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Inside C est: 2 Northw es: 7C ri Obitua





6, 2009


Price check n i s e v i d y t n u o C y Advertising Rates e l l a V C ts up L


rd 2009 es awa y’s weather receiv ER 6, da CEMB archer E 2 C To E 0 D , AY SUND — PAG



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Cloudy and cold ASTS ON 8A

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Low ... lower

Mortgage ra tes drop to low — PA G E N TRIBU N



gs Happenin

t’s at wha : n k look A quic in our regio n o t going


rkston la C ge 1E a P , ss e in s u B / room opens aglowEST, PAGE 1C > Furniture show me / Sports, 1B a g e tl ti B 2 in d e > NORTHW e 1D < Bull> dUIoChgromsruthsc,isVliaapftn eprnoon ates / Sunday A.MCo.,mrapPtharaerisgon shows choi ce of grocer than y perfo illumin likely to det specific grocery stor items, e, more > Annual parade er m R in I e O w V h R at E S co nsu RE uarte hone q w > Saxop rm in Mosco to perfo -Clark Statertet

ua wis The Le axophone Q TODAY M. eS Colleg rform at 2 P. , Mosll e a p M l wil Palouse free. in the he event is cow. T daleers

aho y of Id iversit rs The Unnd Vandalee TODAY M. sa Choru rform at 3 P. ation will pe UI administr campus e e th th n at rium o audito ow. in Mosc ncert


Reservoir a pool of broken promises

istonD A M AClNarWDkshatotnLeVawlle

mers pay

a huge ef y consum ers put in fect on ho to have a larg their carts may you spend. Red de w much lic was the ch how muc er effect on eapest ki ious h th ap nd of ey pl o es at tw spen groceries Road C than whe d on point was o stores. That shop. re they > Good ay in Moscow un derlined m or even , e d w rt he That’s on once er, set to the most n we looked at Road C ries after e of my theoull ex Mills participat of three ite pensive kind e Good ns Heidi M er, h le y T a /K in nonscien g in ne g usicia n Mah sliced, pa ms. A loaf of Tribu son the Le tific compariy durin with mebb and Da AY at the ck example, aged bread, for D aturda recently wiston Tribune is as little Bob W at 3 P.M. TO . Third St., treet S completed s ce as 79 e e nts or as E b l th this comm at 412 g . wil m r, in 12 n $ te n li un e re Prices ca uch as $4.69. ds est superm ity’s larg1912 C w. Tickets a e crow from wee n vary a lot arkets th o t sc e — o k to week Walmar re M ghts g Albertsonst and even from and Clarkston in day, which day to N County gave IO an T d C E Safeway we made is why Clearwater ing river, but CORR and Rosure all ves ie sa th ue N e ow co rs l -fl m in Le pa nie rt up free happened risons We reco wiston. rd Da y Pe l governmen Richa n Westle guilty lowest pr rded the single da on a says federa d bargain ed Be ices of 20 y. One of “The and th plead charges, st th ap e lle le m s, re ost ob o hasn’t fulfi ez b day to sixape, two of brand, gardless examples vious promises s at Thur ing esc nd theft, of those re each when Rosaof that is e, JOHNSON d tailers By DAVIDE TR uers has were mad inclu ries, gra the influIBUNE on its Tuesda one-day sa OF TH CO M M EN TA RY les. burglag under ful entry. but they accompa y. (See W e re w in co ny rded the ing riv nd unla y’s Lew most 25 d Al ’t gr lo — ap w en es hic.) a a t pric wer AHSAHKAthe age of 81, forence ry in Frid id not list if an item e even The total at o, d ito .” ag d e s w s pt fr B. (Bert) as d ar n om ke ye on A Walmart sale. We o Mayor A. Tribu . In a w ha iston e charges rrain vemer Orofinin his wheelchair at cheapest as the way of kn ve no t s th sa e -te at ow is v ll $3 rt ll Dam, in a k ie 1. a Cu g 92. The world if stores ac the y N Dworsha ess Marguerite , tion, driven b ior to the the base of e monolith a succ lin retailer w ’s largest ever char tually pr le he ed th McLaugh o as ge ar T d ile-long ic fo cl th e h -m lde e h 53 . s e ah lowed by regular pr re ra ted th c tu e ic r p s ed former Id r Al e a a ic pr be c d e. w w rtan to sons at $3 TVs We didn’t tes’ state sena use inma said two A reservoir ers at $38.7.29 and Rosauco that were upons or deals story ed. behind don’t incl 25. Those totals on h ly s va a ud lid quantity e cr it would a larger than for a Safeway sales tax. ou w as on r forever be lis e th on t. e expensiv But we di e based on most d cl co ub unt recreationprices the items all of to Albertsons at Safeway and al mecca nut butte other than peabecause th r, which it st or e es Clearwater offer the carry in th didn’t . sa ty vi for free to ngs Coun lected for e amount seills willing to anyone who is Today, yle M Even with the price check. ne/K informatioprovide nominal those who is Tribu more butter, Sa out the peanut s a n su t ch e feway cam e as their telephone ew Curt tr kn S $3 th e 7. nu in at 41. Six And we fo mber. say he down But that in h C un 4 tc d e th E Walmart at no way str might be guarante PAG di year in float, es lowest pr dn’t have the more drowning shop at W people who Lodge de. ice in ever e opho It was too s s id o n al y o so m y hn a Al art sp case. /David Jo regret am bertso eM ar less than est. But m ibune Trce those who end had six ite ns, for instan ding ththis year’s p g “ as the cold snow.” oken by lu m d br in r c ne ot , a h go do in he m tc’ve no-w an to r stores fo s that costall but ab s. ven taying w nd wa ise e th oats, ok part in Ho p om an “I r to w u pr le is le a th ss big a bi variety of g, ose eatsp reasons. cold Wrin peop Tribune y to s aring ba id. undle vth alm inouth would evfu e ar “I ur enllth ies to you at loca te out of yo is a y at The ke Most de could bittihce we ives gh in one t, hed TribIundon’t know ak Reservoir st e sa l groceryho hebudget do comm arch Trib inan s Dworshhow wel k, the th ara he d w gloves,ds when onlyyering, shthough sk stpe m.ce the differe on astfo or’tes Da gren n, aewh h wee edtiv l apr-les, like thune illustration/Steve Ha ak se,” s e- the p ey wante ps, th ? c oc fe , io la sh u a er e l s ity it or E o is, nc ie a on , is rt ll h s m e Dw ic dn d ly onerour lis Cu was di p illed ov 1 cent. A rt in ngeac onmaattoch ose pictured Be at my ore mb ll th knit ca ts. But a - attire w unifor li fo bo il e a n t r o of it sp th 26 w ta th b s e item high -ounce be ith what an hu in it mayor loaf of Fr alize e lyarina, o don’ a to te s ag al , above, c m no su e is t o n o vi o s ts v ofi ue b w e o a in Or lo e r I lovefamily orih lig o nt M to d av an ’s er c e Th L c hted. g like m errs at made m ter eco eek family reEddyh more s an eg the Bread Wes z Oregon g T ey wBi in brand of o championed e wondebe hins c y weth ekeenodldas wareaedstion. Last wwas the bedstpurchases. It uDa carve mbers of maw ’re so rcay ho s te th W m rn w r al wh ys m H m d r an sa az n ar e l e cost $4.19 y other si elnut nat t uc oly — tio ew m s: Trib rdLaboth tha oo qu me guess of the it is,” Value — ev constr n G a o H e h e re w h c t ff ir th m at ex S a a -t n un e ila s Ro am in each in a e’s u r rmer as sauers ples a igh the ery bit asDa her th compared rnea e th ep s.eir . ew , questioat Christm st gom Rosa tor, l are yomanaging ed od c teac tary and - ton H had wer ke if our rese there would fo iform d, unde numbers ur first n he rs’or the closes ance we price be hosh usak Walmart with $4.34 at Wh Dw peciacityh editor and m ie br Trd ld un aom ofue d en om Idaho — Weste t th nte es wool se are o i,” s on tce of w? f TV sofreso ys more com arch had been rn Fa Elem for the W n’s ban ple and go upr wam in? a an nd u is Manufac ing. mnily years noticed th Tuesday. I n hat a typi elf ovie o ely toho he ow prehensive state Sen.Take is o 0 o T sh m e s t r 2 “ r a ls turers an n u e e r e p s at in us a cal g w only Plus, ju . lik ite chocolat d photo stores also so erok dayeholdwm guco aide uniforms oli becasus fielechip ose, C most the hw float They r. s asight need on a at Walmart the brbecause ies.bu ee7kl products dging what Mar au Wne e Mo ed g e were lo lin voyteba . make side-b metimes cold,”ch si ead was one of tw 19in85 s. — m- ge said. were the s: r 9, oan sonills@ durin tal of 26W ok weve pretty th McL fogh — r lt o a ay tr o a s jm e M y-side co 15 g — su h s o n m ey at -o w sa ki o r re ha as un nd m fro p parisons o. e of Orof e t your tast more diffi ce packag to s that wer m cted 564. nio k, ” ofin th A th e ta e It’s ic s n veral ir-blown m re “ a re e co os a m es ch e cu e s gu 0 r e t allenge. Ws. are has lt than yo ex o face might thin ere Cr a d ay b 883didn’t incl r-old e th om-lar chocolate ch pr u Mcei Rosauers pensive and e cast. H Mills m com or (208) riate stars, ok 8-yea earby ip had its pr you don’t k, even when “Theco ingly obvi ude some seem.” pprop ents. The man- 1 onist Kateyell as a n t the reies becausre pt e n’ une. we ice mtyke sre consider N ib DE ise SO SI in tr se ou u u iti IN ar HN m s o b we lm > h al st ch a JO to tio qu aples such indicatedment, say as toilet ns such as VID esrn t they me ad ped Iraby DA two tually .” co bu r h By e, n n’t e u , o ad r m b did NE th pa m h e rn : ig m at “Is the ho pe e c htde ve goan beraal st l M of da OF THE TRIBU ouex ised packages co r because use Th ver, wuins — a er 11- wousaphon to “SAl e fe dar, rdpr rmer Construction roversy turn siom be ze. It ed ou ntained w Orofino, fo G retm I emas peng aver and h Meka s ss line g idely manageroow without cont those who thewfr ngin e eew-fl ba . So — PAGE 7A Idaho F& r — Future ate Park O ng er her B daughter, . lti IN at ha OF rw ne at OR th > See PRIC e Clea hak St th rs of commissio wo er rk E, Page 3E D at in -old Clarkston rth Fo ted, t of Clearw ga No en th iti m f m wi o ls be , d t of officia ver River woule creation of a huge d epartmen S. hinges on the fede Idaho D U. Clarkstoch Walla says part, by th fishing, boating an WalVla i- d the County, th creatiosniman at ug O TE Ssupports the coun er- trus n dr Rer was st where mto t d or e the kind t. m ke en an en e la ha m s s re em rn rk d er tuanrnags at ve Pa uld replac itser giibne ute the 64 rk m roIAalL gossu EC ... pa herpflsieofdEn w th camping wo nyon recreation ...g...in istr it ...inh d ent.M O V IE /S P ty ot em ng m n.yTCo ... re pi n Ar s ag ... ho as wm cl r la ca e us 7 ly e as n y” la ed 4real ion of leer I n itur w th carn of rugg as St s entfu outoathne .........is... dem erfveorulse ry o ch inrg to ag ristm“E ” ...dy oore ct an d offered. ncessions febo l su la h Ch .” io ha r a Li 16 n em rk RESS r t “A o er th P in ... pa e no b r er riv e ... D v is ba co de s ou...t...fo se emenentt g seheth t neigh e to keep th ...... e big IATE in W s a-Wonwork tim. ” ... unty-s 14 agrem ASSOC tate es d in th “One of th would keep a “It’re as whe mEL r- yond thac coNE ENE ristIf ........... could begin closin aAI ey l onnusaryoan ChBy Norre f Jdobe ......e...W t rmJa D’AL ern be ... 12 S ILrk was that thr us for recreationa LI “White ... (TVOF )” TH pa ente .....AM , th recaf wner Trade ck en ......nu rth o ru fo R op ... E o st in ph TR ol , y. ... n U IBU ol ar po h , ... l E ll e NE r. ar llfu for all the ,” se”. as Ja “Rud rre is wi in udunclea .. 11 e calendar ye CO uck mai ona C up u o ... au e rly ti tr e J ns ”. Cl he ak a ea e o a m ve as p c n as er r ha nt ku stme end..th oli wein San. f pi rith the riv value to he ri 11 yi Ch ng any k whcat “Tng ofa Ca edes trAs inte wsner n thIn ting th ... — P say a picMuslim o lost along ofino, a a“I sid rom ...lie ec ...in re to be putti ” says s fa ...pp Thnc lie B“A g s. ...go atCh al Or things we y’sarho ...tsu a n th a Na l”lis Co ehas dagndpaCrtonie,trssaaon hel ha ,” w to he g ys ucrs ... 11D Idaho ging“W th Caro ex Irby of h.hak, eno wo ... shop“A as’re filinsa tey ...ig to m cent two in in...ht peCh for pp ]”m e thisidha een recalls Al o Fish and Game ed V ristwe r c er n n he il [T on ag re tio le in r ad m ad an ea 10 ... s e p h e in belon nian des w m “A cr h of ’A ah or g to Was it d s tod mak ment al a Clarkston,thm ...... gi ...re ofinthAe nre d ha e Grincid e’re former Id ner. “But I’ve notic te...,em a orim zed ’s...on ct ...... asl,s diore ow si ruAl Jorda vanbo cla ...e...hi g en arril u ty daliar av astik ine. “W cal...W Dnc de rD9d’ ... ad swth ...eu Mher ...e...th rt“H ... ... commissio don’t always keep tio illi t.n tenai Co lo mn is ” Co - pa en ...th n of t of etdi io CHRIS SCHMID of the tedake a ne been -pto at PR dw ds 25rtmmtenK Stre oo “Elf”....tID mm ainm rr thou ...e.. 8en d a Coflo iesug oriss I ...th 34ca nty de$pa r. h T, t, fu e co y that the fe ises because they ... a IN in un s c rn ve a on lu TE ... po ro r itu Co li s ri s RI d le in ... th at ng OR r p o l re as nde erne e on ... s e “Mirac ther s al pit DESIGNER AN gaearwat th te 8Atanth , s” aCl d cia cisi . es n .. es on a io e 9) g o si ho , r s ... w 00 n pr gn c ec ge ith ... (2 t a is D c ar Ex se le OWNER, THE their prom ar............provid rvic man Dis arda ye... in ch ict,er pplicar-options r ol es m ontrEb r faces.” and urded’A alismt o P be o in to th ll en c g its he 6 DE wi ge ... . d rm SIG U a othe senusu“T than ... cu not em wh chNan d mos ht in Chai l fire d sa CENTERei my Corps of ......s. d on om owst net”.kn Coe w ysgno al in asedo ......oer van u of thosaleom d Alon’ th ... at ...na ca camenis t an co so ...wi 5 opensition fr ths she was makin build dt’sbeon ...bi the asrsday nig the sess still .be The U.S. Arerates the dam an e un “H lltio ......m h la e man at n”wh om her fo g the tran is-d,I’dthbe “I might f Inag ......n...... den g av said d Thue ng op an e.nie d o e s ... l bl si ay in er d ” lo m er id ia a ai ne an rm c e s e ol gi te 4 of ed t, r a m th ri er employ in cosmet h En m “Hs Sc en Chri or the...de ... tos Etc. in wa neave ow ...pa r drrdrea tire seem Sn ... n tte .” n t curre nlik e le wn a frei o ug n ic er hm rt e a th ... s op s Ko o ti do , I th to pe idt,ovsa In- W ... issued... 4 at W em wntown Le ned-ofmor“F sty arry Wasemg’s.to thatiou /Bem ie).e w id sacys t ath r it’as t pa lice thinogs stat e aof ’s. The el OMISES, Page 7A ”.ha Tribuneas s be w haduren om mane-rothGan a do non h”e(M requestin f relig n courasag n. Eber rpncon stmm tho,” riTh d. ”Po gat- al ce der ns tNow a whole new iston, to br a d thlashen. io enve ati Ch er g wi edng ncrive 4 pe eNo ov emha dki e th ed > See PR g m ch “The co agle inorsi ryn. akinDa de cin anop ti gr s re ve city, lsch tenta uast rimin ex its- msw p or ......e...... Dw only brCu aresBef ed ofsh Afteher talents to Was Schmidt to ess ight ...om ofou erill mrp guer ...fr in s hatecoun ig- discovsp a o ild posscib F.e“B edwa ys Itoom am trd. n” ty he ut 1 e pe be e as io r em r. le ... s “N r to a in at “I H Cl w ’s. re was I ... n rk e a ’m id ill iff Wasem . seem ha ... sa clin Th Vacby m...ov just st ven’t notic April 20 08 ey ...e, tieiorok r be rse paplicth op as th as fo a ... e t th t of pr n tm ou t n e ’s es ... e is to w en e io de cr id ... ha Th hrle pick...up ath, the id ip“Ctio p an d tsoeve e. s in ter ined any de- al ed to fall into iss sa agem cid ...... .... 22 nsasan nloitm r tinwa use a”d...he e innc ea b,istoatrry . So , m my Sc 6A ou eba en ......to... th lows Schm plac y Merrill,h, 33th t to isty Page idt’s ’s ouierdjoh ......in h ad Sant e oco S, hm ch ing th Na dad th VEm f un tos aofg at “Bec departmen business.” idt and Ri e because it ifieha ou deo ting atden . rectorJ, oId > See DIsa seTh uah 41resst wor sptecw edo ung .”-esign therk, un e D t ca toM id ildin1te diham crimeit ra the be betr yi is b bust s : its lin space where Wasoccupies the thin k more closely to ck Wasem to O Center. Pr t shsteioha th n s ts le ey l’re d rk e ’re la Ba n we Pa d c a F a at of reedoing et e soon e of g th em’s geth H Deptw. as anthat’s wh Gina H hm ica theirween rosan ek’s qeuty dany esitwo wine- an gifts and art supp stocks from th at is helping th er, somehe diana, cen.t.“It’s thtio 0 M la r the icokfa crea e om ictincredib em recove d beer-m e loss lies, and Thleis,” yotir said annddRe Bayh of In and s s msp ’s bir Ford F35 CoIrp u favolivain rn d“T distror ndg Th aking eq ia, Evanr Though Cl . Easte e m ouldSchm firewelve uipment. tiotnsaida. toha e selection of Wle ire-15 peop a frieis black of Virgin ncoln of Arkansas aid le u z d q iff li th nd y e a te W th go n r ar ex as d he at merch s Li em e died y sh’ rev e 80 he,lp ke I in chas crimineofgo . arigjua ehs wth s to anw he still left h town. hile been expanded dele claim arbitrar Sh dibs e eaery sing whe seidie feel li Ne nbraska n ” m ven‘O red. hadBl ransu u e displays the un the of by tlyarfo an activ tioy. lso ada e saemselected bran siin nesu rangm ade down makes me is place,” re e nrole ginthe pressures on fss Like to reak ns ofbu - emosre taxds pr ice poi g ioW nt RiBen Ne for th at th of use o se atax t ocrats m m a e to inill n- m di rin ne. we

er p a p s w fe e his li

Effective January 1, 2011 Elaine Williams


Online p

to breach in p te s to e r a officials prep s of Dworshak park ty n u o C r te a Clearw ash hand w to n io is c e d left by state’s

ndalismle a v e b o hic pr Police lim man’s ve to Mus

Wasem’s tak es page lmtribune.com

from past

“It’s incred are going ‘Oh ible. Twelve or 15 peple I’m just swam my gosh’ every single d ay. ... ped. I hav whatsoever in en’t noticed any decline my business. ”

505 Capital St., Lewiston, Idaho

The Power T o S u cc e e d . S inc e 1 8 M 9 2e.dicare cuts n o t h ligh

OP casts ht, Senate G


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