When choosing your countertop, firstaskyourselfifyouwantatraditional or contemporary look. Traditional tendstohavemoreearthtones,where Contemporary shows more greys and whites. Next decide whether you like a consistent pattern, or like the movement or vein look throughout the slab. Something else to consider, is the lighting in your space. If you haveasmallerspacewithlittlenatural light, you will want to stick with a lightercolorcountertop.Ifyourspace is open and has lots of natural light, a darker countertop color would work. Afterfindingtheperfectcountertop, it is time to decide on the various fabrication options. First you want to selectyouredgeprofile.Wehaveover 9 standard edge profiles to choose from along with many upgrade options. Next, choose the installation type for your sink. Undermount or Self Rim? With undermount sinks, we use a mechanical bracket that supports the weight of the sink and secures it underneath your countertop. We use a 30-year silicon to seal the sink to the countertop. Self-rim, or Top Mount sinks are supported by the countertop and rest on top. The last thing to think about is what type of backsplash. There a few options, if the backsplash needs to go all the way up to your upper cabinets, you can either choosetileorusethesamecountertop material as backsplash. If you don’t
need to go all the way to the uppers, another option is to run a 4-6” strip of countertop material along the walls.
Decisions are made. Time to template the project. We use a laser template system to collect 2D and 3D data. After collecting the information, our template technician will go over some final details such as seam placement and outside/inside radii. Once our programmer receives the data from the template technician, we cangetyouinvolvedinlayoutwithour state of the art layout software, where we have high resolution pictures of all of our slabs and can drop the templates on the slabs to show the various options in layout.
After all the data is processed, it is time to get cutting. At Granite Concepts,weuseaSaw-WaterjetCNC that can perform any straight cut with a Diamond blade, while finishing up arcs,inside/outsideradii,sinkcutouts, and cooktop cutouts with a very precisewaterjet, givingustheupmost precision. Once the CNC is done cutting out the tops, our fabrication team with a combined 20 years of experience will make sure the hand polish is perfect on your countertops.
Finally, Time for installation. Our installation team will arrive and carefully assemble your countertops in your home. After the install is complete,theywillgoovertheroutine care and maintenance to help your countertops look as good as new for years to come.
You’vealwaysstrivedtodothings the right way in your life. Your good judgment, determination, organization, and passion have helped you find success in both your professional and personal life. You’ve worked hard to build supportive, loving relationships with your family and friends. Now you’rethinkingaboutprearranging your funeral because you want to dowhat’sbestforyourlovedones andforyourself.
Thinking about final wishes doesn’tmeanthataperson’ssad, depressed, seeking to shock people, or looking forward to death. People preplan because they want to give their family and friends as much comfort as possible on that difficult, yet inevitable day. Some do it because they’ve had a say in all theothermajordecisionsintheir life and they want their funeral to be on their terms as well. Othersprearrangebecausethey believe it’s just another part of beingaresponsibleadult.
Whatever their reason may be, preplanning is a logical decision that a rapidly growing number
of people make each day. More and more Americans have dispelled the antiquated notion thatdeathandfuneralsaretaboo by taking control of their funeral arrangements and finances well in advance. They’ve accepted that life follows a natural cycle andhavedecidedthatit’ssimply good sense to be prepared for theend.
1. FamilyWillKnowYourWishes
2. Urgent Decisions Are CompletedNow
3. PeaceOfMindIsYours
4. FuneralCostsAreAddressed
Specifically, there are four key benefits you should weigh as you consider prearranging your funeral.
First, it’s a practical step that lets your family know exactly what you want and minimizes disputes between well-meaning relatives. Your family and friends are the most important parts of yourlife,butwithoutyourclearly expressed final wishes, it will be up to them to try to reach a consensusduringadifficulttime. Flowers, music, readings, and other simple decisions now can create feelings of animosity and disunity. Preplanning eliminates
the guesswork and lets your loved ones have peace as they focus on their own healing and remembrance.
The second is that by prearranging you take care of urgentdecisionsnowandprotect yourfamilyfromunnecessarypain andexpense.Whenthatinevitable day arrives, you want your loved ones to be focused on the truly important things – remembrance, family support, and healing –not making arrangements and decisions about your funeral. Preplanning prevents them from having to make considerable financial and logistical choices whileunderemotionalduress.
Third, is the peace of mind that comes with knowing that you will say goodbye in a way that uniquelyreflectsyouandyourlife. Byprearrangingyourspecificfinal wishesyouensurethatyourfamily will be guaranteed to have the service you would have wanted on that important day. Your decisions can shape how your family and friends remember you and can help their healing process with a personalized service that truly reflects your individuality and unique personality.
Finally, by preplanning and prefunding your funeral you address funeral costs today and
lessen the financial burden for your family down the road. Many people assume savings or life insurance will cover their final expenses. Funerals must be paid for upfront though and many life insurance policies or bank accounts aren’t accessible to families until well after funeral services are rendered. By funding your funeral in advance, you lock in the price of your specific wishes at current prices, avoiding rising costs caused by inflation. You can then enjoy the rest of your life confident in the financial relief you’ll give to your lovedones.
Prearranging your funeral allowsyoutoshowyourloveina wayyourfamilywillneverforget. By taking care of all the details yourself – and well in advance – your preplanned funeral will exemplify the selfless love and generosity you have shown your lovedonesthroughoutyourlife. Nobody is eager to reach the day of their funeral, but taking control of that inevitable step and organizing your final wishes is simply the right thing to do for yourself and for your family. Completing the preplanning process will create a great sense of clarity, joy and pride. You’ll have a renewed energy to live your life to its fullest with knowledge that you have accomplished something that your family will remember lovinglywhenthetimecomes.
“Death ends a life, not a relationship ... love is how you stay alive, even after you are gone.”
Dogs, particularly puppies, canbefullofboundlessenergy. Channeling that energy into exercisewithlongwalksorplay sessions can help stem dogs’ propensity to get into trouble around the house as they burn off extra adrenaline. Pets who don’thaveanenergyoutletmay chew off-limits objects or get intoothermischief.
According to the American Kennel Club, the amount of exercise a dog needs depends on the animal’s age and breed. For example, border collies or Siberian huskies may require muchmoreexercisethanEnglish bulldogs, simply because the former are working breeds. Pet owners with large backyards often find those outdoor spots areidealforwhentheirdogsget the “zoomies,” something that tends to be a daily occurrence. Letting their dogs run around yards, whether on their own or chasing tossed tennis balls, is an ideal way to provide exercise and tire out pups. In such scenarios, it’s vital that pupshaveadog-friendlyyardin whichtoplay.
An expanse of grass is the
perfect place to frolic or enjoy some sunbathing - for people or pets. But contact with chemically treated lawns can causeanumberofhealthissues for dogs, such as allergies or intestinalupset.
Switching to native grasses can reduce the need to use chemicals to get lush lawns. When supplementation is needed, homeowners can switch to organic products or natural compost as safer alternatives than chemicalbasedproducts.
Off-leash running and bounding through the yard will makeanydogsmile.However,a fenceisamust-havetoensurea dogdoesn’tbecomeanescape artist. Be sure the fence is high enough so that the pup cannot jump over it. Burying chicken wire in the dirt beneath the lower edge of the fence also can help prevent dogs who like to dig from exiting by crawling underneaththefence.
Consider installing a lock on the fence gate so that no one can wander in and surprise the dog, which may startle the animal and prompt it to defend the property. A lock also helps preventdogtheft.
Maintaining a clean yard also is key to safety. Inspect the yard regularly to make sure nothing is around that can prove harmful, whether it’s poison ivy, felled branches or broken fence panels. Also, keep shrubs and grass trimmedtoreducefleaandtick populationsontheproperty.
Certain plants can be dangerous if they’re consumed by curious pups. Chrysanthemums, peonies, irises, and hydrangeas are some plantsthatcanbepoisonous.For afulllistofpoisonousplants,visit theASPCAwebsite(
Dogs can spend some unattended time in the yard, but check in from time to time. Shouldwildlifegetintotheyard, dogs may get hurt by tussles or bites. Birds of prey, such as owls, hawks and even vultures, may attack small dogs in a yard. According to Pat Silvosky, director of the Milford Nature Center in Kansas, some birds can be territorial. While they mightnotviewadogasaneasy meal, they could swoop down and attack to defend territory. The same may occur with other wildanimals.
A dog-friendly yard may require a little effort to create, but it’s worth a little sweat equitytokeeppupssafe.
Purchasing your first home is one of the most exciting and, at times, overwhelming experiences we go through. One of the best ways to prepare yourself is to get prequalified. Prequalification is the process of a lender determininghowmuchyouwillbe eligible to borrow before actually applying for a loan. Mortgage prequalifications will help you set yourbudget,negotiateyouroffer, and move the closing process alongonceyouhaveanoffer.
When you get prequalified, your lender will provide you with an estimate of how much you can borrow. This will set your budget when you're beginning your home search. Next, once you're prequalified, you'll have a letter you can present when you're making your offer. A prequalification letter will show sellers that you're serious about yourofferbecauseyou'reshowing them you have the funding that can back up your offer. Especially for newer buyers, this will add weight to your offer. Finally, once you've made a deal with a seller and you're ready to proceed with your borrowing process, your lender will already have a lot of the information they need to make the mortgage process go smoothly. Once you've found the home you're going to buy, it can frequently feel like your closing date can't come soon enough.
Already being prequalified with your lender means that you're one step further in the borrowing process, which will maketheclosingprocessgojust that much faster.
Not only does prequalification help you during your search, but it's also an easy process that won't take too long. Once you've submitted your application, you should hear back from your loan officer in less than a day. You'll be asked to send in your pay stubs, W2s, and other documents verifying your employment. You should usually know how much you are prequalified for in less than a week. When you apply for prequalification, you'll be asked
for information about the type of property you might want to buy. You'llneedtoprovidethelocation ofyourpotentialhome,estimated property taxes and insurance, and what you think the purchase price will be. These are answers that can be changed later on in the process. For the most part, the loan officer processing your application simply needs a startingpoint.
When you apply for prequalification, there is also an inquiryonyourcredit.Whilethese inquiries can damage your credit, the information gained from a prequalification is more valuable thanthedingtoyourcreditscore. Even if you forgo prequalification,
there will be an inquiry on your credit score later on in the mortgage process. The choice is whetheryouhaveitsoonerorlater.
Prequalifications are a fantastic way to take some of the stress and uncertainty out of the home purchase process. Are you lookingtostartyourhomesearch off on the right foot? Our expert mortgage lending team is here toguideyouthroughtheprocess every step of the way. We offer conventional, FHA, VA, and Jumbo financing options. Visit to start your applicationtoday.