LEYF Brand Guidelines

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Welcome to

our brand Identity Guidelines | Version 1.3

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Introduction About us Brand values Our logo Typography Colours Journey graphic Photography Visual style

Hello! These guidelines have been created to explain the London Early Years Foundation brand and how it should be used. They are intended for anybody who works with the organisation: whether commissioning, designing or delivering communications materials; as a member of staff or an external agency. Please read these guidelines carefully. They contain detailed information about our brand and how best to express it. By following these guidelines, you are helping us to present a more effective and consistent ‘image’ to the audiences we hope to engage with. In time, this will help us to build a more relevant and recognisable identity that is distinctly ours and better supports what we do.

London Early Years Foundation Brand Guidelines | Version 1.3

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Who are we? Introduction About us Brand values Our logo Typography Colours Journey graphic Photography Visual style

Established in 1903, we are now the UK’s largest childcare charity and social enterprise. Our ambition is to build a better future for London’s children, families and local communities through a commitment to excellence in Early Years education, training and research.

What do we do? With almost 300 staff across 22 community, workplace and Children’s Centre nurseries in five key London boroughs, we are proud to make a real difference to the lives of more than 1700 children every year, helping them develop a passion for learning, regardless of their background. Through our dedicated Centre for Research, Learning and Development, we also offer a range of practical and distinctive CPD courses purposefully designed for Early Years practitioners, along with access to employment, youth mentoring and apprenticeship programmes for disadvantaged young adults and local parents.

London Early Years Foundation Brand Guidelines | Version 1.3

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Our vision Introduction About us Brand values Our logo Typography Colours Journey graphic Photography Visual style

London Early Years Foundation Brand Guidelines | Version 1.3

To build a better future for London’s children Our mission

To deliver excellence in the Early Years

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Our values Introduction About us Brand values Our logo Typography Colours Journey graphic Photography Visual style

Our core values are at the heart of our organisation. All of our work and communications are guided by these five core standards. Child focused:

we place the child at the centre of all we do.

Collaborative: we involve and consult with children, parents, staff and supporters. Courageous: we are able to push boundaries and test new ideas, always standing up for what we believe in.

London Early Years Foundation Brand Guidelines | Version 1.3


we are inventive and innovative, regularly challenging what already exists.


over 107 years old and stronger than ever.

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Page our Why titlebrand is important Introduction About us us Brand values values Our logo Typography Colours Journey graphic Photography Visual style

Beforeisadummy supporter, parent or partner can fully understand or experience This text. what we do, they are likely to come into contact with one or more elements of our brand. Such initial and often brief brand encounters represent the first opportunity for us to attract and positively engage with any audience. So much more than just a name or logo, a clearly defined, understood and consistently presented brand offers a solid foundation on which to build a positive and long-lasting relationship with any stakeholder. With this in mind, the leading aspects of our brand have been carefully chosen to reflect and reinforce our underlying values and increasingly unique identity. Most importantly, by consistently emphasising these key elements of our brand, we can effectively spread the message of who we are, what we believe and what we aim to achieve - and so take one step closer to making our bold vision a reality.

London Early Years Foundation Brand Guidelines | Version 1.3

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Pagebrand Our title personality Introduction About us us Brand values values Our logo Typography Colours Journey graphic Photography Visual style

A clear This is dummy personality text.helps us consistently express the human characteristics of our brand when we communicate our values and what we do to parents, supporters and other partners. Expert: we have more than 100 years of experience and are respected for our depth of knowledge in childcare; we are open to new ideas and initiatives that involve us working with our peers and sharing our expertise, helping to shape the future of childcare and Early Years learning. Passionate:

a strong belief in our approach and what it can help children achieve is backed up by a dedicated team of hard working people that make things happen.

Fair: our charitable roots and social enterprise business model ensures fairness and respect remains a core part of our philosophy, meaning we treat our staff, customers and partners fairly at all times. Friendly: London Early Years Foundation Brand Guidelines | Version 1.3

we are always approachable, warm and welcoming.

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Pagestrapline Our title Introduction About us us Brand values values Our logo Typography Colours Journey graphic Photography Visual style

London Early Years Foundation Brand Guidelines | Version 1.3

Reflecting This is dummy the essence text. of what we believe, our strapline reinforces our vision by invoking what we hope to achieve through what we do. It should be included wherever possible.

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Our logo Introduction About us Brand values Our logo Typography Colours Journey graphic Photography Visual style

London Early Years Foundation Brand Guidelines | Version 1.3

An instantly recognisable symbol of the organisation, our logo is our most immediate and valuable brand asset. It has been designed to reflect our new vision, mission and personality.

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Logo components Our logo is made up of two clearly identifiable and trademarked components: the acronym symbol and the full name word mark. Introduction About us Brand values Our logo Typography Colours Journey graphic Photography Visual style

Acronym symbol The symbol element is fun, playful and modern, using bright colours as a link back to our heritage. The shooting star acts as a guiding light, representing our ambition to lead the way, to be innovative and inspirational.

Word mark The word mark is solid, trustworthy and professional. This can appear in variants of 1 or 3 lines depending on application.

London Early Years Foundation Brand Guidelines | Version 1.3

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Introduction About us Brand values Our logo Typography Colours Journey graphic Photography Visual style

London Early Years Foundation Brand Guidelines | Version 1.3

Logo layout options Our logo is extremely flexible, with several lock up combinations of acronym symbol, word mark and strapline available. When they appear as lock ups the word mark should always sit below or to the right of the acronym symbol, never above or to the left.

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Introduction About us Brand values Our logo Typography Colours Journey graphic Photography Visual style

London Early Years Foundation Brand Guidelines | Version 1.3

Logo layout options The acronym symbol and the word mark can be separated on the page as long as they sit in opposing corners of the page as shown in the examples below. When creating official communications, both items must be present.

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Logo colour variations Our logo is available in a number of colour combinations, ensuring our brand remains as consistent yet flexible as possible. Introduction About us Brand values Our logo Typography Colours Journey graphic Photography Visual style


London Early Years Foundation Brand Guidelines | Version 1.3





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Full colour logo placement Our full colour logo should only ever appear on a solid white background, and never on photographic or other coloured backgrounds where contrast compromises its legibility. Introduction About us Brand values Our logo Typography Colours Journey graphic Photography Visual style ON A WHITE BACKGROUND


London Early Years Foundation Brand Guidelines | Version 1.3



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Single colour logo placement Our single colour logo should only ever appear on backgrounds with good colour contrast, and never on photographic or coloured backgrounds where contrast compromises its legibility. Introduction About us Brand values Our logo Typography Colours Journey graphic Photography Visual style

London Early Years Foundation Brand Guidelines | Version 1.3







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Single colour logo versions There are four versions of our single colour logo. Below shows the appropriate use for each. Introduction About us Brand values Our logo Typography Colours Journey graphic Photography Visual style

London Early Years Foundation Brand Guidelines | Version 1.3





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Introduction About us Brand values Our logo Typography Colours Journey graphic Photography Visual style

30mm Business Cards the recommended logo size on a business card is 30mm.

London Early Years Foundation Brand Guidelines | Version 1.3

Recommended sizes Our logo should be present, clear and distinct in all materials we produce, but must never distract from the message it accompanies. The below represent typical examples of logo size intended to achieve this balance on different applications.

45mm A5 and DL format the recommended logo size on A5 and DL applications is 45mm.

55mm A4 format the recommended logo size on A4 applications is 55mm.

70mm A3 format the recommended logo size on A3 applications is 70mm.

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Introduction About us Brand values Our logo Typography Colours Journey graphic Photography Visual style

London Early Years Foundation Brand Guidelines | Version 1.3

Clear space The clear space of our logo is set as the width of the star for the acronym symbol and as the height of the letter E around the word mark. When using one of the lock-ups or the logo with the strapline, the clear area is the width of the star as shown.

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Introduction About us Brand values Our logo Typography Colours Journey graphic Photography Visual style

Please avoid... As with any visual identity, our logo is a valuable asset and care must be taken to ensure it is reproduced clearly and correctly at all times. Although our brand has been designed to be flexible, in order to protect its integrity, please avoid executions which misuse, amend or trivialise the logo in any way.



London Early Years Foundation Brand Guidelines | Version 1.3




Tip: stay in shape When resizing any image (for instance in an office document), care must be taken to always resize by dragging from the corner and not the sides. This way, the relative proportion of the image should remain intact.


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Typography Introduction About us Brand values Our logo Typography Colours Journey graphic Photography Visual style

As a means of creating impact through the choice and relative positioning of near endless font types, styles and sizes, consistent and well executed typography can help create an instantly recognisable personality for our organisation across a wide range of materials. The fonts or typefaces we have selected and how we use them has been carefully considered to provide flexibility and legibility while reinforcing our brand values.

Typography London Early Years Foundation Brand Guidelines | Version 1.3

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Introduction About us Brand values Our logo Typography Colours Journey graphic Photography Visual style

Our primary typeface Albert is our primary typeface and so should be used for all external or professionally produced communications and promotional materials, including reports, leaflets and advertising. It is a modern, friendly and characterful sans serif typeface which fits perfectly with our brand values.

The following weights are available:

Extra Bold Bold Italic Bold Italic Regular Light Italic Light Thin Italic Thin

Albert Please note Use of ‘Albert’ is limited to a small number of PCs across our organisation. Our alternative system font ‘Trebuchet’ should be used for internal documents, letters and electronic media.

London Early Years Foundation Brand Guidelines | Version 1.3

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Secondary typeface Segoe Print is our secondary typeface and can be used for highlighting text, such as quotes, sub-headings and calls-to-action Introduction About us Brand values Our logo Typography Colours Journey graphic Photography Visual style

The following weights are available:

Bold Regular

Please note ‘Segoe print’ should not be used for large paragraphs of text and body copy – ‘Albert’ should instead be used for this purpose.

Segoe print London Early Years Foundation Brand Guidelines | Version 1.3

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Introduction About us Brand values Our logo Typography Colours Journey graphic Photography Visual style

Online and internal typeface Trebuchet is the typeface we use when restrictions mean Albert is not available. These include internal documents, letters and electronic media including email. This typeface has been chosen to complement Albert and is readily available on all PCs.

The following weights are available:

Bold Italic Bold Italic Regular

Please note ‘Trebuchet’ should not be used for external applications, such as corporate materials, advertising and communications, which should instead use ‘Albert’.

Trebuchet London Early Years Foundation Brand Guidelines | Version 1.3

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Using type - a few tips... Our typography should always look great, but first and foremost is a functional tool - use it to communicate, not decorate. www.leyf.org.uk

A better future for London’s children

Make a real difference to their lives


Early years...

Over the next few pages, we would like to tell you a little of our story, of why and how our organisation was born, where we are today and our future plans.

Established in 1903 as the City of Westminster Health Society, our pioneering founders such as Margaret Horn had a very clear purpose from the start – to promote child welfare and family health at the heart of a diverse local community very much in need.

With more equal opportunities developed by children in high quality nursery care, investment in a child’s learning and development from an early age is soon seen to repay itself many times over. As these children grow, they are then far better placed to contribute to their own community as young adults and beyond.

Together, our award-winning approach to early years education continues to make a real difference.

With this simple but firm belief from the start, we have helped shape and then shared in both the experiences and memories of many children; we have also enjoyed a number of great achievements ourselves along the way.

Over 100 years before the first official Children’s Centre and an incredible 45 years before the NHS, we were already pioneers, pioneers offering a service of training in professional childcare, outreach and home visits, along with local drop-in sessions and classes in parenting.

So please celebrate with us now – and see just how we’ve grown. Registered Charity 299686

Each year we help more than 1177 children make a great start in life.

London Early Years Foundation Brand Guidelines | Version 1.3

and study to become a primary school teacher... I love thinking of new ways to bring out the best in children” Nicola Finch, Marsham Street Community Nursery

Earn while you learn, develop real life skills, make friends and have fun — what more could you ask for..? You may never have seen yourself working with children, but you would be amazed at the range of opportunities and officially recognised qualifications an apprenticeship with us can lead to. For more details on how a place on our increasingly popular programme could help change your life, simply text 2LEARN to this by scanning the QR code on the right with your mobile). Go on… drop us a quick text — what have you got to lose?

Through our NVQ Assessment Centre, we have supported the professional development of more than 250 students since 1997, including many local parents.

Create impact and bring information to life Shorter headers can attract attention. Typography should suit the purpose – for example, clear and rational for information, dynamic and animated for promotion.

“I am more determined than ever now to go on to university

88802 or visit www.leyf.org.uk/apprentice (you can also do

220+ 1177+ 250+ We employ over 220 passionate & highly qualified staff across 19 community nurseries and Children’s Centres in Barking & Dagenham, Camden and Westminster.

...and your own

Registered Charity No. 299686

Introduction About us Brand values Our logo Typography Colours Journey graphic Photography Visual style

Winner 2008

Use organised layouts with simple compositions and limited weight variations Create a clear information hierarchy – three sizes of type is a good rule of thumb. Where possible, avoid underlining or justifying text, and reserve centring text for headlines.

Less is more Leaving areas of a design or layout with clear (also referred to as negative) space can increase the impact of the message, and make things easier to read. If used sparingly, accent colours and Sergoe Print can be used to highlight areas of information.

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Our colour palette Introduction About us Brand values Our logo Typography Colours Journey graphic Photography Visual style

Consistent use of key colours is crucial in building and reinforcing a brand, so we have chosen a range of primary colours from our logo, with a selection of secondary and tertiary colours to compliment these. Primary colours




LEYF Green

Pantone 2925 C85 M21 Y0 K0 R0 G152 B219

Pantone 226 C0 M100 Y2 K0 R207 G0 B114

Pantone 130 C0 M30 Y100 K0 R240 G171 B0

Pantone 368 C65 M0 Y100 K0 R105 G190 B40

LEYF Silver Pantone 644 C42 M11 Y2 K7 R147 G177 B204

Please do not use the colours shown on this page, and elsewhere in these guidelines, for colour matching. They are not intended to match the PANTONE® Colour Standards. For accurate PANTONE® Colour Standards, refer to the current edition of the PANTONE® colour Formula Guide. PANTONE® is a registered trademark of PANTONE® Inc.

London Early Years Foundation Brand Guidelines | Version 1.3

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Choice of colours The secondary and tertiary colours complement the primary colours whilst allowing for greater variety. Introduction About us Brand values Our logo Typography Colours Journey graphic Photography Visual style

Primary colours




LEYF Green

LEYF Silver

Pantone 2925 C85 M21 Y0 K0 R0 G152 B219

Pantone 226 C0 M100 Y2 K0 R207 G0 B114

Pantone 130 C0 M30 Y100 K0 R240 G171 B0

Pantone 368 C65 M0 Y100 K0 R105 G190 B40

Pantone 644 C42 M11 Y2 K7 R147 G177 B204

LEYF Midnight

LEYF Purple

LEYF Orange

LEYF Evergreen

Pantone 280 C100 M85 Y5 K22 R0 G39 B118

Pantone 259 C69 M100 Y1 K5 R110 G38 B123

Pantone 152 C0 M68 Y100 K0 R225 G112 B0

Pantone 3295 C100 M5 Y61 K26 R0 G123 B105

LEYF Light blue

LEYF Light pink

LEYF Sunshine

LEYF Grass

Pantone 291 C38 M4 Y0 K0 R160 G207 B235

Pantone 230 C1 M41 Y0 K0 R247 G163 B213

Pantone 108 C0 M5 Y98 K0 R252 G217 B0

Pantone 382 C34 M0 Y100 K0 R190 G214 B0

Secondary colours

Tertiary colours

Please do not use the colours shown on this page, and elsewhere in these guidelines, for colour matching. They are not intended to match the PANTONE® Colour Standards. For accurate PANTONE® Colour Standards, refer to the current edition of the PANTONE® colour Formula Guide. PANTONE® is a registered trademark of PANTONE® Inc.

London Early Years Foundation Brand Guidelines | Version 1.3

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Introduction About us Brand values Our logo Typography Colours Journey graphic Photography Visual style

Using colours The choice and number of colours in any one application should be considered carefully and applied sparingly at all times, again so not to distract from the message or purpose of the communication.


We employ over 220 passionate & highly qualified staff across 19 community nurseries and Children’s Centres in Barking & Dagenham, Camden and Westminster.

1177+ Last year we were able to help more than 1177+ children.


Through our Accredited Centre, NVQ Assessment Centre we have supported the professional development of more than 250 students since 1997, including many local parents.

Use colour to bring information to life Colour can really help organise information and bring it to life. Avoid using too many colours on the same page as this can distract rather than enhance.

London Early Years Foundation Brand Guidelines | Version 1.3

Merchandise can be bright and cheerful Merchandise needs to stand out and the colour usage for these items can be a bit more extreme.

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Our journey graphic Introduction About us Brand values Our logo Typography Colours Journey graphic Photography Visual style

London Early Years Foundation Brand Guidelines | Version 1.3

The ‘Journey graphic’ is a distinct brand device which takes its inspiration from the star element found in our logo; it actively brings our communications to life, expressing the energy and drive within the organisation. The journey graphic is perfect for linking our various brand elements together and helps to create an even more unique and eye-catching visual identity.

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Using the journey graphic Based on the complimentary colour pairs found in our brand’s official colour palette, the ‘Journey graphic’ is available in four distinct colourways. Introduction About us Brand values Our logo Typography Colours Journey graphic Photography Visual style

London Early Years Foundation Brand Guidelines | Version 1.3

As with our logo, the device has been purposefully crafted, so no attempt should be made to redraw or modify it in any way - with special care taken to avoid it being skewed or distorted.

LEYF Midnight and LEYF Sky

LEYF purple and LEYF pink

LEYF evergreen and LEYF green

LEYF orange and LEYF gold

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Our photographic style Introduction About us Brand values Our logo Typography Colours Journey graphic Photography Visual style

London Early Years Foundation Brand Guidelines | Version 1.3

When it comes to photography, our style should remain clean, bold and modern; lighter, uncluttered backgrounds will lend a contemporary, fresh feel to our visual identity, and offer much greater flexibility when it comes to producing key materials. Whether using stock photos or in-house shots, a clear focus on the child rather than their surroundings will help provide a strong link to our core values and brand personality. Most importantly, photos should offer more than a mere reflection of what we do; they should strive to impart some of the feelings and emotions our audiences experience as a result.

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Introduction About us Brand values Our logo Typography Colours Journey graphic Photography Visual style

London Early Years Foundation Brand Guidelines | Version 1.3

Portrait images Portraits are very much about an individual or a small group of people, e.g. a family, two best friends or a mum and daughter, where they are the main point of focus and looking directly at the camera. Wherever possible they should appear happy and engaging, with simple and non-imposing backgrounds, leaving them as the clear subject of the shot.

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Introduction About us Brand values Our logo Typography Colours Journey graphic Photography Visual style

London Early Years Foundation Brand Guidelines | Version 1.3

Reportage images Reportage images, in contrast to the portraits, are as much about the activities and interaction between the people as they are about the individuals themselves. These pictures capture a snapshot in time; tell a story and are reflecting what we do. Focus can be on the activity rather than the person.

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Commissioning and sourcing new photography As our brand and identity develops, we need to constantly generate new and better images to grow and renew our library. Introduction About us Brand values Our logo Typography Colours Journey graphic Photography Visual style

In-house imagery


For a passionate organisation built around real people and core values, good photography taken by staff will always have greatest impact.

Where the opportunity arises or needs must, commissioned photography is likely to deliver more creative and consistent results on any given project than a generic stock response.

In-house photos should however only be used in preference to commissioned or stock images where they are of genuinely high quality and meet the specific needs of the project. Perfect for: bringing true stories to life.

Stock imagery Royalty free image libraries offer a wide variety of options - and when used selectively, can make good materials really stand out. However, even high quality stock photos can be creatively limiting and generic - with popular images often found simultaneously in use by other organisations as well as our own. London Early Years Foundation Brand Guidelines | Version 1.3

Simply put: choose carefully, use sparingly.

Still, you should always take care when selecting a photographer, making sure their portfolio demonstrates an ability to produce natural and realistic images in line with our brand values. Commissioning does take more time, so plan well in advance - and where possible make sure you negotiate the rights of the images for an agreed term and across any required agreed executions, so no re-usage fee will be required. More likely: bigger projects, bigger budget.

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Our visual style Introduction About us Brand values Our logo Typography Colours Journey graphic Photography Visual style

Our distinctive visual style is the final creative expression of our brand values. Thoughtfully combining clean and modern layouts, it brings together our logo, typography, colours and photography with our ‘Journey graphic’ and a bold use of white space.

nt’’ss Handbook aren Pa Parent’s

nt’’’s Handbook aren Pa Parent’s

A handy handyy guide g to your nursery childs nur sery care

A handy guidee to your childs nursery care

arentt’’s Handbook Pa Parent’s

A handy guide to your childs nursery care

Please note These examples show how our brand elements can be used in different ways to provide a fully flexible system, illustrated here with three examples of the same cover. London Early Years Foundation Brand Guidelines | Version 1.3

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Other applications The images here illustrate our brand being used for a range of different applications. Introduction About us Brand values Our logo Typography Colours Photography Journey graphic Visual style

O My children have felt happy, safe and cared for every step of the way.”



(LEYF parent)

Do you need affordable day ca re fo r you r child ..?    

me loo k at d Da d, y! Mu m an fir st da ds on my - fri en

London Early Years Foundation Brand Guidelines | Version 1.3

D ay !

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Merchandising applications The images here illustrate our brand being used for merchandising applications. Introduction About us Brand values Our logo Typography Colours Journey graphic Photography Visual style

www.leyf.org.uk f f.org.uk

London Early Years Foundation Brand Guidelines | Version 1.3

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Thank you We have invested a considerable amount of time developing our brand, so really appreciate your help in promoting it in the right way. If you have any outstanding questions or comments, please do get in touch. 121 Marsham Street London SW1P 4LX

Tel: 020 7834 8679 Fax: 020 7233 8393

twitter.com/ leyfonline

Formerly Westminster Children’s Society (WCS) London Early Years Foundation Brand Guidelines | Version 1.3

Registered Charity No.299686, Social Enterprise and Company Limited by Guarantee, No.2228978

facebook.com/ leyfonline

www.leyf.org.uk info@leyf.org.uk buy.at/leyf

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