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Land Use Recommendations

The South Nicholasville Road Small Area Plan Vision and Principles direct land use recommendations be sustainable both environmentally and economically. Historic preservation, neighborhood protection, and “green” planning are important environmental considerations. Mixed-use villages with local business connections and connectivity to the surrounding neighborhoods are important factors economically.

The Plan was divided into five subareas to make land use recommendations more manageable. Each subarea was delineated based upon manmade and natural physical boundaries, and/or connectivity. In addition to the overall recommendations for the Plan, subarea recommendations and maps further illustrate and illuminate the many expectations for the future of the south Nicholasville Road area.

Overall recommendations

The following overall statements and recommendations should be considered along with the individual Subarea recommendations and the Vision and Principles:

 Install Welcome to Lexington sign and gateway greenspace

 Ensure Gateway corridor landscape enhancement along Nicholasville Road

 Set aside additional 45-foot right-of-way for Nicholasville Road

 Protect and enhance Waveland and existing residential neighborhoods

 Promote complete streets that are transit, bike, car, and pedestrian friendly

 Promote greenway, bike/ped trails, and connections

 Provide bike racks near entrances to buildings

 Encourage public transit routes within the Subareas and a dedicated bus lane on Nicholasville Road

 Encourage public facilities, such as a library and a YMCA, and private recreational facilities such as tennis and basketball courts

 Encourage mixed-use village-style, pedestrian/bike/transit oriented design

 Encourage sustainable development including LEED certified buildings, bike/ped from home to work/shopping/recreation/worship, farmer’s market, restaurants using Kentucky Proud products, locally owned businesses, and the use of sustainable landscaping plants and features appropriate to the climate and location

 Encourage common usable open spaces such as village greens, plazas, and courtyards with amenities such as benches, art, water features, lighting, gazebos, bandstands, flag poles, and clock towers

Subarea recommendations and maps further illustrate and illuminate the many expectations for the future of the south Nicholasville Road area. The future land use designations of the Plan are shown on the Future Land Use map in the Land Use Recommendations Chapter.

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