Scope and sequence

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Scope and Sequence EDES 362 - Language Arts Barb Hanson January 27, 2014 Laura Friesen

Subject: Language Arts Logistics: Curriculum outcome: (copy directly from Program of Studies) Indicate strand, number, etc.

Lesson objective(s): (Students will be able to‌.) Context: (1-2 sentences of where this lesson fits into the unit) Materials:

Grade: 4


Class time : 45 min

General Outcome 4 Students will listen, speak, read, write, view and represent to enhance the clarity and artistry of communication. 4.1 Enhance and Improve Expand knowledge of language • use an increasing variety of words to express and extend understanding of concepts related to personal interests and topics of study * Students will be able to recognize and substitute weak words for stronger words that express and extend understanding in their adventure story. This lesson would fit into early October, as students are progressing in their writing abilities and are working to make impactful pieces of writing. prezi, white paper, markers

Considerations: Learning styles & Multiple intelligences: Visual - drawing their hands and feet Kinesthetic - acting out different movements Use of technology: Prezi

Introduction (Include anticipatory set, sharing of lesson objectives, etc.)

Notes Reminders Timeline 2 min

* Share Lesson Objective: Students will be able to recognize and substitute weak words for stronger words that express and extend understanding * Hook: Read an introduction to give an example of both an introduction and 5 min excellent word choice Activities (Step by step - what is going to happen during the lesson?) 5 min * Think-Pair-Share -Each student will have a piece of paper with a simple and overused word written on it. For example, a lot, old, sad, bad, mad, good, etc -There will be four sheets that have the same word on it. - Students will take time to individually think, or look-up a variety of synonyms to their word -Next, they will find the other students in the class with the same word and compare synonyms 8 min * Does the Shoe Fit? - Each student will receive a piece of white paper

- on the paper they will trace their shoe, and ask themselves about different ways that they could cross the room. They might also think of ways that other types of people might cross a room like a baby, elderly person, person in love, angry person, etc. - Examples: waddled, hopped, crawled, hobbled - Ask students to demonstrate one of their examples in front of the class * The Showing Hand 8 min - On the flip side of their paper students will be asked to trace their hand - Each finger on the hand will represent a different sense, touch, smell, sight, hearing, taste - Around these different fingers/senses students will write descriptive words that belong to that sense. For example, touch=soft, smell=stinky, sight=shiny, hearing=crash, taste=sour * Introduce their Writing Project - Students will start their Adventure story today, this story must be on a real life event that happened to them. - It will be marked using a rubric, but the focus will be on using words that enhance the story and give it variety * Guided Practice - Ask students to quietly start their brainstorming - When they are ready they can start their story Conclusion (How will you revisit the main ideas of the lesson, check for understanding, assess learning, etc? * Exit Pass - On a piece of paper that students will hand in, have students exchange the word in capital letters for one that is stronger. - “That is a BIG burger” - “I had a BAD dream last night” - “I could tell it was a GOOD dog”

Reflection: How’d it go? Next time: Notes:

GRADE 5: General Outcome 4

2 min

10 min

5 min

Students will listen, speak, read, write, view and represent to enhance the clarity and artistry of communication. 4.1 Enhance and Improve Expand knowledge of language • extend word choice through knowledge of synonyms, antonyms and homonyms and the use of a thesaurus GRADE 6: General Outcome 4 Students will listen, speak, read, write, view and represent to enhance the clarity and artistry of communication. 4.1 Enhance and Improve Expand knowledge of language • choose words that capture a particular aspect of meaning and that are appropriate for context, audience and purpose GRADE 7: (In this grade, to help create sequence, I moved to enhance artistry to help keep in theme with word choice and affecting audience) General Outcome 4 Students will listen, speak, read, write, view and represent to enhance the clarity and artistry of communication. 4.1 Enhance and Improve Enhance artistry • experiment with figurative language, illustrations and video effects to create visual images, provide emphasis or express emotion GRADE 8: (Again, I changed the outcome to, 4.2 Attend to Conventions, because it aligns well with word choice and being aware of how it will capture an audience.) General Outcome 4 Students will listen, speak, read, write, view and represent to enhance the clarity and artistry of communication. 4.2 Attend to Conventions Attend to grammar and usage • use words and phrases to modify, clarify and enhance ideas and descriptions in own writing Subject: Language Arts Logistics: Curriculum outcome: (copy directly from Program of Studies) Indicate strand, number, etc.

Lesson objective(s): (Students will be able

Grade: 9


Class time : 50 min

General Outcome 4 Students will listen, speak, read, write, view and represent to enhance the clarity and artistry of communication. 4.1 Enhance and Improve Expand knowledge of language • distinguish between the denotative and connotative meaning of words and discuss effectiveness for achieving purpose and affecting audience * Students will be able to distinguish between words that give away their meaning and those that imply meaning.


* Students will be able to discuss how to effectively reach an audience and make an impact. Context: This lesson will occur sometime in early October, just before they start (1-2 sentences of where reading their novel. As we read their novel, I want them to be aware of this lesson fits into the how the author uses language to create a mood, and whether they always unit) tell their meaning or imply meaning. Materials: Smartboard, Youtube links

Considerations: Learning styles & Multiple intelligences: Musical - responding to songs Visual - Story typed up Auditory/Verbal - Telling their story Use of technology: youtube (songs)

Introduction (Include anticipatory set, sharing of lesson objectives, etc.) * Share Lesson Objectives: - Students will be able to distinguish between words that give away their meaning and those that imply meaning. - Students will be able to discuss how to effectively reach an audience and make an impact.

Notes Reminders Timeline 2 min

* Hook - Listen to two different songs - 1st song will have connotative meaning 10 min - 2nd song will have denotative meanings - Discuss as a class what the songs mean Activities (Step by step - what is going to happen during the lesson?) * Define Vocabulary (use ‘hangman’ to get the words) 6 min - connotative: having the power of implying or suggesting something in addition to what is explicit. - denotative: having the power of explicitly denoting or designating or naming * Popcorn Story - Split the class into two groups and designate one recorder - Students will form a circle - Each student will take a turn stating a sentence in their story, the recorder will be responsible to write everything down - As students create their story, remind them to be conscience of connotative and denotative meanings, and incorporate these type of sentences

15 min

* Read ‘Popcorn Story’ - One student from each group will read their story to the rest of the class - As the story is being read, the teacher will type it up onto the Smartboard - After each story is read the opposite group will critique it, saying how it affected them, what it made them feel, etc 12 min Conclusion (How will you revisit the main ideas of the lesson, check for understanding, assess learning, etc? * Exit Pass 5 min - Without looking at notes ask students to reiterate in their own words the definition of connotative and denotative - As well as, how these two terms can work to create a greater meaning

Reflection: How’d it go? Next time: Notes:

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