Lewiston Morning Tribune Carrier Information Sheet Becoming an independently contracted carrier for the Lewiston Morning Tribune can be a rewarding experience. If interested, complete this carrier information sheet and submit it to the Circulation Department, P.O. Box #1387, 505 C. St. Lewiston Idaho, 83501.
Name Address City/State/Zip
Home Phone Mess. Phone
If you are under 18 years old, please have your parent(s) or guardian(s) fill out the below information. Name(s) Address City/State/Zip School Attended (if applicable) Place of employment (Parents place of employment if under 18 years old) Are you interested in a foot-delivery route? Are you interested in a motor-delivery route? If yes, do you have a valid driver's license? What make and model of vehicle do you have? Is it front-wheel, rear-wheel or 4-wheel drive?
( ) Yes, I am interested in selling Tribune subscriptions too! I understand that this is not an application for employment, but an information sheet expressing my desire to become an independent contractor for the purpose of newspaper delivery for the Lewiston Morning Tribune. Signature
Signature of parent or Guardian if under 18 years old.
208-746-8742 or 1-800-745-8742