1 minute read
A famous Belgian waffe
SUE ANN GEIBEL DUNMIRE Chief Logan High School Class of 1965
I experienced an amazing coincidence last year while searching the web for information about a trip my high school band took to the 1964 New York World’s Fair. It was the Chief Logan High School band under the direction of Clyde Scott. I was curious about how our band was selected and hoped to get some information after all these years.I found a lot of information about the fair and a lot of beautiful pictures, which brought back some memories, but there was little mention of the bands that attended. Fortunately, to make my search worthwhile, as I was looking through the
Photo memories
many pictures, this one really caught my eye! These were my friends/classmates and me, eating Belgian waffes in the Belgium Village! I do not remember if this was staged or just a random picture, but it’s out there for all to see. I guess that makes us a bit famous and part of the attractions at the World’s Fair from 59 years ago.