Log Book Designs
Rules for Book Design
Type Tests
Promotional Material
Constructivist Fudge & Jar
Constructivist App
Constructivist Clock
A couple of designs that I created for our log book were we would record our progress throughout the project
Kremlin: 23pt
Kremlin: 69.8pt
Century Gothic Bold Italic: 13pt
Adam Hassen..................................................................... 3260236 Conor Kelly.......................................................................... 1302416 Daniela Osorio.................................................................... 3266508 Henry Kirby.......................................................................... 1300079 Helen O’Connor................................................................ 3261518 Lewis Morgan..................................................................... 3261351 Maya Forcione................................................................... 1304633
Century Gothic Regular: 12/14.4pt
Course Leader Roger Gould Unit Graphic Design Studies Topic Constructivism
Century Gothic Bold Italic: 12/16pt
Image: Left & Right They both lack the design style of the constructivsts which is why I dismissed them.
Kremlin: 23pt
Kremlin: 69.8pt
LOG BOOK 05/03/2014
Century Gothic Bold Italic: 13pt
Century Gothic Regular: 12/14.4pt
Adam Hassen Conor Kelly Daniela Osorio Henry Kirby Helen O’Connor Lewis Morgan Maya Forcione
................................................................................................... ................................................................................................... ................................................................................................... ................................................................................................... Known reason ...................................................................................................
................................................................................................... Absent (No Reason) ...................................................................................................
Century Gothic Regular: 6pt
Kremlin: 23pt
Kremlin: 69.8pt
Century Gothic Bold Italic: 13pt
Adam Hassen..................................................................... 3260236 Conor Kelly.......................................................................... 1302416 Daniela Osorio.................................................................... 3266508 Henry Kirby.......................................................................... 1300079 Helen O’Connor................................................................ 3261518 Lewis Morgan..................................................................... 3261351 Maya Forcione................................................................... 1304633
Century Gothic Regular: 12/14.4pt
Course Leader Roger Gould Unit Graphic Design Studies Topic Constructivism
Century Gothic Bold Italic: 12/16pt
I tried to incorporate the colour blue into the design, but it doesn’t work for this design as it’s not assosiated with Constructivism
project log 2014
Student Number
Adam Hassen Conor Kelly Daniela Osorio Henry Kirby Helen O’Connor Lewis Morgan Maya Forcione
3260236 1302416 3266508 1300079 3261518 3261351 1304633
Course Leader Roger Gould
Unit Graphic Design Studies
Topic Constructivism
Reference GDS454
A list of a few rules I have found that you should follow when designing a book for print.
BOOK LAYOUT 5 THINGS YOU SHOULD NOT DO 1. Having blank pages on the right hand side of your spread. You can have blanks on the left hand side and that’s perfectly acceptable but it really is not acceptable to have a blank right hand page in your book. You have to watch out for that. Those pages have to have something on them. 2. Another one is the way people use page numbers which in book design we call “folios.” There are certain pages that have to have page numbers and other pages that should never have a page number. For instance, a page with no text on it should never have a page number because after all since there’s no text it’s not actually part of the book, the content of the book. So if you have page numbers on your title page, page numbers on your copyright page, anybody looking at the book is going to know that this was done by somebody who didn’t know what it was supposed to look like. 3. The same thing with running heads, those things at the top of the page where we put the chapter name or the author’s name or the book title. If you have a blank page with no text on it, that page should be completely blank. Maybe your chapter ended on the right so you have a blank left hand page. It should have no running head, no page number. No nothing. That’s a very common mistake.
4. Probably one of the worst mistakes you can make, and I have seen this numerous times, is self-publishers who have page 1 on the left. That means that throughout the book the even-numbered pages are on the right and the odd-numbered pages are on the left> That’s a real no-no. It’s one of the worst mistakes you can make. In every book, the odd-numbered pages should be on the right and the even-numbered pages on the left. If you think about it, when you open the book the first page you see is page 1 and so right-hand pages always have to be odd-numbered pages. 5. The last error is typesetting books without justifying them. Justifying means making the right edge of the type column straight, just like the left edge is. Some people set books with what we call “rag right,” with the right side of the column ragged because the lines aren’t adjusted to be the same length. That’s a really bad look for a book and you shouldn’t do it. There are some cases you could do that for artistic effect but I recommend to all self-publishers to do fully justified copy.
I have compiled together a range of different Serif fonts to use for our book on Russian Constructivism. I chose to use a Serif font as they are easier to read on the page, opposed to their counter-part San Serif.
Type Test Font: Brioso Pro Light Poster The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog
Light Poster Italic The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog
Regular The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog
The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog
Bold The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog
Bold Italic
The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog
Inulloru ntincil laturendi dolupta sam repra versped que sinvelit fuga. Itaquunt, alibusam, non re nonsequo mod ere estrum ad Inulloru ntincil laturendi dolupta sam repra versped que sinvelit fuga. Itaquunt, alibusam, non re nonsequo mod ere estrum ad modit officae ssecte doluptio quis volluptium dolut aut dem asitem et earuntio molorrum ilit omnis quas autet ex et int, as ad que volorum nem excepel enecereperum ent assunt magnis sin rerupta volorionem. Untinihil invel
1234567890 Inulloru ntincil laturendi dolupta sam repra versped que sinvelit fuga. Itaquunt, alibusam, non re nonsequo mod ere estrum ad modit officae ssecte doluptio quis volluptium dolut aut dem asitem et earuntio molorrum ilit omnis quas autet ex et int, as ad que volorum nem excepel enecereperum ent assunt magnis sin rerupta volorionem. Untinihil invel
Inulloru ntincil laturendi dolupta sam repra versped que sinvelit fuga. Itaquunt, alibusam, non re nonsequo mod ere estrum ad modit officae ssecte doluptio quis volluptium dolut aut dem asitem et earuntio molorrum ilit omnis quas autet ex et int, as ad que volorum nem excepel enecereperum ent assunt magnis sin rerupta volorionem. Untinihil invelVerei per halicta stanum ut pora, et, ut audam qui tum aur, avocris. Iquidi se quodita, ussolus verorei confeni publinatis poeris horivat urbis? Giliam, urnit, octortil te ni portea voltus omnequam aut gravocultore potis; eripsenatuam ne es? Nos horum pro viterraest? Ovenint, ne con dies, ellabus Ahalaris ex et int, as ad que volorum nem excepel enecereperum ent assunt magnis sin rerupta volorionem. Untinihil invel
Inulloru ntincil laturendi dolupta sam repra versped que sinvelit fuga. Itaquunt, alibusam, non re nonsequo mod ere estrum ad modit officae ssecte doluptio quis volluptium dolut aut dem asitem et earuntio molorrum ilit omnis quas autet ex et int, as ad que volorum nem excepel enecereperum ent assunt magnis sin rerupta volorionem. Untinihil invelVerei per halicta stanum ut pora, et, ut audam qui tum aur, avocris. Iquidi se quodita, ussolus verorei confeni publinatis poeris horivat urbis? Giliam, urnit, octortil te ni portea voltus omnequam aut gravocultore potis; eripsenatuam ne es? Nos horum pro viterraest? Ovenint, ne con dies, ellabus Ahalaris con silis cae quas perit, vehebati, Conihica venterc eperem loc, con pra nosuper ips, C. Caet? Iveribunum sen Itabus, non ducibefectam nit videm adducep orenti, C. An sci pos hos vivis re di pec rem duci publius bonsultus, quam dees aure pos dum sim duceporenis. Gilne intelia orae noc, cerenatus cri plicaes ulintia mdiem, quit; hilia mac videm prorum pra desimis, quemod faciam nervivem ut viris nequis sulturi spice componf entroraequam cortus sed iam. Oporum omplin vis. Valiquam
Inulloru ntincil laturendi dolupta sam repra versped que sinvelit fuga. Itaquunt, alibusam, non re nonsequo mod ere estrum ad modit officae ssecte doluptio quis volluptium dolut aut dem asitem et earuntio molorrum ilit omnis quas autet ex et int, as ad que volorum nem excepel enecereperum ent assunt magnis sin rerupta volorionem. Untinihil invel
Type Test Font: Kandal Book The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog
Book Italic The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog
Medium The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog
Medium Italic The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog
Bold The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog
Bold Italic The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog
Inulloru ntincil laturendi dolupta sam repra versped que sinvelit fuga. Itaquunt, alibusam, non re nonsequo mod ere estrum ad Inulloru ntincil laturendi dolupta sam repra versped que sinvelit fuga. Itaquunt, alibusam, non re nonsequo mod ere estrum ad modit officae ssecte doluptio quis volluptium dolut aut dem asitem et earuntio molorrum ilit omnis quas autet ex et int, as ad que volorum nem excepel enecereperum ent assunt magnis sin rerupta volorionem. Untinihil invel
1234567890 Inulloru ntincil laturendi dolupta sam repra versped que sinvelit fuga. Itaquunt, alibusam, non re nonsequo mod ere estrum ad modit officae ssecte doluptio quis volluptium dolut aut dem asitem et earuntio molorrum ilit omnis quas autet ex et int, as ad que volorum nem excepel enecereperum ent assunt magnis sin rerupta volorionem. Untinihil invel
Inulloru ntincil laturendi dolupta sam repra versped que sinvelit fuga. Itaquunt, alibusam, non re nonsequo mod ere estrum ad modit officae ssecte doluptio quis volluptium dolut aut dem asitem et earuntio molorrum ilit omnis quas autet ex et int, as ad que volorum nem excepel enecereperum ent assunt magnis sin rerupta volorionem. Untinihil invelVerei per halicta stanum ut pora, et, ut audam qui tum aur, avocris. Iquidi se quodita, ussolus verorei confeni publinatis poeris horivat urbis? Giliam, urnit, octortil te ni portea voltus omnequam aut gravocultore potis; eripsenatuam ne es? Nos horum pro viterraest? Ovenint, ne con dies, ellabus Ahalaris omnis quas autet ex et int, as ad que volorum nem excepel enecereperum ent assunt magnis sin rerupta volorionem. Untinihil invel
Inulloru ntincil laturendi dolupta sam repra versped que sinvelit fuga. Itaquunt, alibusam, non re nonsequo mod ere estrum ad modit officae ssecte doluptio quis volluptium dolut aut dem asitem et earuntio molorrum ilit omnis quas autet ex et int, as ad que volorum nem excepel enecereperum ent assunt magnis sin rerupta volorionem. Untinihil invelVerei per halicta stanum ut pora, et, ut audam qui tum aur, avocris. Iquidi se quodita, ussolus verorei confeni publinatis poeris horivat urbis? Giliam, urnit, octortil te ni portea voltus omnequam aut gravocultore potis; eripsenatuam ne es? Nos horum pro viterraest? Ovenint, ne con dies, ellabus Ahalaris con silis cae quas perit, vehebati, Conihica venterc eperem loc, con pra nosuper ips, C. Caet? Iveribunum sen Itabus, non ducibefectam nit videm adducep orenti, C. An sci pos hos vivis re di pec rem duci publius bonsultus, quam dees aure pos dum sim duceporenis.Gilne intelia orae noc, cerenatus cri plicaes ulintia mdiem, quit; hilia mac videm prorum pra desimis, quemod faciam nervivem ut viris nequis sulturi spice componf entroraequam cortus sed iam. Oporum omplin vis. Valiquam
Inulloru ntincil laturendi dolupta sam repra versped que sinvelit fuga. Itaquunt, alibusam, non re nonsequo mod ere estrum ad modit officae ssecte doluptio quis volluptium dolut aut dem asitem et earuntio molorrum ilit omnis quas autet ex et int, as ad que volorum nem
Type Test Font: Clavo Thin The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog
Thin Italic The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog
Regular The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog
Regular Italic The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog
Bold The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog
Bold Italic The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog
Inulloru ntincil laturendi dolupta sam repra versped que sinvelit fuga. Itaquunt, alibusam, non re nonsequo mod ere estrum ad Inulloru ntincil laturendi dolupta sam repra versped que sinvelit fuga. Itaquunt, alibusam, non re nonsequo mod ere estrum ad modit officae ssecte doluptio quis volluptium dolut aut dem asitem et earuntio molorrum ilit omnis quas autet ex et int, as ad que volorum nem excepel enecereperum ent assunt magnis sin rerupta volorionem. Untinihil invel
1234567890 Inulloru ntincil laturendi dolupta sam repra versped que sinvelit fuga. Itaquunt, alibusam, non re nonsequo mod ere estrum ad modit officae ssecte doluptio quis volluptium dolut aut dem asitem et earuntio molorrum ilit omnis quas autet ex et int, as ad que volorum nem excepel enecereperum ent assunt magnis sin rerupta volorionem. Untinihil invel Inulloru ntincil laturendi dolupta sam repra versped que sinvelit fuga. Itaquunt, alibusam, non re nonsequo mod ere estrum ad modit offivolluptium dolut aut dem
Inulloru ntincil laturendi dolupta sam repra versped que sinvelit fuga. Itaquunt, alibusam, non re nonsequo mod ere estrum ad modit officae ssecte doluptio quis volluptium dolut aut dem asitem et earuntio molorrum ilit omnis quas autet ex et int, as ad que volorum nem excepel enecereperum ent assunt magnis sin rerupta volorionem. Untinihil invelVerei per halicta stanum ut pora, et, ut audam qui tum aur, avocris. Iquidi se quodita, ussolus verorei confeni publinatis poeris horivat urbis? Giliam, urnit, octortil te ni portea voltus omnequam aut gravocultore ad que volorum nem excepel enecereperum ent assunt magnis sin rerupta volorionem. Untinihil invel
Inulloru ntincil laturendi dolupta sam repra versped que sinvelit fuga. Itaquunt, alibusam, non re nonsequo mod ere estrum ad modit officae ssecte doluptio quis volluptium dolut aut dem asitem et earuntio molorrum ilit omnis quas autet ex et int, as ad que volorum nem excepel enecereperum ent assunt magnis sin rerupta volorionem. Untinihil invelVerei per halicta stanum ut pora, et, ut audam qui tum aur, avocris. Iquidi se quodita, ussolus verorei confeni publinatis poeris horivat urbis? Giliam, urnit, octortil te ni portea voltus omnequam aut gravocultore potis; eripsenatuam ne es? Nos horum pro viterraest? Ovenint, ne con dies, ellabus Ahalaris con silis cae quas perit, vehebati, Conihica venterc eperem loc, con pra nosuper ips, C. Caet? Iveribunum sen Itabus, non ducibefectam nit videm adducep orenti, C. An sci pos hos vivis re di pec rem duci publius bonsultus, quam dees aure pos dum sim duceporenis. Gilne intelia orae noc, cerenatus cri plicaes ulintia mdiem, quit; hilia mac videm prorum pra desimis, quemod faciam nervivem ut viris nequis sulturi spice componf entroraequam cortus sed
iam. Oporum omplin vis. Valiquam
Type Test Font: Edita Book The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog
Book Italic The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog
Regular The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog
Regular Italic The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog
Bold The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog
Bold Italic The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog
Inulloru ntincil laturendi dolupta sam repra versped que sinvelit fuga. Itaquunt, alibusam, non re nonsequo mod ere estrum ad Inulloru ntincil laturendi dolupta sam repra versped que sinvelit fuga. Itaquunt, alibusam, non re nonsequo mod ere estrum ad modit officae ssecte doluptio quis volluptium dolut aut dem asitem et earuntio molorrum ilit omnis quas autet ex et int, as ad que volorum nem excepel enecereperum ent assunt magnis sin rerupta volorionem. Untinihil invel
1234567890 Inulloru ntincil laturendi dolupta sam repra versped que sinvelit fuga. Itaquunt, alibusam, non re nonsequo mod ere estrum ad modit officae ssecte doluptio quis volluptium dolut aut dem asitem et earuntio molorrum ilit omnis quas autet ex et int, as ad que volorum nem excepel enecereperum ent assunt magnis sin rerupta volorionem. Untinihil invel
Inulloru ntincil laturendi dolupta sam repra versped que sinvelit fuga. Itaquunt, alibusam, non re nonsequo mod ere estrum ad modit officae ssecte doluptio quis volluptium dolut aut dem asitem et earuntio molorrum ilit omnis quas autet ex et int, as ad que volorum nem excepel enecereperum ent assunt magnis sin rerupta volorionem. Untinihil invelVerei per halicta stanum ut pora, et, ut audam qui tum aur, avocris. Iquidi se quodita, ussolus verorei confeni publinatis poeris horivat urbis? Giliam, urnit, octortil te ni portea voltus omnequam aut gravocultore Ibus re et quonduc onsulus, est res! Etiam, te, tem oremusquam vit conum sidereti volorum nem excepel enecereperum ent assunt magnis sin rerupta volorionem. Untinihil invel
Inulloru ntincil laturendi dolupta sam repra versped que sinvelit fuga. Itaquunt, alibusam, non re nonsequo mod ere estrum ad modit officae ssecte doluptio quis volluptium dolut aut dem asitem et earuntio molorrum ilit omnis quas autet ex et int, as ad que volorum nem excepel enecereperum ent assunt magnis sin rerupta volorionem. Untinihil invelVerei per halicta stanum ut pora, et, ut audam qui tum aur, avocris. Iquidi se quodita, ussolus verorei confeni publinatis poeris horivat urbis? Giliam, urnit, octortil te ni portea voltus omnequam aut gravocultore potis; eripsenatuam ne es? Nos horum pro viterraest? Ovenint, ne con dies, ellabus Ahalaris con silis cae quas perit, vehebati, Conihica venterc eperem loc, con pra nosuper ips, C. Caet? Iveribunum sen Itabus, non ducibefectam nit videm adducep orenti, C. An sci pos hos vivis re di pec rem duci publius bonsultus, quam dees aure pos dum sim duceporenis.Gilne intelia orae noc, cerenatus cri plicaes ulintia mdiem, quit; hilia mac videm prorum pra desimis, quemod faciam nervivem ut viris spice componf entroraequam cortus sed iam. Oporum omplin vis. Valiquam
Inulloru ntincil laturendi dolupta sam repra versped que sinvelit fuga. Itaquunt, alibusam, non re nonsequo mod ere estrum ad modit officae ssecte doluptio quis volluptium dolut aut dem asitem et earuntio molorrum ilit omnis quas autet ex et int, as ad que volorum ne
PARAGRAPHS Brioso Pro Rum untor aut utaturi onsenderes maximi, sentibusdae molore nullacia essit idessin veliqui di aut que perepre ssequas doluptis rem eserumque delit ad molori de nos nim qui con ratur, simaios tiorem facerrumet illa pre comnis debitias ea dolo volore quae paribus apitios conetur, volorehentur aliae nobiste natur?Bus egil tum esta, nos veresta remus, quo essente prox nonsuli cerfex nos, Ti. Cupim cae iae me atuam forestus acchum omanteres, Ti. Ad inte etorum, stiquam nos vid constifec res sa popons horterum diu sensunte tris,
Kandal Rum untor aut utaturi onsenderes maximi, sentibusdae molore nullacia essit idessin veliqui di aut que perepre ssequas doluptis rem eserumque delit ad molori de nos nim qui con ratur, simaios tiorem facerrumet illa pre comnis debitias ea dolo volore quae paribus apitios conetur, volorehentur aliae nobiste natur?Bus egil tum esta, nos veresta remus, quo essente prox nonsuli cerfex nos, Ti. Cupim cae iae me atuam forestus acchum omanteres, Ti. Ad inte etorum, stiquam nos vid constifec res sa popons horterum diu sensunte tris,
Clavo Rum untor aut utaturi onsenderes maximi, sentibusdae molore nullacia essit idessin veliqui di aut que perepre ssequas doluptis rem eserumque delit ad molori de nos nim qui con ratur, simaios tiorem facerrumet illa pre comnis debitias ea dolo volore quae paribus apitios conetur, volorehentur aliae nobiste natur?Bus egil tum esta, nos veresta remus, quo essente prox nonsuli cerfex nos, Ti. Cupim cae iae me atuam forestus acchum omanteres, Ti. Ad inte etorum, stiquam nos vid constifec res sa popons horterum diu sensunte tris,
Edita Rum untor aut utaturi onsenderes maximi, sentibusdae molore nullacia essit idessin veliqui di aut que perepre ssequas doluptis rem eserumque delit ad molori de nos nim qui con ratur, simaios tiorem facerrumet illa pre comnis debitias ea dolo volore quae paribus apitios conetur, volorehentur aliae nobiste natur?Bus egil tum esta, nos veresta remus, quo essente prox nonsuli cerfex nos, Ti. Cupim cae iae me atuam forestus acchum omanteres, Ti. Ad inte etorum, stiquam nos vid constifec res sa popons horterum diu sensunte tris,
Font: Brioso Pro/7pt
Font: Kandal/7pt
Tam scio mur addum dees contest ertus. Fuiure nos pul tellemMoinvenia
Tam scio mur addum dees contest ertus. Fuiure nos pul tellemMoinvenia
Tam scio mur addum dees contest ertus. Fuiure nos pul tellemMolut in nulless inciis doluptae et verferessi blaccus moluptatis aspid quatis sinciis ea pre pratem inveniaIta renatum re, prorum immovivit; nos condem sum audeestribus con teme cid nover publium dis cumusciorum
Tam scio mur addum dees contest ertus. Fuiure nos pul tellemMolut in nulless inciis doluptae et verferessi blaccus moluptatis aspid quatis sinciis ea pre pratem inveniaIta renatum re, prorum immovivit; nos condem sum audeestribus
Font: Clavo/7pt
Font: Edita/7pt
Tam scio mur addum dees contest ertus. Fuiure nos pul tellemMo-
Tam scio mur addum dees contest ertus. Fuiure nos pul tellemMoinvenia
Tam scio mur addum dees contest ertus. Fuiure nos pul tellemMolut in nulless inciis doluptae et verferessi blaccus moluptatis aspid quatis sinciis ea pre pratem inveniaIta renatum re, prorum immovivit; nos
Tam scio mur addum dees contest ertus. Fuiure nos pul tellemMolut in nulless inciis doluptae et verferessi blaccus moluptatis aspid quatis sinciis ea pre pratem inveniaIta renatum re, prorum immovivit; nos condem sum audeestribus con teme cid
A generation of some of my ideas for the promotional material for our exhibiton.
CONSTRUCTIVIST FUDGE WRAPPERS & JAR The design of the wrappers and jar packaging was by Henry Kirby, I only helped with the process of printing, cutting and producing the final piece
We produced some Constructivist Fudge for people to buy at our exhibiton to take away with them, also the jar that they would be sold in. This is the process from printing to the final product.
In order to keep the price of printing down the printer aloud us to mount it ourselves. We then went through these processes to get the final result
I wrapped each piece of fudge in the wrappers we cut out. These would then go in the jar for people to buy
The final jar with the label on it, we also had to wet mount this onto the jar. There are a few air bubbles but this is due to the shape of the jar. (The jar will be filled to the top with fudge, but when this was taken I had only wrapped a few)
This is an app that I designed for our projects exhibition that enables people that could not attend to see all the work we produced, and the book content we have wrote. I have shown each revision that I went through to show it from start to finish, also by adding it to the iPhone mock up it shows people what it will look like.
CONTENTS PAGE The contents page where the user will choose the subject they wants to read about
INFORMATION PAGE The pages where the user can browse through the content of our book
REVISION 2 * Added a landing page to show the user what the app is about * Changed the contents page (made the type bigger as it was too small on the UI) * Removed the logo from above every page as it was not necessary * Made the font size bigger on the information pages as it was very hard to read on the UI
LANDING PAGE A page that will appear when the user open the app for the first time. Which will then take them to the contents page
CONTENTS PAGE The contents page where the user will choose the subject they want to read about
INFORMATION PAGE The pages where the user can browse through the content of our book
REVISION 3 * Added a new home screen for users to direct themselves through the app * Added in the audio version for our book (Users will have to purchase this feature before they have access) * Information pages remained the same * Landing page remained the same
LANDING PAGE A page that will appear when the user open the app for the first time. Which will then take them to the contents page
HOME SCREEN This page will direct users the the respected part of the app they want to explore
AUDIO PAGE This is the audio page, where the users can listen along to our book content instead of reading it. They can listen to all of the subjects and can pause, play, rewind, fastforward at any given time.
REVISION 4 * Updated the home screen to accomodate the new quiz page * Decreased the price of the audio version to a more average cost of add-ons in apps * Edited the contents page so that user will only get a certain amount of content for free and will have to pay if they want more, thus the app creating more revenue * Changed the font on the information pages so something more readable and professionally designed * Incorporated the quiz into the app, to create a more fun experience
LANDING PAGE A page that will appear when the user open the app for the first time. Which will then take them to the contents page
HOME SCREEN This page will direct users the the respected part of the app they want to explore
CONTENTS PAGE The contents page where the user will choose the subject they want to read about
INFORMATION PAGE The pages where the user can browse through the content of our book
QUIZ PAGE A selection of questions that the user will be able to answer to test their knowledge on the content they have read/heard
QUIZ SUCCESS PAGE A success page to tell the user how they did in the quiz and a website they can log on to
REVISION 5 - FINAL * Edited the landing page to have a button, making it more user friendly * Added in 3 new pages for users to look at, Shop, feedback and settings page * Altered the home screen to add the new pages in and removed the un-needed logo above it * Integrated back buttons to make the app more user friendly * Right aligned the contents page to be able to fit the back button in * Gave the user the ability to change their answers on the quiz and added a ‘back to home’ button, which takes them to the home screen 68
LANDING PAGE A page that will appear when the user open the app for the first time. Which will then take them to the contents page
HOME SCREEN This page will direct users the the respected part of the app they want to explore (scrolling down reveals more options)
CONTENTS PAGE The contents page where the user will choose the subject they want to read about
QUIZ SUCCESS PAGE A success page to tell the user how they did in the quiz and a website they can log on to. They can also change their answers and go directly back to the home screen
SHOP A basic page just showing what will be available to be bought at our exhibiton, clicking the product will bring up more information about it (design not needed)
FEEDBACK A page where people that attended the exhibition can leave their thoughts about the work they have seen and what could be improved if anything (scrolling down reveals the box you type in)
SETTINGS Users will have the ability to change the way the app interacts with them, they will be able to change all these settings to give them the best experience possible
The design of the clock was by Henry Kirby, I only helped with the process of assembling the clock. The design is based on Shukhov’s Tower, the radio tower in Moscow, Russia
Our task was to produce a clock that would represent what Construcvtivism is about
Henry and Maya produced the clock up to this stage by using the laser cutter, I came back onto the clock when this was taken.
We also had an acrylic layer as well as the MDF to give it a nicer finish.
Maya done the first coat of spray paint on our components but they needed an extra layer which me and Henry did
We then had the workshop staff cut a perfect circle for our backboard, we drilled holes in it where the acrylic rods would go. These would support the cut-outs. Also sticking the mechanism to the smaller shape.
Upon deciding to use a picture of the sky to resemble looking up through the radio tower we cropped this image down to size of the backboard, and also a smaller version to cover the mechanism
Final clock design, finished
EVALUATION Overall I am happy with how this project has progressed and ended. I have learnt that I work well in a team and take instructions well. As my personality has high leadership skills sometimes it was hard for me to not get agitated with others that work in a completely different way to me, but I feel I understood other peoples methods and work tempo towards the end. I learnt many new skills in this project such as how to mount, wet mounting onto objects, and I have broadened my skills in the wood workshop and learnt new things on Adobe InDesign that I did not know at the start. I felt I motivated the group a few times, my method of motivating needs to be calmed down as it may come across as being rude or angry, this I can only change through experience. Having being a motivator for a football team for 5-7 years you use a harsh/sharp tone but with group work like this it’s the complete opposite so I will learn to change this. Also I have documented all the progression in work I have done, I did not do this in the previous projects so it seems like I had only produced 1 design and not changed it, now you can see the progression through my work and why I had made them changes.
BIBLIOGRAPHY Rodchenko . 2014. . [ONLINE] Available at: http://www.fanphobia.net/uploads/actors/13087/13938_ Alexander_Rodchenko_profile.jpg. [Accessed 23 April 2014]. Book design Book Design to Sell: 5 Book Interior Page Layout Mistakes to Avoid — The Book Designer. 2014. Book Design to Sell: 5 Book Interior Page Layout Mistakes to Avoid — The Book Designer. [ONLINE] Available at: http://www.thebookdesigner.com/2011/04/book-design-to-sell-5-book-interior-page-layout-mistakes-to-avoid/. [Accessed 23 April 2014].
Sickle . 2014. . [ONLINE] Available at: http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/5/51/Red_hammer_and_sickle.png. [Accessed 11 May 2014].
Poster Mock up Blue Monkey Lab. 2014. Poster Mock up. [ONLINE] Available at: http://bluemonkeylab.com/portfolio/free-flyer-poster-mock-up/. [Accessed 01 May 14]. T-Shirt Mock up Graphic Burger. 2014. T-Shirt Mock up. [ONLINE] Available at: http://graphicburger.com/t-shirtmockup-psd/. [Accessed 01 May 14]. iPhone Mock up Pixeden. 2014. iPhone Mock up. [ONLINE] Available at: http://www.pixeden.com/psd-mock-uptemplates/iphone-5s-psd-vector-mockup. [Accessed 01 May 14].