See what all the fuss is about: Check out Lower Granite Dam This road trip into the heart of Whitman County is a must for those interested in the fish-versus-dams debate bound for Idaho must pass, and its visitor center, on the south side of the river, has a popular fish viewing We spend a lot of time talking window. May is fairly reliable for those interested in seeing spring about federal dams on the lower chinook. Adults are passing the dam Snake River and whether they as they return from the Pacific Ocean should stay or go. and head toward But have you ever spawning grounds or visited one? Ever 194 the hatcheries where seen a salmon? Now Pullman Snake they began life. At the is a great time to go River same time, juvenile Lower to Lower Granite salmon and steelhead Dam, especially if you Granite Dam are streaming are interested in the through, over and debate over how best Wawawai 195 around the dam on to recover imperiled Road their way to the ocean. salmon and steelhead. Visitors can take in The dam is the last 12 Clarkston one returning adult > See DAM, Page 13 salmon and steelhead
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ABOVE: The Lower Granite Lock and Dam are seen from the north shore of the Snake River near Almota. While debate rages between those who want Lower Granite Dam and the other three dams on the lower Snake River breached and those who want them to stay, not many folks have actually visited the remote dams. LEFT: Water rushes down the adult fish ladder at the Lower Granite Dam. Zach Wilkinson/ For Daytripping