ASI 84605 PPAI 143209
baby gifts
edding, w bridesmaids and groomsmen gifts
The highly-skilled craftsmen at Salisbury, Inc. create individual pewter pieces using age-old spinning techniques. A flat disk of pewter is clamped into the spinner’s lathe where it is gently formed into the desired vessel or shape. This time-honored artistry remains as one of the oldest crafts in American history. The learning process for a spinner – from apprentice to journeyman to master – can take ten years or more. A spinner’s patience and skill combine to create heirloom quality pewter that will be handed down through generations.
picture frames
desk collection
classic collection
t rophies, awards, commemoratives and corporate gifts
Casting The pewter manufactured by Salisbury, Inc. is a lead-free alloy of metals comprised of 93% tin and a 7% mixture of antimony, copper and bismuth. Much of our pewterware is manufactured cast pewter. Casting has been in existence for hundreds of years, and even today is the dominant method of producing pewter. Through a process of centrifugal casting, molten pewter is poured into permanent molds where it is allowed to cool and then prepared for finishing, whether to a smooth satin surface or polished to a bright, shiny patina.
Engraving Salisbury, Inc. offers custom hand engraving as well as factory machine engraving. Our hand engravers, masters of their trade, create delicate designs through the meticulous process of cutting shallow lines into the pewter with a sharp graver. Whether by hand or machine, a custom engraved pewter piece by Salisbury, Inc. is a treasured remembrance that will hold special meaning to last a lifetime.
Baby Gifts
Dumbbell Rattle (SCPDR)
Baby Cup and Rattle Gift Set (SCBCDR-GS)
Stacking Ring Rattle (SCPDR-R)
Twisted Handle Rattle (SCPDR-T)
Stork Baby Rattle (SCPDR-S)
Whimsical Rattle (SCPDR-W)
Images Baby Cup, 5 oz. (IABC05)
Carolina Baby Cup, 5 oz. (SCCB05)
Classic Youth Julep Cup, 5oz. (CCYC)
Mississippi Baby Cup, 5 oz. (SCMSB05)
Alabama Baby Cup, 5oz. (SCALB05)
Kentucky Baby Cup, 5 oz. (SCKYB05)
Georgia Baby Cup, 5 oz. (SCGAB05)
Tennessee Baby Cup, 5oz. (SCTNB05)
Virginia Baby Cup, 5oz. (ACVAB05)
Bulged Baby Cup, 5 oz. (SCBBC)
Double Handle Baby Cup, 5 oz. (SCBDHBC)
Bulged Scroll Handle Baby Cup, 5 oz. (SCBBC-S)
Easton Cross Baby Cup, 5oz. (PBCE-C)
Easton Teddy Baby Cup, 5 oz. (PBCE-T)
Easton Baby Cup, 5 oz. (PBCE)
Mission Handle Baby Cup, 5 oz. (SCMHBC)
Straight Baby Cup, 5 oz. (SCSEBC)
Rope Handle Baby Cup, 5 oz. (SCRHBC)
Bow Handle Baby Cup, 5 oz. (SCBC-BOW)
First Tooth and Curl Castle Set (CFTC)
Mini First Tooth and Curl Set (CCTC-GS)
First Curl Box (SCFCB)
First Jewel Box (SCFJB)
First Tooth Box (SCFTB)
Crown Keepsake Box, 17/8” (SCKSB-C)
Keepsake Box, 17/8” (SCKSB)
Teddy Keepsake Box, 17/8” (SCKSB-T)
Bee Hive Bank, 5” (SCBANK-BH)
Fairy Keepsake Box, 17/8” (SCKSB-F) 10
Images Baby Porringer 4” (IAPOS4)
Images Baby Porringer Gift Set (IABCPO)
Traditional Handle Baby Porringer, 4” (SCPO4)
Rope Handle Baby Porringer 4” (SCRHP)
Rope Handle Baby Gift Set (SCRHB-GS) 11
Blue Baby Toothbrush (SCTB-1) Pink Baby Toothbrush (SCTB-2)
Baby Feeding Spoon (SCFSP)
Three-Piece Baby Gift Set (SCBCSP-GS)
Baby Bent Spoon (SCBBSP)
Boy’s Embossed Brush and Comb Gift Set (PBBC-GS) 12
Girl’s Embossed Brush and Comb Gift Set (PGBC-GS)
Wedding, Bridesmaids and Groomsmen Gifts
Queen Anne Jewelry Box, 3” dia. (QAJB3)
Queen Anne Jewelry Box, 4” dia. (QAJB)
Images Jewelry Box, 4” dia. (IAJB4)
Images Jewelry Box, 5” dia. (IAJB5)
Images Mirror, 3” dia. (IAM)
Jewelry Box, 3” dia. (SCJB3)
Tennessee Jewelry Box, 31/2” dia. (SCTNJB35)
Georgia Jewelry Box, 31/2” dia. (SCGAJB35)
Carolina Jewelry Box, 31/2” dia. (SCCJB35)
Alabama Jewelry Box, 31/2” dia. (SCALJB35)
Mississippi Jewelry Box, 31/2” dia. (SCMSJB35)
Kentucky Jewelry Box, 31/2” dia. (SCKYJB35) 15
Embossed Pill Box, 3” dia. (RCPB-E)
Oval Pill Box, 3” dia. (RCPB-OVAL)
Queen Anne Heart Embossed Box, 3” dia. (QAJB3-H) Flower of the Month Engraved Box, 3” dia. (QAJB3FOM) Please specify month
9” Wedding Invitation Tray Engraved (CCCT) Available without engraving
Napkin Ring (IANR1) Napkin Ring Four-Piece Set (IANR4)
Tall Wine Coaster, 4” dia. (SCWC)
Images Wine Coaster, Green, 6” dia. (IAWC)
Embossed Wine Coaster, 4” dia. (SCWC4-E)
Images Wine Coaster, Black, 6” dia. (IAWCB)
Wine Coaster, 4” dia. (SCWC4) Also available: Wine Coaster, 5” dia. (SCWC5)
Embossed Flask, 6 oz. (RCF-E)
Hip Flask, 6 oz. (RCT217)
Double Sided Jigger (CCDSJ)
50¢ Coin Jigger (RCCJ)
Water Goblet, 9oz. (CCWG9)
Images Wine Goblet, 5oz. (IAWG05) Classic Ice Bucket (CCIB) 18
Beverage Cooler (IABC)
Humidor, 81/2� (IAHSM)
Carolina Tankard, 12oz. (SCCT12) Images Tankard, 12 oz. (IAT12)
John Will Tankard, 16oz. (JWT16)
Glass Bottom Tankard, 16oz. (WP-951B) 19
Cheap Booze Decanter Label (CDL-CB)
Plain Engravable Decanter Label (CDL-P)
Sherry Decanter Label (CDL-SH)
Rum Decanter Label (CDL-R)
Scotch Decanter Label (CDL-SC)
Tequila Decanter Label (CDL-T)
Brandy Decanter Label (CDL-BR)
Gin Decanter Label (CDL-G)
Whiskey Decanter Label (CDL-W)
Good Stuff Decanter Label (CDL-GS)
Bourbon Decanter Label (CDL-B)
Vodka Decanter Label (CDL-V)
Classic Beaker Vase, 71/2” (CCBV)
Bud Vase, 71/2” (IABV)
Large Ginger Vase, 81/4” (CCVG)
Large Vase, 9” (CCV9)
Picture Frames
All frames available in doubles
Graduation Frame, 5” x 7” (PF571-GRAD)
Bow Frame, 5” x 7” (PF571-B)
Seashell Frame, 5” x 7” (F002S)
Wide Border Frame, 5” x 7” (PFWB57) Wide Border Frame, 5” x 7” with 4” x 6” opening (PF46)
Wide Border Frame, 4” x 6” (PFWB46)
Golf Ball Frame, 5” x 7” (PF571-T)
Golf Ball Frame, 3” x 5” (PF35-T)
Golf Bag Frame, 5” x 7” (PF571-G)
Hammered Border Frame, 5” x 7” (PFWB57-H)
Hammered Border Frame, 4” x 6” (PFWB46-H) 24
Perpetual Calendar Frame, 3” x 5” (PF35C) Also available as a double with frame (PF35/2-C)
Frame, 3” x 5” (PF35)
Double Frame, 5” x 7” (PF571/2)
Frame, 5” x 7” (PF571)
Frame, 8” x 10” (PF810)
Double Frame, 8” x 10” (PF810/2) 25
Desk Collection
Capitol Dome Letter Opener (CLO4)
Column Letter Opener (CLO1)
Images Letter Opener (CHLO-S)
Plain Letter Opener (CLO5)
Grecian Letter Opener (CLO2)
Seashell Letter Opener (CLO-SS)
Desk Set, Pencil Cup, Paper Weight and Letter Opener (IADS3)
Desk Set, Pencil Cup and Paper Weight (IADS2)
Executive Pen Holder, 4� dia. (IAEXP)
Eagle Letter Opener (CLO-E)
Eagle Clock (CBCL-E)
Eagle Business Card Holder (CBCH-E)
Eagle Memo Pad Holder (CBPH-E)
Eagle Pencil Cup (IAPH-E)
Crab Business Card Holder (SR-BCHC)
Key To The City (CKEY)
Stamp Holder (IASH)
Pencil Cup (IAPH)
Paper Clip Holder (IAEPC)
Executive Coffee Cup (IAECC)
Magnifying Glass (RCMG)
Pewter Bookmark (PEWBKMK)
Executive Paper Weight (IEPW)
Glass Dome Paper Weight with Medallion (IAPWM)
Additional engraving and stock medallions available.
Glass Dome Paper Weight Engraved (IAPWE) 31
Classic Collection 32
Charlestown Cream and Sugar (1435CS)
44oz. Classic Pitcher (CCP44)
Charlestown Teapot (1435T)
Charlestown Coffee Pot (1435P)
12� Recessed Tray (CCT1398) 33
40oz. Classic Teapot (CCTP) 64oz. Classic Coffee Pot (CCCP)
Classic Cream and Sugar (CCCS)
12” Wood Center Tray (CCWT12) 14” Wood Center Tray (CCWT14)
Rabbit Coffee Scoop (CCSCP-B) Heart Coffee Scoop (CCSCP-H) Crab Coffee Scoop (CCSCP-C) Lighthouse Coffee Scoop (CCSCP-L)
9” Oval Tray (CCOT) 12” Large Oval Tray (CCOT-LG)
6” Scalloped Tray (CCT6)
14” Octagonal Tray (CCOCT)
9” Chippendale Tray (CCCT)
13” Gallery Tray (RCGT) 11” Gallery Tray (RCGT11) 35
61/2” Plate 71/2” Plate 81/2” Plate 12” Plate
(IAP65) (IAP75) (IAP85) (IAP12)
16” Plain Tray (CCPLT16)
12” Ebony Centered Tray (CCET12) 14” Ebony Centered Tray (CCET14)
16” Hammered Tray (CCHT16) 36
6” Images Tray (IATR6), 8” Images Tray (IATR8) 10” Images Tray (IATR10), 12” Images Tray (IATR12)
10” Chippendale Tray (CCT10) 12” Chippendale Tray (CCT12) 14” Chippendale Tray (CCT14)
8oz. Jefferson Cup (RCJC08) 2oz. Jefferson Cup (RCJ02)
8oz. Images Jefferson Cup (IAJC08)
12oz. Images of America Cup (IAC12) 8oz. Images of America Cup (IAC08) 5oz. Images of America Cup (IAC05) 2oz. Images of America Jigger (IAC02)
THE ALABAMA COLLECTION Photo, left to right:
9oz. Cup (SCAL09) 2oz. Jigger (SCAL02) 12oz. Cup (SCAL12) 5oz. Baby Cup (SCALB05)
Chesapeake Bay Collection
2oz. Jigger (IACB02) 8oz. Cup (IACB08) 12oz. Cup (IACB12) 1” Crab Pin (SR-PNDSCR)
3” Crab (CRAB)
12oz. Cup (ACMA12) 8oz. Cup (ACMA08)
5” Crab (CRAB5) 38
State Cup Collection Designs inspired by the artist of each state
8oz. Maryland Cup (ACMD08)
8oz. Texas Cup (ACTX08)
12oz. Julep Cup (SCLA12)
8oz. Virginia Cup (ACVA08)
8oz. Pennsylvania Cup (ACPA08)
8oz. New York Cup (ACNY08)
9oz. Julep Cup (SCLA09)
State Cup Collection Designs inspired by the artist of each state
THE KENTUCKY COLLECTION Photo, left to right:
12oz. Cup (SCKY12) 5oz. Baby Cup (SCKYB05) 9oz. Cup (SCKY09) 2oz. Jigger (SCKY02)
THE CAROLINA COLLECTION Photo, left to right:
12oz. Tankard (SCCT12) 16oz. Cup (SCCC16) 5oz. Cup (SCCC05) 2oz. Jigger (SCCJ02) 12oz. Cup (SCCC12) 5oz. Baby Cup (SCCB05) 8oz. Cup (SCCC08) 40
THE MEDALLION COLLECTION Photo, left to right:
Fox, Horsehead, Mare & Foal Medallions Medallions can be applied to any of our cups or trays.
THE TENNESSEE COLLECTION Photo, left to right:
9oz. Julep Cup (SCTN09) 12oz. Julep Cup (SCTN12) 2oz. Jigger (SCTN02)
THE GEORGIA COLLECTION Photo, left to right:
9oz. Cup (SCGA09) 5oz. Baby Cup (SCGAB05) 12oz. Cup (SCGA12) 2oz. Jigger (SCGA02)
2oz. Jigger (SCMS02) 12oz. Julep Cup (SCMS12) 5oz. Baby Cup (SCMSB05) 9oz. Julep Cup (SCMS09)
9” Images Hurricane Lamp (IAHL)
41/4” Colonial Candlesticks, Pair (CCS1366)
101/4” Colonial Hurricane Lamp (CCS1367)
4” Images Candlesticks, Pair (IACSP)
15” Images Hurricane Lamp (IAHL15)
81/4” Colonial Candlesticks, Pair (CCS1368) 42
Beehive Candle Snuffer (CCS11)
Pig Candle Snuffer (CCS10)
Bunny/Carrot Candle Snuffer (CCS9)
Classic Wood Handled Candle Snuffer (CCSW-5)
Birdhouse Candle Snuffer (CCS7)
Watering Can Candle Snuffer (CCS8)
Tulip Candle Snuffer (CCS1)
Classic Candle Snuffer (CCS2)
Floral Candle Snuffer (CCS3)
Lighthouse Candle Snuffer (CCS4)
Capitol Dome Candle Snuffer (CCS6) 43
Images Bowl, 41/2” dia. Images Bowl, 51/2” dia. Images Bowl, 61/2” dia. Images Bowl, 71/2” dia.
(IAB45) (IAB55) (IAB65) (IAB75)
Revere Bowl, 4” dia. Revere Bowl, 5” dia. Revere Bowl, 7” dia. Revere Bowl, 9” dia.
Punch Bowl, 10” dia., one gallon (IAPB) 44
Hammered Bowl, 5” dia. (CCHB5) Hammered Bowl, 6” dia. (CCHB6)
Three-Sided Nut Bowl (IANB3)
Four-Sided Nut Bowl (IANB4)
Images Compote, 5” dia. (IACP5)
Images Candy Dish, 5” dia. (IACD5)
Images Covered Candy Dish (IACCD)
Apple, 4” (IAPA) 45
Potpourri Jars also sold separately. See price list for item number.
U.S. Marine Corps Potpourri Gift Set (CPPUSMC-GS)
Crab Potpourri Gift Set (CPPCR-GS)
Also available: Navy Potpourri Gift Set (CPPUSNAV-GS)
Dragonfly Potpourri Gift Set (CPPDF-GS)
Bumblebee/Dogwood Potpourri Gift Set (CPPDW-GS)
Hummingbird Potpourri Gift Set (CPPHB-GS)
Rose Potpourri Gift Set (CPPROSE-GS)
Flower of the Month Bracelets
See photo above, from left to right, top to bottom
Bracelet Display (DFMB)
January/Carnation (CFMB-01) February/Violet (CFMB-02) March/Jonquil (CFMB-03) April/Daisy (CFMB-04) May/Lily of the Valley (CFMB-05) June/Rose (CFMB-06) July/Larkspur (CFMB-07) August/Poppy (CFMB-08) September/Aster (CFMB-09) October/Cosmos (CFMB-10) November/Chrysanthemum (CFMB-11) December/Narcissus (CFMB-12) 他" Plain Pewter Bracelet (SR-PB2) 1" Plain Pewter Bracelet (PB1) Crab Pin (SR-PNSCR) Specify bar or tie-tac back
Trophies, Awards, Commemoratives and Corporate Gifts 48
Classic Beaker Vase 121/2” tall x 5 1/4” tall (STBVASE)
Small Bullet Trophy, 91/16” tall (STBSM) Medium Bullet Trophy, 10 3/4” tall (STBMD) Large Bullet Trophy, 121/4” tall (STBLG)
Small Pitcher Trophy, 81/2” tall (STPSM) Medium Pitcher Trophy, 10” tall (STPMD) Large Pitcher Trophy, 111/2” tall (STPLG)
Small Loving Cup Trophy with Lid, 81/2” tall (STLCSM) Medium Loving Cup Trophy with Lid, 10 3/8” tall (STLCMD) Large Loving Cup Trophy with Lid, 123/4” tall (STLCLG)
Engraving Pen (ENGPEN)
Engraving Pen (ENGPEN-BLK)
Create your very own commemorative piece for a wedding, retirement, or to honor any special occasion.
Engraving pen detail
Small Trophy Base, 25/8” tall (STBASESM) Medium Trophy Base, 31/8” tall (STBASEMD) Large Trophy Base, 3 7/8” tall (STBASELG)
Stock Wood Bases
Loving Cup, 16oz. (CCLC16) Loving Cup, 32oz. (CCLC32) Loving Cup, 48oz. (CCLC48)