- Page 3- Summary of Age Requirements
- Page 4- Customer Service
- Customer Service Representative
- Summer Recreation Admin
- Page 5-6- Specialized Positions
- Summer Program Supervisor
- Summer Inclusion Supervisor
- Inclusion Aide
- Camp Arts/SportsSpecialist
- League Coordinator
- Page 7-10- Aquatics
- AquaticsSupervisor
- AquaticsManager
- FitnessInstructor
- Water SafetyInstructor
- Water SafetyInstructor Aide
- Head Lifeguard
- Lifeguard
- Swim Team Coach
- Swim Team Assistant Coach
- Private Swim Instructor
- Page 11-12- Tennis
- Youth TennisCoordinator
- Youth TennisInstructor
- Youth TennisInstructor Aide
- Semi-Private TennisInstructor
- Page 12-13 - Day Camp
- Camp Director
- Assistant Camp Director
- Counselor
- Junior Counselor
- Page 14 - Minuteman Sports Clinics
- ClinicAide
- Page 14- Volunteer Opportunities
The Recreation and Community ProgramsDepartment hiresapproximately 200 seasonal employeesand volunteerseach summer and we welcome your interest in our department The following pagesprovide a brief description of positionsavailable,qualifications required for each position and approximate hire dates.Please check your schedule in advance aseach position requiresa time commitment
- Qualified returning staff are given first consideration for positionsavailable and must reapplyby January6th
- Applicantsapplying for the first time must submit the application no later than March 1,2023
- All applicationsreceived by the deadline will be reviewed.Late applicationswill be held,should positionsstill need to be filled Datesand timesadvertised for positionsare subject to change
- Qualified applicantswill be contacted for an interview andscheduled to meet with department staff via Zoom or in person.
- All staff (returning and new) must attend a mandatorypre-season staff orientation and mid-summer training Aquaticsstaff will have mandatoryweekly in-service trainings Orientationsare held in May and/or June based on the position and program/facilityyou maybe assigned to.
* All positions within licensed camps will adhere to the current Massachusetts Department of Public Health (DPH) regulations and guidelines
14 years of age and up:
- Basketball Referee/Scorekeeper
- Volunteers
- Water Safety Instructor Aide
15 years of age and up:
- Junior Counselor
- Minuteman Sports Clinic Aide
- Youth Tennis Instructor Aide
16 years of age and up:
- Lifeguard
21 years of age and up:
- Aquatics Manager
- Aquatics Supervisor
- Assistant Camp Director
- Camp Director
- League Coordinator
17 years of age and up:
- Assistant Swim Team Coach
- Customer Service Representative
- Summer Recreation Admin
- Youth Tennis Instructor
- Water Safety Instructor
18 years of age and up:
- Counselor
- Head Lifeguard
- Swim Team Coach
- Summer Program Specialist (Sports/Games, Arts and Crafts)
- Aquatics Fitness Instructor
20 years of age and up:
- Youth Tennis Coordinator
- Minuteman Clinic Coordinator
- Summer Inclusion Supervisor
- Summer Program Supervisor
- Minimum 17yearsof age
- Valid Standard First Aid certification
- Mature,responsible,and dependable
- Possessinterpersonal skillswhile working with customersin person or over the phone
- Available mornings,evenings,and weekends
- Cash and credit card handling ability
Checksfor swim passes; keepstrack of people entering the aquaticsfacility; collectsreceipts.Enforcesfacilityrulesand regulations. Passalong information and answersquestionsfrom the general public.Ensuresthe overall qualityof customer service provided at the service desk and familiar with general operationsof aquaticsfacilitiesand programs Register patronsfor programs,collect daily guest fees,and providesdailyreports Worksunder the supervision of the AquaticsManager and Head Lifeguard on duty
Dates of Employment: Mid-May? September 4,2023
Salary: 15 75/hour
Hours: 20-30 hours/week
- Minimum 17yearsof age
- Computer skillsand abilityto quicklylearn new software systemsisadvantageous
- Abilityto deal with publicin a pleasant manner
- Possessinterpersonal skillswhile working with customersin person or over the phone
- Mature,responsible,and dependable
- Attentive to details
Directlysupport the delivery of summer campsand clinicsand the aquaticsoperationsof the department and will split time between being out in the field and office time at the CommunityCenter Assiststhe department with data entry,payroll,program enrollment, management of immunization records,making copies,generating classrosters,creating newslettersand flyers,and assisting with other projectsasneeded.
Dates of Employment: June 4th - August 26th
Hours:30-35 hours/week
- Minimum 21 yearsof age
- Pursuing a degree in Special Education,Recreation,or related field preferred
- Minimum two yearsof experience working with preschool,elementary,and middle school children
- Leadership experience in day camp and preschool setting working with children of all abilities
- Valid Massachusettsdriver?slicense
- Valid First Aid/CPRand AEDCertification
- Supervisoryabilityand experience
- Knowledge of a varietyof recreation activitiesfor children ages4 to 14
- Proven oral and written communication skills
- Abilityto foster an inclusive environment within all programsand promote inclusion practices
- Behavior management skills
Ensuressafetyand overall qualityof licensed daycamps,sportsclinics,and youth tennisprograms.Responsible for all aspectsof the camp programsincluding the day-to-day operation of camps,staff training,staff hiring recommendations,coordinating transportation, program schedules,developing and implementing appropriate activitiesfor children age four through entering grade six, communicating with families,evaluations,record keeping,and other related dutiesasassigned Checks-in at all clinicsor programs regularlyeach day Reportsto the Assistant Director or Director of Recreation and CommunityPrograms
Dates of Employment: June 21 ? August 25,2023 (requirespre-season planning & meetingsand post-season wrap-up)
Salary: $25 00 - $2700/hour
Hours: 35-40 hours/week
- Minimum 21 yearsof age
- Minimum three yearsof experience working with individualswith disabilitiespreferred
- Abilityto foster an inclusive environment within all programsand promote inclusion practices
- Abilityto lead,guide and modifyrecreational activitiesfor individualsof all abilities
- Abilityto de-escalate high intensity behavioral situations
- Knowledge of a varietyof recreation activitiesfor children and teensof all abilities
- Leadership experience in a recreational setting
- Valid Massachusettsdriverslicense
- Pursuing a degree in Education,Recreation or a related field preferred
- TherapeuticRecreation Specialist certification preferred
Ensuressafetyand qualityof Recreation programs.Assist with the planning,implementation and supervision of Therapeutic Recreation programsand servicesand the Leader-in-Training program Conduct site visitsand evaluate programs,participantsand inclusion staff Provide suggestionsfor activitymodificationsand participant program placement Provide direct service asneeded Supervise seasonal staff and volunteersand provide staff with support and resources Assist with on-site behavior management and seasonal staff and volunteers Communicate with caregivers,program leaders,staff and volunteersand assist with staff training Maintain a log of staff and volunteer hoursand complete administration work asneeded.
Dates of Employment: June 21 ? August 25,2023 (requirespre-season planning & meetingsand post-season wrap-up)
Salary: $25 00 - $2700/hour
Hours: 35-40 hours/week
- Minimum 16 yearsof age
- One year of experience working with individualswith disabilitiespreferred
- Leadership experience in recreational settingspreferred
- Behavior management skills
- Knowledge of a varietyof recreation activitiesfor children and teens
- Abilityto adapt or modifyactivitiesto fit an individualsneed
- Abilityto foster an inclusive environment and promote inclusion practicesthrough out the program
- Mature,responsible and flexible
- Valid First Aid and CPRcertification
Aidesthe program staff in supporting participantsof all abilities. Responsible for fostering inclusive experiencesfor participants within programs Thisincludesproviding direct service to participantswith disabilities,completing participant and program evaluations,and will assist with other dutiesasassigned Thisposition will work closely with the TherapeuticRecreation Specialist, leadership program staff and familiesReportsto the TherapeuticRecreation Specialist and Summer Inclusion Supervisor
Dates of Employment: June 26 ? August 25,2023
Salary: $1750/ hour
Hours: 35-40 hours/week
Specialist: Arts and Crafts and/or Sports and Games
- Minimum 18 yearsof age
- Valid First Aid and CPRCertification
- Background in Art or Art Education (Artsand CraftsSpecialist) AND/OR
- Background/experience in Outdoor Education,Nature studies,gamesprogramming,youth recreation activities(Sports and GamesSpecialist)
- Demonstrated teaching experience with children of all abilitiesin a paid or volunteer position
- Strong leadership skills,sensitive,and responsible
- Abilityto accommodate and modifyactivitiesfor children of all abilities
Developsage-appropriate curriculum (based on field above) Plan,implement,supervise,and evaluate specificinclusive camp activitiesthat are accessible to all participants Assistswith dailyoperation of the camp program Reportsto Camp Director,Assistant Camp Director,and Summer Program Supervisor
Dates of Employment: June 26 ? August 25,2023
Salary: $17.50/hour
Hours: 35-40 hours/week
League Coordinator
- Minimum 21 yearsof age
- Demonstrated knowledge of the rulesof softball
- Previoussupervisoryexperience in a summer sportsprogram isadvantageous
- Degree in physical education,education,or coaching ispreferred
- Enthusiastic,energetic,and positive
- Valid First Aid and CPRcertification
- Communicate and handle situationsastheyarise effectivelywith staff,participantsand volunteer coaches
Responsible for overseeing league gamesfor our coed softball league Ensuring the coed softball gameshave an umpire on site and teamsare playing within the rulesof the league Will work with the Recreation Supervisor to handle anyissuesand communicating information that comesup during the games Nightsand weekendsmay be required
Dates of Employment: May - August 2023 (Monday,Tuesday,Wednesday,Thursday Nights,between 6:00 - 8:00 pm)
Salary: $19 00/hour
Hours: 6-14 hours/week
- The Town Pool will open on Monday,June 5th for the season through Labor Day,September 4th
- Full time staff will be hired to work a 30 to 40 hour week.
- Applicantsare expected to be in the processof completing all required certificationsbythe application deadline of March 1st in order to be considered for employment
- Individualsapplying for the position of Lifeguard or Water Safety Instructor maybe required to take a practical test as part of the interview process
- Aquaticspositionsare for the entire summer and applicantsare asked to consider their summer schedule in advance. Positionsrequire day,evening,and weekend hours
Aquatics Supervisor
- Minimum 21 yearsof age
- Valid Red CrossLifeguard Training Certification or YMCALifeguard certification (includesStandard First Aid or CommunityFirst Aid and Safety
- Valid Standard First Aid and CPR/AEDCertification
- At least one year of supervisoryexperience
- Knowledge of aquaticoperationsand programs
- Valid Massachusettsdriver?slicense
Responsibilities: Managesthe operationsof the aquaticsfacilities,programs,staff schedulesand payroll Ensuresthe safetyand qualityof facilities, programsand staff.Reportsto the Recreation Supervisor and Assistant Director of Recreation.Nightsand weekendsmaybe required.
Dates of Employment: Mid-May- September 4th,2023
Salary: $25 00/hour
Hours: 30-40 hours/week
Aquatics Manager
- Minimum 21 yearsof age
- Valid Red CrossLifeguard Training Certification or YMCALifeguard certification (includesStandard First Aid or CommunityFirst Aid and Safety
- Valid Red CrossWater SafetyInstructor certification
- Valid Red Crossor American Heart CPRfor the Professional Rescuer CPR- FPR) certification
- Previousemployment with thisdepartment at the aquaticfacilitiesor supervisoryexperience at another waterfront facilityor equal ispreferred
- Experience with staff management & supervisoryskills
- Abilityto resolve anyissueswith either the publicor staff
- Abilityto foster an inclusive environment for patronsand staff
Overseesthe day-to-dayoperationsat the aquaticfacilities Schedules,supervises,and evaluatesall aquaticsstaff Facilitates in-service training program.Monitorsthe chlorine levelsand conductsregular water tests.Enforcessafetyrules,regulationsand inclusion practices Performsfacilityand custodial work asneeded and other related dutiesasassigned Worksunder the direction and supervision of the AquaticsSupervisor and Recreation Supervisor Nightsand weekendsrequired
Dates of Employment: Mid-May- September 4th,2023
Salary: $25 00/hour
Hours: 30-40 hours/week
- Minimum 17yearsof age
- Valid Red Crossor American Heart CPRfor the Professional Rescuer (CPR-FPR) Certification
- Valid Red CrossWater SafetyInstructor certification
- Minimum of one season or a year asa lifeguard ispreferred
- Experience working with individualsof all abilities
Instruct Red Crossswim lessonsand lifeguard. Assistswith special programsincluding swim team,aqua-aerobics,sensoryswim instruction,diving classes,and adult swim instruction.Performsfacility,custodial and light maintenance work (trash pick-up,cleaning locker rooms,raking beach,etc) asneeded and other related dutiesasassigned Worksunder the direction and supervision of Head Lifeguard on dutyand AquaticsManager
Dates of Employment: June 26 ? August 18,2023
Salary: $18.25/hour
Hours: 35-40 hours/week
- Minimum 14 yearsof age,completion of grade 9 preferred
- Valid Standard First Aid and CPR/AED certification
- Valid Water SafetyInstructor Aide certification recommended
Assistsswimming instructorswith lessonsMonday through Friday between 9:00 am and 1:00 pm or 4:30 pm and 7:00 pm May perform light maintenance dutiesasneeded Will work at least three of the four two-week sessions Worksunder the direction and supervision of the Water SafetyInstructor in charge of classand AquaticsManager
Dates of Employment: June 26 - August 18,2023
Salary: $15.00/hour
Hours: 12-15 hours/week
- Minimum 18 yearsof age
- Valid Red CrossLifeguard Training Certification or YMCALifeguard certification (includesStandard First Aid or CommunityFirst Aid and Safety)
- Valid Red CrossWater SafetyInstructor Certification
- Valid Red Crossor American Heart CPRfor the Professional Rescuer (CPR- FPR) certification
- Previousemployment with thisdepartment at the aquaticsfacilitiesor supervisory experience at another waterfront facilityor equal ispreferred
- Experience with staff management & supervisoryskills
- Abilityto handle anyquestionsfrom the publicor staff
Site supervision,lifeguard,customer service,and swim instruction asneeded.In charge of respective facilityshould the aquatics manager be unavailable AssistsAquaticsManager with in-service training Enforcessafetyrules,regulationsand inclusion practices Performsfacilityand custodial work asneeded and other related dutiesasassigned Work hoursand schedule include nightsand weekends Mayinclude additional daysfor opening and closing of aquaticsfacilities Worksunder the direction and supervision of AquaticsManager
Dates of Employment: Mid-May? September 4,2023
Salary: $19.25/hour;
Hours: 35-40 hours/week
- Minimum 16 yearsof age by June 5, 2023
- Valid Red Crossor American Heart CPRfor the Professional Rescuer (CPR?FPR) certification
- Valid Red CrossLifeguard Training or YMCALifeguard certification (includesStandard First Aid/CommunityFirst Aid and Safety)
Ensure safetyat the aquaticsfacilitiesin the water and on deck May assist Water SafetyInstructorswith swim lessons Performslight maintenance,facilityand custodial work asneeded (trash pick-up,cleaning locker rooms,raking beach,etc),and other related dutiesas assigned Worksunder direction and supervision of Head Lifeguard and AquaticsManager
Dates of Employment: June 5 - September 4,2023
Salary: $17.00/hour
Hours: 30-40 hours/week
Swim Team Coach
- Minimum 18 yearsof age or high school graduate
- Valid Red Crossor American Heart CPRfor the Professional Rescuer (CPR-FPR) certification
- Valid Red CrossLifeguard Training or YMCALifeguard certificate (includesStandard First Aid or Community First Aid and Safety)
- Previouslydemonstrated experience with a swim team program including knowledge of correct strokesand racing techniques
- Abilityto teach aswell ascoach
- Knowledge of the Meet Manager software preferred
Plans,oversees,and conductsa swim team program for elementarythrough high school age youth Schedules,organizesand conducts swim meetswith other area swim team programs Worksunder the direction and supervision of the AquaticsManager and Recreation Supervisor.
Dates of Employment: June 26 ? August 17,2023,Mondaythrough Thursday
Salary: $1725/hour
Hours: 10-12 hours/week
Swim Team Assistant Coach
- Minimum 17yearsof age or high school graduate
- Valid Red Crossor American Heart CPRfor the Professional Rescuer certification (CPR-FPR)
- Valid Red CrossLifeguard Training or YMCALifeguard certification (includesStandard First Aid or Community First Aid and Safety)
- Previouslydemonstrated experience with a swim team program including knowledge of correct strokesand racing techniques
- Abilityto teach aswell ascoach
- Knowledge of the Meet Manager software preferred
AssistsSwim Team Coach with the day-to-dayswim team practicesand with all aspectsof swim meets
Dates of Employment: June 26 - August 17,2023,Mondaythrough Thursday
Salary: $15 50/hour
Hours: 8-10 hours/week
- Minimum 17yearsof age
- Valid Red Crossor American Heart CPRfor the Professional Rescuer (CPR-FPR) Certification
- Must have a group fitness/exercise or similar certification through a nationallyaccredited organization
- Abilityto plan and lead unique aquaticfitnessclasses
- Experience working with individualsof all abilities
Responsible for planning and implementing variouslevelsand typesof group aquaticfitnessclasses Monitorsand educatespatrons on fitnessand safetyand maintainsa safe and enjoyable atmosphere for classparticipants Reportsto the AquaticsManager
Dates of Employment: June 26 ? August 18,2023
- Minimum 17yearsof age
- Valid Red Crossor American Heart CPRfor the Professional Rescuer (CPR-FPR) Certification
- Valid Red CrossWater SafetyInstructor certification
- Must be a WSI staff member
- Minimum of one or more seasonsof experience of teaching lessons
- Experience working with individualsof all abilities
Instruct private or semi-private (no more than 2 patronsof the same level) Red Crossswim lessonsto individualsof all abilities
Lessonswill be 30 minutesin length,held onlywhen the instructor isnot scheduled to work and must be during open swim time Lesson date(s) and time(s) will be discussed between the instructor and parent
Dates of Employment: June 26 ? August 18,2023
Salary: $25/private lesson
Hours: Variesbased on lesson demand and instructor availability
The Summer Tennis Program provides youth, adult, and adaptive programming throughout the summer All lessons and clinics will be held Monday through Friday at a determined location Employment times vary based on morning or afternoon program assignments
- Minimum 20 yearsof age
- Demonstrated knowledge of tennisand previousteaching and supervisory experience in a tennisprogram
- Abilityto accommodate and modifyactivitiesfor children of all abilities
- Enthusiastic,energetic,and positive
- Valid First Aid and CPRcertification and TennisPro certification isadvantageous
Responsible for planning,designing,and instructing the tennisprogram,youth tennisclinic,and adaptive program,and supervising and evaluating staff,while ensuring the safetyand overall qualityof the program Interactswith participantsand parents Fostersan inclusive environment and utilizesbest inclusion practices Worksunder the direction and supervision of the Summer Program Supervisor
Dates of Employment: June 26 ? August 18,2023; 8:45 a.m.?12:15 p.m.or 1:45?5:15p.m.
Salary: $25 00/hour
Hours: 30-35 hours/week
- Minimum 17yearsof age
- Demonstrated knowledge of tennisand previousteaching experience with children of all abilities
- Valid First Aid and CPRcertification and high school/college tennisteam experience isadvantageous
Assiststhe TennisCoordinator in arranging and running inclusive lessons& clinicswhile ensuring the safetyand overall qualityof the program. Interactswith participantsof all abilitiesand parents.Must be available Mondaythrough Fridaymorningsand/or afternoons.
Lessonsare scheduled Mondaythrough Friday Reportsto Youth TennisCoordinator
Dates of Employment: June 26 ? August 18,2023 (8:45 a.m.?12:15 p.m.or 1:45?5:15 p.m.)
Salary: $1700/hour
Hours: 17.5-35 hours/week
- Minimum 15 yearsof age,demonstrated knowledge of tennis,and valid First Aid and CPRCertification
Responsible for assisting instructor in providing a safe,qualityinclusive tennisexperience Interactswith participantsand parents Must be available Mondaythrough Fridaymorningsand/or afternoons.Lessonsare scheduled Mondaythrough Friday.Instructor aides report to the Youth TennisCoordinator.
Dates of Employment: June 26 ? August 18,2023 (8:45 am?12:15 pm or 1:45?5:15 pm)
Salary: $15.00/hour
Hours: 175-35 hours/week
- Minimum 21 yearsof age
- 5+yearsof previoustennisteaching experience and TennisPro certification isadvantageous
- Valid First Aid and CPRcertification
Instruct semi-private tennislessons(2-4 participants/class) for children and adultsof all abilities Emphasiswill be on more personal interaction and individualized instruction than in a group lesson Lessonswill be 60 minutesin length and each session will consist of 4 lessons Lesson datesand timeswill be discussed between the instructor and Assistant Director of Recreation
Dates of Employment: Spring and Fall 2023
Salary: $25 - $50 based on certifications
Hours: Variesbased on lesson demand and instructor availability
The department offers two day camp programs for pre-schoolers and elementary school-aged children (entering grades 1-6) throughout the summer One is held at the Center Recreation Complex and the other at the Community Center These programs are held Monday through Friday and offer a wide variety of activities such as arts & crafts,sports & games, story time,music, and time at playgrounds and Town Pool (Center Recreation Complex Camp) and special events (Community Center Camp). When applying, please specify the camp which you are applying for
- Minimum 21 yearsof age
- Possessa Bachelor?sdegree in a related field
- Minimum two yearsof experience working with elementary and middle school children of all abilities
- Leadership experience in a day camp setting
- Valid Standard First Aid and CPR/AEDCertification
- Supervisoryabilityand experience
- Knowledge of a varietyof recreational activitiesfor ages4 to 12
- Good oral and written communication skills
- Valid Massachusettsdriver?slicense
Ensuresthe safetyand qualityof the program where children of all abilitiescan thrive Responsible for day-to-day operationsof the program and the health and safetyof all participantsand staff Responsibilitiesinclude camp set up and break down,managing drop off and pick up,creating a diverse schedule of activities,communicating with parentsand staff and supervising staff and volunteers Reportsto Summer Program Supervisor,Assistant Director of Recreation,or Director of Recreation and CommunityPrograms.
Dates of Employment: June 26 ? August 18,2023 (Pre-season planning,set-up,post-season wrap-up)
Salary: $25 00/hour
Hours: 35-40 hours/week
- Minimum 21 yearsof age
- Experience working with children who have varying abilitylevelsand skills
- Supervisoryskills
- Valid First Aid,CPR,and AED Certification
- Abilityto exercise leadership in a group setting
- Knowledge of a varietyof recreation activities,sports,games,and special events
- Abilityto accommodate and modifyactivitiesfor children of all abilities
- Valid Massachusettsdriver?slicense
Ensuresthe inclusion of all participantswithin camp activities Assiststhe daycamp director in the day-to-dayoperation and implementation of the camp program including creating and managing groupsand providing placement recommendations
Responsible for planning and coordinating weekly themes,camp special eventsand all camp games Actsasthe Health Care Supervisor,responding to all incidentsand accidents.Providessupport and supervision to the Counselorsin Training and staff.
Responsible for promoting the use of inclusion practicesand responding to immediate behavior concerns.Reportsto Camp Director and Summer Program Supervisor.
Dates of Employment: June 26 ? August 18,2023 (Pre-season planning,set-up,post-season wrap-up)
Salary: $20 00/hour
Hours: 35-40 hours/week
- Minimum 18 yearsof age and/or high school graduate
- Valid Standard First Aid and CPRCertification
- Demonstrated experience with children of all abilities
- Knowledge of motor skillsdevelopment,music,fitness,sports,games,nature and/or other related skills
- Lifeguard and/or Water SafetyInstructor certification isadvantageous
- Strong leadership skills,sensitive,and responsible
- Abilityto accommodate and modifyactivitiesfor children of all abilities
Responsibilities: Ensuresthe safetyof campersand assistswith dailyoperationsof the camp Responsibilitieswill include planning and leading inclusive activitiesfor a cohort,assisting with set up and break down of camp operations,supervising and supporting all campersand other tasksasdetermined bythe Camp Director and Camp Assistant Director Demonstratesenthusiasm when working with the children on a dailybasis.Reportsto Camp Director,Assistant Camp Director,and Summer Program Supervisor.
Dates of Employment: June 26 ? August 18,2023
Salary: $1700/hour
Hours: 17-21 hours/week (half day) or 35-40 hours/week (full day)
- Minimum 15 yearsof age (pre-schoolers) or minimum 16 yearsof age (elementary school-aged children)
- Valid CPRand Standard First Aid Certification
- Experience with children of all abilities
- Knowledge of crafts,nature activities,fitness,motor skill development music or other related skills
- Leadership skills,sensitive,and responsible
Responsibilities: Worksalongside the counselor to ensure the safetyand overall qualityof the program for all participants Responsibilitiesinclude assisting with set up and break down of camp operations,managing participantsin a cohort and facilitating friendshipsbetween participants.Demonstratesenthusiasm when working with children on a dailybasis.Reportsto Camp Director,Assistant Camp Director,and Summer Program Supervisor.
Dates of Employment: June 26 ? August 18,2023
Salary: $15 00/hour
Hours: 17-21 hours/week (half day) or 35-40 hours/week (full day)
The department offers a variety of sport clinics throughout the summer Sport clinics offered may include the following: girls basketball, boys basketball, multi-sports,track & field, street hockey, volleyball,badminton, skateboarding,junior golf, and lacrosse. Clinics vary from a half-day program (8:30 a m to 12:00 p m ) to a full-day program (9:00 a m to 3:00 p m )
- Minimum 21 yearsof age
- Demonstrated knowledge of the sport(s) that will be taught and experience working with children in a coaching or teaching position,3+yearsof coaching/teaching experience ispreferable
- Previoussupervisoryexperience in a summer sportsprogram isadvantageous
- Degree in physical education,education,or coaching ispreferred
- Enthusiastic,energetic,and positive
- Valid First Aid and CPRcertification
- Abilityto accommodate and modifyactivitiesfor children of all abilities
Responsible for planning,designing,and instructing the sport-specificprogram and supervising and evaluating staff while ensuring the safetyand overall qualityof the program and fostering an inclusive program. Sportsto be offered include,but are not limited to: badminton,boysbasketball,floor hockey,girlsbasketball,golf,lacrosse,multi-sports,skateboarding,track & field,and volleyball. Interactswith participantsand parents Worksunder the direction and supervision of the Assistant Director of Recreation
Dates of Employment: June 26 ? August 18,2023; 8:00 am?12:15 pm (half day) or 8:30 am?3:15pm (full day) (Pre-season planning,set-up,and post-season wrap-up)
Salary: $2700-$32 00/hour
Hours: 20-23 hours/week (half day) or 33-36 hours/week (full day)
- Minimum 15 yearsof age
- Working knowledge of sport to which clinicrelates
- Mature,responsible,and dependable
- Valid First Aid/CPR/AEDCertification recommended
- Good leadership skills
AssistsClinicCoordinator during the one-week sport clinicfor elementary and middle school-age children Providesgeneral supervision of the children,demonstratesvariousskillsand techniquesassociated with the sport,observessafetyregulations,and performsother related dutiesasneeded
Dates of Employment: June 26 ? August 19,2023 (clinicsrun on a weekly basis)
Salary: $15.00/hour
Hours: 16-30 hours/week
***Clinic Aide is the position available for all clinics Applicants may note a particular sport of interest on their application, however, it does not guarantee assignment in that sport Individuals hired will be placed in the best suitable position based on experience or knowledge Position is not necessarily for the entire summer ***
If you are interested in volunteering at anyof our summer programs,please fill out our application form and return to recdept@lexingtonma gov or through the mail:
39 Marrett Road, Lexington MA 02421
Please note you must be at least 14 and entering the 9th grade to be a volunteer and the application deadline isMay1st.