LEYF Christmas Appeal 2010, on behalf of War Child.

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Christmas Appeal Children don’t start wars. But their homes, schools, families and communities are torn apart by war. These are the very things children rely on for protection and the chance to build a life free from poverty. War Child is a small international charity that protects children from the brutal effects of war and its consequences, but we cannot do this alone and need your help now. We're on the ground in Afghanistan, Iraq, Uganda and Democratic Republic of Congo - supporting the most vulnerable children that are too often forgotten in the aftermath of conflict: Former child soldiers; children living on the streets; children put in prison and girls at risk of rape or violence. We may be a small charity but we have big ambitions. Our staff are living and working in some of the world’s most dangerous war zones helping thousands of children and young people to rebuild their lives. We provide a number of services for children including:  Rebuilding schools destroyed by war and getting children back into education  Separating children from adult detainees in prison and providing legal aid  Reintegrating child soldiers with their families  Getting children off the streets after war has forced them to leave home  Counseling to help children cope with the effects of war  Vocational and professional training which gives them future opportunities  Ensuring children get access to food To find out more about our work and how you can get more involved visit www.warchild.org.uk

Claudine and Espoir’s Story Claudine is 16 years old. She lives in the Democratic Republic of Congo where communities have been traumatised by years of conflict. Poverty and ongoing displacement have resulted in the breakdown of normal family structures leaving girls extremely vulnerable to sexual violence, exploitation and abuse. Claudine looks after her 9-month old daughter, Espoir, in a house supported by War Child. Claudine became pregnant after she was raped by a soldier. We are now supporting her to learn how to read and write and to receive training in tailoring so that she will be able to earn her own living and support her daughter using her new skills. Claudine says “I feel better here at the house with the other girls. It’s like being in a family.” War Child is currently supporting 26 girls like Claudine to live in a shared house, with their babies and to learn skills which will help them build a better future for themselves and their children.

War Child’s projects help thousands of children like Claudine and Espoir each year; please help us to continue this work by making a Christmas donation.

£3 can buy a school uniform for the dry season to enable a child to get the education they deserve.

£10 can purchase one toiletry and hygiene kit for one girl in prison. Many of the girls we work with have been imprisoned for “honour crimes” such as refusing marriage to a much older man.

£20 can feed a street child, 3 meals a day for 2 weeks.

£30 can buy the necessary school stationary for 1 child, for 1 year

£50 can buy the tools needed by a young street child to become a mechanic or electrician and earn a living.

£55 can pay for 1 teacher’s salary for 1 week helping children gain vital schooling.

To make a donation to War Child send a cheque made payable to War Child to: Katherine Payne, War Child 5-7 Anglers Land London NW5 3DG Or alternatively you can make a donation online at http://www.warchild.org.uk/donate

On behalf of War Child and the children they support, we thank you.

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