Broschüre Tiergesundheit (englisch)

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Quality assurance in agricultural animal husbandry

WITH SUPPORT FROM THE FEDERATION, PROVINCES AND THE EUROPEAN UNION European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development. Here Europe invests in rural areas. EUROPEAN COMMISSION

Imprint Publisher: Federal Institute for Rural Education and Training (LFI Österreich), Schauflergasse 6, A-1014 Wien Translation: Federal Ministry of Health, Radetzkystraße 2, A-1030 Wien Project Director: Dr. Claudia Litzllachner Editorial team: Dr. Claudia Litzllachner, Mag. Stefan Fucik, Dr. Gottfried Schoder, Mag. Berthold Grassauer Photo credits:, MEV-Verlag, Imagery Majestic/, Creative images/, Albert Schleich/, Simone van den Berg/, brongkie/, Ariusz/, soleg/Fotolia. com, vadim kozlovsky/, Dmitry Pichugin/, Sven Cramer/, BMLFUW (Austrian Federal Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Water Management), Österreichische Qualitätsgeflügelvereinigung (Austrian Poultry Health Service); Lebensader Triesting, ein Fluss der uns verbindet (Lifeline Triesting, a river that connects us), published by the Trumau-Schönau Gemeindeabwasserverband (community wastewater association); otherwise source stated Design: G&L Werbe und Verlags GmbH, 1030 Wien Note: Gender-appropriate formulations have not been used on the grounds of ease of reading. However, the form used applies equally to both women and men. Copyright: The documents have been compiled according to the best of our knowledge and belief. However, the producers, publishers and authors can accept no liability for any erroneous information and the consequences of this. This publication is copyright protected. All rights reserved. No part of the document may be reproduced or processed, copied or distributed using electronic systems in any form whatsoever without the consent of the publishers. Editorial deadline: September 2010, 5th edition


Forewords With the Tiergesundheitsdienst (Veterinary Health Service) we are creating the optimum preconditions to meet the demands of consumers and the trade for the quality and safety of food of animal origin, both now and in the future. Education in the field of animal health and the careful use of veterinary medicines will ensure higher productivity by agricultural facilities and thus guarantee that we remain competitive. By making available resources for advice, training and continuing development of our farmers within the framework of this quality assurance concept, we are also making an important contribution to the preservation of our family farming businesses. DI Niki Berlakovich Austrian Minister of Agriculture

DI Niki Berlakovich

The “Tiergesundheitsdienst Österreich” (Austrian Veterinary Health Service) advisory board, chaired by the Ministry of Health, is striving for uniform implementation of the statutory provisions across the whole of Austria, with involvement of representatives of the interest groups (consumers, farmers, vets and commercial interests). The close cooperation between vets and livestock owners in the fields of veterinary health, animal protection, hygiene and food production ensures safe high-quality foods and high-level animal husbandry in accordance with the principles of animal protection. The evaluations of the Veterinary Health Services carried out annually by the Ministry of Health are providing evidence of notable improvements in every field. This brochure is an important contribution to expanding knowledge of the tasks of the Veterinary Health Services for the benefit of consumer protection and consumer health.

Alois Stöger dipl.

Alois Stöger dipl. Austrian Minister of Health The Veterinary Health Service (TGD/VHS) offers farmers the conditions with which to meet the high demands and expectations of consumers, commercial chains and, not least, legislation as regards the quality and safety of foods of animal origin. The VHS as a “selfmonitoring system” will also play an important role in future in the implementation of the EU veterinary health strategy and the national reorientation of the law relating to animal diseases. The new VHS regulations came into force on 1 January 2010. The VHS brochure has been revised because of a number of statutory changes and its 5th edition already offers livestock owners and vets an overview of the VHS and the associated areas in agricultural animal husbandry. Ök.-Rat Gerhard Wlodkowski President of the Austrian Chamber of Agriculture

Ök.-Rat Gerhard Wlodkowski

The Austrian Veterinary Health Service (TGD/VHS) was created in 2002 on the basis of the awareness that only cooperation between vets and farmers that was both in keeping with the law and founded on expert knowledge would be able to ensure the production of animal foods at the highest level in the future. Initially ridiculed by some, the Austrian VHS has in the meantime developed into a flagship model, highly regarded at the European level, and already being imitated in a number of EU member states. Constant and consistent further developments mean that the Austrian VHS is now taken for granted as a valuable tool in the everyday routine of everyone working with livestock. Dr. Walter Holzhacker President of the Austrian Veterinary Surgeons’ Council

Dr. Walter Holzhacker



Table of contents “Prevention is better than cure� .................................................................... 5 The Austrian Veterinary Health Service (TGD/VHS) ............................... 6 Legal basis: Austrian Veterinary Medicines Control Act ...................... 7 Implementation in the Austrian provinces ................................................. 8 Nationally: The Poultry Health Service (QGV) .................................................................. 9 Amendment to the VHS regulations at the start of 2010 ................ 10 Participation in the Veterinary Health Service ....................................... 12 Rights and duties of the VHS veterinary surgeons ............................. 12 Rights and duties of the VHS livestock owners ................................... 14 Use of medicines .................................................................................................. 17 Duties of documentation in the context of VHS medicines use ....................................................................... 19 Production of medicated feeds ..................................................................... 21 Facility surveys and documentation ........................................................... 23 Training and continuing development of participants ...................... 27 Checks in the VHS ............................................................................................... 28 Sanctions in the VHS ......................................................................................... 29 National veterinary health programmes ................................................... 30 Additional veterinary health programmes ............................................... 38 Contact addresses ............................................................................................... 39

“Prevention is better than cure”

“Prevention is better than cure” In autumn 2007, the European Commission presented the EU veterinary health strategy for the period 2007 to 2013. This forms the framework for animal protection and veterinary health measures aiming for clear results: the setting of priorities for EU measures, a modern framework for veterinary health, better prevention, monitoring and crisis management, as well as science, innovation and research.



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The strategy expressly states that all the stakeholders in the fi eld of veterinary health must assume responsibility so that the EU veterinary health policy is as robust, effective and effi cient as possible. Outbreaks of serious animal diseases, such as foot and mouth disease in 2001 or avian fl u, have grave consequences not only for the fi eld of veterinary health itself but also for the economy, social structures, trade and animal protection. In recent years, the Commission and member states have been successfully pursuing an approach focusing more on prevention of health risks, with more rigorous measures for monitoring and combating specifi c animal diseases and also in the fi eld of biosecurity. One component of the strategy is the construction of systems for the effective apportionment of costs and responsibilities in the event of an epidemic. There is general consensus that all stakeholders, including the insurance industry, must participate and engage to the full. Agricultural facilities will see improvements in the fi eld of biosecurity at borders and in animal transport. The ongoing monitoring and combat of animal diseases will be intensifi ed across the whole of the EU and emergency precautions will be increased. Greater investment is also to be made in preventive measures so that fewer epidemic diseases break out and the substantially higher costs associated with animal diseases can be reduced. Within the framework of the new strategy, the existing network of national reference laboratories will be expanded further so that the maximum possible benefi t can be drawn from the expertise available in Europe. The tasks and activities of the European Food Safety Authority will also be expanded and the work of the Community reference laboratories will be reassessed. Greater weight will also be given to the promotion of public/private partnerships. Veterinary health is unequivocally a fi eld of action for community policy since it involves a large number of different areas, such as environment, agriculture, fi sheries, trade, business policy, domestic market, taxation, external aid, budget and expansion. The European Commission is determined to pursue an integrated approach in designing its policy. The new strategy is intended to expand still further the more preventative approach and to strengthen the existing mechanisms.

Ulrich Herzog, Chief Veterinary Officer (CVO), Austrian Federal Ministry of Health “In the discussion about a new European veterinary health strategy, greater significance was given to the prevention of animal diseases. The Veterinary Health Service will have to perform these tasks in the future. It is necessary to develop jointly programmes and strategies for further improvement of biosecurity in the Austrian facilities and thus support livestock owners in meeting this responsibility.”


The Austrian Veterinary Health Service

The Austrian Veterinary Health Service “Prevention in good time” is the guiding principle of the Veterinary Health Service

The Austrian Veterinary Health Service covers precisely this approach of “prevention in good time” and was used as a flagship model at EU level. Comprehensive stock supervision and targeted advice, together with prophylactic measures are intended to prevent or at least minimise diseases.

The objectives of the VHS are: n n n n n n

Improvement of animal health Prevention of infectious diseases Best possible diagnosis Continuing development and advice of participants Improvement and assurance of the quality of foodstuffs of animal origin Increasing the productivity of agricultural facilities

Participation in the Veterinary Health Service offers the best preconditions for meeting the high demands and expectations of consumers, commercial chains and, not least, legislation regarding the quality and safety of foodstuffs of animal origin. Involvement of livestock owners in the use of veterinary medicines is just one aspect of the Veterinary Health Service. The underlying principle of the Veterinary Health Service is far more comprehensive and the intention is to provide the livestock owner, together with his attending vet, with the best preconditions for timely stock supervision. The VHS offers a wide range of services, support options and specific assistance in cases of hardship, from which each individual farmer can benefit. Berthold Grassauer, 1st Vice-President of the Austrian Veterinary Surgeons’ Council “On the basis of its responsibility for animals, humans and nature, the Veterinary Surgeons’ Council has worked together with the Austrian Ministry of Health and the agriculture committees to draw up regulations for the Veterinary Health Service. The foremost point is the greatest possible care in the use of medicines with the aim of guaranteeing the safety of food for the consumers. The vets in the VHS are also available to agriculture as “stock supervisors” providing guidance and assistance.”


The advantages of participation in the VHS are:

close cooperation with attending vet Quality assurance for foodstuffs producers

Use of medicines by the livestock owner under veterinary supervision

Competent stock supervision Legal security Optimisation of animal health

Regular facility surveys

Veterinary health programmes

Reduction of use of medicines Financial support

Legal basis: Austrian Veterinary Medicines Control Act

Legal basis: Austrian Veterinary Medicines Control Act The Austrian Veterinary Medicines Control Act came into force on 1 April 2002 and is the legal basis for the Veterinary Health Service regulations. It thus allowed the creation of veterinary health services of uniform organisation throughout Austria. In general, the provisions of the Veterinary Medicines Control Act govern the import, marketing, use, holding in readiness for use, storage and possession of veterinary medicines. Jointly with the Residues Control Regulation, it establishes rules for the use of veterinary medicines and the relevant documentation. These apply to every use of veterinary medicines in animals supplying foodstuffs, regardless of whether the use is implemented by the vet himself or by the livestock owner under his instructions. This means that the documentation duties apply not only to participants in the Veterinary Health Service but to every vet and every livestock owner involved in the use of medicines. Over 60% of the cattle kept in Austria, almost 90% of pigs, over 70% of poultry, just under 40% of goats and around 30% of sheep, as well as numerous aquaculture facilities enjoy the benefits of the Veterinary Health Service in Austria.

Cattle 2010 Stocks:


39 % without TGD

61 % with TGD

Goats 2010 Stocks: 96.502


63 % without TGD

37 % with TGD

Pigs 2010 Stocks:


391.528 Poultry 2010 Stocks: 11.575.881

27 % without QGV





73 % with QGV

12 % without TGD

88 % with TGD


Sheep 2010 Stocks: 428.308

72 % without TGD

28 % with TGD

Walfried Wutscher, President of the Carinthia Agricultural Chamber and Chairman of VHS Carinthia “Setting up the Austrian Veterinary Health Service on a voluntary basis was supported by the representatives of the farmers’ interests. This voluntary nature is the basis for good and close cooperation between livestock owner and vet working towards achieving the aims of the VHS, such as improvement of animal health, quality assurance in production and animal husbandry, reducing the use of veterinary medicines and improvement of economic efficiency for the agricultural facilities. For the farmer there is also the opportunity of legally secured involvement in the use of medicines and participation in sponsored health programmes. For the vet, the data recorded on the livestock facilities are available for advice and stock supervision.”



Implementation in the Austrian provinces

Implementation in the Austrian provinces The concept of the Austrian Veterinary Health Service is implemented at provincial level by the individual provincial Veterinary Health Services. Participants: Oberösterreichischer Tiergesundheitsdienst [Upper Austria Veterinary Health Service] Director: Dr. Gottfried Schoder

Vets: 305 Livestock owners: 11,520

Niederösterreichischer Tiergesundheitsdienst [Lower Austria Veterinary Health Service] Director: Dr. Franz Karner

Vets: 270 Livestock owners: 8,300

Steirischer Tiergesundheitsdienst [Styrian Veterinary Health Service] Director: Dr. Karl Bauer

Vets: 216 Livestock owners: 7,663

Tiroler Tiergesundheitsdienst [Tyrolean Veterinary Health Service] Director: Dr. Christian Mader

Vets: 106 Livestock owners: 5,809

Vorarlberger Tiergesundheitsdienst [Vorarlberg Veterinary Health Service] Director: Dr. Norbert Greber

Vets: 24 Livestock owners: 2,696

Gesundheitsdienst für Nutztiere für Kärnten [Health Service for Livestock for Carinthia] Director: Dr. Johannes Hofer

Vets: 105 Livestock owners: 2,677

Salzburger Tiergesundheitsdienst [Salzburg Veterinary Health Service] Director: Erika Sakoparnig

Vets: 95 Livestock owners: 2,390

Burgenländischer Vets: 46 Tiergesundheitsdienst Livestock owners: [Burgenland Veterinary Health Service] 355 Director: Dr. Robert Fink


Nationally: The Poultry Health Service (QGV)

Nationally: The Poultry Health Service (QGV) Austrian Qualitätsgeflügelvereinigung (Quality Poultry Association) Directors: Harald Schließnig/Stefan Weber The “Österreichische QualitätsGefl ügelVereinigung – Anerkannter Gefl ügelgesundheitsdienst” (Austrian Quality Poultry Association – Recognised Poultry Health Service – QGV), whose head offi ce is in Tulln, supervises all sectors of the poultry industry on a national basis throughout the whole of Austria. Although membership is voluntary – as it is in all the Veterinary Health Services, almost 100% of livestock owners in the poultry meat sector (i.e. chickens for meat production and turkeys) are members and the same is true of the hatchery, pullet rearing and parent stock sectors. In the sector producing eggs for consumption the situation is somewhat different, with about half of the registered facilities being members, but these do keep about 80% of the registered hens. Members per sector






Parent stock facilities



Pullet breeders



Layer facilities



Eating chicken faci-



Turkey facilities



Duck/goose facilities



Feed facilities






Attending vets Total members





QGV Laying hen owners Upper Austria 104 Carinthia 75

Lower Austria 152

Burgenland 27 Salzburg 14 Vorarlberg 7 Tyrol 2

Styria 417

The GeflügelDatenVerbund (Poultry Data Network – GDV) A national data network links the facilities, attending vets, laboratories and competent district, provincial and national authorities. Complete documentation of the use of veterinary medicines and vaccines, together with compliance with intervals between examinations, ultimately meet the high demands of food safety. The particular advantages of the Poultry Data Network are: n


n n n

Safeguarding and improvement of the vitality and health of the chicks and young birds kept Prompt detection of infections and prevention of massive losses in the event of epidemics Reduction of the use of antibiotics and other veterinary medicines Optimum use of the performance potential of the fl ocks Documented traceability (the basis of various quality assurance concepts and quality seal programmes


Amendment to the VHS regulations at the start of 2010

Amendment to the VHS regulations at the start of 2010 The most important points at a glance:



A separate participation and attendance agreement is required for each LFBIS No. in facilities with several LFBIS numbers. (LFBIS number is the holding identification code for Austrian facilities.)


The agreement must be signed by the famer (= “VHS livestock owner).


The VHS office must be notified without delay of any change regarding facility management.


The farmer assumes responsibility for correct purchase, use, documentation, storage and return of veterinary medicines in his facility.


A VHS medicine handler must be designated for the use of medicines. This may be the farmer himself or a family member living at the facility or an employee in a current employment or contractual relationship.


The VHS medicine handler may be changed, even temporarily, if necessary – in the event of the livestock owner being ill or in hospital, for example. In this case, an officially published form can be used, with the involvement of the attending vet, to designate a trained person who is working at the facility as the VHS medicine handler. The VHS office must be notified of this without delay.


The VHS medicine handler must successfully complete the relevant training (basic course – 8 hours) before he can be involved by the attending vet in the treatment of the animals.


The necessary continuing development may be completed on a facility-related basis, i.e. by every member of the facility, and amounts to four hours over four years. However, only one person from a facility may acquire continuing development hours at any one continuing development event.


Similarly, new regulations apply governing continuing development in mixing technique for facilities that produce their own medicated feeds. Continuing development in mixing technique is automatically covered with successful completion of the VHS continuing development.


The regulations regarding metaphylaxis have been incorporated in the VHS regulations. Metaphylaxis, as defined by the VHS regulations, means that the attending vet is allowed to dispense medicines for one month’s requirements for the treatment of animals that are currently healthy but for which there is a risk that they may shortly display the same symptoms as other animals in the flock as a result of disease in the stock. However, this is permissible only if the vet draws up a written plan of action with precise instructions. Any treatment of animals that subsequently become ill must be documented precisely and the attending vet must be informed.


No change to the number of facility surveys and the costs involved with these (the latter are not set by the VHS regulations but by an agreement between the Veterinary Surgeons’ Council and Chamber of Agriculture on a national basis and have been unchanged since 2005).


These practice-oriented and entirely reasonable changes to the VHS regulations are however now also set against more rigorous sanctions in the event of non-compliance with the relevant provisions.

Amendment to the VHS regulations at the start of 2010

Framework conditions for the use of veterinary medicines Provincial


Participation agreement Veterinary surgeon

No VHS facility

VHS facility Participation agreement Attendance agreement

Dispensing documentation

Possible medicines: Possible medicines: n All products n NE products according according to to “positive list” n Oral and topical “positive list” n Special medicines Treatment homoeopathic according to VHS medicines by vet is always programme possible n All homoeopathic medicines n Udder injectors n Medicated feed premixes

Livestock owner

VHS livestock owner (farmer)

Training required, 8 hours or additional mixing technique training VHS medicine handler (can be VHS livestock owner, facility staff or contractual employee)

Treatment documentation

Facility staff, contractual employee Continuing development required, facility-related, 4 hours in 4 years © Stefan Fucik

Explanation: In principle, even livestock owners who are not participating in the Veterinary Health Service have the option of using veterinary medicines. The selection of medicines and the nature of their administration is of course far more comprehensive in the case of VHS participation since the qualification of the livestock owner as a VHS participant is regarded as higher and the risk class lower (attendance agreement, regularly documented facility surveys, compulsory training and continuing development). “NE products” means that dispensation of these medicines is not linked to participation in the VHS. “Positive list”: cf. page 17.


Participation in the Veterinary Health Service

Participation in the Veterinary Health Service Every veterinary surgeon entitled to practise freely in Austria under the Austrian Veterinary Surgeons Act and every farmer who keeps livestock and whose farm is in the local sphere of competence of a specific Veterinary Health Service has the right to participate in the Veterinary Health Service.

Dr. Johann Damoser, Austrian Federal Ministry of Health, Head of the Department of Veterinary Law, Veterinary Health and Trade in Live Animals “The Veterinary Health Services support the maintenance and continued improvement of the animal health status in Austrian livestock, which is very good by European standards, and are already taking account today of the future development of the EU by means of expanding public-private partnerships in the fields of veterinary health and animal protection.�

Participation is achieved by means of a written participation agreement between the livestock owner and veterinary surgeon and the relevant Veterinary Health Service. In the case of the Poultry Health Service (PHS) the participation agreement is replaced by a statement of membership. The Veterinary Health Service office must inform the competent district administrative authorities of all participants in the Veterinary Health Service. Within the Veterinary Health Service, vets with access to a dispensary can sign an attendance agreement with a livestock owner. The vet then becomes the attending vet for that facility. Livestock owners may sign an attendance agreement with only one vet per animal species for each VHS facility. A copy of the attendance agreement must be sent to the office of the relevant Veterinary Health Service. The attendance agreement only becomes valid once the copy has been countersigned by the VHS office. The notice period for the attendance agreement is two months. Mutually agreed termination is possible at any time. Termination of the attendance relationship must be in writing. Termination of contractual relations and any changes to agreements or parts of agreements must be reported in writing to the office of the relevant Veterinary Health Service by the contracting parties immediately but no later than within four weeks. In addition, any changes in the circumstances of the relevant VHS participant that affect agreements must be reported in writing to the other parties to the agreement and the office immediately but no later than within four weeks.

Rights and duties of the VHS veterinary surgeons You must meet the following requirements:



The veterinary practice must be run with the care and diligence of a prudent veterinary surgeon; acute and emergency care of the livestock you are attending must be guaranteed in particular.


You must ensure the necessary treatments taking into account the aim of minimising the use of medicines and the economic efficiency and sustainability of the measures taken.


In the event of facility visits, you must use the clean protective clothing to be provided by the livestock owner.

Rights and duties of the VHS veterinary surgeons


You are obliged to undergo appropriate continuing development.


You are obliged to carry out and document facility surveys; the attending vet is responsible for setting the dates and demonstrably notifying the livestock owner of these in good time, e.g. on the facility survey cover sheet.


You are obliged to encourage the livestock owner to correct defects found during the facility survey, setting a reasonable period for this to be done.


You may involve the VHS medicine handler of the respective VHS facility in the administration of veterinary medicines to those farmed animals covered by the attendance agreement, such involvement to be in accordance with precise instructions, monitoring and written documentation.


You may dispense medicines that are authorised for dispensing within the framework of the VHS to VHS medicine handlers.


You are obliged to comply with the programme instructions when taking part in veterinary health programmes within the framework of the VHS.


You must take back veterinary medicines returned to you, not required or out of date, and veterinary medicine residues (these are opened medicines, the efficacy of which is no longer guaranteed according to the manufacturer’s information) no later than at the visit following completion of the treatment in question, or arrange for the prescribed disposal of such medicines.


In the case of veterinary medicines intended for instillation and injection – with the exception of “management products” – you must check the empty containers of these medicines submitted to you no later than at the visit following completion of the treatment in question.


The records you fill out for dispensation, return and use of medicines must correspond in terms of content to the specifications published in the “Amtlichen Veterinärnachrichten” (Official Veterinary Notices).


You must keep the documentation of facility surveys and other records and agreements kept in compliance with the VHS regulations for at least five years – even after leaving the VHS – and submit them on request to the public regulatory authorities in a manner that is organised and easy to check.


You must inform the VHS office immediately of violations of the provisions of veterinary medicines law that might pose a risk to consumer health, or of facts and circumstances that justify a suspicion of animal cruelty in accordance with § 222 of the Austrian Penal Code. The VHS office must inform the competent authority without delay.


You must inform the VHS facility demonstrably of apparent infringements of animal protection regulations that result in severe impairment of animal health, and you must act jointly with the livestock owner to set a reasonable time limit with the aim of removing or eliminating the problems found. If the set goal is not achieved within the defined period, the competent organs of the VHS must be informed.

Dr. Hildegard Weichselbaum, Austrian Federal Ministry of Health, Advisor for the Veterinary Health Service “The Veterinary Health Service also means communication, work towards common goals, further development as a result of training and continuing development, openness to innovation, security resulting from documentation and the willingness to accept and implement improvements.”


Rights and duties of the VHS livestock owners

Rights and duties of the VHS livestock owners You must meet the following requirements:

Franz Reisecker, Vice-President of The Agricultural Chamber of Upper Austria and Chairman of Upper Austria VHS “In recent years, the Veterinary Health Service has developed into an essential instrument, even from the point of view of the farmers, to meet consumer desires for safe and healthy foods. The various programmes offered to facilities participating in the VHS optimally meet the principle of prevention being better than cure. Our aim is therefore the further development and optimisation of the VHS for the benefit of both farmers and consumers.”



Livestock ownership and the production and storage of in-house feedstuffs must be undertaken with the particular care and diligence of the farmer.


The stock register, including the register of treatments, must be kept in an organised form that is easy to check (documentation of dispensation, use and return of veterinary medicines) and kept at the facility for at least five years – even after leaving the VHS – and submitted to the public regulatory authorities for inspection on request.


All the animals kept on the facility and/or in the company must be marked in accordance with legal requirements. In the event of illness, it must be organisationally possible to keep animals isolated in groups or individually. Identification of treated individual animals must be possible. This identification must be possible on the basis of individual animal identification or on the basis of an animal housing plan showing all bays and stalls as well as by the allocation of individual animals to groups. These records must be kept with the stock register.


Traceable documentation of cattle movements must be guaranteed.


Proper protective clothing must be made available for the vet and his assistants.


The necessary assistance must be ensured for examinations and treatments, particularly the necessary immobilisation of the animals.


The livestock owner must also apply the regulations affecting him with respect to the attending vet to vets acting on behalf of or deputising for the attending vet.


In addition to the medicine documentation, all records and agreements kept on the basis of the VHS regulations must be kept for at least five years, even after leaving the VHS, and submitted to the public regulatory authorities on request in an organised form that is easy to check.


Livestock owners entering into attendance agreements for several species of animal must keep records separated according to species in the stock register, including the treatment register.


If another vet is called in, the livestock owner must inform the attending vet of this without being asked. All measures taken must be recorded in the treatment register.


The facility surveys to be carried out annually must be allowed to take place. Documentation of the facility surveys and records in the stock register must be kept properly and handed over or made available to the attending vet at every facility survey.


Additional records relating to production dates, of relevance for assessing animal health, must be made available to the attending vet.

Rights and duties of the VHS livestock owners


In the event of veterinary health problems, a prompt report must be made to the attending vet. If a suspected infectious disease, as defined by the Austrian Animal Infectious Disease Act, is involved, a report must be made to the authorities without delay.


If treatment is unsuccessful, if additional diseases occur, or if an animal dies (in the case of poultry, animals in aquaculture or piglets, if there is an increased mortality rate beyond the normal level for the facility concerned under the prevailing conditions) – regardless of any other obligations to notify under the provisions of veterinary law – the livestock owner must inform the attending vet immediately and decide with him on subsequent procedure.


Any examination material required for diagnostic purposes must be made available by the livestock owner if required.


Instructions given by the attending vet for the elimination of defects found must be complied with.


Livestock owners must successfully complete the necessary training or ensure that a VHS medicine handler designated by the livestock owner has successfully completed this training before becoming involved in the use of medicines.


Before producing medicated feed in the facility, you must have successfully completed the additional training or ensure that a VHS medicine handler designated by you has successfully completed this training. Prior to the start of production of medicated feeds, the planned activity must be reported to the competent local administrative authorities. Confirmation of the successful completion of training as a VHS medicine handler for the facility in question must be attached to this report.


You must ensure that the necessary continuing development is carried out.

n You must return to the attending vet a) unused or out of date veterinary medicine and veterinary medicine residues (these are opened medicines whose efficacy is no longer guaranteed according to the manufacturer’s information) no later than at the next visit following completion of the relevant treatment, and b) in the case of veterinary medicines intended for instillation or injection – with the exception of “management compounds”, demonstrably submit the empty containers of these veterinary medicines no later than at the next visit following completion of the relevant treatment. n

Livestock owners must assume responsibility for the activities of the VHS medicine handler in their facility.


You must ensure that the VHS medicine handler obtains the medicine prescribed within the framework of the VHS only from the attending vet or on his prescription from a public pharmacy or, in the case of medicated feeds, from the manufacturer. The VHS medicine handler must check, on receiving the medicine, that the record for the dispensing, return and use of medicines has been completed legibly.

Roman Janacek, National coordinator of the accredited Veterinary Health Services of Austria “With the VHS, we have succeeded in using a federal structure in setting up a central quality assurance system in primary production that takes account of local and regional circumstances and optimises them. The consistently implemented principle of veterinary stock supervision means that the best production conditions are guaranteed for the farmer while simultaneously ensuring perfect product quality of food of animal origin for the consumer.”

Instillation: Introduction of (liquid) veterinary medicines into body cavities, e.g. the use of udder injectors Management compounds: Veterinary medicines whose only active ingredients are vitamins, major or trace elements, as well as pure iron injection products.


Rights and duties of the VHS livestock owners


You must ensure that the veterinary medicines passed on to the VHS medicine handler by the attending vet are stored according to the vet’s instructions, away from foodstuffs and feedstuffs and, if necessary, in suffi ciently cool conditions but out of the reach of unauthorised persons.


You must ensure that the veterinary medicines passed on to the VHS medicine handler by the attending vet are used only in accordance with the instructions of the vet on the relevant facility and that this use is recorded in writing in the treatment register.


You must establish the VHS medicine handler in consultation with the attending vet and give his name (forename and surname), date of birth and, at all events, a note of the employment / contractual relations on the facility survey cover sheet in the context of the facility survey or, in the event of short-term changes, inform the VHS offi ce using a form published in the “Amtliche Veterinärnachrichten” (Offi cial Veterinary Notices) and fi le the form in the treatment register.

Anlage 8

Bekanntgabe des TGD-Arzneimittelanwenders bei kurzfristigen Änderungen gem. § 9 Abs. 3 Z 3 TGD-VO 2009 Dieses Formular ist im Behandlungsregister abzulegen.

TGD-Arzneimittelanwender Herr / Frau: Vorname



ist in der Zeit



am TGD-Betrieb LFBIS-Nr.: TGD-Tierhalter: Betriebsadresse:

Name des TGD-Betreuungstierarztes:

  

vertraglich beschäftigt oder angestellt oder familienangehörig als TGD-Arzneimittelanwender tätig.

Die Bestimmungen für Betreuungspersonen im Sinne des § 14 TSchG und die Ausbildungserfordernisse gem. Anhang 4 Art. 1 Z 1 TGD-VO 2009 sind erfüllt. ______

Unterschrift TGD-Tierhalter

All forms can also be found at

Unterschrift TGD-Arzneimittelanwender ________________________________

Unterschrift TGD-Betreuungstierarzt

Vers. 15122009


Use of medicines

Use of medicines Use of medicines within the framework of the VHS The involvement of the livestock owner in the use of veterinary medicines is covered in principle by the Austrian regulations on the use of proprietary veterinary medicinal products. Veterinary medicines that can be dispensed to livestock owners are published in the “Amtlichen Veterinärnachrichten”. This publication also shows whether the dispensing option is restricted or not or whether the medicine may be dispensed only within the framework of the Veterinary Health Service.

Principles of dispensing veterinary medicines Attending vets may dispense certain veterinary medicines. The precondition is that the VHS medicine handler has successfully completed the training. Responsibility for dispensing a medicine lies with the veterinary surgeon named in the dispensing note.

Dispensing options: n

In the context of a case of disease, for the treatment or continuation of treatment (follow-up treatment) n As a medical preventive measure against veterinary diseases (prophylaxis) n In the context of a case of disease, for the treatment of other, previously unaffected, animals within the same epidemiological unit, in whom the development of similar clinical symptoms can be expected (metaphylaxis).

If the use of veterinary medicines appears necessary, the attending vet must always visit the facility before the medicine is given, make the diagnosis and check it, if appropriate (e.g. by means of an antibiogram), decide on the treatment and any prophylactic or metaphylactic measures that may be required.

If treatment is not successful, if other diseases develop or if an animal dies (in the case of poultry, animals in aquaculture or piglets, if there is an increased mortality rate beyond the normal level for the facility concerned under the prevailing conditions), the livestock owner must inform the attending vet without delay and decide with him on the subsequent procedure.

Positive list The publication is also known as the “Positive list”. NE products: dispensing is not restricted. VHS participation is not required. VHS products: may be dispensed only within the framework of the VHS. Medicated feed premixes are not included in the publication. The potential for dispensing to livestock owners is governed by the Austrian Veterinary Medicines Control Act. Homoeopathic medical products are excepted from the clearance requirement. They may be handed over to the livestock owner even if he is not a VHS participant if they are intended for oral or external administration. Injection products may only be dispensed within the VHS framework.

On completion of every treatment course, but no later than after four weeks, the use of the medicine and the therapy success must be monitored by the attending vet. If only a single animal from the stock has been treated, the check of the medicines use and therapy success must take place during the next visit by the attending vet after completion of the treatment. Veterinary medicines for continued treatment (follow-up treatment) may be handed over in quantities not exceeding what is required for therapy success and not exceeding the predicted monthly requirement for the animals being treated. In the case of pour-on products to combat parasites, the dispensing quantity may be set for the duration of a treatment cycle, even if this means that the monthly requirement is exceeded.

Follow-up treatment The monthly require-ment is dispensed; the required amount for the treatment cycle in the case of pour-on products.


Use of medicines

Special provisions in the context of prophylaxis

Prophylaxis Dispensing of management compounds in the quantity required for two months

Veterinary medicines used for prophylaxis, which contain only vitamins and major or trace elements as active ingredients, and pure iron injection products are known as “management compounds” and may be dispensed by the attending vet in quantities no greater than that corresponding to two months’ requirements for the animals to be treated. Additional management compounds may be announced in the “Amtlichen Veterinärnachrichten” after a hearing before the Advisory Board of the Austrian Federal Health Minister. If vaccines are used as part of the prophylactic measures, they may be supplied in quantities not exceeding the amount corresponding to the requirements of the animals to be vaccinated in one month.

Special provisions in the context of metaphylaxis A written plan of action or written instructions – in addition to the records of dispensing, return and use of the medicines – must be drawn up in the context of metaphylaxis on the day on which the acute case occurs for the predicted duration of the stock problem but no longer than for a period of one year. Veterinary medicines may be supplied in a quantity not exceeding the amount that corresponds to the predicted monthly requirements of the animals to be treated.

Metaphylaxis Plan of action and precise documentation. Dispensed in the quantity required for one month

The plan of action/instructions must always contain: n

The disease concerned (diagnosis)


The unit to be treated, if appropriate (consignments of animals, age groups, stall numbers, earmark numbers if animals are identified individually, housing units, etc.)


The date on which it was drawn up, and


The date until which the written plan of action/instructions apply.

The use of these veterinary medicines by the VHS medicine handler is permitted only with demonstrable involvement of the VHS attending vet even during the period laid down in the plan of action or the written instructions. The livestock owner must also inform the attending vet about the following, which must be recorded in writing: n Date on which the attending vet was informed n

Start of the treatment of additional animals in accordance with the plan of action or written instructions


Number and identity of animals newly taken ill on the plan of action or the written instructions.

Compliance with and success of the plan of action or written instructions must be checked by the attending vet on his next visit to the facility (after completion of the treatment but no later than after four weeks), evidence of this check to be provided by his signature on the documentation of the treatment carried out in accordance with the plan of action or written instructions. When returning veterinary medicines, particular attention must be paid to obtaining evidence that veterinary medicines not required for the treatment aretaken back by


Duties of documentation in the context of VHS medicine use

the attending vet. Proof of the completeness of the return must be provided with a plausible quantitative comparison (quantity dispensed less quantity of veterinary medicine used).

Use of medicines in the context of veterinary health programmes Special veterinary medicines that may be given to the VHS medicine handler exclusively within the framework of veterinary health programmes are published – including the detailed regulations for their use – in the “Amtlichen Veterinärnachrichten”.

Duties of documentation in the context of VHS medicines use Attending vets and VHS medicine handlers must perform the following duties of documentation: The records of use, dispensing and return of medicines (= “dispensing note”) must correspond in terms of content, although not in terms of form, to the specimen published in the “Amtlichen Veterinärnachrichten”.

Arzneimittelanwendungs-, Arzneimittelabgabe- und Arzneimittelrückgabebeleg Betrieb: (Name und Anschrift)

Legende: B=Behandlung durch Tierarzt NB=Nachbehandlung durch Tierarzt A=Abgabe von TAM R=Rückgabe an den Tierarzt Tierarten:(TA) Rd = Rind Schf = Schaf Gfl = Geflügel


Diagnoseschlüssel (2 stellig)*

LFBISNr.: Identität der/s Tiere/s OhrmarkenNr BoxenNr.


...... / 20 . . Anlage 1 Lfd.Nr / Jahr

Tierarzt: (Name, Anschrift und Nr.)

Schw = Schwein Zg = Ziege S = Sonstiges

Arzneimittelbezeichnung/ ChargenNr

Genaue Anleitung (Anwendungsmenge /art, Dosierung pro Tier und Tag, Dauer der Anwendung, Mischanleitung)

Wartezeit in Tagen Fleisch








*Gemäß dem in den Amtlichen Veterinärnachrichten veröffentlichten Diagnoseschlüssel. **Ich bestätige, dass ich vom Tierarzt über die Einhaltung der Wartezeiten gemäß § 12 Rückstandskontrollverordnung 2006 informiert wurde.



Unterschrift des Tierhalters**)

Unterschrift des Tierarztes

__ . __ . 20 __

In facilities taking part in the project or VHS programme “Cattle health monitoring”, the attending vet must note the diagnoses in accordance with the diagnosis code on the dispensing note.

Datum (Tag/Monat/Jahr)

Behandlungen durch den Tierhalter Datum von – bis

Identität der/s Tiere/s sowie Standort

Sonstige Bemerkungen


Menge / Dosierung pro Tier und Tag

Unterschrift des Anwenders

Rücknahmebestätigung (Menge und Bezeichnung des TAM, Unterschrift des TA) usw.

Published specimen of the record of use, dispensing and return of medicines.


Duties of documentation in the context of VHS medicines use

The chronological collection of dispensing notes produces the treatment register. The records of dispensing, use and return of medicines must be entered legibly by the groups of people named in the relevant box as shown below. In the case of electronic notes, it must be ensured that the necessary relationships between the relevant notes are created in a clear manner.

Duties of documentation Date Note number (consecutive number of note) Name and address of livestock owner, LFBIS No2) Name and address of vet33) Comment o A dispensing) o B (treatment) o C (return) Comment, vet Identity of animal(s) Diagnosis Reason for dispensing veterinary medicine (treatment, prophylaxis, metaphylaxis, special programme) Name of vet. medicine (proprietary name) Quantity of vet. medicine dispensed/returned Dose of vet. medicine (dose given per animal) Batch number of vet. medicine Instructions for use (dose, route, other notes) Administration route Treatment duration Waiting period4) Signature of vet Signature of VHS medicine handler

Dispensing Attending vet

Use Attending vet

Use VHS medicine handler

Return Attending vet

x x x x x x x x

x x x x x x x x

x x

x x1) x


x x x x x x x x

x x x x x x

x x x x

x x x

1) If the return is not recorded on the dispensing note, a reference must be made to the dispensing note by stating the note number (consecutive number of the note). 2) The surname of the VHS livestock owner must always be given. The facility address must be given in such a way that unequivocal assignment is possible on the basis of the street and town names. The LFBIS number can be stated instead of the street and town names. 3) The data must be given in such a way that unequivocal assignment to the dispensing VHS vet is possible. It is not sufficient to state the practice name. The forename and surname of the dispensing VHS vet or the VetNr. registration number must always be given. 4) The waiting period must be given at least in days. It is recommended that the date of the last day of the waiting period is given or the date after which there is no longer any waiting period. Last treatment

Example: Medicine with a 5-day waiting period


First treatmentFree day







Day 1

Day 2

Day 3

Day 4

Day 5


Of waiting period


Production of medicated feeds

Production of medicated feeds On the basis of the provisions of the Austrian Veterinary Medicines Control Act, medicated feeds may be produced for animal production in the VHS facility within the framework of a Veterinary Health Service and under the direction of the attending vet. The VHS medicine handler must successfully complete additional training for this purpose. The director of the facility must send notifi cation to the competent district administrative authorities before commencing this activity. In the notifi cation, the facility must certify to the authorities in writing that the facility premises, personnel and other amenities of the facility meet the requirements. The district administrative authorities must undertake checks of the facility in order to check that requirements are met. The facility must be issued with a registration number alProprietary medicinal products are medicines that are produlowing identifi cation of the facility. ced in advance, always with the same composition, and are The district administrative authorities must rescind the registration if the facility does not meet or no longer meets the requirements and must ban any further production of medicated feeds until a new notifi cation is received and the defects are proved to have been remedied.

marketed under the same name in a specific form for dispensing to the consumer or user. Medicated feeds are medicines in a form ready to be given as feed that have been produced by means of mixing medicines and feedstuffs as defined by the Austrian Feedstuffs Act and are intended to be given to animals.

Medicated feed premixes are medicines that contain feedFacilities must be constituted, depending on stuffs as defined by the Austrian Feedstuffs Act and are intended to be used to produce medicated feeds. their size and type, in such a way as to allow fl awless production, storage and checking of the medicated feeds. The equipment and premises must be in a proper structural and hygienic condition and constituted in such a way as to prevent any contamination during production and storage. In particular, medicated feeds may not be adversely hygienically affected by external infl uences. The mixer used must meet the conditions according to the data sheet of the Standard. A certifi cate of conformity from Normtypenblatt Vertikalmischer the manufacturer must be submitted for Normty penbla tt Schrä new mixers. gmisch er Beilage zur Meldung der Herstellung von Fütterungsarzneimitteln am landwirtschaftlichen Betrieb gem. §6 Abs.7 TAKG, BGBl. I Nr. 28/2002

Schematischer Aufbau

Medicated feeds must be produced in accordance with the operating instructions (fi lling level, mixing time) so that homogeneity of the mixture of at least 1:10,000 can be guaranteed. Mixing vats from liquid feeds are not suitable for the production of medicated feeds.

1. Gestell 2. Antriebsmotor 3. Mischbehälter 4. Auslaufrohr mit Schieber 5. Vertikalschnecke 6. Beimischtrichter (optional)

Beilage landwirts zur Meldung de chaftlic hen Be r Herstellung trieb ge von m. §6 Ab Fütterungsa cher Au fbau rzneim s.7 TA KG, BG itte Bl. I Nr. ln am 28/2002 1. Ge stell

__________________________ Schem Fabrikat, Firma atis __________________________ Herstellungsjahr __________________________ Typenbezeichnung

2. Antrie 3. Ausla bsmotor ufr Schie ohr mit 4. Ein ber füll 5. Schne öffnung cke (op tional mit Git ter) 6. Mis chb 7. Abdec ehälter kung

______ ___ Fabrikat, _________ ______ Firma __ Beila ______ land ge zu ______ wirts r Me Herste llungsjahr____________ ld cha __ ftlic ung d Sch hen e ___ emat Mischer wird nur zur Herstellung von FAM verwendet: O ja ______ Betr r Herste isch ______ Typenb ieb er A O nein ______ ezeich gem llung vo ufba _____ nung Mischer ist in Anlagensystem (Mühle, Vorratslager, Futterkette) . §6 u n ______ Abs. Fütteru ______ integriert: O ja 7 TA Mische n Maxim r wird nur ale Füllm____________ KG, gsarzn O nein zur He __ enge BGB eimitt rstellun Mische l. I N e g von FA r r. 28 ln am Funktionsprinzip Über die Vertikalschnecke wird das Futter in einem Rohr nach M verwe 1. integrie ist in Anlagens G nde /200 rt: es t: yst oben befördert und dadurch intensiv durchmischt. 2. em (Mühl O ja 2 Funktion Ant tell e, Vorra ____ riebs 3. sprinzip O nei tslager Mis n , Futter Fab ______ 4. ch mot Dichtheit Während des Mischvorganges muss der Mischbehälter ein kette) Über die rikat Sch tromm or __ 5. , Firm ____ geschlossenes System sein. Alle Zu- und Abläufe müssen dicht O ja Mischb Schnecke wir Mis wenkarm el ____ ____ a ehälter d 6. ch das geschlossen sein. Die Dichtheit wird gewährleistet durch (Deckel, __ w , O nei Fu s nach ____ durchm Abd -r er Her Dichtheit n oben bef tter in der Wa ischt. ecku kzeugead __ stel ______ Schieber, Klappen, ...): ördert nne lu __ ng des ng und dad sjah ____ ____ Währe urch inte ____ r nd des nsiv Typ ______ ___________________________________________________ ____ Mischv geschl enbe Fun organg ossene __ ktio es s Syste zeic ____ geschl Mis Füllm nspr ____ m sein. muss der Mis ossen hnun ____ cher Füllmenge Füllmenge mindestens 20% der Mischerkapazität. Mis enge sein. inzi Alle Zu chbehä ____ g wird ____ M p chdaue lter und ax ein nur __ Abläufe Mischdauer Mischdauer 15 bis 20 Minuten. imal ____ r Füllmeng zur müsse e Fül ____ Her n dic Die Mischd e mindesten Dichtht lmen ____ Homogen stel s auer je ____ lung ge heit ents Drehric ität Homogenität Gemäß Prüfbericht der AGES Wien vom 7.7.2003, 149/2003-FM nach Fü 20% der Mische von __ llmeng rkapaz und preche htung ist die Tauglichkeit von Vertikalmischern zur Herstellung von Gemäß e 5 bis FAM de n. Sch 10 Min ität. Prüfbe verw rägs Die D r Trom Fütterungsarzneimitteln gegeben. uten. ist die richt der Füllm ende Ta mel tellu urch Wäh Mis enge Fütterunguglichkeit von AGES Wien m m t: ng Entleerun is us re ch der vom ch Sc Abd nd de sarzne O Entleerung Eine vollständige Entleerung und Reinigung wird gewährleistet Mis ung w s der H imitteln hrägmischer 7.7.2003, 149 Trom dauer ecku Reinigungg ja s chtr n zur He mel gegebe /2003-FM O ng (D Misch omm ird durc erstelle Reinigung durch ( z.B. Schieber, Staubsauger, etc.): Eine vol neig n. rstellun nein lständi ranl Füllm ecke vorgan el ge h di ung g von Hom ge durch ( l) st wäh e Mis eitung ogen Mis enge z.B. Sc Entleerung aubd ges mus ch rleis und Re ch hieber, ___________________________________________________ ität icht tet. werkz s Nei daue mindest inigung Staubs vers der M euge gung r je auger, ______ wird gew en Mischg etc.): chlo isch ______ swin nach s 20% ähr ut leis er ___ ssen Mischgut Zur Herstellung von FAM ist mehliges bzw. geschrotetes tet kel F ______ Gem Ent der üllmen der M wer mit eine ______ Zur He Trockenfutter (Feuchtigkeitsgehalt von max. 14%) zu verwenden. le is Tro den. ______ ist di äß Prü r rstellun Rei erun mm ge 5 bi cherka ______ g von FA Trocke Befüllreihenfolge Makrokomponenten sind vor Mikrokomponenten el zw s 10 Beeinzumischen pazi Fütte e Taugl fbericht ______ nigung g füllreih nfu tä isch enfolge _____ M rung ichk das ans tter (FeuchtigkM ist mehliges de (FAM-Vormischung ist zuletzt beizugeben). en 30 inuten t. Mis chl sarz eit vo r AGE bzw. ges eitsgeh chgu Makrokom ießend mit neim alt von S Eine chrote und . n CC t 50 G ittel Tromm Wien vo volls (FAM-Vo ponenten sin M vermengt max. 14%) zuBtes Mit meiner Unterschrift bestätige ich, dass mein Mischer den oben angeführten Mit me Punkten n ge el ra tänd m werden d vor Mik efülwende rmischun ver iner Un m d. gebe isch 7. ige lreih n, kan entspricht. Ich nehme zur Kenntnis, dass die Richtigkeit meiner Angaben der entjederzeit rok g ist zul sch spricht. vonter ern 7.2003 n. Ent enfo etzt bei omponenten n. Ich neh rift bestätige zur leer Zur Behörde (Amtstierarzt) und vom Betreuungstierarzt kontrolliert werden Be kann. zugebe lge einzum hörde (Am ich, me Her , 149/20 ung n). ischen stel Tro Herstel tstierarzt)zur Kenntnis dass mein Mis und lung 03-FM ck Rei cher den und vom , dass die Mak enfuttelung vo von nigu Mit Richtig Betreuun mei ng is keit me oben angefü (FA rokom r (Feu n FAM gstiera ents hrten ner iner t mög po M-V rzt kon ch is Pu prnkt trolliert Angaben jederz orm nenten tigke t meh en Unter ic lich. B ________________________________ ______________________________ ht eh its werden schr lig isch eit Ich örde von .der kann. ung sind vo gehalt es bz ___ Ort, Datum Unterschrift des Betriebsinhabers (Am nehm ift best ___ w is vo r ______ . t M ge e tstie ät n zule Ort, Da ______ BMGFJ GZ 74200/21-IV/B/5/07, Version 25.10.2007 rarz zur Ken ige ich, tzt beikrokom max. 14schrot tum ______ t) un et po nt BMGFJ da ___ iz es _____ ugeb nent %) zu d vo nis, da ss m GZ 742 00/21-IV ve mB en). en ei ei /B/5/07, etre ss die n Mis nzum rwende ______ ____ Version uung Richt cher 25.10.20 ______ n. isch 07 de Ort, ______ stie ig en Untersch ______ rarz keit m n oben Dat___ __ rift des ___ t ko um______ ____ Betriebsi ntro einer A ange ____ fü nhaber llier ng ____ s t wer aben hrten P ____ je den un kann derzei kten ____ BM GFJ t vo . GZ n de 7420 r __________________________ Maximale Füllmenge




-IV/B /5/0

7, V


blat t Tr







n 25



____ Unt ____ ersc __ hrift ____ des ____ __ Bet riebs ____ inha __ bers


Production of medicated feeds

The person producing the medicated feed is directly responsible for ensuring that





ne arz






Only feedstuffs or combinations of feedstuff are used that comply with the provisions of the Austrian Feedstuffs Act;


The feed used yields a homogeneous and stable mix with the licensed medicated feed premix;


The licensed medicated feed premix is used in production of the medicated feed in accordance with the conditions provided for this purpose: no undesirable interactions between veterinary medicines, additives and feedstuffs; shelf-life longer than the prescribed period.


ll e rs te er H n üb M u n g e v o n FA n h g n e ic A u fz n w e n d u A und

Medicated feed premixes must be stored in separate, locked rooms, specifi cally intended for this purpose and suitable for storage, or in containers that are sealed air-tight. Medicated feed premixes must be mixed up or mixed in according to the instructions and prescription of the veterinary surgeon and the provisions of the package leafl et.


The person producing the medicated feed must keep a record with daily entries regarding the nature and quantity of the licensed medicated feed premixes, the feedstuff used and the medicated feed produced or stored, and regarding the name and address of the prescribing veterinary surgeon. These records must be kept for at least fi ve years from the date of the last entry and submitted to the competent authorities during inspections at any time on request. CHER



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The “Medicated Feed Mixing Book” published by the Austrian LFI can be used for the records required. It also contains the “Guidelines for the production of medicated feeds in agricultural facilities”. Drum mixer An alternative to diagonal and vertical mixers for facilities that produce only small quantities of medicated feed. It must be possible to close the mixer opening so that it is dust-tight – ease of cleaning.

Vertical mixer 22

Diagonal mixer

Photos: Gruber

Drum mixer

Facility surveys and documentation

Facility surveys and documentation The key element of the Veterinary Health Service consists of the regularly implemented facility surveys. The attending vet is obliged to carry out an initial facility survey as soon as possible but after no more than eight weeks at the latest, to record the operating status of VHS facilities for which an attendance agreement is being signed for the fi rst time. He must forward the facility survey cover sheet to the VHS offi ce without delay. If either the attending vet or the farmer changes, the documentation of the operating status must be carried out as part of the next scheduled facility survey.

Documenting the facility survey A facility survey cover sheet and the facility survey protocol required in each case must be completed for every facility survey, both the attending vet and the livestock owner retaining a copy of the facility survey cover sheet signed by both parties. The facility survey protocol is retained by the livestock owner. The facility surveys must be spread evenly over the year, Name Tiergesundheitsdienst Land Anlage 7 with a minimum interval of BETRIEBSERHEBUNGSDECKBLATT two months being observed between the individual facility surveys. Only in documented Datum der Betriebserhebung ........ / ........ 20.......... Beginn .................. Uhr Ende .................. Uhr exceptional cases may the inNr. der BE im laufendem Jahr terval be reduced. The attenArzneimittelanwendung, Teilnahme an Programmen Tierkategorie Tierzahl ding vet is responsible in any event for compliance with the facility survey frequency. With a few exceptions, the facility surveys are paid centrally. gem. Tiergesundheitsdienst-Verordnung



(Name, Anschrift, LFBIS)

(Name, Anschrift, VetNr.)

1. BE

2. BE

3. BE

4. BE

Martin Greßl, AMA, Quality Management Director and Coordinator of the AMA Quality Seal “The AMA Quality Seal programme is the leading quality assurance programme for foodstuffs in Austria and enjoys very high consumer confidence. The health and welfare of the animals are two of the most important factors for the production of healthy foods of animal origin. This is why participation by the AMA Quality Seal facilities in the Veterinary Health Service is an important basis for agricultural production.”

BE mit Tierhalter verrechnet




(1) Zuchtsauen

(2) Mastschweine

________ Stk.

Anwendung von Tierarzneimittel / Impf.



________ Mpl.

Anwendung von Fütterungsarzneimittel



Herstellung von Fütterungsarzneimittel



(3) Babyferkelaufzucht

keine Angabe notw.

(4) Jungsauenaufzucht

keine Angabe notw.

(5) Milchkühe

(6) spezialisierte Kälbermast

________ GVE

(8) Mutterkühe

(bei Rinder nur eine Tierkategorie und Gesamt GVE angeben)

(9) Schafe/Ziegen

________ Stk.

(7) Mastvieh, Kalbinnenaufzucht

(10) Geflügel

keine Angabe notw.

(13) Bienen

_____ Dauer in Min.

(14) Sonstige (Pferde etc.)

____ Stk. ____ Min.

Schw. PRRS

Rd. Fruchtbarkeit

Schw. Räude

Rd. Parasitosen u. Trichoph.

Schw. TG und Management

Rd. Dermatitis digitalis

Rd. Zuchtprogramm (ET)

kl.Wdk. Parasitenprogramm

Rd. Gesundheitsmonitoring

kl.Wdk. Maedi/Visna/CAE/Bruc.ovis.



keine Angabe notw.

(12) Gatterwild

Rd. Eutergesundheit

Schw. PCV2

________ Stk.

(11) Fische

Schw. Rhinitis

TGD-Arzneimittelanwender (Vor-/Nachname)

Geb. Datum



Fett umrandeter Teil ist nur bei der 1. Betriebserhebung des jeweiligen Jahres auszufüllen! Mängel seit der letzten BE behoben Ja Nein tlw.



Tierhalter (T), Familienangehöriger (F), Vertragsverhältnis (V)

keine Mängel erhebl. Mängel vorhanden Mängel

Mängel der/den Tierkategorie(n) zuordnen (Nr. angeben)

Fristsetzung (Datum)

a. Arzneimitteldokumentation/–anwendung b. Tierschutz

Central settlement means that payment for the facility survey is not settled directly between the livestock owner and the vet but is normally debited from the livestock owner by the office via a debit order and transferred to the vet after receipt of the facility survey cover sheet.

c. Tiergesundheitsstatus d. Hygiene e. Fütterung f. Management g. Haltung h. Stallklima i. Gesundheitsprogramme j. Aus- und Weiterbildungserfordernisse k. Anmerkungen (nähere Beschreibung der Mängel mit Bezug auf Evaluierungsbereich unter Verwendung des Buchstaben)

Nächste Betriebserhebung (Mindestabstand 2 Monate)

1. Quart.

................................................................... Unterschrift Tierhalter

2. Quart.

3. Quart.

4. Quart.

Jahr: .................

........................................................................... Unterschrift Tierarzt


Facility surveys and documentation

The facility survey must cover at least the following points

Dr. Walter Obritzhauser, attending vet


Review of the treatment register and the other records kept by the livestock owner regarding animal health since the last visit;


Assessment of the health of the stock – insofar as this is possible – in conjunction with performance parameters and/or production results in the preceding period;


Inspection of the stock (facility check);


Completion of the facility survey protocol.

Completion of the facility survey protocol If possible, all the points of the relevant facility survey protocol should be checked. If it is not possible to check individual points, this should be noted under the “Comments” point on the facility survey cover sheet, giving the reasons. TIERGESUNDHEITSDIENST

Betriebserhebungsprotokoll-Milchviehbetrieb LFBISNr:









In the case of facility surveys to be charged centrally, the following points at least must be checked in any event: n

Documentation and use of medicines


Animal health status, and


Animal protection

1. Arzneimitteldokumentation und -anwendung 1.1. Betriebsregister vorhanden 1.2. Anwendung lt. Therapieanweisung dokum. 1.3. Anwendungstechnik i.O. 1.4. Lagerung der Medikamente/Instrumente i.O. 1.5. Kennzeichnung behandelter Tiere i.O.

2. Tierschutz

2.1. keine schwerwiegenden Verstöße 2.2. keine augenscheinlichen Mängel

3. Tiergesundheitsstatus

3.1. Atemwegserkr. kein Bestandsproblem 3.2. Fruchtbarkeitsstörung kein Bestandsproblem 3.3. Eutererkrankungen kein Bestandsproblem 3.4. Stoffwechselerkr. kein Bestandsproblem 3.5. Technopathien kein Bestandsproblem 3.6. Bewegungsapparat kein Bestandsproblem 3.7. Durchfallerkr. kein Bestandsproblem 3.8. Ektoparasiten kein Bestandsproblem 3.9. Hautveränderungen (Trich.) kein Bestprobl 3.10. Ernährungszustand kein Bestandsproblem 3.11. Kälberkrankheiten kein Bestandsproblem 3.12. Nabelerkrankungen kein Bestandsproblem 3.13. Andere Erkrankungen kein Bestandsprobl. Wenn nein welche:

4. Hygiene

The attending vet must forward the facility survey cover sheets to the offi ce for central settlement by no later than 31 July for the fi rst half-year and by no later than 31 January of the following year for the second half-year. They may be forwarded in electronic or paper form (signed by both parties).

4.1. Schutzbekleidung für betriebsfr. Personen 4.2. Nager/Ungeziefer/Fliegenbekämpfung i.O. 4.3. keine Hygieneprobleme durch sonstige Tiere 4.4. Reinigung/Desinf./Kalkung ausreichend 4.5. Absonderung kranker Tiere möglich 4.6. kontrollierter Tierzukauf

5. Fütterung

5.1. Futterlagerung i.O. 5.2. Fütterungshygiene i.O. 5.3. Wasserversorgung i.O. 5.4. Fütterungsmanagement i.O.

____ /20 __

Datum der Erhebung ............................

Name Tierarzt ............................................................................



    

    

 

 

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6. Management

6.1. Fruchtbarkeit 6.1.1. Abkalbung ohne Probleme 6.1.2. Abortus kein Bestandsproblem 6.1.3. Puerperale Erkrankungen kein Bestandspr. 6.2. Eutergesundheit 6.2.1. Rohmilchqualität (S-Klasse) wird erreicht 6.2.2. Euterhygieneprogramm wird durchgeführt 6.2.3. Melkanlage wird regelmäßig überprüft 6.2.4. Zitzenverletzung kein Bestandsproblem

Anlage 19

Erhebung Nr./Jahr:

Anzahl Milchkühe: _______

Name Tierhalter .................................................................

Pkt. 1 bis 3 sind bei jeder Betriebserhebung nachweislich zu überprüfen

“The Veterinary Health Service guarantees timely stock supervision. In the context of the facility survey, the vet and farmer jointly assess the health of the animals and their husbandry; measures for improvement are set in place. The use of veterinary medicines is checked and assessed. The VHS gives the attending vet legal security in involving the farmer in the use of veterinary medicines.”

Ja 6.2.5. Anzahl akuter Mastitiden/Jahr 6.2.6. Anzahl chronischer Mastitiden/Jahr 6.3. Ernährungszustand 6.3.1. bei Kälbern i.O. 6.3.2. bei Kalbinnen i.O. 6.3.3. bei frischlaktierenden Kühen i.O. 6.3.4. in der Hochlaktation (6 Wo p.p.) i.O. 6.3.5. bei trockenstehenden Kühen i.O.

    

6.4. Klauengesundheit 6.4.1. Klauenpflege i.O. 6.4.2. Klauengesundheit i.O.

 

6.5. Abgänge 6.5.1. Zahl der Abgänge pro Jahr 6.5.2. krankheitsbedingte Abgänge pro Jahr ______ 6.5.3. Abgangsursachen:

7. Haltung

wurde kontrolliert

„x“ steht für Mängel vorhanden


wurde kontrolliert

„x“ steht für Mängel vorhanden


       ______



7.1. sichtbare Schäden Aufstallung 7.2. sichtbare Schäden Boden 7.3. Belegdichte/Platzangebot 7.4. Tier/Freßplatzverhältnis 7.5. Lichtverhältnisse 7.6. Baumängel 7.7. Andere:

8. Stallklima

Nein ______




  

  

8.1. Temperatur/Luftfeuchtigkeit/Zug 8.2. Schadgase 8.3. Lüftungsanlage 8.4. Andere:

9. Gesundheitsprogramme

9.1. Impfprogramme  Rota  Corona  E. coli  RSV  Parainfl  andere: 9.2. Ektoparasitenbehandlung 9.3. Entwurmung 9.4. Klauenbäder 9.5. Andere Programme; wenn ja, welche:

Anmerkungen (z.B. Mängel, Beratungsbedarf, Handlungsplan)

Josef Kammerhofer, farmer “I belong to the VHS because the good all-round care of my cattle is very important to me. The Fertility Care Package supports my herd management. The legal security provided by the precise documentation of all medicine use and the option of carrying out various followup treatments legally myself are additional reasons for me to be in the VHS. So I can only advise every farmer to take part in the VHS.


After diagnosis of any stock problems that may be present, measures must be set out for the coming period in the facility survey protocol. The attending vet must use a survey list of defects to record the advisory needs (keeping/protection of animals, feeding, ventilation, specialist production advice, etc.) for which a documented special consultation should be implemented before the next visit. The attending vet is obliged to carry out and record an evaluation of the measures listed at his next visit, and no later than during the next facility survey. In the case of fattening and rearing farms, the facility visits to be recorded must take place within 14 days of the introduction of new animals into the stock (adjustment examination) if possible. Empfohlene diagnostische Maßnahmen: Blutproben





___________________________________________________ Unterschrift Landwirt




___________________________________________________ Unterschrift Tierarzt

Facility surveys and documentation

The following facility surveys, to be charged centrally, must be carried out each year: Breeding sows (general basic fee c 80.00 + c 3.00/breeding sow from the 11th breeding sow and + c 2.00 per breeding sow from the 71th breeding sow, ceiling at 150 breeding sows)

+ 3.00/breeding sow

+ 2.00/breeding sow

No. of positions

For central settlement

No. of facility surveys

Up to 10 breeding sows

a 80



a 83



a 143



a 233



a 260



a 262



a 322



a 420


Fattening pigs (general basic fee c 80.00 + c 2.00/10 fattening positions from 110 fattening position, ceiling at 600 fattening positions) Up to 100

a 80


a 82

1 1


a 100



a 180


a 200


a 200


Baby piglet rearing Gilt rearing Cattle

Basic fee c

For central settlement

No. of facility surveys

Dairy cows

a 30,–

Basic fee + c 2.5/livestock unit (LSU) Max. c 140 (e.g. 1st LSU = c 32.50)

1 (2)*

Specialised veal calf production **

a 30,–

Basic fee + c 2.5/LSU Max. c 130 (e.g. 1st LSU = c 32.50)

1 (2)*

Fat stock and heifer rearing

a 30,–

Basic fee + c 1.5/LSU Max. c 120 (e.g. 1st LSU = c 31.50)

1 (2)*

Suckler cows

a 30,–

Basic fee + c 1.00/LSU Max. c 110 (e.g. 1st LSU = c 31.00)

1 (2)*

Type of animal

No. of animals

For central settlement

No. of facility surveys

Sheep/ Goats

From 1 year old

< 80 Stk.

c 40,–


From 1 year old

80–200 Stk.

c 80,–


From 1 year old

> 200 Stk.

c 120,–

1 (2)*

Poultry In accordance with specifi c programme

c 82,6/hour and/or c 20,7/15 minutes (time model)


Fish In accordance with specifi c programme

c 60,–


c 60,–


According to current hourly rate of the Austrian Veterinary Surgeons’ Council


Venison In accordance with specifi c programme Bees In accordance with specifi c programme

Other (horses, etc.) In accordance with specifi c programme

According to current hourly rate of the Austrian Veterinary Surgeons’ Council


* In the case of > 50 LSU cattle and of > 200 sheep and goats an additional facility survey must be recorded. This can be replaced by proof of participation in a veterinary health programme announced in the “Amtlichen Veterinärnachrichten”. ** In principle, one facility survey per fattening cycle must be implemented in specialised veal-calf facilities.

Facility surveys and documentation

The following provisions apply with respect to the facility visits to be recorded n

The basis for classification in cattle stocks is the number of LSU (AMA animal list/ database), in pig stocks it is the number of breeding sows/fattening pigs kept and in sheep/goat stocks the number of sheep and goats kept that are over one year old (data from the VIS Veterinary Information System in accordance with the Austrian Animal Identification and Registration Regulations 2009 – the key date being 1 April of the year just past.


The livestock owner and attending vet establish the number of animals to be supervised. The office may also establish the number if the technical preconditions are met. In this event, the set number of animals to be supervised must be synchronised with the attending vet and the livestock owner.


If there is a significant change in the annual stock that results in reclassification, the livestock owner must report this to the attending vet and the VHS.


As regards the number of facility visits to be recorded in the facility, that type of animal will be decisive as the main category for which the greater number of facility surveys has to be implemented on the basis of the Table above.

LSU conversion table Cattle: Calves up to 6 months old Young cattle from 6 months to 2 years old Cattle over 2 years old Pigs: Piglets up to 20 kg live weight (LW) Young pigs from 20 to 30 kg LW Young pigs from 30 to 50 kg LW Fattening pigs from 50 kg LW upwards Breeding pigs from 50 kg LW upwards: Gilts – not serviced Gilts – serviced Older sows, serviced/not serviced Breeding boars Sheep: Lambs up to six months old Sheep, 6 months to 1 year (without ewes) Sheep, 1 year and older, male Sheep, 1 year and older, female (without ewes) Ewes Goats: Goats, up to 1 year (without she-goats) Goats, 1 year and above (without she-goat) She-goats


Joint supervision regulations LSU 0,15 0,60 1,00 0,00 0,07 0,15 0,15 0,15 0,30 0,30 0,30 0,00 0,00 0,15 0,15 0,15

n If

other species are also supervised (cattle, sheep, goats, pigs), the main category is taken as the basis and any other species converted to LSU. A sum of a 1.50 per LSU of the jointly supervised species is added to the charge for the facility survey of the main category. The maximum amount is the ceiling figure for the main category concerned. The LSU must be calculated on the basis of the adjacent Table.

Joint supervision of individual animals n If

up to three breeding sows, seven ewes or shegoats, one cow or one horse, including their offspring in each case, or a number of fattening pigs for a maximum of ten fattening positions or fewer than 350 laying hens or, in the case of fattening animals, no more than 350 animals are kept in addition to the category of animal primarily kept, these animals may be jointly supervised without an increase in the costs of the facility survey.

0,00 0,15 0,15

Training and continuing development of participants

Training and continuing development of participants Training1 for the VHS medicine handler VHS medicine handlers must prove that they have successfully completed the following compulsory training content with a minimum of eight 50-minute units before they are involved in administering veterinary medicines (including vaccines) in the VHS facility to which they belong.

Training 8 hours (8 x 50 minutes) before involvement in administering medicines

Compulsory training content within the framework of the training for the VHS medicine handler: n Statutory framework conditions: Austrian Veterinary Medicines Control Act and regulations issued in accordance with this act (veterinary medicines list and veterinary health services), statutory penal provisions, provisions under animal diseases law, animal protection regulations, special rights and duties of the livestock owner, including recommendations from the “Austrian Veterinary Health Service” advisory committee published in the “Amtlichen Veterinärnachrichten”. n

Use, storage and return of medicines: Storage of medicines; hygiene measures in connection with the expert use of medicines, theoretical introduction to the following administration routes: oral, intramuscular, subcutaneous, other topical administration routes. Return of medicine residues, out of date medicines and handling empty containers. n Hygiene measures: Basic terms and principles of epidemiology, cleaning and disinfection measures, principles regarding the spread of microorganisms, individual hygiene for individual animals, housing hygiene and hygiene in intensive and extensive livestock farming, water and air hygiene, liquid and solid waste hygiene, feedstuff hygiene. n Pharmacology: Body/medicine interaction, medicine/feedstuff interaction, excretion of medicines, breakdown and concentration curve over time, residue problems.

If it is intended to produce medicated feedstuffs (MFS) in the facility as well, a mixing course of at least three 50-minute units must also be successfully completed, in addition to the training described above, before the production of medicated feedstuffs. The training content is as follows: n

Mixing technique course: Technology and equipment of mixing plant, mixing technology, user safety for the production of medicated feedstuffs, hygiene and documentation (records).

Dr. Christian Mader, Director VHS Tyrol “The compulsory training and continuing development for the farmers and vets in the VHS has proved to be extremely positive. The knowledge and expertise of every participant is improved in this way and new experiences and knowledge can be rapidly put into practice. In every innovative and successful business, continuing development is regarded as a core instrument for constant quality improvement. Farmers and vets are entrepreneurs and are confronted with the widest variety of challenges on a daily basis.”

Mixing technique course 3 hours

1 The following are excepted from the obligation to successfully complete the training course: − Graduates in veterinary medicine − and the following people insofar as they can prove that they have completed the prescribed compulsory teaching content with at least the prescribed number of hours: − Graduates of an agricultural master course, and − Graduates at the University of Natural Resources and Applied Life Sciences, and − Graduates of agricultural colleges, and − Graduates of the Agricultural Education Centre

(3 x 50 minutes) before production of MFS


Checks in the VHS

Continuing development for the VHS livestock owner With effect from the calendar year following accession to the VHS, the VHS livestock owner (farmer) or a family member living at the VHS facility concerned or an employee in a current employment or contractual relationship with the VHS livestock owner must provide proof of participating in VHS continuing development events with the recommended continuing development content for four hours each year for four years.

Continuing development 4 hours within each of 4 years

The hours to be credited for any one continuing development event may be credited for only one person per VHS facility.

from the year following accession to the VHS

Recommended continuing development content: Veterinary health, animal breeding, changes in legal aspects, feedstuff hygiene, food safety and consumer protection, animal protection, animal movements, use of medicated feeds.

Continuing development in mixing technique

Continuing development for the VHS vet

Within the framework of continuing development events for VHS vets, the following content is compulsory in relation to the specialist field covered in attendance agreements in each case:

The two continuing development hours every five years that have been required in the past have been integrated into the normal VHS continuing development and therefore no longer need to be completed separately.


Statutory framework conditions (particularly medicines and veterinary medicines regulations)


Herd and health management in agricultural facilities.

The VHS vet must participate within four years in continuing development events recognised by the Austrian Veterinary Surgeons’ Council amounting to a total of at least 30 hours, starting from the year following his accession. The competent Veterinary Health Services may arrange compulsory VHS continuing development events for their VHS vets if required.

Checks in the VHS Supervisory bodies in the Veterinary Health Service


• Checks for the authorities by

Veterinary officials

• External checks by

Accredited control office

• Internal checks by

VHS office

• Self-checks within the facility surveys

Livestock owner Vet

Sanctions in the VHS

Sanctions in the VHS Sanctioning measures that can be taken by the office, relating to a VHS attending vet or a VHS vet acting on his behalf or as his representative and to the livestock owner: Sanction mechanisms: n Written request to remedy a defect; n Written request to remedy a defect with warning; n Exclusion from VHS medicine use; n Temporary exclusion from participation in veterinary health programmes; n Exclusion from veterinary health programmes; n Exclusion from VHS support programmes; n Follow-up checks with costs; n Fines; n Exclusion from participation in the VHS. Sanctions in the event of continuing development requirements at the VHS facility not being met: If the continuing development requirements are not met, then – regardless of the hours missing – four hours of chargeable follow-up training must be successfully completed via the Institute for Adult Education in Rural Areas (LFI) and, for the poultry sector, via ARGE Huhn & Co or the Poultry Health Service, within eight months. Until proof of completion of this chargeable follow-up training is provided, no VHS medicines may be dispensed at the facility. If the follow-up training is not completed within the eight months, the facility will be excluded from participation in the VHS. Sanctions in the event of continuing development requirements of VHS vets not being met: If the continuing development requirements are not met, a sum amounting to the hourly rate of the Austrian Veterinary Surgeons’ Council will be payable to the Veterinary Health Service for each continuing development hour not completed. In addition and regardless of the number of hours missing, follow-up training of four hours, organised by the Veterinary Health Service, must be completed. If the followup training is not completed within the eight months, the vet will be excluded from participation in the VHS. Sanctions in the event of facility surveys not being implemented: The costs of the facility surveys not implemented will be deducted from the total or charged to the VHS attending vet on the basis of the numbers of animals from the previous year and, at the same time, involvement of the VHS medicine handler in the use of veterinary medicine will be prohibited until the next facility survey. In the Poultry Health Service, the tariff charged for that facility in the previous year will be deducted or charged, but with a minimum tariff of half an hour. Sanctions in the event of noncompliance with provisions of the Veterinary Health Programme and of serious breaches regarding the use of medicines within the framework of veterinary health programmes: A livestock owner who commits serious breaches regarding the use of medicines will, at all events, be excluded from participation in all veterinary health programmes that allow special veterinary medicines to be dispensed to livestock owners, at least for a period of nine months. The VHS attending vet will, at all events, be subject to a fine.


Veterinary health programmes

National veterinary health programmes Livestock owners who take part in veterinary health programmes must always be registered by the Veterinary Health Service and reported by the offi ce to the competent Landeshauptmann (provincial governor). Any withdrawal from participation in veterinary health programmes must be reported by the Veterinary Health Service offi ce to the competent district administrative authorities without delay.

Udder health programme “Udder health” module within the framework of the “Cattle care package” The programme is aimed at evaluating and improving udder health in Austrian dairy cattle facilities and utilises a series of measures to secure economically effi cient production of high-quality milk. Facilities are given instructions for improving and/or maintaining udder health. The following measures are involved: n Annual evaluation/review together with the attending vet of data relevant to udder

health (e.g. cell count for the individual cow and cell count for the bulk milk). n Clinical and bacteriological stock examination in facilities with cell count problems

and facilities with fairly frequent cases of acute mastitis. n Milk sampling if necessary and/or training the farmer to take milk samples. n Ongoing documented monitoring of udder health using the Schalm test and at

least annual stock examination (selection for bacteriological examination on the basis of Schalm test or cell count results) fairly large D-quota facilities (> 10,000 kg milk p.a.). n Follow-up checks of problem cows (cows after acute mastitis, chronically infected

cows, cows with teat tip injuries, etc.). n Facility-related goals for udder health set jointly by farmer and attending vet. n Treatments taking account of antibiograms. Milk suppliers taking part in the pro-

gramme can also obtain the antibiogram from the attending vet. n Information and advice about potential factors of udder diseases (milking and

housing hygiene, diseases and injuries, milk storage and transport, feeding, milking sequence, over-milking, properly functioning milking equipment, etc.). n The milk producer undertakes to comply with the programme in accordance with

the guidelines and to undergo regular continuing training in the fi eld of udder health.

Fertility programme Programme to combat fertility problems in Austrian cattle stocks to improve the health and performance of cattle stocks


Veterinary health programmes

The aim of the fertility programme is the implementation of management measures alongside efficient therapeutic, prophylactic and metaphylactic measures so as to reduce fertility problems. The programme contains the following measures: n

Monitoring the postpartum period: gynaecological (vaginal and rectal) examination of every problem cow in a herd in the first 5 – 6 weeks after calving.


Monitoring in the case of absence of oestrus: rectal and – only if an abnormal vaginal discharge leads to the suspicion of a simultaneous endometritis – vaginal examination of every cow in the herd that has not exhibited oestrus more than 42 days postpartum and of every heifer in the herd that has not exhibited oestrus more than 42 days after reaching the age of its first insemination.


Pregnancy examination of every cow and heifer in the stock at a time at which pregnancy can be excluded with certainty.


Recording and evaluation of the herd fertility: all data relevant to the fertility of the stock (at least: servicing, insemination, diagnoses and data on treatment for fertility disorders, results of pregnancy examinations, exclusion of breeding) must be recorded in a manner suitable for periodic evaluation. The programme proposes relevant forms for this purpose.


The opportunity to dispense special veterinary medicines within the framework of the programme (e.g. uterine pessaries for follow-up treatment).

Fertility and breeding measures in cattle to improve animal health Depending on the facility and the animal, the aim of the programme is to restore the cycle or terminate cyclical processes for obtaining/creating and transfer of embryos. This is accomplished by integrating the main influencing factors of feeding, keeping and breeding as a prerequisite for more extensive breeding measures. The breeding measures focus on programmes of reproductive techniques that require the optimum framework conditions in the facility for additional, targeted, breeding hygiene campaigns. These campaigns involve the use of embryo transfer on the basis of obtaining embryos by means of super-ovulation and in-vitro production.

Dermatitis digitalis program Programme to combat and control bovine dermatitis digitalis (DD) (Synonyms: Mortellaro disease, strawberry disease)

Dr. Konrad Blaas, BMLFUW (Austrian Federal Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Water Management), Head of Department, Animal Husbandry and Animal Protection “Apart from the advantages of preventative stock supervision and the safe use of medicines, within the framework of the VHS organisations, facilities also have the opportunity of taking part in veterinary health programmes. These have a wide variety of objectives, ranging from single-facility economic efficiency (e.g. udder health), to improved marketing opportunities (e.g. freedom from PRRS in breeding pigs) and food safety (e.g. Salmonella programme for poultry). Support from the national and provincial governments should make these programmes even more attractive.”

Dermatitis digitalis (referred to below as DD for short) causes major economic losses, particularly in Austrian milk production. The programme for combating and controlling DD is intended to prevent further spread of the disease in healthy stock by means of prophylactic, metaphylactic and therapeutic measures, and to reduce the economic losses as far as possible in cattle stocks that are already infected. At present no statutory regulations exist with respect to DD. As regards the economic and animal protection-related significance of the disease, the introduction of


Veterinary health programmes

reporting requirements should be considered, to allow greater monitoring of husbandry conditions in affected facilities and targeted advice on reducing the rate of infection, among other things. The inclusion of a clause relating to DD in the auction guidelines of the cattle breeders’ associations is recommended, in which the vendor guarantees that the animals for sale are free from DD. In addition, reference should be made to the legal situation, pointing out that the purchaser is entitled to full compensation if the vendor was aware of DD infection in his stock and did not inform the purchaser of this. Appropriate starting points for combating the disease include monitoring animal movement, on the one hand, and informing/educating those groups affected (vets, those involved with hoof care, farmers), on the other.

Parasite control program, cattle Programme for combating parasitosis and trichophyton infection in Austrian cattle farming to improve the health of the cattle stocks, including measures to secure and improve product quality

LFBISNr: Tierhalter

The programme presents a series of recommended, specifi c measures aimed at combating certain forms of parasitosis and dermataomycosis (Trychophyton infecTIERGESUNDHEITSDIENST Anlage 18 tion) to prevent cattle production losses caused by these infections. The aim of the programme is the use of effi cient prophylactic and metaphylactic measures to reduce Betriebserhebungsprotkoll-Milchviehbetrieb Erhebung Nr./Jahr: ____/20__ and/or prevent as far as possible the occurrence of clinical parasitosis and dermato1234567 mycosis and the losses caused by parasitic and mycotic infections. Mustermann Max 59

Implementation at the level of the agricultural facility takes place in accordance with a set schedule. This describes the recommended steps in the programme sequence, Datum der Erhebung .................................................................. Tierarzt ........................................................................................ the competences and the documentation of the measures put in place. On participation in the Ja Nein Ja Nein VHS “Health Monitoring” 1. Arzneimitteldokumentation und -anwendung programme, a facility 6. Management Health monitoring programme 1.1. Betriebsregister vorhanden O O 6.1. Fruchtbarkeit survey protocol is 1.2. Anwendung lt. Therapieanweisung dokum. O O 6.1.1. Abkalbung ohne Probleme O O 1.3. Anwendungstechnik i.O. O O available that already 0 Anzahl Erstdiagnosen The frequency of the incidence of diseases and functional disorders in cattle suggests 1.4. Lagerung der Medikamente/Instrumente i.O. O O contains performance 6.1.2. Abortus kein Bestandsproblem O O 1.5. Kennzeichnung behandelter Tiere i.O. conclusions regarding defects in the keeping conditions, feed and management of a O O 0 Anzahl Erstdiagnosen and health data. 6.1.3. Puerperale Erkrankungen kein Bestandsproblem O O 2. Tierschutz cattle stock. By comparing disease frequencies in a cattle stock with average disease 9 Anzahl Erstdiagnosen 2.1. keine schwerwiegenden Verstöße O O frequencies in other cattle stocks it is possible to illustrate potential for 6.2. Eutergesundheit 2.2. keine augenscheinlichen Mängel O O 6.2.1. Rohmilchqualität (S-Klasse) wird erreicht O O improvement of the health of the animals in the stock. Evaluation of the 6.2.2. Euterhygieneprogramm wird durchgeführt O O 3. Tiergesundheitsstatus change in disease frequencies over time can be used to show the effi caO O 3.1. Atemwegserkr. kein Bestandproblem O O 6.2.3. Melkanlage wird regelmäßig überprüft 6.2.4. Zitzenverletzung kein Bestandsproblem O O 8 Anzahl Erstdiagnosen cy of measures taken. Newly developed health problems can be seen at Anzahl Erstdiagnosen 1 3.2. Fruchtbarkeitsstörung kein Bestandsproblem O O 6.2.5. Anzahl akuter Mastitiden/Jahr 12 an early stage and steps taken to avoid them. Evaluation of the health 16 Anzahl Erstdiagnosen 6.2.6. Anzahl chronischer Mastitiden/Jahr 4 418 erwartete Zwischenkalbezeit of the stock is part of every VHS facility survey. 6.3. Ernährungszustand 1,6 Erstbesamungsindex O O 3.3. Eutererkrankungen kein Bestandsproblem O The VHS programme “Health monitoring, cattle” allows evaluation of O 6.3.1. bei Kälbern i.O. 6.3.2. bei Kalbinnen i.O. O O 20 Anzahl Erstdiagnosen the health of the stock by calculating diagnosis frequencies at the 6.3.3. bei frischlaktierenden Kühen i.O. O O 430 Zellzahldurchschnitt 6.3.4. bei in der Hochlaktation (6 Wo p.p.) i.O. O O level of the cattle stock over time and in comparison to the average 40,1 Anteil Zellzahl über 200.000 in % O O 3.4. Stoffwechselerkr. kein Bestandsproblem O O 6.3.5. bei trockenstehenden Kühen i.O. diagnosis frequencies in cattle stocks within a district / region and the 6.4. Klauengesundheit Anzahl Erstdiagnosen 5 6.4.1. Klauenpflege i.O. O O Ø Fett-Eiweissquotient 1.-100.Laktationstag 1,22 province. The data for calculating diagnosis frequencies are taken from 6.4.2. Klauengesundheit i.O. O O 22,4 Anteil Eiweißgehalt 1.-100.Tag kleiner 3% the diagnoses recorded by the attending vet. The diagnoses are en3.5. Technopathien kein Bestandsproblem O O 6.5. Abgänge 3.6. Bewegungsapparat kein Bestandsproblem O coded by the vet. The diagnosis codes are forwarded to the database O 6.5.1. Zahl der Abgänge pro Jahr 6.5.2. krankheitsbedingte Abgänge pro Jahr 10 Anzahl Erstdiagnosen of the Rinderdatenverbund (Cattle Data Network – national Austrian 3.7. Durchfallerkr. kein Bestandsproblem O O 6.5.3. Abgangsursachen: Gesamt/Krankheitsbedingt 7/3 0 Anzahl Erstdiagnosen database) where they are stored centrally. The data are evaluated by

Pkt. 1 bis 3 sind bei jeder Betriebserhebung nachweislich zu überprüfen

Anzahl Milchkühe:

3.8. Ektoparasiten kein Bestandsproblem O O 3.9. Hautveränderungen (Trich.) kein Bestandsproblem O O 0 Anzahl Erstdiagnosen Example of pre-printed 3.10. Ernährungszustand kein Bestandsproblem O O facility survey protocol 3.11. Kälberkrankheiten kein Bestandsproblem O O 3 Anzahl Erstdiagnosen 6 Anzahl Totgeburten/Verendungen 3.12. Nabelerkrankungen O O 32 kein Bestandsproblem 3.13. Andere Erkrankungen kein Bestandsproblem O O 0 Anzahl Erstdiagnosen Wenn nein welche: .....................................................................

4. Hygiene

Unfruchtbarkeit Infektionskrankheit Stoffwechsel Euter Klauen 6.6. Remontierung Anzahl Kühe mit mind. 5 Abkalbungen Anteil Kühe 1. Kalbung Erstkalbealter in Monaten 6.7. Leistung Milchmenge in kg Fett % Eiweiß %

0 0 0 2 1

38,3 23,3 32,5 8.285 3,87 3,26

Veterinary health programmes

ZuchtData-EDV-Dienstleistungen GmbH and made available electronically to the participating VHS facilities and VHS vets. Benefi ts of the programme for the farmer and vet: n

Facility survey: the health reports (annual veterinary health report, drawn up on a daily basis or at the end of the monitoring year) serve as the basis for evaluating the health of the stock in the context of the facility survey.


Basis for measures to improve veterinary health: the health reports, particularly the daily reports with health monitoring, are an essential aid to ongoing facility management to improve veterinary health and for monitoring measures set in place to improve veterinary health.


The health reports are an essential data basis for any special consultations that may be necessary.

Parasite control programme, small ruminants Improvement of flock health in Austrian sheep and goat farms by reducing the pressure of parasitic infection, pasture restoration and reduction of the rate of new infection on pastureland The aim of the programme is to reduce the occurrence of clinical parasitosis in small ruminants by the effi cient use of prophylactic and metaphylactic treatment methods, together with the long-term restoration of pastureland in Austria. An inventory of the stock is made at the start of the programme and, depending on the results of the faecal sample investigations, a prophylaxis or combat plan drawn up. The sequence of the programme and the measures put in place in the context of the parasite programme should be recorded on the facility.

Anton Wagner, Chairman of the Austrian Central Cattlebreeders’ Association (ZAR) “The data collected from the “Health monitoring, cattle” programme constitute reliable and compact information for both farmers and vets, providing a good overview of the health status of our cattle herds. I can react at an early stage to health changes in my herd. I would like to emphasise in particular the positive partnership and cooperation between vets and farmers.”

Programme for combating and monitoring Maedi Visna (MV), caprine arthritis-encephalitis (CAE) and Brucella ovis (B. ovis) in sheep and goats The aim of the programme is an attempt to achieve freedom from Maedi Visna virus, CAE virus and Brucella ovis in breeding facilities. Individual animal examination: only animals over 6 months old are subjected to serological testing for CAE and only animals over 1 year old for MV. All rams aged over 6 months that are used for breeding are tested for Brucella ovis. Stock examination: All animals (CAE over 6 months, MV over 1 year) of an epidemiological unit are tested. In the event of positive test results, the animals concerned, plus their offspring, must be separated from the fl ock immediately and culled within six months (slaughtered or killed). After disposal of the animals with positive results and their offspring, a stock examination must be undertaken within 3 months, otherwise the facility status will remain “positive”. The stock examination is not required if all the animals from this epidemiological unit are culled. At least 6 months after a stock examination has been undertaken, a standard examination should be performed. If all the test results are negative, the stock is given the facility status “S1 negative”.


Veterinary health programmes

“Veterinary health and management in pigs” programme In order to achieve a practicable production sequence and to implement a precise hygiene concept and the management measures listed in the programme, it is necessary to involve the livestock owner in the use of medicines containing gonadotropin, PGF2α and azaperone as part of this veterinary health programme. It should be emphasised in particular that the use of the medicines listed in the Annex results in a substantial reduction in the use of chemotherapeutic agents, as can easily be seen in the example of mastitis-metritis-agalactia syndrome (MMA, milk fever) and its negative consequences for the health and wellbeing of newborn piglets (early diarrhoea, stunted growth). Unlike antibiotics, these medicines involve either no waiting period or only a brief waiting period. In order to take part in the programme, the facility must comply with special regulations regarding animal protection and facility hygiene, and keep internal management records and submit a special feed concept.

Programme for monitoring and combating progressive atrophic rhinitis in breeding pigs The programme for monitoring and combating atrophic rhinitis (PAR) in breeding pigs is divided into three parts: status verifi cation, monitoring and certifi cation, and serves to certify and monitor PAR-free breeding herds. This goal is achieved by sampling pigs using nasal and tonsil swabs according to precisely stipulated sampling plans, culling positive animals and taking concomitant measures. This project helps to raise the health status of the pig population. Healthy breeding animals mean a lower pressure of infection on the fattening animals. Healthy animals achieve better performances on fattening, which increases agricultural effi ciency and takes account of consumer expectations. Food quality is improved and medicine costs saved. Furthermore, a (certifi ed) PAR-free status offers a competitive advantage over others on the market and is a prerequisite for sustainable pig breeding. The elimination of protective vaccination and the use of random sample testing alone, according to a sampling schedule, provide a cost benefi t to the breeding facility.

PRRS programme Programme for monitoring PRRS in Austrian herdbook-registered breeding facilities This programme makes it possible to distinguish between PRRS-positive and probable negative animals. This means that animals can be purchased specifi cally on the basis of PRRS status. The quarantine examinations supported by this programme restrict the further spread of PRRS to the absolute minimum currently possible. The implementation of this programme will create a major market advantage for Austrian exports.

PRRS – porcine respiratory and reproductive syndrome The viral disease is characterised by fertility disorders and pulmonary infections.


The programme is divided as follows: 1) Survey of facility and sampling 2) Decision as to whether an eradication programme (elimination of a pathogen) is reasonable. If yes, proceed to point 3. 3) Eradication 4) Monitoring to check the success

Veterinary health programmes

Circovirus vaccination of piglets Because of its wide distribution and the economic losses involved, it is urgently necessary to lay down coordinated strategies to combat the circovirus (PCV2). The aim must be to minimise the viral load and protect pigs against further infection. A. Procedure for PCV2 detection in a facility Clinical examination by the vet and testing of blood samples for antibodies. The test results can be used to detect whether a current PCV2 event is present. The test results determine the subsequent procedure (time of vaccination, management measures, etc.), which must be recorded. Negative facilities and facilities with old PCV2 infections can maintain their status by taking appropriate management steps (controlled purchase of additional animals, quarantine, staff hygiene, isolation of sick animals, etc.). Facilities with a current PCV2 occurrence can achieve a reduction in viral load and hence better veterinary health by means of vaccination (sows and piglets depending on time of infection) and treatment measures in addition to the management measures. B. Procedure for mixing pigs of different origin Animals of different origin and whose PCV2 status is unknown should be vaccinated by way of precaution. This guarantees that the animals are protected against infections and PCV2-associated diseases will thus not develop. In addition, the farmer must comply with concomitant, precisely laid down hygiene and management measures so that he can administer the vaccines himself.

Mange program, piglets Programme for monitoring the mange status in Austrian piglet rearing facilities


PCV2-associated diseases: • PMWS (postweaning multisystemic wasting syndrome) • PDNS (porcine dermatitis and nephropathic syndrome • PNP (porcine necrotising and proliferative pneumonia) • PRDC (porcine respiratory disease complex) • SAMS (sow abortion and mortality syndrome) • PCV2-associated granulomatous enteritis • PCV2-associated necrotising lymphadenitis • PCV2-induced tremor (piglet tremor) •…

Improvement of the veterinary health status will minimise the prophylactic and therapeutic use of medicines and result in more effi cient animal production. Monitoring and confi rmed freedom from mange in breeding stocks means that routine mange treatment in the fattening sector will be unnecessary. The performances of breeding sows will be improved. This programme allows stocks to be differentiated on the basis of their mange status and to distinguish mange-free from non-mange-free stocks. The programme is divided into two parts: (A) Treatment: Scheduled administration of a macrocylic lactone to all animals in the stock; (B) Monitoring: random sampling and serological testing of samples to detect the mange status; Under the programme, freedom from mange can be defi nitively assessed only after 3 examinations (1.5 years).


Veterinary health programmes

Poultry Health Service (QGV) programme for optimising the keeping conditions and product quality of chickens (Gallus gallus) for meat production (broilers) and turkeys (Meleagris gallopavo) At the time of final editing of this brochure, the programme has been announced in the “Amtlichen Veterinärnachrichten” but a corresponding amendment to the 1st Tierhaltungsverordnung (Austrian Animal Husbandry Ordinance) is still required The aim of this programme is to build on experiences in Sweden and Denmark to improve the keeping conditions of broilers and also turkeys. Optimum keeping conditions in conjunction with a functioning slaughterhouse feedback system should make an important contribution to stable health among the animal stocks, a high standard of animal protection and constant high product quality. The programme is open to all members of the Poultry Health Service. The fi rst step is an inclusion survey of the structural details of sheds at the start of the programme. This can be carried out by the facility operator himself. Participants in the programme undertake to keep records for each stock regarding daily mortality, management data and all visits by a vet. At the slaughterhouse, an internationally recognised monitoring programme will be used to assess the health of the foot pad in broilers and breast health (breast blisters) in turkeys. This monitoring is based on the scientifi cally recognised fi nding that stocking density has only a minor infl uence on the health of broilers and that management is far more important. If facilities exceed the threshold values for mortality and in the slaughterhouse monitoring, a facility consultation is implemented and if the values are exceeded again a reduction in stock density is ordered. Stock densities are governed by statute in the 1st Austrian Animal Husbandry Ordinance.

Salmonella control programme, poultry Programme to combat Salmonella in the Austrian poultry farming and slaughter industry and to improve the health of poultry stocks, including measures to safeguard and improve product quality This poultry health programme covers all stages in the production of eggs and poultry meat and includes a series of specifi c measures to supplement the regulations under public law for the purpose of combating Salmonella. The objective of the poultry health programme is the application of effective measures for both coordination and monitoring of the various programmes (the statutory regulations and the voluntarily imposed conditions) so as to reduce or prevent as far as possible the occurrence and spread of Salmonella. Organised improvement of hygiene standards in the slaughter facilities aims to optimise the microbiological quality of poultry meat products. The programme includes provisions for control tests and analyses, measures for combating harmful organisms (rodents, fl ies, beetles, etc.), preventive vaccination programmes and measures, such as health checks. In conjunction with the Poultry Health Service’s (QGV) central “Poultry Data Network” (GDV), analysis of the fi ndings allows early detection and the establishment of the eradication measures and appropriate steps for striking at the roots of the problems.


Veterinary health programmes

Salmonella control programme, turkeys Supplement to the poultry health programme – combating Salmonella Sampling turkey parent stock flocks Austria has no flocks of parent-stock turkeys. The domestic poultry industry is currently 100% dependent on hatching eggs of foreign origin. The present supply countries for hatching eggs are primarily Hungary and France. The turkey programme provides for every flock of parent birds producing eggs for Austria being sampled every two weeks in the laying shed in their country of origin by specially trained staff using two pairs of boot swabs. The samples are brought to Austria with the hatching eggs and analysed in the hatching egg laboratory to ISO standards. The results are recorded in the “Poultry Data Network” (GDV) and forwarded to a defined group of recipients. If a flock tests positive for Salmonella 3 weeks before slaughter, the buildings affected must be disinfected with a disinfectant effective against Salmonella and a compulsory disinfection check in accordance with the provisions of the Austrian Poultry Hygiene Ordinance must then be carried out. A rearing check must also be carried out in the next flock.

Programme based on the principle of competitive exclusion Poultry Health Service (QGV) programme to combat Salmonella and other pathogenic organisms in hens for meat production (broilers, Gallus gallus), laying hens, waterfowl and turkeys (Meleagris gallopava) on the basis of the competitive exclusion (CE) principle It is intended to establish an additional method in Austria for combating Salmonella as well as other pathogenic intestinal organisms, such as E. coli and Clostridia, in poultry stocks. The principle of competitive exclusion (CE) – the method developed by Professor Nurmi of administering natural pathogen-free intestinal flora to poultry – has been tested all over the world and is considered by experts as an effective means of disease prophylaxis, particularly against Salmonella in poultry. Colonisation of chick intestines is delayed under modern, hygienic breeding conditions. CE products replace the missing intestinal flora of the mother hens. Susceptibility to horizontal introduction of pathogenic organisms, such as E. coli, Salmonella and Clostridia, via the environment is thus reduced. With the CE principle it is possible to use products prophylactically and also therapeutically for various diseases. The effect on potential development of resistance to chemotherapeutic agents is thus avoided and one of the basic concepts of the VHS regulations – that of keeping the use of these substances as low as possible – is realised in the poultry sector.

Dr. Martina Glatzl, 4th vice-president of the Austrian Veterinary Surgeons’ Council “Poultry vaccination programmes have led to a significant reduction in Salmonella infections in humans. As a result of the QGV database it is now a matter of course for flocks to be centrally recorded and vaccinations, treatments and examinations input on a daily basis. The transparency demanded by the consumer has long been provided and the “transparent” chicken is no empty slogan but part of everyday reality.”


Other veterinary health programmes

Fish health and control programme One of the objectives of the programme is to acquire freedom from VHS, IHN, ISA, KHV and CFP within a period of six years. Another goal is to continue implementing the vaccination programme against SVC (begun in 1999). Realisation of the programme will make it possible to create further disease-free fi sh stocks in Austrian aquaculture facilities and also to keep these fi sh disease-free. The creation of EU-recognised, disease-free facilities (currently 3) and areas is one of the most important tasks of the Bees/Fish Working Group and the relevant Fish Section of the provincial Veterinary Health Services. The proposed programme is the only possibility for ensuring aquaculture facilities that are free from fi sh diseases and thus, simultaneously, complying with other applicable EU regulations (e.g. the EU Water Framework Directive, which provides for the continuity of entire waterway systems for fi sh).

Fish health programme – protective vaccinations in farmed fish stocks Since Austria only has limited options for the treatment of food fi sh and it is not uncommon for resistant organisms to occur, vaccination is a sensible and important supplement to exposure-based and disposition-based prophylaxis as a form of disease prevention. In Austria and the EU, with the exception of one vaccine each for typical furunculosis and enteric redmouth disease, there are no licensed vaccines offering protection against the diseases listed above. Even the licensed vaccines have only limited effect since there are relevant strains of bacteria with different immunological characteristics. The use of (pond-specifi c) vaccines currently appears to be the most rational prophylactic measure. Within the framework of the SVC vaccination programme, an oral vaccine is used; it is made up on site ready for use and contains an attenuated strain of SVC virus. In the vaccination programme to combat bacterial disease, pond-specifi c vaccines will be used in problem facilities so as to achieve the maximum vaccination protection. The proposed protective vaccinations will be used only in the case of diseases that are not subject to the statutory provisions of the Austrian Fish Disease Ordinance.

Austrian national VHS programme for wild animal husbandry in enclosures (immobilisation, post-mortem examination) Participation in this programme allows the animal owner to immobilise enclosed animals himself after appropriate training. Relaxation of some aspects of the post-mortem examination is also possible.

Other veterinary health programmes Veterinary health programmes are drawn up in relevant working groups. Additional programmes can be developed as required and are then published in the “Amtlichen Veterinärnachrichten”. Current national programmes and more detailed information can also be found on the website of the Austrian Veterinary Health Service at www. Information about VHS programmes specifi c to individual provinces can be obtained from the relevant provincial VHS.


Contact addresses Tiergesundheitsdienst Oberösterreich (Upper Austria VHS) Dr. Gottfried Schoder Bahnhofplatz 1 4021 Linz Tel.: +43 (0)732 77 20-142 33

Tiergesundheitsdienst Kärnten (Carinthia VHS) Dr. Johannes Hofer Kirchengasse 43 9020 Klagenfurt Tel.: +43 (0)463 44 68 65

Tiergesundheitsdienst Niederösterreich (Lower Austria VHS) Dr. Franz Karner Schillerring 13 3130 Herzogenburg Tel.: +43 (0)2782 84 109

Tiergesundheitsdienst Salzburg (Salzburg VHS) Mag. Erika Sakoparnig Fanny-von-Lehnert-Straße 1 Postfach 527 5010 Salzburg Tel.: +43 (0)662 80 42 3620

Tiergesundheitsdienst Steiermark (Styria VHS) Dr. Karl Bauer Friedrichgasse 11 8010 Graz Tel.: +43 (0)316 877 5593

Tiergesundheitsdienst Burgenland (Burgenland VHS) Dr. Robert Fink Europaplatz 1 7000 Eisenstadt Tel.: +43 (0)2682 600 24 75

Tiergesundheitsdienst Tirol (Tyrol VHS) Dr. Christian Mader Eduard-Wallnöfer-Platz 3 6020 Innsbruck Tel.: +43 (0)512 508 77 70

Geflügelgesundheitsdienst (Poultry Health Service) Mag. Harald Schließnig/DI Stefan Weber Bahnhofstraße 9 3430 Tulln Tel.: +43 (0)2272 826 00 0

Tiergesundheitsdienst Vorarlberg (Vorarlberg VHS) Dr. Norbert Greber Klostergasse 20 6900 Bregenz Tel.: +43 (0)5574 511 252 12

Further information at

LFI Ă–sterreich

Schauflergasse 6

1014 Wien

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