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Photo memories
expensive was perhaps $25), the sophomore dance, class hats in the class colors, class hat day, the Juniatian yearbook, signing yearbooks, ”A Vacancy in Paradise” (junior class play) and “Wildcat” (senior class musical), decorating for the junior prom, slow dancing with Charlie at the prom, after-prom parties, square dancing at the after graduation party, learning to drive a standard transmission (three on the tree) in driver ed class, locker keys, the phone booth by the cafeteria/offce, “the bench” by the offce, school lunches cost 30 cents, weiner winks, the milk machine, intramural nights,
August 18 and double days football practices, Saturday morning basketball practices, Homecoming and May Day programs, your best girl would get one of your cuffinks, football, baseball and softball were all played on Dietrick Field, varsity J sweaters and a lasting memory for me was in the winter of ‘63 - the Sadie Hawkins Dance with a special girl. We won a “spot dance.” The prize was a cake with jelly beans on it. And, she won my heart. Ahhh yes, I remember it well.