Lesson plan

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Lesson Plan Instructional Designers: Taryn Martinek, Kyle Schneider, Julie Phillips, Laura Friesen & Amanda Bjorge Course: EDPY 303 Topic: Expanded Performance Assessment Date: March 5th 2014 Logistics: Lesson Objectives

Students will be able to describe the nature of expanded performance assessment.

Students will describe the ways to expand traditional performance assessment.

Students will describe how a project can be used to expand performance assessments.

Students will write a plan for a project in a given subject that could be taught.

Context Resources

Students will understand when a rating scale or a holistic scoring rubric should be used. • Chapter 8: Expanded Performance Assessment· Gronlund, N. E. (2005). Assessment of student achievement. (third ed.). Boston: Pearson Custom Publishing.

Considerations: Learning Styles & Multiple Intelligences & Engaging Auditory: Each of us elaborating about the Instruction information on the slide show Visual: Slideshow, visual cues on slideshow, drawing out aspects of Dragon’s Den activity

Use of Technology

Check for Understanding (CFU)


Kinesthetic: Move and stretch at the beginning of the class, students may also be getting up and moving around while working on their Dragon’s Den activity· Prezi Presentation: http://prezi.com/1uycc0pugrfy/edit/? utm_campaign=share&utm_medium=email#26_2 38900 Shoulder Partner Share: Do a rally robin with your shoulder partner discussing different aspects and ways you could use expanded performance assessment within your own classroom (this will be done at the end of the class) Notes Reminders Timeline

Anticipatory Set: Lead the class in a group movement and stretch activity involving the six categories of

expanding performance assessment. Lesson Objectives: Students will be able to understand the aspects of expanded performance assessment and how and where to use them in their own personal classroom. Students will understand the benefits and downfalls of using expanded performance assessment within their classrooms. Activities Prezi Presentation/Elaboration of Information: During this time our group will go over the key points and explain the key points of expanded performance assessment

10 min

Dragon’s Den Activity: Students are going to create an outline for an expanded performance assessment. Within this assessment the following aspects will be covered from the question/problem which is, 20 min (10 create an extended performance assessment activity to increase movement in the min to come classroom and explain how movement is important to learning. (There will be 5 groups up with plan, of approx. 6 students, using each group of tables as their teams) The following are the 5 x 2min guidelines for the expanded performance assessment that the groups will complete. presentations) 1. Establish criteria and standards for the project 2. Select and state the problem 3. Locate and select resources 4. Write a report 5. Design and complete a research study 6. Orally present and defend the project Students are not actually writing the report, rather are just coming up with a rough plan of a project, so the report part of this activity is just there as it has to be part of their overall performance assessment. After the time is up for groups to create their assessments, they will then do a 2min long presentation (timer will be set for each group) on their assessment (when groups present they will send up 2-3 representatives to talk about their overall assessment. From here, our group, “the dragons” will then assess their assessment for who we believe came up with the best expanded performance assessment. Conclusion Rally Robin: With all of us becoming future teachers, do you see yourself using expanded performance assessment often? very often? very little? what subjects do you see this being the most helpful in to get your students thinking at the highest level? These are all things that we as future teachers have to think about to try and help our students reach their highest potential. Rationale: Why have we chosen the types of assessment items that we have for the chapter homework? Although our chapter is on expanded performance assessment, it is almost impossible to have students demonstrate their understanding in this way through homework. This is why we will have the class demonstrate their knowledge of performance assessment through our Dragon’s Den activity. For the homework, we have decided to do use three different selection-type items and one supply-type item. This will give students a variety of questions for their homework. It includes 5 multiple choice, 5 true-false, 5 matching, and 5 short answer.

Prezi Slides Distribution: Group - 6 Categories of Expanding Performance Assessment Taryn - Introduction - Objectives (slide 2/17) - What is Performance assessment? (Slide 3/17) - Modern Learning Theory (slide 4/17) Laura - Expanding Performance Assessment (slide 5/17) Amanda - 10 Guidelines for Preparing Performance Tasks (slides 6,7,8/17) - 2 ways of Expanding Performance Assessments (slide 9/17) Julie - Criteria=Evaluation (slide 10/17) - Rating Scale & Holistic Scale (slide 11, 12, 13/17) Kyle - Dragon's Den (slide 14/17) - Performance Task Outline (slide 15/17) Amanda - Wrap-Up Dragon`s Den, Example `Bird House` (NO SLIDE) Laura - Conclusion (slide 16/17)

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