Nez Perce Fair 2011

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Sept. 22 nd -25 th


2011 NEZ PERCE COUNTY FAIR Fair office - (208) 743-3302

General Rules and Regulations..............................................................................................................................................12 Livestock Rules and Regulations...........................................................................................................................................12 Cookie Jar contest..............................................................................................................................................................13 01. Beef Cattle-Open Class...............................................................................................................................................13 02. Sheep & Goats-Open Class/Sheep & Swine Showing for Youth – Open Class.........................................................13 03. Art................................................................................................................................................................................14 04. Beer-Homemade..........................................................................................................................................................16 05. Ceramics......................................................................................................................................................................17 06. Crafts...........................................................................................................................................................................18 07. Field Crops..................................................................................................................................................................21 08. Flowers........................................................................................................................................................................22 09. Foods...........................................................................................................................................................................28 10. Fruits............................................................................................................................................................................32 11. Gift Baskets.................................................................................................................................................................34 12. Needlework.................................................................................................................................................................35 13. Paper Crafting..............................................................................................................................................................37 14. Photography.................................................................................................................................................................39 15. Poultry.........................................................................................................................................................................41 16. Quilts...........................................................................................................................................................................42 17. Rabbits.........................................................................................................................................................................43 18. Sewing.........................................................................................................................................................................44 19. Tole & Class Painting..................................................................................................................................................46 20. Vegetables....................................................................................................................................................................47 21. Wine – Homemade......................................................................................................................................................49 4-H & FFA General Rules...........................................................................................................................................................51 4-H & FFA Livestock Rules.......................................................................................................................................................51 Department 1..... 4-H Clothing..................................................................................................................................................52 Department 2..... 4-H Fashion Revue.........................................................................................................................................52 Department 3..... 4-H Foods and Nutrition................................................................................................................................52 Department 4..... 4-H Career & Leisure.....................................................................................................................................53 Department 5..... Special Contests............................................................................................................................................54 Department 6..... 4-H Beef.........................................................................................................................................................54 Department 7..... 4-H Swine......................................................................................................................................................54 Department 8..... 4-H Sheep.......................................................................................................................................................54 Department 9..... 4-H Poultry.....................................................................................................................................................54 Department 10... 4-H Rabbits & Cavies....................................................................................................................................54 Department 11.... 4-H Goats.......................................................................................................................................................54 Department 12... 4-H Horses.....................................................................................................................................................54 Department 13... Livestock Judging Contest.............................................................................................................................54 Department 14... Club Projects..................................................................................................................................................54 2010 4-H Award Sponsors..........................................................................................................................................................55 2011 4-H Clubs and Leaders.......................................................................................................................................................55 2010 4-H Youth Award Winners.................................................................................................................................................55 2011 Nez Perce County 4-H Horse Show Award Winners.........................................................................................................55

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Nez Perce County Fair Board

Janet Sprute Chairman Lewiston

Bruce Boyer Culdesac/Gifford

Gwen Heitstuman Vice Chairman Lenore/Reubens/Lapwai

Kim L. Cannon Kendrick/Leland

Mike Lorenz Lewiston

Jeff Seipert Lewiston

Tony Havens Lewiston

County Commissioners Doug Zenner

Mike Grow


Doug Havens

Fair Days 2011 The Fair is a celebration of the special qualities of life in Nez Perce County. We encourage you to enjoy all aspects of the Fair ranging from 4-H livestock, horticulture, home economics, fine arts, and entertainment. The Nez Perce County Fair presents an opportunity for both young and old to exhibit their special skills and hard work. We encourage you to look through this book. If you’re currently an exhibitor, venture out and try your hand at entering in another department it can be fun and educational. If you’ve never exhibited before, we would encourage you to give it a try. On behalf of the full-time staff, I extend gratitude to the Fair Board Members, County Commissioners, fellow public servants, and volunteers who are responsible for making the past Fair’s a great success. Their support is imperative to produce an outstanding event for exhibitors and guests alike. I would also like to thank our permanent staff. We feel that we have a great crew who work hard all year to make the Nez Perce County Fair the premier event that it has been. We hope to see you at the Fair –Have a great time! Sincerely, Mike Orton, Manager

Mike Orton Manager

Crew: Gary Manlick, Steve Snyder, Dale West

Jan Alldredge Secretary

Ann Watts

Assistant Secretary

UNIVERSITY OF IDAHO EXTENSION STAFF Kerry Sanford 4-H Program Coordinator



General (13 & over)..................................... $7.00 Children 6-12 ............................................... $4.00 5 & Under ...................................................FREE Senior (60+) ................................................. $5.00 Day Passes Family: 2A -4C(to 17 yr) ...................... $18.00 Individual Run of Fair . ........................ $17.00 Senior Run of Fair ................................ $12.00 4-H Parent................................................. $8.00 Thursday Senior Day/2 for the Price of One

Tuesday, September 20, 2011 Enter all open class exhibits Including flower, Horticulture 12:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011 Enter all 4-H projects except livestock 8:00 a.m. - 10:00 a.m

Open Class Judging

8:00 a.m. Until completion

Enter all 4-H and FFA Livestock:

HOURS: THURS. 10AM - 9PM FRI. & SAT. 10AM- 10PM SUN. 10AM - 5PM

Beef, Sheep, Goats, Swine, Dairy, Poultry, Rabbits 3:00 p.m. - 8:00p.m.

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Thank you to Nelson’s Sewline for donating the beautifull quilted wall hangings you have made over the years. Each one representing a particular years fair theme. They are displayed in the East end of the pavilion. A special thank you to all the Volunteers that have helped make the fair so special this year. A special thank you also to those that worked in the Fair OfďŹ ce.If anyone is interest in helping sponsor or volunteer for a department, please call the fair ofďŹ ce at 208-743-3302 or email us at:

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Enter all open Class Exhibits includes, Art, Beer, Crafts/Ceramics, Field Crops, Flowers, Foods, Fruits, Needlework, Paper Crafting, Photography, Poultry, Quilts, Rabbits, Sewing, Tole & Decorating, Vegetables and Wines..................................................................... Noon – 8:00p.m.


Judging all Open Class Exhibits including, Art, Beer, Crafts/Ceramics, Field Crops, Flowers, Foods, Fruits, Needlework, Paper Crafting, Photography, Poultry, Quilts, Sewing, Tole, Vegetables, and Wine................................. 8:00a.m.-8:00p.m. Enter all 4-H Home Ec./Career & Leisure Projects.................... 8:00a.m.-10:00a.m. Judging 4-H Home Ec./Career & Leisure Projects..................... 10:00a.m.-3:00p.m. Enter and Weigh-In all Open Class, 4-H and FFA livestock: Beef Sheep, Swine, Goats, Horses...............................................3:00p.m.-8:00p.m. Enter all other Open Class, 4-H and FFA Animals: Rabbits, Poultry, Cavy..................................................................3:00p.m.-8:00p.m.


Entertainment.............................................................................................ALL DAY Nez Perce County 4-H Leaders’ Council Breakfast – All Welcome.....7:00a.m.-10:00a.m. EXHIBIT BUILDING OPENS...................................................................10:00a.m. Nez Perce County Veteran’s Council Flag Raising Ceremony...................10:30a.m. All 4-H and FFA Livestock Exhibitor Orientation (Beef/Swine Show Ring)..........8:00a.m. Judge’s Orientation for Swine Exhibitors.................................................... 9:00a.m. Judge’s Orientation for Sheep Exhibitors.....................................................9:00a.m. Judging 4-H and FFA Swine Quality............................................................9:20a.m. Judging 4-H and FFA Sheep Quality............................................................9:20a.m.

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THURSDAY, continued Judging Education Booths (Fair Pavilion)..................................................10:00a.m. Judging Commercial Booths.......................................................................11:00a.m. Judge’s Orientation for Beef Exhibitors...................................................... 2:00p.m. Judging Market Beef Quality....................................................................... 2:20p.m. Judge’s Orientation for 4-H and FFA Goat Exhibitors................................ 3:00p.m. Judging 4-H and FFA Goat Quality (Open Class to follow)........................ 3:20p.m. Judging Stocker-Feeder Beef Quality.......................................................... 3:30p.m. Judging Breeding Beef (Cow-Calf and Heifer Projects) Quality................ 4:30p.m. Open Class Rabbit & Cavy Quality Judging............................................... 5:00p.m. 4-H Fashion Revue (Fair Pavilion).............................................................. 6:30p.m. Petting Zoo/Pony Rides.............................................................. 10:00a.m.-9:00p.m. FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 23,2011

Entertainment.............................................................................................ALL DAY Nez Perce County 4-H Leaders’ Council Breakfast – All Welcome..... 7:00a.m.-10:00a.m. Judge’s Orientation for 4-H Rabbit and Cavy Exhibitors.............................8:00a.m. Judging 4-H & Open Class Youth Rabbit Fitting & Showing......................8:20a.m. Judging 4-H and FFA Swine Fitting & Showing..........................................9:00a.m. Judging 4-H and FFA Sheep Fitting & Showing..........................................9:00a.m. Judging 4-H Rabbit Quality......................................................................... 9:30p.m. Judge’s Orientation for 4-H and FFA Poultry Exhibitors.............................9:30a.m. Judging 4-H, FFA, Open Class Poultry Fitting & Showing and Quality......9:50a.m. EXHIBIT BUILDING OPENS...................................................................10:00a.m. Judging 4-H & Open Class Youth Cavy Fitting & Showing......................10:00a.m. Judging 4-H and FFA Sheep Fitting & Showing........................................10:00a.m. Judging 4-H Cavy Quality..........................................................................11:30a.m. Judging 4-H and Open Class Goat Fitting & Showing and Quality.......... 12:00p.m. Judging 4-H and FFA Market Beef Fitting & Showing............................... 1:00p.m. 4-H Lego WeDo Demonstration (Main Pavilion)........................................ 1:30p.m. Judging 4-H and FFA Stocker–Feeder Beef Fitting & Showing................. 2:30p.m. Judging 4-H and FFA Breeding Beef Fitting & Showing............................ 4:00p.m. Small Animal Round Robin (Cavy, Rabbit, Pet Goat, Poultry) Show Arenas....... 3:00p.m. Judging 4-H and FFA Breeding Beef Fitting & Showing............................ 4:00p.m. Large Market Animal Round Robin (Beef, Sheep, Swine, Goat) Show Arenas..... 4:30p.m. Petting Zoo/Pony Rides............................................................ 10:00a.m.-10:00p.m.



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LOCATIONS: Lewiston/Clarkston ..(208) 746-3050 Moscow .......................(208) 882-0616 Kamiah ........................(208) 935-2204 Orono.........................(208) 476-9129 Coeur d’ Alene ..........(208) 667-0467 Boise ............................(208) 570-2928 Kennewick..................(509) 735-3388 Spokane.................... 1-800-930-3050

Entertainment.................................................................................................All Day Nez Perce County 4-H Leaders’ Council Breakfast - All Welcome.... 7:00a.m.-10:00a.m. 4-H and FFA Livestock Judging Contest......................................................9:00a.m. EXHIBIT BUILDING OPENS...................................................................10:00a.m. 4-H Lego Wi-Do Demonstration (Main Pavilion)......................................11:00a.m. 4-H Small Animal Judging Contest............................................................. 1:00p.m. 4-H Lego Wi-Do Demonstration (Main Pavilion)....................................... 3:00p.m. 4-H and FFA Market Animal Sale (Beef Barn)........................................... 4:30p.m. Petting Zoo/Pony Rides............................................................ 10:00a.m.-10:00p.m.


Entertainment.................................................................................................All Day Nez Perce County 4-H Leaders’ Council Breakfast – All Welcome..... 7:00a.m.-10:00a.m. EXHIBIT BUILDING OPENS...................................................................10:00a.m. 4-H Lego Wi-Do Demonstration (Main Pavilion).......................................10:00a.m 4-H and FFA Member Scavenger Hunt......................................................11:30a.m. 4-H and FFA Parent’s Round Robin............................................................ 1:00p.m. Petting Zoo/Pony Rides.............................................................. 10:00a.m.-5:00p.m. Fair Closes................................................................................................... 5:00p.m.

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1. Exhibit Building 2. Rabbit & Poultry Barn 3. Beef Show & Sale Barn 3a. Hog Section 4. Sheep & Goat Show Barn 5. Horse Barn 6. Petting Zoo 7. Blue Gate 8. 4-H Dining Canopies 9. East Stage Outdoors #1 10. Outdoor Restroom 11. Orange Gate 12. R.V. Dump Station 13. Yellow Gate 14. Red Gate 15. West stage Outdoors #2 16. Green Gate 17. Horse arena A. Concession Area B. Exhibit Areas C. Carnival Area D. Overnight Parking E. Public Parking F. 14th St. Exit Gate G. Burrell Gate H. Additional Fair Parking




Your Country Store Where everyone is welcome!

Additional Fair Parking will be available off Airway Ave. at the East and North ends of the Orchards Swimming Pool; and at the Zion's Bank Parking lot, on the corner of 12th Street and Burrell Ave. Free shuttle service will be provided to and from these locations beginning Friday evening through Sunday of the Fair.

Wrangler Jeans 21 $

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THURSDAY & FRIDAY: Lewiston Transit System stops at the RED GATE on Burrell Avenue during the day only. Call 208-298-3141 for route schedule & times.

Stock Tanks

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Thank You Lewiston School District for the use of the additional grounds for Fair Parking, and Thank You Lewis-Clark Central Labor Council for helping with the cost of the Shuttle Busses.






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Monday-Friday 7:30am-5:30pm; Sat. 8:00am-4:00pm 315250HV_11

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FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS QUESTION: Who can enter exhibits? Answer: Residents of Nez Perce, Lewis, Latah, Idaho, Clearwater, Asotin and Whitman Counties.

QUESTION: Can I enter exhibits in more than one department? Answer: Absolutely! There are more than a dozen departments to choose from. Be sure to read your Exhibitor’s Handbook for any information you may need, and the different departments you can enter.

QUESTION: What does it cost to enter? Answer: Nothing QUESTION: Do I have to pre-register my entry? Answer: No, but you will need to fill out an entry tag when you bring your entry to the Fairgrounds. QUESTION: Where do I get an Entry Tag? Answer: Before entry day, right here at the Fair Office. You can pick up entry tags during regular business hours (Monday through Friday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. closed for Lunch from 12 p.m. to 1 p.m.) Entry Tags will also be available on Entry Day. QUESTION: When do I bring my entry? And where do I take it? Answer: Entry day is on Tuesday, September 20th, 2011 from Noon until 8 p.m. only. Your entry is to be taken to the department that you are entering in. Entry times are strictly enforced and late entries are not accepted.




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QUESTION: How is my entry judged? When does it happen? Can I watch? Answer: The Nez Perce County Fair uses the Danish System of judging (refer to page 10) except in the Flower Department which uses the Standard Judging System. Wednesday morning, through the day. Judging is closed to the public.

QUESTION: When and where do I pick up my winnings? Answer: All open class premium money may be picked up at the Fair Office between 2-8:p.m on Saturday, September 24th or 10 am – 6 p.m. on Sunday, September 25th and the week following the fair. No checks will be mailed. All monies not picked up by October 28, 2011 will be donated back to the Fairgrounds. To pickup premium money $20.00 or over you must show a valid I.D. such as a drivers license.

Hay Equipment


QUESTION: Can I win anything? Answer: Yes, First Place (Blue) is $3.00, Second Place (Red) is $2.00, and Third Place (White) is $1.00, plus there are several awards and Gift Certificates in each department given by local merchants. Check the departments for the different awards that are offered in Open Class Competitive Exhibits.

QUESTION: When can I see if I won anything? Answer: When you come to the Fair!



QUESTION: I’ve sold things in the past. Do I enter as a “Professional”? Answer: According to Fair Policy, “Professional” refers to anyone who earns more than 50% of their annual income from selling goods or services or teaching a skill closely related to the subject matter of any class in a specific department must enter as a “Professional”.

QUESTION: When can I pick up my entry? Answer: Fair exhibits can not under any circumstance leave until after 5 p.m. on Sunday. Sticker awards can be traded for a silk ribbon at this time if desired. Any Exhibit not picked up on Sunday can be picked up in front of the Fair office on Monday morning.


ENTRY TAG INSTRUCTIONS 12345 Get Department & Exhibitor Number from the Exhibitor’s Handbook. Print Plainly.

< Print your name plainly so it can be read or use Return Address Mailing Labels.

12345 < Again print plainly or use Return Address Mailing Labels with your name.


< This is your Claim Check you will need to pick up your items after the Fair.

ENTRY TAG COLORS White Tag Adults (19 & Over) Blue Tag Teen (13-18 years) Green Tag Youth (9-12 years) Gold Tag Child (8 & Under) Yellow Tag Disabled Lavender Tag Professional


8 141 Named Hybrid Tea -9-

JUDGING SYSTEM FOR NEZ PERCE COUNTY FAIR The Nez Perce County Fair uses the DANISH SYSTEM OF JUDGING excluding the FLOWER DEPT. which uses the STANDARD SYSTEM OF JUDGING. The Danish System, of judging is based upon established standards of quality for each type of product. In this system each exhibit is judged according to how well it meets the standard rather than how well it compares with other exhibits. The Danish System of Judging does not compare one person’s work to another. The evaluation is made against a project standard. The judge evaluates whether the requirements have been met. Stickers/Ribbons are awarded according to the degree that the member’s project meet the standards. Also, in the Danish System everyone whose work fulfils the minimum qualifications receives a ribbon. “Excellent” Blue Ribbon/STICKER Award Exhibits that rank “Excellent meet the standards and fit well within the ability of most of the exhibitors. Blue indicates that the exhibit meets or exceeds product standards and meets exhibit requirements; overall, the work is of high quality—Excellent. Excellent does not indicate perfection, but indicates a high degree of achievement toward the elements in the standards for the exhibits. “Good” Red Ribbon/STICKER Award Exhibits that rank “Good” in relation to the project standards or expected achievement. Red means the exhibit meets minimum product standards and exhibit requirements; overall, the work is of average quality—Good. Either the general level of the accomplishment is less than excellent or enough specific shortcomings are found to cause the placing to drop from excellent to good. Red indicates good quality; however, there is room for improvement in the exhibit. “Fair” White Ribbon/STICKER Award Exhibits that do not meet the product standards and need much improvement. White indicates serious or considerable deficiencies in meeting product standards and/or exhibit requirements—Fair. These exhibits upon evaluation are found lacking and rate only average, acceptable or satisfactory for the standards established. Special AWARDS: An outline of special awards can be found in each of the departments’ page. A Special Award will only be awarded by a Judge or a Superintendent providing an exhibit earns such merit. Every attempt is made to find a sponsor for each Special Award, but unfortunately not all have a sponsored prize. No Award or Ribbon Maybe given if exhibits who for one reason or another fail to produce that level of achievement which can be reasonably expected in relation to the specific class or performance in which they are entered. STICKERS CAN BE TRADED FOR SILK RIBBONS WHEN ENTRIES ARE PICKED UP ON SUNDAY

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Sponsored by FAIR


1. BEEF CATTLE............................................................. Call Extension Office 208-799-3096 2. SHEEP/GOATS............................................................. Call Extension Office 208-799-3096 3. ART................................................................................Betty & Bart Bramell 208-746-4368 4. BEER – HOMEMADE.................................................. Linda & Mike Busch 208-743-7691 5. CERAMICS.................................................................................Donna Cook 208-305-9549 6. CRAFTS...................................................................... Bruce & Alice Birdsell 208-746-3595 7. FIELD CROPS................................................................................ Del Harris 208-245-5668 8. FLOWERS......................................................................... Nancy Hasenoehrl 208-746-9185 9. FOODS . ............................................................................... Kathy Grossman 208-746-0959 10. FRUIT..........................................................................................Dixie Alford 208-843-2472 11. GIFT BASKETS ...................................................................Jennette Gordon 208-843-2724 12. NEEDLEWORK..........................................................................Cynda Clark 509-585-2472 13. PAPER CRAFTING............................................................... Russie Hastings 208-746-3094 14. PHOTOGRAPHY......................................................................Steve Carlson 208-791-6180 15. POULTRY................................................................................ .Leroy Gordon 208-843-2724 16. QUILTS....................................................................... .Jim & Sherrill Cooper 208-743-8238 17. RABBITS ......................................................................Frank & Dawn Heath 208-289-8411 18. SEWING...................................................................................Amber Seipert 208-798-0129 19. TOLE...........................................................................................Molly Konen 208-791-4381 20. VEGETABLES...........................................................................Ed Browning 208-746-0679 21. WINE – HOMEMADE.............................................................Diane Doemer 208-746-9099

4-H Division

CLOTHING, KNITTING, CROCHETING..............Mary Kay Law, Linda Spencer, Kathy Grant FOODS........................................................................................ Karen Hasenoehrl, Sandy Martin CAREER & LEISURE.............................. Betty Peters, Dawn Quigley, Lisa Smith, Karen Boyer BEEF.........................................................................................................Doug Kinzer, Dale Wolff SWINE....................................................................................................Steve Boyer, John Dugger SHEEP, GOATS................................................... Bob Carlton, Darreld Rasmussen, Janet Hughes POULTRY....................................................................... Leroy Gordon, Janice Tefft, Joan Dugger RABBITS/CAVIES........................................................................................ Frank & Dawn Heath LIVESTOCK JUDGING CONTEST..........................................................................Devan Boyer

Entry tags and Exhibitor Handbooks are available at the Fair Office 743-3302 There is no charge to enter exhibits NOTE: Dogs will not be allowed on the grounds during the Fair: Only dogs for handicapped/eye impaired will be allowed ‑ 11 ‑


1. All open exhibits will be entered with the Superintendent as follows: noon to 8:00 p.m. on Tuesday, September 20th, No exhibits may be removed before 5:00 p.m. on Sunday, September 25th. Claim checks are required to remove exhibits. PLEASE NOTE - Use PEN and print clearly or type information on entry tags. THE USE OF ADDRESS LABELS ARE STRONGLY ENCOURAGED. Always enter your name the same way, i.e., first, middle, last name preferred. If the information cannot be read you may not receive a premium. 2. Space assignments and management of each department will be the responsibility of the department Superintendent. 3. All exhibits and contests will be under the control and direction of the Fair Board. Exhibits will conform to facilities such as partition heights and space made available. 4. The Fair Board will provide attendants and watchmen to take all possible precautions for the protection of all articles on exhibit, but will not be responsible for loss, damage, or injury to any kind of property while the same is on exhibit. 5. 24 hour security is provided as follows: September 25th through 29th 6. All exhibits entered for judging must be entered in the name of the producer or owner. 7. Exhibitors are limited to one entry in any class or sub-class number, unless otherwise specified. All entries in “other” varieties will be divided as if there were named varieties for them. DUPLICATE AWARDS MAY BE GIVEN WHERE THERE ARE MORE THAN FIFTEEN ENTRIES COMPETING

8. The Danish System of judging will be used in all departments EXCLUDING FLOWERS which uses the Standard System of judging. Awards in open class are 1st (Blue $3.00); 2nd (Red$2.00); 3rd (White-$1.00). A participation ribbon may be awarded any exhibit not receiving a 1st, 2nd, or 3rd place ribbon, but it will not receive a cash award. Unworthy articles will not receive premiums whether there is competition or not. 9. All exhibits for competition must be grown, raised or crafted in Nez Perce or adjacent counties: Lewis, Latah, Idaho, Clearwater, Asotin, and Whitman. OTHERS MAY BE ENTERED FOR NONCOMPETITIVE DISPLAY ONLY. 10. ALL OPEN-CLASS PREMIUM MONEY MAY BE PICKED UP AT THE FAIR OFFICE BETWEEN 2-8 P.M., SATURDAY, SEPT. 24th OR 10 A.M.- 5 P.M., SUNDAY SEPT. 25th AND THE WEEK FOLLOWING THE FAIR. NO CHECKS WILL BE MAILED. ALL MONIES NOT PICKED UP BY OCTOBER 28, 2011 WILL BE DONATED BACK TO THE FAIRGROUNDS. PLEASE NOTE: TO PICKUP PREMIUM MONEY $20.00 & OVER, YOU MUST SHOW A VALID I.D. SUCH AS A DRIVER’S LICENSE 11. Any exhibitor who violates any of Fair rules is subject to forfeit all premiums. 12. All premium checks not cashed by December 1, 2010 are voided. 13. Overnight parking for camping vehicles is available for a charge on a first come, first served basis. Reservations are required. 14. No trailers, campers, motor homes, occupied by juniors or teenagers, etc. unless accompanied by an adult.


1. Competition in livestock divisions limited to bona fide residents of Nez Perce County and/or 4-H and FFA members belonging to Nez Perce County Clubs and Chapters. 2. All animals entered at the fairgrounds must be disease free. All cows over one year of age must have a legible brucellosis tattoo or ear tag. Heifer calves 4-12 months of age must be vaccinated for brucellosis. 3. All livestock exhibitors will show stock for the official judging when requested to do so by the Superintendent. ALL sheep & goats, regardless, must be Scrappies Indentified prior to arrival. 4. The Fair Management will furnish bedding for livestock, but the exhibitor must supply feed. Exhibitors are to provide their own feeding equipment. 5. Any animal that cannot be handled safely or is a danger to the public will not be allowed to show and will be removed from the fairgrounds.

6. ALL OPEN CLASS LIVESTOCK MUST BE PRE-ENTERED BY SEPTEMBER 1, 2011. 7. All open class beef, sheep, swine, poultry, rabbits, horses or all live animals must be on the grounds between 3:00 and 8:00 p.m. on Wednesday, September 21, 2011. 8. Any exhibitor using animal tranquilizers or any other unethical behavior shall forfeit all premium money, ribbons, awards and animal shall be removed from the show. 9. Open Class: a class must consist of three different exhibitors. 10. Animals not properly cared for will be removed and premium money withheld. 11. Care of all livestock animals will be consistent with production practices and accepted standards. Exhibitors must observe withdrawal periods and be aware of penalties associated with offlabel use of all drugs.


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Cookie Jar Contest Sponsored by Rosauer's & The Nez Perce County Fairboard

Nez Perce County Fair, an important part of our community since 1944.

Over the course of the last 67 years, the Nez Perce County Fair has endured many changes. From 1898 to 1912, the Valley’s first fair was held in Clarkston, known as the Lewiston-Clarkston Interstate Fair, primarily a produce show. In 1912, the event moved to the Potlatch Corp. site. 1923-1944; Leadership committee was established, 4-H clubs were organized, a building was constructed for the fair at the location of the Lewiston Roundup grounds and was held in conjunction with the rodeo. In 1959, the Nez Perce County Fair acquired its present location. September 23, 1960 marks the dedication of the new fairgrounds and buildings with grand opening ceremonies at its current location. 2011 marks the 67th Annual Nez Perce County Fair. More than 25,000 people come to experience icons of country life, the pride & tradition of the agricultural way of life and the sense of what’s best for us all. Congratulations Lewiston and Nez Perce County in celebrating your sesquicentennial!

Jar of fancy assorted cookies made from different kinds of batters and doughs. These should be a variety of color and may be decorated if desired. The container MUST be a one gallon clear glass jar with wide mouth and lid so that the jar may be tightly sealed. The jar may be decorated if desired but extra "attention getters" will not be permitted. Jar must be filled and contain not less than seven (7) kinds of cookies. Bring one of each kind of cookie in a small box so that the judge will not need to open the jar to taste them.





1st - $50.00



2nd - $35.00

3rd - $20.00

All jars should be picked up by entrant after 5 p.m., Sunday.


DEPARTMENT 2 – OPEN CLASS SHEEP & GOATS NOTE: Entries must be made with Fair Manager by September 1st

Division 1 – Hampshire; Division 2 – Suffolk; Division 3 – Southdown; Division 4-Other Breeds; 5-Crossbreed. Use same lot number for all classes

EXHIBITOR AGE REQUIREMENT: 9 YRS and OLDER PLACE 01. Ram, 2 years old or over 02. Ram, 1 year old 03. Ram, Lamb 04. Ewe, 2 years old or over 05. Ewe, 1 year old 06. Ewe, Lamb 07. Wether Lambs (Market Lambs, purebred or grades) 08. Doe’s 11 months & under 09. Doe’s 12 – 24 months 10. Doe’s 24 month & above 11. Wether Goats




$6.00 $6.00 $6.00 $6.00 $6.00 $6.00 $6.00 $6.00 $6.00 $6.00 $6.00

$4.50 $4.50 $4.50 $4.50 $4.50 $4.50 $4.50 $4.50 $4.50 $4.50 $4.50

$3.00 $3.00 $3.00 $3.00 $3.00 $3.00 $3.00 $3.00 $3.00 $3.00 $3.00

DEPARTMENT 2A – SHEEP SHOWING FOR YOUTH NOTE: Entries must be made with the Fair Manager by September 1.

Exhibitors are required to care for sheep during the fair. All exhibitors show at their own risk 1. Open Class Sheep Showing for Youth – ages 6-8. No premiums. Participation only.


- 13 -


YOUTH GREEN 9 – 12 Yrs

TEEN BLUE 13 – 18 Yrs




ENTRY DATE: Tuesday, September 20th from Noon until 8 p.m. Judging will be Wednesday starting at 8 a.m. until finished. The Fairgrounds will open at 10 a.m. on Thursday, September 22nd to the public.


• • •

• •

• •

Art accepted at the Superintendent’s discretion. Entries must be the work of the exhibitor, completed since October 2010, and not entered in previous Nez Perce County Fairs Entries must have been made by exhibitor. Adult art needs to be original – not classroom copied. ONLY TWO (2) ENTRIES ACCEPTED PER CLASS & ONLY ONE (1) ENTRY ACCEPTED PER SUB-CLASS. ALL PICTURES MUST BE FRAMED OR MATTED (INCLUDING CHILDRENS) & READY TO HANG. Projects coming from schools or organizations need to complete entry tag in students/artist name. SCHOOL CLASS PROJECTS: One (1) project per class (K-6), Wall hangings no larger than 5’x 7’, No Perishables. Project does NOT have to represent fair theme. Great care will be taken, but Exhibitor’s enter at their own risk. NO GLASS ALLOWED.


• • • •

GENERAL APPEARANCE: Neat, clean, finishing techniques suitable to subject & medium. WORKMANSHIP: Techniques correct & consistent, composition balanced. CREATIVITY & SUITABILITY: Originality or presentation of subject, choice of color combinations, medium & techniques suitable to subject. DIFFICULTY OF PROJECT


• •

RIBBONS: 1ST Blue - $3 • 2nd Red -$2 • 3rd White - $1 SPECIAL ROSETTE RIBBONS: JUDGES’ CHOICE – One (1) per department Sponsor: Printcraft Inc. 1628 Main. Lewiston -$25 Cash BEST OF SHOW – Awarded by judges’ in each age division providing an entry deserves such merit. Sponsor: Rooster’s Waterfront Restaurant, 1010 Port Way, Clarkston – ADULT – 1 Steak Calypso Sponsor: Jeffrey’s Restaurant, 244 Thain Rd., Lewiston –TEEN/YOUTH/CHILD Breakfast for 2(Each Division) CREATIVITY - Awarded at judges’ discretion. AWARD OF MERIT - Awarded at judges’ discretion. SWEEPSTAKES - One (1) each age division. Exhibitor receiving the most BLUE Ribbons. RED counted for tie breaker. Sponsor: Orchards Lanes, 244 Thain Rd., Lewiston – ADULT/TEEN – 20 Games of Bowling Sponsor: Spot on Yogurt, Lewiston & Clarkston – Youth/Child - $5 Gift Certificate Each SUPERINTENDENT’S CHOICE: Awarded by superintendent in each age division providing an entry deserves such merit. Sponsor: Haener Equipment, Lewiston – ADULT/TEEN - $10 Cash Each Sponsor: Rollaway, 1203 Idaho St., Lewiston – YOUTH/CHILD – Skating Pass

CLASS ART PROJECTS: - Free menu item cards compliments of HAPPY DAY CORPORATION, Lewiston NOTE: Limited supply; K-3rd grades only, while supplies last CLASSES / SUB-CLASSES OIL-ACRYLIC (Used as Oil) 01. Portrait 02. Landscape 03. Seascape

04. Non-Objective 05. Still Life/Flowers 06. Animals 07. Abstract 08. Copies

PASTEL 09. Chalk 10. Landscape

‑ 14 ‑

11. Seascape 12. Portrait 13. Animals 14. Other

DEPARTMENT 3 – ART SUPERINTENDENT’S: BETTY & BART BRAMELL (208)746-4378 WATERCOLOR-ACRYLIC 34. Copies DIVISIONS (Used as Watercolor) 35. Crayons CHILD YOUTH TEEN ADULT DISABLED PROFESSIONAL 15. Portrait GOLD GREEN BLUE WHITE YELLOW LAVENDER COLLAGES 16. Landscape Up to 8 Yrs 9 – 1236. Yrs 13 – 18 Yrs 19 Over (Display Only) Collages 17. Seascape 18. Non-Objective POETRY/CALLIGRAPHY ENTRY DATE: Tuesday, September 20th from Noon until 8 p.m. Judging will be Wednesday starting at 8 a.m. until finished. 19. Still Life/Flowers 37. Poetry Drought and cold weather may keep you from getting The Fairgrounds will open at 10 a.m. on Thursday, September 22nd to the public. 20. Animals 38. Calligraphy the best results from your crops. Inflation and other 21. Abstract economic factors could keep you from getting the best GENERAL RULES FOR THISOTHER DEPARTMENT 22.• Copies results from your investments. Art accepted at the Superintendent’s discretion. 39. Computer Generated Art • Entries must be the work of the completed since October 2010, and not entered in previous Nez Perce County Fairs SCULPTURE 40.exhibitor, School Class Projects While we can't control the weather or markets, we can • Entries must have been made by exhibitor. Adult art 23. Metal 41. Color Book Page needs to be original – not classroom copied. review your investments, find ways to help save money ONLY TWO (2) ENTRIES42. ACCEPTED PER CLASS & ONLY ONE (1) ENTRY ACCEPTED PER SUB-CLASS. 24.• Wood Paint or Markers by on your taxes and help you prepare for retirement. 25.• Clay/Wax Numbers ALL PICTURES MUST BE FRAMED OR MATTED (INCLUDING CHILDRENS) & READY TO HANG. 26.• Paper Casting Etchedneed Glass Projects coming from schools43. or Painted organizations to complete entry in students/artist Call tag today to schedule a name. complimentary portfolio review. 27.• Stone 44. Fair Theme Artwork SCHOOL CLASS PROJECTS: One (1) project per class (K-6), Wall hangings no larger thanAAMS® 5’x 7’, No Perishables. Project Sherrie Beckman, does NOT have to represent fair -Any theme.Medium Financial Advisor DRAWINGS 28.• Pencil Sketches Great care will be taken, but Exhibitor’s enter at their own risk. NO GLASS940 ALLOWED. Bryden Avenue Lewiston, ID 83501 29. Color Pencil Sketches WHAT JUDGES’ LOOK FOR WITH FINE ARTS Member SIPC 208-746-3875 30.• Marker GENERAL APPEARANCE: Neat, clean, finishing techniques suitable to subject & medium. 31. Ink Sketches • WORKMANSHIP: Techniques correct & consistent, composition balanced. 32. Charcoal CREATIVITY & SUITABILITY: Originality or presentation of subject, choice of color combinations, medium & 33.• Scratch Board techniques suitable to subject. • DIFFICULTY OF PROJECT



Celebrating Our RIBBONS: 1 Blue - $3 • 2 Red -$2 • 3 White - $1

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SPECIAL ROSETTE RIBBONS: JUDGES’ CHOICE – One (1) per department Sponsor: Printcraft Inc. 1628 Main. Lewiston -$25 Cash BEST OF SHOW – Awarded by judges’ in each age division providing an entry deserves such merit. Sponsor: Rooster’s Waterfront Restaurant, 1010 Port Way, SecondClarkston dinner must be–ofADULT equal or – 1 Steak Calypso value. With purchase of two Sponsor: Jeffrey’s Restaurant, 244 Thain Rd., Lewistonlesser –TEEN/YOUTH/CHILD Breakfast for 2(Each Division) beverages. With this coupon, limit one coupon per customer. Not valid CREATIVITY - Awarded at judges’ discretion. with other coupons or specials. AWARD OF MERIT - Awarded at judges’ discretion. Not available on food to go. 10-31-11 SWEEPSTAKES - One (1) each age division. Exhibitor receiving Expires the most BLUE Ribbons. RED counted for tie breaker. Sponsor: Orchards Lanes, 244 Thain Rd., Lewiston – ADULT/TEEN – 20 Games of Bowling Breakfast LunchEach • Dinner • Desserts Sponsor: Spot on Yogurt, Lewiston & Clarkston – Youth/Child - $5 Gift•Certificate We would like to take this opportunity toAwarded thank allby ofsuperintendent in each age division providing an entry deserves such merit. SUPERINTENDENT’S CHOICE: Open: 5am to 10pm • Monday thru Saturday our customers for your business this past 13 years, and Sponsor: Haener Equipment, Lewiston – ADULT/TEEN - $10 Cash Each look forward to serving you for many years come! – YOUTH/CHILD – Skating Pass Sponsor: Rollaway, 1203 Idaho St.,to Lewiston 315877HV-11


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‑ 15 ‑

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CLASS ART PROJECTS: - Free menu item cards compliments of HAPPY DAY CORPORATION, Lewiston Carpet, Restaurant and NOTE: Limited supply; K-3rd grades only, while supplies last Area Rugs,

DEPARTMENT 4 – HOMEMADE BEER SUPERINTENDENT’S: MIKE & LINDA BUSCH (208)743-7691 / (208)751-7427 DIVISION LIMITED TO: ADULT 21 PLUS ENTRY DATE: Tuesday, September 20th from Noon until 8 p.m. Judging will be Wednesday starting at 8 a.m. until the judges are finished. The fairgrounds will open at 10 a.m. on Thursday, September 22nd to the public.


• •

• • • •

Entries must be the work of the exhibitor, completed since October 2010, and not entered in previous Nez Perce County Fairs Exhibitors may enter as many classes as they wish, but are limited to one (1) entry per person per class An entry will consist of two (2) bottles (12oz) brown or green bottles. One (1) bottle for judging and one (1) bottle for Best of Show. Bottles should NOT be labeled. Best of Show will be judged separately among the class winners. Exhibitor is responsible for entering their beer in the correct section. Each beer entered will be judged on its own merits and by more than one (1) judge.


• • • •

PRESENTATION: Appropriate bottle, cap & cleanliness, nice pressure release when opened. CLARITY: Bright & Clear or Dark & Cloudy appropriate to category. OVERALL ALCOHOL CONTENT: Appropriate to category. BOUQUET: Full, rich or light, delicate flavor appropriate to category style.


RIBBONS: 1ST Blue - $3 • 2nd Red - $2 • 3rd White - $1 /STICKERS: Receive ribbon when picking up exhibit, if desired. • SPECIAL ROSETTE RIBBONS: JUDGES’ CHOICE CHOICE –– One JUDGES’ One (1) (1) per per department department BEST OF OF SHOW SHOW –– One BEST One (1) (1) per per department department Sponsor: Sponsor: Kendall Kendall Dodge DodgeChrysler ChryslerJeep, Jeep,1824 Main, Lewiston – Car Wash Coupon Book AWARD OF MERIT – Awarded at judges’ 1824 Main, Lewiston – Car Wash Coupondiscretion Book to entries deserving such recognition. st SWEEPSTAKES - Exhibitor receiving the most BLUE Ribbons. RED counted for tie breaker. 1717 21 St., AWARD OF MERIT – Awarded at judges’ Sponsor: Drug, 800such 6th St., Clarkston - $25 Gift Certificate discretion Wasem’s to entries deserving recognition. Lewiston SUPERINTENDENT’S CHOICE – Onethe (1)most per department SWEEPSTAKES - Exhibitor receiving (208) 746-1799 Sponsor: Smokes N Suds, 134for Thain Road, Lewiston - $25 Gift Certificate BLUE Ribbons. RED counted tie breaker. Sponsor: Wasem’s Drug, 800 6th St., Clarkston CLASSES - $25 Gift Certificate 01. Pale Ale 11. India Ale SUPERINTENDENT’S CHOICE – OnePale (1) per 02. Amber Ale 12. Wheat Beer department Sponsor: Smokes N Suds, 134 Road,Beer 03. Other Ale 13.Thain Specialty Lewiston $25 Gift Certifi cate 04. Light Lager 14. Mead


05. Other Lager CLASSES

06. 01. Steam Pale Beer Ale Amber Ale 07. 02. Stout Other Ale 08. 03. Porter 04. LightBeer Lager 09. Strong 05. Other Lager 10. Scottish Ale 06. Steam Beer 07. Stout

BUY ONE TACO GET A TACO FOR FREE! (with this coupon)

08. Porter 09. Strong Beer 10. Scottish Ale 11. India Pale Ale 12. Wheat Beer 13. Specialty Beer 14. Mead

Coupon expires 9-30-11 Lewiston, Idaho

- 16 -

3 1 5 8 9 8 H V- 11

Hours: 10:00am-2:00 am (Sun.-Thurs.) 10:00am-3:00am (Fri. & Sat.)


YOUTH GREEN 9 – 12 Yrs

TEEN BLUE 13 – 18 Yrs




ENTRY DATE: Tuesday, September 20th from Noon until 8 p.m. Judging will be Wednesday starting at 8 a.m. until finished. The Fairgrounds will open at 10 a.m. on Thursday, September 22nd to the public. GENERAL RULES FOR THIS DEPARTMENT

• Entries must be the work of the exhibitor, completed since October 2010, and not entered in previous Nez Perce County Fairs • One (1) entry per sub-class in this department. • • • •

Entries must be made by exhibitor. Great care will be taken, but EXHIBITORS ENTER AT THEIR OWN RISK. Purchased bisque (cleaned & fired before purchase). Pairs and groups are accepted as a single item for entry and judging, as long as they are related(i.e.bride/groom)


• GENERAL APPEARANCE: Neat, clean, finishing techniques suitable to subject & medium • WORKMANSHIP: Consistent use of proper techniques, attention to detail, painting well done, finishing techniques (including base/bottom) well done, appropriate to age and professional status of exhibitor.

• SUITABILITY OF DESIGN, COLOR, TECHNIQUES: Originality of design, paint, colors, & finishing techniques •

appropriate for design & use of finished product. DIFFICULITY OF PROJECT


• RIBBONS: 1ST Blue - $3 • 2nd Red - $2 • 3rd White - $1 / STICKERS: Receive ribbon when picking up exhibit, if desired. • SPECIAL ROSETTE RIBBONS: JUDGES’ CHOICE – One (1) per department Sponsor: Haener Equipment, Lewiston - $20 Cash BEST OF SHOW – Awarded by judge’s in each age division providing an entry deserves such merit. Sponsor: North Pole Ceramics, 1231 13th St.,Clarkston – ADULT – $15 Gift Certificate Sponsor: Spot On Yogurt, Lewiston & Clarkston – TEEN/YOUTH/CHILD – $5 Gift Certificates Each BEST OF CLASS – Awarded by judges’. One (1) each class when merited. CREATIVITY - Awarded at judges’ discretion. AWARD OF MERIT - Awarded at judges’ discretion. SWEEPSTAKES - One (1) each age division. Exhibitor receiving the most BLUE Ribbons. RED counted for tie breaker. SUPERINTENDENT’S CHOICE – Awarded by superintendent in each age division providing an entry deserves such merit. CLASSES/SUB-CLASSES CLASSES / SUB-CLASSES UNDERGLAZE UNDERGLAZE 01. 01.Any AnyVariety Variety 02. Miscellaneous 02. Miscellaneous GLAZE GLAZE 03. Any Variety 03. Miscellaneous Any Variety 04. 04. Miscellaneous STAINS 05. Opaque 06. Translucent 07. Metallic

08. Pearls 09. Wet Brush 10. Dry Brush 11. Combination 12. Miscellaneous CHALK 13. Any Variety 14. Miscellaneous OVERGLAZE 15. Decals 16. Any Variety 17. Miscellaneous

STONEWARE 18. Any Variety 19. Miscellaneous FIRED CLAY WORK 20. Molded 21. Hand Molded 22. Miscellaneous GREENWARE ADAPTION 23. Any Variety 24. Miscellaneous

‑ 17 ‑

DOLLS PORCELAIN 25. Dolls/All Porcelain 26. Dolls/Cloth Bodied 27. Purchased Bisque 28. Other Than Listed


YOUTH GREEN 9 – 12 Yrs

TEEN BLUE 13 – 18 Yrs




ENTRY DATE: Tuesday, September 20th from Noon until 8 p.m. Judging will be Wednesday starting at 8 a.m. until finished. The Fairgrounds will open at 10 a.m. on Thursday, September 22nd to the public.


• • • • • •

Entries must be the work of the exhibitor, completed since October 2010, and not entered in previous Nez Perce County Fairs Only one (1) entry per sub-class in this department Entries must be show quality, clean, finished properly. Wall hangings need ends woven in, blocked, matted, framed with hanger, etc. A set of items will be judged as one entry Great care will be taken, but EXHIBITORS ENTER AT THEIR OWN RISK.


• • •

GENERAL APPEARANCE: Neat, clean, finished techniques enhanced finished item. WORKMANSHIP: Consistent use of proper techniques, attention to detail, neatness of work (paint applied evenly & cleanly, no visible glue, etc.) balance of design & color, finishing techniques, workmanship appropriate to age of exhibitor. SUITABILITY OF DESIGN, COLOR, CONTSTRUCTION MATERIALS: Creativity of design, choice of materials, pleasing color combinations, type of materials appropriate to use of finished item.


• •

RIBBONS: 1ST Blue - $3 • 2nd Red - $2 • 3rd White - $1 /STICKERS: Receive ribbon when picking up exhibit, if desired. SPECIAL ROSETTE RIBBONS: BEST OF SHOW – Awarded by judge’s in each age division providing an entry deserves such merit. Sponsor: Erb Hardware, 141 Thain Rd, Lewiston – ADULT - $15 in Gift Card / TEEN - $10.00 in Gift Card Sponsor: Spot On Yogurt, Yogurt Lewiston & Clarkston – YOUTH/CHILD – $5 Gift Certificates Each BEST OF CLASS – Awarded by judges’. One (1) each class when merited. Sponsor: Cannon’s Building Center, 1818 G. St. Lewiston –WOOD CRAFT ADULT/TEEN-$25 Gift Cert Each Sponsor: Rollaway Rollaway, 1203 Idaho St. Lewiston –LEGO ASSEMBLY -YOUTH/CHILD – Skating Pass CREATIVITY - Awarded at judges’ discretion. AWARD OF MERIT – Awarded at judges’ discretion. SWEEPSTAKES - One (1) each age division. Exhibitor receiving the most BLUE Ribbons. RED counted for tie breaker. Sponsor: Rock Art, Art 904 6th St. Clarkston – ADULT - $25 Gift Certificate Sponsor: Rollaway Rollaway, 1203 Idaho St. Lewiston – TEEN/YOUTH/CHILD SUPERINTENDENT’S CHOICE – Awarded by superintendent in each age division providing an entry deserves such merit. Sponsor: Jeffrey’s Restaurant, 244 Thain Rd, Lewiston – TEEN/YOUTH/CHILD – Breakfast for 2

CLASSES / SUB-CLASSES LEGO entries are limited to no more than 15” x 15” & on a sturdy base, due to space & number of entries.

ASSEMBLAGE (No Kits – See Models) 01. Assemblage to Scale 02. Fabric Assemblage 03. Lego Assemblage

04. Duplo – 4 & Under 05. K’Nex Assemblages 06. Other BASKETS (WOVEN BY EXHIBITOR) 07. Fabric 08. Paper

- 18 -

09. Pine Needles 10. Rattan/Wicker 11. Wood 12. Other Baskets BEADWORK, GLASS 13. Accessories/Key Chain 14. Clothing

15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21.

Ankle Bracelet Bracelet Earrings Loomed Necklace Set Ornamental Hangings Other


CANDLEMAKING 30. Dipped Candles 31. Novelty Candles 32. Molded Candles 33. Other Candles ANTIQUE COLLECTIBLES 34. Glasswork 35. Textiles 36. Tools 37. Other MODERN COLLECTIBLES 38. Toys 39. Trading Cards 40. Beanie Babies 41. Other



More than one different item arranged or displayed on board, in a case or in a group display. Collection must include brief description

NOTE: Metal jewelry will not be accepted

50. Batik 51. Novelties 52. Padded Albums/ Frames/Boxes 53. Screen Printing 54. Soft Sculpture 55. Wall Hangings FLORAL, DRIED 56. Hats 57. Table/Centerpiece 58. Wall Hangings 59. Wreaths/Swags 60. Other Dried Floral

JEWELRY 66. Miscellaneous

Collectibles must be owned by exhibitor, must Include 5 or more items. Must include a brief description. Large items will be accepted subject to space

LAPIDARY 67. Jewelry 68. Stone Combinations 69. Miscellaneous

42. 43. 44. 45.

Nature Figurines Theme Other

DECOUPAGE 46. Accessories 47. Furniture 48. Picture 49. Other Decoupage

Knives Model Lantern Pitcher Fireplace Accessories Furniture Frames Household Accessories Household Decorations Garden Art & Accessories Wind Chimes Toys Metal item other than Listed

MODELING COMPOUNDS 91. Bread Dough 92. Clay 93. Fimo/Sculpy 94. Paper Clay 95. Form 96. Other

FLORAL, SILK 61. Hats 62. Table/Centerpiece 63. Wall Hangings 64. Wreaths/Swags 65. Other Silk Floral


78. 79. 80. 81. 82. 83. 84. 85. 86. 87. 88. 89. 90.

MODELS 97. Airplanes 98. Cars/Trucks 99. Ships/Boats 100. Rockets/Spaceships 101. Lego Kits 102. Other NATURE CRAFT 103. Crafts made from Feathers, Rocks, Shells, Gourds, Antlers, Etc PLASTER 104. Carved Plaster 105. Hand-Casted 106. Pre-Casted 107. Other PLASTIC CRAFTS 108. Accessories 109. Fuse Beads 110. Sun Catchers 111. Other

• Full service recycling center • Scrap metal – cans – cardboard – paper • Drive-through recycling • Scrap metal prices are very good right now!

LEATHER CRAFTS 70. Dream Catchers 71. Tooling 72. Wall Hanging 73. Woven 74. Other

MACRAME/STRING ART 75. Jewelry 76. Wall Hangings 77. Other WHAT THE JUDGES LOOK FOR WITH METAL CRAFTS: ORIGINALITY & CREATIVITY: Own idea, uniqueness. WORKMANSHIP & EXECUTION: Edges turned properly with no sharpness, welding, riveting and connections properly done, degree of difficulty, intricacy FINISH: Clean & polished, no finger marks. ARTISTIC APPEAL: Pleasing to the eye.

- 19 -

• • • • • •


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BEADWORK, PLASTIC 22. Accessories/Key Chain 23. Clothing 24. Ankle Bracelet 25. Bracelet 26. Earrings 27. Necklace Set 28. Ornamental Hangings 29. Other

DEPARTMENT 6 - CRAFTS SUPERINTENDENT’S: BRUCE & ALICE BIRDSELL (208)746-3595 SEASONAL (CHRISTMAS ONLY) 112. Christmas Ornaments 113. Table Centerpiece 114. Floor Display 115. Wall Hanging 116. Other

126. Window 127. Other STAINED GLASS (LEAD) 128. Hanging 129. Window 130. Other

SEASONAL (All Other Holiday’s – St. Patrick, Easter, 4th of July, Halloween, Thanksgiving) 117. Floor Display 118. Table/Centerpiece 119. Wall Hangings 120. Other SHADOW BOXES/FRAMES 121. Divided Boxes 122. Single Area Boxes 123. Handmade Frame 124. Other STAINED GLASS (FOIL) 125. Hanging

139. 140. 141. 142. 143. 144.

Scroll work Wood Burning Toys Mosaic (Intarsia Art) Wood Turning Other

WOOD CARVING 145. Walking Sticks 146. Staffs 147. Wildlife 148. In the Round 149. Pierced Carving 150. Flowers 151. Birds 152. Decorative Carvings

WOOD 131. Accessories 132. Bowls 133. Children’s furniture 134. Dolls 135. Doll House/Furniture 136. Inlays/Marquetry 137. Painted (Not Tole) 138. Rustic (Created from Branches)

WOVEN 153. Rugs 154. Wheat 155. Other OTHER CRAFTS 156. Paper Mache’ 157. Fair Theme (“A Whole lotta Bakin’ Goin On”) 158. Fired Glass 159. Mosaic (Other than Beads)

WHAT JUDGES LOOK FOR IN WOOD: APPEARANCE & ARTISTRY: CRAFTSMANSHIP: Skillfulness, Neatness, Finishing. DEGREE OF DIFFICULTY: Scale & Complexity of piece. DESIGN: How well the piece addresses issues of Form, Function, Materials, and Engineering

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ENTRY DATE: Tuesday, September 20th from Noon until 8 p.m.. Judging will be Wednesday starting at 8 a.m. until the judges are finished. The fairgrounds will open at 10 a.m. on Thursday, September 22th to the public.


• •

2010 CROPS – Must be harvested since last years Fair unless otherwise noted Each variety will be judged separately


• • • •

QUALITY: In best & prime eating condition not necessarily the biggest. CONDITION: Clean, free from blemishes & disease. UNIFORMITY: All specimens uniform in size, ripeness, shape, color TYPICAL OF VARIETY: Varieties should be identified.


• •

RIBBONS: 1ST Blue - $3 • 2nd Red - $2 • 3rd White - $1 SPECIAL ROSETTE RIBBONS: JUDGES’ CHOICE – One (1) per department BEST OF SHOW – One (1) per department Sponsor: Primeland, 1200 Snake River Ave. Lewiston – ADULT - $25 Gift Certificate BEST OF VARIETY – One (1) per department AWARD OF MERIT – At judges’ discretion. SWEEPSTAKES - Exhibitor with the largest amount of BLUE Ribbons. RED ribbons counted for tie breaker. Sponsor: AGPRO, 1112 ½ Airway, Lewiston – ADULT - $20 Cash SUPERINTENDENT’S CHOICE – One (1) per department

CLASSES CLASSES // SUB-CLASSES SUB-CLASSES WHEAT (1 Quart) OATS (1 Quart) WHEAT (1 Quart) SOFT WHITE 06. Oats -Any Variety SOFT WHITE 01. Soft White Wheat - Any Variety 01.WHITE Soft White Wheat - Any SOFT CLUB BARLEY (1Quart) Variety 02. Soft White Club Wheat- Any Variety 07. Barley- Any Variety HARD WHEAT SOFTRED WHITE CLUB 03. 02. Hard Red Wheat -Any Variety DRY PEAS (1 Quart) Soft White Club Wheat(May be 2010 Crop) DURHAM Any Variety GREEN SPRING PEAS – 04. Durham Wheat - Any Variety YELLOW SPRING PEAS HARD RED WHEAT HARD WHITE DURHAM 03. Hard Red WheatAny -Any 05. Hard White Durham Variety 08. Dried Peas- Any Variety Variety OATS (1 Quart) CHICKPEAS 06. Oats -Any Variety (GARBONZO BEANS) DURHAM BARLEY (1Quart) 09. Chickpeas -Any Variety 04. Durham Wheat - Any 07. Barley- Any Variety Variety DRY PEAS (1 Quart) LENTILS (May be 2010 Crop) 10. Lentils -Any Variety HARD WHITE DURHAM GREEN SPRING PEAS – 05. Hard White Durham CORN (5 Ears) YELLOW SPRING PEAS Any Variety 11. Corn- Any Variety 08. Dried Peas- Any Variety

BROOM CORN 12. Broom Corn- Any Variety

SHEAF GRAINS (Sheaf shall be 2” in diameter and 18” long at base of head)

DRY BEANS (1 Quart) (May be 2010 Crop) 13. Dried Beans -Any Variety

SUNFLOWERS – 4” Stalk 17. Sunflowers -Any Variety

SMALL SEEDS (1 Quart) (May be 2010 Crop) 14. Small Seeds -Any Variety FODDER 15. Fodder -Any Variety SHEAF LEGUMES AND GRASS (Sheaf 2” Diameter) 16. Sheaf Legumes and Grass Any Variety


‑ 21 ‑

CORN (1-QUART) 18. Corn -Any Variety MISCELLANEOUS 19. Best Specimen



YOUTH GREEN 9 – 12 Yrs

TEEN BLUE 13 – 18 Yrs




(Child, Youth, Teen – limited to 10 entries per individual)

2011 FAIR THEME: “A WHOLE LOTTA BAKIN’ GOIN ON” ENTRY DATE: Tuesday, September 20th from Noon until 8 p.m. Judging will be Wednesday starting at 8 a.m. until finished. The Fairgrounds will open at 10 a.m. on Thursday, September 22nd to the public. GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS FOR THIS DEPARTMENT • • • • • • • • •

• • • • • • • •

One (1) entry per class allowed unless a named variety. Completing entry tags and entering in the proper category is the responsibility of the exhibitor. Entries in the wrong category will not earn awards. Parental supervision is required for children entering flowers. Address labels or stamps are recommended to expedite entry time. Entries must be grown by exhibitor unless otherwise specified. When a section calls for a certain number of blooms, spikes, or stalks, please exhibit exactly that number. All flowers must be named in space provided on entry tag. This helps the judge and informs the public. NO FLOWERING KALE ACCEPTED. Great care will be taken, but Fair Committee cannot be held responsible for loss or injury. If your entry is heavy be sure your container is weighted so not to tip over. Containers for Horticulture specimens will be furnished by the fair committee. Containers for all mixed bouquet entries must be provided by the exhibitor. PLEASE, no expensive or antique containers. Containers or items should be identified with name & address typed on the bottom. Wedging is permitted; wedges must be provided by exhibitors. Please check with Superintendents before watering, rearranging exhibits, or to change wilted flowers. Exhibitor is required to keep flower in show condition, which may require replacing. If severely wilted superintendent may remove judging. NO EXHIBIT, RIBBON OR ENTRY may be removed before 5 p.m. Sunday as stated in the General Fair Rules. Entries in ARTISTIC DESIGN must be the work of the exhibitor but not necessarily grown by the exhibitor. Accessories are permitted. NO ARTIFICAL FLOWERS OR FOLIAGE PERMITTED IN ARRANGEMENTS. Fresh materials should predominate except where otherwise stated. Limited amount of treated material permitted. Must be constructed so arrangement can be moved. HORTICULTURE entries grown outside of the area, which are oversized, or for any other reason do not fit into a defined class shall be placed in a noncompetitive, general interest display. NO container plant with a contagious disease or insect infestation will be accepted for entry.


Cut your flower in late afternoon the day before they are to be exhibited. Cutting should be done at about 4 pm, since at that time there is the greatest amount of sugar in the leaves; unless it is extremely hot weather, at which cutting time in the early morning is optimum. Place the flowers immediately in water that has been set out in the garden all day. Keep flowers in water, in a cool, dark place overnight. To arrange, cut stems cleanly at an angle under water with a sharp knife and place in water-filled vase or container GROOM PLANTS WELL! Cut stems as long as possible. All stems should be in proportion to the flower. Flowers must have their own attached foliage. All foliage below the water line should be removed. Foliage should be clean. Any broken or disfigured foliage or petals should be removed, as foliage and stems as well as blooms count in judging. It is better to have more stem and foliage than too little. Attached foliage must accompany bloom entries in order to show flower as grown. Exception is made where bloom has no foliage.


Flower Types

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DEPARTMENT 8 – FLOWERS SUPERINTENDENT: NANCY HASENOEHRL (208)746-9185 SPRAY – Several flowers or clusters of flowers on a branched stem, each having its own stem. Examples. Petunias, Cosmos “STANDARD SYSTEM USED INRose THIS DEPARTMENT” BLOOM – Single flowerJUDGING on one stem. Example: Zinnia, Dahlia, SPIKE - Lengthened flower clusters in which flowers are practically seamless. Examples: Snapdragons, Gladiolus DIVISIONSSTALK – A stem, shaft, or slender supporting part of a plant. Example: Lillie’s CHILD DISPLAY –YOUTH DISABLED PROFESSIONAL A larger entry of oneTEEN (1) type of flower ADULT containing more blooms, spikes, sprays or stalks. GOLD GREEN BLUE WHITE YELLOW LAVENDER • Mixed Bouquet – An arrangement using two (2) or more kinds of flowers from classes within a category. (Example: mixed aster Up to 8 Yrs 9 – 12 Yrs 13 – 18 Yrs 19 - Over (Display Only) bouquet could be made up of ball form, shaggy form & single flower form) (Child, Youth, Teen – limited to 10 entries per individual) • Houseplants – Plants grown in ordinary rooms of a dwelling rather than requiring greenhouse conditions & expert care. FAIRprimarily THEME: “A WHOLE&LOTTA ON” • Foliage Plants –2011 Plants grown for attractiveness abundanceBAKIN’ of foliage,GOIN (Examples of foliage houseplant forms: Erect-com.plant; Spreading – fern; Vining – pothos. ENTRY DATE: Tuesday, September 20th from Noon until 8 p.m. Judging will be Wednesday starting at 8 a.m. until • Flowering Plants – Plants grown primarily for attractiveness & abundance of flowers. finished. The Fairgrounds will open at 10 a.m. on Thursday, September 22nd to the public. • Wedging – Insertion of a material such as foil, wood or foam rubber in the neck of a horticulture container to hold specimens in a GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS FOR THIS DEPARTMENT proper pose. •• One (1) entry per class– allowed named variety. Container Planters Differentunless typesaof plants, usually three (3) or more, artistically grouped in a single container. Terrariums & • Completing tags and entering the proper category is the responsibility of the exhibitor. dish gardensentry are specialty planters in which may include appropriate, in-scale accessories. • Entries in the wrong category will notcontainers, earn awards. Parental supervision required forgroupings children entering flowers. TERRARIUMS – See-through chiefly or wholly closedis which hold of suitable, thriving plants. • Address labels or stamps– are recommended tocontainers expedite entry time.uncovered groupings of suitable thriving plants. DISH GARDENS Relatively shallow holding • Entries must be grown by exhibitor unless otherwise specified. AWARDS – ARTISTIC & HORTICULTURE DIVISIONS STcalls for a certain nd number of blooms, rd •• When a section spikes, stalks, please exhibit exactly that number. RIBBONS: 1 Blue - $3 • 2 Red - $2 • 3 White - $1 or / STICKERS: Receive ribbon when picking up exhibit, if desired. •• All flowers must be named in space provided on entry tag. This helps the judge and informs the public. SPECIAL ROSETTE RIBBONS: • NO JUDGES’ FLOWERING KALE –ACCEPTED. CHOICE One (1) per division per department. • Great care will be taken, Fair Committee responsible for loss-or$50 injury. Sponsor: Willowbut Creative Floral &cannot Gifts, be 453held Thain Rd, Lewiston Gift Certificate BEST OF SHOW – Awarded by judges in each age division providing an entry deserves such merit. • If your entry is heavy be sure your container is weighted so not to tip over. “HORTICULTURE AWARD” – ADULT/ TEEN /YOUTH/ CHILD • Containers for Horticulture specimens will be furnished by the fair committee. Containers for all mixed bouquet entries must be Fuch’s Flowers,no1252 Chestnut, Clarkston - $10 Containers Gift Certificate Each provided bySponsor: the exhibitor. PLEASE, expensive or antique containers. or items should be identified with name & BEST OF CLASS – One (1) each class when merited. Larger more diverse classes may warrant more than one (1). address typed on the bottom. “CHRYSANTHEMUM: - Sponsor: HI-LO Chrysanthemum Society - $10 Cash • Wedging is permitted; wedges must be provided by exhibitors. “BEST VASE MINITURE ROSES” - 5 Blooms, mixed or one (1) variety • Please check with Superintendents before watering, rearranging exhibits, or to change wilted flowers. Sponsor: Lewis-Clark Rose Society - $20 Cash • Exhibitor is required to keep flower in show condition, which may require replacing. If severely wilted superintendent may remove CREATIVITY - Awarded at judges’ discretion. judging. NO EXHIBIT, RIBBON OR ENTRY may be removed before 5 p.m. Sunday as stated in the General Fair Rules. AWARD OF MERIT – Awarded at judges’ discretion. • Entries in ARTISTIC DESIGN thedivision. work of Artistic the exhibitor but not necessarily grown by the the exhibitor. Accessories SWEEPSTAKES - One (1)must eachbeage & Horticultural. Exhibitor receiving most BLUE ribbons.are permitted. NO ARTIFICAL FLOWERS OR FOLIAGE PERMITTED IN ARRANGEMENTS. Fresh materials should predominate (Minimum of 5 ribbons) RED counted for tie breaker. except where otherwise stated. Limited amount of treated material permitted. Must be constructed so arrangement can be moved. SUPERINTENDENT’S CHOICE – Awarded at superintendents discretion. • HORTICULTURE entries grown outside of the area, which are oversized, or for any other reason do not fit into a defined class shall Sponsor: Haener Equipment, Lewiston – ADULT/HORTICULTURE- $10 Cash be placed inSponsor: a noncompetitive, general interest display. Discovery Toys, Grangeville/RUTH L. STOKES MEMORIAL AWARD – • NO container plant with a contagious disease or TEEN/YOUTH/CHILD insect infestation will be accepted forEach. entry. HORTICULTURE- $10 Cash


Cut your flower in late afternoonFLORICULTURE the day before they are to be exhibited. Cutting–should be doneofatfive about pm, since at that time MARGARET BURMAN MEMORIAL AWARD Best exhibit (5)4vases of flowers. Eachthere is thevase greatest amount of sugar in the leaves; unless it is extremely hot weather, at which cutting time in the early morning is optimum. containing a different species with three (3) flowers in each vase. Winner receives a crystal candy dish. PlaceDONNIE the flowers immediatelyMEMORIAL in water that has been set-out in of theClass garden all day. BARSTOW AWARD Best Rose - $25Keep Cash flowers in water, in a cool, dark place overnight. To arrange, cut stems cleanly at an angle under water with a sharp knife and place in water-filled container CECILLIA RICARD MEMORIAL AWARD –Sponsored by: Patt’s Garden Center, 1280 Portvase Dr., or Clarkston GROOM PLANTS as long as possible. All stems should be in proportion to the flower. Flowers Judges Choice WELL! Dahlia -Cut $20stems Gift Certificate must have their own attached foliage. All foliage below the water line should be removed. Foliage should be clean. Any broken or disfigured foliage or petals should be removed, as foliage and stems as well as blooms count in judging. It is better to have more stem and foliage than too little. Attached foliage must accompany bloom entries in order to show flower as grown. Exception is made where bloom has no foliage.


Flower Types

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DEPARTMENT 8 – FLOWERS SUPERINTENDENT: NANCY HASENOEHRL (208)746-9185 CLASSES / SUBCLASSES “STANDARD JUDGING SYSTEM USED32.IN THIS DEPARTMENT” ASTER Vase of 5 or more Disbuds a. Single Dahlias, Formal 42. a. Single Dahlias, Decorative B, 1 or 3 Blooms constitutes Semi-Cactus, Miniature DIVISIONS 23. a. Same Cultivar 6”- 8” an exhibit or mixed colors. b. Triple Dahlias, CHILD YOUTH TEEN Cultivars ADULT DISABLED PROFESSIONAL b. Mixed b. Triple Dahlias, Asters will be sorted as Semi-Cactus, Miniature GOLD GREEN BLUE WHITE YELLOW LAVENDER Formal Decorative B 43.(Display a. Single Dahlias, Straight Uptotosingle, 8 Yrs spider, shaggy, 9 – 12 Yrs DAHLIA 13 – 18 Yrs 19 - Over Only) 33. a. Single Dahlias, princess and tiger paws or Incurved, Miniature Must be disbudded and to 10 entries per individual) (Child, Youth, Teen – limited Informal Decorative B at the discretion of the b. Triple Dahlias, Straight exhibited with a pair or more Triple Dahlias, superintendent or Incurved, Miniature attached. length LOTTAb.BAKIN’ 2011 FAIRleaves THEME: “AStem WHOLE GOIN ON” Informal Decorative B must be in balance with size 44. a. Single Dahlias, Ball 01. Aster, th 34. a Single Dahlias, Semi starting at Over ENTRY DATE: Tuesday, Septemberof20 from1 Noon until 8 p.m. Judging will be Wednesday 8 a.m.3 until bloom. or 3 blossoms ½” 02. Aster, Michaelmas Daisy nd Cactus B constitutes an Thursday, exhibit unless finished. The Fairgrounds will open at 10 a.m. on September 22 to the public. b. Dahlias, Ball Over 3 ½” (1-Spray) b. Triple Dahlias, Semi otherwise specified. 45. a. Single Dahlias, 03. Aster Bouquet, 7 or Cactus B GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS FOR THIS DEPARTMENT Miniature Ball 3 ½” 24. a. Single Dahlias, Formal 35. a. Single Dahlias, more(1)blooms • One entry per class allowed unless a named variety. & under Decorative AA, over 10” Straight Incurved • Completing entry tags and entering in the proper category is the responsibility of the&exhibitor. b. Triple Dahlias, b. Triple Dahlias, Formal BONSAI • Entries in the wrong category will not earn awards.AA, Parental supervision is Cactus requiredBfor children entering flowers. Decorative over 10” Miniature Ball 3 ½” b. Triple Dahlias, Any variety •04. Address labels or stamps are recommended expedite entry time. 25. a. SingletoDahlias, & under Straight & Incurved • Entries must be grown by exhibitor unless otherwise specified. Informal Decorative AA 46. a. Single Dahlias, Cactus B CELOSIA • When a section calls for a certain number of blooms, b. Triple Dahlias,spikes, or stalks, please exhibit exactly that number. Pompon, 2” & under 36. a. Single Dahlias, 3 Flower Informal •1 orAll flowershead must be named in space provided onDecorative entry tag. AA This helps the judge and informs the public. b. Triple Dahlias, Formal Decorative an Exhibit KALE ACCEPTED. 26. a. Single Dahlias, Semi •constitutes NO FLOWERING Pompon, 2” & under BB, 4”-6” Cactus AA •05. Great careCockscomb will be taken, forTriple loss orDahlias, injury. Crested Tallbut Fair Committee cannot be held responsible b. 47. a. Single Dahlias, Any b. Triple Dahlias, Semi •06. IfCrested your entry is heavyDwarf be sure your container is weighted so not to tip over. Cockscomb Waterlily Formal Decorative BB Cactus AA Plume or Feathered, Tall specimens 37. a. Single Dahlias, for all mixed bouquet b. Triple Dahlias, •07. Containers for Horticulture be furnished Containers entries must beAny 27. a. will Single Dahlias, by the fair committee. Informal Decorative BB be identified 08. provided Plume orby Featherhead, Waterlily & Incurved the exhibitor. PLEASE, noStraight expensive or antique containers. Containers or items should with name & b. Triple Dahlias, Dwarf typed on the bottom. 48. a. Single Dahlia Stellar Cactus AA address Informal Decorative BB 09. Other than listed Dahlias, b. Triple Dahlia Stellar • Wedging is permitted; wedges must b. beTriple provided by exhibitors. 38. a.orSingle Dahlias, Straight & Incurved • Please check with Superintendents before watering, rearranging exhibits, to change wiltedSemi flowers. 49. a. Single Dahlias, Cactus BBIf severely wilted superintendent Cactus AA CHRYSANTHEMUMS Fimbriated or remove Laciniated • Exhibitor is required to keep flower in show condition, which may require replacing. may 28. a. Single Dahlias, b. Triple Dahlias, Semi in the General Spray: 3 or more blooms b. Triple Dahlias, judging. NO EXHIBIT, RIBBON OR ENTRY may be removed before 5 p.m. Sunday as stated Fair Rules. Decorative A, Cactus BB upintoARTISTIC 3” each DESIGN must beFormal Fimbriated or •Flowers Entries the10” work of the exhibitor but not necessarily grown by the exhibitor. Accessories areLaciniated 8”39. a. Single Dahlias, 50. a. Single Dahlias, permitted. NO ARTIFICAL FLOWERS OR FOLIAGE PERMITTED IN ARRANGEMENTS. Fresh materials should predominate 10. Decorative Spray b. Triple Dahlias Formal Straight & Incurved Collarette where otherwise stated. Limited amount ofAtreated material permitted. Must be constructed so arrangement can be moved. Decorative 11. except Pompon Spray Cactus BB b. Triple Dahlias, •12. HORTICULTURE entries grown outside of the area, which are oversized, or for any other reason do not fit into a defined class shall 29. a. Single Dahlias, Single/Semi-double Spray b. Triple Dahlias, Collarette be placed in a noncompetitive, general interest display. Informal Decorative A 13. Anemone Spray Straight, & Incurved 51. a. Single Dahlias, Single •14. NO container insect infestation will be accepted for entry. Triple or Dahlias, Cactus BB Spoon Spray plant with a contagiousb.disease b. Triple Dahlias, Single Informal Decorative A SELECTING ENTRIES 40. a. Single Dahlias, (Disbudded Bloom Over 3”) 30. Single Dahlias, Semi 52. a. Single •15. Cut your flower in late afternoon the before they are to be exhibited. Cutting should be done at about 4 pm, since atDahlias, that time there Formal Decorative, Reflex Disbud Cactusunless A it is extremely hot weather, Novelty Open Center is the greatest amount of sugar in the leaves; at which cutting time in the early morning is optimum. Miniature Under 4” 16. Regular Incurve Disbud b. Triple Dahlias, Semi b. Tripledark Dahlias, •17. Place the flowers immediately in water that has been set out in the garden all day. Keep flowers in water, in a cool, place b. Triple Dahlias, Decorative Disbud Cactus Novelty Open Center arrange, cut stems cleanly at an A angle under water with a sharp knifeDecorative, and place in water-filled vase or container Formal 18. overnight. IntermediateTo Incurve Disbud 31. a. Single Dahlias, 53. a. Single Dahlias, Novelty •19. GROOM PLANTS WELL! Cut stems as long as possible. All stems should be in proportion to the flower. Flowers Miniature Under 4” Single/ Semi-double Disbud Straight & Incurved DoubleAny Center have their own attached foliage. All foliage below the water line be removed. broken 41.should a. Single Dahlias, Foliage should be clean. 20. must Anemone Disbud Cactus A b. Triple Dahlias, Novelty or disfigured foliage or petals should be removed, as foliage and stems as well as blooms count in judging. It is better to have more Informal Decorative, 21. Spoon Disbud b. Triple Dahlias, Double Center stem and foliage than too little. Attached foliage must accompany bloom entries in order to show Miniature Under 4” flower as grown. Exception is Straight & Incurved 54. a. Single Dahlias, Orchid made where bloom has no foliage. b. Triple Dahlias, Vase of 5 or More Sprays Cactus A Flowering DEFINITIONS Informal Decorative, b. Triple Dahlias, Orchid 22. a. Same Cultivar • Flower Types Miniature Under 4” Flowering b. Mixed Cultivars

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DEPARTMENT 8 – FLOWERS SUPERINTENDENT: NANCY HASENOEHRL (208)746-9185 HOUSEPLANTS ORNAMENTAL a. Single Dahlias, Peony 73. Strawflower, air dried “STANDARD JUDGING INmust THIS only (1or 3SYSTEM blooms or USED Flowering Plants haveDEPARTMENT” been potted SHRUBS & VINES sprays) b. Triple Dahlias, Peony and in the possession of Trees not included, 1 stem, DIVISIONS Flowering 74. Statice, air dried sprays Exhibitor 3 months prior to 12” to 30” Long ADULTshow. Multiple DISABLED PROFESSIONAL 56.CHILD a. Single Dahlias, YOUTH (1 orTEEN 3 sprays) entries in 110.LAVENDER Flowering Type, GOLD GREEN Anemone Flowering 75. OtherBLUE flower varieties, WHITEclass must be YELLOW named Hydrangea Up to 8 Yrs 9 – 12 Yrs 13 – 18 Yrs 19 Over (Display Only) b. Triple Dahlias, air dried (1or 3 sprays). 91. Foliage Plant 111. Flowering Type, Other Teenvarieties – limited to 10 entries per individual) Anemone Flowering (Child, 76. Youth, Other flower 92. Flowering Plant 112. Fruiting Types, 57. Dahlias, Mignon Single artificially preserved 2011 “A WHOLE LOTTA BAKIN’ GOIN ON” 93. African Violet Pyracantha 58. Exhibit of 3 Dahlias, AA FAIR THEME: (1or 3 blooms or sprays) 94. Succulents, Cactus 113. Fruiting Types, Other and/or A combination th 77. 20 Pods, air dried ENTRY DATE September from Noon(3until 8 p.m. Judging will be Wednesday starting at 8 a.m. Evergreen until 95. Planters, Terrariums 114. Foliage, okay, one:orTuesday, more types, nd blooms) finished. The Fairgrounds will open at 10 a.m. on Thursday, September 22 to the public. 96. Dish Garden Planters 115. Foliage, Broadleaf one color or mixed. 78. Pods artificially 59. Exhibit of 3 Dahlias, BB 97. Hanging Plant, Foliage 116. Foliage, Deciduous GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS FOR THIS DEPARTMENT preserved. (3 stems) and/or B combination 98. Hanging Plant, Flowering 117. Other Varieties • One (1) entry per class allowed79. unless a named variety. Foliage, air dried (3 stems) okay, one or more types, 99. Other House Plants 80. Foliage, artificially • Completing entry tags and entering in the proper category is the responsibility of the exhibitor. one color or mixed. OTHER ANNUAL FLOWERS, preserved (3 stems) • Entries in the wrong category will not earn awards. Parental supervision is required for children entering flowers. 60. Exhibit of 5 Dahlias, MARIGOLDS FOLIAGE PLANTS • miniature, Address labels stamps are recommended to expedite entry time. one oror more Foliage must be displayed, 1 1-3 Blooms, sprays or spikes GERANIUMS • types, Entries be grown by exhibitor unless otherwise specified. onemust or mixed colors or 3 Blooms constitutes an exhibit in one 81. number Flowering Zonal, spikes, 1 stem or stalks, please exhibit exactly that number. • Exhibit When of a section calls for a certain of blooms, 61. 5 Dahlias, or assorted colors Martha 100.the Marigolds, • pompons, All flowers be named in 82. spaceFlowering, provided on entry tag. This helps judge and Giant informs the public. onemust or mixed Washington, 1 stem Over 3-1/2 118. Cosmos, sprays 10” to • colors NO FLOWERING KALE ACCEPTED. 83. Flowering,cannot Ivy leaf 101. Marigold, Giant, 15” long • Dahlia Greatseedlings, care will garden be taken, but Fair Committee be held responsible for loss or injury. 62. stem 2-1/2”-3-1/2” 119. Pansy or Viola variety • If your entry is heavy be sure yourtrailing, container1 is weighted so not to tip over. 84. Flowering, other variety, 102. Marigold, French 120. Nasturtium • Containers for Horticulture specimens will be furnished by the fair committee. Containers for all mixed bouquet entries must be 1 stem DAISES Single -2-1/2” Under 121. Other Flower Varieties provided by the exhibitor. PLEASE, no expensive or antique containers. Containers or items should be identified with name & 1 or 3 Blooms constitutes 85. Foliage, Scented, 1 stem 103. Marigold, French (a bloom) address typed on the bottom. an Exhibit, unless otherwise 86. Foliage, Fancy Leaf, Double -2-1/2” or Under 122. Other Flower Varieties • Wedging is permitted; wedges must be provided by exhibitors. specifi ed 1 stem 104. Marigold, Mini Flowered (a Spray) • Please check with Superintendents before watering, rearranging exhibits, or to change wilted flowers. Gem Style (1 Spray) 123. Other Flower Varieties 63. Shasta • Daisy, Exhibitor is required to keep flower in show maximum condition, which require replacing. If severely wilted superintendent may remove Pot diameter 10”. may 105. Marigold, Other Than (a spike) 64. Daisy, Coreopsis judging. NO EXHIBIT, RIBBON OR ENTRY may be removed before 5 p.m. Sunday as stated in the General Fair Rules. Plants must be in possession Listed 124. Annual Foliage Plant 65. Daisy, Black-eyed Susan • Entries in ARTISTIC DESIGN must be the work of the exhibitor but not necessarily grown by the exhibitor. Accessories are of Exhibitor minimum of 60 106. Marigold, Mixed Bouquet (a stem) 66. Daisy, African permitted. NO ARTIFICAL FLOWERS OR FOLIAGE PERMITTED IN ARRANGEMENTS. Fresh materials should predominate days prior to show & 7 or more Blooms 67. Daisy, Rudbekia except where otherwise stated. Limited amount of treated material permitted. Must be constructed so arrangement can be moved. 68. Other than listed 87. outside Flowering potted • Daisy, HORTICULTURE entries grown of the area, which are oversized, or for any other reason doOTHER not fit intoPERENNIAL a defined classOR shall ORCHIDS BIENNIAL FLOWERS, be placed in a noncompetitive, general interestany display. specimen, type 107.bePotted anyfor variety FOLIAGE PLANTS DELPHINIUMS • NO container plant with a contagious disease or insect infestation will accepted entry.or 69. Single, one spike species 1 or 3 Blooms or sprays GLADIOLUS SELECTING ENTRIES 70. Single 3 spikes constitutes an Exhibit – 1 orthe 3 Spikes constitutes an to be exhibited. Cutting should be done at about • Cut your flower in late afternoon day before they are 4 pm, since at that time there 71. Double or Semi-double, ORNAMENTAL GRASS Identify variety on Entry Tag is the greatest amount of sugarExhibit in the leaves; unless it is extremely hot weather, at which cutting time in the early morning is optimum. 1 spike Exhibit consists of 1-3 Stems • Double Place the flowers immediately in water that has been set out in the garden all day. Keep flowers in water, in Flower a cool, dark place 125. (a Bloom) 72. or Semi-double, 88. Giant, flower measuring overnight. To arrange, cut stems cleanly at an angle under water with a sharp knife and place in water-filled vase or container 108. Foliage only 126. Flower (a Spray) 3 spike over 4-1/2” • GROOM PLANTS WELL! Cut stems as long as possible. All stems should be inwith proportion to the flower. 109. Foliage seed heads 127. Flowers Flower (a Spike) 89. Medium, flower must have their own attached foliage. All foliage below the water line should be removed. Foliage should be clean. (a Any broken only 128. Foliage Stem) EVERLASTINGS measuring 2” – 4-1/2” or disfigured foliage or petals should be removed, as foliage and stems as well as blooms count in judging. It is better to have more 129. Flowering Bulbs Stems without water, not to 90. Miniature, flower foliage foliage must accompany bloom entries in order to show flower as grown. Exception is 130. Foliage Plant, any exceedstem 30”,and entries in than this too little. Attached made where bloominhas no foliage. measuring under 2” variety division may be grown DEFINITIONS 131. Planters containing previous growing season • Flower Types more than one kind of plant 55.

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DEPARTMENT 8 – FLOWERS SUPERINTENDENT: NANCY HASENOEHRL (208)746-9185 OUTDOOR “STANDARD CONTAINER PLANTS 132. Foliage Plant DIVISIONS 133. Flowering Plant CHILD YOUTH 134. Hanging Plant, Foliage GOLD GREEN 135. Hanging Plant, Flowering Up toMixed 8 Yrs Flowers. 9 – 12 Yrs 136.

142. Named Floribunda

154. Unnamed Polyanthus


JUDGING THIS DEPARTMENT” 177. Single (1 spray) SYSTEM USED IN (1 spray) 143. Named Grandiflora 155. Unnamed Miniature (1 spray or bloom) (1 spray) TEEN DISABLED 144. Named Polyanthus ADULT156. Unnamed Miniature BLUE WHITE (1 spray) (1 bloom)YELLOW 13 – 18Miniature Yrs 19 - Over 145. Named 157. Unnamed Miniature

178. Double 179. Any Other Specimen PROFESSIONAL ZINNIAS LAVENDER 1 or(Display 3 Blooms constitutes Only) an Exhibit, unless otherwise specified

(Child, Youth, Teen – limited to 10 entries per individual) (1 spray) (1 variety, 5 blooms) PETUNIA 146. Named Miniature, 158. Unnamed climbing 2011 FAIR THEME: “A WHOLE LOTTA(1BAKIN’ GOIN ON” 180. Zinnia, cactus, over 1 – Spray constitutes an Exhibit (1 bloom) spray) 4 ½” Giant th 147.20Named 159. Any will otherbe unnamed ENTRY DATE: Tuesday, September fromMiniature, Noon until 8 p.m. Judging Wednesday starting at 8 a.m. until 137. Single 181. Zinnia, cactus, Medium nd (1variety, 5 blooms) variety (1 bloom or spray) finished. The Fairgrounds will open at 10 a.m. on Thursday, September 22 to the public. 138. Double 2”- 4 ½” 148. Named Climbing 160. Any other unnamed 139. Miniature 182. Zinnia, giant over 4 ½” GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS FOR THIS DEPARTMENT (1-spray) variety (1 variety, 3 183. Zinnia, Medium 2” – 4 ½” 140. Mixed Bouquets (7 or • One (1) entry per class allowed149. unless namedNamed variety. Anya other blooms) 184. Zinnia, small variety, more Sprays) (1 bloom or spray) 161. Namedof“Old” Rose • Completing entry tags and entering Variety in the proper category is the responsibility the exhibitor. under 2” 150.not Any other Named spray or for 1 bloom) • Entries in the wrong category will earn awards. Parental supervision(1 is required children entering185. flowers. Zinnia, Mexican type, ROSES Variety (3 blooms) entry time. 162. Named “Old” Rose 3 sprays • Address labels or stamps are recommended to expedite Blooms should be picked 186. Zinnia, other than listed, 151. Unnamed Hybrid Tea (1 variety, 3 blooms) • Entries must be grown by exhibitor unless otherwise specified. ¼ - ½. 1 – Bloom or spray 187. (1 bloom) 163. Unnamed “Old” Rose • Whenan a section for a certain number of blooms, spikes, or stalks, please exhibit exactly that number. Zinnia, mixed bouquet, constitutes Exhibitcalls unless 7 or more flowers Floribunda (1judge sprayand or bloom) • All flowers must be named in 152. spaceUnnamed provided on entry tag. This helps the informs the public. otherwise specified. (1 spray) 164. Unnamed “Old” Rose • NO FLOWERING KALE ACCEPTED. ARTISTIC CATEGORIES 141. Named Hybrid Tea 153. Unnamed Grandifl ora 3 blooms) • Great care will be taken, but Fair Committee cannot be held responsible (1 forvariety, loss or injury. FROM 2011 THEME: (1 spray or bloom) so not to 165. Rose Bud any variety “A WHOLE LOTTA • (1If bloom) your entry is heavy be sure your container is weighted tip over. 166. Mixed Bouquet, 7 or GOINmust ON”be • Containers for Horticulture specimens will be furnished by the fair committee. Containers for all mixedBAKIN’ bouquet entries more blooms 188. “A Whole Lotta Bakin provided by the exhibitor. PLEASE, no expensive or antique containers. Containers or items should be identified with name & Goin’ On” – Design in a 167. Vase Miniature address typed on the bottom. mixing bowl • Wedging is permitted; wedges must be provided by exhibitors. 189. Our Daily Bread – Design SNAPDRAGONS • Please check with Superintendents before watering, rearranging exhibits, or to change wilted flowers. using wheat or other grain 1 or 3-Spikes constitutes 190. Cinnamonmay Rollremove • Exhibitor is required to keep flower in show condition, which may an require replacing. If severely wilted superintendent exhibit – Circular design judging. NO EXHIBIT, RIBBON OR ENTRY may be removed before 5 p.m. Sunday as stated in the General Fair Rules. 191. As American as 168. single • Entries in ARTISTIC DESIGN must be the work of the exhibitor but notSnapdragons, necessarily grown by the exhibitor. Accessories areApple Pie – Use your imagination 169. IN Snapdragons double Fresh materials should predominate permitted. NO ARTIFICAL FLOWERS OR FOLIAGE PERMITTED ARRANGEMENTS. (No real fruit please) except where otherwise stated. Limited amount of treated material170. permitted. Must bedwarf constructed so arrangement can be moved. Snapdragons, 192. The Cookie Jar – 171. Snapdragons, butterfl y do not fit into a defined class shall • HORTICULTURE entries grown outside of the area, which are oversized, or for any other reason Design in a cookie jar Basic Groom Includes: be placed in a •noncompetitive, general interest display. 172. Snapdragons, other than 193. Red Velvet Cake – Design • Bath Fluff Dry Extra Services Available: listed • NO container with a contagious disease or insect infestation will be accepted for entry. in shades of red and white • Nail Trim plant • Brush Out • Nail Dremmeling SELECTING 194. Coffee Cake – Design in • Ear ENTRIES • Haircut • Deep Conditioning SUNFLOWERS a coffee or container Cleaning • Cut your flower in late afternoon the day before they are to be exhibited. Cutting should be done at about 4 pm, since pot at that time there • Love and • Flea Bath 195. Cup morning cake – Miniture • Ear Hair Treats!of sugar in the leaves; unless it is extremely 1 or 3 Bloom constitutes is the greatest amount hot weather, at which cutting time in the early is optimum. • Tooth Brushing Plucking Exhibit • Place the flowers immediately in water that has been set out in the an garden all day. Keep flowers in water, in design a cool, dark place Experienced, groomer with additional training overnight. professional To arrange, cut stems cleanly at an angle under water with a sharp knife and place in water-filled vase or container 173. Sunflower, small (1-5”) A—BLUE STAR CLASS in veterinary assisting, safety, sanitation and nutrition. • GROOM PLANTS WELL! Cut stems as long as possible. All stems should be in proportion to the flower. Flowers 174. Sunflower, medium (Enter if you have won 15 Relaxed and “homey” environment for your pet. Stop by must have their own attached foliage. All foliage below the water line should be removed. Foliage should be clean. broken or more blue Any ribbons in (6”-10”) and meet me or call for an appointment today! or disfigured foliage or petals should be removed, as foliage and stems as well as blooms count in judging. It is better to have more previous fairs.) 175. Sunflower, large (10”+) stem foliage than too little. Attached foliageID must accompany bloom entries in order to show flower as grown. Exception is 145andThain Ste. F, Lewiston, B— BLUE RIBBON CLASS 176. Sunflower, Mixed made where bloom has no foliage. (Enter if you have won 10-14 208-798-7387(PETS) bouquet 7 or more flowers DEFINITIONS ribbons in previous Fairs) 316058HV-11 C—AMATEUR CLASS • Flower Types (Enter if you have won 0-9 blue ribbons in previous Fairs) - 26 -

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DEPARTMENT 9 - FOODS SUPERINTENDENT: KATHY GROSSMAN (208)790-2070 DIVISIONS CHILD YOUTH TEEN ADULT DISABLED PROFESSIONAL GOLD GREEN BLUE WHITE YELLOW LAVENDER Up to 8 Yrs 9 – 12 Yrs 13 – 18 Yrs 19 - Over (Display Only) ENTRY DATE DATE: ATE Tuesday, September 20th from Noon until 8 p.m. Judging will be Wednesday starting at 8 a.m. until the judges are finished. The fairgrounds will open at 10 a.m. on Thursday, September 22nd to the public.


• • • •

Entries must be made by the exhibitor, completed since October 2010, and not entered in previous Nez Perce County Fairs Entries are limited to one (1) per exhibitor under each sub-class unless noted. Exhibitor must enter correct age division. Disabled exhibitors please state age if under 19. Care will be taken with all entries but exhibitor enters at their own risk.


• • • •

APPEARANCE: Product free from mold, discoloration & blemishes, uniform size & shape, holds shape well, clear liquids. PACK: Good proportion of liquids & solids, adequate headspace, liquid covers product, little or no floating product. CONTAINER: Clean standard canning jar with two-piece lids, exhibited and judged with screw bands. LABEL: Fair Committee will provide canning labels. Label will display Product Name, Processing Method, Processing Time, Pounds of Pressure and Date of Preparation. Label should be neatly placed and not covering product.


• •

• •

RIBBONS: 1ST Blue - $3 • 2nd Red - $2 • 3rd White - $1 / STICKER AWARDS: Receive ribbon when picking up exhibit, if desired. SPECIAL ROSETTE RIBBONS: JUDGES’ CHOICE – One (1) Canning / One (1) Baked Goods Sponsor: URM Cash & Carry, 1846 G. St., Lewiston - $25 Gift Certificate Each BEST OF SHOW – One (1) each age division Canning and Baked Goods Sponsor: Haener Equipment, Lewiston – ADULT & TEEN - $10 Cash Each BEST OF CLASS – Awarded by judges’. One (1) each class ONLY, when merited. AWARD OF MERIT – Awarded at judges’ discretion. SWEEPSTAKES – One (1) each age division. Exhibitor receiving the most BLUE Ribbons. RED counted for tie breaker. Sponsor: Kendall Dodge, Lewiston – Canning & Baked Goods –ADULT – Carwash Coupon Book Sponsor: Spot on Yogurt, Yogurt Lewiston - Canning & Baked Goods – TEEN/YOUTH/CHILD - $5 Gift Certificate Each SUPERINTENDENT’S CHOICE – Awarded in Canning & Baked Goods, in each age division if merited. Sponsor: Jeffrey’s Restaurant, 244 Thain Rd., Lewiston – TEEN/YOUTH/CHILD Breakfast for 2 Gift Certificates IDA MAE COX AWARD – Ribbon awarded to the top ADULT winner in the department overall FRUIT PIES - 1st BEST - $10 Gift Certificate / 2ND BEST - $7 Gift Certificate / 3RD BEST - $5 Gift Certificate Sponsor: Rosauer’s Supermarket, 322 Thain Rd, Lewiston

NEZ PERCE COUNTY WHEAT GROWERS AWARD Criteria: Any type of wheat based flour qualifies. Refer to for types. The Exhibitors will win: 1st Place Wheat Rolls - $10.00 1st Place Wheat Cake - $10.00 nd 2 Place Wheat Rolls - $ 7.00 2nd Place Wheat Cake - $ 7.00 3rd Place Wheat Rolls - $ 5.00 3rd Place Wheat Cake - $ 5.00 (Nez Perce County Residents Only)

IDAHO WHEAT COMMISSION Criteria: Any type of wheat based flour grown in Idaho qualifies. Refer to for types. The Exhibitor with: The Best Loaf of Wheat Bread will receive $50.00 The Best Wheat Flour Cake will receive $50.00

To the “Best of Class Yeast Breads” Red Star Yeast will award to the Adult winner – Oven Mitts, Teen winner – Pizza Wheel & Youth winner – Spatula.

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____________________________ CLASS/SUB-CLASS ____________________________ FOODS CLASS/SUB-CLASS

SUPERINTENDENT: KATHY GROSSMAN ENTRY (208)790-2070 NO.____________________ SponsoredCAKE by: WILTON ENTERPRISES DECORATING WILTON AWARD To the “Best Show�, winners, Adult & Teen, WILTON will award the following Sponsored by: ofWILTON ENTERPRISES Sponsored by: WILTON ENTERPRISES (1) Choice of one of three videos: “Cake Decorating as the 1-2-3�, “How to Toawards the “Best of Show�, winners, Adult & Teen, WILTON willEasy award following To the “Best of Show�, winners, Teen, “How make Icing Flowers�, or How to Make Wedding Cakes’ or Adult (2) CELEBRATE! With awards (1) Choice of one of three videos: “Cake Decorating Easy as&1-2-3�, to “Fondant� and a set of Cake Stamps. Wilton also award one current make Icing Flowers�, orWILTON How to Make Cakes’ or (2) CELEBRATE! With willWedding award will the following awards (1) “WILTON “Fondant� and a set of Cake Stamps. Wilton willvideos: also award one current “WILTON Choice of one of three “Cake Decorating

Easy as 1-2-3â€?, “How to make Icing Flowersâ€?, or How to Make Wedding Cakes’ or (2) CELEBRATE! With “Fondantâ€? and a set of Cake Stamps. Wilton will also award one current “WILTON YEARBOOK OF CAKE DECORATINGâ€? to each ďŹ rst place prize winner in all cake decorating classes. Only one Yearbook will be awarded to an individual, with a maximum of ďŹ ve yearbooks awarded in the Adult division and ďŹ ve year CLASSES / SUB-CLASSES CLASSES / SUB-CLASSES books in the Youth Division.

Please check one in each group ENTRY NO.____________________

____Hot Pack ____Pressure Canner Please check one in each group ____Hot Pack ____Pressure Canner Water Canner ____Boiling ____Cold Pack ____Boiling Water Canner ____Cold Pack

Name of Product:___________________ Name of Product:___________________ Date Canned:_______________________ Date Canned:_______________________

Processing Time:____________________ Processing Time:____________________ Altitude:___________________________


CANNED FOODS - One (1) entry per variety per sub-class (GRAY HIGHLIGHT) CANNED One(1) (1)entry entryper per variety variety per (GRAY HIGHLIGHT) CANNED FOODS FOODS --One persub-class sub-class

$% & % ''% ! " !

# ! $% & % ''%

GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS FOR CANNED FOOD GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS FOR CANNED • All canned food must be processed in standardFOOD clear-glass canning jars with self-sealing two-piece lids. • •All canned food must be processed in standard clear-glassand canning with self-sealing Jars must have a vacuum seal. Jams must be exhibited judgedjars with screw bands. two-piece lids. • •Jars a vacuum Jams must beprocessing exhibited and judged withvs. screw bands.time of process, altitude Jarsmust musthave be labeled withseal. contents, type of (boiling water pressure), • •Jars must be labeled contents, of processing (boiling water vs. pressure), time of process, Adjustment. (Time with and method oftype process should agree with USDA/PNW recommendations of thealtitude 1994 Edition.) • •Adjustment. (Time and method of process should agree with USDA/PNW recommendations of the 1994 Edition.) Appropriate headspace requirements must be followed: • Appropriate requirements be Jams followed: Fruits – ½headspace inch Vegetables – ½ tomust 1WILTON inch and Jellies – Âź inch Pickles – ½ inch Meats 1- 1½ inch CAKE DECORATING AWARD Fruits – ½ inch Vegetables – ½ to 1 inch Jams and Jellies – Âź inchSize Pickles – ½ inch Meats 1- 1½ inch • The size of canning jar and product must meet USDA guidelines: appropriate to use. • TheosizeCream of canning and productpeppers, must meet USDA Size appropriate to use. Corn,jar mushrooms, jams, jelliesguidelines: and fish - In pints or smaller. All others in Quarts or less oo Cream mushrooms, andrecipe. fish - In pints orissmaller. All others in Quarts or is less Salsa Corn, – Follow directionspeppers, in PNWjams, # 395jellies include If recipe not in PNW #395 process time found by following o Salsa directions in PNW # 395 include recipe. time–ofFollow included vegetable with longest processing time.If recipe is not in PNW #395 process time is found by following ____________________________ included vegetable with time. o time Pie of Fillings – One (1) entry perlongest varietyprocessing or type such as 1 pear, 1 peach, 1 applesauce, etc.CLASS/SUB-CLASS o Pie Fillings – One (1) entry per variety or type such as 1 pear, 1 peach, 1 applesauce, etc. • THE FOLLOWING ENTRIES WILL BE DISQUALIFIED: ENTRY NO.____________________ check one in eachBall-Bluebook group • THE ENTRIES WILL DISQUALIFIED: o FOLLOWING Foods processed and packed not BE following current (1994 or later) USDA/PNW Please recommendations, and Kerr Sponsored by: WILTON ____Hot Pack ____Pressure Canner o Foods processedENTERPRISES and packed not following current (1994 or later) USDA/PNW recommendations, Ball-Bluebook and Kerr Canning. To the o“Best of Showâ€?, winners, Teen, WILTON will award the following Canning. Paraffin sealed JamsAdult and & Jellies awards (1) Choice of one of three videos: “Cake Decorating Easy as 1-2-3â€?, “How to ____Boiling Water Canner ____Cold Pack oo Paraffin sealed Jars with zinc Jams lids and Jellies make Icing Flowersâ€?, or How to Make Wedding Cakes’ or (2) CELEBRATE! With oo Jars with zinc lidsglass jarWilton Foods or not will in standard jars “Fondantâ€? and a setinofgreen Cake Stamps. also award one current “WILTON oo Foods green glassprocessed jar or not or in packed standard jars Foodsinimproperly Name of Product:___________________ oo Foods improperly processed or packed Jars with more than 2â€? headspace Date Canned:_______________________ oo Jars than 2â€? headspace Jarswith withmore added color, bleach, sulfite or other preservatives (Example: Baking soda may not be added to green vegetables & o Jars with added color, bleach, sulfite or foods other with preservatives (Example: Baking soda may not be added to green vegetables & acids may not be added to non-picked the exception of tomatoes and figs) Processing Time:____________________ may notcanning be added to non-picked foods with the exception of tomatoes and figs) o acids Steam bath o Steam bath canning Current guidelines for home canning can be obtained Altitude:___________________________ at the County Extension or Current guidelines for home canning can be obtained at the County Extension for the USDA Complete Guide toorHome Canning LABEL PROVIDED for the USDA Complete GuideBY to FAIR Home COMMITTEE Canning


01. Vegetable CANNED SOUP CANNED SOUP 04. Berries—Name Variety JAMS, JELLIES, 02. Meat FOODS 01. Vegetable CANNED - One (1) entry05. per variety per sub-class (GRAY HIGHLIGHT) 01. Vegetable Pie Fillings – Name Variety BUTTER & PRESERVES 02. Meat

12. Fruit Jelly – Name Variety 13. Berry Jelly – Name Variety 02. Meat 09. Fruit Butters 06. Juices, Fruit – Name Variety 14. Preserves – Name Variety GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS FOR CANNED FOOD 10. Fruit Jam—Name Variety 07. Juice, Berry – Name Variety • All canned food must be processed in standard clear-glass canning jars with self-sealing two-piece lids. 15. Marmalade—Name Variety CANNED FRUIT 11. Berry Jam – Name Variety 08. Juice, Vegetable – 16. Other Conserves, Syrups, • Jars must have a vacuum seal. Jams must be exhibited and judged with screw bands. 03. Fruits—Name Variety Name Vareity Toppings/ Name Variety • Jars must be labeled with contents, type of processing (boiling water vs. pressure), time of process, altitude • Adjustment. (Time and method of process should agree with-USDA/PNW 29 - recommendations of the 1994 Edition.) • Appropriate headspace requirements must be followed: Fruits – ½ inch Vegetables – ½ to 1 inch Jams and Jellies – Âź inch Pickles – ½ inch Meats 1- 1½ inch

DEPARTMENT 9 - FOODS SUPERINTENDENT: KATHY GROSSMAN (208)790-2070 WHAT JUDGES LOOK FOR WITH MEAT APPEARANCE: Color normal for cooked product, pieces suitable size for serving/excess fat removed from product PACK: Attractive, adequate head space, adequate amount of jelly or broth. CONTAINER: Clean, standard canning jar with seal and screw band. CANNED MEAT 17. Meat Broth Stock 18. Chicken/Turkey 19. Pork 20. Mincemeat 21. Beef 22. Wild Game 23. Seafood 24. Fish 25. Other WHAT JUDGES LOOK FOR IN PICKLES APPEARANCE: Product bright in color and blemish free of uniform size, shape & maturity olive to yellow green cucumbers with white translucent interiors. PACK: Attractive, proper head space, liquid covers product, little or not floating product LABEL: Neatly placed, not covering product

WHAT JUDGES LOOK FOR IN YEAST BREADS: Bread should be completely baked that, when pressed upon, it will spring out immediately upon release of pressure. TEXTURE: The crumb should be slightly moist, tender, yet not crumble when compressed, light in weight in proportion to size, even grain, when sliced bread should stay firm COLOR: Uniform golden brown color on outer crust and a light tan color on the inside. CRUST: The crust of a standard loaf should be tender and of medium thickness. Wheat items should have a dark, firm crust white flour items should have a dark softer crust with a soft white center. VOLUME: Yeast items should be typically doubled in bulk from the original dough size. It should be a tall loaf and a round full roll, not flat or square. FLAVOR: The flavor should be nutty, agreeable to taste, and with no suggestion of sourness. MOISTURE: There should be moisture in the feel and taste of the item, but not wet or soggy. UNIFORMITY: Entries consisting of three of the same item, such as rolls should all be equal size 35. 36. 37. 38.

Pickled Asparagus Salsa Sauerkraut Other

SAUCES 39. Barbeque 40. Tomato 41. Ketchup 42. Chili 43. Spaghetti 44. Horseradish 45. Other

QUICK BREADS 60. Biscuits 61. Coffee Cake 62. Dried Fruit 63. Fresh Fruit 64. Nut Bread 65. Muffins (3) 66. Vegetables 67. Other

OTHER BREADS 68. Dark Machine Bread 69. White Machine Bread 70. Biscuits (3 71. Muffins (3) CANNED VEGETABLES 72. Cornbread (4” Square) 46. Name the Variety 73. Other 47. Juice – Name the Variety

75. Boxed Cake, (Children Only) 76. Sponge Cake, No Frosting 77. Angle Food Cake, No Frosting 78. Chiffon Cake, Plain Unfrosted 79. Fruit Cake 80. Spiced Cake 81. Pound Cake 82. Bundt Cake 83. Cup Cakes (3) 84. Cake Doughnuts 85. Fruit or Vegetable Cake DECORATED CAKES All skill levels welcome to enter

CAKES 86. Only the decorative One (1) piece (no larger than frosting will be judged, 6” x 6”) on 8” paper plate you may choose to BREADS decorate a real cake or a placed in a ziplock bag. Place 1/2 loaf in clear ziplock bag styrofoam cake. No 74. Shortening Cake – Frosted plastic decorations allowed. YEAST BREADS 48. White WHAT JUDGES LOOK FOR WITH CAKES 49. Sourdough APPEARANCE: Even thickness & surface. Frosted should have PICKLES & RELISH 50. Whole Wheat (100%) uniform icing: unfrosted should have a level top. 26. Pickled Beets 51 Whole Wheat Mix TEXTURE/MOISTURE: Even fine grain, moist, doesn’t crumble 27. Bread & Butter 52 Rye when cut, springy when touched (exception: pound or Bundt 28. Dill Pickles 53 Multi-Grain cakes should be firm.) 29. Relish 54. Cinnamon Rolls VOLUME: Should be high & light (unless pound or Bundt cake) 30. Sweet, Whole Pickles 55. Rolls, White (3) AROMA: Pleasing, characteristic of type (e.g. white, yellow, 31. Sweet, Chunk/Sliced Pickles 56 Sweet Rolls (3) chocolate, etc. 32. Pickled Mixed Vegetables 57. Other Breads FLAVOR: Delicate, pleasing, not overwhelming, characteristic 33. Zucchini Pickles 58. Other Rolls (3) of type, balanced between rich & sweet 34. Fruit Relish 59. Other BAKED GOODS

- 30 -


87. 88. 89. 90. 91. 92. 93. 94. 95. 96.

Drop Cookies (3) Bar Cookies (3) Biscotti (3) Rolled Cookies (3) Molded Cookies (3) No Bake Cookies (3) Refrigerator (3) Filled (3) Shaped (3) Other (Name)

PIES Use disposable pie plates if possible NO CREAM FILLINGS OR PUMPKIN 97. 98. 99.

Fruit – Name Variety Nut – Name Variety Meat – Name Variety

OTHER BAKED GOODS 100. Sourdough, Baked Goods 101. Honey Baked Goods 102. Sugarless Baked Goods HOMEMADE CANDY (4 - PIECES) 103. Divinity 104. Carmel’s 105. Brittle – Name Variety 106. Mints 107. Chocolate Dipped or Molded 108. Fudge – Name Variety 109. Crunches 110. Sugarless Candy 111. Other (Name) EGGS 112. Name Variety

WHAT JUDGES LOOK FOR IN DRIED FOODS APPEARANCE & QUALITY: Uniform size & shape; free from visible mold growth and moisture; free from large seeds, very thick peelings or cores; color appropriate for product and method of pre-treatment (not overly dark), dry enough for safe long-term storage, lacking stickiness. LABEL: Neatly placed not covering product CONTENTS: (What it is?) DRYING METHOD: (Sun/dehydrator/oven-how?) LENGTH OF DRYING: (Minutes, hour, days, how long?) PRE-TREATMENT: (None/sulfur/juice, tell us what?) DATE OF DRYING: (When you started?) DRIED FOODS (NOT FROZEN - Creates moisture in bag) Place in ziplock bag 113. 114. 115. 116. 117.

Fruit Vegetable Fruit Leather Meat Jerky Other

DRIED HERBS 118. Herbs (Whole Dried Leaves) 119. Herb Seeds (In small jar-limited to plants in which seeds are used as herbs and /or in foods) 120. Herbs (3- sprigs with whole leaves) 121. Herbs (Powdered, in small jar) 122. Herbs (Crushed in small jar)

APIARY (Honey & Honey Comb) 131. Best display Apiary (Beehive) product

See our booth at the

SNACK FOODS 1 Cup constitutes an exhibit 123. 124. 125. 126. 127. 128. 129. 130.

Trail Mix Croutons Party Mix Granola Crackers/Cereal Mix Toasted or Flavored Popcorn Mix Other

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Nez Perce County Fair.

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COOKIES Place on 6” paper plate inside clear ziplock bag


YOUTH GREEN 9 – 12 Yrs

TEEN BLUE 13 – 18 Yrs




ENTRY DATE: Tuesday, September 20th from Noon until 8 p.m. Judging will be Wednesday starting at 8 a.m. until the judges are finished. The fairgrounds will open at 10 a.m. on Thursday, September 22nd to the public.


All fruits must be grown by exhibitor and identified. Plate of three (3) constitutes an exhibit; Except; Berries (1 Cup), Cherries (6), Grapes (1-Cluster) Plates will be provided on entry day by Fair Committee.


• • • •

QUALITY: In best & prime eating condition, not necessarily the biggest. CONDITION: Clean, free from blemishes & disease. UNIFORMITY: All specimens uniform in size ripeness, shape & color. TYPICAL OF VARIETY: Varieties should be identified.


• •

RIBBONS: 1ST Blue - $3 • 2nd Red - $2 • 3rd White - $1 / STICKER AWARDS: Receive ribbon when picking up exhibit, if desired. SPECIAL ROSETTE RIBBONS: JUDGES’ CHOICE – One (1) per department. Sponsor: Haener Equipment, Lewiston - $20 Cash BEST OF SHOW – Awarded by judge’s in each age division providing an entry deserves such merit. Sponsor: Orchards Lanes, 244 Thain Rd., Lewiston – TEEN/YOUTH/CHILD – 20 Games of Bowling Card Each BEST OF CLASS – Awarded by judges. One (1) each class when merited. AWARD OF MERIT – Awarded at judges discretion. SWEEPSTAKES – One (1) each age division. Exhibitor receiving the most BLUE Ribbons. (Minimum of 5 ribbons) RED counted for tie breaker. SUPERINTENDENT’S CHOICE – Awarded by superintendent in each age division providing an entry deserves such merit. Sponsor: Safeway, 2330 Nez Perce Dr.,Lewiston – ADULT- $10 / TEEN - $7 /YOUTH - $5 BIGGEST & MOST UNUSUAL - One (1) in each age division TRIBUTE AWARDS: ED RANTA MEMORIAL AWARD – ADULT SWEEPSTAKES WINNER - $25.00 Sponsored By: Hay’s Produce & Garden Center, 701 Bridge St., Clarkston GEORGE SHREVE MEMORIAL AWARD – TEEN SWEEPSTAKES WINNER - $50.00 Cash Sponsored By: Lewiston Tribune, 505 Capital St., Lewiston

CLASSES / SUB-CLASSES APPLES 10. Granny Smith APPLES Must have stems 11. Empire Must have 01. Redstems Delicious 12. Any Other Variety 01. Red 02. Delicious Yellow 02. Yellow 03. Roman Beauty Delicious PEARS 03. Roman Beauty Delicious 04. Jonathan Must have stems 04. Jonathan 05. Winesap 13. Bartlett 05. Winesap 06. McIntosh 14. Asian 06. McIntosh 07. Courtland 15. Seckel 07. Courtland 08. Idared 16. Comice 09. Winter Banana 17. Any Other Variety

PRUNES 18. French Prune 19. Hungarian Prune 20. Italian Prune 21. Any Other Variety PLUMS 22. Yellow 23. Red 24. Blue

‑ 32 ‑

25. Oriental 26. Italian 27. Any Other Variety PEACHES 28. Hale 29. Elberta 30. Any Other Variety

DEPARTMENT 10 - FRUITS SUPERINTENDENT: DIXIE ALFORD (208)843-2472 EUROPEAN GRAPES 39. Any Variety (Name) YOUTH TEEN ADULT DISABLED PROFESSIONAL 32. Cayuga CHILD GOLD GREEN BLUE WHITE YELLOW LAVENDER BERRIES (1 CUP) 33. Cravat Up to 8 Yrs 9 – 40. Strawberries 12 Yrs 13 – 18 Yrs 19 - Over (Display Only) (Any Variety-Name) (NORTHERN WINTER 41. Raspberries until 8 p.m. Judging will be Wednesday starting at 8 a.m. until the judges are ENTRY DATE : Tuesday, September 20th from Noon HARDY-SEEDED) (Any Variety-Name) finished. The fairgrounds will open at 10 a.m. on Thursday, September 22nd to the public. 34. Any Variety (Name) 42. Blackberries GENERAL RULES FOR THIS DEPARTMENT (Any Variety-Name) • Total Hospital Services • Laser Pain Therapy • GRAPES All fruits must be grown by exhibitor identified. TABLE AMERICAN 43. Otherand – Name Variety • Vaccinations • Plate of three (3) constitutes an exhibit; Except; Berries (1 Cup), Cherries (6), Grapes (1-Cluster)• Dentistry Other American Varieties • Surgery • Health Care Programs • Skinned) Plates will be provided on NECTARINES entry day by Fair(5) Committee. (Slip • X-Rays • Nutritional Counseling WHAT JUDGES’ LOOK FOR IN44. Any FRUITVariety 35. Any Variety (Name) We're proud of our hospital • QUALITY: In best & prime eating condition, not necessarily the biggest. TABLE GRAPES EUROPEAN NUTS • CONDITION: Clean, free from(5) blemishes & disease. Dr. Jeanenne R. Myers Dr. Brooke Cummings (Non-slip skinned) 45. Walnuts Dr. Matt Mason Dr. Heather Ramsey • UNIFORMITY: uniform in size ripeness, shape & color. 46. Filberts 36. Any Variety (Name) All specimens • TYPICAL OF VARIETY: 47. Nuts VarietiesAny should be identified. Variety BOARDING KENNELS AWARDS WINE GRAPES – EMERGENCy SERvICES PROvIDED (6 • Round Cherries) AMERICAN HYBRID • RIBBONS: 1ST Blue - $3 CHERRIES • 2nd Red - $2 3rd White - $1 / STICKER AWARDS: Receive ribbon when picking up exhibit, if desired. (Must have stems) 37. Any Variety (Name) • SPECIAL ROSETTE RIBBONS: 48. Any Variety JUDGES’ CHOICE – One (1) per department. FRENCH HYBRID Sponsor:GRAPES Haener Equipment, Lewiston - $20 Cash Pet Hospital MISCELLANEOUS 38. Any Variety (Name) BEST OF SHOW – Awarded by judge’s in each age division providing an entry deserves such merit. 49. Fruits not listed above 743-5432 Thain Rd. Sponsor: Orchards Lanes, 244 Thain Rd., Lewiston – TEEN/YOUTH/CHILD – 20 Games•of207 Bowling Card Each BEST OF CLASS – Awarded by judges. One (1) each class when merited. AWARD OF MERIT – Awarded at judges discretion. SWEEPSTAKES – One (1) each age division. Exhibitor receiving the most BLUE Ribbons. (Minimum of 5 ribbons) RED counted for tie breaker. SUPERINTENDENT’S CHOICE – Awarded by superintendent in each age division providing an entry deserves such merit. Sponsor: Safeway, 2330 Nez Perce Dr.,Lewiston – ADULT- $10 / TEEN - $7 /YOUTH - $5 BIGGEST & MOST UNUSUAL - One (1) in each age division $ $ • TRIBUTE AWARDS: ED RANTA MEMORIAL AWARD – ADULT SWEEPSTAKES WINNER - $25.00 LUBE, OIL & FILTER A/C PERFORMANCE Sponsored By: Hay’s Produce & Garden Center, 701 Bridge St., Clarkston INCLUDES: New TEST oil filter, up to 5 qts. GEORGE SHREVE MEMORIAL AWARD – TEEN SWEEPSTAKES WINNER - $50.00 Cash INCLUDES: Test premium oil, chassis Sponsored By: Lewiston Tribune, 505 Capital St., Lewiston system pressure, Check lube applicable & GRAPES

Professional & Loving Care


Pet Love Specialists


ORCHARDS 3 1 6 1 7 4 H V _ 11


complete preventative inspection.

CLASSES / SUB-CLASSES APPLES Must have stems 01. Red Delicious 02. Yellow LEWISTON 03. Roman Beauty Delicious 1515 Main St. 04. Jonathan (208) 743-9509 05. Winesap 316 Thain Rd. 06. McIntosh (208) 07. Courtland743-5500

Most cars & light trucks. Specialty oils & diesel extra. With coupon only. Expires 9/30/2011.

hose condition, Check for contaminants.

Most cars & light trucks. Freon extra. Additional cost for evacuation/recharge. With coupon only. Expires 9/30/2011.





519 Diagonal St. (509) 758-0330

123 W. 7th St. (208) 882-3553


‑ 33 ‑

PREVENTATIVE MAINTENANCE Flush Pick 1 SAVE $10 ��Transmission ��Fuel Injection Flush Steering Flush Pick 2 SAVE $20 ��Power ��Radiator Flush $ Pick 3 SAVE 30 ��Brake Flush Most cars & light trucks. Specialty oils & diesel extra. With coupon only. Expires 9/30/2011.


YOUTH GREEN 9 – 12 Yrs

TEEN BLUE 13 – 18 Yrs




ENTRY DATE: Tuesday, September 20th from Noon until 8 p.m. Judging will be Wednesday starting at 8 a.m. until the judges are finished. The fairgrounds will open at 10 a.m. on Thursday, September 22nd to the public.


Entry MUST be created by the exhibitor. Attach a 3” x 5” card with contents and theme of basket/container written on it. Entry must be completely covered with clear plastic gift wrap or a clear gift bag.


• • • •

OVER ALL PRESENTATION: Is basket visually appealing CONTENTS: Are items arranged in coordination with color and theme. Are all items in view & not hidden. Do all items go with theme or do they just fill space. DECORATIONS: Bows, ribbons & other attachments add to the basket/container. CELLO FITS BASKET: Clear & smooth fit. Top is attractive & neat.


• •

RIBBONS: 1ST Blue - $3 • 2nd Red - $2 • 3rd White - $1 SPECIAL ROSETTE RIBBONS: JUDGES’ CHOICE – One (1) per department Sponsor: Garden Gate, 1425 16TH Ave., Lewiston - $25 Gift Certificate BEST OF SHOW – Awarded by judges’ in each age division providing an entry deserves such merit. Sponsor: Kendall, Dodge, Chrysler, Jeep, 1824 Main, Lewiston – ADULT/TEEN – Car Wash Coupon Book Sponsor: Rollaway, 1203 Idaho St., Lewiston – YOUTH & CHILD – Skating Passes BEST OF CLASS – Awarded by judges’. One (1) each class when merited. CREATIVITY – Awarded at judges’ discretion. AWARD OF MERIT – Awarded at judges’ discretion. SWEEPSTAKES – One (1) each age division. Exhibitor receiving the most BLUE Ribbons. RED counted for tie breaker. Sponsor: Spot On Yogurt, Lewiston & Clarkston - All age divisions – $5 Gift Certificate SUPERINTENDENT’S CHOICE -Awarded by superintendent in each age division providing an entry deserves such merit

CLASSES / SUB-CLASSES HOUSEHOLD GREETINGS HOUSEHOLD 1. Bath Bath 1. 2. Gardening 2. Gardening 3. Kitchen 3. Kitchen 4. Sewing 4. Sewing 5. Tea Time Time 5. Tea SPECIAL OCCASION 6. Baby 7. Birthday 8. Bridal Shower 9. Holiday

SPECIAL OCCASION OTHER GREETINGS 6. Baby 13. Fair Theme 10. Get Well 7. Birthday 14. Man’s 11. Good-Bye 8. Bridal Shower 15. Movie Night 12. Welcome 9. Holiday 16. Professional 10. Get Well 17. Sports 11. Good-Bye 18. Use your Imagination OTHER 13. 12. FairWelcome Theme 14. Man’s 15. Movie Night 16. Professional 17. Sports 18. Use your Imagination

‑ 34 ‑


YOUTH GREEN 9 – 12 Yrs

TEEN BLUE 13 – 18 Yrs




ENTRY DATE: Tuesday, September 20th from Noon until 8 p.m. Judging will be Wednesday starting at 8 a.m. until the judges are finished. The fairgrounds will open at 10 a.m. on Thursday, September 22nd to the public.


• • • • •

Entries must be the work of the exhibitor, completed since October 2010, and not entered in previous Nez Perce County Fairs Entries must be show quality, clean, free of pet hair, finished properly with ends woven in, blocked, matted, framed with wire hanger only, etc. A set of items will be judged as one (1) entry Great care will be taken, but EXHIBITORS ENTER AT THEIR OWN RISK. Multiple entries in a category are allowed ONLY if different stitches or patterns are used.


• • • •

GENERAL APPEARANCE: Neat, clean, finishing techniques suitable to subject & medium. WORKMANSHIP: Techniques correct & consistent, composition balanced. CREATIVITY & SUITABILITY: Originality or presentation of subject, choice of color combinations, medium & techniques suitable to subject. DIFFICULTY OF PROJECT


• •

RIBBONS: 1st - Blue - $3 • 2nd Red - $2 • 3rd White - $1 SPECIAL ROSETTE RIBBONS: JUDGES’ CHOICE – One (1) per department Sponsor: Idaho Impressions, 844 D. St., Lewiston - $20 Cash BEST OF SHOW – Awarded by judges’ in each age division providing an entry deserves such merit. Sponsor: Wanda Hauf Memorial Award – ADULT - $25 Cash Sponsor: Kendall, Chrysler, Dodge, Jeep, Lewiston – TEEN – Car Wash Coupon Book Sponsor: Rollaway, 1203 Idaho St., Lewiston – YOUTH/CHILD – Skating Pass BEST OF CLASS – Awarded by judges’. One (1) each class when merited. CREATIVITY – Awarded at judges’ discretion. AWARD OF MERIT – Awarded at judges’ discretion. SWEEPSTAKES - One (1) each age division. Exhibitor receiving the most BLUE Ribbons. RED counted for tie breaker. Sponsor: Haener Equipment, Lewiston – ADULT - $10 Cash Sponsor: Jeffrey’s Restaurant, 244 Thain Rd., Lewiston – TEEN/YOUTH/CHILD – Breakfast for 2 Certificate SUPERINTENDENT’S CHOICE – Awarded by superintendent in each age division providing an entry deserves such merit. Sponsor: Yarn Underground, 114 ½ East 3rd St., Moscow – ADULT - $30 Gift Certificate


DECORATIONS, TOYS, & CLOTHING – Crochet with yarn BEDSPREAD – Crochet with 12. Accessories - belt, HOUSEHOLD ARTICLES yarn collar, hat, gloves, etc. – Crochet with yarn BABY AFGHANS 18. Lace 13. Booties, Socks, – Crochet with yarn 07. Doll, Toy 19. Motif Leggings or Slippers 01. Lace 08. Doll Clothes, Pillow Doll 20. Row 14. Shawl, Stole, Scarf or 02. Motif 09. Decoration Poncho 03. Row 10. Dishcloth, Potholder, ‘Doily’ 15. Vest, Shell, or 11. Other household article Sleeveless Sweater AFGHANS – crochet with yarn 16. Sweater or Coat 04. Lace 17. Other Clothing 05. Motif 06. Row - 35 -


47. Vest, Shell, or Sleeveless HAND APPLIQUE 105. 5x5 - 12x12 inches HOUSEHOLD ARTICLES Sweater 77. < 5 x5 inches 106. > 5x5 - 12x12 inches CHILD YOUTH TEEN ADULT DISABLED PROFESSIONAL –Crochet with thread 48. Sweater or Coat 78. 5x5-12x12 inches GOLD GREEN BLUE WHITE YELLOW LAVENDER 21. Doll, Toy 49. Other Clothing 79. > 12x12 inches CANDLEWICKING Up to 8 Yrs 9 – 12 Yrs 13 – 18 Yrs 19 - Over (Display Only) 22. Doll Clothes, Pillow Doll 107. < 5x5 inches 23. Decoration BEDSPREAD –Knit with yarn LATCH HOOK 108. 5x5 - 12x12 inches th ENTRY DATE Tuesday, September from Noon until 8 p.m. Judging Wednesday starting at 8 a.m. until the judges are 24. Doily <10: inches, 10-15 50.20Lace 80. <will 5 x5beinches 109. > 12x12 inches nd finished. The fairgrounds will open at 10 a.m. on Thursday, September 22 to the public. inches, or >15 inches 51. Cables 81. 5x5-12x12 inches GENERAL THIS DEPARTMENT 25. Other RULES householdFOR article 52. Pattern 82. > 12x12 inches WHITEWORK, BLACKWORK, REDWORK • Entries must be the work of the exhibitor, completed since October 2010, and not entered in previous Nez Perce County Fairs CLOTHING –Crochet with DECORATIONS, TOYS, & PLASTIC CANVAS < 5x5 inches • Entries must be show quality, clean, free of pet hair, finished properly with ends woven in, blocked,110. matted, framed with wire threadhanger only, etc. HOUSEHOLD ARTICLES 83. < 5 x5 inches 111. 5x5 - 12x12 inches 26. - belt, thread 84. 5x5-12x12 inches 112. > 12x12 inches • Accessories A set of items willcollar, be judged –knit as onewith (1) entry hat, gloves, etc. 53. Doll, Toy 85. > 12x12 inches • Great care will be taken, but EXHIBITORS ENTER AT THEIR OWN RISK. 27. Shawl or Stole 54. Doll Clothes, Pillow Doll OTHER EMBROIDERY • Multiple entries in a category are allowed ONLY if different stitches or patterns are used. 28. Vest or Shell 55. Decoration TATTING STITCHES WHAT JUDGES’ NEEDLEWORK 29. Other clothingLOOK FOR WITH 56. Doily <10 inches, 10-15 86. < 5 x5 inches 113. < 5x5 inches • GENERAL APPEARANCE: Neat, clean, finishing suitable to subject & medium. 114. 5x5 - 12x12 inches inches, or >15 inchestechniques87. 5x5-12x12 inches BEDSPREAD – Crochet withTechniques 57. Other household article 88. balanced. > 12x12 inches 115. > 12x12 inches • WORKMANSHIP: correct & consistent, composition Thread • CREATIVITY & SUITABILITY: Originality or presentation of subject, choice of color combinations, medium & techniques 30. Lace CLOTHING -Knit with thread EMBROIDERY HARDANGER SOMETHING SPECIAL suitable to subject. 31. Motif 58. Accessories - belt, collar, 89. < 5 x5 inches Multiple techniques ex. • DIFFICULTY OF PROJECT 32. Row hat, gloves, etc. 90. 5x5-12x12 inches Appliqué with embroidery & AWARDS 59. Shawl or Stole 91. > 12x12 inches tatted edging nd • RIBBONS: 1st - Blue - $3 60. • 2Vest Red - $2 • 3rd White - $1 KNIT or Shell • SPECIAL ROSETTE RIBBONS: 61. Other clothing CREWEL 116. < 5x5 inches JUDGES’ CHOICE BABY AFGHANS - Knit with – One (1) per department 92. < 5 x5 inches 117. 5x5 - 12x12 inches Sponsor: Idaho Impressions, 844 D.– St., - $20 93. Cash 5x5-12x12 inches yarn BEDSPREAD KnitLewiston with 118. > 12x12 inches by judges’ in each age division94. providing an entry deserves such merit. 33. LaceBEST OF SHOW – Awarded thread > 12x12 inches 34. Cables Sponsor: Wanda Hauf62. Memorial Lace Award – ADULT - $25 Cash STITCH SAMPLER 35. Pattern Sponsor: Kendall, Chrysler, Dodge, Jeep, Lewiston –BRAZILIAN TEEN – Car Wash Coupon Book -Show off your technique, 63. Motif Sponsor: Rollaway, 1203 – Skating 64. Idaho Row St., Lewiston – YOUTH/CHILD 95. < 5x5 inches Pass make an heirloom AFGHANSBEST - KnitOF with yarn – Awarded by judges’. One (1) each class96. CLASS when5x5 merited. - 12x12 inches 36. Lace CREATIVITY – Awarded MACHINE LOOM KNIT 97. > 12x12 inches 119. Embroidery stitches at judges’ordiscretion. 37. Cables 65. Wheel 120. Knit stitches/patterns AWARD OF MERIT – Awarded at spun judges’ discretion. 38. Pattern 66.each Spindle spun Exhibitor receiving CUTWORK 121. Crochet stitches/patterns SWEEPSTAKES - One (1) age division. the most BLUE Ribbons. RED counted for tie breaker. 67. OtherLewiston – ADULT - $1098. 122. Other technique Sponsor: Haener Equipment, Cash< 5x5 inches DECORATIONS, TOYS, & 99.– TEEN/YOUTH/CHILD 5x5 - 12x12 inches – Breakfast for stitches/patterns Sponsor: Jeffrey’s Restaurant, 244 Thain Rd., Lewiston 2 Certificate HOUSEHOLD ARTICLES FELTING technique 100. in > 12x12 inches SUPERINTENDENT’S CHOICE -–List Awarded by superintendent each age division providing an entry deserves such merit. Sponsor: Yarn Underground, 114 ½ East 3rd St., Moscow – ADULT - $30 Gift Certificate –Knit with yarn 68. Fiber felting BOBBIN LACE 39. Doll, Toy 69. Needle felting COUNTED CROSS STITCH 123. Bobbin Lace 40. Doll Clothes, Pillow Doll 70. Worked yarn felting (ex. List stitches per inch. List 41. Decoration felted knit) fabric ex. aida, linen, waste PLARN 42. Dishcloth, Potholder, ‘Doily’ canvas Plastic bags made into yarn. 43. Other Household Article NEEDLEPUNCH (Recycle) 71. < 5 x5 inches 101. < 5x5 inches CLOTHING -Knit with yarn 72. 5x5-12x12 inches 102. 5x5 - 12x12 inches 124. Personal Items 44. Accessories - belt, collar, 73. > 12x12 inches 103. > 12x12 inches 125. Household Items hat, gloves, etc. 45. Booties, Socks, WEAVING STAMPED/TRANSFER BRAID Leggings or Slippers 74. < 5 x5 inches EMBROIDERY 126. Personal Items 46. Shawl, Stole, Scarf or 75. 5x5-12x12 inches 104. < 5x5 inches 127. Rugs Poncho 76. > 12x12 inches 128. Other Household Items - 36 -



DISABLED PROFESSIONAL YOUTH TEEN ADULT CHILD YOUTH TEEN ADULT DISABLED PROFESSIONAL GOLD GREEN BLUE WHITE YELLOW LAVENDER GOLD GREEN BLUE WHITE YELLOW LAVENDER Up to 8 Yrs 9 – 12 Yrs 13 – 18 Yrs 19 - Over Up to 8 Yrs 9 – 12 Yrs 13 – 18 Yrs 19 - Over (Display Only) ENTRY DATE: Tuesday, September 21st from Noon until 8 p.m. Judging will be Wednesday starting at 8 a.m. until the judges to the are finished. The will open 20 at th10from a.m. Noon on Thursday, September 23rdwill ENTRY DATE : fairgrounds Tuesday, September until 8 p.m. Judging be public. Wednesday starting at 8 a.m. until the judges are finished. The fairgrounds will open at 10 a.m. on Thursday, September 22nd to the public.

GENERAL RULES FOR THIS DEPARTMENT • Entries mustFOR be theTHIS work of the exhibitor, completed since October 2009, and not entered in previous Nez Perce County Fairs GENERAL RULES DEPARTMENT Great must care will be work taken,ofbut at theirsince own October risk. • • Entries be the theexhibitors exhibitor,enter completed 2010, and not entered in previous Nez Perce County Fair

Pagecare protectors bebut used on all paper • • Great will bemust taken, exhibitors enterentries. at their own risk. • WHEN EXHIBITING DOUBLE PAGES, THE PAGES MUST BE SECURED TOGETHER BEFORE ENTERING. • Page protectors must be used on all paper entries. WHAT JUDGES LOOK FOR IN PAPER CRAFTING • WHEN EXHIBITING DOUBLE PAGES, THE PAGES MUST BE SECURED TOGETHER BEFORE ENTERING. • JUDGES’ OVERALL APPEAL WHAT LOOK FOR IN PAPER CRAFTING • DOES IT FIT CATEGORY • OVERALL APPEAL JOURNALING OF EVENT: People, Place and Date • • DOES IT FIT CATEGORY • CREATIVITY AND ORGINALITY: Not store bought pages • • JOURNALING OF EVENT: People, Place and Date NEATNESS AND EFFORT • • CREATIVITY INTEREST AND ORGINALITY: Not store bought pages • NEATNESS AND EFFORT AWARDS • • INTEREST RIBBONS: 1ST Blue - $3 • 2nd Red - $2 • 3rd White - $1 / STICKER AWARDS: Receive silk ribbon when premium is paid, if desired. AWARDS • SPECIAL ROSETTE RIBBONS: nd JUDGES CHOICE One per department • RIBBONS: 1ST Blue -–$3 • 2(1) Red - $2 • 3rd White - $1 / STICKERS: Receive ribbon when picking up exhibit, if desired. th Sponsor: Rock Art, 904 6 St., Clarkston - $20.00 Gift Certificate • SPECIAL ROSETTE RIBBONS: BEST OF SHOW – Awarded by judge’s in each age division providing an entry deserves such merit. JUDGES’ CHOICE – One (1) per department Sponsor: Haener Equipment, Lewiston – ADULT Sponsor: Haener Equipment, Lewiston - $20 Cash - $10.00 Cash Sponsor: Rollaway, 1203 Idaho St., Lewiston – TEEN/YOUTH/CHILD – Skatingsuch Passmerit. BEST OF SHOW – Awarded by judge’s in each age division providing an entry deserves BEST OF CLASS – Awarded by judge’s. One (1) each class when merited. Sponsor: Haener Equipment, Lewiston – ADULT - $10 Cash CREATIVITY – Awarded at Idaho judges St., discretion. Sponsor: Rollaway, 1203 Lewiston – TEEN/YOUTH/CHILD – Skating Pass Each AWARD OF MERIT – Awarded at judges BEST OF CLASS – Awarded by judges’. Onediscretion (1) each class when merited. SWEEPSTAKES – One (1) each age division. Exhibitor receiving the most BLUE Ribbons. RED counted for tie breaker. CREATIVITY – Awarded at judges’ discretion. Sponsor: Orchards Lanes, 244 Thain discretion. Rd, Lewiston – TEEN/YOUTH/CHILD - Ten(10) Game Bowling Certificate Ea AWARD OF MERIT – Awarded at judges’ SUPERINTENDENT’S CHOICE – One (1) per age division, for a scrapbook page that depicts the fair theme “Country SWEEPSTAKES – One (1) each age division. Exhibitor receiving the most BLUE Ribbons. RED counted for tie breaker. Nights & Carnival Lights” or any part of a county fair. Sponsor: Orchards Lanes, 244 Thain Rd, Lewiston – TEEN/YOUTH/CHILD - 20 Game Bowling Punch Card Each Sponsor: Russie Hastings – ADULT/TEEN - $10.00 Cash Each – YOUTH/CHILD - $5.00 Cash Each SUPERINTENDENT’S CHOICE – One (1) per age division, for a scrapbook page that depicts the fair theme “A Whole Lotta Bakin’ Goin on” or any part of a county fair. Sponsor: Russie Hastings – ADULT/TEEN - $10 Cash Each – YOUTH/CHILD - $5 Cash Each



01. Embossing CLASSES / SUB-CLASSES 01. Embossing 02. Dry Embossing

02. Dry 03. Embossing Sticker CARD 03. Sticker 04. Stamping 01. Embossing 04. Stamping 05. Multiple Techniques 02. Embossing 05.Dry Multiple Techniques 03. Sticker NOTE CARDS 04. Stamping NOTE CARDS 06. Embossing 05. Multiple Techniques 06. Embossing

07. Dry Embossing

NOTE08. CARDS Sticker

09. Stamping 10. Multiple Techniques

INVITATION 11. Embossing 12. Dry Embossing 13. Sticker 14. Stamping 15. Multiple Techniques BIRTH ANNOUNCEMENT 16. Embossing 17. Dry Embossing 18. Sticker

19. Stamping 20. Multiple Techniques

28. Scherenschnitte 29. Paper Piercing

MISC 21. Embossing 22. Dry Embossing 23. Sticker 24. Stamping 25. Multiple Techniques 26. Quilling 27. Origami

SCRAPBOOKING OUTSIDE COVER HOMEMADE ALBUM 30. Mini – Albums 31. 5 x 7 32. 8½ x 11 33. 12 x12

‑ 37 ‑

DEPARTMENT 13 – PAPER CRAFTING SUPERINTENDENT: RUSSIE HASTINGS – (208)746-3094 SCRAPBOOKING SCRAPBOOKING MINI ALBUMS SCRAPBOOKING DIVISIONS ALBUMS 8 ½ x 11 ALBUMS 12 x 12 68. Animals 12 x 12 CHILD YOUTH TEEN ADULT DISABLED PAGES PROFESSIONAL 34. Animals 51. Animals 69. Anniversary 105. Animals GOLD GREEN BLUE WHITE YELLOW LAVENDER 35. Anniversary 52. 70. 106. (Display Anniversary Up to 8 Yrs 9 – 12 YrsAnniversary 13 – 18 Yrs 19 -Antique Over Photo’s Only) 36. Antique Photo’s 53. Antique Photo’s 71. Baby 107. Antique Photo’s 37. Baby 54. Baby 72. Birthday 108. Baby ENTRY DATE: Tuesday, September 20th from Noon until 8 p.m. Judging will be Wednesday starting at 8 a.m. until the judges 38. Birthday 55. Birthday 73. Family 109. Birthday nd are finished. The fairgrounds will open at 10 a.m. on Thursday, September 22 to the public. 39. Family 56. Family 74. Food 110. Family 40. Food RULES FOR THIS DEPARTMENT 57. Food 75. Graduation 111. Friends GENERAL 41. Graduation 58. Graduation 76. Heritage 112. Nez FoodPerce County Fair • Entries must be the work of the exhibitor, completed since October 2010, and not entered in previous 42. Heritage 59. Heritage 77. Holiday 113. Gardening • Great care will be taken, but exhibitors enter at their own risk. 43. Holiday 60. Holiday 78. Indoor 114. Graduation • Page protectors must be used on all paper entries. 44. Indoor 61. Indoor 79. Outdoor 115. Heritage • WHEN EXHIBITING DOUBLE PAGES, THE PAGES MUST BE SECURED TOGETHER BEFORE ENTERING. 45. Outdoor 62. Outdoor 80. Seasons 116. Holiday WHAT JUDGES’ LOOK FOR IN PAPER CRAFTING 46. Season 63. Season 81. School Days 117. Indoor • OVERALL APPEAL 47. School Days 64. School Days 82. Vacation 118. Outdoor • DOES IT FIT CATEGORY 48. Vacation 65. Vacation 83. Wedding 119. Seasons • Wedding JOURNALING OF EVENT: People, Place and Date 49. 66. Wedding 84. Miscellaneous 120. School Days • Miscellaneous CREATIVITY AND ORGINALITY: Not store bought pages 50. 67. Miscellaneous 121. Sports SCRAPBOOKING 122. Vacation • NEATNESS AND EFFORT PAGES 8 ½ x 11 123. Wedding • INTEREST 85. Animals 124. Miscellaneous AWARDS ST nd rd 86. Anniversary • RIBBONS: 1 Blue - $3 • 2 Red - $2 • 3 White - $1 / STICKERS: Receive ribbon when picking up exhibit, if desired. 87. Antique Photo’s GIFT TAGS & BAGS • SPECIAL ROSETTE RIBBONS: 88. Baby 125. Gift Tags & Bags JUDGES’ CHOICE – One (1) per department 89. Birthday Sponsor: Haener Equipment, Lewiston - $20 Cash 90. Family ALTERED BEST OF SHOW – Awarded by judge’s in each age division providing an entry deserves such merit. 91. Friends 126. Altered Chipboard Sponsor: Haener Equipment, Lewiston – ADULT - $10 Cash 92. Food Sponsor: Rollaway, 1203 Idaho St., Lewiston – TEEN/YOUTH/CHILD – Skating Pass127. Each Altered Metal 93. Gardening 128. Altered Wood BEST OF CLASS – Awarded by judges’. One (1) each class when merited. 94. Graduation CREATIVITY – Awarded at judges’ discretion. 95. Heritage AWARD OF MERIT – Awarded at judges’ discretion. Since 1903 96. Holiday SWEEPSTAKES – One (1) each age division. Exhibitor receiving the most BLUE Ribbons. RED counted for tie breaker. 97. Indoor Sponsor: Orchards Lanes, 244 Thain Rd, Lewiston – TEEN/YOUTH/CHILD - 20 Game Bowling Punch Card Each SUPERINTENDENT’S CHOICE – One (1) per age division,98. for aOutdoor scrapbook page that depicts the fair theme 99. Seasons “A Whole Lotta Bakin’ Goin on” or any part of a county fair. 100. –School Days Sponsor: Russie Hastings – ADULT/TEEN - $10 Cash Each YOUTH/CHILD - $5 Cash Each 101. Sports 102. Vacation Garlinghouse Memorials invites you to enjoy the fair! 103. Wedding Stop by our booth to see our granite and marble display. CLASSES / SUB-CLASSES 104. Miscellaneous

Service Is Our Tradition Come see us!

NOTE CARDS 1603 Main


St. • Lewiston • 1-800-900-2471


CARD Owners, Kay & Gary Stilson 01. Embossing 02. Dry Embossing Our personalized memorials are crafted 03. Sticker right here in the Lewis Clark Valley. 04. Stamping 05. Multiple Techniques

‑ 38 ‑


YOUTH GREEN 9 – 12 Yrs

TEEN BLUE 13 – 18 Yrs




ENTRY DATE: Tuesday, September 20th from Noon until 8 p.m. Judging will be Wednesday starting at 8 a.m. until finished. The Fairgrounds will open at 10 a.m. on Thursday, September 22nd to the public. NO FRAMES! MAT’S ONLY! GENERAL RULES FOR THIS DEPARTMENT

• •

• • •

Eligibility: All entries MUST be the work of the exhibitor and taken during or after Sept, 2010. Photographs of only high quality, in good taste and suitable for family viewing will be accepted. A professional photographer shall be considered someone who earns more than 50% of their annual income taking photographs. Professional entries are not judged. Exhibit only. Entries: Exhibitor may enter two (2) photos per Class, but only Four (4) entries total. Entries produced by personal computer & printers need to be on suitable photo grade paper. These entries will be judged in the same class as all other photos processed commercially. No entries will be accepted on plain copy paper. Exhibitors need to be prepared to identify which class/subclass their photo is to be entered in. Identification: Entry cards must be complete and legible. Address labels are preferred, two(2) labels per entry. Entry MUST have exhibitors name, address & phone number on back. Size and framing of entries: Photos MUST be at least a 5 x 7 and no larger than a 16 x 20. Standard Mat Only. NO FRAMES - NO GLASS!!! Exhibit not to exceed an overall maximum of 20 x 24. Matting must overlay & frame photo. Only one (1) picture per mat allowed. No collages. All possible care is taken, but no responsibility for loss or damage will be assumed by Nez Perce County Fair Board. NO GLASS IS ALLOWED!! Use of expensive matting is NOT recommended. A butterfly clip will be used for hanging as well as attaching a card displaying exhibitors name after judging has taken place.


GENERAL APPEARANCE: Neat, clean, photo securely attached to mat, mat color & style enhances photo. TECHNIQUE: Focus, lighting, color balance, depth of field, angle, quality of developing & printing. COMPOSITION: Photo captures the mood/spirit/life of the subject so viewer knows more about the subject after looking at the photo, balance of elements (Subject should be the most prominent element of the photo and background does not detract from subject). CHOICE OF SUBJECT - Exhibitor needs to know how photo fits or relates to the Class/Sub-Class they are entering in.


RIBBONS: 1ST Blue - $3 • 2nd Red - $2 • 3rd White - $1 / STICKERS: Receive ribbon when picking up exhibit, if desired. SPECIAL ROSETTE RIBBONS: JUDGES’ CHOICE – One (1) per department Sponsor: Haener Equipment, Lewiston - $20 Cash BEST OF SHOW – Awarded by judges’ in each age division providing an entry deserves such merit. Sponsor: Costco, 301 5TH St., Clarkston – ADULT – Gift Certificate for 200 digital prints Sponsor: Art & Frame by D&J/Klings, 704 Main St., Lewiston – TEEN/YOUTH/CHILD – $35 Gift Cert Each BEST OF CLASS – Awarded by judges’. One (1) each class when merited. CREATIVITY - Awarded at judge’ discretion. AWARD OF MERIT – Awarded at judges’ discretion. SWEEPSTAKES - Exhibitor with the largest amount of blue ribbons. Red ribbons counted for tie breaker. Sponsor: Orchards Lanes, 244 Thain Rd., Lewiston – ADULT/TEEN- 20 Game Bowling Punch Card Sponsor: Spot on Yogurt, Lewiston & Clarkston – YOUTH/CHILD - $5 Gift Certificate Each SUPERINTENDENT’S CHOICE – Awarded by superintendent in each age division providing an entry deserves such merit.

‑ 39 ‑




PROFESSIONAL Scenic LAVENDER 11. Agriculture 01. Flowers– Adult 9 – 12 Yrs (Display Only) 02. People 12. Sunrise/Sunset 00/mo 02. People – Adult 2 Meg. $ 03. People – Children 13. View of Nez Perce FREE HD for Life! 03. People – Children ENTRY DATE: Tuesday, September 20th from Noon until 8 p.m. Judging will&beBirds Wednesday starting at 8 a.m. until 04. Animals County 04. Animals & Birds 05. 22nd Nostalgia 14. Landscape finished. The Fairgrounds will open at 10 a.m. on Thursday, September to the public. 05. Nostalgia Wild Blue 06. Building NO FRAMES! MAT’S 06.ONLY! Building Abstract Starting $ 99 99 High-Speed Starting $ at at Internet Action Display 15. Abstract GENERAL RULES FOR THIS DEPARTMENT Action Display 07. Human Interest at .07during Human Interest • Eligibility: Starting All entries MUST be the work of the exhibitor and taken or after Sept, 2010. Photographs of only high 08. A Sports General 99and suitable for family viewing .08 Sports quality, in $ good taste will be accepted. professional photographer shall be considered Starting at 09. Humor 16. not General UNLIMITED .09 Humor someone who earns more than 50% of their annual income taking photographs. Professional entries are judged. Exhibit only. Local and $ 99 10. Past Nez Perce County 7 Meg. .10 Past Nez Perce County Fair Theme – Identify Long Distance • Entries: Exhibitor may enter two (2) photos per Class, but only Four (4) entries total. Entries produced by personal computer & Fair Theme – Identify printers need to be on suitable photo grade paper. These entries will be judged in the same class as all other photos processed Scenic commercially. No entries will be accepted on plain copy paper. Exhibitors need to be prepared to identify which class/subclass 11. Agriculture their photo is to be entered in. 145 Thain Rd 12. Sunrise/Sunset • Identification: Entry cards must be Lewiston, complete and legible. Address labels are preferred, two(2) labels per entry. Entry MUST ID 83501 13. View of Nez Perce County On All Custom Satellite have exhibitors name, address & phone208-743-5105 number on back. Products 866-622-1498 •YourSize and framing of entries: Photos MUST be at least a 5 xAbstract 7 and no larger than a 16 x 20. Standard Mat Only. NO *Restrictions apply. local, trusted See for details. tostore exceed an overall maximum of 20 x 24. Matting must overlay & frame photo. Only andFRAMES dependable- NO GLASS!!! Exhibit not 14. Abstract Must present coupon. Coupon cannot be authorized DISH one (1) picture per mat allowed. No collages. combined with any other Network retailer. offers. Expires 10-15-2011. General • All possible care is taken, but no responsibility for loss or damage will be assumed by Nez Perce County Fair Board. NO GLASS 15. General IS ALLOWED!! Use of expensive matting is NOT recommended. A butterfly clip will be used for hanging as well as attaching a card displaying exhibitors name after judging has taken place. CHILD GOLD Up to 8 Yrs


TEEN BLUE 13 – 18 Yrs

Starting at


$ GREEN 99



DISABLED Portraits

Portraits YELLOW 01. Flowers





$25 Rebate



GENERAL APPEARANCE: Neat, clean, photo securely attached to mat, mat color & style enhances photo. TECHNIQUE: Focus, lighting, color balance, depth of field, angle, quality of developing & printing. COMPOSITION: Photo captures the mood/spirit/life of the subject so viewer knows more about the subject after looking at the photo, balance of elements (Subject should be the most prominent element of the photo and background does not detract from subject). The right Milgard replacement window greatly enhance the look and value CHOICE OF SUBJECTcan - Exhibitor needs to know how photo fits or relates to the Class/Sub-Class they are entering in. of your home. With many choices from




• •

Craftsman to Contemporary, we’ve got

nd covered. With outstanding RIBBONS: 1ST Blue - $3your • 2style Red - $2 • 3rd White - $1 / STICKERS: Receive ribbon when picking up exhibit, if desired. construction and a Full Lifetime Warranty SPECIAL ROSETTE RIBBONS: for as long as own and reside in your it’s no so many people JUDGES’ CHOICEhome, – One (1)wonder per department choose Milgard. Sponsor: Haener Equipment, Lewiston - $20 Cash warranty details visit BEST OF SHOW – For Awarded by judges’ in each age division providing an entry deserves such merit. Sponsor: Costco,Windows, 301 5TH St., Doors Clarkston – ADULT – Gift Certificate for 200 digital prints and Sponsor: Art & Frame by D&J/Klings, More... Store 704 Main St., Lewiston – TEEN/YOUTH/CHILD – $35 Gift Cert Each BEST OF CLASS – Awarded byDoors judges’. One (1) each class when merited. “Where Our Always Open” Your Specialty Building CREATIVITY - Awarded at judge’ discretion. Supply Headquarters. AWARD OF MERIT – Awarded at judges’ discretion. SWEEPSTAKES - Exhibitor with the largest amount of blue ribbons. Red ribbons counted for tie breaker. Rd, Lewiston Sponsor: Orchards Lanes,523½ 244Thain Thain Rd., Lewiston – ADULT/TEEN- 20 Game Bowling Punch Card (208) 746-9000 Sponsor: Spot on Yogurt, website: Lewiston & Clarkston – YOUTH/CHILD - $5 Gift Certificate Each Email: – SUPERINTENDENT’S CHOICE Awarded by superintendent in each age division providing an entry deserves such merit.

Improve the look and value of your home. Call us today.

‑ 40 ‑




YOUTH TEEN ADULT CHILDGREENYOUTH TEEN ADULT BLUE WHITE GOLD GREEN 13 – 18 BLUE WHITE 9 – 12 Yrs Yrs 19 - Over Up to 8 Yrs 9 – 12 Yrs 13 – 18 Yrs 19 - Over ENTRY DATE: Tuesday, September 21st from Noon until 8 p.m. Judging will be Wednesday starting at ENTRY DATE Wednes September 21st from 3will pmopen untilat810 pma.m. Judging will be September Friday starting at the 9:50 a.m. 8 a.m. until the :judges areday, finished. The fairgrounds on Thursday, 23rd to nd until the judges are finished. The fairgrounds will open at 10 a.m. on Thursday, September 22 to the public. public.


Judging Judgingwill willbebefrom fromthe thelatest latestversion versionofofthe theAmerican AmericanStandard StandardofofPerfection Perfectionand andjudge’s judge’sdecision decisionis final. Exhibitors is final. are required to care for poultry during the Fair. Birds infested lice will be disqualified the Judge. Exhibitors arewith required to care for poultry by during the Fair. Exhibitors are required feed, and keep Birds infested with licetowill bewater disqualified bythe thepoultry Judge. pens closed. Any animal with any disease will not be entered. Exhibitors are required to feed, water and keep the poultry pens closed.

AWARDS • Any animal with any disease will not be entered.

RIBBONS: 1ST Blue - $3 • 2nd Red - $2 • 3rd White - $1/ STICKERS: Trade for ribbon when picking up entry if desired. • SPECIAL ROSETTE RIBBONS: AWARDS BEST OF SHOW – One • RIBBONS: 1ST Blue - $3 (1) • awarded 2nd Red overall. - $2 • 3rd White - $1 BEST OF CLASS – One (1) in each age division will be awarded in each of the Classes Below • SPECIAL ROSETTE RIBBONS: Poultry……………1-31 BEST OF SHOW – One (1) in each age division will be awarded in each of the following Classes Bantams………….32-35 Poultry……………1-31 Show Breeds……..36-38 Bantams………….32-35 Pigeons…………...39-41 Show Breeds……..36-38 Turkeys…………..42-45 Pigeons…………...39-41 Ducks…………….46-49 Turkeys…………..42-45 Geese…………….50-53 Ducks…………….46-49 SWEEPSTAKES – One (1) each age division. Exhibitor receiving the most BLUE Ribbons. RED ribbons Geese…………….50-53 counted for tie. BEST OF CLASS – One (1) in each age division will be awarded in each of the above Classes Sponsor: Garlinghouse Memorials, 1603 Main, Lewiston SWEEPSTAKES – One (1) each age division. Exhibitor receiving the most BLUE Ribbons. ADULT/TEEN/YOUTH $10 Cash Each RED Ribbons counted for tie. Sponsor: Equipment, Inc., Lewiston Sponsor:Haener Garlinghouse Memorials, 1603 Main, Lewiston - All Age Divisions - $10.00 Cash CHILD - $5 Cash


POULTRY POULTRY POULTRY 01. American 01. American 01. American 02. White Leghorn, 02. White Leghorn,Cock Cock 02. White Leghorn, Cock 03. White Leghorn, 03. White Leghorn,Cockerel Cockerel 03. White Leghorn, Cockerel 04. White Leghorn, 04. White Leghorn,Hen Hen 04. White Leghorn, Hen 05. White Leghorn, 05. White Leghorn,Pullet Pullet 05. White Leghorn, Pullet 06. White Leghorn,Pen Pen 06. White Leghorn, 06. White Leghorn, Penofof of333 (One (OneSex) Sex) (One Sex) 07. White Leghorn, Penofof33 07. White Leghorn, 07. White Leghorn,Pen Pen of 3 (Boilers) (Boilers) (Boilers) 08. White Rocks, Cock 08. White Rocks, Cock 08. 09. White White Rocks, Rocks, Cock Cockerel 09. White Rocks, 09. White Rocks, Cockerel 10. White Rocks,Cockerel Hen 10. White Rocks, 10. White Rocks, Hen 11. White Rocks,Hen Pullet 11. White Rocks, 12. White Rocks,Pullet Pen of 3 11. White Rocks, Pullet 12. White (OneRocks, Sex) 12. White Rocks,Pen Penofof3 3 Sex) 13. (One White Rocks, (One Sex) Pen of 3 (Boilers) 13. White 13. WhiteRocks, Rocks,Pen Penofof3 3 14. (Boilers) Rhode Island Red, Cock (Boilers)

14. Rhode Island Red, Cock 15. Rhode Island Red, Cockerel

15. Rhode Island Red, Cockerel 16. Rhode Island Red, Hen 17. Rhode Island Red, Pullet 18. Rhode Island Red, Pen of 3 (One Sex) 19. Rhode Island Red, Pen of 3 (Boilers) 20. New Hampshire Red, Cock 21. New Hampshire Red, Cockerel 22. New Hampshire Red, Hen 23. New Hampshire Red, Pullet 24. New Hampshire Red, Pen of 3 (One Sex) 25. New Hampshire Red, Pen of 3 (Boilers) 26. Other Breed, Cock 27. Other Breed, Cockerel 28. Other Breed, Hen

29. Other Breed, Pellet 30. Other Breed, Pen of 3 (One Sex) 31. Other Breed, Pen of 3 (Boilers) BANTAMS 32. Best Pen of 3 Females 33. Best Male 34. Best Female 35. Best Pair SHOW BREEDS & EXOTIC 36. Best Male 37. Best Female 38. Best Pair PIGEONS 39. Best Male 40. Best Female

‑ 41 ‑

41. Best Pair TURKEYS 42. Colored Tom 43. Colored Hen 44. White Tom 45. White Hen DUCKS 46. White Drake 47. White Duck 48. Colored Drake 49. Colored Duck GEESE 50. White Gander 51. White Goose 52. Colored Gander 53. Colored Goose


YOUTH GREEN 9 – 12 Yrs

TEEN BLUE 13 – 18 Yrs




ENTRY DATE: Tuesday, September 20th from Noon until 8 p.m. Judging will be Wednesday starting at 8 a.m. until the judges are finished. The fairgrounds will open at 10 a.m. on Thursday, September 22nd to the public.


• •

• •

Entries must be the work of the exhibitor, completed since October 2009, and not entered in previous Nez Perce County Fairs ONLY TWO (2) ENTRIES ACCEPTED PER CLASS & ONLY ONE (1) ENTRY ACCEPTED PER SUB-CLASS. Entry cards must be complete and legible. Address labels are preferred, two (2) labels per entry. Great care will be taken, but EXHIBITORS ENTER AT THEIR OWN RISK


• • •

GENERAL APPEARANCE: Total impact, neat & clean, square & flat DESIGN: Choice & use of color & pattern for top & borders, suitability of materials to design & function. Originality or use of traditional patterns. WORKMANSHIP: Precision of cutting, stitching & finishing, quilting techniques, binding & edges.


• •

RIBBONS: 1ST Blue - $3 • 2nd Red - $2 • 3rd White - $1 SPECIAL ROSETTE RIBBONS: JUDGES’ CHOICE – One (1) per department Sponsor: Becky’s Fabric & Bernina, 1702 21st St., Lewiston - $25 Gift Card BEST OF SHOW – Awarded by judges’ in each age division providing an entry deserves such merit. Sponsor: Owl Pharmacies, 720 16th Ave., Lewiston – ADULT/TEEN/YOUTH - $10 Gift Certificate Each BEST OF CLASS – Awarded by judges’. One (1) each class when merited. CREATIVITY - Awarded at judges’ discretion. AWARD OF MERIT - Awarded at judges’ discretion. SWEEPSTAKES – One (1) each age division. Exhibitor receiving the most BLUE Ribbons. RED counted for tie breaker. Sponsor: Becky’s Fabric & Bernina, 1702 21st. St., Lewiston – ADULT - $25 Gift Card SUPERINTENDENT’S CHOICE: Awarded by superintendent in each age division providing an entry deserves such merit. Sponsor: Haener Equipment, Lewiston – ADULT – $10 Cash

CLASSES / SUB-CLASSES BABY QUILTS BABY QUILTS 01. Appliquéd 01. Appliquéd 02. Embroidered 02. Embroidered 03. Patchwork 03. Patchwork 04. Recycled 04. Recycled 05. Other 05. Other QUILTS-HAND QUILTED 06. Appliquéd QUILTS-HAND QUILTED 07. Embroidered 08. Patchwork 06. Appliquéd 09. Recycled 07. Embroidered 10. Other 08. Patchwork 09. Recycled QUILTS 10.MINIATURE Other 11. Appliquéd 12. Embroidered

13. Patchwork 14. Recycled 15. Other TIED COMFORTERS & QUILTS 16. Appliquéd 17. Embroidered 18. Patchwork 19. Recycled 20. Baby Quilts 21. Other MACHINE QUILTED 22. Appliquéd 23. Embroidered 24. Patchwork

25. Recycled 26. Other COMMERCIALLY QUILTED QUILTS 27. Appliquéd 28. Embroidered 29. Patchwork 30. Recycled 31. Other GROUP QUILTS 32. Appliquéd 33. Embroidered 34. Patchwork 35. Recycled

‑ 42 ‑

36. Other WALL HANGING 37. Appliquéd 38. Embroidered 39. Patchwork 40. Recycled 41. Other OTHER QUILTED ITEMS 42. Clothing 43. Tole bag 44. Holiday Decorations 45. Household Misc. 46. Other


YOUTH GREEN 9 – 12 Yrs

TEEN BLUE 13 – 18 Yrs


ENTRY DATE: Wednesday, September 21st from 3 p.m. until 8 p.m. Quality Judging will be Thursday at 5 p.m. Fitting & Showing will be on Friday at 9:50 a.m. The fairgrounds will open at 10 a.m. on Thursday, September 22nd to the public. RABBIT JUDGING IS DONE BY AMERICAN RABBIT BREEDER’S ASSOCIATION STANDARDS

GENERAL RULES FOR THIS DEPARTMENT • Eligibility: Must have been raised in Nez Perce County or adjacent counties: Lewis, Latah, Idaho, Clearwater, Asotin and Whitman. • Entries: Limit to two (2) per class. Separate class for each breed if three (3) or more of each breed are entered. Any animal with disease will not be entered. Meat Pen – Three (3) rabbits same breed, same variety, same age. No more than 10 weeks old, minimum weight 3 lbs., max 5 lbs. Doe & Litter is a dam and babies six (6) to eight (8) weeks old. • Identification: Entry cards must be complete and legible. Ear tag number MUST be written on Entry Ticket • Exhibitor Responsibilities: Exhibitor is required to care for rabbits during Fair, providing their own water & feeding containers. Exhibitor is required to feed, water and keep rabbit pens closed. Transportation containers must be removed during the Fair. AWARDS

• RIBBONS: 1ST Blue - $3 • 2nd Red - $2 • 3rd White - $1 / STICKERS: Receive ribbon when picking up exhibit, if desired. •

SPECIAL ROSETTE RIBBONS: JUDGES’ CHOICE – One (1) per department. Sponsor: Wayne’s Concessions, Genesee - $20 Cash BEST OF CLASS – One (1) each age division in the following categories: Rabbits Purebred – 4 Class Rabbits Purebred – 6 Class BEST OF BREED – Awarded if three (3) or more in an age division of the same breed. SWEEPSTAKES – One (1) each age division. Exhibitor receiving the most BLUE Ribbons. RED counted for tie breaker. Sponsor: Garlinghouse Memorials, 1603 Main, Lewiston – ADULT/TEEN YOUTH - $10 Cash Each. Sponsor: Haener Equipment, Inc. Lewiston – CHILD - $5 Cash SUPERINTENDENT’S CHOICE: Awarded in each age division providing an entry deserves such merit. Classes / Subclasses Purebred 11. Purebred 18. Jr. Doe CLASSES / SUB-CLASSES – 4 Class – Meat Pen 19. Sr. Doe 01. Sr. Buck 20. 6-8 Doe Purebred – 4 Class 02. Jr. Buck 21. Jr. Doe Crossbred 01. Sr. Buck 03. Sr. Doe 22. Crossbred – 4 Class 02. Jr. Buck 04. Jr. Doe – Meat Pen 12. Sr. Buck 03. Sr. Doe 13. Jr. Buck 04. Jr. Doe Purebred 14. Sr. Doe OTHER – 6 Class 15. Jr. Doe 23. Guinea Pigs Purebred – 6 Class 05. Buck Sr. Buck 24. Doe & Litter 05. Sr. 06. 6-8 Buck 25. Other Pocket Pets (Ferrets, HedgeCrossbred 06. 6-8 Buck 07. Jr. Buck hogs) – 6 Class 07. Jr. Buck 08. Sr. Doe 16. Sr. Buck 08. Sr. Doe 09. Doe 6-8 Doe 17. 6-8 Buck 09. 6-8 10. Jr. Doe 10. Jr. Doe ‑ 43 ‑ 11. Purebred – Meat Pen


YOUTH GREEN 9 – 12 Yrs

TEEN BLUE 13 – 18 Yrs




ENTRY DATE: Tuesday, September 20th from Noon until 8 p.m. Judging will be Wednesday starting at 8 a.m. until the judges are finished. The fairgrounds will open at 10 a.m. on Thursday, September 22nd to the public.


• Entries must be the work of the exhibitor, completed since October 2010, and not entered in previous Nez Perce County Fair • •

Entries must be show quality, clean, finished properly and on hangers. Great care will be taken, but EXHIBITORS ENTER AT THEIR OWN RISK. ONLY ONE (1) ENTRY PER EXHIBITOR PER SUB-CLASS


• GENERAL APPEARANCE: Clean, well pressed outside & inside. • SUITABILITY OF DESIGN, COLOR & FABRIC: Type & color of fabric & trim, suitable to pattern & use of garment. • WORKMANSHIP: Fabric cut on grain, stitches even length & tension, seams even & finished, plaids/strips matched, finishing •

techniques correct & neat. DIFFICULTY OF PROJECT


• RIBBONS: 1ST Blue - $3 • 2nd Red - $2 • 3rd White - $1/ STICKERS: Receive ribbon when picking up exhibit, if desired. • SPECIAL ROSETTE RIBBONS: JUDGES’ CHOICE – One (1) per department Sponsor: Becky’s Fabric & Bernina, 1702 21st St., Lewiston - $25 Gift Card BEST OF SHOW – Awarded by judges’ in each age division providing an entry deserves such merit. Sponsor: Haener Equipment, Lewiston – ADULT - $20 Cash Sponsor: Samantha Heitmann, SEW CUTE! Sewing Creations, Moscow (208)596-3210 - TEEN($15)/YOUTH($10)/CHILD($10) BEST OF CLASS – Awarded by judges’. One (1) each class when merited. CREATIVITY – Awarded at judges’ discretion. AWARD OF MERIT – Awarded at judges’ discretion. SWEEPSTAKES – One (1) each age division. Exhibitor receiving the most BLUE Ribbons.(Minimum of 5 ribbons). RED Ribbons counted for tie breaker. Sponsor: Blue Ribbon, 2322 16th Ave., Lewiston – All age divisions - $10 Gift Certificate Each SUPERINTENDENT’S CHOICE – Awarded by superintendent in each age division providing an entry deserves such merit Sponsor: Spot on Yogurt, Lewiston & Clarkston – ADULT/TEEN - $5 Gift Certificate Each Sponsor: Rollaway, 1203 Idaho St., Lewiston – YOUTH/CHILD – Skating Pass

CLASSES / SUB-CLASSES WOMEN’S CLOTHING CHILDREN’S CLOTHING 13. Jumper 31. Suits WOMEN’S CLOTHING 01. Shirts 14. Other (2T-16) 32. Sweatshirts/Pants 02. Coats 01. Shirts 22. Coat 33. T-Shirt 03. Dress, Dressy MEN’S CLOTHING 02. Coats 23. Jacket 34. Jumper 04. Dress Sport, Casual 03. Dress, Dressy 15. Jackets 24. Dress 35. Party Dress 05. Evening Apparel 04. Dress Sport, Casual 16. Pants 25. Pants 36. Other 06. Slacks 05. Evening Apparel 17. Suits 07. Shorts 26. Play Outfit 06. Slacks 18. Ties 08. Suits 27. Shorts INFANT CLOTHING (0-24 mo’s) 07. Shorts 09. Skirts 19. Sweatshirts/Pants 28. Vest 37. Bunting 08. Suits 10. Wedding Dress 20. Shirts 29. Shirts 38. Dress 11. Sweatshirts\Pants 09. Skirts 21. Other 30. Skirt 39. 1- Piece Suit 12. Vest ‑ 44 ‑


61. Halloween Costumes, Children 81. Wall Hangings 62. Other Costumes 82. Placemats CHILD YOUTH TEEN ADULT DISABLED PROFESSIONAL 42. Nightgown/P.J’s 83. Hand Sewn Articles GOLD GREEN RE-ENACTMENT BLUE WHITE YELLOW LAVENDER 43. Bib COSTUMES 84. Heirloom 9 – 12 Yrs – 18 Yrs - Over (Display Only) 44. Pants Up to 8 Yrs 63. 13Theater Costumes 19 – Men 85. Multi-Generational 45. Shirt 64. Theater Costumes – Women th Rugs at 8 a.m. until the judges are ENTRY DATE: Tuesday, until 8 p.m. Judging will be Wednesday86. starting 46. Sweatshirt & Pants September 20 from Noon 65. Theater Costumesnd– Children 87. Other finished. The fairgrounds will open at 10 a.m. on Thursday, September 22 to the public. 47. Christening Outfit 66. Other 48. Other GENERAL RULES FOR THIS DEPARTMENT TOY’S SEWN OTHER SEWN ARTICLES • Entries must be the work of the exhibitor, completed since October 2010, and not entered in previous Nez Perce County Fair 88. Toys Decorative LINGERIE 67. Apron, Fancy • Entries must be show quality, clean, finished properly and on hangers. 89. Toys Practical Accessories 49. Pajamas, Adult 68. Apron, Work • Pajamas, Great careChildren will be taken, but EXHIBITORS ENTER AT THEIR OWN RISK. 90. Toys, Stuffed 50. 69. Practical Household 51. 91. Sewn Dolls • Robes, ONLY Adult ONE (1) ENTRY PER EXHIBITOR PERLinens SUB-CLASS 70. Bed 52. Robes, Children 92. Dolls, Clothes WHAT JUDGES’ LOOK FOR IN SEWING 71. Pillows 53. Slips, Adult 93. Teddy Bear, Dressed Pillowoutside Cases • Underclothes GENERAL APPEARANCE: Clean, well72. pressed & inside. 54. 94. Set of Teddy Bears, Max— 4 73. Table Runners 55. • Slippers SUITABILITY OF DESIGN, COLOR & FABRIC: Type & color of fabric & trim, suitable to of pattern & use of garment. 95. Set Stuffed Animals, Max — 4 74. Table Cloth 56. Lounge Wear • WORKMANSHIP: Fabric cut on grain, stitches even length & tension, seams even & finished, plaids/strips matched, finishing 96. Wardrobe Barbie Doll 75. Hand Bags 57. Other techniques correct & neat. Clothes, w/Doll 76. Totes • DIFFICULTY OF PROJECT 97. Other COSTUMES 77. Remodeled Clothing

DIVISIONS 41. Bonnet

AWARDS 58. Dance Costumes

78. Recycled Articles rd MACHINE • Halloween RIBBONS: 1ST BlueMen - $3 • 2nd Red - $279. • 3Patchwork White - $1/ STICKERS: Receive ribbon when picking up STITCHED exhibit, if desired. 59. Costumes, Articles 98. Applique & Embroidery 60. Costumes, Women • Halloween SPECIAL ROSETTE RIBBONS: 80. Holiday Decorations JUDGES’ CHOICE – One (1) per department Sponsor: Becky’s Fabric & Bernina, 1702 21st St., Lewiston - $25 Gift Card BEST OF SHOW – Awarded by judges’ in each age division providing an entry deserves such merit. Sponsor: Haener Equipment, Lewiston – ADULT - $20 Cash Sponsor: Samantha Heitmann, SEW CUTE! Sewing Creations, Moscow (208)596-3210 - TEEN($15)/YOUTH($10)/CHILD($10) BEST OF CLASS – Awarded by judges’. One (1) each class when merited. CREATIVITY – Awarded at judges’ discretion. AWARD OF MERIT – Awarded at judges’ discretion. SWEEPSTAKES – One (1) each age division. Exhibitor receiving the most BLUE Ribbons.(Minimum of 5 ribbons). RED Ribbons counted for tie breaker. Sponsor: Blue Ribbon, 2322 16th Ave., Lewiston – All age divisions - $10 Gift Certificate Each SUPERINTENDENT’S CHOICE – Awarded by superintendent in each age division providing an entry deserves such merit Sponsor: Spot on Yogurt, Lewiston & Clarkston – ADULT/TEEN - $5 Gift Certificate Each Sponsor: Rollaway, 1203 Idaho St., Lewiston – YOUTH/CHILD – Skating Pass

Thanks to all our 4-H and FFA customers! Good Luck at the Fair!

CLASSES / SUB-CLASSES WOMEN’S CLOTHING 01. Shirts 02. Coats 03. Dress, Dressy 04. Dress Sport, Casual 05. Evening Apparel 06. Slacks 07. Shorts 08. Suits 09. See Skirts Us For All Your

2311 5thAve, N Lewiston (208) 743-5582 3 1 5 9 8 7 H V- 1 1

Livestock Needs; Cattle, Poultry, Rabbits, Horses, Pigs, Goats, Sheep...

‑ 45 ‑


YOUTH GREEN 9 – 12 Yrs

TEEN BLUE 13 – 18 Yrs




ENTRY DATE: Tuesday, September 20th from Noon until 8 p.m. Judging will be Wednesday starting at 8 a.m. until the judges are finished. The fairgrounds will open at 10 a.m. on Thursday, September 22nd to the public.


• • •

• •

Decorative Painting Description: “Copy Work or Class Work using a pattern from a book or photo from a source other than your own.” Entries must be the work of exhibitor, completed since October 2010, and not entered in a previous Nez Perce County Fair Limit five (5) entries per class and only one (1) per subclass. All hanging entries must have strong hangers attached. NO decals will be allowed. Entry cards must be complete and legible. Address labels are preferred, two(2) labels per entry.


• • •

APPEARANCE: Neat, clean, overall effect including finish. TECHNICAL & SKILL: Including strokes, blending and line work where applicable CREATIVITY & SUITABILITY: Color coordination and background


RIBBONS: 1ST Blue - $3 • 2nd Red - $2 • 3rd White - $1 / STICKER AWARDS: Receive silk ribbon when premium is paid, if desired.

SPECIAL ROSETTE RIBBONS: JUDGES’ CHOICE – One (1) per department. Sponsor: Rowdy’s Steakhouse, 1905 19th Ave., Lewiston – One (1) 8oz Prime Rib Dinner BEST OF SHOW – Awarded by judges’ in each age division providing an entry deserves such merit. Sponsor: Art & Frame By D&J/Klings, 704 Main St., Lewiston – ADULT/TEEN - $35 Gift Certificate CREATIVITY - Awarded at judges’ discretion. AWARD OF MERIT - Awarded at judges’discretion. SWEEPSTAKES - One (1) each age division. Exhibitor receiving the most BLUE Ribbons. RED counted for tie breaker. Sponsor: Orchards Pharmacy, 523 Thain Rd, Lewiston – ADULT - $25 Gift Certificate SUPERINTENDENT’S CHOICE – One (1) per department.


07. Folk Art WATERCOLORS/RESIN 08. Pen & Ink 01. Animals 09. Scenes ACRYLICS/WATERCOLORS/RESIN 02. Character Animal 10. Holiday 01. Animals 03. Floral 11. Birds 02. Character Animal 04. Fruits 12. People 03. Floral 05. Still Life 13. Seascape 04. Fruits 06. Furniture 14. Other

05. 06. 07. 08. 09. 10.

Still Life Furniture Folk Art Pen & Ink Scenes Holiday

OILS 15. Animal 16. Character Animal 17. Floral 18. Fruits 19. Still Life 20. Scenes 21. Pen & Ink

‑ 46 ‑

22. People 23. Birds 24. Seascape 25. Holiday 26. Other


YOUTH GREEN 9 – 12 Yrs

TEEN BLUE 13 – 18 Yrs



ENTRY DATE: Tuesday, September 20th from Noon until 8 p.m. Judging will be Wednesday starting at 8 a.m. until the judges are finished. The fairgrounds will open at 10 a.m. on Thursday, September 22nd to the public.


All vegetables must be grown by exhibitor and identified. Plates will be provided on entry day by Fair Committee.


• • • •

QUALITY: In the best & prime eating condition, not necessarily the biggest. CONDITION: Clean, free from blemish and disease. UNIFORMITY: All specimens uniform in size, ripeness, shape & color. TYPICAL OF VARIETY: Varieties should be identified.


• •

RIBBONS: 1ST Blue - $3 • 2nd Red - $2 • 3rd White - $1 / STICKERS: Receive ribbon when picking up exhibit, if desired. SPECIAL ROSETTE RIBBONS: JUDGES’ CHOICE – One (1) per department, Sponsor: John’s Saw Service, 106 16th St., Lewiston - $25 Cash BEST OF SHOW – Awarded by judges’ in each age division providing an entry deserves such merit. Sponsor: A&B Foods, 456 Thain & 1234 8th St., Lewiston – ADULT - $20 Gift Certificate Sponsor: Rollaway, 1203 Idaho St., Lewiston – TEEN/YOUTH/CHILD – Skating Pass Each BEST OF CLASS/VARIETY– Awarded by judges’. One (1) each class when merited. AWARD OF MERIT – Awarded at judges’ discretion. SWEEPSTAKES - One (1) per age division. Exhibitor receiving the most BLUE ribbons (Minimum of 5 ribbons) RED ribbons counted for tie breaker. Sponsor: Safeway, 2330 Nez Perce Dr., Lewiston – ADULT - $10/ TEEN - $7/ YOUTH - $5 Gift Cards SUPERINTENDENT’S CHOICE – Awarded by superintendent in each age division providing an entry deserves such merit. Sponsor: Haener Equipment, Lewiston – ADULT - $10 Cash Sponsor: Rollaway, 1203 Idaho St., Lewiston – TEEN/YOUTH/CHILD – Skating Pass MOST UNUSUAL SHAPE & BIGGEST: Sponsor: Lorenz Construction, Lewiston - $30 Cash Each


13. Rhubarb (3 Stalks) 23. Potatoes (5) 30. Parsley 14. Spinach 24. Other - Specify 31. Sage 32. Thyme Remove outer leaves, wipe, do not wash 15. Egg Plant do not wash 16. Swiss Chard 33. Other Specify HERBS 17. Other 3 Specimens make an ex1.01. Artichokes Artichokes hibit. Should be exhibited in PEPPERS (3) 2.02. Beans Beans(8) (8) ROOT (5) water. Min 6”, Max 12” On 3 Peppers make an exhibit 3.03. Broccoli Broccoli Wipe clean. Do not wash reStems. Bring own container, 4.04. Brussel (5)(5) BrusselSprouts Sprouts move tap root. Trim greens No blooms. 34. Sweet Peppers (3) Cabbage 5.05. Cabbage to 2” 35. Bell Peppers (3) 06. Caulifl ower 6. Cauliflower 25. Basil 36. Jalapeno (3) Corn(3(3EARS) EARS) 7.07. Corn 18. Beets (5), Over 3” (3) 26. Dill 37. Banana (3) Cucumbers - Slicing 8.08. Cucumbers - Slicing (3) (3) 19. Carrots (5) 27. Mint 38. Habanero (3) 09. Cucumbers Other (3) 9. Cucumbers - Other (3) 20. Horseradish (5) 28. Oregano 39. Serrano (3) 10. Kohlrabi 10. Kohlrabi 21. Onions (5) 29. Tarragon 40. Soneno (3) 11. Leek 22. Garlic (3) 41. Other (3) – Name Variety 12. Lettuce - 47 -

GREEN ABOVE GROUND Remove outer leaves, wipe,

DEPARTMENT 20 - VEGETABLES SUPERINTENDENT: ED BROWNING (208)746-0679 PUMPKINS TOMATOES (5) Leave 2” Stem Leave Stems On CHILD YOUTH TEEN ADULT DISABLED GOLD GREEN BLUE 42. Mini (3)WHITE YELLOW 59. Red (5) Up to 8 Yrs 9 – 12 Yrs 13 – 18 Yrs 19 - Over 43. Gourds - Small (3) 60. Cherry (5) 44. Gourds - Large (1) 61. Roma/Pasta (5) ENTRY DATE: Tuesday, September 20th from Noon until 8 p.m. Judging will be Wednesday 8 a.m. until 45. Jack-O-Lantern (1) starting at62. Other (5)the judges are nd finished. The fairgrounds will open at 10 a.m. on Thursday, September 2246. toCenterpiece the public. (1) No tax return is too complicated. The Tax Professionals at GENERAL FOR THIS DEPARTMENT 47. Largest Pumpkin by Weight MELONS H&R Block RULES have hundreds of hours of specialty training on • All vegetables must be grown by exhibitor and identified. 48. Other 63. Cantalope taxes and the most recent tax law changes. They have the • Plates on entry day by Fair Committee. 64. Best Watermelon expertise to will find be youprovided every deduction you’re entitled to, plan WHAT SQUASH 65. Largest Watermelon for theJUDGES’ future andLOOK offer taxFOR help VEGETABLES and advice year-round. 2” Stem On Exhibit 66. Other • QUALITY: In the best & prime eating condition, not necessarilyLeave the biggest.

Tax expertise you need.


You’ve got people.

H&R Block Tax Expertise

It pays to have people.

• • •

CONDITION: Clean, free from blemish and disease. 49. Acorn NOVELTY ® ripeness, shape & color. UNIFORMITY: All specimens uniform in size, 50. Butternut No Carved Vegetables TYPICAL OF VARIETY: Varieties should be identified. 51. Buttercup AWARDS 52. Crookneck 67. Dress Up a Vegetable Visit the H&R Block office location listed below. other locations 1-800-HRBLOCK or visit 53. Straightneck 68. Natural • ForRIBBONS: 1STcall Blue - $3 • 2nd Red - $ • 3rd White - $1 / STICKERS: Receive ribbon when picking up exhibit, if desired. ORCHARDS DOWNTOWN 54. Hubbard 69. Other • SPECIAL ROSETTE RIBBONS: 455 Thain Rd, Lewiston 1446 Main, Lewiston 55. Spaghetti JUDGES’ CHOICE – One(208) (1) 746-0656 per department, (208) 743-0222 th Tuesday 10-5pm Mon. and Thurs. 10-5pmSaw Service, 56.Cash Zuccini (10” or less) FOOD HERB DISPLAY Sponsor: John’s 106 16 St., Lewiston $25 CLARKSTON MOSCOW PULLMAN BEST – Awarded each age division57. providing entryPatty deserves such merit. Scallopan/ Pan 70. Basket 435 Elm StreetOF SHOW 124 West C Street by judges’ 151 N.inGrand th (509) 751-8872 (208) 882-0702 (509) 334-5808 Sponsor: A&B Foods, 456 Thain & 1234 8 St., Lewiston – ADULT $20 Gift Certificate 58. Other 71. Wreath Wednesday 10-5pm Wednesday 9-3pm Wednesday 9-3pm Sponsor: Rollaway, 1203 Idaho St., Lewiston – TEEN/YOUTH/CHILD – Skating Pass Each BEST OF CLASS/VARIETY– Awarded by judges’. One (1) each class when merited. Lewiston Veterinary Clinic AWARD OF MERIT – Awarded at judges’ discretion. SWEEPSTAKES - One (1) per age division. Exhibitor receiving the most BLUE ribbons (Minimum of 5 ribbons) e’ve been RED ribbons counted for tie breaker. in the same Sponsor: Safeway, 2330 Nez Perce Dr., Lewiston – ADULT - $7/ YOUTH - $5 Gift Cards place- $10/ for TEEN almost SUPERINTENDENT’S CHOICE – Awarded by superintendent in each age division providing an entry deserves such merit. 60 years! Sponsor: Haener Equipment, Lewiston – ADULT - $10You Cashalready know us. We worked– Skating for Sponsor: Rollaway, 1203 Idaho St., Lewiston – TEEN/YOUTH/CHILD Pass your Grandparents MOST UNUSUAL SHAPE & BIGGEST: and your Parents, Sponsor: Lorenz Construction, Lewiston - $30 Cash Each let us work for You! We have skilled, CLASSES / SUB-CLASSES caring personnel and excellent facilities to handle anything that comes our way.







Remove outer leaves, wipe, do not wash 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

Artichokes Beans (8) Broccoli Brussel Sprouts (5) Cabbage Cauliflower Corn (3 EARS) Cucumbers - Slicing (3) Cucumbers - Other (3) Kohlrabi

Full Veterinary Services • Large Small and Exotic • 24 hour on-call service • Hospitalization and Boarding • Farm, Ranch and Pet Supply • Buy Quality Veterinary Supplies at the lowest prices • We are here for your questions • Six experienced Veterinarians on Staff • Licensed Veterinary technicians • State of the art Digital X-ray • Reference lab quality blood work • We have the nicest employees. 315973HV-11

Small Animals 743-6553 | Farm Animals 743-6361

421 22nd St. North • Lewiston

- 48 -

DEPARTMENT 21 – HOMEMADE WINE SUPERINTENDENT: NOEL BECK 208-798-4556 DIVISION – 21 AND OLDER Entry Date: Tuesday, September 20th from Noon until 8 p.m. Judging will be Wednesday starting at 8 a.m. until the judges are finished. The Fairgrounds will open at 10 a.m. on Thursday, September 22nd to the public. GENERAL RULES FOR THIS DEPARTMENT • Entries: One (1) bottle constitutes an exhibit. Bottle needs to be labeled on bottom as to kind and if it is SWEET or DRY. Entries cannot have been exhibited previously. • Identification: Entry cards must be complete and legible. Address labels are preferred, two (2) labels per entry. Entry MUST have exhibitors name, address & phone number on back. • Judging: Each beer will be judged on its own merits and by more than one (1) judge. WHAT JUDGES LOOK FOR WITH WINE

    

PRESENTATION: Appropriate bottle, cork and cleanliness, exterior should indicate interior cleanliness. CLARITY: Bright & Clear OVERALL ALCOHOL CONTENT: Appropriate to class BOUQUET: Aroma should be pleasant distinctive of type of ingredient used PLATABILITY: Full, rich or light, delicate flavor appropriate to class.


• •

RIBBONS: 1ST Blue - $3 ● 2ND Red - $2 ● 3RD White - $1 / STICKERS: Receive ribbon when picking up exhibit, if desired. SPECIAL ROSETTE RIBBONS: JUDGES CHOICE – One (1) per department Sponsor: Haener Equipment, Lewiston - $10 Cash BEST OF SHOW – One (1) per department – Judging will be judged separately among class winners Sponsor: Clearwater Canyon Cellars, 1708 16th Ave. N. Lewiston – $25 Certificate towards a 2009 Vintage Selection AWARD OF MERIT – Awarded at judges discretion SWEEPSTAKES - Exhibitor with the largest amount of blue ribbons. Red ribbons counted for tie breaker. Sponsor: Wasem Drug, 800 6th St., Clarkston - $25 Gift Certificate SUPERINTENDENT’S CHOICE – One (1) per a department DOROTHY WING MEMORIAL AWARD Sponsor: Odom NW Beverages, 3010 E. Main, Lewiston – Magnum Bottle of Cabernet/Sauvignon

CLASSES AMERICAN/ SUBCLASSES GRAPE WINES 01.AMERICAN Concord RedGRAPE WINES 02. Red Other Than Listed 01. Concord Red 03. Concord White Red Other 04. 02. White Other thanThan ListedListed

11. Gamay 12. Grenache 13. Lemberger 03. Concord White 14. Merlot 04. White OtherGRAPE than Listed FRENCH HYDBRID WINES 15. Muscat Hambur 05. Red 16. Pinot Noir 06.FRENCH White HYDBRID 17. Syrah GRAPE WINES 18. Zinfandel EUROPEAN GRAPE WINES – RED 05. Red 19. Red Other 07. Cabernet Franc 06. White 20. Rose 08. Cabernet/Merlot 09. Cabernet Sauvignon 10.EUROPEAN Chianti GRAPE 11.WINES Gamay– RED 12. 07. Grenache Cabernet Franc 13. Lemberger 08. Cabernet/Merlot 14. Merlot 09. Cabernet 15. Muscat HamburSauvignon

10. Chianti

EUROPEAN GRAPE WINES - WHITE 21. Chardonnay 22. Chenin Blanc 23. Gewürztraminer 24. Muller Thurgau

25. Muscat 26. Pinot Gris 27. Riesling 28. Sauvignon Blanc 29. Semillon 30. White Other

40. Strawberry 41. Other

FRUIT WINES 31. Apple 32. Apricot 33. Blackberry 34. Cherry 35. Elderberry 36. Huckleberry 37. Plum 38. Raspberry 39. Rhubarb

SPARKLING WINES 44. Red 45. White

‑ 49 ‑

MISCELLANEOUS 42. Red 43. White



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‑ 50 ‑


2. 3. 4.

All Home Ec/Career and Leisure exhibits and non-market animal record books must enter between 8:00 am and 10:00 am on Wednesday, September 21, 2011. No late entries will be accepted. 4-H members who are participating in the 4-H Fashion Revue must check in at the 4-H Office in the Fair Pavilion at 5:30 pm on Thursday, September 22, 2011. Exhibits must be complete and entered on time to be eligible for premiums. Signed record books must accompany all 4-H Home Ec/Career and Leisure exhibits. 4-H and FFA members regularly enrolled in clubs and chapters in Nez Perce County may participate. Exception: Kendrick FFA, Genesee FFA and Craigmont FFA Chapters are welcome to participate.

5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

4-H will use the Danish Awards system with premium money as follows; blue $3.00, red $2.00, white $1.00. All completed Cloverbud projects are awarded a participation ribbon (no premium), 4-H contest awards are ½ of ribbon value; blue $1.50, red $1.00, white $.50. Cloverbud participants are awarded a participation ribbon (no premium). Premium money will be distributed after the Fair. 4-H record books must be in before premiums and livestock sale checks can be picked up. 4-H and FFA members may not enter an open class with the same exhibit shown in a 4-H and FFA class. All 4-H exhibits must meet requirements outlined in Idaho 4-H Policies and Procedures or requirements listed in the record book to be considered complete.


3. 4. 5.

6. 7.

8. 9. 10. 11.




All 4-H and FFA Livestock must be on the grounds between 3:00 pm and 8:00 pm, Wednesday, September 21, 2011, unless otherwise pre-arranged with the Extension Office. All market animals will be weighed as they arrive at the fairgrounds on September 21, 2011. Any animal that has lost its 4-H ear tag will have a new tag applied at this time. All animals are to be entered by 8:00 pm on September 21. Livestock Record Books must be turned into the 4-H Fair Office by 5:00 pm, Friday, September 23 for the project to be eligible to sell. All 4-H and FFA livestock exhibitors are required to be present when their livestock are judged and sold. DRESS CODE: 4-H members showing livestock will wear slacks or jeans of any color that are clean and in good repair and button up shirts that are short or long-sleeved and are at least long enough to be securely tucked into slacks or jeans, with leather close-toed shoes. In quality classes club shirts will be allowed, but must be clean and tucked in. Any exhibitor using tranquilizers (including nose tongs) on an animal or any other unethical behavior shall forfeit all of their premium money, ribbons, and the animal will not be allowed to go through the fair sale. Market animals will be allowed to weigh once. If an animal is over or under weight, the scale will be cleared and the animal will be re-weighed immediately. This second weight will be the official weight. Animals must be dry when weighed. Only dehorned or naturally polled beef project animals will be eligible to show. Any beef animal having horns over one inch long from the skin at the base of the horn to the tip will be disqualified. Male animals must be castrated. All beef cattle must be halter broke. Any animal that cannot be handled safely, or is a danger to the public, will not be allowed to show or be sold and will be removed from the Fairgrounds. The barn superintendent, a member of the Livestock Leader’s Committee, the 4-H leader/ FFA advisor, parent, and the exhibitor will make this decision. Brand inspection papers and hauling permits or bills of sale must be obtained before animals are transported to the Fairgrounds. These papers are to be presented to the Beef Superintendent at the time steers are weighed in or no later than 9am Thursday morning. Proceeds will be held until brand requirements are satisfied. A release signed by the 4-H Program Coordinator will be required of any livestock leaving the fairgrounds. These releases will have to be shown to gate personnel before any animal can be removed from the fairgrounds. Superintendents are responsible for checking out animals. All cattle must be double tied in barn (halter plus safety halter around neck).

15. 4-H and FFA breeding animals will show by age and sex. One champion and one reserve champion ribbon will be awarded to top 2 animals of each sex. Purebred and crossbred animals will show together for champion and reserve champion ribbons. 16. Qualifying weights for sale animals are as follows; Market Hogs: 215-300 lbs.; Market Lambs: 100-150 lbs.; Market Steers: 1050-1450 lbs.; StockerFeeders: 500-900 lbs, Market Goats 50-130 lbs, Market Rabbits (pen of 3) individual animal weight: 3-5 lbs.; Market Poultry (pen of 3) individual animal weight: 3-5lbs. Animals that do not make the minimum sale weights will be considered for Feeder class and will not sell. Animals exceeding sale weights will sell, but will only receive bid price up to the maximum weight. 17. Animals that are over or under weight are not eligible to receive grand champion or reserve champion in quality classes. 18. 4-H and FFA sale entry limitations – one animal per exhibitor. 19. Animals will be weighed upon arrival. A 2% shrink will be applied at that time to this weight. This adjusted weight becomes the official weight used for the sale. This procedure is believed to be the most fair to the seller and the buyer while not putting undue stress on the animal. 20. 4-H market animals (beef, sheep, goats and swine) are officially entered at pre-fair weigh-in dates. 21. Premium payments will be given to participants by their club leader or included in their livestock sale check. Livestock sale payments will be picked up from the Extension Office by individuals, 4-H club leaders or by FFA Advisors, based on the leader/advisor request. 22. Blue, red and white ribbons will be awarded according to the judge’s placing at the live animal show. Any market heifer will show with market steer classes. The market animal sale order is computer generated and then reviewed by the 4-H/FFA Livestock Sale Committee. 23. All rabbits entered in the Fair must be permanently tattooed in the left ear. There will be no exceptions to this rule, and it must be done before entering the Fair. 24. All Animals must be feed and watered twice daily by 9:00 am and prior to barn closing, unless otherwise specified by barn superintendent. All pens are to be cleaned daily. 25. All 4-H and FFA livestock exhibitors must attend the special orientation meeting at 8:00 am, Thursday, September 22 in the sale arena. 26. Animals not properly cared for will be removed and premium money withheld. Care of all livestock animals will be consistent with production practices and accepted standards. Exhibitors must observe withdrawal periods and be aware of penalties associated with off-label use of all drugs and feed additives. 27. All 4-H Livestock exhibitors must have on file with the 4-H office a signed Responsibility Agreement and C.O.O.L. Affidavit to participate in the Market Animal Sale. 28. Exceptions to these rules will be reviewed by a 4-H and FFA Livestock Grievance Committee on a case-by-case basis with final decisions to be made by this committee.

‑ 51 ‑

Department 1 – 4-H Clothing


Superintendents: Mary Kay Law, Linda Spencer and Kathy Grant The exhibit must include the record book, story, project book, and pattern guide sheet. It must consist of all the required articles in each division of sewing, knitting or crocheting.


Construction 1. Junior Division (8 years old – 11 years old) 2. Intermediate Division (12 years old – 14 years old) 3. Senior Division (15 years old – 19 years old) Consumer 4. Making the Most of Me, Units I – IV 5. Looking Your Best 6. Total Look

KNITTING & CROCHETING 21. Knitting, Phases 1-6 22. Crocheting, Phases 1-8 99. Self-Determined Clothing & Textiles


Visit our new website and check out everything from Home Loan Rates to our hours at all our convenient branch locations.

NOTE: Only 4-H members who have completed and exhibited clothing, knitting or crocheting projects in the 2011 Fashion Revue Judging held Saturday, September 17 (only open to 4-H members and parents) are eligible. Ribbons and awards will be presented at the Thursday, September 22 Public Fashion Revue. Participation in both revues is mandatory in order to receive awards. 1.

BAND BAND BAND INSTRUMENT INSTRUMENT INSTRUMENT RENTALS RENTALS RENTALS Rent to own: •All monthly rent applies to purchase •No interest or financing charges •Free routine maintenance •Pay by the month •Rentals start at $25.00 per month (Alto Sax starts at $45.00) •Free loaners/On repairs •Rental insurance available *All rentals subject to sales tax



MUSIC REPAIR Kelly W. Seidel

340 Thain Road, Lewiston 316056HV_11

(208) 743-7865

Hours: 10:30-5:00pm Monday-Saturday

Fashion Revue


Superintendents: Karen Hasenoehrl and Sandy Martin NOTE: The exhibit must include the record book, story and all the required articles in each division of 4-H Foods. Be sure to exhibit food items in a clear plastic bag.


4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22.

‑ 52 ‑

Let’s Begin Cooking Let’s Get Cooking Creative Ideas Using Frozen Bread Dough Bag of Tricks, Unit A Micro Magicians, Unit B Amazing Rays, Unit C Presto Meals, Unit D Microwave Connection Foods for All Seasons Foods with an International Flair Foods on the Go Tricks for Treats More Tricks for Treats Fit it All Together Quick Meals Sandwiches Galore Six Easy Bites, Unit A Tasty Tidbits, Unit B You’re the Chef, Unit C Foodworks, Unit D Food Science Say Cheese

23. Foods of the Pacific Northwest 24. It’s Time for Breakfast 25. It’s Time for Lunch 26. It’s Time for Dinner 27. Baking, Unit 1 28. Baking, Unit 2 29. Baking, Units 3-4 30. Exploring the World of Yeast Breads 31. Exploring the World of Specialty Breads 32. Cake Decorating, Unit 1 33. Cake Decorating, Unit 2 34. Cake Decorating, Units 3-5 35. Creative Cakes 36. Candy Making, Unit 1 37. Candy Making, Unit 2 38. Cookout at Home 39. S’Mores and More Outdoor Cooking 40. Dutch Oven Cooking, Unit 1 41. Dutch Oven Cooking, Unit 2 42. Dutch Oven Cooking, Units 3-5 99. Self-Determined Foods

Department 4 – 4-H CAREER & LEISURE

Superintendents: Betty Peters, Dawn Quigley, Lisa Smith and Karen Boyer

AEROSPACE 1. 2. 99.

Fun with Flight Blue Sky Below My Feet Self-Determined Aerospace

ANIMALS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 99.

Cat Dog, Showmanship Dog, Obedience Dog, Agility Dog, Rally Rabbit (Non-animal) Pocket Pet Veterinary Science Aquatic Science Entomology Project Butterfly Wings Embryology Self-Determined Animal

LEISURE/EXPRESSIVE ARTS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 99.

ABC’s of Art Spurrin’ the Words Cowboy Poetry Leather Craft, Beginner Leather Craft, Intermediate Leather Craft, Advanced Ceramics, Unit 1 Ceramics, Unit 2 Ceramics, Unit 3 Ceramics, Units 4-8 Photography, Unit 1 Photography, Unit 2 Memory Keepers, Unit 1 Memory Keepers, Unit 2 Lego Creativity Card Making, Unit 1 Card Making, Unit 2 Self-Determined Arts

HANDWORK FROM OUR HERITAGE 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11.

Embroidery or Crewel Wheat Weaving Flower Art Beadwork Needlepoint Quilting, Unit 1 Quilting, Unit 2 Quilting, Units 3-9 Macramé Rug Making Tole Painting

12. 13. 14. 15.


Cross Stitch Latch Hook Candle Making Alternatives

1. 2.




Exploring the Treasures of 4-H 2. Project/Club Teen Leader 3. Club Officer 4. Camp Counselor 5. Ambassador 99. Self-Determined Leadership

4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 99.


Designs in Nature Home Energy Investigation 99. Self-Determined Home Environment


The Sitter Citizenship – Community Focus 3. Citizenship – State Focus (KYG) 4. Citizenship – National Focus (CWF) 99. Self-Determined Human Development

1. 2. 3. 4. 99.

Junior Master Gardener Down to Earth Horticulture Small Grains Self-Determined Plants


1. ATV Rider Safety 99. Self-Determined Safety

CLOVERBUDS (participation only) 1.

Cloverbud projects (members 5-8 years)

FAIR SPECIAL A Northwest Tradition Built on Trust... The Best Durability and Value in the Region.


1. Bicycle 2. Computers 3. Electricity 4. Small Engines 5. Arc Welding 6. Woodworking, Level 1 7. Woodworking, Level 2 8. Woodworking, Level 3 9. GeoSpatial 10. The Power of Wind 99. Self-Determined Science & Technology

Pebble Pups, Units 1-3 Exploring Your Environment Environmental Quality Conservation Survival Backpacking Expeditions Hiking Trails Camping Adventures Wildlife Discovery, Grade 3 Discovery, Grades 4-5 Discovery, Grades 6-8 Sport Fishing, Levels 1-3 Basketball Beekeeping Rifle Pistol Archery Shotgun Snowboarding Self-Determined Environmental Education


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‑ 53 ‑


Department 5 – SPECIAL CONTESTS HOME ECONOMICS CAREER & LEISURE JUDGING CONTEST Premiums apply to contest held May 22, 2011. Awards: Blue $1.50 – Red $1.00 – White $.50

Superintendents: Frank & Dawn Heath Exhibitors are required to feed and water rabbits and keep pens clean. No diseased animals will be allowed to show.



1. 2. 3.

Premiums apply to contest held May 22, 2011. Awards: Blue $1.50 – Red $1.00 – White $.50


Livestock Committee Chairman: Ron Van Buren Vice-Chair: John Dugger Superintendents: Doug Kinzer and Dale Wolff


1. Market beef project animals weighed in and entered May 5, 2011. 2. Stocker/Feeder* animals weighed in and entered May 5, 2011. 3. Cow/Calf Pairs 4. Bred Heifer 5. Heifer *All stocker/feeders must be vaccinated and weaned at least 30 days prior to fair.


CLASS 1. 2. 3.

CLASS 1. 2. 3.

Superintendents: Steve Boyer and John Dugger


4. 5.

Market Hogs, single, all breeds & crossbreeds weighed in and entered June 14, 2011. Breeding Hogs

6. 7. 8. 9.


Superintendents: Bob Carlton and Darreld Rasmussen All ewes, regardless of age, are required to be Scrapies tagged.

CLASS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

Single Market Lambs weighed in and entered June 14, 2011. Ram, 2 years old or over Ram, 1 year old Ram, lamb Ewe, 2 years old or over Ewe, 1 year old Ewe, lamb Pet Project

Superintendents: Janice Teft, Leroy Gordon & Joan Dugger Exhibitors are required to feed and water poultry and keep pens clean. Diseased and/or insect infested animals will be disqualified.

CLASS Boiler-Fryer Pullet Laying Hen Turkey Duck

4. 5. 6.

Breeding Project Pet Project Cloverbud (participation only)

6. 7. 8. 9.

Goose Pigeon Game Bird Pet Project

Showmanship Bareback Equitation Nervous Novice Western Equitation Western Equitation Nervous Novice Hunt Seat Equitation Hunt Seat Equitation Hunt Seat to Jump In-hand Jumping Green Horse

10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19.

Costume In-hand Trail Nervous Novice Trail Trail Driving Pole Bending Figure 8 Stake Race Key Hole Flag Race Barrel Race


Premiums apply to Nez Perce County Horse Judging Contest held April 30, 2011 Awards: Blue $1.50 – Red $1.00 – White $.50


20. Judging Contest

DEPARTMENT 13 – LIVESTOCK CONTESTS Awards: Blue $1.50 – Red $1.00 – White $.50

CLASS 1. 2. 3. 4.


1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Single Market Goats weighed in and entered June 14, 2011. Dairy Pack

Premiums apply to Nez Perce County 4-H Horse Show July 9 & 10, 2011


Cavy Cloverbud (participation only)


6. Cow/Calf Pairs 7. Bred Heifer 8. Heifer


4. 5.

Superintendent: Janet Hughes All does, regardless of age, are required to be Scrapies tagged. Exhibitors are required to feed and water goats and keep pens clean. No diseased animals will be allowed to show. No Billy goats.


Pet Rabbit Breeding Rabbit Market Rabbit

Livestock Judging Contest Herdsmanship Large Market Animal Round Robin Small Animal Round Robin


Superintendents: Betty Peters, Dawn Quigley, Lisa Smith and Karen Boyer Treasurer’s Book 1. 8-12 years 2. 13 + years

‑ 54 ‑

Secretary’s Book 1. 8-12 years 2. 13 + years

Club Scrapbook 1. 8-12 years 2. 13 + years

2010 4-H Award Sponsors

4S Properties, LLC Bob & Judy Callison Cecil & Sandy Martin Cedar Ridge Wranglers 4-H Club Chad & Kerry Sanford Dan & Lisa Radakovich Del’s Electric Diesel & Machine Inc. Dr. Chad J. Barney, DMD Dr. David Wilkenson, DDS Drew Loomis Floor Coverings International

Granite Concepts JD’s Auto Body Jerry & Linda Spencer Jim & Becky Schroeder Jim & Cathy Luper Jim & Lisa Smith Kathee Tifft Larry & Janis Forsmann Lewis Clark Saddle Club Lewiston Veterinary Clinic Mark & Joanie Wittman Nelson’s Sew Line

Nez Perce County 4-H Leader’s Council Nez Perce County Cattle Producers O’Brien Ranch/Patty Weeks Pat McKee Phil’s Family Foods Pistol Brand Horses Pollyanna Club Ron & Jackie Hayhurst Rustebakke Veterinary Service Serenity Lane Labs Shirley Watson

4-H Gals Linda Spencer Boots n’ Bits Janis Forsmann Cedar Ridge Wranglers Frank & Dawn Heath, Jim & Terri Jameson, Cindy Newton, Jill Groseclose Clover Kids Shawn & Karen Hasenoehrl Cottonwood Creek Katherine Grant, Sandra Martin Culdesac Livestock Mitzi Mauer CWF 2012 Art & Julie King Dancing Clovers Heidi McRoberts

Flying Fingers Mary Kay Law, Melody Thompson, Carol Hunt, David Dabritz Hoof Beats Becca Cate Horsin’ Around Becky Murrill, LaRena Myrick K-9 Clovers Susan Matute, Becca Koenig Lenore 4-Leaf Clovers Rozelle Tiede, Don Kerby Lewiston Caprine Kids Jonathan & Janet Hughes Market Masters Tony Havens, John & Joan Dugger, Gary & Kim Boettger, Eric & Kristie McDaid, Danielle Rambo, Bob Schumacher


Mission Creek Rustlers Candi Heimgartner, Leann Webber Mini Whinnies Becca Koenig Potlatch Ridgeworkers Doug & Sandy Kinzer, Dale Wolff, Kim & Angie Cannon Rockin’ 4-H Betty Peters, Dawn Quigley, Lisa Smith, Karen Boyer, Alice Cannon, Val Beesley Stampeders Steve & Shirley Boyer Sunrise Livestock Doug & Shana Smith, Dave & Carol Ard, Kim Martin, Chelsy Estes, Polly Brown, Darreld Rasmussen

Southway Animal Clinic Southway Orthodontics Space Builders Stampeders 4-H Club Syringa Bank Tony & Nikki Havens Twin River Backcountry Horsemen Valley Foods Western Appraisals Wild West Ranchwear

Tailtwisters Bob & Linda Carlton, Denise Metz Tammany Livestock Ron & Kelly Van Buren, Misti Sullivan, Chet Pearce Trailblazers Kevin & Vicki Hesler Twin River Critters Favor & Marie Heath Waha Wranglers Charlie & Sara Hill Nez Perce County 4-H Resource Leaders Terryn Berry, Carol Harrington, Bert Henriksen, Lynette Hiebert, Donna Southern, Frances Woods

2010 4-H AWARD WINNERS Top Fashion Revue - Construction: Cassie Cannon Top Clothing Projects: Syrinda St. Onge, Kailee Boyer & Elena Thompson Clothing Achievement Award: Tanya Patton Top Foods Projects: Lauren Auer & Jonell Williams Robert Farr Memorial Top Aeronautics Award: Wayne Heath HECL Top Project Awards: Caitlin Beesley, Jonell Williams, Samantha Camden, Wayne Heath, Emily Groseclose, Mason Parks, Annie Carper, Kristian Mankiller, Xavier Rossiter, Tanya Patton, Ashley Schlangen, Anna Martin, Mattison Hagestad, Syria Fuhrmann, Madison Isley & Dana Beesley Top HECL Judging Contest: Sarah Griffin, Xavier Rossiter, Caitlin Beesley & Renee Roberts Top HECL Demonstration Contest: Hannah Hill Top Secretary’s Book: Kendra Cannon, Amanda Ard

Top Treasurer’s Book: Katie Havens, Chandell Rasmussen Top Club Scrapbook: Kailee Boyer & Jessica Schlangen Overall Top Livestock Showperson: Darryl Kerby Reserve Overall Livestock Showperson: Kalyn Hasenoehrl Top Market Beef Showperson: Jessica Schlangen Top Market Beef Project: Jessica Schlangen Top Market Beef Rate-O-Gain: Colton Ard Top Stocker-Feeder Showperson: Jessie Van Buren Top Stocker-Feeder Project: Jessie Van Buren Top Stocker-Feeder Rate-O-Gain: Kelli Kinzer Top Beef Breeding Project: Payden Ard Top Sheep Showperson: Kalyn Hasenoehrl Top Market Lamb Project: Chandell Rasmussen & Misty Browning Top Market Lamb Rate-O-Gain: Kalyn Hasenoehrl

Top Sheep Breeding Project: Chandell Rasmussen Top Market Goat Showperson: Caleb Wing Top Market Goat Project: Caleb Wing Top Swine Showperson: Josh Carlton Top Market Swine Project: Darby Keane Top Market Swine Rate-O-Gain: Garyed Schuroff Best of Show Rabbit: Katlyn Jameson Top Rabbit Project: Wayne Heath Top Rabbit Breeding Project: Wayne Heath Best of Show Cavy: Cody Schultz Top Cavy Project: Wayne Heath Livestock Judging Contest: Darryl Kerby, Darby Keane, Madison Isley Top Ag/Horse Demonstrations: Jessica Schlangen, Ashley Schlangen, Jessie Van Buren & Maddy Murphy Top Horse Project: Veronica Mankiller Top Horse Showperson: Charli Young

2011 NEZ PERCE COUNTY 4-H HORSE SHOW July 9-10, 2011

TOP OVERALL SENIOR: Darryl Kerby TOP OVERALL INTERMEDIATE: Mandy Hesler TOP OVERALL JUNIOR: Cody Bloodsworth Showmanship: Darryl Kerby, Tandi Murrill, Madelynn Murphy Bareback Equitation: Veronica Mankiller, Moresa Graham, Madelynn Murphy Nervous Novice Western Equitation: Betsy Spaulding

Western Equitation: Kaitlin Braucher, Kate Thompson, Madelynn Murphy Greenhorse: Stephanie Black Trail: Charli Young, Kate Thompson, Cody Bloodsworth Nervous Novice Trail: Tristan Thompson In-Hand Trail: Autumn Cole, Keith Reynolds Hunt Seat Equitation: Kaitlin Braucher, Tawny Finch In-Hand Jumping: Keith Reynolds

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Costume Contest: Darryl Kerby Pole Bending: Roshell Hesler, Mandy Hesler, Cody Bloodsworth Figure 8 Stake Race: Roshell Hesler, Mandy Hesler, Cody Bloodsworth Key Hole Race: Veronica Mankiller, Mandy Hesler, Cody Bloodsworth Flag Race: Darryl Kerby, Mandy Hesler, Cody Bloodsworth Barrel Race: Roshell Hesler, Mandy Hesler, Maddy Murphy

The Big Newtons


Thursday: 3:30 & 6:30 Friday: 6:00 & 9:00 Saturday: 3:00 & 6:00

Thursday: 5:00 & 8:00 Friday: 3:00 Saturday: 12:00

Leapin Louie

Thursday: 1:00, 3:00, 5:00& 6:30 Friday: 1:00, 3:00, 4:30 & 6:30 Saturday: 1:30, 3:30, 5:30& 7:30 Sunday: 12:30, 2:30& 4:00

Cowboy Cadillac

Friday: 4:30 & 7:30 Saturday: 1:30 & 4:30

Curly’s Funtastic Kid Zone

Thursday - Saturday 11:00am-8:00pm Sunday: 11:00am-5:00pm

Bill Robison

Thursday: 1:00, 3:30 5:30, & 7:30 Friday: 1:00, 3:00, 5: 00 & 7:30 Saturday: 1:00, 3:00, 4:30, & 6:30 Sunday: 12:00, 1:30 & 3:30

Sir Pops-A-Lot

Michael Mezmer

Thursday: 12:00, 3:00 & 6:00 Friday: 12:00, 3:00 & 6:00 Saturday: 12:00, 3:00 & 6:00 Sunday: 12:00, 3:00

Thursday: 5:00 & 8:00 Friday: 6:00 & 9:00 Saturday: 3:00, 6:00 & 9:00 Sunday: 1:15 & 3:45

Caricatures by Connie Brooks

Nevada Slim & Cimarron Sue

Thursday: 11:00, 3:00, & 7:00 Friday: 11:00, 3:00, & 7:00 Saturday: 11:00, 3:00, & 7:00 Sunday: 11:00 & 2:00

Thursday: 1:30, 3:30, 5:30 & 7:30 Friday: 1:30, 3:30, 5:30 & 7:30 Saturday: 1:00, 3:00, 5:00 & 7:00 Sunday: 11:30, 1:00, 2:00, & 3:30

Sunday’s Local Talent Contest

Sunday - 1:00- Thorn Creek Express Also on Stage Friday 1:30

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Sunday - 2:15 Daniel Mark Faller

Sunday - 3:30 The Katz Band

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