This magazine talks about how St. La Salle influences the people, especially the schools, students, and teachers, and how without him, our Lasallian identity would not exist.
This issue speaks about the Three Lasallian Identities, and the Five core values and principles of Lasallian schools.
St. John Baptist De La Salle, known as the Patron of Teachers and The Founder of the Brothers of the Christian Schools, was born on April 30, 1651, in Reims, France.
He is the eldest of 11 children. At the age of 11, he received the tonsure. At the age of 15, he inherited a canonry at the cathedral of Reims, and entered the Seminary of Saint Sulpice in Paris in which he would teach catechism. At the age of 24, he was ordained as a deacon, and two years later, finished his theological studies. At 27 he became a member of the University of Reims' governing structure, with his role as an elector. And at 28 years old, meeting Adrian Nyel, his mission in life began to unfold.
He made several commitments, namely:
> Meeting Adrian Nyel and opening the first school
> Committing to the opening of schools, as per the donor asking Fr. De La Salle to be party to the contract
> Invited the teachers into his home for meals
> Moving the teachers into his own home
> Giving away his personal fortune to the poor
> The Heroic Vows of 1691
It flows from a relationship of the Triune God.
The triune God wills to save all people by drawing them into a life-saving communion. It allows one to discover one's active presence in God and His Word, evaluate things in the light of the gospel, search for God's will to carry out His saving plan, unite one's actions, as well as trust in
God's loving presence. The Spirit of faith helps us in believing in God and use His Word in our daily lives to strengthen our relationship and faith in the Triune God.
It is oriented towards the integral salvation of persons, most especially the poor and the excluded. It involves a preferential concern for the poor and vulnerable, and the desire to be of greater service to others.
Zeal is the enthusiastic and total gift of self for the sake of mission. Serving is an important quality of a Lasallian, especially since we become leaders in order to serve. Service to the people is essential since we want to continue the movement of St. De La Salle.
Communion recalls the dynamic of association.
Communion recalls the dynamic of association by which the first Brothers bonded together for the sake of the particular mission entrusted to them by God. Communion has four dimensions. As a relationship with God, it is the source of all mission and ministry; as a way of accomplishing mission, it suggests the solidarity and collaboration that comes from sharing in one vision, one spirit and one mission; as a way of relating to others, it suggests openness to all persons and the desire to be brother or sister to all especially those in need; as a goal of mission, it suggests the unity that comes through reconciliation between God, human beings and creation.
The Lasallian school calls its members to an awareness of the poor and victims of injustice and responds to their needs through programs of community service, advocacy, and justice education.
The Lasallian school nurtures belief in the living presence of God in our world. Faith in the presence of God calls all students into a deeper awareness of their saving relationship with a caring and loving God.
The Lasallian school engages in a concerted effort to respect the dignity of all persons. Respect- filled relationships are at the heart of Lasallian education and are a key expression of the acknowledgement of each other’s identity as children of God.
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The Lasallian school provides an education that prepares students not only for college and career but also for life. This education advances the students’ abilities to use their talents to critically examine the world in light of the message of the Gospels and to take greater responsibility for their own education.
The Lasallian school is a united community where diversity is respected, where no one is left out, and where everyone finds a place. Individuals within the school community recognize and accept another’s strengths and limitations. alliana/stjohn/
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