Your Health, 2021

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Your Health

2021 Edition


2 | Thursday, January 28, 2021 | Lewiston Tribune & Moscow-Pullman Daily News

Your Health 2021

How Exercise Can Help You Live Longer

What Is Keto?

Metro Editorial

Green Shoot Media

reducing the carbohydrates you consume and instead filling up on By now, you’ve heard about and fats, you safely enter a state of ketomaybe even considered trying out a sis, which is when your body breaks ketogenic diet. What is keto and down both dietary and stored body how effective has it been for other fat into substances called ketones. people who have tried it? Keto proponents claim that this Before incorporating keto into your process can transform your body lifestyle — or any new diet or workand improve your energy levels, as out plan for that matter — be sure to well. check with your physician. He will be able to tell you more about the potential impact on your health, The keto diet originated from a energy levels and body specific to decades-old therapeutic diet, and your situation. has clinical roots in neurologic mediThe keto diet emphasizes weight loss through fat-burning. The goal for cine. It has actually long been used to anyone participating in a keto diet is to quickly lose weight and ultimately reduce hard-to-control seizures in children. Studies also suggest possifeel fuller with fewer cravings. ble benefits in other brain conditions According to keto experts, by


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such as Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s diseases. Workout and dietary professionals have started to recommend keto to their clients as a way to rethink the way they consume food, and many restaurants now offer keto-friendly food and drink options given the diet’s popularity across the world.

DOES IT WORK? Here are some benefits of the keto diet as reported by the Journal of the American Medical Association in 2018: • Many people feel less hungry on the high-fat keto diet and so may naturally reduce their overall calorie intake. • Beyond weight loss, keto shows promise for diabetes management, with improved insulin sensitivity and blood-sugar control for people following a ketogenic diet. On the flipside, the U.S. News Best Diet Rankings ranks keto No. 34 in Best Diets Overall. Thirty-five diets were evaluated with input from a panel of health experts. This discrepancy in opinion across the medical community reaffirms the importance of meeting with your healthcare professionals to make sure keto is a good fit for you.

There are many reasons to get in shape. Weight loss is a prime motivator, as is reversing a negative health effect, such as high cholesterol or increased diabetes risk. Routine exercise also can improve life expectancy. WebMD says exercise keeps the body and brain healthy. That’s why exercise should be an important component of daily life no matter one’s age. Research published in the journal Immune Aging found that how people age is 75 percent lifestyle and only 25 percent genetics, which underscores the importance of the lifestyle choices people make.

CARDIORESPIRATORY FITNESS Many health experts say that cardiorespiratory fitness may be just as valuable a metric to determine overall health as blood pressure and lipid levels. People with a high aerobic capacity can deliver oxygen to tissues and cells efficiently to fuel exercise, according to data published in 2014 in the journal Aging & Disease. In a study involving 11,335 women, researchers compared V02 max, also known as aerobic capacity, in women with mortality data. Women who were fit from a cardiovascular perspective had a lower death rate from all causes, irrespective of the women’s weight.


LONGER, Page 15

Your Health 2021

Lewiston Tribune & Moscow-Pullman Daily News | Thursday, January 28, 2021 | 3

How often To See the Doctor Metro Editorial

Exercising Safely In the Cold Green Shoot Media

Many of us pack on the pounds over the winter because of a more sedentary season due to poor weather conditions. In fact, the average winter weight gain ranges from five to 10 pounds, according to a recent report by AccuWeather. We avoid going outside as frequently to avoid the colder temperatures, rain, snow and ice. While this is understandable, many exercise experts say that walking, running or working out in cold weather actually offers many health benefits.

GET MORE VITAMINS While many avoid the cold, outdoor winter workouts are a great way to absorb small doses of sunlight. The sunlight can help to improve mood and help with vitamin D intake, according to the American Heart Association.

STAVE OFF SICKNESS Winter exercise can also boost immunity during cold and flu season. A few minutes a day can help prevent simple bacterial and viral infections, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

A BETTER EXERCISE Why work out in the winter? For one thing, there is no heat and

humidity to deal with in colder weather. Winter’s chill might even make you feel awake and invigorated, according to the AHA. Regardless of exercise, studies have shown that being outside in cold weather can transform stubborn fat from our bellies and thighs into calorie-burning fat.

Routine health checkups are a key part of staying healthy. Older adults may feel like they’re always visiting one doctor or another. But what is an acceptable frequency for doctor appointments? The answer isn’t always so cut and dry, and many health professionals have mixed feelings even among themselves over the magic number. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends adults over the age of 65 visit the doctor more than twice as often as 18- to 44-year-olds. According to Paul Takahashi, a physician at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minn., adults should see their primary care physicians at least once a year to make sure diseases are being properly managed and to stay current on preventative screenings. Visiting the doctor more frequently does not necessarily add up to better health, and it actually can do the opposite. Dr. Peter Abadir,

an associate professor of medicine at the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, says frequent visits to health facilties where sick people congregate puts one at a higher risk of illness or infection. Visiting the doctor only when necessary is one way to avoid risky exposure. Doctor visit frequency is not a one-size-fits-all answer. A yearly


DOCTOR, Page 14

HOW TO EXERCISE SAFELY The Mayo Clinic provides the following tips for staying safe during your cold-weather exercise. Dress in layers. Dress in layers that you can remove as soon as you start to sweat and then put back on as needed. First, put on a thin layer of synthetic material, such as polypropylene, which draws sweat away from your body. Avoid cotton, which stays wet next to your skin. Next, add a layer of fleece or wool for insulation. Top this with a waterproof, breathable outer layer. Drink plenty of fluids. Hydration is just as important during cold weather as it is in the heat. Drink water or sports drinks before, during and after your workout, even if you don’t feel thirsty. Wear gloves. Wear a thin pair of glove liners made of a wicking material (such as polypropylene) under a pair of heavier gloves or mittens lined with wool or fleece.


4 | Thursday, January 28, 2021 | Lewiston Tribune & Moscow-Pullman Daily News

PTSD BY THE NUMBERS Here are some sobering statistics on PTSD from the National Center for PTSD. • About 7% to 8% of the population will have PTSD at some point in their lives. • About 8 million adults have PTSD during a given year. This is only a small portion of those who have gone through a trauma. • About 10 of every 100 women develop PTSD sometime in their lives compared with about four of every 100 men.

Dealing With PTSD Green Shoot Media

Post-traumatic stress disorder is a real illness faced by millions of Americans. You can get PTSD after living through or seeing a traumatic event, such as war, a major storm,

WHAT ARE THE EFFECTS OF PTSD? PTSD can cause many serious issues, including: • Flashbacks, or feeling like the event is happening again. • Trouble sleeping or nightmares. • Feeling alone. • Angry outbursts. • Feeling worried, guilty or sad. PTSD can happen to people of all ages. Signs of PTSD may start soon after a frightening event and then continue. They can also start months or even years after a traumatic event, so it’s important to be honest

sexual assault, physical abuse or a terrible accident. PTSD makes you feel stressed and afraid after the event, and it can impact your daily life, relationships and future.


EFFECTIVE TREATMENTS TO DISCUSS WITH YOUR PHYSICIAN According to the National Center for PTSD, there are some therapies that have been proven most effective by medical and mental health professionals, including: • Prolonged exposure. Teaches you how to gain control by facing your negative feelings. It involves talking about your trauma with a provider and doing some of the things you have avoided since the trauma. • Cognitive processing therapy. Teaches you to reframe negative thoughts about the trauma. It involves talking with your provider about your negative thoughts and doing short writing assignments. • Eye movement desensitization and reprocessing. Helps you process and make sense of your trauma. It involves calling the trauma to mind while paying attention to a back-and-forth movement or sound (like a finger waving side to side, a light, or a tone).

Some High Tech Ways To Stop Snoring



Metro Editorial


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Your Health 2021

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When climbing into bed, no one wants to endure a snore-filled night of fits and starts. Snoring may be inconvenient, but it’s more than just disruptive. Snoring may indicate a serious health issue. The American Academy of Sleep Medicine notes that snoring may be associated with obstructive sleep apnea, a serious sleep disorder and a risk factor for heart disease, diabetes, stroke, and many other health problems. Men’s Health magazine says some 90 million Americans snore, with 37 million doing so on a regular basis. Men are more likely to snore than

women. Sometimes snorers can be so loud they disturb bed mates and even those in nearby bedrooms. People who snore, and their loved ones who deal with the cacophony each and every night, are often on

Your Health 2021

Lewiston Tribune & Moscow-Pullman Daily News | Thursday, January 28, 2021 | 5 minutes of moderate activity per week. You’ll reach these goals by exercising for 30 minutes, five times a week.


Stick With Your Exercise Plan Many people have great success starting an exercise plan. It’s sticking with it that becomes difficult. If you’re having trouble following through, you’re not alone. Here are some statistics from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services: • Less than 5% of adults participate in 30 minutes of physical activity each day. • Only one in three adults receive the recommended amount of physical activity each week. • More than 80% of adults do not meet the guidelines for both aerobic and muscle-strengthening activities. • More than 80% of adolescents do the lookout for ways to alleviate snoring. Despite an abundance of innovation in recent years, anti-snoring solutions have been slow in coming. But technology continues to evolve, and some new anti-snoring solutions have been developed. • Track your overnight breathing. Snorers can use tracking devices to see just how well they are sleeping each night. When worn at night, devices like Fitbitª can track breathing and will rate which levels of sleep a person reaches: deep, light or REM. It also records

not do enough aerobic physical activity to meet the guidelines for youth. Busy schedules or poor overall health can make exercise more challenging. Fortunately, there are many tips and tricks to maintaining a consistent plan.

COMMON BENEFITS Everyone already knows there are many great reasons to exercise. Consistent, rigorous exercise can improve energy, sleep and overall health. It’s also been proven to stave off stress and anxiety. The good news is that regular exercise doesn’t have to be all or nothing. You don’t have to spend hours in a gym or force yourself into if a person awakens during the night, even when people do not realize their sleep was interrupted. This data can paint a clear picture of sleeping behaviors. • Test snore ratings. Smartphone users can use an app called SnoreLab to rate snoring. The app is left running next to a bed. If it detects snoring, it will record an audio clip and rate the snoring on a scale that ranges from Quiet to


SNORING, Page 14

painful activities to see the benefits of exercise. The current recommendations for most adults is to reach at least 150

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Green Shoot Media

Integrating exercise into your daily routine requires the right mindset and discipline. When setting expectations, it’s important to remember the more ambitious your goal, the more difficult it will be to achieve. A few failed days of not getting enough exercise can lead us into a downward spiral. A better approach is to start with easy, achievable exercise goals. Use triggers like notifications on your phone or an alarm clock to remind you to get active throughout the day. Before you know it, you’ll have a regular exercise routine that is easy to stick to on a daily basis. Don’t forget to celebrate your success by rewarding yourself. Pick healthy habits or treats that you enjoy as a reward. Write yourself motivational notes or emails to keep you going. Consider involving friends in your new exercise routine to help push you forward.

Your Health 2021

6 | Thursday, January 28, 2021 | Lewiston Tribune & Moscow-Pullman Daily News

death, including heart disease, type 2 diabetes, some cancers and obesity. Here’s how to easily add more vegetables into your regular diet.

Add More Vegetables To Your Diet Green Shoot Media

If you’re an adult reading this article, odds are you’re not eating enough vegetables. Just one in 10 adults meet the federal fruit or vegetable recommendations, according to a study published in the Center for Disease

Control’s Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report (MMWR). Federal guidelines recommend that adults eat at least one-and-ahalf to two cups per day of fruit and two to three cups per day of vegetables as part of a healthy eating pattern. The CDC’s study found that 9% of adults met the intake recom-

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mendations for vegetables, ranging from 6% in West Virginia to 12% in Alaska. Results showed that consumption was lower among men, young adults, and adults living in poverty. The reason these statistics are so staggering is the easy-to-see positive impacts of a vegetable-rich diet. Seven of the top 10 leading causes of death in the United States are from chronic diseases. Eating a diet rich in fruits and vegetables daily can help reduce the risk of many leading causes of illness and

One of the easiest ways to make vegetables a go-to snack is to make them more accessible when you get hungry. You can load your refrigerator with vegetables, but leaving the broccoli on the stalk and the carrots unpeeled will serve as a deterrent to you grabbing it for a quick snack during the middle of the day. Use an hour on the weekend to prep and package a variety of vegetables into plastic sandwich bags or small, covered glass dishes. This will make it easier for you and your family to grab some delicious vegetables instead of chips throughout the week.

CHOOSE THE RIGHT VEGETABLES If you know you don’t like a certain vegetable, avoid coming home with it from the grocery store. Stick with a few favorites. Choosing vegetables of the right colors is also important. The CDC recommends you brighten your plate with vegetables that are red, orange or dark green because they are full of healthy vitamins and minerals. Try acorn squash, cherry tomatoes and sweet potatoes.

Exercise Ideas For People With Mobility Issues Metro Editorial

Physical activity is vital to overall health. The World Health Organization says limiting time spent being idle and taking advantage of opportunities to get moving - even if it’s just a little bit of exercise - can go a long way toward improving overall health. In November 2020, the WHO released new exercise guidelines for people of all ages. Adults should get between 150 and 300 minutes a week of moderate to vigorous aerobic activity, and that includes older adults and those with chronic condi-

tions or disabilities. Individuals with limited mobility due to age or preexisting medical conditions may wonder how they can meet the guidelines for exercise. Those with chronic pain or illness sometimes find that exercising for more than a few minutes can be challenging. Even brief periods of exercise can pay dividends, and there are various approaches people can take to work around mobility and other issues.



Your Health 2021

Lewiston Tribune & Moscow-Pullman Daily News | Thursday, January 28, 2021 | 7

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8 | Thursday, January 28, 2021 | Lewiston Tribune & Moscow-Pullman Daily News • • • • •

Your Health 2021

Strengthen bones. Engage major muscle groups. Alleviate lower back pain. Boost cognitive function. Create an aligned, balanced and symmetrical body. • Improve mobility, stability and range of motion. • Manage stress. • Improve posture. Read on for a couple of the most effective leg exercises, and remember to always practice safety in the weight room or at home.


Take Your Legs To New Levels Green Shoot Media

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No one likes leg day at the gym. For many reasons, however, you should be focusing on working your leg muscles while you’re working out. A strong lower body can help to prevent injury and manage chronic conditions such as arthritis and diabetes. Stronger legs can make your cardio workouts easier to complete, as well. Toned leg muscles keep your body balanced, so don’t forget to consistently work on your glutes, quads and hamstrings. Once you appreciate that your legs contain your largest and most important muscles, you can start incorporating fun-to-do exercises that will result in big-time benefits to your overall health. Here are some of the greatest benefits of leg workouts, according to a recent report by Healthline. • Build muscle. • Tone and sculpt legs. • Strengthen core muscles. • Burn calories and promote weight loss. • Improve overall fitness. • Reduce joint pain.

One of the best leg exercises you can do is the squat. When performing a squat, try to squat straight up and down to focus the most on using your quadriceps to get maximum results. You can do squats with a barbell, dumbbells or just your body weight. Start at a lower weight until you have the form down, and then move up to get more results. Once you master the squat, try jumping squats. Stand with your feet shoulder width apart and lower into a squat position until your thighs are parallel to the floor. Then, jump up as high as you can and try to land softly to avoid injury. Repeat this for at least 12 reps and do at least three sets, taking a 30-second break between sets.

LEG PRESS The leg press is highly effective in working your quads, glutes and hamstrings. Make it a staple of your weekly workout to see big results in your lower body. Find the press machine at your local gym and start by setting the weight low. Sit down and press your feet squarely on the footplate, making sure your lower back stays pressed against the bench pad. Release the safety and bend your knees to lower the platform. In a steady motion, push the platform back up to the top without locking your knees. Repeat for 12 reps and three sets, taking breaks if needed. Always remember to exercise caution when you are working out. Without proper form, you can risk injury and may not be getting the most out of your workouts. Seek out a local personal trainer who can help you put together a structured, safe workout plan.

Your Health 2021

Lewiston Tribune & Moscow-Pullman Daily News | Thursday, January 28, 2021 | 9

How To Control Asthma How to Control Asthma Unless you have personally suffered from asthma, you may not understand its severe impact on people. Asthma is a disease that affects your lungs and is one of the most common long-term diseases of children. Adults can also have asthma, which causes wheezing, breathless-

ness, chest tightness and coughing. Dealing with asthma can be a struggle, but there are some things you can do to keep your attacks under control.

ASTHMA BY THE NUMBERS First, let’s understand the broad impact of asthma on Americans. Here are some common asthma-

related statistics from the Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America: • According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), 1 in 13 people have asthma. • More than 25 million Americans have asthma. This is 7.7% of adults and 8.4% of children. Asthma has been increasing since the early 1980s in all age, sex and racial groups. • Asthma is more common in adult women than adult men. • African-Americans in the U.S. die from asthma at a higher rate than people of other races or ethnicities. • More than 11.4 million people with asthma, including more than 3 million children, report having had one or more asthma episodes or attacks. • Asthma is the leading chronic disease in children. • Asthma is more common in children than adults. • Asthma is more common in boys than girls. • Currently, there are about 6.2 million children under the age of 18 with asthma.

WHAT IS AN ASTHMA ATTACK? An asthma attack may include a sudden onset of coughing, chest tightness, wheezing and difficulties breathing. During an asthma attack, your airways become inflamed, narrow and swell, and produce extra mucus, which makes it difficult to breathe.

HOW TO CONTROL YOUR ASTHMA Prevention is the best tool for keeping your asthma at bay. By knowing the warning signs of an asthma attack, you can greatly improve your chances of managing an attack. Some things to remember: • Always take your medicine exactly as your doctor tells you, even if you feel fine. • Stay away from things that can trigger an attack to control your asthma. • Limit exposure to smoke. • Visit your doctor if your medicine isn’t working or appears to become less effective. • Get a flu shot every year to prevent illness that can worsen asthma.

When Can Children Brush their Own Teeth? Metro Editorial

Parents quickly learn that their children go through a transition marked by a desire to be more independent. They’re picking out their own mismatched clothes and no longer want any help when solving puzzles or complex toys. That newfound independence signals getting older and can be a healthy thing to nourish. But what happens when a youngster suddenly believes he or she is capable of brushing his or her teeth without assistance? Parents wrestling with their kids’ can-do attitude and if it’s wise to allow them to brush their teeth unassisted can familiarize themselves with certain guidelines to determine their youngsters’ readiness. According to Scripps Pediatric Dentistry & Orthodontics, most kids


are at least six years old before they have developed the finesse and dexterity to handle a toothbrush in a manner that will effectively remove plaque. Dentists also may ask if the child can tie his or her own shoes, which can serve as a barometer of


TEeTH, Page 12

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10 | Thursday, January 28, 2021 | Lewiston Tribune & Moscow-Pullman Daily News

Your Health 2021

WHAT CAUSES LOW VISION? The NEI notes that low vision is not caused by aging alone. However, there is a link between aging and low vision. Many of the diseases that can cause low vision are most common in older adults. In fact, the Cleveland Clinic notes low vision affects one in four adults over age 75 and one in six adults over age 45. The type of low vision a person has will depend on the disease or condition that caused it. Many different eye conditions can cause low vision, but the NEI says the four most common are: • Age-related macular degeneration (AMD): AMD is a disease of the eye that can blur the vision people need to read and drive. AMD is slow to develop and as it progresses the blurry area near the center of vision may get bigger and things may also seem less read, drive, recognize people’s bright than before. faces, distinguish between colors, or • Cataracts: Cataracts affect more see their television or computer than half of all Americans age 80 screens clearly. Though low vision is or older. The NEI notes that many a serious condition, the Cleveland people do not notice they have a Clinic notes it does not include comcataract initially. But over time, plete blindness and can sometimes people with a cataract may be improved with the use of visual notice their vision becoming bluraids. Understanding low vision and ry, hazy or less colorful. how it can affect a person’s daily life • Diabetic retinopathy: Diabetic can help patients and their families retinopathy affects blood vessels confront the condition more sucin the retina and can cause low cessfully. vision in people with diabetes. The NEI urges anyone with diabetes to schedule comprehensive dilated eye exams at least once per year, as finding diabetic retinopathy The NEI notes that there are differearly, even when no symptoms are ent types of low vision. The four most present, can help people protect common types of low vision are: their vision. • Central vision loss: This is marked • Glaucoma: Glaucoma is an by an inability to see things in the umbrella term used to describe a center of your vision. group of eye diseases that dam• Peripheral vision loss: This affects age the optic nerve. The NEI notes peripheral vision and compromisthat half of all people with glaues a person’s ability to see things coma don’t even know they have out of the corners of the eyes. it, which only underscores the • Night blindness: A person diagimportance of scheduling comnosed with night blindness will be prehensive dilated eye exams. unable to see in low light. Low vision is a serious condition • Blurry or hazy vision: The that can affect people’s ability to Cleveland Clinic notes that perform daily tasks like reading and objects both near and far will driving. More information about low appear out of focus person when vision can be found at www.nei.nih. a person is dealing blurry vision. gov. Someone with hazy vision will feel as though his or her entire field of vision is covered with a film or glare.

Understanding Low Vision Metro Editorial

Prescription eyeglasses help billions of people across the world improve their vision. In fact, when a person’s vision starts to weaken, a new eyeglass prescription is often the solution. However, prescription

eyeglasses cannot correct every issue, including low vision. The National Eye Institute defines low vision as a vision problem that makes it hard for people to perform everyday activities. People with low vision may not see well enough to


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Your Health 2021

Lewiston Tribune & Moscow-Pullman Daily News | Thursday, January 28, 2021 | 11


12 | Thursday, January 28, 2021 | Lewiston Tribune & Moscow-Pullman Daily News

Herbs and Spices That Can Promote Healthy Hearts


Your Health 2021

saicin, the active ingredient in cayenne pepper, can provide a host of A nutritious diet is a key component of health benefits. One such study puba healthy lifestyle. When paired with reglished in the British Journal of Nutrition ular physical activity, a nutritious diet found that adding capsaicin to a can help people dramatically reduce high-carbohydrate breakfast signifitheir risk for various diseases, including cantly reduced hunger and the desire heart disease. to eat before lunch. Eating less can According to the World Health help people more effectively control Organization, ischaemic heart disease their body weight, which in turn and stroke claim more lives each year reduces their risk for heart disease. than any other disease, annually • Turmeric: Garlic and even cayenne accounting for roughly 15 percent of all pepper may already be staples in deaths across the globe. Many deaths many people’s kitchens, but that’s not caused by heart disease can be prenecessarily so with turmeric. A yellow vented, and eating a healthy diet is a spice often used when preparing great preventive measure that anyone Indian foods, turmeric has anti-inflamcan take. matory properties thanks to curcumin, Though some people may associate the part of turmeric responsible for healthy diets with bland foods that lack giving it its yellow color. Experts flavor, people can incorporate various acknowledge that turmeric needs to heart-healthy herbs and spices into their be studied more to definitively confavorite dishes to make them more nutriclude its effects on heart health, but tious and flavorful. WebMD notes that one small study • Garlic: Garlic has long since earned indicated that turmeric can help ward its place on the kitchen spice rack. off heart attacks in people who have However, botanically, garlic is neither had bypass surgery. an herb or a spice but a vegetable. • Coriander: A popular herb used Regardless of how it’s classified, garlic across the globe, coriander is someis loaded with flavor and can be used times mistaken for cilantro. Though the to improve just about any recipe, all two come from the same plant, cilanthe while benefitting heart health. The tro refers to the leaves and stems of United States-based health services the coriander plant, while the corianprovider Mercy Health notes that garder in recipes typically refers to the lic can help lower blood pressure and seeds of that plant. Mercy Health reduce bad cholesterol levels. notes that coriander seeds may help • Cayenne pepper: Few ingredients reduce bad cholesterol and high may change a recipe as quickly as blood pressure, both of which are sigcayenne pepper. The addition of caynificant risk factors for heart disease. enne pepper can instantly make dishHeart-healthy herbs and spices can es more spicy. But cayenne pepper be added to various recipes, proving brings more than a little extra kick to that nutritious meals need not be void of the dinner table. Healthline notes that flavor. various studies have shown that capMetro Editorial

readiness to wield a toothbrush without assistance. Pediatricians and pediatric dentists recommend that children visit a dentist as soon as a child’s first tooth starts to appear. This also is when parents should begin to clean their children’s teeth. As a child ages, the natural proclivity to want to take charge of brushing teeth takes hold. The child may not yet have the manual dexterity to brush alone, but parents can encourage the child to brush and then go over the teeth as a Òdouble check.Ó This helps foster independence while also ensuring teeth are fully cleaned.

Flossing may require even more dexterity than brushing, but it is essential for sloughing off plaque that accumulates between teeth and below the gum line, according to Parents magazine. Moms and dads can introduce their children to pre-threaded Y-shaped flossing tools, which are easier to handle than loose floss. Parents will have to check on children even as they age to be sure they are practicing good oral hygiene. Parents who are in doubt about their children’s readiness can work with dentists or dental hygienists to assess skills and get other pointers.

Your Health 2021

Lewiston Tribune & Moscow-Pullman Daily News | Thursday, January 28, 2021 | 13

How Adults Can Take Active Roles In their Health Care Metro Editorial

Adults play a significant role in their own health care. Adults focused on getting fit may visit various fitness facilities before signing up for a membership, and individuals who want to improve their diets may spend countless hours poring over healthy recipes and the latest trends in nutrition. Such research pays dividends, and the same commitment can be applied to choosing the right health care services. Adults who are enrolled in employer-sponsored health insurance plans may feel as though their options are limited in regard to their health care services. However, there are many ways for patients to get more out of their health care plans. • Shop around for a primary care physician. It’s easy to be overwhelmed when perusing lists of in-network primary care physicians provided by insurance companies. Such lists can seem endless and it can be hard to distinguish one physician from

another. Adults in need of new primary care physicians can ask neighbors or family and friends who live nearby for recommendations. It’s important to put the time in when choosing a primary care physician, as people who are comfortable with their physicians are more likely to schedule annual wellness visits or book appointments when they aren’t feeling well. Such visits can be life-saving. • Schedule annual wellness visits. Annual wellness visits are very important, even for health-conscious individuals who are not experiencing any signs of illness or injury. Regular checkups and screenings can uncover health problems even when no symptoms are present, potentially saving patients’ lives. For example, Hackensack Meridian Health reports that mammograms have reduced breast cancer mortality in the United States by 40 percent since 1990. Many insurance providers cover annual physicals at no cost to the patient, and screenings can catch diseases early when they’re at their most treat-

able and treatment is less expensive and less time-consuming. • Be a prepared patient. Prepare a list of questions prior to a scheduled doctor’s appointment. Jot questions down as they come to you in the weeks leading up to the appointment and don’t hesitate to ask questions during the visit. • Be open and honest with your physician. Concealing behaviors from your physician will negate some of the benefits of visiting the doctor. For example, if you live a largely sedentary lifestyle but tell your doctor you’re physically active, he or she won’t offer advice on how to make

exercise a bigger part of your life. Being open and honest with a physician enables the doctor to give the best medical advice. Taking an active role in their health care is a great way for adults to improve their overall health and can help them reduce their risk for illness.

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14 | Thursday, January 28, 2021 | Lewiston Tribune & Moscow-Pullman Daily News performed in a chair.


MOBILITY from Page 6 EXPLORE CHAIR EXERCISES Just because you are seated doesn’t mean you can’t get a workout in. Seated chair exercises can work various muscle groups. Seated arm rows, tummy twists, overhead arm raises, hand squeezes with a tennis ball, inner thigh squeezes, leg lifts and extensions, and many other exercises can be customized to be

Exercising in the water can assist with movement and reduce strain on the body. The Arthritis Foundation says the water’s buoyancy supports body weight, which minimizes stress on joints and can alleviate pain. Water provides gentle resistance as well - up to 12 times the resistance of air. That means it’s possible to build strength and muscle even just walking or swimming around a pool.

USE RESISTANCE BANDS Resistance bands are like giant rubber bands that can be used to build up strength and flexibility. Resistance bands are effective, lowcost gear that can offer highimpact results for building muscle, staying fit and increasing mobility. Resistance bands can be used in lieu of hand weights for many exercises and be ideal for those who

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MIND-BODY EXERCISES ARE AN OPTION Elder Gym¨, a fitness from home service for seniors, suggests exercises like Tai Chi and yoga for those with limited mobility. These exercises integrate awareness of body movement with the exercise through coordinat-

SNORING from Page 4 Epic. The premise behind the app is that before snoring can be addressed, one must recognize that it is happening in the first place. • Smart sleep masks. The Hupros Sleep Mask is an example of a smart sleep mask. It works with a smartphone to detect snoring. Then the mask gently vibrates to encourage a person to change positions to open up airways and reduce snoring. The mask also has a nose piece that will be engaged if a change of position doesn’t stop the snoring. It delivers expiratory positive airway pressure (EPAP) - allowing a wearer to breathe in through the nose, but making it hard to breathe out in the same way. This creates resistance meant to expand lung vol-

DOCTOR from Page 3


Since 1995

find barbells and dumbbells are challenging to maneuver.

physical or checkup is a given, even for people who are healthy. People with a family history of certain conditions, like sleep disorders, cancer, high blood pressure, and other conditions, may need to see a doctor more frequently than those with no such histories. In addition, patients may need referrals to certain specialists who work together to provide an overall health plan. That can increase the number of appointments and shorten the intervals between them. Johnson Memorial Health offers some statistics. • People visit the doctor four times a year on average. • Studies show that poor or uninsured people prolong the time between doctor’s visits. • Individuals with high blood pressure may need to see the doctor

Your Health 2021

ed breathing. The exercises encourage people to focus on slow, fluid movements and deep stretching. Seniors and others with limited mobility are advised to first discuss fitness regimens with a physician to get a green light to proceed. Then exercise regimens can be started gradually and altered to become more vigorous as the body acclimates to exercise. Increase duration and frequency as strength and endurance builds.

ume and reduce airway vibrations. • Change positions. Another device that is supposed to help a person change positions to relieve snoring is the Philips SmartSleep Snoring Relief Band. It straps around a user’s torso to monitor sleeping position. If snoring occurs, the device will nudge the snorer on his or her side, a position that is less likely to induce snoring. • Go low tech. While there are many digital devices that may help alleviate snoring, one option does not require a device. A new pillow, such as a wedge pillow, can slightly elevate the head, which may promote better breathing. Snoring is problematic for millions of people. Turning to technology may help people get the rest they need. four times a year to ensure medications are working properly. • Patients on dialysis see the doctor several times a week. Dr. Jennifer Caudle, a family physician and assistant professor at Rowan University School of Osteopathic Medicine in Stratford, NJ, says too often people visit the doctor only when they are really sick. That works to their disadvantage because the appointment will focus only on treating the illness instead of addressing other preventative care and screenings. Balance is necessary in regard to health care. Patients can work together with their doctors to develop screening schedules that are customized to their particular profiles. These schedules can be modified as health history information changes or as patients age. Doctors can dial back or increase health visits as needed.

Your Health 2021

Lewiston Tribune & Moscow-Pullman Daily News | Thursday, January 28, 2021 | 15

Taking Stock of Your Health

By Jen Scharffer, RDN, LD, CD Director of Wellness Tri-State Hospital

We’ve been worrying about our elders, our children, our loved ones and friends amidst the COVID-19 Pandemic. Some were stuck at home, others may have been faced with additional work, but chances are that most of us are under a tremendous amount of stress! It’s time to focus on you. That’s right, YOU! Have you been taking care of yourself? Are you eating healthy and staying active? It’s hard to do when you’re stuck inside. I strongly encourage you to take a pulse on your day-to-day routine. Consider keeping a food record and noting not only the items you eat and drink but also, the portion size. Even a diary of three days might bare some surprises to you. Maybe you are only getting two servings of fruits and vegetables on average every day, or possibly the pizza that you ordered

LONGER from Page 2 MANAGE STRESS AND MOOD Exercise has direct stress-busting benefits that can promote longevity. The Mayo Clinic says physical activity can increase the production of endorphins, which are the body’s feel-good neurotransmitters. In addition, exercise can imitate the effects of stress, helping the body adjust its flight or fight response accordingly, and help them cope with mildly stressful situations. While engaged in exercise, people may forget about their problems as they are focused on the activity at hand.

IMPROVE BONE HEALTH Strength training and physical activity can stave off the effects of frailty and osteoporosis, which affects bone strength. A study published in the Journal of Internal Medicine in 2017 found that hip fractures are associated with diminished quality of life and survival among the elderly. One in three adults

turned into three meals because of leftovers. Did you realize you snacked more than you intended when you were focused on the TV instead of your food? I think many of us can relate, and the fact is, that’s okay! Give yourself some grace. Eating doesn’t have to be perfect and it shouldn’t cause you stress, but what will make an impact on your health is your day-to-day routine. Fitting in all of the major food groups (protein sources, grains, fruits, vegetables, and dairy) will help you to meet your nutritional needs for optimal health. Even consuming various colors of fruits and vegetables will provide us with different nutrients that support all of the functions of the body. Take for example, magnesium. Pumpkin seeds, almonds, spinach, and shredded wheat cereal are rich with magnesium. Among other functions, magnesium supports the structural development of

aged 50 and over dies within 12 months of suffering a hip fracture, and older adults have a five- to eight-times greater risk of dying within three months following a hip fracture. Building muscle strength, balance and bone density through exercise can reduce falls and frailty, helping to prevent fracture-related health risks.

ADDRESSES SARCOPENIA The health and wellness resource Healthline defines sarcopenia as the loss of muscle mass specifically related to aging. Doctors once considered this muscle loss inevitable, and it can affect stamina and lead to weakness. However, new indications suggest that exercise is the main treatment regimen for sarcopenia, particularly resistance training. This is designed to improve muscle strength and help balance hormone levels by turning protein into energy for older adults. These are just some of the ways exercise can help older adults live longer, healthier lives.

bone and is necessary for the body to create DNA, RNA, and antioxidants. This is just one example of the countless nutrients that are instrumental in optimizing your health. When we plan our meals to involve various items from all of the food groups, there is less room for processed foods that contain less nutrients but more calories, sodium, sugar, and saturated fats. It’s always helpful to take a good look at your current dietary practices so that you can identify shortfalls and make small but impactful changes with how you eat. “Spotchecking”, or randomly choosing times to assess your eating patterns, can be done through a hand-written journal, health apps, or even just looking at your grocery list and what you are throwing away from the fridge! Take a look and you might find some room for improvement to create a more nutritious eating pat-

tern. We get one body, one chance in life, and nourishing your body in a healthful way will help you to think and feel better. There is never a better time than now to take stock of your own health!

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Your Health 2021

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