2010 Lower School Dimensions

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LOWER SCHOOL Generation Green Emily Dickinson, one of America’s most renowned poets, saw beauty and magic in the everyday world. She often wrote about flowers, birds, rivers, sunrises, insects, and thunderstorms. Some of her poems are riddles about natural things. Can you figure out what she is describing in these poems? (The answers are at the bottom of this page.) His bill an auger is, His head, a cap and frill. He laboreth at every tree, — A worm his utmost goal. An everywhere of silver, With ropes of sand To keep it from effacing The track called land. It sifts from leaden sieves, It powders all the wood, It fills with alabaster wool The wrinkles of the road.

auger: a tool for drilling holes in wood

effacing: wiping out or erasing something

sieves: strainers or sifters

Dickinson and other authors’ writing about the natural world encourages us to take care of it as best we can. At Lake Forest Country Day School our green efforts begin in Preschool when students use cloth napkins during their snack time and create their own individual composters to nourish the soil in their playground gardens. It continues with a variety of activities throughout the Lower School: running the School’s recycling program, growing food in LFCDS gardens, participating in an international program that tracks plant growth, and working daily to be aware of the impact we have on our world. This year earth-friendly initiatives were the center of the “Generation Green” auction event. We would like to do our “green part” with the literary magazine as well. For the first time we are offering this compilation of Lower School students’ writing in electronic form. It is available as a pdf file and is ready to be downloaded to your family computer. It is also available as an online magazine that you can flip through and read on screen. We invite you to enjoy the beauty, magic, and joy that Lower School students found in their everyday world!

Answers: 1) a woodpecker, 2) the sea, 3) snow.

Index of Authors Adam Steinwold..............17

Caroline Swenson........... 47

Ian Haupt..................... 106

Aidan Murphy.................. 6

Chapin Grumhaus......... 98

Ian Strudwick..................71

Alaric Ma.........................15

Christopher Neill .......... 58

Isabelle Clay....................12

Alec Wilson..................... 9

Claudia Bijak.................. 24

Isabella Farag...................12

Alex Gunton................... 82

Colin Pickens................. 65

Jack Canty....................... 29

Alexis Dennis................... 8

Colin Weil.................... 125

Jack Kempzcinski........... 27

Alexis Jimenez................ 22

Constantine Alexos


Jack Marshall.................. 77

Allen Mons......................21

Daisy Connery............. 128

Jackson Silvester............. 23

Amanda Tibbals.............74

David Krivoshik............. 93

Jackson Van Paris........... 66

Andrew Xakellis............. 86

Diego Diaz...................... 43

Jack Walsh...................... 40

Angelique Alexos........... 55

Edie Tynes.......................10

Jacob Phelps................... 33

Anna Pierson...................12

Elise Kalin.................... 122

Jade Bury.......................103

Anna Sandner................ 46

Ella Cabbil.......................12

James O’Keane ............. 90

Anna Schilling................ 49

Ellen Roloson................113

James Rausch................. 95

Anne Marie Boardman.110

Elysia Bolton.................. 66

Jamie Muirhead..............91

Annie Hennessy........57, 67

Emily Callahan............ 109

Jamie Reid-Anderson..... 24

Aryana Farimani............ 25

Erin Bowler...................107

Jaro Bijak........................ 42

Asher C. Anderson ......... 7

Ethan Cantor.................. 42

Jessica Pasma...................78

Asher Sklarov................. 29

Eva Hanson.....................19

Jessica Vignocchi.............11

Ayden Schwartz...............12

Gabbie Jakubowski.......118

Jessica Vlies.................... 58

Barbara Canty................ 57

Gardner Brown.............118

Johnny Silver.................114

Beatrix Leffingwell.........12

Gemma Muirhead......... 59

Jonathan Browne........... 84

Becker Roloson.............. 88

Genevieve Farrell............78

Jonathan Xakellis . .........12

Betsy Regan.................. 129

George Hodgkins..........121

Josselyn Joanem............119

Blair Flavin................... 128

Georgia O’Neil............... 36

Julianna Roman..............19

Blake Pepper.................. 94

Gino Farrell.................... 32

Kaitlin Stangroome........ 68

Brendan Murphy..........107

Grace Blendonohy..........11

Kate Lekberg...................73

Brian Silver....................105

Grace Fitzgerald........... 126

Kate Stephenson...........102

Brooke Farrell.................12

Grace Lee........................18

Kathy Peterson-Ross.......78

Brooke Theis.................... 6

Graham Pierson............. 60

Katie Gilcrest.................. 25

Brooks Osborne..............15

Grayson Brown.............. 96

Katie Schilling...............101

Caitlin Kolb.................... 38

Grayson Pruett..............119

Kaya Malarz..................118

Caitlyn Mathews............. 34

Griffin Slobodnik......... 108

Kevin Woods................104

Calvin Osborne............ 109

Harrison Potts.................. 9

Kiley Rabjohns............... 54

Cameron Wacker..........117

Harry Hodgkins............... 7

Kimberly Han................ 48

Index of Authors Kimberly Stafford.........114

Mimi Osborne................78

Sophia Gray.................. 100

Kirsten Larson................51

Natalie Regan............... 130

Spencer Chun..................78

Leo Anderson.................78

Nathan Barnes................41

Stacia McBreen.............. 88

Lexie Kolb...................... 54

Nel Malarz.......................61

Stella Baeseman-Smith.. 50

Liam Larsen................. 123

Nicholas Bauer............. 127

Stewart Thompson..........12

Libby Tancula................. 92

Nick Mesrobian . ............52

Su Yardimci.................... 86

Lila Fitzgerald..................76

Nikki Chakravarthy....... 28

Sydney Steinberg...........116

Lilli Carrasco.................. 38

Nneka Okoli................. 124

Sydnie Mathews..............52

Lily Connery.................117

Obi Okoli....................... 30

Taha Ahmad.................. 44

Lily Kempczinski........... 64

Olivia Maggos................. 46

Tania Stangroome...........78

Lily Silvester..................112

Olivia Vrablik..................31

Tara Janas........................21

Lily Steinwold................. 56

Owen Linback................ 56

Tatum McBreen............. 26

Lowell Weil.................... 43

Paige Roby.......................78

Ted Conklin..................... 9

Luisa Hance....................12

Paul Podedworny........... 44

Tejas Chakravarthy........ 40

Lukas Maggos................ 53

Peter Jannotta................. 58

Thibaut Sacherer.............78

Luke Jannotta....... 105, 129

Phelim Tong................... 99

Thomas Dixon......... 90, 97

Luke Larsen..................113

Preston Anderson.......... 25

Timmy Thompson........ 20

Luke Tibbals................ 128

Preston Pickens...............12

Toby Harris.................. 120

Lydia Puryear................. 30

Quintin Primo..............115

Tyler Medvec.................. 62

Maggie Andrea................78

Rachel Boardman.........119

Veronica Davis............... 39

Marie Giambrone...........12

Rachel Roberts............... 59

Victoria Giambrone........16

Maria Johnson.................81

Saphie Potts.................... 47

Waverly Wildman...........12

Mary Xakellis............... 130

Sarah Borland...............119

Wesley Dixon................. 57

Mason Schilling.............. 57

Sasha Sklarov..................72

Wesley Stephenson.........12

Matthew Basgall..............75

Scott Borland................. 85

Will Blodgett.................. 45

Matt Rozsypal................. 59

Scott Skinner...................31

Will Collins.....................70

Matty Slobodnik............ 35

Shaena Wright................ 47

Will Hanson.................. 37

Max Brenner...................78

Shane Lynch....................19

William Meyer................12

Max Collins...................112

Shelby Pruett.................. 32

Zachery Barker............ 126

Maxwell Bury..................78

Sheridan Leahy...............78

Zachary Kaplan...............78

Mia Walvoord................ 24

Siena Phelps..................111

Michael Blendonohy.......31

Simone Sawyer................78

Michael Giambrone..... 126

Skylar Othman............. 126

Michael Mesrobian........ 26

Sophia Banner ...............12

Mimi Baeseman-Smith..76

Sophia Burt.................... 45

Fourth Grade “Generation Green� Leaf Collage ....131

When I Lost My First and Second Tooth Aidan Murphy January, Grade 1 When I lost my first tooth I was jumping on my bed. I tried to do a back flip, and I landed head first. I had a bloody nose. I didn’t know that I lost my tooth until I stuck my tongue into the empty spot. My brother, Brendan, found my tooth under my covers. The Tooth Fairy came, and I got two bucks. When I lost my second tooth I was at the park. My cousin, Gabby, knocked it out. I was on a spinning thing when she said, “I will catch you!” But my chin hit her wrist. My Aunt Jenny found my tooth in the wood chips!

Last Christmas Brooke Theis November, Grade 1 Last Christmas we did special stuff. Our cousins came over. My grandparents came, too. My grandma makes delicious cookies every year. She got the recipe because she was a teacher in fourth grade. One of her students gave it to her. The cookies are green and crunchy. They have red hot spices, and they are sticky. The cookies are fantastic! My cousins like them, too. I got a lot of toys for Christmas. I got the same number as my sisters. There were presents from my grandparents, my cousins, and a lot from Santa. I was excited. I had a lot of fun. At the end of the day, everyone left. I had a super day!


Winter Fun


Asher C. Anderson

Harry Hodgkins

December, Grade 2

February, Grade 1

People love snow Wind like a kite moves and blows Don’t eat snow An animal might have went You could dance with snow pants and sing! It’s the final countdown! DA NA NA NA DA! We’re leaving together And we stand tall We are leaving town You could make Frosty the snowman If you want! Sledding’s fun No more plants Less trees have leaves But always wear coat, gloves, boots, hat, snow pants Snow from far away looks sparkly Play, play, and play. Maybe going back to a hummer. When winter is done it’s a bummer. On March 19th, it’s your last time having hot cocoa! THAT’S WINTER!

Arizona is hot. Arizona is awesome because I love places that are hot. Arizona is paradise. Arizona is special because it has cactuses. Arizona has no water in it. Arizona is fun because I go swimming in my backyard. Arizona has a lot of sand. Arizona has mountains. Arizona has the Grand Canyon. Arizona is playful because I have my cousins. Arizona has Jumping Cholla cactuses. Stay away! Arizona. I can’t wait to go back.


People Should Care About Animals Alexis Dennis January, Grade 3 Many people don’t realize this, but I’ve realized many animals are dying because of humans. Here are three reasons why people should care about animals. People should give animals a home, not betray them. My second reason is think about their lives, not just yours. My third reason is people should give them food and water rather than send them to an animal shelter. That’s why people should care about animals. My first reason why people should care about animals is people should give animals a home, not betray them. Think about all those sad animals wandering the streets with no home to live in. Plus they probably have a harder time with their lives than we do. They do not get regular meals like us, and they have to look for their food each day. A second reason why people should care about animals is think about their lives, not just yours. Think about all those animals getting run over by cars, getting injured, and/or not having enough food for their family. Some don’t have cozy homes or they could be freezing cold. My third reason why people should care about animals is that animals might not have food or water which people should give to them and send them to an animal shelter where they would get food, water, and baths. That’s why people should care about animals. There are many reasons why people should care about animals. People should give animals a home and not betray them; people should think about all living creatures’ lives; and they should also help them by sending them to an animal shelter. Help animals!


Whisky Rock


Alec Wilson

Harrison Potts

January, Grade 4

December, Grade 2

You climb up the slippery rock Like a penguin and ascend to the medium part of the rock Others waiting The water whispering, “Jump, jump, jump.” You jump. The wind screaming in your face The wind blowing in your hair as you go. Down Down Down You feel free until SPLASH! You make impact and swim to safety Let’s go again!

Winter is cold Winter is here Pure white snow Ice under the snow Snow is dry White covers the ground Wind is blowing in my face

Games or Books: A Diamond Poem Ted Conklin December, Grade 4 Video games Concentration, fun Blasting, shouting, winning TV, controls, paper, pages Turning, reading, relaxing Quiet, harmony Books


When My Tooth Came Out Edie Tynes October, Grade 2 “Mom, my tooth got wigglier when I bit into an Oreo cookie. I tried to pull it out, but it wouldn’t come out.” I noticed it was so loose. It went sideways and flat. It was disgusting. “When will it come out?” my sister asked. I asked my dad, “Can you please pull out my loose tooth?” My dad could not get it out … so he thought of tying it to a doorknob. “No, no, no!” I yelled while pointing to the door. My dad suggested, “Maybe we will wait one more day.” “What! It’s bothering me so much. I can’t stand it!” I replied. “But it won’t come out,” he said. “Please…” I begged. So I went to my mom, and she said to push it up. So I did. It bled a little bit. My sister was so freaked out. “Eww, it goes sideways,” shrieked my sister. “I can’t stand it,” she said, as tears went down her face. “Gross!” The next morning it almost fell out. So my dad said to go to Mrs. Clifford at school if it was ready to come out … which it was. At lunch, I thought my tooth would come out. At the end of the day, I tried to pull it out again. No luck. When I got home, no one could stand it, not even me. I was afraid to pull it out now. The next day it felt like a piece of food in my mouth. “How is it still in your mouth?” my sister asked. “I don’t know,” I replied. “Seriously,” my sister said. I wiggled it in her face. “You know that I don’t like teeth!” my sister screeched. “I know,” I said casually. My sister rolled her eyes at me. The next morning at breakfast, it came out. I did not really know it yet, so I went to my dad and he grabbed me a tissue. “Wow, give me a smile,” said my dad. I looked so cute. The next day at school I showed all my friends and Ms. Holland. That was the fifth tooth I lost. All my friends were so happy for me even though I was not going to be able to chew anything. When I got home, it took a little while for my mom to get used to my tooth missing. Now I have lost seven teeth … with another one loose. Here we go again!


My Brother Teddy Goes to the Movies Jessica Vignocchi February, Grade 2 My brother Teddy wanted to go to the movies. He wanted to see Ice Age, Dawn of the Dinosaurs. We love Ice Age. It is so funny. We got the tickets to go into the theater. “This movie is hilarious,” said Teddy. I liked it, too. My dad laughed so hard Coke came out of his nose. That was funny, too. I laughed, and I told my mom and she laughed, too. We went part way through the movie laughing and just when you thought it couldn’t get funnier … it did! Teddy’s favorite part was when Connor, the guy with the eye patch, came on with his arch enemy, Rutty. “What a great movie,” my mom said. My dad laughed, “Ha, ha, ha!”

The Days of the Week Grace Blendonohy October, Grade 1 Mondays are for monkeys. Did you know that monkeys like bananas? Tuesday is for tea. Did you know that you can put sugar in your tea? Wednesday is for walking. If you walk for an hour you will get sweaty. Thursday is for thinking. Sometimes you can forget. Friday is for friends. It is fun to play with your friends. Saturday is for swimming. Did you know fish can swim? Fish are good for you to eat. Sunday is for ice cream sundaes. I love sundaes! They are delicious.


The Secret of Snow Rock Sophia Banner, Ella Cabbil, Isabelle Clay, Isabella Farag, Brooke Farrell, Marie Giambrone, Luisa Hance, Beatrix Leffingwell, William Meyer, Preston Pickens, Anna Pierson, Ayden Schwartz, Wesley Stephenson, Stewart Thompson, Waverly Wildman, Jonathan Xakellis March, Senior Kindergarten Once upon a time there was a giant castle on a snowy land high above the world. The castle was built on top of volcanic rock, and the kingdom was called Snow Rock. There were seven tall towers with battlements that protected the royal family. The castle was built from brown bricks and stones. There were diamonds that glimmered all over the castle. The royal family of King Oxlee and Queen Promabroma ruled the kingdom of Snow Rock. The king and queen had two daughters named Princess Emily and Princess Ashley. They also had a son named Prince Wayne. Inside the castle there was a blue oval crystal. This crystal gave great magic to anyone who held it and made a wish. This crystal was kept in the great hall in a lantern which hung from the high ceiling. Hidden under the castle in the volcanic rock there was a cave. The cave was dark, cold, deep, and spooky. There were bats hanging upside down in the cave. Stalactites hung down from the top, and stalagmites stuck up from the ground. On the sides of the cave, dried lava dripped down the walls. There was an evil wizard named Macaroni that lived in the cave. His nickname was Wizard Mac. The wizard liked to wear a blue cloak that was covered in shapes and yellow stars. He also wore a blue pointy hat with yellow stars and had a long white beard. “I want the magic crystal in the castle so I can have more powers,� said Wizard Mac. Wizard Mac had an assistant named Sherbert. Sherbert was a mediumsized pig that wore a pink curly wig with a purple bow. Sherbert was the best hip hop dancer in the kingdom.


One day Sherbert and Wizard Mac heard there was going to be a royal feast in the great hall at the castle. At the royal feast there was going to be dancing, jesters, and

lots of food. “Sherbert,” said Wizard Mac, “This is great because you are the best hip hop dancer in the kingdom!” Sherbert replied, “I don’t think this is a good idea because I am dirty and my hair looks like a big mess.” Wizard Macaroni said, “Don’t worry I will use my magic to clean you up.” Wizard Mac went to his secret closet to get his wand. He said, “Abracadabra, alacazam, open my door please!” The door opened very slowly. Squeak! Wizard Mac grabbed his phoenix tail wand and scurried over to Sherbert, and in a high ghostly voice he chanted, “Soap on your body, soap on your hair, soap, soap everywhere.” POOF! Sherbert looked nice and clean, just like a king or queen. In a kind, girly voice she said, “Thank you. I feel like a beautiful princess!” Then they walked into the secret closet and found the secret passageway that led to the castle. As Sherbert and Wizard Mac walked and walked, they pulled metal levers that opened the seven steel portcullis gates. At the end of the passage was a stone stairway. Wizard Mac said to Sherbert, “Hip hop up the stairs. We are going to the royal feast at the castle!” Sherbert said excitedly, “Let’s do this!” They danced their way up the stairs which led them to the great hall. Wizard Mac and Sherbert waited for the feast to begin as they watched through a vent high in the corner of the room. Soon, Knight Sam appeared and announced that the hip hop contest would begin. “It’s time for you to go. Good luck Sherbert!” said Wizard Mac. Sherbert went down the stairs towards the door that led to the front of the castle. Outside, Sherbert met the golden wolf who was guarding the castle. The golden wolf saw Sherbert and asked, “What brings you here?” “I’m dancing for the royal family. My name is Sherbert, and I’m a girl. I’m the best hip hop dancer in the kingdom. Can you please let me in?” The golden wolf let her inside the castle, and Sherbert did flips and cartwheels all the way to the great hall. Inside the castle, Princess Ashley, Princess Emily, and Prince Wayne were all getting ready for the feast. They practiced their routine in the makeup room and they were ready to get to the contest. Inside the great hall, the king and queen sat in


their thrones ready to judge the contest. There was a big stage in front of the whole audience. Once the contest was about to begin, Sherbert asked, “Wait, can I put my makeup on first?” Princess Ashley and Emily replied, “Sure. You can borrow our pink and purple makeup to match your outfit.” The music started and the princesses began dancing and King Oxlee said, “Let the games begin!” The princesses and the prince went on stage and started to hip hop. The king and queen liked their dance and the audience yelled, “Bravo! Brava!” They threw roses and flowers onto the stage. During their dance, Wizard Mac was watching through the air vent and decided it was a good time to get the crystal. He pulled out his rope and tied it to a wooden beam on the ceiling where there used to be a little lantern. He waited until Sherbert got on stage to dance. Finally, Sherbert began to dance and the crowd went wild. Wizard Mac grabbed his rope and said, “It’s show time.” The wizard swung across the room and tried to grab the lantern. Suddenly, it slipped out of his hand and crashed onto the floor. The magic crystal broke into hundreds of pieces and became a colorful rainbow of diamonds. The audience thought it was part of Sherbert’s dance and yelled, “Brilliant! Encore, encore!” As the diamonds fell from the sky, everyone in the audience rushed to get one. As they held the diamonds in their hands, they heard a voice coming from the magic crystals whisper softly, “Make a wish.” They all made a wish and Wizard Mac finally realized what Sherbert was doing. All along, Sherbert was trying to teach him to be nice. Wizard Mac began to cry tears of joy as he said to the people in the great hall, “I’m sorry for trying to steal your crystal. Please give me one more chance to prove that I will be really nice. I promise.” As the kingdom agreed to give Wizard Macaroni another chance, fireworks filled the sky above Snow Rock. Wizard Mac and Sherbert were invited to live in the castle forever, and they all lived happily ever after.


When I Went to the Aquarium Alaric Ma September, Grade 2 One summer day, I went to the aquarium with my mom, dad, and my little brother, Audric. As we were driving into the city from Long Grove, I inquired to my mom, “Are we there yet?” At last we were at the Shedd Aquarium. I was excited to see all the colorful fish and giant fish. We went to the grand tank of fish that was at the entrance. I saw an adult shark and a puffer fish in the tank and a sea turtle, too. We first went to get spray tattoos. I got a large shark tattoo, and Audric got a shark tattoo, too. The tattoo felt sticky on my skin. Then we saw the hall of fish. We walked to see sharks in a giant tank. I saw a great white, bull shark, and hammerhead in the tank. The sharks were blue and black in color. I was thrilled to see dangerous fish that were swimming so close to me. I saw a fish that had light-up eyes. Some stingrays that have stingers were in an open tank. There were dolphins, seals, and whales. I was happy that mom and dad took Audric and me to the aquarium. I saw a lot of fish. I hope I get to go back next year and see even more fish!

The Day I Got Locked In My Room Brooks Osborne January, Grade 1 I got locked in my room. Cal stole the key. Bang! The door shut. When the key got stolen I was sleeping in my bed. I was sick. It happened two years ago. I was still sleeping when the door got locked. Click! The door got locked. Soon I woke up. I tried to open the door. It didn’t open. I yelled, “HELP!” I wondered why he did it. Mom came and opened the door with a bobby pin. A bobby pin is a straight line. It can open any door. Calvin and I had to trade places. Bye, bye, Cal! Now Cal had to go to his room. Is it really the end? It is. Good night.


Book Review: Saving Lilly by Peg Kehret Victoria Giambrone November, Grade 4 Will a group of sixth graders raise enough money? Will class 6K read 300 books? Saving Lilly is about a girl named Erin and a boy named David who have an extraordinary adventure to save an endangered elephant. Will these two people save a circus elephant by themselves, or will they have some help? The characters are Erin, David, Mrs. Dawson, Mrs. Mapes, and Dr. Martinez. In this book, out of all the characters, I liked Erin the most. I liked Erin because she loves school, always would take a challenge, and tries to solve problems. I think I connect to her a lot because this is who I am in school. Lilly, an elephant, is being sent to the hunting grounds to be shot and used as trophy. Erin and David are determined to help Lilly. Read to see if they solve this terrible problem. Erin refused to go on the class field trip. For example, “I am sorry,” said Erin. “I am not going to the Glitter Tent Circus!” (p. 65). I liked the author’s descriptive language in the book like: “Ideas rose all around me like soap bubbles from a blower” (p. 69). This interesting language was not the only descriptive language in this book. In this book there were a couple cliff hangers. For example, here’s one: “Then just when it seemed practically the whole town wanted to help buy Lilly, things started to go wrong” (p. 111). There were some very interesting facts in this book. Did you know animals kept in full sun during 95 degree weather without shade or water is bad for them? I had connected to this story a couple times because once I was in the city, and I saw a family sitting in the corner of a building. I wished I could help, but I didn’t have anything to give them. There was one thing in this book I did not like. I did not like how the employees of the circus treated the animals. It was cruel and not nice at all. Read to see if you can connect or like some of the language in Saving Lilly.


I think that the author wanted you to think that it takes a lot of work before your dream comes true and everything has ups and downs. They are a part of life, to teach you and to help you move forward. I would rate this book a six out of five stars! The reason I would rate it a six is because it inspired me, and I loved reading it. It was like a book you could just not put down. Anyone who loves animals and adventures would love this book, like me. I hope you will read the book and love it as much as I did!

Read Aloud Reflection: Children of the Fire by Harriette Gillem Robinet Adam Steinwold February, Grade 4 I think this book was pretty good because it had a lot of action and similes. Some action was when Hallelujah and Elizabeth were running along as they saw people who had just died from the fire. The message of the story is that everyone is equal no matter what color of skin they have. I think Harriette Gillem Robinet wanted to write a story like this one so she could tell everyone the devastation of the Chicago fire and the color of your skin doesn’t matter. My favorite character was Hallelujah because she was the bravest. She was mean, and she then changed a bunch! For example, she didn’t call people bad names anymore, and she was brave because she didn’t just run away from the fire. She helped so many people.


Going to the Dentist Is Important Grace Lee December, Grade 3 Going to the dentist is important. One reason it’s important is that dentists help clean your teeth. Another reason is that they check for cavities. And last, but not least, they teach you how to take care of your teeth. Going to the dentist is very important. Going to the dentist is important because dentists help clean your teeth. They help clean your teeth by brushing them. They use an electric toothbrush. You even get to pick your own flavor of toothpaste. They floss them. Finally, they scrape them. When they scrape your teeth, it feels very weird. When the dentist is done, your teeth feel very soft. Cleaning your teeth is very important. Another reason going to the dentist is important is because dentists check for cavities. They check for cavities by taking x-rays. When they take x-rays they put foamy stuff in a thing that they then use with a big camera to scan your mouth. Then the dentists tell you not to swallow the foam. They also look at every tooth with their mirror so they can see your teeth from all angles. Lastly, they check for soft spots that can become cavities. Going to the dentist is very important. Going to the dentist is also important because dentists teach you how to take care of your teeth. They do this by telling you to brush three times a day. Dentists tell you to floss once a day. Last, but not least, they tell you to use mouthwash once a day. Going to the dentist is very, very important



Fun at the Beach Eva Hanson

Julianna Roman

December, Grade 2

January, Grade 4

Snow plus snowflakes Sleds minus skis Ice times snowmen Tall trees and small trees Big snowballs sometimes are small as golf balls Minus summer Plus winter Gloves and mittens January and December Snow is as white as the clouds The ground is white with ‌ Snow! Snow! Snow!

Vanilla Ice Cream Shane Lynch November, Grade 4 Shiny, Soft Creamy, Delicious, Round Soft, Snowball, White Rose


In Florida we went To The Beach. The Waves Were Crashing Crashing Crashing Against the Shore. The sun was shining The waves were slightly Taller than me. The birds were chirping, Kids were screaming And music was playing. It felt like everyone in The world was happy. I went in the powerful waves. They pushed me down. I laughed. I laughed.

Buy Kids Cell Phones Timmy Thompson January, Grade 3 Have you ever wondered why parents don’t buy kids cell phones? There are a lot of reasons, but I only have three for you today. My first reason is that kids should have cell phones if they get lost. My second reason is if kids get hurt, they could call their parents. My last reason is that it is not fair that adults have cell phones and kids do not. One reason why parents should buy kids cell phones is if they were lost in a mall or something, they could call their parents. Like one time when I was walking around looking at things, I did not know that my mom left the store so I got so scared. I ran out of the store looking for my mom. I was dripping with tears because I couldn’t find my mom. So that is one place where I could have used a cell phone. That is one reason why kids need cell phones. A second reason why parents should buy kids cell phones is if they were hurt they could call their parents. Like when I was skiing and I hit something and no one knew I got hurt. I was crying because I was really hurt. So that is a place where I could use a cell phone to call my parents. Instead I had to wait for my ski instructor to notice I was hurt. That is my second reason why parents should buy kids cell phones. My third reason why parents should buy kids cell phones is that it is not fair that adults have cell phones and kids don’t. I could name a million reasons why it isn’t fair that adults have cell phones, but I am going to name just one. Number one is America is a free country. Kids could pay for all the fees from their allowance. You could get a prepaid phone. Or parents could put a limit on how many minutes kids get to use their phone. As you can see, there are many reasons why parents should buy kids cell phones. They could call if they are lost, call if they are hurt, and kids should have cell phones because parents do, too. So parents, buy kids cell phones!


My Dad and Me at His Factory Allen Mons November, Grade 2 When we arrive at the factory there are multi-colored stones: brown, yellow, and black and light green bushes. When we go inside there is a big gold machine; it is a bag machine. It sparkles like the sun. It is beautiful. They have a water fountain and a magazine holder with lots of magazines and examples of what they have made so far. There is a super copier and lots of computers. The super copier has four places you can put paper in. We go into the factory. I see big boxes. The boxes are full of plain bags. For some bags my dad needs special ink. There are racks, and some of them carry small bags, some big bags all with addresses for shipping. Sometimes I use my dad’s lift truck. You have to close the gates before you go up and down. Now we have to go. I walk through the factory and out to our car and say, “goodbye.”

When My Baby Brother Did Something Funny Tara Janas January , Grade 1 One night my baby brother, Nikhil, and I were eating dinner together. Then Nikhil did something funny. He had a white cup, paper towel roll, some food, and some Jimmy John’s napkins. He had all his ingredients. Now he was ready to start. He got started. First he had the paper towel roll, and then he put the white cup on top. He put napkins in the cup and then added the food. One napkin to finish, and then he pretended to eat it. I laughed.


Light Switch Alexis Jimenez November, Grade 3 Have you ever noticed people’s light on when they’re not home? I have. I think it is terrible to leave lights on. My first reason is it is bad for the environment. Another reason is it would be like throwing money out the door. My last reason is your would have to throw out light bulbs all the time if you always keep your lights on! Turn them off. My first reason why I think people should turn off lights in their house is because you should think about the environment. If you’re in someone’s house and a light is on turn it off and explain to that person how to save the environment. Go to people you know if their lights are on and tell them about the environment and how you could save it. People with lights on turn them off. By turning off electronics, there is less unnecessary heating of the house. My second reason on why I think people should turn off the lights in their house is because it helps them conserve energy and money. If we talk to our neighbors we could teach them about the energy we would be saving. Then if we tell our neighbors our neighbors might tell their family, and then the knowledge would spread so everyone would know. It is very important for adults to teach their children to know how to save energy and learn new habits. My third and last reason why I think people should turn off lights in their house is because by turning off your lights you would be saving light bulbs. So then we don’t waste light bulbs because they last longer and create less waste. By turning off lights you could use a little for something else. If you purchase an energy-efficient product or renewable energy system for your home you may be eligible for a federal tax credit.


Christmas Day Jackson Silvester February, Grade 2 I dedicate this book to people who believe in Santa Claus. Chapter 1: Christmas Morning On Christmas Eve, I went to sleep at exactly 7:05 p.m. I slept until 7:05 a.m. I ran into my mom’s room and shouted, “Wake up sleepyhead!” But instead of a long response, she quietly whispered, “No.” She said at 8:00 o’clock I could open my present from Santa. She told me that I could watch TV in my room until we open gifts. Every five minutes I tiptoed into my mom’s room. I shrieked each time, “Is it 8 o’clock yet?” But I knew it was not 8 o’clock yet. I got extremely bored watching TV, so I got my guitar and then I went in my sister Lily’s room and played. “Brrrrr, brrr.” She woke up and was very afraid. She finally realized it was me after one minute had passed. Then she smiled and yelled with happiness, “Christmas!” I told her we had to wait until 8 o’clock. Lily was sad. I asked her, “Do you want to watch TV with me?” She replied, “Yes.” Then we both walked into my bedroom. I turned on the TV, and Lily yelled with all her might, “I want to watch ‘I Carley’!” I replied, “‘I Carley’ is not on.” She asked, “How come it is on the downstairs TV?” “It is recorded,” I said. “Well, well, just put something else on,” Lily said. We watched a boring movie. Chapter 2: No Presents! After about one hour, it was 8 o’clock. My feet went crashing down the stairs. Then I went to the fireplace in the library. There were no presents for me. I looked in my stocking. Luckily, there was no coal! My mom came down. I asked, “Where is my present from Santa?” She said, “Maybe it is in your fireplace.” I said, “Good idea!” Chapter 3: Wow! I looked in my fireplace, but I saw nothing. Then I saw a little box. I looked closely. It was a digital camera. I told my mom what I got. She was very surprised that I did not see the present when I was watching TV in my room. That was the best Christmas ever!


The Slope

Winter Mia Walvoord December, Grade 2 Winter is as white as a cloud Winter is snow Winter is cold Winter is icy Snow is puffy Snow is hard Snow is crunchy Snow is cold Winter is part of nature

The Big Bad/ Good Dog Jamie Reid-Anderson January, Grade 4

Claudia Bijak January, Grade 4 I feel scared As the wind pushes snow in my face. A big mountain of snow. Will I survive? Or will I want to go again? There’s a bright shining sun That makes it hard to see. You can hear voices. “I’m scared. I don’t want to go.” “I hope I’ll make it.” And the sound of your heart racing. I push off. The wind pushing snow in my face. Trying to stop. The wind pushing snow in my face. Stopping at the bottom. Feeling proud of myself. The wind pushing snow in my face.

My dog is good My dog is bad He’ll sniff your rear end and lick Your face Those are the good things Don’t ask about the bad He has brown, silky Hair and a tail two feet long with a loud, proud bark


A Snowy Winter Katie Gilcrest

Preston Anderson

December, Grade 2

January, Grade 4

Snowflakes falling, snowballs throwing Icicles hanging Sleds and snowy hills Snowy landscapes with white trees Winter sky and snowmen Crunchy snow or white snow Cold as a freezer but fun as a water park! Oh snow snowy snowy snow!

Beautiful Beach Aryana Farimani January, Grade 4 Sunny, blue skies Sandy, rocky and Clear blue water. Waves splashing against The sand and rocks. Laughter and happiness All around us! Family time at last! Isn’t family time fun!?!


Summer Sailing Hot summer Kind of day. 80 degrees out, And I am having A blast In The sun! I like the Wind blowing In My face! I hear kids laughing And waves clashing on The sand. “Is today Friday?” I ask. “Yes,” somebody answers. I wish this Day would NEVER End! “Are we goin’ tubing?” I ask. “Yes,” my friend answers. “Yea,” I said. Today was the best!

My Fourth Birthday Tatum McBreen January, Grade 1 I woke up. It is my birthday! My dress is too big and my shoes are, too! I found the right dress. It was yellow. “I want Cinderella to come! Can I have a pinata?” My first friend came. It was Betsy. My second friend came. It was Scott. We were dancing. The door bell rang, and we opened the door. It was Cinderella! I was SO happy! It was time to eat. We had cake. We finished eating, and we played princess games. Then we played outside. We had teams. I won, and we jumped up and down! Then everybody left and I opened my presents. I got a toy dog and a real puppy! I named my puppy Cookie. I loved playing with Cookie! I loved my fourth birthday!

Read-Aloud Book Reflection Michael Mesrobian February, Grade 4 I enjoyed this book because it was sometimes funny to me, and it was interesting to learn about the history of the Great Chicago Fire. I like the book because I liked how Hallelujah and Miss Tilly would say, “Thank you, God” all the time. I thought the message was that all people are equal and that all people should be treated like humans, no matter what their skin color. I think Harriette Gillem Robinet was passionate about how people should be treated equally. My favorite character was Hallelujah because she changed so much, and I like characters who change in books. For example, she let other people in need sleep in her own bed to help them out. I really enjoyed this book!


My Trip to the Daytona 500 Jack Kempzcinski December, Grade 2 Before I went to the Nascar Race at the Daytona 500, I did a lot of fun things at the hotel. I went on a lot of fun rides. One of the rides was called a “slingshot.” It was really exciting because they lock you down in the seat and release you into the sky. I felt nervous on the way up because it was scary. When it shot up, it sounded like “Whoosh!” When I was up in the air over the ocean I saw speedboats on the horizon. I saw a flock of seagulls flying over us. I felt like Superman on the slingshot. At night the slingshot lights up like a Christmas tree. My favorite ride was a chairlift over the water. I was excited to go on it. The best part was the view because you could see the whole beach. The chairlift was really cool because it goes over the water, and it comes back around. On the chair I saw people in the ocean surfing and boogie boarding. At the Daytona 500 I went with my cousin. The driver that won the Daytona was Ryan Newman. If you win the Daytona, the fireworks look like the winner’s car. At the Daytona 500 there were a lot of fans – more than 10,000 in the stadium – and it was fun. Facts about the Daytona 500: The Daytona 500 is a big event every year. The Daytona 500 was not always on the track; it was on the beach. When the first Daytona 500 began, you could race any car you wanted. Daytona 500 stands for 500 miles because the cars go 500 miles per hour on the track. Also when it first began the Daytona 500 was like racing tractors because they moved slowly. I will always remember my experience at the Daytona 500.


Don’t Waste Electricity Nikki Chakravarthy January, Grade 3 Have you ever wondered why people waste electricity? Use electricity only when you need it. Why do you need to waste it? One reason not to waste electricity is because wasting electricity causes pollution, and pollution is bad to the earth. Another reason not to waste electricity is that wasting electricity costs way too much money. My last reason not to waste electricity is that you might electrify a person or an animal. My first reason not to waste electricity is because it causes pollution, and pollution is bad for the earth. Do you want to cause it? Do you want to pollute the world and cause trouble to the world? Why do you need to cause pollution? If you cause pollution it is important to the world because the pollution causes trouble. So don’t use too much electricity or you will cause a lot of pollution. Pollution causes health problems and could cause many species to die. Water pollution makes different kinds of fish die. The air pollution makes the air we breathe in bad. My second reason is if you use too much electricity you will pay way too much money. Then you will become poor. So losing money is bad because what if you need money to buy food, furniture, and Medicare. You will not have enough money to get those things if you waste electricity too much. If you leave a light on and go to sleep or to work remember that you are going to pay money for that so go immediately and switch it off. But if you are putting lights on for reading or something like that you can leave the light on because you are actually going to use it. So if you are going to waste electricity, be aware that you are going to pay money for that.


My third reason why you should not waste electricity is because it will make the wire crack with it. If it is snowy or icy, then it might electrify a person or animal. Then they will get shocked or even die. That may hurt. You do not want anyone hurt. If you get electrified you will get electricity in your body and that will really hurt. If you are planning to use a lot of electricity be aware that the wire might crack, and you might electrify a person or an animal. So don’t use too much electricity.

As you can see, there are many reasons why you should not waste electricity. Wasting electricity causes pollution; it wastes a lot of money; and it might electrify a person or an animal. Don’t waste electricity!

We Went Fishing at St. John’s Asher Sklarov December, Grade 1 We wanted to go fishing. We put the line out. It was past one hour, and I said, “Dad, we caught a fish!” We rolled up the line. Our captain took up the fishing line, and we cleaned up the blood. We waited and waited and then another line was bouncing. We caught another fish! We saw dolphins, and we were close to land. We caught three fish altogether! It was fun!

How I Built My Lego Ship Jack Canty February, Grade 1 I got a Lego toy for Christmas. It was a Star Wars toy. My mom and I started building it with the part behind the cockpit. Then I built the cockpit all by myself! But then there was some trouble with it. The cockpit would not fit into the other part. My dad had to fix it. Then my dad built part of the wing, and I built the rest of it. My mom and I built the body of the ship. I took it in to Morning Meeting for my share. It was very fun!



Waves Lydia Puryear

Obi Okoli

January, Grade 4

December, Grade 2

I grab Ginger and put her on the sled Then Ginger is going down a hill on The blue muddy sled With me And Jumping off in the MIDDLE Of going down the Hill It is a dull, misty, windy day I hear my sister talking with her friends The wind rushing by my ear I get a cool shiver I look back and see Jessica Getting ready to go down the hill.


You Go Up And Up You touch the sky You Go Down Low You wash up right on the shore Right, then left Then you go As you have a lot of things in you You wash up on the shore

Winter Scott Skinner December, Grade 2 Winter is cold as an ice cube People play in winter Holes are for animal habitats Snow hills are for sledding Snow is on the ground Cars are on the streets Snowball fights are for people Wind is in the winter Schools are all over White is everywhere

Winter Ice Olivia Vrablik January, Grade 4 Winter ice, snow around it The ice is smooth Perfect for skating Swish ‌ My skates are gliding The ice looks like diamonds. Sparkling, Sparkling, Sparkling.

My Grandpa’s Pond Michael Blendonohy January, Grade 4 The blue, murky water Swirls around the fountain The trees on the side are hanging over the water There are rocks around the edge A diving board towards the middle Lily pads covering half the pond It is bright, sunny and the sun is high in the sky There is no one there I can hear bull frogs The wind is rustling the leaves I can hear the swooshing of the fountain I feel sad, calm, and happy. The blue, murky water The blue, murky water The blue, murky water.


Christmas 2008 Gino Farrell December, Grade 1 Tonight is Christmas night. I am getting ready to go to sleep. I am getting on my pjs. I just had a Christmas party so I am “partied out.” My grandma and grandpa came and my aunt and uncle. I went to sleep. When is Santa coming? “I think he is coming when everyone is asleep,” I said to myself. There’s a gleam of a red light. HO, HO. Is it Santa? No, it’s a helicopter. But it is Santa, and I was asleep and could not see him. He went down the chimney. He went down -- down -- the chimney. Santa got the cookies, and then he put the presents under the tree and not a single sound was heard. While his reindeer were eating, Santa said it is time to go to the next house. Then when I woke up. I ran to my mom and dad’s room and jumped on their bed and said, “It’s Christmas!” Then my sister and I ran down the stairs. We ate breakfast and said, “Santa came.” Finally, we opened all the presents. I got a race car. Christmas is fun!

My Shot in a Day Shelby Pruett February, Grade 1 I had to get my shot today so my mom drove me to the doctor. First, my mom had to ask something. Next, the doctor put a tool in my mouth, and then I had to have a test. All I had to do was plug my nose and breathe. It was over quickly, and then we went Toys “R” Us!


Don’t Do Dangerous Things Jacob Phelps December, Grade 3 Many people don’t think, but I’ve realized that people shouldn’t do dangerous things. To explain, I have a few reasons. First, something might go wrong when you just don’t know it. Second, dangerous things might affect others. Third, dangerous things might affect you! I really hope these paragraphs teach you something. One reason why a person should not do dangerous things is because something might go wrong when you just don’t know it. For example, if you were doing an explosive experiment and you mixed too much of something. The odds are something might go wrong. It might explode, KABOOM! This might hurt you or start a fire in the house! One thing, too, is you might get in serious trouble. A second reason why you also shouldn’t do dangerous things is because they might affect others. Your friends and family would feel sad if you were seriously hurt. They might start crying, and it might take them a long time to stop. Your family might be the saddest. So why would you do that to them? Also, you could break a limb or two. My third reason why you should not do dangerous things is because they might affect you. When I say “you” I mean you. You might have a painful week or maybe a month or year. Would you like to feel that way! No way! Right? So why would you want to hurt yourself. As you see, there are many reasons why you shouldn’t do dangerous things. Something might go wrong when you just don’t know it. Dangerous things might affect others. Dangerous things might affect you. So don’t do it or feel the pain!


Tales from the Teeth Caitlyn Mathews November, Grade 2 This book is dedicated to my family. Chapter 1: History of My Teeth The first tooth I lost was one of my bottom teeth. I was in the playroom when I was wiggling my tooth. My dad was watching TV. I said, “Daddy, look how far down my tooth goes.” That’s when it happened. My tooth popped out of my mouth and into my hand. My dad didn’t notice. My mom ran to get tissue paper. There was none left. She came back with tons of toilet paper, and she stuffed it into my bleeding mouth. I was choking on a piece of toilet paper when my dad finally noticed. He almost screamed, “Why didn’t you let me pull it out?” “Because I wanted to.” I replied. Chapter 2: My Second Tooth It was almost midnight when I heard a crack from my tooth. I yanked and there it lay -- my second tooth gleaming in the moonlight. I nearly screamed. I thundered down the stairs, which woke up my mom. She tried to wiggle my tooth, but nothing was there because my tooth was in my hand. I gave my entire tooth fairy money to UNICEF. Chapter 3: My Third Tooth We were in Florida driving in our grandma and grandpa’s car. Ahead we saw a big yellow twisty thing. My tooth was as twisty as it. I had a twisty, turning tooth. I twisted my tooth around and pushed it forward. It started to bleed at once. But … it didn’t fall out! Days passed and my tooth didn’t fall out. Every day my mom and I tried to pull out my tooth. A hole grew bigger and bigger each time she tugged. We were playing Uno when my mom came in. “Would you like to come out to catch a lizard?” my mom asked in disgust. “Sure,” Sydnie and I said. I went into the house to have another go at my tooth. That time my tooth popped out of my mouth! Chapter 4: My Fourth Tooth I don’t really remember anything!


Chapter 5: My Fifth Tooth My fifth tooth was super wiggly. I was nervous about it falling out at lunch. One day my mom asked me if Mrs. Clifford would pull it out. I went to Mrs. Clifford with Edie. My legs were shaking so badly because I was very nervous. When Edie and I got there, Mrs. Clifford was on the computer. I told her about my tooth. She came forward and touched my tooth. It went so far back. It had a hole. “Hmm …,” Mrs. Clifford said. She tugged my tooth. Then my tooth came out instantly. Chapter 6: My Sixth Tooth My sister was doing homework, and I was sitting on a stool. I was tugging casually on my tooth. There was a popping sound. My tooth came out. “Mom, my tooth came out,” I said casually. “What!” screamed my mom. My sister and my mom came thundering down the hall. I showed them my tooth. Now I have a big gap. I hope that I get my front teeth soon, so I can eat harder food.

Abraham Lincoln Matty Slobodnik February, Grade 1 Abraham Lincoln was born in Kentucky in 1809 on February 12. Abraham Lincoln lived in a one room cabin. When Abraham Lincoln was ten, his mom died. Abraham Lincoln loved reading. He walked lots of miles to get one book. When he was plowing the lawn, he often stopped to read. In 1830, he moved to Illinois. He helped his dad build. In 1830, Abraham Lincoln and two other guys made a flat boat and sailed down the Mississippi to New Orleans. In New Orleans, he saw a slave shop. He saw many black people with chains on their hands, getting sold to people. Then he got married and had four kids. Abraham Lincoln was the sixteenth president. One time he was at the theater and he got shot. John Wilkes Booth shot him there. The train took his body to Springfield. Many people say he was the best president.


Try Your Food? Georgia O’Neil January, Grade 3 I wonder why kids don’t eat the good food their parents make. Here are three reasons why kids should eat good food. My first reason is that some kids are homeless, and they need food. My second reason is that kids should at least try their food. My last reason is that at least your parents have enough money to get you food. My first reason why kids should always eat their parents’ food is that some kids are homeless, and they need their food. Every kid deserves to have food and a home. We are lucky to have food and a home. You should donate money to kids that are homeless so that they can get food. If there is a food drive you should buy canned food and bring it to the food drive. It’s good to help others. My second reason why kids should always eat their parents’ food is that you should at least try your food. You don’t know what your parents’ food tastes like unless you try it. It’s good to try your food because you can see if you like it or not. You should always try your food. Your parents will love it if you at least try it. A last reason why kids should always eat their parents’ food is that at least your parents have enough money to get you food. You should be happy because your parents have enough money to buy you good food to eat. Each and every day you should thank your parents for the good food that they get you. Your parents treat you very well so don’t say “Ewww” when they make you eat something that looks gross because it might be good. As you can see, there are many reasons why kids should eat their parents’ food. Some kids are homeless, and they need food; all kids should try their food; and all kids should be thankful that their parents can afford food. So try food!


Book Review: The Sign of the Beaver by Elizabeth George Speare Will Hanson January, Grade 4 Have you ever been left out in the wilderness? Well, Matt was and he encountered some very big dangers. The main characters of The Sign of the Beaver are Matt and Attean who is a Native American. The setting is in Maine when no one lived there except natives. Matt and his dad came to Maine looking for a new place to live. His mom and sister were still back in a town called Quincy. Matt’s father went back to Quincy to get Matt’s mom and sister, but the problem was he didn’t return when he said he was going to. Matt became best friends with Attean so the natives ask if Matt would join the Beaver tribe because he had been alone for almost a year. Will Matt join the Native Americans? The book had great character development. Matt was immature in the beginning. He got really mad when someone stole his gun, but it was not at all the end of the world. But when he met Attean, Matt was very polite and didn’t care that his gun was stolen. Attean must have taught him how to be patient. He must have said to himself, “It’s just a gun.” There was a little bit of descriptive language in the book. The author made it so you could feel Matt’s fear as a bear in the woods charged him. There was a lot of suspense in this book like when Matt’s dad did not return from his trip. There were a lot of facts about Native Americans like the games they played and the things they needed to survive. Will Matt survive all by himself? The moral of the story is to be patient and thoughtful. This was shown when Matt wanted to kill the bear and eat it. If his friend Attean wasn’t there, he probably would have died. I rate this book five out of five stars. Anyone who is passionate about Native Americans and adventure would like this historical fiction book. If you like history you will like this book. So I hope you will read The Sign of the Beaver.


When It Started to Snow! Caitlin Kolb December, Grade 2 When I was in math class on the computer, Angelique said, “It’s snowing!” We all ran to the couch to see the snow. Then we got back to work. But once in a while we would look outside to see the snow. When I looked at the ground, I saw the snow was sticking! So in my head I was thinking of something to do at recess. Next we went to lunch, and I was thinking of something to do. I decided to make a snowman so I asked Grace if she would help me. She said, “Sure,” so I was excited. When we got back to the classroom, we put on all of our things: snow pants, coats, boots, hats, and gloves. We walked outside and built a snowman.

I Love Winter Lilli Carrasco December, Grade 1 I love winter. It is fun! I like Christmas carols. I like jingle bells, and l like making snowmen. I sing the “12 Days of Christmas.” It is fun singing carols. I pretend I’m in a church. I like making gingerbread men. It is fun. We make frosting, then some candy gumdrops on for eyes. It is fun! I make snow angels. It is cold so I go inside. I think I was really flying. I drink hot cocoa. It is hot and steamy, but it is good and I like it. I hear noises on Christmas Eve. I get out of bed quietly. I see presents, then I go back to sleep. Finally it is Christmas morning! I open my presents, and I get gum coal! Oops! I swallowed the gum.


Book Review: Dear Mr. Henshaw by Beverly Cleary Veronica Davis November, Grade 4 Why should you sit around waiting for your dad to call because your parents are divorced? Just read Dear Mr. Henshaw. It’s a great book! The main characters in this story are Leigh Botts and Mr. Henshaw. They live in California. His problem is that his parents are divorced and the dog got lost. He doesn’t have many friends either. He is lonely because his parents are divorced, the dad is gone, and the mom is at work. The mystery of the story is he has a big problem at school. Leigh starts out as a mean kid, but he gets nicer in the end! Leigh heard an interesting book written by Mr. Henshaw. Leigh started writing to Mr. Henshaw after the teacher read the book to them. I would describe Leigh as a really good writer and a very good student. I would describe Mr. Henshaw as a very nice guy and a person who is loving and caring to others and has time for them. I think this because Mr. Henshaw wrote Leigh letters even when Leigh was rude. I like this book because it has cool facts in it like writing letters and finding out what the right thing to do is. I liked how the author included problems, and I liked how the author included happiness and interesting historical facts. One of these historical facts was how the ping noise went off whenever a car drove into a gas station a long time ago. I liked how the author made the character, Leigh Botts, have a problem with his lunchbox getting stolen. I also liked how the author pretended he was writing to Mr. Henshaw in his diary. I would recommend this book to people who like writing, reading, and a little bit of mystery. I would also recommend this book to people whose parents are divorced and are too busy to spend time with them. Also, kids who don’t have many friends and miss their dog and their father may like this book.


Santa Claus Jack Walsh December, Grade 1 Santa checks his list twice because he sees if you’ve been good. He has elves to help him out for making toys. He has reindeer to fly all around the houses. He flies all over the world! He knows when you are sleeping. He comes down your chimney. He has to be careful. He knows when you’re awake. He gives you presents. He lives in the North Pole. He gets a lot of snow. His favorite colors are green and white and red. Santa rocks!

When I Got My Scooter License at Gym Tejas Chakravarthy February, Grade 2 We were going to gym, and I was excited; we were going to get our scooter licenses! When we got in, there were a lot of things, but when we got closer we could see a path. There were bean bags, bowling pins, hockey sticks, and other things. Some paths were very narrow. We had to watch out that we didn’t make anything fall down. I didn’t make anything fall down. There was a girl side and a boy side. We had a line of people. The first person in line would go first; the second person would go second; and so on. I was in the middle of the line. We had to zigzag through bowling pins. I did the whole thing on my stomach. It was fun. When we were finished we had to sit on the bleachers. The scooters were different colors. Some people had the same colors. Some people had different ones. The scooter license is as big as a credit card. On the bleachers everyone was shouting “go” to the people who were still riding on their scooters. The shouting was so loud. Everyone got their scooter license. We put it in our cubby. At the end of the day we brought it home.


Don’t Steal Nathan Barnes January, Grade 3 Have you ever noticed how many people have stolen things? Well, I have. Many people steal every day. I think it is weird to steal. You could get very hurt; you would get arrested; and you would miss your family very much. I think people should stop stealing. One reason is because you will get into some deep trouble. You will get smacked into a police car or get thrown in jail. Then you are pretty much “playing nothing.” I mean you are in jail. There is nothing to do besides sleep, eat, and drink. So you are pretty much “playing nothing,” and you will be stuck in jail for one year. My second reason why you shouldn’t steal is you will get really bored in jail. There are no games or Wii or anything fun to play. You don’t even have anything to do. Like that means no play dates, no mom or dad in jail, no nothing! Don’t steal! My third reason why you should not steal is you will miss your family. If you were only eight years old you would be getting food from the police and not your parents. You are going to miss your family very much! Don’t steal! As you can see, there are many reasons why you should not steal. You could get very hurt; you would get arrested; and you would miss your family very much! So please don’t steal!


The Snow Falling

My Mom

Ethan Cantor

Jaro Bijak

January, Grade 4

December, Grade 2

The snow as soft as a blanket It felt that the world was mine. The moon shining like a star The happy children laughing in the snow I felt like a snow angel Flying up to heaven. The snow is Falling Falling Falling Into my hands.

Loves me all the time Laughs a lot Helpful and kind Likes vacations With no kids Really serious Likes to play Likes our dog Takes care Sweet and loving Likes beaches Likes pretty lakes Loves me all the time


Hallelujah Hawaii

Biography Poem

Lowell Weil

Diego Diaz

January, Grade 4

April, Grade 4

Sandy, clear Water High waves Horizon, beautiful It’s a great dream Everybody screaming Waves roaring Everyone in the world seems to be laughing How many people are there? The reflection of the water is gleaming in my eyes, Water’s so warm! Like I’m touching the sun Barely touching land Waves are roaring Waves are roaring Waves are roaring

Gustavus Meat-packing entrepreneur Smart, creative, charitable, and helping Lover of family, problem solving, and helping Who believed you don’t have to be famous to be successful Who wanted money and refrigerator cars Who used every part of the animal Who gave money to church, school, and university Who said, “Everything but the squeal.” Swift.


When I Went to the Game Room Paul Podedworny November , Grade 3 It was dark. I could see the door to the game room. There were lights flashing under the door like crazy. The game room was huge. When I opened the door to the game room, I could see millions of games and a huge box full of nachos. Then I saw the cheese maker. The cheese was yellow and warm. It melted on my tongue. It tasted like heaven. I then went to play games. My favorite game was the racing game. I always picked the Lamborghini because the colors were gold, silver, and black. The car was really low because it is a racing car. The driver was so cool because he had a Mohawk. The colors of his Mohawk were green and blue. He had sharp spikes on his coat. The race almost started when the biggest car that I had ever seen drove up to my car. He said, “You’re going down!” Then the race started. I passed every car but the big car. He was as fast as me. He was blocking my car, and I could not pass him. Then I saw a boost. I could not let the big car get that boost. I got the boost and passed the big car! I won and got 500 tickets because I beat the champion. I love going to the game room because you always win prizes.

Loose Tooth #2 Taha Ahmad February, Grade 1 Last time I was mad because my aunt said my tooth would not fall out because it had to be looser. But now it is as loose as it can be; soon it will be falling out. So my dad bought me a tooth fairy set. It has a tooth case, a tooth book, and a second tooth book. I was so happy. I love my dad. I love my tooth kit.


When I Broke My Arm, OUCH! Sophia Burt January, Grade 1 I was running in my house, and I fell really badly and I broke my arm. My dad said, “I think she broke her arm because it was the hardest cry of her life.” Then my mom and my dad took me to the hospital. The doctor said, “You are right. She did break her arm,” and we went into a room. Only one person could stay the night so my mom stayed. I didn’t really eat too much. I went to the bathroom lots of times. We went all the way to the big city. The doctors were very nice, and one doctor wrote me a picture that said, “Good luck, Sophia,” with lots of flowers on the picture. That night I went home. My brother, Hudson, was a doctor for me, and he was wearing a foam piece of paper that said, “Welcome Home, Sophia” from Mom, Dad, Hudson, and Lilia (that’s my babysitter). I received lots of presents including a tea set.

We Go to Florida Will Blodgett December, Grade 1 We go on the plane. It takes a long time. We get there, and we land. My grandpa picks us up. I go to the house and unpack. We go to the beach. We have fun. We go home.


Dogs Barking Anna Sandner

Olivia Maggos

January, Grade 4

March, Grade 4

It was a dark and gloomy day. The snow was white. My dog and I went out to play, I love my dog and she loves me. We play together in the white snow. We hear birds singing and kids laughing. My dog barks and I laugh. I love birds singing, kids laughing, and dogs barking. The birds singing, kids laughing, and dogs barking. The birds singing, kids laughing, and dogs barking.


Bessie Coleman Bessie Coleman Daredevil Brave, Persistent, Loving, Strong Lover of Flying, Family, Education Who believes anything is possible Who wants Equal Rights, Peace, Love Who uses Passion, Love, Planes Who gives Love, Courage, Modeling Who said, “Fly to your dreams and don’t stop till you get there.” Queen Bess

Disney World


Caroline Swenson

Shaena Wright

April, Grade 3

January, Grade 4

Disney World Disney World is great, There’s nothing to hate. Because it is so great, We’re going back. I can’t wait!

The Garden of Love Saphie Potts

Sleep ‘til noon Eat breakfast NO SCHOOL Go on the computer Watch TV Go to the movies Go shopping Jump around Have fun Stay in your PJs Go outside Call your friends Wear whatever you want So many things to do on Saturdays That’s why it’s my favorite day.

January, Grade 4 The garden of love, The garden of love, Picks a couple of people, Makes them meet, They fall in love, They pick a flower, They make another garden, They live and love forever.


The First Time I Made Dumplings Kimberly Han November, Grade 3 The kitchen was loud with clanging and banging. It was louder than a lion’s roar. My mom was making pot stickers. Then a-choo! I sneezed and flour flew everywhere! The flour flew on the dumplings and on the floor. So when I looked around there were hundreds and hundreds of white blotches on the dumplings. I knew I was in trouble but I just kept on working. My mom was standing right next to me. “Uh-Oh.” I muttered. “I am in trouble.” She seethed and yelled at me. Then she said we had to start over because there was flour on the dumplings. “WHAT!” I cried. “We can’t do that!” I think that I overreacted a little, but trust me I was mad at her, too! I stomped out of the room. The kitchen was messy. VERY messy. How could she not understand. She must have known that I did not do it on purpose. Anger, questions, and confusion rushed into my mind. Right when I thought I was going to burst, my mom walked in. I was glad she did. I said sorry for yelling at her. I was glad we finished our pot stickers right in time. When my dad came home we had pot stickers. My dad said that he loved them but thought that our kitchen was a little bit cleaner than most of the times we had made dumplings. I laughed so hard, but he looked confused. I knew he would find out the secret someday.


Moving to a New House and School Anna Schilling October, Grade 2 Chapter 1: The New House I lived in a small neighborhood called Hyde Park. It was loud when I woke up, but I got used to it. I lived in an apartment building. My neighbors were very nice. I went to University of Chicago Laboratory School. My school did not have a uniform or a lunchroom. We had to bring our own lunch, but I liked it. My best friend was Christine. She was very exciting. One day, Mason, Katie, and I were sleeping at my grandpa and grandma’s house. I was happy. The next day, my mom and dad came. They took us to a house in Lake Forest. They told us, “This is our new house!” I liked it, but I was very sad because I liked my old house, too. It was fun to play in an empty house. Mason, Katie, and I were not very excited to get the furniture. Chapter 2: My New School I look out the window of my new house and remembered happy thoughts. I remembered my old friends and my old house, but I know I will have fun in my new home. A few weeks later, I went to a new school. It was very pretty. It is called Lake Forest Country Day School. My new teacher is Ms. Holland. She is very sweet. I am excited for this year because there are going to be so many surprises and fun games. Hooray!


Disney World Stella Baeseman-Smith November, Grade 2 I dedicate this book to Mimi because she went with me, and I had fun with her on the roller coaster. Love, Stella When I went to Disney World, I was so excited because I got to meet the princesses, and I got a picture with them and the fairies. I met Silver Mist, Tinkerbell, Sleeping Beauty, Belle, and Snow White. After we took the picture, I looked in Mickey’s house with Mimi and my two dads. Mimi had the most fun because she loved Minnie’s house. Then we went on the ride called, “It’s a Small World After All.” It was a boat ride, and my dad did not like it. He wanted to get out. Then I started to sing along. “It’s a small world after all …. It’s a small world after all …. It’s a small world; it’s a small world; it’s a small, small world after all.” Then we walked to a pirate ship and went inside where I could see canyons, fake pirates, and real jewelry. It was cool. I felt a little scared because I thought the pirates would come alive! I told my Puppa, “I want jewelry like that. It is so pretty, and I want to touch it.” My Puppa said, “No, you can’t touch it.” I said, “Why?” He said, “It is the museum’s property.” “Oh,” I said in a soft voice. We then went to see the castle of Snow White. We saw Peter and Mickey coming down the stairs of her castle. I said, “I want to meet Peter …. I do, I do.” “Hi, Peter,” I shouted. At the end of the day we went to the fireworks show. They were awesome and big. BOOM! BOOM! We then drove back to our hotel and went to bed. I had a lot of sweet dreams that night.


I Wonder If Hamsters Can See Color Kirsten Larson January, Grade 3 Have you ever wondered if hamsters can see color? People can see color; maybe hamsters can see color, too. My second reason is that people have all different-colored eyes, and they only have brown or black eyes, so maybe they can’t see color. My last reason is hamsters may see color because some animals do and some don’t. Some animals can see color, but some can’t see color. So maybe hamsters can see color. One reason I wonder if hamsters can see color is because people do. So maybe hamsters do, too. Hamsters live too, so it could be possible. So maybe they are kind of like us? If they can’t see color, that is not fair that we can, but they can’t. And we also all live in the same place. Even if they are a little smaller and don’t eat the same food, it would not be fair. A second reason a hamster can’t see color is it is kind of weird that they only have black or brown eyes. We have green, blue, and brown eyes. Some people even have different colors and can still see color. So maybe because we have all different-colored eyes we can see color. They only have two kinds of colored eyes so they might not be able to see color. My third reason why I wonder if hamsters can see color is some animals can see color. Wouldn’t you be mad if all your life you could never know what color something was? Or they are very happy because maybe they think it is cool. Or it is horrible because you can’t see color? As you can see there are many reasons why hamsters may be able to see color. People can so hopefully hamsters can, too. Also hamsters live in the same place. I hope I get to find out the answer to my questions so that I know if hamsters can see color or not.


My Grandpa and Grandma Nick Mesrobian November, Grade 1 My grandpa fought in the war against the Japanese when he was 17. But after the war he had a friend who was Japanese. My grandma is an artist. She drew a picture of me in JK. My grandpa lives two minutes away from us. My grandma lives in Chicago. She travels around the world for business. My grandpa is older than my grandma. He is 83, and she is 79. My grandpa got me a skateboard. My grandma builds puzzles with me. My grandparents are awesome!

A Wonderful Game Sydnie Mathews November, Grade 3 I thundered down the field. My legs pumped hard and sweat dripped down from my head. The icy cold wind cut like knives on my face. My legs were so tired, but I could not stop! Suddenly, my dad stopped running. My sister, Caity, had grabbed my dad’s leg. He could not move. I also was frozen, transfixed, rooted to the spot. The wind was rippling my hair. I could not move. All eyes were on me. Caity was clinging to my dad like a koala. The ball was now slipping out of my hand. If I dropped it, we would lose the ball. The wind was cold. My hand tightened on the ball. I began to slowly sprint, seizing my opportunity to get a touchdown. Caity’s hand loosened on my dad’s leg. My dad was able to get free! I ran as fast as I could, and my dad dove, tripping me. I felt the cold grass pressed against my cheek. I got up. 28-7. We won! We were the champions. I thought about all of the good plays and how we won. It was a great football game.


When I Went to Florida Lukas Maggos November, Grade 2 We have not been to Naples, Florida for a long time. My grandma and grandpa share a house there. We went there for winter break and stayed at my grandpa and grandma’s house. The only reason they stay there is because they do not like winter. They can’t stand winter. They take a plane to Florida. They chose to go to Florida because it is warm. “Once I get there,” I thought, “the first thing I am going to do is jump out of the car and hug them.” I will be so happy to see them. I will give them a bear hug, and it will be so tight. When their car pulled into their driveway, I screamed, “I am so excited to see you! I love you guys.” My dad said, “Keep your voice down. Sophia is sleeping.” I said, “Okay, Dad.” My grandma said, “How precious is that?” My grandpa said the same thing. My grandparents said, “We are glad you are okay and had a safe plane ride.” I was so excited to see them that I couldn’t stop laughing. We were staying there for the whole winter break. “It will be the best winter break ever!” I shouted. I made a list of things that we could do while we were there. I said I wanted to go to the beach and play, make sand castles, and play in the waves. Then I wanted to go back home and go fishing. Then I wanted to go on a speedboat ride and relax. That was all of the things on my list. I wanted to play Sims on the computer. I had so much energy, I took the list and I zoomed outside. “I cannot believe I’m near you,” I told my grandparents. I was so sad because we had to go. “We will see you again. Goodbye,” I said. This was the best vacation ever. I was flipping out because I was so happy. I would like to live in Florida because I love this place.


Ellis Island Lexie Kolb January, Grade 4 Did you know the Statue of Liberty is not on Ellis Island? It is on a different island called Liberty Island, which is about half a mile away from Ellis Island. You can take the ferry between the two. Ellis Island was originally called Little Oyster Island. Ellis Island was a processing center for immigrants entering the United States of America. Ellis Island Immigrant Station was designed by Edward Lippincott Tilton and William Alciphron Boring. Those with visible health problems or diseases were sent home or held in the island’s hospital facilities for long periods of time. Then they were asked 29 questions including name, occupation, and the amount of money they carried with them as part of their process. Generally, those immigrants who were approved spent two to five hours at Ellis Island. Sadly, more than three thousand would-be immigrants died on Ellis Island while being held in the hospital facilities. One of the people who went through Ellis Island was my great-great-grandfather. His name was Donato Cantalupo (the same name as my grandfather). His wife was Julia, and his six sons were Donato (my great grandfather), Gusippe, Vincenzo, Santino, Pasqual, Jr., and Robert. He went through Ellis Island in October 2, 1900. I was born in February 2000 – 100 years after he came to this country!

Christmas Tree Kiley Rabjohns December, Grade 1


We got our Christmas tree at a farm. My grandma and grandpa came. We saw cows, ducks, roosters, and a giant pig. The cows were eating hay in a big fenced area inside from where the people stood. Then it was time to get our Christmas tree. The people that worked there tied it up with red and white string. Next they tied it up on top of the car. Then we kissed our grandma and grandpa and drove away.

My Dance Recital Angelique Alexos October, Grade 2 I dedicate this book to my family for their great support. Chapter 1: Scared The day of my dance recital I got dressed up in my costume with help from my mom. She said, “Hold still.” As she was helping me put on my dress, I replied, “Okay,” in a shivering voice. My costume was pink and yellow with a beautiful flower in the middle. I was a little frightened because there were so many people sitting in the seats. I also felt hot and dizzy because I was sick. When I saw my friends, I felt a little better. We colored while we were waiting. Then all my friends went without one girl and me! I felt shocked when I realized it. I wished that my mother was there to calm me down. Then an older girl brought us on stage. I noticed that we were on the wrong side of the stage. If we jumped off when the music started, everything would go crazy! I told the older girl and we walked across to the other side. When I went on stage, I danced perfectly. I did not feel the least bit alarmed, too. After my dance, I got flowers from my family. That was the end of my day because the recital was at night. Chapter 2: Another Dance at the Recital The next day, I was very tired because I was sick the day before. I got up and got dressed. I grabbed my clothes and ran to the car. At the dressing room, there were fewer people than yesterday. We colored just as we did the day before. This time we had a chance to watch an older girl dance in the dressing room because it was not her turn to go on stage yet. Her ballet slippers went “sshh, sshh” as she danced. Then it was time for us to dance. I still danced amazingly. I sighed. I was very happy with my work … so was my family.


Fishing with My Cousin Owen Linback November, Grade 3 VROOM! The first plane took off. My cousin and I were playing our video games. We were going to Canada for a fishing trip. At last we were there! We had to hike to get to the fishing resort. The first night we were there I couldn’t sleep, but in the morning I felt like I slept forever. The main lodge was awesome. It had a pool table, paddle ball table, and snacks. The first fishing guide’s name was Barry, and he took us to Peek-a-Boo Bay. I caught two pikes and no walleyes. The next day I saw a huge pike. I casted toward it, but I got my lure stuck on some rocks! I pulled and pulled, but it would not come out so Barry drove the boat closer to the lure to get it to come out of the rocks. It was so frustrating because I could not get it to come out, and I really wanted that pike. Unfortunately, I was not able to catch that many pikes that day. I love Canada, and I cannot wait to go back next year with my cousin!

My Box of Crayons Lily Steinwold September, Grade 1 Red reminds me of roses and apples and the sunset. Pink reminds me of cotton candy at the fair and pink cake. Green reminds me of Earth Day and the earth. White reminds me of snow and Christmas and cookies and snowmen. Yellow reminds me of the yellow sun. It is big and pretty. Blue reminds me of the big blue sky. I love my crayons!


Global Magazine Travel Article Barbara Canty, Wesley Dixon, Annie Hennessy, Mason Schilling January, Grade 4 The Great Chicago Fire The Great Chicago Fire started on the hot, dry summer day of October 8, 1871, and ended the very next day on October 9, 1871. There are many theories about how it started, but no one is completely sure what really happened. The fire got bigger very quickly because all the houses were wooden. People thought the Chicago River would stop the fire, but it did not. The fire just jumped over the river. People actually jumped into the river so they would not get burned. After a light rain, the fire died down but almost everything was destroyed. Only a few buildings survived. The Water Tower building was one building that survived and is the only one still standing today. Three hundred people were killed and 100,000 people were homeless after the fire. It was a great disaster in Chicago’s history. Millennium Park The Millennium Park opened in July of 2004 and has been a success ever since. There are many fun sites to see in the park like the Crown Fountain, the Lurie Garden, the Pritzker Pavilion, the Bean, the Millennium, and the foot bridge. There are some fun activities at the park, too. For example, every summer at the Pritzker Pavilion they have concerts and the seating fits 4,000 people. Millennium Park is a famous part of Chicago, and we’re sure you will enjoy it! The Lincoln Park Zoo The Lincoln Park Zoo was founded in 1868 and is known as the oldest zoo in the country. There are many amazing animals at this zoo, and you won’t go home disappointed. The Lincoln Park Zoo boasts more than 80 kinds of mammals. Many are indigenous to far-away continents like Africa and Australia. Other popular animals found at the zoo include polar bears, sun bears, camels, giraffes, lions, reptiles, amphibians, fish, and more! There are 2,300 individual animals that call the Lincoln Park Zoo home. Visitors should allow at least two to three hours to enjoy the creatures. Lincoln Park’s a great zoo and has an excellent variety of animals.



California Waves Peter Jannotta

Jessica Vlies

December, Grade 4

January, Grade 4

Football, Hit, Rip Ramming, Stopping, Diving Pads, Equipment, Hurts, Trampled Running, Big-hitting, Racing Crying, Winning Rugby

Winter Christopher Neill December, Grade 2


Frozen ice pouring out of water drains White covers the landscape Swirling winds throw snow out of sight Children play Trees are white as a cloud Pouring snow freezes your body like an ice cube Bushes are covered with snow Footprints are left behind on the landscape Winter skies frees everything Winter is a fun time

“Boom, splash” The waves crash to the rocky shore, As a soft sea breeze Floats through the air. The sun shining so brightly That it looked like a large, yellow Glowing ball in the middle Of the atmosphere. The sky was A perfect cloudless blue, And the waves were big and green. I got knocked down by a wave, And I went under for a few moments, I experienced the underWater world of the amazing sea. “Boom, crash”

White Snow

Windsor Castle

Rachel Roberts

Gemma Muirhead

December, Grade 2

January, Grade 4

The weather is cold The snow is shining It is dark The clouds are gray The snow is cold The snow is up to my knees Snow is cold as an ice cube

Seven Deer Matt Rozsypal January, Grade 4 I was sleeping as I heard, “MATT!” I came downstairs and saw my mom. She whispered, “Get James.” I got him and brought him down as I asked, “Why are there seven deer?” Here I was amazed and terrified I heard deer noises as I said, “Bye, deer” as they disappeared in the dull morning fog.

I look up At 100 steps 100 steps And I see Kids clumping to Get to the top To go in the Imposing church That only a few People get to see It’s drizzly On this flat day No sunshine The chapel A special place To be.


When I Got My Scar Graham Pierson November, Grade 2 When I was two I was dancing in front of my mom in the basement of our old house. I was having a lot of fun until I slipped on a matchbox car. I hit my head really hard on a sharp corner and I was crying sooooooo hard! My mom called 911, but she hung up immediately because she knew a friend who could help. But the paramedics called right back and said, “We’ll come anyway.” My mom said, “Okay,” and in a few minutes firemen were in my house! Firemen and vehicles were my favorite things in the whole world—other than my family so I immediately stopped crying. They took me into the ambulance, and I was very happy! I looked around at the cool things they use. After awhile they took me out of the ambulance, and I went into the hospital. I was still very happy! I looked around at the people who worked there, and they were really cool to me back then when I was two. I went into a room, and I saw stitches. I looked at them as though they were toys. So the doctor picked up the stitches and took them to my side of the room. I was still gazing at them when they got to my side of the room. They got ready to put them in, and they did it! But not to worry, I was looking around so I didn’t even feel it! “I am never going to forget this day,” I thought.


There Should Be No Dog Pounds Nel Malarz November, Grade 3 Have you ever thought of how bad a dog pound is for dogs and how there shouldn’t be any dog pounds? I have. My first reason why there should be no dog pounds is because dogs can help people with things. My second reason is dogs from a pound deserve a good life. My third reason is a dog pound will kill a dog if it has been there for a while. My first reason that there shouldn’t be dog pounds is because dogs can help people. For example, a dog can help with therapy for a child or help a blind person by leading him or her around. Dogs can help in many ways, even by keeping somebody company by going for a walk or just cuddling together. Some big dogs from a pound can become a leader for blind people, a fire rescuer, or herd sheep. A small dog can do therapy with a child or play with a sick or elderly person. Any dog from a pound can keep you company! My second reason why there shouldn’t be any dog pounds is that a dog from a pound deserves a good life because they have been in a cage most of their life. Imagine if you were a dog that was in a pound for a long time. How would you feel? Probably lonely and sad because in a dog pound dogs are kept in cages. They don’t get good exercise; they don’t get good nutritional food; and they can’t play with children or grown-ups. Their lives are full of sadness. Dogs in pounds are the same as dogs that have an owner except they are really grateful that you saved them from the pound. My third reason why there shouldn’t be any dog pounds is that they kill the dogs that have been there for a long time because there is no room for them. If they would build a “doggy day care,” dogs will not get killed. They could find a great owner. For example a Border collie could go to a farmer who needs help herding sheep or an Alaskan malamute could go to a person who needs help getting around in Alaska. But if dogs don’t find an owner they could be friends with another dog that did not find an owner either. Even if a dog is from a pound they make a great house pet or help somebody. So if you want a dog and get a dog from a pound, you can feel good about it. As you can see there are many reasons why there shouldn’t be any dog pounds. Dogs can help people; dogs always deserve a good life; and if a dog is in a pound for too long they get put to sleep. Stop the pound! Adopt!


Roy Waters Tyler Medvec January, Grade 3 It was a hot summer day in 1998. Roy Water’s parents were excited they had a new child. Their home was in South Africa on Magnolia Beach. With forest behind the beach and snow-covered mountains on the south side, it was a very good place to be. It was the best beach for fishin’, swimmin’ and sailin’ ya ever seen. Now back to Roy … a few days after he was born he got his first ship. He called it the Row, Row, Row Boat. It was three feet long and seven feet wide. Roy, at the age of two, weighed over 900 pounds and was ten feet tall. And every mornin’ he would take his Row, Row, Row Boat to China and back. After that, he fished and went swimmin’. At ten years old, he met the meanest people on this planet. Their names were Fishy Fred, Sailor Sret, and the meanest, most gruesome, and bossiest boss ever, Swimter Sway. Swimter was good at swimmin’; Fishy was the best at fishin’; and Sailor was good at sailin’ his ship ‘round the world. Its name … The Water Shark. It was a sailin’ ship indeed. Twin masts as red as blood, bullet-proof sails as strong as steel, and even a few snowballs for fightin’ pirates. After Roy met them they made up a contest, The Swimpies. They would compete against Roy in sailin’, swimmin’, and fishin’. Whoever won got the golden trophy. First, Roy had to beat Sailor Sret in sailin’. Then, Roy had to beat Fishy Fred at fishin’, and finally beat Swimter in swimmin’. In the sailin’ competition, they would race from Magnolia Beach to Canada and back. On your mark! Get set! Go! With Sailor Sret in The Water Shark and Roy in his Row, Row, Row Boat, Roy took the lead of nine miles immediately and went so fast to Canada and back that he made England from all the fire from his wood paddles. The winner was Roy! However, Roy won by default ‘cause they could see Sailor Sret eatin’ his Big Mac at Burger King. Swimter was so angry he yelled for days and days.


Roy was on the streets after Swimter stopped yellin’. He saw some kids that looked his age. Their names were Bobby, Jon, and Tommy. They helped Roy a few days after they met him. They built The Killer Whale. It was the most high-tech sailin’ ship ya ever seen with fish finders, computers that sounded like they were in a tanning salon it was so burning hot, and sails the size of a whale. A few days later, Fish Fred wanted to challenge Roy to a fishing contest. The person who caught the most fish would win. Roy, in The Killer Whale and Fishy Fred, in The Fishy Finder 900, that told you when you caught a fish, were ready to go. On your mark! Get set! Go! They were off. One hour later they were back. Roy had only caught 900,700,800 fish! Fishy Fred had caught 900! Days later, Roy and Swimter Sway were ready for the final, biggest, longest, hardest challenge ever! They had to swim to Brazil to Paris to Atlanta, Georgia, and be back in three hours! On your mark! Get set! Go! They were off like rockets going to Brazil in 30 minutes, then they went to Paris, went to the Eiffel Tower, had some tea, ate some lunch, and then they went to Atlanta and were in South African territory by 9 p.m. They had to get to Magnolia Beach in 30 minutes! They swam hard through sharks, eels, crabs, jellyfish, and more. Due to all the tossin’ ‘round, their bodies felt like garbage. 5! 4! They were so close! 3! 2! Roy had the lead, but he slowed down and Swimter won! BOOO! It was as sad as a doggy’s death. Roy and Swimter should fight again. Here’s the plan: Swim to Asia


and back in one hour. Roy and Swimter were ready. On your mark! Get set! Go! Roy was there and back in 30 seconds. He beat Swimter! Roy won the trophy and is still sailin’, fishin’, an’ a swimmin’ as we speak!

My Little Climbing Tree in My Front Yard Lily Kempczinski November, Grade 1 I have my own climbing tree in my front yard. I climb it mostly every day. Sometimes in the fall it rains leaves and it is fun because when the leaves come down they sweep by me. I stay up in it for a long time. When I climb it sometimes I hurt my leg when I get off the tree. I just laugh and then play in the front yard. When I get on the tree again, I usually see my neighbors’ dogs in their yard. Their names are Boo and Dude. They are so, so, so cute. “Hi,” I yell to them from my tree. When I am up in my climbing tree, if I shut my eyes, I think that I am a bird flying in the air. It is very peaceful until Boo interrupts the quietness by barking. “I think he wants something,” I say to myself. When I look at them, Boo looks like she has long hair, and Dude looks like he is playing tug-of-war with his tail. Sometimes it is windy, but it doesn’t matter. I still go on my climbing tree. Then I go inside for a snack and have Cheerios. They are good. Then I go back on my little climbing tree. It is so much fun!


Texas Colin Pickens November, Grade 2 Football is my favorite sport. My favorite team is the Steelers, who are six-time Super Bowl champions! Even though I like the Steelers, I hope the Saints go to the Super Bowl. I went to the Texas Longhorns game against Alabama. The only reason I went to the game was to see a tower that lights up orange and has a big number one in lights. The tower lights up only if the Longhorns win. Since the Longhorns won, I was happy. But the problem was that I didn’t get to stay for the whole game, so I didn’t get to see the tower light up. The game was great! But I didn’t want to go at first. The first quarter Texas was winning. In the second quarter, I saw a band perform. Then it was the third quarter. Texas was winning, and I got Tex-mix and nachos with cheese. It was yummy. In the fourth quarter, we were about to have overtime. Well, I guess not … because Texas won! Once we got to the hotel, I secretly watched the after show about the game on TV.

London Constantine Alexos December, Grade 1 My dad’s friend drove us to a soldier shop in a taxi. It was fun. I saw a lot of soldiers, and Justinian saw a lot of knights. It is called the Armory of St. James. My dad said to me, “What kind of soldiers do you want?” I picked a cannon and a soldier on the French side, and I picked a soldier on the British side. He has a flag, and the other soldier is trying to take the flag away. My brother wanted a knight, and he got a knight on a horse. I got back to the hotel, and I said to my dad, “It was fun at the soldier shop!”


Read-Aloud Book Reflection Elysia Bolton February, Grade 4 I enjoyed this book because there was a lot of adventure in it, and my favorite books are adventure stories. I also liked how Hallelujah learns that people should all be treated equally. I like reading all the similes in the book. I think that the message was no matter what the color of your skin everybody must be treated equally. I think Harriette G. Robinet wrote this story because she wanted to let everybody know about the Great Chicago Fire and how tragic it was back then. My favorite character was Hallelujah because I like characters who change. She began as a poor girl looking for adventure who goes into a fire and then learned that she should be very grateful for all that she has at home.

My Second Trip to the Hospital Jackson Van Paris January, Grade 1 First, I went to the doctor. I had to take a test. Then they had to stick something under my tongue. Then I had to go in the hospital. A person asked me questions. We had a hospital card, but it was with my dad. My dad was at work! We had to stay there for four hours! They had to take an x-ray to give me the right medicine. Then I had to lay there. Then I went home. It was scary!


Book Review: Me and The Pumpkin Queen by Marlane Kennedy Annie Hennessy November, Grade 4 Will this be the year? Can she make it into the contest? Mildred has had no luck on growing giant pumpkins. Maybe this will be her year! Mildred, her dad, Jacob, and her Aunt Arlene are all confident about Mildred growing giant pumpkins. Well, almost everyone. Her Aunt Arlene thinks she is obsessed, and she wants her to like all the “girly” things she does not like. They live on a countryside farm where Mildred has tried growing giant pumpkins for four long growing seasons ever since her mom died. But no luck so far! Her goal is to grow a one thousand-pound pumpkin, but it’s not all that easy to grow a giant pumpkin. There could be obstacles in the way! This is a spectacular book I enjoyed for many reasons. I enjoyed how Mildred kept on persisting on growing her giant pumpkins! For example, she tried for four long growing seasons, and she did not give up! I also enjoyed this book because I never knew what might happen next. Maybe bad things or good things! It’s a big surprise! I connected with Me and The Pumpkin Queen because I don’t always like to be a big “girly” girl. I love to get down and dirty sometimes, too. For example, Mildred doesn’t like to always wear the super duper sparkly clothes, and neither do I. This is a book that I would rate five stars. (My scale is one to five stars!) I think you should read this book for many wonderful reasons! One reason is that it gives you lots of advice on growing a giant pumpkin from a seed. And it gives you the steps to growing a healthy giant pumpkin! The second reason is you really feel like you’re standing in the book watching the whole story playing right in front of your eyes because there is so much detail! For example, when she is picking which pumpkin to cut she tells every certain step. I think someone who isn’t a “girly” girl would really enjoy reading this book because Mildred opens up on how she doesn’t care about all that stuff. It might make you open up more if you tend to be shy. For anyone who loves pumpkins, this is the story for you; it is full of pumpkins! This is a wonderful book that will blow your mind!


Kimberly “Animal Saver” Jackson Kaitlin Stangroome January, Grade 3 One day in July when the bear cubs were playing in the sun, Kimberly was born to Mrs. Jackson in a creaky, old house full of animals, spooky corners, musty rooms, and creaky stairs. As soon as Kimberly was born she started to talk. Actually, as soon as her head popped out of her mother’s tummy, she screamed, “Save the animals! I beg you!” Kimberly, exhausted, fell asleep after that brief explanation about what kind of baby she was. Her mother whispered quietly, “This isn’t the right sort of baby. Maybe I shouldn’t trouble this baby.” By and by, Kimberly turned one. She was very stubborn, so you couldn’t ever, ever change her mind if she put her mind to it. When Kimberly got to the age of two, she got very good at thinking up plans. So she got in her little brain that she should save all animals from getting killed by accident. No one could change her mind because she fixed her mind to it and she would stick to it forever and ever. Everyone all over the country said she was stubborn as a mule. One day when she was two and a half she decided that she would go out into the wide, wild world. Her mother screamed, “No! My little buttercup, you can’t do this to me. No! Don’t let her go!” Her dad answered softly, “Ssh! Ssh! Be quiet girls. If Kimberly wants to go out she can go, and we’ll have another baby, won’t we wife?” Her mother screamed, “No! No! I’ll never agree to this proposition. Never, ever!” “Quiet down! Quiet down! I won’t let her go. Let me talk to Kimberly,” her father said. “Okay,” mom answered. “Come on,” Dad told Kimberly.


A few hours later, her mom was having a baby, and Kimberly was filling up her little sack and bandanna to set out on her journey into the outer world. She packed her prized possessions, some money, and some materials so that she could have a campsite. When her mom was nearly finished having her baby and practically screaming, Kimberly walked out of the house. Her mom had asked Kimberly to see

her new baby sister, but, of course, Kimberly had not heard her. Her mom found out she was gone and started crying and crying. But pretty soon she forgot about Kimberly and tended to her newborn. Kimberly trampled off through the forest under branches, brambles, and all sorts of unpleasant sticks. By and by, Kimberly grew older and was said to have been taken to court at least nine times because she prevented hunters from hunting animals. One day as she was walking along she heard the terrible sound of a dreadful gun. She met up with some people who were shooting. She would not let them shoot. She threw up one of the men into the sky. The other men said, “We have the right to take you to court for two things: throwing our man and not letting us shoot.� As they were taking her to court she stepped on a poisonous thorn and died. People cried and cried because they now realized that Kimberly had been doing the right thing. They had been so mean to her. She had a big funeral. She was only twenty when she died. Remember when she threw that hunter into the sky? Well, he crashed into some stars to make a lasting impression. Today that impression is called Orion, the Hunter.


Giant Pandas Will Collins February, Grade 1 A mother panda gave birth to a cub. The cub is pink. The cub’s eyes are closed. Shortly after the cub is born the cub has the same fur coat as its mom. The cub is not old enough to eat bamboo. He can only play in bamboo. The cub will stay with its mom until it is two years old. Now the cub is strong enough to climb trees. The cub is one years old. It is his first snow day. Baby panda really enjoys the snow. Panda is almost two years old. Panda is old enough to eat bamboo. Pandas have to eat bamboo for a long time. Panda is two years old. It is the first day of spring. Pandas have no original spot to sleep. Panda is going to sleep in a tree. Panda is going to eat for 12 hours and then take a nap. Then eat for four more hours. Panda is going to take a nap for a few hours. Panda is going to eat for four more hours. Panda is now living on its own.


Best Beach Ian Strudwick January, Grade 4 Sand and salty water Waves “swoosh, crash” against the shore. Great games everybody playing Laying on the warm sand The sun burning The sand on me like a blanket. The sound of seagulls speaking The sound of games going on. I wonder what is going on under the sea? What are the animals doing? I feel the relaxing touch that goes through my toes. Can The Sun Be Ever More hot again …. I don’t think so.


Please Recycle Sasha Sklarov December, Grade 3 Have you ever seen a person eat a chocolate bar and throw the wrapper on the ground? Many people don’t even realize that they are littering all over the place. No one should ever litter! The first reason people should not litter is because it is a lot of work for the garbage/recycling people. A second reason people should not litter is because it is mean to the Earth. A third reason people should not litter is because animals go out and eat it and get sick. One reason why people should not litter is because it makes lots of work for the garbage person or recycling person. I’ve seen lots of people litter in the park. And that makes the recycling person or garbage person come and pick up 10,000 things on the grass or street. Right this minute they can be picking up 10,000 things on the grass or street. It is lots of work for the garbage person or recycling person. So keep in mind: Never litter in your life, okay? A second reason why people should not litter is because it makes the ground look filthy and messy, and people will not want to go to a place that is full of trash. Some people can step on it and slip and hurt themselves. People will be upset if you put it on the ground. That is why people should never litter because the ground will look yucky and messy and filthy. Drinks like pop cans get sticky all over the place. So never litter on the ground. Think about where you are placing things. The third reason why people should not litter is because animals can go out and eat the litter and get really sick from it. There can be chocolate and dogs can die from eating it. Certain types of things can hurt animals, and they can die from it. So try not to put litter on the ground. Even for grown-ups, they should not litter. So, keep in mind: Never litter in your life because animals can get very, very sick from eating it. Animals can choke on plastic. The raccoons come in our backyard and dump our recycling and garbage stuff and leave a horrible mess. So don’t be lazy and pick it up and put it in the recycling or garbage bin. Thank you for not littering.


As you can see, there are many reasons why people shouldn’t litter. It makes a lot of work for the garbage people. It is mean to the Earth, and animals can get sick from eating garbage left on the ground. Don’t litter! It hurts our Earth!

Book Review: The Tail of Emily Windsnap by Liz Kessler Kate Lekberg January, Grade 4 Everyone has a talent. For Emily Windsnap, it is swimming. In fact, it comes so naturally to her you might even think … well, here it is, she’s a mermaid. Emily Windsnap, Mr. Beetson, Emily’s mom and dad, King Neptune, and Shona are all of the main characters in the book. Emily and Shona collide toward the middle of the book. Shona is a full mermaid like Emily’s dad, Emily is a half mermaid, and her mom is a full mermaid. Emily Windsnap’s mom and dad had an illegal marriage which means that a full mermaid marries a full human. So Emily’s mom and dad had to get separated. Emily’s dad went to jail under water with sharks as guards, and her mom went off to live in a boat that her dad had owned in the past years. Will her parents ever meet again? My opinion on the book is that it was fantastic, super, and pleasurable! Liz Kessler used the best descriptive language. For example: “One minute I was skimming along the water like a flying fish … the next my legs seized together” (p. 7). I could visualize all of the characters perfectly. Most chapters would end with a cliffhanger so you would never want to put it down. The book was extremely enjoyable to me that sometimes I was fumbling and stumbling in my house because I read it everywhere and while not looking where I was going! I think the author’s message was being different can get you friends and maybe even from out of this world. I would rate this book a six on a five-point scale it was so good! You would like this book if you like fantasy and obviously fiction. If you do not read, The Tail of Emily Windsnap you are missing a heck of a “swishy tail”!


Book Review: The Mysterious Benedict Society and the Prisoners Dilemma by Trenton Lee Stewart Amanda Tibbals December, Grade 4 Mr. Curtain strikes again! With Constance missing, the Whisperer stolen, and one of Mr. Benedict’s own spies suspected of working for Mr. Curtain, will there be a Benedict Society left? The Benedict Society, a team made of seven people – Mr. Benedict, Number Two, Rhonda Kazembe, Reynard Muldoon (or Reynie for short), Sticky Washington, Kate Wetheral, and Constance Contraire – are on a mission to stop Mr. Curtain from taking over the the world. The seven have now gained control of the Whisperer – a horrific machine that can brainwash people and send perfectly dreadful messages into people’s minds unnoticed. Luckily it’s out of Mr. Curtain’s evil clutches and into Mr. Benedict’s – for the time being …. Soon Constance goes missing! The little girl was kicking a ball around the yard with Mr. Bane – one of Mr. Benedict’s assistants – watching her. Later, Mr. Bane came running indoors with mud plastered up to his knees. He said that Constance kicked her ball into the hedge and when she went to look for it she did not come out. He reported that he looked and called for her, but he could not find her. Mr. Benedict notices that Mr. Bane had been choosing his words very carefully. The same night that Constance went missing, a swarm of Ten Men sneak into the house. Ten Men are dressed like normal businessmen, but don’t let that fool you – they are really Mr. Curtain’s spies! All Ten Men carry a briefcase. In this briefcase are ten items, all of which can seriously injure you. Then they attack, and they are after one thing - the Whisperer! After a long battle, they get what they want. But with the Whisperer in Mr. Curtain’s hands, who knows what kind of damage he could do, or how long the Benedict Society will last?


I liked this book because Trenton Lee Stewart puts loads of suspense into his wonderful books. On page 160, the author writes: “‘I see it!’ Kate pointed her flashlight out through the darkness. By the time it reached the lane, the beam was wide and diffuse, but there was no mistaking the familiar shape it fell upon.” I also liked the descriptive language in this book. On page 38, the author writes: “They had no notion of what this other machine looked like, or what it did, but more than a few of them (including Ms. Plugg) imagined it as something huge, spidery, and sinister, with gleaming eyes and countless whirring blades and a cry like the wail of a buzz saw brought to metal.” I would recommend this FANTASTIC book to any adventure lovers. If you read this book, you should take into account two things. One, this book is very long for some readers (391 pages). Two, before reading this book, you MUST first read The Mysterious Benedict Society and then The Mysterious Benedict Society and the Perilous Journey. This is a series that many readers will enjoy.

This Year’s Christmas Matthew Basgall December, Grade 1 We go to a place called Medina. We come with a lot of guests. We get in the car. Then we are there. We go see Santa and ask him for presents we want for Christmas. Our mom and dad make breakfast. After they make breakfast they call us down to see our presents. We eat our breakfast. Then at 3:00 we go to our grandma and grandpa’s house with our aunts and uncles and great grandparents. We ring the doorbell, and then our grandparents open their front door. We say, “Merry Christmas” and hug each other. Then we go in their basement to play. Then we gather at the dinner table to eat our dinner. After that we have dessert and sometimes we have pie. Then we have to leave and I say, “No!” because I want to stay at my grandma’s house.


Christopher Columbus Mimi Baeseman-Smith October, Grade 1 Christopher Columbus was born in Italy. Christopher Columbus’ dad was a weaver. Christopher Columbus dreamed about setting sail. He asked the king and queen if he could have some money but they said, “No.” He waited for seven years. He asked again. They said, “No.” He asked again and they said, “Yes!” So they gave him money to set sail. He rode on a ship called the Santa Maria. He brought 90 sailors with him. They wanted to go back. They wanted to throw Columbus overboard. He said, “Just three more days.” Finally he saw land. He saw people on the land so he called them Indians. The Indians were nice to him. They gave him spices. The Indians gave him gold, and he brought it back to the kingdom. The king and queen were very proud of him.

When I Fell Down the Stairs Lila Fitzgerald December, Grade 1


My dad was carrying me. Then my dad tripped. We fell down the stairs. I cried because I was scared. My mom came. She heard. She helped us. It was loud. My sister came, and she helped. I was little when it happened. It was very scary.

The Life of Jack Marshall Jack Marshall December, Grade 1 I like sleeping in my bed. On weekends I sleep until 9:00 a.m. When I wake up I have breakfast. One day I babysat a puppy. When I laid down he licked me. When I run he chases me and tackles me and licks me. A few months ago my brothers won Sectionals at Lake Bluff Golf Club. They had to have a play-off. Sometimes I fight with my brother because he bugs me. I chase him, and when I catch him I tackle him. I play with my Legos every day. I build ships for my little guys. Then they can fly and have races. I have a piano at my house. I take piano lessons at my house. I know a lot of songs. I have three electric trains at my house. There are two black trains and one yellow train. I play basketball. My coach tells me to shoot when I get close to the basket.


The Princess and Her Necklace Leo Anderson, Maggie Andrea, Max Brenner, Maxwell Bury, Spencer Chun, Genevieve Farrell, Zachary Kaplan, Sheridan Leahy, Mimi Osborne, Jessica Pasma, Kathy Peterson-Ross, Paige Roby, Thibaut Sacherer, Simone Sawyer, Tania Stangroome Senior Kindergarten, March This book is dedicated to Mrs. Bullard, Mr. Robinson, our families, our 3rd/6th/8th grade buddies, Mrs. Rosso, our specials teachers, Mrs. Kohl, Mrs. Farrell, our friends in SKKF, Mrs. Laycox and all of the lunchroom helpers, Mrs. Fatyga, all of the ECC classrooms, our SKSM teachers, and our SKSM pets. Once upon a time there was a castle in a dark forest. The forest had lots of tall oak trees, woodchips, and acorns that covered the ground. The leaves from the oak trees dripped tiny bits of water that were like sunshine lighting up the pathway to the castle. There was a tall brick wall surrounding the castle which was on top of a hill that was once a volcano. To get to the castle you had to climb the hill and cross a drawbridge and moat. The castle had guards with torches in their hands standing in front of the portcullis. The huge castle had a big square tower with triangles on top. Out of the triangles were red- and orange-waving flags telling you where to go. One evening, Princess Annie was hiking in the forest to find her animal friends and play with them. The first animal friend she found was the snake. “Sssso niccce to ssssee you Princess,” said the snake. Together they went to find the hamster, rabbit, bear, turtle, and beaver. After she found all of her animal friends, they played a game of Duck-Duck-Goose together. Next, Princess Annie played marbles with the rabbit and the rabbit won. After that, Princess Annie and the hamster played a game of chess that Princess Annie won. Then all of the animals were spinning plates on sticks to entertain the princess. They ended their day with a game of Hide-n-Seek. Princess Annie realized that it was getting later and darker and said, “Oh, I must go back to the castle!” On her way back, Princess Annie ran through the forest and noticed a shiny diamond rock that was glowing near the pond. She reached down to


pick it up and didn’t notice that her magical ruby necklace fell into the pond. Princess Annie ran back to the castle with her rock. She saw King Arthur and said, “Hello, King.” The king asked, “Where is your magic ruby necklace?” Princess Annie reached for her necklace and said, “It’s right here on my ne …. Oh no! It’s gone!” She screamed. King Arthur asked, “Do you know what happened to it?” Princess Annie said, “No!” The king sent Princess Annie to her room crying. Meanwhile, in the forest, the beaver was swimming in the pond and found the necklace. Back at the castle, Princess Annie told Peyton, her talking owl, that she needed to get a message to her animal friends in the forest. “I need help from my animal friends. I lost my necklace and the king has sent me to my room. Please help me find my necklace,” Princess Annie told Peyton the Owl. Peyton flew out of the window towards the forest to deliver Princess Annie’s message. Peyton found the beaver and told him the message. The beaver said, “The necklace must have dropped into my pond, and it has landed on my treasure chest. Here it is!” Peyton took the necklace and told the beaver that he would get it back to the princess. As the owl flew out of the forest, he was captured by the Hot Lava Monster that lived in the volcano under the castle. “Ah, now I finally have the magic necklace,” said the Hot Lava Monster. “I am going to use the necklace to make the princess marry me, and we can rule the kingdom together!” Little did he know that the necklace is only magical for the princess. The Hot Lava Monster was heading back to the castle. As he arrived, the King saw him and ordered the guards to seal the castle. The guards quickly began to close the portcullis and drawbridge just as the Hot Lava Monster reached the moat. With one foot on the drawbridge, the Hot Lava Monster fell into the cold water and turned to stone. Luckily, Princess Annie’s animal friends were on their way to the castle. Beaver


saw the stone Hot Lava Monster and the necklace floating in the water. He dove in, rescued the necklace and pulled it out of the water. Peyton the Owl swooped down for the necklace. He took the necklace and flew up to Princess Annie’s room to return her magical necklace. “Thank you,” said Princess Annie as she put on her magical necklace. She ran quickly down the staircase to tell the king her news. “I found it! I found it!” she shouted. “We shall have a royal feast to celebrate!” said the king. “People will dance, people will eat, and you shall wear your royal pink and green dress,” he told Princess Annie. “Who should we invite?” the King asked Princess Annie. “All of my animal friends, all of the villagers, Prince Jack and Queen Elizabeth,” said Princess Annie. Later that night, the feast began and the kingdom celebrated the return of Princess Annie’s magical necklace by eating lots of food and watching entertainment from the clowns. And they lived happily ever after.

To the Reader: After months of studying fairy tales, we teachers were confident that the children could write their own tale. We began by brainstorming the essential elements, or motifs, of a fairy tale. We decided to include the following motifs: magic objects, talking animals, supernatural beings, beginning and ending words (“once upon a time” and “happily ever after”), and royalty. The children shared their ideas, and we filled several chart papers with ideas. We then started the writing process. With the chart paper of story motifs readily available, the children began writing the fairy tale with their teachers. Over the next few days, they focused on putting the ideas together to create the story. After much rereading and modification, our tale was completed. Lake Forest Country Day School is fortunate to have access to tablet computers that allow the user to digitally draw images directly onto the screen. The appropriate line of text was inputted, and the children then illustrated individual pages of the story.


We hope that you enjoy and appreciate all the effort required for their final masterpiece. Many thanks to Kim Kohl, Jennifer Farrell, Anne Hoisington

Hutchinson and the students of SKSM for helping us in our endeavor! Shira Schwartz and Megan Mathy

How To Make a Snowman Maria Johnson December, Grade 1 First you make a big ball. It should be as big as you. Second you make a medium size ball. Make sure it doesn’t fall. Third you make a small ball. Make sure your ball isn’t too small. Then you get sticks. Get the perfect ones. Then you get a scarf and a hat. Make sure you get permission to use it. Then you get a carrot and coal for the face. Now that’s how you make a snowman! I hope he doesn’t melt.


Sally Saver Alex Gunton February, Grade 3 Almost everyone has heard of Sally Saver. When she was a baby she was fine, but as she grew older things started changing. She could do three terrific things. Was Sally great at balancing? One day she was at the park and a dozen bulls came rushing at her. Sally got very mad and jumped on the first bull’s body and held onto his horns. Rapidly, he jumped up, but Sally never let go. Then Sally stood with one foot on his back for ten days! Was Sally brave? One day she was at the beach when a shark tried to eat a girl. Sally jumped and wrestled him until he gave up. Was Sally strong? One day there was a fire in the house, and Sally’s little sister was standing in front looking at it. The house almost fell on her. Sally grabbed the house with one hand, and she threw it all the way to the Pacific Ocean. Everyone called her a hero. Then Sally took a job at taking logs down the Mississippi River. She walked to the green and brown forest with a rope around her shoulder. After she cut down wood from a tree with a shiny, gray ax she attached the wood with a rope. Finally, she rowed it down the river with an oar. Sally was doing fine until a litter of beavers wanted to build their dam at the Mississippi River. Sally could not bring the logs down the river to the villagers who needed them to build homes and wagons. The next day Sally went back to her log job, and the beaver dam was still there. Sally got as mad as a bull being teased. So Sally asked the beaver if he could put his dam somewhere else so she could get through. The beaver rolled his eyes. “I need to get past you so I can bring the logs down the river,” Sally said. But before Sally could say another word the logs hit the dam. Sally fell in the water with a splash! Sally looked at the beaver in an angry way. She started thinking hard and she finally thought of a way to get rid of the dam. Her plan was to go as fast as she could and break through it. So she set the logs up and raced as fast as her arms could paddle! But the dam was too hard and THUMP,


Sally fell off again. Her face got as red as a beet. But the beaver did not pay attention; it only smiled at her. Another thing Sally thought of doing was telling the beaver about Native Americans who lived there and loved to hunt beavers. Their favorites were the tiny, thick ones like him. But the beaver rolled his eyes and jumped in the water. Thump! Splash! Boom! Sally fell in the water with a giant leap. When Sally was walking home she imagined herself as a Native American. That gave her an idea. Sally ran home and found a great dress that was brown and wrinkled deer skin with a picture of an arrow. It looked just like a Native American costume. Sally threw it on her body and ran to the river. She hid behind the biggest tree she could find. She waited for a few minutes and then she saw the beaver with a pile of bark on his dam. Sally got her arrow and shot the tree next to her and ran out chasing the beaver away. He got so scared and jumped into the water and swam as fast as his tail could swim. Sally cheered and ran home to tell her mom all about it. The next day she went back to her log work in a jubilant way and hoped that the beaver wouldn’t come back. If he did, Sally knew just what to do. Sally was a hero.


My First Hunt Jonathan Browne October, Grade 4 Slowly my eyes opened to the dark outside. I sat up on the couch that was my bed for the night at my grandparent’s house. I quickly put on my long coat, snow pants, and everything else I would need for the long, cold day and waited anxiously for my uncle to arrive. Soon there was a knock on the door, and I rushed to the door to answer it. There stood my uncle in front of me—his pickup in the driveway. Today was going to be my first hunt. I climbed into my uncle’s truck, and my cousin was already sitting in the front seat. We talked along the long drive to Rochester, Minnesota, where my grandpa owned a lot of prime hunting land. When we got to the gate, my uncle hopped out, unlocked the gate with a key, and we were in. We drove a little while through the property and to the huge cornfields my grandpa rented out during the year to local farmers. My uncle drove down the road and parked the truck right next to the cornfield. We hopped out and began to set up the blind. When we finally got it up, it was pretty boring after that. All my uncle, my cousin and I were doing was reading, and even though there was a heater in the blind, I was freezing.


After about an hour and a half, I finally saw a deer. It was creeping ever so slowly from the trees to nibble some of the corn. I quietly motioned to my uncle, who stood up with his old muzzleloader, took aim and … BANG! He shot his gun. When the smoke cleared out my cousin, my uncle, and I were all looking out eagerly to see if he had gotten the deer. No luck. My uncle got up and said, “I’m going to check for blood; you guys stay put.” And he started walking toward where the deer had been. We waited and waited, and I finally saw him trudging back through the corn. He said, ‘’I’m sorry guys, but I missed the deer. My shot probably scared away the other deer, and they probably won’t be back ‘til noon. Let’s try our luck on pheasant.’’ And before I knew it we were out in the cornfield, aimlessly looking for pheasant. We started walking around the second field, when all of a sudden a huge, flock of ring-neck pheasant erupted out of a clump of corn. Sadly, I was carrying my uncle’s gun and was very surprised when I saw the pheasant. After my uncle yelled, “Shoot!”

several times, I finally took aim and shot his shotgun … BANG! His gun was so powerful that it made me fall flat on my back. As soon as I got up, I looked around. No pheasant were lying on the ground. When my uncle saw the disappointed look on my face he told me, “Don’t look so glum. At least you made contact,” as he held up a pheasant tail feather with a neat hole right in the middle of it that he had found on the ground. After that we kept on walking around, looking for more singles. My uncle and I were walking alone in the yellow cornfields because my cousin had gone back for her lunch that she should have had an hour ago. As we were walking to the path that led to the third cornfield, a pheasant burst from the tall corn husks. Luckily, my uncle was carrying his gun, not me, and as soon as he saw the pheasant, he clicked back the safety on his gun. Click. He took aim and fired. BANG! I saw the pheasant go spiraling down like a fighter plane that was hit. After it hit the ground with a hard thud, my uncle and I rushed over to see the specimen. It was a beautiful ring-neck pheasant, and when I picked it up it had to weigh at least four pounds. I swung it over my shoulder and we both started to walk back to his truck. When we finally got there, I swung the pheasant into the back of the truck, and it landed with a hard “thump!” My uncle glanced at his watch. “6:00 Jonathan. We got to go back to Grandpa’s for dinner.” “Time flies when you’re having fun,” he said as he opened the door and hopped into the old, beat-up pickup he used for hunting, and started the ignition. I looked back at the cornfield. I knew right then and there, that I would be having more hunting adventures like this one in the future.

The Panda Scott Borland January, Grade 1 The giant panda lives in the high mountains of China. If a panda has two little pandas, one will starve and the other one will have food. They have to eat bamboo 10–16 hours a day. Their habitat is being taken up.


A Tall Tale Andrew Xakellis February, Grade 3 One day Hault was walking on the trail when he saw giant wild boar tracks. He went to the castle to talk to the head of the huntsmen. They organized a party to tame the wild boars. When they set out, they found the boars easily. Their hunting dogs ran the boars out of the woods. They intended to use nets and rope to tie up the boars, but the boars protected each other. Hault got bored and jumped on the smallest one’s back. The boar jumped up into the stars and landed on its rump so hard that it made the Grand Canyon. The huntsmen were able to tie it up. The second boar charged Hault. Hault swiftly bent out of the way like a snake bending to catch its prey. He did it so fast, no one saw him do it. It ran right into the Grand Canyon and landed with a crack, which created a river in the Grand Canyon. They had to get a team of oxen to carry each giant boar back to the castle. Hault tamed the mighty boars and they became symbols for the kingdom.

Easter Egg Hunt Su Yardimci November, Grade 4 I was in the Easter egg hunt at the YMCA. I saw a sea of soft, tall, green grass that swayed in the wind when the wind blew over. I was standing on a big dirt pile that had a couple of worms, so I had to be careful not to step on the dirty worms. They had just announced on their big white horn that whoever finds the green shiny Easter egg would win a prize. I was so excited! I wanted to run around in the field, but it would be embarrassing so I did not run all over. I could feel my heart beating, BUM! BUM! “GO!” the person announced with his big white horn. Everybody screamed. Yikes! It felt like wind was getting in and out of my ears. I started to run, and while I was running I was daydreaming about the Easter egg


hunt. My feet were starting to hurt. I looked down at my Nike shoes. “That basket is mine!” I shouted at the top of my lungs in my head, “MINE!’ I yelled so loud my brain hurt! I found a couple of plain Easter eggs like pink and green. I even saw a broken one. The jelly beans had already spilled out in the tall green grass. I was losing my patience. None of them were shiny except the pink one that had been left from the last Easter egg hunt, but before I could take it, a 6-year-old kid took it. But then something caught my eye, something shiny. I ran towards the pine tree because I thought I saw it there. Sure enough, I was right. I jumped up. It felt like tiny swords were poking my hand because of the pine tree’s needles. My hand was numb for a second. But suddenly I felt something smooth like a feather—a smooth one, too, or like a teddy bear from build-a-bear. But according to gravity, this moment did not last. I clutched the Easter egg with my sweaty hand. I looked at the egg. My eyes found it in the tan hand. My eyes popped out. I started to run. “Mom, Mom I found it!” I shouted at the top of my lungs. Catching my breath, I walked down the hall. I saw a goldfish tank. My brother was already going to the tank and making fishy faces. We came up to the counter. There was a man who was standing behind the counter. He had black hair. “So you are the lucky one,” he said in a calming voice. I was smiling really wide. My brother took a step back. The man pulled out a big basket. There were two stuffed animals. I peered at the Skittles and M & M’s. He also gave me another shiny green egg that looked exactly like the one I found. I opened it up, and I saw $20. “Can I have some too!?” my brother asked clutching his hands together. I was very nice. “Sure,” I said, “Why not?” But not the money. I was so happy! On the car ride home, my mom took a picture of me smiling really wide (my super smile). My brother looked at me with that “you-are-so-weird” look. We arrived home shortly. My dad parked the car in our newly paved driveway. “Click.” He took out the keys. But I kept on smiling. I ate some Skittles. “Very chewy,” I thought. I could hear myself chewing. I could taste that lemon-green-apple-cherry clump in my mouth. “MMMM!” It was poking at the roof of my mouth. It was painful and wonderful at the same time. My brother was still punching me for candy. I remembered the last Easter egg hunt, but that is another story!


Winter Vacation Becker Roloson January , Grade 3 Whistler is the best place to vacation in the winter. One reason is because it has a great ski school. Another reason is it has an amazing and fun tubing park. Last, but not least, there is snowmobiling. Whistler is lots and lots of fun! One thing you can do when vacationing in Whistler is to go skiing. There is a great ski school. The instructors are able to teach you how to go down a black diamond run. The instructors make skiing fun because they take skiers through the woods. I love ski school so much because I learn new things every lesson. Sledding is another fun winter activity in Whistler. The runs are long enough that sledders can connect theirs sleds to make a line. It’s fun when you go off of the jumps, even if you crash. The best part is sledding with my family. Last, snowmobiling is a great winter activity to do while vacationing in Whistler. Snowmobiling is fun because you can go really fast and also get lots and lots of snow in your face. It’s lots of fun because I get to ride with my dad. I love winter vacations in Whistler because I can spend the whole vacation skiing, sledding, and snowmobiling with my awesome family. I love Whistler.

Living in a Big Family Is Annoying Stacia McBreen April, Grade 4 “Mom, Paul is hurting me,” I scream as I run down the stairs. If you live in a big family you have probably been through this. Your brother or sister runs around hurting you, you get mad, you hit them, you tell mom, mom grounds them, and you end up with a bloody nose. Does anybody still want a big family? No good. If you don’t have a big family, and you are wishing for one, here are some reasons why you


should STOP WISHING! Living in a big family is annoying because the house is always crowded. Another reason why living in a big family is annoying is because your siblings always pick on you. Finally, living in a big family is annoying because you have to share everything! One reason why living in a big family is annoying is because the house is always crowded. Here are some examples. My sister comes into my room when she gets scared at night. Also, my family is always screaming in the kitchen. One time my mom and my brother were fighting about whether he had good grades or not, and I was sitting in front of them actually trying to get good grades! The worst thing about the house being crowded is that you have no privacy. My siblings come into my room without permission all the time! Another reason why living in a big family is annoying, is because your siblings always pick on you. Here are some examples. Your siblings always steal from you. One time my sister hid my phone! They also hurt you. Don’t they get that it hurts? They also blame everything on you. Don’t they know what goes around comes around? So watch out, Paul! Finally living in a big family is annoying because you have to share everything. Here are some examples. There are only three TVs in my house, so when my three siblings want to watch, they get to watch! Also there are only so many of your toys, so when my sister wants to use let’s say … my laptop, I am always already on it! Finally, there are only so many of your bathrooms. One time I was brushing my teeth, and I went to go get my tooth brush and my sister walks right in and locks me out! Living in a big family is annoying because the house is always crowded. Another reason is your siblings always pick on you. The final reason is you have to share everything. So if you still want a big family and you already have one, maybe you should read this again. Oh, and I want to say something to the siblings: Grow up!


LGB Model Trains James O’Keane and Thomas Dixon December, Grade 3 When thinking of all the model trains made, I think Lehmann Gross Bahn (LGB) trains are the best model trains a boy could have. These trains look real and are made of the highest-quality materials. LGB is the best model train because the train looks real. For example, they have flashing lights and smoke. They also make sounds like real trains. They have sounds like steam when they stop and go. They have smoke stacks in the cabin. They also have knobs, whistles, pipes, and coal. LGB trains look so real you can really imagine driving a real train. LGB trains have the better quality parts than other train manufacturers. For example, the littlest detail to us is the biggest to the manufacturer. Another example is they have front and back headlights. The fixtures look real. They have nozzles, pipes, and a little light that works in the cabin. They weigh a lot because they are made of metal. Many people collect them because they last for years. They cost a lot because they are made so well. I realize that LGB trains are stupendous. They not only look real, but they sound real, too. LGB trains are worth the money because they are high quality. If you every have a chance to own or play with LGB trains, you will enjoy the experience.


LFCDS Is the Best School I’ve Been To Jamie Muirhead April, Grade 4 Have you ever moved? Sometimes it turns out better than you expected and people are nicer! One reason that Lake Forest Country Day School (LFCDS) is the best school I’ve been to is because the teachers aren’t so strict. Another reason that LFCDS is the best school I’ve been to is because the kids are nicer than kids at my old school. And finally, LFCDS is the best school I’ve been to because I can make more choices. One reason that LFCDS is the best school I’ve been to is because the teachers aren’t so strict. For example, Mrs. McCormack is patient, helpful, and kind. When I was first learning to do personal narrative, she helped me get started and to end with a powerful ending. Ms. Wickstrum is my PE teacher. She is kind and helpful, too, because she helped me learn how to juggle and she recognized that I got really good at it. Miss Hannigan is my tutor and she is also helpful and kind because she helps me when I’m really stuck on something. Another reason that LFCDS is the best school I’ve been to is because the kids are nicer than kids at my old school. For example, nobody is bullying me. At my last school, the kids wouldn’t let me play with them, and they told me I was really nasty. Sometimes I hear people saying nice things about me behind my back. That’s the opposite of my old school where they always said mean things about me behind my back. Sometimes people help me if I’m stuck on a problem or there is a situation I need to figure out. Finally, LFCDS is the best school I’ve been to, because here I can make more choices. For example, I can have many different jobs in my classroom, such as checking assignment notebooks and crushing cans for the recycling program. Also, at lunch, I can choose what to eat. At my old school they just dumped food on your plate even if you didn’t want it, and you had to eat it. At this school, we don’t have the same homework like we did at my old school. It’s better here because you don’t get the same homework over and over again, so it doesn’t get boring. I’m glad to be at Lake Forest Country Day School because the teachers are nice; the kids are friendlier; and I can choose more things, especially in the lunch room. If you do move to a new school, you might get lucky, too!


What Great Pets Libby Tancula December, Grade 3 Cats are great pets. First of all, they are very funny. They are also very lovable. Finally, they are clean. I think cats are great pets. Cats are funny. The best example is that they move stuffed animals all over the house. One time my mom thought there was an intruder in the house, but it was actually Emila, the girl cat, bringing the Kermit the Frog puppet upstairs. Another reason is they play fetch. One time my mom threw a ponytail ring and Derby, our boy cat, went and brought it back to her. It went on again and again and again, so my mom was up all night playing fetch with a cat. You don’t expect a cat to play fetch! Last, they attack toes. My cats do this all the time. We can’t get any sleep in our house because the cats attack our toes all night. Cats can make you laugh. Cats are lovable. To begin with, they sleep with you. A few nights ago Emila slept on my back and was doing happy paws. In addition to that, they cuddle and purr. Whenever you pet Derby, if he’s not scared, he’ll purr. Not soft purrs, but loud purrs. Finally, they let us pet their bellies. Most cats won’t let you pet their bellies. Most cats are very lovable. Cats are clean. First of all, they give themselves baths. Whatever you do, don’t give your cat a bath. My mom did in her 30’s, and you don’t even want to know what happened. Once my mom woke up and saw Emila bathing herself on the bed. She said, “Emila, can’t you do your personal hygiene somewhere else?” Next, they don’t shed. If your cats shed, your house would be a giant hairball. Finally, they use the litter box as their toilet. Taking care of cats is really easy because they do most of the work. This makes me realize if you have cats as pets they seem funnier, more lovable, and more clean if you love them.


The Birthday Room David Krivoshik December, Grade 4 Ben and his mother rarely disagree. Ben received a letter from his Uncle Ian asking Ben and his mother to come and visit him. His uncle’s invitation causes Ben to have a disagreement with his mother. However, Ben convinces his mother to let them go to Ian’s in Wisconsin. What they and the reader find during their stay is surprising. First, they didn’t know Ian was married to Nina. They were not only married but expecting a baby. Only the baby was upside down and in trouble before it was born. Also, Ben’s new friend Kale gets in danger. I was so worried about Kale when he climbed up a tree and the branches gave way and he fell. I just had to keep reading. I liked seeing Ben being inspired by his uncle’s art work. The author, Kevin Henkes, writes with colorful vocabulary, such as, “Back outside they repaired some of the paper chains and laced them through branches and draped them over knobs and craggy protrusions of bark.” You should read this book because this book shows how a person that you thought ruined your life can be your friend. Although I did not like reading about the accident where Ben loses his finger, I did like that the author tries to show how it is better not to hold a grudge. I would rate this book 8 out of 10 stars. This book is a good read for people who like to see how characters can improve themselves.


Dirt Bikes Are Better Than ATVs Blake Pepper March, Grade 4 Many people don’t realize that ATVs (all-terrain vehicles) have so many problems, but I have come to know that dirt bikes are better than ATVs. A lot of people are getting hurt on ATVs. ATVs cost more money than dirt bikes. ATVs are getting repaired too much. I think if people want to have fun, they should get a dirt bike instead of an ATV. I think dirt bikes are better than ATVs because people are getting hurt on ATVs. On dirt bikes you have to put your foot down so it is easier to turn. If you put your foot down on an ATV, you could seriously injure yourself. It is easier to tip over ATVs because the wheels are bigger and higher off the ground. On dirt bikes you can’t tip it as easily. After a jump, you can’t land as easy as a dirt bike. ATVs are more dangerous than dirt bikes. People are spending way too much money on ATVs. ATVs are priced at $5,000 and up, and dirt bikes are priced at $3,000 and up. I know that because once I went to a motorized vehicle store, and I asked what ATVs are priced at. People are also spending too much money on gas. People may not use them as much. People are also spending too much money on engine mix because ATVs use more than dirt bikes. ATVs are more expensive to buy and to ride. ATVs are getting repaired too much because they are easy to damage. When ATVs go over moguls their shocks get damaged. That also happens when you land from a jump. Dirt bikes have bigger shocks, so they are meant to go over moguls and land from jumps. When I watch super cross racing, the announcers often say, “That ATV is damaged.” ATVs are also getting repaired too much because they are breaking down too much. Other people should know about this before they decide to go out and buy an ATV. ATVs are more dangerous than dirt bikes. ATVs are more expensive. ATVs are breaking more. Now what would you rather get: a dirt bike or an ATV?


Christmas is Stupendous James Rausch December, Grade 3 Christmas is so fun. The first reason is that Santa comes and leaves presents for good kids. Second, family members visit. Last, celebrating the birth of Jesus is important to Christians. These are just a couple of reasons why Christmas is fun. Kids think Christmas is fun because they get new things. Some kids like to get new toys. Others like to get new technical equipment. This year I got a Sony E-book. It comes with a case and a special light. The reason I like it is because I can save trees by just downloading books from the Internet and not buying the paper version. Kids often get new clothes for Christmas. Many people are happy when they get new things. Having people come to visit is another reason Christmas is fun. Often family members like grandparents and cousins come for the celebration. My grandfather visits only once a year because he lives half way around the world. This year my grandfather and I went to Florida. We also sat together on a two-day car trip home. My grandfather only comes for big celebrations like Christmas. Many people celebrate Christmas because it is said that Jesus was born on that day. Christians are the people who most celebrate this holiday. They go to church and while they are there they say many prayers, sing holy songs, and give donations for needy people. Christians worship Jesus, and Christmas is a very important religious holiday for them. Christmas is truly a remarkable holiday. I have realized that Christmas is much more than just getting presents. That day is important for families to get together. It is also a time to celebrate religious beliefs.


Sports Are Good For You Grayson Brown March, Grade 4 There are many good reasons why sports are good for you, and they are very important. Sports are good for you because they give you good exercise, make you feel good about yourself, and there are different and similar kinds for what you enjoy. One reason sports are good for you is because they give you good exercise. For example, a lot of people are obese and join a sport and lose a lot of weight. Have you ever heard of the show “Biggest Loser”? In this show, people who feel they want to lose weight go on the show and have trainers for each team who encourage them to lose weight. Whoever loses the most weight is the “biggest loser.” Also, some of the exercise sports give you is fun and not boring. My final example is that exercise sports give you makes you healthy. Another reason sports are good for you is because they are exciting and make you feel good about yourself. For example, sports are always exciting in different ways like special events or big important things happening. Another example is sports make you feel good about yourself by making you feel healthy which you are when you exercise. Finally, sports are exciting and make you feel good about yourself by exercising you and letting you have fun at the same time. For example, every once and a while at the place where I take gymnastics we get to do round-off back handsprings on the tumble-track. My final reason sports are good for you is because there are different and similar kinds for what you enjoy. One example is football and ice hockey. Ice hockey is inside the ice rinks and football is on the field outside. Another example is field hockey and gymnastics. Field hockey and gymnastics don’t have the same rules, no hacking your stick in field hockey, and in gymnastics you can’t touch the vault too long or else you get a deduction. Finally, another example is running and track and field. They both have you running, but track and field has hurdles to jump over. In running all you do is run.


Sports are good for you because they make you feel good about yourself, there are different and similar kinds for what you enjoy, and they give you good exercise. So if you want to make a difference in how you feel, look, and if you want to enjoy something for once, get out there and join a sport!

Mike’s Express Mail Thomas Dixon February, Grade 3 One snowy winter day in Lake Bluff, Illinois, Mike Dixon was born. Lake Bluff was a small and quiet town outside of Chicago. Mike was born on a locomotive train. The day after he was born, he grew until he was a full-grown man. That very day he became a train conductor. For his morning workout he lifted the entire train 20 times! On one journey the train ran out of coal halfway to Dixon, Illinois. As the conductor, Mike knew he had to be responsible to get the passengers and mail to Dixon. Quickly, he got off the train and grabbed two tons of corn husks! Mike wove the corn into a rope. He lassoed the smoke stack with the rope and started pulling until the train started moving. Mike pulled the rope with all his might. The train moved as fast as a cheetah. The passengers were chanting, “Let’s go, Mike, let’s go.” The train made it to Dixon two minutes before the deadline. Mike was as tired as a bear in hibernation. The next day, the world’s first plane was invented. Mike did not like that there was a faster form of transportation. He challenged the pilot of the plane. The pilot reluctantly said, “Sure,” because he heard of Mike’s reputation. The race was on! The head train conductor bellowed, “On your mark, get set, go!” When the plane started up, Mike and his train, Mike #2, were halfway across Nevada! Finally, the plane started up. The race was on – really on – now! The plane was going 1,000 miles per hour, but Mike was going 2,000 miles per hour. Man, the race was really intense now. They were both two states away from winning. To make Mike’s mail train go faster, he grabbed the leftover corn husks and threw them into the burner to make the train go faster. By accident Mike tripped over a corn husk and got knocked out! The train kept on moving. A couple of inches from the finish line the train began to slow down because the burner was running out of coal and husks. Mike ended up winning the race even though he was knocked out!


The Raking Experience Chapin Grumhaus October, Grade 4 It was early in the morning on Saturday in the fall. The leaves were falling and it was cold. “Woosh,” went the wind. I thought it might be fun to rake the leaves. I skipped to the garage to get the big green rake. I grabbed it off the hook and skipped back to the yard. I could hear the prongs of the rake dragging behind me. When I got back to rake the yard, I started, and soon I had a huge, huge pile of leaves. “Creak.” I was heading up the stairs and onto my porch. I walked into the house and went to the kitchen. “Dad?” I asked. “Can you pour me some orange juice?” “Sure honey,” he said. He poured me some. “Thanks,” I said. I took the glass and walked outside. I put my glass on the porch railing. “Vroom vroom,” I ran as fast as I could and jumped into the leaves and threw them up into the air. It was like the leaves were falling straight from the trees. I buried myself in the leaves. I saw my sister coming. “Hi,” I said, as I stuck my head out of the leaf pile. “Hi,” she murmured,” “Nice pile,” Care Bear said. “Thanks,” I said. “Crunch crunch.” She stepped in. We went under the leaves together. As we lay there, I suddenly remembered something. My orange juice. I jumped out of the leaves. I ran up onto my porch. I grabbed my glass and chugged down my juice. I set it down carefully on the railing. I ran and jumped into the leaves. Leaves flew up all over. After a while, we got bored, and the leaves were all over the yard again, and I didn’t want to rake them again. Then our dad called us in for a shower. Before Caroline and I went in, we picked the giant leaves out of each other’s hair. We walked inside, and that is how our amazing day started. Since that day, I have done it every year. That is how much I love it!


Math is Important Phelim Tong March, Grade 4 Many people don’t realize the importance of math. One reason math is important is because you use it every day. Another reason math is important is because it exercises your brain. Finally, math is important because it helps prepare you for later tasks. I feel happy that I am able to learn math. One reason math is important is because you use it every day. For example, you need to know how to tell time, which requires math. Another example is that you could be tricked into paying more or not getting the right amount of change. Finally, if you want to calculate the distance of a trip you need to know math. Another reason math is important is because it exercises your brain. For example, algebra makes you think hard. One time in school I stumbled upon a problem in a book called “Hands-on Equations” that really pushed me to think hard, and it really exercised my brain. Another example is math helps you become a better problem solver. Finally, math is important because it helps prepare you for later tasks. For example, if you want to be an architect you need to measure distances. Another example is if you want to follow directions in a cookbook you need to know math. If you want to be a banker, you need to know math. Many people don’t realize the importance of math. One reason math is important is because you use it every day. Another reason math is important is because it exercises your brain. Finally, math is important because it helps prepare you for later tasks. I would feel sad if I didn’t know math.


Serena and the Rescue Sophia Gray February, Grade 3 Now I suppose you’ve heard of Serena and her dog. Well, maybe you haven’t. That is why I speak of her. When she was born, her parents abandoned her. Homeless, she traveled to the Arctic Circle. Serena grew bored walking alone in the cold. Until … she found a dog that looked just about frozen! Immediately, Serena built a fire, grabbed the dog, and put the dog by the fire. The ice melted fast, and soon the dog was free! Serena and the dog became best friends. Serena named the dog Twilight. One day while Serena was taking her morning walk by the Arctic Ocean. Serena’s friend Pat was skating on the Arctic Ocean! Now everyone knows that if you fall in you would end up in the meanest man’s dungeon! Serena called out, “I’d get off the ice if I were you!” Pat shouted out, “This is one of the safest oceans in the world!” Serena firmly said, “Pat, I’ve read about people falling through ice and it’s not pretty!” Pat angrily yelled, “Have it your way!” Serena sighed, “It’s your funeral.” Five minutes later. . . SPLASH! Serena ran as fast as a cheetah to the ocean! When Serena got there she screamed, “Help, Pat fell through the ice! Someone come! Help! Pat is drowning! HELP!” Almost the entire town was gathered around! Pat’s mom was crying like a pack of hyenas. Sadly, Serena walked away.


When Serena got home, she began to think. Serena was thinking so hard her head nearly burst! Serena finally got it. But she would need her dog, Twilight, who was taking her afternoon nap. When Serena woke Twilight up, she barked, jumped up, and licked Serena’s face. Serena giggled, sighed, and calmly said, “You silly, little puppy.” But then she remembered why she woke Twilight! Firmly, Serena demanded, “Let’s get down to business!”

Serena grabbed some tools, called Twilight, and said, “Let’s go!” Serena and Twilight ran as fast as lightning to the ocean! When they got to the ocean, Serena found Twilight sniffing until . . . SPLASH! Twilight was gone! Immediately Serena took one big leap and … SPLASH! Serena swam for days without a single breath! Sadly, Serena couldn’t hear a single bark. Then she heard a faint bark and someone yell, “HELP!” Serena swam as fast as she could to the small hole in the floor and found her friends! Serena grabbed them and made an escape! Soon all three of them were home. Pat’s mom came running toward Pat. Pat’s mom cried, “I’m so happy you’re home!” And Serena was, too.

Mason’s Birthday Katie Schilling February, Grade 1 When I woke up, I just laid in my bed. Then Mason came in. I said, “Happy Birthday!” I asked if he could bring in Puppy. I said, “Happy Birthday, Puppy!” We got ready for school. Then we got pancakes and strawberries for breakfast. Puppy got two silver dollars. Then Mason opened his presents. He got a Drew Breeze jersey, a Percy Jackson book, roller blades, thank you cards, and some of Anna’s speech prizes. Then we went to school. We walked to our classrooms. Mason came in with a tray of cookies. He was going to give Mrs. Clifford a cookie, but she was on a diet, so I got the cookie! It was a great day !


Grandmas Give Company Kate Stephenson December, Grade 3 Grandmas love you and stay with you when you need help or company. One way is when you get hurt. Another time is when you need help on homework. Last is when they just hover, just wanting to be around. Grandmas give you company. One way grandmas give you company is that they comfort you when you are hurt. For example, even when you get the smallest cuts your grandma is there to get you a bandaid or an ice pack. Another way they comfort you is they help you when you are having trouble with homework. For example, when you get loads of homework, your grandma can help you with any problems. Maybe you have 70 x 40; she can help you by telling you. She would probably give you a good strategy to use on this hard problem. Some people may feel that hovering grandmas are a problem, yet I feel having them around is comforting. For example, they stay around you and protect you. If you are in a crowded place your grandma would hover so you wouldn’t get lost. Although you are not their child, they feel you are and love you just the same. Sometimes they forget all about you not being their child and love you so much that they think you are! Grandmas may not be that fun, but they do love you. They stay with you a lot, and respect you when you are hurt. Grandmas do give company.


Kate’s Four Hands Jade Bury January, Grade 3 Kate Hennessy was the prettiest, funniest, and the smartest child in England. Everyone had to do chores every day. Kate did not like that. Happily, she had an idea. She was going to hang posters all around town to advertise her piano recital. The posters said, “Come see Kate Hennessy perform her new song, Kids Should Play Not Work, at 8:00 p.m. on Saturday.” The night Kate played piano, she sounded as good as Mozart. As Kate played through the night, she played so fast she thought she had four hands. As she played the piano, the floor shook like an earthquake, and everyone fell and couldn’t get up. After Kate finished her song, the people’s mouths hung open. Suddenly, the next day was really quiet. Before Kate started her chores, someone came up and said, “We don’t have to do chores anymore!” “What!” Kate said. “Yes, it’s true. Your song was so good the president decided to not keep the law about doing chores anymore!” Then Kate lived happily ever after!


Disneyland Is the Best Amusement Park Kevin Woods March, Grade 4 Disneyland is the best amusement park because it is realistic; the rides tell stories; and everything there is happy. I watch a lot of Disneyland movies because they feel, in a way, magical. I also read a lot about the characters. For example, Pinocchio, Pirates of the Caribbean, and Alice in Wonderland are some of my favorites. One reason why Disneyland is the best amusement park is because it is realistic. For example, the people in the rides look real, but they are really robots. “The Haunted Mansion” has doors that look like they are breathing. Also, inside of the ballroom there are dancing ghosts that spin around. There is also a room with giant flying cards. When I was little, I went on the “Alice in Wonderland” ride, I touched a singing flower, and it bit me! Another reason why Disneyland is the best amusement park is because the rides tell stories. Once, when I was riding “Indiana Jones,” I could actually think of the story in my head. The coolest ride that I like is the “Matterhorn.” The “Matterhorn” is about the abominable snow monster. First, when you get on the ride, they take you up into the mountain and you go down and you see fifty sparkling crystals and you turn … “Roaaar!” The abominable snow monster pops out, eyes glowing red, and you scream. “Ahhhhh!” And you keep on twisting and turning really fast down the mountain. All of a sudden … DROP! Forty miles down a hole you go! Then … “Roaaar!” The snow monster pops out! Out of the hole you drop. “Splash!” Into the freezing cold water you fall. Finally, Disneyland is the best amusement park because everything there is happy. For example, when you walk through the gates into Disneyland, the first thing you see are bubbles floating in the air and colorful Mickey Mouse balloons everywhere. And straight ahead you see the tall and colorful castle with a big pond surrounding it. On the pond are real ducks and fish. The path is lined with lights to guide you to Fantasy Land. When you go to an amusement park, of course you want to have food, and


the delicious smells are everywhere. Disneyland has really good food, like sweet and sugary churros, caramel popcorn, and mouth-watering hot dogs and chicken. There are also many sweets, like apples topped with caramel. Disneyland is the best place because I have been going to it since I was a little kid. I love this place. It is the best amusement park because everything is so realistic; the rides tell wonderful stories; and everything there is happy. When I am at Disneyland, I always think that I want to stay there forever. It helps me to imagine and dream.

The Blackhawks Luke Jannotta and Brian Silver December, Grade 3 The Blackhawks are the best team. For one reason they have an amazing offense. They also have a strong defense. The team is so good six players are good enough to be picked for the Olympic team. The Blackhawks are the best in the league. The Blackhawks are the best in the NHL because they have the best offense. Patrick Kane scored the game-winning goal in a shootout. On January 3, Marian Hossa scored two goals and was the Player of the Game. Jonathan Toews has scored 13 goals this season alone. That is why the Blackhawks have the best offense. The Blackhawks also have an amazing defense. For example, Brent Seabrook stole the puck ten times during the January 10 game against the Minnesota Wild. Seabrook has 65 steals this season alone. He almost broke the record. Many players from the Blackhawks made the Olympic team. This tells you they have some of the best players, and so they must be one of the best teams in the league. The players selected were Kane, Hossa, Tomas Kopecky, Toews, Seabrook, and Duncan Keith. These players got picked because they scored goals and made assists. I think all of these players deserve to make the Olympic team. The Blackhawks are the best team in the NHL. They are the best team because they listen to their coach, Denis Savard. Since they listen to their coach, they have a great offense and defense. Hopefully they can win the Stanley Cup this year.


Volcanoes Ian Haupt January, Grade 4 Volcanoes Erupting Rocks going Everywhere Lava Gushing gushing Gushing











sides into the







Yes Please! No Thank You! Brendan Murphy November, Grade 1 Would you like to go to the beach? YES PLEASE! Would you like to fall off your surfboard and get eaten by a shark? NO THANK YOU! Would you like to go ride the pony in the pony circus? YES PLEASE! Would you like her to get mad and throw you off? NO THANK YOU! Would you like to go into the farm? YES PLEASE Would you like the donkey to “wedgie” you? NO THANK YOU!

My Three Favorite Rooms Erin Bowler September, Grade 3 My sisters and I have three favorite rooms in our house. They are the big room, the kitchen, and my bedroom. The first room is the big room. It got its name because of the shape and that everything in the big room is big. We like to play games in there like Boggle. We also like to play Wii on the TV. We have the kids go into the big room for parties when it’s raining … like at my birthday party. The second room is my bedroom. I like it because I can do my homework in it … like finishing this paper. I can also play card games or board games with my sisters. I love my room because it’s been mine my whole life. Finally, the kitchen is the last room. The kitchen is fun because you can cook or bake. Baking is my favorite thing to do in the kitchen. You can bake cupcakes or cakes, but it’s a little messy. My sisters and I like the big room, the kitchen, and my bedroom in our house.


Hockey Griffin Slobodnik January, Grade 3 Some people like baseball, basketball, or other sports. I will talk about hockey. Hockey is a great sport. I love playing hockey. It is very fun, exciting, challenging, and painful. First of all, I think hockey is very fun. I score a lot of goals, and scoring goals is fun. After you score a goal everyone starts cheering. For example, one lady said that the team owed me a lot of hats for all of my hat tricks. A hat trick is when you score three goals in one game. Hockey is exciting. It is a fast sport. Usually while the game is going on, the players are stick handling or passing the puck. If you don’t have the puck, you would be trying to get the puck or covering your person. Winning a tournament is also exciting. In a tournament I had a “break away.” I shot from center ice. The puck went ten feet in the air, and I scored. I have made many friends over the years I have played hockey. For example, I made one good friend when I was a “mite,” named Joey. Hockey is also challenging. I have had many “break aways,” but it is hard to get one. First, you have to get it off a pass or steal it. Also, it is hard to win face offs; you sometimes have to “box-out” and pass to the defenders. Getting open is hard, too, because someone is always covering you, unless you skate away or the opposite team has a penalty. Hockey is also painful. In one game, my friend Kefir got “checked.” He was down on the ground; when he got up, I was very happy. My team has won many times, but we know what it feels like to lose. I will find other sports, but the memories of hockey will always be like old pictures in your attic.


Having an Inspection of Snow and Snowflakes with Cameron Calvin Osborne December, Grade 1 I am going to learn about snow and snowflakes with Cameron. “I am ready.” I go outside. I catch a snowflake. “What does it look like?” “Wow, it looks like a star that is so cool.” “I catch lots of snowflakes.” But recess is over. “I had lots of fun.”

I Am a Puppy Emily Callahan April, Grade 1 I am a puppy. But I am a very cute puppy. Oh, it’s time to eat. Eating is my favorite subject of the day. I am very, very crazy around the house. Now I am going to my cousin’s house. My cousin’s house is very messy. I lay on her couch a lot. I love my cousin’s house. It is so cozy. In one day I have to go home. I am so sad. But now it is time for bed. I sleep until seven o’clock. So now it is time for me to dream …. to Toys ‘R Us!


Lucy Anne Marie Boardman February, Grade 3 Do you like dogs? Some people like cats, fish, or even birds. I, on the other hand, think dogs are great. They’re cute when their eyes sparkle. They are very sporty when they run, and they are very excited when they are puppies. Lucy is very cute. Her eyes sparkle when Lucy is sad, or when she wants food. She is very thin, so she cries a lot. Lucy’s tail, when she runs, you can see every bone in her body except her skull. But sometimes she trips, and you can’t see her bones. When we first got Lucy, we took her for a walk. Many cars stopped and the people in the cars petted her. Lucy is very cute. My Lucy is very sporty. How her ears move. They flap in the air, and she looks like a baby bird flying. Lucy’s hair is very brown. Her hair is very shiny when it is sunny. Her head is the shiniest of all, and of course when she runs in the light, she is the shiniest of all. How Lucy runs is the most interesting thing of all. Her feet move in a funny way when she runs. Sometimes she trips, and it is not so pretty. Lucy has always been an exited little puppy. A small puppy always jumps on you. They’re always exited. They’re very cute, silly, and loving. Puppies are silly when they want food. Lucy and I were playing in the snow, when Lucy went inside and got a cookie. I got it from her. I was not happy because she ate the other half of the cookie. She was wagging her tail and licking her nose. I know that Lucy is a very cute dog, but when Lucy passes away she will always have a very special place and big place in my heart.


The Best Cat for Me Siena Phelps January, Grade 3 I always thought my cat was nice and cute. I think my cat, Polo, is wonderful. She’s cool and awesome. She is cuddly, mean, and a little bit crazy. Polo is very cuddly. She likes to curl up next to me on the couch. She puts her face into her paws. She also cuddles up in my bed and her bed. Her body twists while she is lying on her side. One time I was in bed; my knees were up under the covers. Polo came into my room. She meowed at me, so I lifted up the covers to let her go under. She jumped up on my bed and went under the covers. She stood up under my sheets and then plopped down and started purring. At the same time, Polo can also be mean! She bites me, and she makes teeth marks. She yanks on my hair. She makes me yell at her. She claws on my bed and tears it up. She has ripped up my homework, which I don’t like at all. She broke my iPod for no reason. Polo can also sometimes be crazy. She drinks out of the toilet which is kind of gross. Sometimes she goes in the shower when it is wet. She even goes into my dog’s bed. Once when I was taking a shower, she literally stuck her two paws in the shower. I pushed her out. She meowed. She wanted to come back in. Then, she sat on the toilet. She walked out of the bathroom. I care about Polo, but sometimes she can be a little mean and crazy. Still, most of the time, she’s cuddly and cute. I love my cat even though she is not the purrrrrrfect cat.


Some Snail Patterns

If You Get a Pig a Pancake Max Collins

Lily Silvester

November, Grade 1

November, Grade 1

A snail pattern can be red snail green snail. A snail pattern can be orange snail green snail. A snail pattern can be BIG snail small snail. A snail pattern can be small snail BIG snail. A snail pattern can be out-of-water snail and in-water snail. A snail pattern can be underwater snail and out-of-water snail.

If you get a pig a pancake, he might ask you for some maple syrup. When you give him some maple syrup, he’ll want a lot. He’ll maybe spill a drop, and he’ll ask you to clean it. So you will have to go to the store. When he sees a stuffed animal, he’ll ask you for it. He’ll want a pig. When you won’t, he will want ice cream. You will have to pay for it. When he gets the ice cream, it will remind him of the pancakes. He’ll ask you for one. When you give him the pancake... He’ll want some syrup to go with it.


Five Little Pumpkins Sitting on the Bridge Ellen Roloson December, Grade 1 Five little pumpkins sitting on the bridge. The first one liked ice cream. The second one said, “There are witches in the air.” The third one liked reading. The fourth one loved to play checkers. The fifth one liked pattern blocks.


If You Take a Mouse to School Luke Larsen February, Grade 1 If you take a mouse to school, he will want to go with you. He will wait to take the bus. But the bus driver will say, “NO MOUSE.” So you will take him to the movie theater and take the popcorn cart. It will work. It will get you to school. The school bell will ring. He will want to share his Pokeman.

Pioneer Days Kimberly Stafford March, Grade 3 Here are three things that I liked about the first day of Pioneer Days. The first thing I liked was checking the absences and putting three pennies in Mr. Brannigan’s bowl. You had to say, “Present, Mr. Brannigan,” and put your pennies in his bowl. The second thing I liked about Pioneer Days was cross stitching. I picked the color blue for my napkin. My thread kept on falling off my needle. The last thing I liked about Pioneer Days was when kids were saying, “Gung Hay fat Choy.” Mr. Brannigan said, “It is very strange that these unusual people are marching near our school.” Everyone burst out laughing. Those are the three things I liked about Pioneer Days. Here are the three things that I liked about the second day of Pioneer Days. The first thing I liked was making the strawberry jam. You first had to mash strawberries until they were mashed enough. Then we put three cups of sugar into the mashed strawberries. We tasted some of the jam! The second thing I liked was drawing our quilts. There were so many patterns! Mrs. Moellering told the class a story about quilting. The last thing I liked was walking to school. It was very cold, though. There were a lot of dogs! I wish I had worn some pairs of mittens or gloves. Those were the things I liked at Pioneer Days.

I Like to Play on the Computer Johnny Silver January, Grade 1 I like to play on the computer. When I play on the computer I go on the Internet. I go on lego.com. I play a space police game. There are objects. There are five levels. I have fun.


First Swim Team Quintin Primo November, Grade 3 My first swim race was when I was six years old. It was a warm summer day, and I was very sweaty waiting for my race to begin. My gears were at top speed; I was shaking with excitement. I was swimming freestyle against four other boys who looked faster and bigger than me. I was ready to dive in. I got into my position when the man held the gun up in the air and pulled the trigger. BANG! The race had started; we all jumped into the pool. Splash! I dove in the pool as far as I could. The water rippled and made a giant splash! I reached the end of my first lap and did a kick turn to turn around to go to the other side. I could tell that there was water coming up my nose. I was just nine more measly pushes away from winning the race. I jetted forward as far as I could. I passed the other swimmers and touched the other rocky side just seconds before the other boys. I did it. I won the race! I was excited and proud of myself! I climbed out of the pool and ran to see my mom! At the award ceremony, the judge told all of the swimmers to go to their places, and he announced the awards. “In third place is … Donavon! In second place is … Miles! In first place is … Quintin!” Can you believe it – me – I won! Me! This was the best day ever! Wow! “Good job!” said my mommy and gave me a big hug. It felt like a warm bear’s skin. I love swim team!


Christmas Spectacular Sydney Steinberg January, Grade 3 What is your favorite holiday? Maybe it is Easter or the Fourth of July. I think that Christmas is the best holiday! I like the presents I get, staying in PJs, and the joy of being with family. I absolutely love the presents I get at Christmas time. I got a comfy chair, and I love spending time in it. I love reading in it, too. I really like giving presents, too! I love seeing the faces on my friends or family and hearing them say “thank you” to me or someone else. One year I got a huge present. My mom put it under the tree early which tortured me! I was itching with excitement! I wanted to open it so badly! It was also fun to sit on. I think it was the biggest present of the year! I loved it! I love to be with family at Christmas time because some of my family that comes, I don’t get to see a lot. It is sad but when they come, it is like a special occasion. For example, I do not get to see my cousins a lot. One year, my Aunt Jen brought her friend named Brad, but I call him Mr. Brad. He also brought his son named Brandon. My cousins and I had so much fun playing with him. I love eating with my family at Christmas time. I love all the food we cook and all the food my family brings. We have a lot of fun at Christmas Eve dinner! It is so fun staying in my PJs on Christmas. It makes me feel comfortable when I open presents, and I adore that feeling! I like to stay in my PJs because it makes Christmas feel special! On Easter I always have to wear a fancy dress that my mom picks out. One year my mom wanted me to change into different PJs! I was not, I mean NOT, happy! She kept on asking me, but I never did. That was a Christmas to remember! I love hearing and saying, “Merry Christmas!” Or “Happy Holidays!” I like the presents I get, staying in PJs and even being with family. I think other holidays are fun, but the one that brings me the most joy is Christmas!


Me at Cabo Cameron Wacker December, Grade 1 When it was my first day in Cabo, I went swimming! The pool goes into the ocean. My mom and I always look for seashells and coral. Then we make a sand castle and decorate it with sea shells. We also use seashells for making necklaces when we find some with holes. Then we get lunch at the beach: fruit and tacos. It is yummy. Then we went to a restaurant with my whole family. When we got there, Freddie, my little brother, said, “There’s Auntie Ann and Uncle Michael.” And we all eat as a family!

My Favorite Rooms Lily Connery September, Grade 3 The sunroom, the stinky room, and the first floor bathroom are my absolute favorite rooms in the house. First, I like the sunroom. We call it that because it is where all the sun shines. It also has a comfy blanket to keep us warm when we watch a movie. Secondly, I like the stinky room. It is not stinky to me, but everyone else thinks it is. I think it has a nice smell that makes my heart fill with joy because it is refreshing to me. Lastly, I like the first floor bathroom. It is very calming. I can lock my sisters out whenever I want to be alone. It is also warm in there. Those are my absolute favorite rooms in my house.


My Dog Gardner Brown November, Grade 1 My dogs are nice. My dogs are fun. I love my dogs. My dogs jump for food. My dogs love me, and I love them. My dogs are the best dogs ever. I love my dogs. My dogs are the best. My dogs like to play games with me. My dogs rock the house!

My Rainbow Gabbie Jakubowski November, Grade 1 I went outside and saw the rainbow. My favorite color of the rainbow is purple. I like the rainbow because the colors are bright. Water makes the rainbow. When you are sad maybe you can see a rainbow. I love rainbows.

Little Cat, Little Cat What Do You See? Kaya Malarz November, Grade 1 Little cat Little cat What do you see? I see a little bird looking at me. Little bird Little bird What do you see? I see a little duck looking at me. Little duck Little duck What do you see? I see a little horse looking at me. Little horse Little horse What do you see? I see a little frog looking at me. And the frog sees everyone!



Hamster Rachel Boardman

Sarah Borland

January, Grade 1

April, Grade 3

Penguins put their eggs underneath their feet. Then they get warm. Penguins spend a lot of time in the ocean. They love to swim. Penguins swim better than people. Penguins swim to catch fish. Penguins love to catch fish. Baby penguins are little and big. Penguins are dark. Penguins love their eggs. Their eggs are special. Penguins grow a lot each day.

Hamster Cute, cuddly Playing, sleeping, eating Great to play with Cub

Cat Josselyn Joanem April, Grade 3 Cat Cute, active Lovable, friendly, funny Soft and especially small Furball Machine

Dogs Grayson Pruett April, Grade 3 Dogs Generous, loving Warm, cuddly, active My very best friend Puppies


Snow Forts Toby Harris January, Grade 3 Do you like building snow forts? Well, I made an 18 foot snow fort. Some people make tiny snow forts for a war, but that’s not putting a lot of effort in it. I think building snow forts is the best part about winter. I am going to talk about fun, snowball wars, and challenges of snow forts. Building snow forts is fun, and it passes time so quickly. At the end, you get to play with it and have wars. It is not always easy, and it is sometimes hard to build. When building snow forts, you get to do a lot of things, like rolling snowballs and putting them in place. At the end you are so happy. You have a snow fort for the rest of the winter. This is a story about my snow fort. My friends and I made a big snow fort. It was as big as an elephant! There were two rooms. One was big, and one was small. When you make a snow fort, you can have a war and lots more! Winning a snowball war you feel excited. I always had the catapult so that made us win, but if my brother steals it we lost. Throwing a snowball is fun, but when you hit someone you laugh and laugh. On snowball wars I always have the snowball maker so it is great for catapult! All snowball forts are challenging. One wall falls down and you fix it; another falls down, too. This will always happen when you build a snow fort. Walls fall down, and people break things. The next day something is wrecked that always made me cross. My friends and I made a snow fort. All the walls were uneven, so we even it out and all the walls fell down like falling towers. So all this winter I am going to play with friends and build forts. That is what I like doing in winter.


Arizona Love George Hodgkins January. Grade 3 Do you like Arizona? My family kind of likes it. For me, on the other hand, I love it. I like the wildlife, the family I see, and the activities. I love the great wildlife. If you go past cacti very slowly, you may see your past. You recall memories of past visits. You sometimes find that birds laid eggs in the cacti. The cacti are even different colors. You will find that the mountains have a plant called Jumping Cholla. You will also find tunnels through the rocks. The Jumping Cholla likes to grow in the tunnels in the rock. The plant has needles and thorns on them. When you see lizards, there they are different than you see in science class. My cousins and I usually go in the pool there. We also do something extreme like ATV-ing or dune buggy-ing. I love seeing my cousins, and they love seeing me. I see my grandpa in Arizona. We love seeing him, but we don’t see him a lot. This one time with my cousins, we were ATV-ing and there was a ramp curve and a jump. We went on the ramp, and we went faster and faster; we went on it, and we just stopped and laughed. Last year our family went ATV-ing. We loved it, but some people got hurt. And one of those people is me. I got hit by a motorcycle guy who crashed into us. You go swimming there. It’s heaven! There is good weather to go hiking. When you go ATVing, the trails are dusty. There are rocks that might make you flip. There are good things in Arizona like family activities and wildlife. As I age, I will see more places that are cooler, but you will never find the deep place where I buried Arizona.


My Dog Spooky Elise Kalin January, Grade 3 Do you have a dog? Is your dog a good dog? Or is your dog a bad dog? I have a good dog. My dog, Spooky, is the best dog in the world. This is because he is fearless, energetic, and snuggly. Spooky is fearless. He is a very small dog, but he is tough. He is not scared of anything. If there is a cat, bird, or squirrel, he will run out of the house barking like crazy. The animal will run/climb/fly away. He is a watch dog. One morning my dad, Spooky, and I were out on a walk. We traveled far on the path and were getting tired. When we came close to a very large building, we came towards a man who worked in the building. He was probably on a break walk. It wasn’t until the man came out from behind the bushes that we saw the man’s very large dog. The man’s dog was black with a gold snout and golden paws. Spooky barked like crazy. Spooky wanted to meet the big dog. Spooky’s nose touched the big dog. Spooky then gave a roaring bark. The big dog jumped away from Spooky towards the bushes. Spooky is fearless. Spooky is very playful. He pounces, runs, nips, barks, and jumps. He has fun toys to play with, so it’s good that he is very playful. Spooky squeaks every toy. Spooky is also very fast. He can turn corners very, very fast. When there is ice on the ground, Spooky runs so fast, and the ice cracks! One summer afternoon, Spooky and I were out in my backyard. Spooky brought out one of Robert’s socks. Robert needed that sock that Spooky had. Robert ran outside barefoot. Robert and I chased Spooky around and around the back yard. When Spooky turned the corner, he did not even run into anything. Robert finally got his sock back. Spooky is energetic. Spooky is very snuggly. When he is snuggling, my mom says he is a “cutie pie.” Spooky loves to lick. Spooky will lick you so much; it will be like a bath. If you are sad, Spooky will lick you until you are happy again. In the morning, Spooky loves to snuggle and lick my mom and me. Sometimes Spooky is so happy, he will nip you. I know that I will get more dogs in my life, and I think I will get bigger animals like a horse. They might be even more fearless, energetic, and snuggly than Spooky. But my “little Spook” is wonderful. I know when Spooky dies, I will cry the most.


Mr. Pop: A Tall Tale Liam Larsen February, Grade 3 One day in Upstate New York, during the fur-trading era, some French ships came to start a colony that would be the capital of New France. A man named Mr. Pop was on board the main ship’s hold with his wife, Mrs. Pop. They could not earn enough money in France. He was as strong as 50 bulls, as tough as 70 metal plates, as powerful as a hundred wild cats, and as fast as two cheetahs. He could shrink a mountain to the size of a germ. When they arrived, most of the colonists were as sick as boy who has tried chewing tobacco for the first time. Everyone was throwing up all over the place. No one was well enough to work except poor Mr. Pop. He started to build the houses, buildings, and barns. He kicked down the trees and picked them up with one finger. He spun on one finger, and with an axe, he chopped the tree into the correct size he needed. Next he built the fort and the port. He built everything in a record of two days. One year later, some English ships were coming to attack New France. Mr. Pop used his shrinking power to shrink them to the size of toy boat, and the sailors screamed like little infants as he threw them back to England. Two years later he was walking home one day and bumped into some boulders and threw them to the side. That’s how the Appalachian Mountains were made. One day a giant monkey named King Kong came to attack the capital of New France. Mr. Pop destroyed his home. King Kong was running as fast as a cheetah on his two hind legs towards the town. Mr. Pop saw the monkey running towards the town. He ran to the monkey and tried to pick him up to throw him to England, but the monkey was too heavy. The monkey kept running towards the town as fast as it could. Mr. Pop tried to get a bunch of bananas to distract the monkey. The monkey did not see the bananas and kept on running. Mr. Pop finally used his shrinking power to shrink the monkey. He hit the monkey with his shrinking power, and the monkey screamed as he shrank. It shrunk to the size of a germ and the monkey ran off in to the sea. Mr. Pop had saved the capital!


The Horrible Bunny in ESP Nneka Okoli January, Grade 3 Do you think Mrs. Sullivan’s bunny should have stayed in ESP 2006 – 2007 (Extended School Program)? Some people loved him as if he was a teddy bear they’d had since they were little. But they didn’t know how he really was inside! I think he was a pretty nasty bunny (nasty mean and nasty disgusting). I hope that bunny is better now than he was about two years ago. Here’s proof that Mrs. Sullivan’s bunny was evil: It bit people. In the past, I tried to feed it, but I always ended up getting bitten. Then I gave up and started to warn people about feeding him. “I wouldn’t pet him if I were you. You’ll also end up getting bitten, unless you pet him really nice and calm, but usually that doesn’t work so just don’t do it.” Sometimes he just bit you if you put your hand in his cage. I’ve never figured out why he did that. Maybe when you visited him too much, he got sick of you. Probably biting is just his way of saying, “Back off, bug!” Another reason that Mrs. Sullivan’s bunny was evil: He was ugly. You know, most evil people are ugly. Not all, though. The bunny’s fur was brown and white. I think those two colors go really well together. It reminded me of brownies with whipped cream. But it looked just plain bad on the bunny. That bunny was big. When I think of him now, he reminds me of a chocolate – vanilla wedding cake. Ha, ha, ha! I sometimes called him “Super Bunny” in senior kindergarten. He was also very fat. Maybe Mrs. Sullivan fed him waaaaay too much. He’s probably dead by now. It’s not that I want him to die; I didn’t hate him that much. He also shed a lot. Mom always hated it when I came home with that blasted bunny’s fur all over me. But I don’t remember if Mom said not to play with him anymore. I actually never realized bunny fur got on me until Ada and Mom started talking about him about four weeks ago. Ada said he was ugly. Mom said she was annoyed with his fur getting on my clothes.


That bunny…He shed; he bit; and he was unattractive. Even if he changed his attitude, lost weight, and Mrs. Sullivan cut his fur, I will never forgive him or like him.

My Mexico House Colin Weil January, Grade 3 We have a house in Mexico. It is in Cabo del Sol. We’ve had it since I was a baby. My Mexico house is the best. The three things I like about it are the hot tub, the beach, and roasting marshmallows. The first thing I’m going to talk about is the beach. Right in front of our house there’s a rocky beach. It’s really hard to make dams. You have to lay rocks down so you can block the water. In California they make dams so they can get drinking water. Sometimes it’s fun. One day my dad and I went down to the beach. We started digging down and down so far down the sand got all black and mushy. My cousin snuck in it and we were looking for her, but she started giggling, and we found her. The hot tub is 10 yards away from our house. I like playing games in the hot tub. I either wrestle or play octopus, and I know it sounds silly but it’s really fun. When we wrestle you win by getting the other person’s back on the bottom of the hot tub. But we don’t drown because we put two fingers up so we so we don’t drown. We play octopus and shark; someone is the octopus and someone is the shark. The octopus is on the noodle, and the shark tries to knock him/her off the noodle. After lunch it was raining, and it was so cold. The hot tub looked so warm. Steam was going up so high. I ran upstairs and got my bathing suit on. I ran so fast through the rain and jumped into the water. Ahhhhhh. I was so content. Lots of times after dinner we roast marshmallows. It’s pretty easy. You just have to get it in between two small flames and wait for one or two minutes and you turn it. When you rotate it all around it will be ready. It will be golden and all squishy in the middle. The last time we roasted marshmallows my grandpa told us stories about every one of us in our family. For me, he said I had his body and acted like him. I know I will always go back there when I have kids and have more fun. I will never forget the times we had there even if I go to different places that have a hot tub, a beach, and roasting marshmallows. Cabo will always be the best place in the world and my heart.


The Sea

Winter Fun Skylar Othman

Grace Fitzgerald

April, Grade 3

December, Grade 2

I love the sea, I do, I do, I say. The beautiful blue-green water that glistens in the sun. As the sun goes down, I say “good-bye.� Hop in the car, and I look out the window as we drive farther and farther away into the dark black sky.

Snow and snowmen very fun Sledding snowballs very fun Icy pine trees everywhere Dark and bears everywhere Cold and ice filling the air Crunchy snow like crackers

Winter Wind Blows

Michael Giambrone December, Grade 2

Zachery Barker April, Grade 3 Five minutes, ten minutes, wind blows all the time. I can hear the whisper of the wind. It sounds like it is planning to knock something over. As the wind dances with the leaves, it receives applauses by the trees. What a strange world we live in, where the wind blows peacefully.

Winter snow, delightful snowflakes Lots of frost on trees Nice to play with Snowy trees covering the grass Snow falls everywhere


Beavers Nicholas Bauer March, Grade 3 There are different animals in America. There are also different animals everywhere in the world. The best beavers are in America. This essay will tell you what a beaver looks like; what a beaver’s family are like; and why they are important. This is what an American beaver looks like: Beavers have flat tails. The tails looks like a waffle. Their tails are also scaly. They use their tails to steer and balance in the water. When a beaver is scared it will slap its tail on the water. Beavers have big teeth. Their teeth are long, sharp, and yellow. Their teeth are always growing. They keep their teeth trimmed by continuously gnawing on trees and branches. A beaver is a large rodent. It’s brown and furry. It has a small head with small eyes and small rounded ears. This is what an American beaver’s family is like: Beavers live in groups. A beaver family is called a colony. Beaver kits live with their parents for two years. Baby beavers are cute. They are born in late spring. A baby beaver is called a kit. There can be one to eight kits in a litter. Mother and father beavers are the head of the family. A mother and father stay together for their life. Both parents help raise their babies. Here is why beavers are important. Beaver furs are important for trading. Beaver was valuable because it was thick and waterproof. Beaver furs were turned into coats, hats, and blankets. Beaver furs created business. They were one of the major reasons people traveled west! Beavers are very interesting animals. Although they are rather silly-looking rodents, they are still very cute. Beaver families also act a lot like human families, and beavers were very important. I hope you enjoyed this essay about beavers and learned a little bit, too!


My Beta Fish Luke Tibbals February, Grade 1 My fish is fast, fast, fast looking for food. I can put one fish in my tank. Beta fish live alone. I got my fish from PetsMart. Its name is Big Old Bluey. I thought of the name because he is big, and I thought it sounded better to add the old and because he is the color blue. I like to watch him grow. My Beta fish makes me want to manage my own aquarium when I grow up.

When I Got My Loose Tooth Daisy Connery January, Grade 1 On Saturday I brushed my teeth. When I finished I saw a red spark on my tooth. I wiggled it. It was loose! I ran downstairs to tell my mom. She was washing the dishes. She was surprised. She wiggled it. I kept on wiggling it. Then I went horseback riding. Horseback riding was fun. After it I wiggled my tooth. I wiggled it ever since I got my loose tooth. It gets more and more loose as I wiggle it. It’s not out.

When I Lost My First Two Teeth Blair Flavin January, Grade 1 After school I went to a friend’s house. My mom forgot about the dentist! She picked me up and brought me to the dentist. He pulled my two teeth out, and there were two teeth growing in behind them! They gave me a tooth box. It didn’t hurt!


When I Caught a Shark Betsy Regan December, Grade 1 On Sea Island I climbed on the boat with my dad and sister. We put on our life jackets. The driver started the boat. We sat down on the seat and waited to be in deep water. It was really SUNNY. Then the driver said, “We are in the right spot to fish.” My sister went first. She got hold of the pole and waited. Then something pulled, and she wound it up and she caught a SHARK! I was so scared that it would bite me that I stepped back. It was my turn to fish. I was a little nervous. But I still did it. Then I held on to the pole and then something pulled …. I wound it up and I caught a … SHARK … a bonnet-head shark! Bonnet-head sharks are little – about three feet long. I was so happy I kept on fishing …. I caught a lot more sharks and one sting ray. Then we went back to the hotel.

Chocolate Chip Cookies Luke Jannotta October, Grade 3 Chocolate chip cookies are my favorite snack ever. When chocolate chip cookies touch my mouth, I feel like I’m dreaming. Chocolate chip cookies are the best when they are mushy. My favorite thing in the chocolate chip cookies is the chocolate. When the chocolate and bread are mixed it, makes me stuffed. Chocolate chip cookies can make me want 20 million. My sister and I fight over chocolate chip cookies. The chocolate chip cookies are gone.


Gigantic Sea Turtle Natalie Regan November, Grade 3 Splash! I was face forward looking at a gigantic sea turtle. Its shell was the size of a green tray in the lunchroom. The sea turtle had a brown head and a mossy shell. But I think that really its shell was green. The sea turtle moved its flipper so it kind of looked like it was waving to my dad and me, so we waved back. After that we froze. The turtle was so wonderful. It looked like the turtle had a crown because rainbow fish were swimming all around its head. It was hiding in the coral. The coral looked like a castle because some of the coral was pointy and sharp. Plus, there were little holes in the coral so that the turtle could fit. So the coral looked like a cave. There were bunches of fish swimming under the turtle in the ocean. I have seen turtles in the aquarium, but they were not as wonderful and happy as the turtle that I saw in the ocean when I went snorkeling. That’s why sea turtles are so important to me.

Getting to St. Louis Mary Xakellis November, Grade 2


I am going to St. Louis for Thanksgiving. It is a long drive, but it is worth the drive because I am going to see my cousins. I only get to see them one time a year. My cousins’ names are Christie, Andreas, Elena, and Grace. My family leaves straight after school so we get there at 12:40 a.m. I love seeing my cousins. We pack many things to do. We even bring a movie to watch. It is a long drive to St. Louis. It takes seven-and-a-half hours to drive there. We make two or three stops to stretch out. When we get there, I am relieved. When I get inside, I run and give my cousins a big hug. I do not like when we have to go home. My brother cries when we have to leave. My eyes begin to tear a little bit. When we get home, I can’t wait until the next year, to see my cousins again!

131 In keeping with this year’s theme of “Generation Green,” the fourth grade classes created this water color leaf collage in art class. It is featured in the border patterns on each page of this magazine.


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