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Procrastination is one of the main ways the average Pop Quiz: Test Your Joe and Jane get trouble with their finances. Break Procrastination isisin one ofofthe main ways thethe average Procrastination one the main ways average Procrastination is one of the main ways the avera Procrastination isinone one ofnow! the main ways thebasic average Pop Quiz: Test Your the bad habit – starting Answer these Procrastination is of the main ways the average Joe and Jane get trouble with their finances. Break Pop Quiz: Joe and and Jane Jane getininJane trouble with theirfinances. finances. Break Pop Quiz: Test Your theProcrastination Pop Quiz: Test Your Financial Savvy Joe and get intheir trouble with their finances. Br Joe get trouble with their Break Procrastination isinone one of the main ways the average questions and see how you rate is of the main ways the average Joe and Jane get trouble with finances. Break bad habit – starting now! Answer these basic Procrastination is one of the main ways the average the bad habit – starting now! Answer these basic Pop Quiz: Test Your Financial Savvy the bad habit –get starting now! Answer these basic Joebad andhabit Jane inhow trouble with theirnow! finances. Breakthese basic the bad habit – starting Answer Financial Joe and Jane in trouble with their finances. Break the –get starting now! Answer these basic questions and see you rate Pop Quiz: Test Your Joe and Jane get in trouble with their finances. Break Financial Savvy questions and see how you rate Financial Savvy questions and––see see how yousee rate thebad badhabit habit starting now! Answer theserate basic the starting now! Answer these basic questions and how you rate questions and how you the bad habit – starting now! Answer these basic Financial Savvy 5 questions 3 1 9 questionsand andsee seehow howyou yourate rate Financial Savvy questions and see how you rate 6 55 33 999 3 111 55 5 6 6 3 1 9 3 1 9 6 5 3 1 9 questIon
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ques AccordingquestIon to actuarial What percent ofquestIon a How many years, on questIon questIon questIon questIon questIon questIon questIon questIon questIon charts, how many years retiree’s income will be average, will a U.S. Your credit score is: questIon questIon questIon questIon According to actuarial What percent of a on How many years, can you expect to live? What spentpercent on healthcare, citizen spend in on a. a snapshot of your wHat PeRcent oF eaRlY BaBY According to actuarial of a How many years, on According to actuarial What percent of a How many years, on charts, how many years retiree’s income will be average, will a U.S. Your credit score is: average? retirement? credit risk According to actuarial What percent of a be How many years, on BoomeRs, age 56 to 62, aRe charts, how many average, will credit score questIon charts, how many years retiree’s retiree’s incomewill willon be citizen average, will aainU.S. U.S. Your credit score is: is: can you expect toyears live? spent onincome healthcare, spend a. aYour snapshot of your wHat PeRcent oF eaRlY BaBY a. 5 percent a. 10 b. an objective meacharts, how many years retiree’s income will be average, will a U.S. Your credit score is: According to actuarial What percent of a How many years, on exPecteD to Run out oF moneY According to actuarial What percent of a How many years, on can you expect toto live? on citizen spend in a. snapshot your wHat PeRcent PeRcent oFto eaRlY BaBY According to actuarial What percent of a on How years, can you expect live? spent spent onhealthcare, healthcare, on retirement? citizen spend in on a.credit aa snapshot of of your average? risk used wHat oF eaRlY BaBY BoomeRs, age 56 62, aRe b. 10retiree’s percent b. 15many surement by Your credit s According to actuarial What percent of a on How many years, onwill a U.S. can youhow expect to years live? spent on healthcare, citizen spend in a. a snapshot of your questIon wHat PeRcent oF eaRlY BaBY charts, many retiree’s income will be average, will a U.S. Your credit score is: to coveR BasIc RetIRement charts, how many yearsaverage? income will be average, retirement? credit risk BoomeRs, age 56 to 62, aRe charts, how many years retiree’s income will be average, will a U.S. Your credit score is: average? retirement? credit risk a. 515percent 10 b.Your an objective meaBoomeRs, age 56 56 tooF 62, aRe questIonmany years exPecteD to Run out moneY c. percent c. 20 spend lenders charts, how retiree’s will on be a. average, will ain U.S. credit is: average? retirement? credit riskscore questIon to live? BoomeRs, age to 62, aRe canyou you expect spent onincome healthcare, citizen a. a snapshot ofmeayour wHat PeRcent oF eaRlY BaBY lIvIng exPenses? a. 10 b. an objective mea-a. a snapsh can you expect to live?a. spent on healthcare, citizen wHat PeRcent oF eaRlY BaBY questIon can expect to live? spent on healthcare, on b. citizen in spend in a. aavailable snapshot of your a.5 5percent percent a.on 10 spend b.surement an objective exPecteD to Run out oF moneY b. 10 15 used by wHat PeRcent oF eaRlY BaBY exPecteD to Run out oF moneY d. 20 percent d. 25 c. to you on BasIc RetIRement to coveR can you expect to live? b.a. spent on healthcare, on citizen spend in a. a snapshot of your 5 percent a. 10 b. an objective meawHat PeRcent oF eaRlY BaBY average? retirement? credit risk exPecteD to Run out oF moneY BoomeRs, age 56 to 62, aRe 10 percent b. 15 surement used by credit risk average? retirement? credit risk b. 10 percent b. 15 surement used by c.average? 15 average? percent c.retirement? 20 lenders retirement? BoomeRs, age 56 to 62, aRe questIon BasIc RetIRement to coveR BoomeRs, age 56 to 62, aRe At what age is a worker request BasIc RetIRement to coveR lIvIng exPenses? credit risk used questIon b. 10 percent b. 15 surement by BoomeRs, age 56 to 62, aRe questIon a. 5 percent a. 10 b. an objective meato coveR BasIc RetIRement c. 15 percent c. 20 lenders exPecteD to Run out oF moneY questIon a. 5 a. 10 b. an objective meac. 15 percent c. 20 lenders d.a.20 percent d.a.25 c. you on b. an object exPecteD to exPecteD Run out oFto moneY 5 percent a. 10 lIvIng exPenses? born between 1943 d. all the to above lIvIng exPenses? 5a. percent 10 b.available anof objective meac. 15 percent c. 20 lenders Run out oF moneY b. 10 percent b. 15 surement used by exPecteD toBasIc Run out oF moneY lIvIng exPenses? d.b. percent d. 25 c. available to you RetIRement to coveR 10 percent b. 15 surement used by a. 17 PeRcent c. 42 PeRcent d.20 20b. percent d. 25 c. available to you onon surement At what ageeligible is a worker request BasIc RetIRement to coveR and 1954 for 10 percent b. 15 b. 20 10 percent percent b. 25 15 surement used by d. d. c. available to you on c. 15 percent c. 20 lenders BasIc RetIRement to coveR to coveR BasIc RetIRement Atborn what age is a worker request c. 15 percent c. 20 lenders At what age is a worker request between 1943bend. all of thequestIon above lIvIng exPenses? exPenses? B. 23 PeRcent D. 47 PeRcent question 4: full social security lIvIng c. 15 percent c. 20 lenders At what age is a worker request 15 percent c. 20 lenders d. 20c. percent d. 25 c. available toabove youon on a. 17 PeRcent c. 42lIvIng PeRcent lIvIng exPenses? born between 1943 the d. 20 percent d. 25 c. available to you exPenses? born between 1943 d.d. allall ofof the above and 1954 eligible for efits? d. 20 percent d. 25 c. available to you on born between 1943 d. all of the above a. 17 PeRcent c. 42 PeRcent At what age is a worker request a. 17 PeRcent c. 42 PeRcent Income taxes go away after d. 20 percent d. 25a c. available B. D.c.47 questIon and 1954 eligible for At what age is a worker request question 4: and 1954 eligible for full social security bena.23 17PeRcent PeRcent 42PeRcent PeRcent a. c. 66 At62 what age is a1943 worker request and 1954 eligible for born between d. all of the above B. 23 PeRcent D. 47 PeRcent questIon B. 23 PeRcent D. 47 PeRcent questIon At what age is a worker request question 4: born between 1943 d. all of the above question 4: full social security benfull social security benefits? worker retires. false? B. 23 PeRcent D. 47 PeRcent questIon a. 17 17 PeRcent c. 42 42 PeRcent PeRcent b. 64 d.security 68 1943 Income taxes awayorafter a question 4: gotrue born between d. all of the above full social benquestIon a. c. and 1954 eligible for and 1954 eligible for efits? efits? a. 621954 c.eligible 66 born between 1943 a. 17 PeRcent c. 47 42 PeRcent PeRcent question 7: You can improve your d. all of the a B. 23 23 PeRcent PeRcent D. questIon Incomeretires. taxes go away after aa taxes away and for efits? question 4: go full social security ben- Income B. D. 47 PeRcent questIon a. 17 PeRcent c. 42 PeRcent worker true or after false? Income taxes go away after question 4: full social security bena. 62 c. 66 64 d. 68 a.b. 62 c. 66 B. 23 PeRcent D. 47 PeRcent questIon and 1954 eligible for questIon credit rating by question 4: full62 socialc.security bena. 66 true or False: efits? worker retires. true orafter false? worker retires. true or false? question 7: B. 23 PeRcentquestIon b. 64 d. 68 Income taxes go go away after a You can improve your b.efits? 6464 d.d. 6868 D. 47 PeRcent ques worker retires. true or false? a. correcting inaccuquestIon taxes away a question 4: full social security ben- Income efits? b. a. 62 c. 66 questIon Income taxes go away after a question 7: a. 62 c. 66 question 7: You can improve your credit rating by If you die You can improve your rate information as true or False: question 7: worker retires. retires. true true or or false? false? a. 62 c. 66 You can improve your efits? b. 64 d. d. 68 worker questIon b. 64 68 rating by Income taxes go away after awithout a.credit correcting inaccucredit rating questIon worker retires. true or false? true or False: Insurance is a way of: soon as possible b. 64 d. 68 credit rating bybyyour true or False: a will, question 7: You can improve questIon a. 62 c. 66 Ifquestion youordieFalse: true 7: You can improve your a. correcting inaccurate information as a. correcting inaccua. saving for b. disputing negative question 7: You can improve your a. correcting inaccucredit rating by worker retires. true or false? If you die your sur viving you die b. 64 d. 68 true or False: credit rating by rate information as Insurance is a way of: soon as possible without a will, If youordie questIon rate information true False: a rainy day information credit rating by rate information asas a. correcting inaccutrue or False: question 7: a. correcting inaccuInsurance is a way of: soon as possible a. saving foris a way of: b. negative You can imp without will, Insurance soon possible spouse will be b. preventing c. correcting only the If you die without will, a.disputing correcting inaccuInsurance is a way of: soon asas possible your sur viving without aaa will, rate information as If you die rate information as a.a. saving for b.information disputing negative aunplanned rainy day If you die saving for b. disputing negative events worst report rate information as credit rating a. saving for b. disputing negative your sur viving true False: Insurance wayof: of: soon aspossible possible granted all or without aviving will, your sur sur viving Insurance isisday aaway soon as spouse will be orb. your ahandling rainy day information preventing c. correcting only the without a will, a rainy information c. risk d. asking that negative a. correcting Insurance is a way of: soon as possible asaving rainy day information without a will, a. for b. disputing negative a. saving for b. disputing negative spouse will be b.b. preventing c.worst correcting only the events report most of will your your sur viving Iforyou spouse will be die preventing correcting only d. all of the information not bethe rate inform granted all spouse be a.unplanned saving forabove b.c. disputing negative b. preventing c. correcting only the your sur viving a rainy day information aunplanned rainy day information your sur all viving worst report c. handling riskevents d. asking that negative included inonly yourthe unplanned events worst report granted or aunplanned rainy day information events worst report assets. spouse will be d. b. preventing c. correcting granted all or Insurance is a way of: soon as p most of will your granted all or without a will, spouse be b. preventing c. correcting only the c. handling risk d. asking that negative all of the above information not be credit report handlingrisk risk asking that negative spouse will be b.c.handling preventing c.d. correcting only the c. d. asking that negative unplanned events worst report most of your a. saving for b. unplanned events worst report d. all of the above information not be granted all or included in yournot be disputing most of of all your assets. most your © CTW Features granted or Your local source for free information: allofofthe theabove above information unplanned events worst report d. all information not be your sur viving c.d. handling risk d.credit asking that negative granted all or c. handling risk d. asking that negative included in your report a rainy day informatio assets. most of your c. handling risk d. asking that negative included in your included in your Larry Waters, Reverse Mortgage Consultant d. all of the above information not be assets. assets. most of your d.will all of the above b. preventing information not be credit report © CTW Features most of your spouse be c. correcting d. all of the above information not be credit report credit report Toll Free: 1-866-787-0980 included inyour your assets. included in © CTW Features assets. 1. the u.s. social security unplanned administration that a included inFeatures your © CTW Features events worst rep ©estimates CTW credit report Local: (208) 762-6887 assets. granted all or credit report man reaching age 65 today can expect to live, on average, credit report c. handling risk d. asking th © CTW Features
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© CTW Features 1.until theage u.s.83. social security administration estimates that to a a woman turning age 65 today can expect © CTW Features most of your d. can all of thetoabove 1. the u.s. social security administration estimates that a man reaching age 65 today expect live, on average, live until age 85. to calculate your expected lifespan, go to: 1.1.the administration estimates thatthat a a theu.s. u.s.social socialsecurity security administration estimates man reaching age 65 today can expect to live, on average, until age 83. a woman turning age 65 today can expect to assets.http://www.ssa.gov/planners/lifeexpectancy.htm c:average, 66 a man reaching age can expect to to live, on2.on average, reaching age65 65today today can expect live, 1.man the u.s. social security administration estimates that How Do You Rate?
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1. the u.s. social administration estimates thatto: until age 83. a 20 woman turning ageexpected 65 today can expect toa live until age 85. tosecurity calculate your lifespan, go years old 3.83. D: percent 1. the u.s. social security administration estimates thattoa to until age 83. a age turning 6565 today can expect man reaching 65 today canage expect totoday live, on average, until age awoman woman turning age can expect 10 coRRect: man reaching age 65 today can expect to live, on average, live until age 85. to calculate your expected lifespan, go to: http://www.ssa.gov/planners/lifeexpectancy.htm 2. c: 66 © CTW F 4. False. Pre-tax money a worker contributed to aexpect retireHow DoBuffet You Rate? man reaching today can expect to live, on average, live until age 85. to65 your expected lifespan, go go to: to: until age 83. aage woman turning age 65expected today can to live until83. age 85. tocalculate calculate your lifespan, warren is your years until age a woman turning age 65 today can expect to http://www.ssa.gov/planners/lifeexpectancy.htm 2. c: 66 old 3. D: 20 percent ment plan is subject to income taxes when it’s withdrawn How Do You Rate? until age age 83. a85.woman turningyour age expected 65 today lifespan, can2.expect to http://www.ssa.gov/planners/lifeexpectancy.htm c: 66 10 coRRect: live until to calculate calculate go to: new best friend! http://www.ssa.gov/planners/lifeexpectancy.htm 2.go c: to: 66 How You Rate? until age 85.20 to expected lifespan, years old 3. D: percent 4.live False. Pre-tax money a 5. worker to a retireHowDo Do You Rate? during retirement years. c:your 20 contributed years live until age 85. to calculate your expected lifespan, go to: years old 3. D: 20 percent warren Buffet is your 10 coRRect: http://www.ssa.gov/planners/lifeexpectancy.htm 2. c: 66 old D: 20 percent 9 Do coRRect: http://www.ssa.gov/planners/lifeexpectancy.htm 2.a c: 66 4.years False. Pre-tax money a every worker contributed retireplan is3.subject to income taxes when it’s to withdrawn How You Rate? ment 10 coRRect: 6. D: 47 percent 7. False. u.s. state has unique laws new best friend! 10 coRRect: How Do You Rate? http://www.ssa.gov/planners/lifeexpectancy.htm 2. c: 66 4. False. Pre-tax money a worker contributed to a retirewarren Buffet is your years old 3. D: 20 percent close… but we are not 4. False. money ac:worker contributed to a administration retire1. the u.s. social security estim How Do You isRate? warren Buffet years old 3.Pre-tax 20 percent ment plan isD:subject to income taxes when it’s withdrawn retirement years. 5. 20 years 10coRRect: coRRect: warren Buffet isyour your during governing who will own property. to calculate the outnew best friend! years old 3. D: 20 percent ment plan is subject toto income taxes when it’sto withdrawn 910 playing horseshoes! coRRect: 4.ment False. Pre-tax money athe worker contributed awithdrawn retirenew best friend! plan is subject income taxes when it’s 4. False. Pre-tax money a worker contributed to a retireman reaching age 65 today can expect to live, o during retirement years. 5. c: 20 years 6. D: 47 percent 7. False. every u.s. state has unique laws 10 but coRRect: warren Buffet your new best friend! come inretirement your state, go close… we are not Buffet isis your 4. False. Pre-tax money a5.www.mystatewill.com worker contributed a retireduring years. c: 20taxes years 9less coRRect: 8warren oR coRRect: ment plan is subject subject toto income when it’s it’sto withdrawn during retirement years. 5. c: 20 years warren Buffet is your 9 coRRect: new best friend! ment plan is to income taxes when withdrawn 6. D: 47 percent 7. False. every u.s. state has unique laws governing who will own the property. to calculate the outuntil age 83. astate woman turning age 65 today can playing horseshoes! new friend! 9 best coRRect: 8. c: risk 9. D:income all of 20 the above 10. a:unique correcting close… but we are not ment plan is subject to taxes when it’s withdrawn 6. D: Handling 47 percent 7.years. False. u.s. has laws It’s time to we do some during retirement 5.every c: years new best friend! close… but are not come 6. D:inretirement 47 percent 7. False. every u.s.tostate has unique laws during years. c: 20asyears governing who will own the property. calculate the outyour state, go toas5. www.mystatewill.com 9 coRRect: playing horseshoes! but we are not inaccurate information soon possible 8 close… oR less coRRect: homework! live until age 85. to calculate your expected lifes 9 coRRect: during years. 5.every c: 20u.s. years governing who will own the property. to calculate the outplaying horseshoes! 6.governing D: 47 47retirement percent 7. False. state has unique laws 9 coRRect: will own the property. tohas calculate the outbut wesome arenot not 8.6. D: 7. u.s. state laws come in percent yourwho state, go to www.mystatewill.com c: Handling risk 9.False. D: allevery ofFeatures the above 10. a: unique correcting playing It’s time tohorseshoes! do close… but we are 8close… oR less coRRect: © CTW 6. D: 47 percent 7. 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Pre-tax money a worker contributed to 8. c: risk D: all of the above 10. inaccurate information as soon as possible homework! © CTW Features It’s time to do some warren Buffet is your 8. c: Handling risk 9. ©D:as allsoon of the above 10. a: correcting CTW Features It’s time to do some inaccurate information as possible homework! inaccurate informationment as soon as possible homework! © CTW Features planasispossible subject to income taxes when it’s w friend! inaccurate information©as soon homework! new best CTW Features
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Procrastination Procrastination is one is one of the ofmain the main waysways the average the average The Financial Road Ahead . . . Pop Pop Quiz: Quiz: Test Test Your Your Joe Joe and and JaneJane get in gettrouble in trouble withwith theirtheir finances. finances. Break Break the bad the bad habithabit – starting – starting now!now! Answer Answer these these basic basic letSavvy us be your guide Financial Financial Savvy questions questions and and see how see how you you rate rate Retirement Planning Financial Planning According According to actuarial to actuarialWhat What percent percent of a of a How many How many years,years, on on Education Planning charts,charts, how many how many years years retiree’s retiree’s income income will bewill be average, average, will a will U.S. a U.S. questIon questIon
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can you canexpect you expect to live?to live? spent spent on healthcare, on healthcare, on on citizencitizen spendspend in in a. a snapshot a. a snapshot of your of your wHatwHat PeRcent PeRcent oF eaRlY oF eaRlY BaBYBaBY average? average? retirement? retirement? creditcredit risk risk BoomeRs, BoomeRs, age 56 age to 56 62, to aRe 62, aRe questIon questIon a. 5 percent a. 5 percent a. 10 a. 10 objective an objective mea- meaexPecteD exPecteD to Run to out Run oF out moneY oF moneY b. an b. b. 10 b. percent 10 percent b. 15 b. 15 surement surement used by used by BasIc BasIc RetIRement RetIRement to coveR to coveR Dustin Zager c. 15 percent c. 15 percent c. 20 c. 20 lenders lenders lIvIng lIvIng exPenses? exPenses? Financial Advisor d. 20 d. percent 20 percent d. 25 d. 25 c. available c. available to youtoon you on At what At age what is age a worker is a worker request request born between born between 1943 1943 d. all of d. the all of above the above a. 17 a. PeRcent 17 PeRcent c. 42 c. PeRcent 42 PeRcent and 1954 and eligible 1954 eligible for for B. 23 B. PeRcent 23 PeRcent D. 47D. PeRcent 47 PeRcent questIon questIon question 4: 4: full social full social security security ben- ben-question efits? efits? Income Income taxes taxes go away go away afterafter a a Č— Č‹ ČŒ ƒÂ?† ƒ”‡ ”‡‰‹•–‡”‡† •‡”˜‹…‡ Â?ƒ”Â?• ‘ˆ –Š‡ ‘ŽŽ‡‰‡ ˆ‘” ‹Â?ƒÂ?…‹ƒŽ a. 62 a. 62 c. 66 c. 66 worker worker retires. retires. truetrue or false? or ŽƒÂ?Â?‹Â?‰̺Ǥ false? ‡’”‡•‡Â?–ƒ–‹˜‡• ƒ”‡ ”‡‰‹•–‡”‡†ǥ •‡…—”‹–‹‡• ƒ”‡ •‘Ž†ǥ ƒÂ?† ‹Â?˜‡•–Â?‡Â?– ƒ†˜‹•‘”› •‡”˜‹…‡• ‘ˆˆ‡”‡† –Š”‘—‰Š ”‘Â?‡”ƒ‰‡ b. 64 b. 64 d. 68 d. 68 questIon questIon Â‡Â”Â˜Â‹Â…Â‡Â•ÇĄ Â?…Ǥ Č‹ ČŒÇĄ Â?‡Â?„‡” Č€ ÇĄ ƒ ”‡‰‹•–‡”‡† „”‘Â?Â‡Â”Č€Â†Â‡ÂƒÂŽÂ‡Â” ƒÂ?† ‹Â?˜‡•–Â?‡Â?– ÂƒÂ†Â˜Â‹Â•Â‘Â”ÇĄ ʹͲͲͲ ‡”‹–ƒ‰‡ ÂƒÂ›ÇĄ ÂƒÂ˜Â‡Â”ÂŽÂ›ÇĄ ‘™ƒ Jerry Eikum question question 7: 7: You can Youimprove can improve your your ͡Ͳ͸͚͚ǥ Â–Â‘ÂŽÂŽÇŚÂˆÂ”Â‡Â‡ Č‹ÍşÍ¸Í¸ČŒ ͡ͳʹnj͸ͳͲ͝Ǥ ‘Â?nj†‡’‘•‹– ‹Â?˜‡•–Â?‡Â?– ƒÂ?† ‹Â?•—”ƒÂ?…‡ ’”‘†—…–• ƒ”‡ Â?‘– ˆ‡†‡”ƒŽŽ› ‹Â?•—”‡†ǥ ‹Â?˜‘Ž˜‡ ‹Â?˜‡•–Â?‡Â?– Financial Advisor, CRPC* ”‹•Â?ÇĄ Â?ƒ› Ž‘•‡ ˜ƒŽ—‡ ƒÂ?† ƒ”‡ Â?‘– ‘„Ž‹‰ƒ–‹‘Â?• ‘ˆ ‘” ‰—ƒ”ƒÂ?–‡‡† „› –Š‡ Ď?‹Â?ƒÂ?…‹ƒŽ ‹Â?•–‹–—–‹‘Â?Ǥ ‹• —Â?†‡” …‘Â?–”ƒ…– ™‹–Š –Š‡ Ď?‹Â?ƒÂ?…‹ƒŽ creditcredit ratingrating by by true true or False: or False: ‹Â?•–‹–—–‹‘Â?ÇĄ –Š”‘—‰Š –Š‡ Ď?‹Â?ƒÂ?…‹ƒŽ •‡”˜‹…‡• ’”‘‰”ƒÂ?ÇĄ –‘ Â?ƒÂ?‡ •‡…—”‹–‹‡• ƒ˜ƒ‹Žƒ„Ž‡ –‘ Â?‡Â?„‡”•Ǥ a. correcting a. correcting inaccuinaccuIf you If you die die rate information rate information as as Insurance is a way is aof: way of: soon as soon possible as possible without without a will, a will,Insurance a. saving a. saving for for b. disputing b. disputing negative negative youryour sur viving sur viving a rainya day rainy day information information spouse spouse will will be beb. preventing b. preventing c. correcting c. correcting only the only the unplanned unplanned events events worst worst report report granted granted all or all or c. handling c. handling risk risk d. asking d. asking that negative that negative mostmost of your of your d. all of d. the all of above the above information information not benot be included included in your in your assets. assets. creditcredit reportreport
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1. the 1. u.s. thesocial u.s. security social security administration administration estimates estimates that a that a man reaching man reaching age 65age today 65 can today expect can expect to live, to onlive, average, on average, until age until 83.age a woman 83. a woman turningturning age 65age today 65 can today expect can expect to to live until liveage until 85.age to 85. calculate to calculate your expected your expected lifespan, lifespan, go to: go to: http://www.ssa.gov/planners/lifeexpectancy.htm http://www.ssa.gov/planners/lifeexpectancy.htm 2. c: 662. c: 66 How Do How You DoRate? You Rate? www.wi-series.com years old years 3. D: old20 3. percent D: 20 percent 10 coRRect: 10 coRRect: 4. False. 4. Pre-tax False. Pre-tax moneymoney a worker a worker contributed contributed to a retireto a retirewarrenwarren Buffet is Buffet youris your ment plan ment is plan subject is subject to income to income taxes when taxes it’s when withdrawn it’s withdrawn Introducing Wi Series by Starkey. new best newfriend! best friend! during during retirement retirement years. 5. years. c: 205.years c: 20 years Stream stereo sound directly to 9 coRRect: 9 coRRect: 6. D: 47 6. percent D: 47 percent 7. False. 7. every False. u.s. everystate u.s.has state unique has unique laws laws close‌close‌ but we but are we notare not your hearing aids from your TV, governing governing who will who own will the own property. the property. to calculate to calculate the outthe outplayingplaying horseshoes! horseshoes! radio or computer. come in come your in state, your go state, to www.mystatewill.com go to www.mystatewill.com 8 oR less 8 oRcoRRect: less coRRect: 8. c: Handling 8. c: Handling risk 9. risk D: all 9. of D:the all above of the 10. above a: correcting 10. a: correcting It’s time It’stotime do some to do some inaccurate inaccurate information information as soon as as soon possible as possible homework! homework! Hours:
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PopEstate Quiz: Test Your An Plan… Financial Savvy Who, Me?
Procrastination is one of the main ways the average Joe and Jane get in trouble with their finances. Break the bad habit – starting now! Answer these basic questions and see how you rate
also must decide who should Get Organized handle financial and medical affairs if they are incapacitated and ask if they’ll serve as Assemble and store these documents in a bank safe financial and health care deposit box and/or a fireproof safe to which a trusted powers of attorney, respecindividual besides your spouse has access. tively. It’s smart to work with a • Will, trust agreements and letter of instruction questIon questIon questIon questIon qualified lawyer to create the • Contact information for advisers including attorney, legal documents that govern accountant, financial planner and stockbroker the process of protecting the • Powers of attorney (financial, health care) According to actuarial What percent of a How many years, on estate and passing along • List of retirement, bank and brokerage accounts charts, how many years retiree’s income will be average, will a U.S. assets as planned. Take time with PINs Your credit score is: can you expect to live? spent on healthcare, on citizen spend in to get educated on the basics oF •eaRlY Investment documents (certificates a. a snapshot of deposit, of stock your wHat PeRcent BaBY average? retirement? before choosing a professioncertificates, etc.) credit risk BoomeRs, age 56 to 62, aRe questIon a. 5 percent a. 10 al and sitting down to work • LifeoF insurance policies b. an objective meaexPecteD to Run out moneY b. 10 percent b. 15 on a plan. to coveR BasIc RetIRement • Health and long-term care insurance surement policies used by c. 15 percent c. 20 • Social security and pension information, lenders and military lIvIng exPenses? peod. 20 percent allows for calling shots d. 25from the A Will discharge papers (if benefitsc. transfer available to survivors) to you on Dawn Klingensmith At what age is a worker ple grave. The centerpiece of a comprehen• Marriage certificate request CTW features born between 1943 tend The value of property at the sive estate plan is a will. The reason • Funeral prearrangements and d.cemetery all of theplot above deed a. 17 PeRcent istockphoto.com and 1954 eligible for to time of its owner’s death is an a will is important, regardless of net c.• 42 RealPeRcent property documents, such as deeds 23 go PeRcent D.• 47 PeRcent question full social security ben- delay or estate.4:Estate planning begins by worth, is so B. assets to the right Titles and extended warranties to cars,questIon boats, travel avoid efits?estate planning as though taking inventory of someone’s people, says Alexandra Armstrong, trailers, etc. Income taxes go away after a drafting a. 62 ac. will 66might somehow assets, including investments, certified financial planner with the • Safe combinations worker retires. true or false? hasten b. 64 their d. 68 demise. But thought retirement savings, insurance poli- Washington, D.C.-based invest• List ofquestIon stored or loaned valuables question 7: of another way, estate planning cies, real estate and business inter- ment advisory firm Armstrong, © CTW Features You can improve your actually prolongs one’s presence ests, and then deciding to whom Fleming &true Moore. without one, credit rating by orDieFalse: among the living. An estate plan these assets should go. Individuals and in most cases each state applies a. correcting inaccuIf you die rate information as its standardaformula Insurance who is ameasure. way of: That means soonthe as brother possible without will, to decide gets what, without regard to a. wishes savingor for who won the lotto b. disputing gets the same negative 508 8th St., Lewiston your sur viving the needs of heirs. a rainy day amount as the brother information who went into 208.743.9428 spouse will inbe For example, the absence b. preventing of a social work and c.the correcting estranged only sister the www.smithandcannon.com Attorneys at Law will in the District of Columbia, unplanned only with events a gambling addiction. worst report granted all or one-third of the deceased’sc.assets handling not risk A will is also d.the asking best that placenegative to Wrongful Death Claims - most of your jointly held will go to a surviving d. all of the above name guardians information of children. not be Estate & Probate Law- assets. spouse; two-thirds goes to the chilStandard forms included are available in your for the dren. In most places, when a single simplest of situations. credit“But report most peoEstate & Probate Administrationour Most dies without a will, his or her parents ple should consult an © estate-planning CTW Features Estate & Heir Claims inherit all assets or, if Mom and Pop lawyer” for will preparation, ArmImportant Legal are dead, the siblings inherit in equal strong advises. Leave a copy of the will Decision is the Licensed top Practice law 1. the u.s. social security administration estimates that a in all Idaho courts - State, man reaching age 65 today can expect to live, on average, Federal & Administrative; also ttorney You until age 83. a woman turning age 65 today can expect to Tribal Courts of the Nez Perce live until age 85. to calculate your expected lifespan, go to: Choose & Coeur d’Alene Tribes.
You don’t need to live in a fancy house 5 3 to have an estate. 1 community in a gated Establishing a solid financial plan, with documents that govern what you own and bequeath, is key to moving ahead in 2 confidence and security life with
Smith & Cannon PLLC
How Do You Rate? 10 coRRect: warren Buffet is your new best friend! 9 coRRect: close… but we are not playing horseshoes! 8 oR less coRRect: It’s time to do some homework!
http://www.ssa.gov/planners/lifeexpectancy.htm 2. c: 66 years old 3. D: 20 percent 4. False. Pre-tax money a worker contributed to a retirement plan is subject to income taxes when it’s withdrawn during retirement years. 5. c: 20 years 6. D: 47 percent 7. False. every u.s. state has unique laws governing who will own the property. to calculate the outcome in your state, go to www.mystatewill.com 8. c: Handling risk 9. D: all of the above 10. a: correcting inaccurate information as soon as possible © CTW Features
Pop PopQuiz: Quiz: Test Test Your Your Financial FinancialSavvy Savvy with a lawyer, and keep a copy.
wealthier among us to reduce estate of life insurance policies that are issued Procrastination Procrastination is one is one of the ofmain the main waysways the average the average taxes. They can also be used to hold but never paid because the survivors Joemoney Joe and and Jane Jane get in get trouble in trouble withwith their finances. finances. Break Break for underage children; provide don’ttheir even know they exist, ” says Wayne care for disabled children; or equalize Copelin, founder and president, Copethe inheritances. bad the bad habithabit – starting – starting now!now! Answer Answer these these basic basic A financial adviser can lin Financial Advisors, Sugar Land, help determine it makes Texas. questions questions and whether and see how see how yousense you rate rate
entrusted to make decisions. Because of strict privacy rules that A Letter of Instruction govern doctors and hospitals set forth A letter of instruction to survivors by the Health Insurance Portability and includes bequests not specified in the Accountability Act, a HIPAA waiver will, including sentimentally valuable also should be considered. This lets possessions like Grandma’s china and people name individuals with whom the oil painting the mantel. Here’squestIonhealth discuss questIon questIon conquestIon care providers can questIonover questIon where to communicate to family memdition and care. Unlike a power of bers the type of memorial service want- attorney, folks named in the waiver are ed, including “in lieu of flowers” not entitled to make medical decisions specifications According According toand actuarial to wishes actuarial to be What cremated What percent percent on of asomeone of a else’s How behalf. many How many years,years, on on or charts, buried. charts, how Individuals many how many years might years even retiree’s write retiree’s income income will bewill be average, average, will a will U.S. a U.S. down can you key canexpect points you expect for to live? their to live? obituary spent spent in on healthcare, onPower healthcare, on ofon citizencitizen spendspend in in case loved ones omit one of our average? prouder average?Attorney retirement? retirement? questIon questIon accomplishments. a. 5 percent a. 5 percent A durable power a. 10 of attorney a. 10 names a perb. 10 b. percent 10 percent son to act on an b.individual’s 15 b. 15 behalf in A Living Will c. 15 percent c. 15 percent financial matters: c. 20 investing c. 20 money, signA living will or advance medical d. 20direcd. percent 20 percent ing checks, selling d. 25real d. estate. 25 Keep a tive At what spells At age what outiswishes age a worker is aregarding worker life sup- signed copy handy and give one to the port bornorbetween born medical between 1943 intervention 1943 and care. person designated. For andsomeone 1954 and eligible 1954 in aeligible coma for who for does not question question 4:Trust 4: want full social tofull besocial security kept alive security benon life bensupport, a A living efits? will efits? spells that out. A health care taxes In some cases, decide Income Income taxes go away goindividuals away afterafter a ato proxy a. 62 names a. 62 c. 66 a person c. 66 to carry out create a trust, which puts conditions worker worker retires. retires. true true orassets false? orwill false? those b. 64wishes. b. 64 d. 68Ad. lawyer 68 can create this on how and when be distribdocument. Keep signed, witnessed cop- uted. Trusts are designed to achieve ies at home; give signed copy to those different goals. Often, they allow the
to set up a trust, Armstrong says. He recommends keeping original Keep in mind that retirement accounts documents in a bankquestIon safe deposit box questIon such as IRA and 401k plans, have desig- and a set of copies at home. It’s impornated beneficiaries apart from what it tant to designate a signatory who is says in someone’s will, Armstrong says. authorized to unlock the box in the So it’s important to review and amend event we die; otherwise, a court order these accounts periodically – along with must be obtained, Your credit Your he adds. credit score score is: is: a will, pension plansPeRcent and life a. a© snapshot CTW a. aFeatures snapshot of your of your wHatwHat PeRcent oF insurance eaRlY oF eaRlY BaBYBaBY policiesBoomeRs, – especially if marital status creditcredit risk risk BoomeRs, age 56 age to 5662,toaRe 62, aRe changes. objective an objective mea- meaexPecteD exPecteD to Run to out Run oF out moneY oF moneY b. an b. A rainy fund of three to sixRetIRement surement surement used by used by BasIc BasIc RetIRement to day coveR to coveR months’ expenses is also a key compolenders lenders lIvIng lIvIng exPenses? exPenses? nent of an estate plan. “Settling an estate c. available c. available to youtoon you on doesn’t happen overnight,” Armstrong request request says, “and meanwhile a surviving spouse d. all of d. the all of above the above a. 17something a. PeRcent 17 PeRcent c. PeRcent 42 PeRcent needs to live on,c.a 42 cash B. 23 B. PeRcent PeRcent D. 47 PeRcent 47 PeRcent questIon questIon reserve to23 carry them through. ” D. A final and crucial step in estate planning is assembling pertinent documents (see sidebar) and making sure a survivor questIon questIon question question 7:has 7: is aware of and access to them. You can Youimprove can improve your your “You’d surprised by the number creditcredit ratingrating by by true true or be False: or False: a. correcting a. correcting inaccuinaccuIf you If you die die rate information rate information as as Insurance is a way is aof: way of: soon as soon possible as possible without without a will, a will,Insurance a. saving a. saving for for b. disputing b. disputing negative negative youryour sur viving sur viving a rainya day rainy day information information spouse spouse will will be beb. preventing b. preventing c. correcting c. correcting only the only the unplanned unplanned events events worst worst report report granted granted all or all or c. handling c. handling risk risk d. asking d. asking that negative that negative mostmost of your of your d. all of d. the all of above the above information information not benot be included included in your in your assets. assets. creditcredit reportreport
Thinking of Pre-planning Your Funeral or Cremation
For all of your estate planning, probate and elder law needs, contact Christopher J. Moore. Chris is a member of Creason, Moore, Dokken & Geidl, PLLC, of Lewiston, Idaho. Chris practiced as a Certified Public Accountant in Idaho from 1975 through 1986, when he entered law school. He received his J.D., magna cum laude in 1989, and is currently licensed in both Idaho and Washington. Chris is an Accredited Estate Planner® and holds an Estate Planning Law Specialist designation from the Estate Planning Law Specialists Board, Inc. He currently serves as President-elect on that board. Chris has been a member of the Clearwater Estate Planning Council for over twenty years. Chris’ areas of emphasis include trusts and estates, business organizations, taxation, probate and elder law. He is accepting new cases in all or any of those areas.
© CTW © Features CTW Features
1. the 1. u.s. thesocial u.s. security social security administration administration estimates estimates that a that a man reaching man reaching age 65age today 65 can today expect can expect to live, to onlive, average, on average, until age until 83.age a woman 83. a woman turningturning age 65age today 65 can today expect can expect to to live until liveage until 85.age to 85. calculate to calculate your expected your expected lifespan, lifespan, go to: go to: http://www.ssa.gov/planners/lifeexpectancy.htm http://www.ssa.gov/planners/lifeexpectancy.htm 2. c: 662. c: 66 Jeff Rate? Seipert, Jason Harwick, Dennis Hastings How Do How You DoRate? You years old years 3. D: old20 3. percent D: 20 percent 10 10 coRRect: • coRRect: Prepayment guarantees the cost yourcontributed wishes 4. False. 4. Pre-tax False. Pre-tax money• money aEnsures worker a worker contributed to a are retiretomet a retirewarrenwarren Buffet is Buffet your is your of services and merchandise at is subject Pre-plan inwhen yourit’s home, our •income ment plan ment is plan subject to to income taxes taxes when withdrawn it’s withdrawn new best newfriend! best friend! today’s price. during during office, retirement retirement years. 5. years. c: 205.by years c: phone 20 yearsor online 9 coRRect: 9 coRRect: 6. D: 47 6. percent D: 47 percent 7. False. 7. every False. u.s. every state u.s.has state unique has unique laws laws close…close… but we but are we notare not governing governing who will who own will the own property. the property. to calculate to calculate the out-the outplayingplaying horseshoes! horseshoes! come in come your in state, your go state, to www.mystatewill.com go to www.mystatewill.com 8 oR less 8 oRcoRRect: less coRRect: Exceptional Service licensed staff Competitive prices 8. c: Handling 8.Fully c: Handling risk 9. risk D: all 9. of D:the all above of the 10. above a: correcting 10. a: correcting It’s time It’stotime do some to do some inaccurate inaccurate information information as soon as as soon possible as possible homework! homework!
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Meet Your Pop Quiz: Test Your Financial Team Financial Savvy
It takes a team to make financial goals a reality. Here is the roster of folks you want to have working for you questIon
Taniesha Robinson
increase capital at an acceptable level of risk. “I look at my role as being the quarterback of the According to actuarial What percentfinancial of a team, bringing Howallmany the other years, financially on istockphoto.com charts, how many years retiree’s income related will people be whoaverage, a client interacts will awith U.S.togethpersonal can you expect finance to live? can be a source spent of on healthcare, er,” says Paul onWinter, citizen president spend of FiveinSeasons stress, which is why a lot of folks like average? to rely on a Financial Planningretirement? in Salt Lake City. To do this, questIon professional when it comes to crunching a. 5numpercentplanners attempt toa.obtain 10 a comprehensive look bers. b. 10 percentat clients’ entire financial b. 15situation – bank Whether the goal is to dig out of debt c. 15 or topercent get accounts, brokerage c.accounts, 20 retirement ahead on retirement savings – and stay d. there 20 percent – accounts and otherd. investments. 25 turn At what to someone age is trained a worker and qualified to offer Winter refers to himself as “a conduit of inforprofessional born between guidance 1943 in matters of saving, mation” and formulates plans for his clients investing and 1954 andeligible planning to forget on the road to based on the information he collects regarding questionthe4:client’s assets and goals. Interview a few planfinancial full social balance. security benefits? Read on to learn more about the pros to ners before committing to one, and be sure to Income taxes go away after a recruit a. 62for a top-notch c. 66 personal finance team. find out if the planner’s services are commissionworker retires. true or false? b. 64 d. 68 based or fee-based. Financial Stock Broker Planner/Adviser A broker isn’t just the person that carries out Financial planners help clients invest and desired investment transactions. According to CTW features
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• What is your area of expertise? • What is your educational background?
Procrastination• What isfinancial oneplanning of the main ways the average credentials have you earned? • What further education in financial planning do you plan to pursue? Joe and Jane get ina member trouble withfinancial their finances. Break • Are you of any professional planning association? • How long have you been offering financial planning services? • Will you provide references? the bad habit –•starting now! Answer these basic Have you ever been cited by a professional or regulatory governing body for disciplinary reasons? Questions to • in the last year, how many clients have stopped using your services? Why? questions rateover to another employee in your firm? Ask A and •see Do you dohow the work oryou will i be turned FinAnciAl PlAnner
• How are fees calculated? • What is your approach to saving and investing? • Will you provide an individualized financial plan? can i look at a recent example of a plan prepared questIon there’s no substitute for someone in similar financial circumstances? for a face-to-face • What kinds of communications can i expect from you on an ongoing basis (account statements, chat to decide if a newsletters, etc.)? professional financial • How often will you review my portfolio? • How are you compensated for the services you provide? planner is right for • on average, how much can i expect to pay for your service? you. Among the ques- • What do i receive in return for that fee? tions you should ask: • What, if anything, do you expect of me during our relationship?Your credit score is: source: www.choosetosave.org a. a snapshot of your wHat PeRcent oF eaRlY BaBY © CTW Features credit risk
BoomeRs, age 56 to 62, aRe b. an objective meaexPecteD to Run out oF moneY the Financialto Industry Regulatory Authority, a Insurance Agent surement used by BasIc RetIRement coveR broker’s role is legally defined as a person or com- Licensed insurance agents lenders are essentially saleslIvIng exPenses?
pany that buys and sells stocks, bonds, mutual people who providec.clients available with life,tohealth you or on funds and other securities on behalf of customers property insurance policies. request FINRA outlines two and/or for its own account. Brokerage firms fall categories for agents: d.an allindependent of the above insurance a. 17 PeRcent c. 42 PeRcent into two categories: discount and full-service. agent who may represent multiple companies to B. 23 services PeRcent D. 47 are PeRcent questIon Transaction from discount brokers find the best coverage for an individual client; and usually cheaper but come with little advice. For a “captive” agent who only recommends policies investment counsel, investors can employ a fullfrom one company. Agents are licensed by the service broker. To learn more about how to findquestIon a state. Find financial and disciplinary information question 7:www.finra.org and click on on insurance companies qualified broker go to You can nationwide improve on the your “Investors. Use the FINRA BrokerCheck tool to National Association credit of Insurance rating Commissionby true ”or False: track down background information on brokers. ers website, www.naic.org. a. correcting inaccu-
If you die without a will, your sur viving spouse will be granted all or most of your assets.
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A How Do You Rate? 10 coRRect: warren Buffet is your new best friend! 9 coRRect: close… but we are not playing horseshoes! 8 oR less coRRect: It’s time to do some homework!
1. the u.s. social security administration estimates that a man reaching age 65 today can expect to live, on average, www. camasfs.com until age 83. a woman turning age 65 today can expect to www.disciplinediq.com live until age 85. to calculate your expected lifespan, go to: http://www.ssa.gov/planners/lifeexpectancy.htm 2. c: 66 years old 3. D: 20 percent 4. False. Pre-tax money a worker contributed to a retirement plan is subject to income taxes when it’s withdrawn during retirement years. 5. c: 20 years 6. D: 47 percent 7. False. every u.s. state has unique laws governing who will own the property. to calculate the outcome in your state, go to www.mystatewill.com 8. c: Handling risk 9. D: all of the above 10. a: correcting inaccurate information as soon as possible
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Pop PopQuiz: Quiz: Test Test Your Your Financial FinancialSavvy Savvy 33
Procrastination Procrastination is one is one of the ofmain the main waysways the average the average Joe Joe and and JaneJane get in gettrouble in trouble withwith theirtheir finances. finances. Break Break the bad the bad habit habit – guarantee starting – starting now!now! Answer Answer these these basic basic We our fee schedule questions questions andsave and see how seenew how you you rate rate at least 25% will clients
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Your credit Your credit score score is: is: a. a snapshot a. a snapshot of your of your creditcredit risk risk b. an b. objective an objective mea- measurement surement used by used by lenders lenders c. available c. available to youtoon you on Clarkston request request d. the all of above the above or d. all of
wHatwHat PeRcent PeRcent oF eaRlY oF eaRlY BaBYBaBY BoomeRs, BoomeRs, age 56 age to5662,toaRe 62, aRe exPecteD exPecteD to Run to out Run oF out moneY oF moneY BasIcBasIc RetIRement RetIRement to coveR to coveR lIvIng lIvIng exPenses? exPenses?
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Certified Public Accountant Personal Banker Those who are self-employed or simply have The friendly faces at the bank are not just complex tax situations should consider there to transact deposits and withdrawals all employing the expertise of a CPA. CPAs day. Personal bankers can review accounts to undergo rigorous certification and licensing determine eligibility for a higher-yielding procedures in most states. As a result, they account and if there are new credit or debit can handle the nuances of self-employment cards available that offer better rates or and can alsoquestIon provide some financial planning They will also field questions questIon questIon questIonrewards. questIon questIon advice. Their services can be expensive. A regarding mortgages or car loans and can put cheaper option may be an enrolled agent, individuals in touch with the appropriate says Lauren Lyons Cole, financial planner in loan officer. residence According According at LearnVest.com, to actuarial to actuarial a personal What What percent percent of a of a How many How many years,years, on on finance charts,charts, website. how many how many years years retiree’s retiree’s income AT-WORK income will bewill HUMAN be average, RESOURCES average, will a will U.S. a U.S. can you canexpect you expect to live?to live? spent spent on healthcare, onPROFESSIONAL healthcare, on on citizencitizen spendspend in in Estate Lawyer average? average?Lyons Cole saysretirement? that HR retirement? managers are some questIon questIon Shockingly, simply signing awaya. worldly 5 percent a.pos5 percent of the most underutilized a. 10 a. 10 financial resourcsessions on a cocktail napkin doesn’t b. 10pass b. percent 10 percent es. They know the b. 15 details b. 15 about the compamuster for a will. That’s where a c. lawyer 15 percent c. 15 percent ny’s insurance policies c. 20 c.and 20401(k) or other schooled in estate planning comes d. in. 20This d. percent 20 percent retirement programs d. 25 d. sponsored 25 by the comspecialized At what At age what attorney is age a worker will is adraft worker proper wills, pany. “That’s really their job, to provide for living bornwills between born and between trusts, 1943which 1943dictate how their employee in many financial spheres to property and 1954 and andeligible 1954 assetseligible will for be distributed for upon employees can go to work, be productive and question 4: have4:to worry about benefits,” Winter death full social orfull in the social security event security one benbecomes ben-question incapacinot tated. efits?The efits? more complex familial circumsays. Income Income taxes taxes go away go away afterafter a a stances a. 62 a. are62 c. – multiple 66 c. 66marriages or children, © CTW Features worker retires. retires. truetrue or false? or false? for b.example 64 b. 64 d.– 68 thed. more 68 critical itworker is to have plans in place.
question question 7: 7: You can Youimprove can improve your your creditcredit rating rating by by Breaking News Line truetrue or False: or800-972-5504 False: a. correcting a. correcting inaccuinaccuIf you If you die die rate information rate information as as Insurance is a way is aof: way of: soon as soon possible as possible without without a will, a will,Insurance a. saving a. saving for for b. disputing b. disputing negative negative youryour sur viving sur viving a rainya day rainy day information information spouse spouse will will be beb. preventing b. preventing c. correcting c. correcting only the only the unplanned unplanned events events worst worst report report granted granted all or all or c. handling c. handling risk risk d. asking d. asking that negative that negative mostmost of your of your d. all of d. the all of above the above information information not benot be included included in your in your assets. assets.
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1. the 1. u.s. thesocial u.s. security social security administration administration estimates estimates that a that a man reaching man reaching age 65age today 65 can today expect can expect to live, to onlive, average, on average, hard-earned savings to continue to grow tax -defuntil d give eater turning erredage an83. youa gr investment until age a woman 83. woman turning age 65age today 65options can today expect can expect to to live until liveage until 85.age to 85. calculate to calculate your expected your expected lifespan, lifespan, go to: go to: We are your Sterling Banc Financial Services investment professionals located at Sterling Savings http://www.ssa.gov/planners/lifeexpectancy.htm http://www.ssa.gov/planners/lifeexpectancy.htm 2. c: 662. c: 66 How Do How You DoRate? You Rate? years old years 3. D: old 20 3. percent D: 20 percent witcoRRect: h your investment decisions during this diff icult time. Bank and we are here to assist 10you coRRect: 10 4. False. 4. Pre-tax False. Pre-tax moneymoney a worker a worker contributed contributed to a retireto a retirewarrenwarren Buffet is Buffet youris your ment plan ment is plan subject is subject to income to income taxes when taxes it’s when withdrawn it’s withdrawn new best newfriend! best friend! during during retirement retirement years. 5. years. c: 205.years c: 20 years 9 coRRect: Renita Lee-Hausladen 9 coRRect: Shaun Kelley 6. D: 47 6. percent D: 47 percent 7. False. 7. every False. u.s. everystate u.s.has state unique has unique laws laws close…close… but we but are we notare not Grangeville, ID Clarkston, WA governing governing who will who own will the own property. the property. to calculate to calculate the out-the outplayingplaying horseshoes! horseshoes! come in come your in state, your go state, to www.mystatewill.com go to www.mystatewill.com 208-983-3072 509-758-1023 8 oR less 8 oRcoRRect: less coRRect: 8. c: Handling 8. c: Handling risk 9. risk D: all 9. of D:the all above of the 10. above a: correcting 10. a: correcting It’s time It’stotime do some to do some inaccurate inaccurate information information as soon as as soon possible as possible homework! homework! Investment and Insurance Products are offered through Fintegra Financial Solutions, an independent registered broker/dealer, Member FINRA/SIPC. Sterling Savings Bank and Fintegra are not affiliated. Renita Lee-
We also specialize in transferring your 401k plan to a Rollover IRA. A Rollover IRA will allow your
Hausladen and Shaun Kelley are registered representative of Fintegra. Investment and Insurance Products: - Are NOT FDIC Insured
- Are NOT Bank Deposits - May Lose Value - Are NOT Insured By Any Government Agency - Are NOT Guaranteed By Any Financial Institution
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10 Tips toTest Jump-Start Pop Quiz: Your 10 Tips to Jump-Start Your Savings 10 Tips to Jump-Start Financial Savvy Your Savings Last we checked there was no bailout Your Savings Last we checked money regularthere folks. 5 3 was no bailout 1 for questIon
Procrastination is one of the main ways the average Joe and Jane get in trouble with their finances. Break the bad habit – starting now! Answer these basic questions and see how you rate questIon
CTW feaTures
Dawn Klingensmith istocKphoto.com istocKphoto.com CTW feaTures
rule of thumb: istocKphoto.com At what age is a worker everyone should have born between 1943 rule of thumb: thumb: rule of six months’ worth of and 1954 eligible for everyone should have everyone should have living expenses tucked rule of thumb: fullmonths’ social security bensix months’ worth of six worth of away in savings. realieveryone shouldtucked have efits? expenses living expenses living tucked ty: few folksworth do, and six months’ of a. 62 c. 66 realiaway in savings. savings. realiaway in the proverbial “rainy living expenses tucked b.few 64 folks d. 68 ty: few folks do, and and ty: do, day” looms. remedy: away in savings. realithe proverbial “rainy the proverbial “rainy Start setting aside ty: few folksremedy: do, and day” looms. day” looms. remedy: money today. here are the proverbial “rainy Start setting aside Start setting aside 10 ways to save before day” looms. remedy: money today. here money today. here are are you get soaked. Start setting aside 10 ways to save 10 ways to save before before money today. TIP No. here are you you get get soaked. soaked. 10 ways to save before TIP TIP No. No. you get soaked.
1 1 1
4 4
a. 10 TIP No. b. 15 c. 20 buy a la carte.this d. 25 seems counterintuitive, buy la carte. carte. this buy la this Carry cash. People who but itaa may be cheaper seems counterintuitive, seems counterintuitive, count out bills instead to cancel subscriptions buy a may la carte. this Carry cash. People who but itmemberships be cheaper cheaper Carry cash. People who but it may be of paying with debit or and and seems counterintuitive, question 4: count out bills bills instead to cancel subscriptions count out instead to cancel subscriptions credit tend to spend pay as you go instead. Carry cash. People who but itmemberships may be cheaper of paying with debit or and and of paying with debit or and memberships and Income taxes go away after a fitless and make fewer In a study of three count out bills instead to cancel subscriptions credit tend to spend pay as you go instead. credit tend to spend pay as you go instead. unplanned purchases. ness clubs, “two and of paying with debit or true and memberships worker retires. or false? less and make make fewer In study offrom threeStanfitless and fewer In aa study of three fitresearchers credit tend purchases. to spend pay asclubs, you “two go instead. unplanned ness unplanned purchases. ness clubs, “two ford and berkeley TIP No. less and make fewer In a study offrom threeStanfitresearchers researchers from Stanshowed that people unplannedTIPpurchases. ness clubs, “two ford and and berkeley berkeley ford TIP No. No. overestimate howStanresearchers from showed that showed that people people much they’ll use their ford and berkeley TIP No. overestimate how overestimate how by gym membership showed that people much they’ll use much they’ll use their their optimize your cell over 70 percent,” overestimate howSethi gym membership by gym membership by phone plan.“I like says. members who much they’ll use their optimize your cell over 70 percent,” Sethi optimize your cell over 70a monthly percent,”fee Sethi billshrink.com, where chose gym membership byof phone plan. “I like says. members who phone plan. “Ibetter like says. members who you can find around $70 attended optimize your cell over 70a monthly percent,”fee Sethi billshrink.com, where chose of billshrink.com, where chose a monthly fee of credit cards and cell an average of 4.3 times phone plan. “I like says. members who you can find better around $70 attended you canplans find better around $70that attended phone to suit per month. comes billshrink.com, where chose a monthly fee of credit cards cell an average of 4.3 credit cards and andneeds,” cell an average ofthan 4.3 times times your individual out to more $17 you can find better around $70 attended phone plans to per month. that phone plans to suit suit per month. that comes comes says ramit Sethi, author per visit, whereas a day credit cards andneeds,” cell an average ofthan 4.3 times your individual out to more $17 your individual needs,” out toonly more than $17 and founder of iwillpass cost $10. likephone plans to suit per month. that comes says ramit Sethi, author per visit, whereas a day says ramit Sethi, author per visit, whereas a day teachyoutoberich.com, wise, downloading your individual needs,” out toonly more than $17 and founder of iwillpass cost $10. likeand founder of iwillpass only cost $10. likeSan francisco. yourvisit, favorite tV shows says ramit Sethi, author per whereas a day teachyoutoberich.com, wise, downloading teachyoutoberich.com, wise, downloading off the Internet for likea and founder of iwillpass only cost $10. San your San francisco. francisco. your favorite favorite tV tV shows shows teachyoutoberich.com, wise, downloading off off the the Internet Internet for for aa San francisco. your favorite tV shows saveD $2,000 per year save more off the Internet for a Kept money in account until age 65 saveD $2,000 per per year year saveD $2,000 $260K save more
2 2 2
CTW feaTures
3 3 3
Set a budget and stick to it.“budgeting is the Set Set budget and stick No.aa1budget surefireand waystick to to it. “budgeting is the to it.“budgeting isethan the save money,” says Set a1budget and stick No. way No. 1 surefire surefire wayofto to ewing, president to it. “budgeting is the save money,” says ethan save money,” says ethan bills.com, San way mateo, No. 1 surefire to ewing, president of ewing, president of Calif.money,” Set specific goals, save says ethan bills.com, San bills.com, San mateo, mateo, such aspresident lowering groewing, of Calif. Set specific Calif. Set specific goals, goals, bills.com, San mateo, such such as as lowering lowering grogroCalif. Set specific goals, such asstart loweringearly, gro-
start early, save more The longer money is invested, the more time it early, saveinterest. more hasstart to grow, thanks to compound see The longer money is isfour invested, theannual more rate timeofit it The money invested, the more time how longer a conservative percent has to can grow, thanks to compound compound interest. see has to grow, thanks to interest. see return make a small stash grow big over The longer money isfour invested, theannual more rate time it how conservative percent how conservative percent annual rate of of time:aasteps to fix anyfour errors you may find. has to can grow, thanks to compound interest. see return make a small stash grow big over return can make©a CTW smallFeatures stash grow big over how a conservative four percent annual rate of time: time: steps steps to to fix fix any any errors errors you you may may find. find. return can make©a CTW smallFeatures stash grow big over © CTW Features time: steps to fix any errors you may find. © CTW Features
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wHat PeRcent oF eaRlY BaBY BoomeRs, age 56 to 62, aRe exPecteD to Run out oF moneY to coveR BasIc RetIRement lIvIng exPenses?
TIP No. a. 5 percent accordingly. accordingly. cery bills, and b. 10 percentbudget TIP accordingly. TIP No. No. c. 15 percent d. 20 percent TIP No.
istocKphoto.com CTW feaTures
Kept money in account until age 65
a. 17 PeRcent B. 23 PeRcent per-episode fee might be cheaper than cable. question 7:might per-episode fee might per-episode fee TIP No. be cheaper than cable. cable. true or False: be cheaper than per-episode fee might TIP No. No. If cheaper you TIP die be than cable.
5 without5a will, your sur viving 5 spouse will be TIP No.
redeem reward points. If your credit card redeem reward points. redeem reward points. offers them, check your If your credit card granted all or If your credit cardhow statement to see redeem reward points. offers them, check offers them, check your many you have andyour most of your If your credit card statement to see how statement to see how then go to the rewards offers them, check your assets. many you and many you have and if website tohave find out statement to see how then go then go to to the the rewards it’s possible to rewards convert many you have and if website to find out website tocash find or outgift if them into then go to the rewards it’s possible to convert it’s possible to convert cards. Some credit website tocash find outgift if them into or them into cash orvalue gift cards double the it’s possible to convert cards. Some cards. Someatcredit credit of rewards specific them into cash or gift cards double cards double the the value value cards. Some credit of of rewards rewards at at specific specific cards double the value amount investeD of rewards at specific $0 How $20K Do $40K $80K You$60K Rate? amount investeD investeD amount
Kept money in account until age 65 from age$2,000 20 through 30 saveD perage year
$0 $0
Kept money in account until age 65
$260K $260K
from 20 to age age 30 65 from age through from age 20 20age through age 30 $260K from age 30 to age 65 65 20 age from age 20 to to age 65 from from age 20age through 30 from age 40 to age from age age 20 30 to to age age 65 65 30 from 65 from age 50 to age from age age 40 40 to age age 65 65 from 65 30 to from from age age 50 50 to age age 65 65 40 to from age 50 to age 65
Last we checked there bailout money for regular folks.was no Are you saving enough? According to actuarial What percent of a How many years, on charts, how many years retiree’s income will be average, will a U.S. money for regular folks. Are you saving enough? cery bills, and budget canDawn you expect to live? spent on healthcare, on citizen spend in Klingensmith accordingly. cery bills, Are you saving enough? average? retirement? cery bills, and and budget budget 4 Dawn Dawn Klingensmith Klingensmith
10 coRRect: $20K $40K $40K $60K $60K $80K $20K $80K warren Buffet is your amount investeD new best friend!
c. 42 PeRcent D. 47 PeRcent retailers, ewing says.
Your credit score is: a. a snapshot of your credit risk b. an objective measurement used by lenders c. available to you on request d. all of the above questIon
going to purchase anyquestIon way.” No. You canto your retailers,TIPewing ewing says. going toimprove purchase anyretailers, says. going purchase anyTIP No. credit by way.” rating way.” No. TIP No. retailers,TIP ewing says. to purchase a.going correcting inaccu-anyTIP No. No. TIP way.” rate information as TIP No. Insurance is a way of: soon asTIPpossible No. ferret out special a. saving for b. disputing negative offers.“Any time you Negotiate car insurance. a rainy day information ferret out special ferret out specialfrom make a purchase once a year, compare b. preventing c. correcting the offers. “Any time you Negotiate car insurance. offers. “Any time–you Negotiateproviders’ caronly insurance. aferret major retailer a different out special unplanned events worst report make a purchase from once a year, compare make a purchase from onceeven a year, new computer, ifcompare you stay offers. “Any timeflowyou Negotiate car insurance. c. handling risk d.rates. asking providers’ that negative aaers, major retailer – different major retailer – aa different providers’ furniture – check with the same company, make a the purchase from once a year, compare d. all of above information notstay be new computer, flowrates. even if new computer, flowrates. evencan if you you stay out your credit card you likely save aers, major retailer – a different providers’ included in your furniture – check with the same company, ers, furniture – check with thebysame company, and car insurance money adjusting new computer, flowrates. even if you stay credit report out your card you likely can out your credit credit card you likely can save save websites for deals,” your deductible; unloaders, furniture – check with same company, ©the CTW Features and car insurance money by and car insurance money by adjusting adjusting Sethi says. “my credit ing unnecessary servicout your credit card you likely can save websites for deals,” your deductible; unloadwebsites for deals,” your deductible; unloadcardcar gives me dises (suchby asadjusting roadside and insurance money Sethi says. “my ing unnecessary servicSethi says. “mytocredit credit ing unnecessary serviccounts of up 30 perassistance if you’re an websites for deals,” your deductible; unload1. card the u.s. social security administration estimates that a gives me dises (such as roadside card gives me dises (such as roadside cent off for things I’mcan expect AAAunnecessary member); orservicasking Sethi says. “my credit ing man reaching age 65 today to live, on average, counts of up to 30 perassistance if you’re an counts of up to 30 perassistance if you’re an card me dis-turning as roadside until agegives 83. a woman age es 65(such today can expectasking to cent AAA cent off off for for things things I’m I’m AAA member); member); or or asking livecounts until ageof85. to calculate your expected lifespan, go up to 30 perassistance if you’re to: an interest earneD final total http://www.ssa.gov/planners/lifeexpectancy.htm 2. c:or66asking cent off for things I’m AAA member); $100K $120K $140K $160K $180K $200K $220K $240K years old 3. D: 20 percent interest earneD final total total interest earneD final
8 6 6 6
7 7 7
a retire$107,209 earneD final total mentinterest plan is subject to income taxes when it’s withdrawn $20K $40K $60K $80K $100K $120K $140K $160K $180K $200K $220K $240K $251,578 during retirement years. 5. c: 20 years $107,209 $107,209 9 coRRect: 6. D: 47 percent 7. False. every u.s. state has unique laws close… but we are not $152,288 $251,578 $251,578 $107,209 governing who will own the property. to calculate the outplaying horseshoes! $85,688 $152,288 come in your state, go to www.mystatewill.com $152,288 8 oR less coRRect: $251,578 source: american savings education employee 8. c: Handling risk 9. D: all of the above 10. Council; a: correcting It’s time to do some $85,688 $41,015 Benefit research Institute $85,688 $152,288 source: american savings inaccurate information as soon as possible homework! source: american savings education Council; Council; employee employee education $41,015 © CTW Features Benefit $41,015 Benefit research research Institute Institute $85,688
4. False. Pre-tax a worker $100K $120K $140K money $160K $180K $200Kcontributed $220K $240K $240Kto $100K $120K $140K $160K $180K $200K $220K
source: american savings education Council; employee Benefit research Institute
Procrastination Procrastination is one is one of the ofmain the main waysways the average the average in Over YOur Head? Pop PopQuiz: Quiz: Test Test Your Your Joe Joe and and JaneJane get in gettrouble in trouble withwith theirtheir finances. finances. Break Break the bad the bad habithabit – starting – starting now!now! Answer Answer these these basic basic Financial FinancialSavvy Savvy questions questions and and see how see how you you rate rate 10
about repeat-customer, low-mileage and safeoccupation discounts. Use Sethi’s negotiating script:tinyurl.com/carinsurance1. questIon TIP No. questIon
81 1
than indulging in a splurge. TIP No.
questIon questIon
s 9OU HAVE ONLY A SMALL IN CASE OF control how much you spend, emergency fund, or none at all. you’re never going to have enough s 9OU PAY ONLY THE MINIMUM OR A money,” she says. When Hill reallittle extra, toward your credit card ized her irresponsible spending habquestIon questIon every month. its, she started a “cash-only diet” s 9OU DON T UNDERSTAND THE DIFFERand wrapped a piece of paper ence between a Roth IRA, a tradiaround her credit card that read, tional IRA and a 401(k)… “Do I need this?” s x .OR DO YOU KNOW THE BEST WAYS Here are signs you may be in need Your credit Your credit score score is: is: ina.these retirement ofwHat your own spending dieteaRlY from her a. a snapshot a snapshot of your ofplans. your wHat PeRcent PeRcent oF eaRlY oF BaBY BaBY to invest s 9OU GET A HUGE INCOME TAX new book, “Shoo, Jimmy Choo!” creditcredit risk risk BoomeRs, BoomeRs, age 56 age to5662,toaRe 62, aRe year. (Sterling, 2010). b. each an b. objective an objective mea- meaexPecteD exPecteD to Run to out Run oF out moneY oF moneYrefund s 9OU DON T HAVE THE INSURANCE surement surement used by used by BasIcBasIc RetIRement RetIRement to coveR to coveR you need. s 9OU HAVE NO CONCRETE PLAN FOR A lenders lenders lIvIng lIvIng exPenses? exPenses? s 9OU DON T HAVE A CLUE ABOUT WHERE secure financial future. c. available c. available to youtoon you on your money goes each month (but s 9OU HAVE SIGNIFICANT DEBT AND NO request request it sure solid plan to get out of it. d. goes all of d.somewhere). the all of above the above 17 a. PeRcent 17s Less PeRcent c. 42of c. PeRcent 42 PeRcent than 13 percent your © CTW Features 23 B. PeRcent 23 income PeRcent 47retirement D. PeRcent 47 PeRcent questIon questIon goes toD. your Source: “Shoo, Jimmy Choo: The Modern savings (or worse, you haven’t even Girl’s Guide to Spending Less and Saving thought of saving for retirement). More,” by Catey Hill (Sterling, 2010)
Financial journalist Catey Hill, selfdescribed shoe addict and money editor of NYDailyNews.com, says an overspending habit is hard to admit questIon questIon to and even harder to curb, but imperative nonetheless. “Until you
Eliminate temptation: unsubscribe. Many retailers send According According to actuarial to actuarialWhat What percent percent ofspecial a of a How many How many years,years, on on Sell stuff. Auction off offers via e-mail. If bewill be charts,charts, how many how many years years retiree’s retiree’s income income will average, average, will a will U.S. a U.S. unneeded items you’re sort of shopcan you canexpect you expect toon live?to live? spent spent onthe healthcare, on healthcare, on on citizencitizen spendspend in in eBay or hold a yard sale. average? per easily tempted to average? retirement? retirement? questIon questIon Sock away windfalls. on an a.overspend 5 percent a. 5 percent a. 10 a. 10 impulse, click on the b. 10 b. percent 10 percent b. 15 b. 15 TIP No. link at c.“unsubscribe” 15 percent c. 15 percent c. 20 c. 20 the of such d. 20bottom d. percent 20 percent d. 25 d. 25 At what At age what is age a worker is a workere-mails to stop receivborn between born between 1943 1943 ing them. When you receive © CTW Features and 1954 and eligible 1954 eligible for for extra cash – such as a question question 4: 4: full social full social security security ben- bentax return, bonus, efits? efits? Income Income taxes taxes go away go away afterafter a a birthday gift a. 62 a. 62 c. 66or c.pro66 worker worker retires. retires. truetrue or false? or false? ceeds from your yard b. 64 b. 64 d. 68 d. 68 sale – save it rather
22 9
a. B.
question question 7: 7: You can Youimprove can improve your your creditcredit ratingrating by by truetrue or False: or False: a. correcting a. correcting inaccuinaccuIf you If you die die rate information rate information as as Insurance is a way is aof: way of: soon as soon possible as possible without without a will, a will,Insurance a. saving a. saving for for b. disputing b. disputing negative negative youryour sur viving sur viving a rainya day rainy day information information spouse spouse will will be beb. preventing b. preventing c. correcting c. correcting only the only the unplanned unplanned events events worst worst report report granted granted all or all or c. handling c. handling risk risk d. asking d. asking that negative that negative mostmost of your of your d. all of d. the all of above the above information information not benot be included included in your in your assets. assets. questIon questIon
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Never settle for less.smhttp://www.ssa.gov/planners/lifeexpectancy.htm http://www.ssa.gov/planners/lifeexpectancy.htm 2. c: 662. c: 66 How Do How You DoRate? You Rate? years old years 3. D: old20 3. percent D: 20 percent
10 coRRect: Call10orcoRRect: visit us now. 4. False. 4. Pre-tax False. Pre-tax moneymoney a worker a worker contributed contributed to a retireto a retire-® warrenwarren Buffet is Buffet your is your hrblock.com / 800-HRBLOCK ment plan mentis plan subject is subject to income to income taxes when taxesit’s when withdrawn it’s withdrawn new best newfriend! best friend!
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during during retirement retirement years. 5. years. c: 205.years c: 20 years 9 coRRect: 9 coRRect: 6. D: 47 6. percent D: 47 percent 7. False. 7. every False. u.s. every u.s.has state unique has unique laws laws We Know About close… close… but we but are we notare notRetirement Income! state governing governing who will who own will the own property. the property. to calculate to calculate the out-the out©2010 H&Rplaying Tax Group, Inc. playing horseshoes! horseshoes! come in come your in state, your go state, to www.mystatewill.com go to www.mystatewill.com oRdiscover less 8 oRan coRRect: less coRRect: If8you H&R Block error on your return that entitles you to a smaller tax liability, we’ll refund the tax prep fee 8. c: Handling 8. c: Handling 9. risk D: all 9. D:the alltheabove ofreturn the was 10. above a: correcting 10. a: correcting forIt’s thattime return. be made during therisk calender year in of which prepared. It’stoRefund time do some toclaims do must some inaccurate inaccurate information information as soon as as soon possible as possible homework! homework!
Procrastination is one of the main ways the average Pop Quiz: Test Your Joe and Jane get in trouble with their finances. Break Financial Planning Timeline the bad habit – starting now! Answer these basic Financial Savvy questions and see how you How to think smarter and plan better in rate money Taniesha Robinson CTW features
istockphoto.com questIon
matters at all stages of life, from tots to retirees questIon
good financial habits start early. The very best According actuarial What percent of a somewhere How many last welltointo old age. For those in years, the on charts, how many years retiree’s income will be average, will a U.S. middle andtostill figure it on all out, there’s help. can you expect live? trying spent to on healthcare, citizen spend in average? No matter what stage of life, a person retirement? can always take a. 5 percent a. 10 Taniesha Robinson How to think smarter CTW feaTures b. 10 b. 15and steps to improve his orpercent her finances, says Julie plan Jason, isTockphoTo.com c. 15 percent c. 20 better in money matters at all president of the Jackson, Grant Investment d. 20 percent d. 25 Advisors,
At what age is a worker stages of life, from tots to retirees
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Stamford, Conn. Here are tips on what family members need to think about and plan for at all stages of Your credit score is: life, from childhood to retirement. a. a snapshot of your wHat PeRcent oFPlanning eaRlY BaBY Timeline Financial Continued...
al Planning Timeline
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credit risk BoomeRs, age 56 to 62, aRe in your 30s Married b. an objective meain your 50s… exPecteD to Run out oF moneY and early 40s WiTh a faMily surement used by to coveR BasIc RetIRement lenders lIvIng exPenses? Once the storks start “Fifty is the time of prepc. available to you on
dropping baby bundles aration and a time of request at the doorstep, it’s opportunity,”says Julie born between 1943 d. all of the above time to think aboutc. life42 PeRcent Jason, author of“The a. 17 PeRcent and 1954 eligible for insurance. Whole life AARP Retirement SurvivTeens neWlyWeds Children B. 23 PeRcent D. 47 PeRcent questIon question 4: College sTudenTs full social security beninsurance is expensive al Guide: How to Make and unnecessary in Smart Financial Deciefits? Income taxes go away after a Thakor’s opinion. She sions in Good Times and a. 62 c. 66 if little ones start to learn as kids approach their a new couple’s main suggests acquiring Bad, ” (Sterling, 2009). worker retires. true or false? b. 68 questIon the64 basicsd. of money teenage years, they can financial goal should term life insurance Make catch-up contribuquestion 7: which proYoutions, can an improve your management as they start to grasp the truth be to build a solid foun- instead, “The challenge as you extra amount grow, perhaps they can in the old adage dation that includes anor vides rating bycan add to coverage for a set enter into these years credit those over 50 true False: avoid the debt and exu“money doesn’t grow emergency fund to a. correcting inaccutime period – usually is to avoid lifestyle 401(k) and other retireberant spending habits on trees.”Thakor tells cover three toIf sixyou die five to 30 years – at a creep,”Thakor says.“It’s rate mentinformation accounts.At age as59 that plague many adults. teens to think about months of living fixed rate. very easy to start living 1/2 you will no longer Insurance is a way of: soon as possible be without aKeep will, it’s important to teach how many hours they expenses,Thakor says. retirement a. sav-saving beyond your means. hit with taxnegative penalties on for b. disputing children that every dollar would have to work to However, thisyour should sur ingviving in mind, despite the The more you earn, withdrawals from retireday the more information they receive is not a dolearn enough to buy an The average collegehappen only after each focus on children.Youa rainy sometimes ment accounts, but leavspouse will be a year lar they can spend, says item they want.This age credit card holder partner pays down any can b. preventing the put $5,000 you spend.”This pres- c. correcting ing money inonly means Manisha Thakor, personal way, they begin to carries a balance of debts they may have unplanned events worst report into an Individual ents a big problem for more time for it to grow. all or finance expert for understand how much more than $3,000, accumulated granted before Retirement Account savings for a couple’s d. asking Imagine you’re retirc. handling risk that negative women and author of labor really goes into according to Sallie Mae. marriage.Thakor urges of(IRA) and delay paying and their ing on Monday andbe most your d. all ofretirement the above information not “get financially naked,” an iPod or Xbox purfortunately for frisky, newlyweds to conduct taxes on investment children’s college eduneed to calculate how included in your assets. (adams Media, 2009). chase. Encourage a young credit users, financial check-ins on earnings until retirecation.Thakor has long your funds will last. credit report Kids should learn to teen to find a part-time credit card reform meaall assets at least semiment age. If you don’t noted another dangerJason says this scenario divide allowances into job, and share your sures that started rollannually. couples © CTW Features have a retirement plan ous trend in this age forces people to look at three buckets: one for views on money mating out in 2010 make it should save 20 percent (or are in a plan and bracket: risky investtheir expenses, savings savings, one for charity ters and what you’ve more difficult to overof their income,Thakor earn less than a certain ments.An investment and income sources and one for spending. learned about saving load on credit and debt, says. amount), you can1.also portfolio at this age outside of work.that “If you the u.s. social security administration estimates a Thakor recommends and spending. requiring anyone investment smarts: If take a tax deduction should be a low-cost, do the analysis, you can man reaching age 65 today can expect to live, on average, parents help children under age 21 to show for your IRA contribuhigh-quality mix of adjust your savings and until age 83. a woman today canshe expect allocate 10 percent for proof of income or get tions. stocks, bondsturning and age 65investing,” says.to savings, 10 percent for parents to co-sign in live until age 85. to calculate your expected lifespan, go on to: mutual funds that get going! Are you charity and 80 percent order to get a credit http://www.ssa.gov/planners/lifeexpectancy.htm 2. c: 66 grows conservatively How Do You Rate? for spending. card. college students over she says. years old 3. D: time, 20 percent Required reading: shouldn’t avoid credit your employer offers a10 coRRect: 4. False. Pre-tax money a worker contributed to a retireJean Chatzky, awardtax sheltered savings cards completely, howwarren Buffet is your ment plan is subject to income taxes when it’s withdrawn winning financial journalplan, such as a 401(k), ever.a student should new best friend! college planning: The during retirement years. 5. c: 20 years ist, wrote “Not Your sign up and contribute get one credit card in College Savings Plan track financially for a com9 coRRect: Parents’ Money Book: all you can. Your taxes his or her name; moni6. D: 47 percent 7. False. every u.s. state has unique laws calculator at the financial fortable retirement? The close… but we are not Making, Saving and will be lower, your comHelp kids learn to save: tor his credit record at governing who will own the property. to calculate the Assoc. outeducation website www. Financial Planning Start early. Make retireplaying horseshoes! Spending Your Own pany may kick in more, Fiddle with the online the three major agenmindyourfinances.com, offers an interactive Finanment saving priority. come in your state, goato www.mystatewill.com 8 oR less coRRect: Money,” (Simon & and automatic deducallowance calculator at cies; and pay off the bill can help families develcial Roadmap tool to help Devise a plan, stick to the it above 8. c: Handling risk 9. D: all of 10. a: correcting do some Schuster, 2010) to help tions make it easy.It’s time to www.threejars.com to every month. Used op or fine-tune a college highlight areas where you and set goals. Grab a inaccurate information as soon as possible homework! start teens on a path to come up with a weekly responsibly, a credit savings plan, factoring in need to improve: Go to quick estimate of your © CTW Features >> conTinUeD number and ages of chilfinancial success. sum that’s reasonable, card can help young www.fpaforfinancialplanretirement needs using on paGe 14 dren in the family. Click based on the age of the adults build a strong ning.org/ and click on the “Ballpark Estimate” child and the parent’s credit profile. on “Financial Tools.” “Financial Roadmap” tool at www.chooseto-
own experience.
under Tools & Resources.
g ui d e 14
f i n a n c i a l
p l a n n i n g
g u i d e
in your
The minimum receive Social benefits is age but delaying t year will mean monthly bene erally, governm sponsored Me health insuran available to th 65 and older.A those born be 1943 and 195 gible for full S Security bene Jason says th at age 65 mus that they’re ta every ambitio cial advisor.“P skeptics hat,” Retirees shou view professio make sure the prior experie retirement ac and clients in situations sim ing decisions $100,000 acc very different making decisi million-dollar Jason says.
Learn what you mated social s benefit will be a ment by using ment estimato ssa.gov/estima 1-800-772-121
JANUARY 2011 g Timeline Continued...
our 30s arly 40s
lenge as you these years lifestyle akor says.“It’s to start living our means. you earn, s the more d.”This presproblem for r a couple’s t and their college eduakor has ther dangerin this age sky investinvestment at this age a low-cost, ty mix of nds and nds that nservatively , she says.
y. Make retireng a priority. lan, stick to it als. Grab a mate of your needs using ark Estimate” w.chooseto-
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in your 50s…
in your 60s…
in your 70s…
80s and beyond
Pop PopQuiz: Quiz: Test Test Your Your Financial FinancialSavvy Savvy
Procrastination Procrastination is one is one of the ofmain the main waysways the average the average Joe Joe and and JaneJane get in gettrouble in trouble withwith theirtheir finances. finances. Break Break the bad the bad habithabit – starting – starting now!now! Answer Answer these these basic basic Lewiston questions questions and and see how see how you you rate rate
“Fifty is the time of prepThe minimum age to aration and a time of receive Social Security opportunity,”says Julie benefits is age is 62, Jason, author of“The but delaying to a later AARP Retirement Surviv- year will mean a bigger al Guide: How to Make monthly benefit. GenSmart Financial Decierally, governmentsions in Good Times and sponsored Medicare questIon questIon questIon questIon questIon questIon Bad,”(Sterling, 2009). health insurance is Make catch-up contribuavailable to those age tions, an extra amount 65 and older.At 66, those over 50 can add to those born between 401(k) and other retireand 1954 areWhat eliAccording According to actuarial to 1943 actuarial What percent percent of a of a How many How many years,years, on on ment accounts.At age 59 gible for full Social charts, charts, how many how years years retiree’s retiree’s income income will bewill be average, average, will a will U.S. a U.S. 1/2 you will no longer be many Security benefits. hitcan withyou tax penalties onto live? Jason says that those can expect you expect to live? spent spent on healthcare, on healthcare, on on citizencitizen spendspend in in withdrawals from retireat age 65 must realize average? average? retirement? retirement? ment accounts,questIon but leavthat they’re targets for questIon a. 5 finanpercent a. 5 percent a. 10 a. 10 ing money in means every ambitious more time for it to grow. cial advisor. a 10 percent b.“Put 10onb. percent b. 15 b. 15 Imagine you’re retirskeptics hat,” she says. c. 15 percent c. 15 percent c. 20 c. 20 ing on Monday and Retirees should interd. 20 d. percent d. 25 d. 25 need to calculate how view professionals to 20 percent long funds will last. sure they have At your what At age what is age a worker ismake a worker Jason says this scenario prior experience with bornpeople between born 1943 accounts forces to between look1943 at retirement andexpenses, 1954 and eligible 1954 forand clients for in financial their savingseligible and income situations similar. Mak“Now is the time to Healthcare and legacy full social fullsources social security security benbenoutside of work.“If you ing decisions for a review assumptions planning should come efits?you can $100,000 account is doefits? the analysis, and make adjustments into the picture adjust your to your cash flow and around age 85, Jason a. 62 a.savings 62 c. 66and c. 66very different from investing,” she says. making decisions for a to your investments,” says. Long-term care b. 64 b. 64 d. 68 d. 68 get going! Are you on million-dollar account, Jason says.At the outfor husbands and Jason says. set of retirement, peowives should be deterple assume that mined.“At a certain healthcare will be their point you have to greatest expense. It bring in your spouse turns out that the largand see if you’re in track financially for a comest expense is most sync with each other,” fortable retirement? The often taxes. Plan to Jason says. She reminds Financial Planning Assoc. begin taking minimum retirees to include the offers an interactive FinanLearn what your estiwithdrawals from most desire to leave an cial Roadmap tool to help mated social security retirement accounts inheritance in their highlight areas where you benefit will be at retireby 70 1/2 or you may planning. need to improve: Go to ment by using the retirebe charged a penalty. © cTW features
question question 4: 4: Income Income taxes taxes go away go away afterafter a a worker worker retires. retires. truetrue or false? or false?
www.fpaforfinancialplanning.org/ and click on “Financial Roadmap” under Tools & Resources.
ment estimator at www. ssa.gov/estimator or call 1-800-772-1213.
Financial advice for the long run questIon questIon
Your credit Your credit score score is: is: Scott Baldwin, Bob Blakey Charlie Truksa Jenks , a. a snapshot a. a Kendell snapshot of your of your wHat wHat PeRcent PeRcent oF eaRlY oF eaRlY BaBYBaBY CWS® CWS® Vice President, Vice President, creditcredit risk risk BoomeRs, age 56 age to 5662,toaRe 62, aRe ViceBoomeRs, President, Financial Consultant Financial Consultant Financial Consultant Financial Consultant b. an b. objective an objective mea- mea-
exPecteD exPecteD to Run to out Run oF out moneY oF moneY BasIcBasIc RetIRement RetIRement to coveR to coveR lIvIng lIvIng exPenses? exPenses?
a. 17 a. PeRcent 17 PeRcent c. 42 c. PeRcent 42 PeRcent B. 23 B. PeRcent 23 PeRcent D. 47D. PeRcent 47 PeRcent Jeff Nesset,
CFP®, CWS® Senior Vice President, Financial Consultant, Branch Manager The Nesset Bodman Group
George Bodman,
CWS® Vice President, questIon Financial Consultant, Assistant Branch Manager The Nesset Bodman Group
surement surement used by used by lenders lenders c. available c. available to youtoon you on request request d. all of d. the all of above the above questIon questIon
Jeremy Nesset,
CWS® Financial Consultant questIon The Nesset Bodman Group
Brad Rice,
CWS® Financial Consultant The Nesset Bodman Group
question question 7: 7: You can Youimprove can improve your your creditcredit ratingrating by by truetrue or False: or False: a. correcting a. correcting inaccuinaccuor 800-237-2814 If you If you die die208-743-0818 rate information rate information as as 0305 5th Street · Lewiston, ID 83501 Insurance Insurance is a way is aof: way of: soon as soon possible as possible without without a will, a will, Moscow a. saving a. saving for for b. disputing b. disputing negative negative youryour sur viving sur viving a rainya day rainy day information information spouse spouse will will be beb. preventing b. preventing c. correcting c. correcting only the only the unplanned unplanned events events worst worst report report granted granted all or all or c. handling c. handling risk risk d. asking d. asking that negative that negative mostmost of your of your d. all of d. the all of above the above information information not benot be included included in your in your assets. assets.
Brad Vonhof
Joe Travis
Associate Vice President, Financial Consultant
Vice President, Financial Consultant
creditcredit reportreport Rusty Schatz © CTW ©Features CTW Features
Financial Consultant
1. the 1. u.s. thesocial u.s. security social security administration administration estimates estimates that a that a man reaching man reaching age 65age today 65 can today expect can expect to live, to onlive, average, on average, until age until 83.age a woman 83. a woman turningturning age 65age today 65 can today expect can expect to to live until liveage until 85.age to 85. calculate to calculate your expected your expected lifespan, lifespan, go to: go to: http://www.ssa.gov/planners/lifeexpectancy.htm http://www.ssa.gov/planners/lifeexpectancy.htm 2. c: 662. c: 66 How Do How You DoRate? You Rate? years old years 3. D: old20 3. percent D: 20 percent 10 coRRect: 10 coRRect: 4. False. 4. Pre-tax False. Pre-tax moneymoney a worker a worker contributed contributed to a retireto a retirewarrenwarren Buffet is Buffet youris your JoAnn Evans Steve Wesner ment plan ment is plan subject is subject to income to income taxes when taxes it’s when withdrawn it’s withdrawn new best newfriend! best friend! Financial Consultant Financial Consultant during during retirement retirement years. 5. years. c: 205.years c: 20 years 9 coRRect: 9 coRRect: 6. D: 47 6. percent D: 47 percent 7. False. 7. every False. u.s. everystate u.s.has state unique has unique laws laws close…close… but we but are we notare not 111 North Washington, Suite 6 · Moscow, ID 83843 governing governing who will who own will the own property. the property. to calculate to calculate the out-the outplayingplaying horseshoes! horseshoes! come in come your in state, your go state, to www.mystatewill.com go to www.mystatewill.com 8 oR less 8 oRcoRRect: less coRRect: 8. c: Handling 8. c: Handling risk 9. risk D: all 9. of D:the all above of the 10. above a: correcting 10. a: correcting It’s time It’stotime do some to do some inaccurate inaccurate information information as soon as as soon possible as possible homework! homework!
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© CTW ©Features CTW Features
Pop Quiz: Test Your Financial Savvy questIon
According to actuarial charts, how many years can you expect to live?
What percent of a retiree’s income will be spent on healthcare, on average? a. 5 percent b. 10 percent c. 15 percent d. 20 percent
At what age is a worker born between 1943 and 1954 eligible for full social security benefits? a. 62 c. 66 b. 64 d. 68
Procrastination is one of the main ways the average Joe and Jane get in trouble with their finances. Break t’s about thebasic whole the bad habit – starting now! helping Answer these the whole of life. questions andperson see howlive you rate
How many years, on average, will a U.S. citizen spend in retirement? a. 10 b. 15 c. 20 d. 25
question 4: Income taxes go away after a worker retires. true or false?
Perhaps it’s time we stopped being so afraid of getting questIon old, and cherished life for the remarkable journey it has been and that is still to come. It’s about living the whole of life. Something that, as the nation’s largest not-for-proďŹ t provider of senior care and services, Your credit score is: we have made our daily mission, and our life’s work. of your a. a snapshot wHat PeRcent oF eaRlY BaBY credit risk BoomeRs, agea 56 toThings 62, aReto Help You Understand To receive “Five b. an objective meaexPecteD to Run out oF moneY Continuum of Careâ€? brochure, call Moscow Village surement used by RetIRement to coveR at (208)BasIc 882-6560 or Fairview Village Estates at lenders lIvIng exPenses? (208) 882-9809. c. available to you on
a. 17 PeRcent B. 23 PeRcent
c. 42 PeRcent D. 47 PeRcent
request d. all of the above questIon
www.good-sam.com question 7: You can improve your (SS MHP[OZ VY ILSPLMZ HYL ^LSJVTL . credit rating by true or False: a. correcting inaccuIf you die rate information as Insurance is a way of: soon as possible without a will, a. saving for b. disputing negative :H KDYH WKH ULJKW ORDQ SURJUDP WR ILW \RXU LQGLYLGXDO QHHGV your sur viving a rainy day information spouse will be b. preventing c. correcting only the 86'$ 5XUDO +RXVLQJ +(&0 5HYHUVH 0RUWJDJHV N 9$ )+$ unplanned events worst report granted all or c. handling risk d. asking that negative &RQYHQWLRQDO ORDQV DQG PXFK PRUH most of your d. all of the above information not be included in your 9$ 7D[ &UHGLW ([WHQGHG &DOO IRU GHWDLOV assets. questIon
credit report
Š CTW Features
1. the u.s. social security administration estimates that a WK $YHQXH 6XLWH &ODUNVWRQ man reaching age 65 today can expect to live, on average, until age 83. a woman turning age 65 today can expect to <RXU ORFDO 6WHUOLQJ 6DYLQJV %DQN +RPH /RDQ 'LYLVLRQ /RDQ 3URIHVVLRQDOV live until age 85. to calculate your expected lifespan, go to:
How Do You Rate? 10 coRRect: warren Buffet is your new best friend!
9 coRRect: closeâ&#x20AC;Ś but we are not playing horseshoes!
8 oR less coRRect: Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s time to do some homework!
http://www.ssa.gov/planners/lifeexpectancy.htm 2. c: 66 years old 3. D: 20 percent 4. False. Pre-tax money a worker contributed to a retirement plan is subject to income taxes when itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s withdrawn during retirement years. 5. c: 20 years 6. D: 47 percent 7. False. every u.s. state has unique laws governing who will own the property. to calculate the outcome in your state, go to www.mystatewill.com 8. c: Handling risk 9. D: all of the above 10. a: correcting inaccurate information as soon as possible
Insurance for Beginners Beginners 55 33 11 Pop PopQuiz: Quiz: Test Test Your Your Insurance for Financial FinancialSavvy Savvy
Procrastination Procrastination is one is one of the ofmain the main waysways the average the“Permanent” average life away. in fact, that’s the Joe Joe and and JaneJane get in get trouble in trouble withwith their their finances. finances. Break Break central reason to buy insurance pegsPLan a poraway. in fact, that’s the “Permanent” life Your action away. in fact, that’s the “Permanent” life Your action PLan the bad the bad habithabit – starting – starting now! now! Answer Answer these these basic basic life insurance: to tion of each premium central insurance Contact central reason reason to to buy buy insurance pegs pegs aa porporContact agents agents in in your your replace the income payment as savings, life insurance: to tion of each premium area to investigate questions questions and and see see how you rate rate life insurance: to how tion you of each premium area to investigate pospos-
replace payment as sible coverwhich theand insured replace the the income income dependents paymentwould as savings, savings, sible prices prices and cover-can dependents would which the insured can age plans. Check questIon questIon questIon questIon questIon questIon dependents would need,which the insured can agequestIon plans.questIon Check with with says James Hunt, borrow against – or in need, borrow against –– or in current car or homeneed, says says James James Hunt, Hunt, borrow against or in current car or homea former Vermont insur- some instances, withaa former owner’s former Vermont Vermont insurinsur- some some instances, instances, withwithowner’s insurance insurance ance commissioner draw from –see to pay for ance draw companies if ance commissioner commissioner draw from from –– to to pay pay for for companies to to see if who now analyzes life certain expenses, they provide life poliAccording According to actuarial to actuarialWhat What percent percent of a of a How many How many years,years, on on who now certain expenses, who now analyzes life certainanalyzes expenses,life they provide life polipolicies explains Catherine cies well. charts,charts, how many how many years years retiree’s retiree’s income income will bewill be average, average, will a will U.S. a U.S. Your credit score score is:speak is:to for the Con- Your credit explains Catherine policies for for the the ConCon- policies explains Catherine cies as as well. speak to sumer Federation of theroux, a spokeswomyour employer’s can you canexpect you expect to live?to live? spent spent on healthcare, on healthcare, on on citizencitizen spendspend in in a. a snapshot of your of your wHat wHat PeRcent PeRcent oF eaRlY oFFederation eaRlY BaBY BaBYof a. a snapshot sumer Federation of sumer theroux, a spokeswomyour employer’s theroux, a spokeswomamerica. for Limra, an insurhuman average? average? retirement? retirement? credit credit risk resources risk BoomeRs, BoomeRs, age 56 age toan 5662, toaRe 62, aRe america. an for Limra, an insurhuman resources questIon questIon america. an forobjective Limra, an insur“term” life research group. department about a. 5 percent a. 5 percent a. 10 a. 10 objective an meameaexPecteD exPecteD to Run to out Runance oF out moneY oF moneY “term” life policies policies ance research group. b. an b. department about paying attention to the wasting a penny: are the least expensive, Permanent insurpotential life policies “term” life policies ance research group. b. 10 b. percent 10 percentto the b.wasting 15 b. 15a penny: surement surement used used by BasIcBasIc RetIRement RetIRement toleast coveR toexpensive, coveR paying attention are the Permanent insurpotential lifeby policies MarIlyn Kennedy MarIlyn Kennedy invisible risks that which is why it’s often ance comes in two available as part of c.invisible 15 percent c. 15 percent c. 20 c. 20 lenders lenders MelIa paying attention to the wasting a penny: are the least expensive, Permanent insurrisks that which is why it’slIvIng often ance comes in two available as part of its its lIvIng exPenses? exPenses? MelIa MarIlyn Kennedy CTW feaTures could lie ahead. Life insurance the choice of young main types: whole and group benefits. d. 20 d. percent 20ahead. percent d.Life 25 d. insurance 25 c. available c. available to youtoon you on CTW feaTures feaTures CTW could lie the choice of young main types: whole and group benefits. invisible risks that which is why it’s often ance comes in two MelIa At what At age what is age a worker is a worker it’s request easy, even the adults universal. Premiums for it’s not not easy, though, though, the financially financially adults who who have have universal. for request CTW feaTures could lie ahead.even Life insurance the choice ofPremiums young tend types: whole and born between born between 1943 1943 to get a focus d. all main of d. the all of above the above it doesn’t matter on the unsophisticated have responsibilities, such as whole life policies DisabiLitY income it doesn’t matter to get a focus on the unsophisticated have responsibilities, such asc. 42whole life policies tend DisabiLitY income a. 17 a. PeRcent 17 PeRcent c. PeRcent 42 PeRcent it’s not easy, though, even the financially adults who have universal. Premiums for and 1954 and eligible 1954 eligible for for insurance protection a if heard kids and aa mortgage, to stay level, while insurance if every every penny penny is is insurance protection a heard about about life life insurinsurkids and mortgage, toD. stay level, while prepreinsurance B. 23 B. PeRcent 23 PeRcent D. 47 PeRcent 47 PeRcent questIon questIon question question 4: 4: full fullasocial security security benben-family really pinched. can needs –– poliaa lot miums death certain. But itsocial doesn’t matter to get a focus onance, thean unsophisticated such polas whole policies pinched. a calamity calamity can family really needs ance, an insurance insurance poli- but but not not have lot of of extra extraresponsibilities, miums for for universal universal poldeath is islife certain. But tend efits? efits? arrive unannounced and can afford. Here, cy that pays a sum to a cash, Hunt says. the icies allow you to elect none of us know Income Income taxes taxes go away gocyaway after aa sum ato aabout arrive unannounced and can afford. Here, that pays cash, says.the kids and iciesaallow you to elect none of level, us know if every penny is insurance protection a after heard lifeHunt insurmortgage, to stay while prea. 62wipe a. 62 c.out 66any c. 66 and famiexperts share tips for spouse, or provides for premiums for term life to pay certain miniwhether an accident or and wipe out any famiexperts share tips for spouse, or provides for premiums for term life to pay certain miniwhether an accident or polad.calamity can family really needs ance, an insurance poli-pay out but not a lotwith of aextra miums for universal worker worker retires. retires. true true or–false? ororfalse? b.pinched. 64 b. 64 d. 68security. 68 ly’s financial those who want to children other insurance only mums, lesser serious illness will prequestIon questIon ly’s financial security. those who want to children or other insurance only pay out mums, with a lesser serious illness will prequestion 7: a during 7: cash, investment arrive way unannounced and can afford. Here, cy that pays aquestion sum to Hunt says.the You can icies allow youyour to elect You improve can improve your the guard dependents should vent the only only way to to ensure ensure guard their their financial financial dependents should should should you you die die during investment build-up build-up vent us us from from working working credit rating rating by by period. protection is start security –– without one suddenly the specified period. over for aa prolonged and wipe out any famispouse, or provides for term lifecreditto certain minitrue true or False: orfor False:premiums protection is to to start securityexperts withoutshare tips onefor suddenly pass pass the specified period. over time. time. forpay prolonged period. a. correcting a. correcting inaccuinacculy’s financial security. those who want to childrenIforyou other with a lesser If you die die insurance only pay out ratemums, information rate information as as the only way to ensure guard their financial dependents should should you investment build-up Insurance Insurance is adie way isduring aof: way of: soon as soon possible as possible without without a will, a will, protection is to start security – without one suddenly pass the specified period. over time. a. saving a. saving for for b. disputing b. disputing negative negative youryour sur viving sur viving a rainya day rainy day information information spouse spouse will will be beb. preventing b. preventing c. correcting c. correcting only the only the unplanned unplanned events events worst worst report report granted granted all or all or c. handling c. handling risk risk d. asking d. asking that negative that negative mostmost of your of your d. all of d. the all of above the above information information not benot be included included in your in your assets. assets. creditcredit reportreport
Genuine financial security often includes a Genuine financial security often aa Genuine financial security often includes includes few nets. Here’s an insurance fewsafety safety nets. Here’s anto to insurance few safety nets. Here’s an intro intro tointro insurance options to on feeling options to get get on the the road toroad feeling secure options to get onroad theto to secure feeling secure
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Rick Woods
1. the 1. u.s. thesocial u.s. security social security administration administration estimates thatto a that a Call meestimates today man reaching man reaching age 65age today 65make can today expect canan expect to live, to onlive, average, on average, appointment until age until 83.age a woman 83. a woman turningturning age 65age today 65 can today expect can expect to to live until liveage until 85.age to 85. calculate to calculate your expected your expected lifespan, lifespan, go to: go to: http://www.ssa.gov/planners/lifeexpectancy.htm http://www.ssa.gov/planners/lifeexpectancy.htm 2. c: 662. c: 66 How Do How You DoRate? You Rate? years old years 3. D: old20 3. percent D: 20 percent Monday - Friday | 8:30 - 5:30 10 coRRect: 10 coRRect: 4. False. 4. Pre-tax False. Pre-tax moneymoney a worker a worker contributed contributed to a retireto a retirewarrenwarren Buffet is Buffet youris your ment plan ment is plan subject is subject to income to income taxes when taxes it’s when withdrawn it’s withdrawn new best newfriend! best friend! during during retirement retirement years. 5. years. c: 205.years c: 20 years 9 coRRect: 9 coRRect: 6. D: 47 6. percent D: 47 percent 7. False. 7. every False. u.s. everystate u.s.has state unique has unique laws laws close…close… but we but are we notare not governing governing who will who own will the own property. the property. to calculate to calculate the out-the outplayingplaying horseshoes! horseshoes! come in come your in state, your go state, to www.mystatewill.com go to www.mystatewill.com 8 oR less 8 oRcoRRect: less coRRect: 8. c: Handling 8. c: Handling risk 9. risk D: all 9. of D:the all above ofST the 10. above a: correcting 10. a: correcting It’s time It’stotime do some to do some inaccurate inaccurate information information as soon as as soon possible as possible homework! homework! (Across from Lewiston Albertsons)
208-746-7046 Rick Woods Insurance
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Pop Quiz: Test Your Why Should I Financial Savvy Prearrange Services?
According According According toto to the the the www.ssa.gov/disabiliwww.ssa.gov/disabilici.org/long-term-careci.org/long-term-careci.org/long-term-careis onewww.ssa.gov/disabiliof the main ways the average What You Need to Know Procrastination Insurance Insurance Insurance Information Information Information ty/ty/ ty/ toto learn tolearn learn more more more about about about insurance/. insurance/. insurance/. and Jane get in trouble with their finances. Break About Prearranging Joe Institute, Institute, Institute, 4343 43 percent percent percent disability disability disability programs. programs. programs.
ofof of workers workers workers between between between BLenDing BLenDing BLenDing HeaLtH HeaLtH the bad habit – starting now! Answer these basic HeaLtH ages ages ages 4040 40 and and and 6565 65 will will will Long-term Long-term Long-term care care care insurance insurance insurance anD anD anD questions and see howinsurance you rate suffer suffer suffer a disability aadisability disability that that that insurance insurance savings savings savings
InIn In our our our aging aging aging society, society, society, Paying Paying Paying forfor for health health health insurinsurinsurquestIon nearly nearly nearly everyone everyone everyone ance ance ance and and and saving saving saving are are are knows knows knows someone someone someone who who who two two two ofof the ofthe the biggest biggest biggest Security Security Security system system system has has has a a a needs needs needs years years years of of nursing of nursing nursing financial financial financial challenges challenges challenges 1. You’ll protect your family from disability disability disability benefit benefit benefit propropro- care, care, care, which which which can can can quickquickquick- families families families face. face. face. According to actuarial What percent of a many years, on unnecessary painHow & expense. gram, gram, gram, and and and many many many lower lower lower ly ly put ly put put a drain a a drain drain on on on life life life If If you If you you purchase purchase purchase charts, how many years retiree’s income will be average, will a U.S. Your credit score is: a aa 2. You’ll say goodbye in a way that uniquely income income income workers workers workers savings. savings. savings. Fortunately, Fortunately, Fortunately, as as as high-deductible high-deductible high-deductible health health health can you expect to live? spent on healthcare, on citizen spend in a. a snapshot of your wHat PeRcent oF eaRlY BaBY reflects your personal style — not someone depend depend depend on on on this, this, this, Hunt Hunt Hunt long-term long-term long-term care care care needs needs needs insurance insurance insurance plan plan plan – either – – either either average? retirement? credit risk BoomeRs, age 56 to 62, aRe else’s. questIon a. 5 percent a. 10 an objective says. says. says. Some Some Some employers employers employers become become more more prevaprevapreva- b. onon on your your your own own own ormeaor or exPecteD to Runbecome out oFmore moneY 3. You’ll lessen the fib. nancial b. 10 percent 15 burden. Our surement used by also also also offer offer offer disability disability disability lent, lent, lent, insurers insurers insurers are are are offerofferoffer- through through through your your your employer employer employer BasIc RetIRement to coveR easy payment plans make it easy for you c. 15 percent c. 20 lenders coverage coverage coverage asas as part part part of of of ing ing ing more more more ways ways ways to to to – you – – you you may may may qualify qualify qualify forfor for a aa lIvIng exPenses? to comfortably pay d. 20 percent d.for 25 your funeral over available to you on their their their group group group benefits. benefits. benefits. insure insure insure against against against the the the cost. cost. cost. c. health health health savings savings savings account, account, account, time, at today’s prices, so your family won’t At what age is a worker request For For For those those those who who who are are are For For For instance, instance, instance, many many many paying paying paying less less less forfor for premipremipremihave to find the money later. born between 1943 d. all of the above high high high earners earners but but but dodo do states states now now participate participate participate ums ums ums and and and building building building savsavsava.earners 17 PeRcent c.states 42 now PeRcent and 1954 eligible for 4. You’ll minimize disputes between your not not not have have have an an an employeremployeremployerin in a in “Partnership a a “Partnership “Partnership for for for ings. ings. ings. B. 23 PeRcent D. 47 PeRcent questIon question 4: full social security benwell-meaning relatives. based based based disability disability disability plan, plan, plan, Long-Term Long-Term Long-Term Care” Care” Care” proproproYour Your Your employer’s employer’s employer’s efits? Income taxes a family neglecting 5. You’ll showgo youraway love in after a way your neglecting neglecting toto purchase topurchase purchase gram gram gram – a––cooperative aacooperative cooperative benefit benefit benefit manager manager manager oror or a aa a. 62 c. 66 will never forget. private private private disability disability disability covcovcovprogram program program between between between state state state health health health insurance insurance insurance proproproworker retires. true or false? b. 64 d. 68 questIon erage erage erage could could could mean mean mean a a a governments governments governments and and and insurinsurinsurvider vider vider can can can help help help with with with question 7: 1225 E. 6th Street • Moscow, ID You can improve your dramatic dramatic dramatic change change change inin lifeinlifelife- ers ers ers that that that “is“is “is one one one ofof the ofthe the credit details, details, details, but but but briefly, briefly, briefly, rating by (208) 882-4534 true or False: style style style should should should they they they be be be best-kept best-kept best-kept secrets, secrets, secrets, ” says ” ” says says because because because deductibles deductibles deductibles a. correcting inaccuwww.shortsfuneralchapel.net Ifinjured youorordie injured injured or unable unable unable toto to Jesse Jesse Jesse Slome, Slome, Slome, executive executive executive are are are high high high – for ––for for 2010 2010 2010 and and and rate information as work work work and and and their their their paypaypaydirector director director of of the of the the AmeriAmeriAmeri2011 2011 2011 it’s it’s it’s at at least at least least $2,400 $2,400 $2,400 Insurance is a way of: soon as possible without a will, checks checks checks stop, stop, stop, says says says JefJefJefcan can can Association Association Association for forfor for families families families –negative monthly ––monthly monthly a. saving for forfor b. disputing your sur viving frey frey frey Shaw, Shaw, Shaw, executive executive executive Long-Term Long-Term Long-Term Care Care Care InsurInsurInsurpremiums premiums premiums are are are lower. lower. AnAn An a rainy day information lower. spouse will be b. preventing c. correcting only the director director director ofof the ofthe the Life Life Life ance. ance. ance. employee employee employee can can can contribcontribcontribunplanned events worst report Insurers Insurers Insurers Council. Council. Council. The The The partnership partnership partnership ute ute ute to to a to tax-advantaged a a tax-advantaged tax-advantaged granted all or handling risk asking that negative Purchasing Purchasing Purchasing a plan aaplan plan c. programs programs programs allow allow allow more more more d. savings savings savings account account account and and and most of your all of thelong-term above information not be on on on your your your own own own is is similar issimilar similar d. affordable affordable affordable long-term long-term tap tap tap it it to itto pay topay pay the the the deductdeductdeductincluded inneeded, your oror toassets. to buying tobuying buying term term term life; life; life; care care care insurance insurance insurance and and and ible ible ible when when when needed, needed, or credit report there there there are are are various various various covcovcov- provide provide provide special special special asset asset asset keep keep keep onon on saving, saving, saving, perperper© CTW Features erage erage erage levels levels levels and and and prices. prices. prices. protection. protection. protection. Private Private Private haps haps haps forfor for retirement retirement retirement insurance insurance insurance agents agents agents sell sell sell health health health expenses, expenses, expenses, Your Your Your action action action the the the partnership partnership partnership plan plan plan explains explains explains Roy Roy Roy Ramthun, Ramthun, Ramthun, 1. the u.s. social security administration estimates that a PLan PLan PLan and and and traditional traditional traditional longlonglonga fellow a a fellow fellow at at the at the the Council Council Council Steve Forge man reaching age 65 today can expect to live, on average, Talk Talk Talk to to your to your your employemployemployterm term term care care care plans. plans. plans. for for for Affordable Affordable Affordable Health Health Health 1442 Idaho Street until age 83. a woman turning age 65 today can expect to Lewiston er’s er’s er’s human human human resources resources resources live until The The The cost cost cost of longof longlong- your Insurance. Insurance. Insurance. age 85. toof calculate expected lifespan, go to: (208) 746-7052 department department department about about about term term term care care care plans plans plans varies, varies, varies, http://www.ssa.gov/planners/lifeexpectancy.htm 2. c: 66 steven.forge.b63r@statefarm.com How Do You Rate? Bruce Wyatt what what what disability disability disability policies policies policiesyears depending depending depending onon on the the the Your Your Your action action action old 3. D: 20 percent 10 coRRect: 502 Thain Road are are are available available available asas part aspart part ofofof 4.amount amount amount ofof coverage ofmoney coverage coverage PLan PLan PLan to a retireFalse. Pre-tax a worker contributed Lewiston warren Buffet is your the the the group group group benefits. benefits. benefits. and and and whether whether whether home, home, home, Review Review Review your health health health ment plan is subject to income taxes when your it’syour withdrawn (208) 743-6249 new best friend! bruce.wyatt.b63n@statefarm.com Your Your Your state’s state’s state’s insurance insurance insurance during assisted-living assisted-living assisted-living and and and insurance insurance insurance plan plan plan and/or and/or and/or retirement years. 5. c: 20 years 9 coRRect: 6. D: 47 percent 7. False. every u.s. state has unique laws department department department will will have have have nursing nursing nursing care care care are are are speak speak speak with with with your your your close… butwill we are not who will own the property. to calculate the outnames names names ofof agencies ofhorseshoes! agencies agencies and and and governing included. included. included. employer’s employer’s employer’s benefits benefits benefits playing come in your state, go to www.mystatewill.com companies companies companies offering offering manager manager manager toto see tosee see if health ififhealth health 8 oR lessoffering coRRect: c:Your Handling risk 9. D: all of the savings above 10. a: correcting It’s time toyour do state; some policies policies policies inin your in your state; state; 8.Your Your action action action savings savings accounts accounts accounts are are are information as soon asavailable possible homework! find find find them them them atat www2.iii. atwww2.iii. www2.iii.inaccurate PLan PLan PLan available available asas part aspart part ofof your ofyour your © CTW Features org/stateorganizaorg/stateorganizaorg/stateorganizaToTo To find find find out out out if if your ifyour your state state state plan. plan. plan. State Farm Life Insurance Company (not licensed in MA, NY or WI) tions/. tions/. tions/. Visit Visit Visit the the the Social Social Social has has has a LTC aaLTC LTC partnership, partnership, partnership, ©© ctW ©ctW ctW features features features State Farm Life and Accident Assurance Company (Licensed in NY and WI) • Bloomington, IL Security Security Security website website website atatat visit visit visit http://www.aalthttp://www.aalthttp://www.aaltquestIon
causes causes causes anan an earnings earnings earnings It’s the right thing to do for you questIon and your questIon disruption disruption disruption of of of atatleast atleast least family. Here are five important reasons to plan 9090 90 days. days. days. The The The Social Social Social your funeral now:
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Procrastination Procrastination is one is one of the ofmain the main waysways the average the average Pop Pop Quiz: Quiz: Test Test Your Your Joeon Joe and and Jane Jane get in gettrouble in trouble withwith theirtheir finances. finances. Break Break TheThe GiftGift that Keeps ononGiving The Gift that Keeps Giving that Keeps Giving theGiving bad the bad habithabit – starting – starting now!now! Answer Answer these these basic basic The Gift that Keeps on Financial Financial Savvy Savvy questions questions and and seehow how see how you rate rate At a time so many need soneed much, how to to At time soso many need so much, here’s how Ataawhen timewhen when many sohere’s much, here’s toyou
At a time when so many need sothat much, here’s how to determine a charitable giving plan makes sense determine a charitable giving plan that makes sense determine a charitable giving plan that makes sense questIon questIon
questIon questIon
questIon questIon
determine a charitable plan that sense likelythe outlive ownchurches. a their on their passions, outlive churches. Developing on passions, and and 5Developing 5a makes 3own-the3giving 1 1likely
questIon questIon
Danielle CaDet Danielle CaDet
likely outlive charitable the ownchurches. a a differon their passions, and ers. charitable giving what’s a differers. giving plan planDeveloping what’s likely outlive the ownchurches. Developing a onmade theirmade passions, and CaDet Danielle CaDet ers. charitable giving plan what’s made a differ“the reality is, it’s all can be a small or large ence in their own lives. CTW feaTures “the reality is, it’s all can be a small or large ence in their own lives. ers. charitable giving plan what’s made a differAccording According to actuarial to actuarialWhat What percent percent of a of a How many How many years,years, on on CTW feaTures istoCkphoto.Com istoCkphoto.Com going toincome go away. part ofwill itlarge willinmake that “the reality is, it’s allaverage, can be alarge small orence ence in their own lives. going toretiree’s go “the away. part of financial planit will make giving thatlives. reality is, it’s all can be afinancial small oraplantheirgiving own charts,charts, how many how many years years retiree’s income will be will be average, a will U.S. U.S. istoCkphoto.Com istoCkphoto.Com in tough there’s no u-haul in ning, ranging from a much more signifigoing to go away. part of financial planit will make giving thatBaBY going to go away. part of financial planit will make giving that canexpect you expect to live? to live? spent spent on healthcare, on on citizen citizen spend spend ina in much more in toughcan you there’s no u-haul in healthcare, ning,on ranging from signifiwHat wHat PeRcent PeRcent oF eaRlY oF eaRlY BaBY economic times, when the back of a hearse,” one-time gift to a large cant,” he says. Finding in tough there’s no u-haul in ning, ranging from a much more signifiretirement? retirement? tough there’s in gift ranging from much more signifieconomic in times, when the backaverage? of aaverage? hearse,” no u-haul one-time toning, a large cant,” heasays. Finding BoomeRs, BoomeRs, age 56 age to 5662,toaRe 62, aRe questIon questIon people are more when conBrian Kluth, a Col- a.donation outlined in a the right can be a.says 5Kluth, percent a. 5 back percent 10outlined a. 10one-time times, the back a hearse,” one-time gift toaa large cant,” he charity says. Finding people areeconomic more consays Brian aof Coldonation in thetoright charity can beRun exPecteD exPecteD to tosays. out RunFinding oF out moneY oF moneY economic times, when the of a hearse,” gift a large cant,” he scious of where every Springs, Colo.of the as as choosing b.orado 10 b. percent 10 percent b.will. 15 b.Regardless 15 outlined people are consays Brian Kluth, a Coldonation inoutlined aas simple thesimple right charity can be BasIc scious of where every orado Colo.will.aRegardless of the the asato choosing BasIc RetIRement RetIRement coveR tothe coveR people aremore more con-Springs, says Brian Kluth, Coldonation in right charity can be dollar goes, charitable based pastor and size of a bequest, an organization the c. 15 percent c. 15 percent c. 20 c. 20 scious of where every orado Springs, Colo.will. Regardless of the as simple as choosing dollar goes, charitable based pastor and size of a bequest, the an organization the lIvIng lIvIng exPenses? exPenses? scious of where every orado Springs, Colo.will. Regardless of the as simple as choosing giving goes, can easily fall off d.financial give requires is already familiar 20 d. percent 20author percent d.choice 25 d. charitable pastor andwhochoice size of25 atorequires bequest, the giver giver an organization the giving candollar easily fall off financialbased author who to give isthe already familiar the “to do” list. But wrote and published time and thought. with or doing some dollar goes, charitable based pastor and size of a bequest, an organization the At what Atcan age what is age a worker is giving easily falla worker off financial author who choice to give requires giver is already familiar the “to do”there list. But wrote and published time and thought. withrequires or doingto some are benefits – for “You Are invited on a Even for small gifts, research find a pergiving can easily fall off financial author who choice to give giver is already familiar born between born the “to do”between list.1943 But 1943 wrote and published time and thought. with or doing some there are benefits – for “You Are invited on a Even for small gifts, research to find a pera. 17 a. PeRcent 17 PeRcent c. 42some c. PeRcent 42 PeRcent the giver and the chari40 Day Spiritual JourKluth recommends fect match. and and eligible 1954 eligible for there aredo” benefits – forfor “Youwrote Are invited a Even for small research to find a perthe1954 “to list. But and on published time andgifts, thought. with or doing the giver and the chari40 Day Spiritual JourKluth recommends fect match. B. 23 B. PeRcent 23 PeRcent PeRcent 47 PeRcent ty –social tofull sustained, conney to aSpiritual More4:generdonors choose a guidestar.com pro- D. 47D. question 4: on that full social security security benbenthe giver and the chari40 Day JourKluth recommends fect match. there are benefits –to foraquestion “You Are invited a choose Even for small gifts, research to find a perty – to sustained, conney More generthat donors a guidestar.com prosistent donations to a ous Life,” a 2006 charity carefully, and vides information about efits? efits? ty – to sustained, con-chari-Income ney to aDay More generdonors choose guidestar.com proIncome taxes taxes away gothat away after after a a videsnon-profit the giver the 40 Spiritual JourKluth recommends fect match. worthy cause, guide togo make sure it alines up organizations sistent donations to aand ous a 2006 charity carefully, and information about a. 62 a.donations 62 c. 66 c.especial66to sistent a Life,”Bible-based ous Life,” a 2006 charity carefully, and vides information about ty – to sustained, conney to a More generthat donors choose a guidestar.com proly when there are inspire generosity and with her values. ranging from the comworker worker retires. retires. truesure true orithis false? ororitfalse? worthy cause, especialguide toguide make lines up organizations b. 64 b. 64 d. 68 d. 68Bible-based worthy cause, especialBible-based to make sure lines up non-profit non-profit organizations questIon questIon sistent to a generosity ousgenerosity Life,” charity carefully, and vides information about funds ondonations handare thatinspire will increase giving local “givers focus pany’s mission and question question 7: ly when there are and ato2006 with his or her values. ranging from the7:comly when there inspire and with hisshould or her values. ranging from the comworthy cause, especialBible-based guide to make sure it lines up non-profit organizations funds on hand will thatincrease giving togiving local to local “givers“givers shouldshould focus focus pany’s mission and fundsthat on hand will increase pany’s and true true ormission False: or False: feaTures Danielle CTW feaTuresCTW
ly when there are funds on hand that will
inspire generosity and increase giving to local
Your credit Your credit score score is: is: a. a snapshot a. a snapshot of your of your creditcredit risk risk b. an b. objective an objective mea- measurement surement used by used by lenders lenders c. available c. available to youtoon you on request request d. all of d. the all of above the above questIon questIon
88 ranging from the com-
You can Youimprove can improve your your creditcredit ratingrating by by a. correcting a. correcting inaccuinaccuwith his or her values. If you If you die die rate information rate information as as “givers should focus pany’s mission and Insurance is a way is aof: way of: soon as soon possible as possible without without a will, a will,Insurance a. saving a. saving for for b. disputing b. disputing negative negative youryour sur viving sur viving a rainya day rainy day information information spouse spouse will will be beb. preventing b. preventing c. correcting c. correcting only the only the unplanned unplanned events events worst worst report report granted granted all or all or c. handling c. handling risk risk d. asking d. asking that negative that negative mostmost of your of your d. all of d. the all of above the above information information not benot be included included in your in your assets. assets. creditcredit reportreport
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t Open a Platinum Checking account and1.pay nou.s. monthly fee if you set up a the 1. u.s. thesocial security social security administration administration estimates estimates that a that a Direct Deposit. * man reaching man reaching age 65age today 65 can today expect can expect to live, to onlive, average, on average,
untilrates age until 83.usually age a woman 83. a woman turningturning age 65with age today 65Money can today expect can expect to to Platinum Checking pays the competitive tiered interest associated live until live age until 85. age to 85. calculate to calculate your expected your expected lifespan, lifespan, go to: go to: Market accounts, but offers you unlimited check writing, as well as a debit card, free checks, a http://www.ssa.gov/planners/lifeexpectancy.htm http://www.ssa.gov/planners/lifeexpectancy.htm 2. c: 66 2. c: 66 free safe deposit box, and more. Details atDo www.communitybanknet.com. How Do How You Rate? You Rate? years old years 3. D: old20 3. percent D: 20 percent
10 coRRect: t Earn a .75% rate bonus on 10 a coRRect: CD of $5004. or for money any if you open False. 4.more Pre-tax False. Pre-tax money a worker aterm worker contributed contributed to a retireto a retirewarrenwarren Buffet is Buffet youris your ment plan ment is plan subject is subject to income to income taxes when taxes it’s when withdrawn it’s withdrawn a checking account with Direct new best newDeposit. friend! best friend!
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governing who will who own willthe own property. the property. to calculate to calculate the out-the outplayingplaying horseshoes! horseshoes!governing come in come your in state, your go state, to www.mystatewill.com go to www.mystatewill.com Mon 8- oR Thurs: 9am-5pm less 8 oRcoRRect: less coRRect: 8. c: Handling 8. c: Handling risk 9. risk D: all 9. of D:the all above of the 10. above a: correcting 10. a: correcting It’s time It’s to time do some to do some Fri: 9am-6pm inaccurate inaccurate information information as soon as as soon possible as possible homework! homework!
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*All offers valid until 3/31/11 and at the Clarkston Branch only. Platinum Checking - Continue to avoid $25 monthly fee by maintaining a direct deposit on your $100. deposit on CD is $500. 18 account; f i n aminimum n c i a l opening p l a ndeposit n i n g is g u i dMinimum e Member FDIC 18
f i n a n c i a l
p l a n n i n g
g u id e
goals to financial details on staff a charitable gift annuity and a also gets an income tax deduc- have to be cash. Securities and Procrastination is one of the main ways the average salaries and fis-cal operations. charitable remainder trust, says tion for the fair market value assets, which typically constiJane getinterest in trouble their finances. Breakof net Charity-navigator.org uses a greg Ring, founder of Fulcrum Joe of and the remainder that withtute a larger per-centage bad habit – starting now! Answer these numbers-based rating system Philanthropy Systems, a Colo- the the trust earned. in addi-tion, worth, can alsobasic be transferred. see how to assess the financial health rado Springs, Colo.-based advi-questions the asset isand removed fromyou the rate“in a tough econom-ic time of more than 5,000 charities. sor to non-profits. in a chariestate, reducing subse-quent when people are watching their questIon questIon questIon questIon Kluth says these sites offer to table gift annu-ity, an individual estate taxes. While the contribud-gets and salaries are gotrack the per-centage of intrans-fers cash or property to bution is irrevocable, the grant- ing down, other folks may find come a giver donates annually. in exchange or may have some con-trol over they can do much more if they According to actuarial What percentthe of aorganization How many years, on charts, how many yearsget retiree’s average, will a U.S.to Your credit score is:” “Sometimes people into income for will thebe chari-ty’s promise the way the assets are invested, give assets rather than cash, can you expect to live? spent on healthcare, on citizen spend in a. a snapshot of your wHat PeRcent oF eaRlY BaBY giving ruts and keep giving the make fixed lifetime payments. and mayBoomeRs, even switch Ring says. thiscredit option average? retirement? risk is ideal agefrom 56 to 62, aRe questIon goals to financial details savings to givers who property and receive estate, reducing subseplistic level, people can a. 5 percent in a charitable a. 10 an objective measame amounts even though remain-der trust, one charity another. With for a donorb. with any range exPecteD to Run quent out oF moneY on staff salaries and fismake substantial donaincome from ittowhile estate taxes. take the money thatof b. 10 percent b. 15 surement used by BasIc RetIRement to coveR cal rise. operations. Charitytions.There two living.The grantor’s ben- individuWhile the contribution goingwhat to go the to the their incomes continue c.to the grantor c. turns overare property charitable annuities, income. no was matter 15 percent 20 lenders lIvIng Navigator.org uses a types of plans that proeficiaries receive the exPenses? is irrevocable, the grantgovernment and usually only sys-tematicd.givers charity but con- als can donate to a cause while financial climate, donat-ing 20 percentor money tod.a25 c. available to you on numbers-based rating vide the giver with reve- income and the charity or may have some coninstead give it to chariAt what age is a worker request to growand their giving tinues thea property andpeople avoiding taxes their income money always relto givers continue who property receive reducing subseplistic level, can the may findon they can trol do system as toestate, assess the to use nue: charitable gift receives principal over the way the to charity ty,” Ringissays. Annuity born between 1943 d. all of the above ubstantialtheir dona- incomes incomego from it while quent estate taxes. take the money that much more if they give financial health of more annuity and a charitable after a specified period assets are invested, and gifts don’t have to be a. 17 PeRcent c. 42 PeRcent receive income from it while at the time of their death or evant. Devel-oping a charitable and 1954 eligible forup,” he says. here are two living.The grantor’s ben-5,000 While the contribution going the assets rather than D. cash,” than charities. remainderwas trust, saysto go toof time. The grantor may even switch from cash. Securities B. 23 PeRcent 47 PeRcent questIon and question 4: full social securityoff benSome er giftthe annuity living. ben-efi deaths ofgains their ones. that which makes sense f plans that pro- charities eficiaries receive irrevocable, thegrantor’s grantgovernment Ring says. This option ischarity togiv-ing Kluth saysisthese sitesthe Greg Ring, founderciaof and the avoids capital taxloved one another. planassets, typically efits? Income go away after a give e giver with reve- income and income the charity or taxes may some con-income instead ideal for a level, donor with offerand to track thehave perFulcrum Philanthropy on the donated assets With charitable constitute a largervalues perplans provide ries receive the and theit to chari“At a sim-plistic people and reinforces individual a. 62 that c. 66 haritable gift receives the principal trol over the way the ty,” Ring says. Annuity any range of income. centage of income a Systems, a Colorado and also gets an income annuities, individuals centage of net worth, worker retires. true orthefalse? b. 64 d. 68to givers who tax savings make assets charity receives principal can take the money thatthe was questIon can be beneficial to the giver and a charitable after a specified period are invested,Springs, and gifts don’t have toquestion be deduction No matter giver donates annually. Colo.-based tax for the whatcan donate to a cause can also be transferred. 7: You can improve your substantial dona-tions. there after specifi ed period of time. and going tofinancial go to the and the world at alarge. der trust, says of time. The grantor maypeople even aswitch from Securities donat“Sometimes get advisor tocash. non-profits. fair market value ofclimate, thegovernment while avoiding taxes “In tough economcredit rating by true oring False: ng, founder of avoids capital gains tax one charity to another. assets, which typically money to charity is into giving ruts and In a charitable gift annuremainder interest that on their income at the ic time when people are two types of plans that pro- the grantor avoids capital gains and instead give it to chari-ty,” a. correcting inaccum Philanthropy on the donated assets With charitableity, an individual constitute a largerIf peralways relevant. Develkeep giving the same transthe trust earned. In additime of their death or are watching their budyou die rate information as vide the giver with tax onindividuals the donated and Ring says. Annuity giftsthe don’t s, a Colorado and also getsreve-nue: an income annuities, centage of net oping givamounts even though fers cash assets or property to worth, tion, the asset is a charitable deaths of their gets and salaries are
Pop Quiz: Test Your Financial Savvy 3
may find th much more assets rathe Ring says.T ideal for a d any range o No matt financial cl ing money always rele oping a cha ing plan tha sense and r individual v beneficial t and the wo
Insurance is a way of: soon as possible without a the will, , Colo.-based tax deduction for the can donate to a cause can alsoinbe transferred. that makes their incomes continue the organization removed ing fromplan loved ones.“At a simgoing down, other folks © cTW a. saving for b. disputing negative your sur viving to non-profits. fair market value oftothe whileonly avoiding tough economsense and reinforces rise. Usually sys- taxes exchange for“In thea charia rainy day information ritable gift annuremainder interesttematic that givers on their income atty’s thepromise ic time when people can be continue to make Money magazine offersoffers these tips for best Money magazine these tips fors 7HAT PERCENTAGE OF MY DONATI best spouseindividual will bevalues b. preventing c. correcting only the ndividual transthe trust earned. Intoadditimegiving of their or are watching their budbeneficial to the giver to charitable initial questions to ask a charity (answers grow their as death fixed lifetime payments. initial questions to ask a charity (answers in works? (75 perce ts unplanned events worst report ountan Acc of ty cie So al granted all or tion the deaths Na ts tan h or property to tion,ocithe asset is of their gets and salaries are and the world at large. or more) in parentheses) to evaluate its worthiness: their incomes go up, ” he In a charitable remainoun Acc n Of Public c. handling to riskevaluate itsd.worthiness: asking that negative parentheses) er: Idaho Ass atio anization in Memb removed from the says. loved ones.“At a simgoing down, othermost folks of your © cTW features s $O YOU HAVE A YEARgS WORTH OF s $OES THE )23 RECOGNIZE YOU AS A der trust, the grantor G d. all of the above information IN T • Does the IRS recognize you as a charity? not be N U O ACC ge for the charicapital? (Yes) charity? (Yes) Some charities offer turns over property or included in your AsK Before (Yes) G IN P assets. E E K K O s 7HAT PERCENTAGE OF MY DONATION WILL GO mise to make Money magazine offers these tips for best s !RE YOU SLASHING SERVICES THIS s (OW LONG HAVE YOU BEEN AROUND gift annuity plans that money to a charity but O B Nand tax How long have you been around? credit report IO T GivinG ARA (75 percent (Five years or more) initial questions to ask a continues charity (answers etime payments. income to use the to charitable works? © cTW features TAX PREPprovide © CTW Features (five years or more) or more) in parentheses) to evaluate its worthiness: ritable remain• What percentage of my donation will go to charitable s $O YOU HAVE A YEARgS WORTH OF WORKING s $OES THE )23 RECOGNIZE YOU AS A st, the grantor 1 8 3 works? (75 percent or more) -3 9 8 2 • drick (Yes) capital? (Yes) ver property or 1 Kencharity? 8 6 1. the social security administration a AsK Before -3 0 6 • Do youu.s. have a year’s worth of workingestimates capital?that (Yes) 5 4 0 7 • -5 9 n Lewisto s !RE YOU SLASHING SERVICES THIS YEAR .O s (OW LONG HAVE YOU BEEN AROUND to a charity but FAX 28 682 manyou reaching age 65 today can live, on average, 746-3 • Are slashing services thisexpect year?to(No) X A F GivinG (Five years ues to use the © cTW features Years ity For or30more)
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until age 83. a woman turning age 65 today can expect to live until age 85. to calculate your expected lifespan, go to: http://www.ssa.gov/planners/lifeexpectancy.htm 2. c: 66 How Do You Rate? years old 3. D: 20 percent 10 coRRect: 4. False. Pre-tax money a worker contributed to a retirewarren Buffet is your ment plan is subject to income taxes when it’s withdrawn new best friend! during retirement years. 5. c: 20 years 9 coRRect: 6. D: 47 percent 7. False. every u.s. state has unique laws close… but we are not governing who will own the property. to calculate the outplaying horseshoes! Adopt-a-patient and help an uninsured medically come in your state, go to www.mystatewill.com 8needy oR less coRRect: family get the medical care they need now. 8. c: Handling risk 9. D: all of the above 10. a: correcting It’s time to do some inaccurate information as soon as possible homework! ADOPT-a-PATIENT - STILL ONLY $10 A MONTH!
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© CTW Features
Send your “Adopt-a-Patient” charitable donation to: Adopt-a-Patient, SRCC, 215 Tenth Street, Lewiston ID 83501 The Snake River Community Clinic is a 501 c3, charitable nonprofit. All donations are tax deductible.
Procrastination Procrastination is one is one of the ofmain the main waysways the average the average people get confused about the options Pop PopQuiz: Quiz: Test Test Your YourMany Joe Joe and and JaneJane get in gettrouble in trouble withwith theirtheir finances. finances. Break Break that Seniors have these days. Even Physicians the bad the bad habithabit – starting – starting now!now! Answer Answer these these basic basic unsure about the services that Financial FinancialSavvy Savvy are sometimes questions questions and and see how see how you you rate rate questIon questIon
questIon questIon
Whitman Senior Living in Pullman can offer a person. It’s your life, know your choices so you can pick what is best for you.
questIon questIon
questIon questIon
Laurie Hamilton Executive Director
According According to actuarial to actuarialWhat What percent percent of a of a How many How many years,years, on on charts,charts, how many how many years years retiree’s retiree’s income income will bewill be average, average, will a will U.S. a U.S. Your credit Your credit score score is: is: can you canexpect you expect to live?to live? spent spent on healthcare, on healthcare, on on citizencitizen spendspend in in a. a snapshot a. a snapshot of your of your wHatwHat PeRcent PeRcent oF eaRlY oF eaRlY BaBYBaBY average? average? retirement? retirement? creditcredit risk risk BoomeRs, BoomeRs, age 56 age to 56 62, to aRe 62, aRe questIon questIon a. 5 percent a. 5 percent a. 10 a. 10 objective an objective mea- meaexPecteD exPecteD to Run to out Run oF out moneY oF moneY b. an b. b. 10 b. percent 10 percent b. 15 b. 15 surement surement used by used by BasIcBasIc RetIRement RetIRement to coveR to coveR c. 15 percent c. 15 percent c. 20 c. 20 lenders lenders lIvIng lIvIng exPenses? exPenses? d. 20 d. percent 20 percent d. 25 d. 25 c. available c. available to youtoon you on At what At age what is age a worker is a worker request request you will pass by several other community areas Many of our residents privately their What is Assisted Living? born between born between 1943 1943 d. allpay of d. the all of above thefrom above retirement accounts and social security, or a. 17 a. PeRcent 17 PeRcent c. 42 c. PeRcent 42 PeRcent like the billiards room, the library, the T.V. Th ere is one thing that I am sure of when and 1954 and eligible 1954 eligible for for the sale of their homes. Others have room, theB. old23 fashioned Coca-Cola parlor it comes to Assisted B. PeRcent 23 PeRcent D. 47and D. PeRcent 47 possibly PeRcent questIon questIon question 4: 4:Living; the idea that is full social full social security security ben- ben-question help from Long Term Care Insurance policies a large and open activities room. All of the conjured in the minds of most people when efits? efits? or from benefits available to them from being Income Income taxes gois not away goaccurate. away after after a acommon areas are available to our residents they hear taxes those words When a. 62 a. 62 c. 66 c. 66 a wartime Veteran. We also can accommodate and are also utilized for community functions. asked, many people cannot differentiate worker worker retires. retires. truetrue or false? or false? Whitman Senior Living has a variety of questIon b. 64 b. 64 d. 68 d. 68 some residents who are enrolled in Medicaid. between the “nursing homes” of yesterday and questIon question 7:their7:40’s to people You can Youimprove can improve your your residents fromquestion people in the Assisted Living Homes of today. What if I only need a place for credit credit rating rating by by in theirtrue 90’s. Many our Assisted Living is a relatively new concept. true or ofFalse: or residents False:decided short term? to move here so they could retire from the Assisted Living as it exists today emerged in a. correcting inaccuinaccuExcellent question! Tha. erecorrecting are several ways to If you you die and diecleaning. They daily chores ofIfcooking the 1990’s as an alternative to eldercare. It is rateLiving. information rate You information stay at Whitman Senior canas rent as designed for seniors that do not need the 24benefit from having 3 meals a day prepared Insurance Insurance isone a way aof: way soonapartments as soon possible as possible ofisour fullyof: furnished for stays without without a will, a will, hour medical care provided by a skilled nursing for them by our highly trained chef. While Most people utilize this a. saving a. saving foras short for as one night. b. disputing b. disputing negative negative sur viving sur facility but that could benefit by having help several your of our your residents still viving drive, they also option while either recovering from a surgery a rainy a day rainy day information information with activities of daily living. Assisted living is utilize the transportation we provide to the or illness or to give their home caregivers a the spouse spouse will will be be b. preventing b. preventing c. correcting c. correcting only the only a philosophy of care and services promoting area medical offices and shopping malls. Others break. Sometimes it is used by visiting relatives unplanned unplanned events events worstworst reportreport independence and dignity. that callgranted Whitman Senior granted all Living or all home or need whose family members don’t have appropriate c.their handling c. handling risk risk d. asking d. asking that negative that negative a little more help, some with managing accommodations. Others move in for 4 to 5 What can you expect at Whitman most most ofwith your of your d. all of d. the all of above the above information information not be not be medications, some bathing and dressing. months in the winter so they don’t have to Senior Living? included iney your in your Our fullassets. time assets. Registered Nurse meets with each worry about winteryincluded hazards. Th may choose Many people that visit us at Whitman Senior of our residents to discuss what their wants and the fully furnished apartment, creditcredit report report or more often
Living say they feel like they are walking into a grand hotel. The entrance and dining area boast vaulted ceilings and large windows while the designer décor is warm and inviting. The fireplace is a popular area among our residents promoting a comfortable place to gather to talk to one another or to sit and read the morning paper. As you head down the hall to the Studio, one-bedroom and two-bedroom apartments
needs are, and then we tailor a plan to meet CTW © Features CTW Features they will furnish one of©our apartments with these wants and needs. Our full time Activities their own personal items. Director helps to coordinate outings to lunch, Are you educated on your options? shopping, the grocery store and local events, as 1. the 1. u.s. thesocial u.s. While security social many security administration administration estimates that a that a people think that estimates Assisted well as leading several daily activities right here man reaching man reaching age 65age today 65 can today expect can expect to live, to onlive, average, on average, Living means losing their independence, most at Whitman Senior Living. fi83. nd athat it actually gives it65back to can them. until age until 83.age a woman woman turning turning age 65 age today can today expect expect to If you to Can I afford Assisted Living? a need now, if youexpected just want to live until liveage until 85.have age to 85. calculate to calculate youror expected your lifespan, lifespan, go prepare to: go to: Whitman Senior Living is one of http://www.ssa.gov/planners/lifeexpectancy.htm the most for the future, we invite you to come and visit http://www.ssa.gov/planners/lifeexpectancy.htm 2. c: 66 2. c: 66 Do How You DoRate? You Rate? us and see what Assisted Living really means. affordable How Assisted Living options in the area. years old years 3. D: old20 3. percent D: 20 percent 10 coRRect: 10 coRRect: 4. False. 4. Pre-tax False. Pre-tax moneymoney a worker a worker contributed contributed to a retireto a retirewarrenwarren Buffet is Buffet youris your ment plan ment is plan subject is subject to income to income taxes when taxes it’s when withdrawn it’s withdrawn new best newfriend! best friend! during during retirement retirement years. 5. years. c: 205.years c: 20 years 9 coRRect: 9 coRRect: 6. D: 47 6. percent D: 47 percent 7. False. 7. every False. u.s. everystate u.s.has state unique has unique laws laws close…close… but we but are we notare not governing governing who will who own will the own property. the property. to calculate to calculate the out-the outplayingplaying horseshoes! horseshoes! come in come your in state, your go state, to www.mystatewill.com go to www.mystatewill.com 8 oR less 8 oRcoRRect: less coRRect: 8. c: Handling 8. c: Handling risk 9. risk D: all 9. of D:the all above of the 10. above a: correcting 10. a: correcting It’s time It’stotime do some to do some inaccurate inaccurate information information as soon as as soon possible as possible homework! homework!
Consider this your invitation. Come see what Whitman is all about. Bringing Independence to Living and Quality to Life 1285 SW Center Street - Pullman, WA 509.332.2629 • www.whitmanslc.com Add Us On
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Ready Pop Quiz: Test for Your Something Different? Financial Savvy
In today’s volatile markets, many conservative, moderate and even aggressive investors are looking to the financial questIon questIon questIon marketplace to provide solutions that give them flexibility during difficult market cycles.
move to a that’s clo or that of move to social, cuaa move to that’s clo ral ameni that’s clo or that of or that of social, cu Stay social,Clo cu ral ameni because ral amenir questIon are so im Stay Clo generatio Stay Clo because r choose becausetor are so im the same are so im generatio orsborn Your credit score is: generatio choose most of to th a. a snapshot of your wHat PeRcent oF eaRlY BaBY choose to the same move into credit risk BoomeRs, age 56 to 62, aRe the same orsborn ohio-bas b. an objective meaorsborn exPecteD to Run out oF moneY most of th Commun surement used by most of th to coveR BasIc RetIRement move into boomer-g lenders move into lIvIng exPenses? ohio-bas opments c. available to you on ohio-bas Commun 7-to-10-m request Commun boomer-g Nanette d. all of the above boomer-go opments a. 17 PeRcent c. 42 PeRcent president opments 7-to-10-m B. 23 PeRcent D. 47 PeRcent questIon marketin 7-to-10-m Nanette stay put io Nanette o president home, ma president marketin redecora marketin questIon stay put so moii question 7: You can improve your stayit’s put home, mae for their credit rating by home, ma true or False: redecora years. oth a. correcting inaccuredecora so it’s mo If you die to small rate information as so ait’s mo for their e condo Insurance is a way of: soon as possible without a will, for theirtoe years. oth and upke a. saving for b. disputing negative years. oth your sur viving to a small others up a rainy day information to a small condo to BarBara Ballinger new destination they can make do with more roo spouse will be b. preventing c. correcting only the condo to CTW feaTures and upke dimmed thatevents dream of less space and fewer grandkid unplanned worst report and upke granted all or others up istockphoto.com c. retirement. 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In addition, cars, alland while staying the boomer generation close to hospitals, a Find am 60s and start to ponder highly diverse and no events. all sorts o the boomer generation close to hospitals, a © CTW Features a the boomer generation close to hospitals, Find am as more baby – those born between host of restaurants, appeal retirement, many begin single solution appeals ann Fry, a life coach boomers as more baby – those born between host of restaurants, as more baby – those born between host of restaurants, appeal boomers 1946 andall, 1964 –Carol is shops and cultural to debatereach where they to them says speaker who from wan boomers reachtheir their 1946 1964 shops and focuscultural loCale boomers reach their 1946 andand 1964 – is – is and shops and cultural loCale 60s andspend start to ponder 1. the highly diverse and no events. all sorts o should their orsborn, author and es on reinvention, is a er to child u.s. social security administration estimates that a 60s toto ponder highly diverse and no all sorts o 60sand andstart start ponder highly diverse and no events. events. retirement, many begin single solution appeals ann Fry, a life coach boomers golden years. of prime example ofcoach this different manco-founder reaching age 65Fleishtoday can expect to live, on retirement, many begin single solution appeals ann Fry, aaverage, life boomersc retirement, many begin single solution appeals ann Fry, a life coach to debate where they to them all, says Carol and speaker who focusfrom wan Highly educated and man-Hillard’s boomertrend. When she hit 60, state until age 83. a woman turning age 65 today can expect to to debate where they to them all, says CarolCarol and speaker who focusfrom with wan to debate where they to them all, says and speaker who focusshould spend their orsborn, author and es on reinvention, is a er to child active, boomers aren’t live until focused practice, FH your expected she relocated living and age 85. to calculate lifespan,to goNew to: should spend their orsborn, author and es on reinvention, is a er to child shouldyears. spend their orsborn, and prime es on reinvention, isdifferent ato simpc golden co-founder ofauthor Fleishexample ofTexas. this following in the footboom. 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False. every state has unique laws steps ofbut their parents, nations seem Fry decided to rentcommun inimany of whom migratcommunities closetotobe tially, explaining “I love close… we are not ed to warm-weather home with residents it, being able the to call the look for re a friends who fell illmigratfar governing continue to feel plating retirement dos who will ownyoung the property. calculate out-the “I love ed to warm-weather home with residents it,to being ableexplaining to call lookand for a playing horseshoes! many of whom communities close to tially, destinations. stories of who vary in age – super and say, ‘Fix this’.” housing s away from loved ones maintain friendchoose onesay, of‘Fix twothis’.” villages.W inhome your goresidents destinations. stories of comeand who varystate, in age –to www.mystatewill.com super it, and ed toless warm-weather with being able to callhousing the s 8 oR coRRect: older relatives and where boomers can boomers contemgle-family or become lonely –boomers and main paths: find a locaoptions, 8. c:ships Handling riskdowntown 9. D:can all of the above 10. a: correcting It’s time to do some older relatives andafterof where boomers contemgle-familyi destinations. stories who vary in age – super and say, ‘Fix this’.” friends who fell ill far continue to feel young plating retirement dos and re the excitement of a urban centers, where tion close to home, or ing t inaccurate information as soon as possible homework! friends who fell ill far continue toboomers feel youngcan plating retirement dos that and re olderfrom relatives boomers contemaway lovedand ones andwhere maintain friendchoose one of two villages.W © CTW Features away from loved ones maintain friendone of two villages.W friends who fell after ill far and continue to feel youngchoose plating retirement or become lonely ships – and downtown main paths: find a locaoptions, i or become lonely after ships –nand downtown main paths: find a locaoptions, i 20 F i n a n C i a l p l a n i n g g u i d e the excitement of a urban centers, where tion close to home, or that t away from loved ones urban andcenters, maintain friend- tion close choose one of two ing the excitement of a where to home, or ing that t
Procrastination is one of the main ways the average Joe and Jane get in trouble with their finances. Break the bad habit – starting now! Answer these basic questions and see how you rate
Ever wonder what pension plans, foundations, trusts and
According to actuarial What percent of a How many years, on high net worth individuals are doing for investment advice. charts, how many years retiree’s income will be average, will a U.S. Do you think they are working with a traditional commission can you expect to live? spent on healthcare, on citizen spend in based retail broker? Think they are tying up their average? retirement? investments for long periods of time without the flexibility to questIon a. 5 percent a. 10 change strategies as the market changes. Probably not, and b. 10 percent 15 you don’t have to any longer either, if youb.choose to access c. 15 percent c. 20 one of the Third Party Asset Management Programs we d. 20 percent d. 25 offer as Investment Advisor Representatives of At what age is a worker ING Financial Partners. born between 1943 and 1954 eligible Now mayforbe the time to explore a new way of investing. question 4: full social security ben-of the Utilizing state art investment technology platforms, individual investors can now gain a broad efits? Income taxes goaccess awaytoafter a selection of institutional-caliber investment options a. 62 c. 66 retires.just true false? through asset managers likeor pension plans, b. 64 d. 68well knownworker
Retirement Living: Retirement Living: Retirement Living: Should We Stay or10 Should We Stay or Should We8 Stay Go? or Should WeGo? Go? As they near retirement, it’s the Should We question all boomers are asking As they near retirement, it’s the
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As As they they near near retirement, retirement, it’s it’s the the question all boomers are asking question question all all boomers boomers are are asking asking
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or become lonely after ships – and downtown the excitement of a 20 F i n a n C i a l p l aurban n n i ncenters, g g u where i d e 20
FinanC ial
pla n n i n g
g u i d e
main paths: find a location close to home, or
move to a new location that’s closer omers says. taxes and the cost of to family or that offers longed-for social, Procrastination Procrastination is one is one of the ofmain the main waysways the average the average retirement CommunitieS need to be daily living, including cultural or natu-ral amenities. setting offers housing, health care Joe Joe and and JaneJane get in gettrouble in trouble withwith theirtheir finances. finances. Break Break Stay CloSe to Home amenities. For and entertainment Banish the phrase “old folks home” from your vocabuCo-HouSing because relationships are so important the bad the bad habithabit – starting – Instarting now!now! Answer Answer these these basic basic lary. Retirement living options have never been more co-housing communities, residents actively particisure, Somers costs, she says. You to also to this generation, many choose stay questions questions and and see how see how you you rate rate varied. Among them: pate in the design and operation of the neighborhood. answer queshavecommunity, to take intoorsborn within the same says. In fact, most of those who move Each home is privately owned and decisions are made about possiaccount any possible questIon questIon questIon questIon into Dublin, ohio-based epcon Com- questIon questIon cooperatively. Residents often share thequestIon cost questIon of health age-reStriCted CommunitieS d put down income changes. munities’ various boomer-geared deaides or an on-site healthcare provider. Great for people interested in living amongst their peers, s on paper. vel-opments come from a 7-to-10-mile these communities have a mix of housing types and fea9. Have you radius, says Nanette overly, vice presiAccording toand actuarial to out actuarial What percent of ature ofamenities a How like many How many years,courts years, on on tennis and golf courses. iS your your naturally oCCurring CommunitieS dent ofAccording salestried marketing. but ifWhat they percent charts, charts, how many how many years years retiree’s income income will bewill be average, average, will a will U.S. a U.S. Your credit score score is: in their is: NORCs are a response to retireesYour whocredit want to remain n going to deCiSion? stay put in their own home, manyretiree’s opt can you can expect you expect to live? to live? spent spent on healthcare, on healthcare, on on citizen citizen spend spend in in a. a snapshot a. a snapshot of your of your wHat wHat PeRcent PeRcent oF eaRlY oF eaRlY BaBY BaBY to redecorate or remodel so it’s more College toWn retirement CommunitieS homes for as long as possible. Essential services are pooled e? It’s hard to test-drive a average? average? retirement? retirement? creditcredit risk risk BoomeRs, BoomeRs, age age to 5662,toaRe 62, aRe for their years. questIonempty-nest Ideal for anyone seeking a more youthful environment, so 56 that maintenance, transportation, eldercare, shopping and as clientsconvenientquestIon decision without own5 percent a.or5 percent a. 10 a. 10 objective an objective mea- meaexPecteD exPecteD to Run to out Run oF out moneY oF moneY b. an b. others downsize to a smallera.home these communities other basics are readily available to surement the community’s e a timetable ing a home, butb.The 10 b. percent 10 percent b. 15 b. 15include varying forms of indepensurement used seniors. by used by condo to cut expenses and upkeep. and BasIcBasIc RetIRement RetIRement to coveR to coveR dent off-campus while providing access to unin put it off North Carolina c.Center 15 percent c. 15 percent c. 20 c.housing 20 lenders lenders still others upgrade to have more room lIvIng lIvIng exPenses? exPenses? d. 20 d. percent 20 percent d. 25 d. 25programs c. available c. available to youtoon you on versity facilities and SuStainable CommunitieS ly. Creative Retirement, for kids andfor grandkids. At what Atmore age what is age a appealing worker a worker request For seniors who want to live green intorequest their old age, part ofisthe University Find a lo- of born between bornNorth between 1943 1943 at d. all of d. the allliving of above the above Cale Assisted living promote conscious practices ou aFFord Carolina a. 17 a. PeRcent 17 PeRcentthese c. communities 42 c. PeRcent 42 PeRcent and 1954 and eligible 1954 eligible for for all sorts of reason spur boomers to living andPeRcentin every from the neighborhood questIon building materieCiSion? Asheville, offersquestion semiB. 23 B. PeRcent 23 D. 47aspect D. PeRcent 47 PeRcent questIon 4: These 4: residences provide apartment-style full social social security security ben-to benmove –full from wanting be clos-erquestion to offer personal care and support services with basic daily als to waste disposal. boomersefits? efits?nars and a Creative children, live in a different climate, Income Income taxes taxes go away go away after after a from a bathing and dressing activities ranging anywhere w how much Retirement Exploration © CtW Features a. 62 a. 62 c.with 66 c.lower 66 costs of living find a state worker worker retires. retires. true true or false? or false? b. 64 b. 64 d.taxes, 68 d.or 68to simply assistance to medication management. Communities ey need and to Weekend program. —danielle Cadet, CtW Features questIon questIon estate have a question question 7: 7: Sources: Co-Housing Association of theYou can You improve can improve your your also include meals, housekeeping, activities, transportaman says.new Theyadventure Many may United States; in acommunities new community. creditcredit ratingrating by by true true or False: or False: They also look for a variety of housing tion and varying levels of security. Campus Continuum; NORC; Ecovillage Network of the Americas ke into offer similar programs. a. correcting a. correcting inaccuinaccutate and estate © CtW Features If you If you die die rate information rate information as as
Pop PopQuiz: Quiz: Test Test Your Your Financial FinancialSavvy Savvy 11
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Insurance is a way is aof: way of: without without a will, a will,Insurance
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a. saving a. saving forfor for exceptional b. disputing b. disputing negative negative Trust our care; youryour sur viving surreputation viving a rainya day rainy day information information spouse spouse will will betobefind b. preventing b. preventing c. correcting c. correcting only the only the call today outevents more! unplanned unplanned events worstworst reportreport
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• Independent Living Cottages • Memory Care Villa • Assisted Living Apartments •u.s.Enhanced Care Villaestimates 1. the 1. u.s. thesocial security social security administration administration estimates that a that a man reaching man reaching age 65age today 65 can today expect can expect to live, to onlive, average, on average, • Independent Living until ageuntil83.agea•woman Expanded Program 83. a woman turningturning ageWellness 65age today 65 can today expect can expect to to live until liveage until 85.age to 85. calculate to calculate your expected your expected lifespan, lifespan, go to: go to: Apartments • Pool, Spa & Fitness2.Center http://www.ssa.gov/planners/lifeexpectancy.htm http://www.ssa.gov/planners/lifeexpectancy.htm c: 662. c: 66
How Do How You DoRate? You Rate? years old years 3. D: old20 3. percent D: 20 percent 10 coRRect: 10 coRRect: 4. False. 4. Pre-tax False. Pre-tax moneymoney a worker a worker contributed contributed to a retireto a retirewarrenwarren Buffet is Buffet youris your ment plan ment is plan subject is subject to income to income taxes when taxes it’s when withdrawn it’s withdrawn new best newfriend! best friend! during during retirement retirement years. 5. years. c: 205.years c: 20 years 9 coRRect: 9 coRRect: 6. D: 47 6. percent D: 47 percent 7. False. 7. every False. u.s. everystate u.s.has state unique has unique laws laws close…close… but we but are we notare not governing governing who will who own will the own property. the property. to calculate to calculate the out-the outplayingplaying horseshoes! horseshoes! come in come your in state, your go state, to www.mystatewill.com go to www.mystatewill.com 8 oR less 8 oRcoRRect: less coRRect: 8. c: Handling 8. c: Handling risk 9. risk D: all 9. of D:the all above of the 10. above a: correcting 10. a: correcting It’s time It’stotime do some to do some inaccurate inaccurate information information as soon as as soon possible as possible homework! homework! © CTW © Features CTW Features
815 SE Klemgard Pullman • (509) 334-9488 • www.BishopPlace.net
stock, from single-family homes to redecorating, remodel-ing and con-dos and retirement villages.With moving all require time, money and so many options, it’s not surpris-ing patience, and typi-cally add to stress that the easiest solution for many is levels. “ask yourself whether you have to stay put. Nevertheless, the visibility the stomach to go through a remodand afflu-ence of this generation has eling or move,” suggests Laura meyer, given rise to experts from different co-author of “remodel This!” (PeriquestIon questIon questIon disciplines who have lots of advice to gee, 2007). some older homeowners share on how boomers – and anyone tolerate stress better since they’re not debating what to do – can be better dealing with young children. prepared. Here are nine questions 3.ofare to Cuton According to actuarial What percent a you ready How many years, experts sug-gest boomers ask themtHe umbiliCal Cord? charts, how many years retiree’s income will be average, will a U.S. selves to make happiest People become attached to their can you expectthe to smartest, live? spent on healthcare, on citizen spend in move: homes, meyer says. “are you average? retirement? really questIon a. 5 percentready to leave?”a.she 10 asks. 1. WHat are your goalS? percent 15 before you focus on the typeb.of10 house 4. Will you b. Con-tinue to c. 15 percentHave a good c. 20 you seek, think about your big-picSupport d. 20 percent d. 25 ture goal, whether it’s to be closer SyStem WHere you are At what age is a worker to your children and grandchil-dren or WHere you go? born between 1943 or even farther away, says marion It may be your children or a good and 1954 eligible for som-ers, nationally of friends, but you need to questionnetwork 4: full socialthe security ben- rec-ognized geriatric care manager and author of know that have peo-ple you can efits? Income taxes goyouaway after a “elder Care made easi-er” (addicus rely on, says ann a. Fishman, presia. 62 c. 66 worker retires. true or false?marb. 64 2006). d. 68 books, dent of Generational-Targeted 2. are you up For tHe upketing Corp., New york. even if you Heaval? move to be closer to children, realize
Pop Quiz: Test Your Financial Savvy 1
they may not always stay there.
boomers is to share a condo or house. much money they need to age, FishquestIon smart development compa-nies are man says. They need to take into building com-munities targeted at account state and estate taxes and the homeowners with like-minded inter- cost of daily living, including housing, ests, over-ly says. health care and entertainment costs, 6. WHat type oF HouSe she says. you also have to take into Your credit score is: acand Community makeS count any possible income changes. a. a snapshot of your wHat PeRcent oF eaRlY BaBY tHe moSt SenSe?age 56 to 62, aRe 9. Have you tried out your credit risk BoomeRs, Boomers need to care-fully deCiSion? b. an objective meaexPecteD to Runweigh out oF moneY surement usedwithby their hous-ing choice and what level It’s hard to test-drive a decision BasIc RetIRement to coveR lenders of services they want, based on realisout own-ing a home, but The North lIvIng exPenses? c. available to you on tic factors such as health and not just Carolina Center for Creative retirerequest pipe dreams, somers says. They also ment, part of the University of North d. all of the above needa.to17 bePeRcent sure their setting c. offers Carolina at asheville, offers semi-nars 42 the PeRcent 23 PeRcent D.sure, 47 PeRcent rightB.amenities. For those not and a Creative retirement exploration questIon somers has them answer ques-tions, Weekend program. many communitalk about possi-bilities, and put ties may offer similar programs. down responses on paper. questIon 7: deCiSion You can improve your 7.question WHen iS your credit rating by going made? true to or be False: a. correcting inaccuIf you die rate information as Insurance is a way of: soon as possible without a will, a. saving for b. disputing negative your sur viving a rainy day information spouse will be b. preventing c. correcting only the unplanned events worst report granted all or c. handling risk d. asking that negative most of your d. all of the above information not be included in your assets. credit report
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Somers has clients determine a time-
Procrastination is one of the main waysthan theputaverage 5. Will you be WitH table rather it off indefilike-minded nitely. Joe and JaneFolkS? get in trouble with their finances. Break Boomers are social and like to be sur- 8. Can you aFFord your the bad habit – starting now! Answer these basic rounded by a people of varied ages, deCiSion? questions see how you rate says Fishman.and one solution for some Too many boomers don’t know how
© CTW Features
1. the u.s. social security administration estimates that a man reaching age 65 today can expect to live, on average, until age 83. a woman turning age 65 today can expect to live until age 85. to calculate your expected lifespan, go to: http://www.ssa.gov/planners/lifeexpectancy.htm 2. c: 66 years old 3. D: 20 percent 4. False. Pre-tax money a worker contributed to a retirement plan is subject to income taxes when it’s withdrawn during retirement years. 5. c: 20 years 6. D: 47 percent 7. False. every u.s. state has unique laws governing who will own the property. to calculate the outcome in your state, go to www.mystatewill.com 8. c: Handling risk 9. D: all of the above 10. a: correcting inaccurate information as soon as possible
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The Official U.S. Government Site Procrastination Procrastination is one is one of the ofmain the main waysways the average the average for People with Medicare Joe Joe and and JaneJane get in gettrouble in trouble withwith theirtheir finances. finances. Break Break with Mediven products from Social Security Administration the bad the bad habithabit – starting – starting now!now! Answer Answer these these basic basic The Owl Although Social Security determines entitlement to questions questions and and see how see how youHome you rate rate Medical
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Medicare benefits, the Medicare program is administered Visit us today for questIon questIon questIon questIon questIon questIon by a different agency, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Medical Compression Services. CMS’ Medicare Savings Programs Model and Orthopedic Application for Medicare Premium Assistance can you from your According According to actuarial to actuarial Whathelp What percent percent ofget a ofassistance a How many How many years, years, on on products. charts, charts, how your many how many years years retiree’s retiree’s income income will bewillhas be average, average, will a will U.S. a U.S. state with Medicare costs. CMS also publications can you can expect you expect to live? to live? spent spent ondrug healthcare, on healthcare, on on citizen citizen spendmore, spend in in wHatwHat PeRcent PeRcent oF eaRlY oF eaRlY BaBYBaBY about Medicare prescription coverage. To learn average? average? retirement? retirement? We have: BoomeRs, BoomeRs, age 56 age to 56 62, to aRe 62, aRe visit the questIon CMSquestIon website. a. 5 percent a. 5 percent a. 10 a. 10
b. 10 b. percent 10 percent b. notices 15 b. 15 you There you can find information about CMS c. 15your percent c. 15 percent c. 20 c. 20 drug might receive concerning Medicare prescription d. 20 d. percent 20 percent d. 25 d. 25 coverage, and copies of CMS mailings.
Idaho Volunteer Center at 1424 Main St. in Lewiston, or call (208) 746-7787.
Your credit Your credit score score is: is: a. a snapshot a. a snapshot of your of your creditcredit risk risk objective an objective mea- meaexPecteD exPecteD to Run to out Run oF out moneY oF moneY b. an b. FREE Delivery surement surement used by used by BasIc BasIc RetIRement RetIRement to coveR to coveR plus Medicare/Medicaid lenders lenders lIvIng lIvIng exPenses? exPenses? c. available c. available to youtoon you on and Private Billing request request d. all of d. the all of above the above See us today for your home medical needs.
a. 17 a. PeRcent 17 PeRcent c. 42 c. PeRcent 42 PeRcent B. 23 B. PeRcent 23 PeRcent D. 47D. PeRcent 47 PeRcent Come in and visit our newly remodeled
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You can Youimprove can improve your your creditcredit ratingrating by by www.theowlpharmacies.com a. correcting a. correcting inaccuinaccuIf you If you die die rate information rate information as as Insurance is a way is aof: way of: soon as soon possible as possible without without a will, a will,Insurance a. saving a. saving for for b. disputing b. disputing negative negative youryour sur viving sur viving a rainya day rainy day information information spouse spouse will will be beb. preventing b. preventing c. correcting c. correcting only the only the unplanned unplanned events events worst worst report report granted granted all or all or c. handling c. handling risk risk d. asking d. asking that negative that negative mostmost of your of your d. all of d. the all of above the above information information not benot be included included in your in your assets. assets. creditcredit reportreport
Where ly our famir cares fo rs! administration you 1. the 1. u.s. thesocial u.s. security social security administration estimates estimates that a that a © CTW ©Features CTW Features
man reaching man reaching age 65age today 65 can today expect can expect to live, to onlive, average, on average, until age until 83. age a woman 83. a woman turning turning age 65 age today 65 can today expect can expect to to Locally owned and operated since 1989. live until liveage until 85.age to 85. calculate to calculate your expected your expected lifespan, lifespan, go to: go to: http://www.ssa.gov/planners/lifeexpectancy.htm http://www.ssa.gov/planners/lifeexpectancy.htm 2. c: 662. c: 66 How Do How You DoRate? You Rate? years old years 3. D: old20 3. percent D: 20 percent 10 coRRect: 10 coRRect: 4. False. 4. Pre-tax False. Pre-tax moneymoney a worker a worker contributed contributed to a retireto a retirewarrenwarren Buffet is Buffet youris your ment plan ment is plan subject is subject to income to income taxes when taxes it’s when withdrawn it’s withdrawn new best newfriend! best friend! during during retirement retirement years. 5. years. c: 205.years c: 20 years 9 coRRect: 9 coRRect: 6. D: 47 6. percent D: 47 percent 7. False. 7. every False. u.s. everystate u.s.has state unique has unique laws laws close…close… but we but are we notare not governing governing who will who own will the own property. the property. to calculate to calculate the out-the outplayingplaying horseshoes! horseshoes! come in come your in state, your go state, to www.mystatewill.com go to www.mystatewill.com 8 oR less 8 oRcoRRect: less coRRect: 8. c: Handling 8. c: Handling risk 9. risk D: all 9. of D:the all above of the 10. above a: correcting 10. a: correcting It’s time It’stotime do some to do some inaccurate inaccurate information information as soon as as soon possible as possible homework! homework!
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At what At age what is age a worker is a worker There is a 1943 Medicare Web site. You can call born between bornalso between 1943 and 1954 and eligible 1954 eligible for (800-633-4227) for (800) MEDICARE to speak to a Medicare question question full social full social security security benbenCustomer Service Representative.4:TTY4:users should call efits? efits? Income Income taxes taxes go away go away afterafter a a (877) 486-2048. a. 62 a. 62 c. 66 c. 66 worker retires. retires. true true or false? or false? b.Locally, 64 b. 64 d. 68 d. 68 may worker people contact SHIBA at the Washington-
questIon questIon
Becoming a payee Pop Quiz: Test Your may be the best way Financial to help a Savvy loved one
Procrastination is one of the main ways the average Joe and Jane get in trouble with their finances. Break the bad habit – starting now! Answer these basic questions and see how you rate
By Jeanne Tyler
the same as having power of attorney. Even if you do have IfAccording a lovedtoone, friend or power of attorney, you will actuarial What percent of a How many years, on neighbor Se-income need to be charts, how receives many yearsSocial retiree’s willto beapply average, willaarepreU.S. can youor expect to live? spent on healthcare, on payee citizenin spend in to curity Supplemental Secusentative order average? retirement? rity Income benefits but no have the benefit a. 5is percent a. 10 payments b. 10 percentmade to you b. on 15 the benefilonger physically or mentally c. 15 percent c. 20 able to take care of hisd.or ciary’s behalf. 20 percent d. 25 her financial affairs, you may When we learn a person is At what age is a worker born between 1943 becoming a no longer able to handle his want to consider and 1954 eligible for representative payee. Then, questionor4:her own Social Security full social security benefits? be able to help them you’ll or SSI go benefits, conduct Income taxes away we after a a. 62 c. 66 with managing their money. a careful investigation and worker retires. true or false? b. 64 d. 68 Keep in mind that being a appoint a relative, friend representative payee is not or other interested party to questIon
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serve as the representative changes that may affect payee. This means that if you the beneficiary’s eligibility. agree to be a representaThis includes things such as tive payee and we appoint changes in Your living arrangecredit score is: a. aincome snapshotand of your oF eaRlY BaBY you, wewHat pay PeRcent you the person’s ments, other credit risk BoomeRs, age 56 to 62, aRe benefits to use on his or her resources. b. an objective meaexPecteD to Run out oF moneY used behalf. to coveR BasIc RetIRement If you decidesurement you want toby lenders lIvIng exPenses? As a representative payee, help someone by becoming c. available to you on you would be responsible for their representative request payee, d. all company. of the above using benefit payments you’re in good a. 17the PeRcent c. 42 PeRcent 23 PeRcent 47 PeRcent to B. help meet the basicD.needs More than 7 million people of the beneficiary. Primarwho get Social Security or ily, the funds should be used SSI payments each month question 7: clothing, You can improve your to provide food, have a representative payee credit rating by true or False: shelter, utilities and other es- because they need help mana. correcting inaccuIfsential you die needs for the person aging their money. rate information as wayagreeing of: soon as possible without a will, eligible for benefits.Insurance As a is aBy to serve as a a. saving for b. disputing negative your sur vivingpayee,ayou representative payee, you rainy dayrepresentative information spouse will be preventinghave taken c. only the need to be aware ofb.the oncorrecting an important unplanned events worst report granted all orneeds so you responsibility — one that can beneficiary’s c. handling risk d. asking that negative most of your can decide how benefits make a positive difference d. all of the above information not bein included in your assets. can best be used for his or both the beneficiary’s life and credit report her personal care and well- your own. © CTW Features being. Learn more by reading our Each year, Social Security booklet, Aestimates Guidethat a 1. the u.s. socialonline security administration manto reaching 65 today can expect to live, on average, will mail you a form ac- ageFor Representative Payees, until age 83. a woman turning age 65 today can expect to count for the benefits you available on our website at live until age 85. to calculate your expected lifespan, go to: have received. Thehttp://www.ssa.gov/planners/lifeexpectancy.htm quickest www.socialsecurity.gov/ 2. c: 66 How Do You Rate? years old 3. D: 20 percent and10easiest way to compubs/10076.html. coRRect: 4. False. Pre-tax money a worker contributed to a retirewarrenthe Buffet is youris online, at plete form ment plan is subject to income taxes when it’s withdrawn new best friend! during retirementTyler years. 5.is c: 20 www.socialsecurity.gov/ a years public affairs 9 coRRect: 6. D: 47 percent 7. False. every u.s. state has unique laws close… but we are not payee. You can alsogoverning com- who will specialist with the Social own the property. to calculate the outplaying horseshoes! plete thecoRRect: paper form Security Administration comeand in your state, go to www.mystatewill.com 8 oR less 8. c: Handling risk 9. D: all of the above 10. a: correcting It’s time it to to do some return Social Security. based in Boise. She may inaccurate information as soon as possible homework! As a representative payee, be ©contacted at CTW Features you will also need to tell Jeanne.M.Tyler@ssa.gov. Social Security about
Procrastination Procrastination is one is one of the ofmain the main waysways the average the average BROOKSIDE LANDING Pop Pop Quiz: Quiz: Test Test Your Your Joe Joe and and JaneJane get in gettrouble in trouble withwith theirtheir finances. finances. Break Break When Home Alone the bad the bad habithabit – starting – starting now!now! Answer Answer these these basic basic When Home Alone When Home Alone Financial Financial Savvy Savvy questions questions and and see how see how you you rate rate Isn’t Enough 431 Johnson Avenue • Orofino, Idaho 83544
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Families face difficult choices when one Families face difficult choices when one or both of their parents can no longer According According to actuarial to their actuarialWhat What percent percent of a can of a no How many How many years,years, on on or both of parents longer or both of their parents can no longer charts, charts, how many how many years years retiree’s retiree’s income income will be will be average, average, will a will U.S. a U.S. live on their own can you can expect youtheir expect to live?toown live? spent spent on healthcare, on healthcare, on on citizencitizen spendspend in in live on live on their own average? average? retirement? retirement? Jim Gorzelany
Move in specials up to $1050.00 value available! Your credit Your credit score score is: is: a. a snapshot a. aEqual snapshot of your of your wHatwHat PeRcent PeRcent oF eaRlY oF eaRlY BaBYBaBY www.brooksidelanding.com housing.
BoomeRs, BoomeRs, age 56 age to5662,toaRe 62, aRe exPecteD exPecteD to Run to out Run oF out moneY oF moneY There is coveR a BasIc brand new BasIc RetIRement RetIRement to coveR to INDEPENDENT LIVING lIvIng lIvIng exPenses? exPenses?
questIon questIon Jim CTWGorzelany feaTuRes Jim feaTuRes Gorzelany CTW
creditcredit risk risk b. an b. objective an objective mea- measurement surement used by used by lenders lenders c. available c. available to youtoon you on request request d. all of d. the all of above the above
a. 5 percent a. 5 percent a. 10 a. 10 b. 10 b. percent 10 percent b. 15 b. 15 isToCkphoTo.Com c. 15 percent isToCkphoTo.Com c. 15 percent c. 20 c. 20 isToCkphoTo.Com d. 20 d. percent 20 percent d. 25 d. 25 RETIREMENT RESIDENCE one of the one of At what Atthe age what is age a worker is a worker in the Lewiston Orchards! one of the toughest decisions toughest decisions born between born between 1943 1943 toughest decisions a. 17 a. PeRcent 17 PeRcent c. 42 c. PeRcent 42 PeRcent many of will and 1954 and eligible 1954 eligible forin infor many ofusus willface face many of us will face in B. 23 B. PeRcent 23 PeRcent D. 47D. PeRcent 47 PeRcent questIon questIon our isiswhat to toben-question question 4: 4: fulllifetimes social full social security security benour lifetimes what our lifetimes is what to do when an aging parefits? efits?an aging par- Income do when Income taxes taxes go away go away afterafter a a do when an aging parent can live a. 62 a.no 62 c.longer 66 c. 66 entcan can no longer live ent no longer live worker worker retires. retires. truetrue or false? or false? For more information or a tour independently. b. 64 b. 64 d. 68 Just d. 68ask questIon questIon independently. Just independently. askask question 7: 7: please call ofquestion the residence, theresa Duff ofJust Joliet, You can Youimprove can improve your your theresa Duffofof Joliet, theresa Duff Joliet, Ill. her mother, Rita, creditcredit ratingrating by by (208) 746-7759 611 Bryden Ave., Lewiston true true or False: or False: Ill. Rita, Ill.her hermother, mother, Rita, already losing her eyea. correcting a. correcting inaccuinaccualready losing her eyeIf you If you die die already losing her eyesight from macular rate information rate information as as sight sightfrom frommacular macular degeneration, was furInsurance Insurance is a way is aof: way of: soon as soon possible as possible without without a will, a will, degeneration, was further hobbled by a brodegeneration, was fura. saving a. saving for for b. disputing b. disputing negative negative youryour sur viving sur viving a rainya day ther hobbled by a broken shoulder and two rainy day information information ther hobbled by a broken shoulder anddue twoto shattered wrists the U.S. Department of choices carefully to spouse spouse will will be beb. preventing b. preventing c. correcting c. correcting only the only the ken shoulder and two shattered wrists due to the U.S.and Department of choices carefully to ashattered fall.“It waswrists painfuldue to health human Seraddress her needs, unplanned unplanned events events worst worst report report to the U.S. Department of choices carefully to granted granted all or all or asee fall. “It was painful health and human Seraddress her dignity.” needs, mom, who had to vices.While the departwishes and c. handling c. handling risk risk d. asking d. asking that negative that negative a fall. “It was painful to vices. health and human Ser-wishesaddress her needs, most see mom, who had While the departand dignity.” most of your of your d. all of raised a house full of ment says family If a family member d. the all of above the above information information not benot be see mom, who had vices. the depart-feels and dignity.” raised a house full of ment saysWhile family If aawishes family kids, nursed her husmembers and friends parentmember who’s liv- assets. included included in your in your assets. raised a house full of ment says family If a family member kids, nursed her husmembers and friends feels a parent who’s band after his stroke are the sole caregivers ing on his or her ownlivis creditcredit reportreport band after his her stroke are thepercent sole caregivers onfeels his ora her ownwho’s is kids,remained nursed husand friends ing parent livand active for members 70 of the on the decline and © CTW ©Features CTW Features and remained active for 70 percent of the on the decline and bandher after stroke are the on hisassisor her own is into 80s,his suddenly elderly, thissole may caregivers not needsing custodial into 80s, suddenly elderly, thispercent may notor custodial assis- and become so frail, ”active Duff always be possible tance,on he or she should and her remained for 70 of the needs the decline become so frail, ” Duff always be possible or tance, he or she should says. “Mom wasn’t with custodial a medical assis1. the 1. u.s. thesocial u.s. security social security administration administration estimates estimates that a that a into her 80s, suddenly practical. elderly, this may not consult needs says. practical. “Mom wasn’t consult with either a medical As the population ready for a nursing professional. man reaching man reaching age 65age today 65 can today expect can expect to live, to onlive, average, on average, become so frail,” Duff always be possible or tance, he or she should Asthe thenumber population ready for ayet, nursing professional. either ages, of home just but none way it’s essential to until age until 83. age a woman 83. a woman turning turning age 65 age today 65 can today expect can expect to to says. number of practical. “Mom wasn’tway it’s consult with ages, home just yet, but none essential to a medical adultsthe who need longof the family members determine what level live until liveage until 85.age to 85. calculate to calculate your expected your expected lifespan, lifespan, go to: go to: As who the population ready formembers a nursing determine professional. either adults need longof family what level term care rises. About stillthe living in the area of care is needed. this http://www.ssa.gov/planners/lifeexpectancy.htm http://www.ssa.gov/planners/lifeexpectancy.htm 2. c: 662. c: 66 How You DoRate? You Rate? ages, the number of home just yet, but none way it’s essential to How Do term care rises. About still living in the area of care is needed. this nine million senior citihad homes that could can run from simple years old years 3. D: old20 3. percent D: 20 percent adults who need longofhomes the family members determine what level 10 coRRect: 10 coRRect: nine million senior citihad thather could from simple zens will need some accommodate limit- can helprun with housekeep4. False. 4. Pre-tax False. Pre-tax moneymoney a worker a worker contributed contributed to a retireto a retirewarren warren Buffet is Buffet youris your zens will need some accommodate her limithelp with housekeeptermof care rises.About still livingDuff in the ofshopping care is needed. this form long-term care ed mobility,” says.area ing and to ment plan ment is plan subject is subject to income to income taxes when taxes it’s when withdrawn it’s withdrawn new best newfriend! best friend! form of long-term care mobility,” Duff says. and shopping to nineyear, million senior had that can run from • Physical, Occupational &retirement Speech this according tociti- ed “We hadhomes to weigh ourcould ing more acute levels of simple during during retirement years. Therapy 5. years. c: 205.years c: 20 years Why 9 coRRect: 9 coRRect: this to “We had to weigh our more acute levels of zensyear, willaccording need some accommodate her limithelpaswith housekeepcare such health 6. D: 47 6. percent D: 47 percent 7. False. 7. every False. u.s. everystate u.s.has state unique has unique laws laws •but Awards forareSurvey Excellence close… close… we but are we not not care such as health would Take Care monitoring and physigoverning governing who will who own will the own property. the property. to calculate to calculate the out-the outform of long-term care ed mobility,” Duff says. ing and shopping to playingplaying horseshoes! •horseshoes! Resident Centered Activity Programs Take Care monitoring and physiPeople age 60 and up are twice as likely to be cal, speech or occupacome in come your in state, your go state, to www.mystatewill.com go to www.mystatewill.com this year, according to “We had to weigh our more acute levels of 8 oR less you 8 oRcoRRect: less coRRect: People age 60 and upand arefinancial twice asscams. likely toTobe cal, speech or occupa• Selective Menu Dining the victims of fraud tional therapy. 8. c: Handling 8. c: Program Handling risk 9. risk D: all 9. of D:the all above of the 10. above a: correcting 10. a: correcting It’s time It’stotime do some to do some care such as health the victims of fraud and financial scams. To tional therapy.this consider register a telephone number on the federal Ultimately, inaccurate inaccurate information information as soonasassoon possible as possible homework! • 24homework! Hour Nursing Care Take Care monitoring register a telephone number on the federal Ultimately, this and physigovernment’s national Do Not Call Registr y call becomes a decision © CTW ©Features CTW Features any People age 60 and upDoare twice as likely to be becomes cal,aspeech or occupagovernment’s Not Call Registr y call decision (888) 382-1222national or go online at www.donotcall.gov. based as much on a 3315 8th St., Lewiston the victims oforfraud andatfinancial scams. To therapy. (888) 382-1222 go online www.donotcall.gov. basedtional as much on a less? 208-743-9543 2 9 4 4 7 7 AW- 11 register a telephone number on the federal Ultimately, this government’s national Do Not Call Registr y call becomes a decision (888) 382-1222 or go online at www.donotcall.gov. based as much on a
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familyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s familyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s financial financialis onedepends familyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s financial on thethe size size of of thedepends on the size of Procrastination ofdepends theon main ways average resources resources as itasisiton is on an an the resources the living living area, asarea, itservices isservices on an the living area, services Joe and Janeneeds. get in trouble with their finances. Break aging aging parentâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s parentâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s needs. required aging required parentâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s andand where needs. where the the required and where the Thatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Thatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s because because neither neither facility Thatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s facility is because located, is located, neither addaddfacility is the bad habit â&#x20AC;&#x201C; starting now! Answer these basic located, addMedicare Medicare nornor most most sup-sup- ing Medicare ing up up to several tonor several most thouthousuping up to several thouquestions and see how you rate plemental plemental health health insurinsursand plemental sand dollars dollars health a month. a month. insursand dollars a month.
LonG-Term ance ance policies policies paypay for for ance ForFor policies those those who pay who for ForLonG-Term those who Care Carecare, a long-term long-term care care costs. costs. require long-term require constant constant care costs. care, care, a a requirequestIon constant ForFor many, many, in-home in-home nursing nursing For many, home home in-home maymay be be nursing home may be resourCes resourCes health health carecare cancan be abe a the health the only only care option, option, canalbeit be albeit a a a the only option, albeit a desirable desirable andand reasonreasoncostly desirable costly one. one. and Medicare Medicare reasoncostly one. Medicare The Valleyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;sWhat Reverse Specialist According to actuarial percentMortgage of a How many years, on ably ably affordable affordable option. option. pays ably pays for affordable for skilled skilled nursing option. nursing pays s &OR HELP IN IDENTIFYING s &OR HELP IN IDENTIFYING for skilled charts, how many years retireeâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s income will be average, will a U.S. Your credit score is:nursing elderelder care care services services andand Those Those who who require require only onlyoF facility Those facility care who care for require for a limita limitonly a. afacility care a limitcan you expect to live? spent on healthcare, on citizen spend in snapshot offor your wHat PeRcent eaRlY BaBY facilities facilities in the in commuthe commumodest modest assistance assistance may may ed modest period ed period assistance following following may a a ed period following a average? retirement? credit risk BoomeRs, age 56 to 62, aRe questIon nity, nity, contact contact the state the state or or have have their their needs needs served served hospital have hospital their stay needs stay for for rehaserved rehahospital stay for rehaa. 5 percent a. 10 b. an objective meaexPecteD to Run out oF moneY cityâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s cityâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s elder elder care care agency. agency. by a by part-time a part-time caregiver. caregiver. bilitative by bilitative a part-time purposes, purposes, caregiver. but but bilitative purposes, but b. 10 percent b. 15 surement used by to coveR BasIc RetIRement Find Find the contact the contact inforinforThose Those requiring requiring addiaddi- not Those not for for ongoing requiring ongoing care. addicare. not for ongoing care. c. 15 percent c. 20 lenders lIvIng exPenses? the equity from your mation mation online online at www. at tional tional help help may may require require State tional State Medicaid help Medicaid may prorequire proState Medicaid proQ Use home off /eliminated d. 20 percent d. 25 c. available to you on www. for anything you need â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Fix up eldercare.gov eldercare.gov or by or by 24-hour 24-hour live-in live-in assisassisgrams 24-hour grams will live-in will generally generally assisgrams will generally Q Insured by FHA and guaranteed At what age is a worker request your home, retire debt, increase by HUD calling calling (800) (800) 677-1116. 677-1116. tance. tance. Aside Aside from from the the pay tance. pay for for Aside basic basic nursing from nursing the pay for basic nursing born between 1943 d. all of the above a.family 17family PeRcent 42 PeRcent monthly cash Q Minimum age 62 for each and 1954 eligible forflow s ,OCATE A LOCAL HOME s ,OCATE A LOCAL HOME cost, cost, members members c. home cost, home family services, services, members butbut only only home services, but only payments, B.to23consider D. 47 PeRcent no credit questIon question 4: homeowner full Q No social security benhealth health care care agency agency at at have have toPeRcent consider thethe after have after an toindividualâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s an consider individualâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s the after an individualâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s efits? requirements the National the National Association Association effort effort involved involved in hiring in hiring personal effort personal involved assets assets are in hiring are personal assets are Income c.existing Q Any mortgage is paid taxes go away after a a. 62 66 for Home for Home Careâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s webweba caregiver a caregiver andand followfollow- exhausted a caregiver exhausted and and and hefollowor he or exhausted andCareâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s he or worker retires. true or false? b. 64 d. 68 site, site, www.nahc.org. www.nahc.org. inging up up regularly regularly to to she ing she has uphas no regularly no other other means to means she has no other means questIon question 7: carecare toensure improve your Click Click onthe â&#x20AC;&#x153;Consumer on â&#x20AC;&#x153;Consumer ensure ensure thatthat proper proper cover to cover that thethe cost. proper cost.care Youtocan cover cost. credit rating by Information.â&#x20AC;? Information.â&#x20AC;? is being is being given. given. is All being All nursing nursing given. homes homes All nursing homes true or False: LIC# ID9273 a. correcting inaccus &OR INFORMATION ON s &OR INFORMATION ON Another Another approach approach is is that that participate Another participate approach in Mediin Mediis that participate in MediNMLS# 98248 If you die rate information as assisted assisted living living homes, homes, to use to use thethe services services of aof a care tocare use or Medicaid or theMedicaid services areare of a care or Medicaid are Insurance is a way of: soon as possible without a will, consult consult Assisted the Assisted licensed licensed home home health health subject licensed subject to annual home to annual health subject totheannual saving for negative ,IVING &EDERATION OF ,IVING &EDERATION OF care care agency, agency, which is ais a a. inspections. care inspections. agency, Inwhich addition In addition is a b. disputing inspections. In addition your surwhich viving a rainy day information America America at www.alfa. at www.alfa. necessity necessity if an if individuan individuto necessity personal to personal if vetting an vetting individuof of to personal vetting of Daily Living spouse will benurs- b. preventing c. correcting only the org. org. al requires al requires skilled skilled nursany al any requires facilities facilities skilled under under connursconany facilities under conAssistance Including: unplanned events worst report granted or s #HECK LOCAL HOME s #HECK LOCAL HOME ing ing care care or physical orall physical sideration, ing sideration, care or itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;sphysical itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s a good a good sideration, itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s a good c. handling risk d. asking that negative j Meal Preparation health-care health-care agency agency andand therapy therapy services. services. The The idea therapy idea to compare to services. compare these The these idea to compare these most of your d. all of the above information not be j Housekeeping nursing nursing home home accrediaccrediNational National Association Association inspection National inspection Association records records by by inspection records included in your by j Bathing & Dressing assets. tation tation via the via the Joint for for Home Home Care Care & Hos& Hos- consulting for consulting Homethe Care the â&#x20AC;&#x153;Nursing &â&#x20AC;&#x153;Nursing Hosconsulting theJoint â&#x20AC;&#x153;Nursing credit report j Transportation Commission Commission on the on the pice pice maintains maintains a nationa nationHome pice Home maintains Compareâ&#x20AC;? Compareâ&#x20AC;? a nationHome Compareâ&#x20AC;? Š CTW Features j Medication Reminder Accreditation Accreditation of of al database al database of such of such resource al resource database at www.mediat of www.medisuch resource at www.medij Companionship Healthcare Healthcare agencies agencies with with tipstips on on care.gov. agencies care.gov.with tips on care.gov. j Trained, Reliable Organizations Organizations atthe www. www. how how to choose to choose andand 1. the how So how So to how choose did did the and the Duff Duff So how didthat Caregivers u.s. social security administration estimates aatDuff jointcommission.org. jointcommission.org. dealdeal with with oneone on on an an man family deal family with finally finally one decide decide anto family finally decide to j Homemaker/ Respite reaching age 65 on today cantoexpect to live, on average, Provider s 2ESEARCH INSPECTION s 2ESEARCH INSPECTION ongoing ongoing basis basis at www. at www.until care ongoing care for their their mom, atmom, www.age 65care for mom, age 83.for a basis woman turning today cantheir expect to j RN Oversight records records ofwrestled nursing ofgo nursing nahc.org. nahc.org. nahc.org. Rita? â&#x20AC;&#x153;We wrestled wrestled with with Rita? â&#x20AC;&#x153;We liveRita? until ageâ&#x20AC;&#x153;We 85. to calculate your expected lifespan, to: with j 24 Hour Care homes homes at www.mediat www.medihttp://www.ssa.gov/planners/lifeexpectancy.htm 2. c: 66 IfHow living If living at home at home ourour options If living options and at home and though though our options and though Do You Rate? old 3. D: 20 percent care.gov. Click Click on have on proves proves to be to particularbe particular-years the proves the family family towould bewould particularhave have thecare.gov. family would 10 coRRect: 4. preferred False. Pre-tax money alive worker contributed to athat retireh2ESOURCE ,OCATOR v h2ESOURCE ,OCATOR v ly difficult lywarren difficult because because of of ly preferred difficult that because that she she of live preferred she live Buffet is your Serving all plan isfinal subject to income when stairs stairs or other orbest other hazards, hazards, ment out stairs out herher or other final years hazards, years at at taxesout her Šitâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s cTW final Šwithdrawn cTW features years features at new friend! retirement years. 5. c: 20 years the surrounding placing placing elderly an elderly par-par- during home, placing home, wean we finally elderly finally settled parsettled home, we finally settled 9an coRRect: 6. D: 47 percent 7. False. every state hasher unique laws entent in an in assisted anbutassisted living living onent on moving inmoving an assisted herher to an to living an u.s.afforded on afforded moving her her some some to an communities closeâ&#x20AC;Ś we are not governing who will own the property. to calculate the outplaying horseshoes! facility facility may may be best. be best. ResResassisted facility assisted living may living be center,â&#x20AC;? best. center,â&#x20AC;? Resindependence assisted independence living and center,â&#x20AC;? and since 1988. in says. your state, go didnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t to www.seubertsqualityhomecare.com idents idents often often live live in sepain sepa-come Duff idents Duff often says. â&#x20AC;&#x153;We â&#x20AC;&#x153;We live didnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t in www.mystatewill.com sepa- socialization Duff socialization says.â&#x20AC;&#x153;We without didnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t without 8 oR less coRRect: c:rate Handling 9. D:about all of the above 10.to a:worry correcting Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s apartments, time to do enjoy some raterate apartments, enjoy 8. have have to apartments, worry to risk worry about enjoy her have her having having to be toabout be inaccurate information as soon as possible homework! communal communal meals meals andand caregivers communal caregivers not meals not showing showing and cooped caregivers cooped up up alone not alone showing at at Moscow Lewiston Grangeville Toll Free Š CTW Features participate in planned in planned up participate up or being or being inattentive in planned inattentive home.â&#x20AC;? uphome.â&#x20AC;? or being inattentive 208-883-1114 208-743-1818 208-983-5275 800-597-6620 participate activities. activities. Costs Costs usually usually toactivities. momâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s to momâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s needs, Costs needs, and usually and it it to momâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Š cTW Š cTW needs, features features and it questIon
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Credit Check Pop PopQuiz: Quiz: Test Test Your Your
lack the maturity and Procrastination negative information your accounts. rate for which Procrastination is one is one of the ofmain the main waysways theinterest average the average sense of responsibility it that could be lowering the length of your you are qualified. multiJoeyour Joe and and JaneJane get in gettrouble incredit trouble withwith theirtheir finances. finances. Break Break takes to be a trusted score. Correct any history also ple credit checks from theerrors bad the or bad habit habit – starting – starting now!now! Answer Answer these basic basic employee. inaccuracies, affects your score, sothese dealerships will be Don’t let a low numsuch as accounts that don’t close your oldest reported as a single questions questions and and see how seeaccounts. how you you rate rate ber hold you back in aren’t yours or old Use those inquiry provided the life. It can take months information that cards occasionally to inquiries all occur questIon questIon questIon questIon questIon questIon questIon or even years to boost a should no longer have keep the accounts within questIon a 14-day period. low score, but there are any bearing on your active and avoid can“It’s critical that you steps you can take to score. Under the Fair cellation. Borrowers have your ducks in a gain a few points and Credit reporting act, should pay off any overrow so you can do your According According to actuarial to actuarialWhat What percent percent of a of a How many How many years,years, on on perhaps qualify for a credit bureaus must due bills or old debts shopping within charts,charts, how many how many years years retiree’s retiree’s income income will bewill be average, average, will a will U.S. a U.S. Your credit Your credit score score is: thatis: lower interest rate. investigate any disputthey forgot about, and time frame,” Cunningcan you canexpect you expect to live?to live? spent spent on healthcare, on healthcare, on on citizencitizen spendspend in in a. a snapshot a. a snapshot of your of your wHatwHat PeRcent PeRcent oF eaRlY oF eaRlY BaBYBaBY Getretirement? your credit hised itemsBoomeRs, and remove pay down high credit ham Dawn Klingensmith average? average? retirement? creditsays. credit riskIf you risk end up BoomeRs, age 56 age to 56 62, to aRe 62, aRe questIon questIon CTW feaTures reports or all tory them exPecteD from exPecteD your credit cardoF balances to over a longer a. 5 percent a.for5 some percent a. 10for a. free 10 from annub. shopping an b. objective an objective meameato Run to out Run out moneY oF moneY ofb.their prospective alcreditreport.com report if they cannot improve their credit period, bring a printout 10 b. percent 10 percent b. 15 b. 15 surement surement used by used by BasIcBasIc RetIRement RetIRement to coveR to coveR hires, to the –c.the be verified.though utilization ratio (how of your credit report c. 15according percent c. 15 percent 20 only c. 20authorized lenders lenders lIvIng lIvIng exPenses? exPenses? now more than survey by the Society of source for the free there is no quick fix for much of their available and see what dealerd. 20 d. percent 20 percent d. 25 d. 25 c. available c. available to you toon you on ever, it pays to have an human resource mancredit report that’s poor credit, paying At what At age what is age a worker is a worker request request excellent credit score.1943 agement.the rationale: yours by law.the down credit card balminD Your Finances born between born between 1943 d. all of d. the all of above the above a. 17 a. PeRcent 17 PeRcent c. 42 c. PeRcent 42 award-winning PeRcent andbest 1954 and eligible 1954 eligible for for people with a pattern Take this online e-learning series the interest rates report does not include ances can boost your B. 23says B. PeRcent 23 PeRcent D.at47your D. PeRcent 47 PeRcent questIon questIon question 4:their4: your credit score, social full social security security ben- benown pace, and put yourself on the road to onfull auto loans go to folks ofquestion mismanaging score, Gail Cunefits? efits?of 730 and financial wisdom: understanding credit reports, with scores own finances exhibit which costs a few dolningham, vice presiIncome Income taxes taxes go away go away afterafter a a a. 62and a. 62 c.6066percent c. 66 above. poor judgment, an indilars to obtain. what dent of public relations, credit terms and definitions, appropriate levels worker worker retires. retires. true true or looking false? or false? 64 b. 64 d. 68 d.credit 68 of debt, creating ofb. employers pull cation that they may you’re for is national Foundation questIon questIon spending plans, goal setting question question 7: 7: can You improve can improve your your and other core financial You skills. The interactive for Credit Counseling. credit ratingfoundation, rating by by can take care of your computing sessions from InCharge credit education a a history of paytrue true or False: orlate False: while only putting a small, tempocorrecting a. correcting inaccunon-profit organization a. dedicated to inaccusupporting ments will hurt you, but If you If you die die rary dent in your emergency fund! money Q&A rate information rate information as as the personal financial literacy, include quizzes, you can start to mend — Dave Insurance Insurance is a games way is aof: way of:a certificate soon as soon possible as possible without without a will, a will, interactive and of completion. your credit by paying Tribune subscribers can read saving a. saving for for b. finances.com/ disputing b. disputing negative negative Ramsey’s weekly column at lmtrieveryyour bill onviving time viving from a.http://elearning.mindyour your sur sur a rainy a day rainy day information information bune.com/businessprofile. His ranow on.“time is your dio program airs daily at 10 a.m. on spouse spouse will be beb.credit preventing b. line preventing c. correcting the only the best friend. treat will your they owe.) c. correcting ships have only to say before KOZE-AM 950. unplanned unplanned events events worst worst report report Not a luxury these days granted granted all or all or Credit card balances in they check your credit, debt obligations c. handling c. handling risk risk asking d. asking that negative that negative Dear Dave, Can loans be forgiven? responsibly and your of 50 percent of d. since each inquiry can mostmost of your of your d.excess We had just started your plan all of d. the all of above the above information information not benot be Dear Dave, score will start to their limits will raise decrease your score by and saved $1,000 for our baby I’m 36, and I’ve been placed on included included in your in your assets. assets. reflect that,” Cunningeyebrows, while 30 five points, says finanemergency fund when our laptop permanent disability due to primacreditcredit reportreport computer died. We do all of our fi- ry progressive multiple sclerosis. Is ham says. percent or lower is cial planner Joel J. © CTW ©Features CTW Features nances online, including budgeting there a possibility I could petition to although closing seen as responsible, ohman, founder of and banking. Should we dip into the have my student loans forgiven? Do unused accounts may says Cunningham. CreditCardChaser.com, emergency fund to replace the com- you believe this is an issue of conputer? seem like a good idea, Credit bureaus gena credit card compariscience? 1. the 1. u.s. thesocial u.s. security social security administration administration estimates estimates that a that a — Erin — Janelle “that’s shooting your- manerally don’t like to see son site that promotes reaching man reaching age 65 age today 65 can today expect can expect to live, to on live, average, on average, Dear Erin, Dear Janelle, self in the foot,” Cun- untiltoo many inquiries responsible credit Yes, I think you should. Computage until 83. age a woman 83. a woman turning turning age 65 age today 65 can today expect can expect to manto No, I don’t think it’s an issue of ningham says. the your credit agement. ers used to be considered a luxury, conscience. If you’ve been officially live about until liveage until 85.age to 85. calculate tohistocalculate your expected your expected lifespan, lifespan, go to: go to: but today many people find them- and medically diagnosed with this amount of your total http://www.ssa.gov/planners/lifeexpectancy.htm ry http://www.ssa.gov/planners/lifeexpectancy.htm because it suggests only time 2. c:and 662. discic: 66 How Do How You Do You Rate? you are desperate for selves in your exact situation. They disease, and you’ve also been dedebt relative toRate? your pline can mend a damyears old years 3. D: old 20 3. percent D: 20 percent use computers not as toys or just to clared permanently disabled, then 10 coRRect: 10 coRRect: total available credit money. however, agedcontributed credit 4. False. 4. Pre-tax False. Pre-tax moneymoney athe worker a worker contributed to a record. retireto a retiresurf the Web, but to help run their federally insured student loans can, warren warren Buffet is Buffet youris your bureaus realize that if has a significant impact “Don’t fallwithdrawn for credit households and organize their lives and should, be forgiven. ment plan ment is plan subject is subject to income to income taxes when taxes it’s when it’s withdrawn new best newfriend! best friend! and finances on a daily basis. I’ll tell you ahead of time that it’s on your score.ten you’re shopping during during retirement retirement years. 5. years. c: 205.years c:doctoring 20 years or credit 9 coRRect: 9 coRRect: Now, upgrading at this point to going to take a lot of work—regardthousand dollars in forpercent a major pur- u.s. repair services. Start laws 6. D:around 47 6. percent D: 47 7. False. 7. every False. every state u.s.has state unique has unique laws the biggest, baddest, coolest thing less of the reason—to get a request close…close… but we but are we notare not credit card debt looks chase, such as car, you treating your debt obligoverning governing who will who own will the own property. the property. to calculate to calculate the outthe outon the planet is a no-no. That kind like this through the system. You’ll playingplaying horseshoes! horseshoes! of thing is what we call a “want.” be swimming in red tape for a while, better if your line of may go to several dealgations responsibly, and come in come your in state, your go state, to www.mystatewill.com go to www.mystatewill.com 8 oR less 8 oRcoRRect: less coRRect: There’s a difference between a but having the loans forgiven is only credit is It’s $100,000 vs.some8. c:erships inrisk search time, your credit Handling 8. c: Handling 9. risk D: of all 9.the of D:the all above ofover the 10. above a: correcting 10. a: correcting It’s time to time do some to do “want” and a “need.” So, you need fair considering your condition and $15,000, she says, best deal. each of those report will improve,” inaccurate inaccurate information information as soon as as soon possible as possible homework! homework! stay calm and go find a good basic situation. © CTW ©Features CTW Features because you’re not as places will check your Cunningham says. computer that will take care of your God bless you, Janelle. online needs. close to maxing out credit to determine the © CTW Features — Dave
For better or worse, Financial Financial Savvy Savvy there’s a number associated with your 33 11 name. Make sure your credit score is all it can be
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Trust me, you can get a good new
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Pop Quiz: Test Your What a Widow What aa Widow Widow What Financial Savvy
Needs to toto Know Needs Know Needs Know questIon
Procrastination is one of the main ways the average Joe and Jane get in trouble with their finances. Break checklist checklist checklist the bad habit – starting now! Answer thesefor basic New for New for New widows questions and see how you rate widows& & widows & widowers widowers widowers
Thedeath death of a husband husband launches5many 3 launches 1death The of many The a husband launches many The death of aaof husband launches many women into uncharted territory: women into uncharted territory: women into uncharted territory: women into uncharted territory: financial planning financial planning financial planning
s 'ET MULTIPLE CERTIFIED s 'ET MULTIPLE CERTIFIED s 'ET MULTIPLE CERTIFIED COPIES OF THE DEATH COPIES OF THE DEATH COPIES OF THE DEATH CERTIFICATE CERTIFICATE According to actuarial What percent of a How many years, on CERTIFICATE s &IND THE WILL AND ANY s &IND THE WILL AND ANY charts, how many years retiree’s income will be average, will a U.S. YourTRUSTS credit score is: s &IND THE WILL AND ANY TRUSTS of your can you expect to live? spent on healthcare, on citizen spend in a. as &IND ANY LIFE INSURANCE snapshot wHat PeRcent oF eaRlY BaBY TRUSTS s &IND ANY LIFE INSURANCE retirement? credit risk BoomeRs, age 56 to 62, aRe INCLUDING COMPANY women often find that “advisers often s &IND ANY LIFE INSURANCE DawnquestIon Klingensmith average? INCLUDING COMPANY women often find that “advisers often Dawn Klingensmith a. 5 percent a. 10 b. an objective meaCTW feaTures INSURANCE AND PUT IN A financial advisers who aren’t as responsive as exPecteD to Run out oF moneY INCLUDING COMPANY women often find that “advisers often Dawn Klingensmith CTW feaTures INSURANCE AND PUT IN A financial advisers who aren’t as responsive as b. 10 percent b. 15 surement used by CLAIM IMMEDIATELY did business with their they should be, they CTW feaTures INSURANCE AND PUT IN A financial advisers who aren’t as responsive as BasIc RetIRement to coveR istocKphoto.com women often find “advisers often lIvIng exPenses? CLAIM IMMEDIATELY did business with their they should be, they c. 15 percent c.talk 20that lenders Dawn Klingensmith istocKphoto.com s )NVENTORY THE SAFETY husbands fail to address down to widows, CLAIM IMMEDIATELY did business with their they should be, they istocKphoto.com s )NVENTORY THE SAFETY husbands fail address talk down widows, d. 20 percent d. 25 c. available to you on CTW feaTures DEPOSIT BOX although women their concerns. fact, or they taketo ‘Don’t financial advisers who aren’t as responsive as s )NVENTORY THE SAFETY husbands fail to toIn address talk down tothe widows, DEPOSIT BOX although women their concerns. In fact, or they take the ‘Don’t At what age is a worker request s )F YOU RE COVERED generally outlive their 70 percent of widows bother your pretty little DEPOSIT BOX althoughwomen their concerns. In fact, with or they take thethey ‘Don’tshould be, they did business their istocKphoto.com s )F YOU RE COVERED generally outlive their 70 percent widows bother your born between d. allUNDER YOUR SPOUSE S of the above spouses, it’s still1943 comconsidered firing their head’ approach and little fail s )F YOU RE COVERED generally outlive their 70 percent of of widows bother your pretty pretty little a. 17 PeRcent c. 42 PeRcent fail toto address talk down to widows, and eligible forage UNDER YOUR SPOUSE S spouses, it’s considered firing their head’ approach and fail COMPANY HEALTH mon1954 in this daycomand advisershusbands within three explain things,” says UNDER YOUR SPOUSE S spouses, it’s still still comconsidered firing their head’ approach and fail B. 23 PeRcent D. 47 PeRcent questIon question 4: full social security benCOMPANY HEALTH mon in this day and age advisers within three to explain things,” says although women their concerns. In fact, or they take the ‘Don’t INSURANCE FIND OUT for husbands to handle years of their husbands’ washington, D.C.-based COMPANY HEALTH mon in this day and age advisers within three to explain things,” says efits? INSURANCE FIND OUT for husbands to of their husbands’ washington, D.C.-based IMMEDIATELY ABOUT long-term financial plandeaths, to go financial planner alex- your pretty little Income taxes after a bother INSURANCE FIND OUT for husbands to handle handle years ofaccording theirpercent husbands’ washington, D.C.-based generally outlive their years 70 of away widows a. 62 with c.financial 66 or no IMMEDIATELY ABOUT long-term plandeaths, according to financial planner alexKEEPING THE POLICY ning little research by minneapoandra armstrong, cosage to emotional and more about investing IMMEDIATELY ABOUT long-term financial plandeaths, according to financial planner alexworker retires. true or armstrong, false? spouses, it’s still com- research considered firing their head’ approach and fail and than b. 64withd. 68from KEEPING THE POLICY ning little or no by minneapoandra cosage to emotional more about investing s &IND THE REST OF THE involvement their lis-based allianz life author of “on Your Financial well-Being” they think they do. questIon KEEPING THE POLICY ning with little or no research by minneapoandra armstrong, cosage to emotional and more about investing question 7: You ASSETS INCLUDING can improve your mon in this day and age advisers within three to explain things,” says s &IND THE REST OF THE involvement from their lis-based allianz life author of “on Your Financial well-Being” than they think they do. wives. once widowed, Insurance Co. own: awidow’s Pas(armstrong Fleming & the basics of finaninvolvement from their lis-based allianz life author of “on Your Financial well-Being” than they think they do.credits &IND THE REST OF THE rating by ASSETS INCLUDING wives. once widowed, Insurance Co. own: awidow’s Pas(armstrong Fleming & the basics of finanDEEDS SECURITIES moore Inc., 2006). cial planning can be true or False: for husbands to handleInsurance years D.C.-based ASSETS INCLUDING wives. once widowed, Co. of their husbands’ own:awidow’swashington, Pas(armstrong Fleming & the basics of finan- a. correcting inaccuBANK ACCOUNTS RETIRESomeInc., women cede learned. meanwhile, DEEDS SECURITIES moore 2006). cial planning can be DEEDS SECURITIES moore Inc., 2006). cial planning can be younot die long-term financial plandeaths, according to financialIfcontrol planner alexrate information as MENT ACCOUNTS STOCK only cede newly widowed BANK ACCOUNTS RETIRESome women learned. meanwhile, BANK ACCOUNTS RETIRESome women cede Insurance learned.ismeanwhile, a way of: it as possible without acowill, ning with little or no research by minneapoandra armstrong, sage to emotional and soon more about investing OPTIONS AND LIABILITIES because they’re overwomen should make MENT ACCOUNTS STOCK control newly widowed MENT ACCOUNTS STOCK control not not only only newly widowed a. saving for b. disputing negative INCLUDING MORTGAGES whelmed by the estateclear they intend to OPTIONS AND LIABILITIES because they’re overwomen well-Being” should involvement from their lis-based allianz life author of “on Your than they think they do your sur viving OPTIONS AND LIABILITIES because they’re over- Financial should make make it it information awomen rainy day AND DEBTS settling andby grieving retain control over to INCLUDING MORTGAGES whelmed the estateclear they intend INCLUDING MORTGAGES whelmed will by the estate- (armstrong clear they intend to & wives. once widowed, Insurance Co. own:awidow’s PasFleming the of finanspouse b.their preventing c. correcting onlybasics the s 0AY ALL BILLS ON TIME IF processes but alsobe investments, that AND DEBTS settling retain control over AND DEBTS settling and and grieving grieving moore retain control over unplanned events report Inc.,adjust2006).that worst cial planning can be THEY RELATE TO YOUR because they doubt they’ll make granted all or s 0AY ALL BILLS ON TIME IF processes but also their investments, s 0AY ALL BILLS ON TIME IF processes but also it their in investments, c.ments handling riskown that d. asking that negative PERSONAL LIFE their abilities when their Some women cede information learned. meanwhile, THEY RELATE TO YOUR because doubt they’ll make adjustmost ofthey your THEY RELATE TO YOUR because they doubt they’ll make adjustd.time all of the above not be s #LAIM ANY BENEFITS comes to “high finance,” and that they PERSONAL LIFE their abilities when it ments in their own not only newly widowed PERSONAL LIFE their abilities when it control ments in their own included in your assets. YOU RE ENTITLED TO says behavioral psywon’t tolerate strongs #LAIM ANY BENEFITS comes to “high finance,” time and that they s #LAIM ANY BENEFITS comes to “high finance,” time and that they report should make it because they’re over- credit women s #ALL YOUR SPOUSE S chologist mattwallaert, arm tactics or dismisYOU RE ENTITLED TO says behavioral psywon’t tolerate says behavioral psywon’t tolerate strongstrong© YOU RE ENTITLED TO CTW Features EMPLOYER TO SEE HOW the lead scientist at sive treatment. whelmed byorthe estate- s #ALL YOUR SPOUSE S clear they intend to chologist mattwallaert, arm Learn how you can put your confident retirement more s #ALL YOUR SPOUSE S chologist mattwallaert, arm tactics tactics or dismisdismisMUCH MONEY IS DUE thrive, a new York-at however, armstrong EMPLOYER TO SEE HOW the lead scientist sive treatment. settling and grieving retain control over within reach. EMPLOYER TO SEE HOW the lead scientist at sive treatment. AND FOLLOW UP WITH A based financial manageadvises against making MUCH MONEY IS DUE thrive, a new Yorkhowever, armstrong 1. the u.s. social security estimates that a MUCH MONEY IS DUE thrive, a new however, armstrong processes but alsoadministration their investments, that LETTER ment web site Yorkimmediate changes. Call me today at 208-746-4242. based advises against making reaching age 65 today can expect to AND FOLLOW UP WITH A live,“Making on average, AND FOLLOW UP WITH A based financial financial managemanage-man advises against making Source: the (Justthrive.com). unless an adviser’s because they doubt they’ll make adjustLETTER ment web site immediate changes. until age 83. aseem woman turning today expect to LETTER ment webroutinely site immediate changes. ofcan Your Money” women dealings shady, in age 65Most their abilities when it ments in their Source: “Making the own (Justthrive.com). unless an adviser’s live until age 85. to calculate your expected lifespan, go to: Molly Steele, CFP®, ChFC®, CRPC® “Making the (Justthrive.com). unless an adviser’s by Source: Jane Bryant Quinn handle day-to-day the beginning it’s easiMost of Your Money” women routinely dealings seem shady, in http://www.ssa.gov/planners/lifeexpectancy.htm 2. c: 66 Financial Advisor comes to “high finance,” time and that they Most of Your Money” women routinely dealings seem shady, in (Simon & Schuster, household finances est to work with that How Do You Rate? by Jane Bryant Quinn handle day-to-day the it’s easiCERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNERTM practitioner years old beginning 3. because D: 20 percent by Jane Bryant Quinn handle day-to-day the beginning it’s easi2010) such as paying bills and person he or saysestbehavioral psywon’t tolerate strong10 coRRect: (Simonto&a Schuster, household finances work with 307 19th Street Suite B5 4. False. Pre-tax athat worker contributed retire(Simon Schuster, household finances estisto to workmoney with that managing bank she already familiar © ctw & features warren Buffet is your chologist mattwallaert, arm tactics or dismisLewiston, ID 83501 2010) such as paying bills and person because he or ment plan is subject to income taxes when it’s withdrawn 2010) such as best paying bills and with person because situahe or new friend! accounts, wallaert adds, the couple’s 208-746-4242 managing bank she is already familiar © ctw features during retirement years. 5. c: 20 years lead scientist atto sive treatment. managing bank she is already familiar © ctw features but due to lack of expo- the tion. this also applies 9 coRRect: accounts, wallaert adds, with the couple’s situa6. D: 47 percent 7. False. every u.s. state has unique close… but we are not sure they tend to underlawyers accounwhenlaws workaccounts, wallaert adds,thrive, with the couple’s situa- of business aand new Yorkhowever, armstrong but due to lack tion. this also applies to who will own the property. to calculate the outplaying horseshoes! estimate armstrong says. ing with an adviser is tants, but due their to lack of of expoexpo-governing tion. this also applies to based financial manageadvises against making come insix your state, go www.mystatewill.com sure to lawyers and of when work8 oRthey lesstend coRRect: investment-managemonths to to a year, calculating how much it sure they tend to underunder- “In lawyers and accounaccounof business business when work8. c: Handling risk 9. D: all of the above 10. a: correcting web site these immediate changes. estimate tants, armstrong says. ing with is It’s capabilities. time their to do some ment when ment you can reassess cost heran live.the estimate their armstrong says. will ing with antoadviser adviser is tants, Brokerage, investment and financial advisory services are made inaccurate information as soon as possible homework! investment-manage“In six months to a year, calculating how much it an adviser’s put to the test, though, (Justthrive.com). relationships,” she says. adviserunless should provide
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investment-manage“In six months to a year, calculating how much it © CTW Features ment when you can these cost her live. the women usually know a widow’s first order with a list ment capabilities. capabilities. when women you can reassess reassess these herwill will cost herofto torecords live. the shady, in routinely dealings seem put to the test, though, relationships,” she says. adviser should provide put to the test, though, relationships,” she says. adviser should provide handle day-to-dayorder her with the beginning it’s easiwomen a women usually usually know know a widow’s widow’s first first order her with aa list list of of records records
household finances such as paying bills and managing bank
est to work with that person because he or she is already familiar
Procrastination Procrastination is one is one of the ofmain the main waysways the average the average Joe Joe and and JaneJane get in gettrouble in trouble withwith theirtheir finances. finances. Break Break the bad the bad habithabit – starting – starting now!now! Answer Answer these these basic basic Fquestions AIRCHILD questions and and see A how seeCCOUNTING how you you rate rate & TAX SERVICE
she needs to assemble. the adviser is busy with should ask other trusted She might want to take other clients. advisers (accountant, someone with her Initially, the goal is to lawyer,banker) for recwho’ll ask questions make sure the widow ommendations,as well that don’t occur to her. has sufficient income to as her widowed friends. Before inviting a family pay her current expensAn adviser should offer member, shequestIon should es. “Very rarely is there a an initial consultation for questIon questIon questIon questIon questIon consider whether that situation where somefree.Wallaert recomperson’s interests might thing immediate needs mends asking whether be self-serving. She to be done with the the adviser is incentivshould take notes and investment portfolio, ” steermany clientsyears, According According to actuarial to actuarialWhat What percent percent of a of a ized Howtomany How years, on on askcharts, that charts, any recommenWallaert says. So if an toward certain how many how many years years retiree’s retiree’s income income will bewill be average, average, will a investwill U.S. a U.S. dations be put writadviser presses, ments and to regard can you canexpect youinexpect to live?to live? spent spent on healthcare, onahealthcare, on on citizencitizen spend spend in in ing.“It’s a difficult time. widow might want to such a setup as a potenaverage? average? retirement? retirement? questIon Things go inquestIon one ear hire a replacement tial reda. flag. a. 5 percent a. 5 percent a. 10 10Armstrong and out the other,”Armonce the estate is setrecommends b. 10 b. percent 10 percent b. 15 b. 15 asking strong says. tled. Often, “adult chilwhether the adviser c. 15 percent c. 15 percent c. 20 c. 20 A widow also dren kind of swoop in belongs to d. 20 d. percent 20 percent d. 25 d. 25an Estate should find out whethand take over,” ArmPlanning Council.Many At what At age what is age a worker is a worker er born the adviser has an strong says. “Don’t succompetent advisers between born between 1943 1943 assistant who can cumb to any undue don’t, she says. But memand 1954 and eligible 1954 eligible for for answer basic questions. pressure from anyone, bership is a good indicaquestion question 4: 4: full social full social security security ben- benThat way, she’s less likeincluding family.” tion the adviser is efits? efits? Income Income taxes taxes go away go away afterafter a a ly to feela.like If a widow ultimately interested in working a. 62 62 c. a66burden c. 66 worker worker retires. retires. true true or false? or false? or b. like decides to hire a new with widows. 64she’s b. 64 d.being 68 d. 68 ignored in the event financial planner,she © cTW features
11 22
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a. a snapshot a. a snapshot of your of your wHatwHat PeRcent PeRcent oF eaRlY oF eaRlY BaBYBaBY creditcredit risk risk BoomeRs, BoomeRs, age 56 age to5662,toaRe 62, aRe objective an objective mea- meaexPecteD exPecteD to Run to out Run oF out moneY oF moneY b. an b. surement surement used by used by BasIc BasIc RetIRement RetIRement to coveR to coveR Find in knowing we will serve your lenders lenders lIvIng lIvIng exPenses? exPenses?
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1. the 1. u.s. thesocial u.s. security social security administration administration estimates estimates that a that a
man reaching man reaching age 65age today 65 can today expect can expect to live, to onlive, average, on average, Monuments
starting as low as
$ until age until 83.age a woman 83. a woman turningturning age 65age today 65 can today expect can expect to to
© CTW ©Features CTW 125 Down River Rd, Features Lewiston, ID
f i n Look a n cfor i ausl between p l a nEKO n i n&gRed g Wolf u i dBridge. e 9
live until liveage until 85.age to 85. calculate to calculate your expected your expected lifespan, lifespan, go to: go to: http://www.ssa.gov/planners/lifeexpectancy.htm http://www.ssa.gov/planners/lifeexpectancy.htm 2. c: 662. c: 66 How Do How You DoRate? You Rate? years old years 3. D: old20 3. percent D: 20 percent 10 coRRect: 10 coRRect: 4. False. 4. Pre-tax False. Pre-tax moneymoney a worker a worker contributed contributed to a retireto a retirewarrenwarren Buffet is Buffet youris your ment plan ment is plan subject is subject to income to income taxes when taxes it’s when withdrawn it’s withdrawn new best newfriend! best friend! during during retirement retirement years. 5. years. c: 20 5. years c: 20 years Full Service, 9 coRRect: 9 coRRect: 6. D: 47 6. percent D: 47 percent 7. Delivery False. 7. every False. everystate u.s.has state unique has unique laws laws andu.s. close…close… but we but are we notare not governing governing who will who own will the own property. the property. to calculate to calculate the out-the outInstallation playingplaying horseshoes! horseshoes! come in come your in state, your go state, to www.mystatewill.com go to www.mystatewill.com 8 oR less 8 oRcoRRect: less coRRect: 8. c: Handling 8. c: Handling risk 9.(208) risk D: all 9. of D:the all above of the 10. above a: correcting 10. a: correcting It’s time It’stotime do some to do some inaccurate inaccurate information information as soon as as soon possible as possible homework! homework! Locally Owned and Operated
Pop Quiz: Test Your Financial Savvy questIon
According to actuarial charts, how many years can you expect to live?
What percent of a retiree’s income will be spent on healthcare, on average? a. 5 percent b. 10 percent c. 15 percent d. 20 percent
At what age is a worker born between 1943 and 1954 eligible for full social security benefits? a. 62 c. 66 b. 64 d. 68
How many years, on average, will a U.S. citizen spend in retirement? a. 10 b. 15 c. 20 d. 25
question 4: Income taxes go away after a worker retires. true or false?
wHat PeRcent oF eaRlY BaBY BoomeRs, age 56 to 62, aRe exPecteD to Run out oF moneY to coveR BasIc RetIRement lIvIng exPenses?
a. 17 PeRcent B. 23 PeRcent
c. 42 PeRcent D. 47 PeRcent
question 7: true or False: If you die Insurance is a way of: without a will, a. saving for your sur viving a rainy day spouse will be b. preventing unplanned events granted all or c. handling If you’re recently retired or planning to retire, you’re probably concerned about risk most of your d. all of the above making the right nancial decisions. Together, we can nd the answers. assets. questIon
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Your credit score is: a. a snapshot of your credit risk b. an objective measurement used by lenders c. available to you on request d. all of the above questIon
You can improve your credit rating by a. correcting inaccurate information as soon as possible b. disputing negative information c. correcting only the worst report d. asking that negative information not be included in your credit report © CTW Features
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1. the u.s. social security administration estimates that a Matt Sartini Sherrie Beckman, AAMS man reaching age 65 today can expect to live, on average, Financial Advisor Financial Advisor until age 83. a woman turning age 65 today can expect 106 Michigan Avenue 940 Bryden Avenue to Lewiston, ID 83501 ID 83544 live until age 85. toOrofino, calculate your expected lifespan, go to: (208) 746-3875 (208) 476-3271 1-800-646-8316 http://www.ssa.gov/planners/lifeexpectancy.htm 2. c: 66 1-866-904-3271 How Do You Rate? years old 3. D: 20 percent 10 coRRect: 4. False. Pre-tax money a worker contributed to a retirewarren Buffet is your ment plan is subject to income taxes when it’s withdrawn new best friend! during retirement years. 5. c: 20 years 9 coRRect: 6. D: 47 percent 7. False. every u.s. state has unique laws close… but we are not governing who will own the property. to calculate the outplaying horseshoes! come in your state, go to www.mystatewill.com 8 oR less coRRect: 8. c: Handling risk 9. D: all of the above 10. a: correcting It’s time to do some Christian homework! Leer, AAMS Brian Bailey, AAMS Larry Kopczynski Stephanie Johnson inaccurate information as soon as possible Financial Advisor 740 5th Street Clarkston, WA 99403 (509) 751-1610 1-877-751-1610
Financial Advisor 303 Bridge Street, Ste.3 Clarkston, WA 99403 (509) 758-8731 1-866-758-9595
Financial Advisor © 17th CTW Features 2501 Street Lewiston, ID 83501 (208) 798-4732 1-866-798-4732
Financial Advisor 2501 17th Street Lewiston, ID 83501 (208) 798-4732 1-866-798-4732
Procrastination is one of the main ways the average Joe and Jane get in trouble with their finances. Break the bad habit – starting now! Answer these basic questions and see how you rate