The Sentinel
Saturday, Feb. 26, 2022
Lewistown, PA—7
My first win
Carter Hosler Finally it was Saturday, which means it is race day, my favorite day of the week. I can’t wait to race tonight. My Pap and I will be going to Penns Creek Raceway Park. It is a beautiful day out and a good day to race. I need to make sure I have everything in the trailer and ready to go before my Pap gets here to hook up the trailer. When 2 p.m. rolls around Pap shows up and hooked up the trailer. Then, we headed out the road. We had a 45-minute drive to get to the track. We first had to stop for gas for the truck and ice for the cooler. We pulled into the store parking lot, and Pap said, “Go get us a couple drinks.” I said “Okay, I will.” I got back to the truck and we were ready to go. We finally rolled into the track at 3 p.m. Hot laps started at 5. Pap and I unloaded the trailer, put the canopy up and hooked up the generator. Pap said “Better go get registered for your class.” So I went up to the registration building and entered in the class Predator 410, and pulled pill 5, a pretty good number to start up in the heat race. I went back to the trailer and told Pap the good news. He replied “Great, now all you have to do is win this race.” I said, “I’m gonna try,
“I saw my Pap giving me hand signals to get going. I knew I had to go. I saw five laps to go and I was slowly catching him. I knew I could get to him.” Carter Hosler Describing the race he won at Penns Creek Raceway Park 222
Pap.” I knew the pressure was on to try and win this race. It was hot lap time and I had to make five good laps to get some data for the heat race. I ran hot laps and the cart felt good. It handled well. I came off and Pap said, “You looked better and better every lap out there. That cart was moving.” I was happy the cart was good for the heat race. I went to the lineup board and I saw I started second in my heat race. I was thrilled. Alright, it was time to get ready for the heat race. I got it all ready, got to the grid and put the cart down, got my helmet and jacket on and got in my cart. I was ready to race. Pap said “Good luck! Go get them.” They called my class to the track and I got to the outside for the start. The green flag was waving. It was time to go racing for 10 laps. I fell into second and rode beside the leader until the last lap. I tried to pass and he got me by a nose at the line.
It was a close race but I wasn’t happy with second. I wanted to win. I told myself I was gonna win this feature. Pap was proud with a second-place finish. He knew we could win the feature. It was feature time at the Theater of Speed. I was making sure the cart was in tip-top shape and ready to race. Pap was putting the tires on as we were chatting. He said, “Go out here and show these boys how it’s done.” I said, “Will do, Pap.” I know he really wanted me to win this race. He wanted to be standing in victory lane and getting pictures taken. I pushed the cart up the grid to get ready for the feature. Pap and I were talking. He said, “Go out there and have fun and try to win this thing.” He fired up the motor and I headed for the track. I rolled and I started second. The green was out. I was on the outside and I got passed by everyone and fell back to last. I only
had 14 laps to get back to the front. I passed three carts and I was back to third. I was pushing second place around the track and with seven laps to go, I passed him. The leader was a straight away ahead of me. I knew I had some work to do to catch up to him. I knew I had the faster cart. I just had to use my head and stay calm. I saw my Pap giving me hand signals to get going. I knew I had to go. I saw five
laps to go and I was slowly catching him. I knew I could get to him. Three laps to go and I was on his bumper. I just had to wait for the right time to pass him. Two laps to go and I knew I had to pass him the next lap. Coming to the white flag the guy left the bottom and I knew this was my chance. I stuck my nose underneath him coming into the corner. I had him and then I knew it was over. I knew I had won the race.
I came around to the checkered flag and my Pap’s hands in the air clapping. I knew he was happy. I came off the track and he came over to me and he said “That, there was some driving.” He kept hugging me. He said “Let s get to victory lane.” I said, “Let’s go!” We got pictures and called it a night. It was a good day at the track with Pap. Time for next week at the track.
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