2018 Annual Report - Lewis and Clark National Historic Trail

Page 8

Lewis and Clark Trail Releases Story Map in Collaboration with NASA and USGS Trail staff collaborated with NASA and the

on the project in commemoration of the

U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) to assemble a

National Trails System’s 50th anniversary

collection of satellite images tracing the Lewis

and NASA’s 60th anniversary. The map

and Clark National Historic Trail for a unique

was released on Monday, October 15,

story map entitled The Lewis and Clark

2018 and shared with a global audience

Trail from Space. The story map highlights

on social media. To access the story map,

historic sites and significant points of interest

visit: go.nps.gov/LandsatStoryMap.

along the Trail using Landsat 8 satellite imagery. The project draws parallels between the scientific observations made during the Lewis and Clark Expedition and the information about Earth’s resources collected and utilized by NASA, USGS, and NPS

Landsat 8 is an American Earth observation satellite launched on February 11, 2013. It images the entire Earth every 16 days, collecting valuable data and imagery to be used in agriculture, education, business, science, and government.

20\8 mar'l<s the 40th annlv(=ryol the Lf;Wls and Clark National Hls!orkTrall,lheSOl"hannlv(=ryoftheNallorn,ITrallsSystem.and the 60lh ann~=ryof NASA In order to commemorate thesf: historic events,theNallorn,IParkSe<vlce,U.S.GeoJoglcalSurvey,andNASA t1,,vecollaborate<11oassembleacolle<:1lonofsatellltelmages hlghllght1ng1mportants11esalongtheroutetakenbylewtsandClark andtheCorpsofOls,:ov,erydunngtheirexpe<1111on Satellltesenso~an<1othermo<1ern1ns1n.imentsuse<11ocollectc1ata andma1<escient11kot>servauonsaremuchmoresoph1s11cate<1than lhetechnologyusedbyttweCorpsofOlscO'Jery.Howev,,,lhesp1ntof erp1ora11onandsenseofwonderrema1nthesamet0<1ay.S<:1en11stsa1 theN.tllOMPa,kSerw:e.u.S.GeologiealSurvey.andNASAcont1nueto followlnthefootstepsofl.ewlsandClarkbymaklnJobservatJonsand colletllng Information atlout the world we live In

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It is the 8th satellite in the Landsat program. The data from Landsat spacecraft constitute the longest record of the Earth’s continental surfaces as seen from space. It is a record unmatched in quality, detail, coverage, and value.

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scientists. The three agencies collaborated


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