Your Negroid and Indian BEHAVIOR
"What!" said he. "Indian blood.? I bet there is not one drop of it in this whole crowd." I replied: "But don't you see their faces? They are more Indian than European."
CARL G. JUNG FORUM MAGAZINE March 1936 IT WOULD NEVER occur to the naive European to regard the psychology of the average American as particularly complicated or sophisticated. On the contrary, he is rather impressed by the simplicity and straightforwardness of American thought and manners. He likes to think of Americans as being a very active, businesslike, and astonishingly efficient people, concentrated upon a single goal — the Yellow God — and a bit handicapped by what certain English magazines call "Americana" — something on the borderline of a mild insanity: "Colonial people are likely to be a bit odd, don't you know, like our South African cousins." Thus, when I have something serious to say about Americans and their particular psychology, my European audience, while not exactly shocked, is at all events somewhat puzzled and inclined to disapprove. What Americans will think about my ideas remains to be seen. In 1909 I paid my first short visit to the United States. This was my first impression of the American people as a whole; before that I had known individuals only. I remember walking through the streets of Buffalo and seeing hundreds of workmen leaving a factory. Being a naive European, I could not help remarking to my American companion: " I really had no idea there was such an amazing amount of Indian blood in your people."
Whereupon I was informed that most of these workmen were of Irish, Scotch, and German extraction. I was puzzled and half incredulous, but later I came to see how ridiculous my hypothesis had been. Nevertheless, my impression remained firm, and the years have only strengthened it. When I returned from America, I carried away with me that peculiarly dissatisfied feeling of one who has somehow missed the point. I had to confess that I was unable to "size them up." I only knew that a subtle difference existed between the American and the European— a difference like that between the Australian and South African. It is not so much in the anatomical features as in the general behavior, both physical and mental. One finds it in the language, the gestures, the mentality, in the movements of the body, and in certain things even more nebulous than these. You can say many witty and clever things about that difference and still be unable to analyze it. But another impression also stuck in my mind. I had not noticed it at first, but it kept coming back as things will when they possess a certain importance and yet have not been understood. I was once the guest of a stiff and solemn New England family whose respectability was almost terrifying. It felt almost like home, for there are very conservative and highly respectable folk in Switzerland too. But there were Negro servants waiting on the table, and they made me feel as if I were eating lunch in a circus. I found myself cautiously scrutinizing the dishes, looking for imprints of those black fingers. A solemnity brooded over the meal