA $892.00 Broadcast Equipment 06_0_3020301_5401002030 - Carl Perkins - Inst Supplies-PIA $1,056.00 Broadcast Equipment 06_0_3020301_5401002030 - Carl Perkins - Inst Supplies-PIA $17.60 Broadcast Equipment 06_0_3020301_5401002830 - Carl Perkins - Taggable-Inst Supplies-PIA $1,644.73 Broadcast Equipment 06_0_3020301_5401002830 - Carl Perkins - Taggable-Inst Supplies-PIA $3,246.36 --------------$6,856.69 CDW Government, Inc. 15 HP Laptops 06_0_1060110_5401002810 - Adult Ed-Federal - Taggable Inst Supplies $19,058.52 HP Laser Jet Printer 06_0_1060111_5401002510 - Adult Ed-State Basic - Inst Supplies $157.17 15 HP Laptops 06_0_4020420_5409000800 - Illinois YouthBuild Coalition – Taggable Supl $4,764.63 2 Laser Jet Printers 06_0_4040405_5409000000 - IGEN State Appropriation - Other Mat/Supplies $381.26 2 Laser Jet Printers 06_0_4090477_5409000000 - IEPA NGRREC State Appropriation – Other Mat/Sup $381.26 --------------$24,742.84 CHLIC Health Cvrge-Jun2020 06_0_8060015_5201001000 - Insurance-Self Insured – Medical Insurance $55,147.55 Dental Cvrge-Jun2020 06_0_8060015_5201002000 - Insurance-Self Insured - Dental Insurance $1,460.25 --------------$56,607.80 College of Lake County IGEN Project Pymt 06_0_4040405_5309000024 - IGEN State Appropriation - Other Contractual $10,604.00 Services-May 2020 06_0_4040405_5309000025 - IGEN State Appropriation - Other Contractual $6,328.42 --------------$16,932.42 Cornerstone Government Affairs, Inc Consulting Services 06_0_8090817_5309000000 - IGEN Consortium - Other Contractual Services $8,333.33 --------------$8,333.33 Edwardsville CUSD 7 2nd & 3rd Prize: Reports 06_0_4010409_5909000000 - Trebuchet Competition - Other Expenses $400.00 --------------$400.00 Elementar Americas Inc Supplies 06_0_4090477_5409000000 - IEPA NGRREC State Appropriation – Other Mat/Sup $167.00 Supplies 06_0_4090477_5409000000 - IEPA NGRREC State Appropriation – Other Mat/Sup $257.00 Supplies 06_0_4090477_5409000000 - IEPA NGRREC State Appropriation - Other Mat/Sup $9.30 Supplies 06_0_4090477_5409000000 - IEPA NGRREC State Appropriation - Other Mat/Sup $37.30 Supplies 06_0_4090477_5409000000 - IEPA NGRREC State Appropriation - Other Mat/Sup $81.41 --------------$552.01 Ellen Gilinsky, LLC Prof Serv Apr-Jun2020 06_0_8090861_5309000000 - Walton Family Fdn - Other Contractual $18,000.00 --------------$18,000.00 Farm & Home Supply Supplies 06_0_8090844_5409000000 - IDNR: NGRREC HST - Other Mat/Supplies $77.85 Glyphosate 06_0_8090844_5409000000 - IDNR: NGRREC HST - Other Mat/Supplies $264.89 --------------$342.74 Fisher Scientific Co Field Station Supplies 06_0_4090477_5409000000 - IEPA NGRREC State Appropriation – Other Mat/Sup $144.40 Field Station Supplies 06_0_4090477_5409000000 - IEPA NGRREC State Appropriation - Other Mat/Sup $299.25














Page 38

LEWIS & CLARK COMMUNITY COLLEGE CHECKS ISSUED REQUIRING BOARD APPROVAL – RESTRICTED FUNDS FY 2019-2020 – June, 2020 Field Station Supplies 06_0_4090477_5409000000 - IEPA NGRREC State Appropriation – Other Mat/Sup $299.25 Field Station Supplies 06_0_4090477_5409000000 - IEPA NGRREC State Appropriation - Other Mat/Sup $47.52 --------------$790.42 Forestry Suppliers Rangefinder 06_0_4090477_5409000000 - IEPA NGRREC State Appropriation–Other Mat/Sup $1,698.00 Field Station Supplies 06_0_4090477_5409000000 - IEPA NGRREC State Appropriation – Other Mat/Sup $162.75 Field Station Supplies 06_0_4090477_5409000000 - IEPA NGRREC State Appropriation - Other Mat/Sup $99.90 Field Station Supplies 06_0_4090477_5409000000 - IEPA NGRREC State Appropriation - Other Mat/Sup $78.95 Field Station Supplies 06_0_4090477_5409000000 - IEPA NGRREC State Appropriation - Other Mat/Sup $146.85 Field Station Supplies 06_0_4090477_5409000000 - IEPA NGRREC State Appropriation – Other Mat/Sup $59.90 Field Station Supplies 06_0_4090477_5409000000 - IEPA NGRREC State Appropriation - Other Mat/Sup $52.25 Field Station Supplies 06_0_4090477_5409000000 - IEPA NGRREC State Appropriation - Other Mat/Sup $115.50 Field Station Supplies 06_0_4090477_5409000000 - IEPA NGRREC State Appropriation - Other Mat/Sup $211.00 Field Station Supplies 06_0_4090477_5409000000 - IEPA NGRREC State Appropriation - Other Mat/Sup $211.00 Field Station Supplies 06_0_4090477_5409000000 - IEPA NGRREC State Appropriation - Other Mat/Sup $80.00 Rangefinder 06_0_4090477_5409000000 - IEPA NGRREC State Appropriation - Other Mat/Sup $26.42 Field Station Supplies 06_0_4090477_5409000000 - IEPA NGRREC State Appropriation – Other Mat/Sup $96.99 --------------$3,039.51 Frontier Internet-Jerseyville 06_0_2040222_5709000000 - Tech Plan-Taxable-Academic - Other Utilities $117.46 --------------$117.46 GRP/Wegman Company Install EV Chargers 06_0_4040455_5309000000 - LC IGEN Award-Energy Program - Other Contr’l $9,415.00 --------------$9,415.00 Griggs, Lindsay M Travel Expense 06_0_8090844_5501000000 - IDNR: NGRREC HST/CREP/SRB - Conf/Meeting Exp $81.90 --------------$81.90 Guyon, Lyle J Travel Expense 06_0_8090846_5501000000 - NRCS: Tech Asst CRP WRE/CRP LO - Conf/Meeting $58.50 Travel Expense 06_0_8090846_5501000000 - NRCS: Tech Asst CRP WRE/CRP LO - Conf/Meeting $195.75 Travel Expense 06_0_8090846_5501000000 - NRCS: Tech Asst CRP WRE/CRP LO - Conf/Meeting $243.00 --------------$497.25 H. Adams Development Co. Mowing-Jul19-Jun20 06_0_4090477_5304000000 - IEPA NGRREC State Appropriation – Maint Serv $4,550.00 --------------$4,550.00 Habitat for Humanity for CIVC Regis Fee-G Ellis 06_0_4090472_5501000000 - Sec Of State-Literacy - Conf/Meeting Expense $20.00 Regis Fee-M Morgan 06_0_4090472_5501000000 - Sec Of State-Literacy - Conf/Meeting Expense $20.00 Regis Fee-S Vaughn 06_0_4090472_5501000000 - Sec Of State-Literacy - Conf/Meeting Expense $20.00 --------------$60.00 Hach Company Single Cell Adaptor 06_0_4090477_5409000000 - IEPA NGRREC State Appropriation – Other Mat/Sup $302.00 Single Cell Adaptor 06_0_4090477_5409000000 - IEPA NGRREC State Appropriation – Other Mat/Sup $50.22 --------------$352.22 Henry Schein Inc Oxygen Unit 06_0_4020439_5409000000 - Mobile Health Clinic Unit - Other Mat/Supplies $246.35 --------------$246.35 Home Builders Institute PACT Certs 06_0_4020420_5309000000 - Illinois YouthBuild Coalition - Other Contr’l $675.00 --------------$675.00 Incarnate Word Academy First Prize: Report 06_0_4010409_5909000000 - Trebuchet Competition - Other Expenses $450.00 --------------$450.00 Ingersoll, Robin K Travel Expense 06_0_8090846_5501000000 - NRCS: Tech Asst CRP WRE - Conf/Meeting Expense $396.00 --------------$396.00 John A. Logan College IGEN Activities 06_0_4040405_5309000022 - IGEN State Appropriation - Other Contractual $3,333.00














Page 39

LEWIS & CLARK COMMUNITY COLLEGE CHECKS ISSUED REQUIRING BOARD APPROVAL – RESTRICTED FUNDS FY 2019-2020 – June, 2020 IGEN Activities Coord Service-Gibson IGEN Project Payment IGEN/DOE Sub Payment Joliet Junior College IGEN Project Payment

06_0_4040405_5309000023 06_0_4040407_5309000000 06_0_4040440_5309000305 06_0_4040452_5309000361



State Appropriation - Other Contractual $16,666.00 MEEA - Other Contractual Services $1,000.00 Illinois EPA Grant - Cont Serv-Logan $24,793.00 Solar Energy/FN - Cont Serv-Logan $1,310.00 --------------$47,102.00 *

06_0_4040405_5309000021 - IGEN State Appropriation - Other Contractual $1,735.91 --------------$1,735.91 * Kankakee Community College IGEN Activity 06_0_4040405_5309000021 - IGEN State Appropriation - Other Contractual $11,585.00 IGEN Activity 06_0_4040405_5309000021 - IGEN State Appropriation - Other Contractual $1,300.00 IGEN Activity 06_0_4040405_5309000024 - IGEN State Appropriation - Other Contractual $3,164.07 --------------$16,049.07 * Kling, William C Consulting-May 06_0_4090477_5309000000 - IEPA NGRREC State Appropriation – Other Cont $2,500.00 --------------$2,500.00 * Lincoln Land Comm College Solar Workforce 06_0_4040452_5309000261 - IGEN Solar Energy/FN - Cont Services $56,520.00 --------------$56,520.00 * Lowe's Inc Carpenter Rig 06_0_4020449_5409000000 - YB-Bldg Futures/Env. Conf. Res - Other Mat/Sup $256.32 --------------$256.32 * McHenry County College IGEN Project Payment 06_0_4040405_5309000021 - IGEN State Appropriation - Other Contractual $2,120.00 IGEN Activity 06_0_4040405_5309000022 - IGEN State Appropriation - Other Contractual $2,995.04 --------------$5,115.04 * Midway Trailer Sales 20' Trailer 06_0_4090477_5809000000 - IEPA NGRREC State Appropriation – Other Equip $3,416.00 20' Trailer 06_0_8090844_5809000000 - IDNR: NGRREC HST - Other Equipment $3,416.00 --------------$6,832.00 * Midwest Renewable Energy Assn IGEN Tech Assistance 06_0_4040405_5309000000 - IGEN State Appropriation - Other Contractual $437.50 IGEN Tech Assistance 06_0_4040405_5309000000 - IGEN State Appropriation - Other Contractual $125.00 IGEN Tech Assistance 06_0_4040405_5309000000 - IGEN State Appropriation - Other Contractual $125.00 IGEN Tech Assistance 06_0_4040405_5309000000 - IGEN State Appropriation - Other Contractual $37.50 Ad Reimbursement 06_0_4040408_5409000000 - LC IGEN Lead Member Award - Other Mat/Suppls $1,000.00 Ad Reimbursement 06_0_4040408_5409000000 - LC IGEN Lead Member Award - Other Mat/Suppls $500.00 --------------$2,225.00 * Mind's Eye Broadcast Fees 06_0_4090491_5309000000 - LC Reading Service Prog - Other Contractual $400.00 Broadcast Fees 06_0_4090491_5309000000 - LC Reading Service Prog - Other Contractual $400.00 Broadcast Fees 06_0_4090491_5309000000 - LC Reading Service Prog - Other Contractual $400.00 Broadcast Fees 06_0_4090491_5309000000 - LC Reading Service Prog - Other Contractual $400.00 Broadcast Fees 06_0_4090491_5309000000 - LC Reading Service Prog - Other Contractual $400.00 --------------$2,000.00 * New Readers Press GED Test Books 06_0_1060110_5401002510 - Adult Ed-Federal - Inst Supplies-Dir Inst $918.00 GED Test Books 06_0_1060110_5401002510 - Adult Ed-Federal - Inst Supplies-Dir Inst $1,868.25 GED Test Books 06_0_1060110_5401002510 - Adult Ed-Federal - Inst Supplies-Dir Inst $264.67 --------------$3,050.92 * Office Source Linksys Adapter 06_0_1090104_5401001000 - East St Louis Higher Ed Ctr Gr – Office Supls $34.86 Office Supplies 06_0_1090105_5501000000 - ESL Higher Ed Ctr Restricted - Conf/Meeting Exp $3.63 Office Supplies 06_0_1090105_5501000000 - ESL Higher Ed Ctr Restricted - Conf/Meeting Exp $3.63 Office Supplies 06_0_1090105_5501000000 - ESL Higher Ed Ctr Restricted - Conf/Meeting Exp $3.59 Office Supplies 06_0_1090105_5501000000 - ESL Higher Ed Ctr Restricted - Conf/Meeting Exp $13.39 Office Supplies 06_0_1090105_5501000000 - ESL Higher Ed Ctr Restricted - Conf/Meeting Exp $14.40 Office Supplies 06_0_1090105_5501000000 - ESL Higher Ed Ctr Restricted - Conf/Meeting Exp $39.40 Board Cleaner, Tape 06_0_4010401_5401001000 - Community Education – Office Supplies $4.84 Board Cleaner, Tape 06_0_4010401_5401001000 - Community Education - Office Supplies $5.16

Page 40

LEWIS & CLARK COMMUNITY COLLEGE CHECKS ISSUED REQUIRING BOARD APPROVAL – RESTRICTED FUNDS FY 2019-2020 – June, 2020 Office Office Office Office Office Office Toner Papa 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15

Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies

John's Pizza Pizzas, Soda Pizzas, Soda Pizzas, Soda Pizzas, Soda Pizzas Pizzas Pizzas Pizzas Pizzas Pizzas

Pocket Nurse Nursing Supplies Nursing Supplies Nursing Supplies Nursing Supplies Nursing Supplies 500lb Stryker Bed

06_0_4020411_5401001000 06_0_4020411_5401001000 06_0_4020411_5401001000 06_0_4020411_5401001000 06_0_4020411_5401001000 06_0_4020411_5401001000 06_0_4090464_5409000000


Ctr For Ctr For Ctr For Ctr For Ctr For Ctr For Highway

Workforce Training Workforce Training Workforce Training Workforce Training Workforce Training Workforce Training Const Careers Trng

06_0_4090481_5501000000 06_0_4090481_5501000000 06_0_4090481_5501000000 06_0_4090481_5501000000 06_0_6050672_5909000000 06_0_6050672_5909000000 06_0_6050672_5909000000 06_0_6050672_5909000000 06_0_6050672_5909000000 06_0_6050672_5909000000


Talent Search Talent Search Talent Search Talent Search Programming Programming Programming Programming Programming Programming -

06_0_1040795_5401002000 06_0_1040795_5401002000 06_0_1040795_5401002000 06_0_1040795_5401002000 06_0_1040795_5401002000 06_0_1040795_5401002800



- Office Supplies $56.06 - Office Supplies $43.68 - Office Supplies $12.34 - Office Supplies $5.18 - Office Supplies $12.76 - Office Supplies $95.10 Pro – Other Mat/Sup $77.59 --------------$425.61 *

Program - Conf/Meeting Program - Conf/Meeting Program - Conf/Meeting Program - Conf/Meeting Other Expenses Other Expenses Other Expenses Other Expenses Other Expenses Other Expenses

Credit Credit Credit Credit Credit Credit


to to to to to to


Pth Pth Pth Pth Pth Pth

$90.00 $18.00 $10.00 $3.50 $90.00 $3.45 $15.05 $90.00 $3.45 $15.05 --------------$338.50 *

Inst Supls $105.75 Inst Supls $115.78 Inst Supls $136.70 Inst Supls $115.78 Inst Supls $46.50 Taggable Sup $2,950.00 --------------$3,470.51 *

Positive Promotions, Inc. 300 Stress Kits 06_0_8060802_5409000000 - Cigna Wellness - Other Mat/Supplies 300 Stress Kits 06_0_8060802_5409000000 - Cigna Wellness - Other Mat/Supplies Prairie State College IGEN Activity IGEN Activity

Expenses Expenses Expenses Expenses

$567.00 $59.54 --------------$626.54 *

06_0_4040405_5309000022 - IGEN State Appropriation - Other Contr’l $6,666.00 06_0_4040405_5309000024 - IGEN State Appropriation - Other Contr’l $108,368.00 --------------$115,034.00 *

ProGroup Instrument Corp May 2020 Utilities 06_0_4020439_5601000000 - Mobile Health Clinic Unit - Rental-Facilities $140.21 --------------$140.21 * Riverside Research Water Lens Phase2 06_0_8090862_5309000000 - McKnight- Land & Wtr Cnsrv – Other Contr’l $20,000.00 --------------$20,000.00 * Sheila Newenham Image Licensing 06_0_8090868_5309000000 - IDNR Living With WildLife - Other Contr’l $125.00 --------------$125.00 * Sievers Equipment Co. NGRREC UTV 06_0_4090477_5309000000 - IEPA NGRREC State Appropriation – Other Cont’l $390.00 NGRREC UTV 06_0_4090477_5409000000 - IEPA NGRREC State Appropriation – Other Mat/Sup $519.99 NGRREC UTV 06_0_4090477_5409000000 - IEPA NGRREC State Appropriation - Other Mat/Sup $619.99 NGRREC UTV 06_0_4090477_5409000000 - IEPA NGRREC State Appropriation - Other Mat/Sup $239.99 NGRREC UTV 06_0_4090477_5409000000 - IEPA NGRREC State Appropriation - Other Mat/Sup $369.99 NGRREC UTV 06_0_4090477_5409000000 - IEPA NGRREC State Appropriation - Other Mat/Sup $369.99 NGRREC UTV 06_0_4090477_5409000000 - IEPA NGRREC State Appropriation - Other Mat/Sup $209.99 NGRREC UTV 06_0_4090477_5409000000 - IEPA NGRREC State Appropriation – Other Mat/Sup $134.99 NGRREC UTV 06_0_4090477_5409000000 - IEPA NGRREC State Appropriation - Other Mat/Sup $30.00 NGRREC UTV 06_0_4090477_5809000000 - IEPA NGRREC State Appropriation - Other Equip $14,305.00 --------------$17,189.93 * Taylor Tire Truck Tires 06_0_3020301_5309000230 - Carl Perkins - Other Contractual-PIA $296.00 Truck Tires 06_0_3020301_5401002030 - Carl Perkins - Inst Supplies-PIA $3,344.24 --------------$3,640.24 *

Page 41

LEWIS & CLARK COMMUNITY COLLEGE CHECKS ISSUED REQUIRING BOARD APPROVAL – RESTRICTED FUNDS FY 2019-2020 – June, 2020 Tueth, Keeney, Cooper, Mohan & Serv: E-3 Research 06_0_4090477_5309000000 - IEPA NGRREC State Appropriation – Other Cont’l $400.00 Services: Prep LCA 06_0_4090477_5309000000 - IEPA NGRREC State Appropriation - Other Cont’l $46.50 --------------$446.50 Uline Bubble Mailer 06_0_4090472_5401009000 - Sec Of State-Literacy - Purchased Service $23.00 Bubble Mailer 06_0_4090472_5401009000 - Sec Of State-Literacy - Purchased Service $13.00 --------------$36.00 Unity Scientific Sample Cups, Cleaning 06_0_4090477_5409000000 - IEPA NGRREC State Appropriation – Other Mat/Sup $61.25 Sample Cups, Cleaning 06_0_4090477_5409000000 - IEPA NGRREC State Appropriation - Other Mat/Sup $136.00 Sample Cups, Cleaning 06_0_4090477_5409000000 - IEPA NGRREC State Appropriation - Other Mat/Sup $14.36 --------------$211.61 University of Illinois GLTG Service-May 06_0_4090477_5309000000 - IEPA NGRREC State Appropriation – Other Cont $9,773.47 --------------$9,773.47 Verizon Wireless Wireless Service 06_0_4020439_5705000000 - Mobile Health Clinic Unit - Telephone $40.01 Wireless Service 06_0_4090477_5706000000 - IEPA NGRREC State Appropriation - Telecomm $213.66 Wireless Service 06_0_4090477_5706000000 - IEPA NGRREC State Appropriation – Telecomm $120.03 Wireless Service 06_0_4090477_5706000000 - IEPA NGRREC State Appropriation - Telecomm $213.66 --------------$587.36 Visa Best Buy 06_0_1020102_5409000000 - Program Improvement Grant - Other Mat/Supla $1,399.98 Student Medical Shop 06_0_3020301_5401002030 - Carl Perkins - Inst Supplies-PIA $435.00 Vitality Medical Inc 06_0_3020301_5401002030 - Carl Perkins - Inst Supplies-PIA $526.50 Vitality Medical Inc 06_0_3020301_5401002030 - Carl Perkins - Inst Supplies-PIA $30.00 Student Medical Shop 06_0_3020301_5401002030 - Carl Perkins - Inst Supplies-PIA $25.30 Student Medical Shop 06_0_3020301_5401002030 - Carl Perkins - Inst Supplies-PIA $39.15 Credit: Vitality Med 06_0_3020301_5401002030 - Carl Perkins - Inst Supplies-PIA $-5.57 Vitality Medical Inc 06_0_3020301_5401002030 - Carl Perkins - Inst Supplies-PIA $5.57 Intui: Quickbooks Sub 06_0_4020411_5401001000 - Ctr For Workforce Training - Office Supplies $25.00 Mailchimp:Mthly Subsc 06_0_4020411_5407000000 - Ctr For Workforce Training - Advertising $19.99 Fieldprint: Americorp 06_0_4020447_5309000002 - Americorps Youth Build - Cont Services $28.75 GoDaddy: Web Hosting 06_0_4040405_5309000000 - IGEN State Appropriation - Other Contractual $21.17 Site5.com 06_0_4040405_5309000000 - IGEN State Appropriation - Other Contractual $8.00 Site5.com 06_0_4040405_5309000000 - IGEN State Appropriation - Other Contractual $127.00 Site5.com 06_0_4040405_5309000000 - IGEN State Appropriation - Other Contractual $8.00 Site5.com 06_0_4040405_5309000000 - IGEN State Appropriation - Other Contractual $127.00 Orig Supp-Toner Cart 06_0_4040405_5401001000 - IGEN State Appropriation - Office Supplies $338.00 Endnote-X9 Upgrade 06_0_4090477_5409000000 - IEPA NGRREC State Appropriation – Other Mat/Sup $99.95 Adobe: Illustrtr Sub 06_0_4090477_5409000000 - IEPA NGRREC State Appropriation - Other Mat/Sup $22.30 Readcube: Subscription 06_0_4090477_5409000000 - IEPA NGRREC State Appropriation - Other Mat/Sup $60.00 Adobe Creative Cloud 06_0_4090477_5409000000 - IEPA NGRREC State Appropriation - Other Mat/Sup $22.30 Adobe: Illustrtr Sub 06_0_4090477_5409000000 - IEPA NGRREC State Appropriation – Other Mat/Sup $22.30 Endnote-X9 Upgrade 06_0_4090477_5409000000 - IEPA NGRREC State Appropriation - Other Mat/Sup $10.24 Zoom-Summer Program 06_0_4090484_5501000000 - Upward Bound Program - Conf/Meeting Expense $119.92 Comm Hope: Donation 06_0_6050630_5909000000 - Veteran's Club - Other Expenses $100.00 Best Buy 06_0_8090846_5409000000 - NRCS: Tech Asst CRP WRE - Other Mat/Supplies $44.99 Best Buy 06_0_8090846_5409000000 - NRCS: Tech Asst CRP WRE - Other Mat/Supplies $11.98 Best Buy 06_0_8090846_5409000000 - NRCS: Tech Asst CRP WRE - Other Mat/Supplies $3.56 Best Buy: Printer 06_0_8090846_5409000800 - NRCS: Tech Asst CRP WRE – Taggable Mat/Suppls $138.12 LogMeIn: Go2Mtg 06_0_8090868_5309000000 - IDNR Living With WildLife - Other Contractual $12.38 --------------$3,826.88 Visa Readcube Subscription 06_0_4090477_5409000000 - IEPA NGRREC State Appropriation – Other Mat/Sup $60.00 Google Ads 06_0_8090868_5309000000 - IDNR Living With WildLife - Other Contractual $95.57 Google: Wildlife IL 06_0_8090868_5309000000 - IDNR Living With WildLife - Other Contractual $96.13 Google Ads 06_0_8090868_5309000000 - IDNR Living With WildLife - Other Contractual $98.83 Intl Trans Fee-Agora 06_0_8090868_5409000000 - IDNR Living With WildLife - Other Mat/Supplies $1.59 --------------$352.12 Woodward, Spencer A Travel Expense 06_0_8090846_5501000000 - NRCS: Tech Asst CRP WRE - Conf/Meeting Exp $92.25








Page 42

LEWIS & CLARK COMMUNITY COLLEGE CHECKS ISSUED REQUIRING BOARD APPROVAL – RESTRICTED FUNDS FY 2019-2020 – June, 2020 Travel Expense Wright, Kevin Article, Photo Serv Article, Photo Serv

06_0_8090846_5501000000 - NRCS: Tech Asst CRP WRE - Conf/Meeting Exp $173.48 --------------$265.73 * 06_0_8090868_5309000000 - IDNR Living With WildLife - Other Contractual $750.00 06_0_8090868_5309000000 - IDNR Living With WildLife - Other Contractual $150.00 --------------$900.00 * =============== $490,139.66 ***

Page 43


Varouis Account Numbers Various Students and/or Agencies

FERPA Protected Student Information

2,990.00 2,990.00

Expenditures By Fund Education Fund Auxiliary Fund Restricted Fund Total Expenditures

0.00 50.00 2,940.00 $2,990.00

Page 142

Contract Change Orders 14-Jul-20













Alliant Insurance Services The Hartford

7/1/2020 - 7/1/2021 8/1/2020 - 8/1/2021

Renewal - Commercial Property Renewal - Athletic Insurance - Primary up to a $25,000 claim


Liberty Mutual

8/1/2020 - 8/1/2021

Renewal - Athletic Insurance - Catastrophic over a $25,000 claim

Policy Limits

PREMIUM AMOUNT $387,633 $75,595

$300,000,000 $25,000 Above primary $25,000







Page 143 1.




Full-Time 1. Harmon, Stacey R. – Catering Manager, Dining Services, effective June 16, 2020; 2. Rodgers, Vickie G. – Professor, Health Sciences – Nursing, effective December 31, 2020. 3. Terry, Mary K. – Financial Aid Advisor, Financial Aid/Student Employment, effective July 2, 2020; 4. Woodward, Spencer – Land Conservation Specialist, NGRREC, effective July 2, 2020.


Part-Time N/A


Full-Time N/A


Part-Time 1. Griffis, Hannah-Beth- RiverWatch Technician, NGRREC, effective July 16, 2020


Part-Time, Short Term N/A


Part-Time/Overload (For period of 5/16/20 to 6/15/20) Baahlmann, Katelyn S Banks, Randolph E Barber, Kyle B Bevel, Jennifer M Bolin, Alicia M Burgess, Sandra J Burkhart, Jerrold R Busler, Mary E Caldwell, Denise L Callahan, Shane W Cavanaugh, Melissa S Chappee, Candida L

Summer Fun Percussion Non-Western Music Solar Design and Installation First-Year English II Dental Hygiene Practice II Comparative Religion I Legal Research and Writing I Legal Research and Writing II Public and Private Communication Bridge Concepts and Management II Coordination Nutrition and Oral Health Dental Hygiene Practice II

Page 144 Cline, Jennifer A Cloud, Paul A DiPaolo, Robert D

Dollins, Leonard B Forys-Cameron, Jessica R Gockel, Rebecca S Greer, Victoria N Hake, Vicki L Hall, Abigail L Harris, Ashley J Hawk, Stephanie M Jarden, Timothy G Jedlicka, Glenda J Jett, Louise M

Johnson, David A Jumper, Travis N Keller, Chad J

Kuithe, Lori S Lancaster, Brenda F Lemons, Michael E Long, Darla K Luster, Ashley Q Magurany, John D Margarida, Mary J Marten, Jeffrey P Martin-Dick, Tricia J Maynard, Kim M McHugh, Barbara J Merli, Deborah A Meske, Melissa A Michael, Louis P

Honors College Coordination Introduction to Humanities I Principles of Macroeconomics Principles of Microeconomics Fundamentals of Management Pre-GED Instruction Non-Western Art Introduction Paralegal Studies Technology For Paralegals Pre-GED Instruction Dental Hygiene Clinic Seminar II Introduction to Sociology Occupation Across the Lifespan Math for Elementary Teachers I Math for Elementary Teachers II Minor Applied Music I Electric Bass Graphic Design I Using Social Media Social Media Marketing Advanced Adobe Photoshop Web Designer Cooperative Contemporary Moral Problems (Ethics) Welding Internship General Psychology Human Development Child Psychology General Psychology Coordination Voice Topics in Radio Broadcasting Salesmanship Paramedic Skill & Scenario Lab I First-Year English II Introduction to the Visual Arts First-Year English I Elementary Algebra Intermediate Algebra Criminal Law Constitutional Law-Criminal Justice Career Development Piano Coordinator Human Resource Management Piano

Page 145 Moody, Kathy S

Pre-GED Instruction Pre-GED Instruction Mueller, Aaron J Comparative Religion I Nasello, Gregory C Medical Terminology Noble, Jessica B Intro to American Criminal Justice Crime Prevent and Patrol Techniques Criminology The Juvenile Offender Crime and Popular Culture Criminal Justice Internship Criminal Investigation Phillips, Stephen P First-Year English I Pupillo, Kathryn E Introduction to Modern Business Business Software Applications Reed, Andre' L Prealgebra Schneiderheinze, Douglas D Issues in E-Commerce & Social Media Business Co-Op I Financial Investments Financial Management Silva, Lori D Pre-GED Instruction Simpson, Layne A Introduction to Sociology Social Problems Sinclair-Parish, Margie A Financial Accounting Managerial Accounting Walking Skinner, Nicholas J Introduction to Sociology Stanard, Susan P Voice Swiezynski, Catherine H Violin Violin Mozart Violin Choir Vaughn, Sheila M Pre-GED Instruction Watson, Mary L Learner Centered Instruction Learner Centered Instruction Orientation for Adjunct Instructors Implementing Blackboard Learn Learner Centered Instruction Werner, Amanda K Summer Fun White, Kathleen M General Psychology White, Rodney A Bridge Concepts and Management II Williams, Pamela D Pre-GED Instruction Witsken, Deborah A Occupation Across the Lifespan Witt, Jimmie L Process Technology Internship Yost, Diana L Introduction to the Visual Arts

Page 146 3.



Full-Time N/A


Woodward, Spencer – Land Conservation Specialist, NGRREC, return from leave effective June 22, 2020.

Page 147 Awarded Grants and Sponsored Contracts 7/14/2020 Aw ard Acknow ledged by Board

Opportunity ID

Opportunity Approved by Board

Funding Agency US Dept of Labor


P044A1600221 9

Title YouthBuild: Building Futures Educational Talent Search

New Grant or Continuation

US Dept. of Education



Upward Bound

US Dept. of Education


total for 5 years 2016 2016 2021 = $1,552,518 total for 5 years 2017 2017 2022 = $1,632,405


YouthBuild USA--IT Pathways







Identifier YB-31072-1760-A17

YouthBuild USA-JP Morgan Chase Foundation IL Council on Developmental Disabilities


Southern IL Transition ICCB-Dual Credit CNA to RN Career Patheway ICCB


SIUE/NSF Noyce Agreement








Renewable Energy Project--IGEN Innovative Bridge and Transitions Program IL Cooperative Work Study Grant











Secretary of State




Amt Submitted Requested


Grant extended by Grantor

2018--Extension approved by Grantor 5/1/2019


6/11/2019 4/30/2019


Vocational Training Agreement

IL Bd of Higher Education New Madison County Employment and Training Dept. continuation


Family Literacy

IL Secretary of State


6/11/2019 6/17/2019


Adult Volunteer Literacy Highway Construction Careers Training Program Lewis and Clark Radio Information Services

IL Secretary of State


6/11/2019 6/17/2019

Illinois Department of Transportation

Continuing Intergovernmental Agreement

IL State Library


WIOA Youth Program

Madison County Employment continuation and Training 6/11/2019 4/11/2019


Carl Perkins Grant



8/13/2019 7.9.19-3






20-2010-RIS 2019-YEEP003





6/11/2019 N/A

7/9/2019 6/11/2019 4/30/2019


Term 9/1/17 $1,100,000 12/31/20 9/1/19 $312,420 8/31/20 9/1/19 $320,484 8/31/20

8/1/18 $21,710 7/31/20 7/1/18 6/30/20 $2,000,000 11/7/20 7/1/19 $100,000 6/30/20 7/1/19 $8,728.05 8/31/20 7/1/19 6/30/20 6/15/19 $50,000 6/30/20 6/15/19 $63,300 6/30/20

Cost Reimbursement

N/A $50,000 $63,300

$354,400 $17,438

Matching Requirement

7/1/19 $354,400 6/30/20 7/1/19 $17,438 6/30/20 $59,040 7/1/19 - 6/30/20 7/1/19 $319,574 6/30/20

Program and Contact

$275,000 L. Chapman/V. Harris S. Hill/C. Robinson S. Hill/C. Robinson

1/1/18 $90,000 12/31/20 10/15/18 $272,859 10/14/2021 1/1/19 $46,838 6/30/20

5 year grant 8/1/14 - 7/31/20 = $108,550, extension approved by Grantor


Amt Awarded

L. Chapman/V. Harris

$54,572 L. Chapman/J. Lorbach L Chapman/S Czerwinski

L. Chapman/J. Lane D Chapman/R. Hilgenbrink $0 V. Harris $4,000 in kind

T. Lane

$0 T. Lane $0 Dr. Valorie Harris $0 Dr. Valorie Harris

$0 Val Harris $0 M. Lemons $0 Val Harris $0 L Chapman/J Lane

Page 148 Awarded Grants and Sponsored Contracts 7/14/2020 Aw ard Acknow ledged by Board


10/8/2019 Amended Ack 5/19/20 10/8/2019 Amended Ack 5/19/20



Funding Agency


19NDHMA0030 032

YouthBuild Americorps

YouthBuild USA


6/11/2019 12/4/2018



ESLHEC 53619

East STL Higher Ed Center



6/11/2019 4/30/2019


Opportunity ID

6/11/2019 5360120





10/8/2019 8.13.19-4 11/7/2019 and 12/10/19


12/10/2019 12/10/2019



93489017G-2 Contract for $102,000 approved 10/8/19 Additional $25,000 aw arded 12/10/19


2/11/2020 11.7.19-2


2/11/2020 9.10.19-2

2020-CSB G-003

Amt Submitted Requested

Term 8/15/19 $99,400 8/14/20 5/1/19 6/30/20 6/30/21 extended by $600,000 grantor

$550,875 + $24,200 Federal Funds

7/1/19 6/30/20




Educational Talent Search

US Dept. of Education



total for 5 years 2016 2021 = $1,552,518

9/1/19 $340,354 8/31/20

Upward Bound YouthBuild USA CSET 3.0 Career Pathways Initiative

US Dept. of Education



total for 5 years 2017 2022 = $1,632,405

YouthBuild USA

New--received invitation 7/10/19

extended 8/13/2019 by grantor


9/1/19 $357,868 8/31/20 8/1/19 6/24/20 $5,000 8/31/20

Dental Sealant Grant





IL Green Economy Network (IGEN)

IL Secretary of State


6/11/2019 4/15/2019

Dept. of Energy IGEN







IL State Bd of Ed




7/1/19 $50,626 6/30/20

ICCB Illinois YouthBuild Coalition, Inc.


2/11/20--Grant awarded to all Illinois Community Colleges

7/1/19 $15,000 6/30/20

Madison County CSBG




Transitional Instructional Math and English Illinois YouthBuild Coalition

Vocational Training Renewable Energy 6/11/2019 REF20800 Project--IGEN



Amt Awarded

Adult Ed and Literacy

Contract Approved 6/11/2019 10/8/19 Solar Workforce Grant Early School leaver 6/11/2019 S-ESLTP-53620 Transition Program Truant's Alternative and Optional Education 6/11/2019 20-3695-18 Program

2/11/2020 2.11.20-1


Opportunity Approved by Board

New Grant or Continuation




11/7/2019 11/1/2019 up to $250,000 Scholarship s and stipends for Fall 2019 individual 9/10/2019 for 2020 students January, 6/11/2019 2019 $2,000,000

Matching Requirement

$99,400 V. Harris

Nancy Kaiser/Sara $0 Lichtsinn $127,654 V. Harris S. Hill/C. Robinson pg S. Hill/C. Robinson pg

$0 Val Harris

10/1/19 $2,000 9/30/20

3/20/19 $127,000 6/30/20

$104,689 2020 - 2022 7/1/19 $60,000 6/30/20

$244,504 1/1/20 - 8/31/20

1/1/20 $5,750 12/31/20 7/1/19 $2,000,000 6/30/20

Program and Contact

$0 T. Kosydor/S. Czerwinski

No match required

N. Keener

$0 N. Keener $15,000 V. Harris

$0 V. Harris

$0 Linda Chapman $0 Val Harris

$0 Val Harris R Hilgenbrink/Nate $0 Keener

Page 149 Awarded Grants and Sponsored Contracts 7/14/2020

5/19/2020 5.19.20-1

9/10/2019 9.10.19-7 7/14/2020 5.19.20-7 7/14/2020 5.19.20-4

Highway Construction Careers Training Program (HCCTP)

Continuing Intergovernmen tal Agreement, not a grant N/A

IL Department of Transportation National Science Foundation: Advance 2000329 Diesel Technology Technological Education New Illinois Cooperative Work IL Board of Higher 21ICWS17 Study Grant Education Continuation Early School Leaver 822-22059 Transition Program ICCB Continuation


9/10/2019 10/3/2019 5/31/2020 TBD


$300,000 $15,000 $60,000 or $75,000

7/1/20 $354,400 6/30/21 7/1/20 $300,000 6/30/23 7/1/20 $14,000 6/30/21 7/1/20 $60,000 6/30/21

$0 Val Harris

$0 Sue Czerwinski $8,000 in kind 25% in kind expenses

Terry Lane Val Harris

Page 150 Awarded NGRREC℠ Grants and Sponsored Contracts 7/14/2020 Aw ard Acknow ledged by Board

Opportunity ID

Identifier 68-5A12-18001 Amendment 1

8/13/2019 12/10/2019




Herpetological Species








8/13/2019 10/8/2019


10/8/2019 11/7/2019


Land and Water Conservation Practices NSF-Rol:FELS:EAGER: Metabolic Asymmetry




McKnight Foundation National Science Foundation

CESU: Floodplain Forest USGS National Grants Canopy Gap Dynamics Branch HLC Wood River/Piasa Creek Watershed Heartlands Conservancy

Living with Wildlife Conservation Planning and Easement 68-5A12-186/11/2019 001 Management NGRREC℠ Habitat Strike Team at Natural 8.13.19-6 20RC113485 Heritage Sites CESU: Forest W912HZ-17-2- Resources Inventory and 6/11/2019 0021 Analysis Reforesting UMRS 6/11/2019 G19AC00361 Canopy Openings Improving Detection of Cryptic Forested Wetlands with Lidar 6/11/2019 12869735 Derivatives Population demography of Bird-voiced treefrogs in 6/11/2019 T-129-R-1 southern Illinois Great Lakes to Gulf 6/11/2019 90104 Virtual Observatory

12/10/2019 and 3/10/20 7.9.19-2

Funding Agency

USDA Natural Resource Conservation Svc Dept of Natural NGRREC℠ Strike Team Resources



Title NRCS-Technical Assistance - CRP & WRE

New Grant or Continuation


Opportunity Approved by Board

Amt Submitted Requested

2017--Grantor Increased Funding by $382,836 2019




2016--No cost extension


Amt Awarded


12/12/17 $801,840 10/31/20 5/22/19 $283,632 5/21/21 10/1/16 $81,360 12/31/20

McKnight initiated award additional extending term to 3/10/2020 12/31/21 $100,000







3/16/18 12/31/21 8/15/18 $297,582 7/31/20






1/1/19 $34,452 12/31/20 12/6/18 $24,999 12/31/20 7/1/19 $325,000 6/30/20



6/11/2019 6/24/2019


10/1/19 $382,836 10/31/20




$70,000 7/1/19 - 6/30/21

USACE Research Development CESU







6/11/2019 4/11/2019


7/30/19 $114,771 7/30/20 8/19/19 $50,126 8/18/22

US EPA US Fish & Wildlife Services flow through IDNR Walton Family Foundation





1/1/20 $134,324 12/31/22


7/11/2019 5/14/2019




Lower Mississippi Water Lower Mississippi River Quality Data Inventory Conservation Committee New





Matching Requirement

10/1/19 $179,460 12/31/22 9/1/19 $700,000 4/30/21

1/1/20 $18,066 7/31/20

Program and Contact D Chapman/L Guyon/J Shew

$370,442 D Chapman/R Warner $43,813 D Chapman/S Czerwinski


Dick Warner/Gary Rolfe D Chapman/S Czerwinski/A Dell

D Chapman/L Guyon D Chapman/S Czerwinski/J Sloan $108,333 D. Chapman/R. Warner

$0 J. Shew/L. Guyon

$0 J. Shew

$0 L. Guyon $0 L.Guyon

$46,666 J. Crawford

$96,632 John Crawford $0 D. Chapman/D. Warner $10,000 in kind salary covered by other grants Ted Kratschmer

Page 151 Awarded NGRRECâ„ Grants and Sponsored Contracts 7/14/2020 Aw ard Acknow ledged by Board


Opportunity ID


2/11/2020 2.11.20-6

4/14/2020 2.11.20-5

5/19/2020 1.14.20-2

6/9/2020 1.14.20-4


Title NGRRECâ„ IL Clean Water

From the Ground Up: Increasing Water Security through Public Awareness, Knowledge, and Professional 761640-002 Development Big Data Hubs and Spokes Collaborative: An Integrated Big Data Framework for Water Quality Issues in the Upper Mississippi River 09-2425-17800 Basin Web-based guidance for habitat improvements ORCPIAS2020 related to construction A Proactive Strategy for Living with Wildlife in R21W147T13 Illinois

Funding Agency

New Grant or Continuation



EPA, sub award through SIUE


National Science Foundation


IL Department of Natural Resources


IL Department of Natural Resources


Opportunity Approved by Board

Amt Submitted Requested Amt Awarded January, 6/11/2019 2019 $2,000,000 $2,000,000 Submitted 4/19/18, and received notice of award 2/11/2020 1/20. $5,000.00 $5,000

Term 7/1/19 6/30/20

1/1/20 8/31/21

Matching Requirement

Program and Contact

$0 Gary Rolfe

$0 Allison Rhanor


$111,416 4/1/20 - 7/31/21

$0 Dick Warner



$58,000 3/1/20 - 2/28/21

$0 Dick Warner



7/1/20 $466,667 6/30/21

$116,667 Dick Warner

Page 152

Aw ard Acknow ledged Opportunity by Board Identifier


Title Illinois Cooperative Work 7/14/2020 5.19.20-7 21ICWS17 Study Grant Early School Leaver 7/14/2020 5.19.20-4 822-22059 Transition Program

Aw ard Acknow ledged Opportunity by Board Identifier



Funding Agency IL Board of Higher Education

Acknowledgement of Grants and Sponsored Contracts 7/14/2020 Opportunity New Grant or Approved by Amt Continuation Board Submitted Requested Amt Awarded Continuation



$15,000 $60,000 or $75,000


$14,000 7/1/20 - 6/30/21



Funding Agency

Acknowledgement of NGRRECâ„ Grants and Sponsored Contracts 7/14/2020 Opportunity New Grant or Approved by Amt Continuation Board Submitted Requested Amt Awarded Term


$60,000 7/1/20 - 6/30/21

Matching Requirement $8,000 in kind 25% in kind expenses

Matching Requirement

Program and Contact Terry Lane Val Harris

Program and Contact

Agreement No._21ICWS17


Page 153

BETWEEN THE STATE OF ILLINOIS, Illinois Board of Higher Education AND Lewis and Clark Community College The Illinois Board of Higher Education (Grantor), with its principal office at 1 N. Old State Capitol Plaza, Suite 333, Springfield, IL 62701, and Lewis and Clark Community College (Grantee), with its principal office at 5800 Godfrey Rd., Godfrey, IL 62035, hereby enter into this Grant Agreement (Agreement). Grantor and Grantee are collectively referred to herein as “Parties” or individually as a “Party.” PART ONE – THE UNIFORM TERMS RECITALS WHEREAS, it is the intent of the Parties to perform consistent with all Exhibits and attachments hereto and pursuant to the duties and responsibilities imposed by Grantor under the laws of the state of Illinois and in accordance with the terms, conditions and provisions hereof. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the foregoing and the mutual agreements contained herein, and for other good and valuable consideration, the value, receipt and sufficiency of which are acknowledged, the Parties hereto agree as follows: ARTICLE I AWARD AND GRANTEE-SPECIFIC INFORMATION AND CERTIFICATION 1.1. DUNS Number; SAM Registration; Nature of Entity. Under penalties of perjury, Grantee certifies that 071996722 is Grantee’s correct DUNS Number, that 370919339 is Grantee’s correct FEIN or Social Security Number, and that Grantee has an active State registration and SAM registration. Grantee is doing business as a (check one): Individual Pharmacy-Non Corporate Sole Proprietorship Pharmacy/Funeral Home/Cemetery Corp. Partnership Tax Exempt Corporation (includes Not For Profit) Limited Liability Company (select Medical Corporation applicable tax classification) Governmental Unit  P = partnership Estate or Trust  C = corporation If Grantee has not received a payment from the state of Illinois in the last two years, Grantee must submit a W-9 tax form with this Agreement. 1.2. Amount of Agreement. Grant Funds (check one) shall not exceed $14,000, of which $0 are federal funds. Grantee agrees to accept Grantor’s payment as specified in the Exhibits and attachments incorporated herein as part of this Agreement.

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Agreement No._21ICWS17

Page 154 1.3. Identification Numbers. If applicable, the federal awarding agency is Not Applicable, and the Federal Award date is Not Applicable. If applicable, the Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance (CFDA) Name is Not Applicable, and Number is Not Applicable. The Catalog of State Financial Assistance (CSFA) Number is 60100-0748. The State Award Identification Number is Not Applicable. 1.4. Term. This Agreement shall be effective on July 1, 2020 and shall expire on August 31, 2021, unless terminated pursuant to this Agreement. 1.5. Certification. Grantee certifies under oath that (1) all representations made in this Agreement are true and correct and (2) all Grant Funds awarded pursuant to this Agreement shall be used only for the purpose(s) described herein. Grantee acknowledges that the Award is made solely upon this certification and that any false statements, misrepresentations, or material omissions shall be the basis for immediate termination of this Agreement and repayment of all Grant Funds. 1.6. Signatures. In witness whereof, the Parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be executed by their duly authorized representatives. ILLINOIS BOARD OF HIGHER EDUCATION


By: ____________________________________

By: ____________________________________ Signature of Authorized Representative Date: __________________________________ Printed Name: __________________________ Printed Title: ____________________________ E-mail: ________________________________

Date: __________________________________ Printed Name: Ginger Ostro________________ Printed Title: Executive Director_____________ Designee By: ____________________________________ Signature of First Other Approver, if Applicable Date: __________________________________ Printed Name: Nyle Robinson_______________ Printed Title: Deputy Director for Fiscal Affairs & Budgeting Other Approver

State of Illinois GRANT AGREEMENT FISCAL YEAR 2021 / 2 5 20 Page 2 of 35

Agreement No._21ICWS17


Standing and Authority. Grantee warrants that:

(a) Grantee is duly organized, validly existing and in good standing, if applicable, under the laws of the state in which it was incorporated or organized. (b) Grantee has the requisite power and authority to execute and deliver this Agreement and all documents to be executed by it in connection with this Agreement, to perform its obligations hereunder and to consummate the transactions contemplated hereby. (c) If Grantee is organized under the laws of another jurisdiction, Grantee warrants that it is also duly qualified to do business in Illinois and, if applicable, is in good standing with the Illinois Secretary of State. (d) The execution and delivery of this Agreement, and the other documents to be executed by Grantee in connection with this Agreement, and the performance by Grantee of its obligations hereunder have been duly authorized by all necessary entity action. (e) This Agreement and all other documents related to this Agreement, including the Uniform Grant Application, the Exhibits and attachments to which Grantee is a party constitute the legal, valid and binding obligations of Grantee enforceable against Grantee in accordance with their respective terms. 2.2. Compliance with Internal Revenue Code. Grantee certifies that it does and will comply with all provisions of the federal Internal Revenue Code (26 USC 1), the Illinois Income Tax Act (35 ILCS 5), and all rules promulgated thereunder, including withholding provisions and timely deposits of employee taxes and unemployment insurance taxes. 2.3. Compliance with Federal Funding Accountability and Transparency Act of 2006. Grantee certifies that it does and will comply with the reporting requirements of the Federal Funding Accountability and Transparency Act of 2006 (P.L. 109-282) (FFATA) with respect to Federal Awards greater than or equal to $25,000. A FFATA sub-award report must be filed by the end of the month following the month in which the award was made. 2.4. Compliance with Uniform Grant Rules (2 CFR Part 200). Grantee certifies that it shall adhere to the applicable Uniform Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles, and Audit Requirements, which are published in Title 2, Part 200 of the Code of Federal Regulations, and are incorporated herein by reference. See 44 Ill. Admin. Code 7000.40(c)(1)(A). 2.5. Compliance with Registration Requirements. Grantee shall: (i) be registered with the federal SAM; (ii) be in good standing with the Illinois Secretary of State, if applicable; (iii) have a valid DUNS Number; (iv) have a valid UEI, if applicable; and (v) have successfully completed the annual registration and prequalification through the Grantee Portal. It is Grantee’s responsibility to remain current with these registrations and requirements. If Grantee’s status with regard to any of these requirements change, or the certifications made in and information provided in the Uniform Grant Application changes, Grantee must notify the Grantor in accordance with ARTICLE XVIII.

State of Illinois GRANT AGREEMENT FISCAL YEAR 2021 / 2 5 20 Page 3 of 35

Agreement No._21ICWS17


Page 156 Definitions. Capitalized words and phrases used in this Agreement have the following meanings:

“2 CFR Part 200” means the Uniform Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles, and Audit Requirements for Federal Awards published in Title 2, Part 200 of the Code of Federal Regulations. “Agreement” or “Grant Agreement” has the same meaning as in 44 Ill. Admin. Code Part 7000. “Allocable Costs” means costs allocable to a particular cost objective if the goods or services involved are chargeable or assignable to such cost objective in accordance with relative benefits received or other equitable relationship. Costs allocable to a specific Program may not be shifted to other Programs in order to meet deficiencies caused by overruns or other fund considerations, to avoid restrictions imposed by law or by the terms of this Agreement, or for other reasons of convenience. “Allowable Costs” has the same meaning as in 44 Ill. Admin. Code Part 7000. “Award” has the same meaning as in 44 Ill. Admin. Code Part 7000. “Budget” has the same meaning as in 44 Ill. Admin. Code Part 7000. “CFDA” or “Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance” has the same meaning as in 44 Ill. Admin. Code Part 7000. “Close-out Report” means a report from the Grantee allowing the Grantor to determine whether all applicable administrative actions and required work have been completed, and therefore closeout actions can commence. “Conflict of Interest” has the same meaning as in 44 Ill. Admin. Code Part 7000. “Consolidated Year-End Financial Report” means a financial information presentation in which the assets, equity, liabilities, and operating accounts of an entity and its subsidiaries are combined (after eliminating all interentity transactions) and shown as belonging to a single reporting entity. “Cost Allocation Plan” has the same meaning as in 44 Ill. Admin. Code Part 7000. “CSFA” or “Catalog of State Financial Assistance” has the same meaning as in 44 Ill. Admin. Code Part 7000. “Direct Costs” has the same meaning as in 44 Ill. Admin. Code Part 7000. “Disallowed Costs” has the same meaning as in 44 Ill. Admin. Code Part 7000. “DUNS Number” means a unique nine digit identification number provided by Dun & Bradstreet for each physical location of Grantee’s organization. Assignment of a DUNS Number is mandatory for all organizations seeking an Award from the state of Illinois. “FAIN” means the Federal Award Identification Number. State of Illinois GRANT AGREEMENT FISCAL YEAR 2021 / 2 5 20 Page 4 of 35

Agreement No._21ICWS17

Page 157 “FFATA” or “Federal Funding Accountability and Transparency Act” has the same meaning as in 31 USC 6101; P.L. 110-252. “Financial Assistance” has the same meaning as in 44 Ill. Admin. Code Part 7000. “Fixed-Rate” has the same meaning as in 44 Ill. Admin. Code Part 7000. “Fixed-Rate” is in contrast to feefor-service, 44 Ill. Admin. Code Part 7000. “GAAP” or “Generally Accepted Accounting Principles” has the same meaning as in 44 Ill. Admin. Code Part 7000. “GATU” means the Grant Accountability and Transparency Unit of GOMB. “GOMB” means the Illinois Governor’s Office of Management and Budget. “Grant Funds” means the Financial Assistance made available to Grantee through this Agreement. “Grantee Portal” has the same meaning as in 44 Ill. Admin. Code Part 7000. “Indirect Costs” has the same meaning as in 44 Ill. Admin. Code Part 7000. “Indirect Cost Rate” means a device for determining in a reasonable manner the proportion of indirect costs each Program should bear. It is a ratio (expressed as a percentage) of the Indirect Costs to a Direct Cost base. If reimbursement of Indirect Costs is allowable under an Award, Grantor will not reimburse those Indirect Costs unless Grantee has established an Indirect Cost Rate covering the applicable activities and period of time, unless Indirect Costs are reimbursed at a fixed rate. “Indirect Cost Rate Proposal” has the same meaning as in 44 Ill. Admin. Code Part 7000. “Net Revenue” means an entity’s total revenue less its operating expenses, interest paid, depreciation, and taxes. “Net Revenue” is synonymous with “Profit.” “Nonprofit Organization” has the same meaning as in 44 Ill. Admin. Code Part 7000. “Notice of Award” has the same meaning as in 44 Ill. Admin. Code Part 7000. “OMB” has the same meaning as in 44 Ill. Admin. Code Part 7000. “Prior Approval” has the same meaning as in 44 Ill. Admin. Code Part 7000. “Profit” means an entity’s total revenue less its operating expenses, interest paid, depreciation, and taxes. “Profit” is synonymous with “Net Revenue.” “Program” means the services to be provided pursuant to this Agreement. “Program Costs” means all Allowable Costs incurred by Grantee and the value of the contributions made by third parties in accomplishing the objectives of the Award during the Term of this Agreement.

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Agreement No._21ICWS17

“Program Income” has the same meaning as in 44 Ill. Admin. Code Part 7000.

Page 158

“Related Parties” has the meaning set forth in Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) Accounting Standards Codification (ASC) 850-10-20. “SAM” means the federal System for Award Management (SAM); which is the federal repository into which an entity must provide information required for the conduct of business as a recipient. 2 CFR 25 Appendix A (1)(C)(1). “State” means the state of Illinois. “Term” has the meaning set forth in Paragraph 1.4. “Unallowable Costs” has the same meaning as in 44 Ill. Admin. Code Part 7000. “Unique Entity Identifier” or “UEI” means the unique identifier assigned to the Grantee by SAM.

ARTICLE IV PAYMENT 4.1. Availability of Appropriation; Sufficiency of Funds. This Agreement is contingent upon and subject to the availability of sufficient funds. Grantor may terminate or suspend this Agreement, in whole or in part, without penalty or further payment being required, if (i) sufficient funds for this Agreement have not been appropriated or otherwise made available to the Grantor by the State or the federal funding source, (ii) the Governor or Grantor reserves funds, or (iii) the Governor or Grantor determines that funds will not or may not be available for payment. Grantor shall provide notice, in writing, to Grantee of any such funding failure and its election to terminate or suspend this Agreement as soon as practicable. Any suspension or termination pursuant to this Section will be effective upon the date of the written notice unless otherwise indicated. 4.2. Return of Grant Funds. Any Grant Funds remaining that are not expended or legally obligated by Grantee, including those funds obligated pursuant to ARTICLE XVII, at the end of the Agreement period, or in the case of capital improvement Awards at the end of the time period Grant Funds are available for expenditure or obligation, shall be returned to Grantor within forty-five (45) days. A Grantee who is required to reimburse Grant Funds and who enters into a deferred payment plan for the purpose of satisfying a past due debt, shall be required to pay interest on such debt as required by Section 10.2 of the Illinois State Collection Act of 1986. 30 ILCS 210; 44 Ill. Admin. Code 7000.450(c). In addition, as required by 44 Ill. Admin. Code 7000.440(b)(2), unless granted a written extension, Grantee must liquidate all obligations incurred under the Award at the end of the period of performance. 4.3. Cash Management Improvement Act of 1990. Unless notified otherwise in PART TWO or PART THREE, federal funds received under this Agreement shall be managed in accordance with the Cash Management Improvement Act of 1990 (31 USC 6501 et seq.) and any other applicable federal laws or regulations. See 2 CFR 200.305; 44 Ill. Admin. Code Part 7000. 4.4. Payments to Third Parties. Grantee agrees to hold harmless Grantor when Grantor acts in good faith to redirect all or a portion of any Grantee payment to a third party. Grantor will be deemed to have acted in good faith if it is in possession of information that indicates Grantee authorized Grantor to intercept or redirect payments to a third party or when so ordered by a court of competent jurisdiction. State of Illinois GRANT AGREEMENT FISCAL YEAR 2021 / 2 5 20 Page 6 of 35

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Page 159 4.5. Modifications to Estimated Amount. If the Agreement amount is established on an estimated basis, then it may be increased by mutual agreement at any time during the Term. Grantor may decrease the estimated amount of this Agreement at any time during the Term if (i) Grantor believes Grantee will not use the funds during the Term, (ii) Grantor believes Grantee has used funds in a manner that was not authorized by this Agreement, (iii) sufficient funds for this Agreement have not been appropriated or otherwise made available to the Grantor by the State or the federal funding source, (iv) the Governor or Grantor reserves funds, or (v) the Governor or Grantor determines that funds will or may not be available for payment. Grantee will be notified, in writing, of any adjustment of the estimated amount of this Agreement. In the event of such reduction, services provided by Grantee under Exhibit A may be reduced accordingly. Grantee shall be paid for work satisfactorily performed prior to the date of the notice regarding adjustment. 2 CFR 200.308. 4.6.


(a) All interest earned on Grant Funds held by a Grantee shall be treated in accordance with 2 CFR 200.305(b)(9), unless otherwise provided in PART TWO or PART THREE. Any amount due shall be remitted annually in accordance with 2 CFR 200.305(b)(9) or to the Grantor, as applicable. (b) Grant Funds shall be placed in an insured account, whenever possible, that bears interest, unless exempted under 2 CFR Part 200.305(b)(8). 4.7. Timely Billing Required. Grantee must submit any payment request to Grantor within fifteen (15) days of the end of the quarter, unless another billing schedule is specified in PART TWO, PART THREE or Exhibit C. Failure to submit such payment request timely will render the amounts billed an unallowable cost which Grantor cannot reimburse. In the event that Grantee is unable, for good cause, to submit its payment request timely, Grantee shall timely notify Grantor and may request an extension of time to submit the payment request. Grantor’s approval of Grantee’s request for an extension shall not be unreasonably withheld. 4.8. Certification. Pursuant to 2 CFR 200.415, each invoice and report submitted by Grantee (or subgrantee) must contain the following certification by an official authorized to legally bind the Grantee (or subgrantee): By signing this report [or payment request or both], I certify to the best of my knowledge and belief that the report [or payment request] is true, complete, and accurate; that the expenditures, disbursements and cash receipts are for the purposes and objectives set forth in the terms and conditions of the State or federal pass-through award; and that supporting documentation has been submitted as required by the grant agreement. I acknowledge that approval for any other expenditure described herein shall be considered conditional subject to further review and verification in accordance with the monitoring and records retention provisions of the grant agreement. I am aware that any false, fictitious, or fraudulent information, or the omission of any material fact, may subject me to criminal, civil or administrative penalties for fraud, false statements, false claims or otherwise. (U.S. Code Title 18, Section 1001 and Title 31, Sections 3729-3730 and 3801-3812; 30 ILCS 708/120).


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Page 160 5.1. Scope of Grant Activities/Purpose of Grant. Grantee will conduct the Grant Activities or provide the services as described in the Exhibits and attachments, including Exhibit A (Project Description) and Exhibit B (Deliverables), incorporated herein and in accordance with all terms and conditions set forth herein and all applicable administrative rules. In addition, the State’s Notice of Award is incorporated herein by reference. All Grantor-specific provisions and programmatic reporting required under this Agreement are described in PART TWO (The Grantor-Specific Terms). All Project-specific provisions and reporting required under this Agreement are described in PART THREE. 5.2. Scope Revisions. Grantee shall obtain Prior Approval from Grantor whenever a Scope revision is necessary for one or more of the reasons enumerated in 2 CFR 200.308. All requests for Scope revisions that require Grantor approval shall be signed by Grantee’s authorized representative and submitted to Grantor for approval. Expenditure of funds under a requested revision is prohibited and will not be reimbursed if expended before Grantor gives written approval. See 2 CFR 200.308. 5.3. Specific Conditions. If applicable, specific conditions required after a risk assessment will be included in Exhibit G. Grantee shall adhere to the specific conditions listed therein.

ARTICLE VI BUDGET 6.1. Budget. The Budget is a schedule of anticipated grant expenditures that is approved by Grantor for carrying out the purposes of the Award. When Grantee or third parties support a portion of expenses associated with the Award, the Budget includes the non-federal as well as the federal share (and State share if applicable) of grant expenses. The Budget submitted by Grantee at application, or a revised Budget subsequently submitted and approved by Grantor, is considered final and is incorporated herein by reference. 6.2. Budget Revisions. Grantee shall obtain Prior Approval from Grantor whenever a Budget revision is necessary for one or more of the reasons enumerated in 2 CFR 200.308 or 44 Ill. Admin. Code 7000.370(b). All requests for Budget revisions that require Grantor approval shall be signed by Grantee’s authorized representative and submitted to Grantor for approval. Expenditure of funds under a requested revision is prohibited and will not be reimbursed if expended before Grantor gives written approval. 6.3. Discretionary Line Item Transfers. Unless prohibited from doing so in 2 CFR 200.308 or 44 Ill. Admin. Code 7000.370(b), transfers between approved line items may be made without Grantor’s approval only if the total amount transferred does not exceed the allowable variance of the greater of either (i) ten percent (10%) of the Budget line item or (ii) one thousand dollars ($1,000) of the Budget line item. Discretionary line item transfers may not result in an increase to the Budget. 6.4. Non-discretionary Line Item Transfers. Total line item transfers exceeding the allowable variance of the greater of either (i) ten percent (10%) of the Budget line item or (ii) one thousand dollars ($1,000) of the Budget line item require Grantor approval as set forth in Paragraph 6.2. 6.5. Notification. Within thirty (30) calendar days from the date of receipt of the request for Budget revisions, Grantor will review the request and notify Grantee whether the Budget revision has been approved, denied, or the date upon which a decision will be reached.

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ARTICLE VII ALLOWABLE COSTS Page 161 7.1. Allowability of Costs; Cost Allocation Methods. The allowability of costs and cost allocation methods for work performed under this Agreement shall be determined in accordance with 2 CFR 200 Subpart E and Appendices III, IV, and V. 7.2.

Indirect Cost Rate Submission.

(a) All Grantees must make an Indirect Cost Rate election in the Grantee Portal, even grantees that do not charge or expect to charge Indirect Costs. 44 Ill. Admin. Code 7000.420(d). (b) A Grantee must submit an Indirect Cost Rate Proposal in accordance with federal regulations, in a format prescribed by Grantor. For Grantees who have never negotiated an Indirect Cost Rate before, the Indirect Cost Rate Proposal must be submitted for approval no later than three months after the effective date of the Award. For Grantees who have previously negotiated an Indirect Cost Rate, the Indirect Cost Rate Proposal must be submitted for approval within 180 days of the Grantee’s fiscal year end, as dictated in the applicable appendices, such as: (i) Appendix V and VII to 2 CFR Part 200 governs Indirect Cost Rate Proposals for state and local governments, (ii) Appendix III to 2 CFR Part 200 governs Indirect Cost Rate Proposals for public and private institutions of higher education, (iii) Appendix IV to 2 CFR Part 200 governs Indirect (F&A) Costs Identification and Assignment, and Rate Determination for Nonprofit Organizations, and (iv) Appendix V to Part 200 governs state/Local Governmentwide Central Service Cost Allocation Plans. (c) A Grantee who has a current, applicable rate negotiated by a cognizant federal agency shall provide to Grantor a copy of its Indirect Cost Rate acceptance letter from the federal government and a copy of all documentation regarding the allocation methodology for costs used to negotiate that rate, e.g., without limitation, the cost policy statement or disclosure narrative statement. Grantor will accept that Indirect Cost Rate, up to any statutory, rule-based or programmatic limit. 7.3. Transfer of Costs. Cost transfers between Grants, whether as a means to compensate for cost overruns or for other reasons, are unallowable. See 2 CFR 200.451. 7.4. Higher Education Cost Principles. The federal cost principles that apply to public and private institutions of higher education are set forth in 2 CFR Part 200 Subpart E and Appendix III. 7.5. Nonprofit Organizations Cost Principles. The federal cost principles that apply to Nonprofit Organizations that are not institutions of higher education are set forth in 2 CFR Part 200 Subpart E, unless exempt under 2 CFR 200 Appendix VIII. 7.6. Government Cost Principles. The federal cost principles that apply to state, local and federallyrecognized Indian tribal governments are set forth in 2 CFR Part 200 Subpart E, Appendix V, and Appendix VII. 7.7. Commercial Organization Cost Principles. The federal cost principles and procedures for cost analysis and the determination, negotiation and allowance of costs that apply to commercial organizations are set forth in 48 CFR Part 31. State of Illinois GRANT AGREEMENT FISCAL YEAR 2021 / 2 5 20 Page 9 of 35

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Page 162 7.8. Financial Management Standards. The financial management systems of Grantee must meet the following standards: (a) Accounting System. Grantee organizations must have an accounting system that provides accurate, current, and complete disclosure of all financial transactions related to each state- and federally-funded Program. Accounting records must contain information pertaining to state and federal pass-through awards, authorizations, obligations, unobligated balances, assets, outlays, and income. These records must be maintained on a current basis and balanced at least quarterly. Cash contributions to the Program from third parties must be accounted for in the general ledger with other Grant Funds. Third party in-kind (non-cash) contributions are not required to be recorded in the general ledger, but must be under accounting control, possibly through the use of a memorandum ledger. To comply with 2 CFR 200.305(b)(7)(i) and 30 ILCS 708/520, Grantee shall use reasonable efforts to ensure that funding streams are delineated within Grantee’s accounting system. See 2 CFR 200.302. (b) Source Documentation. Accounting records must be supported by such source documentation as canceled checks, bank statements, invoices, paid bills, donor letters, time and attendance records, activity reports, travel reports, contractual and consultant agreements, and subaward documentation. All supporting documentation should be clearly identified with the Award and general ledger accounts which are to be charged or credited. (i) The documentation standards for salary charges to grants are prescribed by 2 CFR 200.430, and in the cost principles applicable to the entity’s organization (Paragraphs 7.4 through 7.7). (ii) If records do not meet the standards in 2 CFR 200.430, then Grantor may notify Grantee in PART TWO, PART THREE or Exhibit G of the requirement to submit Personnel activity reports. See 2 CFR 200.430(i)(8). Personnel activity reports shall account on an after-the-fact basis for one hundred percent (100%) of the employee's actual time, separately indicating the time spent on the grant, other grants or projects, vacation or sick leave, and administrative time, if applicable. The reports must be signed by the employee, approved by the appropriate official, and coincide with a pay period. These time records should be used to record the distribution of salary costs to the appropriate accounts no less frequently than quarterly. (iii) Formal agreements with independent contractors, such as consultants, must include a description of the services to be performed, the period of performance, the fee and method of payment, an itemization of travel and other costs which are chargeable to the agreement, and the signatures of both the contractor and an appropriate official of Grantee. (iv) If third party in-kind (non-cash) contributions are used for Grant purposes, the valuation of these contributions must be supported with adequate documentation. (c) Internal Control. Effective control and accountability must be maintained for all cash, real and personal property, and other assets. Grantee must adequately safeguard all such property and must provide assurance that it is used solely for authorized purposes. Grantee must also have systems in place that provide reasonable assurance that the information is accurate, allowable, and compliant with the terms and conditions of this Agreement. 2 CFR 200.303. (d) Budget Control. Records of expenditures must be maintained for each Award by the cost categories of the approved Budget (including indirect costs that are charged to the Award), and actual expenditures are to be compared with Budgeted amounts at least quarterly.

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Page 163 (e) Cash Management. Requests for advance payment shall be limited to Grantee's immediate cash needs. Grantee must have written procedures to minimize the time elapsing between the receipt and the disbursement of Grant Funds to avoid having excess funds on hand. 2 CFR 200.305. 7.9. Federal Requirements. All Awards, whether funded in whole or in part with either federal or State funds, are subject to federal requirements and regulations, including but not limited to 2 CFR Part 200, 44 Ill. Admin. Code 7000.30(b) and the Financial Management Standards in Paragraph 7.8. 7.10. Profits. It is not permitted for any person or entity to earn a Profit from an Award. See, e.g., 2 CFR 200.400(g); see also 30 ILCS 708/60(a)(7). 7.11. Management of Program Income. Grantee is encouraged to earn income to defray program costs where appropriate, subject to 2 CFR 200.307.

ARTICLE VIII REQUIRED CERTIFICATIONS 8.1. Certifications. Grantee, its officers, and directors shall be responsible for compliance with the enumerated certifications to the extent that the certifications apply to Grantee. (a) Bribery. Grantee certifies that it has not been convicted of bribery or attempting to bribe an officer or employee of the state of Illinois, nor made an admission of guilt of such conduct which is a matter of record (30 ILCS 500/50-5). (b) Bid Rigging. Grantee certifies that it has not been barred from contracting with a unit of state or local government as a result of a violation of Paragraph 33E-3 or 33E-4 of the Criminal Code of 1961 (720 ILCS 5/33E-3 or 720 ILCS 5/33E-4, respectively). (c) Debt to State. Grantee certifies that neither it, nor its affiliate(s), is/are barred from receiving an Award because Grantee, or its affiliate(s), is/are delinquent in the payment of any debt to the State, unless Grantee, or its affiliate(s), has/have entered into a deferred payment plan to pay off the debt, and Grantee acknowledges Grantor may declare the Agreement void if the certification is false (30 ILCS 500/50-11). (d) Educational Loan. Grantee certifies that it is not barred from receiving State agreements as a result of default on an educational loan (5 ILCS 385/1 et seq.). (e) International Boycott. Grantee certifies that neither it nor any substantially owned affiliated company is participating or shall participate in an international boycott in violation of the provision of the U.S. Export Administration Act of 1979 (50 USC Appendix 2401 et seq.) or the regulations of the U.S. Department of Commerce promulgated under that Act (15 CFR Parts 730 through 774). (f) Dues and Fees. Grantee certifies that it is not prohibited from receiving an Award because it pays dues or fees on behalf of its employees or agents, or subsidizes or otherwise reimburses them for payment of their dues or fees to any club which unlawfully discriminates (775 ILCS 25/1 et seq.). (g)

Pro-Children Act. Grantee certifies that it is in compliance with the Pro-Children Act of State of Illinois GRANT AGREEMENT FISCAL YEAR 2021 / 2 5 20 Page 11 of 35

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Page 164 2001 in that it prohibits smoking in any portion of its facility used for the provision of health, day care, early childhood development services, education or library services to children under the age of eighteen (18), which services are supported by federal or state government assistance (except such portions of the facilities which are used for inpatient substance abuse treatment) (20 USC 7181-7184). (h) Drug-Free Work Place. If Grantee is not an individual, Grantee certifies it will provide a drug free workplace pursuant to the Drug Free Workplace Act. 30 ILCS 580/3. If Grantee is an individual and this Agreement is valued at more than $5,000, Grantee certifies it shall not engage in the unlawful manufacture, distribution, dispensation, possession, or use of a controlled substance during the performance of the Agreement. 30 ILCS 580/4. Grantee further certifies that it is in compliance with the government-wide requirements for a drug-free workplace as set forth in 41 USC 8102. (i) Motor Voter Law. Grantee certifies that it is in full compliance with the terms and provisions of the National Voter Registration Act of 1993 (52 USC 20501 et seq.). (j) Clean Air Act and Clean Water Act. Grantee certifies that it is in compliance with all applicable standards, order or regulations issued pursuant to the Clean Air Act (42 USC ยง7401 et seq.) and the Federal Water Pollution Control Act, as amended (33 USC 1251 et seq.). (k) Debarment. Grantee certifies that it is not debarred, suspended, proposed for debarment, declared ineligible, or voluntarily excluded from participation in this Agreement by any federal department or agency 2 CFR 200.205(a), or by the State (See 30 ILCS 708/25(6)(G)). (l) Non-procurement Debarment and Suspension. Grantee certifies that it is in compliance with Subpart C of 2 CFR Part 180 as supplemented by 2 CFR Part 376, Subpart C. (m) Grant for the Construction of Fixed Works. Grantee certifies that all Programs for the construction of fixed works which are financed in whole or in part with funds provided by this Agreement shall be subject to the Prevailing Wage Act (820 ILCS 130/0.01 et seq.) unless the provisions of that Act exempt its application. In the construction of the Program, Grantee shall comply with the requirements of the Prevailing Wage Act including, but not limited to, inserting into all contracts for such construction a stipulation to the effect that not less than the prevailing rate of wages as applicable to the Program shall be paid to all laborers, workers, and mechanics performing work under the Award and requiring all bonds of contractors to include a provision as will guarantee the faithful performance of such prevailing wage clause as provided by contract. (n) Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act. Grantee certifies that it is in compliance with the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA), Public Law No. 104-191, 45 CFR Parts 160, 162 and 164, and the Social Security Act, 42 USC 1320d-2 through 1320d-7, in that it may not use or disclose protected health information other than as permitted or required by law and agrees to use appropriate safeguards to prevent use or disclosure of the protected health information. Grantee shall maintain, for a minimum of six (6) years, all protected health information. (o) Criminal Convictions. Grantee certifies that neither it nor any officer, director, partner or other managerial agent of Grantee has been convicted of a felony under the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002, nor a Class 3 or Class 2 felony under Illinois Securities Law of 1953, or that at least five (5) years have passed since the date of the conviction. Grantee further certifies that it is not barred from receiving an Award under 30 ILCS 500/50-10.5, and acknowledges that Grantor shall declare the Agreement void if State of Illinois GRANT AGREEMENT FISCAL YEAR 2021 / 2 5 20 Page 12 of 35

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this certification is false (30 ILCS 500/50-10.5).

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(p) Forced Labor Act. Grantee certifies that it complies with the State Prohibition of Goods from Forced Labor Act, and certifies that no foreign-made equipment, materials, or supplies furnished to the State under this Agreement have been or will be produced in whole or in part by forced labor, convict labor, or indentured labor under penal sanction (30 ILCS 583). (q) Illinois Use Tax. Grantee certifies in accordance with 30 ILCS 500/50-12 that it is not barred from receiving an Award under this Paragraph. Grantee acknowledges that this Agreement may be declared void if this certification is false. (r) Environmental Protection Act Violations. Grantee certifies in accordance with 30 ILCS 500/50-14 that it is not barred from receiving an Award under this Paragraph. Grantee acknowledges that this Agreement may be declared void if this certification is false. (s) Goods from Child Labor Act. Grantee certifies that no foreign-made equipment, materials, or supplies furnished to the State under this Agreement have been produced in whole or in part by the labor of any child under the age of twelve (12) (30 ILCS 584). (t) Federal Funding Accountability and Transparency Act of 2006. Grantee certifies that it is in compliance with the terms and requirements of 31 USC 6101. (u) Illinois Works Review Panel. For Awards made for public works projects, as defined in the Illinois Works Jobs Program Act, Grantee certifies that it and any contractor(s) or sub-contractor(s) that performs work using funds from this Award, shall, upon reasonable notice, appear before and respond to requests for information from the Illinois Works Review Panel. 30 ILCS 559/20-25(d).

ARTICLE IX CRIMINAL DISCLOSURE 9.1. Mandatory Criminal Disclosures. Grantee shall continue to disclose to Grantor all violations of criminal law involving fraud, bribery or gratuity violations potentially affecting this Award. See 30 ILCS 708/40. Additionally, if Grantee receives over $10 million in total Financial Assistance, funded by either State or federal funds, during the period of this Award, Grantee must maintain the currency of information reported to SAM regarding civil, criminal or administrative proceedings as required by 2 CFR 200.113 and Appendix XII of 2 CFR Part 200, and 30 ILCS 708/40.

ARTICLE X UNLAWFUL DISCRIMINATION 10.1. Compliance with Nondiscrimination Laws. Grantee, its employees and subcontractors under subcontract made pursuant to this Agreement, shall comply with all applicable provisions of state and federal laws and regulations pertaining to nondiscrimination, sexual harassment and equal employment opportunity including, but not limited to, the following laws and regulations and all subsequent amendments thereto: (a)

The Illinois Human Rights Act (775 ILCS 5/1-101 et seq.), including, without limitation, 44 State of Illinois GRANT AGREEMENT FISCAL YEAR 2021 / 2 5 20 Page 13 of 35

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Page 166 Ill. Admin. Code Part 750, which is incorporated herein; (b)

The Public Works Employment Discrimination Act (775 ILCS 10/1 et seq.);

(c) The United States Civil Rights Act of 1964 (as amended) (42 USC 2000a- and 2000h-6). (See also guidelines to Federal Financial Assistance Recipients Regarding Title VI Prohibition Against National Origin Discrimination Affecting Limited English Proficient Persons [Federal Register: February 18, 2002 (Volume 67, Number 13, Pages 2671-2685)]); (d)

Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (29 USC 794);


The Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (as amended) (42 USC 12101 et seq.); and


The Age Discrimination Act (42 USC 6101 et seq.). ARTICLE XI LOBBYING

11.1. Improper Influence. Grantee certifies that no Grant Funds have been paid or will be paid by or on behalf of Grantee to any person for influencing or attempting to influence an officer or employee of any government agency, a member of Congress or Illinois General Assembly, an officer or employee of Congress or Illinois General Assembly, or an employee of a member of Congress or Illinois General Assembly in connection with the awarding of any agreement, the making of any grant, the making of any loan, the entering into of any cooperative agreement, or the extension, continuation, renewal, amendment or modification of any agreement, grant, loan or cooperative agreement. 31 USC 1352. Additionally, Grantee certifies that it has filed the required certification under the Byrd Anti-Lobbying Amendment (31 USC 1352), if applicable. 11.2. Federal Form LLL. If any funds, other than federally-appropriated funds, were paid or will be paid to any person for influencing or attempting to influence any of the above persons in connection with this Agreement, the undersigned must also complete and submit Federal Form LLL, Disclosure of Lobbying Activities Form, in accordance with its instructions. 11.3. Lobbying Costs. Grantee certifies that it is in compliance with the restrictions on lobbying set forth in 2 CFR Part 200.450. For any Indirect Costs associated with this Agreement, total lobbying costs shall be separately identified in the Program Budget, and thereafter treated as other Unallowable Costs. 11.4. Procurement Lobbying. Grantee warrants and certifies that it and, to the best of its knowledge, its sub-grantees have complied and will comply with Executive Order No. 1 (2007) (EO 1-2007). EO 1-2007 generally prohibits Grantees and subcontractors from hiring the then-serving Governor’s family members to lobby procurement activities of the State, or any other unit of government in Illinois including local governments, if that procurement may result in a contract valued at over $25,000. This prohibition also applies to hiring for that same purpose any former State employee who had procurement authority at any time during the one-year period preceding the procurement lobbying activity. 11.5. Subawards. Grantee must include the language of this ARTICLE XI in the award documents for any subawards made pursuant to this Award at all tiers. All sub-awardees are also subject to certification and disclosure. Pursuant to Appendix II(I) to 2 CFR Part 200, Grantee shall forward all disclosures by contractors regarding this certification to Grantor. State of Illinois GRANT AGREEMENT FISCAL YEAR 2021 / 2 5 20 Page 14 of 35

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Page 167 11.6. Certification. This certification is a material representation of fact upon which reliance was placed to enter into this transaction and is a prerequisite for this transaction, pursuant to 31 USC 1352. Any person who fails to file the required certifications shall be subject to a civil penalty of not less than $10,000, and not more than $100,000, for each such failure.

ARTICLE XII MAINTENANCE AND ACCESSIBILITY OF RECORDS; MONITORING 12.1. Records Retention. Grantee shall maintain for three (3) years from the date of submission of the final expenditure report, adequate books, all financial records and, supporting documents, statistical records, and all other records pertinent to this Award, adequate to comply with 2 CFR 200.333, unless a different retention period is specified in 2 CFR 200.333 or 44 Ill. Admin. Code §§ 7000.430(a) and (b). If any litigation, claim or audit is started before the expiration of the retention period, the records must be retained until all litigation, claims or audit exceptions involving the records have been resolved and final action taken. 12.2. Accessibility of Records. Grantee, in compliance with 2 CFR 200.336 and 44 Ill. Admin. Code 7000.430(e), shall make books, records, related papers, supporting documentation and personnel relevant to this Agreement available to authorized Grantor representatives, the Illinois Auditor General, Illinois Attorney General, any Executive Inspector General, the Grantor’s Inspector General, federal authorities, any person identified in 2 CFR 200.336, and any other person as may be authorized by Grantor (including auditors), by the state of Illinois or by federal statute. Grantee shall cooperate fully in any such audit or inquiry. 12.3. Failure to Maintain Books and Records. Failure to maintain books, records and supporting documentation, as described in this ARTICLE XII, shall establish a presumption in favor of the State for the recovery of any funds paid by the State under this Agreement for which adequate books, records and supporting documentation are not available to support disbursement. 12.4. Monitoring and Access to Information. Grantee must monitor its activities to assure compliance with applicable state and federal requirements and to assure its performance expectations are being achieved. Grantor shall monitor the activities of Grantee to assure compliance with all requirements and performance expectations of the award. Grantee shall timely submit all financial and performance reports, and shall supply, upon Grantor’s request, documents and information relevant to the Award. Grantor may make site visits as warranted by program needs. See 2 CFR 200.328 and 200.331. Additional monitoring requirements may be in PART TWO or PART THREE. ARTICLE XIII FINANCIAL REPORTING REQUIREMENTS 13.1. Required Periodic Financial Reports. Grantee agrees to submit financial reports as requested and in the format required by Grantor. Grantee shall file quarterly reports with Grantor describing the expenditure(s) of the funds related thereto, unless more frequent reporting is required by the Grantee pursuant to specific award conditions. 2 CFR 200.207. Unless so specified, the first of such reports shall cover the first three months after the Award begins, and reports must be submitted no later than the due date(s) specified in PART TWO or PART THREE, unless additional information regarding required financial reports is set forth in Exhibit G. Failure to submit the required financial reports may cause a delay or suspension of funding. 30 ILCS 705/1 et seq.; 2 CFR 207(b)(3) and 200.327. Any report required by 30 ILCS 708/125 may be detailed in PART TWO or PART THREE. State of Illinois GRANT AGREEMENT FISCAL YEAR 2021 / 2 5 20 Page 15 of 35

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Page 168 13.2.

Close-out Reports.

(a) Grantee shall submit a Close-out Report no later than the due date specified in PART TWO or PART THREE following the end of the period of performance for this Agreement or Agreement termination. The format of this Close-out Report shall follow a format prescribed by Grantor. 2 CFR 200.343; 44 Ill. Admin. Code 7000.440(b). (b) If an audit or review of Grantee occurs and results in adjustments after Grantee submits a Close-out Report, Grantee will submit a new Close-out Report based on audit adjustments, and immediately submit a refund to Grantor, if applicable. 2 CFR 200.344. 13.3. Effect of Failure to Comply. Failure to comply with reporting requirements shall result in the withholding of funds, the return of improper payments or Unallowable Costs, will be considered a material breach of this Agreement and may be the basis to recover Grant Funds. Grantee's failure to comply with this ARTICLE XIII, ARTICLE XIV, or ARTICLE XV shall be considered prima facie evidence of a breach and may be admitted as such, without further proof, into evidence in an administrative proceeding before Grantor, or in any other legal proceeding. Grantee should refer to the State of Illinois Grantee Compliance Enforcement System for policy and consequences for failure to comply.

ARTICLE XIV PERFORMANCE REPORTING REQUIREMENTS 14.1. Required Periodic Performance Reports. Grantee agrees to submit Performance Reports as requested and in the format required by Grantor. Performance Measures listed in Exhibit E must be reported quarterly, unless otherwise specified in PART TWO, PART THREE or Exhibit G. Unless so specified, the first of such reports shall cover the first three months after the Award begins. If Grantee is not required to report performance quarterly, then Grantee must submit a Performance Report at least annually. Pursuant to 2 CFR 200.207, specific conditions may be imposed requiring Grantee to report more frequently based on the risk assessment or the merit-based review of the application. In such cases, Grantor shall notify Grantee of same in Exhibit G. Pursuant to 2 CFR 200.328 and 44 Ill. Admin. Code 7000.410(b)(2), periodic Performance Reports shall be submitted no later than the due date(s) specified in PART TWO or PART THREE. For certain constructionrelated Awards, such reports may be exempted as identified in PART TWO or PART THREE. 2 CFR 200.328. Failure to submit such required Performance Reports may cause a delay or suspension of funding. 30 ILCS 705/1 et seq. 14.2. Close-out Performance Reports. Grantee agrees to submit a Close-out Performance Report, in the format required by Grantor, no later than the due date specified in PART TWO or PART THREE following the end of the period of performance or Agreement termination. See 2 CFR 200.343; 44 Ill. Admin. Code 7000.440(b)(1). 14.3. Content of Performance Reports. Pursuant to 2 CFR 200.328(b)(2) all Performance Reports must include Program qualitative and quantitative information, including a comparison of actual accomplishments to the objectives of the award established for the period; where the accomplishments can be quantified, a computation of the cost if required; performance trend data and analysis if required; and reasons why established goals were not met, if appropriate. Appendices may be used to include additional supportive documentation. Additional content and format guidelines for the Performance Reports will be determined by Grantor contingent on the Award’s statutory, regulatory and administrative requirements, and are included in State of Illinois GRANT AGREEMENT FISCAL YEAR 2021 / 2 5 20 Page 16 of 35

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PART TWO or PART THREE of this Agreement.

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14.4. Performance Standards. Grantee shall perform in accordance with the Performance Standards set forth in Exhibit F. See 2 CFR 200.301 and 200.210.

ARTICLE XV AUDIT REQUIREMENTS 15.1. Audits. Grantee shall be subject to the audit requirements contained in the Single Audit Act Amendments of 1996 (31 USC 7501-7507) and Subpart F of 2 CFR Part 200, and the audit rules and policies set forth by the Governor’s Office of Management and Budget. See 30 ILCS 708/65(c); 44 Ill. Admin. Code 7000.90. 15.2.

Consolidated Year-End Financial Reports.

(a) This Paragraph 15.2 applies to all Grantees, unless exempted pursuant to a federal or state statute or regulation, which is identified in PART TWO or PART THREE. (b) Grantees shall submit Consolidated Year-End Financial Reports, according to the required audit, namely: (i) For Grantees required to conduct a single audit (or program-specific audit), within the earlier of (a) 9 months after the end of the Grantee’s fiscal year or (b) 30 calendar days following completion of the audit; or (ii) For Grantees required to conduct a Financial Statement Audit or for Grantees not required to perform an audit, within 180 days after the end of Grantee’s fiscal year. These deadlines may be extended at the discretion of the Grantor, but only for rare and unusual circumstances such as a natural disaster. (c) The Consolidated Year-End Financial Report must cover the same period the Audited Financial Statements cover. If no Audited Financial Statements are required, however, then the Consolidated Year-End Financial Report must cover the same period as the Grantee’s tax return. (d) Consolidated Year-End Financial Reports must include an in relation to opinion from the report issuer on the financial statements included in the Consolidated Year-End Financial Report. (e) 15.3.

Consolidated Year-End Financial Reports shall follow a format prescribed by Grantor.

Entities That Are Not “For-Profit”. (a)

This Paragraph applies to Grantees that are not “for-profit” entities.

(b) Single and Program-Specific Audits. If, during its fiscal year, Grantee expends $750,000 or more in Federal Awards (direct federal and federal pass-through awards combined), Grantee must have a single audit or program-specific audit conducted for that year as required by 2 CFR 200.501 and other applicable sections of Subpart F of 2 CFR Part 200. The audit report packet must be completed as described in 2 CFR 200.512 (single audit) or 2 CFR 200.507 (program-specific audit), 44 Ill. Admin. Code 7000.90(h)(1) and the current GATA audit manual and submitted to the Federal Audit Clearinghouse, as required by 2 CFR 200.512. The results of peer and external quality control reviews, management letters, State of Illinois GRANT AGREEMENT FISCAL YEAR 2021 / 2 5 20 Page 17 of 35

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Page 170 AU-C 265 communications and the Consolidated Year-End Financial Report(s) must be submitted to the Grantee Portal. The due date of all required submissions set forth in this Paragraph is the earlier of (i) 30 calendar days after receipt of the auditor’s report(s) or (ii) nine (9) months after the end of the Grantee’s audit period. (c) Financial Statement Audit. If, during its fiscal year, Grantee expends less than $750,000 in Federal Awards, Grantee is subject to the following audit requirements: (i) If, during its fiscal year, Grantee expends $500,000 or more in Federal and state Awards, singularly or in any combination, from all sources, Grantee must have a financial statement audit conducted in accordance with the Generally Accepted Government Auditing Standards (GAGAS). Grantee may be subject to additional requirements in PART TWO, PART THREE or Exhibit G based on the Grantee’s risk profile. (ii) If, during its fiscal year, Grantee expends less than $500,000 in Federal and state Awards, singularly or in any combination, from all sources, but expends $300,000 or more in Federal and state Awards, singularly or in any combination, from all sources, Grantee must have a financial statement audit conducted in accordance with the Generally Accepted Auditing Standards (GAAS). (iii) If Grantee is a Local Education Agency (as defined in 34 CFR 77.1), Grantee shall have a financial statement audit conducted in accordance with GAGAS, as required by 23 Ill. Admin. Code 100.110, regardless of the dollar amount of expenditures of Federal and state Awards. (iv) If Grantee does not meet the requirements in subsections 15.3(b) and 15.3(c)(iiii) but is required to have a financial statement audit conducted based on other regulatory requirements, Grantee must submit those audits for review. (v) Grantee must submit its financial statement audit report packet, as set forth in 44 Ill. Admin. Code 7000.90(h)(2) and the current GATA audit manual, to the Grantee Portal within the earlier of (i) 30 calendar days after receipt of the auditor’s report(s) or (ii) 6 months after the end of the Grantee’s audit period. 15.4.

“For-Profit” Entities. (a)

This Paragraph applies to Grantees that are “for-profit” entities.

(b) Program-Specific Audit. If, during its fiscal year, Grantee expends $750,000 or more in Federal Awards (direct federal and federal pass-through awards), from all sources, Grantee is required to have a program-specific audit conducted in accordance with 2 CFR 200.507. The auditor must audit Federal programs with Federal Awards expended that, in the aggregate, cover at least 50 percent (0.50) of total Federal Awards expended. The audit report packet must be completed as described in 2 CFR 200.507 (program-specific audit), 44 Ill. Admin. Code 7000.90 and the current GATA audit manual, and must be submitted to the Grantee Portal. The due date of all required submissions set forth in this Paragraph is the earlier of (i) 30 calendar days after receipt of the auditor’s report(s) or (ii) nine (9) months after the end of the Grantee’s audit period. (c) Financial Statement Audit. If, during its fiscal year, Grantee expends less than $750,000 in Federal Awards and state Awards, singularly or in any combination, from all sources, Grantee must follow all of the audit requirements in Paragraphs 15.3(c)(i)-(v), above.

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Page 171 (d) Publicly-Traded Entities. If Grantee is a publicly-traded company, Grantee is not subject to the single audit or program-specific audit requirements, but is required to submit its annual audit conducted in accordance with its regulatory requirements.

15.5. Performance of Audits. For those organizations required to submit an independent audit report, the audit is to be conducted by a Certified Public Accountant or Certified Public Accounting Firm licensed in the state of Illinois or in accordance with Section 5.2 of the Illinois Public Accounting Act (225 ILCS 450/5.2). For all audits required to be performed subject to Generally Accepted Government Auditing standards or Generally Accepted Auditing standards, Grantee shall request and maintain on file a copy of the auditor’s most recent peer review report and acceptance letter. Grantee shall follow procedures prescribed by Grantor for the preparation and submission of audit reports and any related documents. 15.6. Delinquent Reports. Grantee should refer to the State of Illinois Grantee Compliance Enforcement System for the policy and consequences for late reporting. 44 Ill. Admin. Code 7000.80.



(a) This Agreement may be terminated, in whole or in part, by either Party for any or no reason upon thirty (30) calendar days’ prior written notice to the other Party. If terminated by the Grantee, Grantee must include the reasons for such termination, the effective date, and, in the case of a partial termination, the portion to be terminated. If Grantor determines in the case of a partial termination that the reduced or modified portion of the Award will not accomplish the purposes for which the Award was made, Grantor may terminate the Agreement in its entirety. 2 CFR 200.339(a)(4). (b)

This Agreement may be terminated, in whole or in part, by Grantor without advance

notice: (i)

Pursuant to a funding failure under Paragraph 4.1;

(ii) If Grantee fails to comply with the terms and conditions of this or any Award, application or proposal, including any applicable rules or regulations, or has made a false representation in connection with the receipt of this or any Grant; (iii) For cause, which may render the Grantee ineligible for consideration for future grants from the Grantor or other State agencies; or (iv) If Grantee breaches this Agreement and either (1) fails to cure such breach within 15 calendar days’ written notice thereof, or (2) if such cure would require longer than 15 calendar days and the Grantee has failed to commence such cure within 15 calendar days’ written notice thereof. In the event that Grantor terminates this Agreement as a result of the breach of the Agreement by Grantee, Grantee shall be paid for work satisfactorily performed prior to the date of termination.

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Page 172 16.2. Suspension. Grantor may suspend this Agreement, in whole or in part, pursuant to a funding failure under Paragraph 4.1 or if the Grantee fails to comply with terms and conditions of this or any Award. If suspension is due to Grantee’s failure to comply, Grantor may withhold further payment and prohibit Grantee from incurring additional obligations pending corrective action by Grantee or a decision to terminate this Agreement by Grantor. Grantor may determine to allow necessary and proper costs that Grantee could not reasonably avoid during the period of suspension. 16.3. Non-compliance. If Grantee fails to comply with applicable statutes, regulations or the terms and conditions of this or any Award, Grantor may impose additional conditions on Grantee, as described in 2 CFR 200.207. If Grantor determines that non-compliance cannot be remedied by imposing additional conditions, Grantor may take one or more of the actions described in 2 CFR 200.338. The Parties shall follow all Grantor policies and procedures regarding non-compliance, including, but not limited to, the procedures set forth in the State of Illinois Grantee Compliance Enforcement System. 44 Ill. Admin. Code §§ 7000.80, 7000.260. 16.4. Objection. If Grantor suspends or terminates this Agreement, in whole or in part, for cause, or takes any other action in response to Grantee’s non-compliance, Grantee may avail itself of any opportunities to object and challenge such suspension, termination or other action by Grantor in accordance with any applicable processes and procedures, including, but not limited to, the procedures set forth in the State of Illinois Grantee Compliance Enforcement System. 2 CFR 200.341; 44 Ill. Admin. Code §§ 7000.80, 7000.260. 16.5.

Effects of Suspension and Termination.

(a) Grantor may credit Grantee for expenditures incurred in the performance of authorized services under this Agreement prior to the effective date of a suspension or termination. (b) Grantee shall not incur any costs or obligations that require the use of these Grant Funds after the effective date of a suspension or termination, and shall cancel as many outstanding obligations as possible. (c) Costs to Grantee resulting from obligations incurred by Grantee during a suspension or after termination of the Agreement are not allowable unless: (i)

Grantor expressly authorizes them in the notice of suspension or termination;

and (ii) The costs result from obligations properly incurred before the effective date of suspension or termination, are not in anticipation of the suspension or termination, and the costs would be allowable if the Agreement was not suspended or terminated. 2 CFR 200.342. 16.6. Close-out of Terminated Agreements. If this Agreement is terminated, in whole or in part, the Parties shall comply with all close-out and post-termination requirements of this Agreement. 2 CFR 200.339(c).

ARTICLE XVII SUBCONTRACTS/SUB-GRANTS 17.1. Sub-recipients/Delegation. Grantee may not subcontract nor sub-grant any portion of this Agreement nor delegate any duties hereunder without Prior Approval of Grantor. The requirement for Prior State of Illinois GRANT AGREEMENT FISCAL YEAR 2021 / 2 5 20 Page 20 of 35

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Page 173 Approval is satisfied if the subcontractor or sub-grantee has been identified in the Uniform Grant Application, such as, without limitation, a Project Description, and Grantor has approved. 17.2. Application of Terms. Grantee shall advise any sub-grantee of funds awarded through this Agreement of the requirements imposed on them by federal and state laws and regulations, and the provisions of this Agreement. In all agreements between Grantee and its sub-grantees, Grantee shall insert term(s) that requires that all sub-grantees adhere to the terms of this Agreement. 17.3. Liability as Guaranty. Grantee shall be liable as guarantor for any Grant Funds it obligates to a sub-grantee or sub-contractor pursuant to Paragraph 17.1 in the event the Grantor determines the funds were either misspent or are being improperly held and the sub-grantee or sub-contractor is insolvent or otherwise fails to return the funds. 2 CFR 200.344; 30 ILCS 705/6; 44 Ill. Admin. Code 7000.450(a).

ARTICLE XVIII NOTICE OF CHANGE 18.1. Notice of Change. Grantee shall notify the Grantor if there is a change in Grantee’s legal status, federal employer identification number (FEIN), DUNS Number, UEI, SAM registration status, Related Parties, senior management or address. See 30 ILCS 708/60(a). If the change is anticipated, Grantee shall give thirty (30) days’ prior written notice to Grantor. If the change is unanticipated, Grantee shall give notice as soon as practicable thereafter. Grantor reserves the right to take any and all appropriate action as a result of such change(s). 18.2. Failure to Provide Notification. Grantee shall hold harmless Grantor for any acts or omissions of Grantor resulting from Grantee’s failure to notify Grantor of these changes. 18.3. Notice of Impact. Grantee shall immediately notify Grantor of any event that may have a material impact on Grantee’s ability to perform this Agreement. 18.4. Circumstances Affecting Performance; Notice. In the event Grantee becomes a party to any litigation, investigation or transaction that may reasonably be considered to have a material impact on Grantee’s ability to perform under this Agreement, Grantee shall notify Grantor, in writing, within five (5) calendar days of determining such litigation or transaction may reasonably be considered to have a material impact on the Grantee’s ability to perform under this Agreement. 18.5. Effect of Failure to Provide Notice. Failure to provide the notice described in Paragraph 18.4 shall be grounds for immediate termination of this Agreement and any costs incurred after notice should have been given shall be disallowed.

ARTICLE XIX STRUCTURAL REORGANIZATION AND RECONSTITUTION OF BOARD MEMBERSHIP 19.1. Effect of Reorganization. Grantee acknowledges that this Agreement is made by and between Grantor and Grantee, as Grantee is currently organized and constituted. No promise or undertaking made hereunder is an assurance that Grantor agrees to continue this Agreement, or any license related thereto, should Grantee significantly reorganize or otherwise substantially change the character of its corporate structure, State of Illinois GRANT AGREEMENT FISCAL YEAR 2021 / 2 5 20 Page 21 of 35

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Page 174 business structure or governance structure. Grantee agrees that it will give Grantor prior notice of any such action or changes significantly affecting its overall structure or management makeup (for example, a merger or a corporate restructuring), and will provide any and all reasonable documentation necessary for Grantor to review the proposed transaction including financial records and corporate and shareholder minutes of any corporation which may be involved. This ARTICLE XIX does not require Grantee to report on minor changes in the makeup of its board membership. Nevertheless, PART TWO or PART THREE may impose further restrictions. Failure to comply with this ARTICLE XIX shall constitute a material breach of this Agreement.

ARTICLE XX AGREEMENTS WITH OTHER STATE AGENCIES 20.1. Copies upon Request. Grantee shall, upon request by Grantor, provide Grantor with copies of contracts or other agreements to which Grantee is a party with any other State agency.

ARTICLE XXI CONFLICT OF INTEREST 21.1. Required Disclosures. Grantee must immediately disclose in writing any potential or actual Conflict of Interest to the Grantor. 2 CFR 200.112 and 30 ILCS 708/35. 21.2. Prohibited Payments. Grantee agrees that payments made by Grantor under this Agreement will not be used to compensate, directly or indirectly, any person: (1) currently holding an elective office in this State including, but not limited to, a seat in the General Assembly, or (2) employed by an office or agency of the state of Illinois whose annual compensation is in excess of sixty percent (60%) of the Governor’s annual salary, or $106,447.20 (30 ILCS 500/50-13). 21.3. Request for Exemption. Grantee may request written approval from Grantor for an exemption from Paragraph 21.2. Grantee acknowledges that Grantor is under no obligation to provide such exemption and that Grantor may, if an exemption is granted, grant such exemption subject to such additional terms and conditions as Grantor may require.

ARTICLE XXII EQUIPMENT OR PROPERTY 22.1. Transfer of Equipment. Grantor shall have the right to require that Grantee transfer to Grantor any equipment, including title thereto, purchased in whole or in part with Grantor funds, if Grantor determines that Grantee has not met the conditions of 2 CFR 200.439. Grantor shall notify Grantee in writing should Grantor require the transfer of such equipment. Upon such notification by Grantor, and upon receipt or delivery of such equipment by Grantor, Grantee will be deemed to have transferred the equipment to Grantor as if Grantee had executed a bill of sale therefor. 22.2. Prohibition against Disposition/Encumbrance. The Grantee is prohibited from, and may not sell, transfer, encumber (other than original financing) or otherwise dispose of said equipment, material, or real property during the Grant Term without Prior Approval of Grantor. Any real property acquired using Grant Funds must comply with the requirements of 2 CFR 200.311. State of Illinois GRANT AGREEMENT FISCAL YEAR 2021 / 2 5 20 Page 22 of 35

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Page 175 22.3. Equipment and Procurement. Grantee must comply with the uniform standards set forth in 2 CFR 200.310–200.316 governing the management and disposition of property which cost was supported by Grant Funds. Any waiver from such compliance must be granted by either the President’s Office of Management and Budget, the Governor’s Office of Management and Budget, or both, depending on the source of the Grant Funds used. Additionally, Grantee must comply with the standards set forth in 2 CFR 200.317-200.326 for use in establishing procedures for the procurement of supplies and other expendable property, equipment, real property and other services with Grant Funds. These standards are furnished to ensure that such materials and services are obtained in an effective manner and in compliance with the provisions of applicable federal and state statutes and executive orders. 22.4. Equipment Instructions. Grantee must obtain disposition instructions from Grantor when equipment, purchased in whole or in part with Grant Funds, are no longer needed for their original purpose. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained within this Agreement, Grantor may require transfer of any equipment to Grantor or a third party for any reason, including, without limitation, if Grantor terminates the Award or Grantee no longer conducts Award activities. The Grantee shall properly maintain, track, use, store and insure the equipment according to applicable best practices, manufacturer’s guidelines, federal and state laws or rules, and Grantor requirements stated herein.

ARTICLE XXIII PROMOTIONAL MATERIALS; PRIOR NOTIFICATION 23.1. Publications, Announcements, etc. Use of Grant Funds for promotions is subject to the prohibitions for advertising or public relations costs in 2 CFR 200.421(e). In the event that Grantor funds are used in whole or in part to produce any written publications, announcements, reports, flyers, brochures or other written materials, Grantee shall obtain Prior Approval for the use of those funds (2 CFR 200.467) and agrees to include in these publications, announcements, reports, flyers, brochures and all other such material, the phrase “Funding provided in whole or in part by the [Grantor].” Exceptions to this requirement must be requested, in writing, from Grantor and will be considered authorized only upon written notice thereof to Grantee. 23.2. Prior Notification/Release of Information. Grantee agrees to notify Grantor ten (10) days prior to issuing public announcements or press releases concerning work performed pursuant to this Agreement, or funded in whole or in part by this Agreement, and to cooperate with Grantor in joint or coordinated releases of information.

ARTICLE XXIV INSURANCE 24.1. Purchase and Maintenance of Insurance. Grantee shall maintain in full force and effect during the Term of this Agreement casualty and bodily injury insurance, as well as insurance sufficient to cover the replacement cost of any and all real or personal property, or both, purchased or, otherwise acquired, or improved in whole or in part, with funds disbursed pursuant to this Agreement. 2 CFR 200.310. Additional insurance requirements may be detailed in PART TWO or PART THREE. 24.2. Claims. If a claim is submitted for real or personal property, or both, purchased in whole with funds from this Agreement and such claim results in the recovery of money, such money recovered shall be surrendered to Grantor. State of Illinois GRANT AGREEMENT FISCAL YEAR 2021 / 2 5 20 Page 23 of 35

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Page 176 ARTICLE XXV LAWSUITS AND INDEMNIFICATION 25.1. Independent Contractor. Grantee is an independent contractor under this Agreement and neither Grantee nor any employee or agent of Grantee is an employee of Grantor and do not acquire any employment rights with Grantor or the state of Illinois by virtue of this Agreement. Grantee will provide the agreed services and achieve the specified results free from the direction or control of Grantor as to the means and methods of performance. Grantee will be required to provide its own equipment and supplies necessary to conduct its business; provided, however, that in the event, for its convenience or otherwise, Grantor makes any such equipment or supplies available to Grantee, Grantee’s use of such equipment or supplies provided by Grantor pursuant to this Agreement shall be strictly limited to official Grantor or state of Illinois business and not for any other purpose, including any personal benefit or gain. 25.2. Indemnification. To the extent permitted by law, Grantee agrees to hold harmless Grantor against any and all liability, loss, damage, cost or expenses, including attorneys’ fees, arising from the intentional torts, negligence or breach of contract of Grantee, with the exception of acts performed in conformance with an explicit, written directive of Grantor. Indemnification by Grantor will be governed by the State Employee Indemnification Act (5 ILCS 350/1 et seq.) as interpreted by the Illinois Attorney General. Grantor makes no representation that Grantee, an independent contractor, will qualify or be eligible for indemnification under said Act. ARTICLE XXVI MISCELLANEOUS 26.1. Gift Ban. Grantee is prohibited from giving gifts to State employees pursuant to the State Officials and Employees Ethics Act (5 ILCS 430/10-10) and Executive Order 15-09. 26.2. Access to Internet. Grantee must have Internet access. Internet access may be either dial-up or high-speed. Grantee must maintain, at a minimum, one business e-mail address that will be the primary receiving point for all e-mail correspondence from Grantor. Grantee may list additional e-mail addresses at any time during the Term of this Agreement. The additional addresses may be for a specific department or division of Grantee or for specific employees of Grantee. Grantee must notify Grantor of any e-mail address changes within five (5) business days from the effective date of the change. 26.3. Exhibits and Attachments. Exhibits A through G, PART TWO, PART THREE, if applicable, and all other exhibits and attachments hereto are incorporated herein in their entirety. 26.4. Assignment Prohibited. Grantee acknowledges that this Agreement may not be sold, assigned, or transferred in any manner by Grantee, to include an assignment of Grantee’s rights to receive payment hereunder, and that any actual or attempted sale, assignment, or transfer by Grantee without the Prior Approval of Grantor in writing shall render this Agreement null, void and of no further effect. 26.5. Amendments. This Agreement may be modified or amended at any time during its Term by mutual consent of the Parties, expressed in writing and signed by the Parties. 26.6. Severability. If any provision of this Agreement is declared invalid, its other provisions shall not be affected thereby. State of Illinois GRANT AGREEMENT FISCAL YEAR 2021 / 2 5 20 Page 24 of 35

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Page 177 26.7. No Waiver. No failure of Grantor to assert any right or remedy hereunder will act as a waiver of right to assert such right or remedy at a later time or constitute a course of business upon which Grantee may rely for the purpose of denial of such a right or remedy to Grantor. 26.8. Applicable Law; Claims. This Agreement and all subsequent amendments thereto, if any, shall be governed and construed in accordance with the laws of the state of Illinois. Any claim against Grantor arising out of this Agreement must be filed exclusively with the Illinois Court of Claims. 705 ILCS 505/1 et seq. Grantor does not waive sovereign immunity by entering into this Agreement. 26.9. Compliance with Law. This Agreement and Grantee’s obligations and services hereunder are hereby made and must be performed in compliance with all applicable federal and State laws, including, without limitation, federal regulations, State administrative rules, including 44 Ill. Admin. Code 7000, and any and all license requirements or professional certification provisions. 26.10. Compliance with Confidentiality Laws. If applicable, Grantee shall comply with applicable state and federal statutes, federal regulations and Grantor administrative rules regarding confidential records or other information obtained by Grantee concerning persons served under this Agreement. The records and information shall be protected by Grantee from unauthorized disclosure. 26.11. Compliance with Freedom of Information Act. Upon request, Grantee shall make available to Grantor all documents in its possession that Grantor deems necessary to comply with requests made under the Freedom of Information Act. (5 ILCS 140/7(2)). 26.12. Precedence. (a) Except as set forth in subparagraph (b), below, the following rules of precedence are controlling for this Agreement: In the event there is a conflict between this Agreement and any of the exhibits or attachments hereto, this Agreement shall control. In the event there is a conflict between PART ONE and PART TWO or PART THREE of this Agreement, PART ONE shall control. In the event there is a conflict between PART TWO and PART THREE of this Agreement, PART TWO shall control. In the event there is a conflict between this Agreement and relevant statute(s) or rule(s), the relevant statute(s) or rule(s) shall control. (b) Notwithstanding the provisions in subparagraph (a), above, if a relevant federal or state statute(s) or rule(s) requires an exception to this Agreement’s provisions, or an exception to a requirement in this Agreement is granted by GATU, such exceptions must be noted in PART TWO or PART THREE, and in such cases, those requirements control. 26.13. Illinois Grant Funds Recovery Act. In the event of a conflict between the Illinois Grant Funds Recovery Act and the Grant Accountability and Transparency Act, the provisions of the Grant Accountability and Transparency Act shall control. 30 ILCS 708/80. 26.14. Headings. Article and other headings contained in this Agreement are for reference purposes only and are not intended to define or limit the scope, extent or intent of this Agreement or any provision hereof. 26.15. Entire Agreement. Grantee and Grantor acknowledge that this Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between them and that no promises, terms, or conditions not recited, incorporated or referenced herein, including prior agreements or oral discussions, shall be binding upon either Grantee or Grantor. State of Illinois GRANT AGREEMENT FISCAL YEAR 2021 / 2 5 20 Page 25 of 35

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Page 178 26.16. Counterparts. This Agreement may be executed in one or more counterparts, each of which shall be considered to be one and the same agreement, binding on all Parties hereto, notwithstanding that all Parties are not signatories to the same counterpart. Duplicated signatures, signatures transmitted via facsimile, or signatures contained in a Portable Document Format (PDF) document shall be deemed original for all purposes. 26.17. Attorney Fees and Costs. If Grantor prevails in any proceeding to enforce the terms of this Agreement, including any administrative hearing pursuant to the Grant Funds Recovery Act or the Grant Accountability and Transparency Act, the Grantor has the right to recover reasonable attorneys’ fees, costs and expenses associated with such proceedings. 26.18. Continuing Responsibilities. The termination or expiration of this Agreement does not affect: (a) the right of the Grantor to disallow costs and recover funds based on a later audit or other review; (b) the obligation of the Grantee to return any funds due as a result of later refunds, corrections or other transactions, including, without limitation, final indirect cost rate adjustments and those funds obligated pursuant to ARTICLE XVII; (c) the Consolidated Year-End Financial Report; (d) audit requirements established in ARTICLE XV; (e) property management and disposition requirements established in 2 CFR 200.310 through 2 CFR 200.316 and ARTICLE XXII; or (f) records related requirements pursuant to ARTICLE XII. 44 Ill. Admin. Code 7000.450. THE REMAINDER OF THIS PAGE IS INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK.

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Page 179 EXHIBIT A PROJECT DESCRIPTION The Illinois Cooperative Work Study grant is a financial assistance program to support Illinois resident undergraduate students in cooperative work study programs in higher education. These grants funds will be used to expand opportunities for students to pursue internships, clinical placement, cooperative programs with business and industry, and other work opportunities linked to a student’s academic program. The grant is subject to the Illinois Cooperative Work Study Program Act (110 ILCS 225) and the Illinois Cooperative Work Study Program Rules (Tile 23 Part 1015).

Further detail on the Grantee’s project is detailed in their Fiscal Year 2021 Illinois Cooperative Work Study Application.

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All Deliverable reports will contain at a minimum •

Narrative of grant activities for the report period.

Detail of total students placed during the report period.

Expenditure detail for the report period.

Certification statement

A reporting template example is provided in Part Two. Project Period

Submission Due Date

Period 1 – July 1 to September 30, 2020

October 31, 2020

Period 2 – October 1 to December 31, 2020

January 31, 2021

Period 3 – January 1 to March 31, 2021

April 30, 2021

Period 4 – April 1 to August 31, 2021

September 30, 2021

Closeout Report – Due 10/31/21

All reports must be emailed to grants@ibhe.org or bennett@ibhe.org

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Page 181 EXHIBIT C PAYMENT Grantee shall receive $14,000.00 under this Agreement. Enter specific terms of payment here: Upon execution of the grant agreement = $7,000.00 After receipt of Exhibit B report for Period 2 October 1 to December 31, 2020 = $7,000.00

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Page 182 EXHIBIT D CONTACT INFORMATION CONTACT FOR NOTIFICATION: Unless specified elsewhere, all notices required or desired to be sent by either Party shall be sent to the persons listed below.



Name: Bruce Bennett_________________________

Name: Terry Lane

Title: Budget Officer__________________________

Title: Director, Career and Veteran Services

Address: 1 N. Old State Capitol Plaza, Suite 333________

Address: 5800 Godfrey Road, Godfrey, IL 62035

Springfield, IL 62701 Phone: 217-557-7344_______________________

Phone: 618.468.5500


TTY #:


__________________________________ _________

E-mail Address: _bennett@ibhe.org_____________


Fax #: 618.468.7256 E-mail Address: tdlane@lc.edu Additional Information:______________________

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Page 185 EXHIBIT G SPECIFIC CONDITIONS Grantor may remove (or reduce) a Specific Condition included in this Exhibit G by providing written notice to the Grantee, in accordance with established procedures for removing a Specific Condition. All allowable work and use of funds is subject to 110 ILCS 225/ Illinois Cooperative Work Study Program Act and 23 Illinois Administrative Code Subtitle A Part 1015 Illinois Cooperative Work Study Program.

Per an Administrative Rules change in June 2020, a grant specific audit is no longer required. All funds must be used for student wages and salaries.

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Page 186 PART TWO – THE GRANTOR-SPECIFIC TERMS In addition to the uniform requirements in PART ONE, the Grantor has the following additional requirements for its Grantee: [Here is where the Grantor lists its specific requirements. Numbering should continue from PART ONE, so the first Article of PART TWO should be Article 27 and the first paragraph should be 27.1.] [See Paragraphs 4.3, 4.6, 4.7, 5.1, 7.8, 12.4, 13.1, 13.2, 14.1, 14.2, 14.3, 15.3, 15.3, 19.1, 24.1 and 26.12 for information that may be required in this PART TWO.] Reporting Template Institution Name ___________________________________ FY21 ICWS Grant Project Period: ________________ to ___________________.

Narrative of grant activities for the report period. Detail of total students placed during the report period.

Expenditure detail for the report period.

By signing this report, I certify to the best of my knowledge and belief that the report is true, complete, and accurate; that the expenditures, disbursements and cash receipts are for the purposes and objectives set forth in the terms and conditions of the State or federal pass-through award; and that supporting documentation has been submitted as required by the grant agreement. I acknowledge that approval for any other expenditure described herein shall be considered conditional subject to further review and verification in accordance with the monitoring and records retention provisions of the grant agreement. I am aware that any false, fictitious, or fraudulent information, or the omission of any material fact, may subject me to criminal, civil or administrative penalties for fraud, false statements, false claims or otherwise. (U.S. Code Title 18, Section 1001 and Title 31, Sections 3729-3730 and 3801-3812; 30 ILCS 708/120). ____________________________________________




_____________________________________________ Printed Name ____________________________________________ Title

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Page 187 PART THREE – THE PROJECT-SPECIFIC TERMS In addition to the uniform requirements in PART ONE and the Grantor-Specific Terms in PART TWO, the Grantor has the following additional requirements for this Project: [Here is where the Grantor lists the specific requirements for this Project, including identification of all applicable state and federal rules. Numbering should continue from PART TWO.] [See Paragraphs 4.3, 4.6, 4.7, 5.1, 7.8, 12.4, 13.1, 13.2, 14.1, 14.2, 14.3, 15.3, 15.3, 19.1, 24.1 and 26.12 for information that may be required in this PART THREE.] NOT APPLICABLE

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Illinois Grant Accountability and Transparency Notice of State Award


Page 1 of 4


Name of State Agency (Grantor): Illinois Community College Board Department/Organziation Unit:

State Award ID Number (SAIN)


State Program Description

The program is aimed at helping at-risk students become reoriented and motivated to complete their education by allowing students to participate in adult education instruction as well as career and work training activities.

Announcment Type


Agency (Grantor) Contact Information

Name: Phone: Email:

Kathy Olesen-Tracey 217-557-2740 kathy.olesen-tracey@illinois.gov

Grantee / Subrecipient Information

Name: Address: Phone: Email:

Lewis and Clark Community College 5800 Godfrey Road, Godfrey, IL 62035 Sabrina Davis 618-468-4150 sdavis@lc.edu

Grantee Identification

GATA: 676282

Period of Performance

Start Date: 7/1/2020


DUNS: 071996722

FEIN: 370919339

End Date: 6/30/2021


CSFA 684-00-0822



AMOUNT $60,000.00 $60,000.00

(M) Currently used by State of Illinois for "Match" or "Maintenance of Effort" (MOE) requirements on Federal Funding. Funding is subject to Federal Requirements and may not be used by Grantee for other match requirements on other awards.


Illinois Grant Accountability and Transparency Notice of State Award

Page 2 of 4

TERMS AND CONDITIONS Grantee Indirect Cost Rate Information Rate: Base: Period:

Varies State Fiscal Year 2021

Research & Development


Cost Sharing or Matching Requirements


Uniform Term(s)

CODE of FEDERAL REGULATIONS Title 2: Grants and Agreements PART 200 - Uniform Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles, and Audit Requirements for Federal Awards (2 CFR 200) Grant Accountability and Transparency Act (GATA), 30 ILCS 708/1 Illinois Administrative Code

Grantor-Specific Term(s)

Program-Specific Term(s)

Pre-Award Costs A grantee may, at its own risk and without ICCB prior approval, incur obligations and expenditures to cover costs between the start date of the award and the execution date of the award if such costs: • are necessary for efficient and timely performance of the scope of work, and • would be allowable under the grant, if awarded, without ICCB prior approval. If specific expenditures would otherwise require prior approval, the grantee must obtain ICCB approval before incurring the cost. The incurrence of pre-award costs in anticipation of an award imposes no obligation on ICCB either to make the award or to increase the amount of the approved budget if an award is made for less than the amount anticipated and is inadequate to cover the pre-award costs incurred. ICCB expects the grantee to be fully aware that pre-award costs result in borrowing against anticipated current fiscal year support and that such borrowing must not impair the grantee's ability to accomplish the project objectives in the approved time frame or in any way adversely affect the conduct of the project.

Illinois Grant Accountability and Transparency Notice of State Award


Page 3 of 4

SPECIFIC CONDITIONS ASSIGNED TO GRANTEE - FISCAL AND ADMINISTRATIVE The nature of the addtional requirements GATA Conditions: 06 - Audit (2 CFR 200.500) Requires desk review of the status of implementation of corrective actions; Agency Adjustments / Explanation: None The reason why the additional requirements are being imposed GATA Conditions: 06 - Audit (2 CFR 200.500) Medium to high risk will result in repeated audit findings, potential questioned cost and increase of administrative and programmatic specific conditions that will increase the cost or managing the grant program. Agency Adjustments / Explanation: None The nature of the action needed to remove the additional requirement, if applicable GATA Conditions: 06 - Audit (2 CFR 200.500) Completion of corrective action plan implementation. Agency Adjustments / Explanation: None The time allowed for completing the actions, if applicable GATA Conditions: 06 - Audit (2 CFR 200.500) When corrective action is complete. Agency Adjustments / Explanation: None The method for requesting reconsideration of the additional requirements imposed GATA Conditions: 06 - Audit (2 CFR 200.500) When corrective action is complete. Agency Explanation: None

Illinois Grant Accountability and Transparency Notice of State Award



Circle one:

Accept NOSA / Reject NOSA

Institution / Organization


Name of Official

Title (Chief Financial Officer or equivalent)

Date of Execution

Page 4 of 4

Page 192

Aw ard Acknow ledged by Board

Opp Identifier


6/11/2019 IGEN Solar Workforce 6/11/2019 Solar Workforce Grant Capital Projects--Main Complex, Daycare, 6/11/2019 Greenhouse, Etc.

Funding Agency

US Dept of Energy New Dept. of Energy IGEN New

State of IL US Dept of 6/11/2019 Student Support Services Education

9.10.19-3 GED Testing Fees CODES: CommunityOriented Digitally 9.10.19-4 Engaged Scholars

1.14.20-5 Vocational Training Penny Severns Family 2.11.20-3 Literacy Adult Volunteer Literacy 2.11.20-4 (Project READ) Truant's Alternative and Optional Education 5.19.20-2 Program

5.19.20-3 WIOA Youth Program

New Grant or Continuation

Pending Grants and Sponsored Contracts 7/14/2020 Opportunity Approved by Amt Board Submitted Requested 7/5/2018




6/11/2019 July, 2018


6/11/2019 est. 2/2020

Madison County CSBG Continuation National Endowment for the Humanities New

Fall 2019 for 9/10/2019 2020 September, 9/10/2019 2019

IL Valley Economic Development Corp CSBG continuation IL Secretary of State Continuation IL Secretary of State Continuation IL State Board of Education Madison County Employment and Training






Matching Requirement

$1,250,000 3 years $60,000 2020 - 2022

$41,925,000 7/1/19 - 6/30/20 $300,000/year for 5 years 9/1/20 - 8/31/25 Scholarships and stipends for individual students 1/1/20 - 12/31/20

$100,000 6/1/20 - 5/31/23 Scholarships and stipends for individual students 1/1/20 - 12/31/20

Program and Contact D Chapman/R $0 Hilgenbrink $0 N. Keener

$0 D Chapman $10,000 est

S. Hill

$0 Val Harris

$0 Jill Lane

$0 Val Harris


$50,000 7/1/20 - 6/30/21

$0 Val Harris


$63,500 7/1/20 - 6/30/21

$0 Val Harris

$55,000 7/1/20 - 6/30/21

$0 Val Harris

$59,040 7/1/20 - 6/30/21

$0 Val Harris



Page 193

Aw ard Acknow ledged by Board

Opp Identifier


Funding Agency

New Grant or Continuation

Pending Grants and Sponsored Contracts 7/14/2020 Opportunity Approved by Amt Board Submitted Requested

$550,615 $600,000


Matching Requirement 25% in kind at application, no ongoing documentation required

Program and Contact

5.19.20-5 Adult Ed and Literacy Lewis and Clark Radio 5.19.20-6 Information Service Integrated Education and 5.19.20-8 Training Grant

ICCB Illinois State Library





$17,438 7/1/20 - 6/30/21




$20,000 7/1/20 - 6/30/21

5.19.20-9 CTE Improvement Grant


New Continuation, current award goes through 6/30/20


$100,000 8/1/20 - 12/31/21

$0 Val Harris Val Harris and Sue $0 Czerwinski

$430,000 7/1/20 - 6/30/21

$0 Dr. Dobbie Herrion


East St. Louis Higher Education Center


7/1/20 - 6/30/21


Val Harris Mike Lemons and Jill Lane

Page 194

Aw ard Acknow ledged by Board

Opp Identifier

Title Population and 6/11/2019 Community Ecology Swarovski Waterschool 6/11/2019 USA: Phase II

Status Assessment of 8.13.19-1 odonates in IL NGRREC℠ Supporting IDNR Research into Mammalian Species of 8.13.19-7 Concern Web based educational and technical assistance for wildlife species of 9.10.19-1 concern Detection of Cryptic Wetlands with Lidar 12.10.19-1 Derivatives Identifying Best Management Watershed Practices to Reduce 12.10.19-2 Harmful Algal Blooms

Funding Agency National Science Foundation

Pending NGRREC℠ Grants and Sponsored Contracts 7/14/2020 Opportunity New Grant or Approved by Amt Continuation Board Submitted Requested Term New

Swarovski Continuation IL Dept. Natural Resources and US Fish and Wildlife New New noncompetitive IDNR - Division of grant Wildlife agreement

IL Dept of Natural Resources United States fish & Wildlife Service

USEPA via subaward from University of IL National Science Foundation via subaward from 12.10.19-3 Critical Zone Network University of IL NGRREC Habitat Strike Team Supporting the Illinois Department of Illinois Recreation Natural Resources (IDNR) Access Program 12.10.19-4 – IRAP (IRAP)

New Grant or Continuation





6/11/2019 January, 2020 6/11/2019

$1,000,700 1/1/20 - 12/31/22 $250,000 (over 3 years) 1/1/20 - 12/31/22


$300,000 1/1/20 - 12/31/22

8/13/2019 TBD

9/10/2019 full proposal invited, due 12/10/2019 3/30/20




up to three years $171,425 from grant award

$16,000 plus indirect costs

3/1/20 - 4/30/21

10/1/2020 $120,000 12/31/2023

Matching Requirement

Program and Contact $0 A. Dell $0 Sue Czerwinski

$161,500 (35% in kind match)

John Crawford

$0 J. Shew/D. Warner

$0 Dick Warner 25% in kind match NGRREC℠ - John ($40,000) Crawford

$400,000 3 years

NGRREC℠ - Dick Warner and Ted $0 Kratschmer

5 years $375,000 ($75,000/year)

NGRREC℠ - Dick Warner and Ted $0 Kratschmer

$200,000 7/1/20 - 6/30/23


Dr. Justin Shew (NGRREC Conservation Program Manager)/ Dr. Dick Warner (NGRREC Senior Scientist)

Page 195

Aw ard Acknow ledged by Board

Opp Identifier

Title Population and 6/11/2019 Community Ecology

Swarovski Waterschool 6/11/2019 USA: Phase II Status Assessment of 8.13.19-1 odonates in IL NGRREC℠ Supporting IDNR Research into Mammalian Species of 8.13.19-7 Concern Web based educational and technical assistance for wildlife species of 9.10.19-1 concern Detection of Cryptic Wetlands with Lidar 12.10.19-1 Derivatives Identifying Best Management Watershed Practices to Reduce 12.10.19-2 Harmful Algal Blooms

12.10.19-3 Critical Zone Network

Funding Agency National Science Foundation

Pending NGRREC℠ Grants and Sponsored Contracts 7/14/2020 Opportunity New Grant or Approved by Amt Continuation Board Submitted Requested Term New

Swarovski Continuation IL Dept. Natural Resources and US Fish and Wildlife New New noncompetitive IDNR - Division of grant Wildlife agreement

IL Dept of Natural Resources United States fish & Wildlife Service USEPA via subaward from University of IL National Science Foundation via subaward from University of IL

New Grant or Continuation




6/11/2019 January, 2020

$1,000,700 1/1/20 - 12/31/22


$250,000 (over 3 years) 1/1/20 - 12/31/22


$300,000 1/1/20 - 12/31/22

8/13/2019 TBD

9/10/2019 full proposal invited, due 12/10/2019 3/30/20

up to three years $171,425 from grant award

$16,000 plus indirect costs

3/1/20 - 4/30/21

10/1/2020 $120,000 12/31/2023

Matching Requirement

Program and Contact $0 A. Dell

$0 Sue Czerwinski $161,500 (35% in kind match)

John Crawford

$0 J. Shew/D. Warner

$0 Dick Warner 25% in kind match NGRREC℠ - John ($40,000) Crawford


$400,000 3 years

NGRREC℠ - Dick Warner and Ted $0 Kratschmer


5 years $375,000 ($75,000/year)

NGRREC℠ - Dick Warner and Ted $0 Kratschmer

Page 196

Aw ard Acknow ledged by Board

Opp Identifier


Funding Agency NGRREC Habitat Strike Team Supporting the Illinois Department of Illinois Recreation Natural Resources (IDNR) Access Program 12.10.19-4 – IRAP (IRAP) Living Earth Tracking animals to Collaborative understand Urban Food (Wash U., MoBot, 5.19.20-10 Webs STL Zoo) Youth River, Education 6.9.20-1 Program River Network

Pending NGRREC℠ Grants and Sponsored Contracts 7/14/2020 Opportunity New Grant or Approved by Amt Continuation Board Submitted Requested Term





$30,000 2 years



$25,000 6 months

Matching Requirement

$200,000 7/1/20 - 6/30/23

Program and Contact


Dr. Justin Shew (NGRREC Conservation Program Manager)/ Dr. Dick Warner (NGRREC Senior Scientist)

Dr. Tony Dell, Dr. Jason $0 Knouft $5,000 in kind

Sarah Fisher

Page 197 Acknowledgement of Contracts $5,000 and Less 7/14/20 Contract/Vendor SIUE SIUE

SIUE SIUE SIUE College of Lake County Illinois Eastern Community College John Wood Community College

Purpose Education Pathway Program Applied Communications Studies (ACS) Pathway Partnership Agreement (Renewal) English Pathway Program (Renewal) Math Pathway Program (Renewal) Sociology Pathway Program (Renewal) IGEN IEPA Subaward Amendment IGEN SOS Subaward Amendment

John Wood Community College

IGEN IEPA Subaward Amendment IGEN IEPA Subaward Amendment IGEN SOS Subaward Amendment

John Wood Community College

IGEN SOS Subaward Amendment

Joliet Junior College

IGEN SOS Subaward Amendment

Joliet Junior College

IGEN IEPA Subaward Amendment IGEN SOS Subaward Amendment

John Wood Community College

Joliet Junior College

Amount N/A

Funding Source N/A









N/A, Change in scope $15,000 original award N/A, Change in Scope, original award $5,000 N/A, Change in scope, original award $306,675 N/A, Change in scope, original award $165,848 N/A, Change in Scope $200,000 of $267,644 N/A Change in Scope $67,644 of $267,644 N/A, partial change in scope $2,090.26 of the $5,500 award N/A, change in scope, $5,000 original award N/A, partial change in scope of $5,000 original award

IGEN IEPA Grant 2020 IGEN SOS Grant 2019 IGEN IEPA Grant 2020 IGEN IEPA Grant 2020 IGEN SOS Grant 2019 IGEN SOS Grant 2019 IGEN SOS Grant 2019 IGEN IEPA Grant 2020 IGEN SOS Grant 2019

7/14/20 Acknowledgement of Contracts $5,000 and Less Kankakee



Lake Land College




IGEN IEPA Subaward Amendment IGEN SOS Subaward Amendment IGEN IEPA Subaward Amendment IGEN IEPA Subaward Amendment IGEN IEPA Subaward Amendment IGEN IEPA Subaward Amendment IGEN IEPA Subaward Agreement

Page 198

N/A, Change in scope, $15,000 original award N/A, change in scope, $45,300 original award N/A, change in scope, original award $128,750 N/A, change in scope, original award $15,000 N/A, change in scope, lead status

IGEN IEPA Grant 2020

N/A, Change in scope, $19,000 original award N/A, Change in Scope $5,000 original award N/A, Change in scope and award reduced from $15,000 to $14,025 N/A, change in scope

IGEN IEPA Grant 2020


IGEN IEPA Grant 2020 IGEN SOS Grant 2019 IGEN IEPA Grant 2020 N/A

Prairie State

IGEN IEPA Subaward Amendment


Elgin Community College Harper College

IGEN IEPA Subaward Amendment IGEN IEPA Subaward IGEN Subaward

Harper College

IGEN Subaward


Home Builders Institute

PACT License Renewal for Construction Curriculum



IGEN SOS Grant 2019 IGEN IEPA Grant 2020 IGEN IEPA Grant 2020 IGEN IEPA Grant 2020

IGEN IEPA Grant 2020 IGEN IEPA Grant 2020

IGEN IEPA Grant 2020

7/14/20 Acknowledgement of Contracts $5,000 and Less University of IL

Eric Bumgarner Kevin Wright Valerie Blaine

Page 199

Institutional Water Treatment, Amendment Writing Services



Not to exceed $750

Writing and Photograph Services Writing Services

Not to exceed $900

Living with Wildlife Grant Living with Wildlife Grant Living with Wildlife Grant

Not to exceed $1,000

Page 200


August 11, 2020 …………………………………………….

September 7, 2020


Board of Trustees Meeting Ahlemeyer Atrium, Trimpe ATC 7 pm

Labor Day Campus Closed


Page 201

Discussion Item Lewis & Clark Community College successfully completes the Higher Learning Commission’s Quality Initiative for accreditation.

Background In 2016, Lewis & Clark’s Institutional Research Department submitted a peer-reviewed research proposal to the Higher Learning Commission (HLC) for acceptance in the HLC Persistence and Completion Academy – a four-year program designed for higher education institutions seeking to complete their Quality Initiative for accreditation. Lewis & Clark’s proposal focused on campus efforts to improve student retention by tracking student use of support services to quantifiably assess how these services impact student retention. In year three of the four-year Academy program, Lewis & Clark was advised by the HLC to shift its focus from retention, to improving enrollment. This recommendation was given based upon IPEDS data showing that L&C was leading many of its peer institutions in retention and graduation measures. Concurrently, L&C’s enrollment had been declining since 2013. It is important to note that the successful completion of Lewis & Clark’s Quality Initiative has been a collective effort including faculty, staff, and administrators. Special recognition is given to Dr. Jill Lane, Dr. Lori Artis, Jill Lorsbach, Shelle Ridings, and Sarah Rankin for their contributions with serving on Lewis & Clark’s “HLC Traveling Team”. Implications The Quality Initiative is a requirement for accreditation. By successfully completing its Quality Initiative requirement, L&C has satisfied a major component of its Open Pathway accreditation model. Recommendation Information

Page 202 LCCC BOARD AGENDA FOR ALL DISCUSSION AND ACTION ITEMS July 14, 2020 Discussion Item Construction Status Report

Main Complex Foundation Improvements CDB Projects are resuming in a safe manner on a case by case basis. Request sent to project manager for starting bid process to ensure completion before fall semester. • • • • • •

Contract between CDB and AAIC, Inc. fully executed May 31, 2019 Project #810-060-038, approved by CDB at December 11, 2018 regular meeting Project approved by LCBOT at November 13, 2018 regular meeting with an overall estimated budget of $415,227 Funded by statewide emergency/deferred maintenance capital appropriation and PHS savings Tuckpointing and waterproofing to below grade foundation Gutters and drainage system to direct rain water away from buildings

Haskell Hall Fan Coil Replacement Design submittals sent to CDB and awaiting review. • • • • •

Contract between CDB and BRiC Partnership, LLC fully executed January 23, 2020 Project #810-060-039 approved by CDB at November 12, 2019 regular meeting Project approved by LCBOT at July 9, 2019 regular meeting with an estimated budget of $200,000 Funded by statewide deferred maintenance capital appropriation and PHS savings Replacement of obsolete and inefficient (60) fan coil units and (6) ceiling units in Haskell Hall

Recommendation Information




Funding Agency

Funding Agency

IL EPA/Heartlands Plan Conservancy 7/14/20-1 Prairie du Pont Creek Watershed



Grant or Sponsored Contract Opportunities 7/14/2020 Amt New Grant or Submission Requested Deadline Continuation


NGRRECâ„ Grant or Sponsored Contract Opportunities 7/14/2020 Amt New Grant or Submission Term Requested Deadline Continuation



$20,000 2 years

Matching Requirement

Matching Requirement In-kind: 10% Salary of Primary Investigator

Program and Contact

Program and Contact

John Sloan

Page 206

Page 207 GRANT OPPORTUNITY Date: June 12, 2020

Identifier Title Funding Agency New Grant or Continuation Submission Deadline Term Amount Requested Matching Funds required Purpose


7.14.20-1 Prairie du Pont Creek Watershed Plan Illinois EPA / Heartlands Conservancy New August 1, 2020 2 years $20,000 In-kind: 10% Salary of Primary Investigator NGRREC will be a subgrantee on a Heartlands Conservancy grant from the Illinois EPA. NGRREC will help to develop and implement a watershed plan for Prairie du Sol watershed as well as monitoring . John Sloan


Page 208

Action Item Amendment of Board Policy 207 regarding Committees of the Board

Background Board Policy 207 currently provides for the appointment of ad hoc committees but no standing committees. 207

COMMITTEES OF THE BOARD The Board is committed to action by the Board as a whole. Ordinarily, standing committees will not be appointed. Ad hoc committees may be appointed for specific purposes, but in all cases the total Board will be informed of the meeting dates and times for such ad hoc committee meetings, and reports and recommendations shall be brought back to the total Board for action.


Changes to Policy 207 are recommended to allow for the creation of Special Board Committees as well as Standing Board Committees. Following is the recommended policy: 207

COMMITTEES OF THE BOARD The Board of Trustees may establish committees to assist with the Board’s governance function and, in some situations, to comply with State law requirements. These committees are known as Board committees and report directly to the Board. Committee members may include both Board members and non-Board members depending on the committee’s purpose. The Board Chairman makes all Board committee appointments. Board committee meetings shall comply with the Open Meetings Act. A Board committee may not take final action on behalf of the Board – it may only make recommendations to the Board. Special Board Committees A special committee may be created for specific purposes or to investigate special issues. A special committee is automatically dissolved after presenting its final report to the Board or at the Board’s discretion.

Page 209 Standing Board Committees A standing committee is created for an indefinite term although its members will fluctuate. Standing committees are: 1. Board Policy Committee. This committee’s purpose it to research policy issues, and provides information and recommendations to the Board. 2. Board Building Grounds Committee. This committee studies necessary maintenance and improvements to the College’s facilities and provides information and recommendations to the Board. 3. Board Personnel Committee. This committee studies the personnel and compensation structure of the College and provides information and recommendations to the Board. 4. Board Finance Committee. This committee studies the College’s revenue, expenditures and budget and provides information and recommendations to the Board. Nothing in this policy limits the authority of the College President or designee to create and use committees that report to him or her or to other staff members Recommendation Approve new Board Policy 207 to replace the current language.


2020-2021 College Holiday Calendar, Amendment Background

The Board establishes the College Holiday Calendar for each year. Legislation known as SB 1863 was approved and provides November 3, 2020 shall be a legal state holiday known as “2020 General Election Day”. Implications

Community Colleges are state institutions included in this legislation and are required to close for this 2020 holiday. Approval of the College Holiday Calendar will inform our employees and the general public of the days the College will be closed in observance of the various holidays during fiscal year 2020-2021. The holiday calendar must be amended to include 2020 General Election Day:

Holidays Independence Day Labor Day 2020 General Election Day Veteran’s Day Thanksgiving Day Friday after Thanksgiving *Christmas Day New Year’s Day Martin Luther King Day Good Friday Memorial Day

Observed Friday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Friday Friday Monday Friday Monday

July 3, 2020 September 7, 2020 November 3, 2020 November 11, 2020 November 26, 2020 November 27, 2020 December 25, 2020 January 1, 2021 January 18, 2021 April 2, 2021 May 31, 2021

*The College will be closed at the end of business Wednesday, December 23, 2020 and reopen Monday, January 4, 2021. Recommendation Board to approve the amended 2020-2021 College Holiday Calendar.


Page 211

Action Item Approve Employment Agreement for the Interim Chief Academic Officer

Background At the Board meeting 6/9/20, the Board approved the appointment of Jill Lane as Interim Chief Academic Officer while continuing to perform her previous duties as Dean of Transfer Programs. The principal term of the Interim Employment Agreement provides that the contract terminates December 31, 2020 and that she receives a $1,600 monthly stipend for her service as Interim Chief Academic Officer.

Implications The purpose of this action is to provide clarity to the employee about the status of her employment and provide a contract for the term of June 1, 2020 through December 31, 2020. Recommendation Approve Interim Chief Academic Officer Employment Agreement for the term June 1, 2020 through December 31, 2020.

LEWIS AND CLARK COMMUNITY COLLEGE EMPLOYMENT CONTRACT - INTERIM CHIEF ACADEMIC OFFICER June 1, 2020 – December 31, 2020 This contract is made this 14th day of July, 2020 by and between the Board of Trustees of Lewis and Clark Community College District No. 536, Counties of Madison, Calhoun, Greene, Jersey, Macoupin, Morgan and Scott (hereinafter referred to as the “Board”) and Dr. Jill Lane (hereinafter referred to as “Dr. Lane” or the “Interim Chief Academic Officer”). WITNESSETH: I.




The term of this contract will be from June 1, 2020 through December 31, 2020, unless terminated earlier or extended in writing by the parties. By this contract, the parties intend for the Board to retain Dr. Lane to serve as the Interim Chief Academic Officer and to continue to serve as Dean until the College’s new Chief Academic Officer can begin employment.


The Interim Chief Academic Officer shall continue to receive her annual salary and benefits as Dean for the 2020-2021 fiscal year. Additionally, Dr. Lane shall receive a monthly stipend of $1,600 per month for her services as Interim Chief Academic Officer for the seven (7) month period of time from June 1, 2020 through December 31, 2020.


The Interim Chief Academic Officer will hold throughout the term of this contract all credentials and qualifications which are required by statute, law, regulation, or rule, to serve in the position of Interim Chief Academic Officer.


The Interim Chief Academic Officer represents that as of June 1, 2020 she is not under contract with any other public or private entity which would or might cause any conflict with any duty she owes to the Board of Trustees and to Lewis and Clark Community College, nor will she enter into any such contract with any other public or private entities for the term of this contract, or any extension thereof.


This contract has been entered into by the Board based in part on the Interim Chief Academic Officer’s representations regarding her education, experience and qualifications which, if false, shall automatically render this contract null and void.

DUTIES During the term of this contract or any extensions thereof, Dr. Lane will continue to perform her duties as Dean, as well as all reasonable duties assigned or delegated to her by the Board of Trustees. The Interim Chief Academic Officer will perform administrative duties and tasks as may be assigned and she shall be deemed to be an administrator and not a faculty member pursuant to 110 ILCS 805/3B-1 of the Illinois Public Community College Act. Dr. Lane will devote her best efforts and entire time and energy to the position of


Interim Chief Academic Officer and its related administrative duties. Nothing herein limits the authority of the Board to hire a permanent Chief Academic Officer during the term of this contract and to reassign Dr. Lane back to her duties as a Dean on a full-time basis. IV.

TERMINATION This employment contract may be terminated prior to its December 31, 2020 expiration by:



Written agreement of the parties;


Retirement of the Interim Chief Academic Officer;


Resignation of the Interim Chief Academic Officer with at least thirty (30) days written notice to the Chairperson of the Board of Trustees;


Termination for cause which is defined as any conduct which is detrimental to the best interests of the College;


Death of the Interim Chief Academic Officer; or


Upon the first day of employment of a permanent Chief Academic Officer, if before December 31, 2020.

NO EXPECTATION OF CONTINUED EMPLOYMENT BEYOND TERM OF CONTRACT Neither this contract nor any Board policy, rule or evaluation procedure shall confer upon Dr. Lane any expectation of continued employment as Interim Chief Academic Officer beyond the term provided in this contract. This contract and Dr. Lane’ employment as Interim Chief Academic Officer will end no later than December 31, 2020, unless extended by written agreement, signed by both parties. Upon conclusion of this contract, or any extension thereof, if Dr. Lane is not selected to be the next permanent Chief Academic Officer of Lewis and Clark Community College, then she shall have the exclusive right to immediately return to her full-time duties as a Dean for Lewis and Clark Community College without any break in continuous service to the Board.


COMPLETE CONTRACT - MODIFICATION This contract represents the complete understanding between the parties and supersedes all prior negotiations, representations or contracts, whether written or oral, as to the matters described herein. Modification of or amendment to this contract may be made only by written agreement, signed by both parties.


NOTICE Any notice to be given under this contract shall be deemed sufficient if it is in writing and sent by mail to the residence of the Interim Chief Academic Officer or the Chairperson of the Board of Trustees.


IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Agreement this 14th day of July, 2020.

_________________________________ Dr. Jill Lane Interim Chief Academic Officer Lewis and Clark Community College District No. 536

_______________________________ Mr. David Heyen Chairperson, Board of Trustees of Lewis and Clark Community College District No. 536

____________________________ Date

Attest: _________________________ Mr. Kevin Rust Secretary, Board of Trustees of Lewis and Clark Community College District 536

____________________________ Date



Page 215

Action Item Approve Employment Agreement for Assistant Interim President

Background At the Board meeting December 10, 2019, the Board appointed Brett Reinert as Assistant Interim President while continuing to perform his previous duties as Assistant Vice President Strategic Initiatives. The principal term of the Interim Employment Agreement provided that the contract terminate June 30, 2020, and that Mr. Reinert receive a $2,000 monthly stipend for his services as Interim Assistant President.

Implications The purpose of this action is to provide clarity to the employee about the status of his employment and provide another contract for the term of July 1, 2020 through September 30, 2020.

Recommendation Approve Assistant Interim President Employment Agreement for the term July 1, 2020 through September 30, 2020.

LEWIS AND CLARK COMMUNITY COLLEGE EMPLOYMENT CONTRACT - INTERIM ASSISTANT PRESIDENT July 1, 2020 – September 30, 2020 This contract is made this 14th day of July, 2020 by and between the Board of Trustees of Lewis and Clark Community College District No. 536, Counties of Madison, Calhoun, Greene, Jersey, Macoupin, Morgan and Scott (hereinafter referred to as the “Board”) and Brett Reinert (hereinafter referred to as “Mr. Reinert” or the “Interim Assistant President”). WITNESSETH: I.




The term of this contract will be from July 1, 2020 through September 30, 2020, unless terminated earlier or extended in writing by the parties. By this contract, the parties intend for the Board to retain Mr. Reinert to serve as the Interim Assistant President and to continue to serve as the Associate Vice President of Strategic Initiatives until the College’s new President can begin employment.


The Interim Assistant President shall continue to receive his annual salary and benefits as Associate Vice President of Strategic Initiatives for the 2020-2021 fiscal year. Additionally, Mr. Reinert shall receive a monthly stipend of $2,000 per month for his services as Interim Assistant President for the three (3) month period of time from July 1, 2020 through September 30, 2020.


The Interim Assistant President will hold throughout the term of this contract all credentials and qualifications which are required by statute, law, regulation, or rule, to serve in the position of Interim Assistant President.


The Interim Assistant President represents that as of July 1, 2020, he is not under contract with any other public or private entity which would or might cause any conflict with any duty he owes to the Board of Trustees and to Lewis and Clark Community College, nor will he enter into any such contract with any other public or private entities for the term of this contract, or any extension thereof.


This contract has been entered into by the Board based in part on the Interim Assistant President’s representations regarding his education, experience and qualifications which, if false, shall automatically render this contract null and void.

DUTIES During the term of this contract or any extensions thereof, Mr. Reinert will continue to perform his duties as Associate Vice President of Strategic Initiatives, as well as all reasonable duties assigned or delegated to him by the Board of Trustees. The Interim Assistant President will perform administrative duties and tasks as may be assigned and he shall be deemed to be an administrator and not a faculty member pursuant to 110 ILCS 805/3B-1 of the Illinois Public Community College Act. Mr. Reinert will devote his best


efforts and entire time and energy to the position of Interim Assistant President and its related administrative duties. Nothing herein limits the authority of the Board to hire a permanent President during the term of this contract and to reassign Mr. Reinert back to his duties as the Associate Vice President of Strategic Initiatives on a full-time basis. IV.

TERMINATION This employment contract may be terminated prior to its September 30, 2020 expiration by:



Written agreement of the parties;


Retirement of the Interim Assistant President;


Resignation of the Interim Assistant President with at least thirty (30) days written notice to the Chairperson of the Board of Trustees;


Termination for cause which is defined as any conduct which is detrimental to the best interests of the College;


Death of the Interim Assistant President; or


Upon the first day of employment of a permanent College President, if before September 30, 2020.

NO EXPECTATION OF CONTINUED EMPLOYMENT BEYOND TERM OF CONTRACT Neither this contract nor any Board policy, rule or evaluation procedure shall confer upon Mr. Reinert any expectation of continued employment as Interim Assistant President beyond the term provided in this contract. This contract and Mr. Reinert’s employment as Interim Assistant President will end no later than September 30, 2020, unless extended by written agreement, signed by both parties. Upon conclusion of this contract, or any extension thereof, Mr. Reinert shall immediately return to his full-time duties as Associate Vice President of Strategic Services for Lewis and Clark Community College without any break in continuous service to the Board.


COMPLETE CONTRACT - MODIFICATION This contract represents the complete understanding between the parties and supersedes all prior negotiations, representations or contracts, whether written or oral, as to the matters described herein. Modification of or amendment to this contract may be made only by written agreement, signed by both parties.


NOTICE Any notice to be given under this contract shall be deemed sufficient if it is in writing and sent by mail to the residence of the Interim Assistant President or the Chairperson of the Board of Trustees.


IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Agreement this 14th day of July, 2020.

_________________________________ Brett Reinert Interim Assistant President Lewis and Clark Community College District No. 536

_______________________________ Mr. David Heyen Chairperson, Board of Trustees of Lewis and Clark Community College District No. 536

____________________________ Date

Attest: _________________________ Mr. Kevin Rust Secretary, Board of Trustees of Lewis and Clark Community College District 536

____________________________ Date



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Action Item Approve Employment Agreement for Interim President

Background At the Board meeting December 10, 2019, the Board appointed Lori Artis as Interim President while continuing to perform her previous duties as Vice President of Administration. The principal term of the Interim Employment Agreement provided that the contract terminated June 30, 2020, and that Dr. Artis receive a $2,000 monthly stipend for her services as Interim President.

Implications The purpose of this action is to provide clarity to the employee about the status of her employment and provide another contract for the term of July 1, 2020 through September 30, 2020.

Recommendation Approve Interim President Employment Agreement for the term July 1, 2020 through September 30, 2020.

LEWIS AND CLARK COMMUNITY COLLEGE EMPLOYMENT CONTRACT - INTERIM PRESIDENT July 1, 2020 – September 30, 2020 This contract is made this 14th day of July, 2020 by and between the Board of Trustees of Lewis and Clark Community College District No. 536, Counties of Madison, Calhoun, Greene, Jersey, Macoupin, Morgan and Scott (hereinafter referred to as the “Board”) and Dr. Lori Artis (hereinafter referred to as “Dr. Artis” or the “Interim President”). WITNESSETH: I.




The term of this contract will be from July 1, 2020 through September 30, 2020, unless terminated earlier or extended in writing by the parties. By this contract, the parties intend for the Board to retain Dr. Artis to serve as the Interim President and to continue to serve as the Vice President of Administration until the College’s new President can begin employment.


The Interim President shall continue to receive her annual salary and benefits as Vice President of Administration for the 2020-2021 fiscal year. Additionally, Dr. Artis shall receive a monthly stipend of $2,000 per month for her services as Interim President for the three (3) month period of time from July 1, 2020 through September 30, 2020.


The Interim President will hold throughout the term of this contract all credentials and qualifications which are required by statute, law, regulation, or rule, to serve in the position of Interim President.


The Interim President represents that as of July 1, 2020 she is not under contract with any other public or private entity which would or might cause any conflict with any duty she owes to the Board of Trustees and to Lewis and Clark Community College, nor will she enter into any such contract with any other public or private entities for the term of this contract, or any extension thereof.


This contract has been entered into by the Board based in part on the Interim President’s representations regarding her education, experience and qualifications which, if false, shall automatically render this contract null and void.

DUTIES During the term of this contract or any extensions thereof, Dr. Artis will continue to perform her duties as Vice President of Administration, as well as all reasonable duties assigned or delegated to her by the Board of Trustees. The Interim President will perform administrative duties and tasks as may be assigned and she shall be deemed to be an administrator and not a faculty member pursuant to 110 ILCS 805/3B-1 of the Illinois Public Community College Act. Dr. Artis will devote her best efforts and entire time and energy


to the position of Interim President and its related administrative duties. Nothing herein limits the authority of the Board to hire a permanent President during the term of this contract and to reassign Dr. Artis back to her duties as the Vice President of Administration on a full-time basis. IV.

TERMINATION This employment contract may be terminated prior to its September 30, 2020 expiration by:



Written agreement of the parties;


Retirement of the Interim President;


Resignation of the Interim President with at least thirty (30) days written notice to the Chairperson of the Board of Trustees;


Termination for cause which is defined as any conduct which is detrimental to the best interests of the College;


Death of the Interim President; or


Upon the first day of employment of a permanent College President, if before September 30, 2020.

NO EXPECTATION OF CONTINUED EMPLOYMENT BEYOND TERM OF CONTRACT Neither this contract nor any Board policy, rule or evaluation procedure shall confer upon Dr. Artis any expectation of continued employment as Interim President beyond the term provided in this contract. This contract and Dr. Artis’ employment as Interim President will end no later than September 30, 2020, unless extended by written agreement, signed by both parties. Upon conclusion of this contract, or any extension thereof, if Dr. Artis is not selected to be the next permanent President of Lewis and Clark Community College, then she shall have the exclusive right to immediately return to her full-time duties as Vice President of Administration for Lewis and Clark Community College without any break in continuous service to the Board.


COMPLETE CONTRACT - MODIFICATION This contract represents the complete understanding between the parties and supersedes all prior negotiations, representations or contracts, whether written or oral, as to the matters described herein. Modification of or amendment to this contract may be made only by written agreement, signed by both parties.


NOTICE Any notice to be given under this contract shall be deemed sufficient if it is in writing and sent by mail to the residence of the Interim President or the Chairperson of the Board of Trustees.


IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Agreement this 14th day of July, 2020.

_________________________________ Dr. Lori Artis Interim President Lewis and Clark Community College District No. 536

_______________________________ Mr. David Heyen Chairperson, Board of Trustees of Lewis and Clark Community College District No. 536

____________________________ Date

Attest: _________________________ Mr. Kevin Rust Secretary, Board of Trustees of Lewis and Clark Community College District 536

____________________________ Date


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