Lesson #2

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Physical Education Lesson Grade: 6-8

Unit/ Lesson: week 1, lesson 2

Date: February 2, 2012

General Outcomes


Benefits Health

Equipment List: 10-15 dodge balls, 4 exercise balls, upbeat music, CD player


Safety considerations: No head shots, spatial awareness (watch out for walls)


Introduction/Warm Up

2 min

Fill out daily move your move sheet (heart rate, activity, current mood, date, personal ID #)

Time 10 min

10 min

Do It Daily…For Life

*no distinct warm-up, just three dodge ball games Learning Activities/Teaching Strategies Everybody for themselves: throw and hit as many possible players without being hit • Every student for themselves and hits other students neck down (bounces count) • You cannot use the ball to protect yourself • A time limit of holding the ball for 5sec to increase throwing and action • If you catch a ball thrown at you, you remain in the game as well as the thrower • When hit the player goes to the side of the playing area, they perform an activity (squats, jumping jacks, etc.) continuously until the person that hit them is hit. Then they are back in the game or once they have completed 30 squats. Global Ball: to move the exercise ball across the court to opposing teams goal line by throwing soft balls at the exercise ball • No obstruction of the exercise ball is allowed • This is a non-physical contact game • Teams starts from their goal line with exercise ball at center court • If someone does touch the ball with their body the other team gets 3 unblocked throws by three different players, give the team 10 seconds to complete these throws, if the throws are not completed within this time the other team can continue to throw • Start with two balls for each players, enforce the rule that each player gets one ball • No boundries

Teaching Cues

Teaching Cues

There is no stoppage of the game period, if a goal is scored the team that was scored against is allowed to run the ball up to mid-field and smack the ball with an open hand this is a `free kick` and cannot be blocked by the other team


War Ball Doctor Ball: to throw and hit as many players on the opposite team • War is an interesting adaptation of dodge ball regular dodge ball rules apply accept that instead of players sitting out when they are hit they are still in the game although the body part that was touched by the ball is not allowed to move for the rest of the game. For example if a players right arm is hit, the arm must remain limp and cannot be used to throw or catch a ball. If a leg or foot is hit, they lose the use of that leg, if both legs are hit the player can scoot along the floor • Divide the class into two teams, one team on each half of the gym, players cannot cross the center line • No head shots, no blocking of the ball with a ball in your hands • Players can regain the use of one of their body parts if they catch a thrown ball. No penalty to the player that threw the ball • If a player is hit in the chest or back, they are automatically out and must perform an activity (situps, squats, jumping jacks, etc.) until a `secret` medic brings them to life again by tagging them • Appoint a ``secret medic`` on each team. They can touch the injured body part and the player can regain the use of it. Keeping the medic a secret is a important part of this adaptation since once discovered, the other team can target the medic in order to eventually win the game. To insure quick transitions from game to game it is recommended that the teacher quickly chooses the ‘secret medic’ on each team. • Once the secret medic is hit there is one minute time limit put on the game the team with the most number of players standing at the end of the minute wins that round. Time Closure/Cool Down 5 min Have students walk around the gym 2 times Stretch (hip flexor, chest, low back and glutes, loin, triceps, upper back and shoulder, hamstring, quadriceps) Fill out move your mood sheet Final cool down heart rate Assessment/Evaluation/ Comments

Teaching Cues

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